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A Perfect Fit By Juliette Lima Part 1: Thursday - When a fellow needs a friend Middle age is not for the weak, thought Jerry Lanford, as he waited for the urologist. Knowing you have a prostate when you are young is matter of studying anatomy. Knowing you have a prostate as a middle-aged man is a matter of fact. Jerry had all the old man attributes, gray hair for a look of distinction, and prostatitis for a look of concern. Only a young person would laugh at the situation, his general practitioner had quipped "It could be worse". Jerry rose to the bait and replied "It could. How for god's sake." "It could happen to me." The smart-ass replied. He did refer Jerry to one of the best young urologists in town "Dr. Malone is who I go to." His GP asserted. So Jerry made the appointment and since his wife had errands to run had her drive him as the discomfort he was feeling made the pickup truck a chore to drive. Now clad in a gown with no back he laid waiting for the miracle worker to arrive. The only surprise was the entrance, a tall shapely woman, wearing a form fitting knit dress tends to concentrate a semi-naked alter knacker's attention. "Hello Mr. Lanford, I'm Pat Malone, you have a prostate problem the chart says." "Yes ma'am, and too much age to stand many more entrances like that." "I thought Dr. Vogle referred you, he's one of my patients too." "He sent me but said not a word about your appearance. Not that I object to being treated by a woman, it just is a little surprise that's all. I hope you are the miracle worker he said you are." "Well I won't say miracle worker, I just have a treatment that fixes prostatitis and keeps it fixed. Now let's examine that little rascal. Roll on your side while I put on my glove." "I don't do this for every doctor on the first visit." "Don't worry, I'll still respect you in the morning. Now tell me if this hurts." With that Dr. Malone inserted one long delicate finger into Jerry's anus. "GOOD LORD THAT HURTS OH MY GOD! HOOOOOOO! UHUHUHUH!" the pain was so intense that his howls gave way to gasping breaths that bordered on sobbing. The doctor removed the cause of his pain and after stripping the glove stepped to the door and asked a nurse to have Mrs. Lanford come to her office. When Jerry collected himself, Dr. Malone opined that the reaction was as severe as she had seen. She told Jerry to dress and come down to her office. When he reported to the office his wife Marie was discussing the recent events with Dr. Malone. "Really he's that bad off" Marie stated. "Yes ma'am the swelling has produced a massive prostate and as you heard it's obviously very painful, and not likely to get better. Oh Mr. Lanford, I see you are ambulatory again, I'm very sorry the exam was so painful. I think you have already gone through a series of antibiotics." "Yes ma'am, three weeks of Cipro, followed by four weeks of some other broad spectrum antibiotic. All I got out of it was diarrhea and flatulence not the best combination of symptoms. I've heard you have a cure that stops the hypertrophy and keeps the recurrence down to zero." "It does indeed, but it's not for the faint at heart. I was looking for something else when I found this treatment, so all the research is still ongoing. I can only do controlled dosage studies, the way the medication works prevents double blind studies from being performed. You'll see why that is in just a few minutes" "Look doctor, I hurt so bad I am willing to put up with anything, if it fixes the disease. You fix this problem and I am your friend for life. Is there a lot of painful surgery?" "No pain in the procedure at all, since we actually have you completely anesthetized before we start. How well do you tolerate embarrassment?" "About as well as anyone, what happens?" "Do you think being female is easy?" "Oh hell no. That's not an option; I'm not having any sex change surgery. I know I don't want the pain but I think going through years of hormone therapy and then surgery is a bit drastic treatment just for prostatitis." "You don't have simple prostatitis Jerry. You have a malignant tumor, the PSA, sonogram and CAT scan that Dr Vogle had done show the growth is rapid and uncontainable. Surgery will basically remove all of the gland, but leave you in diapers, and may not get all of the malignancy, so metastases are a real possibility, so chemotherapy will be required. You will be incontinent, weak, bald, and still sick. Left untended you will be dead, not quickly oh course you will have time to get your affairs in order, but you will not have a day without pain until you finally die. We can do radiation and Chemo but the probabilities are not in your favor." "Okay what's behind door number two? And what does embarrassment and being female have to do with curing prostate cancer?' "If you didn't have a prostate could you get prostatitis?" "No, is that a Zen Koan for meditation?" "No it's a simple statement of fact. What I found while researching secondary sex characteristics development was how the body can be made to morph from one sex to the other by switching on and off select genes on seemingly inert chromosomes. What the body can do is absorb one set of genitalia and grow another. One of the side effects is a rejuvenation of the entire body, even the telomeres within the cells regenerate, so you go to sleep on a Thursday morning old, sick and male, and awaken Monday healthy, very young, and female." "What do you charge for this?" "Not one red cent, I have a grant from a well endowed foundation, they pay for treatment, follow up, and even will help you transition to your new condition, even help with a new job, if you want." "Marie what do you think? Frankly the cure sounds too good to be true. If you want me around for the rest of our life together as a young woman, speak up. I don't like the idea of dying, but I can deal with it. I just don't want to leave you in the lurch. Should I do it, or should I take my chances with the traditional treatment? No pressure honey, just pick the way the rest of my life goes. Do I wear dresses or do I wear a casket?" "I don't want to make this decision Jerry; you have my support, no matter what you chose. If you want the new therapy, don't complain about having to sit to pee, or menstrual cramps, or high heels ever. If you go with the traditional therapy, don't complain about nausea, tiredness, or being dead." "I don't think I'll say much about being dead." "Well only for lack of trying if I know you." "What all do I have to do?" Jerry addressed Dr. Malone. "You wait here for a nurse to come and get you, you and Marie will go back to the treatment suite where you'll get undressed, kiss your wife good bye, and I'll start your treatment with an anesthesia cocktail and some very potent chemotherapeutics. Next thing you know it'll be Monday your wife will bring you a change of clothes, and you'll go home." "How long will I be female doc the rest of my life?" "Depending on how you respond to the situation, as little as a month, if you happen to make bad choices about who you associate with the upper limit is pretty high.' "How high is high?" "Well I personally am in my fifteenth year