SummoningChapter 7 free porn video

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In the end, Ornias was forced to accede to everything that I wanted. However, the little sacrifices the demon made at the point of my Sharpie marker were, in the end, compensated by one request of its own that I did grant.

I finished that first sentence with the words "Joe's Bar and Grill in Hoboken, New Jersey, weekdays from 9 AM to midnight and weekends from 6 AM to 1 AM." Even Ornias laughed slightly at that.

The next sentence on the page was easy for him to digest, as well. "I, Ornias, vow to fulfill Sara's wishes, including to be used and taken by a dominant male to the end of her natural life." Seeing it written on the sheet, he flapped his hand at me dismissively. "I had never intended to go back on my word on that, whe... Daniel. It has been great fun to have Olympias locked in the front of the woman's mind, hating what was happening, even as the cunt was screaming in pleasure at my efforts."

"Well, I'm afraid you're going to like the next part a bit less, Orny."

On the paper I wrote, "I, Ornias, will let Sara be in control of her own body, and will not permit another presence to take control or inhabit her body for the rest of her natural life." Followed quickly by, "I, Ornias, will release the woman Olympias from her amended agreement with me, allowing her spirit to wander free, without restriction, when she is without the power of the ring."

Ornias, who had seemed to be relaxing, shot to attention as if he'd been goosed. "NO! You cannot do this to me!!!"

I shook my head at him. "Yes, I can do this, Orny. You have held on to Olympias for 10 cycles of the ring, punishing her in different ways, different bodies, as ringwielders have come and gone. This time, she ensnared Sara in her attempt to break free of your grip, and who knows what lengths she might go to next time? No, Ornias... enough is enough. Release her. Besides... I think that, if you need a companion once Sara has lived out her natural life as your contracted sub, she might be willing to work out an extension of some sort. She's always been the adventurous type. Besides," I added with a wink, "there are only going to be three more ringwielders, so it's not like you haven't already had most of your fun with Olympias."

He mulled the idea silently, and then nodded. "I have grown a bit tired of Olympias these past 400 years or so. Perhaps I will have to follow your example, and let her go... despite my wishes to the contrary." It mulled a moment more... not that such hesitation made any difference, since each line was written in permanent marker on the contract and would not be coming off. Of course, out of prudence, I didn't voice that fact. Finally it said, "Very well. I agree."

"Good. Then we're nearly done." I wrote another quick line, "I, Ornias, agree that, once Olympias reaches the last ringwielder and gives him the ring, she will still be tied to it, in body and in spirit, until the last becomes the first and frees them both."

When Ornias read what I had written, it looked at me in puzzlement for a moment. Then, a wolfish grin crossed its face. "You seek to punish her even more? By keeping her from being free even at the last?" It looked at me in admiration. "Perhaps I underestimated your capacity for revenge after all. By all means, add that to the contract. I shall make sure of it!"

I smiled at it, glad the demon could not fathom the real reason behind what I had written.

I added one last line for myself. "I, Ornias, agree to let Daniel have sole possession of Sara to do with what he will until 6 AM on the morning this is written, in order to finish any business he might have with her."

Its grin grew even wider. "Unfinished business, is it? Yes, I think this will be a truly interesting dawn! I will enjoy seeing what you do with the cunt!"

'Or perhaps you won't, ' I thought to myself, glad to be nearly finished. "I have nothing else to add, Ornias."

It cleared its throat. "I would like to ask you to add something for me. A small request, and one I think that you will agree is not so much to ask. Could you..." His voice got much quieter, adopting a pleading tone. "Would you write down that I could no longer be summoned by the ring? Make it so that Olympias shows the ringwielder she picks how to use the ring. I am tired of being the one always at the disposal of those who should never have power in the first place."

"Very well, Orny." I quickly added, "I, Ornias, can never be summoned by the ring of Solomon ever again, and in return pledge never to plague or harm in any way the ringwielder or any of his family or friends." In truth, that last bit was my own insurance that Ornias would never seek to avenge this little contract session by hurting anyone I liked or loved. "Anything else?"

It shook its head "no," and so I rolled up our little contract and mentally conjured a ribbon to tie it shut with. Then, closing my eyes, I imagined the contract fading from my own hand, and reappearing in the demon's claw inside the ring. When I opened my eyes, it was clutching the contract to its chest as if afraid it might disappear again.

"Very well, Ornias. Our business is done. You can no longer be summoned by the ring, though your power is still bound, as is that of your brethren. You may reclaim what is yours at 6 AM. Until then... be gone!"

And with that command, Ornias slowly faded from view. My last solid picture of the demon was the mixture of relief and happiness on his features, knowing the ring would never summon him again.

Its relief at that state of affairs had to be almost as strong as my own.

However, I had less than two hours before the 6 AM deadline, and there was still one piece of business I had to conduct with Sara, and another I needed to conduct in a place out-of-time.

Closing my eyes, I let my mind call out to all those I had touched tonight, bound in one way or another by the power of the ring. 'Come to me, ' I thought. 'I summon you to my side.' As they stirred and began coming toward the dungeon, I found one mind in particular in their midst, and issued special instructions to it, so that when I returned, all would be ready.

Then I again imagined a place - my place - outside of time and space, the place where two spirits awaited me. I could feel it there in the back of mind, solid and reachable, imbued with the power of Merlin. Much more quickly this time, the sense of being in the "real world" faded away.

When I opened my eyes, I was again in the living room of my modest apartment, the fire still roaring in the fireplace just as it had been when I left.

However, Merlin and Olympias were nowhere to be seen.

I couldn't believe it! I could feel Merlin's power here, holding the room together, but both he and Olympias were gone! I felt a bit cheated, as if I had rushed home from school with a great report card, only to find my parents had left town without a forwarding address! Where could they be?

