Shanghai Shanghai
- 4 years ago
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Shanghai Interrogation
?No, no please... mercy... not there, pleeeese not there, ple.... Iiiiiiiaaaaah! '
Ropes creaked and the splayed figure hanging between the thick posts archedand surged in another spasm of agony as the carefully heated rod touched thewrinkled brown rosette of her anus for the second time.
?Where is he...? Where did he go...? Tell me or it will be worse... my menhave barely started yet...'
The woman lifted her head; eyes glazed with agony and the strain of her bondsand stared at the man who'd spoken. ?Regret master, cannot help, I do not knowanswers you seek...'
Colonel Lui of the Shanghai Militia nodded, his flat, impassive features studyingthe woman's naked body like a surgeon. She had been bound with exquisite care,first, her wrists crossed and bound tightly behind her back then ropes wrappedround her upper arms linking them together and forcing her shoulder bladesback. Finally, the careful suspension, lifting her into the air but makingsure her weight was spread between the ropes binding arms and wrists. Of course,she'd cried a little when they first hoisted her into the air, but then womenusually did as they finally understood the kind of agony to come as the ropesbegan their cruel work.
She'd cried even more as his men bent her knees, spreading her legs wide apartand lifting each ankle shoulder high before binding it against one of the thickwooden pillars. Finally the humiliation of more ropes round her knees, holdingthem bent up towards and also tied to the pillars so she seemed to be sittingin mid air, splayed open and helpless.
Only in her early twenties the woman was young and fit with a beautiful figure,although now her smooth, pale creamy skin was blotched and marked with theweals and bruises of her first beating at the hands of the soldiers some threehours before. Deliberately, the colonel's men had left her able to move a little,just enough to be able to react for their pleasure... although every twistand jerk brought fresh, throbbing pain to her joints and the places where theropes cut into her flesh.
Colonel Lui's domain was a place of careful, obscene agony. The heavy, carvedbeams and thick pillars were all painted the same, dull scarlet, broken onlyby gilded symbols and motifs at the top of each pillar. Hanging bulbs in dirtywhite enamelled shades cast pools of light onto the ancient stone floor slabsleaving the edges of the chamber and the roof above in deep shadow. A bluishhaze of smoke rising from the braziers and bowls of charcoal on their metalstands added to the cloying, sticky heat.
Ropes and cords hung in carefully tied hanks next to racks holding bambooand rattan canes of different lengths and thicknesses. On tables against thewalls were the other tools and devices used by the colonel and his men; thedifferent metal implements and probes, some slim, some thick and rounded, butmost made of brass or copper for quicker heating in the coals. Behind themthe longer, thicker copper rods, their ends domed and shaped in the likenessof an erect penis for the slower and more deliberate torture of a woman.
Only just visible in the gloom stood other, larger items; the stocks and restraintstools, the whipping frames and the thick upright bamboo stakes each one cutto a diagonal point that a prisoner could be lowered onto with such exquisitecare. On another table were the colonel's special tools; long nosed pliers,razor sharp blades and forceps, and the lacquered boxes of polished bambooslivers and sets of gleaming metal needles he used for applying precise, delicateagony to the most sensitive places.
For the moment the colonel was content to use a single metal probe, now comingup to heat again over a small bowl of glowing charcoal. Naturally, he did notwish the carefully shaped copper rod to become too hot. Just enough heat toglaze the skin and bring the maximum sensation from every screaming nerve,but without causing real damage. He leaned closer, studying the trembling fleshand the way the woman's anus was constantly flexing and clenching like a littlemouth as she tried to ride the throbbing pain of those first agonising touchesfrom the copper rod.
?Again... a little way inside this time...,'
He held finger and thumb apart showing his uniformed assistant what was wanted.There was a soft ?sssss' as the man wiped the probe's end with adamp cloth, carefully removing any trace of soot or ash before moving betweenthe woman's bent and splayed legs. Head shaking in useless, silent denial,she craned forwards, mouth wide in horror... feeling the heat from the copperrod on her inner thighs...
?No, master, no.... please noooo!'
Colonel Lui nodded, ?Alas, yes...,' and the young man lifted the tip towardsthe sore, swollen rosette of her anus. As the rounded end touched her fleshhe gently turned the shaft and pushed it inwards. The woman convulsed, herhips arching up so she actually lifted herself inches higher in the air asthe blazing agony seared through her anus and rectum. The man's skill keptthe heated metal embedded inside the woman's body despite her spasms, his wristrocking gently to and fro to maximise the effect of the torture on the delicateinner membranes of her anal opening.
?Iiiiiiih... yaaaaaaarrrrgh! Pleeeeesssssseee!'
For almost a minute the woman bucked and squirmed madly, impaled on the endof the heated probe whilst her cries and pleas rang unanswered round the chamber.From the shadows other men, the senior militia officers and government officialswho took their private pleasures by watching Colonel Lui at work on suspectedenemies of the State, looked on approvingly.