post therapy, with about twenty five more to go." "You did the therapy?" "Yes sir, and I had my wife and her sister to thank for the duration. Seems the two of them though I was a new play thing and by the time I got out of the transcutaneous delivery unit I had forty years to enjoy my new body. Bad news for my wife, when she had me all changed and cheated me out of my clinic, she developed multiple tumors in her breasts, (which the treatment can cure) but would not try the treatment, she spent her last days in a coma from the metastases in her brain. Her sister drank herself to death after that. I was able to reestablish my clinic after my wife died. Her father was one of my first patients, and he has funded the rest of the research. Funny thing to find out your in-laws are nicer than your spouse. Even funnier to visit them now and watch the two centenarians play like teens. But I digress, you in?" "I will hate myself for saying this, but let'er rip." Part 2 Sunday -You should pick your friends more carefully than you pick you nose Dana Stanley was not a very pleasant woman. Her first ex-husband had begun the divorce the day after his treasurer had embezzled all of the company's liquid assets, so he could run off to the Cayman's and marry Dana. He was never prosecuted as he died in a tragic scuba accident on his honeymoon. Dana having had a quickie divorce in the Dominican Republic on her way to the Caymans was not prosecutable because while she inherited all her husband's wealth there was no proof she ever knew he was committing the crime. She divorced husband number three while he was on death row in Florida for murdering Husband number one (seems he had this thing about pursuing justice, and his lost fortune) Once again Dana was not in the prosecutor's sights, as she had an ironclad alibi, she was miles away, in bed with her soon to be husband number four and his twin sister. Husband number four succumbed to nitrogen narcosis on a deep dive to the Andrea Doria and failed to heed his sister's warnings to surface. The sister had a very bad run with carbon monoxide flying over the Dismal Swamp while doing her long cross-country solo, which was part of her pilot's license studies with Dave, who went on to be husband number five. Dana was now tired of Dave and looking for a patsy at the local senior center. She figured those that got old without getting wise were good candidates. Thus the gentle Marie Lanford came into the circle of Dana Mallis Wythe Hought Henney Kerr Athol. (May be she consciously picked husbands maybe not.) This Sunday she had invited Marie to brunch by the pool, to alleviate her worries over Jerry's treatment. "How did Jerry's visit to the doctor go, Marie?" "He had a really bad time, seems he has managed to get himself one of the worlds all time great prostate infections. He was all pained and grouchy and when Dr. Malone did an exam he howled like a kicked dog. She said he had a lump the size of golf ball in there, so he's been given a new therapy to shrink her swollen mass. He has to stay for four days for all of the medications to be administered in an IV drip so I'll go pick him up at noon tomorrow." "So what does this new treatment do? You said he would be a woman when he got home, how does that happen?" Marie related all she remembered, especially the parts about how he would have the duration increased by simple things like embarrassment increasing his histamine levels, and all a blush she told Dana how the act of orgasming doubled the accumulated duration. Dana ever ready to recruit a stooge for her plot listened intently as Marie innocently told her about how her life with her husband would change. Dana was intent on her planning when her phone rang. Excusing her self she took the call from her current lover Claire Masticolo. Claire was bored with her job as a nurse and the exciting part of being Dana's lover was the possibility of being in on one of her plots. "Dana I just have to see you this evening, I'm going crazy here." "And where is that Claire?" "Some private clinic Malone Medical Services. God you wouldn't believe what they do here, they turn old geezers into young girls, and old women into boys." "Are you kidding me you're working there?" "No shit sweet cakes. This is the damnedest place I have ever seen. I am working on an old guy now who is on his way to being a little cutie. I could just eat this girl with a spoon she's so sweet. Bad news is she's going to be the girl bride of an old broad. I saw her yesterday when she visited the lump. Ma Kettle dressed better. This old broad, Lanford, I think was all weepy about how her life was going to change, and Jerry was going to be all young and such shit. I told her the little honey would be just as good at oral sex as he was before. She looked at me like I was some kind of freak. Told me she didn't appreciate coarse talk." "This woman about five foot four, curvy, not too bad looking in the face, but dressed like a librarian or an old maid school teacher?" "That's her" "You going to be there tomorrow, when Jerry wakes up?' "Yeah I got to get the little twat up and washed in the AM and get her fed, and haul her butt to the exam room. Too bad you can't come see her in the stirrups. That's the funniest thing these guys have been wanting to get close to pussy all their lives, and when they get one they blush like they think they're going to die from embarrassment. I have a hard time keeping a straight face. I have left some strapped to the stirrups and the table and set the ratchet so every move the silly twat makes causes her to spread wider and pull her legs back further. God I love doing that. Most of them get eighty to ninety hours for their first day accumulation, and end up being female for eight or more years." "How hard to manage are these patients?" "They are all weak as newborn kittens, and scared of their own shadows. They blush if you look at their face, and pulling up a skirt just puts them in paroxysms of shame, one was crying from the moment she woke until her mommy took her home, course she had been ninety-nine and sick with a bunch of stuff." "Come on over after you leave work, I'll make it worth your time." Dana returned to her unsuspecting guest, and continued developing her plot. Part 3 Monday ? You may be right I may be crazy While his wife, Marie, discussed his therapy with her friend Dana, Jerry Lanford proceeded through Dr. Malone's clinic. The entire four days were lost in the drugged stupor brought on by the analgesic, anesthetic and anti-nmonic cocktail being administered. As the antibiotic, hormone and enzyme portions of the drip began their work of shrinking her enlarged and extremely infected prostate, the nurses began to reduce the level of painkillers, and he began to rouse slightly. As the therapy progressed oral hormones and intramuscular doses were administered. After eighty hours the nursing staff began the task of inserting him into his long-term therapeutic device. The still dazed and compliant man was slipped bodily into the full coverage transcutaneous administration suit. As he slept off the last of the drugs he was immersed in a warm activation bath, where he floated dreamlessly, while the final liters