If The Shoe Fits free porn video

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"If The Shoe Fits Wear It" By Keri R. A successful chemical engineer suffers a sexual obsession that is ruining his marriage to a beautiful and dedicated wife. His wife, desperate for change, finally agrees with his unconventional solution. Both will emerge with a new perspective on sexual liberation. **************************** At only 30, Bob had all the trappings of success. He was a senior chemical engineer of a leading biotech company. His salary allowed he and his wife to buy the best of everything, to live the good life, to travel the world and live in an impressive estate in the city's most affluent subdivision. His wife was the envy of every guy Bob knew. At 5'9" and 115 pounds, Beth was blessed with an athletically lean yet incredibly curvaceous figure, highlighted by wind swept blonde locks and baby blue eyes. She had brains, and beauty matched only by the compassion and love she reserved for her husband of 5 years. Bob contemplated these things as he left the office, deep in thought as he trudged to his car. He carried guilt. Guilt at having pushed Beth too far. Shame over playing out his fantasies in the bedroom one too many times. He sighed remembering how much Beth wanted only to please him. She was great in bed. But she would deny him every time he begged her to fulfill his deepest need. Bob wanted Beth to take on a lover. The thought made him rigid, even now. At first the strange request saddened her. She had no desires for another man. Bob's compulsion confused her. "Aren't we in love?" she queried him many times. What could Bob say? Beth's anxiety eventually led to anger. She said an affair would be a betrayal of their wedding vows. That it would make a mockery of the marriage. She defiantly refused his unrelenting pleas. Bob was obsessed with his vision: his beautiful Beth in the throes of lovemaking with another man. A true stud. A real man. Bob's manhood grew hard at the thought of his wife moaning in orgasm, her legs jubilantly splayed under the powerful torso of a newfound lover. And now, despite everything he had, Bob longed for something to satisfy his insatiable sexual craving. He was desperate and ashamed. Getting into his car and starting the engine, Bob carefully set a glass vile on the passenger seat. Months of experimentation would at last pay off. Tonight would be the night Bob's obsessions would be resolved. Bob would never again torment his wife. Moving down the road he struggled to keep his attention on the road and off his throbbing erection. Candlelight dinner and a big kiss from Beth greeted Bob. She had waited a long time for Bob to put aside his quirky sexual fantasies and after months of work, tonight he promised her, the issue would be resolved. Both Bob and his wife would be able to move on and put this disruption behind them. Beth was concerned about the manner in which this was all going to happen. And she was still reluctant to agree to Bob's idea. After years of frustration, tonight she would resign herself to trying what Bob had developed as a solution to their problems. Pulling the glass vile from his coat pocket, Bob carefully began to pour its contents into Beth's wineglass as she looked on with mixed feelings. "Are you sure about this, Bob?" He remained intent on the liquid as if in a trance. "I mean really sure. From what you've told me, there's no turning back once I drink that concoction of yours." Watching the last bit of viscous, gold liquid drip into his wife's wineglass, Bob turned his attention back to his wife. "That's the best news Beth, I was able to engineer a chemical fail-safe for this mixture." Beth's usually bright disposition became increasingly wary and noticeably troubled. "What do you mean by a chemical fail-safe?" Blushing a bit, Bob deliberated before responding. "You see Beth, the entire solution can only be activated by ..." Bob half chuckled and looked away momentarily. "By my own sexual arousal." Beth's eyes stared on wide-eyed and disbelieving. "You mean by your own erection!" "That's right, Beth." Only my erection can activate the changes. And if I lose my sexual response before the process is complete about a 15-minute window then the solution completely loses its potency. That's the fail-safe." "It's hard to believe, honey. Are you sure it'll work?" "Sure as I'll ever be, he reaffirmed as he held his glass for a toast. "To us and our new life." Beth began to show signs of relief. A radiant, coast to coast smile returned to her face. "To us." They finished their glasses never breaking eye contact with each other. After dinner, Bob hastened Beth to the bedroom. Quickly Bob stripped out of his clothing and stood motionless in the middle of the room. Beth looked on with a wry smile not so much at his nakedness, but at his proud and saluting manhood, which thrust uncompromisingly into the air. "The irony of it all," she mused to herself. "Well, you certainly seem to want this, honey," she finally stated. "I've waited a long time for this Beth. And you have to help me. I can't suffer another day this way." Beth looked on with sympathy. She was well aware of his conflicts, but until tonight, she never believed Bob would really dare to go so far. Fantasy was supposed to be just that --fantasy. Remembering