Ivy's AphrodisiacChapter 8 free porn video

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Ivy came slowly awake as dreams of Nikolai touching her set her body to flame again. Opening her eyes to the bright sunlight, Ivy stretched her deliciously sore and bruised body. She would gladly wake feeling like this for the rest of her life. She thought to herself as a light knock on the door caught her attention.

"Come in." Ivy called as she sat up, covering naked body with the blanket.

The door opened to reveal her father's bright smiling face as he walked in and shut the door behind him. "Morning Princess." Cole said as he crossed the room and kissed Ivy's forehead before sitting on the edge of the bed. "You left me last night with all of those horrible people." Cole's eyes searching Ivy's face for an answer he already knew.

Ivy felt her face blush and looked away. "I uh..." There was one thing Ivy hated above all else and that was a liar. She would not lie to her daddy. "I was with Nikolai." She said quickly as she licked her lips in nervousness.

Cole tried not to cringe at the sound of his daughter's hoarse voice and pushed out all thoughts as to what had caused it. Cole sighed as he came to accept that his friend was becoming more than just a friend because of his daughter. "Niko is a good man." He said at last. "I've known him for a long time and I have never seen him so torn about a woman before. If I was to choose a man to keep you happy, I would have picked him without reserve." His voice was tight with emotion as he spoke.

Ivy looked at her father in hopeful shock. "Are you sure daddy? You know that if you told me you were uncomfortable with this I'd stop." Ivy heart bled at the thought of not being with Nikolai again.

Cole picked up Ivy's hands and at seeing her wince turned them over to see that her palms were slightly chaffed. Once again pushing all thoughts of his little girl doing things that were not so little, Cole gently returned her hands to her lap. "Do you love him?" He whispered.

"Yes." Ivy looked up through her blond lashes to judge how he would take the news of her loving his friend. She was relieved to see him smile.

"Good. And even though he hasn't said anything to me, I think the feeling is mutual. If I read him correctly last night." Cole said as he rose from the bed and walked to the door. As his hand turned the handle he turned back to Ivy. "My only prayer has been that you would find someone like your momma. Someone who loved you and made you happy. If that someone is Niko, then you have my blessings."

With that, Ivy watched as her father walked out and shut the door behind him.

Ivy felt as if a one ton weight had been lifted off of her chest as she threw the blankets aside and walked towards her bathroom. As she walked she felt stickiness between her thighs that she hadn't noticed before.

Ivy's eyes grew wide at the realization of what that sticky feeling was. Her hand flew to belly as she shook her head in disbelief. "This can't be happening. I wouldn't do something so stupid." She whispered to herself.

Ivy was always careful about using a condom, because her body rejected all other types of protection. This will be okay. It was only one time and I'm not due to start for another two weeks. Ivy consoled herself as she forced herself to move into the bathroom, where she gently washed her tender body.

After hurrying through a shower, borrowing a giant pair of sweat pants and hoody from Michael's room she sped home. She couldn't believe it was already one in the afternoon. Because she slept in, her bakery was still locked up when it should have been opened up at six in the morning. Thankfully there were no special orders being picked-up today and if any of the customers mentioned her opening late, she would give them anything they wanted free of charge.

Pulling into the drive of her little bungalow cottage, she jumped out of the car and ran to her door. While she was unlocking the door she noticed a large manila envelope leaning against the door. Picking it up, she stuffed it under her arm as she opened the door and went inside.

Crossing over to the counter in the kitchen she tossed the envelope down and hit the play button on her answering machine. The voice that came through sent a shiver up her spine.

"Ivy, it's Nikolai. Hope you mind that your dad gave me your number, but I never got it from you. Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I had to leave town for a few days on the spur-of-the-moment. Apparently one of my holdings in Florida is not doing so well." Nikolai paused and released a long breath. "Last night was amazing. I never knew that being with someone could be so ... Explosive. We need to talk when I get back. There are some things you need to know about me and I don't want you hearing it from anyone else. Okay baby, I'll call you tonight. Bye." Nikolai's voice was thoughtful the message stopped.

Ivy was nervous and excited all at the same time after listening to his message. Humming to herself she went to her bedroom and changed into something more appropriate for the bakery.

After quickly changing and pulling back her hair, she headed back for the front door. On the way there she spied the unopened envelope and felt fingers of dread brush down her spine.

Picking it up she flipped it over to see who left, but there was nothing written on the outside. Leaning against the counter she ripped open the top and pulled out a white folder which had a post-it stuck to it that read, 'Ivy, I think you will find this of interest. Kathy'.

Ivy opens the folder and pulls out the paper which had the Seattle Penitentiary in bold along the top. Scanning further down Ivy's brows drew together as she stared at the mug shot of Nikolai's young face.

Slumping against the counter Ivy continues reading the page. Nikolai Petrov arrested on May 18, 1986 at the age of twenty-one for involuntary manslaughter. Sentenced ten years, and released in five for good behavior and clean mental record.

Ivy legs gave from under her and she slid to the floor still reading in disbelief. Hot tears streamed down her face at the thought of Nikolai's deceit.

When she reached the bottom of the page, Ivy burst into great body shaking sobs as she spotted the name of the person who paid for Nikolai's lawyer and felt the bitter betrayal creeping up her throat. Her father's strong signature was scrawled across the bottom of the page. Ivy threw the toxic folder away from her body and crawled over the trash where she emptied her now cramping stomach.

After her heaving stomach was empty, Ivy brushed her teeth and forgot about the bakery. Grabbing her keys from the dining table she snatched up the damning folder and felt her body shake in rage as she looked forward to venting on her father.

Cole sat in his office at home looking out the window as he thought about how fast everything is changing around him. As he stared idly out the window he saw Ivy's Mustang speeding up the drive and parking carelessly by the front steps before jumping out and slamming the car door.

Cole stood from his seat, intending on meeting the obviously angry Ivy by the front door, when his office door slammed open, missing his nose by an inch.

"What the hell is this?" Ivy shouted as she threw the folder at her father's chest, sending the contents spilling across the floor.

