Hang Day free porn video

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Hang Day

It was 9 a.m. on a Saturday.  As was our custom, Mistress and i were in the living room, She in her easy chair with a cup of coffee and i kneeling naked before her.  We always started out the weekend that way, with Mistress critiquing my performance over the past week and describing in detail what rewards or punishments i could expect to receive.  It was always a stressful time for me.  Rewards were infrequent and punishments were always severe.

What was unusual was that so early on a Saturday, Mistress was fully dressed.  Instead of her normal short robe, She was attired in a tank top, miniskirt, hose and heels--all black.  i was curious why but it wasn’t my place to ask.  i decided to simply enjoy the view. 

Mistress took a sip from her cup and asked, ?What are you to me, slut??

Knowing very well the proper answer, i immediately responded, ?A cock, Mistress.?

?And what do Women do with cocks?? She queried.

Again the appropriate response: ?Whatever they please, Mistress.?

?Good, slut.  I see I’ve trained you well.?

Mistress gave a half smile and then motioned for me to come closer.

i crawled toward Her, stopping only inches from Her feet.

?Present yourself,? Mistress ordered.

i immediately rose up on my knees, clasped my hands behind my back and thrust my hips forward.  i expected Her to examine my sex and to check whether i’d properly shaved it for Her.  Instead, Mistress reached down, grasped my balls and squeezed—hard.   i was taken by surprise and nearly cried out from the pain.  She then twisted them, pulling upward until they were almost level with my navel.  i gritted my teeth, knowing that She was enjoying Herself and that i had absolutely no say in the matter.

?Whose balls are these, slut?? She asked, more than a hint of menace in Her voice.

?Y-Y-Yours, Mistress,? i whimpered, having trouble speaking through the pain.

Mistress let go of my balls.  She gripped the base of my now-hardening cock with one hand and began slapping the shaft with the other.  Again and again She slapped it until the entire cock was a bright shade of pink.

?And this cock, slut?  Whose cock is this?!?? She nearly shouted.

?Yours, Mistress,? was my quick reply.

?Good,? She said.  ?I see that we’re on the same page.?

Abruptly Her demeanor changed.  Smiling warmly, She began to slowly stroke and massage my now-tender cock, which to my delight quickly responded.  Now almost 60 years of age, i’d recently started to have trouble getting it up, a development with which Mistress was not the least bit pleased.  The nice erection that i was now sporting was a welcome change and i was caught off-guard by what came next.

?You know that lately I haven’t been happy with your sexual performance, don’t you, slut,? Mistress asked.

?Yes, Mistress,? was my embarrassed reply.

?Well, slut,? She said, lightly tracing her fingernails up and down the length of my member, ?I fear that due to your age, your usefulness to me as a sexual partner has come to an end.  I don’t want the aggravation of medicating you, so after much thought I’ve decided what I must do.?

Mistress placed her thumb and forefinger around the base of my cock and balls and applied pressure.  Looking me straight in the eye, She spoke the words that every slut dreads to hear.

?I’ve made up my mind.  I’m going to hang you,? She said matter-of-factly, releasing Her hold on my sex and leaning back in her chair. 

Her words hit me like a brick.  i was speechless.  Not that i was surprised, mind you; sluts that failed to perform sexually were nearly always hung.  It’s just that the gravity of my situation came at me all at once.  To ?hang? meant to be strung up by the cock and balls—until they turned purple, then blue and then finally black.  In the end they had to be surgically removed to save the slut’s life.  That was my fate.  i didn’t want it to happen but down deep i knew that it was right and proper.  All i could do was hold my tongue?and hope that Mistress would have a change of heart.

For reference, in that part of the country hanging males by the genitals had become a fairly routine occurrence.  Whether as punishment for a crime or simply because, like me, he had gotten too old to properly fulfill his sexual duties, there was a high probability that at some point in his life a slut would dangle from a rope by his cock and balls.  Although there was no longer any such thing as a capital offense (The death penalty had long ago been eradicated), it was now quite common to find the local arena filled to capacity as some hapless male was, for one reason or another, hoisted clear of the stage.  

It was probably a good thing that i remained quiet because had i protested, she might have decided right then to fry me as well as hang me.  To fry a slut was to literally cook his genitals with electricity—while they were still attached.  i’d seen that done, actually more times than i cared to remember, and it wasn’t pretty.  After a slut had been raised off the ground by his genitals, a modified set of automotive jumper cables (with massive, toothed alligator clips in place of the standard, smooth-jawed ones) were roughly clamped to the head of his cock and to his balls.


The other ends of the cables were attached to the posts of a 12v car battery.  There was a switch midway along one of the cables and at the time of his Mistress’ choosing, that switch would be thrown and the slut’s genitals would agonizingly cook.  i was ruminating about that, wondering whether there was a chance that Mistress would at the last minute choose to fry me anyway, when She spoke again.

?You may recall, slut, that today is Hang Day,? Mistress advised.  ?I told you last week that we would likely go downtown to take in the show.  What I didn’t tell you was that you would be part of the entertainment.?

Mistress let that sink in.  As i pondered what was to befall me, She slowly parted her legs to allow me a long look up her skirt.  Mistress was wearing thigh-high stockings and a tight black cotton and Spandex thong—my favorite outfit.  Mistress knew that, which is of course why She’d worn it.  She no doubt wanted to keep me randy, right up to the point when there was nothing but air beneath my toes.  i stared at the soft skin above her stocking tops and the plump mound beneath her panties.  i was mesmerized.  At that moment i wanted more than anything to pull that thong aside and slide my tongue inside her.

Again Mistress’ voice interrupted my thoughts.

?We don’t have a lot of time, slut.  Rise now and go get your Hanging Kit,? She ordered.  