his long nights at the office, struggling for a solution, she knew this was all for the better. Beth was ready to see this through to the end for her man, and now, finally, for herself. She smiled at the new reality that awaited her. There was no need to share her secret with Bob. He'd find out soon enough. It would probably even get him more excited! Right now, she wanted him to savor his last remaining moments of manhood. Unashamed after months of prodding by her quirky, yet lovable husband she threw caution to the wind. Beth could wait no longer for both of them to realize their dreams. Slowly she moved closer to him. He stood motionless, the sweat of fear and excitement beading on his forehead. "This was the only way," he reasoned as Beth drew closer. He prayed he was right. Then in an instant Beth leaned forward and kissed him. Not with a kiss of passion but almost as if trying to avoid a deadly contagion. Just as quickly she retreated to the bed to sit and watch like a spectator-- from a safe distance. Bob remained motionless, a smile of longing on his face. His throbbing member still jutting straight ahead, full of lust for what was to come. Then it began, slowly at first, like the sun rising on a new day. Bob's skin began to break out all over his body. It wrinkled and cracked in beautiful random patterns across his body. He was transfixed as the mosaic worked its way from his feet to his chest, spreading out over his arms. Next, his skin color began to turn like a ripe leaf in fall, from its normal pale, white to a vibrant, harvest gold. His skin took on a sheen that reflected light in every direction. He admired that it looked as smooth and shiny as glass. Beth noticed Bob's legs slowly fusing together, merging just below his straining manhood which was now thrust out defiantly in its new color and texture, more magnificently than before. As his legs finished fusing together his feet were swiftly absorbed into one. Although Bob was struggling to maintain his balance with one leg, he was enthralled by the changes. Beth stared on in amazement at the effects of her husband's wonder drug. "It really is going like you planned, isn't it honey?" Bob's attention momentarily returned to his disbelieving wife. "Oh, Beth, yesss. This is better than I could have ever imagined. 'I'm so horny, I can't believe it." Bob was in ecstasy. Every fiber of his being tingled in sexual delight. "But it looks like it'll be over rather quickly, won't it?" She pouted on his behalf, taking on the role of cheerleader. "Too bad you couldn't enjoy your hard-on a little longer," she feigned. "Pre-cum was starting to drip from Bob's unbridled phallus. Even Beth was feeling her own moistness, but for an entirely different reason. "Oh, Bob, I'm so glad you're finding peace at last. That this is making you happy really happy." At that moment, Bob's newly fused legs turned bright chrome metallic -- tapering into a beautiful sexy short stud. Atop the stud, his newly fused single leg began to reshape itself, as thin as a matchstick at the bottom while flaring out ever so slightly as it worked its way up his leg. Moving its way up Bob's slenderized golden leg, it flared gently as it reached his throbbing cock and then in a second consumed the organ, claiming it as part of Bob's newly defined shape. He let out a primal groan of sexual lust and abandon. Continuing its burn up Bob's torso to the waist, the chemical reaction flared his waist into a cup shape although a very tiny one -- reshaping it into a thin semi-circle. Soon Bob felt his upper torso being absorbed into his new identity. He was melting toward his mid-section. The swiftness with which the chemical acted on Bob's body brought him back to reality in a start. Panic swept his face realizing he could no longer feel his most prized possession. His penis had been taken, and with it, lust for his prized fantasy. Almost on cue, Beth stood up from the bed and walked to where her husband teetered precariously on his new shiny, patent gold leg, his face awash in panic. "My poor, Robert, it doesn't appear fantasy boy is having fun in his new world." Beth continued to move closer to Bob, poised to give him the final kiss that would seal his fate and his fantasy. "It's time to fulfill your end of the promise, Bob." I've kept mine, now you keep yours." Although he was now incapable of moving away, swaying precariously on his newly shaped, long and tapered leg, he moved his face to avoid her kiss and panted with half fear-half excitement. "Sorry Beth, but I can't. This is craziness. I realize that now." Beth flashed a turbulent look of betrayal. "You're sorry! Five years of listening to your sadistic fantasies and now you want me to forget it all. Well, you finally won, Bob. You got me to buy into what you've wanted." She smiled. "Now I want it, too." As she lunged toward her helpless husband, desperate to plant a final kiss that would seal his fate and assure her freedom. In desperation, Bob responded in loud and forceful tones. "Beth, remember my fail-safe?" She stopped short. "If I'm not sexually aroused, this whole process will reverse itself in 15 minutes." "So you really don't want to go through with this after all, do you?" she mocked. "No, Beth, it's just a game." He labored over his carefully chosen words. "A wonderfully erotic