Breasts Can Be A Big Liability - Stephanie\'s Extreme Interrogation free porn video

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Breasts can be a big liability - Stephanie’s extreme Interrogation

Chapter 1 – The first half hour

?Stephanie, are you ready?? I asked.

?Yes, I am.? she replied.

Stephanie stood in front of me stark naked. She was an attractive 31 year old brunette with a beautiful figure. She worked indoors mostly, and her complexion was very pale. She had beautifully shaped firm breasts, with pink areolas, and reddish brown nipples that stood forth proudly from them. She stood with her shapely thighs pressed together in an attempt to cover her shaved nether regions as much as possible.

?Do you understand the rules and the scenario, Stephanie?? I asked.

?Yes, I do.? she replied.

The scenario was simple. Half an hour in advance, I had prepared two copies of a storyline: just a few sheets of paper. I had given her one copy and instructed her to memorize the details within half an hour. The storyline was that of a female spy with information who had been captured and was in the process of being interrogated. It contained the information that she knew, and which her captor would try to force out of her. It goes without saying that Stephanie would play out the role of the spy, and me her captor.

The rules were equally simple. Since this was her first session, I had set the time limit at one hour. In that time, I would try to extract the information out of her, using all means at my disposal. Her goal was to hold out for at least one hour, without divulging any of the information. If she succeeded in holding out for the whole session, then she would have endured only the torture that I had put her through in that time. For every piece of information that she willingly or inadvertently divulged, there would be a punishment at the end of the session. The exact nature of the punishment – unknown to her and to be decided by me. There was a safe word – using it would immediately terminate the entire session, but its use too would be followed by punishment that would be declared only then.

I had asked her to put on a blindfold, and I now checked to make sure that it was set correctly. I led her to the center of the dungeon. I clapped handcuffs around her wrists, and then hooked those to two chains that dangled from the ceiling. I turned the ratchet wheel on the wall to take up the slack of the chains. I didn’t want her body stretched too tight just yet. She was just on the verge of having to go on tiptoe. I bound her ankles in a similar fashion to two restraints fixed to the floor. Her body was now a stretched X, completely accessible, and utterly vulnerable.

?Let us begin? I said, and started my stopwatch. The seconds started ticking away.

?What is your name?? I began with the first question. Silence.

I glanced down at the papers in my hand. ?Christine Spencer? – that was the made up name of the ?spy?. I tossed the papers aside and strode towards her.

?I think I asked you a question!? I yelled, my face just inches from hers. Again, silence. I slapped her hard across the face. The sharpness of the slap made her gasp. Her pale left cheek started to show a red hue.

?What is your name?? I repeated. A moment’s silence, then another hard slap across her face. She shrieked slightly at this one, but offered no information. I walked around behind her and literally breathed down her neck. She shifted uncomfortably, as much as her restraints allowed her anyway.

?What is your name?? I hissed into her ear. I didn’t expect to hear anything, nor did I. I moved back one step, raised my hand and landed a hard open ended slap on her buttocks. Her body jolted from the hit. Her yelp was one more indicative of surprise than pain. I repeated the slap, exactly on the same spot. This time her cry was one of pain. I scratched my fingernails against her tender buttocks. She fidgeted against this unfamiliar sensation. I stroked my nails across her flat abdomen, and pressed my lips against her neck and gave her a soft kiss.

?Come on dear. Tell me your name. You realize life is going to be a lot easier for you if you do, right?? I cupped her breasts with my hands and squeezed them, gently at first, and then more persuasively. She moaned, but said nothing further. I took her nipples between my thumb and forefinger. Her body stiffened immediately as I began to roll them between my fingers.

?Are your nipples sensitive?? I asked her, almost in a friendly manner.

?Yes, they are.? I was so amused by her forthright answer that I nearly laughed.

?Do you think that could be a bit of a liability right now??

She gulped but remained silent. I scratched the tips of her nipples with my fingernails. She gasped and her body instinctively jolted backward.

?Christine Spencer? is that your name?? I whispered into her ear. She wasn’t expecting this, and after overcoming a moment’s confusion, she shook her head.

?No, it isn’t.?

?Oh, I think it is.? I began to flick her nipples hard from side to side. Her torso stiffened.

