The Summoning Of Verenestra free porn video

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Tammet checked over his shoulder, for the hundredth time. Today was the day he’d been preparing for. He looked around the forest again, making sure none of his captors, or a stray hunting party, had followed him or happened upon him by sheer luck. A light wind made the leaves overhead rustle like a soft summer rain. Sunlight filtered down through the leaves upon his long straight black hair. He reached into the hollow of a long dead tree to retrieve the items he’d carefully stowed there over the past weeks. He added a bunch of freshly picked honeysuckle into the burlap bag, with the dried lilac and lavender. The young man, only recently passing his teenage years, turned and carried the bag with him deeper into the fey woods. He’d gathered everything they fairies told him he needed for the summoning. Today would be the day he would summon Verenestra and she would grant him the power to escape his bondage and rescue those closest to him.

It had been many months since he’d been taken captive by the evil forces that had invaded these lands, forcing him and everyone he knew to flee from their home city. The caravan of refugees he’d been traveling with had been overrun by a group of the invaders. At spearpoint, the women and girls, mostly attractive ladies from Kallara’s brothel, were separated from the travelling group as the brutes leered at them and grabbed their cocks through their crude armor and laughed. Those women were all the family Tammet had, after his mother’s demise a few years back, at the hands of a cruel john. They begged and screamed as they were tied up and dragged off by the brutish and tusked captors. The big brutes, most of whom were even larger than Tammet’s 6’ 2” muscular frame, pushed the rest of the refugees away. They killed the elderly couple and ripped a baby from its mother’s hands as she was shoved along with the group of healthy women and girls. Their fate was obvious to Tammet, healthy and ripe women, including some girls, likely never to have enjoyed the company of a man, were the spoils of war for the victors’ pleasures.

Tammet’s solid red eyes blazed in anger as four brutes encircled him, spears pointed at his strapping chest. He shouted, “I will come for you!” to the women as they were herded back toward the city they’d escaped two days before.

The dirty brutes grunted to each other in a language Tammet didn’t understand, seemingly wary of him. He’d seen it his entire life, the fear that people had in their eyes when they saw him. His fiendish heritage on display for all to judge him, without just or cause. Twin horns protruded from the top of his head, parting his long black hair. His skin, a reddish brown, was smooth and flawless, like the finest porcelain. His lips bright red like fresh blood, his teeth bright white with sharp canines. If his solid pupil-less eyes and horns weren’t enough to set people afright, his thick tail,with its bright red spear shaped tip would whip about as if having a mind of its own. These brutes were no different, however, rather than killing him on-sight, they showed hesitation and uncertainty of what to do with him. He’d already seen them stab a teen boy who’d shown a sign of fight in him. Seizing on the uncertainty that his captors were showing him, Tammet flexed his arms and shoulders, stretching and groaning as the ground at their feet began to tremble. He raised his arms skyward and tilted his head back as the tremors continued, the brutes took a step back in fear. Tammet unclenched his muscles and shook his arms out, as the trembles in the ground faded away. The brutes stared at him wide eyed, he gave them a devilish grin and then nodded his head and raised his hands in slightly palms out. He bowed his head and gave a sweep of his hand to indicate “lead the way”

The brutes were clearly unsettled from Tammet’s display of power, little did they know that these minor effects were the only abilities he’d inherited from his infernal heritage. His mother had been like him, her devilish beauty and nature was much sought after by the brothel customers when she’d been alive. The other ladies would whisper about her prowess, some in envy, but smile and change the subject when they saw that young Tammet was in earshot. His father, some patron unknown, was a normal human, his mother had assured him, yet Tammet was no less fiendish in appearance than his mother had been. “We all have the same ‘Father’, no matter who sires us.”, his mother once told him.

Tammet had been marched with the male captives to meet up with more groups, many dying along the way, before he eventually ended up as the camp servant to a war party of the brutes near the enemy lines. Using well timed use of his theatrical magical powers and charm, he’d been able to keep his captors at arms length, while also keeping them from fearing him too much. The skills he’d learned as a street urchin, overcoming people’s irrational fear at his appearance, and keeping cool under pressure, served him well in surviving his captivity. His captives would send him into the Fey woods to collect fruits and food to help feed their small outposts. The brutes had learned the hard way, that the fairies and their kind could be very dangerous. Hunting parties went missing entirely, or in one shocking moment, a rabbit hopped into camp at the feet of the brutes, to be quickly speared. As the hare breathed its last, its body reverted into its true form, a fellow soldier, now dead at the speartip of his own.

After the fey creatures had proven not to be trifled with, the beastly captors laughingly sent Tammet into the deep woods to collect fruits. With great trepidation, Tammet wandered in the nearby forest looking for fruits under the cautious watch of his captors. Having seen what had befallen his captors, he was afraid to stray too far himself, but their crass shouts and threats drove him further. The first day he returned after finding berries from a bush not too far from the camp, and the captives seemed satisfied with the efforts. In their broken speech, they let him know they wanted “more” the next day. Each day he had to travel further and further into the mysterious woodland, afraid a fey creature would ensorcel him or pounce from a high tree top and end his life. But he soon came to look forward to the times he could escape the watchful gaze of his captors. Each time he spent more time in the woods and always returned with nuts and berries to show for his efforts.

It was one such day, when Tammet had wandered into the fey wild, having walked over an hour’s distance north of the camp that he stumbled upon what later he would find out was a fairy glade. The trees broke into a large opening, bright flowers swayed in the breeze, pinks and whites and yellows and purples, and blues of so many different shades. Tammet gazed out in wonder from the edge of the forest, walking forward into the waste high grasses and wildflowers. A flash of white on the far side of the glen caught his attention. He saw a flash of white and the swish of a golden tail, the backside of a horse leapt into the darkness and cover of the forest, the faint sound of hooves receded as the animal ran away. He gazed about, taking in the expanse of sunlight and beautiful colors. Butterflies and bees flitted about everywhere, creating almost a haze of moving colors. The sweet aroma of the flowers overpowered his sense of smell, his nose wrinkled into a sneeze and then he broke into a great laugh as he felt happiness for the first time in… well he couldn’t remember feeling happy like this in a very long time. Tammet started to run slowly through the glade, shedding first his rough shirt, and then his breeches, he was soon naked as the day he was born, running, his hands outstretched like his own version of butterfly wings as he felt the flowers and sunlight brush his reddish skin, his spear tipped tail swaying back and forth. He smiled and laughed, cavorting with the insects, running like a foolish child. He collapsed in the center of the glade laying on his back, looking up at the blue skies, laughing and smiling as his breathing returned to normal from the minor exertion.

Tammet breathed in the fresh air and luxuriated in the feelings of the sun and warmth on his skin. He felt so alive and vibrant, his male flesh had fully tumesced on its own accord as his entire body suffused with the joy he was experiencing. Butterflies circled his supine form, flitting about, some coming to land on his body as he lay. The butterflies continued to gather as Tammet grinned and watched through half lidded eyes as they swirled about him. He closed his eyes entirely concentrating on the feeling of the butterfly wings touching his smooth hairless skin with the faintest of brushes. He was soon shivering in pleasure as the fluttering wings alighted on his arms, his chest and thighs. A smile was plastered on his face, as he felt the world around him with his soul, his skin, and absorbed the aromas and vibrancy of nature.

At first it was just a single flutter of air, like a butterfly had flown past the engorged head of his manhood. The shivers of joy started to subtly change to shivers of pleasure. Tammet became aware of butterflies walking down his belly, past his belly button, the fanning wings causing him to squirm from the ticklish and arousing sensations. A small groan left his lips, his eyes still sealed closed, content to live the moment with the sensations of his skin. He felt a butterfly alight on his heavy scrotum, it reacted on its own contracting on one side and releasing on the other. He gasped again as he felt a fluttering butterfly glide up from his sack to the sensitive underside of his shaft, making his cock twitch. The first drop of dewy pre-cum oozed from the slit of his cock. It slid down over the blunted point of his head, between two of the bumps that ringed the edge of glans. The pre-cum continued to ooze downward, up and over the second deep ridge line of his cock, onto the third raised edge and the fourth before dripping down across the flared bulb at the base of his cock.

Tammet shuddered as his very inhuman shaped cock became alight with butterfly activity. They licked at his precum like they would the sweet nectar of a flower, the sensation of a half dozen butterfly wings teased him with pleasure he’d never experienced. Tammet, having been raised by a mother whose profession was pleasuring men in the city’s brothel, was well educated on sex and lust. She’d been killed by a brutal customer when he was entering his teens and had grown up with many of the other ladies of the brothel acting as his aunts and default family. While other boys had rushed to claim their first victory over a woman’s loins, Tammet had felt guilt at taking pleasure from a woman and chose to remain virtuous. The feeling of tiny hands gripping the nubs and ridges of his cock, while tiny tongues licked precum off his hyper sensitive flesh was almost too much for him. As his pleasure grew, he lifted his head and through blurry eyes, started to focus on the pink and white butterflies crawling about his cock. The butterflies, he started to realize, didn’t quite look like butterflies, his vision sharpened on the tiny nubile forms adorning his manly appendage.

The creatures fluttering on his groin and thighs weren’t butterflies at all! They looked like tiny elfin women with butterfly wings! He gasped in realization and pleasure, as their shapes became clear to him. Each little fairy had gold, pink or white hair, their wings a similar color with traces of darker colors and shades laced throughout. Some flapped their wings slowly as they used their tiny hands to grip Tammets cock flesh and hold them in place while the pretty little faces dipped to his rivulets of precum, large tongues, well large for their diminutive size, lapped at him, drinking his masculine nectar. Some of the fairies flitted about, rearranging, while others jostled for position. Each female shape had cute rounded asses and tiny breasts barely protruding from their slim bodies. Tammet watched in amazement as a pink fairy grabbed another that was atop his cock head, licking directly at the slit, and yanked at the other’s white hair, flapping her wings furiously as she yanked the white haired fairy from her perch. As the two spun away fighting, two more fairies descended upon the open area.

Tammet propped himself on his elbows to watch the fairies lap at his sensitive, multi-ridged pole and fight with each other over the best spots. His cock gave a large twitch that shook several fairies scattering, those who couldn’t recover were replaced by another that was fluttering nearby. The tip of his tail flicked upward in response to the pleasure. His cock continued to leak pre-cum profusely, adding new rivulets of the clear sticky fluid with each involuntary twitch of his cock. None of it made it further than his third ridge though, with all the fairies lapping it up. He groaned in pleasure, his eyes rolling to the back of his head on occasion as a particularly satisfying sensation brushed his cock. The bulb at the base of his cock started to throb, the telltale signs that his orgasm was close. He continued to gape, open mouthed at the incredible sights and feelings. His eyes half lidded and his breaths coming in short pants. His large balls began to gather at the base of his cock. And then it happened, a bolt of pleasure electrified his body into shudders, his vision blacked out and he fell back onto the ground. The bulb of his cock expanded to the size of a small fist as cum erupted from the end of his cock. The first blast hit a circling fairy with such force it knocked her from the air, sending her tumbling to the ground, completely covered in a heavy coating of pearlescent cum. His cock twitched violently, throwing off all but one of the fairies as another burst of cum sprayed off to the right deluging another fairie’s butterfly wings in his spray, dropping her from the air. The next five blasts were of diminishing velocity and volume, yet caught a few of the fairies that had been standing on his belly in his eruption. Some fairies seemed positioned at the base of his cock in anticipation of just such an event. Tammet’s cock throbbed a few more times, with smaller amounts of cum running down his stiffly ridged shaft, coating it almost completely in the translucent white liquid. The remaining fairies who’d been flitting about descended upon the feast of sperm laden cum, ingesting as much of the life producing fluid as their tiny bodies could hold.

