Ms Americana: The Palace free porn video

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Ms Americana/Brenda Wade andLydia Wills/Flag Girl are the creations of Mr. X.  I came up with the othervillains.


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By Thom Gall


           Sugar Town.

           ?Hello, Jimmy,? Ms Americana said softly, baby bluesnarrowed.

           The legendary Queen of Justice stood in the mouth of the dark alley.  Her head was heldhigh, 44DDs jutting out.  Redgauntlet gloved hands rested on well-rounded hips.  Long shapely legs were stuffed into redcalf boots, with a white stripe up their fronts and a gold star on thesides.  Her costume was better knownthen the President: red, white and blue star-spangled and red and white strippedbikini.  She finished out hercostume with blue choker, red star earrings, and a golden tiara.  Of course, the most important parts ofher costume were the golden power belt -- that gave her super strength -- aroundher narrow waist and the blue, star-spangled mask hiding her trueidentity.

           ?Ms Americana!? he yelped. ?I-I didn?t see you walk up.?

           ?When it comes to me, Jimmy, you only see and know what I want you to seeand know,? she said, taking a step deeper into the alley.  She looked the smaller man over withdisgust written across her lovely masked face.  He was one of her best informants, whenshe could find him and if she paid him enough.  The more she paid, the more reliable theinformation.  ?I havequestions.?

           His eyes bugged out and he looked all around.

           ?Are you crazy?  This isn?tour agreement, or how you contact me. If I?m seen talking to you, I?m mincemeat.  This is Sugar Town,Ms Americana, not Uptown or Downtown.  Or the Golden Burbs. Sugar Town, with its own laws and customs, dos anddon?ts.  And you, MsBikini-clad vigilante, are DON?T numbero uno.?

           ?A singular honor, I?m sure,? she said.  He looked ready to bolt.  She couldn?t have that.  The sexy super heroine needed him.  She needed him like she?d never neededhim, or any man, before.  ?We?ll becareful.  Besides, I didn?t havetime to go through regular channels. So, tell me, what went down last Saturday night at the Wade Mansion??

           ?What?  Thesociety girl slumber party??

           ?Yeah, that?s the one,? she said, desperate to keep her raging emotionsin check and sound reasonable.

           ?Uh?well, a bunch of stuck up society girls decided to be ?bad girls? andgo to a Sugar Town party,? he said.  Then he grinned fiercely.  ?They got more than they bargained for,I reckon.  Hee hee. Word is, they got drugged, banged and put on display in the meatmarket.?

           ?Where are they now??

           No one outside of SugarTown ever saw them again.  It?s been six days.  Lydia threw that slumber party.  Lydia Wills and six ofher closest friends.  Shestill couldn?t believe Lydiawould be so stupid as to take such a terribly dangerousrisk.

           ?Working their tight round asses off, Ms Americana, as they should be,?he said.

           Ms Americana moved like greased lightning.  In a flash she covered the ten feetseparating them.  The six foot oneinch amazon lifted the rat-faced informant off theground by his shirt collar, holding him high overhead with one hand.  At only five foot five, he had a lot ofair between him and the ground.

           ?I know each and everyone of those beautiful young women,? Ms Americanasnarled between clenched teeth. ?Their parents are loyal supporters of super heroine activities andsupport groups.  One and all arepillars of Delta City society. I intend to rescue their daughters, Jimmy.  And if you know what?s good for you,then you will tell me where to find them.?

           ?Jesus, Ms Americana!  Ididn?t do nothing,? he squealed.


           He swallowed hard and looked around in terror.  They were alone.  Whether he was looking for succor orwitnesses, she didn?t know.  Butthere was no one around to see him give information, or come to hisrescue.

           ?The Andrews, Johannson and Wellborn girls are working in MistressTabitha?s House of Joy,? he said.

           ?Good start,? she said, blood boiling.  All three were perky blondes with bigboobs.  Like Lydia. She?d watched them grow up, since they all lived near her estate.  ?Keep talking,Jimmy.?

           ?Ok?uh?oh Jesus, I can?t think straight,? he whined.  Then, ?The red-head?Heidi Hermann, yeah,well she got snatched up by Mr. Notorious, so is streetwalking with his stableof hotties on Cummins.  Oh, she?s anatural redhead, by the way.?

           Ms Americana shook the little weasel.  Violently.

           ?The fact you know that disturbs me, Jimmy,? she growled.  ?Keep talking.?

           ?Oh, yeah?uh, that Willis girl??

           ?Wills.  Lydia Wills,? sheinterrupted.

           ?Oh.  Ok, so she ended upwith King Pimp at the Palace, along with the Hong and Ledbettergirls.?

           Ms Americana dropped Jimmy. He hit hard and stumbled back against a wall.  He gave her a crafty, rat-faced lookthat she didn?t care for.  He wasalways considering angles, trying to make a profit out of everyone?s misery andmisfortune.  He was a born and bredSugar Towner.

           ?That was a lot of primo info, Ms Americana,? Jimmy said with a mercenaryglint to his beady eyes.  ?It wasworth a lot, dontcha think??

           She eyed him with open distaste. He was small and greasy, vile and repulsive.  And she was sure he partook of at leastHeidi Hermann?s erotic pleasures after she was forced into prostitution.  She wanted to thrash him within an inchof his life.

           ?What did you do to the Hermann girl?? Ms Americana said.  When he tried to bolt, she grabbed himby the balls, and squeezed.  Hesquealed like a 10 year old school girl. ?Tell me.?

           ?Nothing bad, just missionary!  And a little BJ,? he gaspeddesperately. 

           ?And which other girls?? she asked, heart pounding. 

           ?T-The Hooong girl,? he groaned in agony.  She squeezed harder still.  ?And the?oh?Willisgirl?.aaaaaaaiiiiiieeee?.and?and?the Ledbettergirl.?  He paused to retch tothe side, careful not to get any on her. ?That?s all.  MistressTabitha don?t like me, so??

           ?Pig,? Ms Americana growled and tossed him aside, to plow into a pile ofrancid trash.  Flag Girl haddealings with Jimmy, so Lydiamust?ve been doubly disgusted to be forced to spread her shapely legs forhim.  How horrible for her.  ?I ought to??

           ?Hey, I had rights,? he said. ?All?s fair in SugarTown, and you know it.  It was theirown fault coming here.?

           When she lunged for him, Jimmy scrambled out of the trash and raced downthe alley.  She watched him vanishinto the nightshadows.  For a briefinstant she wanted to chase him down and punish him for molestingLydia.  But there would be plenty of time forthat, AFTER she rescued her lovely young ward and super heroineprot?g?.

           Then she heard him calling back to her, voice tainted with anger, ?Youowe me, Ms Ameri-bitch.  And afterwhat you just did to me there is no more info until you pay metriple.?

           She slanted a haughty, dismissive look back hisway.

           Walking back out to the street, she paused at the end of the alley.  If she went right she could walk to theHouse of Joy in less than two minutes. It would be easy to rescue those three young society beauties.  Heidi was working Cummins, which was along street running through the middle of Sugar Town,and was out of the way from the two brothels that were on the edge ofDelta City?s most notorious red light district.  But, The Palace was a good fifteenminute walk from her location.

            Ms Americana thought. That was enough.  She couldgo to the House of Joy and CumminsStreet anytime. Her priority was to save Lydia. So Ms Americana turned left and strode purposely. 

           Of course, she understood that if she rescued Lydia, Nancy and Vanessa, then Heidi Hermann, BabsWellborn, Brianna Andrews and Jamie Johannson would most likely vanish beforeshe could save them.  She couldn?thelp feeling guilty, but her first responsibility was to Lydia, then the othergirls.

           Hookers, pimp, pushers and other clandestine shapes vanished as sheapproached them.  The furtive shapesand movements at the edge of her vision were the most troubling.  They annoyed her whenever she visitedSugar Town. Though, they have never shown any kind of threat to her, or even grownenough backbone to reveal themselves. 

           The news Jimmy gave her was the worst imaginable.  The Palace was Sugar Town?smost popular, largest and most vile brothel.  King Pimp ruled there like a medievalking, with all the working girls his slave/whores.  The Palace also specialized in providingthe finest, most beautiful and rarest girl flesh for its clientele.  Indeed, rumor said he only worked thecream of society girls -- heiresses, former TV and movie actresses, andespecially the beautiful daughters of the city?s leaders.

           As Brenda Wade?s ward, perky blonde beauty Lydia fit the profileperfectly.

           Ms Americana covered the fifteen minute walk to The Palace in ten.  In her dark mood, she rather enjoyedwatching the frightened Sugar Towners scatter at her determined approach.  Soon, she approached the ten storyformer hotel.

           The statuesque super heroine stopped a block away, studying the infamousbrothel from the night shadows.  Itwas barely 10 o?clock, so still early in the brothel?s night time business.  Indeed, The Palace never closed.  It was open for business 24 hours aday.  The girls inside each hadtheir own room.

           She scowled.  King Pimp wasreputed to have over two hundred girls working in the Palace at any given time,with close to five hundred living and working The Palace.  He also had a baker?s dozen otherbrothels scattered across SugarTown.  He bragged that he had two thousandgirls working their asses off for him.

           And now Lydia was oneof them.

           ?You?re going down, King Pimp,? she growled.

           The building was a former ritzy hotel, with a ten story central tower andtwo side wings of five floors each. King Pimp?s personal residence occupied the top three floors of thetower.  The two wings were where thegirls plied their ancient trade.

           ?Damn,? she muttered, angry with herself.  Jimmy had ?visited? Lydia, so knew the exact location of herroom.  She should?ve discovered thatinformation before letting him escape. ?How am I going to find her in that??

           The alarm would be spread the instant they saw her coming.  The especially valuable girls wouldlikely be ushered away into secure rooms if not out of the building.  Ms Americana doubted she would findLydia, or any of the lostsociety girls.  She could, ofcourse, wait until the wee hours and sneak in through the roof.  But that would mean Lydia spent another evening sucking, fucking andotherwise playing fuck toy to despicable whoremongering men.  And that wasunacceptable.

           So she only had only one choice.

           Ms Americana smiled.  She hadto strike straight at the man himself. King Pimp.  Captured him andshe could negotiate the release of Lydia, Nancy and Vanessa.  Indeed, she might even empty thathateful place!  What woman in herright mind wouldn?t want out of that evil place.  Sure, a few would choose to stay.  But she was sure the vast majority wouldeagerly follow her to freedom and good, clean living.

           Moving a half block closer, she was able to discern much more about thecrowd in front of The Palace?s main entrance.  And she wasshocked.

           ?Green Spectre?? she muttered in confusion.  ?Wait, isn?t that Solar Woman?  What is she doing in Delta City? Heh, that?s Jungle Babe?s costume, but that definitelyisn?t Jungle Babe.?  Then shesaw her.  ?Ms Americana!  That whore is dressed up asME??

           And it wasn?t a very good imitation, either.  First off, the whore?s hair was brownand too short.  Secondly, hercostume was WAY too skimpy.  Evensuper heroines had limits to the skimpiness of the costumes the public wouldaccept, and they would accept a lot of exposed skin, too.  But that was too much.  Besides, she did not wear red thighboots, or opera gloves and the tiara was all wrong.  Then she spotted another Ms Americanawhose costume was close to perfect, except the girl was AfricanAmerican.

           ?So, it?s super heroine day at the Palace,? she said, grinning.  ?How lucky am I?  And how unlucky is KingPimp??

           It took Ms Americana another twenty minutes to slip around to the side,and ease up, and then casually blend in with the super heroine themedwhores.  The girl she slipped upnext to was a petite Asian girl dressed as Azure Angel.  She gave a double-take when she firstnoticed the newcomer, but before she could dwell upon the oddity of another girlappearing out of nowhere a junior pimp directing things called her over.  She started gushing over an elderlywhite man, who was apparently one of her regulars.

           There were ten girls on Ms Americana?s side of the main door, includingherself.  She was horrified todiscover she was one of three Ms Americanas in that line.  And the two she?d spotted earlier wereover on the other side.  So therewere four whores pretending to be her while they whored themselves.  The thought made herill.

           CLAP! CLAP!

           ?Listen up girls!? a tall redhead in a white Playboy bunny costume andbunny ears called.  She alone wasn?twearing a super heroine costume, but was dressed just as sexy as theothers.  She recognized her as thePlayboy Playmate of the Year from two years back, Bethany Beavers.  Born and raised in Delta City,she created quite a stir by posing for Playboy, then becoming Playmate of theYear.  ?Play time is over.  Time to get to workmaking our men happy!?

           The men cheered that pronouncement. The whores all smiled and giggled and some even jumped up and downclapping their hands happily.  MsAmericana was barely able to plaster an insincere smile on her masked face asshe followed the other girls through the main doors.

           The opulent entry surprised her. This was her first time to enter King Pimp?s domain.  That thought surprised her.  He?d operated this facility for over tenyears, becoming filthy rich and very influential.  He had enough city and police officialsin his pocket she didn?t think it practical to tear into him and cripple hisoperation.  Her time and energy wasbest used elsewhere.  Until Lydia fellvictim to his vile operations.

            she thought with a true smile as she passed the redheaded Playmateof the Year turned head whore at The Palace.  Rumor said Bethany Beavers was also KingPimp?s girlfriend.

           The Grand Stairs were twin curving white marble stairs to either side ofthe entrance.  The floor wascheckered black and white marble, with an enormous crystal chandelierabove.  The room was packed withscantily clad women, not all in super heroine attire.  Only the hookers were super heroinecostumes.  The wait staff and suchwore mostly black uniforms - women French mail uniforms and men tuxedoes.

           ?Get your tails moving,? Miss Beavers called, swatting Ms Americana?sfirm round hiney.  ?Stay incharacter and make His Majesty proud!?

           Easily ninety percent of the whores turned either left or right andheaded for the ?parlors.?  From herunderstanding of The Palace?s operation, the girls congregated in one of eightparlors, four in the first floor of each wing.  Each parlor had a different theme - SMbondage, stripper club, Catholic school girl, etc.  But apparently they were all superheroine themed tonight.  But a linebegan to form at the elevators, while some girls with rooms on the second andthird floors headed for the stairs.

           Ms Americana headed for the stairs as well.  She was a superior woman, more thancapable of walking up the stairs to the tenth floor if necessary.  But she figured she?d go up to the thirdor fourth floor, and then take the elevator to King Pimp?s residence.  Of course, she was tempted to visit eachof the parlors looking for Lydia, Nancy or Vanessa.  If she found one, she was sure that girlcould lead her to the other two.

           The shapely super heroine considered it too dangerous.  She needed to separate herself from ThePalace?s debauchery as quickly as possible.  She would stand out if she was forced tostart declining men?s offers to go upstairs.  And of course, she had no place to takethem if she accepted.  No, thesecurity within The Palace was too tight to risk exposure.

           Ms Americana paused at the top of the Grand Stairs and looked bothways.  First thing she spotted, andit surprised her, was a mirrored dome. A security camera dome.  Security was tighter than sherealized.  Then she spotted thetuxedoed pimps huddled between the stairs. And she recognized two of the four pimps from the streets.  She?d chased both off the streets, neverrealizing they just went to work for King Pimp.

           ?Heh, Americana,? a familiar voice called.  It was one of the pimps.  He was waving for her to come over.  ?Hurry up, bitch.  I got a clientwaiting.?

           It was Jerome Johnson, street name JJ Rod.  JJ Rod was six four, two hundred fiftypounds of muscle.  He was very darkskinned, with a shaven head, though back when he worked his own girls he had abig Afro.  Like the other pimps,bouncers and even Bethany Beavers, he wore a headset with boommike.

           ?Who? Me?? she said, mind racing to come up with a suitable excuse why shecouldn?t go with him.  She startedbacking away toward the nearest stairs next to the elevator on the southwing.  ?I?m on my?uh?way up to HisMajesty.  I can?t dally down herewith clients.?

           ?His Majesty?? he said, surprised. He suddenly paused, then tapped the headset.  ?Gotcha, Your Majesty.  Oh, I have a girl here in Ms Americanacostume coming up to see you.  Mindif I borrow her for a job? Thanks.?

           Ms Americana stared at him in horror.  Her baby blues darted up to the silvereddome hiding the security camera. Was security zoomed in on her now? Was she acting suspiciously? How quick could King Pimp evacuate The Palace if her presence wasdiscovered?  And would she ever findLydiaafterwards?

