The Nest
- 3 years ago
- 30
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Al entered the shuttle bay where they were holding the Tissk prisoners. “Am I in time?” Despite the engineers examining the recovered fighters, the room was largely empty aside from several security officers clustered around one shuttle, Al’s.
“Right on time,” Kal reported. “Myi just landed and they’re preparing to take Captain Kclekt to a holding cell—one of the bay’s spare changing rooms—to interrogate him.”
“I thought I heard you,” Zita said, exiting a side room. “We’ve managed to learn a fair amount. I did as you suggested, providing one fighter pilot with a quantum-linked aid after isolating him. I’ve finally acquired a decent grasp of their language, Trilck.”
“Has anyone revealed where their homeworld is?”
She shook her head. “It was the first thing we asked everyone—aside from Captain Kclekt, who we haven’t interrogated yet. Keep in mind he doesn’t realize we speak Trilck. We figured you’d want to deal with him yourself. As for the others, they’ve never been trained in interstellar navigation. This is clearly not a meritocracy. All they know is they boarded the ship and ended up here, without comprehending where they are or where their homeworld is in relation to us.
“A few details you’ll need to know. These are the Tissk, but my Glaznik contact tells me that despite speaking the Elder Ones’ language, or Milsolt, occasionally, and using their ships, they’re not the same beings. We’ll need to determine whether they’re acting on their behalf or merely taking advantage of their previous destinations.
“My source also added that none of the Glaznik alive today have ever spoken with the Elder Ones, as it’s been a long time since they visited. But there are enough discrepancies in their actions he’s confidant they’re different, with few similarities other than ancient technologies.”
“Try to get more details about these Elder Ones. It’ll help determine what happened and give me some leverage with Kclekt. But for now, I’m eager to size him up to get a better feel for who we’re dealing with.”
“The Tissk are a very aggressive culture, so it’s essentially ‘might makes right’. Equivocating implies weakness and lack of character.”
“Good to know, especially as I’m inclined to beat the shit out of him for all these needless deaths.”
“Again, it’s not who presents the best argument, but who’s the ‘alpha-male’ or can do something for you.”
“Apparently he didn’t think his crew would do as much for his career as a win against an exotic enemy. Even having lost, he’d score a bigger victory if he returned to warn his superiors of an entirely new threat. One which only he can counter after having seen them in action.”
“That’s the gist of it, but it sounds like you’re prepared to confront him, now that you hold all the cards.”
Kal and Zeta escorted Al towards the group clustered around his shuttle. He was easily able to identify Kclekt. Aside from being an unknown species; he was also the only one in restraints. Gary and Del stood beside him, attentively watching as the others processed his information.
“Captain Kclekt. It’s not often I meet an officer so morally depraved he’d send his entire crew to their deaths while slinking away like a spineless coward.”
He turned, focusing on Al, everyone else forgotten. No one had spoken to him since his capture other than shouting commands in a strange language. After their ship-to-ship ultimatums in Glaznik, he was shocked his captors spoke fluent Trilck.
“Commanders lead,” he said after a slight pause, glancing around to observe how those around him responded. “Peons serve. If they deserved more, they’d command a ship instead of me.”
Kclekt was a thin, stooped figure with slick, scaly skin that glistened under the bright shuttle bay lights. His eyes, jutting from either side of his head on revolving stalks, seemed incapable of three-dimensional vision, as their views didn’t overlap. But since each moved independently, they provided a greater visual range than the other species.
“Ah, spoken with the mindless bravado I’d expect from someone given his position though personal connections rather than proven experience. You’re either a rank political appointee, or the Tissk are truly bereft of any redeeming qualities. I’m guessing they will be easy to defeat, but offer little worth negotiating over. It makes your future simple to decide. Your decision making in the face of overwhelming odds was pitiful!” Al paused, staring at him hard. “I hold officers who value those they lead so lightly beyond contempt. Your attitude will bear in your final fate, as I’ll treat you with the same malice you showed your best crewmen.”
“If they were worthy, they wouldn’t have failed,” Al said in Milsolt, further shocking him. But he recovered quickly.
“Their failure was wholly due to your inept leadership. True leaders inspire phenomenal effort and reward risk taking. Bullies, however, intimidate and brag, but achieve little.”
“Captain Collins,” Myi said, exiting Al’s shuttle as the security people lifted a weathered metal pod from inside using a hovering automated hoist. Despite her formality, she spoke in standard Tandori, leaving Kclekt glancing between them, trying to guess what they were discussing. “I see you’ve met the man responsible for the needless deaths of his crew. Is this a polite introduction or are you beginning your interrogation?”
“She agrees you’re below pond scum,” Al translated, confusing Kclekt even more, implying all his captors spoke fluent Trilck. “Yes, I’m prepared to begin,” he continued, still speaking in Kclekt’s native tongue, though everyone followed his words. “I’m eager to determine whether there is any justification for preserving his life. But first, I’d like to examine the weapon he used against my people. It’s a pitiful tool, ineffective and inflicting significant damage on the user.”
“You have no standing to judge me!” Kclekt declared. “I’m a decorated hero and a celebrated leader. It’s not up to an inferior species to pass judgment on their superiors. You may have the advantage now, but the Tissk shall prevail, as we always have!
“The disruptors are the mightiest of the Elder’s arsenal. It’s how we’ll destroy you, your children and theirs too.”
“I’ll get it,” Kal volunteered, ignoring Kclekt’s rants as he walked towards the shuttle.
“He has no right to touch my property, just as you have no right to hold me!”
“You squandered any right to choose your destiny when you attacked without provocation. You also lost any respect by demonstrating extreme cowardice in combat.”
Kclekt stiffened but didn’t respond; doubtlessly guessing he wasn’t doing himself any favors provoking the one determining his fate.