?No, it isn’t.?

?Well what is it then??

She hesitated a moment, then said ?It’s Heather Smith.?

I grabbed each nipple and twisted as hard as I could. She shrieked and threw her body backwards at me. But the chains held her in place.

?Now why don’t I believe you, eh? I don’t think Heather’s your name!? I hissed.

?I swear, that’s who I am. Heather, Heather Smith!?

I tweaked her nipples and pulled them upwards. She yelled and rose up on tiptoe to try to take up the strain. The nipple-twisting continued, and her body began to shudder.

?Liar, liar, tits on fire?? I teased. But then my stopwatch beeped softly. Ten minutes were up. Stephanie had survived the first question. I released my grip on her nipples just as abruptly as I had latched on to them. She gasped as the blood flowed back into them, and moaned as she was able to come off tiptoe and relax her torso a bit. I walked around in front of her and brought my lips an inch off hers.

?Alright then, Heather. Who do you work for?? I brushed my lips lightly against hers as I said so. Her face was flushed, and I could tell that the torture was turning her on somewhat. She leaned forward feeling for my lips. She got a hard face-twisting backhand slap in response.

?Who do you work for, Heather?? I repeated as I picked up a cane from the shelf.  I hadn’t oiled it or used it in a while, and it seemed a tad dry. But looking at Stephanie’s body, I realized she was already perspiring, so it would be fine. I walked back to her and stroked the cane across her breasts.

?Come on. Who do you work for??  Silence. I cupped her right breast with my hand, and prodded her areola with the cane. She fidgeted uncomfortably.

?You know, it only gets worse from here, Heather.?

She swallowed slowly. ?I’m not talking.?

I raised the cane and brought it down squarely on her erect right nipple. It was a crisp blow, and the thwack echoed through the dungeon.

?Aaaahhhh!!! Fuck!!!?  she screamed through clenched teeth.

?Don’t swear! Who do you work for?? She remained defiantly silent. I raised the cane high once more.

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! I landed three strokes harder than the first on her areola. She jolted backwards violently, her breast slipped out of my hand. The chains clinked as she hung from them and screamed out in pain.

?Aaahh!!! God!!! Fuck!!! ?

A full blooded cane stroke across her stomach. ?Don’t swear I said! Who do you work for??

?I’m unemployed!? she said defiantly, ?I don’t work for anyone.?

I swung my cane and caught her other breast underneath the nipple. Her torso twisted instinctively to one side trying to shield it. The blindfold meant that she had no clue where the next blow was going to land.  I walked around her swinging the cane mercilessly. I caught her on her breasts, her stomach, her thighs, a few stinging strokes on her buttocks, a few harsh ones across her sweaty backside. I must have gotten carried away being turned on by her screams and the contortions of her body, because when I glanced at my watch I found that there were only three minutes left for this question. I wasn’t going to let her survive two questions in a row!

I stood to her side and placed an arm around her waist to prevent her body from moving backwards. Her left breast seemed to be more sensitive, so I began to tap its nipple with the cane. Not too hard, just a rhythmic tap. Slowly I increased the speed of the taps, and also pulled the cane back a little bit more with each stroke. Soon it was a rhythmic swat-swat-swat of the cane beating down on a two-inch area of her breast. Her nipple bobbed in and out as the cane landed on it again, and again, and again. Her body began to shake and tremble. She moaned in between her screams. I knew the effect this treatment had, I’d brought other women to orgasm simply by continuing this for a few minutes.

?Heather, this only stops when you tell me who you work for.?

?I’m?. not? talking?.? she muttered between her gasps and moans.

I upped the tempo of the beat, and her body stiffened.

?Who do you work for Heather?? I persisted. Only one and a half minutes to go, by my watch.

I gripped her other nipple with my hand and rolled it between my fingernails, and held her body in place by tugging at it. She threw her head back and screamed.

?Your employer, Heather. Tell me who it is.?

?Morgan Limited!? she screamed.

?I don’t think so sweetheart. You’re lying to me?? I intensified the cane strokes even further. She shrieked. A minute to go, but she didn’t know it. ?I can keep this up all day Heather. But can you take it all day long??

?Oh god!! My nipple! Oh!! ? Oh!!! Alright, alright! The Bright Corporation! I work for Bright!?