Cole had seen Ivy angry before, but never like this. "What's going on Ivy?" Cole asked as he went to grab her arms.

"Don't touch me! Don't you ever touch me. You lied to me. I told you just this morning that I loved Nikolai and you sat there and lied to me about him. How could you do this to me?" Ivy paced away from her father before she did something stupid, like letting him hold her while she cried.

Cole was shocked by the aggressive behavior of his daughter and stooped to pick up the folder that was spread out at his feet. After picking it up he opened it and knew that Ivy was right. He had lied to her and he had no idea how he would fix this. "I don't know what to say to you Ivy. You're right. I did lie to you, but you need to understand that the man in this folder did nothing wrong." Cole voice begging for understanding.

Ivy stopped pacing and sat heavily on the leather couch that always held the comforting smell of her father. She felt the couch dip beside her, but he made on move to touch her. "Why didn't you tell me? You should have told me the moment you caught us at the bakery." She whispered as big tears formed and fell from her sad gold eyes.

Cole gave a weary sigh and chanced lacing his finger with hers. "I couldn't tell you. Niko asked that I let him talk to you first, that way the two of you could work through this together. I'm sorry Princess." Cole felt tears stinging behind his eyes at the thought of Ivy not forgiving him.

Ivy squeezed her father's hand tighter as she felt her heart breaking. Ivy looked at her father with her tear stained face and threw her arms around his neck as she sobbed.

Cole held her tight as he slowly rocked his daughter and whispered his apologies repeatedly in her hair, which only seemed to make her cry even harder.

After several long minutes Ivy stopped crying and sniffed in an attempt to stem off a fresh flow. "I forgive you daddy." Ivy hiccupped as she looked at her father's own tear stained face and reached up to wipe them off.

Standing from the couch, Cole grabbed a box of tissues and sat back down. "I never meant to hurt you. God, you remind me so much of your mother and I would never hurt either of you." Cole wiped at the tears on Ivy's face before putting the box back.

"I know that daddy. I've just never felt like this for a man and now I hurt because of it." Ivy sniffed.

Cole took Ivy's hands again and looked into her face, hoping for understanding. "You're mother said much the same thing once before." He said as he gave her a sad smile. "When I first met you mother I was involved in ... Let's just say I ran in the wrong circles. One day I had to pay for my actions and spent some time behind bars. Your mother was hurt, but she was strong and she loved me. It was that love that brought me to where I am now."

Ivy couldn't believe what she was hearing. She never knew that her father was anything, but perfect. "Is that when you met Nikolai?"

Cole shook his head. "No, I was long out and making a good living when I met Niko. After your mom and I were stable financially, so we decided to hire an attorney who would offer his services to any young person that he felt were wronged in some way. We met with Niko and let him tell his story. The rest is history."

"I didn't know you did that. Do you still help young people out?" She questioned with a new respect for her daddy.

"Ya, but don't tell Kathy. She would never understand spending money on troubled strangers." He laughed.

Ivy's temper spiked at the mention of Kathy's name. "Where is Kathy by the way?" Ivy's voice becoming cold at the thought of hurting the conniving bitch.

Cole eyed his suddenly composed daughter suspiciously. "Why? What's going through that mind of yours?"

Ivy stood and picked up the post-it that had fallen off of the folder when she threw it. "This was attached to the folder." She said as she handed it to her father.

Cole's smoky eyes darkened even as they flared in anger at the obvious attempt at hurting his daughter. He stood from the couch and calmly folded the little paper before putting it in his pocket. "I need you to do me a favor Ivy. Let me handle this." As he spoke he picked up the folder and waited for her reply.

Ivy wanted to say no, but the look in her father's cold eyes told her to let him do this. "Okay daddy. Just don't do anything stupid." She said as she turned for the door.

Cole laughed darkly. "I think we both know it's too late for that. I should have never married that self-serving bitch."

It was rare for Ivy's father to swear and she knew that Kathy was going to get exactly what she deserved. Ivy heard the clock in the hall chime and used it as her excuse to get out before things became ugly. "I'd love to stick around and watch the fireworks, but I need to get the bakery opened."

Ivy opened the door and walked out to find a pale faced Kathy standing in the hall. Ivy turned back to her father and was a little frightened by the killing power in his eyes. Reaching up on the tips of her toes she kissed him on the cheek before walking out the front door.

Nikolai paced the luxury suite that he was staying in while out of town with a million things running through his mind. He couldn't figure out why he could not only get a hold of Ivy, but Cole hadn't returned any of his calls.

Was she hurt? Was he too rough with her? Did she think he was too old for her? And the kicker. Had she only used him and was even now in the arms of another man.

Nikolai felt his blood boil at the thought of another man touching her. Tasting her. Making her cry out in pleasure. Nikolai ran his hands through his hair for the umpteenth time before coming to a decision.

"To hell with this. She will not throw me away." He growled as he called his driver and prepared to get to the bottom this mystery.

Ivy busied herself for the next three days in the bakery. When it was time to go home there would be at least ten messages from Nikolai that always made her breakdown. While she had forgiven her daddy, she found it more difficult to forgive Nikolai's deceit.

Slipping out of her clothes, she took a quick hot shower and climbed her soul weary body into bed. The stress of the past few days had wore her out and she was fast asleep within second of her head meeting the cool pillow.

Nikolai pulled his Jag up behind the classic Mustang and quietly got out. He had plans and he needed the element of surprise for them to work. Quickly walking around the back of the little cottage, Nikolai carefully set to work on the French doors. This was one time he was grateful for his extra- curricular activities as a kid.

Hearing the light snick of the lock, he slowly pulled open the door and let himself in. The house was dark except for the soft light coming from the little bathroom. Using that light he found himself standing at the foot of Ivy's canopy bed.

The bed dwarfed her already small body and the draped silk swayed with the cool breeze coming in from the open window. Nikolai set down and unzipped the small black bag that he brought with him and pulled out the butter soft leather wrist and ankle restraints.