Every slut had his own set of equipment or ?Kit? with which his Mistress might hang him.  It included a skein of rough hemp rope, 5/8? in diameter and perhaps fifty feet long, with one end tied in a 13-knot hangman’s noose.  Also in the Kit were a six-foot length of thin leather lace, one set each of locking wrist and ankle cuffs, several small padlocks and a light but strong set of block and tackle with a tethering ring at the top.  The Kit was contained in a black leather bag and always prominently displayed, usually in that room of the house where the slut was typically punished.  That way it served as a reminder that one day, probably on a Hang Day, he would swing for his Mistress and for the delight of anyone who chose to watch.

i slowly stood and made my way to our playroom.  Along the way i kept thinking about my lovely Mistress and of course about Hang Day.  Hang Day was a regional holiday.  Originally established as a day to collectively punish common criminals and disobedient sluts, it had metamorphosed into a grand event expressly devoted to the pruriently sadistic pleasure of suspending males by their genitals.  Oh, criminals and incorrigibles were still hung—and usually fried.  However, to add to the festive nature of the holiday and to encourage participation, for that one day the behavior threshold was set artificially low.  That is, in order to be condemned to hang, a slut needed to merely aggravate or somehow disappoint his Mistress.  Accordingly, on Hang Day Women all around the area always took their less submissive, less obedient or otherwise less desirable sluts to public places.  There each slut would receive his due.  There were no trials, no reprieves and definitely no appeals.

i came back to the living room with my Kit.  i set it down and knelt before Her.

?Take out the noose, slut,? Mistress commanded, ?and place it around your balls.?

i did as i was told. i unzipped the bag and removed the noose rope, feeling how rough it was in my hands.  i partially uncoiled the rope and fitted the noose around my waiting testicles.

?Put your hands behind your back,? Mistress directed.

i complied and then watched as She grasped the noose and pulled it tight about my scrotum.

Mistress mused, ?That should keep you in line until we get to the Town Square.  Now turn around.? 

She pulled the smaller set of cuffs, padded suspension cuffs with hand grips, from the bag, locked them around my wrists and padlocked them together.  She took out the larger set of cuffs and locked each of them in turn to my ankles.

Mistress then stood and straightened her skirt.  She picked up the bag and the loop of noose rope, then pulled me to my feet by the balls.  On the way out the door, She had me slip on some sandals.

?I wouldn’t want you to bruise the soles of your feet,? She said.  ?I want nothing to distract you from the pain in your crotch.?

i shuddered at the reminder of what would soon take place.  We stepped out into a beautiful, bright summer morning and began our short walk to the Square.    

Along the way we passed the City Park, where sluts were already hanging.  From lamp posts and tree limbs they swung naked, their ankles cuffed together and their hands fastened behind their backs.  The air was filled with the sounds of their agony and with the screams of other sluts as their own feet left the ground.  Cocks and balls were turning purple, beginning to die for want of precious blood.  Several sluts were frying.  Thick black cables ran from their sex toward well charged batteries and they looked on in horror as their genitals bubbled, split and steamed like hot dogs on a grill.  Around them were their Mistresses, some idly chatting and others watching with delight as the spectacle unfolded.  More than a few were openly masturbating, their moans of pleasure mixing nicely with their sluts’ anguished cries.

It was a frightening scene, one which Mistress just had to stop to observe.  She was particularly enamored with the sluts who were wired and She commented more than once how hot they looked with their cocks and balls roasting.  Perversely, i, too, became caught up in the display.  For several minutes i forgot that in just a short while i would be a slut in a noose.  Part of me also wondered what it would feel like for the current to pass though my sex and to for me to helplessly watch as my cock and balls cooked.

Without warning, my cock started to rise.  i hoped Mistress wouldn’t notice but she was much too alert.

?I see you like that, slut,? She commented.  ?It may soon be your turn.?

Mistress tugged sharply on the noose and headed off in the direction of the Town Square.

In but a few minutes we arrived.  The place was crowded with Women in all states of dress and undress, most of them excitedly talking and, like at the City Park, a number of them were masturbating.  There were a few sluts standing around, most with ball nooses like mine and some in the process of being prepared to hang.  The vast majority of the males on the Square, however, were already airborne.  Some were doing the slow, blue-balled pirouette of a slut who had been hanging for a while.  Others were just on their way up, screaming with the blood-curdling intensity of one who believes that his genitals are being pulled from his body.  Still others, who had only minutes before been hoisted of the ground, were in various states of being wired and fried.  

Mistress jerked on my noose and pulled me through the crowd to a place right in front of a hanging slut whose Mistress was about to fry him.  She’d just clamped the electrode to his balls and he was still howling in pain.  One of Her hands was around his cock and the other held the vicious, sharp-toothed cock electrode, open and ready.

?Excuse, me,? Mistress politely interrupted.  ?Would you like to let your slut cum one last time?  I’d like for my slut to suck a cock just before it fries.?

The Woman hesitated for a moment and then said, ?Be my guest.  But he needs to be quick about it; I want my slut to fry while there’s still feeling in his dick.?

She then leaned over and whispered in Mistress’ ear, ?It’d be nice to fry him in mid-climax.?

?It certainly would,? agreed Mistress.  ?Let’s try that.?  

The Woman released Her grip on the slut’s cock and took a step backward.  She picked up the battery switch and motioned for me to begin.

Mistress pushed my head forward, saying, ?Open your mouth, slut, and get him off as fast as you can—or you’ll be wearing electrodes.?

i did as i was told.  The slut had been raised higher than normal, so his cock was almost level with my face.  i opened my mouth wide and took him in. The cock was already getting cold but since i figured that i’d be the last person to taste him, i went about my task with gusto.  i sucked with long strokes, making sure to apply strong suction to the glans on every upstroke.

In spite of his pain, the slut soon began to respond.  his breath became more rapid and his cock began to flex.  he was almost bucking—no small feat when one is hanging by his cock and balls.  Before long, he gave out a long, guttural sigh.  Just as he did, Mistress grabbed me by the hair and pulled me off his cock.

Startled, i backed up—but only a couple of feet.  i saw the other Mistress grab the slut’s jerking cock, still glistening with my saliva, and release the open electrode onto its head and the first two inches of its shaft.  The electrode’s teeth sank deeply into the slut’s meat, not enough to break the skin but there were certainly no worries about it coming loose.  he barely had time to gasp, though, before his Mistress through the switch, sending 12 volts of liquid fire coursing through his cock and balls.