?No, I’m still not convinced. I think you’re still lying, Heather.? Thirty seconds left. My wrist was beginning to hurt, but I knew she was close to breaking. Her throbbing nipples would see to that. I slowed down the rhythm but delivered longer sharper strokes instead. One. Two. Three. Four. Five.

?Alright!! Stop!! Please stop!!! Ronwell Corporation! It’s Ronwell! Oh god stop!?

And it was. I drew back the cane and glanced at my wristwatch. Five seconds left. I strode up to her and traced the outline of her breast with my fingernails. She whimpered at the slightest touch. I bent down and licked that lovely pink areola with my tongue. Her body jolted at the sensation, and yet another jolt as I took her nipple in between my lips and licked it.

?You like that, Heather?? I asked teasingly.

?Yes, oh yes. Yes? yes? oh god!? she moaned.

?Well don’t let yourself get used to it,? I said, flicking her tit hard with my finger, sending her into a surprised but agonized yelp. ?Tell me what you do for them. What work do you do??

She remained silent. She knew she’d let one question slip. And she knew that she’d be punished for it afterward. I walked over to the cupboard and grabbed a pair of pliers and a wax candle. It took a few seconds to find the matches, but once the candle was lit, I walked back over to her.

?What work do you do, Heather? Come on. Make things easy for yourself.?

?I’m not telling you anything else.? she protested.

?Not even now?? I gripped her right nipple between the jaws of the pliers. She stiffened and gasped. The nipple was still throbbing from the last session. I squeezed and twisted. Her body stiffened and jolted back.

?Aaaah!!! Oooohh!!!! I’m not talking! You’ve twisted them, caned them! They’re numb. This isn’t going to work! I don’t feel a thing!?

?Really? Numb? Let’s get some feeling into that nipple then, Heather.?

I held the flame of the candle underneath the jaws of the pliers. For about twenty seconds she didn’t realize what was happening, but then she felt the heat creeping through. Her body went motionless as she felt for it, she sniffed the air and smelt the candle burning, and then she fidgeted to get away from it.

?Are you sure backing away is the best idea when your nipple is being held like this?? I held the naked flame of the candle directly under her other nipple. She yelped and drew back, and then screamed as the pliers tugged at her other nipple. I teased her like this for a few minutes.

?Come on. Out with it. What work do you do for them?? Silence. I tilted the candle over her shoulder. The molten wax built up over the edge, then the first two droplets dripped onto her shoulder.

?Ouch!!! Ohh!!!? she screamed as she tried hard not to back away again. I hovered over her breasts. A few droplets fell and rolled down her tits before solidifying. She gritted her teeth and fought against the urge to throw her body backward, knowing that the pliers would savagely pull at her nipple if she did so. I stole a glance at my watch. Two minutes left. I kicked myself for getting carried away. This was like a competition now. I dripped the wax from closer to her body so that the drops would be hotter. She shrieked as her nipples got covered in white solidified wax. But she wasn’t talking. I released my grip on the pliers, and her nipple slid free. She cried out in pain as the blood rushed back to the throbbing, tender flesh.  I held the flame under her tit, moving up slowly. She stood up on tiptoe to get away from it, but where could she go? I crept up slowly, every so slowly. One minute left. The flame got closer to her flesh, her screams grew louder. Part of me felt like cutting her some slack, but not today. My own hormones were flowing. Her screams grew shriller. Twenty seconds left. The flame crept up. Ten seconds.

?Stop!!!! Industrial espionage! Oh god!!?

I blew out the candle, and let her hang there for a while. The score was 2 to 1 in my favor.

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Hot Black Wifes Fucks Big Moroccan Cock

Shirley is a woman of 45 years and living in Amsterdam. She is 20 years happily married to Jermaine. Jermaine has been working at the tax office while Shirley works at an accounting firm. They have two c***dren, a daughter aged 17 and a son of 15. Shirley is a woman who loves sex and is similar to that area insatiable. Jermaine can not keep her often and is happy if the sex is over quickly. Shirley for her age a good figure. She is chubby but everything is still tight. She has big boobs, double...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 3

The more she talked the harder my cock got. She told me that starting at the age of 8 when I tied her up, she would go to her room afterwards and play with her slit. When she was 9 her clit made its' first appearance and she began getting mini orgasms. By the time we quit when she was 10 she was having orgasms while I was tying her. That was one of the reasons she quit, she was getting embarrassed about it and didn't want me to see. She continued to play with herself, but to make up for not...