Ivy's body was sprawled across the bed. Arms up over her head, one smooth leg out of the covers and resting on top. Her satiny hair spread over the pillow as she slept. Nikolai was so caught up in his appraisal of her beauty, that he nearly forgot why he was there.

Walking around the bed, Nikolai tied the leather to the posts before he attempted touching her. Walking to the head of the bed, Nikolai gently slipped the padded restraint around one delicate wrist before moving to the other. His body burning at the thought of what was to come.

His confidence boosted when Ivy never so much as moved a muscle. Maybe this was going to be easier than he thought. Moving to the foot of the bed he repeated his previous actions on her ankles. Making sure that the restraints were not tight enough to hurt her, he stood at the foot of the bed and slowly drew the comforter off of her body.

When the blanket slipped onto the floor, Nikolai's breathing momentarily caught in his chest. The moonlight spilling through the window revealed Ivy's body in its entire natural splendor. Nikolai felt his cock jump at the sight she made.

Her lips slightly parted in sleep. Arms and legs splayed wide. Her nipples pebbling in the cool night air. Her sweet bare pussy already glistening in the soft glow. He had to taste her.

Slipping free of his constricting clothing, he laid belly down between her open legs. His face coming close to touching her, when he inhaled her heady scent. His body tightening further with sharp arousal.

Blowing lightly on her sweet essence, he watched as her skin became covered in goose bumps. Smiling at her reaction, he gently ran a broad finger through her moisture before bringing it to his mouth.

Nikolai groaned at the taste of her. Needing more, Nikolai gently placed a large pillow under her hips to bring her closer to his awaiting mouth. Carefully as not to wake her yet, he drew his tongue up on plump lip and down the other. The smoothness of her on his tongue making him desperate for more.

Slowly Ivy's body was responding of it own volition and blossomed under his talented mouth. Nikolai ran his tongue around her clit until he felt it pebble and swell under his tongue.

Being encouraged by her reaction, he slowly worked one large finger into her welcoming heat. The moment he entered her body her hips bucked as her pussy tried to hold on to his finger as he pulled slowly out.

Ivy moaned softly, but didn't wake.

Nikolai set his full lips around her pulsing button and gently suckled as he slid his finger in and out of her now weeping pussy. After a few moments Nikolai added a second strong finger into her tight sheath, twisting his wrist and he finger fucked her.

Ivy began to moan more loudly as her unconscious mind pushed body closer to the pleasure coming from between her thighs.

Nikolai felt her pussy flood with new moisture as her internal muscle clamped down on the now quickly plunging fingers. He needed to taste her sweet nectar and feel her come, so he began to lash at her clit with his tongue, while sucking hard.

Ivy's body twisted under the unknown assault as her eyes snapped open and her mouth opened in an effort to drag in air. She tried to close her legs and was shocked to find them and her arms tied to the bed.

Nikolai knew the moment Ivy woke and doubled his relentless attack on her now convulsing pussy. Nikolai sucked harder as he added a third finger, stretching her open.

Ivy could no longer hold back her scream as she felt herself being painfully stretch open and fire rolled through her convulsing body. Her back arched as her head flailed on the pillow and between gasping for breathe and screaming, she knew that she was not dreaming. She was being masterfully eaten and finger fucked by the most exquisite mouth she has ever felt.

Nikolai's hips jerked at her scream and he ground his throbbing erection against the bed in an attempt to gain some relief. He gave her no respite after she slowly came down from her climax. His fingers slowed their pace as his tongue languidly licked her slit from bottom to top and back down. He continued this motion, bringing Ivy quickly back to the brink of arrival, as his free hand reached for one of the small toys he bought for this very occasion.

Ivy had a small amount of sanity remaining as she strained her neck to glimpse at the man between her legs. All she could see of him was dark hair, broad muscled shoulders and a shadowed, but very naked body. Ivy felt a twinge of fear at having her body taken over so completely by a stranger, but fear turned to panicked at the feel of something hard pushing into tight virgin star.

"No! Please stop!" Ivy sobbed as she redoubled her efforts to free herself from the tight bonds that held her open to the man's manipulations.

Nikolai didn't want to hurt Ivy as he prepared her for bigger things to come, so he slowly pushed the tip of the anal plug into her tight little rosebud. Hearing her scream for him to stop, only make him more adamant to continue. Pulling the toy from her body he drove his tongue into her sweetness as he pushed the toy back in using the slippery juices spilling out of her pussy. He continued this pattern of a little out, more back in until the toy was seated between her lush cheeks.

Ivy's body went up in flames at the feel of the man's searing tongue pushing deep inside of her pussy. The painful burning of the toy slowly receded to be replaced with a new kind of burning. Her broken cries were continual now as she felt the toy slip completely inside of her and rest between her flushed cheeks. Ivy was on the verge of begging him to finish her when her backed off of the bed and walked around to flick on the light.

Nikolai's sweat covered body trembled with unspent passion as he crawled off of the bed and over to the small bedside light. He had to see her. Had to see her swollen, wet pussy. The nipples he knew would be crinkled tightly, even though he had yet touched them. And lastly, he had to see her sweet ass being stretched by the bright red toy, which was buried in her tight ass.

As the light flicked on. Ivy and Nikolai blinked quickly as their eyes adjusted to the brightness.

Once Ivy's eyes could take the light she looked in the face of strange man and found that he wasn't so strange after all. She felt immediately relieved and furious at the same time.

Nikolai gaze blazed down Ivy's stretched body and found she looked even more perfect than he had imagined. Her ass stretched and gently pulsing around the toy. Her pussy was releasing a constant stream of slick liquid. Her nipples were pebbled and a deep red color, that made his mouth water. As his eyes traveled up further he saw that her pink lips were swollen from her teeth and her eyes were throwing daggers at him.

"Release me, you fucking lying bastard!" She shouted as she pulled on the restrains, causing her full breasts to jiggle with her exertion. Ivy was so angry she almost didn't realize Nikolai's state of undress. The moment she did notice, she couldn't keep her eyes from dropping to his angry, swollen cock as it stood proudly from his body. Tears of frustration gathered behind her eyelids, but she refused to give them free reign.

