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Perfection part 1 of 3 By Morpheus Dr. Gretchen McDermott carefully took off her thick glasses and set them down, rubbing at her weary eyes with the back of her hands. With a loud yawn, she stood up and stretched her aching body before once again donning her glasses and staring into the microscope before her. She smiled faintly as she examined the results. Feeling a surge of triumph, she hoped that this would be it. That all her years of research and hard work would finally pay off. At 38 years old, Gretchen was longer a young beauty, though in fact she had never been one. Actually, with the dull brown hair, streaked with gray pulled into a severe bun, and the white labcoat, she gave off an air of professionalism. And of arrogance. Physically she was not impressive and never had been. She stood at 5 foot 1, had slightly pockmarked skin on her face, the last remnants of extreme acne from her adolescence. She was nearly flat chested, though was also overweight, giving her a pearlike shape. Add to that the thick glasses she had to wear, and she was definitely no beauty. Her mind on the other hand was as sharp as a razor blade. Gretchen was a genius, tormented her whole life with the realization that though she was superior to everyone else because of her perfect mind, she never received the adulation she felt was her due. In fact, she felt cheated that fate had chosen to give her such a perfect mind while leaving her with what she thought of as a substandard body. She furiously remembered back to when she was a teenager, and how the boys from her class would flock to her younger sister, paying her no attention at all, in spite of her brilliance. The cruelty of fate had struck her hard. It was that very cruelty that had driven Gretchen for most of her life. She knew that she had a perfect mind and had refused to humbly accept the cruel dictates of fate. Instead, she would use her superior mind to correct what she viewed as natures mistake. To correct the foul whim's of nature. For years she'd struggled to find a way to make the rest of herself just as perfect as her mind. And now she believed that she'd found it. After years of careful research, Gretchen believed that nano-technology was the solution. She's spent years working on it, putting every ounce of her brilliance into her work. Smirking, she thought how stupid her employers were, thinking that she would share her work with them. No, she worked purely for herself, only feeding them crumbs occasionally so as to keep the funding available. They had no idea just how far she'd come with her work. Smiling to herself, Gretchen once again double checked the nanites to make sure that they were working as expected. Finally, she decided, the time was right. Yawning again, Gretchen shook her head and forced herself to stay awake. Carefully she started reprogramming the nanites with the details. She'd long ago decided exactly what she'd wanted, and had taken great care in designing her new body. Now at last, she knew that her body would be just as perfect as her mind. Her inherent superiority would be clearly visible for everyone to see and praise, instead of hidden inside of a homely shell. Once she'd finished reprogramming the nanites, Gretchen made sure that they were contained in the proper solution. She smiled as she stared at the tiny vial containing the code to unleashing her perfection. The cure to fixing nature's mistake. Now she knew, all she had to do was inject it into herself and let the nanites carry out their task. While Gretchen was staring at her work in anticipation of what was to come, she was disturbed to hear someone coming into her lab. Turning around sharply, she was disgusted to see one of the buildings janitors pushing a mop bucket into her lab. "Sorry to bother you Doctor" he said nervously as he started to mop the floor. She snorted and turned her attention away from the janitor, annoyed at the intrusion into her domain. Still, she had more important things to worry about than some stupid janitor. Hearing a loud crash, Gretchen jumped and saw several empty beakers shattered on the floor, with the janitor staring at the shattered glass and the mop in his hand's. "I'm sssorry" he apologized nervously. "IDIOT!" Gretchen snapped furiously. First this moron dared to disturb her while she was working, now he leaves glass all over her floor. The janitor hastily started trying to sweep the glass into a small pile, but leaned back against the bucket, causing dirty water to spill all over the floor as the bucket fell on it's side. "You...!!!" Gretchen glared at him, determined that this idiot wasn't going to be working here any longer. She was definitely going to see to that. Glancing back at the vial she had been working on, Gretchen knew that she wouldn't be able to get back to that for awhile. Not with that clumsy moron having to clean up his mess. Looking at him, she knew that it might take awhile and she didn't want to spent a minute more in his presence unless she absolutely had to. The janitor looked half afraid as he tried cleaning up his mess, apologizing over and over. Snarling, Gretchen decided that she'd have to finish up in the morning. She was pretty tired she knew, having been at work for 17 hours so far finalizing things. "Maybe I should take a break." she told herself as she yawned. With one final insult to the janitor, Gretchen left him there to clean up his mess while she started to head home, looking forward to some sleep. Jerry North let out a sigh of relief as that bitchy Dr. McDermott left. All the janitors knew about her, as did just about every other person who worked there. She had quite a reputation, and Jerry was glad that he didn't have to spend any more time with her than necessary. Looking down at the dirty mop water that had spread out over the floor, and the shards of glass scattered everywhere, Jerry knew that he had his work cut out for him. Sighing, he really wished he hadn't been so clumsy. It was as if everything that could possibly go wrong had been going wrong for him that day. His ex wife had announced that she was getting remarried, and that their son was being adopted by her new husband, and taking his last name. Jerry didn't know why that even bothered him since he'd never really met his son Martin anyway. Carrie, his ex, had made damn sure of that, though she certainly seemed to have no compunctions about draining him of every cent he made for alimony and child support. He'd been so busy thinking about that, he hadn't paid enough attention to what he was doing. Now he was afraid that Dr. McDermott would get him fired on top of all that. Just what he needed he thought hopelessly. At 41, Jerry's life was full of regrets. He wished that he hadn't married that bitch Carrie. That he had gone to college instead of joining the army. Or even that had managed to somehow get custody of his son. Instead, he was all alone and surviving only by a this lousy job which he was likely to lose anyway. Trying to put these thoughts out of his mind, Jerry went back to cleaning the mess that he'd made, hoping that McDermott would have forgotten about all this in the morning. Though he rather doubted it. Once Jerry had cleaned up the glass and spilled mop water, he decided that he should probably pick up the trash before mopping the rest of the floor. Walking straight towards the nearest trash can, Jerry stepped in a wet spot that he'd yet to mop up and his feet slit out from under him. Without thinking, Jerry reached out for the desk next to him to stop himself from falling, though unfortunately he couldn't get a grip and instead knocked several things from the desk onto the floor. "Shit!" Jerry said as he noticed blood on the floor, then on his palm where he'd been gashed. On the floor was a puddle of clear liquid and the remnants of yet another vial that he'd broken and cut himself on in his fall. Ignoring the burning gash on his palm, Jerry stared at the broken bottle in fear, realizing that this was the last thing he needed. Nervously Jerry put a finger into the clear liquid then held it up to his nose sniffing it. Letting out a sigh of relief, Jerry decided that it was just some distilled water that had accidentally been left out. After all, Dr. McDermott certainly wouldn't leave anything important just sitting on the counter, would she? Still, Jerry knew that he was already in enough trouble and didn't want to get in any more. After looking around for a moment, Jerry found an empty vial on a shelf that looked like the one he'd just broke. Once he'd found the bottle of distilled water in the corner, Jerry filled the vial and put a stopper on it before placing it where the other one had been on the desk. "That should do it" Jerry told himself. Then looking down at his sore and bleeding hand, Jerry knew that he had to get that bandaged up, and he certainly couldn't report how he got injured. Remembering a dust rag that he'd brought in with him, he quickly wrapped his hand up to stop the bleeding, then he quickly went to work cleaning up his latest mess. Several hours later, Jerry got off work and went home, barely remembering to put a real bandage on his hand before going to bed. At least, he noticed while cleaning the cut and changed the bandage, that it had stopped bleeding for the moment. The next day, Jerry pulled himself out of bed with great effort. Even though he'd slept for 9 hours, he still felt horribly exhausted for some reason. And sore. Every muscle in Jerry's body ached as though he'd been forced through the knothole of a board. Or worse. Slowly stumbling into his kitchen, Jerry muttered to himself, "Just what I need. The fucking flu on top of everything else." Jerry couldn't remember ever being hit quite so hard by the flu and he desperately wished that it would go away. In spite of feeling sick, Jerry also felt hungry. Ravenously so. Going to the kitchen, he cooked himself a huge omelet, though he normally never bothered with breakfast. When it was finished, Jerry wolfed it down, amazed to find that he was still hungry afterwards. Before he could find something else to satisfy his appetite, the phone started ringing. With a nervous apprehension, Jerry answered it "Hello?" "Mr. North?" a voice asked from the other end. Jerry said that he was, only to have the voice continue "I'm sorry to tell you this, but your employment with us has been terminated. You can come over tomorrow and pick up your severance pay." Jerry hesitated for a moment, then said "Thank you." before hanging up. "That bitch got me fired." he muttered to himself, already having suspected that she would. He couldn't even get angry at that, which vaguely surprised Jerry. Sighing, Jerry resolved to go out looking for another job as soon as the flu passed. It wasn't like he couldn't find a better job than that one if he at least looked. At least he hoped he could. Suddenly remembering his hunger, Jerry went back to searching the kitchen for food. Once he'd managed to fill his stomach, Jerry yawned, realizing that without the gnawing in his stomach to distract him, his tiredness was now demanding attention. The exhaustion seemed to get even stronger and Jerry only barely managed to make it back into his bed before sleep claimed him again. Walking into her lab, Gretchen glanced quickly at the floor, seeing that the stupid janitor from the night before had at least cleaned up after himself. She chuckled to herself as she thought about how he'd react to being fired. It certainly hadn't been difficult to arrange it either. Pushing the thought of the janitor out of her mind, Gretchen quickly went to her workbench, noticing at once the vial that she'd left out the night before. She cursed herself for forgetting about it even for a moment, but then she knew that she had a tendency to leave things out. She was usually too occupied with more important things to bother with such trivialities. Still, this one time left her annoyed at herself, though only briefly as she pushed it out of her mind. Smiling, Gretchen picked the vial up from where she'd left it and held it up to her eye to stare at for a moment. Knowing that being left out overnight wouldn't hurt her little treasure, Gretchen reached for a syringe and filled it with her serum. "That should do it" she mused to herself, ignoring the brief pain as she injected it into her arm. Smirking to herself, Gretchen knew that soon she would have the body she truly deserved. Glancing back at the tiny amount of fluid left in the vial, Gretchen knew that she couldn't leave such a thing around for others to find. NO, her discovery was hers