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They traded places again, and she clicked the Start Game icon, this time negotiating the first level with more ease. He stood behind her, and peered down the loose fitting tank top, getting at last an unobstructed view of her developing breasts. Gently, he slid his hands forward from her shoulders and, encountering no resistance or feedback from her as his fingertips approached her collarbone, he went further, until he was touching just above the breasts themselves. He was curious whether he would feel the nipples start to harden up like he'd seen in pictures. "Hey, stop that," she said before he reached them. "You're doing good, past that guard," he said, changing the subject back to the game. He moved his hands back up an inch or so, and stroked gently, his first-ever touch of nookie so tantalizingly close. Already hard minutes ago at the thought of this, his erection was absolutely full now. "I mean it, stop it," she repeated, still giving complete attention to the opponents on the screen. He tried to think of something worth saying, and coming up empty he just continued stroking below her collarbone, realizing that she was not backing up her words with any physical hindrance. He bent forward far enough to kiss her on the neck. She wriggled slightly to try to shoo him, but not to any effect.

"That tickles," she protested. "But it feels good, don't it?" he countered. "I didn't come here for that. For anything heavy I mean. I just thought we could, y'know, chillax," she said, ignoring his specific question. He rubbed his thumbs back and forth across her skin, and asked "but this is relaxing, isn't it? Doesn't it feel good?" "I mean it," she repeated, "stop it, I don't wanna, wanna, shit, now see what you did?" Two attack sims had ambushed her in rapid succession from different sides, and her character was dead. "Your turn," she said.

He didn't move his hands off her, and said "nah, you can go again if you want." She shifted to get up and said, "no, you're better, let me watch you." Unwillingly, he let her slide away from his touch. He sat down, noting the warmth of the chair seat which a moment earlier had been in close proximity to what he desired even more than her chest. She stood behind him, and lightly rested both her arms on his big shoulders.

He began the game, and she said idly, "I don't understand why guys are always so obsessed with boobs." He chuckled and said, "what do you think? I mean, did you ever ask your brother?"

"Oh good lord no," she said, "he'd croak if I asked him something like that. He'd croak if he even knew I was here with you, actually. For an eighth grader he acts more like a kindergartner sometimes. You're much cooler, Dylan. More mature, even if he is your same age. Even I'm more mature than him, I think. My teacher last year said I have an old soul, whatever that means. Look out, oh good, you got the, what, ninja priest, is that what he was? Anyway, that's more like what I'd talk to my sister about. I mean, she told me once, her boyfriend is always trying to suck hers. It's like Francisco's obsessed, y'know. Or a perv. I mean, April's more developed than me, of course, though she's almost 16 and she really only started developing when she was 14. She showed me, couple years ago - her nipples got huge, all in like one summer. Though, I got my period younger than she ever did; which is the opposite of what they say, since she's always carried a little more weight. Mom says that's just her side of the family for ya. My friend Amber and I are the only ones in sixth to even have our periods yet. I'm starting to get hair down there, too. So maybe my boobs are about to grow fast too - they started last year but kind of stopped. But anyway, I don't understand what the big deal is, for guys. They're just boobs. They're for babies, and most girls don't want babies as boyfriends, do they? Ha ha. April says it's not that big a deal for her, so she lets him sometimes, even though she knows it just means he's trying to get into her pants. She can't really stop him from groping her, when you come right down to it. But why do they do it? I don't get it. I mean, even with just looking at pictures, guys are always going on and on and on about girls' boobs. Obsessed. And mine aren't even big yet, but you're trying to grab them."

"Take your shirt off, and I'll show you," he offered, finally able to get a word in edgewise. Her brother could be the same way after just one joint as well, he thought - super talkative. "You mean, you want me to show you," she corrected.

"No," he said, "I mean I'll show you what it's like. What it feels like. It's a total turnon." He realized as he said it that he must sound like he was reading a line from some magazine - Playboy or (worse) Cosmo. "A turnon for the guy, more like. That's what I don't understand. What's the big deal?" "I can show you. You'd like it, especially if you're high," he promised.

"No, I don't want you to show me, and I don't want any more weed. Just explain it, that's all I was asking." "I don't think it can be explained," he said, "some things just have to be experienced." "Then you're as big a perv as Francisco, with boobs on the brain," she said reproachfully. "I'd rather have them on my tongue," he said.