Tammet’s senses came back to him slowly, he glanced down at the score of fairies cleaning him, and each other off. Careful not to disturb them, he watched in fascination as the small creatures worked like busy bees lapping up the fruits of their labor. There must have been at least a score of the beautiful fey creatures crawling over him, his cock now drooped down between his legs. Many of them looked almost pregnant after their feast. Several were trying to get under his cock, where it lay on his balls, but were unable to move his heavy tube. Curious, Tammet adjusted his cock to lay on his now spotlessly clean belly, giving the fairies access to the cream covered underside of his cock and balls. His meaty club had softened now that he wasn’t aroused, the bumped and flared ridges of his cock head and the three along his shaft beneath it were now nothing more than slight swells on his shaft, and the large bulb that had expanded as he came had shrunken back down to its more typical size, where he could barely wrap his large hand around it. The fairies scurried over him, laving his flesh with their magical tongues. As each finished they fluttered their wings, looking barely able to take to the air now that they were loaded down. Each fairy in turn flew up to his face, gave him a tiny kiss and butterfly kisses with their wings, before flitting away. Finally satisfied there was nothing left to be found, the last bloated fairy ceased her licking, flew up to his smiling face, kissed his lower lip, gave him a tiny precious smile and then fluttered off to the flowers.

A sense of peace suffused Tammet, he lay back down and gazed upward, now only seeing normal bees and butterflies drifting in the calm warm breeze. He dozed for a bit, before waking with a start. The scourge! Those vile creatures that had killed his people and enslaved his brothel family. He’d been playing their game for so long. Using his weak thaumaturgy and acting to impress them and keep them at bay. They’d given him the ability to find this magical place. Images of the ferocious beasts dashing through the glade, scooping up fairies, caused his pulse to race. Images of his “aunts” and those innocent girls being ravaged by the brutish soldiers over and over again. He’d said he would come for them. But what could he do? He wished the fairies could give him answers, but the longer he lay in the tranquility of the fairy glade, the more anxious he became, he had to find food and return to his captors before they came looking for him, and possibly destroy this sanctuary of beauty. Leaping to his feet, he gathered enough berries from the thorny bushes that surrounded the edge of the glen to satisfy his captors and grudgingly returned to camp.

That night, while laying under the haphazard lean-to that he shared with an old woman, who’s cooking skills had kept her alive under the brutal regime, he asked her what she knew about fairies. She warned him that they were not to be trusted, pixies, nymphs, dryads, satyrs, unicorns, and their kin, lured men and women to their deaths. He learned that they were very ancient, though displaying a youthful appearance, they lived for centuries, maybe more, and they lived by charming and draining the energies of those they contacted. It was rumored that only those pure of heart and innocent of carnal knowledge could safely interact with the fey creatures. She also warned that some fey creatures were of a different ilk, who sought out those of pure hearts and innocence to feast on their souls to fuel their own powers and keep them living for eons. Both dark and light Fey creatures exist, and people have struck deals with the most powerful of these creatures to give them dark and mysterious powers, many becoming corrupt and dark souls the longer they linger under the fey influence. “Mark my words boy” she said before turning to sleep, “fairies are beguilers and will trick you into giving them your soul.”

Tammet thought on the woman’s words. Was he not the result of a bargain struck long ago between his father, the prince of darkness, and some poor soul intent on power or vice? Yet Tammet didn’t feel evil or the pull to do evil in the name of his distant relative. Quite the opposite, he felt like he was destined to do good, to protect the women who’d been harmed in his life, and punish those who wished to destroy love and beauty. Despite the woman’s warnings, he felt that the fairies posed no threat to him.

Tammet wasn’t sent out for several days and in that time, his thoughts became enraptured with the fairies. The fear instilled by the old woman was battled by the memories of the most amazing creatures and encounters he had experienced. Finally, his captors sent him off to find more berries and he had the opportunity to return to the fairy glade. He went straight for it, only realizing an hour later that he couldn’t find it, nor should he have gone directly to it in case he had been followed or tracked. He searched in vain for the glade, but was unable to find it, and almost forgot to find nuts and berries to appease his captors. Frustrated and unhappy he returned to camp. And so it went for several weeks, each time he went into the woods he looked for the glade, moving further and further from the camp each time. Running for hours to cover more ground, but to no avail.

One such day that he’d run as fast and far as he could until almost noon, Tammet found himself in a deep and dark thicket of the forest, large and old oak trees cast deep shadows in this part of the woods. He’d stopped to take a rest and gaze about the woods. Out of the corner of his eye, he thought he saw a shape duck behind a tree. Had his eyes played tricks on him he wondered, staring at the tree where he thought he had seen the motion. Building up his nerve, armed with only a walking stick, he slowly approached the tree, and circled it, but alas, there was nothing there. Scanning the forest around him, he thought he saw the motion again, a figure ducking behind a tree. Was it a female figure, he thought. He moved cautiously forward, deeper into the darker shaded area, this time when he cautiously circled the tree where he was certain his quarry was hiding, he heard a high feminine laugh from behind him. He spun about. “Who’s there?” he challenged, scanning the large trees without seeing anything. Another giggle came from his right. Slowly walking in that direction, he called out again. “Where are you?”

Tammet passed by another old oak tree when something caught his attention to his left. A branch stuck out from the trunk of a tree in the near distance, much too low to the ground to be a limb, he thought. As he looked on at the puzzling image, it slowly moved, unbent and pointed upwards, its shape, the form of a very feminine leg, it bent at the knee and disappeared behind the tree. Tammet drew in a sharp breath as his loins stirred at the suggestion of the perfectly shaped leg.

He rushed to the tree, running around it to catch the nubile creature that he was certain he’d seen this time. But there was nothing there. The bright feminine laughter echoed throughout the woods again. Looking back towards where he had just come from, he saw a shape in the bark of a particularly large oak tree. He paused and squinted at the tree, the patterns in the bark appeared to make the most sensual and shapely form of a woman, as if she were leaning against the tree and looking at him. He moved directly toward the tree, keeping his eyes locked on the shape. The shape didn’t waiver as he drew closer, a sudden skidder in the dry leaves to his left startled him, making his heart jump. Glancing to his left he saw a squirrel scamper away, Tammet shook his head and smirked, feeling foolish for having been started by a squirrel. When his eyes returned to the tree, the bark looked completely ordinary, the pattern he’d seen seemed, nothing more than a couple of natural curves in the bark. Letting out a dejected sigh, Tammet looked about exasperated. He didn’t see any more movement or oddly sensual limbs. He leaned back against the large old oak as he ran the sights and sounds through his head, wondering if he was losing his mind.

Deep in thought, he was startled to realize he felt a presence in his mind. “What have we here?”, a syrupy sweet voice echoed in his head” he felt a pair of hands embrace him, like a lover hugging him from behind. Looking down, he saw two dark tanned feminine arms with slender fingers, one rested against his chest on his left, the other his belly from the right. Too shocked to move, Tammet lifted his arms out and looked down at the grasping hands as they caressed his chest and abdomen. He felt pressure on his back as soft flesh pressed into him from behind and a voice whispered in his ear. He didn’t recognize the words, but in his mind he heard the same beautiful voice. “Let me please you,” she said. Her hands reached up under his shirt, sliding along his smooth skin and the rippling muscles of his chest. Tammet felt his pulse begin to race and his shaft begin to engorge.

“You want this devil man” she whispered sweetly in his ear and mind, as her right hand dipped into the front of his pantaloons. Her slim smooth fingers glided past his navel and along his sensitive lower abdomen, shivers ran through his body as her hand slid down along the right side of his cock and thigh. “No man can resist me,” she continued. The hand holding his chest held him firmly into her soft large breasts, which he could now feel distinctly pressing into the middle of his back. Her other hand gripped the base of his cock. Her fingers failing to encircle his hardening girth. She slowly slid her hand upwards, gripping the small bulb at the base of his thick shaft, before moving up to find the first dimpled ridge, her fingers catching under it, thinking she’d found the underside of his cock head, she squeezed her hand in a firm grip. “Very nice” she murmured in his thoughts, along with her sweet voice. Her hand slipped up to encircle his head, only to find another stiff ridge of his cock. “What’s this?” she seemed startled, her hand moved up again, finding the third dimpled and protruding ridge before finally finding the fourth, which, at long last, her small fist had travelled up the entire length of his meaty and hot shaft. Tammet had been motionless and speechless the entire time, the pleasure and surprise keeping him from moving. “How many ladies are going to miss this amazing branch,” she giggled into his mind and ear.

At last Tammet’s mind reacted. “None, my beautiful spirit of the woods”, he responded to the voice in his head, while speaking out loud as well.

The dryad’s sultry laughter was maddening and alluring. “You can’t lie to a fey spirit” she giggled. “How many virgins have been skewered on this spear? How many fair maidens have been enraptured and pillaged by this meaty weapon?”

“I fear that I have not done any such thing,” responded Tammet. “I would never skewer or pillage any woman.”

“Can it be,” the dryad’s voice sounded puzzled, “do you speak the truth? You are unspoiled and true of virtue?”

“Alas fair fey creature, but I have known only the touch of fairies and have not wetted my manhood in a woman.” Tammet’s admission felt guilty rather than noble. “I wish the power to protect those who cannot protect themselves and shed the evil that stalks the lands and pillages the innocent.”

“Dare this be truth you speak?” her voice sounded bewildered as her hand gently stroked down the full length of his cock, she could only wrap her hand around half its girth as her fingers slid over each of the four dimpled ridges before resting around the slightly thicker bulb. “If you speak truth, I will help thee, if you lie, I will claim you for eternity,” the dryad offered.

“And how will you know, how do I know that I can trust you? I have heard that fey creatures live to trick mortals and drain their lives” Tammet asked

“All true, we do trick mortals and drink their life energy, but we aren’t all evil, and our word is our bond.” Her hand continued to gently tug at his cock causing precum to ooze from the tip. “If you give me but a small taste of your spirit, I will know if you speak the truth. If you are worthy of her grace, I will help you.”

“Who’s grace?” Tammet asked

“The princess of all dryads, the first nymph, Verenestra. She has the power to grant you favor and I will teach you how to summon her and beg her for assistance if everything you say is true. If not, you will pass the rest of your days serving me, and servicing me with this magnificent cock.” she tittered, squeezing his shaft for affect.

“You have my word, I speak the truth, I wish to ask of Verenestra for the power to save the innocent from the hands of the brutes” responded Tammet.

“Very well” giggled the dryad, “all will become clear very quickly”. The dryad’s hands fumbled at his waist, untying the front of his pantaloons and letting them drop to his feet.

The dryad stepped out from behind Tammet, he saw her clearly for the first time. Her feminine shape was on full display. Her brown skin the color of dark oak, her hair was like fine strands of bark and wood fibers, brown and gray, but tinged at the ends with tiny green leaves. Her ears were pointed, her face beautiful and youthful. Her breasts were ripe and full, topped with nipples the shape of acorns. Her legs were indeed the one he’d seen projecting from the tree trunk earlier. Her waist narrow and hips flared. Her smooth mound formed a gentle pad between her thighs, a slit visible as well as a nub peeking between her smooth folds. The dryad was beautiful, if Tammet hadn’t spent so many years around his own mother and many other beautiful women, he’d likely have been smitten on the spot.

She stood in front of him, as his cock twitched unconsciously. She seemed to be waiting for something. Finally she gestured impatiently, “Will you bear yourself to me?”

“Oh”, Tammet realized how foolish he must have seemed, and stepped out of the breeches pooled around his calves and pulled his shirt off his head, tossing both off several feet away.

The dryad smiled at him and pressed a hand to his chest, pushing his back against the rough bark of the tree. Slowly she lowered herself in front of the horned half human and gazed at the most unique cock she’d ever seen. “I hope you’re lying to me” she moaned in his mind, taking in his impressive size and the ridges that adorned his cock. “I think I could be content with this cock for a very long time” she giggled. She reached out and grasped him midshaft with her right hand while placing her other hand at his hip. A long string of clear precum drooled from the slit at the end of his cock, stringing down to the forest floor. The Dryad’s mouth watered at the sight.