alone and she refused to share it with anyone. Confident that nanites would work, Gretchen didn't wait for them to finish their work. Instead, she decided that she had to get rid of the evidence immediately, because once she had finished changing and everyone knew about her discovery, it would be too late. Without hesitating, Gretchen threw the vial into the incinerator, then erased all of her notes from the computer. Once she had finished cleaning up, Gretchen looked around, satisfied that she hadn't missed anything. Now no one would be able to steal her work after they saw the glorious results. No one could copy the process which would give her a perfect body to match her perfect mind. It would be hers and hers alone. Taking one final look around, Gretchen left work early, wanting to be in the privacy of her own home when the first signs appeared. She eagerly awaited them. Jerry woke up after another long period of sleep, once again finding his whole body aching. He felt wrong all over for some reason, but couldn't quite place just what was. Being too hungry to examine himself, Jerry scratched at his swollen and sore chest while he fixed himself another large omelet. He knew that at this rate, he'd empty his kitchen before long and would have to go out shopping. That was something he certainly didn't want to do while feeling sick, but he just felt so hungry that he had to eat. After Jerry had finished eating, he leaned back at the table, once again amazed at just how much he had eaten. At this rate, he knew that he wouldn't be able to last without a job for very long at all. "Damn it's hot" Jerry complained to himself, realizing suddenly that his home wasn't hot, he was. He had a fever. Wincing as a massive cramp ran through his insides, Jerry knew that his flu was getting worse instead of better. As the cramp slowly subsided, Jerry decided that if he didn't start getting better soon, he'd have to go to the hospital. Like he could really afford that, he snorted to himself Getting up, Jerry was hit by a wave of nausea, but held himself against the chair until he caught his balance again. Something was definitely wrong with him, and he was beginning to suspect that it was more than just the flu. A lot more. Before Jerry could think about it much more, he was hit by a bout of diarrhea and had to run to the bathroom, not quite making it in time. Jerry eventually finished in the bathroom and managed to clean himself off, but he was disturbed to have noticed that all the hair on his arms and legs were gone. He noticed that his waist was thinner too, and was afraid that he had some sort of cancer that was eating away at him. The very thought of that made him shudder. Slowly Jerry made his way back to the bedroom, already feeling the severe drowsiness returning and knowing that he wouldn't be able to stay awake for much longer. Gretchen stared impatiently at her clock. It had already been hours since she'd injected herself, and she still wasn't showing any signs of her nanites working. Something was wrong and Gretchen didn't know what. She hadn't been able to test her work on another human without giving it away, but she knew that she hadn't made any mistakes. She was far too brilliant for that, she knew. Therefore the answer must be somewhere else. Sitting down, Gretchen wondered if maybe she shouldn't have dumped her notes and the sample just yet. Unfortunately, it was too late to do anything about that now. Sighing, Gretchen told herself to be patient. That the nanites were just working slower than she had expected. With that in mind, Gretchen took several sleeping pills and went to bed, sure that by the time she woke up she would have the body she deserved. Slowly opening his eyes, Jerry woke up again. This time though, instead of the feeling of exhaustion that he had been waking up with, he realized that he felt refreshed, though very odd for some reason. His whole body tingled for one thing, and just felt strange to him. Sitting up, Jerry realized that he felt hungry, though not starving like he had been. Apparently the flu, or whatever he'd had was gone now. Still, Jerry knew that something was wrong with him, though he couldn't place exactly what that was. At least not until he looked down and gasped in surprise to see a pair of rather generous female breasts pushing out from his chest. "What the hell?!!" Jerry asked aloud, reaching for them with his hands, shocked both by the sultry feminine voice that came out of his mouth, and by the very feminine hands with the long nails that held his breasts. Jumping out of bed, Jerry nearly fell over, finding that his entire sense of balance was way off. His hips felt so wide and he felt so top heavy. Horribly confused, Jerry stared down at his naked body, seeing that without a doubt it was female. And from what he could see, a very attractive one. Instinctively reaching between his legs, Jerry was not surprised to find his penis and testicles missing, though he was stunned by it. Instead, one of his fingers found a gentle mound with a moist slit, making him pull his hand away as if he'd touched a burning coal. "My God!" Jerry said, still too much in shock to think of anything else. "This must be some kind of dream." he halfheartedly tried telling himself as he walked to the bathroom. With every step he was hit with the knowledge that he was not right. His entire sense of balance was of. His hips were too wide, his top was too heavy and jiggled annoyingly with every step, and his legs seemed too long. However, in spite of how strange he felt, Jerry made it to the bathroom with no problems. Turning to face himself in the mirror, Jerry suddenly gasped and his jaw dropped in amazement. In front of him was the image of the most gorgeous woman that he'd ever seen. She seemed to be in her early to mid twenties, had long wavy blonde hair, deep blue eyes and full kissable lips. That didn't even mention her figure. She had a body that any Playboy centerfold would be envious of. Two very generous and pert breasts, that managed to keep from being too large and seemed almost impossibly firm for their size. "Wow" Jerry mouthed as he eyed the very slender waist and the long shapely legs. The sight of such a gorgeous woman drove away any approaching feelings of horror, leaving instead complete amazement and awe. Eventually Jerry pulled himself away from the mirror, still not able to believe that it was him. That the unbelievably gorgeous and sexy woman was really him. Curiously he ran his hands over his body, verifying that it was indeed real. That it was indeed his body that he'd seen in the mirror. It still didn't seem possible thought. Not in the least. Hearing a slight growl coming from his stomach, Jerry decided that he could think more about what happened to him while eating. Pouring himself a bowl of cereal, Jerry was glad that he wasn't nearly as hungry as he had been earlier. In fact, he was certain that the cereal would be enough to satisfy him. While holding the spoon, Jerry frowned, finding that his now longer fingernails were getting in the way some, making it more difficult to do a simple task like eating with a spoon. Sighing, Jerry decided that just being slow and careful would work for now. Finishing up his breakfast, Jerry went back to his bedroom and sat down on his bed, nervously looking over his body. It felt so strange, but at the same time not nearly as much so as he would have expected. While examining himself, Jerry couldn't help wondering what the hell had happened to him. What had caused him to suddenly change into a woman. He didn't have any idea, but he knew he had to find out. When Jerry ran a finger over one of his nipples, he suddenly gasped, surprised at just how sensitive it felt compared to normally. Gently rubbing his nipples, they both started to harden and Jerry thought that they felt sort of like tiny penises. Like little erections on his chest. "Definitely odd" he muttered to himself, amazed at how strange it felt. Jerry was embarrassed to realize that his crotch was tingling as well. Nervously he touched a finger to his vagina, amazed to find that it was wet and very sensitive. Overcome with curiosity, Jerry started rubbing it, feeling a pleasurable tension starting to rise. Smiling to himself, Jerry was amazed at how good it felt, and resolved to see what a woman's orgasm felt like while he had a chance. Continuing to rub one of his breasts with one hand and his groin with the other, Jerry moaned slightly as he masturbated. He could feel the tension in his vagina rising, and though he was tempted to slide a finger into his slit, the thought of his long fingernails scratching him kept him from doing so. Finally Jerry came, biting his lower lip as he suddenly started spasming in an intense orgasm. "God" he muttered to himself after it had subsided and he laid on his back gasping for breath, "That was amazing." When the pleasant afterglow had faded, Jerry got back up, feeling a familiar pressure in his bladder. Returning to the bathroom, he had to remind himself to sit down to pee, feeling embarrassed as he did so. As the urine sprayed out from between his legs, Jerry felt the usual relief, though it felt a little different having it tinkle out instead of coming out in the usual stream. After wiping himself dry, and feeling extremely strange doing so, Jerry looked at his still naked body in the mirror again. Feeling rather nervous and embarrassed, Jerry smiled at himself and making his heart nearly stop as he did so. That smile was devastatingly sexy. It was then that he noticed that all of his teeth seemed to be all perfect. None of them out of place or with the gaps that he used to have. The only word that Jerry could think of that fit was perfect. Just like the rest of his new body. Perfect for a woman at least. Staring at the stranger's face in the mirror, Jerry was amazed at just how beautiful it was. How sexy. But somehow, even though it was the most gorgeous face that he could remember seeing, it wasn't a bimbo's face. Something about it, something too subtle for Jerry to quite grasp also made it also look mature. Intelligent. Jerry shook his head and turned away, glancing at his medicine cabinet. He frowned as something gnawed at the edges of his mind, demanding attention. Then he knew what it was. The knobs on the medicine cabinet were normally eye level with him, and they almost still were. But he was looking down just a little bit. Jerry looked at his very long legs, realizing that he was a little taller than normal. Instead of his normal 5 foot 8, he guessed himself to be maybe 5 foot 10. "Wow" Jerry gasped, turning and leaving the bathroom. Slowly walking around his small apartment, Jerry tried getting used to his new balance, slightly surprised at how light he felt. And in spite of the unfamiliar balance, how graceful. What the hell had happened to him, he wondered, thinking about what had just happened. Glancing down at his naked body, he knew that most of his clothes, if not all of them wouldn't fit him anymore. Sighing, he wondered how he could get outside then to even get new clothes. Pushing that thought aside for later consideration, Jerry decided to deal with things one moment at a time. Still, he couldn't stop wondering what had caused him to suddenly change. Glancing over his body for clues, Jerry stopped at his palm. The gash from where he'd been cut was missing. Not even a scar. Staring at his palm, Jerry suddenly felt stupid. Obviously something at that lab had done this to him. What else could it have been? Frowning, Jerry wondered if they could reverse it, or even if they'd bother. Though it could have been something in any of the labs that he'd cleaned, Jerry had a strong suspicion that McDermott's was the most likely. "That's the last thing I need" Jerry muttered to himself, hating the idea of having to go crawling to that bitch and begging for her help. Since that idea didn't appeal to Jerry, he decided to see if there was anything else he could do first. After all, he told himself hopefully, maybe McDermott didn't have anything to do with it. He had nothing really to say she did except a vague suspicion and he wasn't about to go risking complete humiliation for just a vague suspicion. At least not until he'd checked every other possibility first. Sighing, Jerry ran his hands slowly over his body, shaking his head at the strange and unfamiliar way it curved. Though it was definitely different, and in some ways uncomfortable, Jerry wasn't nearly as horrified with having changed as he would have expected. Chuckling to himself, he wondered if maybe it was just because he became 20 years