The watchers' breathing grew faster, eyes gleaming in the dimness with hotarousal and excitement as they drank in the sight of a helpless young womanwrithing and squealing. Behind her back they could see her hands clenchingand unclenching continuously, her hips bucking in a frantic agonising rhythmas she rode the air, fucking the torturing rod that was delicately flayingher anus raw.
?Enough, comrade Chen...' The woman continued her demented bucking frenzyeven after the guard removed the copper rod and placed it back on the grillto warm once more. He bowed respectfully and stepped back knowing that hisskill had won his master's unspoken approval.
Waiting until the woman was still, apart from the rapid rise and fall of herbreasts and her gasping, sobbing breaths, Colonel Lui leaned closer to observethe effect of the copper rod. The puckered dark brown rosette was now tautand shiny, the rim swollen like a circular pouting lip and weeping a clearfluid. He allowed himself a brief smile of enjoyment and touched her anus withhis right forefinger...
Despite her scream the woman could not prevent him sliding his finger deeper,rubbing and fretting against the raw, flayed ring and the inner membranes ofher rectum. He lifted her chin with the fingers of his other hand. ?Perhapswe have helped your memory to return a little...' he coaxed, finger slidingin and out to increase her torment with every touch, ?well?' The woman didn'treply, but her downcast eyes and stubbornly closed lips were all the answerneeded. ?A foolish choice... for you, but one that will give me much pleasure,'
He leaned closer to the core of the woman's body, studying the split ovalof her cunt. This one was full lipped, the bulging outer labia almost blackagainst the lighter olive of her thighs. Trimmed black hair fringed the upperarc of the pouting lips, the colour emphasising the vivid contrast betweenthe dark outer lips and the moist, startling pink inner flesh. This was themoment he loved, increasing the woman's mental agony as he kept her waiting...her body shivering with growing terror knowing that the careful, expert tortureof her genitals was about to begin.
The finger and thumb Colonel Lui's left hand gently parted the deep pink innerlips, a caressing touch that brought a shuddering indrawn breath from the womanand made her crane forwards once more to stare, wide-eyed with fear, at theintimate folds of her own body. The rope ties creaked as his right forefingerstroked the hooded tip of her clitoris and the woman gasped and bucked, herbreath racing terror as that caress told her where the agony was to be appliednext.
?Such pleasure...' the finger stroked to and fro expertly bringing the pinknub to full erection, ?even now...' The colonel pushed the fleshy hood backand let his nail scrape across the taut, shiny tip of the clitoris itself sothe woman gasped with a different kind of ecstasy and involuntarily rockedher hips to increase the stimulation. ?But you are not here for your pleasureare you...?' The nail pressed inwards, twisting and turning so she arched upin pain once more.
?Nah...Naaaaaaaah, ah, aaaaarrrgggghh!'
?Comrade Chang, very gently...just a touch... against her pearl... let ussee how strong this one's will really is...' Again there was the soft hissof cloth on metal as his young assistant cleaned the copper rod. This timethe colonel helped, using the fingers of both hands to spread the woman's moistinner lips revealing every fold in a gaping pink oval of flesh. He carefullyadjusted his grip, the finger and thumb of his left hand at the top of herslit, parting her labia so her clitoris jutted out fully exposed. ?Stroke acrossthe tip, Chang, a fleeting kiss no more...'
?Oh, oh, oh, Yeeeeeeeeeeaaarrrrgghhh! '
Colonel Lui kept the woman's cunt spread open as she surged madly in her bonds. ?Again,Comrade...' he said softly and the heated copper rod stroked the woman's clitorisfor a second time.
They both stepped back hastily as a thin stream of liquid arched out fromthe woman's cunt to splash on the stone flags beneath her dangling body. ?Excellent,Comrade, excellent...a fine response', he studied the quivering figure fora few moments longer then gently reached forwards to cup the full globe ofher left breast. His thumb flicked and rolled the large, dark red nipple, aslow deliberate rhythm that made it rouse and stiffen into a blunt peak.
?What would you suggest now, would you proceed?'
Chang bowed, thinking hard. The Colonel was truly a torture master and suchquestions were not to be answered without care. ?Her pearl, Master, continuestroking her pearl and then... perhaps her deep valley? He used a careful euphemismfor the woman's vagina but the meaning was clear.
?Such haste, remember there must be time for the subject to appreciate eachdifferent sensation to the full,' the colonel chided. ?And do not forget tolet a subject's own body enhance your work.' He lifted one hand towards thetrembling figure in the rope cradle. ?Of course we will attend to her pearlmost time. She knows what is to come...but think how much moreshe will feel the rod's heat when the flesh is already raw and swollen.
His thumb continued rolling the hard, rubbery tip of the woman's breast. ?Sheknows I will use the rod again, her only concern is where it will touch next.'He lifted his other hand and began caressing her other nipple watching andwaiting for the woman to gather her strength. He saw her head moving from sideto side, mouth slack with pain and her eyes staring down as she studied theblunt, manicured fingers milking her tender teats to aching hardness. A thin,cruel smile touched his lips.