of therapeutic solution dripped into his veins. At eight the next morning he finally came fully awake, just as the nurses finished drying his body with warm soft towels. "Good morning Missy, I'm Claire, I'll take care of you today. Think you can walk over to the toilet and provide a urine specimen?" she asked. "I just hope I can get there quick, I'm as full as possible. At least the drugs have done some good the infection has stopped hurting. Oh my I feel dizzy maybe you can help me walk over, why do I have breasts? Oh my god what happened? No wonder the prostate doesn't hurt, if what I see is real, I don't have one any more. What in hell has happened? I though the therapy would just shrink the prostate. Oh god this is unreal. Right after we collect this specimen I want some answers, and something to wear." "Alright Missy, just squat over the toilet and once you start put this cup into the stream, okay?" Jerry took the specimen container, and blushing all over, squatted nude over the toilet, all the while Claire kept up her spiel "Now Missy you really have to get a specimen collected, so if I have to I'll put in a catheter. I'll turn on the water, now you ready? God Missy you are as red as a beet, here maybe a little water sprayed on your twat (Claire used the detachable showerhead and squirted the bare vulva) Hey that did it now catch part of that. Good girl Missy". Blushing and nearly in tears Jerry nearly filled the cup and then finished voiding under Claire's watchful eye. Jerry exited the lavatory and the nurse took the specimen. Jerry covered her hairless vulva with her free hand as she offered the cup to Claire. As soon as the nurse took the specimen the other hand and arm covered the ample breasts now resident on her chest. "Come on Jerry, you know you need a better name while this is happening." Said Claire "I like being Jerry, I think the changing of my name is not needed and I have had enough changes to last me for a long while. Besides Jerry is androgynous enough, and for the next few weeks I'll not need to be having anything else to remember, like a new name." "Well alright missy, get in the shower and finish washing the activator out of your hair, and we'll go get breakfast." Jerry finished the process of cleaning the new body and head of hair that now sprouted thick and dark brown from her once gray pate. Finding a dressing gown to add to the hospital gown, and a pair of slippers for her feet, a level of comfort began to be obtained. Dr. Malone had arrived and began her explanation while Jerry donned the gown and robe (with counter opposed openings her rear echelon was protected). "I know the shock is great but we did discuss this Thursday when we started, the drugs given to kill the pain, also wipe out short-term memory, so you'll have to watch the video of your interview to regain the memory. After you breakfast and view the video I'll give you a pelvic exam, and short physical and make sure it's safe for you to go home today. Your wife will bring you some clothes as planned and for the next week you'll follow the therapy schedule. The transcutaneous unit you have on will make it possible for you to have a limited time as a woman. You will stay female for two days for every day you wear the suit, so when you have it removed at the best you will have only two, maybe three weeks of being a woman left. There are a few things that cause extension of duration, excessive histamine production, like a bad allover sunburn, or poison ivy on one hundred percent of your body. (Yes I have had two cases just like that. One added about two months a day by going to a nudist colony. The other went camping and fell in the poison ivy while nude, she nearly died from the secondary infection, as well as the embarrassment when she had to stay nude for the first week after the gel was removed). The video of our interview has my own story, greatly digested added at the end. Let's check you out after you eat and watch that video. Claire will take you to get your hair styled and show you how to do makeup, I'll do your exam, and off to home you'll go. Okay? Great" Claire left for a few minutes, when she returned she had a wheelchair and tray of food, as Jerry ate, she watched the video of her interview and the explanatory lecture of what she could expect. When she finished eating and had brushed her teeth the pair traveled to the small salon at the clinic where a little trimming of the hair and a slight amount of makeup changed Jerry's looks and her thoughts on which pronoun to use for herself. When coifed and made up Jerry was whisked to Dr. Malone's exam room, where she was disrobed and ensconced in the stirrups for her first pelvic. The nurse slipped a wide strap across Jerry's chest and pinioned her arms at her side. "Can't have you falling on the floor and breaking one of those cute hips, Missy." Claire took her time arranging the sheet over Jerry's breasts and thighs, and as she left murmured, "Now stay put Missy, this is the fun part, waiting for a pelvic with the door wide open to the hall. If you look at the mirror on your right you'll get a free show." Jerry looked and began to blush, Claire had put her legs as far up and out as possible, so the whole world could see the bald crotch and her pink puckered anus with ease. Pulling her thighs together made the stirrups swiveled open, and ratchet further apart and if she tried to press down they pushed back and the awful click of a ratchet let her know the angle was increasing. All her struggles did was actually open her legs wider and raise her heels so she gaped wider and more exposed. The sheet was also slipping and trying to grasp it with her chin caused the head of the table to ratchet up. Jerry lost the sheet and caused the head end of the table to rise bending her double and leaving her blushing and squirming. Looking in the mirror showed a frustrated woman, hands grasping futilely for something, her breasts pressed between her thighs, and her heels over her head Claire returned after several dozen men and women had passed by her nakedness. "Oh Missy you are such a sight, wiggling there let me get you ready for your exam. I'll just put a little lube on the openings here. (The cold will last only for a little while Missy) doesn't that feel better? I don't know why you threw the sheet on the floor. Oh here's the doctor now. Looks like Miss Jerry likes to show off all her charms, doesn't it?" Dr. Malone relaxed the position of jerry's legs, and retrieved the sheet. She also released the chest strap. After listening to Jerry's heart and lungs, she selected a speculum and anu-scope, after donning gloves she examined Jerry's vagina and anus. ". Ooh that's cold doctor; oh it feels like you're stretching me wide open. Oh my, whatever it is in my ass, is OW kind of painful. Umm, this is more than I thought you were going to do." Dr. Malone tried to be gentle and replied that things would get better as soon as she got home and was not being run ragged by sudden changes. She also told Claire she would need to see her privately as soon as she returned Jerry to her room. Claire took advantage of the doctor's departure by continuing her verbal assault on Jerry. "Good grief you're such