game, but a game. Don't you think?" Slowly Beth encircled her defenseless husband. Running her hand down her husband's sexy new, high gloss, patent leg sent tingles of delight radiating throughout Bob's new body. His face started to glaze over, entranced by his own erotic euphoria. "I see you can still get excited, even without that worthless male meat of yours." This was the first time Bob had ever heard his dear Beth so spiteful and unloving. So mean and cold hearted. "But how can you say that dear?" "How?" She teased. "After listening to your warped desires night after night, year after year. You -- my husband -- wanting to share me with other men like some kind of whore. After putting up with your perverse ways of lovemaking. After selling out my sexuality just so I could raise the stock of your male libido. That's how!" Bob knew this fantasy had gone too far. It was no longer a game at all for Beth. He knew this was his moment of truth. There was no way out. Overwhelmed and with great fear, he finally surrendered to his fate his last fleeting moments of manhood. After all, he reasoned, the moment he had yearned for in fantasy was about to become real. Why not go out in a blaze of erotic glory as he had always dreamed! Lost in his own thoughts, Bob was brought back quickly by the most intense, feelings he had ever known. Looking down, he saw Beth, gently rubbing the length of his new shaft. "My god, it's like my entire leg is going to erupt." He shuddered in delight. "Don't you mean stiletto, dear. Your legs really look much better as stiletto heels, you know." Bob would've shot his load at that comment, but he was no longer capable of doing anything more than feeling the incredible sensations emanating with Beth's every heavenly stroke. He desperately wanted to move up and down in rhythm with her hand but could no longer do so. Beth once again looked expectantly into Bob's glazed eyes. "That's my baby. Feeling like you're about to cum I'll bet", she giggled. "Yes, Beth, yessss." He moaned, knowing the end was imminent. "Then do you want me to continue?" "Please. Yes...yes, oh, yes. Go on. Now." Bob was uncontrollably lost in his sexual fervor. "And you know what one more kiss from me will do to you." Beth coaxed while continuing to gently stroke the length of Bob's new, sexy long stiletto shaft. "Ah-huh," Bob moaned, as if in another world. "And?" With a pleading smile he barely uttered, "Kiss me. Finish me darling." "Kiss me what, Bob?" she teased, wanting him to beg for his own perverse deliverance from humanity. "Please -- please kiss me Beth." He was delirious with sexual frenzy and joyfully awaited his fate. Bob was lost deep in the throes of his own passion. Wasting no more time Beth moved to his head and softly kissed his lips. She smiled knowing it would be their last. Quickly Bob's entire face was consumed in the same crinkled lines, a lovely gold mosaic. He tried to keep his eyes fixed on the lovely site of his wife, but they were soon gone, absorbed by the rest of the material which swept up from his torso and engulfed him. Suddenly he could feel his head falling as if down a long slide until it came to rest just short of the floor. His head contorted until his forehead pushed out to a severe point. The top of his head recessed and extended itself. His arms fell too, along either side of the long shaft until they met Bob's now triangular shaped head just before the floor. They then fused with the head moving back up from the floor to the top of the shaft to create two side panels. Finally his two hands moved up in an arch from their sides, clasping each other forever in the middle to create a shiny new gold strap. Then like a cell dividing itself, the sexy new shoe gave birth to yet another clone. Beth looked down at the floor in delight. Bob was now a very sexy 6" pair of gold snakeskin stiletto heels. And they'd look perfect on her. Just then the doorbell rang. "Probably Joe," she thought as she quickly stepped into her new heels, fastening the ankle straps securely. As they walked down the hall to greet her new lover, the sound of her sexy stilettos echoing against the floor, she spoke out one last time to her husband, who she now wore admiringly on her feet. "Well, I hope you're happy now, Bob." You've never looked so good," she giggled. "Like they say if the shoe fits wear it." Delightfully carefree, she flung her hair back and skipped faster to the front door, her heart racing. "Besides, Bob, you always wanted me to take a lover. And now you can be right there to experience real sex with me." Beth opened the door and threw her arms around her new man, Joe. "God he's sexy," she thought as she reached up to kiss him, stretching high atop her new gold heels. Joe proceeded to sweep her off her feet and carry her to the bedroom. Over the next few hours he would fuck her in positions she had only dreamed about, bringing her from one frenzied orgasm to the next, writing their own Kamasutra. She savored the steel blue of his wanton eyes. Finally she would have a real man--a stud. It was an exhilarating new change for her. She began to tear off her clothes in heated anticipation of passionate sex. Beth didn't even pay attention as she kicked her new heels off, landing helter-skelter in the dark closet. Bob was so excited he hardly felt the pain.