It was then that he screamed—the heart-rending, pitiful scream of a slut losing his jewels.  Miraculously, his cock still spasmed, perhaps even more violently than before.  It continued to jerk until the first blisters appeared on its surface.  The slut stared slack-jawed (as did i) at the sight of his genitals cooking.           

It wasn’t long before the slut’s balls began to swell.  i figured that soon the skin on the balls would split and, like with those of the sluts in the park, steam would begin to emanate from them.  Given the right conditions, they might even burst, something that i’d seen happen before and which i curiously wanted to witness again.

Just as i was really getting into the show, Mistress pulled on my ball noose.

?Enough voyeurism, slut,? She said.  ?It’s time you got some first-hand experience.?

Again we wove our way through the crowd, stopping beneath something that looked like a large, steel swing set.  On the horizontal bar at the top, where the chains for the swings might have been fastened, there were three heavy steel hooks spaced roughly six feet apart.  Suspended by nooses from two of those hooks were sluts, who looked as though they’d been up there for some time.  Their genitals were totally black and they were swinging lazily, with only low moans coming from their throats.  i knew that soon they would be taken down and driven to the hospital, where their cocks and balls would be sliced off and the incisions properly closed.

There was an empty space to the left of the two sluts—empty, that is, but for a step ladder for hanging a block and tackle.  That spot, something told me, was where i would hang.  my suspicion as confirmed when Mistress removed the connecting padlock from my wrist cuffs and the noose from my balls.

She handed me my Kit and said, ?You know the drill, slut.  Hang the pulleys and lay things out.?

?Yes, Mistress,? i nearly mumbled.  As my time drew nearer, i was beginning to get nervous.

Nonetheless, i carefully took things from the bag and put them on the pavement beside the upright post of the swing set.  i then climbed the ladder, hung the block and tackle from one of the hooks on the crossbar and threaded the noose rope through it.  Coming back down, i brought the noose with me and lay it and the free end of the rope on the ground with the leather lace and the padlocks.  Lastly, i moved the ladder off to the side, next to the upright post.  Everything was ready.

Seeing that i’d finished my preparations, Mistress walked up to me and gently pushed me back against the post.  She locked my wrist cuffs together again, this time in front of me, and then reached down for another padlock.  Stepping onto the ladder, Mistress pulled my wrists over my head and locked them to a steel ring on the post, about eight feet off the ground.  She then moved the ladder farther out of the way and, coming back to me, squatted down and locked my ankle cuffs together.  Like so many times before, when She’d cock-whipped or otherwise punished me, i was now helpless.  i was Hers, to do with whatever She pleased.

Mistress took the black leather lace in both hands and tied a single overhand loop in the center.  She slipped the loop over my cock and balls, pulling on the ends of the lace until the loop was snug—but not really tight—around the base of my sex.   She then commenced stroking my cock, gently sliding her silky fingers along its length and tracing around the edge of the glans.  Soon i felt the familiar stirring in my loins, that delicious precursor to an imminent erection.

Mistress felt the cock begin to engorge and in response, slowly tightened the loop.  The loop would now function as a sort of cock ring, allowing blood to flow into the member but retard its retreat.

She continued to stroke.  Then, to give me some visual stimulation, Mistress hiked up Her skirt.  Since She was in a squatting position, that gave me an excellent view of her well muscled thighs and the soft fullness of Her panty crotch. 

?Nice, Huh?? she asked, continuing Her tactile ministrations. 

i nodded.  Although all around us there were Women naked and nearly naked, i had never found any Woman more appealing than my own Mistress and i had eyes for only Her.  If this were to be my last hard-on, i wanted to be looking at Her body when it came.  Blocking out everything except the sensation of Mistress’ hand on my cock, i riveted my eyes on that warm and luscious place between Her legs.

Several seconds later, i gave Her what She wanted.  As if on cue, my cock rose to full attention, its shaft solid and the head firm and round.  It may in fact have been the best erection i’d ever had.

Seizing the moment, Mistress shoved the loop hard against my pubic bone and, grasping one end of the lace in either hand, fiercely jerked the loop tight.  As if to invite further punishment, my cock suddenly sprang upward.  i’m thinking now that if that’s what it wanted, it had definitely come to the right place.

Working quickly, Mistress then pulled the ends of the lace down on either side, made another overhand loop underneath the balls and pulled that one tight.  With practiced precision, She brought them back up and jerked a third loop tight, this one on top of the balls.  She then brought them up one last time, made a fourth loop on top of my cock and, summoning all her strength, pulled the ends of the lace as hard as she could.  She topped it all off with a square knot.

i looked down, took a deep breath and sighed.  My genitals were now permanently bound.  They stood well out from my body, proud, yet extremely vulnerable—a fact not lost on the small circle of onlookers that had gathered close around us.  They were there, of course, to watch yet another slut lose his precious cock and balls.

Mistress picked up the noose and rose to her feet.  She moved forward, standing with her body pressed against me.  Her eyes locked on mine, She placed the rough noose around my genitals and drew it firmly closed. 

?Like I told you this morning, slut,? She said, with just a hint of menace in her voice, ?I’m going to hang you.?

Taking a few steps back, She took up the slack in the free end of the rope and then reached high above her head to grasp it in both hands.

?You’re going to hang by the cock and balls, slut—NOW!!?

With that, Mistress leaned back, drew her elbows down to her chest and crouched.  In one smooth motion my genitals were stretched way beyond what I would have thought possible and my feet left the ground.

A cheer went up from the crowd but i barely heard it over my own screams.  my whole world was in my cock and balls.  The pressure inside them was incredible and they felt as though at any moment they might either explode or be ripped totally from my body.  i was in agony.

Mistress wanted me to go higher but couldn’t manage it alone.  Another Woman stepped in to help and together They raised me another couple of feet.  They then brought the rope around behind me, tied it off to the post—and left me to hang alone.