           ?His Majesty said I can use you,? JJ Rod said,grinning.

           ?Oh?I?I see,? she said.  Allfour pimps were looking at her curiously. So she decided to pretend to comply, but not actually go to the waitingclient.  ?Whatroom??

           ?The Honeymoon Suite,? JJ Rod said, walking up and taking her by theupper arm.  ?Let?s go.  He?s waiting, and not verypatient.?

           He walked Ms Americana past the other three pimps and into a hallwaybehind them, straight into the heart of the central tower.  The central tower held all of thespecialty rooms.  She had no ideawhat it meant for a client to be in the Honeymoon Suite, especially how thatconnected to the super heroine theme of the night.

           ?His name is Clyde Clements,? JJ Rod said as they walked at a briskpace.  ?He just got out of prisonthis week.  Ms Americana sent himthere fifteen years ago, and he wants her tonight.?

           ?I don?t know about that,? she said, seeing a way out.  ?He sounds dangerous.  He?ll hurt me.?

           It wasn?t easy for her to act the weak, helpless bimbo.  But it was her only hope.  She couldn?t prostitute herself.  And she couldn?t defy King Pimp?sminions either.  She had to goundetected until she struck.  It washers, and Lydia?s, onlyhope.

           ?Don?t worry,? JJ Rod said. ?He understands he cannot hurt His Majesty?s women.  He just wants to satisfy his fifteenyear old burning desire to put Ms Americana back in her proper place.  He just wants to fuck Ms Americana, buthe?ll settle for a whore dressed like her.?

           ?No,? she said.  They wereoutside the door now.  Her heart wasracing.  She was being forced intosomething she just couldn?t do.  Itwasn?t part of her psyche.  MsAmericana wasn?t some bimbo fuck toy. She was a superior woman, and could not belittle herself by whoringherself to a man, much less to an ex-con she?d sent to prison.  ?It?s toodangerous.?

           A cruel smirk crossed his dark face.  He thrust her at the door, then opened that door. Ms Americana spotted the middle-aged man sitting at the edge of thebed.  His face lit up when he sawher, then his greedy eyes raked her shapely body headto toe, several times.  His prisonissued street clothes were ill-fitting, and he hadn?t shaven in days.  Mostly, his disheveled hair and stubblewas grey.  He kinda looked like avagrant.  She didn?t recognizehim.  Fifteen years was a long time,and she?d sent thousands of men to prison in her crime-fightingcareer.

           ?I?ll be right here listening to everything,? JJ Rod said, plugging intoa jack.  ?If he goes too far, I?llbe inside in an instant and toss him out. He paid for a full hour, anything goes.  You just make sure he has a good time,bitch.?

           With that, JJ Rod placed his hand at the small of her back and shoved herinside.  She was left horrified andmind spinning.  If he was listeningin, then she couldn?t use her superior wits to outwit the hapless ex-con and getout of having sex.

           ?Hello, sir,? Ms Americana said, throat tight.  She had to stall him, while not soundinglike she was stalling, until she could figure out how to get out of thispredicament.  ?I?m MsAmericana.?

           ?Damn, you make a great Ms Americana,? he said.  He looked her over again as he steppedup to her.  She stepped back untilher back was pressed against the door. Then he reached up and caressed her bikini clad tits, very gently.  She gasped nonetheless.  ?Of course, I wish you were wearing thecostume she had fifteen years back, when she sent me away.  But the newest costume will do.?  He laughed cruelly.  ?It ain?t going to stay on longanyhow.?

           Her baby blues dropped to his hands as they reached up and took hold ofthe fastener between her 44DDs.  Hermind shut down completely.  Shecouldn?t think of anything to get out of his dark sexual desires withoutbetraying her true identity and jeopardizing Lydia?s fate.  In a flash he unfastened her top and herlegendary, milky white globes poured out and jounced enticingly before hislusty, greedy eyes.

           ?Oh!? she cried as he seized both titanic tits and sucked her left nippleinto his mouth.  A jolt of purepleasure ripped through her body, going from nipple to groin.  Even the abrasive feel of his stubble onher silky soft breast skin was a turn-on. Seconds later, she felt her pussy starting to moisten.  Then he swirled his tongue around hernipple and pinched the other.  ?Aaaiieee?ooohhh.?

           ?I like a whore who clearly enjoys her job,? Clyde said, then rubbed his stubbled cheeks back and forthacross her unprotected, tender breasts. She gasped and clutched at his head, but didn?t push him away.  ?I ain?t neverseen any whore enjoy it more than you, or start enjoying it sofast.?

           She felt her face flame. So shameful.  So terribly shamefulto enjoy such sexist, such disrespectful treatment.

           Clyde spent a full twenty minutessucking, licking and fondling the sexy super heroine?s perfect 44DDs.  Within just a few minutes her body washeating up.  After ten she wasafire.  After fifteen minutes shefelt pussy juices seeping through her bikini bottoms and dripping down her innerthighs.

           At the end of the first twenty minutes Ms Americana was panting.  Her knees were weak.  Then he reached one hand down, andslipped it up under her bikini bottoms, and found her hot, wettwat.

           ?Great Liberty,? she gasped.  Just touching her cunt pushed her rightto the edge.  Ms Americana couldn?tbelieve she was so aroused.  And aroused by such a physically and emotionally repulsiveperson.  He was an aged,harden criminal, her blood enemy, and he was driving her crazy with need andpleasure.  ?I can?t take this anylonger.?

           ?You have no choice, Ms Americana,? he whispered in her ear, then curled a finger up deep into her vagina.  She gasped and groaned, eyes wide. He smiled as her knees buckled. ?Ah, good idea.  Suck me, Ms Americana.  Eat my dick,bitch.?

           She couldn?t take any more breast or pussy fondling, caressing andsuch.  Ms Americana understood thatcompletely.  She doubted she?d lastanother minute before he ripped a debilitating climax out of her treasonousbody, and that could possibly totally de-power her belt.  The sexy super heroine needed time torecover.  So red-gloved handsreached out and unzipped the ex-con.

            she thought, hit by the stench of his unwashed cock andballs.    She pulled both cock and ballsout, surprised to find his cockhead sticky anddripping with pre-cum.  Even hishairy balls had pre-cum smeared on them. She felt her ardor dissipating, but knew if she hesitated she wouldn?t beable to do it.  And if she couldn?tsuck him, then he would return to stimulating her breast and pussy, if not gostrait to fucking.  So Ms Americana,the Queen of Justice, reached out with her tongue and guided his rancid cockinto her mouth.  ?Uummmmggghh.?

           Ms Americana fought desperately to suppress her gag reflex.  Whores were professionals, so didn?t gagon cocks.  But how many cocks werethat foul and disgusting?  So theQueen of Justice spend long minutes concentrating on giving him intense head,not so much to give him pleasure but to CLEAN off his toilet-tasting, skankycockhead. By the time she considered him cleaned,Clyde was gasping and clutching desperately ather silky black hair.

           Realizing if he came in her mouth now, he would still have more than halfan hour to molest her tits and pussy, Ms Americana pulled away from his cockhead and smiled sultrily up at him. He was panting and sweating, and smiled back down at her.  Then she lifted his rock hard cock andstarting licking his balls.  Lickingled to sucking balls, which led to Clydemoaning and groaning again.

           ?Suck me,? he gasped.  ?Suckme all the way in.  Now.?

           ?Okay,? she said, displeased. He still seemed rather too excited to handle that much stimulation.  But she did as ordered and took him intoher mouth.

           Clyde watched his erect dick slowlyswallowed by the woman he hated more than anyone else.  The sight of her ruby reds encirclinghis thick cock was inspirational. The feel of her hot, wet mouth was heavenly.  Each thrust plunged deeper anddeeper.  After just two minutes shewas able to take the full length of him, with several inches diving deep intoher throat with hardly any gag reflex now.

           He looked lower, and saw her nipples were rock hard and fully erect.  She was the only woman in his life toever become fully aroused by sex with him. He decided right then to stay in Delta City and become a regular at ThePalace, and one of this whore?s regulars too.

           Clyde was at the brink.  He was fighting it, wanting to make thepleasure last and last.  But a quickglance at the clock showed he still had thirty-five minutes with her.  So he relaxed and let nature take itscourse.

            Ms Americana screamed in herhead.  She felt his body change andknew he was about to climax.  About to cum in her mouth.  ?Hhhmmmmmggghhhh.?

           His fingers tightened in her hair, and held her still as he thrust deepinto her throat.  A second later,his milky cum started spurting down her throat.  After two spurts, he relaxed his holdand pulled halfway out, releasing more cum across her tongue.  That allowed -- forced -- Ms Americanato actually taste his jizm.  Sheswallowed as he pulled completely out, and shot another wad cross her glossy redlips.

           ?Mmm,? she said, licking off the cum and swallowing without thinking first.  A second later, she felt her faceburning as she realized what she?d done. ?Great Liberty, I enjoyedthat.?

           ?I noticed,? Clyde said,snickering.  ?You are the mostwanton whore I ever visited.?

           That was like a gut punch. Ms Americana knew she was feeling wanton.  She didn?t want to admit it, even toherself.  It was too disgusting anddistressing to contemplate.

           ?Take off your panties and lay down on the bed,? Clyde said. He started removing all of his clothes.  ?Time to getcompletely naked and go wild on each other.?

           Ms Americana removed her red, white and blue bottoms with dread andwalked over to the bed.  She climbedonto the bed and lay on her back. Without thought, her mile long legs spread and her gloved hands crept upto gently squeeze her breasts. Clyde jumped onto the bed, between herlegs and promptly shoved them wider. Then he fell on top of her, with a big shit-eatinggrin.

           His faced plunged into the deep crevasse of hercleavage.

           The naked super heroine?s beautiful face screwed up in distaste anddiscomfort.  His course stubble wasvery abrasive, very painful, on her soft skin.  She groaned and writhed beneath himuntil he was satisfied and then he slid lower.  Muchlower.

           ?Oh!  Gentle,? she said whenhis rough fingers plunged into her vagina.

           ?Gentle my ass, bitch, you like it rough,? he said.  ?You?re cunt?s sopping wetalready.?

           There was nothing deft or skillful in Clyde?s technique. He fingered fucked her until she started bucking beneath him.  Her hands clutched at his shoulders andshe stared off into space with an incredulous look on her masked face.  The ex-con enjoyed every second ofit.  Never had he so completelydominated a woman sexually.  She wasputty in his hands and he knew it.

           Despite his ineptitude, Clyde wasstarting to rock Ms Americana?s love boat. Within seconds of plunging his fingers into her vagina she began feelingthat erotic ache, that burning tingle deep in her belly, centered on herclit.  He never once touched theclit and she was sure he didn?t know enough to find it.  If he ever so much as touched it, itwould be instantaneous climax she was wound up so tight right then.  It took all of her crumbling will powerto hold the orgasm at bay.

            she repeated to herself over and over. 

           The clock showed he had another twenty-five minutes.  She began to despair.  Even her desire to fight off the climaxwas starting to melt away.  Part ofher really wanted that climax, to feel that almost forgotten thrill ofecstasy.  It had been so long, soterribly long.

            shethought as he started sucking and licking her 44DDs again, still finger-fuckingher relentlessly. 

           Her first thought -- the stench and taste of his cock at the verybeginning.  Unfortunately, thatthought had the opposite effect, making the burning tingle flare up andspread.  She could feel sweatbeading and dripping off her body.

           ?I think you are ready,? he said, and knelt between herlegs.


           ?To be properly fucked, Ms Americana,? he said, grinning lecherously downat her body.  ?I?ve been waiting 15long years for this moment.?

           Her hot, pink tongue licked her upper lip as her baby blues locked on hiscock.  She watched in morbidfascination as that cock was guided straight to her needy cunt, pushed past theengorged lips and plunged a good six inches into hervagina.

           Ms Americana?s eyes rolled up and her back arched.  Her hands clutched the brass headboardand she wailed.


           Clyde rode the super heroine themedwhore for all she was worth, not realizing he was really fucking the one andonly Ms Americana.  The very object of his darkest desires.  And she was fucking himback.

           ?I?m going?going to?.cuuummmmm,? shecried.  Then, the orgasm explodedbetween her legs and ripped through her shapely body.  ?Aaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee!?

           Her pussy muscles clenched and quivered, sending incredible sensations ofpure pleasure to Clyde.  Within seconds he lost control andspurting his thanks deep inside her pussy. But he kept right on pumping.

           A minute later, Ms Americana climaxed again.  ?Uuuuaaaaiiiiieeeeeeeeee!?

           During the second climax, and immediately afterwards,she felt her super strength bleeding away.  She was barely able to have a coherentthought, but her mental state was too discombobulated to accurately judge howmuch super strength she retained after two climaxes.

           ?Great Liberty, Clyde,? she gasped, feeling another climax building evenfaster than the second one.  ?Ithought you just got?uggh?.got out of prison.  How can you possibly have so much?hhhmmm?.endurance.?

           He grinned wolfishly.  ?Viagra.?

           With that, he pulled out. Flipped the stunned super heroine over onto all fours atop the bed, then mounted her doggie style.  Two minutes later, Ms Americana climaxedagain.  Twice inquick succession.  Then heseized her titanic tits and pulled her upper body up so he could play with hisnew toys.


           KNOCK! KNOCK!

           ?Time?s up, Clyde,? JJ Rod calledthrough the door.

           ?Give me a second to clean up,? he called, and FINALLY pulled out of thedevastated super heroine.

           ?Ooooooo,? she moaned, exhausted.  ?I?ve never?..Ooooo.?

           Clyde smacked her on her naked asscheeks as he left, leaving her moaning face down on the bed.  JJ Rod came in and grinned evilly ather.  She managed to pull herselftogether a bit, not liking his look. He was enjoying pimping her off too much.  She?d put him out of business once, andvowed to do it again.  As soon as she found Lydia.

           ?Get dressed, Americana,? JJ Rod said, tossing her costume onthe bed beside her.

           Ms Americana crawled off the bed and got to wobbly feet.  He handed her a damp hand towel to cleanup with.  She never felt so dirtyand disgusting in her life, but she was grateful for that scant help from thesleazy pimp.  Then she pulled on herbottoms and finally her top.

           ?Good enough,? JJ Rod said when she paused to plump her 44DDs justright.  Then he grabbed her leftwrist.  She rolled her eyes,expecting to be dragged to her next ?john,? but instead he snapped on a pair ofhandcuffs.  Shocked, she didn?trespond fast enough, and he got her other wrist cuffed as well.  ?Ah, Ms Americana never lookedbetter.?

           ?What?s the meaning of this?? she demanded, heart pounding so hard shecould barely hear, much less breathe. She tugged on the steel cuffs in vain.  Before Clyde forced numerous climaxes out of her helpless body,and thus de-powered her, she could?ve broken those cuffs.  But notnow.  She was completelyde-powered.  The Queen of Justicerealized she was helpless and totally at JJ Rod?s mercy.  And pimps were not known for theirmercy.  ?Why did you handcuffme??

           ?Next client,? he said, dragging her out of the room and heading straightacross the hall.  They stoppedoutside that door.  ?Okay, Americana, this guy?s paidout the wazoo for an hour with you.  Same as Clyde, anything goes.  Except he wants alittle roll playing.?

           ?Roll playing??

           ?Yep, you are, of course, the mighty and undefeated Ms Americana broughtdown,? JJ Rod said quickly.  ?He isplaying a powerful crime lord.  Iwill present you to him, to do with as he pleases.  Now, he?s hired two other girls -- MaiLing and Courtney.  He?ll have themmolest you while he watches.?  Heopened the door, ?Boss, I have Ms Americana here for you.  We just capturedher.?

           Ms Americana was horrified. It was Lieutenant Jason Hardgrove, head of the Vice Department.  He was big and burly, with no neck and agray-speckled flat top.  She?d hadmany, many run-in with him and his men. They were reputed to be on the take, and if noton the take then at least incompetent. Vice was rampant within DeltaCity.

           ?Very good, Igor,? Jason said. ?Mai Ling and Courtney will take her from here.?