younger. He certainly felt more energetic and healthy than he could ever remember feeling, and that was definitely a bonus. Knowing that he couldn't stay hidden in his apartment forever, Jerry remembered some of the garbage that Carrie had left behind when she'd moved out 6 years earlier. Stuff that she had apparently decided wasn't worth taking and that Jerry just hadn't gotten around to throwing out. Trying to remember if she'd left any clothes, Jerry went to go look, suspecting that there wouldn't be much there that would fit him even if she had left any. Gretchen was furious. She still hadn't changed any and realized that something had definitely gone wrong. When she'd tested the nanites before going home, they had seemed perfectly fine and should have worked. Though she'd never tested them on a human, she had tested minor alterations in several animals with great success. Leaving them out overnight shouldn't have harmed them or weakened the effects at all either. No, the problem was elsewhere she decided. Thinking about it, Gretchen remembered finding the vial exactly where she'd left it. Right on her workbench. In spite of leaving it out in the open, she knew that no one could have messed with it. Her lab was sealed to the rest of her colleagues, so that was out of the question. Suddenly she froze, remembering that idiot janitor. What was his name? That idiot janitor had still been in her lab after she'd gone. Those janitors had access everywhere. Clenching her hands so tight that her nails painfully dug into her palms, Gretchen forcing herself to remain calm and in control. In spite of the strong temptation to lash out, to throw things around her apartment, Gretchen refused to give in to her rage. She refused to lose her self control. She was far too intelligent for that she knew. Taking a deep breath, Gretchen thought about the janitor. No one was going to stand in the way of her lifes work. Of her finally achieving her goal. No one! Especially not some moron janitor. She didn't know what that janitor could possibly have done to ruin her project, but she was going to find out. Jerry sighed as he finished putting the clothes on, glad for once that Carrie had left behind some of her clothes. Like the very baggy sweater which was the only thing that he had which would cover his new breasts. He only wished that the clothes he had on fit better. After putting his own shoes on, Jerry was pleased that they fit him somewhat decently. A little loose, but not too much. And definitely a lot better than the rest of his clothes he decided. Absently putting a finger to his lips as was one of his habits, Jerry was struck by just how puffy they felt compared to normal. Wincing slightly, he pulled his hand away and started towards the bathroom, wondering if he looked as ridiculous in those clothes as he felt. However once he looked at the woman in the mirror (he couldn't really think of that as himself), he shook his head in amazement. Even in those ill fitting and ugly clothes, she still looked completely radiant. Glancing down at himself then back at his reflection, Jerry strongly suspected that she would look incredible no matter what she was dressed in. Shaking his head, Jerry told himself "I guess I can't stay in the apartment all day" With one final glance at his reflection, Jerry turned and left his apartment, deciding that the first order of business would probably be having to get some clothes that would at least fit until he could get back to normal. Making a quick stop at an ATM, Jerry reluctantly took out most of the money he had in his account, suspecting that neither his credit card or his checkbook would be of much use at the moment. At least not until he matched his drivers license again and he didn't know how long that would take. On the rest of the way to the store, Jerry felt extremely self conscious and embarrassed as he realized that everyone was staring at him. Not just the guys with the looks of obvious lust and adoration on their faces, but even the women as well. Several times strangers came up to him, asking Jerry if he'd like to go out with them. Each time he felt himself blush with embarrassment and mumbled a quick "No" before hurrying off as quickly as he could, hardly able to believe the attention he was attracting. Once Jerry got to the store, he had hoped that he wouldn't be noticed as much, but found that the attention hadn't gone away. Instead, there may have been even more attention focused on him. Walking into the store, Jerry tried to ignore the stares directed at him, feeling uncomfortable with them. He wasn't used to getting nearly so much attention and wasn't sure how to deal with it. A moment later, a tall dark haired sales woman came up to Jerry asking "Can I help you miss?" Jerry blushed at being called "miss" but knew that it was completely expected. "Um, yes" Jerry nervously replied, "I'm not sure..." he hesitated for a second, not sure how to put it, "I'm not sure what size of clothes I wear" he finally sputtered out in embarrassment, sure that the woman would think he was crazy. "I've just recently lost a lot of weight," he quickly added, hoping that this explanation would stall any questions. The sales woman looked at him curiously for a moment as if she didn't believe a word he'd just said, then she just smiled pleasantly and asked Jerry to follow her. The first stop was the lingerie department, which made Jerry extremely uncomfortable. He knew that he didn't belong there, but after glancing down and seeing chest protruding out, he was forced to change his mind, as much as he didn't want to. The saleswoman, whom Jerry found out was named Theresa, measured him and then had him try on a pair of panties and a bra. Jerry was humiliated at first, but in spite of himself started to have fun. Glancing at the sexy image in the mirror, he laughed and started thinking of it as playing dress up. No different than putting on a costume for Halloween. He wasn't quite sure that he believed it, but it quelled the feelings of embarrassment enough for him to enjoy himself. Jerry settled on 3 sets of bra's and panties, knowing that he might have to wear them for several days and perhaps longer if he couldn't find out what had done this to him. After turning down Theresa's grinning suggestions at several pairs of extremely frilly and sexy panties, Jerry told her that he was ready to move on to the next part of the store. She seemed a little disappointed, but kept smiling as she led Jerry to the next department. Saying goodbye to Theresa, Jerry started walking away from the store, several bags held in his arms. It was expensive and had taken most of what he'd had in savings, but Jerry was thankful that he was at least wearing clothes that fit him comfortably. Though Jerry had only bought enough clothes for several days, and had intended on only getting jeans, Theresa had somehow managed to talk him into getting a skirt as well, though he wasn't wearing it right then. He shook his head, both amused and embarrassed at how easily he had gotten carried away. Stopping for a second, Jerry glanced down at his fingernails, shaking his head again. Seeing the bright red nails, Jerry couldn't believe that Theresa had managed to talk him into going to the beauty section. At least, he told himself, Theresa had done that and the makeup for free. He couldn't bear the thought of actually paying for something like that. It felt embarrassing. But as he glanced at the nails again, Jerry couldn't help but smiling. He had to admit that they certainly did look nice. Noticing a young man staring at him, Jerry smiled at him and chuckled to himself as he saw the guy blush and look away. That was rather fun, Jerry decided. He still wasn't sure how he felt about the attention he was getting, but he did have to admit that it had its good points. Everyone certainly seemed a lot more polite to him than normal for one thing. Feeling confident in himself for some reason, and surprisingly graceful for having such an unfamiliar body, Jerry started walking back towards his apartment. Going into his bedroom, Jerry dropped his bags onto the bed, then sat down for a moment, staring at them. It just didn't seem right. Nervously touching his chest and staring at his very feminine fingers, Jerry shifted uncomfortably where he sat. Glancing down to the low heeled pumps on his feet, Jerry winced even more. He'd originally only wanted to get one pair of pants, a couple shirts and some sneakers. Just enough to last him for a couple days if need be. But somehow instead, Theresa had managed to talk him into buying more, including the pumps. "At least she didn't manage to talk me into high heels." Jerry told himself in disgust, though the thought of seeing his current body in high heels certainly did seem attractive. Trying to put those thoughts to the side for the moment, Jerry got up and went to relieve himself in the bathroom, wincing slightly as he sat down to piss. Once he'd finished up and wiped himself, Jerry was about to leave but caught sight of himself in the bathroom mirror again, gasping as he did so. He had seen his reflection back at the store when they'd put the makeup on him, but it still caught him by surprise. The girl's face in the mirror, his face, looked incredible. In spite of himself, Jerry couldn't help but wondering just how sexy the girl would look after having her hair cut and done up nicely. "Shit" he muttered suddenly, pulling himself away from the mirror, "I've really got to get back to normal soon." Jerry briefly considered going back to the labs, but winced as the thought of having to face that bitch McDermott crossed through his mind. He glanced down at his generous breasts which obscured the view of the rest of his body and thought that as uncomfortable as that weight was on his chest, he'd rather put up with it for just a little bit longer than have to deal with McDermott until he had to. "Maybe the library has something that can help me." Jerry told himself aloud hopefully, though not really quite believing it. Still, that was better than having to face the bitch. Jerry carefully set down the book in front of him, sighing as he did so. So far nothing in the library had really given him any clues, though he hadn't really expected any. Coming there was more of a gamble than anything, and a gamble that he'd lost at that. Still, Jerry grinned as he realized that he had gotten something out of the trip. He'd discovered while reading that his eyes didn't blur like normal. His vision was much better in his new body. Better than he could ever really remember having once he thought about it, though he hadn't really noticed it until then. In fact, all of his senses were much sharper than normal, which left Jerry feeling a little uncertain, but amazed as well. So much had changed so quickly and he was no longer just interested in finding out how so that he could change back, but was getting very curious as to how such a thing could be done as well. Setting yet another book aside, Jerry stared in surprise at the small pile of books that he'd already gone through, realizing for the first time just how much reading he'd covered in the time he'd been in the library. As far as he'd thought, he'd been reading just like normal, and quickly scanning through important parts. Sure he hadn't read all the way through the books, but he had spent a bit of time reading through parts of them and knew that he normally would never have gotten so much done so quickly. Or, he realized with a sudden insight, understood it all so quickly. "Oh my God." Jerry muttered fearfully to himself, wondering suddenly just what else had changed in him. "Thank you for your help" Gretchen said to the woman in front of her, forcing herself to be polite though she detested having to. Once the janitor's neighbor had closed the door, Gretchen looked towards his door again, scowling. Getting that North's address from the personnel computers had been childs play and she'd immediately gone over, only to discover that he wasn't home. She could barely contain her fury and disappointment at that, having half expected him to be there waiting for her. Having been impatient for North to return, Gretchen had started questioning his neighbors about him and when he'd be back. It annoyed her that most of those neighbors had no idea even of who she was asking about and certainly no idea of when he could be expected to return. However Gretchen knew that her questioning hadn't been all fruitless. She had found out that this North guy lived alone and stuck to himself. She grinned with the faint knowledge that he wouldn't be missed by anyone. But more