So there i hung.  Due to the way i was secured, with my wrists attached to the post and the noose rope slanting up and away from me, I had a perfect view of my genitals, now a bright shade of purple.  i was sure that Mistress had planned it that way; She had always made sure that i could watch myself being punished.  It seemed to intensify the experience for both of us. 

The pain had now lessened, likely due to the loss of circulation, but there was still the awful pressure and the strain on my lower abdomen.  i wondered what it would be like to hang there for the hour or so that it might take for my cock and balls to fully die.  i hated to even think it but i wondered if maybe it might be better to just fry and get it over with.

i didn’t have to wait long for the answer.  Only a few minutes had passed when Mistress and her new female accomplice appeared, carrying something between them.  From a distance it appeared to be a heavy black box with handles on its sides but as They got closer, i could clearly see what it was—a car battery!  The cables were already attached to it posts and Mistress had casually draped them around Her neck for transport.

When They got to where i was hanging, They set the battery down and stood on opposite sides of me.  Mistress handed one of the electrodes to Her partner.

?So, Slut, I see you’re still here,? Mistress quipped.

The Women both chuckled but right then i didn’t see the humor.  i was hanging by the cock and balls and i was hurting.  i didn’t respond.

I guess you don’t feel like talking,? Mistress continued.  ?I Suppose I don’t blame you.?

i just groaned.

?Anyway, slut, this is Mistress Alicia, She continued.  ?She’s already hung two sluts today—two and a half, if you count the help She gave me with you.  Those are her sluts with whom you’re sharing the bar.? 

i glanced up at the sluts beside me.  By my calculations, they’d been hanging there for nearly two hours and they were obviously in more discomfort than they were the last time i’d looked at them.  They were now moaning loudly and were literally squirming in their nooses.

?Yes, slut,? Mistress advised, ?the longer a slut hangs, the worse it gets.  After the pain in his genitals goes away, the slut’s abdomen begins to cramp.  The pain then spreads through his entire body and he can be racked in agony for hours on end.  That scenario doesn’t play out too often, largely because most Mistresses are too compassionate to let things go that far.  However, Mistress Alicia gave her sluts a choice: either fry for her or hang the day away and suffer the consequences.  Unfortunately for them, they chose to just hang.?

Mistress reached out and caressed my bluish-purple cock and my similarly colored balls.

?You know, slut,? Mistress cooed, ?Mistress Alicia and I would just love to watch these fry.

She cupped my cold balls in her hand and, sliding her hand slowly up the length of my cock, gently patted the head.

Her voice becoming serious, Mistress assured me, ?We want you to have the choice, though.  Do you desire the same fate as those unhappy sluts—or would you like a short, painful date with these electrodes?

The Women squeezed the handles on the electrodes, opening the jaws wide.  Mistress Alicia moved Hers in place around my balls but kept the jaws open, waiting.  my own Mistress did the same, sliding Her electrode over the head of my cock and holding it there.  The thumb of Her other hand was on the switch.

i looked at my ruined sex.  My cock and balls were getting bluer by the minute and my guts were already starting to ache.  i looked again at the other two sluts.  They were now writhing on the ends of their ropes and their faces were twisted in pain.

i really had no choice.  i looked over at Mistress and begged, ?Please, Mistress?fry me.?

Mistress nodded to Mistress Alicia.  Both clamps snapped closed and the switch was thrown.  Less than a second later, I went down the same path as every other slut who fried that day—with no reprieve.

The End


It had been a lovely day in our little town.  More than 100 sluts were hung that day and well over half of them fried.  Women had the chance to suitably punish their wayward sluts, owners of downtown establishments did a booming business and, because males were once more put in their place, society as a whole benefited.

For me, life as a eunuch is very different from the life that I once enjoyed.  Since i’m no longer a kept slut, i have a job and i fend for myself.  i actually work in an auto supply store and every year, on Hang Day, i help man the battery concession on the Town Square.  Mistress has a new slut, one nearly my age.  With any luck, i’ll live long enough to someday rent Her the battery that will cook his cock and balls.    


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Changeling takeover

You are the ruler of a changeling hive and want to rule the world. However you will have the risk of your hive being banished from the lands you have hid yourselves in or killed off if you piss off the other races too much. Changeling race: they are similar to the pony race with a insect like apparence mixed in. They have a black fur-less carapace, webbed manes and tails, bent horns, and insect-like wings. They feed on the emotions of other races with love the best and can change their...

2 years ago
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Melody Smiths Schooldays

Melody Smith's Schooldaysby Eve AdorerChapter 15 – My Vacation Vocation Supremely aroused as I had become holding the divine Deneel in a tender embraceas the ultimate phase of Maiden Mead making had been given over to me,a long tepid shower was needed to lower the summit of my ardour and saveme from the evil compulsion to touch myself. My body came down from its peak of heat but very slowly. My mind continuedlost in the maze of lust for the remainder of the sleepless night through whichI...

3 years ago
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Meri First Chudayi

Hiiii… Aaj Me Aap logo se jo story share karne ja rahi hu wo Meri khud ki real story hai. Jise me aap logo ke saath share karna chahati hu. Mera Naam Riya hai, Age 25 year, figure 34, 2, 34, brown rang, me ek school teacher hu. Dosto Ek Age Ke Baad Sab ko Apana Bistar Suna Lagta Hai, Har Ladki Chahti Hai Ke Raat Me koi ho us ke saath jo puri raat use apni baho me le ke pyaar kare, us ke bubs ko dabaye, us ki nipal’s ko suck kare us ki chut ko chume or us ki chudayi kare. Me bhi Aisa hi Sochti...

3 years ago
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Letter from Dayton

LETTER FROM DAYTON From Aldous the Call Boy Dear Shoeblossom, Knobby dances naked, huge Victor rat traps snapped on his nipples, as Lia and I take turns swinging at his swinging balls and trembling buttocks. I am using a car ariel I broke off of the neighbor’s old Corvette, and it makes long red streaks on Knobby's buttocks, and Lia, giggling, is slashing him on his other side with a cat O Nine Tails. ? It's really too bad that I get such a kick out of helping Lia torture her...