“Your vaunted disruptor didn’t help you,” Al reminded him. “You failed to hit any of our vessels, so I doubt the Tissk pose much threat. Which is why I’m curious what these weapons do. I’ll concede, we never suspected you had no defenses. Yet the fact your ship disintegrated when struck with a single laser—that’s a tightly focused light-based weapon, by the way—demonstrates it suffered significant prolonged damage as you terrorized others. Who goes into combat without shielding? Personally, I prefer lasers. They have significantly longer range and travel at the speed of light, so you can’t see them coming, but don’t produce incidental harm to the users. Even if it weren’t for us, it wouldn’t be long before your hull failed on its own. It’s a problematic device designed exclusively to scare, yet is ineffective in actual combat.”
“Ha!” Kclekt shouted, struggling against Gary and Del’s restraining hands. “It shows your ignorance. It’s the Elder’s most vital apparatus, and the reason they were respected and feared throughout the galaxy!”
Al leaned forward, peering into his wavering eyes. “Tell me, where are the Elders today? If they were so powerful, they’d have innovated and developed their tools. Instead, they perished rather than innovate.”
“We bear their renown,” Kclekt insisted. “They molded each world, allowing them to become interstellar cultures. But they wasted their advanced knowledge, refusing to use it as they should. So we took their most ferocious war machines and now reign supreme!”
“Until today. When faced with someone not cowered by the Elders’ technology, you failed miserably. You only prevailed because you stole a dangerous, unstable science you were unable to comprehend, and like the Elders, made no improvements to it. In our case, we’re continually refining our knowledge—not relying on a single weapon. So I’m guessing there are no Tissk worthy of a challenge in a fair and open fight?”
“Here it is,” Kal announced, carefully carrying Kclekt’s personal firearm. It was slightly larger than a standard Earth pistol, the extra space apparently dedicated to the power supply.
Al peered at it, noticing its unusual structure, including the various knobs.
“Any clue how it operates?”
“They never said,” he admitted, examining it. He turned it over, checking the switches as Al noted Kclekt smirking.
“Don’t!” Al shouted, shoving Kal hard while leaping back.
The disruptor exploded as a brilliant flash blinded everyone, sparks and small fires flying everywhere. Several items crashed, including the muffled thumps of bodies striking the deck. There were numerous curses in a several languages.
As his vision cleared, Al noted Kal was lying on the ground, clutching his hand. Kclekt was doubled over, gasping and struggling to catch his breath as Gary and Del held him tightly. The blaster lay smoldering on the pod bay floor. One person was flat on his back, while an engineer was on one knee a short distance away.
‘Xi! Kal’s injured!‘
‘I’m on my way, I heard your discussion and was coming to observe. I’ll be there momentarily.‘
“What did Kclekt try?” Al demanded, scrambling forward and kneeling by Kal’s side.
“He attempted to twist free when the weapon exploded,” Gary said, undaunted by the brief excitement. “He planned this. We guessed his intent and stopped him before he could escape.”
“You should have shot him!” Al shouted, surveying Kal’s situation. “How badly are you hurt?”
He was covering his right hand with his left, leaning forward and protecting both. When asked, he partially revealed his hand, which was pinkish from exposure burns.
“Honestly, it’s not as bad as I expected. You knocked the blaster from my hand before it exploded, though my hand hurts like hell. I don’t think I can use it.”
Xi rushed in, shoving Al aside and waving her ball over his chest.
“His hand suffered the biggest impact,” Al told her.
She passed the sphere over his hands. “His aids are still analyzing his injuries. They’re traveling to his hands and arms, with a few checking his torso to determine what’s affected.”
“He’s a dead man,” Kclekt gloated. “As you will all soon be. We’re not stupid enough to leave our most valuable possessions unprotected.”
“If he speaks again, shove him in the garbage chute and eject him into space,” Al instructed.
“The blast damage was minimal,” Xi reassured him, waving her device over his chest too. “The burns are from the residual impact, which we don’t yet understand. His aids are already countering the effects while tallying the extent of the injury. You’ve suffered some exposure too, though not as extensively.”
She continued monitoring before continuing. “The cells are rupturing. The cell walls are splitting and releasing their components into the blood stream, which the immune system promptly attacks. I’ve instructed the aids to signal his body there’s no remaining danger as they gather the expelled cytoplasm.”
Two Lezmonom medics arrived as she withdrew a small vial and injected it into Kal’s forearm, extracting a discolored liquid. “They’re holding the dangerous elements until I remove it, freeing them to continuing cleaning the remaining mess. I’ve got to extract from each of the damaged area. You’ll need to do the same, until I give you the all-clear.”
The two medics got busy, following Xi’s instructions to the letter.
“You’re wasting your time. There is no successful treatment to counter our disruptors! He is as good as dead!”
“Can you move your hands?” Al asked in Tandori.
While he had difficulty, he flexed his fingers, though the burns and swelling limited his movements.
“I’m not sure I’ll be able to manipulate tools for a while, but I can switch hands. Working in the caverns, you need to be ambidextrous as you cling to the rock with one hand and collect samples with the other.”
“Fortunately, there aren’t many caves here,” Al said, chuckling. “Think you can stand?”
“Yeah, I feel silly sitting here as everyone frets over me. At least if I’m upright, they can treat me more readily than if I’m lying on the deck.”
Al offered his hand and Kal clambered up with little difficulty—aside from favoring his hand.
“Wait. What trickery is this? He should be in excruciating pain, screaming, rending his clothes and shredding his flesh.”
“See that he receives the appropriate treatment,” Al instructed, ignoring the outburst as a medic treated him. He indicated the floor with the still-smoldering weapon. “We need the engineers to analyze the decking to determine if it’s compromised. I also want everyone here checked to assure there haven’t suffered residual effects.”