She didn't distance herself from him, however, and dragged an index finger playfully across his ear. "You know how I know Frankie's a perv?" she asked conspiratorially. "You just said," he answered, "which is just your opinion by the way." "No, I mean besides that." "I dunno, what?" "It's 'cause, whenever he's over, and I walk by in my bare feet or sandals, he stares at my feet. He tries to hide it, but I catch him, all the time. Gross, huh?" She continued tracing his ear with her finger as she spoke.

"How'm I supposed to concentrate if you do that?" he asked, ignoring the critique of the older kid's apparent fetish. "Like that's half as bad as what you were trying to do to me?" she replied. "I thought you said you didn't understand why it's a turnon," he said. "What," she said, "you think it's supposed to put me in a trance or something, and then I'll put out? That's what Frankie says about April. But I don't believe that either. He's such a liar. I think she just decides to do it sometimes, and lets him think it has something to do with him having boobs on the brain, since he's going to think that anyway." "Maybe he's not lying," he said. "Nah," she replied, "she just does it because he's cute." "Am I cute?" he inquired. "Not like Fran-ceee-sco, so don't get a big ego," she said. "It's not my ego that's big," he bragged, "and anyway I think you liked it when I touched you,"

"Well, whatever, it wasn't turning me on, it just tickled. It was annoying. You saw what happened, I died when I shouldn't have." "You just weren't paying attention. I wasn't hurting anything. Here, let me pause this, and you take over. I've gotten this one going so that you can take him right up to level three." "That's OK, I'm not that good at this," she protested, but he said "nah, you only get better with practice," and stood up. With slight reluctance, she sat back down, adjusting her tank top for better modesty than before.

This time he was bolder. Standing behind her, when she began playing the video game again, he immediately slid his hands down inside her top, stretching the material for easy access (and thus completely negating her attempt one moment earlier at modesty) and began massaging firmly, even roughly. "Ow," she said, "stop it, I told you already, no playing with my boobies." But again, she made no overt move to actually impede him, in fact she leaned back slightly in a way that made access even easier. He reduced the manual pressure just slightly. "You are so hot," he whispered into her ear, "and you really know how to work a joystick, y'know?"

"It feels weird," she said, ignoring his double-entendre, "I mean it, stop playing with my boobs. I didn't come over here to get all, y'know, physical." "If it feels weird, then maybe it's working. That's what being turned on is like and you're just not used to it yet," he suggested. She continued working the controls of the video game, and said "it's too weird, it's too weird. You need to stop. I'm not kidding. I didn't come over here for this." But he continued his kneading of her little hooters. And within a moment, another screen character had come to a sad ending. "You think I suck, don't you," she accused. "I hope so," he replied leadingly.

She turned partway toward him. He didn't lift his hands from her chest, making for a slightly awkward pose for them both; and still, she did nothing overt to make him stop touching her there. He leaned forward to try to kiss her, but she turned her head away, yet without making it impossible to keep his hands on her front.

"Look, if you want something physical, how about just a back rub? I'll give you a nice massage. And then you can do me." "I can do you? You mean..." he leered. "No, silly, I mean give each other back rubs. I don't want this to get out of control." "OK, fine, but I'll rub your back first," he suggested. "No, I should massage you first. Cool you down some, otherwise all you'll do is play with my boobs and start stripping me. Trying to get me all nude. Sit down," she said firmly, and began to rise from the chair, at last causing him to lose contact with her chest.

He motioned behind himself. "Be better lying down," he said, and turned 180 degrees and plopped face down onto the twin-size bed next to the far wall, with his arms dangling over the foot of the bed and his bare feet on the pillow. "Well, OK," she said, and stood beside the bed, putting a hand between his shoulder blades, "but I'm not getting in bed with you." "Climb on, it'll be easier," he suggested, and with a laugh she said "I'm fine like this."

"Suit yourself," he said, and he abruptly but deftly lifted himself up and pulled his own t-shirt up and off, then lay back down. "Hey, I didn't mean for you to strip either," she protested, but he just laughed and said "come on, it's just my shirt. You're wound up too tight, Brie. Relax."

Standing beside the bed, then, she started massaging around his shoulder blades. He had a few pimples on his back, and she tried to avoid touching them, partly not to hurt him, partly because she figured it would be gross, especially if one popped.

"Nice, but come on, climb on top, and you can do it better. Don't be lame. I just want a reeeeeeal good backrub," he said. She kicked off her sandals, and the bed springs creaked again as she got on and straddled his lower waist.