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Ms Americana The Palace

DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18OR EASILY OFFENDED BY SEXUAL MATERIAL, BONDAGE, DISCIPLINE, FEMALE SUBMISSION OROTHER SEXUAL SITUATIONS.   Ms Americana/Brenda Wade andLydia Wills/Flag Girl are the creations of Mr. X.  I came up with the othervillains.   Please direct all comments andfeedback to [email protected].  Put Ms Americana or Story feedback insubject line, otherwise I might think it is spam and delete.                 MS AMERICANA: THE PALACE By Thom Gall              Sugar...

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A Very Extreme Hardy Reunion

This story is written by both Dice Casden and Kristi as part of the D&K Universe. ****** Inside Team Extreme’s locker room, after their reunion match on the November 21, 2006 edition of ECW on SCI-FI, Matt and Jeff Hardy are relaxing after defeating the Full Blooded Italians in a hard fought exciting match that wowed fans in the arena and all over the world. Matt, dressed in his old-school Hardy Boyz-era pants, smirks at Jeff, ‘Damn Jeff… it was great out there just like out times…’ Matt...

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Daris Hilton Hates Ms Americana

Hi guys, first I have to say the main character is not anyway related to a certain hotel heiress that is sitting in a cell rat Hi guys, first I have to say the main character is not anyway related to a certain hotel heiress that is sitting in a cell rather than by pool. That would be wrong?Daris is a creation of my own. Ms Americana belongs to Mr. X. I hope you like this ENTIRELY FICTIONAL STORY. [email protected] If you are a minor, you shouldn?t be reading this story since...

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Extreme Board

Hmm, Extreme-Board? Do you regularly watch pornography? Are you the kind of person who can’t go a day without watching pornography because fapping to internet porn keeps your neurochemical makeup balanced and your mood in check, keeping you from opening fire on a group of civilians with an AK-47? Do you like to soothe your life’s frustrations by squeezing one out every now and then and getting that good old dose of dopamine that you oh so desperately crave? Well then you sir, are what’s called...

Porn Forums
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Big Moroccan Cocks Slut Kim

Hi I will introduce myself I'm kim 26 years with blond hair and am addicted to big moroccan dicks. Recently on a Friday night, I again had a tendency to play for white slut. I therefore went to see a group mocros. However bizarre, I stood there with six big Moroccans in a strange house. Yet it seemed she did not uitwaren directly on sex. They did not really advances. It all came conversations going and there was all kinds of drink poured. It just seemed like a great atmosphere but I did not...

2 years ago
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Mistletoe Candy Canes a Lesbian

Introduction: Frigid MILF turned by one of her husbands young employees. Mistletoe, Candy Canes & a Lesbian Summary: Frigid MILF turned by one of her husbands young employees. Note 1: This story is dedicated to DAVE who requested it for his wife. Note 2: Thanks to MAB7991, goamz86 and LeAnn for editing this story. Mistletoe, Candy Canes & a Lesbian You havent had sex in over a year! I asked my colleague Dave, stunned by his admission a moment ago. He shook his head as he took another...

3 years ago
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Cuckolding My InLaws with My Big Rican Cock

Racial bias can be an ugly thing. My family is Puerto Rican, and we moved to Davenport, Iowa when I was only three years old after my father had gotten a good job in a manufacturing plant there. The population in Davenport and the entire state is predominately white, so we stood out as being different. I don’t remember any name-calling or other overt manifestations of racism; it’s just that I had a hard time making friends.My name is Rolan, and I met Jennifer (Jen), the girl who would later...

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I think it is safe to assume that we all know what Hard Extreme stands for, right? This is a site filled with the naughtiest kinds of kinks, including a couple of bizarre acts that would make your stomach roll. You know all those mainstream sites that claim they offer hardcore shit? Well, they got nothing on, as this place is the real depiction of hardcore and extreme.I do wish they gave some warning beforehand because as soon as you visit, you will be able to see everything;...