importantly, one of the neighbors had described seeing a gorgeous woman leaving North's apartment earlier. A woman, whom Gretchen knew with a sick feeling, exactly matched the description of the body she'd designed for herself. Barely able to contain her anger, Gretchen knew that someone had used her work. Had stolen what was rightfully hers and used it themselves. At first Gretchen wasn't sure if it had actually been North who used it or some woman that he'd given it to, but quickly decided that it must be him. He hadn't been seen along with that woman. Somehow that perverted thief had decided to steal her work and the body that was rightfully hers. Gretchen ignored the holes in her logic, instead focusing on her anger, and her determination to retrieve what was hers. She didn't even have her nanites or notes anymore either. Gretchen knew for a fact that she could recreate her work, but that could take her months. NO, she knew that there was a much quicker way to get back what was rightfully hers, and this North would provide it. A sample of the remaining nanites in his blood would be enough for her to recreate her work in a matter of days, though she certainly didn't have any intentions of politely asking North for the blood. No, she told herself adamantly, she would take back what was hers and punish him for daring to steal from her. There was no way that she was going to let someone else have her work, especially not some moronic janitor. Though she wasn't yet sure what she was going to do to ensure her work would remain hers alone, Gretchen already knew that it wouldn't be nice. Jerry was walking back from the library, several large books cradled in his hands. He looked down at them in some embarrassment, wondering why he was checking out books when he had more important things to worry about. Still, even though he hadn't been able to find anything about what had happened to him, other than similar things in the fiction section, he did find other books that caught his attention. Books that when he started scanning through, aroused his curiosity. Jerry felt a little confused, simply because he wasn't used to getting so curious or interested in physics or anything else like that. But when he'd scanned through the book in the hopes of finding some clue to his situation, he found himself actually understanding a little of what it was explaining. Understanding some of it, and liking it. He was curious to know more. Shaking his head, Jerry shifted the books in his arms into a better position and kept walking. After walking a short distance, Jerry suddenly remembered that his kitchen was getting a little low on food since his eating binge. After hesitating for only a moment, Jerry changed his direction and started heading towards Albertsons, which was fortunately only a few blocks out of his way and back. Normally he wouldn't have wanted to walk even that short a distance, but at the moment he still felt energetic and knew that it wouldn't tire him in the least. Walking around the supermarket with his cart, Jerry realized that he was still a little short on money and would have to watch how much he spent. Glancing at the prices of the items before he put them into his cart, Jerry absently started adding the prices in his head, stopping when he got near the amount he had left. Since he had nearly everything he needed, Jerry went up from to the checkout, only realizing after his purchase was rung up that he'd added the prices in his head. Added the prices of over two dozen things, which he knew that he'd normally probably have to use a calculator to do. Shaking his head nervously, Jerry realized that the man standing behind the checkout was staring at him, reminding him yet again that he was currently in the body of a gorgeous woman. Definitely not something he was used to. The cashier was very polite to Jerry, and almost even fawning on him, which made Jerry feel a little uncomfortable. But on the other hand, it almost seemed nice at the same time. Glancing around and seeing that other people were watching him too, Jerry blushed and finished paying for his groceries. Noticing one guy in a red jacket staring at him with undisguised lust, Jerry decided that it would probably be a good idea to get out of there before someone started hitting on him. Quickly Jerry picked up the two large bags of groceries, surprising himself yet again when he realized that he had expected them to seem heavier than normal. After all, he had turned into a woman. But instead, they didn't feel any heavier than they normally would. In fact, Jerry thought that they might even seem lighter than normal, making him nervously wonder if maybe he'd gotten stronger as well. With everything else that had been happening to him he decided that he shouldn't be surprised. Trying to get out the door before the guy in the jacket came over, Jerry accidentally ran into another man. "Um, Hi." The new guy said to Jerry, staring straight at Jerry's breasts. Jerry blushed, knowing that he certainly couldn't fault the guy for looking at breasts as nice as the ones he had. He knew that he would have done just that himself. But still, it was rather annoying and Jerry wished that this guy would at least be polite enough to look at his face. Almost as if hearing Jerry's thoughts, the man started looking Jerry in the eyes, blushing slightly and apparently feeling rather embarrassed himself at having been caught being rude. "My names Nick." he said cheerfully, smiling at Jerry. "I'm Jerry" Jerry told Nick automatically, realizing at the same time that he would have held out his hand for a hand shake if he didn't have a bag in it. "Well Gerri," Nick said, "I was wondering if you'd be interested in going out with me tonight." Jerry gasped in surprise, unsure of how to get out of that situation. Though he currently looked like a gorgeous woman, he wasn't one, or at least he told himself that, and he didn't have any experience in dealing with situations like this. It certainly wasn't helped when he saw the look adulation on Nick's face. "I..." Jerry sputtered, "I.... can't." Nick tried for several minutes to convince Jerry to go out with him, and Jerry wasn't able to pull himself away. Nick was standing in his way and Jerry was beginning to worry. Suddenly another voice broke in, "There you are" the female voice said. Jerry turned and was surprised to see Theresa, the sales lady from the store standing there, obviously having just finished with work, "We've got to hurry or we'll be late." she said, gesturing for Jerry to follow. "I'm coming" Jerry exclaimed, unsure what Theresa was doing, but relieved at the save. Nick offered no interference as Jerry hurried out of the store behind Theresa. Once they were safely in the parking lot, Jerry told her "Thanks, I needed that." "No problem" Theresa replied with a grin, "You looked like you could use the help, though with your body I'd have expected you to have been more used to chasing off guys advances." Jerry just shrugged, blushing as he did so. Jerry thanked her again, saying "I appreciated it anyway." Adjusting the bags still in his hands, Jerry added, "I'd better get going if I'm going to get home." He sighed as he did so. Theresa grinned, asking "You got a husband or boyfriend at home waiting?" "Um.." Jerry said blushing again, "No. I live alone." Starting to turn to leave Theresa, Jerry heard her asking, "Where's your car at?" Jerry explained that he didn't have one and usually took a bus where he needed to go. "What?" Theresa replied, feigning horror, "You can't get around like that. How about I give you a lift home?" Jerry thanked her, gladly accepting. He was actually rather liking Theresa. She was very cute for one thing, but more importantly at the moment, she was actually treating him as a person. Most attractive women hadn't bothered with him at all before so that was different, and since he'd woken up as one, he hadn't really had much of anyone to talk to. Jerry sighed for a moment as he got into the passenger side of Theresa's car, saying "My names Jerry." without thinking. "Well Gerri," Theresa said with a grin as she started her car up, "How do you like the works from earlier now that you've had time to road test them as it were." Jerry assured her that he was very satisfied with everything from earlier, which seemed to please Theresa. Once they'd pulled out of the parking lot, Theresa started driving down the road and Jerry wasn't paying too much attention to where they were going, finding it more interesting to talk with Theresa. After a little bit, she suddenly interrupted, "Shit. I forgot to ask where you lived and started driving to my home." Jerry chuckled and told her that it was all right, pointing out though that he lived in the opposite direction. After a minute, Theresa said "Well since we're close to my place, do you mind if we stop there for a minute first so that I can drop my groceries off?" Jerry laughed, telling her that it was perfectly fine with him. "Come on in." Theresa invited, gesturing for Jerry to enter her apartment. Hesitating only for a second, Jerry went in, fairly impressed with what he saw inside. It was rather nice. Nicer than his apartment at least. While Theresa was in the kitchen, starting to put a few groceries away, Jerry felt the familiar pressure in his bladder and asked Theresa if he could use her bathroom. "Sure," she said chuckling, "It's just around the corner." and with that, she gestured to where Jerry had to go. After quickly thanking her, Jerry hurried to go relieve himself. When Jerry had finished, he came back out and saw that Theresa had apparently finished putting her groceries away and was sitting on her couch, waiting for him so that they could go, Jerry guessed. "Thanks" Jerry told her again, "I needed that." "No problem." she grinned back. After standing for a few seconds, Jerry noticed that Theresa didn't seem to be about to move, so sat down on the couch as well, shyly taking a look across at her and thinking how nice she looked. Definitely not as good as he currently looked he knew, but that didn't really matter any. She was still worth looking at. Trying to hide what he was thinking, Jerry started talking again, asking Theresa more about her job. She smiled, apparently not minding that she was the only one talking about herself. About 15 minutes after they'd started talking, Jerry suddenly remembered that he'd left his groceries in Theresa's car, but when he thought about it, he remembered that the milk was really the only thing that needed refrigerating, and sitting out there for just a bit longer certainly wouldn't hurt it. Putting those worries out of his mind for the moment, Jerry tried paying more attention to what Theresa was saying. Almost unable to help himself though, Jerry kept glancing over at Theresa's breasts and thinking how nice they looked. Though not nearly as nice as his, he had to keep reminding him with some amusement. After awhile, Jerry was slightly surprised to notice something else about Theresa. Something that left him a little confused. He noticed that every once in awhile, she was staring at his chest as well, then quickly averting her eyes in apparent embarrassment. Staring at Theresa's face, Jerry realized suddenly that there was lust visible in her eyes. "Shit" Jerry thought to himself, feeling his own nipples beginning to harden with his own arousal. Biting his lip for a second, Jerry stopped paying attention to what Theresa was saying, instead caught between his rising desire for her and his uncertainty. He was in a woman's body for Gods sake, how could he do anything with what he felt. Jerry didn't know, but that didn't stop him from wanting Theresa. Giving in, Jerry suddenly reached over, catching Theresa by surprise as he started to kiss her deeply. At first she was too startled to do anything, but when Theresa started kissing Jerry back just as passionately, his doubts started to fade. Pulling away, Jerry gasped, "I'm.....". Blushing, he wasn't certain what he was going to say. Theresa looked a little confused, but stared longingly at Jerry before holding a finger to his lips and going "Shhhh" She licked her lips nervously then said "I've only been with a girl before once." Then she giggled slightly, amending herself, "Actually I was with her twice, but that was years ago." Jerry nodded, not quite sure where this was all going to lead, but not wanting to let this opportunity slip out of his hands. Smiling to himself, Jerry bent forward to give Theresa another kiss, absently noticing the pleasurable tension building in his crotch. While still kissing, Jerry moved one of his hands to Theresa's