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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 5 Down to Earth

WAAF Sergeant Margaret Livings and my assistant Mary Jones appeared to have become firm friends by the time we reached the railway halt for our return journey. There was only a period of five minutes before the next train, there being no waiting room at the tiny halt, so we remained sheltering in the unheated car while the chilly driven rain beat down on us, until we could see the plume of smoke that heralded the imminent arrival of the tiny engine pulling its two mean and grubby carriages...

2 years ago
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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 6 A Pompous Penguin

IT WAS quite late when we reached Liverpool Street station and I knew that by the time I got home to Mile End I would miss Mrs McPherson’s evening meal, yet again. It was Thursday, which meant cold cuts and home-made pickles with watery mashed potatoes, made with margarine instead of butter under war-time rationing, followed by something like tinned peaches and Bird’s powdered custard made with water rather than milk. It wasn’t much of a meal to miss, even though I was quite hungry. Miss...

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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 7 To Dine Is to Dream

“HOW did we meet?” Mary repeated my question, after the debris of the starting course, which was an acceptable brown Windsor soup, had been removed and while we waited unhurriedly for the main course. We were sat at a table against a corner of the restaurant, in front of blackout curtains, which appeared to cover not just the windows, but lined the walls completely all around the room. There were wide spaces between the occupied tables, so here we were quite private and free to talk...

1 year ago
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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 8 To Dance to Reality

AS WE started to rise to leave the dining room, a waiter immediately came over and told us with a whisper that a bombing raid was imminent, the air raid warnings had been sounded above ground and we wouldn’t be allowed to go upstairs to our rooms. I hadn’t realised until that point that the restaurant had been relocated in a basement. That is the problem with these lifts, I didn’t notice the number of floors we took going down. My excuse is that I was blinded by my ‘date’. Then I realised...

3 years ago
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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 9 Life Before Mary

“I JOINED the Metropolitan Police as a temporary officer helping typing up policeman’s reports, bagging and processing Crown evidence,” I said to Mary after the all-clear sirens had sounded and guests were permitted to return to their rooms or suites for the remainder of the night. We had changed into our bed wear and donned respectable dressing gowns supplied to the suite and resting in her sitting room. Mary was curled up with her legs comfortably tucked under her on a chaise langue, and I...