She kneaded his shoulder muscles, worked her palms down his spine, and slowly worked back up his sides. He wasn't quite full grown yet, but nevertheless was well muscled, and already was a dominant lineman in Pop Warner. That meant there was a lot of him to massage. In any case it was less than five minutes before she said, "my hands are getting tired. Your turn."

He didn't object to this idea, and she climbed off of him and they traded places. "Put your arms up," he suggested, "like I did, it'll help you relax better."

"Got any others besides that Assassin one?" she asked as he straddled her, motioning toward the game console. "Sure," he said, his hands making quick passes down and up her tank top, "I got prolly a hundred. You can take a look later. I got some bootleg ones, too. I just found 'Navaho Cunt Hunt - Ravage The Savage'. Not exactly politically correct, but funny animation, especially if you know the cheats." "What's that?" she inquired. "Me find'um Navajo, pay'um hoe," he recited, "take'um to teepee, make'um suck weewee, fuck'um tush, scalp'um bush."

"You are gross, you know that?" she replied. "Nah," he said, it's funny." "That's not funny, it's sadistic," she fumed. "Oh, lighten up, it's just a game. You'd laugh," he said. "Yeah, except I'm not a perv," she replied. "Well, we can dig out Fuzzy Wuzzy Bunny Wabbit's Big Day At The Zoo, just for you, then", he said sarcastically. "It sounds like rape," she persisted, "or at least, video rape, practicing for the real thing." "Well," he countered, "you know what they say. When it's inetivable, lie back and enjoy it." "'Edible'? You mean like edible panties? I don't get it," she said. "Not edible, inetivable. You know. What happens, happens." "Well, I guess that's kind of what my mom says, too, although she phrases it different. She says nobody will believe a girl who goes and, uh, well, she'd shit if she knew I was here with you." "You're having fun, right?" he asked, kissing her quickly on the shoulder. "Sure," she said.

On the next upward pass of his hands, he slipped them underneath her tank top and caressed bare skin. "Stop that," she said. "Hey, I'm just giving you a better backrub. Just like you did for me. Relax."

As he moved his hands upward, they pulled the fabric up too, so that her waist was exposed. He started along her spine, but on each pass up and down he widened his reach, and each upward pass pulled the shirt just a bit further. After half a minute he was massaging her ribs. And after two more passes, he slipped his palms underneath her, and began playing with her nipples. "Hey," she said, "I said to stop that. If you can't behave yourself, I'm going to go home."

He brought his hands back up top, and stroked her shoulders and waist some more. Now each downward pass went lower and lower, and eventually he began massaging her buttocks exclusively. "Hey," she protested, "and not there either." He moved his hands up to her back again, and moved his hips forward as well, and began grinding his crotch into her butt while he massaged her shoulders and waist with his hands. "How's that?" he asked, "a double massage, does that feel good?" "What are you doing?" she asked, craning her neck to look over her shoulder, "are you trying to give yourself a boner on me, or something?"

"Too late," he chuckled, "that happened as soon as you walked in the door." He slid his hands to her sides again, and then underneath, and once again started playing with her nipples. "Stop it, I mean it," she said, but, as usual, she did not back up her words with any action, and she remained with her arms stretched above her head and hanging down at the elbows toward the floor. By now, her tank top was nearly all the way up. "Nah, this is fun," he said, still grinding his crotch against her buns, "doesn't it feel good?" "I didn't come here for this," she repeated. "Yeah, well, you need to loosen up, Brianna," he said, "you like it, you're just being shy. Here." And with that, he grasped the tank top, and pulled it firmly up and over her head.

"Hey!" she shouted and at last moved to resist, but doing so made it somehow easier for him to finish slipping the garment completely off of her arms. She was able to roll over in trying to escape his grasp, but now he had her partly pinned, face up. and though she struggled she couldn't get off of the bed. He tossed her shirt to the far corner of the room, then grasped one wrist in each hand.

"Stop stripping me. Gimme back my shirt," she protested. "No," he said, "I want to show you how it feels. You're going to love it." He pressed his lips to one puffy nipple, and began to suck. She pushed against his arms, and wriggled, but made no progress in freeing herself. "Lemme go. Gimme back my shirt," she said, sounding more of irritation than fear or panic. He switched to the other nipple and sucked harder. "That hurts! I wanna go home! Gimme back my shirt!" she repeated. Her struggling diminished, however, when he ceased sucking and just licked.