?Ah are ready for me now. Comrade Chang, see if the touch of therod against these eager peaks here will loosen her tongue a little more...'
?Master, n-no, no, p-please n-noooo...I do not know, must believeI speak the truth...'
The words tumbled out as her eyes darted from side to side trying to watchthe colonel's fingers toying with her nipples as well as Chan's careful preparationof the copper rod. The colonel stepped aside and the woman let out a risingwail of despair. Chang lifted her right breast, holding it cupped gently inone hand so the nipple jutted out. He paused, capturing her full attention,and then carefully stroked the rod's rounded end, the reddish metal now darkand discoloured with heat, across the stiff rubbery peak.
?ih...ih...ih....ih...IH! Iiiiiiiaaaaah...Iiiiiiiiiaaaaarrrggghhh!'
At first the sounds were a high, gasping chant as the woman tried to copewith this new agony searing into her breasts, but Chang continued strokingthe burning metal along the full length of her nipple, touching the wrinkledskin again and again so all control disappeared and the chants merged intoa wordless squeal of agony.
Indifferent to such sounds, the colonel's young assistant concentrated hardon his task, working round every part of the woman's out thrust nipple, thehot copper rod searing and lifting the delicate skin to leave the whole, nerve-richstub weeping, flayed and raw.
At last he released her breast and she was allowed to slump in her bonds,chest heaving with the effort of bringing her breathing back under some kindof control. There was no mercy in allowing her a respite...just the practicalneed to ensure the rod was reheated ready to apply the same flaying agony toher left breast.
?I know, such pain...all these special places are so sensitive...but thenI cannot allow you to remain stubborn, can I...?' Colonel Lui looked into thewoman's eyes, noting the spark of defiance that still burned despite the torture. ? are honoured to receive such skilled attention from one so young...'The woman lifted her head to the darkness above the lights, screaming in painand terror as Chang lifted her left breast and she felt the approaching heatof the copper rod once more.
With the flaying of her other nipple the woman's stoical resistance was finallybroken... Colonel Lui listened impassively as she betrayed her lover and hissecret refuge. In her gabbling confession she also revealed that the man'stwenty-nine year old sister and her maid, both now being sought by the authorities,were hiding there as well. Sobbing and still writhing in pain the woman's hoarsevoice finally dribbled into silence, her body limp between the scarlet tortureposts.
?Rest... whilst I arrange for your information to be checked,' the colonelmurmured smiling as he saw her body relaxing at his words. ?Then we must seewhat else you have to tell us...'
? Noooooooooooooooo! No, you promised, the name, you wanted the names,you promised...!'
?Of course I wanted the names...but I never promised we would stop... No,my dear...we have only just begun to play with all this delightful flesh youhave to show us. ?Now let us continue...Comrade Chang, bring me the largerof the lacquered boxes.'
The woman jerked and threshed uselessly, crying and screaming in protest whilstsweat rolled down her naked skin. The drops trickled into the creases of hergroin before dripping onto the floor, adding to the wetness already pooledbeneath her. Both men ignored the frantic woman completely, Chang busy placingthe things his master would need on a small black tray whilst Colonel Lui moveda wooden stool between her outstretched thighs and made himself comfortable.
?See, Comrade it is as I said...notice how the flesh has risen here...' hisfinger feathered across the taut, shiny bulb of her clitoris and the womanbucked squealed, ?and here.' The finger traced down the wet slot of her cunt,bringing out another bucking squeal as he touched the swollen ring of her anus.He paused, studying the contractions of her body for long moments then heldout one hand, ?the bristle brush I think to begin with.'
Chang bobbed and handed his master the small brush. Shaped much like a toothbrushit was made of carved ivory. The head was long and thin set along its lengthwith sharp, springy bristles taken from a wild boar. Even on hardened skinthose bristles scratched and scraped painfully, as Chang knew from cleaningthe brush after other torture sessions, but when applied to flesh already scorchedand flayed raw...
Colonel Lui held the woman's labia apart and brought the brush down, rakingthe bristles across the blistered swollen bulb with a long slow movement. Fora few seconds the woman didn't react at all, then her mouth opened in a gapingcircle, her back arched against the ropes and a single, screech of pure agonyripped through the chamber. The colonel waited calmly until that first longexhalation ended and she was just beginning to breathe in then swept the viciouslybristled head back, quite slowly across the raw tip of her clitoris.
Again the pause then more screams filled the air. Working with diabolicalskill the colonel continued the torture, scraping the raw nerves again andagain; each touch making the woman surge up and down like a demented puppet,quite heedless of the fiery pain in her arms and wrists.
Naaaaagggh! Naaah, nnnnggggh! Gaaarrrrgggggghhh!
Finally he noted with a tinge of disappointment that the cries were not quiteas shrill and piercing as they had been and handed the little brush, the bristlesnow coated with blood and mucus to Chang. In turn he offered his master thesmall lacquered box, waiting patiently for him to select the particular fire-hardenedbamboo slivers he would use next.