That's when I heard a faint noise from the door that lead to the master bedroom.

A squeaking noise.

I followed the sound down the hallway until I stood in front of the closed door.

"Squeak... squeak... squeak."

The kind of a sound a mattress spring makes when it's being used...

Holy Mother of God!!


One voice from inside the room went "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

The other went "Ah... AHHH... AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

And then there was silence.

I went back into the living room and sat on the couch, preoccupied with the thought of having sex without a physical body.

When the door opened, I watched with great interest to see who would emerge first from the bedroom. The answer was neither, as they walked arm in arm, looking deeply into each other's eyes, the way lovers do.

Olympias noticed me first, and she literally screamed when she saw me, and then she threw herself at me. I braced myself for an attack.

Instead, she wrapped her arms around me and began kissing my face!!

Between kisses I could make out words that sounded like "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou..." You get the idea.

Merlin came over and rescued me from these rather enthusiastic thanks, pulling Olympias back up into his arms and holding her there while I regained my senses. Still, as he gazed down at me, I could see he was adding his own silent thanks to the much more expressive thanks of...

I think I might have gaped, just then, because Olympias had changed completely in her appearance. Where the woman I had left here looked just like Sara, the woman who stood before me now was thin, with virtually no breasts to speak of. She seemed delicate, yet immensely regal, with raven black hair and deep green eyes that reminded me of a Siren. I looked from Merlin to Olympias then back again, seeking an explanation for all that I saw... and all I had heard.

Merlin obliged me, after sitting on the couch beside me and seating Olympias on his lap. "Daniel, I don't know if you knew what you were doing when you wrote what you did on that sheet of demon signed paper, but, even if you didn't, we are both in your debt until the end of time... and back," he added with a grin.

My mind was reeling with the implication that my long shot of a wish for Merlin and Olympias may actually have paid off. "Just tell me in small words what happened, please?"

"Well, my boy, several things happened at once. When you bound Ornias to release Olympias from her torment, her spirit had to have somewhere to go each time it disappeared from Earth. Of course, since I disappeared during the same time period, my own spirit had to go somewhere. Therefore, it was no great surprise that, since we were both incorporeal, and since she was bound to the ring and I was wearing it, that we were drawn to each other in the limbo realm we were forced to inhabit. So, using my power, I was able to create for both of us a place to go, and thus we were able to forge a unique companionship. Remember how I told you she looked at me so fondly in our first "real" meeting in Antarctica? It was not an illusion! As she progressed closer to the end of the world where she would present me with the ring, we were already cultivating a relationship, and by the time she reached me with the ring, she desperately hoped that there might be a way she would stay with me... which is why she was so upset when I refused the ring the first time." He turned to look fondly to Olympias, who stuck her tongue out at him in response. "Of course, I've had to remind her since that she had been warned I would do so... by my doppelganger, the Merlin of Camelot."

"But... but how? I mean, what version of Merlin developed a relationship with what version of Olympias?" My head started to spin trying to grasp the temporal implications of it all.

Merlin smiled in sympathy. "It is a bit confusing, Daniel, considering that I was moving backward in time, while the Olympias of your time was moving forward. However, the rules of elsewhen do not follow the same rules as the temporal universe. In each instance that Olympias disappeared after choosing another ringwielder, I also disappeared. But, there was no temporal dislocation for either of us; the first time I met Olympias here was the first time she met me, the second was the second, and the third was the third. Three times we met here, and by the end of that third meeting, we both hoped that something might alter her destiny so that it could be tied to mine.

"And, thanks to you, that did happen! When you bound her to the ring, and the wielder who would be both the last and the first, you made it possible for her to travel with me backward in time! She lives the same type of existence I do, waking up to a new day in the past at my side. And, when I disappear into the limbo realm, she is here as well... except, of course, for those three times when I had to meet her doppelganger, on her way toward meeting me in real life." He smiled fondly at Olympias, gripping her hand tight as if to reinforce their bond. "And we shall likely continue our journey backward through time together, thanks to your quick thinking."

I still was confused. "But... which Olympias is this? The one going forward, or the one going back?"

Olympias laughed at my confusion, but in sympathy, not making sport. "Dear, dear Daniel. The moment you declared you were finished with Sara's contract with Ornias, my spirit was set free. And, at that moment, the future changed, so that I was able to return to the past with Merlin. So, the moment Ornias disappeared from your ring is essentially the dividing point between my "forward-future" and my "backward-future." And, Merlin has told you that he could not meet you in a point in your own future, but could only come from a moment in your own past, so, at the moment you set me free, Merlin began wooing me in earnest" here she paused for a moment to give Merlin a lascivious grin, "but, in the past, or that is, in your past, once we were beyond the moment I became truly free, I was able to rejoin Merlin as my "backward-future" self. Until that moment, he had been forced, as he showed you before, to hold on to my spirit in the "Poerdh" rune, even as he spoke gently and began to endear himself to my "forward-future" personality. So, when you happened to return to this thought-created set of rooms, Merlin and I were happily trying something we had never had the chance to do before in elsewhen." She turned her lascivious grin on me. "You have a very comfortable bed, by the way."

I turned my attention back to Merlin "And this is what Olympias really looks... err, looked like? What she looked like at the time of Alexander?"

"Mostly... with a few improvements here and there." He smiled, showing all his teeth. "After all, what good is it being a master magician if you can't subtract a wrinkle or a gray hair here and there?"

"So everything is alright? You're both okay with what I did?"

Olympias leaned forward from Merlin's lap and gripped my face between both hands. "Silly boy. "Okay" does not begin to describe how grateful we are about what you did!