Nikolai's dark brows drew together in confusion at her anger. "What the hell are you talking about? I have never lied to you." His dark voice questioned as he stalked towards the bed and his helpless prey. When he was standing by her head, he reached out to push the strands of hair that were partially covering her face.

Ivy's light eyes widened in fear and she jerked her head away from his approaching hand as a whimper crept up from her throat.

Nikolai's hand paused in midair when Ivy cringed away from him with fear in her luminous eyes. "Who told you?" He growled as he clinched his jaw tightly. "Who fucking told you?" He shouted at her when she said nothing.

The murderous look in Nikolai's dark green eyes forced the word out of her mouth. "Kathy." She said with a shaking voice.

Nikolai ran his hands through his dark hair as her turned away from her. The dangerous mixture of pent up sexual energy and anger making him feel violent. He would never hurt Ivy, but he had to get out of the room for a while before he scared her even more than she already was.

Ivy watched as Nikolai's muscles tensed further as he ran his hands through his hair before walking out of the room and into the dark living room. As she lay there, she heard a string of what she assumed was Russian spew from his mouth, just before the sound of something crashed against the wall.

At the sound of violence coming from the other room reached her ears, she began struggling in earnest to free herself. She had to escape before he returned. Were the only panicked thoughts running through her mind.

Nikolai braced his hands and head against the cool wall taking in great mouthfuls of air. As he stood there the sounds of Ivy struggling came to his ears and he slowly walked back into her room. He was greeted by the sight of Ivy trying to reach the restrains on her wrist with her teeth and her breasts bouncing in time with her movements.

Ivy felt his eyes on her body and stopped moving as she looked at him and whispered. "Please don't hurt me." The tears that she had kept a bay, spilled over and into her hair.

Nikolai's eyes closed briefly at the sound of her weak request. After gathering himself, he walked over and sat close to her legs. "I could never hurt you baby. Somewhere deep inside, you know that." As he spoke, he made the decision to finish what he had started and then he would tell her about his past.

Ivy knew the moment he made the decision to keep on torturing her sensitive body and she closed her eyes to block out the sight of his tautly corded body. Perhaps if I can't see him, I'll be able to block him out. She lied to herself.

Nikolai's strong fingers traced a burning path from her ankle, up the inside of her legs and came to rest with his thumb resting in the base of the scarlet toy. Pushing lightly, he was rewarded with a fresh gush of warm fluid and the sound of her husky moan.

Frantically Ivy tried to think of a way to get his mind off of what he was planning. "Why don't you tell me what happened?" She asked, but her only reply was him moving up her body to straddle her chest. Shit. That didn't work. She thought to herself, while licking her lips at the sight of clear liquid seeping from the tiny hole of his engorged erection.

Nikolai's straining cock throbbed in time with his beating heart as he placed his large hands on the sides of Ivy's quivering breasts and pushed them together. After he had her where he wanted, he slid his erection between her breasts.

Ivy's body had never been used like this before and she found her eyes riveted to the dark purple head of his cock as it peeked out from between her breasts and then disappeared. As he moved, Ivy felt his thumbs rub over the aching tips of her nipples. Her body began to squirm under the sensual pleasure Nikolai was creating as she was painfully tempted to reach out with her tongue and lap at him.

Nikolai knew that Ivy was fighting for control and that ever hard rasp against her hot nipples was pushing her closer to losing the battle. Nikolai's steady rhythm finally broke her down; until her hips were humping the air in an attempt relieve the fire between her legs.

He then released her now flushed breasts and bent his head to place a light kiss on each distended tip before twisting his body around so that he was face level with her dripping pussy and his neglected cock was brushing against her lips. "Open up baby. I'm going to fuck your mouth." I whispered against her heated flesh.

Ivy obediently opened her mouth and licked at his weeping cock. She heard him moan and felt a wave of power rush through her. Opening her mouth wider, she sucked at the head of his erection until she felt his control snap.

Nikolai's hips bucked at the sensation of Ivy's suckling mouth and he groaned as he pushed deeper into her heated mouth. When he felt the tip of his cock reach the back of her throat he paused. "Swallow baby. Let me feel you're throat take me a little bit more." He growled weakly.

Ivy already felt as if she was choking on his pulsing cock, but she was desperate to taste his essence and so she once again obeyed. As she swallowed, she made a slight choking noise and Nikolai swore as he began to pull out. Ivy was not going to give up on her treat just yet, so when the head of his cock came close to pulling out she let him feel her teeth as she closed around him lightly.

"Fuck! You're going to kill me with you're hot little mouth." He cried out as he began to fuck her mouth with increasing speed. Nikolai then lowered his head to the sweet scent filling his head and sucked hard on her clit. His arms hooked around the back of her thighs, leaving his hands free to punish her already red pussy.

Ivy moaned around his thrusting cock when Nikolai's sucked her into his

hot mouth. Swallowing convulsively as she tried to take more of him in her mouth.

Nikolai shoved two broad fingers into Ivy's swollen pussy as his other hand pulled the toy from her ass. As quick as it was pulled out, it was pushed back in, until he was fucking her contracting hole with increasing force and speed. Nikolai felt his balls draw up close to his body and knew that he couldn't wait much longer.

"I'm going to cum in you mouth baby. Don't you lose any. You swallow every fucking drop." He commanded as Ivy's back arched and she released a strangled scream around his burning cock. "Fuck ya! Swallow me." He shouted as his hot seed spurted down her throat.

Ivy's eyes rolled back into her head as his cum forced its way down her throat, crying out when he used the toy to pound her ass.

After a moment of stillness Nikolai pulled his now spent cock out of her mouth and moved his heavy body to lie between her saturated thighs.

Nikolai braced his hips between her spread legs and reached up to intertwine their fingers together. His head lay in the crook of her sweaty neck as he tried to catch his breathe. "You are perfect baby." He sighed into her hair as he felt himself quickly growing harder against her slick flesh.