1 year ago
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American Nazis Winter JenningsChapter 12 Dayton

I was driving my red F-150. Gertie in the middle, Harold, shotgun. We were braving suburban Raytown without Columbo, naked without Harold’s bodyguard. Gertie wasn’t complaining about the less-than-comfortable middle seat. She was strapped in and going over today’s lesson with Harold. Again. “This isn’t a whore building, Harold. You’re playing it straight today.” “I know, Gertrude. Market diversification.” Harold, seat belt diagonally across his dark blue blazer, white shirt, Trumpian red...

3 years ago
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Carefree Daycare

Welcome to Carefree Daycare! This story will be far more linear than regular CHYOA stories. It consists of 5 days of which all have a specified ending. Because of this you can add chapters on how the main character got into this situation, but you can not change the course of the story. There is a 6th day that serves as a free day a couple months after the original story. You can write any story line here you'd like. Because of the said restrictions, the are strict guidelines for adding new...

2 years ago
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Shanghai Interrogation

Shanghai Interrogation ?Yiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaahhh!' ?Again' ?No, no please... mercy... not there, pleeeese not there, ple.... Iiiiiiiaaaaah! ' Ropes creaked and the splayed figure hanging between the thick posts archedand surged in another spasm of agony as the carefully heated rod touched thewrinkled brown rosette of her anus for the second time. ?Where is he...? Where did he go...? Tell me or it will be worse... my menhave barely started yet...' The woman lifted her head; eyes glazed with...

1 year ago
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Shanghai Chronicles Gurls pact of 2015

Shanghai Chronicles part 1 - The Gurlz pact of 2015 The year was 2015 and I had just moved to Shanghai, China. Everyone I knew including me thought China was this place out of the Kung Fu movies, but it turned out to be no different from a Dubai, New York or a Singapore in reality it was even more shinny and new. At first impression I thought I was in a sci-fi movie, and this was the city of the future. Work wise China was booming and the money was good. Those expats who knew of this...

3 years ago
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Sexy Maami Ki Choot Chodi 8211 Rishton Mein Chudayi

Hi dosto ye meri pehli story hai is liye agar mujhse koi galati ho jaye to please mujhe maaf karna. Chalo ab main kuch apne aur apni maami ke bare mein batata hu. Mera naam Karan hai aur main 27 saal ka hu. Main Punjab se hu aur kafi ache ghar se hu. Aur mere lund ka size 7 inch ka hai. Mere ghar mein mere alawa mom dad hai. Chalo ab kuch maami ke bare mein batata hu. Unka naam Seema hai woh 39 years ki hai par dikhne mein 25-26 saal se jyada ki nahi dikhti. Jab woh saari pehenti hai mohale ke...

2 years ago
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Jiju Ke Sath Mast Chudayi

Mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aur main call center me job karti hu main ap sabko apni chudayi ki kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise mere jiju ne mujhe choda ye meri sacchi kahani h mere jiju hamare ghar aaye aur hum dono ek dusre se masti kar rahe the ap sabko to pata h jiju aur saali me kaise majak kiye jate main apne jiju ke sath masti karti hu aur wo bhi mujse non veg joke karte h. Apko kahani batane se pahle apne bare me bata du main bahut sexy ladki hu aur mera figure h 36...

4 years ago
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Mom And Maid Ki Ek Sath Chudayi

Hello friends mera name Vicky hai and main Ludhiana se hoon and main 29 years ka hoon and meri height 5’7″ hai and mere penis ka size app 6″ hai and meri body type athletic hai and main ek businessman hoon and mujhe sex ki bohat bhookh hai jis se maine apni mom ko bhi chod dala. Aap sab ko bina bore karte hue story par aata hoon meri maid ka name Asha hai and woh bohat hi sexy hai and uske boobs ka size 34 hai aur kaise usne mujhe meri mom ke saamne hi seduce kiya aur kaise maine apni maid ke...

2 years ago
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Meri aor meri babi ki garma girm chudayi

Main Mohan fm hayrana se kafi mahino ke baad es site pe apni ek new kahani lekar aaya hun.ye kahani aaj se thik 8 saal pahle ki hai aasha karta hun ki pahle ke tarah es baar bi mujhe aap aapna aecha response doge. Story padne se pahle land wale apna land hath main nikal le aor chut wali apni chut main ungli karma suru kar de because kahani bahut interested hai vaise to aap ko peta hi hai mere hathiyar aor power ke bare main phir kuch new reader ke liye beta deta hun mera land 9.5 inch longa and...

3 years ago
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Sali ki jabardast chudayi

My dear ISS readers (Chut valo aor land valo), Sabse pahle aa sabko mera namaskar. I am Mohan fm sirsa (haryana) age about 29 years working job in a company. Mere paas 9.5 inches long and 3 inches motayi wala land hai. Main apne baap ka eklota beta hun. Aj main ap logo ko apni ak real story suna raha hun. Es se pahle main aap logo ko apni 2 story paste kar chuka hun (1. Sali ki sasural main chudayi, 2. Sasural main saas ki chudai) Meri sadi feb,03 main hui thi, Meri shadi ko karib 4 saal aor 6...

2 years ago
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Nokeri Versus Chudayee

I was jobless and had not enough money to ride a bus from town to my home. I was living in a remote township of Bhagalpur. It was about 10 Km from city to my place. I used to find a job in the city and in the evening return hopelessly. I was quite young and smart, but there was no job matching to my qualification. One day I was walking along the road, going back to my home. I was tired and hungry. It was the last working day. The next day was weekly holiday. I was very depressed and worried for...

3 years ago
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Amandas Sudan Holliday

?Amanda's Sudan Holliday? By Angelgirl If you have already read "Amanda's Letter from Daddy" you probablydon't need to read this introduction. But if you haven't or might take offenceto a brutal story about a very young girl you will need to know these few things.This story begins after the death of my Daddy. It was at his funeral I firstmet two of his lifelong friends. They were twin brothers from the Sudan andwere Princes. They were amongst the richest men in the world. They told methey had...