"I did not know it at the time, but I truly did make the right choice in giving you the ring!"

That's when she kissed me. On the lips. For about 2 minutes. Until I was forced to break free just to gasp for air.

It beat a thank you card any day.

Soon after that, I decided I needed to leave Merlin and Olympias to their revels, as they kept exchanging rather smoldering glances, with the occasional well-placed fondle or pinch. But something was still nudging me in the back of my mind.

"Merlin?" He stopped tickling Olympias long enough to turn his head toward me. "How did you know about the contract with Ornias? You and Olympias were not there, because you were both here in elsewhen. So... how did you know?"

Merlin looked at me with a very serious expression for a moment, as if weighing in his mind exactly what information he could trust me with. Then, as he came to a decision, he nodded once, and smiled slightly at me.

"Daniel, I am far from completing my journey backward with the ring, and I have yet to meet the ringwielders of the past. Yet, after talking with the "future-forward" Olympias about those she gave the ring to, it became very clear to me that most were self-centered, power-hungry despots, not very much inclined to actions beneficial to anyone other than themselves. You, I think, are cut from a different cloth.

"Though I'm not supposed to talk about the future, especially not your future, I think I can make this one exception. Once all the events of tonight are finished, you are going to write them all down in the form of a letter, which you will then attempt to send to me by mental projection. However, by some luck or accident or unknown aid to fortune, that letter will not wind up in my hands. Or, that is to say, in my hands at this point in time.

"You see, when you or I create something in this place we call elsewhen, it leaves a particular energy signature. When you or I decide we want meet each other again in your future, you will home in on this energy signature as a method of finding me, as I will home in on your energy signature to find you. The first time I was forced into elsewhen, during the time of the 14th ringwielder, I created a place for my spirit to reside comfortably while waiting to return to normal time and space. It's my belief that, each time I come back to elsewhen, I return to the exact same place I created that first time... mainly because it is so much easier to home in on that unique energy signature than to create another, entirely different one.

"All that being said, I think that you will focus on the energy signature that you now recognize as "Merlin's home in elsewhen" while trying to send me your letter. But it will wind up, not in this particular version of elsewhen, but somewhere far in the future. Where I, having just disappeared from Earth for the first time, will find it waiting for me." He smiled broadly. "You have no idea how much that letter helped me, Daniel. It explained some very important details of what had happened to Olympias that she had no way of knowing. And, though my dear Olympias knew that I had "wooed" her in elsewhen during her "future-forward" life, neither she nor I could know what would happen to her while her doppelganger was here with me. So, your letter confirmed what would happen, and ensured that we both would be ready for both your coming... and being reunited in spirit, as well as in body.

"So, when you have thought through everything, Daniel, and you are sure of it in your mind, write it down and send it to me. And, in doing so, you will fulfill another piece of your destiny.

I thought about that for a moment. "But what is my destiny, Merlin? This ring always seems to have been wielded by men of conquest, by those who would forge for themselves new worlds in their own image. I just don't see myself in that role."

Merlin frowned a bit at that. "Lad, there are many ways to forge new worlds without trampling people underfoot. I once told you that some ringwielders made such a mark on history that their names would always be remembered, while others walked quietly through the corridors of history, making their mark without leaving a trace.

"But you, Daniel... I remember your letter to me, and the things you told me about what you did on the night you set Olympias free, and something strikes me. You wanted vengeance for the way you had felt so badly treated by the group, but something happened to you when you met and helped Samantha. I think that, unconsciously, you remembered something about yourself that you had forgotten in your anger. You remembered that you had always been more giver than taker. You remembered that you always preferred helping others to be happy, sometimes at the cost of your own happiness. You could have simply wreaked havoc and walked away... but instead, you chose to help those you could, give happiness and release to those who deserved it, and, at the very end, not to let any, except the one who had wronged you, be permanently punished." He looked at me in admiration. "I don't think King Solomon could have done any better, my boy."

Can disembodied spirits blush? I think that, if its possible, it happened to me when Merlin said that.

"I know what your future holds, Daniel, and I think it is a fitting and fine future for a man such as yourself. However, I apparently am required to give you a clue to that future, as your letter said I did such. And so, these words, Daniel, apparently hold some key to your future, some significance of which I am not aware. But I will repeat them verbatim, as you wrote them down.

""The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few... or the one.""

My eyes widened at that, because I immediately recognized the source of the quote. Except... I could not really make any sense of it at all! "What does it mean, Merlin? How is that supposed to a key to my future?"

"I cannot tell you that, Daniel. But I know you will make the right connections... in time. Or," he smiled as he gestured around my imaginary apartment, "perhaps even outside of time. But for now... I think its time for you to return to your present."

There were still so many questions, so many things I wished to know, but, when I opened my mouth to speak, Merlin shook his head firmly. "I can give you advice, Daniel, but I can't tell you any more about the future. If you remember the things I've told you, you will figure it out on your own. And that is the way it is meant to be."

I looked at him with a bemused expression, knowing what he said was true, but still wanting to know what the future held for me. The moment stretched... until I nodded in acceptance and pushed myself up off the sofa, preparing to leave.

Olympias removed herself from Merlin's lap, and, without warning, jumped into my arms and wrapped her legs around me. As she hugged me tight, she whispered in my ear, "Come back and visit us anytime, Daniel. There is nothing I can ever do to repay you for setting me free, but you have but to ask, and I will try." Kissing me gently, she disentangled herself from me and walked slowly back to Merlin. As she turned away from me, I noticed the firelight reflecting the tracks of tears on her face. When she reached Merlin again, she buried her face in his shoulder, as if unwilling to watch me leave.