Succubi are devils known for sucking a man’s soul dry through his cock, visiting their targets each night until he’s a withered drained husk of a man, taking days to weeks to take a man from the prime of his life to a withered bag of skin, completely bereft of its soul to die with barely a final whimper. Dryad’s and other fey creatures required the spirit of life to course through them and supped on the energy and vitality of mortals, however, they didn’t drain a man’s soul like a succubi, their targets simply lost the will to leave their fey enchantress once they’d fallen under her spell and experienced the pleasures that they offered. Such enslaved mortals often lived very long lives, serving their mistress or master, but remaining lost to their families and loved ones, such was the pull of desire they fey held over them. The occasional mortal had been known to fall victim to an orgy of nymphs and satyrs, where days of non-stop wine, dancing and lust took a toll their mortal bodies could not withstand. But the fey creatures could not be blamed directly for such deaths and more often than not a mortal lucky enough to experience a fey orgy lived a long life with memories of a very rare and cherished event. Regardless of the fey’s lack of malice, most mortals considered them dangerous, and to be avoided if possible.

Having been warned of the dangers of the fey, Tammet was of two minds as the beautiful woodland creature knelt before him, his cock in her hand and her lips approaching his engorged member. He reached out to stop her, but too late, her lips kissed the tip of his cock in a gentle caress, her tongue slid over his slit, tasting his syrupy discharge. Tammet’s hand ended up on the top of her head, his mouth falling open in a groan at the fey woman’s kiss. His resistance sapped, the dryad hummed in approval at his flavor. Her lips pressed forward stretching outward as they languidly slurped down his flared head, slowly widening to caress the bumps that crowned his ridge, then plopping closed, encasing his entire cock head in her warm and luscious mouth. His hand kept her head from taking him deeper.

She stopped there, her tongue pressing against the underside of his cock rubbing at the sensitive frenulum and curling up to lash at this spongy cock head. She sucked her cheeks in to tightly encase his large glans and draw his clear syrupy precum into her mouth. As she sucked, she felt his fluids igniting her spirit. Her eyelids began to droop as a warm glow infused her body. These moments, where she was attached to a mortal were so precious to her, where she could drink their zest and energy, they made her feel more alive than ever. A burst of pleasures to contrast her long slow life of living at one with the trees and nature. Her mouth felt so full, her tongue could feel every bump and ridge and texture. She circled his head, feeling the evenly spaced bumps that adorned the corona. She became one with the pleasure’s she generated in the mortal she encased with her mouth, for Fey fed off the pleasures they induced, for every pleasure they gave, they also received, such was the curse and blessing of the fey. Just as Tammet felt that his cock was his entire existence at this moment, so too did the Dryad feel that sucking, holding and ingesting the cock and its life bringing fluids, were her entire existence. No greater a symbiotic relationship existed in nature than this. She tasted Tammet’s life in his manhood and the sap which drooled from his magnificent staff. The more she drank of him, the more she learned of his soul, his being, his history.

The dryad’s fist gripped and stroked Tammet’s oddly shaped staff, the ridges adorning his shaft were like nothing she’d experienced before, and the bulb at the base was reminiscent of a werewolf lover she’d spent the better part of a century with. Her last mortal had been one of the brutes that had recently invaded these lands. He’d been with a group hunting beasts when she’d lured him away from his fellows. His cock had a broad flared head, but the shaft was smooth like almost all creatures she’d had the pleasure of mating with. When she’d taken him in, she’d learned how dark and polluted his soul was, he was easily enchanted by her, though he was entirely distasteful to her. His bitterness flavored his essence and she quickly sent him to drive his brethren from her grove. He gave his life in protecting her grove, perhaps the only good deed in his otherwise violent and brutal life. Unlike that brute, the taste she experienced from this devil man before her, was pure heaven.

Her long broad tongue slid out of her mouth and down his shaft, all the way to her fist and back, luxuriating in all the ridges and contours of his fiendish tool of pleasure. The taste was exquisite, she could already tell that his soul was indeed pure. That the cock that she feasted on was innocent of mortal plunder. No woman’s pussy had been skewered violently by this ridged weapon. No girls maidenhood had suffered an indignity upon his girth. Her fist continued to grip and squeeze his shaft as she sucked and lapped harder at Tammet’s pole, savoring his essence.

Tammet was now panting,his legs slowly squatting, his muscles flexing with the effort, his head lolled forward as the Dryad sucked and squeezed and drove him to heights of pleasure he’d never before experienced. The hand he’d placed on her head to stop her, now served to help him balance as his knees parted more deeply and he felt the urge to drive his hips forward, to drive himself into soft and willing flesh. But the dryad was true to her word, now that she’d tasted him and knew that his soul was intact, that he’d spoken the truth. That he’d not yet had the pleasure of burying his magnificent shaft in the soft warm depths of a woman, mating her and giving her a piece of his soul. She could not let him take her, though she wished she could. Her inner legs were coated with her own sap as it dripped profusely from the meeting of her firm limbs, her smooth femine crease was engorged and glossy from the juices running out of her depths, like a sugar maple’s sap in spring. Her acorn shaped clit bursting through her plump folds like the first flowers of spring bursting through soil. She ached for his touch just as a fresh bloom ached for the warm rays of the sun. She resisted his flexing hips, wishing she could let him hilt her, let this magnificent cock plunder forward, pressing past the tight confines of her throat, and let him find oneness with her. Desiring to feel the bulb at the base of his cock expand within her mouth, stretching her jaw uncomfortably as he locked his massive cock inside her gullet. Wishing to feel her face trapped against his smooth belly as he streamed his life giving cum directly into her waiting belly. But she couldn’t let him. She couldn’t be the first to take a piece of his soul. Her word was her bond.

Tammet continued to pant and shudder as his hips thrust forward, yet he kept his hand on the Dryad’s head, keeping her mouth sealed over just the head of his cock, though every instinct in his body begged him to use his hand to pull her head forward and sink to his full depths within her gorging mouth. He continued to feed the fey creature his clear sap as his orgasm mounted. “You promise you will … (gasp)... oh fuck,” he groaned at the pleasure of her mouth, her fist and her unrelenting suction. “You will help me summon your fey goddess” he panted.

The dryad’s half slitted eyes opened to gaze up at him, her head nodding her words sounded in her head, even in her thoughts, they sounded desperate and panting “I will happily help you summon my goddess Verenestra”.

“Why…(grunt)..ooohhh….why would you ..(pant… hips thrusting in small jabs at the mouth clamped down over the end of his cock).. Help me summon your queen..would she not be angry with you. Oh… my goddess… your dryad has me at the end of my rope..(gasp)”

“I will be serving her by bringing you to her. I will be rewarded richly for my service to you both” she voiced in his head, and then an image appeared in Tammet’s mind. Was it a memory of the Dryad’s or her imagination, he didn’t know. A beautiful face smiling at him, or smiling at the dryad? The most enchantingly young and beautiful face he’d ever seen. Large bright green eyes smiled down at *them*, golden blonde hair was lit from behind by the glowing sun, she had perfectly pointed elfin ears. The goddess’s face was looking down at *us* pleasantly and peacefully, her hand running gently through *our* hair. Her smooth fair skin beautifully reflected the sun’s rays. We lay in a soft bed of flowers which held our bodies as though we drifted on air. Below her enchantingly pixieish face, were the goddess’ small pert breasts, perfectly shaped firm cones of fair white skin. Her breasts were peaked by soft pink mounds, like dollops of rounded pink cream. Atop her puffy pink areola, her thick pink nipples stood large, in comparison to her modest and succulent tit flesh. The tall and broad pink nipples perfectly topped her adolescent cones and spoke of a maturity that belied her youthful face. Clear honeysuckle nectar glistened in the sunlight as it trickled from her peaks like a nursing mother. Her smooth narrow belly rippled, her eyes closed and head lolled back as the goddess gasped in pleasure. *Our* mouth was firmly latched onto the perfect cleft of *our* goddess. More perfectly plump and smooth pussy lips were not to be found in all the planes of existence. *Our* tongue sucked her clit deep into our mouth and *we* drank the sweet nectar from a goddess’ cunt. A shuddering wave of pleasure washed over her beautifully innocent features. She looked upon *us* with her utterly beautiful smile. “Mira-la-soasa,” our princess whispered in the most beautiful voice I’d ever heard, “my devout pixie, I think you’re going to make your princess shudder through yet another glorious cum” she smiled. “Perhaps I will raise you to dryad, should you keep me shuddering in pleasure until the sun rises”, she giggled, her voice tinkled like bells and birds chirping. Verenestra’s fingers were interlaced within *our* hair as we felt *our* goddess’ body shake. Her eyes closed and she sang out in angelic pleasure. Like a burst of lightning, her pleasure came, coursing through *us* as a shared experience. *Our* pleasure sensors overloaded, causing us to shiver and quake in our own orgasmic bliss.

The image in Tammet’s head was so beautiful and intensely erotic that it triggered his own orgasm. The bulbous knot swelled in the dryad’s hand to the point that she could embrace only half its circumference. He then let out an unearthly wail of pleasure that echoed through the forest, sending birds a flight and squirrels ducking into their holes. His cock geysered out a fountain of hot cum that splashed across the Dryad’s tonsils. She tried to swallow the hot essence of the man, but her own body shook in orgasmic spasms and the next blast of Tammet’s thick life giving cum forced its way up her nasal passage and out her nose. The dryad’s head jerked away from his spouting appendage as she coughed. The next blast doused her face in warm translucent icing. She clung to the obscenely large knot at the base of his cock for balance. She couldn’t see, as her eyes were now full of fiendish spunk. She sputtered and coughed as she swallowed down the surprisingly large volume of the devil man’s milk. Another pulse bathed her neck in warm fluid before she was able to attach her lips back to the life giving tool to suck and swallow the prize she so dearly wanted. Five less powerful contractions fed the dryad and she was able to complete her feast of mortal seed.

Tammet’s legs gave out on him as the last of his contractions ended. He slumped back against the tree, slowly sliding to the ground, oblivious to the bark scraping his back. The tip of his tail twitched about, as he took in great jagged gasps of air, his heart thumping in his chest. Through half lidded eyes, Tammet gazed at the kneeling dryad, her obscenely long tongue laved her face of the half-fiend’s warm semen, she scraped and scooped the cum from her neck and bulbous breast into her hands and then slurped it up before licking her hands and fingers clean. When she’d finished cleansing herself she gave Tammet a big smile.

“You are the most delicious man I’ve ever eaten, surpassed only by my goddess’ sweet nectar. I pray Verenestra rewards me for bringing her such a prize.”

Tammet, having somewhat recovered from his bliss and gaining confidence in not having submitted any more to the fey creature than his seed, slowly regained his feet and gathered up his sparse clothing. “You will help me summon your goddess Verenestra”, he asked as he scooped up his shirt from where he’d flung it. “Was it she, your goddess, who’s pussy we lapped at, like a kitten at a bowl of cream?” the memory of the vision caused a flutter in Tammet’s heart. “I would swear my soul to that creature, I pray she be this Verenestra you have promised to help me summon.”

“Indeed my poor mortal”, laughed the dryad, grinning broadly, “she once graced me with the honor of pleasuring her one midsummer’s feast. I shall never forget it. I long to return to her budding flower, to drink of her nectar once again. To suckle at her teat throgh the night and drink from her unearthly grotto from sunrise to sunset. Surely such a reward would get me through a century of cold winters.” The Dryad seemed forlorn and heartsick for her princess goddess.

“How is it that you can teach me to summon this being of pure beauty and lust, yet you pine over her for centuries and do not summon her to yourself?”

“I have not the right gifts to attract her, oh how I wish I did, but it's a gift one can give but once in a lifetime. You possess that gift. You can give to her what she seeks.”

“And what gift is that, Dryad? What gift does an orphaned half son of the devil possibly have that our beauteous goddess would cherish enough to visit upon me and gift me with her presence and power?”

“Your innocence, child. And your soul. Only those, freely given by a mortal old enough to know what they are giving, is of such value to my goddess. I only wish that I’d done so myself, but alas, the centuries since that opportunity are many past. I will tell you all you need to make your pact with our goddess.”

