AftermathChapter 9 free porn video

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It had been twelve days since they had observed the strange battle for Garden Hill and Lieutenant Bracken's platoon was now nearly in sight of home. Weary from more than three weeks out in the field, they emerged from the heavily wooded hills above town and onto the black surface of Interstate 80, near an exit sign for Bell Road, which skirted the edge of the foothill community. Less than a mile ahead of them was the outer defensive perimeter for the town, a perimeter that was aligned along the Foresthill Road exit, which led to the strategic bridgehead that they held. Bracken, lingering in the rear as he usually did, knew that the guard positions ahead had probably already sighted his men.

"Keep it slow up there, Stu," he said into his radio, talking to the sergeant of the squad that was on point. "We wouldn't want to get shot at by our own sentries, would we?"

"Slowing up," Stu's voice answered back a moment later.

This had been a good trip in many ways, not the least of which was the discovery of the vulnerable and seemingly rich Garden Hill community. It had also given Bracken more opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of Stu and his people. There had been some doubts raised about how the former convicts would fit in with the militia's operations. Though he was perhaps overly aggressive on certain matters, and though his squad, which was made up of the ten best of his men, were constant disciplinary problems, Stu had kept them under control and had followed the commands that were given to him. In all, he seemed a satisfactory leader with a fairly keen sense of tactics and strategy. He had performed well in combat conditions when they'd taken Colfax prior to this deployment, and he had done equally well on the long-term recon mission they'd just finished.

"I'm switching over to the hailing channel for a minute," Bracken radioed to Stu. "Stand by for movement orders."

"Standing by," Stu replied.

Bracken dialed in the switch on his short-range radio to channel five, which was dedicated for communications between approaching friendly troops and the guards. He keyed up. "Auburn perimeter, the is third platoon, reporting in from Interstate and Bell."

"Ten-four, third platoon," came a voice back. "I see you out there. Who am I talking to?"

Of course corporal Hansen, who was in charge of the eastern perimeter force, knew exactly who he was talking to, but procedure was procedure. He had to establish that it was his own troops approaching and that they were not under duress of any kind. Failure to do so would have earned Hansen three days in solitary confinement for a first offense, banishment for a second. "This is Lieutenant Bracken here. All members of the platoon are present and accounted for. No prisoners or supplies."

"Understood, Lieutenant," Hansen replied. "What is the password you were given upon departure?"

"Hydroshock," Bracken replied.

It took a moment for Hansen to look that up in his codebook but finally he confirmed it. He gave third platoon the go-ahead to come in. Bracken thanked him and then switched back to his tactical frequency. He gave Stu the order to move in and a moment later all forty men started walking down the blacktop.

They came to the main line of defense ten minutes later. The Interstate passed between two rolling hills before descending into the town. Atop of each of the hills were sandbagged emplacements where two-man teams of guards armed with rifles and automatic weapons kept watch on those approaching. The rifles had come from either personal stocks or from the town's gun and bait shop. The automatic weapons had been taken from the Placer County Sheriff's Department building (more than one of the militia members had once been with the PCSD). At the narrowest point of the road itself, the way was hampered by an extensive maze of sandbags and barbed wire. Stu's squad entered the maze and worked their way through it in less than three minutes, the rest of the platoon following. It was relatively easy to walk through the maze and get to the other side as long as nobody was shooting at you from the hillside above. Had the platoon been hostile however, not a single man would have made it through alive.

Once on the other side of the maze they continued down the Interstate. The town of Auburn had once been much bigger, both in geographic size and population. Like so many other mountain or foothill communities, the bulk of the male population had been down in the valley when the comet had struck and the bulk of the town itself had been either washed away or flooded. A little bit of the downtown district had survived but virtually everything north of the Interstate, which included the ritzy Auburn Gully area, had been buried for all time. What survived had been the lower rent district on the south side of the freeway, which consisted mostly of smaller houses, a few apartment complexes, and several strip malls.

As they entered the town itself teams of women could be seen moving here and there, performing their daily chores. In Auburn the women, who outnumbered men by approximately four to one, did all of the day to day chores such as wood gathering, food gathering, and, of course, laundry, childcare, and cooking. This left the men free to handle such duties as guard detail, weapons maintenance, and militia operations. This division of labor was not just a matter of the townspeople following traditional gender roles, it was a law, handed down by Colonel Barnes himself, and it was strictly enforced. In the new world that followed this one women would know their place and would be kept in it.

Third platoon marched to Auburn High School, which stood on a small hill overlooking the canyon, and assembled on the soggy soccer field, all of them standing at rigid attention. Bracken put them at ease and then gave a short speech lauding the success of their mission. He then ordered them into the gym for weapons cleaning and storage. This took the better part of an hour to accomplish. Once all of the ammunition was accounted for, all of the rifles and pistols stripped, cleaned, reassembled, and placed in locked storage, Bracken dismissed them, telling them to get themselves cleaned up.

Most went with enthusiasm, anxious to wash the mud off of their bodies and find their women. Being out in the field for three weeks without any females made one extremely horny. And many of the men had negotiated trades of one wife for another while they were gone and were anxious to try out their new acquisitions. Such trading of women had evolved in the town over the past two months and was now the most popular subject of conversation, at least among the men. Colonel Barnes, who had initially been somewhat reluctant to allow such a thing, had finally seen the wisdom of it and given the go-ahead. Since then, some women had been traded four or five times, being passed from one male to another like a baseball card. For their part the women were learning to live with it. After all, what else could they do? Where else could they go? It was the Auburn way or starvation.