a baby, all she did was a simple pelvic, your wife has clothes for you back in your room, you can walk back the wheelchair is occupied, Come on Miss Jerry back to your room. Come on Missy chop chop." "My crotch and butt are all slimy, can I have that robe, all I have on is this paper sheet. Oh nurse wait I am really embarrassed by this please let me cover up." Blushing from head to toe Jerry quickly followed Claire, as she led her through the halls of the clinic until they reached the room where Marie waited. Jerry blanched when Marie and Dana came into sight. Both women were dressed in tight black leather pants and bolero jackets over white silk blouses. The blushing seminude woman stammered "M-M-Marie, p-p-p please can you help me get dressed?" "Sure Julie" replied Dana- "My name is Jerry, who are you anyway?" "I'm here to help take home Julie, so if you aren't Julie I guess we'll just take this cute little skirt and blouse with us" Unprepared for the verbal barrage Dana was unleashing Marie looked back and forth at her friend and the blushing woman claiming to be her husband. "Marie please" "Are you Julie?" Dana sneered "I'll say I'm Julie, if you will please let me get dressed, and then go away, please." "Well now you stop crying Julie, we're going to make this a fun week, Claire do you have anything to add you look upset?" "Missy has been disobedient and very much the exhibitionist, traipsing around naked, I think you ladies might need to use those crops on her sassy little behind, before you cover her too much." "I have not been disobedient, you stripped me and led me all over naked, I asked for clothes and YOU kept me naked, oh Marie please don't whip me she's lying I want to go home and get away from here, and her!" Jerry began to bawl and fell to the floor to cover her nakedness. Claire and Dana laughed and began to poke at her with fingers and the crop, taunting the poor naked girl sobbing on the floor. "Marie, make them stop, please sweetheart, this is wrong." Jerry sobbed 'Is this how you would want to be treated?" Marie watched the two cruel women and then went from being puzzled by the sight of her husband humbled and begging, to being furious at her supposed friend and the sadistic nurse. As Dana and Claire bent over the helpless Jerry Marie drew back her crop and cut the sadistic pair right across the ample buttocks they presented. The crack of the crop sounded like two pistol shots in a graveyard. The pair screamed, and Marie drew back her hand again and said in a voice full of anger "Get away from him I mean her, or whatever, you bitches. I'll cut the hide off your fat asses with this crop and feed it to my dog. Say another word and I'll whip you back to the rock you were conceived under." The commotion brought the attention of Dr. Malone, who when told what was being done, suspended Claire on the spot, and had security remove both her and Dana. Dr. Malone apologized to Jerry for the ordeal in the exam room and gave her a packet of paper and videotape, "to help explain what was going to happen". A nurse and an aide were called and Jerry was covered at last and conveyed to the bathroom where Marie helped Jerry to clean herself and don the slip shoes blouse and skirt. Jerry almost asked why there were no panties but remembered the earlier video said the gel base of the transcutaneous delivery suit would have to be open to airflow in areas of high moisture. Tottering a little from the heels Jerry walked out into the light of day, clutching her new purse and the folder of cautionary notes from Dr. Malone. "Marie, I love you" she murmured. But why did you bring Dana? And why did you let her go on like that? We've been together for over thirty years, I've never raised a hand against you, I help out at home and you know what she was doing was just damn cruel and sadistic." "I'm sorry I ever let Dana know what we had done, and I'm ashamed of what I let her and that nurse do to you. I love you too Jerry, I was stunned when I saw you and Dana just jumped on her chance, she always was the fast talker. I promise I'll make sure you're safe this week, we'll stay at home away from everybody that way you won't have a lot of chances to expose yourself, and all. " "We have a strange week ahead of us, Marie I don't know how well I can take the changes, I thought the cure was too good to be true, and now I'm sure. But as long as I have you on my side I think I can survive, but please don't let Dana come over any more." "You can count on that. I want to get home and out of this damn hot leather prison. That bitch got me to let her wet the leather before I got in and now it's shrunk, I have a leather wedgie trying to crawl up my ass the inside of these things itches and I have to pee. If Dana ever shows her face I'll drown her in the toilet and flush her into the sewer." The ride home was blessedly short. Arriving home the couple found Dana's sadism was complete. The leather pants having shrunk to fit Marie's sweet contours were inescapable, as Dana had crimped the metal eyelets for the laces on the waist and leg. Compounding the problem for the gnawing itch that started in her privates and between her buttocks was spreading. As Marie began to claw at the unyielding leather as the itch grew worse, Jerry took the pocketknife out of her purse and slit the legs, taking care to avoid cutting Marie. "Dana said she paid a fortune for these and would send me the bill, I think she'll play hell getting one red cent for that stupid stunt. Out of my way I have got to pee, now!" After relieving herself Marie noticed the rash developing on her legs and horrifically all over her lover body, where the marks of the leather still showed. "Damn Dana, these pants she brought over have something in them that raises a rash. I hope she has the same rash in all the same places." Jerry found a large container of oatmeal and ran a bathtub of tepid water and mixed bicarbonate of soda with the oatmeal to make a mushy tub of soothing poultice for Marie, and left her to soak. Jerry told Marie as she laid in the bath "Just my dumb luck, you have an itchy pussy, and I just happen to be completely unequipped to take advantage" Marie replied that she owed a Buick and would not have a "rice burner" since they all looked alike. She then entered the tub to soak, and told Jerry to finish reading her notes from Dr. Malone. Jerry read the cautionary notes and viewed the video. What she learned was worse than she feared. Every time she had a large release of histamine from any source, the enzyme and hormone mix would add to her daily-accumulated duration. So while a perfectly serene person with no additional histamine would have two days amass, for each day of wear. Any thing, a blush from embarrassment, or sunburn, or a spanking would add on about one hour more duration, for every square foot of skin reddened for each half-hour of increased histamine. The surface area of an average female body would be hard to calculate, a rectangle 5? feet by 1? feet would have an area of 8? square feet. Jerry figured her skin area was probably computable with the right measurements but guessed something like 15 square feet was a high guess of surface area. Now every little