The dryad was true to her word and told Tammet all that he needed to know to summon the Fey goddess Verenestra, the first of the nymphs, the goddess of all fey creatures who held beauty and lust above all other dalliances. He would need to make a ring of flowers and fragrances within a fairy glade at high noon when both moons were full. The opportunity came but once each year during the midsummer’s feast. Tammet knew that many rituals and magics were performed during the high days of lunar alignment, but he’d not given it a great deal of thought. Which is surprising since it was rumored that devils and demons could be summoned at midnight on the darkest night of the year when both moons were new. He’d asked the dryad about the fairy glade, how he’d found it once but it wasn’t to be found again, no matter how hard he looked. The dryad laughed and told him that they remained hidden, revealing themselves to mortals only as the sun reached its apex on days the moon was full. At all other times, the glades remained hidden to those who lacked fey blood or other means to find them.

Tammet, his sack in hand, with all that he needed to summon his goddess Verenestra, at least he hoped so. He dearly wished that everything the dryad had told him would be enough. He made his way to the fairy glade, almost as if he knew where it was, though he’d been unable to find it for the past few weeks. But today was the right day. The forest felt different, the double moons were white and full in the bright day. The sun’s blazing orb was nearly fully overhead. The moons would light this night almost like an eternal twilight, in their glow. Most people feared the fey woods especially on a night like tonight, as werewolves were thought to be at their most virile and active on this night.

At last! Tammet broke through the bushes in the woods and a glowing open glade of chirping birds and buzzing bees filled his ears. The succulent sweet smell of all the bounty of the flowers invaded his nostrils in a deep inhale. He felt almost light headed. Unlacing his loose trousers, just above his tail, he let them drop at the edge of the glade. His rough shirt was soon to follow. Walking naked and glowing red in the sun, his smooth horns reflected its light, he made his way deeper into the glade. He walked down a gentle slope, noticing the butterflies, that weren’t butterflies, slowly starting to move in his direction. He found he had an entourage of the little fairies drifting after him. He heard the gurgle of a stream before he saw it. Small fish darted away as his bare feet slipped into the cool waters and smooth stones. The dirt on his feet began to wash away, and fish nipped at his toes, causing him to laugh at their ticklish touch. Tammet walked up the stream a short distance, its source a smooth glimmering pond. The edges of the pond were circled by bright flowers and more bees, butterflies and fairies. Along one side of the pond a small lawn was well manicured by several white bunnies.

Tammet reached into his burlap sack and pulled out the essences and flowers he’d gathered. The lawn looked like a perfect place, he thought, and he began to lay out the flowers in the pattern he’d been instructed by the dryad. His burlap sack forgotten, fairies pulled and dragged at it until it slipped into the brook and drifted away, removing the last vestige of a man made item from the glade. Tammet’s haunches flexed, and his tail swished as he bent and laid out the perfect circle of items he’d collected from the forest over the past weeks. Fairies flitted about, watching and gathering as he began the ritual. Unlike the previous time he’d been here, the spritely creatures’ did not assault his cock, like the cum crazed fey that they were. He stood at the edge of the pond and looked over his handiwork. “Please Verenestra, may my offerings meet your approval”, he whispered to himself. He gazed at his shadow as it cast it’s horned silhouette on the pond. High noon was fast approaching. Stepping forward, Tammet entered the waters to cleanse him of any smells from the world of man. He walked out into the sandy and pebbled bottom. The small pool quickly deepened until he was up to his neck in the cool waters. The small fish could be felt darting and nibbling at him, scouring him of dirt and dead skin, his entire body shivered at the ticklish feeling. He ducked his head under water. The pond grew silent, the fairies flitted about. The waters stilled. Then two points rose up through the surface, then the top of Tammet’s head. His hair smooth and black, wet and slick flowed to his shoulder blades. His wet reddish brown skin glistened in the sunlight as he stepped up onto the shore and into the center of the summoning circle. His body shook, his minor magics causing the water droplets to bead and drip from his body, leaving him warm and dry in the sunlight. Tammet stood nude, his tail swishing just above the grass, his hands at his sides, his inhuman cock draped down past his large hanging sack.

Tammet knelt, tilted his head back, raising his palms outward to the sun, his eyes, closed in supplication. “Verenestra, I present to you, my purity, and my soul. I humbly offer you, queen of the nymphs and dryads, my everlasting devotion. I, who have never mated with a mortal give myself to your pleasure, to be bound by you in return for your gifts to help me avenge my people and rid this land of the foul beings that have taken it over. I will honor my vows to you, in spirit and life, so long as I breathe air and feel the sun upon my skin.” He became silent and remained, on his knees, head tilted up feeling the sunlight and the air slip across his skin. A smell so sweet and somehow familiar tickled his nose. His cock began to throb as a memory, not his own, came drifting back. The memory shared with him by the dryad. The smell, the sweet honeysuckle. It was the same smell from that memory, the smell that infused the dryad’s nose as it was pressed against the soft yet firm flesh of Verenestra’s mound. Tammet’s mouth watered, and his engorged cock dripped a string of clear drool into the center of the summoning circle. Tammet’s pulse quickened and his body shivered in arousal.

“Is this for me”, giggled a sweet youthful voice, like that which some women never grew out of in adulthood. Tammet’s eyes opened slowly. It worked! Tammet was stunned and immediately smitten by the incredible glowing creature before him. Her smile was so pure, yet mischievous. Her eyes, large and wide set, a dazzling green. Her fair hair shimmering in the sunlight. Her ears pointed up out of her lustrous locks. Her teeth were as white as the driven snow. Her skin fair as cream. The nubile goddess stood before him, no more than an arm’s reach away. Her face level with his own, though she stood, on her slender legs and dainty feet, while he remained on his knees. Tiny freckles, barely visible, dusted her high cheeks. His eyes gazed downward, those tiny perfect conical breasts, pinkish white, topped with puffy pink mushroom caps and large stiff pink nipples. His gaze wandered down in awe, while his cock drooled a steady stream of precum, lurching in a rhythm of desperate need. Her belly was narrower than her hips, yet slightly rounded, with a shallow navel set perfectly in the middle. Drool ran down Tammet’s chin as his eyes took in her prominent smooth mound. Her bald mons venus bulged obscenely out from below her belly and between her slender legs. His eyes transfixed on the thick chubby pussy of the goddess, his mouth watering, her mons had been created by the heavens to be irresistible to creatures who bore the faintest hint of lust. Without realizing it, he licked his lips and swallowed, eyes riveted to the bulbous slit poised between his goddess’ legs. Verenestra smiled knowingly, confident in the effect she had on mortals. She laughed quietly to herself, a sound that echoed with eons of confidence at dominating her subjects. It broke the spell, snapping Tammet’s mind from being lost in the vision of the moist slitted pad. He looked up and met her eyes, her smile so mischievous and bewitching.

“Does the big devil man want to give me something”, her youthful voice chimed, with a naughty giggle, back to sounding innocent again. “Does he want to pierce my tiny little cunt with his great big mean cock?” Tammet’s cock lurched at her lewd comments. Though being raised in a brothel, the son of a talented whore, talk like this was nothing new to him. Though, he’d never heard such words uttered from a goddess who looked so pure and innocent as Verenestra. “Does the nasty devil want to suck on these itty bitty titties?” The goddess made a pouty face as she squeezed her firm little cones, the pink nipples, poking between her small hands, began leaking a clear fluid. Her dainty hand reached up to the drool running down his chin before she gently ran one finger lightly over his lips. “You’re such a great big man, soo much bigger than me, are you going to eat my baby pussy with your great big nasty tongue?” She had a look of mock fear on her face, before cracking into a grin.

She slid the back of her smooth hand up his cheek to one of his horns. “They’re smooth,” she commented, almost to herself in a curious youthful voice, “not like a satyr’s”. Tammet could only kneel, fully enthralled by the little goddess, the image of purity and lust, somehow contained in a tiny youthful, yet obscenely provocative body. “I like horns”, she giggled, “they make such good handles.” The youthful goddess ran her finger down Tammet’s face across his ears, smiling, then down his neck, and onto his muscular chest. “Well, aren’t you going to show your goddess the gift you’ve brought me” her eyebrow raised questioningly. “You want me to grant you power don’t you? Show me you’re worth it. On your feet now.” The girl goddess took her hand away from Tammet’s sweating skin.

Understanding slowly pervaded Tammet’s dense skull, his cock throbbed with extreme desire, clouding his ability to think with any degree of rationality. The dryad had told him what he needed to do. This tiny temptress, needed to be served, needed to be made to feel all the extremes of sexual femininity. To be fawned over, doted on, serviced to her heart's content, as well as dominated, taken, fucked by her lover like he’d lost all sense of self, existing for the sole purpose of fucking her. He stood up before the exquisitely fragile looking goddess of the nymphs. His ridged and bulbous cock stood out and upward. The leaking spearhead level with the tiny goddess’ chin. Tammet was afraid to be standing so vulgarly displayed before a goddess. His cock had its own ideas and twitched several times, pumping a long string of precum out the slit. The long gooey strand of his cock sap slowly dripped to the glade floor. The little goddess’ eyes lit up.

“Hello mister bumpy”, she giggled, reaching her tiny hand out, touching his cock slit with just the tip of her finger. “Someone is drooling all over my fairy circle. Such a knotty cock” she giggled at her own quip. The goddess brought her moist finger to her lips. Tammet groaned, and almost came at the sight, as she licked his cock sap from her finger. Her smile beamed brightly. “Delicious!” she rejoiced. Pausing she looked up at him. Her voice took on a timbre of authority, without losing its youthful high pitch. “I accept your offer of devotion. The moons have risen together more than one hundred times since last I accepted an offering. You will need to prove yourself worthy if you wish to gain powers from me. Be warned, most who try, lose themselves and become lost in lust, failing to ever achieve their intended purpose.” She put her finger back in her mouth, smiling once again and giggled.

Verenestra’s eyes glanced down to the cock before her, her delicate hand reached out and encircled Tammet's cock. Her touch sent shockwaves of pleasure though his body. Somehow, though his manhood lurched agonizingly close to an orgasm, he didn’t spray his load onto the goddess’ innocent face. Her fist only made it halfway around his girthy cock. “All these ridges” she giggled once again with a pixyish affectation. Her fingers gliding over the ridges that encircled his cock, “its like you have four cock heads stacked on top of each other, mister devil man” she smiled up at him with a conspiratorial wink. “You know you’re going to tear my widdle pussy wide open with this giant bumpy monster cock, don’t you?” she said with a pouty face. His cock lurched in anticipation of doing exactly that. The baby talking goddess addressed the cock she held inches from her face, “You’ve never been inside a tight pussy, have you?” She made a fist and held her forearm up alongside the ridged and dimpled mass of cock. His cock and her forearm were the same length, though it was thicker than her fist . Her face scrunched up in concern. Her eyes met Tammets, as she took on an accusatory tone and demeanor. “It's bigger than my arm!” she practically shouted. “Were you sent here to put an end to my reign?” she asked in mock anger. She lowered her arm to her belly, measuring from her bulging bald mound with her forearm and putting her finger well above her belly button. “Do you see this?” She demanded. “That great big cock has to go way past my belly button!” She looked up at Tammet with raised eyebrows. “Are you sure you want to make this deal? Devoting your soul to a goddess who dies on the end of your cock is probably not a great deal for you. My mother will likely flay your skin from your flesh and leave you in a state of perpetual agony, hanging from a tree in the forest.” She looked up at the man towering over her, seemingly not convinced at the wisdom of their pact.

“Oh no, my goddess...I would never wish to hurt you...I beg of you.” Tammet dropped to his knees before her, bringing his face to her level. “I will do anything, whatever your desires, to serve you and bring peace and harmony to my people and yours”, his face deep with concern that he’d offended the nubile goddess with his vulgarly shaped and oversized devil cock. Driven by profound love and lust for her, his heart started to pain at the idea of losing her favor.

“You do seem so nice. Are sure you’re devoted to me?” she asked coyly.

“Yes my mistress” he panted, relieved that she wasn’t rejecting him.

“Open your mouth then, servant, show me your tongue”

Tammet did as instructed, his large bright red tongue projected from his mouth down to his chin.