           Mai Ling was about five six, with long arrow straight black hair, parteddown the middle.  She wore a redsilk ?Chinese? gown with high collars and golden dragon designs.  Courtney Rocks was familiar to MsAmericana.  She?d busted her dozensof times, when she worked for such pimps as JJ Rod, Kid Rotten and PimpDaddy.  Despite being drop deadgorgeous, the green eyed blonde was as skanky, kinky as they got.  She was one of the women who whoredbecause she LOVED it.  Courtney wasdressed for the street in red bustier, black mini, fishnet stockings and redstiletto pumps.

           ?Ah, Ms Americana, at last we meet,? Jason said as the two whores eachtook one of Ms Americana?s arms. Courtney immediately unfastened the bikini top so that the superheroine?s tits came tumbling out.  Again.  Then Mai Ling?s delicate hand slippedunder the bikini bottoms.  ?I willenjoy watching my girlfriends reduce you to a heap of panting slutmeat.?

           ?You bastard,? she gasped, because Mai Ling found her hypersensitive clitand began to massage it.  ?Oooooo, Great Liberty.?

           The Queen of Justice found herself in a dire predicament.  Despite, or due to, the sound fuckingshe received from Clyde, and the followingrough treatment by JJ Rod, her libido was enflamed her and her body was primedfor sex.  Now she was helpless andin the power of two beautiful, professional prostitutes who knew more than howto please a woman.

           As Mai Ling pressed hard, rubbing her right in every way, Ms Americanarose up on her tip toes, which wasn?t much in her five inch stiletto boots.  Courtney began sucking and caressing hertits just right.  Not too hard, nottoo soft.  Justright.

           After several minutes of this, Courtney bent her over backwards.  Mai Ling kept up her relentless assaulton Ms Americana?s clit.  The heatand pressure was building fast, and she knew she couldn?t resist the two of themfor much longer.

            she thought.

           Courtney cupped her chin, then turned the sexyvigilante?s head to face her.  MsAmericana?s eyes locked on Courtney?s a long moment, wiping all thoughts fromher mind as she look at those burning, hungry eyes.  Then Courtney?s full red lips parted andshe leaned forward.  Ms Americana?slips parted.

           ?I?ve been waiting a long time for this,? Courtneywhispered.


           ?Mmmmmmm,? they both groaned as their lipsmet

           The kiss was firm, hungry and erotic.  Ms Americana lost herself in it.  And within seconds she realized hermistake, for she lost the battle to control her own body.  Mai Ling was in command now, and shewanted to pull a climax out of her charge. And pull one out she did.

           ?Uuugggggggghhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm!? Ms Americana criedinto Courtney?s mouth.

           The Queen of Justice fell to her knees.  Courtney immediately pulled off herskirt, revealing garter belt and hose and totally shaved pussy.  She straddled the stunned anddiscombobulated super heroine, and guided Ms Americana?s face straight into herown pussy.  Ms Americana wassurprised, but started licking immediately.

           Courtney rode Ms Americana?s mouth for ten minutes, getting two orgasmsout of the ride.  Then Ms Americanathen had to perform cunnilingus on Mai Ling.  That took the better part of thirtyminutes to finally break through the hard whore and get a climax.  After that, the remainder of the hourwas spent on her back on the floor, with Mai Ling eating her out, while Courtneyate out Mai Ling and Ms Americana ate out Courtney.

           It was well past midnight when she stumbled out of that room.  Thankfully, JJ Rod was no where to beseen.  She smiled, knowing she had aclear shot at King Pimp now.  No one to stop her. No more dallying with johns. No more whoring.  It was timeto make King Pimp pay for the humiliations and indignities suffered by her thatnight, and by Lydia,Nancy andVanessa.

           Making it to the south elevator bank, she pressed UP and waited.  Five long minutes later, the door openedand the elevator was empty.  Shesmiled and stepped on.  Thenpressing 10, she stood by the door and tried to steel herself.  It wasn?t easy.  Her belly was still quivering and herknees weak.  Ms Americana hated toadmit it, but she?d had the best sex of her life.  Of course, that meant she was completelyde-powered.  It could take days, orweeks, to regain her lost super powers. But after the last two hours, she figured sexual daydreams would quicklybuild up her sexual frustration and pent up energy.

           DING!  And the elevatorrattled to a halt.

           ?That was fast,? she said, looking up.  The doors opened as it registered shewas only on the seventh floor.  KingPimp occupied the top three floors, which rumor said was an opulent penthousethat any billionaire would be proud to live in.  When her eyes dropped, she saw formerPlayboy Playmate Bethany Beavers smiling at her.  ?Oh, Bethany.?

           ?It?s about time,? Bethany said, reached out and seized her rightwrist and pulled her off the elevator. ?I was about to go upstairs and find out where my Ms Americana was, andwhen she?d get here.  You?re runninglate, missy.?

           Ms Americana was rushed into a large parlor.  At least that was what she thought itwas, until she saw all the men there. Tuxedoed pimps.  And theywere sitting and talking shop, enjoying drinks and sports on the big screen TVsscattered around the room.

           ?Break room??

           ?Yes, so you?ve never been up here before to entertain?? Bethany said.  ?From your dazed look, I guessnot.?  She laughed softly.  A prettylaugh.  ?You?ll be even moredazed when you leave, darling!?

           With that ominous statement, Bethany pulled off Ms Americana?s top.  Then she removed the hapless heroine?sbottoms.  Finally, she pushed thesexy super heroine over to the closest pimp, JJ Rod.

           ?Bon appetite, boys,? Bethany said, laughed andleft.

           ?I can?t do this,? Ms Americana said hoarsely.  JJ Rod?s big black rod was already outand hard.  She gazed at it a longsecond, then swallowed hard.  Herbody was already preparing itself to be impaled on that massive tool.  As she recalled, all of JJ Rod?s girlswere very pleased with him.  Now sheunderstood why.

           JJ Rod took her by the hand and pulled her before him.  Her eyes widened and her head spun outof control.  She couldn?t speak ashe pulled her onto his lap, so that her aching cunt was barely an inch above hiswobbling cock.

           ?Mount up, babe.?

           He placed both hands on her well rounded hips and pulled down.  Hard.  She didn?t resist, watching breathlesslyas his big black cock penetrated her pretty pink pussy.  As he pushed deep into her already wellused vagina, she remembered he kept his women pliable with frequent sex.  All of his girls wanted to be his.  Now she truly understoodwhy.

           ?Greeeaat Liiibeeerrtyyy,? she groaned as she slid down hisshaft.

           ?So sweet,? JJ Rod said breathlessly.  ?I?ve wanted to fuck you for years.  More than any otherwoman.?

           The other pimps were watching them with rapt attention, gleeful lecheryin their eyes.  She didn?tcare.  It felt too good.  The best she?d ever felt.  He was so big, so impressive.  JJ Rod totally filled her up, with cockto spare.

           ?I?m loosing myself,? she whispered.  He reached up and took her tits in hand,starting to play with those massive melons.  ?So good?too good?can?tresist.?

           ?Like I always said, all we needed to do was cock whip Ms Americana intosubmission and she?d do anything we wanted,? JJ Rod said.

           ?Yeah, yeah, she was begging for it in that sexed up skimpy costume andfuck me heels,? another said.

           ?I could break her on my cock,? another said.  ?Of course, she?d be easier than mostwith her snooty attitude hiding her inner whore.?

           ?Yeah, yeah, those super heroine bitches break thefastest.?

           Ms Americana wasn?t paying attention to the junior pimps.  She was lost in cock heaven, bouncing upand down on his monster cock. SQUISH-SQUISH!  Up anddown.  Up anddown.

           ?Uuuggghhhh,? she groaned wantonly.  ?Oh,JJ!?

           ?What do you want, Ms Ameri-slut??

           ?Fuck me.?

           Her whole body was a-tingle. Sweat poured off her shapely body. Ms Americana was gasping loudly with each bounce up and down his cock,her monster tits bouncing even more dramatically.  She was building toward climaxextraordinarily fast.  This time,she wasn?t fighting it at all.  SheWANTED that orgasm.  She needed it,badly.

           ?Now I know why they call you JJ ROD,? Ms Americana cried, then lostit.  ?Uuughh?Oooogghh?.Aaaaaaaaaiiieeeeeeeeeeee!?  She took another breath, and bounced upand down the full length of his cock and climaxed again.  ?Aaaaaaiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee!?

           JJ Rod made her continue until she?d climaxed five times, then he forcedher to her knees between his legs. He slapped her beautiful, masked face a couple times with his still hard,sticky wet cock.  Then she tookmatters in hand and started giving him intense head.

           ?Oh, yes, Ms Americana, you raging slut whore,? JJ Rodsaid.

           She couldn?t take the full length of his monster rod into her mouth, butshe more than made up for it by licking it with wild abandon from cock head toballs, then sucking on his balls. In less than five minutes she brought the jaded pimp to a mind bogglingclimax, sucking all his cum down with moans of pleasure.

           Then she moved one over to the next pimp.  His cock wasn?t as big and impressive asJJ Rod?s cock, but he was well endowed and gave her immense pleasure for wellover fifteen minutes, then she was passed over to the next pimp.  He pushed her to the floor and forcedher to all fours.

           ?I like doggie style best,? Mr. Cocks said.  He was another pimp Ms Americana tangledwith.  Indeed, she thought she?dchased him out of Delta City just three weeks back.  She?d actually been forced to surrenderwith a threat to kill a poor girl. But they didn?t remove her power belt and before he could stick hisrancid cock into her she broke free and kicked ass.  That wasn?t going to happen thistime.  ?Ready or not, here Icome.?

           ?Uugghhh,? she grunted when he rammed his cockinto her cunt.  ?Oh, Mr. Cocks.  Mercy.?

           There was no mercy to be had. Mr. Cocks was just encouraged to fuck her even harder.  The other pimps laughed as they watchtheir most hated enemy being fucked long and brutally by one of theirnumber.  Then one of the other pimpsgot horny and couldn?t wait, so dropped his pants and stepped before MsAmericana.

           Ms Americana was pulled up to her knees by her hair.  A big, black pre-cum dripping cock wasthrust in her face.  Dazed andconfused, she licked her lips and opened wide.  He mounted her mouth withrelish.

           ?Mmmmmmnnnggghhhh,? shegroaned.

           ?Look at this slut go!? he cried, watching her start sucking withenthusiasm.  ?What a raging slut youare, Ms Ameri-Whore.?

           ?Hmmmm,? she said, eyes closed and savoring themoment, tastes, smell and erotic heat consuming her statuesque body.  she thought.    ?Uuhhhmmmgghhh.?

           Ms Americana took their verbal abuse but kept sucking and fucking.  She didn?t care what they said, as longas they didn?t stop fucking her, didn?t stop giving her extreme pleasure.  Pimps came and went.  She spent hours in the break room,mostly either sucking or fucking pimps, but sometimes forced to lap dance andeven pose for nude photos once. Until she passed out.

           ?What?? Ms Americana said, startled awake.  ?Where am I??

           ?The break room, stupid,? Bethany said.  She looked weary and a bit annoyed.  ?You fell asleep?  No one woke you up when they allleft??

           Ms Americana looked around. She was alone with Bethany in the break room.  The former Playmate of the Year wasstill wearing the white bunny suit, but Ms Americana noticed at least two cumstains.  Also, the bunny?s crotchwas soaked through with what she suspected was cum leaking out of her heavilyfucked pussy.

           ?No.  They left me, I guess,?Ms Americana said, feeling a bit foolish and abused.

           The beautiful redhead helped her up, thenfetched her bikini top.  MsAmericana found her bottoms, and slipped them on first.  The press of the soft cloth against hercunt was incredible.  She?d neverbeen so hypersensitive before.  Thehigh and mighty Queen of Justice felt her skin gooseflesh and a tremble washthrough her overworked and overheated body.

           ?Go back to your room,? Bethany said wearily and headed for thedoor.

           ?Wait, I have to see King Pimp,? Ms Americana said.  ?It?s urgent.?

           Bethanyhesitated at the door, slanting a calculating gaze upon the shapely andextraordinarily beautiful super heroine. She pursed burgundy lips and considered a longmoment.

           ?Why?  Can?t itwait??

           ?No, it?s of utmost importance I see him tonight,? she saidfirmly.

           She frowned, hesitating long enough Ms Americana feared she would bethwarted again.  It would be so mucheasier if The Palace?s head whore just took her straight to King Pimp.  She was already starting to makealternate plans to get into King Pimp?s quarters when Bethany?s eyes wandered upand down her spectacular body.  Thebeautiful redhead bit her lower lips, then smiledsultrily.

           ?Come with me, darling.?

           She took Ms Americana by the hand and led her to the elevator.  While waiting, Bethany?s hands began toexplore Ms Americana?s curvaceous body. Normally, she?d toss anyone so forward and audacious across theroom.  But she was hot and bothered,and Bethany?sdelicate, feminine hands felt wonderful on her overheated body.  Face to face, they snuggled and kisseduntil the elevator arrived.

           Once on the elevator, Bethany pushed the 9 button.  Ms Americana smiled.  She would?ve thought 10.  So she would?ve wasted valuable time onher own.

           Before the elevator car began to move the beautiful redhead was all overMs Americana.  Their smoochingquickly became impassioned. Bethanypushed her right hand under the ravishing super heroine?s bottoms, and made abeeline to her clit.

           ?Aayyy,? Ms Americana gasped, her body suddenly tense.  If felt too good.  ?Uhh, GreatLiberty, that?s soooo good.?

           Bethanykissed her way down Ms Americana?s slender neck, and to her 44DDs.  The top snapped open, yet again,spilling out her legendary melons. Bethany?stouch, hand, lips and tongue, were deft and all extremely invigoratingsexually.  The former Playmate ofthe Year knew exactly how to push Ms Americana?s buttons, exactly how to touchand caress and massage to get the quickest and most intenseresults.

           ?Aaaaaaaggghhhhhhh,? Ms Americana groanedsensuously, her back arching so that she was bent overbackwards.

           Only Bethany?s firm hand held the oversexed superheroine up.  The Queen of Justiceknew she was outmatched, for Bethany was playing her superb body like a fineinstrument.  When the elevator doorsDINGED she didn?t care.  She justwanted Bethanyto keep on keeping on.

           ?This is MY pleasure, Ms Americana,? Bethany said, almost viciously as she pressedinto her charge?s clit.

           Ms Americana?s body jolted with an intense jolt of pure electricalpleasure shooting out of her clit and to all corners of her curvaceousbody.  She hadn?t even realized shewas teetering on the edge of a soul-numbing climax until Bethany expertly pushedher over the edge.


           Ms Americana screamed, and screamed, and screamed again.  That climax wouldn?t let up.  It sucked the life out of her.  It left her spent and panting inBethany?sarms.

           ?Through that door,? Bethany said, pointing to a set of ornatelycarved oaken double doors.  ?Betterhurry, he?ll be leaving shortly.?

           ?King Pimp,? Ms Americana whispered, trying to pull herselftogether.  She still had to dealwith the leader of this bunch of miscreants and malefactors.  True, she was de-powered and exhausted,but he didn?t know that.  Just thethreat of a visit by Ms Americana was enough to cause most men tohyperventilate.  ?Yes, I have tofinish this business.  Tonight.?

           Taking a deep breath, Ms Americana walked out of the elevator on onlyslightly wobbly legs.  Her heart wasstill hammering from all of her trials and tribulations of that evening andnight.  Bethany left her mindreeling, with strange yearnings for the expert touch of otherwomen.

            she thought, not able to discern the answer.  She had to force her mind away fromthoughts of Bethany. It wasn?t easy, but she had more important business right then. 

           There was no one between her and King Pimp now.  Ms Americana was confident she couldthreaten and bully him into complying with her demands.  Lydia and the other two young women would bereleased.  They then wouldleave.

           Pushing the double doors open so that they banged open, Ms Americanastrode in like the Queen of the World. Directly across the room, in an oversized silverthrone, sat King Pimp in a dark blue silk dressing robe.  He was a huge black man at six footseven, with a large afro that made him look even taller.  His massive frame was sheathed in thickmuscle, no fat to be found.  Hisdark brown eyes narrowed at her.

           ?Anthony Patrick, A.K.A King Pimp,? Ms Americana called.  ?I?ve come to retrieve the three societygirls you forced into prostitution last weekend -- Lydia Wills, Nancy Hong andVanessa Ledbetter.  I demand youhand them over to me immediately, or you will certainly suffer theconsequences.?