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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 10 Mortlake Mystery

OUR trip down to visit Gold’s gunner Petersen in Mortlake, using the iconic red London double-decker bus system, was uneventful. We had to climb upstairs of course, and Mary was fascinated to see many London landmarks she knew from history and watching films, including those shot in London. Before we departed her rooms we enjoyed a sumptuous breakfast brought up to the suite and served sizzling hot. Who knew that there was even a dining room and small kitchen in that fantastic hotel suite of...

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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 11 77 Denmark Hill

WE SAID our farewells to Petersen and headed down to catch the bus back up to Chiswick, where we would use the Underground from there. “Are you alright, Edgar?” Mary was concerned. I suppose I had gone rather quiet while Petersen discussed the different operations carried out on his leg, before the doctors finally decided to take it off. “Yes. I hadn’t had the same problems as Petersen, Mary. You know, the series of operations, the hopes first raised and then dashed each time. I was dragged...

2 years ago
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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 12 Number 77

THEY welcomed us with open arms at the estate agents. I assumed that houses and flats were hard to shift with so much uncertainty about the future and the war going against the allies quite so badly. Also, all the breadwinners of new or growing families were being conscripted, so there were fewer opportunities for families to obtain mortgages from banks or building societies. Although the bombing had caused homelessness elsewhere, the war had bypassed this little corner. We had peered...

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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 13 Breaking and Entering

OUTSIDE the estate agents’ premises I gently took Mary’s arm, fearful that she might faint. She looked close to tears. “Do you want to sit down? There’s a tea shop open over there.” She shook her head, but seemed unable to speak. “Do you still want to go to the shop and try and look at the flat next door?” She nodded. We were there in a minute or so and the mainly glass door covered in whitewash opened quickly using the key and I pushed her inside. As soon as I closed the door behind us...

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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 14 Encounter With Curly Cavenagh

MARY sat down on Gold’s bed with me to survey what we had collected from our survey of the two-and-a-half floors of the flat, it really wasn’t much at all. There was an empty trunk and two suitcases in the unfurnished bedroom up in what was once the loft; they were locked but I opened them and they were indeed empty. All we had gathered was the framed photo, of course, a diary, a pair of reading glasses and an unmarked cigarette lighter that Mary thought she recognised. “If you think I look...

3 years ago
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Shoe Salesman Chapter 2

It had been a couple of weeks since the sexy shoe sale and Jim was getting horny thinking about sex with that older woman. He was at the store when she came in and sat down. “Jim I need some shoes. I want you to pick out the sexiest pair you can.” “Oh, okay. How about some really high heels?” “Sure if you think they are sexy.” He went in back and got out a pair of 5” black stilettos with ankle straps. The sort of shoe you call “fuck me”shoes. “Here lets see how they fit.” He took...

3 years ago
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The Shoe Salesman and the Hot Mom

All good. Her dark eyes were hot today, her pony tail of her dark hair was tight and taut, revealing the glowing bright and soft skin of her neck. She looked down at her little skirt and tried to pull it over her knee a little more. It didn’t make any difference. She’s not used to wearing such a short skirt. Looking beyond her knees, she saw her bare legs and wondered if she should have worn an open-toe set of heels instead of the white heels with the covered, blunt nose that she wore...

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Patriciyas shoe story

Being a shoe fetishist I came across a sissy named Patriciya, full time trans and a little shoe hoarder. When we first met and she opened her closet, aka shoe vaultthe look and smell of used stripper heels made me hard and I made her my sissy shoe bitch. She was inexperienced, but willing to experiment, which I found hot andhotter yet, she was into heels and boots almost as much as me. I made her send me sexy pics while I was at work and even made her wear heels and a chastity during a drink...