She reached up with one hand and firmly gripped one of his horns. She pulled his head downward as her other hand squeezed a tiny firm breast out for him. The trickle of her godly nipple sap was running down her nubile belly. She guided Tammet’s mouth to her succulent and puffy nipple. “Then serve your goddess and dispense with these foolish ideas of demanding anything in return.” She let out a soft moan as his longue slathered over her breast.

Tammet’s lips latched onto her nipple, and he immediately felt the bond with the fey goddess. He felt her pleasure as his tongue slurped her magical nectar. For each nibble and suckle, he could feel Verenestra’s pleasure as if she was sharing the pleasure centers of her mind with his. Tammet ran his tongue over her nipple, feeling the firm shape of her puffy areola cap atop her small breast, and the chewy thick nipple that leaked her delicious fluid. His arms enwrapped her tiny body. One hand cupped her pert and tiny ass, the other held her back as he gently lowered her down in the fairy circle. He felt her pleasure as her moans resonated through his body. He suckled at her soft yet firm tit flesh, sucking on the thick nipple, nipping at the puffy mushroom capped areola, and even sucking her entire small tit into his mouth. He switched to her other small breast as she moaned and writhed beneath him.

The fairies had gathered by the scores, flying over the circle or resting on flowers. Small waves of their goddesses pleasure pulsed outward, sending the fey creatures into bliss. It had been centuries since they’d experienced such a commune and other fairies began to arrive from far into the woods. The large red skinned devil man’s body dwarfed the tiny pale goddess in a vision of ultimate eroticism. He was nearly four times her tiny mass and his engorged cock was as thick around as her slender thigh. Tammet was unaware how much syruppy cock sap he coated the small goddess’ legs as he lay upon her feasting on the most incredible breasts he could imagine. Verenestra’s pleasure flowed through him as if it was his own, her tiny orgasms making his cock drool a continuous flow of precum.

The sun had moved a quarter way through the sky before the first nymph, the original tiny nymphomaniac, Verenestra, guided the horned head lower down her body. “Does Tammet want to lick at the petals of his tiny goddess?” she cooed. “You must be thirsty. Let your goddess slake your thirst.”

Tammet’s eyes gave the answer, his tongue lavished her skin as she guided him down to the top of her thick preturbent mound. Her padded mons, dense and smooth, her skin silky and delicious. Tammet relished the feel of her smooth belly on his lips and tongue. Her tiny hands gripped his horns as she guided his head to the right side of her pubic mound. Her cunt syrup slicked her skin, her puffy thick outer lips awash in her womanly fluids. He sucked in the plump outer lip, it filled his mouth with the soft firmness of a perfectly ripened berry. She let him suck on her fatty bulb of flesh as she shuddered through another of her tiny mini orgasms, before lifting his head over to the other meaty outer labia. Tammet lapped onto her other plump lip. His eyes locked onto the thick mons they sprang from and drooling in anticipation of suckling her entire bulging pussy. Verenestra shivered in pleasure through another brief climax before lifting his head off her. She held his head up, his face inches from her smooth bald slit. A memory tickled at the back of his brain. The dryad. The memory she shared with him. Of sucking on their goddess’ dripping slit, in abject servitude. He remembered the instructions. He must not lose himself entirely to the tiny seductress.

“Eat,…. my servant. Your goddess will feed you through the night”, Verenestra whispered softly. She guided the big man’s mouth down to the entrance of her smooth slit. Her clit remained hidden inside those bulbous lips. Tammet’s thick flat tongue pressed her open, two thin delicate pink petals lay hidden inside, flanking the tiny hole that was meant to be skewered open by the long narrow cocks of satyrs and pixies. Hidden at the top of her delicate petals, a firm bump pressed upward. The little goddess’ clit bumped into Tammet’s tongue. Her pleasure lit his mind like an electric shock when he contacted her center. Tammet’s mind blanked at any thought other than his mistress’ pleasure. He lapped at the flavorful juices leaking from her tiny passage. He pushed his face inward between her plump folds to better suck on Verenestra’s small clit. He sucked her into his mouth as his tongue ravaged her pleasure nub. He could feel every flash of pleasure he gave his goddess and his life began to take on a new purpose. One more powerful than anything he’d known before. Giving pleasure to this nubile goddess and her oversized plump cunt became all the world he needed. Becoming one of her many servants, who dreamed of the day they could once again worship their goddess with their lips and tongue, seemed like an end he’d be happy to accept. Tasting her fluids. Listening to her high pitched screams as she came on his lips and tongue. Feeling her body shudder and shake, her tiny legs beating on his head and back as she quivered through orgasm after orgasm. Tammet’s mind filled with the dream of becoming the best pussy worshipping servant his goddess had ever had.

The pixies and fairies and nymphs remained on the edge of the fairy circle. Observers to their goddess accepting the servitude of yet another creature. Her sighs and screams of pleasure fueling their own lust as they frantically rubbed and sucked and kissed and fucked each other in a midsummer orgy. They were as lost in lust as the reddish skinned devil man, whose head was locked between their goddess’ legs. The orgy continued without slowing, as the sun began to kiss the horizon. Several unicorns circled out, further from the center. This rare occasion where several males and females of their species gathered and mating occurred. Some fairies buzzed after the randy unicorns, waiting for the opportunity to drink the drippings of unicorn cum that leaked from the mares or from the heads of their majestic cocks.

His dead mother, she’d be happy he found happiness, thought Tammet. His tongue lapping and slurping, unabated, tirelessly bringing the little goddess to orgasm after orgasm. If not for the fading light, he’d have had no idea that he’d been feasting on his goddess’ obscenely plump pussy for hours on end. The nymph goddess’ fluids were a nectar that banished all fatigue and eliminated any aches or pangs of hunger. Her plump pussy provided all the sweet nourishment a perverted devil man could ever need. Life was eating plump fey goddess pussy and fey goddess pussy was life. Just like the memory of the dryad. How she wished she was in my place, thought Tammet. Instead, she had to stalk the deep woods, seducing bandit brutes into killing each other to protect her forest. He almost laughed at her despair, his tongue trying to worm its way into his goddess’ tight vaginal opening for the thousandth time today, licking at the flavorful honey that leaked from within. Oh how she wishes she could be the one, testing the tightness of this tiny cunt. So tight a tongue can’t penetrate beyond the tip. What did she say, mused Tammet in thought, his lips latching onto the goddess’ clit once more as he milked yet another pleasure inducing orgasm from the little fey being. “Only by taking her, dominating her, can you truly win her respect, and the right to bear her power”. Silly dryad, Tammet thought, this is all the goddess wants, my lifelong servitude, on my knees, my mouth one with her prepubescent cunt.

Yet as much as Tammet seemed lost in pleasuring his goddess… a part of him was growing stronger. The part that remembered the enemies who’d slain his friends. The enemy who’d laid waste to the lands around him, beaten and enslaved. Murdered and raped. The brutes and giants that had brought death and destruction to the land. Who if left unchecked, would continue to destroy. Possibly even destroying fairy glades, like the one he lay in. The dryad and her woods, burned and barren. “You must prove yourself worthy by taking her, we all wish to lap her cunt until the end of time. Verenestra has a bounty of dryads and nymphs and fairies to suckle at her slit, you have the opportunity to be something more.” the words of the Dryad echoed in his head. Tammet’s mind began to focus. Does she want more, this goddess? Another servant devoted to her pleasure will not save the world around us. It won’t save her followers from the evil that comes. Beauty and lust have their limits, they need someone strong to protect them. Someone powerful. Tammet’s ego built, despite his lips being latched to the nymph goddess’ pussy. He’d sucked her entire plump mound into his mouth while his tongue made broad strokes up through her slit, from the bottom of her drooling cunt hole up and over her engorged clit. Verenestra continued to mewl and quiver in pleasure, oblivious to his rising ego.

Tammet placed his hands on the goddess’ small thighs. His large hands gripped her firmly. Slowly, he pushed. He was fully in tune with the goddess and felt the slightest most subtle change in her pleasure as he pressed her thighs upward and outward. Her pleasure gained in intensity, as though a door he hadn’t known existed began to open. Her pleasure had all been flowers and hunny and sunlight on the skin, this new pleasure began to flavor in a hint of tanginess and zest and electricity. Emboldened, Tammet gathered his knees beneath him and pushed the goddess’ knees even further, curling her small hips upward, while keeping his mouth latched to her bulging cunt meat. His tongue now drove at her tiny entrance, no longer content to lap at her nectar, it now insisted to plunder deeper. He was now kneeling above the little goddess, her body curled upward. His eyes locked on her beautiful face as he devoured her cunt. He felt the door to the new pleasure within her slowly opening further.

Verenestra’s eyes opened in half slits, smoldering at the horned man who was now aggressively eating her unearthly pussy above her. “Enjoying being my cunt slave?” she asked. The first words she’d spoken to him since pressing his face down between her legs. Tammet didn’t respond. Instead, he pressed her knees down to her pointed ears and slid his tongue below her pussy to push insistently at the tight puckered ring of her ass.

“That’s a good boy, eat your queen’s asshole.” she purred. “It took you long enough.” she laughed, but the youthful giggle was gone from her voice. “You’re such a good pussy licker you took much longer than most to get to my asshole.” chided the tiny goddess.

Tammet smiled as his tongue pushed into the thick ring, spearing her tight asshole. Her words said one thing, but Tammet could feel the lightning charging through her, that new and different pleasure was making its presence known. This fey goddess wasn’t just tulips and butterflies and nymphs worshiping her cunny with their mouths. This energy he felt from her, carried the feeling of something unusual, pleasure heightened by the fear of the unexpected. Tammet’s mouth sealed over the goddess’ asshole as he pushed in as far as he could reach. His tongue buried deep inside her ass. Unlike her pussy, the goddess’ back door relented its resistance. He could feel the tight ring squeezing and pulsating on the root of his tongue as he lashed her insides. Tammet’s eyes remained locked on the goddess’. Her nostrils flared and her eyes grew wide. “Good boy” she quipped, reaching up to hold her ankles next to her ears. “Fuck my dirty asshole with your tongue.” He could tell her act of control, was just that.

Tammet’s eyes grinned at her as he felt a new orgasm, fueled by this darker energy, overcome the goddess. Her body shook as she came, her legs shaking violently, her eyes rolled back into her head and her mouth let out a long moan. Tammet continued to batter her asshole with his tongue. Verenestra lost her grip on her ankles and her body began to buck in uncontrollable spasms.

Verenestra’s tongue lolled out of her mouth along with a stream of drool as she came down from the most powerful orgasm she’d had all day. Tammet could see and feel that she was lost in post orgasmic contractions. He pulled his tongue from her ass, removing his mouth from the little goddess for the first time many hours. The sun had disappeared beyond the horizon and dusk settled over the glade. Tammet still held the nymph queen’s thighs splayed up against her sides. He gazed down at the prominent thick pink ring that made up the fey goddess’ slightly dilated asshole. His cock lurched at the sight, a thick glob of precum swung from the tip of his cock as he began to line up his massive tool with the most obscene opening of the fairy goddess. The tip of his thick cock bumped into her ring.

Verenestra’s eyes flared open when she felt her servant’s cock first press against her asshole. “What… you… servant…” the flustered goddess panted. Tammet pressed forward, only for his cock to spring away from the tight opening. He still held her up in the air by her small thighs as he rocked his hips to line up for another attempt to skewer the nubile goddess on his obscenely shaped cock. “Oh… no… fuck..” cursed the immortal nymph as Tammet’s cock bent and then shot off, just as he was almost certain his head would drive into her tight ass.

“Hold your ass open.” Tammet commanded, so lost was he in trying to get his cockhead inside the first woman of his life. Verenestra’s pink thick ringed asshole beckoned, just below the tight and seemingly impervious slit of her fat pussy. The stunned goddess grabbed one of her small ass cheeks with each hand and pulled them apart. “You can’t put your cock in my ass!” she protested. But Tammet wasn’t even listening as he watched her tiny asshole open further. He lined his cock up again with the puckered hole and pushed.