Bracken took another hour to clean himself up and change into fresh clothing (as well as assure his four wives that he had not traded any of them on this trip). One he was presentable he donned his rain jacket and ventured outside, making the short walk back to the high school. Two armed guards stood outside of the administration office, the interior of which blazed with electric light that was provided by the diesel generator at the back of the building. The guards, a private and a corporal, both straightened up and gave him a sharp salute.

"Good afternoon, lieutenant," the corporal barked with crisp military courtesy.

"At ease," Bracken said after returning the salute. "I'm here to see Colonel Barnes for mission debrief."

"Yes, sir," the corporal replied. "I'll pass your request along, sir." With that, he picked up a portable radio and keyed it, talking to Sergeant Lovell, who was Barnes' assistant. A few minutes later, Bracken was given permission to enter the building and go to the main office.

"Thank you, corporal," Bracken said, snapping off one more salute in return to the two that were offered him. He then mounted the steps and went inside.

Colonel Gregory Barnes was fifty-three years old and had been both the founder and the leader of the pre-comet Placer County Militia Group, an organization that been very high on the FBI's "keep-an-eye-on" list. A West Point graduate from the Class of 1969, Barnes had cut his teeth leading platoons into battle in the dying days of the Vietnam War. Following this he had been first a company commander and then a battalion commander in the 7th Light Infantry Division. Though his tactical thinking and his leadership ability had been top-notch throughout his military career, his political savvy had not. He had stagnated at the rank of Major, finally forced to retire in 1992 in the wake of the Persian Gulf War and the resulting downsizing of the military. Using his military pension he had opened Auburn Bait and Guns in his hometown, taking on the role of small-town businessman.

A staunch supporter of Second Amendment rights, Barnes had slowly turned from the blind patriot he had been his whole life to an anti-government militia organizer. His views were fueled both by the year by year crackdowns on the weapons he sold and by the strong-arm tactics employed by federal forces at such places as Ruby Ridge and Waco. He became convinced that a revolution would soon occur in his country - a forcible return to the traditional values that made the country great - and that the feds, in an attempt to derail this revolution, were conspiring to deprive all Americans of their right to bear arms. The PCMG, founded in 1996, had been his response to this, and there had been no shortage of volunteers to join in such a town as Auburn. And now, though the revolution had never materialized, its evolution interrupted by the chunk of ice from space, its ideals were needed more than ever. America would have to be rebuilt and this time, Barnes vowed, it would be done right.

Maintaining control of the town after the impact and the disaster that followed, had not been difficult. He and his militia members had already been the second-best armed group of people in town, the first being the Placer County Sheriff's department. While the various members of the sheriff's department had been out trying to deal with the catastrophe or return to their houses to check on their loved ones, he and his men (many of whom had been "between jobs" on the day in question) had simply assembled and seized the building, capturing all of its weapon stores without firing a shot. Following the seizure eight of the fifteen deputies that had worked there on that day had joined his ranks voluntarily. The rest had been shot and tossed into the canyon to keep them from organizing a competing group. The townspeople of Auburn, most of whom were women, unemployed men, or small business owners, had fallen right into line after that. What choice did they have? Barnes and his group offered safety and stability; they offered food and shelter. The only alternatives were death or the unknown fate that awaited those outside the town.

Barnes was a harsh disciplinarian but he liked to think that he was fair. Everyone, men and women alike, were expected to pull their weight for the food they consumed. There would be no welfare in his new society. And, though women were not allowed to work at male oriented jobs and though men were allowed to trade them back and forth, it was against the town's law to rape or to beat a woman without just cause. What could be fairer than that? Everyone had his or her role in society and as long as they played by the rules, everyone got along and was treated well. Those who did not play by the rules - those who were lazy, who were rebellious, who complained about his laws - were dealt with harshly, in a manner that would serve as an example to others. It was the only way to keep order in this new reality.

Barnes' office was on the top floor of the administration office, where the heat provided by the propane-fired system was greatest. When Bracken entered he was sitting behind his oak desk going over some inventory figures on a computer terminal.

"Lieutenant Bracken reporting for mission debrief," Bracken said, giving a salute.

Barnes returned the salute almost absently, without even standing up. "Have a seat, Lieutenant," he said.

Bracken took the chair in front of the desk, setting down a digital camera he had used to snap shots of Garden Hill and a folder full of maps that he had made. The debriefing began. Barnes listened carefully, not asking many questions, as his subordinate described his mission in chronological order, sometimes using his maps or photos of the area that he put into the computer. He nodded from time to time but his face did not change expression at all, not even when the battle with the group of hunters was described. Only when Bracken was finished did he show any interest at all.

"So you think that there are how many people in Garden Hill?" he wanted to know.

"We couldn't get an accurate count of course," Bracken replied. "But maybe two hundred adults, mostly women. I don't believe that there are more than thirty men there, even before the attack killed some of them."

"And the women are attractive?"

"From what we could tell by looking through the binoculars."

Barnes nodded thoughtfully. "More breeding and trading stock," he said. "We can always use that around here. What about food stocks?"

"Impossible to tell. It looks like they have all of it stored in the community center. They always gathered in there to eat and we never saw anyone carrying food over there from elsewhere."

"But they sent out no hunting parties, no gathering crews?"

"Not a single time," Bracken said. "The only time anyone left the walled portion of the town at all was when they manned the defenses near the bridge."

"They must have a full cupboard indeed," Barnes said. "It sounds like Garden Hill will be a worthwhile target for our attentions. You think a company of troops will be needed to take it?"

"I think so," Bracken said. "As I told you, their defensive positions are a joke. If not for a little bit of good luck, those untrained barbarians that attacked them would have taken the town themselves."