?Always listen to the screams comrade Chang... they will guide you to thepoint that gives the most exquisite agony...' He held up one of the four inchlong slivers, ?observe...'
?C-c-c-c-can't d-d-do t-t-that, no, Master, p-p-please, I've told you ple...Iiiiiiih! Aaaaaaah...aaaaaaah...aaaaaaah...
The needle point touched the very tip of the woman's raw clitoris as she pleadedthen. Her head craned forwards again, eyes fixed on the colonel's fingers ashe held the sliver against her nub. She drew a single shuddering breath, tryingto hold back her screams of agony as he gently rotated the bamboo splint...workingit carefully deep into the meat of her clitoris.
Colonel Lui smiled to himself as the outraged gasps of agony became louderand more intense. He stopped, listening to the sounds, watching her musclestensing and shivering with strain making the raw tips of her breasts vibrateand jiggle enticingly just in front of his eyes. The gasping chants becamequieter and the colonel moved his fingers turning the embedded sliver verydelicately within her flesh, probing and seeking one precise point until...
Every muscle in the woman's body snapped bar-taut, sinews showing like wirebeneath her skin as a single bolt of pain engulfed her. ?You hear comrade Chang...let her screams guide you. Now the merest touch will...' His fingers turnedand pushed the jutting bamboo splint a fraction and the woman convulsed again,unable to control her reaction as the sharpened splinter tortured the nervecentre deep within her clitoris.
For five minutes the colonel kept returning the woman to that screaming peakof pain. No words, no real effort, just that relentless, probing sliver deepwithin the nub of her clitoris bringing her to a screaming frenzy with eachskilful movement of the master torturer's wrist. Finally, unable to stand anymore, the woman gave a strangled moan and passed out, her head lolling forwardsso a thin trickle of saliva drooled from her gaping mouth to fall in strandsacross the creamy swell of her breasts.
?Give her five minutes, then bring her round... we have plenty of time withthis one...' Colonel Lui stretched and stood up. In the darkness teeth gleamedas the others smiled and nodded their appreciation. Of course, young Changdidn't know that it was one of those generals, now watching silently from thedarkness, who had given Colonel Lui such precise instructions earlier on. Justas neither Chang, nor the woman herself, knew that the man, his sister andthe maidservant she'd finally been forced to betray had been in Colonel Lui'shands since yesterday.
No, this was a matter of revenge. The woman hanging between the posts hadbeen foolish enough to insult the general by laughing as she rejected his advances.It was a foolish misjudgement on her part. The General was one of Colonel Lui'sbest providers of a ready supply of young and attractive material on whichhe could exercise his particular skills; the general was in a strong positionto seek a favour.
He had wanted her to suffer... more importantly he had wanted to see her suffer.What better solution than to have her arrested and condemned as a politicalprisoner, ready in due course for the colonel's agonising attentions. Sincethe woman was young and attractive it was giving Colonel Lui great pleasureto ensure the general's revenge was both long and exquisitely painful. Besides,Colonel Lui had special plans for the other woman and the maidservant... torturedid not always have to be applied directly and having two women together offeredinteresting possibilities.
Naaaaaaaah! Hah, aaaaaaah hah...p-p-pleeessssee! '
The spluttering, anguished cries told the colonel that Chang was followingorders. First a jug of cold water thrown against her face to bring the womanround then a gentle tapping against the jutting end of the bamboo sliver stillimpaling her clitoris to get her full attention.
Settling himself on the stool Colonel Lui held out his hand and Chang offeredthe tray, the lacquered box already open. ?Now let us hear how your singingvoice has improved,' the colonel said stroking the under curve of the woman'sbreasts with his finger tips, ?you may choose which side to begin...left, orright?
?No, no please, leave me alone, please, please don't touch me...'
?The left then, are you ready?' The colonel smiled into her terrified staringeyes then both looked down to where her left breast was cradled in his hand.The raw, weeping tip now swollen to twice its normal size jutting proudly outof the dark, untouched circle of her aureole as though inviting more attention.
?Aaaaarrrgggghh, n-n-noooo, ih, ih, ih, p-p-p-please, PLEESSSSE .. .!'
Her frantic cries became louder as he scratched the fire-hardened tip of thesplint across the raw surface of her nipple. The flesh of her breast bulgedthrough the fingers of his other hand as he gripped the soft globe tighter,holding her still as he circled and caressed the swollen tip with diabolicalskill.
?Such foolish noises...' he murmured touching the point to the very tip, pressingin fractionally so the flesh dented and the woman writhed in awful anticipation,knowing what was about to happen. He was holding the tapered sliver with surgicalprecision between forefinger and thumb. The woman's eyes bulged with horroras she watched the finger move, rolling the rounded shaft against the pad ofhis thumb so the bamboo needle slid deep into her left nipple.