           ?My, you are even more beautiful and impressive in person,? King Pimpsaid.  His intense eyes ran up anddown her shapely body several times, a mercenary smile claiming his face.  ?You will make a fine addition to ThePalace?s stable of beauties.  Iexpect you to become my top earning girl within the week.?

           Ms Americana?s belly clenched, then butterflies exploded deepwithin.  Her breathing becamelabored as she tried to show a firm, resolute face despite her poundingheart.  But his voice was deep andcommanding, and so confident.  Hercunt ached and she had to fight her inner demons.

           ?You don?t understand your precarious position, King Pimp,? she said,with only a slight tremor in her voice.

           ?I understand everything far better than you know, Ms Americana,? KingPimp said, grinning.  Then hepointed behind her and up. ?Look.?

           Ms Americana cut a swift look over her left shoulder.  Then did a doubletake.

           ?Great Liberty! What have you done to me!?

           ?I?ve filmed every single moment of their erotic journey through ThePalace with hidden cameras and microphones,? he said.  ?Up to and including that last trip upthe elevator with Bethany.?

           On the wall behind her was a baker?s dozen HD TVs mounted to thewall.  Twelve, six on each side ofthe door, were 50? flat screens. The thirteenth was mounted directly over the door, and was a 75? flatscreen.  On the biggest screen inthe middle was a paused close up of Ms Americana.  A huge black cock was just inches fromher slightly parted red lips, with a thick rope of cum connecting them.  She had a look of utter sexual bliss onher masked face, which was dripping with cum as well.

           He punched a button on his remote and the picture started moving in slowmotion.  She watched in morbidfascination as her tongue thrust out, swirled around that dripping rope of cumand then watched as her full red lips opened wider and engulfed that big blackcock.  Then she sucked and lickedthe cock clean, before licking her lips clean and smacking contently.  Then she noticed all the other TVs wereshowing other sex sessions she?d performed that night, with paying customers andpimps.

           Watching those sexual encounters on the TVs brought all the memories, allthe feelings and emotions back full force. She gasped and groaned, her hands dropped to herpussy mound and breasts.

           ?Tomorrow I?ll send that out to my production company to edit and divideup into porn films and shorts for peep shows,? King Pimp said.  ?By the end of the week you will be ainternationally renown pornstar.?

           Whirling around, she stared at him openmouthed.

           ?You can?t do that to me! I?m Ms Americana, a role model of young girls and women around theworld,? she said.  ?You?ll destroytheir beloved heroine.  You?lldestroy ME.?

           ?No, I won?t destroy you, I?m going to EMPLOY you,? he said,grinning.

           King Pimp stood and opened his robes.  Her eyes immediately fell to his monstercock.  It was the biggest yet,easily a foot long.

           ?Great Lib?.Oooo,? she breathed, her right handpressed against her chest, fingers splayed.  ?Sobig.?

           Ms Americana couldn?t breathe. She took a step towards him and stopped herself.  Swallowing the lump in her throat, shetried valiantly to reclaim her wits while she still had a fightingchance.

           ?I will not surrender to you,? she said hoarsely.  ?I am a super heroine, not some sleazyslut for you to whore off to disgusting, whoremongeringmen.?

           He stepped down off the raised d?as and began stroking his cock.  It was starting to harden and rise.  Ms Americana backed up another step,unable to tear her eyes off his exposed manhood.

            she said silently. 

           ?I?m going to fuck you,? he said. ?I?m going to tame you.  I?mgoing to make you mine, willingly, even eagerly, mine.  The whore within has betrayed you, MsAmericana, and we both know you will lose this battle.?

           ?No.  I can?t,? shewhispered.  She couldn?t sayanymore.  Her throat was tootight.

           ?Then I am here.  Arrest me,?he said, holding his arms wide.  Buthis huge cock still stood at attention.  ?Or drop to your knees and suck mycock.?

           Ms Americana took a deep breath and stepped forward.  She stopped just over a foot before him,his cock leveled at her midsection. Just inches away, dripping pre-cum.  The lusty, hungry look in his dark eyesscreamed supreme confidence.  HeKNEW she would submit.

           The sexy super heroine closed her eyes and pressed her red gloved handsagainst her trembling belly.  Sherealized then that her hands were trembling too.  Then she looked down at his cock.  When she looked up again, he was smilingdown at her.


           Ms Americana fell to her knees before King Pimp.  Both hands reached out and gently tookhold of his cock, the right hand just behind his cock head.  She leaned forward, extending hertongue.  A quarter of an inch fromthe head of his dick, her baby blues cut up and locked eyes with him.  Then the tip of her tongue curled up andlicked the drop of pre-cum off his cock.

           ?Mmmm,? she said, tasting King Pimp for thefirst time.  She knew it wasn?tgoing to be the last.  She?d makecertain of that.  She pressed herfull red lips to his cock, kissing his cock head loving, sweetly, feeling herself at the brink of climax.  ?I am yours.?

           That admission sent her over the top.  ?Aaaaiiiiiieeeeeeeeee!?

           The Queen of Justice?s red lips parted and sucked King Pimp?s massivecock into her mouth even as her climax still reverberated through her shapelybody.  Then she rubbed his cock allover her face, kissing and nuzzling the shaft lovingly,hungrily.

           ?Master,? he said.

           ?I am yours, master.?

           While giving him intense head, Ms Americana?s right hand stroked his footlong shaft and her left fondled his equally massive balls.  He buried his huge hands in her silkysoft, shimmering black hair.  At thesame time, Bethany moved up behind her and removed her MsAmericana bikini top.  But she neverstopped, or even hesitated, sucking her master?s cock.

           Ms Americana was distressed. He was so thick she couldn?t get much more than his cock head into hermouth.  She so wanted to swallow himwhole.  The topless heroine wantedto give intense pleasure.  So sheleaned even closer and pressed his long black cock deep into her cleavage andbegan titty fucking him.  After fiveminutes of that sensual delight he couldn?t hold it any longer, and sticky white cum fountained out of his cock.

           The super heroine squealed with delight, thenwrapped her ruby reds around the end of his cock to catch the rest.  She didn?t want to waste any of it.  Once he was through spurting his seed,she licked and sucked him perfectly clean.

           ?Good girl,? King Pimp said, pushing her off his cock.  ?Time to seal yourfate, my dear Ms Americana.?

           King Pimp returned to his throne and sat down.  Bethany helped Ms Americana to her feet, then removed the discombobulated super heroine?s bikinibottoms.  Then she led Ms Americanaup to King Pimp.  With Bethany?s help, the Queenof Justice was quickly impaled upon King Pimp?s freakishly long and thickcock.  Without being told, she begansliding up and down his shaft, coating it with her pussyjuices.

           ?Great Liberty! Oh!? she cried, head throw back. ?So good! So?so?..GREAT!?

           Ms Americana had never felt so alive.  She was on fire, bursting with sexualenergy and passion.  It was likeshe?d just been reborn.  Everythingfelt sensuously invigorating, like the way her leg muscles flexed and her 44DDsbounced.  She loved the feel of herlong, silky hair bouncing and caressing her shoulders and back with whisperysoftness.  Then she reached up andtweaked her own nipples.

           ?Uuugghhh,? she groaned.

           ?Take off the gloves,? King Pimp said.

           Ms Americana obeyed without thought.  Then she raked her super soft breastflesh with her long red nails.

           ?Take off your mask,? he said.

           ?Oh,? she said, eyes wide.  He would know her then.  She would truly be lost, truly be hissex slave, his fuck toy.  If hediscovered her real, everyday identity, she would be forever bound to him inabject servitude, with no power to protect herself ever again.  She would be utterly helpless andvulnerable. ?No?please?.?

           He took her face in both hands. Her heart skipped a beat, thinking he would unmask her.  But instead he kissed her.  Long andhard.  Melting her resolve and inhibitions.

           ?Take off the mask.?

           ?Yes, master.?

           She reached up with both hands. As she did so, King Pimp seized both of her titanic tits and began toexpertly caress and massage them. Her baby blues closed as she groaned in pure pleasure.  She felt her ardor rising, building,cresting. Her fingers touched the familiar mask.  Ms Americana opened her eyes and lookedinto his eyes.  His triumphant eyes. He was so majestic in his victory. She smiled and pulled off the mask.

           ?You look familiar,? he said.

           ?Brenda Wade, master,? she said. She started bouncing faster, harder.  ?I am Brenda Wade.  Lydia Wills? legalguardian.?

           ?Lydia?  The blonde?FLAGGIRL??

           ?Yes, master. Lydia is FlagGirl.?

           With that Ms Americana burned her bridges and betrayed her dearestfriend.  Something only a true whorewould do.  And sheclimaxed.

           ?Uuugggggggghhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!? shecried.  Her cunt muscles quiveredand squeezed, pulling him over the top as well.  She felt King Pimp fill her vagina withhot cum.  ?Oh, master!  Oh!  Oh!  Yes!  YES!  Ohhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeee!?

           Finished, King Pimp pushed her off his cock and she crumbled at hisfeet.

           ?All those years,? she whispered, hands pressed to her tremblingbelly.  ?Everyone said I was a whoredeep down, a repressed whore.  Ididn?t believe.  Now I know.?  She looked up at Bethany, then KingPimp.  ?I am a whore, and it feelsright.?

           ?Prove it,? he said.  ?Proveyourself worthy to be with me.?

           She felt panic.  Would hesend her way?  Would she never seehim again?  Never fuck himagain?

           ?How, master??

           ?Get to work,? he said.  ?Ialready have a client lined up for you.?

           ?For me?? she said.  ?As Ms Americana? Or Brenda??

           ?As Ms Americana.  And yes, I?m fast,? he said.  ?Soon, word will go out and the men willflock here to sample your bountiful charms.?

           With than, King Pimp stood up and walked out of theroom.

           ?Get dressed,? Bethany said, tossing her bikini back ather.  Ms Americana slowly put inon.  She was exhausted, and startingto feel the workout she?d had that night. Then Bethany handed her the mask.  ?Put this on.  He is hiring Ms Americana, afterall.  Not some bimbo in a Ms Americana costume.?

           Once Ms Americana was presentable, Bethany led her by the hand to theelevator.  They dropped down to thefifth floor.  Then she took her tothe room closest to the elevator, just inside the northwing.

           ?This is your room from now on,? Bethany said.  There was a brass nameplate: MsAmericana.  Theone and only.

           ?But how??

           ?We knew you were coming,? Bethany said.  ?You never fooled anyone.  I spotted you out seconds after your arrived, and His Majesty was already tracking you withexternal cameras from two blocks out.?


           ?It?s amazing you lasted as long as you did as a super heroine,? shesaid, shaking her head.  ?It wasalmost too easy to capture and tame you. Hell, you cooperated one hundred percent the whole time.  Just handed yourself over to us on asilver platter.?

           ?I see,? she said, head hanging. ?I guess I am just a dumb bimbo whore.?

           ?Of course,? Bethany said.  She waved to indicate her sexily skimpycostume.  ?You?ve be BEGGING for it,begging to be mastered and put in your place for years.  Everyone in the sex industry knew it,and just wondered who would finally prove strong and crafty enough to take youand make you his.  I knew King Pimpwould ultimately be the man to do it.?

           ?I see,? Ms Americana said softly.

           Bethanyshrugged.  ?The Real Ms Americana?sfirst paying client is inside.  Heis paying three hundred dollars for the rest of the night.  Make sure he is COMPLETELY satisfied inevery way.?

           ?Yes, mistress,? she said, causing Bethany to smirk.

           ?Ah, get to work,? Bethany laughed, swatting her firm, roundhiney.

           Ms Americana smiled meekly and opened the door.  One step inside, and she stopped dead inher tracks.  Stunned speechless. She could only stare in slack-jawed surprise.

           ?About time, Ms Ameri-whore,? Jimmy the Informant said, grinningvictoriously.

           ?How?? she said.

           ?How what? How did I get to be your very first PAYING client?? he said.  She nodded.  ?Easy, I watched you leave the alley,figured out where you were headed, and ran ahead.  After I sold my information to HisMajesty, I was granted a boon, so to speak.  I got to buy your services.  First.?  His face was pure wicked glee.  ?I get to initiate you as a hooker, soto speak.?

           ?Complete satisfaction guaranteed,? Bethany said from behind Ms Americana, and thenclosed the door.

           ?Its three hundred dollars,? she said.  ?Upfront.?

           He didn?t hesitate.  Hepulled out a sizeable wad of bills, and peeled off three crisp Benjamins.  She took the money, licked her dry lips,and nodded.  Placing the money on aside stand, she removed her bikini and climbed onto the queen-sized bed besideher first ever john.  Beside the manthat sold her up the river.  The informant that betrayed her.

           ?I paid for all night, anything goes,? he said, cupping both of hertitanic tits.

           She?d never seen anyone look at anything with such a sense of wonder asJimmy looking at her tits.  Then heburied his face in her cleavage.

           ?Anything you want, Jimmy,? she said.  She looked around the room, wonderingwhere the camera was located.  Thesexy super heroine turned prostitute knew with certainty that King Pimp wouldnot miss watching and recording the Queen of Justice?s first trick.  ?I?m yours the rest of thenight.?






Ms Americana/Brenda Wade andLydia Wills/Flag Girl are the creations of Mr. X.  I came up with the othervillains.


Please direct all comments andfeedback to [email protected].  Put Ms Americana or Story feedback insubject line, otherwise I might think it is spam and delete.










By Thom Gall


           Sugar Town.

           ?Hello, Jimmy,? Ms Americana said softly, baby bluesnarrowed.

           The legendary Queen of Justice stood in the mouth of the dark alley.  Her head was heldhigh, 44DDs jutting out.  Redgauntlet gloved hands rested on well-rounded hips.  Long shapely legs were stuffed into redcalf boots, with a white stripe up their fronts and a gold star on thesides.  Her costume was better knownthen the President: red, white and blue star-spangled and red and white strippedbikini.  She finished out hercostume with blue choker, red star earrings, and a golden tiara.  Of course, the most important parts ofher costume were the golden power belt -- that gave her super strength -- aroundher narrow waist and the blue, star-spangled mask hiding her trueidentity.

           ?Ms Americana!? he yelped. ?I-I didn?t see you walk up.?

           ?When it comes to me, Jimmy, you only see and know what I want you to seeand know,? she said, taking a step deeper into the alley.  She looked the smaller man over withdisgust written across her lovely masked face.  He was one of her best informants, whenshe could find him and if she paid him enough.  The more she paid, the more reliable theinformation.  ?I havequestions.?

           His eyes bugged out and he looked all around.

           ?Are you crazy?  This isn?tour agreement, or how you contact me. If I?m seen talking to you, I?m mincemeat.  This is Sugar Town,Ms Americana, not Uptown or Downtown.  Or the Golden Burbs. Sugar Town, with its own laws and customs, dos anddon?ts.  And you, MsBikini-clad vigilante, are DON?T numbero uno.?

           ?A singular honor, I?m sure,? she said.  He looked ready to bolt.  She couldn?t have that.  The sexy super heroine needed him.  She needed him like she?d never neededhim, or any man, before.  ?We?ll becareful.  Besides, I didn?t havetime to go through regular channels. So, tell me, what went down last Saturday night at the Wade Mansion??

           ?What?  Thesociety girl slumber party??

           ?Yeah, that?s the one,? she said, desperate to keep her raging emotionsin check and sound reasonable.

           ?Uh?well, a bunch of stuck up society girls decided to be ?bad girls? andgo to a Sugar Town party,? he said.  Then he grinned fiercely.  ?They got more than they bargained for,I reckon.  Hee hee. Word is, they got drugged, banged and put on display in the meatmarket.?

           ?Where are they now??

           No one outside of SugarTown ever saw them again.  It?s been six days.  Lydia threw that slumber party.  Lydia Wills and six ofher closest friends.  Shestill couldn?t believe Lydiawould be so stupid as to take such a terribly dangerousrisk.

           ?Working their tight round asses off, Ms Americana, as they should be,?he said.

           Ms Americana moved like greased lightning.  In a flash she covered the ten feetseparating them.  The six foot oneinch amazon lifted the rat-faced informant off theground by his shirt collar, holding him high overhead with one hand.  At only five foot five, he had a lot ofair between him and the ground.

           ?I know each and everyone of those beautiful young women,? Ms Americanasnarled between clenched teeth. ?Their parents are loyal supporters of super heroine activities andsupport groups.  One and all arepillars of Delta City society. I intend to rescue their daughters, Jimmy.  And if you know what?s good for you,then you will tell me where to find them.?