“Fuuuuuuuck!” he yelled out into the night. His voice echoing through the glade, harmonized with the high pitched scream of the nubile goddess as his cock head popped inside her tight asshole. A surge of electrical pleasure tore through the goddess’ body and pulsed outward through Tammet and all the fey folk surrounding them. A testament to her pleasure at being taken by her devotee’s massive cock. The fey folk ceased their orgy to gaze in awe. None had ever been witness to their goddess being fucked in the ass by a massively cocked half man half devil before. Only a few had even heard of the ancient history where their queen had found a man worthy of burying his cock within her.

“Oh don’t, don’t, don’t” whimpered the small goddess, still holding her own ass open, as Tammet slid his cock forward, watching her thick pink ring snap over the second ridge of his cock. “Yesss…..” he hissed in his own pleasure. The sight of his cock disappearing inside a woman for the first time was intoxicating. The sight of his cock disappearing inside the tight asshole of a sex crazed nymph goddess with a fat pussy in the foreground was beyond anything he could ever have imagined. He pulled back, letting the second ridge of his cock pull at her tight ring. Pulling her asshole outward obscenely far before it slipped over his ridge and snapped back to the crown of his cock head. Tammet was panting and sweating. Moving very slowly… fighting to not cum. He knew he had to work for the powers offered up by this goddess, and he couldn’t cum until he had.

Tammet pressed forward, driving the second and then the third ridge of his cock within the goddess. She began to moan in pleasure and he could feel her mini-orgasms begin to shoot through her body. “Oh my goddess… no more” she panted. Tammet rocked back and forth, luxuriating in the feel of her smooth channel sliding past along his shaft, and her thickly muscled sphincter squeezing the middle of his shaft. A few more thrusts and the fourth thick rim of his cock was buried inside her. She squealed in pain and pleasure. Tammet could see the outline of his cock head pushing her naval outward as he fucked her tight asshole.

“Oh my goddess” he panted, “my dear sweet Verenestra”...her eyes were heavy lidded with unbridled lust. He gaped at how much of his cock was inside her, he couldn’t believe how tiny she looked skewered on his thick spear. Only the bulbous lower portion of his cock remained outside her body. Tammet made slow shallow strokes, keeping his cock inside her as he lowered her back to the glade floor. Verenestra’s hands rested on her knees. Together they watched him lift up above her tilted hips as he drove his bulbous knot into her bowels. “Oh Tammet, my servant” she moaned, “take me… fuck me.” He sunk his entire shaft within her. His balls pressed against her chubby little ass checks, he was fully hilted inside her. “Oh fucking Goddes!” he shouted… fighting to keep from cumming at the exquisite tightness.

Tammet held himself above his queen, his cock buried to his hips inside the goddess’ tight asshhole. Her face had a look of contentment and pleasure. She smiled and raised a hand to his face. “What can I do for you?” she asked, as if they were long lost lovers. Tammet started to move within her, her tight ring popping open and closed over his bulb and ridges as he sawed into her slowly. Each shivering and quivering in pleasure. She winced as he picked up the pace. “I will give you magic to trick your enemies.” she panted. “Cease your assault on my asshole and it will be yours”. Tammet picked up the pace. “I am sorry my goddess, but I will need more than that.” he panted.

Tammet pounded into the fey queen. Taking long powerful strokes as she squealed. Her body slowly getting pushed along the ground by his thrusts. “You’ll get nothing further from me.” she panted out between gasps and squeals. Tammet pounded into her harder. His cock had loosened her asshole to the point that his cock ridges and bulbous knot were sliding in and out of her making a zipping sound as her sphincter clapped closed over each of his protrusions. He continued to fuck the goddess’ asshole for over an hour as she whimpered and cried, shuddering through several tremendous orgasms before she began to beg and whimper. “No please Tammet… it hurts, you’ve destroyed your goddess’ asshole.” she whined.

“What will you grant me to cease?” he demanded.

“I will give you the power to put your enemies to sleep, if you’ll just stop fucking my asshole.” stuttered the goddess.

“And the power to tick my enemies?” he asked

“Yes, yes, please” she begged, “my ass is raw.”

“Then do it. Give me these powers”

“Ohh… I can’t while you’re fucking me.” she said

Tammet grabbed her thighs and sat up, dragging her tiny body pinned onto his massive cock. The head of his cock pushed her belly upward well above her belly button. He slowly spun her on his massive rod, her slick ass easily rotating like a chicken on a spit. He gripped her chest by her tiny tits, pulling her back to his chest. He lurched his hips, making small deep thrusts into her split ass.

Verenestra lifted her feet, putting them on his thighs, seemingly to stand and pull herself off his cock. But Tammet gripped her tits firmly, letting her rise almost completely off his cock, before pulling her down, to be fully impaled on his cock once again. This continued for some time, this battle between the large mortal and the tiny goddess. One would think that neither wanted to win or lose with how close she kept getting from escape, only to be speared all the way to Tammet’s massive balls once again.

The multitudes of nymphs and fairies gasped in pleasure, many pleasuring themselves to the ribald scene of debauchery. The little goddess’ legs splayed open and wide as she openly fucked her ass onto his massive ribbed shaft. Her cunt drooling nectar all over the cock shaft and balls of her lover. Verenestra seemed to cum each time her tight sphincter closed tight over the base of his bulbous knot. The shape of the big cock could be seen making its way up and down in the fairy goddess’ belly. The fey creatures were entranced.

“How about now” panted Tammet, “can you give me your magic now?”

Verenestra rose and fell on is cock, clearly enjoying this way too much to give in.

“Foolish mortal” she giggled. “It will take more than a little ass fucking to give up my power.”

Tammet tipped forward and laid down on top of the goddess, pinning her face first into the grass. Maybe from this position, that oozing cunt of hers won’t be able to keep her asshole lubricated, he thought. He started to fuck her tiny ass with long forceful strokes. “I think I’ll fuck your ass until the sun rises” he whispered.

“Oh you evil man” she screamed, as he drove her belly down into the glade floor, the audience of her fey worshippers looked on with lust and wonder.

Over time, the friction on her tight asshole began to build. Verenestra started to scream in pleasure and agony. A small depression had formed in the earth from where Tammet’s cock had been pounding her belly into the ground. Normally, no mortal would have been able to last this long, and his cock would have been shredded of flesh from the tight confines of the goddess’ asshole, but he’d filled himself on the nectar of the goddess. The hours of slurping her cunt juices had filled his belly, and he’d need every drop if he were to make it through the 24 hours of the summoning. At last, the pain in her bowels threatened to overtake the pleasure, and the goddess finally relented.

“I grant you the power to deceive your enemies and put them to sleep” she panted.

Tammet felt power surge from his goddess. He could feel the tiniest trickle of power leak out of her, through their sexual bond, but it felt like an explosion within himself. Such was her power compared to his, that a candlelight to her felt like the sun's glow to him.

Tammet froze as the power bathed him. Knowledge of fey magic blazed through his mind. Understanding came to him..filling a reservoir he previously didn’t know he had. He didn’t know how long he’d been stunned by the surge of magic, but slowly became aware of his surroundings.

“Can you get that monster cock out of my ass now?” a sweet voice said to him.

Tammet felt a tiny body trapped underneath his, he was laying on grass and a pixie? He wondered. Then something squeezed the base of his cock with painful tightness. A cock ring? He’d seen men wear them at the whorehouse, but he didn’t remember ever wearing a cock ring. The cock ring squeezed again.

“Your cock, it's still in my ass.” the sweet voice again.

Reality came back with a snap to Tammet. He’d just plundered a fey goddess’ asshole for magical powers, and apparently, he’d fallen unconscious on top of her, still buried to the hilt. It was still dark out.

“How long?” he asked “my goddess, how long was I out?”

“Mortals”, she chided. “How long does it take for a cricket to chirp? Or a bird to take flight? That long”. Her asshole squeezed on his engorged cock again. “Now, can you get your cock out of my ass? My pussy misses your mouth and it's a long time before the sun rises.”

Tammet felt the new power inside of him. He felt his reservoir of magic. It wasn’t full. And he remembered the summoning. He had this goddess until the sun reached its peak on the next day. She was trying to trick him again.

“Oh you want me to eat your pussy, do you?” He joked with the goddess, a new found confidence in him.

“Beg, mortal” she answered. “Beg to eat my pussy, and I may let you.” Tammet almost submitted to her demands, thoughts of spending his days dining on his goddess’ pussy, serving her endless pleasure. His mind began to glaze over again. And then he felt that squeeze on his cock. He was still buried to the hilt in this goddess’ ass.

“I’m sorry to have pained you my goddess. Let me remove this offensive and massive cock from your tiny ass. I don’t know what I was thinking when I stretched your tight little asshole. I do apologize, I fear you’ll not be able to swim for a month for fear of fish swimming into your nether regions.” Tammet lifted himself off the back of the prone goddess, withdrawing his still hard cock, one snapping bulge and ridge at a time until he’d cleared his slick shaft from the fey goddess’ bowels.

Verenestra gasped and shivered as each ridge slowly popped past her stretched pink ring. Feeling a sense of loss when her insides were now void of the giant shaft that had been shifting around inside her body for so long.

Tammet could feel her loss of pleasure once he’d removed his cock and could feel the door to the darker and more exotic pleasure starting to close. He grabbed one of the nubile goddess’ thighs and rolled her onto her back. “Your pussy you said? Something about begging?”

Verenestra looked up at him, eyes wide, and then a devilish smile crept across her face. Tammet could feel that door opening back up again, the dark electric tang of devious desires rushing back in.

Tammet grabbed her ankles and spread her legs. He slid his hips forward and dropped his huge cock onto the thick pad of the goddess’ bulging cunny and belly. Tammet grinned and slid forward until his balls were pressed against her ass and his cock rested between Verenestra’s tiny tits. He drew his hips back, running the bottom of his cock over her thick slippery slit.

“Your ass was tight, my goddess, but you let my tongue in with relative ease. Did you like how I fucked your ass with my tongue.”

“Foolish mortal, you live to bury your tongue in my ass”, she giggled.

“And my cock… you took my cock up your ass like you were made for it.”

“Your cock felt almost as good in my ass as a unicorn’s cock” she quipped with a raised eyebrow

“Well, you shouldn’t have any problem with my cock in that tight little cunt of yours then.” grinned Tammet

Verenestra’s eyes opened wide in panic. “No, no… you can’t! Please no devil man!” she seemed frightened out of her mind, but Tammet could feel that dark and electric pleasure emanating from his goddess. “My smallest finger won’t fit inside! I’m so small, you’ll kill me! All my followers are nymphs and drayds they don’t have cocks!”

“Well, I have this great big hard cock right here and I really need to cum. And your pussy looks just too good to pass up. I guess I’ll just have to nurse you back to health after I tear your cunt open.” Tammet grinned evilly. The surge of electrical pleasure coursing off Verenestra was intoxicating.

Tammet held one thigh with his left hand and lined his cock up with the nubile goddess’ chubby cunt slit with his other. Verenestra started to kick her free leg. Tammet ignored her futile kicks and split her plump folds with the head of his cock. “Oh fucking gorgeous” he muttered to himself. His thick cock kissed the tiny inner labia as he pressed against the pinhole of her vaginal opening. Cunt juiced leaked all over his cock as he just waited.

Verenestra screamed “No No No” over and over again. Her little legs kicking futilely as he shifted his grip from her legs to narrow hips. Verenestra began to beat on his forearms with her little fists as he pulled her small body onto his cock.

“Oh my fucking goddess!” he grimaced. Her tiny entrance was so tight, his cockhead hurt as his iron hard shaft pressed inward. His cock was impossibly hard and swollen, aching with need. His balls were beyond full, to be released after endless hours of sexual depravity.