4 years ago
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Virgin Bhabhi Ki Jabardast Chudayi

Ye jo story main aapko sunane ja rha hun isko sunke sabhi ladkon ke lund khade ho jayenge. Aur ladkiyan apni chut me ungli daal lengi ab story pe aata ye baat aaj se ek sal pehle ki hai mere bhaiya ki abhi 1 saal pehle hi shadi hui thi to unki wife yani ki meri bhabhi ki age mere barabar hi thi 22 ki to main apne bhaiya ke ghar jaya karta aur apni bhabhi se baat karta dhire dhire main unki taraf attract hone lag gya unka figure kamal ka tha 34 ke boobs the gol aur mote mote ras bhare unki kamar...

1 year ago
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38 yrs old radhika ki chudayi

Hi doston mera naam krish ha m a gr8 fan of iss or maine socha kyon na apna experience share kiya jaye i m frm delhi mujhe mobile chating ka bhut craze ha or ek din mujhe idea k voice chat par ek ladki mili jo phone sex ka bahut shouq rakhti thi or use bhut maza ata tha usne mujhe apna mob no. Diya or kaha raat ko baat karna. Raat ko kariban 11 baje uski miss cal ayi maine use call kiya to usne kaha mujhe maze karne hain abhi ma bhi masti ma tha or usko bola janeman shuru ho jao masti karna...

3 years ago
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Changeling it up

Marcus opened the door and Stephi snickered as she rode his back drunkenly before they landed on his couch "So... what now?" Stephi asked pulling off her high heels "What you really want to..." Marcus trailed off not having the nerve to say what he thought, the date was going so well and if he screwed this up how could he come back from it? Stephi chuckled "Okay. Close your eyes and tell me if you like it." Marcus closed his eyes as he did Stephi pushed him onto his back, opening her mouth she...

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Sweet Tuesdays

Every Tuesday morning at nine minutes past ten Kay says to her husband, ‘I’m off to town Tom.’ Tom always replies, ‘Have a nice time dear,’ then he laughs and says, ‘Give him my best wishes.’ Kay smiles and replies, ‘I will dear,’ and then leaving the house she makes her way to the bus stop and catches the nine fifteen bus into the CBD. Had Tom known it his joking remark about giving an make-believe lover his best wishes was closer to the truth than he knew, but to explain that and tell...

1 year ago
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Badi Maa Ki Pasine Bhari Chut Ki Chudayi

Mai shivam bhabua bihar ka rehane wala hu ye kahani meri aur meri badi maa ki h Aapka samai na jaya karte hue mai siddha kahani pea ta hu meri badi maa ek gadraye hue jawani ki aurat h unaka figure k bare me ako kya batau mast golgol chuche moti aur muscular gand jise dekhate he kisi ki bhi land khada ho jaye rang aisa k mano jaise koi pari….. Ek din mere ghar pr koi nahi tha sirf mai aur meri badi maa the wo dopahar me so gayi thi tabhi mai cricket khel k ghar aya to dekha unki sari uar tak...

2 years ago
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Divya Mami Ki Nabhi Ki Chudayi

Hello,sabhi aunty,didi,bhabhi aur girls ke liye h. Mai abhi yahaan naya aaya hu. To plz mera thoda khayam rakhna aap sabhi.Ok to ab mai apne bare me btata hu. Mai 33 yrs ka ek naujawan ladka hu aur abhi tak single hu.Mera naam raj h aur mai agra se hu. Meri height 5feet 8inch hai, mera rang gora h aur mera lund 7.5 inch lamba h aur 3.5inch mota h. Mai hamesha se hi nabhi ka deewana hu. Muje gehri aur lamhi nabhi bahut psand h. Nabhi itni bdi ho ki usme lemon pura aa jaye fir chahe wo nabhi...

3 years ago
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Mamta Ki Mast Chudayi

Hi friends ye meri first story hai mujhe story likhne ka experience nahi hai to ho sakta hai ki koi galti bhi ho jaye agar aapko ye kahaani pasand aaye to mail jarur karna mera mail id hai To ab main kahaani par aata hu mera naam Sanjay name changed hai or main delhi ka hi rahne wala hu main iss ka regular reader hu dekhne may ekdum taqatwar hu or height bhi meri 6’2″ hai or meri age 32 years hai. Ye ek dum sachi kahaani hai chahe koi maane ya na mane meri ek muhboli nani hai. mera unke yaha...

4 years ago
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Ek parivaar ki auratoon ki chudayi

Mera naam ramu hai. Meri umar 19 saal hai aur lambai 5 ft 4 inch hai. Mera lund kareeb 6 inch ka hai. Mein dekhna mein koi bahut handsome nahi hoon, lekin kisi ladki ko gf banane layak hoon. Mere frnd ka naam varun hai. Woh bahut smart aur handsome hai. Woh kareeb 5 ft 9 inch lamba hai. Uski umar 24 saal ki hai. Uski ek bahut khoobsurat patni hai. Sale ki ek girlfriend bhi hai. Gf dekhne main bahut mast maal lagti hai. Lekin patni jyada achi hai dekhne main. Sala woh bahut ladkiyon ko dhok...

4 years ago
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Hangin With The Girls

Please feel free to copy this story as needed. Contact me to let me know what happens to it. Thanks :) HANGIN' WITH THE GIRLS Charlene sighed as she did her brother's hair and make up. She wasn't happy with the idea. "And you're really sure you wanna got to school like this today?" "Not just today." I said. "Bullshit, you're gonna go to school like this every day?" "Sure am." "Okay Brian, I mean Zoe." A group of girls greeted me at the school gates. One wore a long...

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Friends 21st Bday

It was the summer of 08 and I had just finished the semester for the year. That year saw me break up with my first real g/f and i was single for the first time in 4 years. I wasnt looking for anyone in fact at this point the break up was 8 months in the past but it still weighted heavy on my mind. It was a nice summer day when I was to attend my friend katys 21st bday party which we were going to party and camp in her back yard. The event was small and mostly all of my old friends from town who...