He went back and forth, a few seconds at a time, between her pubescent breasts, with this more gentle style, and in time her struggles ceased entirely, although she continued to say quietly "I mean it" and "I wanna go home" and "gimme back my shirt". He contorted his body, keeping his mouth at her chest and bringing his hips up to hers, and began grinding his crotch, and she gradually responded in rhythm.

He stopped licking and moved up to try to kiss her, but she turned her face away from him, and resumed her demands that he stop. He got up and stood on the floor, and she quickly got up too and made a move toward her shirt, but he blocked her way. In almost one motion, he unbuttoned and unzipped, and dropped his jeans and boxers, kicking them toward the door.

She stared at his nakedness. "Gimme back my shirt, you ... retard! You think just because you show me a big peen that I'll suddenly fall all over you? I wanna go home, retard!" She was aware enough that her brother's friend had always been a poor student, though by no means a clinical case, and she was certain the epithet would sting.

"Hey! Don't call me that. Come on," he said, "you need to loosen up. Lemme suck your titties real good now. They're real cute."

She had nowhere to go, and though she tried to climb around him over the bed he quickly backed her against the outside wall of the bedroom and pinned her wrists above her head with one hand.

He tried again to kiss her, but she rapidly turned her head side to side in such a way he feared losing a front tooth. So he crouched slightly and began sucking a nipple, taking almost all of her small breast into his mouth. "Lemme go, you asshole, I mean it," she said at first. But after a few seconds of his renewed sucking she stopped protesting, and he felt her arms no longer resist against his hand. He continued holding on though, just to make sure, and with his free right hand he now explored under the waistband of her low cut jeans. Switching to sucking her right nipple, he was more easily able to work his hand inside her pants a few inches, just enough to barely reach hair but no farther, so he worked at the snap until it popped open and then he pulled the zipper down, and was able to gain access to the soft hair under her bikini briefs. "You're stripping me, stop it, I mean it!" she objected, but she did not really struggle as his finger probed her cleft while he still sucked determinedly at her nip.

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HandsOnHardcore Kiara Gold Horny Policewoman Kiara Gold Triple Penetrated in House Raid Gangbang

After raiding a drug dealer’s flat and seizing all of his cash, policewoman Kiara Gold decides to flick her clit in the suspect’s room while her two partners search the rest of the home. After searching the living room, Detective Willy comes into the bedroom to find Kiara with her fingers knuckle deep in her box. Wasting no time whatsoever, Willy uses the opportunity to get his dick wet. Shortly after the two partners begin fucking, they’re joined by Detective Vincent who – just like Detective...

2 years ago
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4 Clan Amir The Day of BloodChapter 03

The battle has been raging for nearly an hour. The Guards and the US Marines are running seriously short of ammunition, but neither are attempting to conserve ammunition. Any reduction in fire power is an invitation to be overrun. Even the better defensive position hasn’t saved the Marines because several have died and half of them are wounded, but they’re still fighting with all they have. Most of C Company are dead or wounded. The line would’ve broken, except for the militia and retired...

3 years ago
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Some Days are Diamonds

SHIT! Almost to work and I realized I forgot my fucking pass, and my wallet! Just what I fucking need not only will I be late to work because I have to go back home to get my card and wallet but my ‘loving wife’ will get another chance to point out another of my many short comings. For some time now my relationship with my wife ‘Darla’ had been very strained to say the least. I could not remember the last time we ‘made love’ we have had a couple of very quick and, in my opinion,...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 643

These Are Compliments of Smokeyjoe. While conducting some business at the Courthouse, I overheard a lady, who had been arrested for assaulting a Mammogram Technician, say, “Your Honour, I’m guilty but there were extenuating circumstances.” The female Judge said, sarcastically, “I’d certainly like to hear those extenuating circumstances.” I did too s0000 I listened as the lady told her story. “Your Honour, I had a mammogram appointment, which I actually kept. I was met by this perky little...

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A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu

A violinist remembers events from her past during a performance. Note: I was inspired to write this little diversion during a live performance by a mature female violinist. She was playing a beautiful piece of music, and it occurred to me to wonder what she thinks about as she plays. For instance, does she ever think of herself as a ten-year old girl learning to play? Of course, a professional is intently concentrated on her playing, but with a piece that she knows well, I’ll bet that her...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 320

I spent the rest of the day with my mates. We hit the gym for some r & r working out. Even with her large size Jenny was still doing exercises that her doc had approved. Jenny had another appointment with the doc on Wednesday the birth date was closing fast. After working out we had a quick lunch at the refreshment center. We cleaned the house from top to bottom and even Crash and Marlene helped. Crash kept the trash cans empty and Marlene took a turn at the wash machines and driers....