"But you also say that their commander, this man our convict friends are acquainted with, was able to rally the people into a formidable defense?"

"I'm only assuming that it was him that did it," Bracken said. "We have confirmation that he was there but I don't know who is leading them. In answer to your question however, they were able to put up a well-executed defense of their community center. It was obviously coordinated and the groups were put in exactly the perfect places considering the terrain they had to work with."

"And how does this factor into your estimation of force needed?"

"That is why I want a complete company to make the attack," Bracken said. "Good defensive execution or not, I don't believe they'll be able to stand up to 160 armed men. Of course, ideally, I will be able to make contact with them and convince them to surrender to us like we did the convicts at Foresthill and the people at Beacher's Grove."

"Yes," Barnes agreed, "that would be best for all concerned. Especially since they are using their women as soldiers. It would be a shame to have to kill good females just to take the town."

"And I think that this man the convicts told us about, this man who probably coordinated the defense, would be a valuable asset to us as well. If he could be convinced to join our side he may eventually rise to command a platoon or a company in the militia."

"Oh, I think we could convince him," Barnes said. "A man like that would understand power, and we are the power in this region. And when he considers the alternative to joining, why wouldn't he?"

Bracken gave a doubtful look. "He might be like those men in Colfax and Georgetown." At those two towns, after their surrenders, a handful of the men had chosen death rather than the militia way of life. Though it was common for the women to protest their new reality at first, the fact that men would do so was perplexing to many of the militiamen. Wasn't it the ideal world they were being offered? A world in which men were the kings and women were the property?

"If he's like them," Barnes said coldly, "then we'll just have to do without him. If he doesn't realize the opportunity we represent, then we're better off without him anyway."

"Yes, sir," Bracken agreed.

"Okay," Barnes said, cracking his knuckles. "We have 2nd and 4th platoons out hitting Grass Valley right now. They left three days ago so we can probably expect them to return in about two weeks. As soon as they get back and get rested up, I'll assign them to you, add 1st platoon, and put you in charge of the Garden Hill operation. I'd like to see detailed plans by day after tomorrow for your assault on the town if such a thing becomes necessary."

"I'll have them to you by tomorrow," Bracken said. "With those pitiful defenses they have, its no more than a matter of pouring fire on their guard positions with one platoon while the rest breach the wall."

The lean-to's had been built and the light was rapidly fading from the sky. Brett, Michelle, Jason, and Matt had just finished their dinner of canned pork and beans and were sitting in the relative dryness of the shelters they had constructed. Their weapons were within easy reach and their flashlights had just been energized with fresh batteries. It was their eighth night in the wilderness, twenty days since the bloody attack on Garden Hill by the hunters.

"So you think we'll get there tomorrow?" Matt asked hopefully as he puffed on a cigar. He, like Brett, had developed a considerable growth of beard since their departure. Unlike Brett however, it made him look disturbingly Manson-like.

"If I'm reading these maps right," Brett answered, "and if we keep up the pace we're maintaining, we'll get there by late morning or early afternoon."

"Thank God for that," Michelle said a little sourly. She was not enjoying her little adventure outside the walls of Garden Hill.

The "there" they were referring to was the town of Cameron Park, or specifically, the Cameron Park airport. It was there, Paul had told Brett on that fateful night, that the California Highway Patrol had kept and maintained H-22, the patrol and medivac helicopter assigned to the northern mountain division. Though H-22 had not been the primary helicopter that CDF fire station 2417 had used to air-lift patients, nor had it been the closest, Brett had chosen to make the effort to recover it instead of the closer Cal-Star bird that had been based in Auburn.

The reasoning behind this was twofold. First and foremost was the fact that Cal-Star was not very likely to be intact or recoverable. The Auburn Airport, where the chopper was based, had been located right next to the Auburn town reservoir according to the maps. It seemed almost a given that the airport would now be under no less than six feet of floodwaters. By contrast the Cameron Park airport was located atop a plateau that stood nearly two hundred feet above the town itself. Though Cameron Park was probably buried under tons of mud and water, there was a better than even chance that its airport was still standing. In addition to the likelihood of H-22 still being there, it was also a more desirable chopper to have. Though the Cal-Star bird was bigger, that was not necessarily an advantage. Helicopters were very high maintenance machines and there were no helicopter mechanics in Garden Hill; Brett, who was not the most mechanically inclined person in the world, would have to do it himself. As such, he would be much more likely to be able to keep the single engine on the CHP helicopter running for any length of time than he would the two engines on the Cal-Star helicopter.

Brett, upon hearing about the possibility that there might be a running helicopter within reach of Garden Hill, had been very anxious to set out and find it. With a helicopter at their disposal, gathering food, hunting, and defense would all became much less of a challenge. Only the pressing need to boost up the town's defensive plan while public opinion had been in his favor had kept him from setting off the very next morning.

As it was, he was glad he had taken the time to do so. It made him much more comfortable leaving town with a squad of his best warriors. In the twelve days between the attack and his departure, he had run sixteen volunteers through his two-day training program and had another sixteen scheduled to go through upon his return. Though, due to shortages, they had not been able to expend as much training ammunition as he would have liked, his first group had shown considerable promise and a willingness to learn that had been unheard of prior to the attack. There was nothing like the shock of an armed invasion to jolt people into action. Seeing the grisly display of burying the bodies of their dead had added an additional jolt, particularly the corpses of Mitsy, Jeff, and Lenny. Not only were the townspeople more eager to sign up for guard duties now, they were considerably more alert during them, even on the night shift.