I looked at Merlin curiously, not sure what had just happened. Without moving his lips, I heard his voice in my left ear, as he mentally projected his words to keep Olympias from hearing them. "As far as she's concerned, Daniel, you are her hero, the man who rescued her from her own scheming and plotting. She thinks she owes you, not only for freeing her, but for how she dragged Sara into this, as well. Olympias would literally do anything for you that she could manage." He wrapped his arms around her and held her. "Thank goodness for both our sakes that you are not the kind of man who would hold her to such a bargain." His smile tightened in warning; his tone made it clear that he would not allow such a bargain to be consummated.

Nodding in understand, I raised my hand in a gesture of farewell. I knew I would visit again, for advice and fellowship... but for now, I had a last piece of business to attend to, something that had to be finished before the clock made its last tick up to 6 AM.

The disorientation I had felt the last time I returned to my own body was less this time, and I was quickly able to open my eyes and assess what had happened in the dungeon while I was visiting Olympias and Merlin.

They had all gathered there, all those I had touched during the long night. Leslie had found a leash somewhere, and had led her rubber-doll husband into the room, where he stood against a wall while she was off running the errand I had placed her mind before I went to visit Merlin. Jennifer and Margaret were posed in the same positions that they had assumed in Gerry's office; the wax that had coated their bodies had, with my help, taken on a rubbery aspect that kept it from flaking or breaking while they moved, and thus they still looked like beautiful wax statues, fresh from dipping - or, in this case, dripping. Frick and Frack sat on their haunches, sniffing the air, snorting occasionally, but otherwise quiet. Richard and Tricksie had carried Matilda into the room, as she was unconscious from the last of her 12 orgasms; they stood stiffly, roboticized, keeping Matilda upright in the chair in which they had placed her. Sara still stood, glassy-eyed, in the middle of the room; Ramon remained unconscious on the floor against one wall; and Steven sat, hunched forward in his folding chair, as if studying something in front of him, though unaware of anything that might have been happening.

Samantha had borrowed a leash from Gerry's bedroom, and had guided Cassie into the dungeon. She waited until my eyes reached her, then smiled and ran to where I was standing, dropping to her knees in front of me. "Oh, Master, thank you for letting me play with Cassie! She came so many times, I was afraid that she would faint! But she was very, very disciplined. Can we keep her?"

I looked down at her in astonishment, and it wasn't just because of her audacity in asking if we could just take Cassie home like a kitten at the SPCA. I still had not resolved in my mind if there could or should be a "we" once this night was over. I had no problem letting her keep the body she was in... but I was still uncertain, given all that had happened and all that I had learned, that she should come home with me. Whenever I tried to grasp some vision of the future, it tended to slip from my hands, to be replaced by a ticking clock... a reminder that 6 AM would be here quickly enough. I could only look down at her and shake my head. "We'll see, pet," I temporized, stroking her head, "we'll see." She smiled up at me, but I could see a frown in her eyes from the uncertainty in my tone. Then, as I gestured, she returned to Cassie's side, arranging herself comfortably on the floor.

By that time, Leslie had returned. Without looking at me, she had started setting up a video camera, placing it on a tripod and then plugging it in to an outlet in the wall. After turning it on and assuring it had a tape to record on, she walked back over to husband, smiling at me as she stroked his cock through the shiny black latex.

It was time.

I looked over to Sara and released her mind from its holding pattern. She panicked for a moment; from her point of view, all of these people had suddenly just materialized around her, and it unsettled her to the point that she closed her eyes and waited for a few seconds, then opened them again. In disbelief, she shook her head slightly, as if trying to make her eyes stop seeing things that could not be. When she looked at me, I held out my hand to her, silently asking her to join me in the center of the room. After a moment of hesitation, she acquiesced.

"You told me you had done things to everyone, but..." she trailed off, looking around the room, her eyes wide. Her eyes lingered on Gerry and his tremendous cock, on Marg and Jen in their wax sheaths... until she finally saw Samantha sitting comfortably on the floor next to Cassie. Sara looked back at me, saying "Sam?"

But it was Samantha who answered her question. "Yes, Sara, its me." She looked at me, asking permission, and I nodded slightly. She got to her feet and posed like a runway model, turning her new body around for Sara to see. "How do you like it? Does it fit with what you'd always imagined I'd look like as a girl?"

Sara eased over to stand in front of Sam, putting her hands out to touch her friend's face, then dropping down to her shoulders. "Is it... is it real? Are you really... a woman?"

Samantha broke into laughter. "Yes, it's real. I'm a fully functioning, anatomically correct female of the species. And, thanks to Daniel, I'm fully broken in, too!" Looking at me, her expression turned serious. "Though I think he's not sure whether to keep me or not." She looked back at Sara. "I've been as happy the last 6 hours as I've ever been in my life Sara. Daniel says it's my choice whether or not I stay in this body... and my choice is to stay this way, permanently." She flicked her eyes back toward me before continuing. "But, I'd also like to belong to him permanently, and I'm not sure that Daniel wants that." I found myself looking at the floor as they both turned to look at me. However, Samantha could not stay moody for very long. She tugged on Sara's hand to get back her attention, and then smiled widely. "I never imagined that I would ever get my wish to be a woman so completely fulfilled, Sara, but its happened, and I am going to enjoy the ride for as long as it lasts. And if you don't say you're happy for me, I'll never speak to you again!"

Sara wrapped her arms around her friend and held her tightly. I could feel the tears of happiness that brimmed from their eyes as they rocked together, sharing the depth of their bond of friendship, a bond that I had only been able to share from a distance. I couldn't help but feel a bit of envy at how much love they could show for each other... love that had nothing to do with romance or sex, and everything to do with caring for and supporting each other, accepting each other fully no matter what the situation. Their embrace lasted until, aware of the passing time, I cleared my throat to get their attention.