As people scurried, executing his instructions, he turned back to Kclekt.
“As with so many things, we possess substantially better medical procedures than you.”
“Aside from sticking him with a needle, they didn’t do anything besides waving that ... toy around. What kind of magic are you performing? Your ship vanishes, you couldn’t speak our language and now everyone does, and speak the language of the Elder Ones despite not knowing who they are, and you perform miracle cures without operating or cutting off the damaged tissue.”
“Get used to it. We’re introducing a new order, whoever doesn’t climb aboard will get trampled by those wanting in. Gary, bring the moron intent on signing his death warrant.”
Al and Zita entered the side chambers selected as an interrogation cell. Gary and Delilah followed, thrusting Captain Kclekt into a chair before standing by the door, their arms crossed.
“So, who exactly are the Tissk?” Al inquired. “How did you stumble across the Elder Ones’ ships, how many worlds are you terrorizing, and how do we inform your homeworld you lost their ship?”
Kclekt glanced between the four humans as if expecting guidance, but none appeared terribly sympathetic.
“We ... are the dominant force in the region,” he said, sounding less belligerent, realizing he may have underestimated his situation. “We possess the most powerful vessels, determine who travels and where, and everyone pays us bounty, a tax, for our ... protection.”
“So you’re an interstellar collection agency?” Al responded. “Nothing more than a gang of thugs who stumbled across a couple warships and now assume you’re invincible?”
Despite using so many English references, their aids provided the correct terms. Kclekt not only understood them, he paled when Al mentioned their ‘stumbling over their ships’.
“We are on the side of righteousness! We are the sword of the mighty, and the deliverer of justice!”
“In case you haven’t noticed, your sword is dull, and too clumsy against laser arrays. We destroyed your ancient vessel with a single shot—actually two—but either would be just as devastating. The destruction was triggered by the sustained structural damage you inflicted to your craft, without understanding the basics of repair.
“We took out all your fighters without suffering a single loss. Our shuttles fly faster than your most impressive ship. Our defensive systems are far beyond your ability to hurt us, even if you could hit us hundreds of times. Clearly you are not the masters of your universe anymore. So I’ll ask again, who do we inform you’ve been captured, and that there’s a new top dog in town?”
Kclekt shrugged, his eyes separately focusing on the ceiling. “No one cares. None respect losers. If we no return treasures, we not return.” He seemed introspective for a moment. “It get harder to do. Each world has less then we used to take, barely offering anything, regardless of how many we kill.”
Al leaned forward, resting his fists on the table. “That’s because you’ve been strangling the life from the other worlds. Just like your misguided leadership model, you’re choking on your own stupidity. If you don’t allow other cultures to build, develop and trade, everyone suffers. But you wouldn’t understand that, since you don’t seem the least bit inclined to innovate, foster creativity or encourage others to work for everyone’s betterment.”
“You prattle like little Tssliq. Your words mean nothing. We take what want, just as you took ‘cause could.”
“Listen, you little pissant. We didn’t take anything. We warned you not to engage us, yet you insisted on attacking without understanding our capabilities. When your fighters proved utterly ineffective, you continued anyway. We announced we’d respond with force, but you were unrelenting. When we did fire, shooting little more than a warning shot, your pitiful ship shredded into little more than shrapnel. Even then, rather than taking possession of anything, we rescued those you left to die.”
“Everyone takes. No other way. You either take, or others take from you. Now you demand tribute or you attack our ships. You no different, just have strange magic. But once we figure it out, the tide will turn!”
Someone entered the secured room without announcing themselves and no one reacted. “I brought another of their disruptors,” Lizzle said, handing it to him. “I’m sure it doesn’t need repeating, but be careful with it. We don’t understand how they work, and I doubt the Tissk even comprehend the damage they inflict on the shooter.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll manage,” Al assured her, picking up the gun and, studying Kclekt, started flipping the various switches.
His eyes strained, as if reaching for him, as he leaned forward. “Who taught you that?”
“No one. I have a knack for figuring things out.” He lifted it, aiming at their prisoner and advancing, then backing up and circling, adjusting his distance before halting. “This seems to be the optimal range, though it will still inflict residual damage from back here. The fallout from firing the weapon is more pronounced the farther away you are. If I stood way back here,” he announced, still moving, “everyone in the room would be affected, though you’d be just as dead.”
“Whoever taught you to operate our disruptors will be beheaded for his treachery!”
Al aimed the weapon at objects around the room, instead of Kclekt. “In case you didn’t notice, you were with me the entire time. You didn’t see me speaking with any of your men. If I had, I wouldn’t have allowed Kal to experiment with it.”
“He’s right,” Delilah acknowledged. “He’s a precognitive Intuit, able to anticipate when someone will be hurt. Thus, by considering the various options before you can respond, he figures it out himself.”
“And by imaging shooting you, I can accurately determine how much damage it’ll inflict, including the ramification on the rest of us.”
“Bah! More magic and waving of hands. I unimpress. Someone talked. Is no other explanation.”
Al lowered the weapon, considering him. “That’s what I thought. Despite seeing our capabilities, you won’t accept the inevitable. You don’t grasp how minor a threat this represents to us. Yet you’re in a unique position to convey just how serious we are. Thus I feel a more direct, personal demonstration is called for.” He approached, shoving the table aside with his foot, and stared at Kclekt’s feet. Zita shook her head and shut her eyes, while Gary rolled his, but Al continued unabated.
Like the rest of him, his feet were ... particular. Slightly bowlegged, he sort of waddled, walking on the outer edge of his feet, his garish footwear not helping the effect. While he wouldn’t win a footrace with any of Al’s crew, he’d likely excel in thick swamps or underbrush. His long legs allowed him to distribute his weight and sidestep obstacles.