4 years ago
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Jim Janice Breaking Down Barriers

Janie and Jim were related, but only vaguely so. Janie’s mom was married to Jim’s dad, so technically, there were brother and sister, just not blood related. Jim was eighteen and Janie was almost eighteen, falling behind Jim by about three weeks. They had both lived under the same roof for about five years, the time that their respective parents had been married. Each had their own room and each had their own set of friends. They seemed totally different in everything. Jim was a jock and Janie...

First Time
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True Stories Part III

True Stories Part III By Michele Nylons This is a continuation of my True Stories series, where I tell my readers about my real life adventures. In the next two instalments I will tell you about some of my encounters that were not particularly satisfactory. As most closet Transvestites will know, there are a lot of losers out there and some of them can even be a little scary. Story One - The Reluctant Stalker As most of my readers know I live in Australia and travel a...

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Blackmail is such an ugly word

"You have got to be k**ding me?" Janet Marsden spits out at the young man across the room.She is 39 years old. Long blonde hair a deep golden color. Curvy body kept in shape by her job at the local gym. She missed the body she had at 25 but anyone who appreciates women would appreciate her. Pretty heart shaped face. Big green eyes. The sort of woman who will never really lose her beauty.The angry look on her face was not all that attractive though.He was tall and lean. 18 years old. Anthony...

4 years ago
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Grand Daughters Weekend

On the way back home my cell phone rang and I saw that it was my grand daughter Marty. We had just celebrated her graduation from high school a couple of days before and I knew that she was unencumbered for a few days so I had asked her out for breakfast while my wife visited her mother. I figured that she was calling me back to confirm the where and when so I answered it with my usual cheery greeting. “Hey Kidd-o, how’s my favorite grand daughter?” “Oh Gramps, I’m your only grand...

2 years ago
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Shadows From the PastChapter 53

Cassie sometimes wondered if the craving to have sex with multiple partners was a good thing in another way: it avoided Ned becoming bored with her sexually. Sometimes she would think of ways she could vary their routine. She even dared to think she could do this while she was building up energy for her confrontation with Jason. Yet as soon as she and Ned had entered the room, she fell into the old routine. She let him slowly strip her, her arousal spiking with each piece of clothing which...

3 years ago
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A mothers mistake 7

Chapter 7 Sunday morning Chris came downstairs to the kitchen for a bowl of cereal. He found his mother sitting at the table dressed in a tight pink jogging suit that she had bought the day before. She was reading the paper. Chris walked in quietly and got a bowl of cereal and sat at the table. His mother didn't look at him, hiding her face behind the paper. At that moment he wanted to be anywhere but there. However, he knew that he had to face her sometime. "Going jogging?" he asked and saw...

4 years ago
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Naughty Farmers DaughterChapter 5

The second time Lana's pa yelled for her, she threw her legs over the side of the bed, reluctantly sitting up. The anger in his voice told her it would not be a good time to ignore him, no matter how much she wanted to stay in bed. "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming, damn it!" she muttered under her breath. She wasn't brave enough to say it loud enough that her pa might hear it. Grabbing her nightgown, she slipped it over her head. In her haste, she didn't bother with panties. Crossing the...

1 year ago
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MyBabysittersClub Malina Mars The Money Is The Motive

Malina initially got into the babysitting game for the money, but when she started catching feelings for her client, everything turned upside down. After she got paid for a hard day of work, her client proceeded to lay down and rest. Malina was supposed to leave but decided to snoop just a little. She caught him dreaming looking dreamy with his cock out. Maybe if she goes in for just a little touch she can get away with it. Feeling the heat of his dick skin caused her to go crazy, so she...

2 years ago
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Beach Weekend

On the second day of our trip I woke up early to get ready for a morning tee time. Another one of my planned relaxation activities. Sidney also got up, not to play golf, but to go to her morning workout in the hotel gym. She is very diligent with her workouts and it shows. She maintains her slender figure through hard work in the exercise room. Hours spent lifting weights and running on the tread mill have payed off by keeping her firm and tone. I for one admire her for her consistent...