breast, squeezing it gently and suddenly feeling his own breast being squeezed in return. When they finally pulled away from each other, they did so only to strip out of their clothes. Moments later, Jerry was completely naked and lovingly kissing an equally naked Theresa's breasts, slowly working his way towards her thighs while she sighed and moaned in pleasure. When he finally got to her moist and sweet pussy, he started licking it eagerly, enjoying the taste and Theresa's squeals of pleasure. After she orgasmed, she gasped out between breaths, "Now it's your turn." "Sure thing" Jerry replied with a deep grin on his face as they changed positions and he became the one laying down on the couch. "Mmmmm" Jerry moaned slightly as Theresa started playing with his nipples. The strong sensations coming from his chest were very unfamiliar to him, but incredibly pleasant. Closing his eyes, Jerry told himself to forget about how strange it was and just enjoy it. Jerry's strong arousal got even stronger and just as he was close to coming to an orgasm, just from his tits being played with, Theresa backed off just enough to keep him from cuming, leaving Jerry still excited. "Come on" he pleaded, but Theresa ignored him, pushing his hands out of the way when he went to start rubbing his crotch. Then as if to tease him some more, she ignored Jerry's obvious need for attention down there, and started slowly licking his stomach, making him ache even more for an orgasm. Eventually Theresa made it to Jerry's vagina and slowly played with his clit, making him gasp in pleasure and surprise. He'd never felt anything like that before. Never. Finally Jerry came in an unexpectedly intense orgasm, spasming in wave after wave of intoxicating pleasure, screaming out as he did so. "My God!" Jerry gasped out as he tried letting his breathing slow down again, amazed at the strong pleasurable warmth still filling his body. Enjoying the afterglow, Jerry sat up, staring Theresa in the face and realizing that he was still feeling horny. Definitely not like normally, when he was completely finished afterwards. Grinning broadly, Jerry asked "Ready for more?" pleased to see Theresa grinning back in agreement. After spending several fantastic hours with Theresa, Jerry finally pulled himself away and got dressed again, unable to keep from smiling. God that was fantastic, he told himself again, glancing over to where Theresa was also getting dressed. "So," Theresa suddenly asked, "Do you want to go out for dinner? I'm getting kind of hungry." Jerry sighed, "Sorry," he explained, "but I'm broke." Theresa just chuckled, saying that it would be her treat. After only a moments hesitation, Jerry agreed. So far, he'd had more fun with Theresa in the last couple hours than he'd had total in the last couple years, and he certainly didn't want to cut any of it short. After Jerry had finally gotten around to moving his milk from Theresa's car to her fridge they took off for dinner. Sitting at their table in Denny's, Jerry was slightly amused to see that their waiter had a large bulge in his pants. It left him a little embarrassed to realize he was the one responsible for it, but it was certainly amusing to think that he could make someone else that uncomfortable just by sitting there. Just to add to his amusement, Jerry smiled at the waiter and watched him turn bright red before hurrying off in embarrassment. Probably to the bathroom Jerry thought as he chuckled to himself. "Looks like you really made an impression on him." Theresa said, "Though I'm certainly not surprised. You are the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen." she said the last with a strong hint of envy in her voice. "You should be a model or an actress." she suggested to Jerry, who just smiled faintly. If he couldn't find out how to get back to normal, he didn't know what he could do. Jerry shifted slightly in his seat as he waited impatiently for the food to arrive. Too many people in the restaurant were looking at him, even though most of them tried to pretend that they weren't. He could even feel their eyes on him and it made him uncomfortable. All the attention was strange for Jerry, almost more so than the weight hanging from his chest. Though in some ways it was rather nice, he wasn't sure how to handle it. It was just too new to him. As their dinner went on, Jerry did find one other good thing about all the attention paid to him. Namely that he had the best service from a restaurant that he'd ever had. The waiter had come to get their orders immediately and brought the food out to them as quickly as possible. The obviously smitten waiter was doing everything in his power it seemed to make Jerry happy, which certainly made dinner a lot better. Though Jerry was a little confused and unsure about this, Theresa was definitely amused. When they'd finished eating, they took their time going back to Theresa's apartment. Jerry felt a little disappointed when he thought that he'd have to go home pretty soon. Sighing, he thought that it was a little lonely back home. That was something he hadn't really thought about before, putting it out of his mind. But it was true. He wasn't on real familiar terms with any of his neighbors and he didn't really have any close friends. In fact, Theresa was the closest friend he had, and he'd only met her that day. And she didn't even know who he really was. That thought certainly dampened down the happiness he had been feeling. But not by too much. After they'd gone back into Theresa's apartment, Jerry told her that he should probably get going, feeling rather disappointed as he did so. "Why not stay longer?" Theresa asked. Jerry didn't have a ready answer, and tried to turn her down, but Theresa eventually managed to talk him into agreeing. Later on, after another bout of love making, they both happily went to sleep. When Jerry woke up the next morning, he turned over to find Theresa missing from the bed. Curious, he got up and looked around the apartment, finding no sign of her until he found a note on the table, addressed to him. The note from Theresa said that she'd had to go to work and hadn't wanted to wake Jerry up so had left him. "Feel free to help yourself to anything around the apartment." Jerry read aloud, putting the note down in disappointment. "Now how am I going to get home?" he asked himself. Even feeling as energetic as he was, he certainly didn't want to walk that much distance. Sighing, Jerry dug through Theresa's kitchen to find something to eat while trying to decide what he was going to do. Looking down at his naked breasts jutting out, Jerry blushed slightly and pinched one of his nipples, thinking that he still had to find out what had caused this. And he was strongly suspecting that he'd have to go to the labs soon, probably to McDermott. That thought sent a shiver down his spine. Still sitting on the couch, Jerry once again started examining his body, surprised that he wasn't more distraught over it. But at the memory of the night before, he smiled and thought that there were definite benefits as well. Still pinching his nipple, Jerry smiled as his thinking about the night before was causing his body to respond. Hesitating only briefly, Jerry started masturbating, imagining that it was Theresa there with him. Once he was through with that, Jerry felt much better. Still not bothering to get dressed, Jerry picked up one of the books that he'd checked out from the library and started reading. It wasn't until lunch that Jerry pulled himself away from the book, startled to realize that he was almost all the way through it. And what was more, that he'd understood and remembered everything in it. "Wow" he said amazed as he put the book down, still wanting to finish it up and knowing it wouldn't take much longer. Glancing down at his still naked female body, Jerry blushed slightly and decided that it was about time that he actually got dressed. "God I need to go get my new clothes" he muttered to himself as he put back on the clothes from the day before. Going over and quickly scanning Theresa's closet, Jerry realized that nothing of hers would fit him. Not with his measurements he thought with a brief chuckle. Feeling fairly antsy and impatient, Jerry considered either walking or catching a bus back to his apartment but ended up deciding against it. He wanted to say good bye to Theresa first. Going back to the couch, Jerry went back to his reading. Jerry was slightly startled when Theresa came back, not having realized just how much time had passed while he was caught up in the books. He'd never been much of a reader in his life, and now he'd already gone through two fairly good sized books and was in the middle of the third when she arrived. He just couldn't get enough it seemed. "God I'm sorry" Theresa apologized as Jerry set down his book, "I didn't even thinking about your clothes until after I was at work." She apologized again, then said that she was going to make it up to him. "Ta da" she said, pulling a dress out of a shopping bag, "I got this from the store for you, figuring that you could use it." "Um" Jerry started to protest, "That's too nice." That was one way of putting it he thought. The dress looked very nice and more like something a woman would wear on a date than informally. And it looked expensive. "I picked you up a few other things too" Theresa explained pulling other things out of the bags and telling Jerry that getting the stuff was one of the "perks" of her job. He just shook his head, unsure of what to say. There was no way in hell that he wanted to wear the dress, but Theresa had gone to some trouble to get it for him. When he looked at it curiously, Theresa laughed. "Not now silly" she giggled slightly, "And I do have a special surprise for tonight." Jerry wondered what she was up to, having a bad feeling. "I got us a couple dates for tonight." "WHAT?!!" Jerry demanded in shock. Theresa just giggled again, "I know you're into guys too" she said, though Jerry had no idea what made her think that. He had absolutely no interest in guys. Then remembering for a second how he had caught himself staring at the waiters butt in Denny's a couple times, he wondered if maybe that like everything else about him was changing. He hoped to God that it wasn't. The thought of being interested in guys left him feeling rather frightened. Noticing the look on Jerry's face, Theresa pleaded "Common. I already told them that we'd be able to. Please." Sighing, Jerry saw the pleading look on Theresa's face and told himself that it couldn't be that bad. Maybe It will be interesting, he told himself, not quite sure if he believed that or not. "All right" he said reluctantly, wondering how he had gotten mixed up in this. "You won't regret it" Theresa promised, then picked up the phone and dialed a number. Winking at Jerry, she said into the phone, "All right, It's on." Several hours later, Jerry stood there feeling wobbly and uncomfortable. But when he looked into the mirror, all he could think of was "WOW!!" His reflection was the most amazing thing that he'd ever seen. As gorgeous as he had been before, that had still been without all the accessories like the sexy dress Theresa had got for him. Shaking his head, he was almost glad that he'd let Theresa put him through fixing his hair and makeup. He only wished that he didn't have to deal with the high heels, and was almost on the verge of hating Theresa for them, even if she had assured him they were rather low heels. Theresa had dressed up as nicely as she could as well, though she looked almost plain compared to Jerry. He felt a strange mixture of embarrassment and pride as he realized that he was a much sexier looking woman than his girlfriend. Theresa gave him a deep look of admiration, saying "You really look awesome girl." Jerry blushed slightly at the compliment, knowing that it was true. When their dates arrived Theresa let them in, introducing them as Mickey and Gus. Gus was a tall slender guy with black hair and a bit of a tan, while Mickey was a blonde with a bit of muscles. He was also Jerry's date. "Guy's" Theresa said, "This is Gerri" she gestured at Jerry, trying to hide the look of annoyance and envy on her face as Gus's jaw nearly dropped while he stared at Jerry. Mickey gulped, a look of intense interest on his own face, and a surer sign visible by the bulge in the front of his pants. "Hi" Jerry said, holding out his hand and feeling very nervous and uncomfortable. He almost chuckled when he saw the way the two men were acting towards him. It was so funny, he thought to see them acting rather foolishly as both of them were tryin