“What are you doing?” Kclekt asked nervously as Al seemed to search for the best target for his test.
Xi entered unannounced, surprising no one but Kclekt. “Sorry, I was finishing up with Kal and the others. Lizzle said she was getting something for you, but I can’t imagine how you intend to use it.”
Without explanation, she knelt in front of him and injected Kclekt’s thigh. “It’ll take a few minutes,” she told Al in perfect Trilck. “Again, the aids need to enter, analyze his normal body composition, and then begin recording any changes.”
“Are you sure this is wise?” Zita pressed as Lizzle entered carrying a heavy metal partition she’d extracted from the bay’s deck.
“As skeptical as Kclekt is, he’s ideal for explaining our capabilities. Not only can he communicate more naturally with his people, his skepticism better conveys our superiority. He not only needs to see how advanced our technology is, he has to experience it, so he can’t continue rationalizing his prior beliefs.” Al lifted Kclekt’s foot with his boot, allowing Lizzle to slide the reinforced metal plate under his feet.”
“Do you expect me to beg for my life?” Kclekt demanded, realizing the threat, but not yet processing what Al was saying.
“You have nothing to trade for your life, and I’ll continue with this regardless. Just like the rest of your people, you’ll never believe what we’re capable of, unless you’re forced to. We can lecture you all week, but a single demonstration is more ... dramatic, and ultimately much more convincing.”
“He’s having difficulty comprehending what you’re telling him,” Zita said aloud. “Should we get Chich’k to translate, so it’s easier to understand? As it is, he still thinks you’re planning to kill him.”
“I realize what he intends. Why else would he play with a disruptor like that? But he plainly doesn’t respect the terrifying power of our weapons. If you shoot me, you’ll slay everyone in the room. This proves your lying about ‘seeing the future’, just as you lie about your magic. No one can best the Tissk! It demonstrates how weak your kind is. Any of our warriors would have killed me by now—even my companions—rather than rambling about how they’re too frightened to.”
“Again, if Chich’k translated in simpler terms, he’d comprehend your intentions,” Zita reiterated.
“No, this little presentation is not only faster, it’s more effective. He won’t be able to deny our technological advantage.” Al turned to his prisoner. “This will hurt like hell, but ... you’ll live. In my opinion, that’s more important, either way.”
“Ha! You’re a charlatan. You lie about everything. You’re afraid to do what you threaten to, and waste valuable time talking yourself into it. Any Tissk would eat you alive. But even if you kill me, you can’t operate the weapon without killing everyone.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure of that,
“Your silly tricks are meaningless. You don’t understand the power we possess. Not only do you underestimate its danger, no Tissk will ever surrender, under any circumstances!”
“That’s precisely why I’m doing this. You’ll never believe me, even after watching our man walk away after being exposed. So...”
“You can’t intimidate me! We are the rightful masters o—”
Before he could finish, Al fired a quick shot at the man’s toes from only a few feet away, not risking a sustained burst. Kclekt howled and leapt to his feet. Gary and Del caught him before he toppled as his leg collapsed under him. Leaning against their restraining hands, he raised his foot, trying to see the damage. Before he could observe it, they were all thrown off balance.
Al felt himself listing to the side. He planted his boot to steady him but was lifted several inches off the floor instead, traveling sideways even more. Gary and Del continued moving, colliding with Kclekt, their movements inconsistent with their momentum. As Kclekt fell, he never struck the deck.
‘One, what’s happening?‘
‘Despite the buffer of the metal plate, you’ve compromised the dark-matter containment under the floor. The dark matter regulating the room’s gravity is escaping. You’re wrestling with the effects of the varying, inconsistent gravity. Move back a step or two and you’ll be fine.‘
Al found it steadier there. Seeing his actions, Gary and Del did the same, holding Kclekt firmly between them.
‘Damn, I can anticipate potential dangers to everyone in the room, but can’t predict risks to the ship itself. I’ve got to remember that in the future. Since I never envisioned it happening, I never considered the effect.‘
When Kclekt’s injured foot touched the floor, he howled. As Gary and Del drug him back, his shoe unraveled, sloughing off. Underneath, his flesh was a dull pale color instead of its usual slick greenish scales. There was no blood, but the wound oozed. Partially crystalized segments flaked off his feet in whole pieces.
Xi knelt beside him—on the opposite side of the damaged floor, and waved her ball over his injury.
“I’m getting a decent timeline of the responses. The cells in his feet are dissolving. The cell membrane are crystalizing and shattering, releasing the cytoplasm into his bloodstream. However, unlike his victims, the aids I injected are stabilizing the damage, instructing his immune system to ignore whatever happens.”
“No one lives when shot from so close!” Kclekt studied his injured foot, surprised at remaining lucidity. “While intense, the pain is ... minimal.”
“You don’t get it, do you?” Delilah asked. “I understand why you’re such a shit-assed officer. You’re completely unable to adapt to changing circumstances.
“The disruptor is a terrifying weapon,” Kclekt maintained. “It’s what we use to terrorize and slaughter our foes. Everyone recognizes its horrifying power!”
“And yet,” Al said, grinning and indicating his foot, “you don’t seem to be dying, and no one else is affected in the least. You never grasped my point. Rather than threatening you, this demonstrates we’re protected from even direct shots, and unaffected from any secondary effects.”
Sitting heavily, he lifted his leg and peered at his arch, realizing he not only hadn’t lost the foot, it wasn’t getting worse. “You fix?”
“No, we effectively counteracted the sepsis.” Xi inserted a tube and extracted the gooey blood. “You’ll undoubtedly have problems with it in the future, but not only will you live, you’ll retain full use of your foot and leg.” She held the vial up for him to see. “This is the contamination which would normally have killed you. Only our aids segregated it, calmed your body, and allowed us to safely extract it without it poisoning you.” She smiled. “Want to keep this to contemplate whenever you doubt what we’re capable of?”
