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Chapter 1 Ray woke up next to Katrina. She was a
beautiful blue eyed blond that had a body that nearly made him come every
time he saw her. Both of them were still naked from their evening of love
making. Ray didn't remember falling off to sleep, utterly exhausted from
hours of lovemaking, bondage, and spanking. As the early dawn sun light
started to creep into the room, he could see the shape of her naked hour
glass figure as a silhouette in the dark. Ray could never figure out how
he was so lucky to attract Katrina. They met while he was on foot patrol.
It was all he could do to keep himself from smacking that butt again, and
diving deep into her. But he was spent, and he had no idea how long it
would take for him to get off again in her. But the thought of entering
her wet and warm pussy again with his dick was such a turn on, he got hard
immediately. He knew that it would slide right in. But he had to turn
away from those thoughts. He had his job to do today, and today was a
special day at that. Katrina was stirring, still feeling the soreness in
her legs from all the sex, and the welts on her butt from the cane Ray used
on her the evening before. The soreness on her butt made her hot again for
him, and she quickly lunged across the bed for Ray and grabbed the tail of
his shirt, and tried to drag him back into bed for another round. But Ray
had to refuse her, or risk being late for his first assignment as
executioner of sentence for the town. Ray said "no......I can't anymore
Kat, I have to go. I have to be ready to swing the whip...remember?"
Katrina thought for a moment, and recalled that this was no ordinary day.
Ray was to make his debut as the town executioner of sentence, and better,
he was to carry out a sentence on his ex Sasha, whom she hated for how Ray
could not trust any one. "Oh yea, how could I forget?" as she lept out of
bed and started to the bathroom to get ready. "Sasha gets her whipping
today, doesn't she!", then she peaked around the corner in with her naughty
look "And it is on the day you debut....too! How wonderful, two plus' in
one day! "Yea" Ray said. "I finally get revenge on that bitch, and it is
legit too." Katrina said, "Do I need to do anything to help you get ready?
Massage, breakfast, strip naked?" Ray instantly felt a jolt in his groin at
the thought of Kat stripping again for him. He knew she was teasing him on
purpose, and how he had to turn her down. "Oh, for that Kat, I am going to
have to take you across my knee tonight!" "oh, I am so looking forward to
it honey" said Katrina. Ray said, "But no, I have to get going. I'll grab
a bite on the way. Last night was....WOW!" And he looked at his watch,
gave her a hug and kiss, she turned and bent over a little bit to give him
a clean shot at her ass, and he smacked it with his hand. "Oh" she let out
as she closed her eyes and let the feeling take her over. The power he had
over her was amazing. And with that, he walked out the door, shirt over
his shoulder. Ray walked to work, hearing the people say things like
"Let the bitch have it" "Make sure she feels every stroke!". There were
certainly a lot of people that wanted to see Sasha suffer, much like she
had made it so they would suffer.. He now realized that he represented
their anger, and that she was to feel it. He strode to the office where he
met Anthony, his assistant for today. They grabbed a quick bite for
breakfast, then headed to the town platform to prepare for the days
floggings and canings. They checked the shackles on the whipping post for
secureness, and the straps on the punishment box for the same. A crowd was
gathering. It was Thursday, punishment day for prisoners. All were
welcome to watch as prisoners were flogged or canned on the town punishment
platform. It was not long before the two men to be punished were brought
in a ox cart. Both were brought up onto the platform. One was to receive
30 strokes of the whip while lashed to the whipping post. The other was to
receive 10 strokes of the cane. While Ray enjoyed being with Kat, he
really had to hold back when spanking her, or canning her, for he really
loved to give corporal punishment. He relished in the sounds of the whip
as it landed on bare skin, and the sounds the person being whipped would
give as they received it. It had been Ray's dream to be the punisher ever
since he watched his first whipping when he was in his early teens. He
felt the cane himself a couple of times in school. He had been training
for this for the last several weeks as he worked at the apprentice to the
former punisher who was leaving town for another job. Ray felt so lucky to
be chosen for the job. This was like a hobby to him, not a job, and they
were paying him to do it!! Soon, the men were in position for their
punishments. Ray started with the flogging first. He chose a soft leather
whip that had been braided by his predecessor that was about 8' long. He
let it unfurl, then swung it back, and aimed for the mans back. It was as
if the whip were a part of his arm. It just flowed as he swung it and it
landed between his shoulder blades. The man thrust his chest forward as if
trying to get away from the whip. Ray looked like a skilled punisher, with
a cold attitude, just delivering the lashes with a cold calculated look on
his face, with a bit of a smile. He really enjoyed the pain this man was
in, and he especially enjoyed being the one inflicting it. He wanted to
assure that the man felt the full force of the lashes. Then he looked, and
saw Sasha coming in the ox cart. All he could do was think about how he
would apply the whip to her naked body. He wanted her to be apprehensive
and nervous, so he decided to taunt her by looking straight at her,
pointing to her, and then he delivered the perfect lash. He looked back
and could see her quiver. Chapter 2 - Morning wake up jail
Sasha woke up to the clanging of spoon on pan, and chains. This was the
day she had been dreading for the last week. Today she is to be the star
attraction in the town square as she is to be taken there, stripped naked,
tied to the whipping post, and flogged, then bent over a wooden "box",
strapped to it, and canned. She knew she deserved it after all the people
that she hurt with her unabashed embezzlement at the bank and squandering
of the money on herself. The bank went under because of her actions, and
the towns people lost life savings. People were going hungry because of
her. Sasha thought she must be the most hated woman in the country right
now. And because of that, she would feel the sting of the lash on her
naked body, and the stroke of the cane on her naked butt. By the end of
the day, there would be so many welts on her, that you would not be able to
tell how many strokes she received. And what is even worse, is that of all
people to apply those strokes, it would be Ray doing it. She recalled how
she moved out while he was at work, and cleaned out the apartment of
everything, leaving him nothing. He came home to a bare floor that night,
with her no where to be found. Now he was going to have his just revenge.