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As Donna drove home she was getting more and more anxious As Donna drove home she was getting more and more anxious. She had just failed the CPLP certification exam and knew she would have to tell Master. He had been telling her for weeks to study, but she kept putting it off. Now it would cost another $750.00 to retest. There was time to think of a solution. She would cook a really nice dinner and plead her case. Things had been stressful lately. Work kept her on the road a lot. Surly...

2 years ago
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Seeing Her Again

The driver handed my luggage over, one non-descript rucksack and my suit carrier. With both hands full I fumbled his fare out and ended up giving him a better tip than I intended because I couldn’t be bothered to try and count it out better. Money didn’t really matter too much as I had only got back off tour a month ago and I’d saved a good amount – you simply cannot spend money in Afghanistan. In true squaddie tradition I was destined to blow it all on women and drink. It didn’t matter though...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 16

It took a few days to wrap up things in Syria, drive back to Tel Aviv, and get back to Atlanta. Angela was thrilled to see me, having stayed behind to deal with the supply trucks, but it seemed like my conversation with Gordon Olson beat me home, because a government Suburban with a driver and bodyguard met me coming off the plane. “Mr. Morrison. I am Sergeant Wilson from the Special Services Section of the Federal Marshals Service, and I have been assigned to accompany you and your ......

2 years ago
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SwapChapter 2

John Windom in Aaron MacDonald's body lay restrained on a hospital bed drugged to the gills. Each time the drugs wore off enough to make him partway lucid, he screamed and yelled about the loss of his body while thrashing around like a three-year-old having a tantrum. Once he even tried to bite the nurse attending him, his teeth being the only weapon available because his arms and legs were strapped to the bed. "The lightning strike unhinged him completely. He thinks we're aliens, that we...

4 years ago
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Experience Couple To Group Fantasies

Hello people, this is Sam, 29 M working in Pune. I have been an avid reader and a huge fan of Indian sex stories. I somehow manage to read all the sex stories out here and that prompted me to drop yet another personal experience. I would appreciate your Queries, suggestions, feedbacks, complains if any are welcome at This experience has been one of my first and very new to me as well. This is about a couple based in Pune who are real close friends of a colleague of mine. Let’s start with the...

3 years ago
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Jens Little Brother

Halloween Oct 31st 2011 – the Present "Trick or treat," I said with a big smile when Jennifer answered the door. She had a cute 'little princess' costume on. In pink. With ruffles. And she had a wand in her hand. I couldn't help wondering if her panties were also pink and ruffled. I knew that I'd soon find out. "And what are you doing here?" my big sister asked back. My costume, in spite of the mask, certainly hadn't fooled her! But the smile that had immediately lit up her face the...