1 year ago
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Scarlett Roses Part One

Scarlett waited anxiously for her boyfriend, Ryan, as she paced around the dorm room. She was nervous, knowing what would likely happen later that night. After all, it would be the first night that they had the room to themselves. Scarlett’s roommate, Amanda, was gone for the weekend visiting her parents. So, she expected that she and Ryan were going to finally have sex tonight. Scarlett was a virgin. She grew up in a small town and was raised by rather strict parents. She never even really had...

First Time
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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 56

The news that Dan had relayed to Bern made her heart pound. Bern wondered if the day, when she and Dan could be together in open freedom once more, would actually ever arrive. No more hiding, no more once a month meetings in the dark, she couldn't wait. How he would explain where he had been for three years to the family and friends was unfathomable, but she was sure he had concocted some plausible story. Since the call, the day had seemed to have become brighter, the sun, shooting through...

3 years ago
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I went back to school proud. I wasnt a virgin anymore, and my friends were all going to be so proud that I had finally gotten some instead of staying at home playing with my pussy. I walked up to school on the sidewalk, because the rain would have caught me in its muddy clutches of doom. I had dressed up that day in a black lacey top that flowed out on both sides like a poncho. I wore tight fitting jeans that made my ass shapely and sexy. To top it off, I had the sexiest pair of black cage...

2 years ago
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Vicarage Discipline fm spanking

We were on the bed preparing to fuck. Debbie was on all fours, her beautiful arse should have been stimulation sufficient to arm me with a rod of steel. She was pampering my aching balls and gave my unwilling pecker an encouraging touch now and then, hoping as I hoped, for some stiff action. But all to no avail. It was me that gave up in the end and I huddled on the edge of the bed, beaten in my spirits like a schoolboy who chickened out of a dare. “It doesn’t matter.” sniffed Debbie and she...

1 year ago
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Pygmalion ProjectWeek 3 Mid June

Wednesday Why was he so nervous about picking up a 13 year old girl? A very sweet thirteen, almost fourteen, year old girl. He had met her only twice before, but he did not think she would be uneasy around him. The hard part was he had to do the prepartion for the visit and the briefing afterward. Of course some would fall to Caroline, also. After much uncertainty, they had decided to go with Julia's recommendation. He would tell the kids of her nakedness before they arrived. He still was...

4 years ago
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Cheerleader CampChapter 11 Senior Year in Full Swing etc

With Kim in her senior year in high school things were getting serious. Academically she was taking the courses which would set her up to enter college next fall. She was heavy in science and math as well as taking the technology class. Her plan to go to University of Houston meant she had to buckle down on her studies. She did, however, have time to develop her social life and was dating some very nice guys on a regular basis. Some of them almost measured up to my requirements. She and I...

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Finally Had Fun With Mami

Hi to all the iss readers out there. I have been reading iss stories for last 2 years. I just love this site and I use to fantasize when will I get a chance to write the story. My favorite stories are of incest. Now lets not waste more time I will get to the story. This story is about me and my mami. I sk( shortcut of my name) stay in pune with my family. We have a 4 bhk flat on first floor and my mami stays on the second floor. Let me describe you about me and mami in short. I am a normal guy...

2 years ago
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The Society Witness Protection

1The Society - Witness ProtectionBy The TechnicianBDSM, Non-consensual, Punishment, Depilation, Flogging, Public Bondage, Public Nudity, Public Humiliation = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  A member of The Inner Circle of The Society has agreed to become a traitorous informant in return for being taken into Witness Protection.  Things do not turn out quite like she had anticipated. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING!  All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of...

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Like Clock Work part 1

It was the summer of 2005. I sat in my hot apartment. The A/C had been out for two weeks. I sat on the hot black leather couch. With the windows open and a fan in each window. I sat there in only a bikini top and shorts. They were doing work on the apartments and while fixing the new apartment next to me, they messed up the unit. I groaned and got of the couch. I slantered over to the fridge and opened a bottle of water. My dad and mother shipped me off to college and bought me an apartment to...

3 years ago
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A Tale of Two CheerleadersChapter 4

Summary: Both Kendal and Brit’ney had very nice ninth grade years at their new high schools. Kendal worked very hard and actually made the A-B honor roll. Brit’ney barely studied and coasted to all A’s every grading period. Both of the girls were shoo-ins to continue on the cheer squads at their high schools. Through this transitional year neither of them engaged in any overt sexual activity. Kendal hadn’t seen Alex much at all, and that summer instead of coming to Crystal Island, he had...