They pulled away from each other reluctantly, but again I held my hand out to Sara, and she moved to come back to where I was standing. But Sam didn't let go of Sara's hand. When she turned around, puzzled, Sam reached up with both hands and pulled Sara's head down to her own, kissing her hungrily. Startled, Sara tried to pull back... but after a moment, she responded, returning Samantha's kiss with passion and heat. I was afraid for a moment I would have to walk over and separate them physically, or risk running out of time... until Sam pulled away, a huge smile on her face. "I always wanted to do that to you, you know? And what I thought was right... you DO taste good!" Sara laughed loudly, and Sam joined her, and they again hugged each other tight. Then Sara walked back over to where I was standing, and Samantha sat down again on the carpet next to where Cassie stood.

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ManoJob Eliza Eves The Only Babysitter

Eliza Eves has been babysitting for Mr. POV for a long time now. Something strange happened when Eliza turned 18: she started flirting with Mr. POV. A lot. Mr. POV also noticed Eliza started showing up to his place a random times — not to babysit — but just to “say hello!” And it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out Eliza was “just stopping by” when Mr. POV’s wife was out somewhere with their kid. Eliza would often come over is a sheer...

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Neighbors Teasing WifeChapter 5

"Joan, we've got a problem," Vicky sighed. "Hey, no shit?" Joan said bitterly. "I can see we've got a problem, honey, but what are we gonna do about it?" "Well, I think the first thing I need is a drink," Vicky said. "How about you?" "Make it a double, please!" With drinks in hand, they discussed their situation. "It's pretty clear," Vicky said. "The guys want somebody new. They're not really too tired for sex." "Yeah. They just proved that," Joan said. "And...

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Death Road

I would like to thank Zen Master for his help in editing this story. This story transpires in the year 1979, in the county of Palm Beach, Florida Murrr derrr, murderrr. The way the word rolled off my tongue seemed to fascinate me. Especially since that was the reason that I was sitting in the dark, on damp grass, with a gnarled cane pole in hand and I wasn’t thinking about murdering fish. I was planning to kill Bill Brown. My thoughts would bounce from the word to the question and back....

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Fairy The Fairy Genome Project

The Fairy Genome Project Dandelion didn't arrive that next morning. Originally Holly hadn't been too worried. She had been having too much fun with Anise, happy for Alyssum Rose and Xanthium, welcoming Trillium and Sakura to notice. But by noon the new Pixie had not returned and as the day wore on, she became more anxious. She stood on the branch of her nest, hugging Alyssum desperately as the sun reached the horizon. Anise was inside making dinner for them both, as happy in the...

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Could It HappenChapter 6

The talk at the United Nations did result in most countries realizing the importance America meant to their countries and to world peace. There still were exceptions to this but those countries were now receiving a cold shoulder from the countries that were previously friendly to their cause and now were re-thinking their support. If this would last no one knew but while it did there were no major political problems to handle. True to his word and one year since the day of Hal’s inauguration...

4 years ago
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Week 4 Class 1 Pt 01

Week 4, Class 1: The Orgasm, Masturbation, and Sex Toys (Part 1) After a breakthrough and memorable evening with her friends the night before, Jill felt a little less trepidation about attending today’s Human Sexuality class. Still, Professor Green was going to be discussing with them the holy grail of sex, the orgasm. There was sure to be descriptive banter about what it is, how it is achieved, and what it feels like. To be inevitably followed by the ‘hands-on’ portion of the class. Jill and...

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How I Started Turning Girls into Lesbians PT2

LaurieI had Rena drive me home, and on subsequent days I'd had her between my legs a couple more times before an opportunity presented itself to recruit Laurie as my next pet. It turns out that fate really is on my side. Although I didn't believe it at the time, I do now. With Rena, the store had remained empty for almost twenty minutes to give me time to complete my first seduction. Then this particular Saturday while I was at a frat party at a local college (I rarely went to high school...

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A friend wrote this about me

"Wrote this thinking of you and me baby..."I sat slightly forward hoping that the young Captain sitting across the isle from me would get a good view down my shirt. I had rather ample bosoms and the low cut shirt and Victoria Secret bra I was wearing made them look even bigger.He had caught my eye when he boarded the plane and I had hoped that he would take the seat next to me. To my luck, an overweight aging business man sat next to me, and the Captain sat across the isle next to an even...

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The Casting Couch

(Author's note: while this story and the branches in it are based on web sites such as "NetVideoGirls" and "Backroom Casting Couch," I have no claim to their intellectual property, the names of the sites, or anything like that. To be honest, I don't even subscribe to them. Thank you for all the views! I've started five threads on here, one of them by request, and a couple of writers have fleshed out two of them in different directions. I'm up for suggestions, comments, or even new threads to be...

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A Hurra Good Time

Hurricane Helms is main eventing a title match with The Rock at a PPV. The Rock is going to win but Mighty Molly gets involved and helps Hurricane Helms get the victory. Both celebrate the victory by kissing each other and hugging each other. But it soon gets a little involved. As the crowd departs Hurricane Helms hurra-whispers something into Mighty Molly’s ear that kind of gets her excited. Hurricane Helms hurra- kisses Mighty Molly again and while doing this he slowly moves his hands up...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 107 Love and betrayal

"Ryo-oki!" The image of young Ryoko projected. Having seated herself directly upon the main deck of the now dead tree ship. Sitting on the very place where only too recently she and Arin had made love. Holding onto Kagito who seemed barely able to remain conscience. From where she was observing Ena gave a guilty start. After all the scene before them was so similar to her time with Azusa aboard the dreadnought Odan! "Ryo-oki!" younger version of Ryoko projected again visibly quaking...