“Don’t worry, there are none in it you can steal,” Lizzle advised.
He vehemently shook his head. “No, I believe you. This no magic, you change all known rules. Nothing is as it was. Even Elders not do that!”
“While we wait for the aids to correct the rest of the damage, why don’t you tell us what became of the Elders? We hoped to encounter them eventually, though I doubt it’s possible now.”
Kclekt glanced down, observing his leg was resuming its normal dark glistening color, though pieces of his foot were still missing. He swallowed before saying anything.
“We, like everyone else, no hear from them in long, long time.” His tone was even, quieter and less insistent. “So we set out, searching for them. When we find, Elders no more. They kill themselves. Their planet poisoned, empty flakey surface, cities destroyed, water undrinkable, the remaining air caustic and the atmosphere dissipated.”
He glanced up, as if gloating again. “But their ships, they fine. So we take several, and they contain plenty weapon, plus record of planets visited and translation devices. They stupid, kill selves, so we take, become new Elders!”
“It’s sad. The wisest civilization in the entire sector was replaced by the stupidest, with simpletons reusing the very weapons which wiped them out. Then you systematically neutered the advances they granted the other worlds, ensuring everyone would remain as unsophisticated as you! But it’s obvious the structural weaknesses in your ships aren’t all your doing. Much of it was likely due to the Elders’ inability to comprehend the effects of their discoveries. I suspect, having resolved internal disputes, they ceased testing and refining. Yet, in the end, when the domestic conflicts resumed, they turned them on each other, killing everyone. Tell me, how long do you think it’ll take before you do the very same thing to yourselves?”
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Al, Betty and Myi met Zita in the hallway, where she hurried to catch up with them. “Sorry, I didn’t think you’d be ready quite so early.” “It’s Al’s new ‘work rather than sulk’ policy,” Myi explained. “He’s afraid that if he sits around our quarters with nothing to do, he’ll start obsessing,” Be continued. Zita tilted her head. “So what does he do during his downtime?” “You’re kidding, right?” Be asked. “We spend hours over dinner, waiting while he talks to everyone he...
“Ah, Zita,” Al said, as she entered the common room where everyone was discussing recent events. “How are the Zitorians doing?” “As you know, they’ve accompanied us since our initial meeting. Sorry, that’s not quite correct. They accompany us until they encounter another group, and pass us off. It appears each tribe escorts us through their territory.” “Yeah, we appreciate that, especially as we can now operate our thrusters—short bursts at least—to realign ourselves.” “Trust me, they...
‘Al, the historical records you transferred are amazing, ‘ Admiral Lillslik declared. ‘It reveals the extent of the Emperor’s manipulations over multiple centuries. People are even more upset than they were. The legislature is already taking action. They’re passing strict laws requiring the military to request authorization for extraordinary actions and restricting their ability to make autonomous unilateral decisions.‘ ‘That could be a problem, ‘ Al cautioned. ‘Officers in the field...
“This is our next alternative, named Lamar in honor of our late engineer who gave his life getting us here.” Al stood on the bridge of the Peaceful Avenger, observing their approach. “It’s clearly a more expansive system, with fewer suns, but more planets.” “There are five smaller worlds and another two immense planets farther out,” The One announced, feeling himself a member of the crew. “That includes two gas giants, beyond Lamar, which exert a strong gravitational pull on it. The gravity...
“Thanks for helping us ferry people,” Al began. “We honestly needed the assistance with this.” “Yeah, there’s a real ... full load to transport,” Betty said, catching herself before saying something she shouldn’t in front of so many small children. “Believe me, it was worth seeing you go apoplectic every time someone mentioned Lozzlint,” Xi giggled before turning to her bond-mate. “And you’re going to have to learn to reserve your adult language for telepathic messages.” “With you two...
I awoke at dawn and eagerly got myself ready. I had a good feeling about the day and was raring to go. My muscles were aching slightly after the exertions of yesterday but after a quick stretch in the shower I felt rejuvenated. The Captain ate her breakfast in silence and I did not feel comfortable bringing up my issue of being the only person who got punished for Holly. Surely, Holly getting punished for Holly would be fair also! I cleared up the breakfast things and was outside the...
Tammet checked over his shoulder, for the hundredth time. Today was the day he’d been preparing for. He looked around the forest again, making sure none of his captors, or a stray hunting party, had followed him or happened upon him by sheer luck. A light wind made the leaves overhead rustle like a soft summer rain. Sunlight filtered down through the leaves upon his long straight black hair. He reached into the hollow of a long dead tree to retrieve the items he’d carefully stowed there...
"No!" Miss Harcourt cried, "For gods sake No!" as I levelled Mr Cambridge's antique duelling pistol to aim not at Mr Simon Harcourt's head but instead the imaginary spot eight inches above his head whereby the ball would drill a third hole in direct line with his eye sockets. "Why should I spare him?" I demanded, "He has wounded me with his tongue and now his piece." "He, he is young and foolish," she shouted, "And noble in defending my honour!" I held the piece...
— David Tyler slapped my cheek a few times to bring me to. ‘Kid. Kid.’ I shoved his hand away and buried my face into his shoulder. I was awake, damn it. ‘You gonna walk? I might have a bit of trouble carrying you.’ Still drowsy and lethargic, I managed to get out of the car. I wasn’t in such excruciating pain, I felt a little more like myself. I wanted to figure out what was going on. I tried to pay attention to everything. It was early morning. Summertime brightness could be...
— Violet Things were going to get sorted. Slowly, maybe painfully. Not likely to end up perfect, but at least bearable. We got back pretty late. Amelia opened the front door before David got his key in the lock. He was right, that she’d be angry. The first thing she saw was his lip, and she frowned with a trace of confusion. Then she saw the bruise on my cheek, and her eyes went livid. She shot David a glare. He could’ve bullshitted about how we ran into some trouble, but of course, he...