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Home Alone with Sissy Toys pt 1

I pulled up to my home, anxious as usual when I'm expecting male. Ordering it online was a delight - all the dirty websites, where to find the sluttiest outfits and most exciting looking toys - a blond wig, a black fishnet body stocking, two 7-inch suction cup dildos, and some other little things. They cam in unmarked brown boxes, which were right next to my stoop.I squatted down to pick them up. Now any time I squatted, I made sure to use good form: Keeping a slight curve in my lower back,...

4 years ago
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A second Chance

It was a beautiful Midwest fall day. The sky was a deep blue, a deeper blue than usual. There was a chill in the air, a hint of the coming winter. The fall leaves were brilliant with their reds and oranges. Once upon a time, it used to be my favorite time of the year, but that had come to a crashing halt long ago. I unlocked the door to my apartment and went inside, tired from a long week at work. I didn’t mind the job I had, but it had lost the glow of enjoyment a long time before.

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The Geek

I began having a lot of problems with my work laptop, so once or twice a week I needed to go into the office and see the IT guy.He was shy, maybe a little younger then me, and I would consider him a geek or nerd type.He always had the same song playing when I visited his office. I eventually heard it on the radio and got to hear the whole song, it was “Someday” by Sugar Ray. Listening to the lyrics led me to suspect it was no coincidence. That song was playing for me. I think he had a crush...

3 years ago
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Our first night at her mothers

I had met Jayne 5 years before we actually started to go out with each other long term she was not quite 18 then till the end of the year, she used to be my mates girlfriend but more of that another time! It's worth it, and what happens is actually what happened.We got back together on a blind date. I had been asked to come along by a mate I was working with at the time. His girlfriend wanted to go out with him, but also bring along her friend as well, and 3 made for an awkward date. At the...

1 year ago
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Trading Places

Note : This story is completely fictional! I’ve lived next door to my best friend Eve for my entire life. She and I might as well be twin sisters, and that’s basically how our families treat us. We’re both blond and slim, both on the cheerleading squad at the local high school, and we both have the coolest older brothers ever. Like Eve and I, my brother Mark, and Eve’s brother Ryan, are best friends as well. The guys are only two years older than us, and we all hang out with the same crowd, so...

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Piano Mom

First Sight I'm an accomplished piano player for my age. I won't say pianist because I'm not that talented but I've had many years of training, starting with lessons at the age of five from my piano teacher mom. Mom is a stay-at-home wife who always supplemented our family income through piano lessons, provided (mostly) to the members of our parish which produced a fresh crop of students each year. For years, I watched Mom teach other k**s, from beginners to graduates just surpassing their...

1 year ago
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Once I Was The Carnival Cum Dump

When I was a young man there was a Circus being set up on a vacant lot near my home. I heard that if you help set up the ‘Big Top’ tent you would be given some free passes. I arrived, as the Midway was being built with dozens of concessions, booths, fun house, and rides. I was excited by all the activity that was taking place.Some of the other teen-age boys in the neighborhood had arrived earlier and were waiting for me to join them at the Big Tent site. I was heading for the empty field where...

2 years ago
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At their service

I moved to take a new job. I have been a computer programmer for about 15 years, and I was really excited about this new opportunity. The job was really good, and paid well, but the cafeteria in the building wasn't all that good. So, I started going out for lunch, and looking around the neighborhood for places to eat. I was working near the airport, and along with the restaurants and fast food places, I saw many X rated adult bookstores and topless bars. I hadn't seen so many different adult...

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Second ChanceChapter 13

Friday was ... interesting. It started out beautifully. I was awake quite a while before Beth Ann and made good use of the time, watching her sleep. She looked sweet and edible lying there. I wanted to eat her up but just looking at her was equally fulfilling, so I did. When she awoke, her smile nearly stopped my heart and I kissed her as deeply as any kiss we'd ever shared, waking up Mr. Johnson and motivating Beth Ann's furry friend. I had no idea where that phrase came from. It just...

3 years ago
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Search for a fuckbuddy

This was it. The end. There was no going back, no stopping it, even if I wanted to, which I didn’t. My eyes had been screwed tight shut as I rushed headlong to the end, and I opened them to see it happen. With my foreskin flapping up and down around my helmet the moment of release came as the build-up of tension turned to ecstasy and the first dribble of cum appeared at the eye of my cock, and then whoosh – the first jet shot out of the end, to be followed by another before the first had...

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