thing seemed to add heat to her skin as she relived the memory of her ordeal at the hands of the unfriendly nurse. The next page brought even more bad news. An orgasm which would release histamine and her own hormones would actually double the duration accumulated up to the point of the orgasm. More horrific was the next paragraph, which warned that enforced celibacy actually would make sexual response even more rapid, so that cascading orgasms would occur, if none had been had for thirty hours. By now Jerry was feeling ill. A quick trip to her computer and the opening of her spreadsheet program gave her some bad news. Her best case figures would allow for her to accumulate time to equal one year and forty-nine days, if and only if she had no more embarrassments or simple disasters like a sunburn, and she had one orgasm every day. Jerry went to check on Marie and found her somewhat soothed by her soaking, but she would be unable to do much more than hobble around the house until the rash cleared. Now she had to take care of her and avoid the possible trouble from the vengeful Dana and her crony. Fighting the emotions stirred up by the flood of hormones Jerry prepared to find something to ease Marie's rash. While searching she found some nighttime gel caps of antihistamine and a vastly depleted refrigerator with Marie's carefully crafted list and stack of coupons. Realizing there was no other option Jerry took stock of her purse, made sure her keys and license were present, as well as the new transgender ID the clinic had prepared. Before leaving she informed Marie "I have to go out for groceries and some antihistamines for your rash, I'm scared to death of how this will work but you can't get around and we must have food. Please read the brochure here from the clinic about how we have to take care of this matter. I'm afraid I'm going to be your live in lesbian lover for more than a year the way things look. I did find two cold capsules that are strong antihistamines so take them to relieve the itching while I'm gone. You better get out of the tub so you don't fall asleep in that goop and drown. Just to be safe I'll take my truck, since the weather has gone completely down the toilet." With that Jerry left the relative safety of her home and ventured in to the world. With purse in hand, she drove her pickup truck to the supermarket. While the big pickup was secure and with four wheel drive surefooted in the pouring rain, the long step down and the high breeze exposed her pantyless crotch to a passerby as she descended from the cab. Against her will the blush covered her from head to toe again. The walk to the store even with the big umbrella left her with a wet blouse and whipped her skirt up and away from her privates. The store was packed with shoppers as the Monday specials and first of the month had brought out droves of bargain hunters. Obtaining a cart Jerry followed Marie's carefully crafted list which lead her from the door to the back of the store and then back to the self checkout where she paid and reloaded her cart. The storm was worsening and Jerry fought the umbrella and struggled back to her truck, loading the passenger side floor boards, and feeling the wind flutter her skirt up to reveal her perfectly formed buttocks, and drive rain to spatter her vulva. Once again the blush covered her and the fear of the added time that was accumulating grew stronger. Returning her cart to the pickup shelter she returned to her truck and once again was exposed by the wind to a passerby, a large trailer trash cow, who shouted obscenely for her to cover herself. Jerry quickly closed her door and after starting the truck, made her way home. Once in her garage she unloaded the truck, and restocked the larder and fridge. Checking in on Marie she found her sleeping nude on an air mattress with only a single sheet covering her, so the poultice could stay on. Jerry stripped of her wet clothes and placed them in the dryer. To cover herself she borrowed one of Marie's peignoirs. Now dry and beginning to warm she made her way to the den and sat on the sofa to view the second video and take stock of the situation. After some thought she began listing the developments as positive or negative on a tablet. The big negative was the possibility of being unable to contain the duration at a year or so. The need to stay pantyless in skirts was sure to provide plenty of blushing for the next week, so most likely the duration would exceed a year and a half to two years. The positives were the reduction in age had removed all his aches and pains, the prostate was no longer a plague and it did feel good to be female. It seemed funny that having been in hot pursuit of pussy for all his life now he had more than he/she ever wanted, and the curiosity about what it would feel like to make love to Marie as a woman was quite strong. She fell asleep pondering the possibilities, and awoke in the den with only the TV lighting the room. Also she was sure she heard voices coming from outside. She used the remote to toggle the channel to the wireless security cameras, and saw two forms. The camera's microphone picked up the conversation and Jerry heard Dana brag "I have the key to the kitchen door we'll go in and put a hurtin' on both of them and make the two our bitches for life. Nobody hits my ass and gets away with it. Just watch your step on the slope here." Knowing she was no match for two muscular women in her state Jerry though her best bet was to call the police and keep the evil pair out in the rain. Since the house had been Jerry and Marie's personal project she knew every part to the inch. Grabbing one of the two by four studs stacked in her workshop, her cordless drill, and some handy hardware she hurried to the door Dana had the key for. Without turning on the light Jerry lowered the plank onto the floor and wedged it between the bottom of the door and the wall. Knowing the wall corner was solid wood under the maple wainscoting the corner brackets were quickly screwed to the two by four and the wall. Keeping low Jerry also set one screw into the junction of the stud and the door. Just as she crawled around the corner she heard Dana cursing the weather and the muddy slope of the backyard, from just outside the door. The curses grew louder as Dana discovered the door was barred. Jerry moved to set the dead bolt on the front door and managed to set the bolts on the garage door just in time to see over her shoulder the soaked women turn the corner and try the rollup door. Next step; call the police, she thinks; only there's no dial tone. Scrolling the security cameras she sees two figures climbing the latticework headed for the second story window. Racing up the stairs to the upper floor Jerry sees the shadow of an intruder at the window, and in rushing toward the slightly open window she stumbles, falls short and sprawls half on the bed, striking a cold comforting shape, the three fifty-seven magnum. The shape silhouetted in the window is joined by another and the window sash begins to rise. The cold air rushes in as the window opens, and the cursing women slither over the sill into the room, like malevolent snakes seeking prey. As they stand Jerry