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1 year ago
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Hot Rican MILF with Big Booty Facesits White Neighbor

My father took a job transfer from Boise, Idaho to Philadelphia when I was just going into my junior year in high school, and I was unprepared for the culture shock. Our small town outside Boise is one of the whitest places in the country, while Philly has large populations of numerous ethnicities, including about forty percent African American and eight percent Puerto Rican.My name is Kevin, and I became especially intrigued by the Puerto Rican girls. Many of them are confident, assertive,...

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Ms Americana The slut is born

Ms. Americana story this time. I?m still experimenting with different form of stories, plots etc, searching for the formula that fits me the most. If you have any thoughts, don?t be afraid to write at: [email protected]. Americana belongs to Mr. X Ms. Americana: A slut is born Ms. Americana almost finished her usual night patrol through the Delta City. She kicked some pimps and criminals, saved two innocent girls from rape and found a hideout of the famous bank robbers. It was fruitful...

2 years ago
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The Week I Turned Into Erin Chapter 8 The Interrogation

SUNDAY In the morning, I put on a t-shirt and leggings. They were very comfortable. I can see why women liked them. It was going to be a chill sort of day before I start the new week. After breakfast, I said goodbye to Emily. I thanked her for everything. Especially the expensive clothing bill she shouldered. She gave me a big hug and wished me luck with everything. When it was just me and Speckles, I pulled out my phone and started drafting my message to Kathy. "Hi Kathy. ...

2 years ago
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iCarly iFound Bigfoot

Part One Carly Shay and Freddy Benson, both dressed in Dukes of Hazard garb, Carly in a pair of tight Daisy Duke hotpant shorts, come traipsing down the stairs from the iCarly studio looking for Sam who's sitting on the couch watching TV. "Sam, what are you doing?" Carly asked her. "Watching the news," Sam replies. "You're supposed to be upstairs with us rehearsing for iCarly," Carly reminds her friend. "Let's go." "No, wait," Sam says. "Just let me watch the next story. I...

3 years ago
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From Candace to CandyChapter 8

The next day at school Candy and I were met in the parking lot by Amanda Gigot. She was dressed much like Candy, short mini skirt, dark hose and a tight top showing she wasn't wearing a bra. Remember Amanda is almost 6 feet tall, she is all legs; her skirt just barely touched the top band of her stockings and whenever she moved her garter straps showed. "I talked to my parents last night and they told me how you all met. I got so horny I played with myself in front of them and then my...

1 year ago
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Bigboy 7 Candy meets Bigboy

Over the next few weeks we became good friends.. She always greeted me with a big smiling hello and brought me my usual coffee.. When she wasn't busy she would stand by my booth and chat with me, Even at times sitting with me.. One day while we were chatting I said "Look Candy you appear to be Very young just how old are you?" She kind of laughed and said "Yes I get that a lot but I'm actually 18" "Wow no way" so she went to her purse and brought her ID to prove it and sure enough she...

1 year ago
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My BrotherInLaws Big Rican Cock

I have always thought that my sister Denise and I were lucky to be raised by parents who taught us to be unprejudiced and accepting of all ethnicities. We grew up in the suburbs near Philadelphia, which has a sizeable Puerto Rican population, and we had a fairly representative mix of Caucasian, black, and Latino friends. My name is Ed, and this story takes place when I am 42 years old and Denise is 43. But first, it will be helpful for you to understand a little about our pasts. Denise was 17...

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My BrotherInLaws Big Rican Cock

I have always thought that my sister Denise and I were lucky to be raised by parents who taught us to be unprejudiced and accepting of all ethnicities. We grew up in the suburbs near Philadelphia, which has a sizeable Puerto Rican population, and we had a representative mix of Caucasian, black, and Latino friends. My name is Ed, and this story takes place when I am forty-two years old and Denise is forty-three. But first, it will be helpful for you to understand a little about our pasts.Denise...

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CandiceChapter 1 In the Big Inning

"Quick!" I whispered, pushing down between Tiffany's slender shoulders. "Bend over." "Josh!" she exclaimed just as softly and every bit as urgently. "We're going to get caught!" "No we won't!" I grinned at her, ignoring the feigned annoyance that spoiled her otherwise perfect smile. "You're so romantic," she sighed, trying her best to make me feel guilty. "Just hurry up. Everyone's waiting for dessert." "I know. Spread your legs ... Hold on..." I pulled up her frilly...