I could feel the heat from his body on my back, and the soft brush of his breath on my skin, as his head lowered to sample the smooth line between my neck and shoulders. ‘Let me keep you warm, Jessie’ he murmured between licks and nibbles to my flesh. ‘Nighthawk?’, my voice quivered a little. The way his hands were caressing my arms while his mouth traced lazy patterns on my back above the towel, I wasn’t very steady on my feet anymore. It was all I could do to say his nickname loud enough for...
Nathaniel wasn’t too sure of what I asked of him. I could see it in his face, the concern for my comfort, but at this point in time, that with all he’d been doing to me the last couple of hours I knew it had been just a prelude to something greater. I reached up and cupped his face in my hands, gently thumbing his jaw. Pressing his head to my stomach, I reached to the back of his head and started to massage along his spine and across his shoulders. He nuzzled into my flesh as I lifted my hips...
Crunching and chewing. The foul stench of dead flesh assaults my nostrils. This is the first thing my mind registers upon regaining consciousness. Then comes the pain. A raw, aching pain in my jaw. I dare not move my mouth for fear that my jaw might fall limply off its hinge. Luckily it doesn’t happen. I’m tucked into a dark corner of the cavern, surrounded by leaves and dried bones. This must be where the dragon feeds itself. I’m still intact, with only minor scars from the b**st’s talons and...
The year of our Lord, 1191. It is a beautiful Spring morning in northern England, and the sparse clouds drift across the sky as I stand watch over the flock. My mother and father are sheep farmers by trade, and I, their only son, have been occupying my time in the fields. Still just a young man of my twentieth year, my small height and slender frame keep me from fighting against the heathens under our king, Richard the Lionheart, but I am not saddened by this. Aggression is far too foreign a...
Empty Nest Fam Fun in the Bedroom!! If you are into the taboo relationship of i****t and group sex and bondage… then get some lube and maybe a toy and sit back and enjoy!! If that turns you off…. Then move along, there is nothing else here for you!!!! ========================= There is always something deliciously erotic about being blindfolded and at the mercy of another. This was just the situation last Friday evening when my wife told me we needed to go home from our date night dinner out...
Breathing hard from the steep climb, Bob said, "I think it's just a little farther. Probably just past that next crest." Ellen stopped for a second. "Or the next or the next or the next. This place had better be good." "Don't worry," he replied. "I'm sure you'll find it worth the climb." Bob and Ellen were both grad students at a college over in Virginia, a couple of hundred miles distant. They were both twenty-three and had been going together since the middle of the semester...
While his wife was destroying the concept of fidelity in the arms of their daughter Jack was tossing and turning in his father’s house. He had driven out to spend the weekend with his dad since Donna wasn’t going to be around. Since he never traveled for his job like other people it was his first night since being married that he wasn’t sleeping next to his wife. His dreams were nightmare filled visions of Donna screaming in ecstasy in the arms of multiple lovers. He kept waking up in a sweat...
When I walked into the office on Monday morning, Brenda was already at her desk sorting the first load of office mail. She blushed a nice scarlet color as I greeted her. "Have a nice weekend?" I asked casually, as though I had no idea of her activities. "Oh, yes." She looked around to be sure no one could hear her. "It was fucking marvelous; or maybe it was the other way around – marvelous fucking. Either way, it was the best weekend in my whole life. Thank you for asking ... and for...
Daphne strolled seemingly without purpose through the large park. Its trees were almost devoid of leaves. A brown, orange, red and yellow carpet of leaves covered the ground beneath the canopy of bare branches. It was odd not to be pushing a pram for once. Her three year old daughter had started nursery that week. Although it was only three hours a day, it was proving a challenge for Daphne, if not her precious Stella. When her husband had first insisted that they take advantage of the free...
"Begin!", snapped the Armsmaster. Pagan spun, drew, flicked the thumb-safety off, fired six rounds, safed the pistol, reholstered - in one continuous, uninterrupted, motion - and announced, "Clear!" The Armsmaster pressed the button, to retrieve the targets, and glanced down at the stopwatch in his hand. "It's unreal, ' the old warrior thought, 'he's beaten every record in the books - including his own previous ones. Those shots were so close together, I'd have thought they came...
Callie wrote the check to pay for four rooms and tore it out of her checkbook before handing it to the woman behind the check-in counter. The woman looked at the check for a moment, but didn't say any words of thank you. She just pulled her receipt book forward and wrote the receipt, which she handed over without comment. Callie remembered the sour-faced woman from more than forty years of visits, particularly when Callie and the woman had been much younger. The woman had been a sour-faced...
Pamper Parlour Mum: Pushy & Proud By DebWeb. "Mum please stop this and let me go play with my friends." "Stop complaining, you know I have a reputation to uphold as the owner of a new beauty salon business. We have to look immaculate at all times. It impresses the customers and attracts new ones." "But mum..." "No buts just sit still while I fix your hair." I knew when my mother would not budge and this was one of those moments. I had planned on a nice day playing with my...
Humor515 Ernest`s story The next few days passed without much to write about, oh they had sex, but it was sadly her week, oh Mary was no longer properly fertile, and was on the change, but it was still occasionally a pain in the belly that threw plans into disarray. So…it was not really till the next weekend when she declared herself available once more. Each day during the dry season, he had dutifully called in at 2pm and had spent the meeting, dolling out jobs and answering queries. Each man in...