Ivy shuttered at the feel of his hard body blanketing her, but she moaned when she felt him slowly begin to move his hips, sending his now hard cock slipping through her throbbing pussy. "No more Niko. I can't take anymore." She whimpered.

Nikolai smiled at the panting sound of her voice as he reached down to guide his now aching cock into her fiery heat. "We're not done yet baby. Not by a long shot." He said as the head of his erection slid into her. "Wait and see how good it's going to feel when you have both of your tiny holes filled and fucked." His voice grinding out through clinched teeth.

Same as Ivy's Aphrodisiac
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Ivy Barbie and Me Part Three

Ivy, Barbie and Me: Part 3 Barbie finally gets some The fun continues from where we left off at the end of Part 2. I’ll set the stage in case you haven’t read either of the previous stories: At the time of this story my girlfriend, Ivy, is an 18 year old pixie minx. 5’1”, 90 pounds, short red hair, hazel eyes, abut a zillion freckles, tiny AA breasts with tiny pink nipples, the tightest, tiniest ass you can imagine and her pussy is shaved clean. Barbie is 19, an ex girlfriend of mine who went...

4 years ago
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Ivy Barbie and Me Part Three

Ivy, Barbie and Me: Part 3 Barbie finally gets some The fun continues from where we left off at the end of Part 2. I’ll set the stage in case you haven’t read either of the previous stories: At the time of this story my girlfriend, Ivy, is an 18 year old pixie minx. 5’1”, 90 pounds, short red hair, hazel eyes, abut a zillion freckles, tiny AA breasts with tiny pink nipples, the tightest, tiniest ass you can imagine and her pussy is shaved clean. Barbie is 19, an ex girlfriend of mine who went...

Group Sex
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Ivy and Lily

"It begins the same way every night. I'm in a caf?, chatting with a bunch of high school girls. My voice is high pitched, and my articulation is on there level. I move my hands about as I speak, and they appear small and dainty. Though I never see my face, it is implied that I'm one of them." "Wait, you mean in this dream you're a girl." "Yes." Robin took a minute to absorb this, and then told him to go on. "I hear this ring tone, and reach into my breast pocket to pick up a p...

3 years ago
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IVY Revealed

*'s IVY Newcumer Join Date: Oct 2008 Posts: 5 A long story, but worth it -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Very few people know I'm bi. I didn't realize it myself til 2yrs ago. Being raised by a strict church going parents I was raised to think sex was dirty. And why wouldn't believe it since seemed like from the age 3 and on every time an older male got around me, he would cop a feel of my chest or my pussy. Then there was an...

2 years ago
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Ivy Jon Me

My friend Jon, and I were talking in our house, we hadn't seen each other for nearly a year, he was asking what I was doing etc, when Ivy came to the door, when she'd gone I said to Jon "I fucked her last month it was the first cock she'd had in 50 years", he said "Never", I said I had, she's over 70, he said he wouldn't mind doing her either.As we carried on talking I went to the recycling bin and Ivy was co0ming back from the shop, I said to her "Do you fancy a coffee", she replied "Ok", and...

4 years ago
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Ivy Cottage

Chapter 1. To the Country “Hey Jim,” dad called, “you’ve got an invitation from Cleo to go and spend some time at Ivy Cottage.” “What? Why’s she inviting me?” “Oh, the last time I wrote I mentioned you were going to do a course in agriculture, so she’s written – well, here’s the letter, you read it.” Sure enough it was an invitation and part of it read, “If he’s going to do a course in agriculture, instead of wasting his time lounging around in the suburbs, why doesn’t he come here and...

1 year ago
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The sound of crickets and cicadas sounded loud in the dark of the woods. An owl hooted and somewhere in the distance, a deer crashed through the bush. It was just past nightfall and Joshua Gardner was on his way home from his grandfather's farm after helping bale and put up hay. He was sweaty and itchy from the grass and hauling bales up into the old barn loft. It had reached almost ninety degrees today out in the fields. Eighteen year old Josh was a hard worker and a hardy young man, grown...

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ivy league

IVY League Ch 1 I found this story on lineRebecca Palmer was concerned about a couple of boys her son, Danny, has been hanging around with. Being on the PTA (Parent Teacher Association) board at his high school she knows a lot about the reputations of the students, so it concerned her when he hung out with the well-known trouble-makers. Danny is such a nice boy and didn't need those kinds of influences in his life, but it was so hard for her to prevent it.Mike Brantley and Ben Thompson were the...

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Ivy League Sluts

Chapter 1 Rude Awakening Chapter 1 Rude Awakening ???? ?Miss, are you all right?? called the elderly woman standing by the driver side window of the BMW roadster.? They were looking down at a partially dressed female lying in the fully reclined driver?s seat.???? ?Here, let me, Mabel,? said her husband reaching past his wife to knock loudly on the car window using his dome ring as a knocker. ?Miss, wake up.????? Getting closer also provided a better view of the girl?s exposed breasts.?...

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Ivy Socit

How many times have you found yourself wanting to be satisfied by a real fucking person? Plenty of goddamn times if I am not mistaken! Now how many times have you actually put your best foot forward and tried to do something about it? Probably not that many times. Because you are here, alone, jerking off to my expertly reviewed porn sites on ThePornDude.Well bitch, it is time to fucking do something about it! And you can if you live in Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, and roughly, that corner...

Escort Sites
3 years ago
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Maa Shweta Ki Jabbardast Chudai

Hi, iss antarvasna sex kahani main apko apne MAA ke saath hue kisse ke baare mein bataunga. Humlog 4 jan ki family hai – mummy, papa, mein aur meri choti behn, jo mujhse 2 saal choti hai. Yeh baat tab ki hai jab meri maa 36 saal ki thi aur mein 18 saal ka. Main maa se bahut pyaar karta tha. Wo mera bahut khayal rakhti thi. Maine kabhi maa ko buri nazar se nai dekha tha. Haa lekin kai baar jab wo kapde badal rahi hoti thi to galtise unke room mein jaake unko bra-panty mein dekha hai. Jab bhi...