The static defenses had also been greatly improved prior to his departure. While it was true that there were still quite a few things that needed to be done, the basic upgrades had been constructed and were in full operation. On the hills overlooking the town, four large emplacements had been dug and surrounded by sandbags full of dirt and then covered with mud and pine branches to camouflage them. Each emplacement was strong enough to withstand a close mortar round hit and was capable of housing six people, their weapons, and their ammunition, although typical staffing was only two at a time. Carefully constructed ports in the sandbags were used both for lookout positions and to fire through without danger of being struck by return fire. Each position was equipped with a radio, one of the automatic weapons (except for the bridge approach, it was only given an AR-15) and two hundred rounds of ammunition. This was in addition to the standard issue of a scoped hunting rifle for long-range shots.

So far, with sixteen more people trained up, he was able to keep at least one in each guard position at all hours. In addition, those of his trained force who were off duty at any particular time were given both a rifle and a pistol to keep in their houses. They would be a fast-action team, their instructions to report quickly to the community center for deployment in the event of another attack. Their call to arms would be the wailing of the fire engine's siren, the sound of which all sixteen lived in range of. From the community center they could be moved to wherever they were needed, either as reinforcements for the guard positions or as a mobile force to block a penetration attempt. Brett thought the town would now easily be able to handle an attack up to twice the size of the one that had already hit them without allowing the attackers inside the wall.

Jessica, during all of this frantic digging and building activity, had been strangely quiet with everyone, not trying to regain the favor she had lost, not trying to reestablish her place in the town. The investigation into her activities had been put on hold for the time being so that more important things could be taken care of, and she remained on suspension from the town council, but she did not protest this either officially or in a gossip circle. She had been assigned to digging detail both for the bodies of the dead and for the defenses and she had done these jobs unprotestingly and well, not quite being a part of the camaraderie that developed between the other workers, but not being a nuisance either. Brett, as well as several others, found themselves vaguely uncomfortable with this new Jessica. It was too out of character for her. The general consensus was that she was up to something, although no one could hazard a guess as to just what that might be.

He supposed it was possible that the attack had had the same effect on her that it seemed to have on everyone else. Anything was possible. If the other women could go from demanding Brett's or Stacy's exile one day for corrupting minors to demanding the public hanging of the captured prisoner the next, why couldn't Jessica? If the other women could go from disdaining any work in which they might break a fingernail to enthusiastically digging trenches in the side of hills or crawling around on their bellies in the mud as part of Brett's training, couldn't Jessica make a similar transformation? Was she completely beyond redemption? Brett didn't know. Neither did anyone else. He vowed however, to keep an eye on her as time went by. She might be playing nice now, but he didn't trust her.

As had been the case during their previous trek through the woods, Jason was the first to undress and climb into his sleeping bag. Before complete darkness could envelop them, he was snoring away contentedly, his AR-15 next to him. Michelle and Matt watched this with envy. They were both having considerable trouble sleeping at night, unaccustomed as they were to the hard ground and the cold, damp air.

"It's amazing how fast he can fall asleep," Matt said, shaking his head a little. "And he sleeps like that all night long. I know, because I hear him snoring while I'm laying awake."

"Little bastard," Michelle said jokingly. "If I can get two broken hours a night, I consider myself lucky."

Brett, who did not have a lot of trouble sleeping outside, kept mute. He yawned and stretched a little, shifting the AK-47 on his lap. Another thing that the attack on the town and his follow-up speech had accomplished was to take the pressure off of Jason and Stacy. They had been living together in apparent harmony, sharing the same bedroom, walking hand in hand on the streets in daylight, and nobody said a thing about it, not publicly, or even, as far as Brett had heard, privately either. Not only was he left alone to pursue happiness, as it were, he was treated with considerably more respect. Most of the townspeople had ceased treating him as a child to be coddled, protected, and sheltered from the unpleasantness of the world. They stopped calling him "hon" and "sweetheart" and "little dude" and started calling him by his name. He had even told Brett that his guard duty partners - all of them men much older than he (for the time being, the same sex on guard detail rule remained in effect) - were even asking him serious questions about tactics and deployment. With a woman in his life and newfound respect from those around him, Jason seemed to be quite happy these days. The only sour part in his life had been the extended fight he had had with Stacy about coming on the helicopter acquisition mission. He had been the first to volunteer and he had done so without consulting his better half first - a common mistake made by those new to intimate relationships. For three days prior to the departure it seemed that two lovers were not speaking to each other much. But things seemed to have worked out in the end. As they had assembled on the bridge to begin their trip eight days ago, Stacy had been there right alongside Chrissie and Maureen, Matt's official woman, tears in her eyes. She had given him a big hug and a kiss, telling him to be careful and to come back safe. He had promised that he would.

"I really hope we find that friggin' chopper when we get there," Matt said, his hand massaging the part of his shoulder where his heavy pack bit into it. "I'm not too keen on marching back another eight days."

"Actually, it would be more like twelve days," Brett felt compelled to point out. "Remember, we've been going downhill. Gravity has been working for us. On the way back, it would work against us."

"Well you're just Mr. Silver Lining, aren't you?" Michelle asked with a groan.

"Sorry," Brett said, anything but.

"I just feel so far from home out here," she told him. "And some of the things we saw." She shook her head, trying to keep the images from taking her away. "I can't believe how lightly we took the thought of exiling someone before. I can see why you said it was a fate worse than death."