           ?Jesus, Ms Americana!  Ididn?t do nothing,? he squealed.


           He swallowed hard and looked around in terror.  They were alone.  Whether he was looking for succor orwitnesses, she didn?t know.  Butthere was no one around to see him give information, or come to hisrescue.

           ?The Andrews, Johannson and Wellborn girls are working in MistressTabitha?s House of Joy,? he said.

           ?Good start,? she said, blood boiling.  All three were perky blondes with bigboobs.  Like Lydia. She?d watched them grow up, since they all lived near her estate.  ?Keep talking,Jimmy.?

           ?Ok?uh?oh Jesus, I can?t think straight,? he whined.  Then, ?The red-head?Heidi Hermann, yeah,well she got snatched up by Mr. Notorious, so is streetwalking with his stableof hotties on Cummins.  Oh, she?s anatural redhead, by the way.?

           Ms Americana shook the little weasel.  Violently.

           ?The fact you know that disturbs me, Jimmy,? she growled.  ?Keep talking.?

           ?Oh, yeah?uh, that Willis girl??

           ?Wills.  Lydia Wills,? sheinterrupted.

           ?Oh.  Ok, so she ended upwith King Pimp at the Palace, along with the Hong and Ledbettergirls.?

           Ms Americana dropped Jimmy. He hit hard and stumbled back against a wall.  He gave her a crafty, rat-faced lookthat she didn?t care for.  He wasalways considering angles, trying to make a profit out of everyone?s misery andmisfortune.  He was a born and bredSugar Towner.

           ?That was a lot of primo info, Ms Americana,? Jimmy said with a mercenaryglint to his beady eyes.  ?It wasworth a lot, dontcha think??

           She eyed him with open distaste. He was small and greasy, vile and repulsive.  And she was sure he partook of at leastHeidi Hermann?s erotic pleasures after she was forced into prostitution.  She wanted to thrash him within an inchof his life.

           ?What did you do to the Hermann girl?? Ms Americana said.  When he tried to bolt, she grabbed himby the balls, and squeezed.  Hesquealed like a 10 year old school girl. ?Tell me.?

           ?Nothing bad, just missionary!  And a little BJ,? he gaspeddesperately. 

           ?And which other girls?? she asked, heart pounding.  Lydia.>

           ?T-The Hooong girl,? he groaned in agony.  She squeezed harder still.  ?And the?oh?Willisgirl?.aaaaaaaiiiiiieeee?.and?and?the Ledbettergirl.?  He paused to retch tothe side, careful not to get any on her. ?That?s all.  MistressTabitha don?t like me, so??

           ?Pig,? Ms Americana growled and tossed him aside, to plow into a pile ofrancid trash.  Flag Girl haddealings with Jimmy, so Lydiamust?ve been doubly disgusted to be forced to spread her shapely legs forhim.  How horrible for her.  ?I ought to??

           ?Hey, I had rights,? he said. ?All?s fair in SugarTown, and you know it.  It was theirown fault coming here.?

           When she lunged for him, Jimmy scrambled out of the trash and raced downthe alley.  She watched him vanishinto the nightshadows.  For a briefinstant she wanted to chase him down and punish him for molestingLydia.  But there would be plenty of time forthat, AFTER she rescued her lovely young ward and super heroineprot?g?.

           Then she heard him calling back to her, voice tainted with anger, ?Youowe me, Ms Ameri-bitch.  And afterwhat you just did to me there is no more info until you pay metriple.?

           She slanted a haughty, dismissive look back hisway.

           Walking back out to the street, she paused at the end of the alley.  If she went right she could walk to theHouse of Joy in less than two minutes. It would be easy to rescue those three young society beauties.  Heidi was working Cummins, which was along street running through the middle of Sugar Town,and was out of the way from the two brothels that were on the edge ofDelta City?s most notorious red light district.  But, The Palace was a good fifteenminute walk from her location.

           <Lydia?s at thePalace,> Ms Americana thought. That was enough.  She couldgo to the House of Joy and CumminsStreet anytime. Her priority was to save Lydia. So Ms Americana turned left and strode purposely.  Lydia, Nancy and Vanessa.>

           Of course, she understood that if she rescued Lydia, Nancy and Vanessa, then Heidi Hermann, BabsWellborn, Brianna Andrews and Jamie Johannson would most likely vanish beforeshe could save them.  She couldn?thelp feeling guilty, but her first responsibility was to Lydia, then the othergirls.

           Hookers, pimp, pushers and other clandestine shapes vanished as sheapproached them.  The furtive shapesand movements at the edge of her vision were the most troubling.  They annoyed her whenever she visitedSugar Town. Though, they have never shown any kind of threat to her, or even grownenough backbone to reveal themselves. 

           The news Jimmy gave her was the worst imaginable.  The Palace was Sugar Town?smost popular, largest and most vile brothel.  King Pimp ruled there like a medievalking, with all the working girls his slave/whores.  The Palace also specialized in providingthe finest, most beautiful and rarest girl flesh for its clientele.  Indeed, rumor said he only worked thecream of society girls -- heiresses, former TV and movie actresses, andespecially the beautiful daughters of the city?s leaders.

           As Brenda Wade?s ward, perky blonde beauty Lydia fit the profileperfectly.

           Ms Americana covered the fifteen minute walk to The Palace in ten.  In her dark mood, she rather enjoyedwatching the frightened Sugar Towners scatter at her determined approach.  Soon, she approached the ten storyformer hotel.

           The statuesque super heroine stopped a block away, studying the infamousbrothel from the night shadows.  Itwas barely 10 o?clock, so still early in the brothel?s night time business.  Indeed, The Palace never closed.  It was open for business 24 hours aday.  The girls inside each hadtheir own room.

           She scowled.  King Pimp wasreputed to have over two hundred girls working in the Palace at any given time,with close to five hundred living and working The Palace.  He also had a baker?s dozen otherbrothels scattered across SugarTown.  He bragged that he had two thousandgirls working their asses off for him.

           And now Lydia was oneof them.

           ?You?re going down, King Pimp,? she growled.

           The building was a former ritzy hotel, with a ten story central tower andtwo side wings of five floors each. King Pimp?s personal residence occupied the top three floors of thetower.  The two wings were where thegirls plied their ancient trade.

           ?Damn,? she muttered, angry with herself.  Jimmy had ?visited? Lydia, so knew the exact location of herroom.  She should?ve discovered thatinformation before letting him escape. ?How am I going to find her in that??

           The alarm would be spread the instant they saw her coming.  The especially valuable girls wouldlikely be ushered away into secure rooms if not out of the building.  Ms Americana doubted she would findLydia, or any of the lostsociety girls.  She could, ofcourse, wait until the wee hours and sneak in through the roof.  But that would mean Lydia spent another evening sucking, fucking andotherwise playing fuck toy to despicable whoremongering men.  And that wasunacceptable.

           So she only had only one choice.

           Ms Americana smiled.  She hadto strike straight at the man himself. King Pimp.  Captured him andshe could negotiate the release of Lydia, Nancy and Vanessa.  Indeed, she might even empty thathateful place!  What woman in herright mind wouldn?t want out of that evil place.  Sure, a few would choose to stay.  But she was sure the vast majority wouldeagerly follow her to freedom and good, clean living.

           Moving a half block closer, she was able to discern much more about thecrowd in front of The Palace?s main entrance.  And she wasshocked.

           ?Green Spectre?? she muttered in confusion.  ?Wait, isn?t that Solar Woman?  What is she doing in Delta City? Heh, that?s Jungle Babe?s costume, but that definitelyisn?t Jungle Babe.?  Then shesaw her.  ?Ms Americana!  That whore is dressed up asME??

           And it wasn?t a very good imitation, either.  First off, the whore?s hair was brownand too short.  Secondly, hercostume was WAY too skimpy.  Evensuper heroines had limits to the skimpiness of the costumes the public wouldaccept, and they would accept a lot of exposed skin, too.  But that was too much.  Besides, she did not wear red thighboots, or opera gloves and the tiara was all wrong.  Then she spotted another Ms Americanawhose costume was close to perfect, except the girl was AfricanAmerican.

           ?So, it?s super heroine day at the Palace,? she said, grinning.  ?How lucky am I?  And how unlucky is KingPimp??

           It took Ms Americana another twenty minutes to slip around to the side,and ease up, and then casually blend in with the super heroine themedwhores.  The girl she slipped upnext to was a petite Asian girl dressed as Azure Angel.  She gave a double-take when she firstnoticed the newcomer, but before she could dwell upon the oddity of another girlappearing out of nowhere a junior pimp directing things called her over.  She started gushing over an elderlywhite man, who was apparently one of her regulars.

           There were ten girls on Ms Americana?s side of the main door, includingherself.  She was horrified todiscover she was one of three Ms Americanas in that line.  And the two she?d spotted earlier wereover on the other side.  So therewere four whores pretending to be her while they whored themselves.  The thought made herill.

           CLAP! CLAP!

           ?Listen up girls!? a tall redhead in a white Playboy bunny costume andbunny ears called.  She alone wasn?twearing a super heroine costume, but was dressed just as sexy as theothers.  She recognized her as thePlayboy Playmate of the Year from two years back, Bethany Beavers.  Born and raised in Delta City,she created quite a stir by posing for Playboy, then becoming Playmate of theYear.  ?Play time is over.  Time to get to workmaking our men happy!?

           The men cheered that pronouncement. The whores all smiled and giggled and some even jumped up and downclapping their hands happily.  MsAmericana was barely able to plaster an insincere smile on her masked face asshe followed the other girls through the main doors.

           The opulent entry surprised her. This was her first time to enter King Pimp?s domain.  That thought surprised her.  He?d operated this facility for over tenyears, becoming filthy rich and very influential.  He had enough city and police officialsin his pocket she didn?t think it practical to tear into him and cripple hisoperation.  Her time and energy wasbest used elsewhere.  Until Lydia fellvictim to his vile operations.

            she thought with a true smile as she passed the redheaded Playmateof the Year turned head whore at The Palace.  Rumor said Bethany Beavers was also KingPimp?s girlfriend.

           The Grand Stairs were twin curving white marble stairs to either side ofthe entrance.  The floor wascheckered black and white marble, with an enormous crystal chandelierabove.  The room was packed withscantily clad women, not all in super heroine attire.  Only the hookers were super heroinecostumes.  The wait staff and suchwore mostly black uniforms - women French mail uniforms and men tuxedoes.

           ?Get your tails moving,? Miss Beavers called, swatting Ms Americana?sfirm round hiney.  ?Stay incharacter and make His Majesty proud!?

           Easily ninety percent of the whores turned either left or right andheaded for the ?parlors.?  From herunderstanding of The Palace?s operation, the girls congregated in one of eightparlors, four in the first floor of each wing.  Each parlor had a different theme - SMbondage, stripper club, Catholic school girl, etc.  But apparently they were all superheroine themed tonight.  But a linebegan to form at the elevators, while some girls with rooms on the second andthird floors headed for the stairs.

           Ms Americana headed for the stairs as well.  She was a superior woman, more thancapable of walking up the stairs to the tenth floor if necessary.  But she figured she?d go up to the thirdor fourth floor, and then take the elevator to King Pimp?s residence.  Of course, she was tempted to visit eachof the parlors looking for Lydia, Nancy or Vanessa.  If she found one, she was sure that girlcould lead her to the other two.

           The shapely super heroine considered it too dangerous.  She needed to separate herself from ThePalace?s debauchery as quickly as possible.  She would stand out if she was forced tostart declining men?s offers to go upstairs.  And of course, she had no place to takethem if she accepted.  No, thesecurity within The Palace was too tight to risk exposure.

           Ms Americana paused at the top of the Grand Stairs and looked bothways.  First thing she spotted, andit surprised her, was a mirrored dome. A security camera dome.  Security was tighter than sherealized.  Then she spotted thetuxedoed pimps huddled between the stairs. And she recognized two of the four pimps from the streets.  She?d chased both off the streets, neverrealizing they just went to work for King Pimp.

           ?Heh, Americana,? a familiar voice called.  It was one of the pimps.  He was waving for her to come over.  ?Hurry up, bitch.  I got a clientwaiting.?

           It was Jerome Johnson, street name JJ Rod.  JJ Rod was six four, two hundred fiftypounds of muscle.  He was very darkskinned, with a shaven head, though back when he worked his own girls he had abig Afro.  Like the other pimps,bouncers and even Bethany Beavers, he wore a headset with boommike.

           ?Who? Me?? she said, mind racing to come up with a suitable excuse why shecouldn?t go with him.  She startedbacking away toward the nearest stairs next to the elevator on the southwing.  ?I?m on my?uh?way up to HisMajesty.  I can?t dally down herewith clients.?

           ?His Majesty?? he said, surprised. He suddenly paused, then tapped the headset.  ?Gotcha, Your Majesty.  Oh, I have a girl here in Ms Americanacostume coming up to see you.  Mindif I borrow her for a job? Thanks.?

           Ms Americana stared at him in horror.  Her baby blues darted up to the silvereddome hiding the security camera. Was security zoomed in on her now? Was she acting suspiciously? How quick could King Pimp evacuate The Palace if her presence wasdiscovered?  And would she ever findLydiaafterwards?

           ?His Majesty said I can use you,? JJ Rod said,grinning.

           ?Oh?I?I see,? she said.  Allfour pimps were looking at her curiously. So she decided to pretend to comply, but not actually go to the waitingclient.  ?Whatroom??

           ?The Honeymoon Suite,? JJ Rod said, walking up and taking her by theupper arm.  ?Let?s go.  He?s waiting, and not verypatient.?

           He walked Ms Americana past the other three pimps and into a hallwaybehind them, straight into the heart of the central tower.  The central tower held all of thespecialty rooms.  She had no ideawhat it meant for a client to be in the Honeymoon Suite, especially how thatconnected to the super heroine theme of the night.

           ?His name is Clyde Clements,? JJ Rod said as they walked at a briskpace.  ?He just got out of prisonthis week.  Ms Americana sent himthere fifteen years ago, and he wants her tonight.?

           ?I don?t know about that,? she said, seeing a way out.  ?He sounds dangerous.  He?ll hurt me.?

           It wasn?t easy for her to act the weak, helpless bimbo.  But it was her only hope.  She couldn?t prostitute herself.  And she couldn?t defy King Pimp?sminions either.  She had to goundetected until she struck.  It washers, and Lydia?s, onlyhope.

           ?Don?t worry,? JJ Rod said. ?He understands he cannot hurt His Majesty?s women.  He just wants to satisfy his fifteenyear old burning desire to put Ms Americana back in her proper place.  He just wants to fuck Ms Americana, buthe?ll settle for a whore dressed like her.?

           ?No,? she said.  They wereoutside the door now.  Her heart wasracing.  She was being forced intosomething she just couldn?t do.  Itwasn?t part of her psyche.  MsAmericana wasn?t some bimbo fuck toy. She was a superior woman, and could not belittle herself by whoringherself to a man, much less to an ex-con she?d sent to prison.  ?It?s toodangerous.?

           A cruel smirk crossed his dark face.  He thrust her at the door, then opened that door. Ms Americana spotted the middle-aged man sitting at the edge of thebed.  His face lit up when he sawher, then his greedy eyes raked her shapely body headto toe, several times.  His prisonissued street clothes were ill-fitting, and he hadn?t shaven in days.  Mostly, his disheveled hair and stubblewas grey.  He kinda looked like avagrant.  She didn?t recognizehim.  Fifteen years was a long time,and she?d sent thousands of men to prison in her crime-fightingcareer.

           ?I?ll be right here listening to everything,? JJ Rod said, plugging intoa jack.  ?If he goes too far, I?llbe inside in an instant and toss him out. He paid for a full hour, anything goes.  You just make sure he has a good time,bitch.?

           With that, JJ Rod placed his hand at the small of her back and shoved herinside.  She was left horrified andmind spinning.  If he was listeningin, then she couldn?t use her superior wits to outwit the hapless ex-con and getout of having sex.

           ?Hello, sir,? Ms Americana said, throat tight.  She had to stall him, while not soundinglike she was stalling, until she could figure out how to get out of thispredicament.  ?I?m MsAmericana.?