speaks "I know what you're thinking, your thinking Marie is occupied with the rash you gave her and I'm cowering in fear. Well Marie is asleep, but I have the perfect solution to intrusion. Ever heard of Samuel Colt?" Seated on the floor she illuminated the pistol's laser sight pointing at one of the intruder's crotch and single actioning the revolver to make the sound of death's ratchet "Do you want a new hole down there? Or do you see my point?" The two sadists saw the bright red light shining from the laser; and in the mirror opposite the window, saw the dot of light on Dana's crotch. Claire squealed and whirled to bolt out the window, bumping Dana who stumbled sideways. Claire leaped for the window, and tripped on Dana's out stretched leg, her momentum carried her out the window, headfirst. Jerry fired one shot, which sliced transversely across Claire's denim clad buttocks, cutting the fabric, and leaving a friction burn. Claire grabbed for the lattice, but slipped her hands through the opening and arced outwards and down with her hands and forearms trapped between the wall and the sturdy lattice. Dana heard the shot and whirling leapt for the window but snagged the leather pants on two metal brackets that had once held a window box. The sharp edges caught the waist and began to stretch the soggy leather, turning the pants inside out as Dana pulled on the lattice to escape. Dana hung by her heels from the windowsill. Grabbing further down the lattice Dana pulled to free herself and the pants pulled free from the snags. Dana swung pendulum-like from her handhold and slammed her bare bottom into the climbing rose canes tied to the lattice, driving the thorns deep. Dana arched he r back to escape the thorns and smashed her heels into Claire's face, and finished levering Claire's arms into compound fractures. Dana in rotating had weakened the attachment of the lattice to the house, so the lattice began to peel away. Gravity deposited Dana upon Claire, Claire upon a rose bush, and the lattice upon both. Jerry rushed across the road to Mrs. Linquist's house to call the police, not worrying about the rain. Soon the two would be assailants were bound for the jail ward of the local hospital. Jerry became aware of her soaked peignoir as the last police officer left when she re-entered her home and saw the soaked gown revealed her bald vulva clearly. Mrs. Linquist had draped a blanket around her and took her to the bathroom to dry off. As Jerry dried her hair she told her neighbor of all that had happened. Mrs. Linquist related how her husband Olaf had died from prostate cancer, and how she would have rather had Olaf in a dress alive than in a coffin any day. "Don't you worry one bit now Jerry, if you have to be a woman so what. You and Marie have each other, and I will be here to help anyway I can. So let's see how Marie is doing." Checking on the still sleeping Marie seemed some how surreal, to Jerry. Mrs. Linquist remarked "Look at her, she sleeping like a new born baby, all through a break-in and a gun fight, what on earth did you give her?" Before Jerry's newfound friend left three of her friends from church arrived with casseroles, and several bags of clothing. "You will have your hands full for the next few days, so we'll bring food, and you need more modest clothes if you are going to be a proper lady for a while." One of the women remarked. The four ladies took their leave and Jerry stumbled to bed exhausted. Part 4 Tuesday ? Coming soon to a kitchen near you When she awoke the phone was ringing; Dr. Malone was calling to check on things. After making sure Jerry was all right Dr. Malone informed Jerry the time was short, and she had to have her orgasm within one hour or the cascading effect would occur, and she would have an additional orgasm for each quarter hour past thirty hours, she was overdue. "All that stuff that Dana and Claire pulled probably added as much as a day to the duration, did any other exposures occur?" Jerry told of the shopping trip, and the wet nightie. To which the doctor replied. "Find a quiet place now and get it over with you probably are looking at doubling about forty maybe fifty hours. When you report in this afternoon I'll check your urine for metabolites that will tell me what duration has accumulated, now go, and cum. Bye now". Jerry started for the bathroom but heard noises from the kitchen, going there he saw Marie working on breakfast, nude and encrusted from her waist down in the dried on poultice. Since Marie had her back turned towards Jerry the wild idea of surprising her with a naked hug seemed so nicely erotic. Jerry slipped the gown off and padded quietly behind Marie and grabbed her breasts. Marie responded by dropping to one knee jack- knifing her waist while clasping Jerry's hands. Jerry flipped over Marie's back and rotated one hundred eighty degrees, and landed on her seat in the vanilla pudding Marie had just made. The still warm pudding seeped into Jerry's crotch as the large plastic bowl collapsed under her. Marie immediately began to apologize and laugh at her pudding- covered bottom and crotch. Soon Jerry learned just how great it felt for a tongue to explore her privates, and taking a handful of pudding she seasoned Marie and learned that it was equally blessed to give as well as receive. Later the pair showered together and when done saw the poultice had reduced the rash, so Marie could go out with Jerry to the doctor and later on to the police station to give a statement. After eating breakfast, the couple left home and made the rounds. Stopping first at Mrs. Linquist's Jerry reported Marie's rash was greatly improved to his new friend. Mrs. Linquist insisted she be called Irma, and asked the couple to join her the next Sunday at church as the fellowship committee was having a covered dish supper. Jerry admitted she was not much of a cook, and Irma rejoined "It's a Lutheran Church dear make a gelatin mold and you'll be able to pass as a lifelong member" At the clinic Dr. Malone had a specimen collected and analyzed. The news was not as good as Jerry would have liked at current levels she would amass about two years and three months give or take as a woman. Any slipups or all day exposures or even a skin allergy could make it longer. The rest of the shopping was subdued, and both women were glad to get home. That night Jerry slept holding Marie and relished the warmth of her body, in the morning the two caressed and soon the world stood still as they moved over the edge into blissful orgasms. Jerry marveled at the joy of Marie's love, having married young and full of foolishness, he had done one thing right, kissing Marie tenderly he knew that she was the perfect fit. Some join each other in bonds of lust They often find those bonds will rust. Some find a mate sent from above The fortunate few bound hard by love. The sweetest confection oft has a crust Such are the mates that men do trust. No one may know my love so fair She is all mine I'll never share. Nourishing food and sweet red wine Can not satisfy like the lady that's mine Shakespeare wrote of love so true Goethe Johnson Marlowe too Poets and playwrights tax the mind Love is not brokered by men of that kind.