2 years ago
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Classy ConversionsChapter 18

"Darling, do you realize that this will be the longest time I have worn clothes in over two weeks?" Margaret said while slipping her dress up. "And you look lovely as always" David said, as he moved to zip her up. "You hound you. I can't help but feel sorry that our friends can't come out as well." "If they could, we wouldn't have the hold over them that we do. And they might not be so helpful on their own hook." David said, while nuzzling Margaret's neck on the left...

4 years ago
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Young Love Melodys Point of View

Introduction: 2nd Chapter in my short story series of a couple falling in love. Melody woke up the next morning to Pedro licking her face. She giggled and kissed the small dog on the head before the realization of what happened last night sunk in. Her brother had humiliated her in front of Brandon and then had punked out and left her to pick up the pieces. She rolled her eyes sighing. She got out of bed and quickly put some food in Pedros bowl and then fed both of the sleeping kitties, Abby and...

2 years ago
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Private Natali Ruby Anal Secret

Today we have the pleasure of introducing you to Natali Ruby, a curvaceous brunette with a juicy ass and great tits to match and she has come to Private Specials, Irresistible Beauties for a debut she’ll never forget! Nataly wastes no time getting hot and horny with her man Andrew Marshall as she gives an amazing deepthroat blowjob just to warm up! Then enjoy this curvaceous wonder in action as she offers up her pussy for a taste and fuck before opening her ass and enjoying some hard anal...

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Tales of Elsbeth Steve Zinks Story

Tales of Elsbeth: Steve Zink's Story By Ellie Dauber Copyright 1999 Author's note: I've been meaning to post this to you for months. Ah, the joys of procrastination. This story is a payback for somebody who did me a favor. (Guess who.) ******************** Elsbeth Lange looked over the San Diego ComiCon from the vantage point of one of the private Convention Center offices. Her Great Aunt Miranda, Head of the Grand Coven, lived in the San Diego area. Aunt Miranda was one of...

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Brians Adventures Ch 14

Chapter Fourteen: Trouble in Greatfoot Those next few days were not ones that that I particularly liked, for it was non-stop riding with not much time for anything else. Now I like to ride a horse as much as the next fellow, but everyday we got up early and rode till long after sundown. Like the first few days of the ride, we ate on the move and stopped only briefly to let the horses rest. Everything was go, go, go, push, push, push, onward to Greatfoot. We wanted to get to Greatfoot before...

3 years ago
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A Time Ago or AheadChapter 3

I was approaching the area along the river where the two groups had fought and was taking advantage of cover. I tried to observe without being observed. I didn't find anyone along the river. I decided not to look for the river bank shooters. I went by the location of the fighting without seeing anyone. I continued along the river for another day without seeing anyone or anything. I was ready to meet people and began to look for a village and look for signs of people. Later the next day, I...

1 year ago
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FantasyMassage Kat Monroe Extramarital Massage

Kat Monroe receives a phone call at work from her husband Mr. Pete with a very peculiar request; his BFF Big Chief Quarterback is coming in for a massage and he asks Kat to fuck him. Kat will do anything to please her husband’s fantasies so with Big Chief unaware of Kat’s intentions, she massages his chest and slowly makes her way towards his cock. Kat explains Pete’s fantasy of her having extramarital affairs, and with that said, Big Chief fucks his best friends wife. Kat...

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Cheating wife

The evening had escalated quickly and I thought of my husband probably sat at home and about to go to bed alone after beers and a take away as I was led by the hand in to the boardroom, where hours earlier I had sat taking notes in the meeting. Olly had reluctantly agreed to me being away for the night once again and he knew from past experience that Chris, my boss, was a lecherous old guy who made it quite clear that he viewed me as a dumb bimbo and eye candy employed for his own perverted...

4 years ago
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Break The Seal Of A Virgin Girl

Hi readers, I  am rahul I am back with my another story… I  got so many mails regarding my previous story and find my stories interesting and make you cum .. Aab jo log mujhe nhi jante…I am from chandigarh and I’m a average looking guy having gud physic and have a 6.5 inch long tool which can satisfy any girl. So,me apni kahani pe aata hun yeah kahani abhi kuch 3 din purani h main apne ghar se office ke liye nikla tha ki raste me ek ladki autorickshaw ka wait kr rhi thi and dhoop bhi kafi tej...

2 years ago
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Brittanys First Summer Epilogue to Owning

Brittany’s First Summerby RebelmanBrittany stood in the alley and watched as her BMW drove away with Wendy behind the wheel.She hadn’t been allowed to drive her own car since that fateful day some three months ago whenher entire world had collapsed.Before that, the roles had been reversed with her and the young girl. Brittany had used Wendy asher pet, torturing and humiliating her every chance she could. She had made two big mistakesthough, one was underestimating Jimmy and the other was...

1 year ago
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She walked through a throng of bodies, people were everywhere, pushing and shoving, dancing and gyrating. She tried to push through; she didn’t know where she was going but, something told her to get to the other side of the room as soon as possible. For a split second the crowd split and she could see the far door. Just as she was about to turn the knob and walk through, a ringing filled the air. She looked everywhere, covering her ears; it reverberated through her head and her body. Where the...

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Settling down with Mistress

As you might expect from a little girl, Claudette threw a tantrum at being uprooted when her ‘father’ took the job at the veterans’ hospital, but that was the only tantrum. Even at her age, she understood just important it was to her ‘dad’ that she became a nurse. We asked what she thought would make the transition easier, and we very were surprised when she said that having a sister might be nice. There were still a number of war orphans in institutions, so within a couple of months of us...

3 years ago
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First memory of sex addict

This is the first time that a woman had touched me and what I like to think was the defining moment in my sexual life. This single orgasm has stuck with me to this day as a 30 year old married man, and today I still find myself chasing that euphoric orgasm and exploring something so taboo. I was 13 years old when I had my first assisted sexual experience. My mom and dad and recently been divorced and my dad was facing a mid-life crisis and began dating trashy women. The kind who have...

4 years ago
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Letter from Sherier Place

LETTER FROM SHERIER PLACEDear Shoeblossom:I am a member and Substitute Treasurer of the Keeplock Club, a select group of women who keep their husbands and significant others in chastity belts. Our oldest member is seventy-eight, the youngest, a high school junior. It’s a constant vigilance, and I thought you might find it interesting, as your column discusses much of this.On Wednesday morning I was drinking coffee, and trying to find a three letter word for ?garbage? for the crossword. The...

3 years ago
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Day in the Life

You're a typical 18 year old boy. Nothing extraordinary about you, but you have a good life. You played quarterback in high school, got good grades, had several girls like you. The only problem was you couldn't settle your desires. You have tried masturbation, porn, and fantasies, but you are left needing more. You decide one day to take action. What's your options?

2 years ago
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Bad Karma Part I

Part 1 - "A Chance Meeting" Dan Edmunds was nursing his glass of cider at the bar in the Horse and Hound pub. He'd needed to make the drink last as he was running short on money and this was the last one that he could afford. The reason for his lack of finances soon became abundantly clear as he bemoaned his fortune to the barman. "Bloody school board sacked me today," he complained to the landlord who was serving a slight man next to him. "They took that silly little bitch Lauren...

4 years ago
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Body SwapChapter 11

Isa and Joe returned home late on Sunday evening. We talked for a while about the wedding and at one stage Isa told us that she and Joe had something for us. She left the room and returned with two packages. She handed one to me and one to Katy. "These are gifts for being our bridesmaid and best man," she told us. "We hope you like them." The packages were an identical size and when we opened them we found that the contained a sixty four gigabyte I pad. Mine was in white and Katy had a...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 68

Linda was sitting on a couch with Evie when Dave walked over and knelt before Linda. "It seems there is something else that Evie and I would like to give you, too." He held a small black box toward Linda. "Will you marry us?" Dave quietly asked. "Oh, my gosh," Linda squealed, her hand shaking as she slowly reached for the box that obviously contained a ring. Starting to open it, she glanced at Evie. "Go ahead," Evie coaxed. Linda opened the box and gasped. As she stared at the...

3 years ago
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Even when you were little, I encouraged you to run around the garden with nothing on, watching you and looking at your cute little body, imagining how it would look when you were older... I'd scoop up your naked body in my arms, and kiss your rosebud lips ... I'd lift you higher, and kiss your tiny nipples... We always kissed each other on the lips. You'd come and sit on my lap after you'd had your bath, dressed in your short little nightie, your bare bottom wriggling on my hardening cock...

3 years ago
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Bikini Beach Gate Crashers

Bikini Beach: Gate Crashers By Elrod W "I told you, man!" Marty gloated at his friend. "Wow! I should have believed you!" John was practically drooling at the line of lovely and shapely young ladies entering the Bikini Beach Water Park. "Let's go get tickets," Marty said eagerly. The two college guys slid out of Marty's Camaro, closing the doors solidly behind them as they walked toward the ticket booth. All around them, young ladies smiled as they walked through the gates...