           ?Damn, you make a great Ms Americana,? he said.  He looked her over again as he steppedup to her.  She stepped back untilher back was pressed against the door. Then he reached up and caressed her bikini clad tits, very gently.  She gasped nonetheless.  ?Of course, I wish you were wearing thecostume she had fifteen years back, when she sent me away.  But the newest costume will do.?  He laughed cruelly.  ?It ain?t going to stay on longanyhow.?

           Her baby blues dropped to his hands as they reached up and took hold ofthe fastener between her 44DDs.  Hermind shut down completely.  Shecouldn?t think of anything to get out of his dark sexual desires withoutbetraying her true identity and jeopardizing Lydia?s fate.  In a flash he unfastened her top and herlegendary, milky white globes poured out and jounced enticingly before hislusty, greedy eyes.

           ?Oh!? she cried as he seized both titanic tits and sucked her left nippleinto his mouth.  A jolt of purepleasure ripped through her body, going from nipple to groin.  Even the abrasive feel of his stubble onher silky soft breast skin was a turn-on. Seconds later, she felt her pussy starting to moisten.  Then he swirled his tongue around hernipple and pinched the other.  ?Aaaiieee?ooohhh.?

           ?I like a whore who clearly enjoys her job,? Clyde said, then rubbed his stubbled cheeks back and forthacross her unprotected, tender breasts. She gasped and clutched at his head, but didn?t push him away.  ?I ain?t neverseen any whore enjoy it more than you, or start enjoying it sofast.?

           She felt her face flame. So shameful.  So terribly shamefulto enjoy such sexist, such disrespectful treatment.

           Clyde spent a full twenty minutessucking, licking and fondling the sexy super heroine?s perfect 44DDs.  Within just a few minutes her body washeating up.  After ten she wasafire.  After fifteen minutes shefelt pussy juices seeping through her bikini bottoms and dripping down her innerthighs.

           At the end of the first twenty minutes Ms Americana was panting.  Her knees were weak.  Then he reached one hand down, andslipped it up under her bikini bottoms, and found her hot, wettwat.

           ?Great Liberty,? she gasped.  Just touching her cunt pushed her rightto the edge.  Ms Americana couldn?tbelieve she was so aroused.  And aroused by such a physically and emotionally repulsiveperson.  He was an aged,harden criminal, her blood enemy, and he was driving her crazy with need andpleasure.  ?I can?t take this anylonger.?

           ?You have no choice, Ms Americana,? he whispered in her ear, then curled a finger up deep into her vagina.  She gasped and groaned, eyes wide. He smiled as her knees buckled. ?Ah, good idea.  Suck me, Ms Americana.  Eat my dick,bitch.?

           She couldn?t take any more breast or pussy fondling, caressing andsuch.  Ms Americana understood thatcompletely.  She doubted she?d lastanother minute before he ripped a debilitating climax out of her treasonousbody, and that could possibly totally de-power her belt.  The sexy super heroine needed time torecover.  So red-gloved handsreached out and unzipped the ex-con.

            she thought, hit by the stench of his unwashed cock andballs.  >  She pulled both cock and ballsout, surprised to find his cockhead sticky anddripping with pre-cum.  Even hishairy balls had pre-cum smeared on them. She felt her ardor dissipating, but knew if she hesitated she wouldn?t beable to do it.  And if she couldn?tsuck him, then he would return to stimulating her breast and pussy, if not gostrait to fucking.  So Ms Americana,the Queen of Justice, reached out with her tongue and guided his rancid cockinto her mouth.  ?Uummmmggghh.?

           Ms Americana fought desperately to suppress her gag reflex.  Whores were professionals, so didn?t gagon cocks.  But how many cocks werethat foul and disgusting?  So theQueen of Justice spend long minutes concentrating on giving him intense head,not so much to give him pleasure but to CLEAN off his toilet-tasting, skankycockhead. By the time she considered him cleaned,Clyde was gasping and clutching desperately ather silky black hair.

           Realizing if he came in her mouth now, he would still have more than halfan hour to molest her tits and pussy, Ms Americana pulled away from his cockhead and smiled sultrily up at him. He was panting and sweating, and smiled back down at her.  Then she lifted his rock hard cock andstarting licking his balls.  Lickingled to sucking balls, which led to Clydemoaning and groaning again.

           ?Suck me,? he gasped.  ?Suckme all the way in.  Now.?

           ?Okay,? she said, displeased. He still seemed rather too excited to handle that much stimulation.  But she did as ordered and took him intoher mouth.

           Clyde watched his erect dick slowlyswallowed by the woman he hated more than anyone else.  The sight of her ruby reds encirclinghis thick cock was inspirational. The feel of her hot, wet mouth was heavenly.  Each thrust plunged deeper anddeeper.  After just two minutes shewas able to take the full length of him, with several inches diving deep intoher throat with hardly any gag reflex now.

           He looked lower, and saw her nipples were rock hard and fully erect.  She was the only woman in his life toever become fully aroused by sex with him. He decided right then to stay in Delta City and become a regular at ThePalace, and one of this whore?s regulars too.

           Clyde was at the brink.  He was fighting it, wanting to make thepleasure last and last.  But a quickglance at the clock showed he still had thirty-five minutes with her.  So he relaxed and let nature take itscourse.

           !,> Ms Americana screamed in herhead.  She felt his body change andknew he was about to climax.  About to cum in her mouth.  ?Hhhmmmmmggghhhh.?

           His fingers tightened in her hair, and held her still as he thrust deepinto her throat.  A second later,his milky cum started spurting down her throat.  After two spurts, he relaxed his holdand pulled halfway out, releasing more cum across her tongue.  That allowed -- forced -- Ms Americanato actually taste his jizm.  Sheswallowed as he pulled completely out, and shot another wad cross her glossy redlips.

           ?Mmm,? she said, licking off the cum and swallowing without thinking first.  A second later, she felt her faceburning as she realized what she?d done. ?Great Liberty, I enjoyedthat.?

           ?I noticed,? Clyde said,snickering.  ?You are the mostwanton whore I ever visited.?

           That was like a gut punch. Ms Americana knew she was feeling wanton.  She didn?t want to admit it, even toherself.  It was too disgusting anddistressing to contemplate.

           ?Take off your panties and lay down on the bed,? Clyde said. He started removing all of his clothes.  ?Time to getcompletely naked and go wild on each other.?

           Ms Americana removed her red, white and blue bottoms with dread andwalked over to the bed.  She climbedonto the bed and lay on her back. Without thought, her mile long legs spread and her gloved hands crept upto gently squeeze her breasts. Clyde jumped onto the bed, between herlegs and promptly shoved them wider. Then he fell on top of her, with a big shit-eatinggrin.

           His faced plunged into the deep crevasse of hercleavage.

           The naked super heroine?s beautiful face screwed up in distaste anddiscomfort.  His course stubble wasvery abrasive, very painful, on her soft skin.  She groaned and writhed beneath himuntil he was satisfied and then he slid lower.  Muchlower.

           ?Oh!  Gentle,? she said whenhis rough fingers plunged into her vagina.

           ?Gentle my ass, bitch, you like it rough,? he said.  ?You?re cunt?s sopping wetalready.?

           There was nothing deft or skillful in Clyde?s technique. He fingered fucked her until she started bucking beneath him.  Her hands clutched at his shoulders andshe stared off into space with an incredulous look on her masked face.  The ex-con enjoyed every second ofit.  Never had he so completelydominated a woman sexually.  She wasputty in his hands and he knew it.

           Despite his ineptitude, Clyde wasstarting to rock Ms Americana?s love boat. Within seconds of plunging his fingers into her vagina she began feelingthat erotic ache, that burning tingle deep in her belly, centered on herclit.  He never once touched theclit and she was sure he didn?t know enough to find it.  If he ever so much as touched it, itwould be instantaneous climax she was wound up so tight right then.  It took all of her crumbling will powerto hold the orgasm at bay.

            she repeated to herself over and over.  Lydia.>

           The clock showed he had another twenty-five minutes.  She began to despair.  Even her desire to fight off the climaxwas starting to melt away.  Part ofher really wanted that climax, to feel that almost forgotten thrill ofecstasy.  It had been so long, soterribly long.

           Liberty, I?m slipping,> shethought as he started sucking and licking her 44DDs again, still finger-fuckingher relentlessly.    Have to coolmy libido before I?m ruined.>

           Her first thought -- the stench and taste of his cock at the verybeginning.  Unfortunately, thatthought had the opposite effect, making the burning tingle flare up andspread.  She could feel sweatbeading and dripping off her body.

           ?I think you are ready,? he said, and knelt between herlegs.


           ?To be properly fucked, Ms Americana,? he said, grinning lecherously downat her body.  ?I?ve been waiting 15long years for this moment.?

           Her hot, pink tongue licked her upper lip as her baby blues locked on hiscock.  She watched in morbidfascination as that cock was guided straight to her needy cunt, pushed past theengorged lips and plunged a good six inches into hervagina.

           Ms Americana?s eyes rolled up and her back arched.  Her hands clutched the brass headboardand she wailed.


           Clyde rode the super heroine themedwhore for all she was worth, not realizing he was really fucking the one andonly Ms Americana.  The very object of his darkest desires.  And she was fucking himback.

           ?I?m going?going to?.cuuummmmm,? shecried.  Then, the orgasm explodedbetween her legs and ripped through her shapely body.  ?Aaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee!?

           Her pussy muscles clenched and quivered, sending incredible sensations ofpure pleasure to Clyde.  Within seconds he lost control andspurting his thanks deep inside her pussy. But he kept right on pumping.

           A minute later, Ms Americana climaxed again.  ?Uuuuaaaaiiiiieeeeeeeeee!?

           During the second climax, and immediately afterwards,she felt her super strength bleeding away.  She was barely able to have a coherentthought, but her mental state was too discombobulated to accurately judge howmuch super strength she retained after two climaxes.

           ?Great Liberty, Clyde,? she gasped, feeling another climax building evenfaster than the second one.  ?Ithought you just got?uggh?.got out of prison.  How can you possibly have so much?hhhmmm?.endurance.?

           He grinned wolfishly.  ?Viagra.?

           With that, he pulled out. Flipped the stunned super heroine over onto all fours atop the bed, then mounted her doggie style.  Two minutes later, Ms Americana climaxedagain.  Twice inquick succession.  Then heseized her titanic tits and pulled her upper body up so he could play with hisnew toys.


           KNOCK! KNOCK!

           ?Time?s up, Clyde,? JJ Rod calledthrough the door.

           ?Give me a second to clean up,? he called, and FINALLY pulled out of thedevastated super heroine.

           ?Ooooooo,? she moaned, exhausted.  ?I?ve never?..Ooooo.?

           Clyde smacked her on her naked asscheeks as he left, leaving her moaning face down on the bed.  JJ Rod came in and grinned evilly ather.  She managed to pull herselftogether a bit, not liking his look. He was enjoying pimping her off too much.  She?d put him out of business once, andvowed to do it again.  As soon as she found Lydia.

           ?Get dressed, Americana,? JJ Rod said, tossing her costume onthe bed beside her.

           Ms Americana crawled off the bed and got to wobbly feet.  He handed her a damp hand towel to cleanup with.  She never felt so dirtyand disgusting in her life, but she was grateful for that scant help from thesleazy pimp.  Then she pulled on herbottoms and finally her top.

           ?Good enough,? JJ Rod said when she paused to plump her 44DDs justright.  Then he grabbed her leftwrist.  She rolled her eyes,expecting to be dragged to her next ?john,? but instead he snapped on a pair ofhandcuffs.  Shocked, she didn?trespond fast enough, and he got her other wrist cuffed as well.  ?Ah, Ms Americana never lookedbetter.?

           ?What?s the meaning of this?? she demanded, heart pounding so hard shecould barely hear, much less breathe. She tugged on the steel cuffs in vain.  Before Clyde forced numerous climaxes out of her helpless body,and thus de-powered her, she could?ve broken those cuffs.  But notnow.  She was completelyde-powered.  The Queen of Justicerealized she was helpless and totally at JJ Rod?s mercy.  And pimps were not known for theirmercy.  ?Why did you handcuffme??

           ?Next client,? he said, dragging her out of the room and heading straightacross the hall.  They stoppedoutside that door.  ?Okay, Americana, this guy?s paidout the wazoo for an hour with you.  Same as Clyde, anything goes.  Except he wants alittle roll playing.?

           ?Roll playing??

           ?Yep, you are, of course, the mighty and undefeated Ms Americana broughtdown,? JJ Rod said quickly.  ?He isplaying a powerful crime lord.  Iwill present you to him, to do with as he pleases.  Now, he?s hired two other girls -- MaiLing and Courtney.  He?ll have themmolest you while he watches.?  Heopened the door, ?Boss, I have Ms Americana here for you.  We just capturedher.?

           Ms Americana was horrified. It was Lieutenant Jason Hardgrove, head of the Vice Department.  He was big and burly, with no neck and agray-speckled flat top.  She?d hadmany, many run-in with him and his men. They were reputed to be on the take, and if noton the take then at least incompetent. Vice was rampant within DeltaCity.

           ?Very good, Igor,? Jason said. ?Mai Ling and Courtney will take her from here.?

           Mai Ling was about five six, with long arrow straight black hair, parteddown the middle.  She wore a redsilk ?Chinese? gown with high collars and golden dragon designs.  Courtney Rocks was familiar to MsAmericana.  She?d busted her dozensof times, when she worked for such pimps as JJ Rod, Kid Rotten and PimpDaddy.  Despite being drop deadgorgeous, the green eyed blonde was as skanky, kinky as they got.  She was one of the women who whoredbecause she LOVED it.  Courtney wasdressed for the street in red bustier, black mini, fishnet stockings and redstiletto pumps.

           ?Ah, Ms Americana, at last we meet,? Jason said as the two whores eachtook one of Ms Americana?s arms. Courtney immediately unfastened the bikini top so that the superheroine?s tits came tumbling out.  Again.  Then Mai Ling?s delicate hand slippedunder the bikini bottoms.  ?I willenjoy watching my girlfriends reduce you to a heap of panting slutmeat.?

           ?You bastard,? she gasped, because Mai Ling found her hypersensitive clitand began to massage it.  ?Oooooo, Great Liberty.?

           The Queen of Justice found herself in a dire predicament.  Despite, or due to, the sound fuckingshe received from Clyde, and the followingrough treatment by JJ Rod, her libido was enflamed her and her body was primedfor sex.  Now she was helpless andin the power of two beautiful, professional prostitutes who knew more than howto please a woman.

           As Mai Ling pressed hard, rubbing her right in every way, Ms Americanarose up on her tip toes, which wasn?t much in her five inch stiletto boots.  Courtney began sucking and caressing hertits just right.  Not too hard, nottoo soft.  Justright.

           After several minutes of this, Courtney bent her over backwards.  Mai Ling kept up her relentless assaulton Ms Americana?s clit.  The heatand pressure was building fast, and she knew she couldn?t resist the two of themfor much longer.

            she thought.

           Courtney cupped her chin, then turned the sexyvigilante?s head to face her.  MsAmericana?s eyes locked on Courtney?s a long moment, wiping all thoughts fromher mind as she look at those burning, hungry eyes.  Then Courtney?s full red lips parted andshe leaned forward.  Ms Americana?slips parted.

           ?I?ve been waiting a long time for this,? Courtneywhispered.


           ?Mmmmmmm,? they both groaned as their lipsmet

           The kiss was firm, hungry and erotic.  Ms Americana lost herself in it.  And within seconds she realized hermistake, for she lost the battle to control her own body.  Mai Ling was in command now, and shewanted to pull a climax out of her charge. And pull one out she did.

           ?Uuugggggggghhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm!? Ms Americana criedinto Courtney?s mouth.

           The Queen of Justice fell to her knees.  Courtney immediately pulled off herskirt, revealing garter belt and hose and totally shaved pussy.  She straddled the stunned anddiscombobulated super heroine, and guided Ms Americana?s face straight into herown pussy.  Ms Americana wassurprised, but started licking immediately.

           Courtney rode Ms Americana?s mouth for ten minutes, getting two orgasmsout of the ride.  Then Ms Americanathen had to perform cunnilingus on Mai Ling.  That took the better part of thirtyminutes to finally break through the hard whore and get a climax.  After that, the remainder of the hourwas spent on her back on the floor, with Mai Ling eating her out, while Courtneyate out Mai Ling and Ms Americana ate out Courtney.