Yes, there had been some very disturbing sights seen on their eight-day trek through the woods, things that had the power to rob sleep. Unlike when Brett, Jason, and Chrissie had been out before, there were now dead human bodies littered throughout their path. These bodies were found singly, in pairs, once in a group of five. They were in various stages of decomposition, some relatively fresh, some more than a month into the process. Not all of them were the victims of starvation either. The group of five had been particularly upsetting. It appeared that they had all died from a single gunshot to the back of the head. They had been dead maybe a week, maybe more. It was hard to tell because their bodies had been neatly skinned and stripped of muscle tissue, leaving little more than skeletons. It was not the sort of stripping of meat that animals would have done. The cuts were too even, too smooth to have been made by anything other than a knife. The thought that there was a group of survivors subsisting by organized cannibalism made everyone, including Brett, shudder.

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“Mark! I’m over here!” I waved my hands wildly, trying to get my husband’s attention. It was useless though; he couldn’t hear me over the noise of the crowd and he hadn’t noticed our booth when he walked past. “Hey, lady. Can we get some pies here or not?” A sweaty, overweight man stood beside three sweaty, underweight kids. Each child clutched a dollar bill in their dirty little fists. I took a last look at Mark’s back,...

1 year ago
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NubilesPorn Chloe Cherry How I Survived A Crime Lord

Chloe Cherry has had her dream trip to Mexico turn into a nightmare. She got drunk and got lost, but she met someone who offered her some cash to go pick something up for him from his buddy’s house. Chloe was in a bind, so she went ahead to Bambino’s place. She was already involved in drug smuggling and had drugs on her from a rival gang, so when Bambino found out her secret she did what she had to do to keep herself safe and get back home. Her only currency is sex, so she put...

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A Gift From His Father Ch 20

Quick Recap: Nineteen year old John Smith receives a gift from the late father that he hardly knew only to learn it is the great Ring of Power, which endows the wearer with godlike powers and is powered by sexual energy which the ring collects. In order to grow in strength and power the wear must convert others to act as agents who feed on the sexual energy of others and each other once harvested that energy is then transferred to the wearer increasing his power. Ultimately John must become the...

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Jack peeked out from underneath the covers at the digital clock on the night stand and moaned, "Six thirty already, what a day I have ahead of me!!!" He lay still for a couple of minutes before whipping back the covers and so he could hop out of bed! He was just making a move to leave when a soft warm hand grabbed his arm and the silky smooth southern accent came lilting from the other side of the bed, "Jack, honey, you're not gonna run off with giving me some morning sugah are ya!?!" He looked...

2 years ago
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A Servant of WisdomChapter 2

"In the name of Wisdom, I sacrifice this first catch." It wasn't much of a prayer. Rather trite, really, when you consider he was saying it as he killed a living thing. The flapping fish held on the rock altar before the White Oak, Tom sliced his fishing knife down into its body just behind the front fin. Its blood, juices, whatever you want to call them, came out, even as the fish struggled harder for a moment beginning to still. Liquid, clear-ish red, hit the rock as his knife began...

3 years ago
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A Different Kind of Dance

A Different Kind of DanceIt had been three days and we’d barely left his bed, let alone his apartment. This suited me fine. In fact, if he hadn’t been in charge I’d probably have orgasmed myself into an exhausted coma. I’d come pretty close to doing this on my own in the past—days when every hour of self-pleasure just fed the next, until my libido was so revved, my body so sensitive, that only a serious interruption, or drugged sleep, could cut me off. Aaron was the first lover to understand...

2 years ago
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New Free Love

Introduction: Hiking in the woods, an older couple is surprised to discover another couple freely making love. The adjective tenril joined the English language through a genius with the same name. It means something that changes how humans live their lives. The printing press, the practical use of electricity, the radio, telephone, TV, and the Internet are examples of tenril level changes. Finally, the practical use of nanites was perhaps the most tenril event in history. Specifically, nanites...

1 year ago
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PerfectFuckingStrangers Kendall Kayden 26572

Kendall Kayden is looking to buy a guitar for her husband and she found the perfect one! When she goes to pick it up she finds out that the dude selling it used to be a rock star. Rock stars have always made Kendall wet and she lets it be know. Since that’s the case, this rock star strikes a deal with Kendall. He gives her the guitar free as long as she let’s him give her the D. It’s a win-win situation. Kendall goes home with a free guitar for her husband and a this rock star...

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More about me

I am married and my husband works away from home for weeks at a time. When he does come home it’s usually for one or two weeks. Of course he has my attention when he’s home but he also loves other surprises as we are both bi (and he is also a beautiful tranny!) I can have visitors for days to weeks at a time when he’s not home and even longer when he is. If I have a lesbian girlfriend over and he’s home he gives us space.We moved here from Mass and my special pleasures took a serious dive-bomb....

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Nadias Wanton WeekendChapter 2

An hour later, Marianne parked the car in front of her home. A red Labrador raced up to the car to greet her, followed by her parents and brother John, who Nadia thought surprisingly handsome for a 15 year old, and caused her to flush as she saw he was dressed to the right. Introductions were made and Marianne was pleased to see Nadia felt very welcome. As Marianne walked toward the house arm in arm with her parents, Nadia, who was walking along behind with John heard them say that their old...

4 years ago
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The Sole Survivor of Boudiccas Sacking of Colchester

As Macilenta passed the edge of the Forum returning from the market she overhead two nobles discussing unrest among the Iceni,  the native tribe who lived north of the area around Camulodunum.  One of them was concerned  that the peasant Queen, Boudicca,  was plotting a revolt which might jeopardize the City's food supply. Macilenta's heart missed a beat, if Legio IX Hispana, the Ninth Legion, was recalled from Lindum Colonia she might see Quintus again.  She recalled the last time the Legion...