1 year ago
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My Trip Continued

Once we got dressed we went down to the restaurant to have breakfast. It was still early, just 8 o’clock so we had lots of time before she had to leave for her meeting. As I said she had asked me if we could stay a bit later in the evening before we left to return home. I told her I was sure that wouldn’t be a problem, but that I should phone Catherine to let her know, as she would be worrying about me. Lillian smiled at that and reaching over and laid a hand on my arm. ‘I know she smiled,...

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PureTaboo Sophia Burns My Cousin The Creep

Diane and Gordon (Jamie Michelle and James Sinner) have been trying to find a way to get their freeloading teen Melody (Sophia Burns) to move out of their house and get her life started. No matter what they do or say, however, Sophia always finds a way to stay put. She’s stubborn and indignant, to say the least. One day, however, Diane and Gordon come up with a brilliant idea. They invite Melody’s creepy stepcousin, Steven (Robby Echo), to come to live with them. Melody is confused-...

2 years ago
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Not EnoughThe Pact

What the bloody fucking hell did I get myself into here? How did I keep coming across females who slept with their family? Was I wearing a fucking sign on my back? Was it tattooed across my forehead? I walked to the end of the porch, my morning run suddenly abandoned; I leaned over and grabbed the rail and tried to crush it in my grasp. I wasn't really trying to do damage ... just trying to get it to recognize me. I needed to make an impression on that wood; crack the paint, score it,...

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Senior Year Ch 14

Friday night, Bobby went to a school dance in the high school gym. Even though he went alone, he was having a very good time. Kim and Desiree were both there, so there were at least two girls who were willing to dance with him. That was a new experience for Bobby. The year before, he’d been thinking about not going to dances any more because none of the girls, at least none of the attractive ones, would dance with him. Right now, Kim was in his arms dancing one of the few slow dances the D.J....

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waist coat fitting

This is a story from when i had to get my waist-coat fitted for my dads wedding. I went into the sewing shop and rang the bell on the desk, a the fitter her name was Jane ginger hair, slim, about a D cup and a hot ass for a 47 year old, I (18 at the time) found her rather attractive. OK David come in the back room and we will have that waist coat pinned for you. I followed her in a smallish room with a mirror and a table with pins s**ttered all over it ‘come on David i haven’t got all day lets...

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Chuck Norris

Chuck NorrisOne time Chuck Norris was walking around in the woods looking for hippies to use as firewood. Suddenly a Kodiak Grizzly Bear crossed his path and made eye contact with Chuck Norris, Bad Idea – Chuck took out his Swiss Army Knife and stabbed the Bear in the throat. Chuck ate the Grizzly Bear and used the Grizzly Bears’ fur for a rug.If you don’t know who Chuck Norris is he is a world champion at kickboxing, karate, ninja arts, sumo wrestling, Tae Bo, street fighting, hand to hand...

4 years ago
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Braining Ch 05

Blair and Jenn (This is a continuous story in multiple parts. It will only make sense if you read it in order.) : : : : : P r a c t i c e ‘I don’t understand why you won’t just stick it in my ass and get it over with. I thought you said all guys want it like that.’ ‘Blair, if we did it like that, it would hurt, and you’d hate it. And I DON’T want that. If we’re gonna do it, let’s do it right.’ She sat, pouting. ‘Look, Blair, it’s going to feel incredible for me, either way. But I’ll...

2 years ago
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Fun With Vegetable Guy Indian Gay Sex

Hello ISS readers, I am Sameer(name changed) I am 22 years I am average fair body from Mumbai. i read many stories here and i wanted to share my experience of sexual encounter with you all i always liked guys and had many sexual encounters with them, there was a boy who used to deliver veggies to my home, he was a slim teenage young looking boy of 18 years. He was bit dark colored which i liked and quite slim and slender body, he used to come to my house in afternoons to deliver veggies, he...

Gay Male
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Underwear party 2

I was used as a model at the naughty knicker party. This is a true story from about two months ago, I have though changed the names of those involved, you will understand why! As I previously described I am a HGV driver, I do not get home very often during the week as I am usually away in different parts of the country. I do not normally see my wife between Monday morning and Friday evening. On this occasion my wife had an Ann Summers party booked for a Saturday and her friends and our new...

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Got motherinlaw pregnant

Where the story began A few years ago my wife was killed in a car accident we had two small children first I had to take leave from my job to look after them my Mother-in-law came from another town for the funeral she stayed on for a while. her husband had died years ago, she had my wife when she was 18 years old, and I married my wife when she was sixteen I was 21 by the time she was 19 we had two children after my wife died I started to hit the bottle and was fairly drunk quite regular after...

2 years ago
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My Wife My Partner

My Wife - My Partner By Karen Kay Jerry couldn't believe it had been six weeks since that dreaded night that his wife came home early from her usual Thursday night card game with the girls and caught him in that dreadful act. How could he have been so stupid and let it happen so easily? It was something that he enjoyed doing since he was fourteen years old and now he had been caught by his own wife. Tammy was so angry at him that night that she almost...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed MomChapter 4

She was in the kitchen fixing dinner when Ralph got home. He gave her a perfunctory kiss on the cheek, said he has glad to be home and he would be in the den going over some papers and to call him when dinner was ready. So, what else is new She thought as She mashed the potatoes. The afternoon had been a rousing success from a sexual standpoint. She had especially liked the part where Dirk had eaten her pussy after having cum in it three times. It made her feel kinky, which in turn kept her...

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EvilAngel Jojo Kiss SexAddicted Teen Hooker Blackmailed

Charles Dera finds Jojo Kiss — his best friend’s hot, 19-year-old daughter — offering call girl services on the Internet! Arriving in slinky lingerie and thigh-high boots, the longhaired sex addict is horrified to learn who’s discovered her secret. Creepy Charles blackmails Jojo into consummating the date. She gives a spit-soaked blow job; he fingers her shaved pussy and feeds her the flavor. Dad’s best friend chokes and fucks her as she masturbates and moans, her...