2 years ago
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The Perfect Love Making 8211 Part 1

I always wanted to do love marriage because I think that we should first know our partner to be sure of that she is best for you and you for her. But you never know what will happen next. I was 25 years old and till then I was a virgin. It’s not because I did not get any opportunity to have sex, it’s because I wanted to wait till I find my love. My family is very traditional. They were pleading me to marry for last 5 years. But I ignored them. But on my 25th birth day, My mom again asked me “...

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Oleander DreamsChapter 4

Despite L. Martinus’s request, I take my meds like I’m supposed to. I have to go to work, and I can’t afford to be off my game. The new meds are different, I think. I’m calmer, for one thing. Everything I see as I walk to work seems covered in a gossamer shroud. The sun is muted and doesn’t blare in my eyes. Most importantly, I don’t have any disconcerting auditory or olfactory hallucinations. It’s a perfect morning, cool, and the humidity ubiquitous to Louisiana is absent. The streets are...

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The outdoor cafe was filled with people, tourists and locals alike, all searching for a small piece of blessed shade in which to escape the brutal noonday sun. On the spice laden breeze drifted snatches of conversation in a dozen languages, most of them unfamiliar to Kyle but he found the rhythm of the strange words oddly relaxing. As he took a slip of the strong, sweet brew that passed as coffee in these parts, he glanced over the many patrons and amused himself by trying to guess where they...

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first lesion

hi all, this is praneeth. this was my first lesion to my cousin pinky who just turned in to teens. she is really smart and sexy. In our young age we use to go to school, during weekends we use to play. one day we both were alone playing, i just that i wanna see her pussy. she indeed asked me to show my cock i just unzipped my pant to my surprise my dick was erected she saw it and smiled. when i asked to show her pussy she ran away. in the noon time i we were playing and i was interested to see...

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BlacksOnBlondes Melissa Lynn 02122019

In case you didn’t know, Slim Poke has a side-hustle: he’s designing “naughty” tees for women. Naughty in the sense Slim’s designs have simple, short descriptions on them: “hoe” and “slut” and “yes daddy!”, for example. Slim hired a beautiful model — Melissa Lynn — for a photograph session. Slim and his two partners — Jax and Rob — need to get a print catalogue out, ASAP! But “ASAP” is gonna...

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Kelly Sleeping over

Kelly is Sleeping Over.After Kelly just sprayed her cum all over my face and hair, I asked if she would like to take a shower with me. She looked at me and said, “Yes Dear I would love that.” I got up from the couch and grabbed her hand, lead her upstairs to the Master Bathroom. The shower is well big enough for the both of us. As we both removed whatever clothing we had left on, I reached in the closet and got out 2 bath towels. I stepped inside and turned on the water. I turned on the...

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Analized Whitney Wright Does What She Has To Do

Whitney Wright sucks at her job. Her boss calls her up late at night for a simple task. Her useless teen self can’t do anything right. The young assistant is about to be fired, but then she flashes her tight pussy and ass to the grown man. Whitney knows she doesn’t have many skills in life, but there is one thing she is definitely good at. The young whore knows grown men will pay to fuck her holes. She is the fantasy of any married man who is in a hotel on a business trip. She waits...

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SweetheartVideo Sarah Vandella Emma Straletto The Nanny

Barbara (Sarah Vandella) is recently divorced, like many single mothers she tries to rebuild her life and find love again. After another bad date, she comes home completely bummed out. Luckily for her when she gets home her babysitter Abby (Emma Starletto) is there. The baby is sleeping, and she decides to stay a little bit longer and keep companies to her boss. The two women will chat together and slowly learn more about each other’s life, but when Barbara learns that Abby is a lesbian,...

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My Winter Job Part 2 The LongAwaited Return

It had been six years, so much time to grow and become a new person, I should have been more excited about coming back,  but there was only one person I was truly excited to see upon returning home.My work had taken me all over the world, I had learnt so many new things, enjoyed the company of some of the most beautiful women this world has to offer and yet she was always in the back of my mind, the woman that gave me my first job and so many other good things.We had been having fun together...

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What If Whence Came the Spider

What If: Whence Came the Spider by Bill Hart For those of you who know me not, I am Uatu. But to those select few of you, who reside upon the aqua blue gem known as, and named, simply Earth, which circles a small yellow star they call Sol, I am known more simply as - the Watcher. And yet, Watcher is less an appellation than it is the generic functionality of my entire race. From my secret base, whose exact location is known only to those select few humans outside my ancient...

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BrattyMILF Lauren Phillips Moms Ginger Patch

Lauren Philips is having a rough time getting used to living with her new stepson, Charlie. Charlie is always around, which makes it hard for Lauren to enjoy any sort of privacy. He keeps walking in on his big titty stepmom to try to catch her in the act of doing dirty things so he can see if her carpet matches her drapes. One night, Lauren is using a massager on her legs when Charlie barges in to see if she’s using a vibrator to masturbate. He won’t leave until Lauren kicks him...

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Recovery Adult Friends 11

I hadn't seen Stan for over 20 years, which is why wedidn't immediately recognize each other while in lineat the supermarket. When I heard his voice as headdressed the cashier, I realized that it must be him. "Hey, remember me, I'm Jack?" I asked as he took hischange. He turned his head and his eyes lit up. "I'm glad to run into you," he replied. "I'll wait upwhile you're getting checked out, and then we'lltalk." Once outside, as I had bought nothingperishable, I followed his suggestion to...