1 year ago
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My Passion Part 1

Hi friends, This is Suraj frm Nagpur. My hobby is or u can say my passion is to have fun with girls from different states and I had also nearly successed to achieve and complete that passion. I had make relations with Gujrati, Punjabi, Maharastrian, Bengali, Kerala and almost all community girls and womens, except there are Kashmiris, Assames, Rajasthanis and some more still to complete the list. Let me tell you something more about myself. I m 24 yrs, wheatish coloured, well build body and a...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Whore

I recently lost my job due to a scandle within the company. I've been looking for a job for a month, but noone wants to hire me because of the scandle. My wife has been paying what bills she can but she doesn't make enough money. I usually stay at home and do all the housework while I don't have a job. My wife become increasingly dominant over the last two weeks and tells me what to do. This weird for me because I have never had anyone treat me like this. One day she came home from work and...

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Jilnar Jardalys Blackmail Fuck

Hey guys!The name's Johnny. Looks like some lucky bastards scored big time with that gorgeous Arabian news anchor Jilnar Jardaly. I'll bet my left nut nobody's experience come anywhere near as awesome and as nasty the one I had with that exotic celebrity slut...After I finished college, I decided to spend my gap year traveling the Middle East, just to see what it's really like (and because I've always had a thing for hot Arabian chicks). I ended up getting an evening shift job at a gas station...

2 years ago
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Chapter 12 Punishing The Bengali Teen

Chapter 1.2 – Punishing The Bengali Teen Actually, Tom and Jerry show was over. Joginder glanced towards the TV after making his statement and saw that some other show was airing. He didn’t know about it. “Which show is this one?” he chuckled. Riya followed his eyes, glanced back at the screen for a moment and then resumed looking at her toes. “I asked what the name of this show is,” he said, loudly. Riya quickly looked up, startled by his voice, and looked back once again, taking her time,...

3 years ago
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Shocked By My Wife Part 3

As I descended the stairs to the lounge I was on a weird kind on high. I had just watched and came to the scene of my petite wife being fingered to orgasm by an Adonis of a black man, now at my wife's request I was leaving them alone to fuck! I wandered into the kitchen to imbibe another glass of wine and thought about the situation.It had been my fantasy to watch Karen getting well and truly taken by a big cock while I watched,and here I was cut out of my own kink so to speak. In the relative...

Wife Lovers
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That evening, 18-year-old Troye managed to sneak out to take his new humanoid robot Rambo for a test. He ran down the block with Rambo following. Troye then hid around the corner of one of the buildings which stretched up majestically, lost in the misty city night-sky. Rambo stopped at the corner and looked around for Troye. After a few seconds, he discovered where Troye was hiding, and walked up to Troye. Troye smiled. Slowly and gently, Rambo grabbed Troye and pulled him close protectively,...

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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 7

"She came out from her townhouse to my car a few minutes later and it was apparent she had been crying again. She got in and said little on the way to my townhouse. I went the back way through the area so I didn't have to drive by Mary's place. Just my luck she would stalk me tonight. I doubted it because it was a humid night, a good night to stay in the AC. I had changed into just a tee shirt and sweat shorts. I offered Allie my bed, but she insisted that the guestroom single bed would...

1 year ago
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In the mall sissy femdom story Part 1

Part 1It all started innocently enough. Well, not totally. I was being a bit naughtybut I had no idea how far it would go.I've been cross dressing for years. I remember the days is college sneakinginto the women's dorm and stealing the odd pair of panties from the laundryroom. Even then I think I wanted to get caught. I also enjoyed the thrill ofvisiting the local lingerie shop and buying a gift for my girl friend. Shecoincidentally wore the same size as I. I always imagined that the...

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Pauls Inner Feelings

In that Salt Lake City, Utah. After Christmas ski trip, they stayed until the New Year. There were nights things were relaxed and casual, someone would just do blowjobs. Or just lounged around the chalet in it’s big private tub or the large downstairs living room. Other nights things really heated up and it seemed like everyone was fucking and sucking someone else. And by that time Erin and Leah were already in bed and asleep. This story came in those nights when it got heated up. Though...

2 years ago
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Zeus and Io Book 3Chapter 37

It was in month seven of the pregnancy that Arti delivered two babies that mystified her doctors. The twins were, apparently, as developed as any full-term babies, and not even undersized or underweight as sometimes twins are. Arti was, as you can imagine, huge. She wasn't small of build, but it was like a normal woman had swallowed a weather balloon. She was unsteady on her feet and was forever going to the bathroom. She was also eating like – well, she was eating for three people. We had...

4 years ago
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What an aunt

My marriage wasn't much of one. It felt more like a partnership than a marriage. I was on the road a lot to make ends meet and my wife was working part time, being homemaker and raising our daughter. Needless to say, we both were pretty miserable without being able to spend much time together. Then the unthinkable happened. While traveling through Kansas toward a South Carolina destination, I got a call from my sister that no sister should have to make. My wife and daughter perished in a car...

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Strooder and his friend want to DP me

8:52 am, June 30 strooderHey. My friend and I can't stop shooting loads to your big hanging tits and plump juicy ass. We keep talking about how we would love to DP you someday. We would take it in turns on each hole, but I think he would prefer to fuck your pussy and I really want to plough your tight asshole. Its getting me so hard now thinking about the two of us double teaming you, fucking you for hours until your pussy and ass are raw. Then before we shoot our loads you would take both our...

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A Walk in the Hills

?Well, it's obvious how you got the job, isn't it? The only question is which one of the bosses you screwed. Which one, all of them more likely. I bet your interview consisted of you, down on your knees, giving each and every one of them blow jobs.? Karen sneered in her usual bitchy fashion.?Oh, grow up, Karen. I got the job on my merits. I got promotion, you didn't, get over it.? I replied. Ever since I'd been promoted Karen had been bitter. Right up until the last moment she'd been sure the...