The only thing that comforted her was that she was not going to be alone
on the platform. Two men, and two other women were going to be flogged
today as well. But they were just the opening act, and the warm up for
Ray. She knew that from the very first stroke, Ray was going to lay into
her. The guard approached the cells and asked her and the other two
women if they were hungry. All three refused food, to nervous about their
upcoming floggings to eat. Then the guard said "very well, I'll be back in
15 minutes. Sasha, take ALL your clothes off, and put this robe on. You
two, get undressed, and you put this skirt on and the robe on top. You put
this prison dress on, no panties, or they'll rip them off on the platform
and stick them in your mouth!" All did as they were ordered too. They had
heard what happened to those that refused to cooperate, that their clothes
were ripped off of them, and they were whipped right in the cell for
insubordination, right before they were taken to the public platform and
flogged, and they were not given the dignity of wearing at least a robe to
the public platform. 15 minutes later, the guard returned, and the cell
doors were opened. They were led in cuffs to the jail exit where a ox cart
was awaiting them. They were affixed to it. They could here the whip in
the distance, and the cheer of the crowd, as Ray was already at work on
the men being flogged that day. As the ox cart drew moved along, they
rounded the corner to see the public platform surrounded by a larger than
usual crowd, and one man tied to the whipping post, back bloodied, and Ray
pulling back to deliver another lash. The man was physically spent, and
was no longer offering much of a reaction. The other man was bent over the
wooden box, strapped to it, and had obviously not been punished with the
cane yet. Ray just happened to look toward the card and saw Sasha,
gleamed at her, and pointed her way, then pulled back with the whip and
swung it, landing it right on the mans shoulder blades with a loud *snap*.
She shivered with fear knowing what he meant when he did that. Ray's
assistant was counting the strokes aloud. Ray delivered 5 more strokes,
and was done with that man. The man was released from his restraints and
ran down the stairs to the jeers of the crowd. Sasha knew she would not be
so lucky, for she was to get a canning after her flogging. One of the
women was then pulled from the cart and taken up the stairs to the platform
to the whipping post. She unbuttoned her dress and it was unceremoniously
pulled down to her waist by the guard, revealing her naked back and
breasts. She noticeably shivered, but was quickly shackled to the whipping
post. Ray had the option of whipping the woman first, or canning the
man. Since the next woman was to be canned as well, he thought it most
efficient to cane the man next. So he got out the Rattan Cane. He was
already loosened up, so he was ready to start right in. The man was
sentenced to "10 strokes, well delivered, upon the naked buttocks" for
public drunkenness and disorderly conduct, 3 offense. Ray took position to
the mans side, with both hands, held the cane up, then pulled back and
delivered the stroke mid-cheek, following through with the stroke so that
it went past the man, assuring the man received the full effect of the
swing. The man let out a scream that could be heard for blocks. Ray
looked at Sasha and smiled a bit, then delivered the next stroke. Upon the
10th stroke, the man's butt was well bruised and welted, looking like the
rungs of a latter. He too was released and ran down the stairs to the
jeers of the crowd, with his dick limp and bared sore ass being slapped at
by all the women. The other woman in the cart was taken up the platform,
bent over the wooden punishment box, and strapped to it. Her skirt was
lifted to reveal a naked butt. Her ankles were strapped to either side of
the box, so her legs were spread, so that all could see her glory holes.