           It was well past midnight when she stumbled out of that room.  Thankfully, JJ Rod was no where to beseen.  She smiled, knowing she had aclear shot at King Pimp now.  No one to stop her. No more dallying with johns. No more whoring.  It was timeto make King Pimp pay for the humiliations and indignities suffered by her thatnight, and by Lydia,Nancy andVanessa.

           Making it to the south elevator bank, she pressed UP and waited.  Five long minutes later, the door openedand the elevator was empty.  Shesmiled and stepped on.  Thenpressing 10, she stood by the door and tried to steel herself.  It wasn?t easy.  Her belly was still quivering and herknees weak.  Ms Americana hated toadmit it, but she?d had the best sex of her life.  Of course, that meant she was completelyde-powered.  It could take days, orweeks, to regain her lost super powers. But after the last two hours, she figured sexual daydreams would quicklybuild up her sexual frustration and pent up energy.

           DING!  And the elevatorrattled to a halt.

           ?That was fast,? she said, looking up.  The doors opened as it registered shewas only on the seventh floor.  KingPimp occupied the top three floors, which rumor said was an opulent penthousethat any billionaire would be proud to live in.  When her eyes dropped, she saw formerPlayboy Playmate Bethany Beavers smiling at her.  ?Oh, Bethany.?

           ?It?s about time,? Bethany said, reached out and seized her rightwrist and pulled her off the elevator. ?I was about to go upstairs and find out where my Ms Americana was, andwhen she?d get here.  You?re runninglate, missy.?

           Ms Americana was rushed into a large parlor.  At least that was what she thought itwas, until she saw all the men there. Tuxedoed pimps.  And theywere sitting and talking shop, enjoying drinks and sports on the big screen TVsscattered around the room.

           ?Break room??

           ?Yes, so you?ve never been up here before to entertain?? Bethany said.  ?From your dazed look, I guessnot.?  She laughed softly.  A prettylaugh.  ?You?ll be even moredazed when you leave, darling!?

           With that ominous statement, Bethany pulled off Ms Americana?s top.  Then she removed the hapless heroine?sbottoms.  Finally, she pushed thesexy super heroine over to the closest pimp, JJ Rod.

           ?Bon appetite, boys,? Bethany said, laughed andleft.

           ?I can?t do this,? Ms Americana said hoarsely.  JJ Rod?s big black rod was already outand hard.  She gazed at it a longsecond, then swallowed hard.  Herbody was already preparing itself to be impaled on that massive tool.  As she recalled, all of JJ Rod?s girlswere very pleased with him.  Now sheunderstood why.

           JJ Rod took her by the hand and pulled her before him.  Her eyes widened and her head spun outof control.  She couldn?t speak ashe pulled her onto his lap, so that her aching cunt was barely an inch above hiswobbling cock.

           ?Mount up, babe.?

           He placed both hands on her well rounded hips and pulled down.  Hard.  She didn?t resist, watching breathlesslyas his big black cock penetrated her pretty pink pussy.  As he pushed deep into her already wellused vagina, she remembered he kept his women pliable with frequent sex.  All of his girls wanted to be his.  Now she truly understoodwhy.

           ?Greeeaat Liiibeeerrtyyy,? she groaned as she slid down hisshaft.

           ?So sweet,? JJ Rod said breathlessly.  ?I?ve wanted to fuck you for years.  More than any otherwoman.?

           The other pimps were watching them with rapt attention, gleeful lecheryin their eyes.  She didn?tcare.  It felt too good.  The best she?d ever felt.  He was so big, so impressive.  JJ Rod totally filled her up, with cockto spare.

           ?I?m loosing myself,? she whispered.  He reached up and took her tits in hand,starting to play with those massive melons.  ?So good?too good?can?tresist.?

           ?Like I always said, all we needed to do was cock whip Ms Americana intosubmission and she?d do anything we wanted,? JJ Rod said.

           ?Yeah, yeah, she was begging for it in that sexed up skimpy costume andfuck me heels,? another said.

           ?I could break her on my cock,? another said.  ?Of course, she?d be easier than mostwith her snooty attitude hiding her inner whore.?

           ?Yeah, yeah, those super heroine bitches break thefastest.?

           Ms Americana wasn?t paying attention to the junior pimps.  She was lost in cock heaven, bouncing upand down on his monster cock. SQUISH-SQUISH!  Up anddown.  Up anddown.

           ?Uuuggghhhh,? she groaned wantonly.  ?Oh,JJ!?

           ?What do you want, Ms Ameri-slut??

           ?Fuck me.?

           Her whole body was a-tingle. Sweat poured off her shapely body. Ms Americana was gasping loudly with each bounce up and down his cock,her monster tits bouncing even more dramatically.  She was building toward climaxextraordinarily fast.  This time,she wasn?t fighting it at all.  SheWANTED that orgasm.  She needed it,badly.

           ?Now I know why they call you JJ ROD,? Ms Americana cried, then lostit.  ?Uuughh?Oooogghh?.Aaaaaaaaaiiieeeeeeeeeeee!?  She took another breath, and bounced upand down the full length of his cock and climaxed again.  ?Aaaaaaiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee!?

           JJ Rod made her continue until she?d climaxed five times, then he forcedher to her knees between his legs. He slapped her beautiful, masked face a couple times with his still hard,sticky wet cock.  Then she tookmatters in hand and started giving him intense head.

           ?Oh, yes, Ms Americana, you raging slut whore,? JJ Rodsaid.

           She couldn?t take the full length of his monster rod into her mouth, butshe more than made up for it by licking it with wild abandon from cock head toballs, then sucking on his balls. In less than five minutes she brought the jaded pimp to a mind bogglingclimax, sucking all his cum down with moans of pleasure.

           Then she moved one over to the next pimp.  His cock wasn?t as big and impressive asJJ Rod?s cock, but he was well endowed and gave her immense pleasure for wellover fifteen minutes, then she was passed over to the next pimp.  He pushed her to the floor and forcedher to all fours.

           ?I like doggie style best,? Mr. Cocks said.  He was another pimp Ms Americana tangledwith.  Indeed, she thought she?dchased him out of Delta City just three weeks back.  She?d actually been forced to surrenderwith a threat to kill a poor girl. But they didn?t remove her power belt and before he could stick hisrancid cock into her she broke free and kicked ass.  That wasn?t going to happen thistime.  ?Ready or not, here Icome.?

           ?Uugghhh,? she grunted when he rammed his cockinto her cunt.  ?Oh, Mr. Cocks.  Mercy.?

           There was no mercy to be had. Mr. Cocks was just encouraged to fuck her even harder.  The other pimps laughed as they watchtheir most hated enemy being fucked long and brutally by one of theirnumber.  Then one of the other pimpsgot horny and couldn?t wait, so dropped his pants and stepped before MsAmericana.

           Ms Americana was pulled up to her knees by her hair.  A big, black pre-cum dripping cock wasthrust in her face.  Dazed andconfused, she licked her lips and opened wide.  He mounted her mouth withrelish.

           ?Mmmmmmnnnggghhhh,? shegroaned.

           ?Look at this slut go!? he cried, watching her start sucking withenthusiasm.  ?What a raging slut youare, Ms Ameri-Whore.?

           ?Hmmmm,? she said, eyes closed and savoring themoment, tastes, smell and erotic heat consuming her statuesque body.  she thought.  >  ?Uuhhhmmmgghhh.?

           Ms Americana took their verbal abuse but kept sucking and fucking.  She didn?t care what they said, as longas they didn?t stop fucking her, didn?t stop giving her extreme pleasure.  Pimps came and went.  She spent hours in the break room,mostly either sucking or fucking pimps, but sometimes forced to lap dance andeven pose for nude photos once. Until she passed out.

           ?What?? Ms Americana said, startled awake.  ?Where am I??

           ?The break room, stupid,? Bethany said.  She looked weary and a bit annoyed.  ?You fell asleep?  No one woke you up when they allleft??

           Ms Americana looked around. She was alone with Bethany in the break room.  The former Playmate of the Year wasstill wearing the white bunny suit, but Ms Americana noticed at least two cumstains.  Also, the bunny?s crotchwas soaked through with what she suspected was cum leaking out of her heavilyfucked pussy.

           ?No.  They left me, I guess,?Ms Americana said, feeling a bit foolish and abused.

           The beautiful redhead helped her up, thenfetched her bikini top.  MsAmericana found her bottoms, and slipped them on first.  The press of the soft cloth against hercunt was incredible.  She?d neverbeen so hypersensitive before.  Thehigh and mighty Queen of Justice felt her skin gooseflesh and a tremble washthrough her overworked and overheated body.

           ?Go back to your room,? Bethany said wearily and headed for thedoor.

           ?Wait, I have to see King Pimp,? Ms Americana said.  ?It?s urgent.?

           Bethanyhesitated at the door, slanting a calculating gaze upon the shapely andextraordinarily beautiful super heroine. She pursed burgundy lips and considered a longmoment.

           ?Why?  Can?t itwait??

           ?No, it?s of utmost importance I see him tonight,? she saidfirmly.

           She frowned, hesitating long enough Ms Americana feared she would bethwarted again.  It would be so mucheasier if The Palace?s head whore just took her straight to King Pimp.  She was already starting to makealternate plans to get into King Pimp?s quarters when Bethany?s eyes wandered upand down her spectacular body.  Thebeautiful redhead bit her lower lips, then smiledsultrily.

           ?Come with me, darling.?

           She took Ms Americana by the hand and led her to the elevator.  While waiting, Bethany?s hands began toexplore Ms Americana?s curvaceous body. Normally, she?d toss anyone so forward and audacious across theroom.  But she was hot and bothered,and Bethany?sdelicate, feminine hands felt wonderful on her overheated body.  Face to face, they snuggled and kisseduntil the elevator arrived.

           Once on the elevator, Bethany pushed the 9 button.  Ms Americana smiled.  She would?ve thought 10.  So she would?ve wasted valuable time onher own.

           Before the elevator car began to move the beautiful redhead was all overMs Americana.  Their smoochingquickly became impassioned. Bethanypushed her right hand under the ravishing super heroine?s bottoms, and made abeeline to her clit.

           ?Aayyy,? Ms Americana gasped, her body suddenly tense.  If felt too good.  ?Uhh, GreatLiberty, that?s soooo good.?

           Bethanykissed her way down Ms Americana?s slender neck, and to her 44DDs.  The top snapped open, yet again,spilling out her legendary melons. Bethany?stouch, hand, lips and tongue, were deft and all extremely invigoratingsexually.  The former Playmate ofthe Year knew exactly how to push Ms Americana?s buttons, exactly how to touchand caress and massage to get the quickest and most intenseresults.

           ?Aaaaaaaggghhhhhhh,? Ms Americana groanedsensuously, her back arching so that she was bent overbackwards.

           Only Bethany?s firm hand held the oversexed superheroine up.  The Queen of Justiceknew she was outmatched, for Bethany was playing her superb body like a fineinstrument.  When the elevator doorsDINGED she didn?t care.  She justwanted Bethanyto keep on keeping on.

           ?This is MY pleasure, Ms Americana,? Bethany said, almost viciously as she pressedinto her charge?s clit.

           Ms Americana?s body jolted with an intense jolt of pure electricalpleasure shooting out of her clit and to all corners of her curvaceousbody.  She hadn?t even realized shewas teetering on the edge of a soul-numbing climax until Bethany expertly pushedher over the edge.


           Ms Americana screamed, and screamed, and screamed again.  That climax wouldn?t let up.  It sucked the life out of her.  It left her spent and panting inBethany?sarms.

           ?Through that door,? Bethany said, pointing to a set of ornatelycarved oaken double doors.  ?Betterhurry, he?ll be leaving shortly.?

           ?King Pimp,? Ms Americana whispered, trying to pull herselftogether.  She still had to dealwith the leader of this bunch of miscreants and malefactors.  True, she was de-powered and exhausted,but he didn?t know that.  Just thethreat of a visit by Ms Americana was enough to cause most men tohyperventilate.  ?Yes, I have tofinish this business.  Tonight.?

           Taking a deep breath, Ms Americana walked out of the elevator on onlyslightly wobbly legs.  Her heart wasstill hammering from all of her trials and tribulations of that evening andnight.  Bethany left her mindreeling, with strange yearnings for the expert touch of otherwomen.

            she thought, not able to discern the answer.  She had to force her mind away fromthoughts of Bethany. It wasn?t easy, but she had more important business right then.  Lydia is safe athome.>

           There was no one between her and King Pimp now.  Ms Americana was confident she couldthreaten and bully him into complying with her demands.  Lydia and the other two young women would bereleased.  They then wouldleave.

           Pushing the double doors open so that they banged open, Ms Americanastrode in like the Queen of the World. Directly across the room, in an oversized silverthrone, sat King Pimp in a dark blue silk dressing robe.  He was a huge black man at six footseven, with a large afro that made him look even taller.  His massive frame was sheathed in thickmuscle, no fat to be found.  Hisdark brown eyes narrowed at her.

           ?Anthony Patrick, A.K.A King Pimp,? Ms Americana called.  ?I?ve come to retrieve the three societygirls you forced into prostitution last weekend -- Lydia Wills, Nancy Hong andVanessa Ledbetter.  I demand youhand them over to me immediately, or you will certainly suffer theconsequences.?

           ?My, you are even more beautiful and impressive in person,? King Pimpsaid.  His intense eyes ran up anddown her shapely body several times, a mercenary smile claiming his face.  ?You will make a fine addition to ThePalace?s stable of beauties.  Iexpect you to become my top earning girl within the week.?

           Ms Americana?s belly clenched, then butterflies exploded deepwithin.  Her breathing becamelabored as she tried to show a firm, resolute face despite her poundingheart.  But his voice was deep andcommanding, and so confident.  Hercunt ached and she had to fight her inner demons.

           ?You don?t understand your precarious position, King Pimp,? she said,with only a slight tremor in her voice.

           ?I understand everything far better than you know, Ms Americana,? KingPimp said, grinning.  Then hepointed behind her and up. ?Look.?

           Ms Americana cut a swift look over her left shoulder.  Then did a doubletake.

           ?Great Liberty! What have you done to me!?

           ?I?ve filmed every single moment of their erotic journey through ThePalace with hidden cameras and microphones,? he said.  ?Up to and including that last trip upthe elevator with Bethany.?

           On the wall behind her was a baker?s dozen HD TVs mounted to thewall.  Twelve, six on each side ofthe door, were 50? flat screens. The thirteenth was mounted directly over the door, and was a 75? flatscreen.  On the biggest screen inthe middle was a paused close up of Ms Americana.  A huge black cock was just inches fromher slightly parted red lips, with a thick rope of cum connecting them.  She had a look of utter sexual bliss onher masked face, which was dripping with cum as well.

           He punched a button on his remote and the picture started moving in slowmotion.  She watched in morbidfascination as her tongue thrust out, swirled around that dripping rope of cumand then watched as her full red lips opened wider and engulfed that big blackcock.  Then she sucked and lickedthe cock clean, before licking her lips clean and smacking contently.  Then she noticed all the other TVs wereshowing other sex sessions she?d performed that night, with paying customers andpimps.

           Watching those sexual encounters on the TVs brought all the memories, allthe feelings and emotions back full force. She gasped and groaned, her hands dropped to herpussy mound and breasts.

           ?Tomorrow I?ll send that out to my production company to edit and divideup into porn films and shorts for peep shows,? King Pimp said.  ?By the end of the week you will be ainternationally renown pornstar.?

           Whirling around, she stared at him openmouthed.

           ?You can?t do that to me! I?m Ms Americana, a role model of young girls and women around theworld,? she said.  ?You?ll destroytheir beloved heroine.  You?lldestroy ME.?

           ?No, I won?t destroy you, I?m going to EMPLOY you,? he said,grinning.

           King Pimp stood and opened his robes.  Her eyes immediately fell to his monstercock.  It was the biggest yet,easily a foot long.

           ?Great Lib?.Oooo,? she breathed, her right handpressed against her chest, fingers splayed.  ?Sobig.?

           Ms Americana couldn?t breathe. She took a step towards him and stopped herself.  Swallowing the lump in her throat, shetried valiantly to reclaim her wits while she still had a fightingchance.

           ?I will not surrender to you,? she said hoarsely.  ?I am a super heroine, not some sleazyslut for you to whore off to disgusting, whoremongeringmen.?