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Physical fitness

Just the day before Vick had been dreaming of his neighbor, and today it was a gym teacher Ms. W. She was an absolute sweetheart and had passed him just because she liked him. What she didn’t know was all of the nasty thoughts he had about her. When he walked into his old High School erection grow quickly. Ms. W had a rock hard ass, average sized breasts and a pussy that was lined out perfectly in her biking shorts she wore almost religiously everyday. As they entered the locker room, they...

4 years ago
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Perfection part 1 of 3 By Morpheus Dr. Gretchen McDermott carefully took off her thick glasses and set them down, rubbing at her weary eyes with the back of her hands. With a loud yawn, she stood up and stretched her aching body before once again donning her glasses and staring into the microscope before her. She smiled faintly as she examined the results. Feeling a surge of triumph, she hoped that this would be it. That all her years of research and hard work would finally...

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If The Shoe Fits

"If The Shoe Fits Wear It" By Keri R. A successful chemical engineer suffers a sexual obsession that is ruining his marriage to a beautiful and dedicated wife. His wife, desperate for change, finally agrees with his unconventional solution. Both will emerge with a new perspective on sexual liberation. **************************** At only 30, Bob had all the trappings of success. He was a senior chemical engineer of a leading biotech...

4 years ago
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Part IIIThe Voyage of a LifetimeThe Fitting

Part III: The Voyage of a Lifetime-The Fitting is Reality It was the morning of the third day. I woke in a lazy manner. I was warm, I felt the presence of someone next to me and it was also warm. I kept my eyes closed as I reflected on my experiences so far. I felt luxurious. There was no other way to describe it. I felt relaxed yet every cell, yes every cell in my body was alert and at the peak. Damn, it felt good. But somehow it felt different. My mind never once reflected...

3 years ago
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Bra Fitting

Bra fitting: My wife Mary and daughter Celia had been talking about it all week. Mary was going to take Celia shopping for her first bra. Mary had arranged the appointment the previous weekend. I had never been clothes shopping with them before and I certainly wasn't going to start this weekend. Not with the North London derby on the TV at my local pub. When Saturday came Mary told me that she didn't feel like driving so could I take them into town as Celia had been so looking...

4 years ago
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If the Crossdress fits

If the Crossdress fits... I didn't know what to expect when Maxine opened the door to her loft. I hadn't really thought about it, but there she was, holding it open for me. Her place looked like the hideout of a very stylish, sophisticated thief, who had just robbed a Sanrio store. That is to say all the furniture was sleek and minimalistic, classy even, but it was piled high with cute Japanese toys. A large window overlooking the arts district dominated the loft's main room. I...