Des fois il y a des journées comme ça qui sont faites pour mal se passer… On ne sait pas pourquoi mais cela arrive. Est-ce à cause des astres? Ou bien de ce qu'on appelle le destin? Ou pour les plus superstitieux d'entre nous, est-ce à cause d'un sortilège ou d'une malédiction? Personne ne peut le dire… Ce qui est sûr c'est que quand une journée est partie pour mal tourner, c'est difficile de changer cela! Nous avons justement rendez-vous avec une jeune fille qui va connaître une telle journée....
About ten minutes later, after donning his skeleton costume, Jim followed Trina to the dungeon. With his cock hanging limply out of the costume, Jim entered the dungeon. Jim observed that Melissa was eagerly slurping away at Courtney's pussy. Courtney was moaning and writhing on the exam table to which she was secured. Jim turned to Cindy. "Cindy, my pet, come and suck me hard." In less than a minute, Cindy had his nine inch projectile ready to launch. Jim started the portable cameras,...
Courtesan versus Escort Yes, it is important to know the difference to determine which best fits your desire, needs and style. Alternatively it is important to know which type of client you would be. Then and only then we can create the best possible outcome of our randez-vous for an unforgettable peak experience that you perhaps are seeking whether for a day or a lifetime.Different men are looking for different things and there is much confusion around about many terms improperly used in the...
As I got home I heard chatting, from across the street and noticed my opposite neighbour was out on her balcony having lunch with a friend about the same age. I'd sometimes seen her coming and going, a woman a couple of years older than me, maybe late thirties, quite attractive and certainly with a body that looked younger and fitter than that. I'd often looked down from my 3rd floor window into her 2nd floor flat and wondered if I'd catch a glimpse of her in her undies or naked but sadly...
513 Swapsie`s; Ernest`s story A car, a big old blue Volvo estate swept into Wye station yard and impatiently hooted, the driver waiting for him to stagger over to it half drunk and with flowers and a bag in hand! The woman, a big blousy lady in tweed, thrusting a ham sized hand strongly into his and saying in a loud commanding voice, “I am Mary, I take it you`re “the stud” my wimpy husband ‘lost’ me too!” He mumbled he was, though he was not sure about the ‘lost me too’ bit but after receiving...
513 Swapsie`s; Ernest`s story A car, a big old blue Volvo estate swept into Wye station yard and impatiently hooted, the driver waiting for him to stagger over to it half drunk and with flowers and a bag in hand! The woman, a big blousy lady in tweed, thrusting a ham sized hand strongly into his and saying in a loud commanding voice, “I am Mary, I take it you`re “the stud” my wimpy husband ‘lost’ me too!” He mumbled he was, though he was not sure about the ‘lost me too’ bit but after receiving...
I will begin with explaining that there is nothing extraordinary about me. I was born into a modestly wealthy family of a reasonable social class. Having lost my parents rather early in life, I was shipped off to my grandmother’s where an army of servants and sycophants could ensure my proper education. In person, I am a tall woman with a dark look about me that has always ensued comparisons to gypsies or the fey. I am somewhat statuesque and have always maintained a wardrobe of jewel tones...
Seymour & Sarah By Alice Barry "Oy vey, Seymour what have you done to yourself?" said my mother as she entered my apartment unannounced. I knew I should have never given her a key for emergencies. "Whatever are you doing here Mother? Haven't I told you to call before dropping in?" "Don't blame me young man, what in God's name are you doing in a dress? And why is lipstick smeared around your face?" "Mama, I did not want you to find out like this. This is who I am...
To back into the swing of things, Audra was taken on her first patrol. She has several soldiers accompanying her, including Kate. Unlike Gunnar’s recon patrols where he often went solo, this is a patrol of the surrounding area. The group is led by Major Zola, a stern woman who has been with the group and General Eisley since the beginning. She is in her early forties and still retains a lot of her beauty despite the peppering of grey in her chestnut colored hair. “This patrol is routine,”...
Despite our fear of what the rumour mill could do to us, it took our friends just a few days to defuse the situation, and by the time exams rolled around, it was almost a forgotten issue. Our secret was still relatively safe, although the number of people that knew about it had doubled. But because we shared similar backgrounds, that first meeting Beckie Sommers suggested became the foundation of strong friendships that have lasted several decades. It was the week before Christmas, and we...
The months seem to pass quickly for Audra. The intelligence that she had collected from the rebel leader, Leah, had proved useful. Many raids were conducted and slowly the Scourge’s breeding ranks overflowed. She had also gained the trust of the queen, yet she still hadn’t been made a stalker. She was told that she was, but Audra couldn’t do that which Saige or any of the other stalkers could—control a red fungus skin of her own. The only thing she seemed able to do is control the chasers and...
New Years came and went with out notice. A week or so later, Jim gathered Trina, Cindy, and Melissa in Cindy's quarters in the early evening. Jim gave all his pets gift wrapped boxes. The girls excitedly tore into the wrapping paper and threw the box tops aside. Then they saw the new clothes. Jim's pets weren't all that happy with the clothes. They said they had become comfortable being nude and didn't really need clothes. Jim just smiled at the girls. He then pointed something out to...
Several days since her betrayal to her fellow humans, Audra is awakened to noise. Not needing to don on any clothing, she leaves the small room she had been given for her loyalty. Rather than being turned into a breeder, she was told she was going to be made a stalker like Saige. Of course, that all still depended on the accuracy of the information she had provided. Once outside, she notices the bustle of guardians, stalkers and chasers. The queen isn’t taking any chances. Audra assumes that...
March 28, 2009 - Kershaw Residence, New Braunfels, TX The house was all ready for the party, although not entirely as originally planned. Although Asheigh's 16th birthday was actually in 3 weeks, that weekend was a major cheer competition, so her mom had grudgingly allowed her to plan a 2 day party for this weekend. Her closest friends from the team were coming over for a sleepover on Saturday, followed by a party for many more friends on Sunday. While not according to the original plan,...