The high, animal squeal rose and fell in volume as the colonel pushed thebamboo sliver deeper into the nerve-rich meat. Just as before his movementswere careful and precise, a gentle pressure and the slow deliberate rotationof the rounded shaft to ensure that the woman was lifted to another blazingpeak of agony. With almost an inch of the yellowish splint skewering the fulllength of her flayed nipple the colonel sat back and watched the little woodenstick dancing and bobbing as the woman shuddered and bucked in yet anotherfutile attempt to ride the agony of the bamboo torture.
Ten minutes later she was near total collapse from the agony of having thethird sliver inserted slowly into the full length of her right nipple. Shehung from the ropes with her head swaying from side to side. For the watchersin the shadows it seemed as though she was studying the three little yellowsticks jutting from the sexual trigger points of her body. Two sticking outfrom the peaks of her breasts, the third jutting up from the top of that gleamingpink gash between the dark, black-furred lips of her cunt.
?You wonder why I have left the bamboo needles in place, comrade Chang?'
?Yes, I mean no, I...I... this humble servant does not understand, Master....'
?Your honesty does you credit, comrade Chang. Bring me a single chopstickand all will be made clear to you.'
?A single chopstick master?' Chang bowed in bewilderment as he hurried toobey.
Holding the slim bamboo rod in his right hand, Colonel Lui lifted the woman'shead, fingers gently cupping her chin. He looked into her pain glazed eyes. ?Thereare others, other names...tell me who they are...'
?N-n-n-no o-o-others, M-m-master...mercy, please mercy...'
?A reminder then...' Very gently the colonel tapped the protruding end ofthe bamboo needle jutting from the woman's clitoris.
Tap...tap...tap...tap...tap... in a deliberate, relentless rhythm...
With each tap the woman jerked as though an electric current was surging throughher body. She threshed wildly, mouth stretched wide as the little wooden stickjarred the embedded bamboo needle so the point scratched and fretted againstthe tortured nerve endings with every gentle blow.
?You see, comrade Chang... a little longer and she will tell everything wewish to know.' The colonel rose to his feet and handed his assistant the singlechopstick. ?Leave her pearl for the moment... try against the other needlesin turn... against the side at first then see how she reacts when you tap theend of the needle...' He turned away and then looked back. ?Remember, Chang,gently, always gently...'
Colonel Lui allowed himself a further brief smile of satisfaction as he walkedto where the general waited in the shadows. Behind him the rhythmic, squealingsounds from the woman rose and echoed round the chamber, completely drowningout the regular tapping noise of the little wooden stick...
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Al entered the shuttle bay where they were holding the Tissk prisoners. “Am I in time?” Despite the engineers examining the recovered fighters, the room was largely empty aside from several security officers clustered around one shuttle, Al’s. “Right on time,” Kal reported. “Myi just landed and they’re preparing to take Captain Kclekt to a holding cell—one of the bay’s spare changing rooms—to interrogate him.” “I thought I heard you,” Zita said, exiting a side room. “We’ve managed to learn...
Becki entered from the kitchen and slumped down on the couch next to Jay. It was the hottest day of summer so far and they sat motionless waiting for the fan to sway across them providing intermittent relief from the overwhelming heat. Becki broke the silence..."Tell me again...""Tell you what babe..?""You know, about the man...""Oh what, this again, I wish I'd never told you in the first place..."Becki snuggled her head into her boyfriend's bare chest and started rubbing his cock through his...
Before I knew where I was I felt myself being pushed into what sounded like a quite large, but unfurnished, room. It was noticeably quite cool in there and I felt my balls retracting in response to the lower temperature. There was activity going on around me — I heard at least one man and two different women whispering as I stood, blindfolded, feeling extremely exposed. "Face me," the male voice from my left hand side ordered. I turned to where I thought the voice was. "Now stand up...
The two men were seated on a bench at a field mess table; well, but not closely, guarded. They were wearing fatigue pants and simple white shirts. They were still clearly somewhat disoriented from the dose of stun they had received. Pru walked up to them and looked them over, sensing their confusion and fear. She spoke in Mandarin. "Good afternoon. You have nothing to fear from us at this time. We are here to release hostages, not to punish anyone who has done no wrong. What are your...
Besides Eve it's too late for breakfast, but we can ride the bikes to lunch, I said. That is just what we did. Lunch was a Barbecue sandwich at the barbecue pit, as the Gunny had called Keplan's. It wasn't near as far as Helen's which was a good thing since it was apparently going to start raining soon. I didn't mind riding the bike in the slight rain. If I had long hair I might have objected. Long hair requires fancy cuts and styling which go all to hell when wet. In my case the spike...
Beauty was gone again by the time Logan woke. It was still early morning, judging by the weak rays of light spilling through the ceiling crack. She could not have been gone for long. The shape of her body could still be seen where she had been lying on the moss. Hunting, he assumed. Or just avoiding me. On the other side of the now cold, dead fire, Karen still lay in an uneasy sleep. Seeing her lying there, naked and dirty, on the cave floor reminded Logan of his first night in Hell. It...