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Notes to Young shemale with mature woman

NOTES for story; “Young shemale with Mature Woman” These are notes to the story entitled “Young shemale with mature woman”. Therefore, you’ll need to read said story to properly understand these enticing notes. Wife and young Ben have been enjoying each other’s company for three days now. Freely walking around naked at our cottage and pond. Ben is finally relaxing about the size of his privates as you’ll recall his penis is only 2.5 inches when erect and his ball sack is tiny. Fortunately, he...

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Sarah Part Two

The next morning was Saturday. I went down stairs wondering what I was going to say to Sarah. The door to her room was shut and I assumed that she was still sleeping. I made myself some coffee, brought out my school books, grabbed a chair at the kitchen table, and started to read. Not much later Sarah came through the kitchen door having been outside jogging. She asked me what I was up to, and then, not waiting for a response from me, disappeared into her room. She emerged a short time later...

Straight Sex
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Hidden Erotic Desires

We all have those hidden desires, those unfullfiled sexual fantasies.....Would you let losse your inhabitions if you knew no one would ever know?Karen had just received a text from her friend saying that her train had broken down and she wasn’t going to be able to meet for a drink If she had received the text five minutes earlier she could have saved herself the £7.00 she’d handed over to the barman who had just served her a large glass of wine. Although he was quite fit and it was a very nice...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 506

A bit of wisdom from RabbiRabbit. Arguing with a woman is like reading the Software License Agreement. In the end, you ignore everything and click “I agree”. This one is compliments of Dom Back to the ‘60s: Two stoners were sharing a joint while sitting off the side of a pier in the Everglades. An alligator suddenly surged out of the water and bit off a leg from one. The victim calmly looked down and commented, “Dude, an alligator just bit off my leg.” After due consideration, the...

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Sex invitation

Aap sabhi ISS ke readers ko mere jordaar lund ka namaskaar girls/widows/open minded ladies,please mail me if u really like my story and rever back me at Maine ek nayi company mein join kiya tha aur wahan pe ladkiya bhi kaam karti thi.Un sabhi mein se ek ladki ke saath mei dosti ho gayi aur humlog ghoomne jaane lage.Uska naam Mamta tha aur wo ek 23 saal ki jawan ladki thi uska rang gora tha ek baar hum tajmahal dekhne agra gaye to wahan pe bahut he tej barish ho rahi thi isliye humne decide...

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First time

true story tv first doggingI am a mature TV living in the north of the UK. I have been dressing since I was 7 and having nylon led sexual fun since my early teens. The result today I have a very large wardrobe of clothes and shoes, am 100% smooth apart from a landing strip and have manicured nails and shaped eyebrows and with killer legs in high heels. I am divorced and able to play a lot, but, I had this one desire to go dogging. The problem was safety for me. I did not want to go to a hugely...

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My sister Returns

As a bead of sweat rolled across my brow, I couldn’t help but wonder if this was the hottest summer I could remember in my forty years on this earth. Little did I realize, that the heat inside my air conditioned home would soon become unbearable but not the result of the hot summer sun but from intense sexual excitement.As I picked up the phone and listened to the sobbing voice of my sister, I couldn’t help it but my cock began to harden. I was sad to hear her so upset as she was leaving her...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 9 Sonali And Joy Discover Incest Pleasures

I moved Joy and got up to make for the bathroom to wash up. He sat up and stopped me. “I want to see how much I came inside you, Ma.” He was shameless and I too wanted to see his cum dripping out of my son fucked pussy. “Ok here goes.” I parted my legs for him and grabbed a hand towel to place it beneath my cum filled cunt and gave a gentle push with my vaginal muscles. Joy had stationed his face close to my cunt and the big smile on his face told everything. I could feel a vast reservoir of...

2 years ago
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Sex Files from a Therapist Chapter 1

Carol was a 42 year old psychiatrist, single, and a mother of one son, Zach, who was now 22. She had had a fling with an influential professor in her undergraduate program that resulted in her having a baby. The professor had hired her to help with his research, a sexual behavior text he was preparing to write. It required many interviews of people regarding their sexual behaviors, attitudes and mores. She had found the research both stimulating and salacious, and in the throes of their...

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Turn Of Events With My Sexy Maid

Our old maid had quit and we hired a new maid. My wife and I have been married for a while now, and we have two kids who are grown and in college. I am 47, my wife is 44. we got married in our early twenties, and had a set of twins immediately. and both are now out of the house. My wife had a difficult C-Section delivery and has since then lost all excitement towards sex, and my sex life has been extremely limited in the last many years. Being quite a career driven, she was not much affected...

1 year ago
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XLeech has the kind of name that might conjure up images of blood-sucking alien parasites if you were reading this on a more SFW website, but this is ThePornDude, where I don’t typically discuss anything that ain’t going to help you fill an old sock with fresh sperm. Of course, adult sites ain’t all created equal when it comes to masturbatory potential, which is the whole reason I started writing reviews in the first place. I had a feeling going in that this was going to be a good one, though....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Pee Slave Sub to a Mature Mistress

So a few months back, I posted the story of my past experiences about my submission, Seeing this, a Mistress reached out to me on FetLife. After the initial conversation, we exchanged our telegram IDs (Actually, she took mine.) She pinged me in telegram, where we discussed how our actual meeting would go. This was exciting for me as well as for her. She stays far. But after our discussion about how I would worship her, she was ready to come to my place. She is beautiful and mature. She might...

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Georgia Goes to UniversityChapter 11 Home for Christmas

The next notable event before Christmas was daddy’s company’s dinner and dance that I’d promised to go to with him. Coincidently it was on the Saturday before Christmas and the day after the university semester ended and daddy had sent James down to collect me on the Friday evening. James had used whatever to get the car into the car park below the apartments and he had come up to my apartment. When he knocked on the door I just shouted, “Come in, it’s not locked.” When I turned to see...