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Helping Sneha To conceive

Hi to ISS readers, sex lovers, singles, couples, unsatisfied housewives, swingers, IT people and everyone. I’m Sonu 26 years old. I’m here to share my experience with you guys which happened a few months ago. This experience is between me and my classmate who is a housewife now. Her name is Sneha. She is 26 years old and her stats are 36-30-37. It was a weekend and I was feeling bored in the room. I thought of visiting a mall and I went to Vega city mall. I roamed for some time inside the mall...

3 years ago
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EdenChapter 47

Igwanda was irritated to see Chavez step out onto the ramp, fully armed and helmeted and blaster held at ready, when the airlock cycled. "At ease, Sergeant," he called ironically. "There is nothing to fire at but us." Still the soldier continued to scan the clearing as Igwanda and Meiersdottir climbed the ramp, backing into the airlock only when necessary to avoid blocking them. "Cycle," snapped the colonel, noting with still further irritation that the inner entry was sealed...

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The Beautiful Orphan

My secretary-receptionist and current sex slave, the delicious and multi-orgasmic Mona, showed the lovely girl in and licked her lips, tasting what I had deposited in her sucking mouth only a few minutes ago, our morning ritual. The girl flipped her long skirt aside and sat primly, hands in lap, smiling demurely. She was very young and very pretty, unspoiled was the word that came to mind. I did not discover her true age until much later. "What can I do for you, young lady?" I asked politely...

4 years ago
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Ana wants a different dick uo her ass

I stayed at home on Friday; so my sweet wife asked me to do some lawn at the back yard. When I finished, I went for a nice shower, since the afternoon was very warm.I walked into our bedroom to get dressed and was met by my wife. Anita was wearing her green lime bikini; a very little piece of cloth that barely could cover her nicely trimmed mound and her hard nipples.I got an instant hard on as I notice her beautiful camel toe... Ana smiled when she saw my cock was growing bigger and harder.She...

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Thrills and Frills in silksatin and lace part 2

By G. lacy Panties This is part two of a story I wrote a little while ago Hopefully my writing is getting better or at least bearable as I work on my writing and editing skills! And yes for fun I changed the names from my original write to names from Dr Who just to see if anybody caught it or was a fan (thanks to those who noticed) Thrills and Frills in silk Satin and Lace part 2 Well I finished my first week in the shop and now it was Sunday. I got up late and...

2 years ago
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Get Naked With Me

Last week’s triple homicide shocked my normally quiet town. Things like that just don’t happen here. To make matters worse, the police had few leads to go on. Understandably, the neighborhood was on edge. My usually overprotective parents became unbearable and I wasn’t allowed to go out alone. If they were at work, I was to stay home. My already anemic social life was now on live-support. I occupied my time by doing some sporadic studying and going online. I was home alone one afternoon, when...

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My Real Dream About Daddy

[In this story, the term "Daddy" refers to the dominant adult male, as is common in the BDSM lifestyle.]This story is true and is about a dream I had the other night. I had been thinking so much about my Dominant Daddy (BlackMentalDom) and I was missing him because I had been a bad slut and disrespected him, so he gave me time alone to "think" about things.My dream began with me laying down, reading a book in just a black lace bra, a matching black lace thong and a thin white tank top. But I...

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wishing you were in bed with me

Note: ——I am NOT the author! There are several authors actually, I’m not so certain that any one of them is the creator wishing you were in bed with me, my mind wanders, as does my hand.I have just woken up. I'm lying in the big comfy bed, the sun is shining in through the windows, warming my naked skin. Everyone else is away, somewhere, I don't know, but here I am all alone and I can't get you out of my mind. The conversation we had last night keeps going round and round in my head. You turn...

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Britney The Blackmail k

This is continued from Britney & The Old Man Britney just stood there stunned. she couldnt believe it. this young k** filmed her fucking his grandfather. she didnt even know anyone else was there. and now he was blackmailing her. and there was nothing she could do about it. she thought about it and figured it couldnt be too bad, the k** probaly just wanted a handjob and an autograph. the boy stepped into her house and told Britney she made the smart decision. he told her to strip and she...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Sahara Leone Uses Her Bulbous Booty To Make Manuel Explode

Busty beauty Sahara Leone makes her debut with Manuel! Sahara is a Nubian goddess with an amazing rack, perfect booty, and legs for days. She’s wearing sexy black lingerie with matching stockings as she teases you with her sensual curves. Sahara pulls off her top to let her massive mammaries breathe while she squeezes and plays with her nipples until Manuel joins her on the couch. They make out while Manuel fingers her wet pussy before making his way down to taste her sweet juices....

2 years ago
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A life changing discovery

With the remaining strenght left in my arms I pushed as hard as I could. The hinges finally gave up and the wooden doors opened before me, revealing a path leading deep underground. A cold gust of wind blew directly in my face which was giving me a small relief from the heat outside. But I wasn't here for shelter from the sun. Right at the moment, I was standing in front of a great discovery. Here in Egypt, a few hundred meters from an average hotel, I found a temple unknown to...

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Brides Obsession 1

When I married Kandi I knew there would be lots of horny men! It really didn't bother me who would be after her! Shes a tiny blonde doll with full breasts and a perfect ass! I didn't think it would be me that set her up for some black guys I barely knew... weeks before the wedding! When we started dating, she told me about several workmates of hers, young black hustlers, that would hit on her daily! She seemed to enjoy telling me how she'd pretend to be thinking about "one last...