Chapter 1 The entire affair had been all wrong right from the beginning. It was not the right place. It was definitely the most inopportune of times. Even the subject was riddled with complexities that made the truth so elusive that the report would be utterly worthless. He was one of those oddball individuals that had threads leading so many different directions that even when he was picked apart and unraveled down to the very core there was no acceptable degree of certainty that he was...
My parents were going away for two weeks with my younger sister (fifteen) and I had been asked if I would like to come home to house-sit and look after the pets. I was in my third year at the University a student and in-between summer jobs so I thought it would be nice to spend some time on my own away from my three mad girlie friends who I share a house with. So I said yes. I asked my boyfriend if he could come as well but he couldn't make it until the following weekend, which meant I'd have a...
MasturbationThe relatively calm autumn came to a crashing end before Thanksgiving. There were a number of reasons for this change to chaotic behavior. Many in the Circle were affiliated with the university, most as students – students, most of whom, became frantic about the rapidly ending semester and the amount of course material they still had to digest in order to get a passing grade. About two-hundred Circle members and pledges, the largest number ever, decided to stay in Sarasota for Thanksgiving...
I am vivek, 30 years old, fair and tall guy working with a MNC at Chennai. This is a true story that happened 8 months back.Since i was looking for some good investments, My friend promised me that he will ask his friend, working on mutual funds, to call me. The next day I received a phone from a lady with a sweet voice detailing me on the mutual fund options. Since she knew my friend, We decided to meet at a restaurant to discuss more on it. We met in a Chinese restaurant and the moment i saw...
Hi readers, this is one of my experiences in the last couple of months with a colleague of mine. I had returned back from Germany after 3 years and was heading a new team in Surat since it was a new team we had occupied a new development centre in the sprawling SEZ Park and there was a lot of free space as we were ramping up the team and one fine day. I saw my teammate from a previous project occupying one of the computers. We had worked together about 5 years back and she was pregnant then....
Hi Guys Im Wonder-Mom I am a Hot German MILF Babe for what i am told almost every day. I am into all kinds of hot sex with very well hung men, I love Oral and can’t get enough Hot Thick Creamy Cum splattered all over my face and in my mouth. I love to ride a good hard stiff hard 10" pluss cock and my favorite position is Reverse Cowgirl becouse i love it real deep inside me. I enjoy dressing up in skin tight dresses and love to do the school girl thing in knickers from time to time. Im always...
Ashley’s home recording studio comprised a large area in the lower level of her large home. The main studio was about thirty-by-forty feet – plenty of room for the band, back-up singers, and Ashley. Looking onto that room through a thick plate glass was the good-sized control room, with a digital mixer board that had fifty channels that could be finely tuned using multiple controls for each channel as it recorded or played back various songs. Several large computers also graced the room....
September 19, 1990 The near total destruction of the first pirate town sent shock waves across Cartoom. Public opinion was divided. Most were happy that the day of Cartoom Pirates was coming to an end. A significant fraction of the population was horrified by the sheer number of dead that surfaced. Six additional pirate towns fell over a six day period. The death toll was nowhere near what it had been in the first town. Those who weren’t actively involved in piracy hid at the first shot...
Hi Friends, I am one of the reader like you for this ISS and in fact, a great fan to ISS. Thank you ISS for giving us a platform to share our real time experiences. Myself Night Rider (Night Rider for Unsatisfied Ladies) and I belong to Hyderabad, any unsatisfied ladies from Hyderabad can contact me at and I am available full time for you babes. I am a simple guy who generally devote his normal and routine life to Office on Weekdays and Room/Sleeping/Movies/Shopping on Weekends. I never...
I had been living in the apartment building for three years. The two women had been next door for the past two. Over the course of time, we exchanged the typical pleasantries and small talk. Eventually we developed a comfortable but relatively casual relationship. I would help them out if they needed some heavy work done or if something needed fixing. They would reciprocate by presenting me with some delicious baked goodies, especially around the holidays. They also helped me dress up...
We woke together and pulled on enough clothing to be decent and went into the kitchen. It was early and the morning mist was visible out the window as the coffee dripped. I fixed her coffee and poured mine. We continued to look out the window with our arms around each other just enjoying the quiet. After a few minutes, Joan wandered in sniffing loudly. "Coffee, I smell coffee." She fixed her cup and joined us looking out the window. She said, "It is so quiet and beautiful here. It's...
Ember stood in the center of the dark room wearing a matching black lacy bra and panty set. Her clothes were in a neat pile on a small table in the corner of them room, exactly as instructed. Her breaths were coming in short, fast, nervous whispers and she dared not make a sound other than that. The faint sound of a door opening and closing reached her ears and Ember fought the urge to turn around or cover herself. She remained as still as she could, looking straight ahead into the soft...
BDSMGuys this story is about my wife having sex with one of my friends, gee that's a shocker...the other 22 are too. One day I had to leave the shop to pick up some supplies in a near by town. It's only twelve miles from my shop if I go that nearest way, but the longer way takes me by my house. I rode pasted the house at around noon and my wife's car wasn't there , but even better no ones truck was there , I'm k**ding, I love it when she gets the shit fucked out of her, she always tells me about it...