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Escort ServicesChapter 2

"Change please, change please." The singsong voice pleaded but, without the conviction you might expect from someone, truly desperate. Robert had seen the same guy in his regular spot in Charing Cross Underground for as long as her had been commuting to London. The street beggar never seemed to alter and didn't look particularly needy. His clothes were of a good standard, hair combed and short and certainly, he wasn't mal-nourished. He passed the sitting man, thinking that he can't...

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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 77

Our first day together didn’t start until our second day. I forced Janet to wait until her ‘Roid’ effects had at least begun to clear her brain before I would begin work. I did allow her to take her new car to Walmart to buy a rolling desk chair, in lieu of rent. Being a renter gave her more rights and privileges than being a simple guest. Her love of order in all things led her to write an agreement. We more or less agreed to not cause each other any grief. Paying rent entitled her to skip...

5 years ago
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The Morning After

The night before was my annual Christmas Party. My neighbor Lisa and her friend dashed away to my spare bedroom for some fun and ended up borrowing my cock (The Christmas After Party). As the night of fun ended I was told I had to make breakfast in the morning. My morning started earlier than I would of liked. I heard door slam about 6am, I looked into the spare room and found Ashley sound asleep in bed. Lisa was no where to be seen.I headed down to the kitchen and began to make breakfast. As I...

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My cousin Chris Chapter Six

Introduction: Hey XNXXers! Sorry for the wait. To make up for it, heres a chapter longer than the rest. Hopefully. A couple months later.First day of school. I opened my eyes and stretched.I looked at the alarm clock. 7a.m. Okay, time to get up.Senior year! I thought.I sat up and shook Ryans shoulder violently. Get up! Ots the first day of senior year! Get started on breakfast and Ill go wake the guys up. I said, running out into the hall.I grabbed the megaphone and turned it on.I silently...

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TriadChapter 5

I woke up early sure of two things. First, from the angle of sunlight trying to get into the room behind the room darkening shades I guessed the time to be about six a.m. Second, someone had their warm lips wrapped around my morning wood, and they were making love to me in their own way. I cranked both eyes open and looked down my body. A naked hot A-list movie star was between my legs and having a virtual field day bobbing, lapping, sucking, and otherwise romancing my cock. I could see...

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EvilAngel Alex Coal Fuck Rim Job Submission

Tall, raven-haired sweetheart Alex Coal teases her natural tits. She peels tiny jean shorts from her thick hips and twerks her voluptuous ass. Alex rubs dominant Danny Steele’s big cock flirtatiously. Danny flirts with Alex, who wants his meaty pole. She gives him a messy blowjob, spit splashing her tight abs. Danny rubs her sweet clit and then plunges his dick deeply inside her juicy pussy. He drills her as she screams in euphoric delight, cresting the wave of a body-shaking orgasm that...

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Young Life of White TigerChapter 12 Aftermath and a New Problem

The next morning after a lecture from both Mom and Dad about avoiding any more fights, plus reiterating Bill’s point about not talking about what happened without permission, Mom drove me to school. This was to avoid being accosted by other students at the bus stop for details. She walked up to the school with me, I headed straight for my homeroom, while she headed for the principal’s office to drop off a printed edition of my statement, in case the school decided they wanted to get...

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Chloe Moretz Hitchhiker 20

By MuhabbaThis story is based on the idea Chloe Moretz isn’t a celebrity.His name was Dave Foster and he was a traveling vacuum cleaner salesman. (Oops. “Retail Associate Salesperson” the last seminar he had to attend told him) Basically he travelled around in his hatchback giving live demos of his company’s “Rainbow Lite” vacuum cleaners. He would provide quick demos at trade shows, retail outlets and in peoples’ homes by appointment. He had a pretty good base salary and a more than decent...

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The DareChapter 3 A Few More Games

Monday Two days later, Talia again logged in immediately after work, miffed when she did not see ChuckBC online. As she looked around, scanning the adverts, she began to chat with one of her less frequent partners, Brian86, and soon began to explore the story they had left off a couple of weeks prior. After about an hour, a toast notification window popped up, and Talia quickly got a second window open. > > : “Sorry, late, um, you busy?” “Yeah, sorry, but, they kinda slow...

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Coming In Out of The Rain

Today I was out running errands, and it started to rain. I made a few stops and manage to avoid getting soaked. It looked like the rain wasn't letting up, so I decided to make one more stop, then head home.I pulled into the d**gstore and went in to pick up a few things. Our local d**gstore is like a huge convenience store with all sorts of things, so I pickup up a few snacks, some vitamins and the allergy medication I came for. I checked out and headed out the front to where I had parked a...

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Jeth ki bibi bani 8211

Hello dosto. Meena again… Part 1 se aage yaha shuru karti hu. Part 1 me aapne padha ki kaise mene apne jeth ji ka lund dekha aur kaise mene anjaan ban ke unko apne boobs dikhaye… Ab aagey – mujhe malum tha ki jeth ji jarur plan bana rahe honge ki mujhe kese hasil kiya jaye, par wo plan kya tha ye mujhe nhi malum.. Mujhe intazar karna tha mouke ka. Ek din ki baat hai. Sunday tha. Sab ghar me thay. Pati ke sath main 1st floor par thi… Dopahar ko jeth jethani ko lunch khilana tha. Mene pati se...

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Taking pictures0

"I think I want you to get in touch with Lamont," I said and went back to my cottage cheese. "What? You want me to fuck him again?" she asked with a funny look on her face. She'd dated him, briefly, in college as her lone conquest at black dick. "No, I want to watch you fuck him," I told her. "I want to take pictures of his big cock in your ass." "I wouldn't let him do that," she said and browsed her lettuce with ranch and bacon bits. "Well, we'll see," I...