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Perfect Girlfriend Juice Ch 02

by Fidget Eleanor loved being the Mayor's wife. Knowing that she was making a positive difference in her community for her husband's constituents was part of it, sure, but mostly she loved the sense of grandeur and decorum that came with being the wife of the political head of fifty thousand people. People listened when she talked, respected her ideas, and treated her with a deference that quickly became addicting, all because of her husband's position. It was like being one of those...

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Perfect Girlfriend Juice Ch 02 The Mayors Wife

Eleanor loved being the Mayor's wife. Knowing that she was making a positive difference in her community for her husband's constituents was part of it, sure, but mostly she loved the sense of grandeur and decorum that came with being the wife of the political head of fifty thousand people. People listened when she talked, respected her ideas, and treated her with a deference that quickly became addicting, all because of her husband's position. It was like being one of those entitled military...

Mind Control
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The Fitting

"The Fitting" The pink satin sheets zipped loudly as Timmy arose early at seeing aunt Gladys' helper march into his bedroom with what appeared to be ladies lingerie and stockings in her hand. She was a large and strong woman built like an old fashioned Eastern European woman wrestler, and about as attractive facially, all business. She was dressed in a white nurses dress, white nurses cap, white stockings and white, sensible nurse shoes. Without a word she moved to the bed and...

2 years ago
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Bra fitting

Julie had been complaining about back ache to her son Jordan when she finished work at ASDA. once she had got home and had a bath she always felt much better, which provided some much relief to her back. This had been going on for a few weeks now so Jordan googled possible symptoms. "Hey Mum it says here your bra my be too small, what size is your bra?" Julie and Jordan had always been close so she did not feel in the slightest bit uncomfortable discussing this with her son. "36 C" she shouted...

2 years ago
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Perfect Girlfriend Juice Ch 01

Perfect Girlfriend Juice, Ch. 01 by Fidget "Wait, what do you mean you changed the recipe?" the CEO asked his genius but socially inept lead mixologist. "Well, I didn't realize you wanted the drink to actually make a girl into your Perfect Girlfriend, so once I saw your incredibly sexist ad campaign, it inspired me to go back to the drawing board and craft something that would make your dream a reality. Now whenever a girl drinks Perfect Girlfriend Juice, she'll develop a crush on the...

2 years ago
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Perfect Girlfriend Juice Ch 01

"Wait, what do you mean you changed the recipe?" the CEO asked his genius but socially inept lead mixologist."Well, I didn't realize you wanted the drink to actually make a girl into your Perfect Girlfriend, so once I saw your incredibly sexist ad campaign, it inspired me to go back to the drawing board and craft something that would make your dream a reality. Now whenever a girl drinks Perfect Girlfriend Juice, she'll develop a crush on the first guy she talks to afterward, feel compelled to...

Mind Control
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Perfect Girlfriend Juice Ch 03 Part 3

by Fidget Chapter 3: Perfect Secretary (Part 3) Personnel wasn't the only place Alani began making her presences known. She soon convinced Jack to let her order his lunches for him, and dinners too whenever he had to stay late to meet a deadline. While the meals from the healthiest restaurants around town were definitely more nutritious than the takeout he was used to ordering, Jack still missed fast food from time to time. But, combined with the new gym membership and fitness routine that...

1 year ago
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Perfect Roommates

Author's Note: It became clear while I was writing this story that aspects of it have been influenced by the stories of Ed Miller and Zedd, among others, but those two primarily. I hope they, and the reader, see this effort as one by a new TG writer searching for their own voice as opposed to being an imitation of those two established authors. Although, I guess, both things could be true. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this story for what it is. PERFECT ROOMMATES You don't always...

2 years ago
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Perfect Girlfriend Juice Ch 03 Part 1

by Fidget Chapter 3: Perfect Secretary (Part 1) Alani burst out of her boss's office, trying to hold back tears after seeing just how angry Jack had been. She knew that it was entirely deserved - she'd double-booked him for a meeting again, only a few days after having already made the exact same mistake, but this time it was with their two most important clients, and Alani knew how unorganized it made him seem. And this was only the latest in a long line of similar gaffes going all the...

3 years ago
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SRU If the Suit Fits

SRU: If the Suit Fits by Bill Hart Only a single second remained on the game clock at the championship game of the church league basketball tournament. The crowd fell silent as Justin Stevens, fouled moments earlier, took his place at the free throw line with an opportunity to win the game. Justin, awarded three shots to make two, needed to sink at least one of the free throws to tie the game and force it into overtime. But if he could somehow sink two of them, his team would...

2 years ago
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Friends With Benefits

The whole concept of Friends With Benefits can be a little controversial, depending on who you ask. There are dudes out there who claim it never works out, that there are always strings attached, no matter what she says. I’ve had my share of supposedly casual hookups that went sideways when the babes got jealous, but it doesn’t always go that way. In my experience, things tend to work out best when you’re really up front about what you want. These days, you don’t have to be looking for a...

Hookup Sites
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Perfect Girlfriend Juice Ch 03 Part 2

by Fidget Chapter 3: Perfect Secretary (Part 2) Alani continued to carry out her secretarial tasks with perfect efficiency, a picture of professionalism with just the right amount of subtle sex appeal in her practiced, elegant movements. A casual onlooker wouldn't think twice about the scene, except perhaps to appreciate the softly swelling curves shown off to perfection by Alani's tastefully revealing blouse and skirt, and they certainly wouldn't have any reason to suspect that a perfect...

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