Béatrice inspecte ma féminitéNous faisions l'amour dés que nous nous voyons dans l'intimité. A 70 ans, il y avait de la part de ma belle-mère une sorte de rage, inconnue d'elle-même, à explorer toujours plus les arcanes de nos sensualités, une soif de tendresse et de jouissance. Nous n'en revenions pas de cette révélation soudaine tant cela nous était inconcevable ainsi que pour nos proches qui ignoraient tout. Un jour, Béatrice me demanda de m'habiller de mon mieux en femme, tandis qu'elle...
The present Archibald Young What are we to make of this boy, this creature, this phantasm? He is sixteen for another hour, but in his head whirl images and thoughts, strange and terrible desires, lusts and yearnings that would shock many a sixty-year-old. Look at him! Look at him as he walks slowly down the gloomy corridor, below the ground, all dressed in white, like a bride, beside the older man. Is that his father? Giving him away? Look at the boy's...
She was losing patience for the first time in years. They had been at it for what seemed like hours, yelling, accusing and berating, not caring that their voices bounced off the steel walls and slammed against her head. Spittle flew, eyes bulged, and chairs were abandoned as the couple bounded to their feet in rage. Each word was a sledge hammer that pounded her patience level lower and lower until, finally her eyes saw red. This was Julia’s first case as a mediator, and she was pretty sure it...
Nilesh Kumar The GreatBY: Londebaaz ChohanWell, if Nilesh Kumar wanted to claim and the world wanted to believe that he was not Gay; who wanted to be the judge? Better nobody. Even Nilesh cannot refuse that he had fooled around with men; at least on occasions and if nothing stern or serious, but at least touching, feeling and exploring other men to satisfy his desires to be a showoff. After all, said and done; one thing was for sure that he was damn lucky young man. For his very average body...
Dizziness. Headache. Disorientation. Han stirred from what felt like a year-long slumber and his lungs sucked in humid air. Humid? This was the opposite of Tatooine. His last memory was on that arid, desert world. What happened? He’d been on Jabba’s barge, outside the palace and above the Sarlacc pit. He was about to be executed. There’d been a battle and then... Nothing. That must have been when he lost consciousness. ’Where the fuck am I?’ He rose from the simple bed and observed his...
Mera naam Nawab Akhtar Ali hai aur meri kahani 1805 ki hai. Mera nikah 19 saal pehle begum Shaban se hua tha jo ki meri khala ki beti hai. Begum Shabana shuru se mujhe Bhaijaan keh ker bulati rahi thee lekin nikah ke baad mujhe apna shauhar kena shuru kar diya. Shabana bala ki khubsurat aurat hai aur usska jism bhi bahut zalim hai. Meri begum, jissko nikah se pehle main bhi baji kehta tha, 5 feet 5 inch ki bhare jism ki malika hai. Nawab khandan mein rehne ki vajah se achha khana-peena aur kaam...
Hey guys I am back. Thanks for all those emails. I am happy that you people liked my story “Great Times With Cousin Sister Rekha”. Now as I had promised, here is the story of that night. After a wonderful experience on the roof, we came down and freshened ourselves up. She kissed me on my lips and said that she loved it and now I would get my wish of fucking her, that too tonight. I was really excited and we kissed madly for 5 minutes or so until we heard the door bell ring. It was my...
IncestHey everyone we’re back with a new story again. Thank you so much for all the emails that we got as your response…It was amazing and heartwarming…..please keep them coming… Well this is a thing we’d like to do and isn’t true but we can’t wait to go outta state again…This story starts when my wife who by the way looks ravishing as usual….with a figure of 40-34-37 is going down the road right next to our house in a richshaw….she sees a man sitting with his head In his hands on the ground….being...
19 year old Harold "Harry" Buchanan was a bright young man with all kinds of potential. He got excellent grades in all his classes and was not anywhere near ugly, with short black hair, broad shoulders and a slim 5'11" frame. He came from an upper middle class family, so he was always well supported. He was considered to be funny, well read, and likable. However, among all of Harry good qualities were his quirks. He had barely any friends, no job, and no girlfriend, he had never even been...
IncestDominic and I have been seeing each other for over a few months now. My pussy accepted Dominic's huge black cock with ease. It felt so good having him inside me. We had sex a lot. I would stay at his place or him at mine often. I'm a nurse at the hospital, and would get off late go straight to his place and wake him up with his big dick in my mouth. His massive cock would get so hard, and I really loved climbing up on him, straddling his monster and slowly impaling myself on it. I loved the way...
The fact of the matter is that all women's underwear is sexy. But, normally, it seems as though black or red panties are talked about the most often as being erotic. When I think of sexy panties there is another color that can be equally stimulating.One might think of sun bathing under the hot yellow sun or picking pretty yellow daisies. You might even think of the sour taste of lemons. But, yellow is also the color of warning. Don't cross the yellow line on the street or run a yellow light or...