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Sex With My Sister

This story goes back to many years, when we were a big joint family comprising of my grand-mother, my parents, 3 sisters & 3 brothers (including myself), i.e. 9 family members. We stayed in a 3 BHK Flat. As such, many a times some of the members had to sleep on mattresses on the floor. Sometimes we slept in some order and sometimes in another order. Quite a few times, the youngest of my 3 sisters, who is also just elder to me, slept on the floor with me on one side and my younger brother on the...

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My Family Member Does Porn

The summer is winding down and it is time for you head off once again for your dorm. You're mind is still reeling from the insanity of the events that have taken place in these couple of short weeks. The best sex of your life. You have no doubt about it. And it happened with the most unexpected people. You now regret that the summer has ended so quickly, which is in sharp contract to how you originally felt about coming back home when the semester ended. You smile, as you think back to the...

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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 21 A Good Talk With Mom

October 8, 1982, Circleville, Ohio “I want to, yes, of course; but we reset things for good reasons. Why the change?” Katy got up from the couch and sat back down in my lap, draping her arms over my shoulders. “I wanted to from the minute I saw you naked. I’ve dreamed about what it would be like.” “I felt the same way when I saw you naked,” I said. “Well, even before, when you first let me touch you. But I can’t promise you anything right now, Katy.” She sighed deeply, then moved her...

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They traded places again, and she clicked the Start Game icon, this time negotiating the first level with more ease. He stood behind her, and peered down the loose fitting tank top, getting at last an unobstructed view of her developing breasts. Gently, he slid his hands forward from her shoulders and, encountering no resistance or feedback from her as his fingertips approached her collarbone, he went further, until he was touching just above the breasts themselves. He was curious whether he...

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Fairy Tale Path

Melinda was a single mum whose life had been average — at least, as she defined average — until she met her new partner, Shane. Everyone around her had typical relationships where the man does his thing, the woman does hers, and the only interaction is part of daily routine. Shane brought a passion and excitement to her life; he wanted to share in every part of her life. She had never had a lover so intense.Shane was an intellectual who had a high-pressure job with a lot of responsibility, who...

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Laredo As I walked out on the streets of Laredo. As I walked out on Laredo a.m., I spied a young cowboy wrapped in white cotton, Wrapped in white cotton with lace on the hem. "I can see by your outfit that you are a cowboy." These words as I boldly walked by he did say. "Come an' sit down beside me an' hear my glad story. "I'm caught in drag gear but I'm still a good lay" "It was once in the saddle, I used to go dashing. "Tall in the saddle and first to a fight. "Then to the...

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Hots for teacher pt1

Hey guys this is my 1st story. I am in high school still but I am off age ever since my sophomore year I have seen this beautiful woman everyone has those few people that make an impact on your life well this is a story about class I will never skip after that day. It's Wednesday my fifth period class is English just got done with lunch heading to my class early because I had to get the my absent work .then I walk in and my teacher isn't in the class well I have five mins till the bell...

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AmberChapter 6

By the time Leon is exiting the bathroom both girls are exiting the bedroom. He smiles at them both and they return the smile, but Amber quickly changes her expression to one of a questioning look. Leon continues to smile, knowing he knows something they don’t. “So, he says as they come closer. “Are you ready for you sleepover?” “You bet, Daddy,” Amber says, winking. Jessica nods yet doesn’t say anything. Leon is about to question them more when the doorbell rings interrupting them. “Well,...

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Delta OriginalChapter 7 The Eighth Race

Alec was excited to go visiting with Kyle and Tony. He loved meeting new people. His sunny disposition and caring nature drew people to him like flies to honey. He was a glass-half-full type of guy. The boys had packed basic, cover most situations, backpack and transported themselves to the wharf on Kazan Island. Their sudden appearance caused a bit of a stir. The Therians had heard the rumours of wizards being back but had decided it wasn’t their problem. To have three of them appear...

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TittyAttack Jenna Foxx Mardi Gras Madness

When Mardi Gras comes around, most people are only thinking about two things. Tits and more tits. How else are you supposed to get rid of all those extra shiny beaded necklaces you have lying around? Good thing for Jenna Foxx. When it comes to tits she‘s got us covered. Those bazookas were nearly busting out of her top, and we were both relieved when she let them free. Watching those tatas bounce around was almost as entertaining as watching the parade floats, but Jenna had them beat. As she...

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Raising RocChapter 4

The victory at Stallus III seemed like a hollow one until it was realized that there were now two potential allies for humankind, and if they were on the side of the humans then they wouldn't be on the side of the Rics. Simple right? Much too simple, because all but one of the Rics 'allies' were under involuntary mind control by the Rics. Still, it was a victory. And with any victory, there are victors of the combat. It was to Sergeant Kelley and Private Roc, the victors that the accolades...

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The Laundromat

The cop blocked George from entering the laundromat while Alex sucked on her partner’s dick. George had rushed there when he got Alex’s late-night call, but it appeared that Alex had already found a solution. Alex glanced over at George and shrugged as he finished off the overweight donut-muncher-in-denial. George, frustrated that he couldn’t put a stop to this, knew he could take either cop in a fair fight, probably both, but they were the ones with the badges and tasers. “Yeah, I’ll let you...

Gay Male
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I Dream of Tweenie The Queen of the Sluts AwakensChapter 2

Olivia woke up and had to think for a moment, what reality am I waking up into? Yesterday had been surreal, coming out of her coma and finding out she wasn't the Queen of the Sluts with over two thousand proverbial notches on her bedpost. Her pussy that had entertained her, and every Tom, Dick, or Harry, every day since before her summer break, was still as virginal as the day she was born. Minus her hymen of course. Her episode with the hairbrush last night had taken care of that. Looking...

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