For the sake of the tourism By RotnebSynopsis: Susan would like to help her father and the town with a special tourist attraction that will get more tourists to town. Although she is warned she would not understand the full implications to play witch. Susan and four other young naked girls end up as witches at the stake in the beautiful midsummer night. The story is only fantasy.A tourist attractionThe city was a trading centre for the large local country. But the city was also the city you...
Crystal and I stayed three extra days with the Binfords so we could have some more sexual playtime with our new friends. We each enjoyed the role of 'instructor.' Fortunately, they had no other guests at the inn while we were there, so our 'lessons' were conducted freely in all parts of the inn. When we left, they were different people for the better – more aware of each other, more knowledgeable about pleasuring each other sexually, and more in love. We promised to keep in touch. During...
I spent the remainder of the night in the parking lot of a suburban shopping mall. I didn't get much rest. I was much too upset to sleep. I had a membership at the local YMCA. They opened at 6:00 AM. As soon the sun came up I drove over there and took a shower. After I cleaned up I walked across the street to the Tip Top Cafe and ordered a ranch breakfast. By the time I was finished eating it was 7:30. I needed to call my buddy Albie Porter so I turned on my cell phone. I'd switched it off as I...
CuckoldThe job transfer from the remote mine to the city was welcome but the search for a suitable unit was more frustrating and took a couple of weeks. Eventually I found a comfortable two-bedroom unit at the rear of a block of four not too far from town. On a Monday morning I acquired the keys from the agent and arrived an hour later with a professional cleaning crew. It took most of the day to clean the place, except for the carpets that they were going to steam clean next day. In the late...
AMSTERDAM AMATEUR AMOUR ACADEMY AWARDS AWESOME APLLICANT ANJA ANDROPOVAAnja Andropova Awesome Amatrice & Amateur Applicant at Amsterdam Amateur Amour AcedemyAnja Andropova Amatrice Aimable black-haired beauty sucking sexbomb blowing USSR UsurpantsAnja Andropova Awesome Amatrice sexy suck-star pulls pants down to go down on their mini-mansAnja Andropova Awesome Amatrice sexy sucks her great grand-dad & in our video Prez Medvedev...
"Close your eyes, concentrate on the rose. Look at each individual petal, how they curl out to form the flower, how they overlap each other. Think of how the stem attaches to the rose, the leaves angle out from the stem and the thorns attach. Now with that picture firmly in place sprinkle a few rose petals in front of you and push with your mind. Push the picture from your mind into the hand that held the petals." "Now open your eyes and look at your rose." said Master Clarisse. As she...
The soft feel and unforgettable taste of another woman’s sweet lips on my mouth, now that’s something I absolutely cannot get enough of. My name is Afaf Ahmed, and I’m a young Muslim woman of Saudi Arabian descent living in the City of Melbourne, Australia. I was born in the City of Dammam, eastern province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. My passport says Saudi Arabian but as an educated woman, I consider myself a citizen of the world. Aren’t we all human at the end of the day? My parents, Ali...
L'amour de deux femmes By Jessie For those who wanted to hear more detail about my feminine adventures I have decided to tell you about my first feminine sexual encounter. I really hope you enjoy it, please let me know if you do! (Yes, I have embellished it a bit, well, a lot! But some of it really did happen... have a fun read!) As some of you will already know I sometimes crossdressed with my mother's friends Helen and Madeline. (See 'Delicious Adventure') After my first...
The girls looked at him attentively and waited for him to continue. You could have heard a pin drop in the room, as they all leaned forward to hear John lay out his plan to take down the Armoured Cobras. “We’re going to form three teams,” John said decisively. “I’ll lead Team One, taking Dana and Rachel with me on a ground insertion into the base. We’ll rescue the kidnap victims, and sabotage the base’s generators. When the generators go down, that’ll knock out their planetary defence...
It was Bonnie’s dad who had instilled in her the love of a good, long road-trip. Her appreciation of the finer things such as a car loaded with snack-food and CDs, rest stops, and the nuances of “roadkill bingo” were all because of him. He enjoyed planning his routes as much as he did just tossing the bags in the trunk on a whim and picking a direction and driving. And Bonnie always went with him. “North American roads have more total distance than the rest of the world combined,” he told...
Straight SexCaressing her extended belly, Holly watched through the window as the next set of guests arrived for the pool party downstairs. Her appearance would no doubt have caused too much disruption, given the speed at which her children were developing. Soon, however, they would have new hosts and the nest would grow. The arriving students would never stand a chance at resisting assimilation. Before the first person arrived, Donald had excreted a steady stream of pheromones around the back lawn and...
Tony and Courtney start their lives together This is a sequel to the story Wrestling with myself, by Katie Leone. Tony, a senior, befriended Courtney (formerly Corey) when she appeared as a 9th grader at Dunedin HS, in Florida. Tony is a deeply committed Christian, who never expected to fall in love with a transgendered girl, or face harassment from his Christian friends to the point of being attacked and hospitalized. The last scene of the book shows them at the homecoming dance...
Having looked all through the house, they locked the door and, hand in hand, wandered around to the back garden. "Hello," a cheery voice called out. They both turned to see the next door neighbour over the low dividing wall. He was a scrawny looking, bald headed man in about his sixties, he had a happy face and was smiling as he approached the low boundary wall which was just a couple of feet high and really only a marker rather than any sort of wall providing privacy. "Are you moving...
I quietly as possible got my ass out of bed and turned off the alarm. Robin barely stirred as I headed for the bathroom. In the few hours I had been asleep though the muscles I rarely used had tightened up. I was sore in areas I hadn’t been sore in for years. It was a mix as to hurting good and just plain hurting. I got in the shower to wash off the sweat and sex and hopefully wake me up a bit more. I got out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my waist and turned on only the bathroom...