Verenestra started screaming and crying, her kicks and punches becoming less as he pushed his cock into her tiny cunt. First it was just the head, and then, he continued to push, afraid to pull out and lose all headway. He slid another inch into her. Verenestra was throbbing with dark pleasure. The gathered fey moaned with each pulse as it radiated outward across the entire glade. Tammet could barely keep from cumming, so powerful were her waves of pleasure, if not for the pain his cock was in from the tightness of her passage. One flared ridge had speared into her virginal pussy. He kept going, his fingers digging into the flesh on her hips as he pulled her onto his cock. Her screams of agony drove him onward, knowing they were fueled by her own dark pleasure. A few short quick thrusts and the next corona had made it inside the little fey goddess. What an incredibly lewd site it was. His cock stretching those plump smooth lips and raising a bump in her lower belly, marking its depth within her insanely tight vagina. “Oh Verenestra!” he panted pushing past the pain, trying to get the final ridge inside his little queen. But it was not to be had. He’d hit the nubile goddess’ cervix and stretched her channel as far as it could go. There was no room left for the bottom half of his cock.

The goddess’ legs kicked at Tammet’s back as he pulled back to make a tight short stroke into Verenestra’s tight folds. His cock could go no further, her bulbous cunt leaked juices all over the engorged spear that he’d half buried inside her. It seemed he could go no further and started to fuck her slowly. “My goddess, I can go no further” he groaned through the pain and pleasure of her tight cunt.

Verenesta’s eyes took on a bright glow, her face furled in anger. “YOU WILL PUT THAT ENTIRE COCK INSIDE YOUR QUEEN OR I WILL BURN YOUR SOUL TO ASHES!” the tiny goddess roared. Her anger, like her pleasure, scorched through him with a wave.

Tammet was stunned by this new face of his goddess, he’d not seen before. Though still youthful in appearance, her power and command made him feel nearly insignificant by comparison. He laid his goddess on the ground and pressed her knees upward, raising above her, over top her, though he clearly was not the dominant figure at this moment. He used his body weight to help push down. Tammet’s thick cock, half buried inside the plump pussy, pushed downward, seemingly pushing against a solid wall. Slowly, he felt something squeezing the head of his cock. He was grunting and panting as he put all his weight into his hips, and by way of his cock, into the goddess’ bald pussy. It felt like he was putting his cock head through a wringer, it slowly pushed forward. Tammet grimaced in pain, and then finally, something snapped over his cock head! The pressure eased slightly. Looking down, he could see that the fourth ridge of his cock was hidden inside the chunky folds of the nubile goddess’ outer cunt lips. He’d speared his immense cockhead into her womb.

Verenestra let out and ear splitting scream as her body convulsed in her most powerful orgasm yet. The gathered fey rocked in pleasure and pain, blown off their feet and out of the air by the goddess’ most recent cascading waves of pleasure.

Tammet’s knot still remained outside the bulging opening that tightly sheathed the rest of his cock. He burned to be fully seated inside his goddess, though he wasn’t certain that he’d be able to go any further, her cervix had proven to be incredibly difficult to penetrate with the head of his cock, the second ridge was even larger. He also knew that his purpose was not yet fulfilled, that Verenestra had more gifts to give him.

“Goddess” he panted, “I will need more gifts from you to continue my journey. The way ahead is fiercely guarded, and I have not the strength to push my spear to the heart of the matter.” Tammet could see the head of his cock pushing up the nubile goddess’ womb near her belly button.

Verenestra murmured and shook, thrashing on the end of the devil man’s ridged spear, which had just penetrated into her womb. She barely heard him through her throws of pleasure and pain. “Yes, fuck me, damn you. I will give you the power to penetrate your enemies with ferocious force”, she wailed. “Just sink that cock in me. Feed your goddess your fertile seed and it will be done, I will give you all the power your mortal shell can handle. PENETRATE YOUR GODDESS!” she commanded. “Show me what a MAN does to the source of all his desires!”

A wave of pleasure surged through Tammet. He bore down, pushing harder than ever before. He felt that incredible squeezing on his cock again, at both his second ridge as well as the bulbous knot. He knew not how he’d be able to cum, as his knot needed to expand to twice its present diameter before his cum would gush forward. The tiny goddess’ impossibly tight sheath seemed to make that impossible.

But he persevered, the fairy and nymphs and dryads moaned in sympathetic agony as Tammet’s cock bore down into their goddess. Snap, the second cock ridge had passed into her womb, the lump in her belly now pressed outward just above her navel. Verenestra thrashed through another huge orgasm. Half of Tammet’s knot was encased within the chubby lips of his goddess’ pussy.

“Oh fuck” he moaned, “almost there my queeen.” Tammet gasped with exertion. Her relentless need to be fully seated by her lover dashed through him with irresistible purpose. Taking a deep breath, Tammet renewed his efforts, his third cock ridge began to feel the squeeze of the goddess’ impossibly tight cervix. Her body convulsed and shook the entire time, her legs thrashing and her arms beating at the grass. A constant keen of a woman’s scream filled the air as the last inch and half of unholy cock snapped into her womb and filled her vaginal passage with the red bulbous knot.

Pleasure and light exploded in Tammet’s mind when his hips at last smashed into the plump cunt lips of his goddess. The fairy glade echoed with an eerie and terrifying sound as every fey spirit and animal erupted in throaty screams. The flowers and grasses blew outward from the center with the force of Verenestra’s great orgasm. She’d been taken, like the wanton little slut that she was, not just the goddess of lust, but a devotee of the powerful force that drove the creation of life.

Tammet recovered from the stunning burst of pleasure that emanated from his goddess. He felt his reservoir for power grow and the knowledge to send force spearing into his enemies, much like he’d speared his queen. His cock felt trapped in a vise, unable to move, encased in the hot flesh of the nubile goddess, who lay beneath him, bearing his full weight, smothered by his much larger body, her womb speared and utterly filled with Tammet’s rigid and throbbing manhood. Trembling, he took his weight off her body and onto his hands. He tried to withdraw, but he just dragged her small frame across the grass.

“Goddess, I am stuck, you have me trapped within you.” he said, flustered.

Her beautiful pixyish smile returned to her face, “I know servant.” she sighed. “Will you keep your queen filled through the night?” giggled the nubile goddess. “Will you keep your great big cock stuck inside my itty bitty pussy, you very bad man?” she mock pouted. “Such a very naughty man, putting that great big cock inside a little girl’s cunny. Now you’re going to have to keep it there. You see how it's pushing at my belly?” she rubbed her hands over the form of his cock in her belly, he could feel her touch through her layers of flesh. You are now my steed until the sun rises, and then I will break my fast with your seed and you will be bound to me for life.” the goddess smiled, and Tammet knew her words to be true. The pact that he’d sought had nearly been fulfilled.

“Now pick me up. Our worshippers have been gathering through the day and night and deserve to see their queen before the midsummer’s orgy ends.”

Tammet lifted up to his knees, the little queen remained securely affixed to his cock. His shaft remained impossibly hard and bonded securely within the goddess’ womb, not a fraction of an inch would slip from her tight grasp. “Turn me and hold me to your chest” she commanded. Tammet carefully spun her by her thighs until she was facing outward, then pulled her back to his chest, his arm around her waist. The little goddess lifted her arms over her head and shouted “Attend your Queen!” to her throngs of fey kind who’d gathered to honor their goddess.

A platoon of fairies flew forward with a garland of summer flowers draped between them. They slowly flew around the mated couple, enwrapping them in the colorful and sweet fragrances of the flowery rope. The twin full moons lit the glade like early dawn.

“Stand up Tammet.” commanded Verenestra, and he did as instructed, his arms still wrapped around her body. Her legs dangled outward, splayed obscenely by the massive cock buried in her plump mound. Her liquids continued to drip down from her tight passageway, oozing over Tammet’s huge aching balls and down both their thighs.

“Bless this union!” shouted Verenestra, “Your queen has taken a man, devoted to her and her alone. From this moment forward, this cock is mine, no other mortal shall taste of its seed or feel its pleasure! Bear witness and show fealty!”

The fairy folk flew in a swirling swarm before the standing man and skewered goddess. One by one, the small flying fey creatures descended between their goddess’ legs to kiss her cherished pudendum. Tammet felt their wings flicker against his thighs and scrotum as each fairy sought to lap at their goddess’ tiny clit and drink from her font of juices. Verenestra shivered in pleasure with the kiss of each small creature. After drinking of her cunt, a fairy would flit up to suckle at a breast and then place a dainty kiss on their queen's lips. Each time Verenestra would giggle sweetly. The fairies would then kiss Tammet somewhere on his face before dashing off to join the swarm of their kin.

Following the hundreds of the fairies who paid homage to their queen, came the sprites, and after the sprites, the pixies. Each successively larger fey creatures than the previous. Once the flying swarms of beautiful creatures had slaked their thirst for their queen’s nectar, Verenestra instructed, “take me around the glade, let the nymphs and dryads suckle of their queen. Tammet stepped from the small clearing, closer to the nymphs and dryads that stood in the taller grass on the edge of the pond. The nymphs were beautiful women, like the dryads, though less full of breast, and their skin and hair more fair, like their goddess’. Each nymph came forward and knelt before the impaled queen. They lifted her legs up and took a full lap with broad tongue, from the base of Tammets dripping balls, up and over the full thick bulge of Verenestras cunt. They would then smile and place a hand over the bulge protruding from her stomach where the massive cock pressed their goddess’ belly out. They would then rise and suckle at each tit briefly before kissing their queen and bowing to both Verenestra and the owner of the cock whom she rode. Tammet shivered in pleasure with each hearty lap a nymph took of he and his mate. Verenestra had several small orgasms, her quivers and the strokes the nymphs made on his cock through her belly made Tammet gasp in pleasure.

The nymphs were followed by the dryads, who stood in a ring just a bit further outward from the pond. Tammet was now walking through waist high flowers and grasses, holding his nude jockey by her shoulders. The dryads were less numerous than the nymphs and he was shivering with pleasure when one seemed more familiar than the others. The Dryad stepped forward and kneeled, lapped at her queen's cunt and then said. “I hope you are pleased with this gift I brought to you my goddess.”

Verenestra giggled and stroked the dryad’s chin. “You have served me well, bringing me this gift.” Verenestra then guided the dryad’s face back to her sloppy cunt. “Feast for a moment, let it be known that when the next full moon rises, you will be rewarded again this way, from sunrise to sunset.” Tammet quivered as the dryad lapped at his balls her queen’s quim for several more seconds, before rising and completing her devotions. Before she departed she said to Tammet, “I wish you achieve your goals in the service of my queen.” At last, the final fey creature had supplicated before their goddess, drank of her divine nectar and suckled the honey from her breast. The palest of a new dawn was visible to the east.

“Take me back to the pond, my new mate. Fuck your goddess into the dawn and then when the sun has cleared the horizon, you may feed your queen. Nourish me with the sap that is now mine and no others.” Tammet’s cock quivered in anticipation and walked back to the pond and knelt, while still holding her back to his chest. She turned her head and looked up at him, “well put me down and fuck me like you own me, you nasty, nasty man.” she giggled. “Such a wretched man, raping a virgin nymph and then showing the world that your buried your cock inside her womb.”

“Oh fuck!” groaned Tammet, at the goddess’ obscene words. He laid her on hand and knee. She lowered her breasts to the grass, arching her back in a lewd position. Tammet gripped her hips and pulled his hips away. Somewhere over the last several hours of carting her around impaled on his cock, her tight womb had loosened enough for him to extract his cock from the tight clench of her cervix and vagina. With slow pops, he was able to pull one ridge of his cock out of her womb until his cock head finally escaped. He immediately thrust forward, snapping into her tight internal chamber once again.

The little goddess groaned in pleasure as the massive ribbed cock rippled through her vagina and devastated her womb once again. Tammet moaned as the tiny queen orgasmed on the invading monstrosity. She reached between her legs and tried her best to grab one of his large testicles in her small hand. “You have worn your queen out, Tammet, you must feed me every drop of your daddy milk if I’m to have the energy to return to the Seelie court.”

“I swear, my goddess, I’ll not spill a drop of my seed without your bequest and approval.” Tammet took a long deep stroke of his cock. The tightness of her womb on his cock cast serious doubts if he were even capable of discharging his seed within her.