2 years ago
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35 Year Old Mom Is Seduced By The Young Shoe Clerk

“I really need new shoes? These are falling totally apart.” I told my husband.“Why don’t you go looked for some new ones?” he said.“You are right! I hadn’t bought a new pair of shoes in two years. It is very hard to teach my aerobics class with this pair.” I said.I had the day off so I decided to go to the mall to look for some new shoes. I had figured their was several shoe stores in the mall and I was sure I would find a pair. I put on my summer dress since it was a very hot day outside and...

Quickie Sex
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Melissa Shoe Store Owner

Melissa: Shoe Store Owner I've been stuck in my boy clothes all week, working long hours. But I have also been planning my weekend excursion. I have found out about a shoe store in a mall across town that carries large sizes. I have been looking forward all week to Saturday to turn Melissa loose. I had to work Saturday as well, but I made my escape by 3. Home, shower and shave my legs and face. Already I felt like a new woman. First I painted my toenails a bright red. Then I pulled...

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One Two Buckle My Shoe

….one two buckle my shoe…. Bowed and bent, in constant genuflection before women, was not a man's naturalstate. Having spent so much of the day compressed like a caryatid, his back bentor buckled, so often on his knees as he forced fat feet into shoes which womenwould insist on having a size too small, Steve felt like some kind of PrinceCharming... but with only ugly sisters to attend to. His back ached through having to bow low over these vain obese women, hislegs were stiff from his...

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Shoe shopping with Mom

Shoe Shopping with MomSue, 43 years, housewife and motherMary, 69 years, pensioner, mother, grandmotherIt was a hot summer day in july and Sue gets visited by her mom. It was at the end of the month, and Sue was a little bit pissed off,because it was summer and hot outside, but she didn’t have some money to buy open shoes that she wanted all the time.She told her mom that she would like to have some flat and open shoes but that she don’t have the money.Her mom deiced, to go with her to the city...

3 years ago
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Shoe shopping with Mom

Shoe Shopping with MomSue, 43 years, housewife and motherMary, 69 years, pensioner, mother, grandmotherIt was a hot summer day in july and Sue gets visited by her mom. It was at the end of the month, and Sue was a little bit pissed off,because it was summer and hot outside, but she didn’t have some money to buy open shoes that she wanted all the time.She told her mom that she would like to have some flat and open shoes but that she don’t have the money.Her mom deiced, to go with her to the city...

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Aunt Cassies Taboo Urges Vol I Aunt Cassies Shoe

I reached my hand down under the covers, finding a wet spot right where the blanket had been lying against me. I ran a finger through my slit, pulling out a small, sticky white glob. Bryan stirred next to me on the bed, and I briefly considered rousing him for round two, though I ultimately decided against it and committed instead to double-clicking my own mouse. Still, my thoughts still drifted to the young man who was lying asleep next to me. I thought of the way his fingers squeezed my...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Kryssi the Bimbo Watches Porn and Goes Shoe Shopping

Hiya everyone, did you miss me? Like, so much has happened in the past few weeks that my head is buzzing. Before you worry, Matt and I are, like, totally OK; and people still think I’m that Bimbo Baggins character. But so many cool and fun things have happened to me that if I don’t talk about it I’ll explode.To start with my old boss at the restaurant told me that he couldn’t let me work there anymore. I had no idea that his wife was his boss! You see, what had happened was that I was going...

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The shoe store

She was starting a new job Monday and was very excited. She would no longer be a waitress for minimum wage and her college education was finally going to pay off. Her new company gave her a bonus for signing on with them and she had spent it on a new wardrobe for work.She only had one more stop and that was to buy new shoes for work. The company was very specific that skirts and high heels were mandatory for all managers. She was going to be a manager, high heels would be fine with her.She...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site Motherless.com? You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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SHOE STORE SEXPERIENCE-my firstAfter graduating from a rural High School, I worked for my uncle at his shoe store in the city. I needed a summer job to pay for university so it was an ideal fit. Since I was 18, and not a minor, he could leave the store for me to run. He liked to golf and if it was a nice day, he would leave when the urge hit him and I would not see him until the next day. I enjoyed working in the store. It wasn't so much the selling of shoes that got me all hard and excited as...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on motherless.com likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites

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