           He stepped down off the raised d?as and began stroking his cock.  It was starting to harden and rise.  Ms Americana backed up another step,unable to tear her eyes off his exposed manhood.

            she said silently. someth?.>

           ?I?m going to fuck you,? he said. ?I?m going to tame you.  I?mgoing to make you mine, willingly, even eagerly, mine.  The whore within has betrayed you, MsAmericana, and we both know you will lose this battle.?

           ?No.  I can?t,? shewhispered.  She couldn?t sayanymore.  Her throat was tootight.

           ?Then I am here.  Arrest me,?he said, holding his arms wide.  Buthis huge cock still stood at attention.  ?Or drop to your knees and suck mycock.?

           Ms Americana took a deep breath and stepped forward.  She stopped just over a foot before him,his cock leveled at her midsection. Just inches away, dripping pre-cum.  The lusty, hungry look in his dark eyesscreamed supreme confidence.  HeKNEW she would submit.

           The sexy super heroine closed her eyes and pressed her red gloved handsagainst her trembling belly.  Sherealized then that her hands were trembling too.  Then she looked down at his cock.  When she looked up again, he was smilingdown at her.


           Ms Americana fell to her knees before King Pimp.  Both hands reached out and gently tookhold of his cock, the right hand just behind his cock head.  She leaned forward, extending hertongue.  A quarter of an inch fromthe head of his dick, her baby blues cut up and locked eyes with him.  Then the tip of her tongue curled up andlicked the drop of pre-cum off his cock.

           ?Mmmm,? she said, tasting King Pimp for thefirst time.  She knew it wasn?tgoing to be the last.  She?d makecertain of that.  She pressed herfull red lips to his cock, kissing his cock head loving, sweetly, feeling herself at the brink of climax.  ?I am yours.?

           That admission sent her over the top.  ?Aaaaiiiiiieeeeeeeeee!?

           The Queen of Justice?s red lips parted and sucked King Pimp?s massivecock into her mouth even as her climax still reverberated through her shapelybody.  Then she rubbed his cock allover her face, kissing and nuzzling the shaft lovingly,hungrily.

           ?Master,? he said.

           ?I am yours, master.?

           While giving him intense head, Ms Americana?s right hand stroked his footlong shaft and her left fondled his equally massive balls.  He buried his huge hands in her silkysoft, shimmering black hair.  At thesame time, Bethany moved up behind her and removed her MsAmericana bikini top.  But she neverstopped, or even hesitated, sucking her master?s cock.

           Ms Americana was distressed. He was so thick she couldn?t get much more than his cock head into hermouth.  She so wanted to swallow himwhole.  The topless heroine wantedto give intense pleasure.  So sheleaned even closer and pressed his long black cock deep into her cleavage andbegan titty fucking him.  After fiveminutes of that sensual delight he couldn?t hold it any longer, and sticky white cum fountained out of his cock.

           The super heroine squealed with delight, thenwrapped her ruby reds around the end of his cock to catch the rest.  She didn?t want to waste any of it.  Once he was through spurting his seed,she licked and sucked him perfectly clean.

           ?Good girl,? King Pimp said, pushing her off his cock.  ?Time to seal yourfate, my dear Ms Americana.?

           King Pimp returned to his throne and sat down.  Bethany helped Ms Americana to her feet, then removed the discombobulated super heroine?s bikinibottoms.  Then she led Ms Americanaup to King Pimp.  With Bethany?s help, the Queenof Justice was quickly impaled upon King Pimp?s freakishly long and thickcock.  Without being told, she begansliding up and down his shaft, coating it with her pussyjuices.

           ?Great Liberty! Oh!? she cried, head throw back. ?So good! So?so?..GREAT!?

           Ms Americana had never felt so alive.  She was on fire, bursting with sexualenergy and passion.  It was likeshe?d just been reborn.  Everythingfelt sensuously invigorating, like the way her leg muscles flexed and her 44DDsbounced.  She loved the feel of herlong, silky hair bouncing and caressing her shoulders and back with whisperysoftness.  Then she reached up andtweaked her own nipples.

           ?Uuugghhh,? she groaned.

           ?Take off the gloves,? King Pimp said.

           Ms Americana obeyed without thought.  Then she raked her super soft breastflesh with her long red nails.

           ?Take off your mask,? he said.

           ?Oh,? she said, eyes wide.  He would know her then.  She would truly be lost, truly be hissex slave, his fuck toy.  If hediscovered her real, everyday identity, she would be forever bound to him inabject servitude, with no power to protect herself ever again.  She would be utterly helpless andvulnerable. ?No?please?.?

           He took her face in both hands. Her heart skipped a beat, thinking he would unmask her.  But instead he kissed her.  Long andhard.  Melting her resolve and inhibitions.

           ?Take off the mask.?

           ?Yes, master.?

           She reached up with both hands. As she did so, King Pimp seized both of her titanic tits and began toexpertly caress and massage them. Her baby blues closed as she groaned in pure pleasure.  She felt her ardor rising, building,cresting. Her fingers touched the familiar mask.  Ms Americana opened her eyes and lookedinto his eyes.  His triumphant eyes. He was so majestic in his victory. She smiled and pulled off the mask.

           ?You look familiar,? he said.

           ?Brenda Wade, master,? she said. She started bouncing faster, harder.  ?I am Brenda Wade.  Lydia Wills? legalguardian.?

           ?Lydia?  The blonde?FLAGGIRL??

           ?Yes, master. Lydia is FlagGirl.?

           With that Ms Americana burned her bridges and betrayed her dearestfriend.  Something only a true whorewould do.  And sheclimaxed.

           ?Uuugggggggghhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!? shecried.  Her cunt muscles quiveredand squeezed, pulling him over the top as well.  She felt King Pimp fill her vagina withhot cum.  ?Oh, master!  Oh!  Oh!  Yes!  YES!  Ohhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeee!?

           Finished, King Pimp pushed her off his cock and she crumbled at hisfeet.

           ?All those years,? she whispered, hands pressed to her tremblingbelly.  ?Everyone said I was a whoredeep down, a repressed whore.  Ididn?t believe.  Now I know.?  She looked up at Bethany, then KingPimp.  ?I am a whore, and it feelsright.?

           ?Prove it,? he said.  ?Proveyourself worthy to be with me.?

           She felt panic.  Would hesend her way?  Would she never seehim again?  Never fuck himagain?

           ?How, master??

           ?Get to work,? he said.  ?Ialready have a client lined up for you.?

           ?For me?? she said.  ?As Ms Americana? Or Brenda??

           ?As Ms Americana.  And yes, I?m fast,? he said.  ?Soon, word will go out and the men willflock here to sample your bountiful charms.?

           With than, King Pimp stood up and walked out of theroom.

           ?Get dressed,? Bethany said, tossing her bikini back ather.  Ms Americana slowly put inon.  She was exhausted, and startingto feel the workout she?d had that night. Then Bethany handed her the mask.  ?Put this on.  He is hiring Ms Americana, afterall.  Not some bimbo in a Ms Americana costume.?

           Once Ms Americana was presentable, Bethany led her by the hand to theelevator.  They dropped down to thefifth floor.  Then she took her tothe room closest to the elevator, just inside the northwing.

           ?This is your room from now on,? Bethany said.  There was a brass nameplate: MsAmericana.  Theone and only.

           ?But how??

           ?We knew you were coming,? Bethany said.  ?You never fooled anyone.  I spotted you out seconds after your arrived, and His Majesty was already tracking you withexternal cameras from two blocks out.?


           ?It?s amazing you lasted as long as you did as a super heroine,? shesaid, shaking her head.  ?It wasalmost too easy to capture and tame you. Hell, you cooperated one hundred percent the whole time.  Just handed yourself over to us on asilver platter.?

           ?I see,? she said, head hanging. ?I guess I am just a dumb bimbo whore.?

           ?Of course,? Bethany said.  She waved to indicate her sexily skimpycostume.  ?You?ve be BEGGING for it,begging to be mastered and put in your place for years.  Everyone in the sex industry knew it,and just wondered who would finally prove strong and crafty enough to take youand make you his.  I knew King Pimpwould ultimately be the man to do it.?

           ?I see,? Ms Americana said softly.

           Bethanyshrugged.  ?The Real Ms Americana?sfirst paying client is inside.  Heis paying three hundred dollars for the rest of the night.  Make sure he is COMPLETELY satisfied inevery way.?

           ?Yes, mistress,? she said, causing Bethany to smirk.

           ?Ah, get to work,? Bethany laughed, swatting her firm, roundhiney.

           Ms Americana smiled meekly and opened the door.  One step inside, and she stopped dead inher tracks.  Stunned speechless. She could only stare in slack-jawed surprise.

           ?About time, Ms Ameri-whore,? Jimmy the Informant said, grinningvictoriously.

           ?How?? she said.

           ?How what? How did I get to be your very first PAYING client?? he said.  She nodded.  ?Easy, I watched you leave the alley,figured out where you were headed, and ran ahead.  After I sold my information to HisMajesty, I was granted a boon, so to speak.  I got to buy your services.  First.?  His face was pure wicked glee.  ?I get to initiate you as a hooker, soto speak.?

           ?Complete satisfaction guaranteed,? Bethany said from behind Ms Americana, and thenclosed the door.

           ?Its three hundred dollars,? she said.  ?Upfront.?

           He didn?t hesitate.  Hepulled out a sizeable wad of bills, and peeled off three crisp Benjamins.  She took the money, licked her dry lips,and nodded.  Placing the money on aside stand, she removed her bikini and climbed onto the queen-sized bed besideher first ever john.  Beside the manthat sold her up the river.  The informant that betrayed her.

           ?I paid for all night, anything goes,? he said, cupping both of hertitanic tits.

           She?d never seen anyone look at anything with such a sense of wonder asJimmy looking at her tits.  Then heburied his face in her cleavage.

           ?Anything you want, Jimmy,? she said.  She looked around the room, wonderingwhere the camera was located.  Thesexy super heroine turned prostitute knew with certainty that King Pimp wouldnot miss watching and recording the Queen of Justice?s first trick.  ?I?m yours the rest of thenight.?





Same as Ms Americana: The Palace Videos

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Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Tamarillas TravelsChapter 2 A Wild Time at the Palace

Aside from the one giggle, Tammi kept to her vow to be on her best behavior as they waited to be shown into the Emperor and Empress. The Emperor's throne room was a stunning sight for Tammi to behold. The two matching thrones were made of hand carved hardwood and radiated nobility and power. The thrones were displayed in an ornate room with lofty ceilings and fine tapestries covering the walls. It was truly a stately room suited for royalty. The ladies entered and curtseyed. Tammi's...

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The New StartChapter 36 The Palace

Tani had found that the insert in her ass was flexible and squeezed together allowing her to walk normally but when she bent over or spread her legs apart it opened invitingly. She walked over to one wall that had a box with a number of switches. The light in the chamber was very dim almost dark. When she tripped one of the many switches flood lights sprang to life and illuminated the sea around them. They had and awe inspiring unobstructed two-hundred-eighty degree view of the sea around...

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War in Two Universes Book 6Chapter 2 The Gromelix Palace

The next morning the whole group went along. There was much excitement about meeting Dragons. The group removed their clothes as before and turned into Tyrannosaurus Rexes. One of the Queen’s guards met them in shimmering armor carrying a decorative sword the length of a great white shark, in a silver sheath, and accompanied the group into the Palace and to a larger meeting room. The room was magnificent with many runes on the walls, statues, paintings and tapestries. The light looked to be...

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The Keys To Her Naughty Palace

When Tabitha was sixteen, she lost her virginity to Ralph, the head boy of her brother’s all-male school. He wasn’t particularly keen – he was quite happy rummaging around in her knickers and wasn’t expecting to get his dick inside a girl until he went to university, but she more or less insisted.After all, they had been going out together for several months and people assumed they had done it, which was what really mattered. It was all about image, and Ralph was captain of the rugby team and...

Oral Sex
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Daughters DelightsChapter 15 Triple Palace

The Emir’s palace was visible from some considerable distance away. It looked the sort of building a child might have made, if given a truly tremendous number of Lego bricks which were all yellow. It had six floors and there were perhaps a hundred windows at each level. It was flanked by two smaller versions of the same style, but one green and the other red. Close up, they looked even more massive and Nicola realised that the yellow was caused by some form of glittering gold paint covering...

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Kayla kinky Cock palace

Have you ever took a second and thought about how you met the one you love? Or maybe wondered how many other? It was early February 8th that was the day we officially met. I was at my apartment have a girls night with my girl Nicole we were doing the typical slumber party girl night thing like hair, makeup, music, drugs, and the occasional talk about men and there bullshit that we females tend to put up with. Nicole was having problems with her kind of sort of boyfriend Trent. Trent and I had...

Group Sex
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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

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Sex Therapy 2 The Thert

PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Clothesline Leather in Lawnville

Clothesline[This story is part of the Leather in Lawnville series.]   Clothesline By DuskPetersonYou can tell a lot about a guy from where he shops. Take my friends, who have specialized tastes. Some of them spend their time at the hardware store, while others take an interest in our town's fabric shop, which has needles and pins that make them drool. Still others hang out at the department store, eyeing the cutlery collection. Somehow all of us end up rubbing shoulders at the town's jacket...

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Thevidiya Thangaiyai Oothen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en sontha thangaiyai epadi oothen endra kudumba tamil kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar prathap vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Enaku oru thangi irukiraal aval peyar mala vayathu 26 aagugirathu, avaluku innum thirumanam seiya vilai Avaluku thirumanam seithu vaikum alavirku engal idam ipozhuthu panam ilai, loan apply seithu atharkaaga kathukondu irukirom. Naan oru kama veriyan eppozhuthu pen kidaikum avargalai...

2 years ago
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The Murder of Sharon Weathers Slut Extraordinaire

My name is Rebecca. Everyone calls me Becca. I entered the police department right out of college. I progressed rapidly, through different divisions and assignments. I always had my eyes set on Robbery-Homicide and after six years of hard word and dedication, I finally made it. At age thirty, I was youngest female in the division for such a coveted assignment, but I was superb at my job. I made it because of my skill not my gender. It was Saturday. Dispatch called our number just after we had...

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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

4 years ago
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College Pennai Toiletil Vaithu Veritheera Seithen

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil en nanbanai kathal seithu emathiriya pennai ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En tamil kathaiyai inaiya thalathil pathivu seithatharku nandri, en peyar pradeep vayathu 21 aagugirathu. En nanbanai oru pen kathal seithu matter mudinthathum kayati vitu vitaal, athanaal naan avalai usar seithu hardcore seiyanum endru mudithu seithen. En nanban enaku nanban endru kanbithukolamal aval idam muthal muthalil pesi pazhaga aarambithen. Aval pathini pola en idam nadika...

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Kanavanuku Theriyamal Kala Kathal Seithen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en kanavanuku theriyamal ilamaiyaana kaal kathalanai eppadi love seithen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar jaya vayathu 36 agugirathu. Enaku thirumanam aagi oru paiyan irukiraan pinbu en kanavanuku vayathu 42 agugirathu. Naan santhoshamaaga thaan vaazhnthu vanthukondu irunthen, naan oru teacheraaga velai paarthu varugiren. Naan velai seiyum classku arugil oru veedu irukirathu, antha veetil oru...

2 years ago
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Becoming Anthea

My name is Anthony and I am twenty-two years old. I have extra-long dark hair and darker eyes. I tie my hair into a ponytail and have a close trimmed beard. I look handsome and enjoy keeping myself in shape. I am a lucky guy as I have a very sexy girlfriend who is two years older than me. Zoe and I met at a mutual friend’s party and hit it off right away. She has short blonde hair and blue eyes. Her small beautiful mouth sits beneath a cute button nose. All in all, Zoe is a goddess and I love...

4 years ago
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Theateril Auntyai Kaai Adithen

Hi friends, indru sex kathaiyil auntyai usar seithu eppadi matter adithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Seenu. Vayathu 21 aagugirathu. Naan ithu naal varai entha penaiyum sex seithathu kidaiyaathu. Naan engineering padithu varugiren, enathu nanbargal oru naal theaterku ennai azhaithaargal. Naangal neraga bar seithu saraku adithom, appozhuthu bagubali padam oodi kondu irunthathu. Naangal oru gramathil irukum theaterku sendru irunthom. Angu pothuvaga pengal athigam vara matargal,...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites

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