4 years ago
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The Sheriff and His StepdaughterChapter 7

True to my word, I stopped having sex with Rachel. She started dating but didn't have sex with a boy until a few months later. She told us the day after it happened. She did make him use a condom and told us it was O.K. but not great. Since I started seeing Rachel in a different light, she was increasingly exciting me. At first it was nothing she did except that she continued to wear that old shirt of mine as a nightshirt. She looked so good in that shirt and as a result, Diane and I began...

1 year ago
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Before blessing my fantasy Part 1

Blessing Opara worked as the Librarian at the local high school. She worked there since college. She and her husband Jude moved to this town after the birth of their first child. Blessing was 27 and kept her 5-foot, 4-inch frame in excellent shape. Eleven months ago she had her third child and continued to breastfeed. This helped Blessing maintain her low weight at 135 pounds. Blessing felt that most of that weight was in her 38D breasts that had grown to 42DD since breast- feeding. Her husband...

Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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Goodbye to my Hymen Hello Cock

I closed my eyes as tightly as I could, lying there, on the cold leather couch, nude from the waist down, I felt violated, as his cold fingertips touched my warm thigh, and ever so slowly made their barely touching way until they stopped on my reason for being there, in this situation.I heard him say to my mother, who sat on the other side of the curtain, 'Puppy Fat', and as he said it, he was parting my labia and touching my clitoris, pressing it down into its small sheath, which his...

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As I quietly enter the bedroom, I see you lying in the twilight. Your hair has grown longer, your eyes are closed, your skin is darker, your breasts are larger and your body glistens with sweat. You are beautiful lying there naked. I see you laying there on the bed in all your beauty. I continue to look at you, unseen, as you gently squeeze your breasts, and rub your clit. You slide your fingers inside you, bucking and thrusting them in and out. Your nipples harden, you pull them, squeeze them...

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Today Is The Day

Today Is the Day By Michelle A Copyright (c) 2000 by Michelle A Noise. More noise. *Let me alone! Let me sleep!* *Must sleep.* More noise. *Why can't you just let me be?* More noise. *Oh, it's the radio.* *Ignore it.* *Can't.* *Then shut it off, stupid.* Quiet *Is today the day? *Is it possible? The day I've prayed for?. Please let it be.* *How do I feel? Do I feel different? Am I different? How should I feel?* *I've wanted this,...

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The Poet

The Poet By Melissa Tawn The poet John Edward Remington burst onto the literary scene like a meteor. His first book of poetry was published at the age of 21. Three years and four books later, he was a superstar of the sort never seen before in America. Halls, then auditoria, then stadiums filled to capacity by people who came to hear him read. Over 45,000 turned out to hear him in Yankee Stadium, then over 80,000 people came to the Astrodome, then over...

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Apocalyptic Debauchery

It was a normal day, just like every other one. You wake up, hate the president, complain about something being overpriced, eat breakfast, and then get dressed for your crappy job. The second you're ready to face another boring day, everything went crazy.

2 years ago
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Marriage Fucntionil NRI Manaiviyai Usar Seithen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil thirumana nilaiyathil oru sexiyaana manaiviyai usar seithu ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar vignesh vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Naan oru civil engineer, oru puthithaaga veedu katikondu irukiren, appozhuthu en pakathu veetu kaaran enaku pazhakam aaginaar En pakathu veetu kaarar panakaar avar veetil oru thirumanam endraal kandipaaga niraiya panakaarargal thaan avar thirumanathirku varuvaargal. Avar oru...

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Jannat Ki Aair Karvai

Ye kuch din pahle ki real story hai. Isme maine thoda apna imagination daal kar spicy kara hai. Accha lage to nichhe feedback jaroor dena. Usne ek kiss manga. Cheeks par kara. Mera mann nahi bhara. Maine usse bahar chalne ko kaha. Staircase ke niche ki jagah chooni. Vo meri lap me baithi thi. Uski permission li phir se karne ke liye. Aur joor se jakad kar halka kiss karna shuru kiya. 5 min tak koi response nahi kara. Phir usne mere balo me haath daal kar aggressively kichcha and aur joor se...

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Maid8217s Family Shares My Cock 8211 Part 1

This sex story is about my dominating maid Geeta. She is a 50 year old woman. She has a dark complexion, hanging boobs and a chubby body. I am a 22 year old boy who has recently got a job. Prior to my encounter with my maid, I have had sex with my Aunt Sona. It was a Thursday evening and my mom got a call from Geeta. After speaking with her for some time, my mom handed me some cash and asked me to go to Sanjay Hospital and give the money to our maid Geeta. She asked me to stay with her. Without...

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Lizzy and the Black Bouncer Full

Lizzy was in here early 20's she was a slim size 8 with a tiny wait and curvaceous bum. She was about 5ft8 and had long brunette hair. Lizzy was newly single and had just started working in a bar in her local town. Lizzy longed for something different and exciting.Then one day whilst she was working at the bar she was informed by her boss that a new doorman/bouncer was going to start at the bar working on the doors. Lizzy was asked to show the doorman around so he could see the layout of he...

4 years ago
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The Stalker Inbetween times or The Dance

Monday The alarm rang and Sally woke up, turned it off as fear seemed to wash over her and for a second she was not sure why; then it all came back to her, the violation, and the stranger every detail of the weekend. She looked at her clock realizing she had not set the alarm, but it had been set for her and correctly, how did he know what time to set it for? Her thoughts were all jumbled as she...

2 years ago
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Hang Day

Hang DayIt was 9 a.m. on a Saturday.  As was our custom, Mistress and i were in the living room, She in her easy chair with a cup of coffee and i kneeling naked before her.  We always started out the weekend that way, with Mistress critiquing my performance over the past week and describing in detail what rewards or punishments i could expect to receive.  It was always a stressful time for me.  Rewards were infrequent and punishments were always severe.What was unusual was that so early on a...

4 years ago
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Made Maryanne Part 2

When I woke up the following morning, I immediately became aware of the situation. It was difficult not to notice the pretty white cotton and lace nor the fact that I was wearing it. I quickly recalled the events of the previous night, feeling ashamed at having been caught masturbating. I knew that Beatrice somehow wanted to make a point by telling me to wear her nightdress, but I had no clue why. I rolled over to see her watching me. She was wide awake, looking as beautiful as ever with her...

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Sheela anar khortuto bon

Kakar bari gechhi higher secondery r por, 3 mass chhuti sei khanei thakboo.sei khane giye khub bhalo lagloo tara sabai khub ador korloo.kakar boyos 50/51, kakima amar kakar tulanai besh chhoto unar boys 33/34 habe. Oder meye shilar boyosh 15/16 amar takhan 18 te chhuyechhe. Kakar flate ektai sobar ghor tabe besh boro. Ek konai ekta double bed aar mathar dike arekta single bed lagano boro khat tai kakima aar oder meye shila ghumato aar single khate kaka eka. Ratre sobar byobastha holo kakimar...

3 years ago
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Eating Cum

I LOVE eating cum! I eat my own pretty much everyday, and whenever I blow a guy I prefer he shoots in my mouth! Cum is like pussy, it all tastes a little different, but it all has that distinct flavour to it! I am fortunate enough to have found a regular fuck buddy that loves feeding me his cum! I met Kyle online and he's married, has a couple k**s and has only been with one other guy besides me, his cousin and him used to fool around when they were younger. Now when I met Kyle he was shy, a...

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uncle bob and me

My Mum had gone away for the weekend with her mates which meant me and her boyfriend had the house all to ourselves. He’s brill, my Mum’s boyfriend. He’s like a mate. He’s in his 40s but he’s well cool. Anyway, it was Saturday and we had a great night in, lots of cans, a spliff…brilliant. Round about 11 o’clock I said, “Right. I’m off to bed. See you in the morning, Uncle Bob.” I always called him Uncle Bob.“You off for your bedroom wank then?” “Yeah well I’m 18. I’m young and full of cum so I...

2 years ago
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BangBus Stella Raee 4th of July Celebration on The Bus

This July 4th the bus went out in the wild searching for some desperate hot chicks. We came across this tattooed hottie waiting for the bus. At first we made up some game about answering American history trivia questions for money but soon after we were offering her money to show us this good. And man was this chick a beauty, huge fat ass and perfectly pierced nipples. Once on the bus she took the diking of a lifetime. Brick Danger was the one uncharged of giving her a good ol’ 4th go July...

2 years ago
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Road to Ruin

Jamie's Road to Ruin PartI am about to tell a story that is true. It was my first experience butit shaped my life forever, not necessarily for the better. As a c***d,I used to fantasize about being a woman, but never acted on it.Anything "gay" freaked me out. In any event, I was very closeted andrepressed. And very awkward around women I was attracted to, but seemedto be able to make a lot of female "friends."Years ago when I was in my twenties, a female friend of mine, Karen,tripped and...

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