Sasha cringed at the thought that the public would get to see everything
she had to offer, though she figured that at that point, it probably would
be the least of her concerns. Ray decided that flogging the woman was
the next order of duty. So he went over and took position. She was a
pretty red head in her early 20's. Her reputation with her temper preceded
her. Several came to see her flogged, as they felt it was their
vindication and revenge for her short temper. Her sentence was "15
strokes, harsh, upon the naked back" for stealing more than $50. For this
Ray had a long whip which coiled nicely. He grabbed it, took position,
then let it uncoil. He pulled back and swung. The lash landed vertically
in a cross wise manor between her shoulder blades, it cracked as it landed.
She seized up and let out a loud yell. Ray took another look at Sasha, and
just had a almost evil grin on his face. He mouthed to her, "this is what
you have coming to you". He meted out the 15 strokes, the next five in
quick order to intensify the pain, the next 9, slow and methodical to
assure each landed with full force and intensity. With each lash, she let
out a scream that was almost exhausting. When done, she was released, she
ran down the stairs, naked from the waist up as the crowd jeered her.
The guard now came for Sasha. Sasha was led up the stairs to the whipping
post where the last vestige of her humility was removed as her robe was
forcibly taken off of her revealing her perfect body, with it's lily white
skin. The guard and Ray's assistant took her wrists, put a chain on her
shackles, and hoisted her wrists high above her head. Then they put
shackles on her ankles, and chained them to the base of the whipping post
so as to restrict her overall movement, though she was welcome to turn her
body so that she could be whipped all around it. But women knew better
than to do that, for the executioners were well known to target their
nipples if they did, so most chose to keep their back to the whip..

Chapter 3 - Sasha's whipping

It was at this point that Sasha's real experience began. Having
witnessed several whippings, she knew what to expect in terms of how things
would proceed. She really had no idea what kind of pain she would
experience. When she dated Ray, they played a little in the bedroom, he
spanked her, and it got all erotic. But nothing real harsh or serious. It
never truly hurt, at least in a bad way. Being shackled to the whipping
post gave her pause to explore it a little. It was a very thick wooden
post made of a hard wood. It was centuries old, and it's rough surface had
been warn smooth over the years by prisoners that were shackled to it,
rubbing their bodies against it as they wreathed from the pain of the
lashings they were receiving. It had a long history of holding prisoners
in place for the lash, and she could tell, she was not going to be the last
prisoner to test it's will power to hold them in place. The one comfort
she had was the smoothness of it. It was almost as if someone had taken a
fine piece of sand paper and sanded it down to be as smooth at glass. Her
bared chest and breasts rubbed against it, they were sensitive, and the
whipping post at least was forgiving in that respect. She was wondering if
there was a chance that it had a weakness, and now she was finding out it
didn't. It felt like she was shackled to a huge immovable building. It
didn't move, vibrate, or anything remotely suggesting that there was a
weakness in it. She was there until someone released her from her
restraints, and unfortunately, that would not be until she had received 50
lashes on her naked body. A cool breeze blew and reminded her all to
well of being naked in front of all these people. She did her best to keep
her legs closed so as to not show off any of her most private parts, and
she tried to obscure the view of her pert breasts. She knew that once the
whipping started, that exposing herself would be the least of her concerns.
Her exposed body, and the humiliation of being tied to the whipping post
naked in front of this crowd, many of whom she knew, was less of an issue
to her than the fact that she was about to be whipped with out any clothes
on. She would have no barrier between her skin and the biting sting of the
whip and cane. She recalled getting strapping's from her father, but never
on the bare, and those hurt!! So she dreaded to think of what this was
going to feel like, and unfortunately, she was about to find out. Being
naked and tied to the whipping post, she felt totally helpless. Sasha
figured that Ray would cane the woman first, but she was wrong. Ray just
couldn't wait. She had 50 lashes coming, and he wanted to get a start on
them. Sasha's eyes opened wide when she saw him grab the "special" whip
from the table in front of her. This meant that she was next. But worse,
the whip was not just any whip. It was reserved for the worst offenders. A
couple of years ago, the whip had been special ordered from Australia ,
where everyone knew that the workmanship was superior, and the leather from
Kangaroo. The reputation of this whip preceded it as being very painful,
the most painful, with a stinging bite that many compared to a line of wasp
stings, only worse. She didn't expect this. She listened intently as she
heard his foot steps walk behind her, stop, and make a sliding noise as he
turned. Next was the moment she dreaded almost as much as the whipping it
self, the announcement of the punishment. Ray's assistant walked to the
whipping post, in front of Sasha, he opened the court order and read it
aloud. "Prisoner 4958, having been found guilty of the crime of larceny,
Grand Larceny, and causing great harm to the community, you have been
sentenced to be stripped naked upon the public platform, restrained at the
whipping post, and receive 50 lashes of the whip, laid on harshly, then you
are to be restrained upon the punishment box in a bent over position, legs
spread, and receive 50 strokes of the cane upon your bared ass. This court
recommends the sentence be carried out so that the pain is maximized and
that the entire sentence carried out in once session unless health becomes
an issue." Then the assistant looked up as Sasha and said, "the sentence is
to begin now.....stroke ONE!" She heard the leather hit the floor as Ray
let the whip unravel. Then she heard the sounds as he pulled back for the
first stroke, then she heard the Whooosh and *crack* as it landed on her
back between her shoulder blades. The pain was intense and powerful. She
thrust her chest out in reaction, as if trying to get away from the whip,
and twisted slightly on the whipping post as she did. She let out a
scream, and the crowd cheered. The lash had no more than landed, and the
assistant was saying "stroke TWO!". This was a quick one, as she barely
had time to recuperate from the first stroke and she heard the distinct
sound of the whip flying through the air, then she felt it land on her back
again. This strokes pain was so fierce, it took her breath away, and all
that came out of her mouth was a silent scream. "stroke THREE!" she heard,
and Whoosh! *Fitht*, the third stroke landed between the first two. Sasha
hugged the whipping post, gripping it for all she could to bear the pain.