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18th bday

it was my birthday, i just turn 18 and i told my lady friend to come over at night about 8pm.. my parents would be gone and no one would be there but me and the dog.she was about 19 and weight about 130lbs.. 32b and nice hourglass figure.. she knocked at the door and i lead her to the spare bedroom.. she know it was my birthday and told me she wanted to have sex with for my bday gift.. i told her that i would love to but its my first time.. she said it was ok and we didnt have to use a condom...

2 years ago
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For many years I have tried to come up with a technique to construct and experience erotic encounters and stories, using only the power of my mind while in a conscious state. This essay will introduce the concept of Erotic Daydreaming, describing what exactly it is, what its objectives are and how it compares to alternative methods of fantasy-immersion that are currently available. WHAT IS EROTIC DAYDREAMING Erotic dreaming is the act of putting yourself in a daydream-like state to create...

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Shanghai a Camera and a Blow Job

“Where are you going?” “Shopping.” “Shopping? What do you want to shop for?” “Well, it’s been a while since we bought anything for the ‘tickle trunk’. I thought it would be fun to find something new for me to wear. Besides, I’m in a mood to be a model again.” My grin betrays my pleasure. “May I join you?” In a short time, we are walking down one of the main shopping streets in Shanghai. As we pass a lingerie shop, “Wait! Have a look at this!” I stop and you point out a bra and panty set in...

2 years ago
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Shanghai a Camera and a Blow Job

“Where are you going?” “Shopping.” “Shopping? What do you want to shop for?” “Well, it’s been a while since we bought anything for the ‘tickle trunk’. I thought it would be fun to find something new for me to wear. Besides, I’m in a mood to be a model again.” My grin betrays my pleasure. “May I join you?” In a short time, we are walking down one of the main shopping streets in Shanghai. As we pass a lingerie shop, “Wait! Have a look at this!” I stop and you point...

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Wild Wednesdays

A couple in the swinging lifestyle make their weekly pilgramage to a private club. Wednesdays have been punctuated by a young woman who puts on quite a show in one of the anything-goes areas. Caitlyn's husband is in the crowd of onlookers while she sits alone in the public area. She's not alone for long.Wild Wednesdays“Mind if I sit down?” asked the black man with the muscular build.“What, you’re not going to join the others?” she said. He looked toward the wide doorway that led into the back...

2 years ago
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Girl Fridays

Girl Friday By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Casual day Lemon or baby blue? Perhaps pink? We all know what they say about girls who wear black panties, don't we? [Giggle] Fridays can be such a challenge. I mean, I had been wearing panties every day since my boss, Mr. Everhard's, "Girl Fridays" decree six weeks ago. But on Fridays, besides panties, I wore the miniskirt, stockings, garter belt and big heels to work too. On Monday through Thursday, when I'm wearing icky boys'...

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Girl Fridays

Girl Fridays Belladonna The car came to a stop as Vern Lowry pressed down the brake and put the vehicle in park. He pulled off his black sandals and slipped his black, opaque tights covered feet into the pair of 3? inch high heeled pumps he had placed into his pocketbook that morning. Vern smiled at the shoes as he buckled their thin ankle straps. Once he finished buckling the shoes, Vern lifted his wife's black aviator sunglasses off his nose and checked his appearance one...

3 years ago
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Alexa Chapter 34 Mondays

Alexa Chapter 34: Mondays God, I hate Mondays! I always have. I think everyone does. Getting back into the grind of everyday life was never any fun, but today was even worse. The events of the previous night cast a pall over not only my feelings but most of the state. Sure, the Vikings lost yet another NFC Championship, we were used to it. But the way they lost was so unlike the way the team had played all season was confounding. Add to that the sheer joy that had been created...

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Ek Sham Uncle Ke Sath Chudayi

Mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aur main call center me job karti hu. Main dikhne me bahut sexy hu aur log mujhe bahut line marte h aur meri colony ke sare uncles aur ladke mujhe line marte h. Main hamesha tight suit aur salwar pahanti hu aur apne honto par lipstick lagati hu aur jab bhi main market karne jati hu log mujhe line marte h aur meri figure bhi bahut acchi h main ek dum maal hu meri figure 36 30 38 aur mujhe chudwane me bahut maja aata h aur main bahut logo se...

2 years ago
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Meri Muh Boli Behen Ki Chudayi

Meri umar us waqt 25 thi or ashna ki 16 . Ashna us waqt 12th mai study krti thi. Ye to thi meri introduction . Ab jyada der na lgate hue mai apko story btata hu ……. Mai fb pe nya nya tha..Maine ek ldki ko friend request beji uska naam tha ashna . Luckily she accepts my request and hum roj chat krne lge. Kuch din aisa hi chlta gya and muje pta tha k vo mere se chhoti hai to mai use apni chhoti behn kehne lga.. And vo v bda bhai keh k bolti thi muje. Din gujrte gye and hmne apna mbile nmbr share...

3 years ago
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Bhai Ke Dever Se Chudayi

Hi maira name Rahil h meri 21 h ye meri real story hai maira rang gora h aur dekhne me bht khubsurat hun college ke bht se ladke mujhpe marte h par mai kisi ko bhav nhi deti hun mairi frnds mujhe apne sex ke bare me batati h to mujhe bhi sex kar ne ka man karta h par moqa nhi mila kabhi ab apni story pe aati hun Ye baat do saal pehle ki h jab mai b.Sc ki student thi Mairi do sis aur do bro h dono sis ki shadi ho chuki h mairi badi sister ka name nahid h aur chohti ka rehnuma baat tab ki h jab...