“You have despoiled my virginity Tammet. I have been betrothed to but a single mortal before you, and she, alas, has no cock.” giggled the goddess in her childish voice.

Tammet groaned in response to the girl god’s confession. “I am honored to please you my goddess. And now, if you don’t mind, I was instructed by the queen I love, to fuck you like I own you.”

Verenestra giggled in response as Tammet started to work his cock harder and faster into her tight womb. Each deep stroke pushed around her insides and knocked the wind from her lungs. When he pulled his cock out, it not only drew her tight womb outward, it also pulled air into her lungs. His strokes were causing her to pant in time with the rhythm of his cock. The sounds of the birds singing as the sun rose, was counterpointed by the squeals and panting of the mated mortal and goddess, who rutted in the center of the glade. Verenestras intermittent sighs of orgasmic pleasure sent shivers down Tammet’s spine. His balls ached with the endless hours of unrelinquished pleasure. The magical nectar he’d drank from the goddess’ breasts and pussy had invigorated him. Allowing him to withhold his climax and maintain his inhuman engorgement throughout the day and night. His body, fueled by her godly elixir had caused him to build up his own fluids to the point of overflowing a wineskin. His release grew ever closer as he pounded the tiny virgin’s impossibly tight cunt for all he was worth.

The sun’s rays cast the first shadows across the fairy glade and then bathed the fornicating lovers in warmth. A sheen of dew coated their skin, making them glisten in the new day's light. At last, Verenestra could take no more. She whimpered, face down in the grass, her cunt worn as raw as her tender asshole had been. From the position above her, and in the light of the day, Tammet could now see the nymph goddess’ inflamed asshole. It shown thick, red and raw, still dilated enough to have fit his thumb. Her inner cunt lips were being dragged out from the confines of her obscenely thick outer lips, and they too were red and raw. It was clear the little goddess was in agonizing pain and pleasure.

“Enough, I beg of you” whimpered the youthful voice of Verenestra. “I can take no more. Please cease your invasion of my tiny body for now, and I will empower you to visit me whenever you are rested enough to serve me.”

“Is this another trick, my goddess? I was given prior instruction by yourself to fuck you like I owned you, and I humbly serve you in that regard.”

“Indeed, I do not deceive, withdraw from my channel and I will soothe you with my tongue and lips, imbibing your potent milk and giving you my final boon. You are betrothed to me now, as witnessed by all my followers. I will not deceive my husband and lover.”

Tammet withdrew his cock after one long deep thrust inside of his queen. His cock was hot and beginning to sore from the countless tight passages into his goddess’ elastic womb. Verenestra turned and stood facing the kneeling Tammet. They were in the same location and positions from when he’d summoned her the day before. But so much had changed, with but the single setting and rising of the sun. “Rise and feed your queen. Seal your betrothal with your soul and your seed. Fill your goddess’ belly with your fertile spunk and commit your life to me as I commit powers to you for which you will serve my needs and your own.”

Tammet stood on wobbly legs, once again, his cock throbbed, pointing at his goddess’ chin, but where yesterday it had glistened with his leaking precum, it now glistened with the sap of her own cunt. His cock had thickened and elongated from the endless hours of nearly painful engorgement. She reached out with two hands, gripping his cock, one hand on each side as if she were holding a tree trunk. She guided the thick head of his cock to her mouth. Her eyes looked slightly dubious at the size of the cock in comparison to herself. She kissed the head of his cock and pressed forward, somehow her small mouth and lips made it over his thick cock head. Tammet groaned in pleasure, a cool soothing sensation came over every part of his cock entrapped within the goddess’ mouth. She sucked on the end of his cock and ran her tongue along the underside of it.

“I’m enraptured by the pleasure you give me, my queen.” groaned Tammet.

She pulled her mouth off his cock to speak. “You’re going to have to help me, I’m afraid. I’ll not get the meal I seek on my own. Could you, this one last time, push your way into your queen, and flood my belly with your seed?” Tammet groaned in pleasure as their eyes made contact.

“You wouldn’t face fuck a poor widdle girl, would you mister?” she asked coyly. “Only an awful awful man would push his cock down my tiny little throat.” She tilted her shoulders cutely and winked at him, her hands still gripping his cock.

“Oh fuck” Tammet groaned for the countless time and reached for her head. Verenestra’s lips parted as his fingers interlocked behind her head. “Fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck!” gasped Tammet as he began to push his cock into the tiny goddess’ mouth, pressing to the back of her throat. The goddess’ body made a shivering lurch as he pressed into her throat. The cool soothing sensation continued as he stretched her tight throat. “Oh my fucking goddess!” he shouted, now half his cock was hidden beyond her lips. He pulled on her head more firmly with his hands. Verenestra shifted her grip from his cock to his ball sack and pulled on it to match the pressure he put on the back of her head. Together, they worked the last of his ridges into her mouth. The rim of his cockhead could be seen in her neck, his bulbous knot remained poised at her red lips. A final surge and Verenestras nose met Tammet’s belly. His knot was in the goddess’ mouth and his ridged shaft was buried in her throat, the head of his cock past her collarbones.

Tammet’s hips began to shake as he felt his pleasure build. Finally, after so many hours of pain and pleasure, his orgasm was finally freed to overtake him. His test of control had come to an end and his release loomed like a rising tide. The goddess’ tongue lashed at the underside of his cock. His knot began to swell. The goddess’ eyes widened in fright. Though it seemed impossible that she’d taken the massive shaft in her tiny mouth and throat, the rapidly expanding knot was more than she thought possible. It grew so big that that it became impossible to remove from her mouth. He was locked into his tiny queen. She started to frantically beat on his hips, desperate to get the painful mass out of her mouth before her jaw broke. Tammet was lost in a haze of pleasure. His hips rocked forward with the thrashing sexy little fey’s face mashed against his lean belly. He held her head and thrust his hips violently, it felt so good to be buried to the hilt within the sexy tiny being! It rose higher and higher, every nerve tingled, his vision faded, his mind an explosion of blinding pleasure. His orgasm had finally come and it blasted through all of his senses. His hips bucked and lurched, Verenestra’s head following suit, locked as it was to the bloated knot that now pressed out her cheeks like a bullfrog. At long last, his cum shot up his shaft and exploded out the end of his cock. Tammet bellowed in the throes of the most incredible orgasm of his life. A deluge of cum sprayed directly down the goddess’ throat. Blast after blast of his fey empowered cum churned into her belly. Every contraction of his balls came with another wave of pleasure, as it pushed out a heavy gush of life giving spunk. Throbbing blast after throbbing blast filled the nubile goddess. Her tummy bulged out, making her belly look as chubby as her bulbous cunt. Spurt after spurt gushed into her. Her eyes began to close and her thrashing ceased as she ingested the soul and essence of her newest mate. His orgasm finally subsided after more than two dozen such convulsions into the overfilled goddess.

At last, Tammet regained his senses, the last of his incredible orgasm trailed away like a distant tremor. His hands were still locked behind the head of his queen, who in turn was still locked on his swollen knot. Tammet looked down at his queen, her hands hung limply at her side, her eyes closed. For a moment, he began to panic, thinking he’d killed her, but he could feel their bond, her contentment. And the reservoir of power. It was now full. He could feel the powers she’d given him. He knew he couldn’t bear any more within him. Just as his queen couldn’t bear any more of his cum within her. HIs knot began to subside and at last, slipped from her precious lips. Weak and spent, Tammet laid upon the grass and held the unconscious form of his goddess and lover to his chest. The fairies flitted toward the couple. Alighting on their flesh. The last thing Tammet felt before sleep overtook him, was the gentle touch of the fairies as they licked the last of his cum from his cock and the nectar from their queen's flesh.

The sun was high overhead, just past its apex when Tammet awoke. He was alone in the grass, the pond at his side. No nymph goddess to be seen. The flowers and herbs he’d laid in a circle, were still there. Had he fallen asleep and dreamed it all, he wondered. He glanced around and fairies and butterflies flew about. He looked down, and his cock protested with soreness. Maybe it did happen. He felt within himself, and there it was, that reservoir of magical power. It was real! It all happened! He was now bequeathed to a fey goddess! And just to prove his point, his mind flickered over the image of her, and before his eyes, she appeared, a shimmering vision of his sexy little goddess.

“Good afternoon my husband” she said, smiling down at him as he sat propped on his back and elbows in the grass. “I didn’t give you powers so you could sleep all day” she giggled. The unbelievably beautiful goddess blew him a kiss and her vision faded away.

“Holy fuck!” smiled Tammet. He picked himself up off the ground, and skipped naked through the glade before entering the shadow of the trees and returning to the world of danger and despair that surrounded him.


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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Reverse Summoning

Immediately, a kneeling form began to coalesce in the circle, eventually developing into a large, red-skinned man. His horns grew out of the sides of his head, which was covered in short dark hair. The demon was completely naked, and Alice could discern the fine scales that covered his entire body, each of them as shiny as a finely cut ruby. “I am your master now, dragon-demon.” Alice said, her voice commanding and strong. As she said this, a black collar appeared on the demon’s neck. “I...

2 years ago
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Succubus Summoning 101Chapter 5

"Still with us baby warlock?" Rosa whispered in his ear, her hot breath tickling through his hair. She reached down between his legs with her other hand and cupped his balls in her hand. They were already swelling again, churning out more and more sperm despite the protestations of his body. "Oh yes, you've still got plenty to give," Rosa whispered. She kissed him wetly on the side of his mouth with her full lips. Phil continued to stare into Verdé's eyes. Once again he thought he...

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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

2 years ago
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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

4 years ago
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Reverse Summoning Part 2

After breaking all the bonds her, no, his house had to her, Wyrm summoned Alice to him in the master bedroom. It was quite filthy, with her clothes and spellbooks thrown haphazardly around and a thick layer of dust covering the tops of the cabinets and dressers. All of the servants had quit after her parents had died, and Alice wasn’t all that interested in cleaning the manor when she could be working on magic. Alice walked to him and dropped to her hands and knees and bowed her head. Without...

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Succubus Summoning 101Chapter 2

"Ahem." Phil turned. There was a naked girl with long green hair standing next to his bed. She beckoned to him with one index finger while the other slipped down between the plush lips of her labia. Oh fuck. The girl standing in front of him was completely gorgeous. She had the smiling innocent face of a well-tanned cheerleader and the soft, lush curves of a porn star. Another girl, equally as sexy, lay on the bed behind him. Both girls were naked, as was Phil Rowling. Under normal...

4 years ago
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Succubus Summoning 101Chapter 3

Phil heard a rattling of leathery wings. A shadow passed over him. Verdé touched down on her hands and knees between him and the door. She was the same level as him, her smiling faces just inches from his own. No. "Going somewhere baby warlock?" she smiled, showing two sharp little fangs. "Don't you like us?" "I want to live," Phil Rowling replied. Verdé was a succubus, a daemonic sexual vampire. He and Jake Pulman had smoked a few too many joints and summoned up her and Rosa for...

2 years ago
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Succubus Summoning 101Chapter 4

"We promised we'd do every filthy little thing with you," Rosa whispered in his other ear. Her hand tickled his balls. Phil only half heard. His ears pricked up at sounds he heard from outside. Footsteps on stone flagstones. A Wargsnouts' security patrol! He was saved! "Help me!" Phil screamed. "There's two succubi in here. They're going to kill me!" Shocked, Verdé and Rosa stared at the door. The footsteps grew closer. Moments ago Phil Rowling had lost his virginity to...

3 years ago
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Succubus Summoning 101Chapter 6

Phil Rowling opened his eyes from a pleasant dream he couldn't quite recall. Where was he? The sheets he lay on felt soft like silk. He was used to the scratchy, dubiously stained blankets of Wargsnout's College for Warlocks. This bed was soft, warm and comfortable. Two faces came into his field of view. One had clear blue eyes and short red hair cut in a cute little bob. The other had green eyes, a sunny smile and long green hair. It might have been easy to mistake them for gorgeous girls...

1 year ago
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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...

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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...

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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

4 years ago
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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

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kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...


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