Hello friends, mera naam Priya hai, main 25 yrs ki hun, mera figure 32 28 34 hai, ye kahani mere sath sach me huyi ek incident par hai, jab mere papa k ek friend k bete ne mujhe choda tha jabardasti, unka naame vishal hai aur wo jodhpur rehte hai aur ab unki shadi b ho gy hai. Ye baat kuch saal phle ki hai sab me 8th class me thi, aur apni family k sath jodhpur gyi th, wahan humare rehne ka intzaam vishal k ghar pr hua tha kyunki us time wo wahan 2 room set rehkr akele rehte the aur padhte the,...
Hazel may have bit off more than she could chew with this one, and that was a sentence she never thought she'd have to say. She was the valedictorian at the time of her past graduation, after all. Hazel had a profound understanding of the normal education she received, but what was even more impressive was that she could force such powerful evocation from her wand that it even rivaled her teachers! The only downside to her magical prowess was that she was physically weaker than most girls, with...
LesbianI start walking my way back home from the restaurant eager to get out of there, all those eyes watching. I start to hear footsteps behind me; I look behind me no one is there. "Get a grip you’re being paranoid" I think to myself and start walking faster. "I just want to go home." Out of nowhere a hand grabs my wrist pulling it behind my back, a shot of pain courses through my arm, as the hand guides me into a dark alley. I was about to scream in anguish when another hand with a...
My name is Luke , I'm 20 years old, tall, with 1m88 , black hair short but full, dark skin and unshaven . I'm an only c***d , a few months living with a stepmother named Mari . She , with her 30 years, curly dark brown , 1m67 , was chubby , had breasts and a nice big butt , white skin was reddish in contact with the sun She took care of me very well , always striving to maximum lest I claimed it for my dad . My father was not really with us , he worked a lot, so we were just me and my...
I suppose I'd better tell you about myself. My name is Terry. This story is about a time in my life when I gave it all up to live off the land in a little known river valley in northern Arizona. During the early 70's , I went on a camping trip for the first time at the Verde hot springs. This place was fantastic. During the prohibition, someone built a hotel and bathhouse at the Hot Springs by Childs power plant. The hotel burned down a long time ago, but the bathhouses and walkways are...
We'd had a great marriage. s*******n years, three k**s, a place at the lake with horses, and a fat retirement account built up. My wife's a great lady, to boot. She's hot in bed, even after three k**s, and she's kept her body in good shape. So what was it that made me wander?Over the years we'd had a string of sitters, various teenage girls from the neighborhood, and never once did I ever give any of them a sideways look. Not once. Really. Until Emily came along.How do I describe her? What she...
Susan and I had blown off our workouts that week, so we decided we’d better hit the gym after work on Friday. We put on our workout clothes and headed downstairs. When the elevator door opened, Sandy was inside. After exchanging polite hugs and greetings, she told us with a smile, “I bought some binoculars today.” Susan and I both giggled, and Susan told her, “You’re welcome to use our balcony any time.” “Oh my God! That is too sweet of you, really.” She said, putting her hand on Susan’s...
Kyle Evans was back to a regular shift at J.A.M. Aluminum on Thursday morning. The shift had been humming along like clockwork today and the comfort level was a lot better than it used to be before Mr. Pittman's wife, Jan, had become the unofficial quality control specialist for the guys and gals over in the fabrication buildings. The motorcyclist cooling vests that she had gotten the company to buy for the folks working in the stifling conditions of Fabrication Building Number 2, and all...
I was hanging out at a friend's house the other day, drinking, playing on the Xbox, generally having a good time. His wife and I were flirting a little bit, like we always do, but nothing over the top or anything. My wife was out of town, so I'd already planned on spending the night there on the couch, something I've done a number of times.While we were playing, he got a phone call and had to go to work, headed out of town overnight. After he left, she and I kept playing and drinking, since...
Niki Harris walks the streets of the city, hoping to take the best selfie, when she notices a handsome dude sitting on a bench. She walks up to him, starts a conversation, and even invites him to go to a place where it is warmer. He gladly agrees because Niki Harris is a beautiful cutie and he likes her from the start. So they go right to her flat to warm up and get to know each other better. Maybe the dude thought they would share a cup of tea and talk for hours, but Niki Harris has something...
xmoviesforyouAfter Pattie lost her virginity, she became more and more curious about sex. She began fucking a few boys in her class at school and she and John fucked regularly. After a while she became curious about older men. Specifically one older man. Her father. At a time she knew they would be home alone, she deliberately went to sleep naked and lay in bed for a long time the next morning. Eventually she knew Fred would knock on her door and ask if anything was wrong. She left her door open very...
Ellen crouched down below the pile of gleaming white sand, then began inching up over the smoothly sloping mound. The sound of voices was clearer now, and the sharp groans from the girl seemed to be turning into squeals of pain that sent a shudder of fright through Ellen's stomach. "Oh yes, that feels good, yeeessss, I like it like that!" the female voice echoed out clearly. Then in a flash of startled recognition Ellen knew the pleading sounds that were obviously mixed with pleasure...