1 year ago
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Neelam Ki Chudayi

Hello friends , mera naam rashid hai aur main lucknow ka rehne wala hoon. Yeh meri pehli story hai , meri aap sabhi se request hai ki meri story ko padhkar mujhe “” per email ker k bataaiyen ki aap ko story kaisi lagi . Ab main seedhe story per aata hoon , main aur neelam dono ek sath padhte the . Neelam jo ki 20 saal ki thi ek dum model ki tarah lagti thi . Uski choochiyaan aur gaand aise the ki buddhon k lund bhi khade kerwa de. Use film line mien jaane ka bahut shauq tha iss liye woh filmon...

1 year ago
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Virgin Muskan Ki Chudayi

Hi this is Raj from Ggn sector-15. I’m a smart gay or esliye he koi b ladki meri taraf jaldi attract ho jati hai.. ye jab m 19 saal ka tha tab ki baat hai or abhi m 21 ka hu. Mere frnd ki gf thi or uski 1 frnd thi jab b wo mere frnd ki gf usse milne aati thi tab wo sath mai apni frnd muskan ko lati thi..or m mere dost k sath jata tha..wo dono sath baithte thai or uski frnd or m 1 sath ..Ek 1din mera dost apni gf ko room mai le gaya or hm dono bahar wait kr rahe thai.. Tab andar se aaaaa uuu plz...

2 years ago
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Ritu ki chudayi

Sabhi gandi gandi kahaniya padne wali sunder sexy ladkiyon or motai lund walon ko mere lund ka namaskaar,mein raman aaj apko apni dusri real story le kar hazir hun pehle ki tarah muje mail jarur karen,yeh kahani aaj se 3 saal pehle ki hai,to pais hai kahani. Muje kaam k silsile mein bombay ek kiraye k flat main rehta hoon. Mere samne ke flat main aik bohat hi khoobsoorat ladki rehti hai. Uski umer 20 saal thi. Us ka naam ritu tha. Meine jabh se usai dekha tha meri to nind hi udh gayi thi us ki...

1 year ago
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Shadi me chudayi

Aap sab ladke khub louda hila rahe ho our sab ladkiya bur me ungali dal rahi ho story pad ke.. To chalo mai bhi apni life ki ek real story batata hu.. Par karam hai tumhe tumhare choot ki.. Call ya mail jarur karna.. Mail Ye baat hai koi 3 saal purani.. Mai apne friend ke bhai ki barat me nagpur gaya tha.. Ab aap to jante hi hai shadi ki raat har ladka-ladki kya chahti hai.. Choot our lund.. Bus yahi mai bhi chahta tha.. Chuki mai ladke walo ki taraf se aaya tha to vaise bhi thodi chhoot thi....

3 years ago
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A Happy Holly Daye

To those who did not know him well, Brad Tyler might have come across as a bit of a Scrooge, a Grinch. Of course, those were people who did not know him well. Were the truth to be told, that was as far from an accurate description as saying Antarctica is a tropical climate. Brad was one of those rare individuals who got the true meaning of the holidays — giving of yourself. All of the employees at Tyler Chemical got a week off at Christmas time — with pay, something his father had started...

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Hang out As in Fuck Gay

I'd been having sex with another guy for about 6 months, I guess. We'd been friends for years, introduced by our wives. Our wives were both flight attendants for the same airline and tended to be away from home for days or weeks at a time. My wife and I had been drifting apart for a while up to this point and when Mark told me about him and his wife, I understood completely what he was going through. We talked and drank and drank a bunch more that night and complained much about how neither of...

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I love Fridays

I love Fridays. Fridays I start drinking in the late afternoon. I’m not an alcoholic, it’s just that I need to unwind once a week after chasing my two kids and husband, and doing all the housework. We make a point to get the kids out of the house on Fridays. My husband usually drops my daughter at my parents’ and we give enough money to Jason, my son who is a high-schooler, for going to the movies or whatever.Then my husband comes home and we have drunk, wild sex.This Friday was different...

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Foot Fetish Fridays

I was so excited! Who would have ever thought that only one month after graduating from college, I would land such a great job? Even though my starting position was to be one of the receptionists at a growing internet fashion company, it was still such a lucky break for a twenty-two-year-old to get her foot in the door. After a week of training, I was ready to report and when I entered the large building, it was so modern and revolutionary. Huge flat screen computers filled the tables and very...

2 years ago
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Mistress on Tuesdays

mrs_rchl1::kissychickzdigmeyup:hi!mrs_rchl1:hey there!mrs_rchl1:im so glad i caught you againchickzdigmeyup:me toomrs_rchl1:ive been so busy with work its hard for me to find time to get on heremrs_rchl1:spread those legschickzdigmeyup:can you see me?mrs_rchl1:anyone in the room with you or are you alone?mrs_rchl1:yeschickzdigmeyup:i'm alonemrs_rchl1:cant hear you thoughmrs_rchl1:rub yourself through those jeansmrs_rchl1:get into itmrs_rchl1:moanmrs_rchl1:fuckmrs_rchl1:are you all alone in the...

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I was flying into Shanghai for a business conference and still felt like shit from the giardia I contracted on the last leg of my hiking trip through Nepal.Not to mention that I was shaken by the turbulent ride over the Himalayas, having watched the snowy peaks of the mountains, like a bed of nails below us, as the plane’s cabin violently shook, and passengers screamed.The plane sliced in through the smog, and several people on board applauded as we touched down safely to Pudong Airport…After...

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When Jon woke up, he could feel rain hitting his skin. Slowly he sat up and looked around, shaking his head. He quickly realized that he was naked and that he sat in the middle of a forest. Slowly he looked around, noticing the smoking pieces laying around. Slowly a bit of his memory came back. He had been on the way home from a business meeting in a neighbor city and had taken the, slightly longer, route over the mountain pass to enjoy a bit the storm raging over the mountainside. Then, on the...

2 years ago
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In all your life you could only feel one way about yourself. You were a loser. Everything about you could be described as "below average" everything from your eyesight to the size of your penis. You were socially inept. You frequented the library, you would spend your time reading romances and erotica, wishing that you could have something like the characters in the stories. Despite everything you told yourself, despite all of your efforts, your attempts at improving any aspect of yourself...


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