3 years ago
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Becoming Gym Bunny Candie Rounds 13

Hi there! Name's Gym Bunny Candie. Of course, you can just call me Candie, but that's up to you. I'm quite the enthusiast when it comes to fitness (the name sort of gives it away:)). Most any day you can find me in the gym, working out, stretching, training clients, teaching classes, or just hanging out. I love most things "fitness" (you should check out my new tumblr page. It's kind of like me--a sassy work in progress). I just adore waking up in the morning, sliding into a sports...

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From Candace to CandyPrologue

Jim Jones is an 18 year old senior in high school. His step-sister Candace, is a 14 year old freshman. Their parents are very wealthy and also very rarely at home. To compensate for their long distance love the parents have given their children unlimited credit cards and run of the house. Jim and Candace have shouldered the responsibility and have never betrayed their parents trust. The two siblings are not blood related; Jims' mother did not give birth to Candace. His father died when he...

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Bigfoot Crunch and Sweetie Pie Wrecker Service

Bigfoot, Crunch and Sweetie Pie Wrecker Service By: Malissa Madison Gladys lay next to Hatchetman in their bed half asleep after a long bout of love making. "Hatch, can you feel it too?" she asked. "You mean now that the Seven Nations controls access to the Portal in New Mexico?" "That too," she answered him. "I'm talking about Fox and Little Joe." "Oh I thought you meant Squirrel and her kids," he admitted. "What about Squirrel?" she asked. "Fox and Little Joe talked...

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The first thought I had was that I should have seen it coming.I woke up chained to a chair, dressed in grey slacks and a shirt, what I can only assume is some kind of prisoner’s uniform. They took my watch, where I would have had a small pin that I could have used to pick the lock. But unfortunately, I had to rely on my own body to free myself. I was still trying to wriggle out of my chains when I heard a door opening behind me.A large, muscular woman, obviously Ruskie stepped in front of me,...

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Wifes interrogation

Josh sold his wife Chapter 1 Josh sold his wife. He felt no remorse, or fear of what he had done, just an excitement deep within him, of what would be done, he would see, hear, smell and enjoy. Josh had dreamt of it for years, to see his wife tortured, raped, begging, used. Not because of any hatred for her, or of anything she had done, but simply because of how erotic it would be, how beautiful she would be in the throes of agony and humiliation. They of course had dabbled at home, in...

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Detective Brady looked at the woman sitting across the table. She was staring down at the scratched, beat-up, filthy table top. After twenty years of police interrogations of some of the worst scum of the earth criminals the city had to offer up, the table was covered with their filth. She stared at it, but left her hands in her lap as if she was scared to death she would pick up some disease if she touched anything in this room. Her eyes darted around and she saw the peeling paint on the...

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Extreme Measures The Case of Dana and Loren

Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction composed by the author, and expertly edited by Lisa Funke. It is presented without compensation for entertainment only. Any resemblance of characters to persons living or otherwise is entirely coincidental. With the author's approval, this work may be presented on any fee forum. EXTREME MEASURES - DANA AND LOREN by Lorna Samuels Preface: After almost eight years of marriage, I still considered myself the luckiest husband...

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Candices trailer park visit

She was thinking about Max and the crazy sex they had last week nonstop since it had happened. Her pussy or "Cunt" as she was now calling it because Max had called it that and it now pleased her to call her betraying vagina a cunt. Her cunt was back to normal. For a few days after 'having coffee' with Max it was sore and stretched. Very tender and leaking his cum. She smelled and tasted it for days. On the third day she could still get small traces but she really had to force her fingers...

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Clan of the Bigfoot

Most people do not think Bigfoot exists but I am living proof that they do but I will get to that later in the story. First off let me introduce myself. I am Camellia McIntyre but my friends call me Cami. I am twenty-five years old and been married to Professor Morgan McIntyre who teaches Archaeology at the University of New Mexico. He has taken a sabbatical over the summer to partake in an archaeology dig in Peru, South America for three months and I decided to go with him. We had just been...

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