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TwentyOne Part 1 of 3

The limousine drew up outside the venue shortly after eight. Brooke’s eyes opened like twin moons as she stepped onto the sidewalk. “The Carlton, I’ve wanted to come here forever!” The club’s exterior glistened white like frosting, where it wasn’t illumined in fluorescent green or mauve.“Surprise!” Stacey’s eyes were alive with delight at her friend’s reaction.“But will we get in? Isn’t there—like—a list we need to be on?”“Sweetie,” Kimber said as she led their group of four down the...

2 years ago
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I close my eyes for a moment and thenreluctantly tear them open again. My desk is a mess and I start to tidy up my desk. I see the time and realize it is so late and by now I should have been home already. I leave my office and walk down the corridor and soon realize that I am completely alone. The quiet is so welcoming after a day of challenges. My iPod is a welcome companion and I put on my earphones and select shuffle. A soft slow song starts off, its just easy listening with almost no...

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Tushy Vicki Chase Exotic Beauty Loves Anal

Vicki is about to embark on a new career in Hollywood. She has an audition for a big budget movie and the producer was really impressed by her. She didn’t have the patience to wait for the call back but decides to take it in to her own hands, so she goes to see him – knowing that she will do whatever it takes to get the role. She knows that she has his attention as soon as she sees him and when she strips down to her sexy swimsuit to get into the pool, she can tell that she is already...

2 years ago
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Preganet bahan ki chudai

Pyare readers (choot waliyon aur lund walon) Main Dinu Sabse pahale main sabhi choot waliyon aur lund walon ko danyawad deta hun kyun ki meri Kahaniya, logo ko kaphi pasand ayee aur muze E-Mail ke jariye male/female ka kafi response mila, logo ne muze aur Satya Katha likhane ka hosala diya. Isliye phir se aap logo ke pass ek sachi Kahani pes kar raha hun, Aasha hain pichhali kahanion ki tarah yeh kahani bhi aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Abki baar muze daftar ke silsile me Jhodpur jana pada. Wahan...

4 years ago
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The Perfect Forbidden Partner

Some women like to occasionally take a walk on the wild side sexually. Laura B. fantasizes about it and then... A very cute looking brunette named Laura B. is at home by herself, watching her television shows in the evening. She is short at 4'10", has a voluptuous build that is suited to her height. At the age of 25 she is in very good condition from her exercises she does in the evening. At around 9PM when she has channel surfed and found absolutely nothing worth watching, she remembers...

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Reminiscing about my first time

Part OneAt the moment I'm so frustrated and it feels like forever since I'd had anyone that I've felt a real connection with. I miss when I was younger, when I'd just started finding myself and watching my body develop, remembering how taboo self masturbation was for me, the smells, wetness, softness and that anticipation - that general all round naughty feeling of something new. But recently I'd chatted with a complete stranger online who made me go back to that feeling when I was that young...

2 years ago
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Queen Neferu

The sun had begun to set, its last rays reflecting on the Nile as it flowed through the city of Thebes. The city had been built long ago by the ancient Pharaohs, and from where they ruled their Kingdom that stretched from the Niles source in Upper Egypt and beyond to its mouth in Lower Egypt where it emptied into the sea. Thebes had witnessed much history, seeing both good and bad times. Today the city is the largest in Egypt having prospered under the reigns of the current Pharaoh Nehsey and...

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Danny Thomas Founder A Short Story

"Danny Thomas, Founder"A short story by Gentile---------It'd been years since they'd ended:"Why, Donald?""Ann." His tone slightly sliced with threat."Is there someone else?""Christ." He started to rise then fell back into the chair. There never had been someone else and there never would be. He'd loved one woman and would love her until he went "into the dust that was always the end.""It's the sex, isn't it?" A slight streak thru her tone.Don came back, right over the top:"What sex?""You knew...

4 years ago
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Heres To New Experiences

Here?s To New Experiences The last couple of months have been one new experience after another. You have been taking things slowly with me. Allowing me the time I needed to become comfortable with you. You were my first lesbian experience. Before you I was afraid to allow myself to try being with a woman. Finally you have decided that I am ready for more. Now I am sitting outside your place trying to gather the nerves to walk up to your door and knock. The whole time I am sitting...

3 years ago
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Our first

TRUE STORY: Hi we are from the UK. I have been watching my wife fucked by other men for the past 3 yrs. Im going to tell you about the first time.We had been fantasing about her fucking other men for about 6 months, im not very big about 5" long and thin, she had admitted she would like to feel bigger cocks in her. i would use her dildo on her and we would both imagine the dildo was another mans cock in her. We started using web sites to meet someone to fuck her for the first time apart from...

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NubileFilms Marilyn Sugar Only For You

Marilyn Sugar settles in on the couch to write in her journal as Nick Ross gets ready to go to the sauna. When he lays eyes on his hot blonde in her sheer shirt, he changes his plan and surprises her on the couch instead. Taking a seat, he whips out his cock for his now-topless girlfriend to start sucking. Loving on Nick with her hands and mouth, Marilyn eagerly delivers the BJ that Nick was angling for. She laps at the tip and deep throats the shaft in turn, doing whatever she can to get Nick...

2 years ago
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My mummy was a cougar

It was about 3 years ago I was shocked but in the end surprised it happened. My mates always came to my house and had said my mum was fit and would love to see her naked I said I had a video I took in secret of her washing and had jacked off many times to it. We set it up and sat on the bed knowing our cocks would be in our hands soon wanking for all our might.As we watched her showering her tits pulling her nipples I could see matt my bestie of the world ingroused in the video we watched as...

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Mowin the grass

Introduction: Her pussy was smooth as silk and hot. For thirty dollars a lawn, mowing grass in the heart of summer was not always worth it but I needed the money for school and if nothing else being busy from ten until two and then again for four until six it kept me out of trouble at least during the week. In Florida it seemed that of the fifty or so customers I had each day I was always mowing grass. The St. Augustine grew as if it were on steroid. It was good exercise too. That Monday...

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