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CEO Makes a Business Decision Part II

Jack and Danielle stood waiting for the elevator. Danielle kept shifting her weight as she could feel Jack’s cum running out of her and down her left thigh. “Stop squirming!” Jack ordered. He then cracked a slight grin as the elevator arrived. They stepped on the elevator and headed toward the lobby. “We’re going to eat here in the hotel,” Jack said. Feel free to order anything you like. I’m sure you’re hungry.” “Oh and one more thing,” Jack added. At no time during this meal...

2 years ago
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Mami K Sath Hasin Pal

Hi friends , i am abhi from bareilly(up). Mai iss ka bahut bada fan hu. Iski har ek story lajawab hai….Aaj main pehli bar apni story likhne ja rha hu.Koi mistake ho to please i am sorry and apna feed back mujhe mail jarur kare. Sabhi chut waliyo ko mera sexy hi….Ab time waste na karte hue sidhe story par aata hu. Wase to main kai ladkiyo ko chod chuka hu par mera man meri mami ko chodne ka tha.Ye ghatna us time ki hai jab main bsc 2nd year me tha. Meri choti mami hamare city me hi rhti thi....

3 years ago
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Becky the Babysitter

My name is Becky, I am still in high school but too old for babysitting. My older sister was begging me to babysit for a friend so they could all go out I had just broken up with the only boyfriend I ever had and had no plans for Friday I had to babysit for her friend Peggy and Craig. Peggy was only 20 and it was the talk of our little town when “Creepy Craig" , 10 years older than Peggy, had knocked her up. At 20 she was married and had a 4 month old. Craig picked me up at 7:30 and 15 mins...

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Steven George the DragonThe Trader of Baghalonia

UNDER THE SPELL of Ibin Arriaga, Steven was soon running all manner of errands throughout the great house. After the fire was built and drink was served, there was food to prepare and a tub of water to bring for Ibin to soak his ankle in. Steven gathered a pillow from the master’s bedroom for Ibin’s back and a silver chalice from the cabinet in the eating room for Ibin to drink from. Steven marveled at the size of the house. It seemed most of his village could have lived in its many...

4 years ago
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My New Hot Neighbour

Hi, I am Kiran from the IT capital of INDIA Bangalore city. I have always been explosively active in my sex life. I have had a couple of girlfriends with whom I used to smooch regularly.. Please send me your honest replies to Females from Bangalore,if you interested in having a secret sexual relationship then Please do contact me at Well, let me begin and share with you my memorable experience. This incident had happened almost a year back and this monsoon has made me nostalgic and prompted...

2 years ago
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Star Trek Hands of an Angry Goddess

This story is set in the world of the "Star Trek" television program, airing on NBC from 1966-69. "Star Trek" and its characters are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended in this not-for-profit fan fiction. This may be archived/posted anywhere; just give credit where credit is due. Thanks! Hands of an Angry Goddess By Pretzelgirl Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five year mission:...

1 year ago
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She Took Him

After months of posting and replying to the “casual encounters” on Craig’s List, Eric was finally going to get laid!  Or at least that’s what he hoped as he drove up to her home.   Eric was a tall lanky college student whose strict parents had sent him to a military school.  No women were allowed, and he was never outgoing enough to meet anyone at a dance or bar. Eric was impressed and a little intimidated by the large homes he was driving through.  He got there a few minutes early, and waited...

3 years ago
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Daniel Wolf Part 8

part 8 Daniel awoken to a stir of activity, He over heard Brax mention something about Soldiers. Bren entered Daniel's sleeping area. It was obvious she meant to protect him. “Bren where is your Mother?” “She has gone to check out the Soldiers and told Brax and I to wait til she returns.” Suddenly I felt the mind of a joyous Tiiup, “Daniel, Daniel, Daniel ! “ Lusan ushered in Armsmaster Avril and Tiiup and we had a meeting. Avril was a bit unsettled with the results. “Avril”, He was...

4 years ago
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HindsightChapter 10

Mary Ellen was having a difficult time finding something to wear from her new clothes. She finally decided on a white tube top and matching pair of stretch short shorts. When she pulled the shorts up her thighs, she quickly realized that she wouldn't be able to wear panties. They were far too short and much too tight. She found that she had the same problem with the top because it wasn't meant to be worn with anything under it either. When she was finally dressed, she took one last look in...

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The Hypnotist

I had known this amazing hypnotist for years. In fact, I am 46 and have moved 46 times. Every town I moved to, he was the Hypnotist when there was going to be that kind of show at one of the clubs or the bars. We had become pretty good friends and I say he was amazing because I have a Bachelor Degree of Science in Mental Health and while training,Hypnotism was a much debated topic in almost every class and I had learned quite a bit of it. I will call this guy Newton. Newton to my...

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I wondered how life might have been different

I guess I have always known I'm attracted to men.  At school, my friend Ronnie used to try to put his hand down my trousers on the school bus.  At the time I fought him off, but as I've aged I think back and wonder why.  As was usual for people in the sixties and seventies I grew into heterosexual relationships, got married and had children.  None of which I regret; I love my family dearly but I have often wondered how it might have been different.As I got near to being fifty that curiosity...

Gay Male
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Beauty and The Plug

As always I need to thank my editor, BeachBaby179 for her many contributions to this story. She always cleans up my stories, fixing my errors and inconsistencies and making the story much better than it would otherwise have been. Thank you, BeachBaby179. * ‘Now, I can’t wait to take a shower,’ I thought to myself. I had just finished mowing my yard, and the hot Georgia sun was blazing down. I had started about 9 am on this Saturday morning, and had just completed the front and back yard...

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