Another scream came out. Now she heard the crowd jeering her, "HARDER" she
heard, but how could the strokes be any harder. "stroke FOUR!" The sound
again, and another lash landed, this one not vertical, but horizontal,
wrapping around her and the post, with the tip somehow hitting her left
teat. She screamed in absolute pain. Her back one one thing, but her
tender teat was pain beyond comprehension! "stroke FIVE!" this one was
horizontal too, but lower, wrapping to hit her mid back. She felt the
tears well up in her eyes. "Stroke SIX!" this stroke landed so the end of
the whip went over her shoulder, and the tip of the whip hit her right
nipple. She pulled back in reaction, and twisted around and started to
cuss at Ray after yelling in pain. "stroke SEVEN!". Suddenly she saw the
whip coming at her, and she didn't have time to turn back around. It
landed right across both nipples simultaneously. Her cry in pain could
have been heard for a mile, and the crowd cheered in support of Ray. She
quickly turned around "stroke EIGHT!" This stroke landed vertically on her
right side, and new stripe, and new scream. "stroke NINE!" This stroke
landed on the opposite side of her back, Sasha twisted on this stroke. By
now the tears were streaming down her face. Her thoughts no longer about
how people could see her naked, but how her naked body had no protection
from the screaming leather coming toward her, and how the whipping post
held her in place for it. "Stroke TEN!" landed at the top of her back,
Sasha still had fight in her, and she started to yank at the restraints
trying to get loose. Then, as suddenly as they started, they stopped. Ray
went over to grab a different whip, this one black braided leather, about
10 feet long. He walked back into position "stroke ELEVEN!" The whip
landed and bit into her back with a sting that felt like fire. This whip
was actually WORSE than the first one! But what more, the second stroke
"stroke TWELVE" came quickly. "Whoopfishhhh" Now there was no pause
between the lashes. As quickly as the assistant could announce the
strokes, they landed on her back. By the time the twenty fifth stroke
landed, Sasha was physically unable to scream anymore, and she just hugged
the whipping post, almost like she would hug a man. By the 30th stroke,
she had almost gotten used to the lashes and the pain. As she looked for a
way to bear with the pain, she spread her legs and wrapped them around the
whipping post slightly, and started to rub her genitals against the
whipping post, and found that the sensation countered her pain.. Every
horrible stroke forced her body into the whipping post. She closed her
eyes and played the pain off of the sensation of the post rubbing her
between her legs. Ray saw this and stopped to get a better whip that had a
harder, less supple leather to it. He had ten strokes left to give her,
and he wanted these to be the worst of them. Now he calculated every
stroke to land with maximum pain. Sasha was still getting off on the
whipping post, and he wanted to break that concentration. Sasha had her
eyes closed, and was so into the whipping, that the pain was totally off
set by the pleasure she was giving herself. She was so into it, that when
the lashes stopped falling, she almost did not notice. Then, just as
suddenly as they had stopped, another landed, but this one was different,
this one had a sting to it that she could not hide from her mind, and she
lurched off of the whipping post. She heard "stroke FORTY-TWO!" and her
the distinct curt sound of a single length of unbraided leather. As it
landed she felt it's full fury, and let out a weak, but very audible
scream. The crowd cheered at her re-ignited pain on-slaught. There was no
whoosh sound with this leather strap, just a quick whistle as it cut
through the air quickly. She felt each and every of the final 10 strokes
as Ray finished with a fury that was unmistakable. With the 50th and final
stroke, the lashes were done. The whipping was over. Her punishment was
half finished. Sasha's tense body relaxed, and she tried to gain some
composure, but that was difficult to do when you are shackled to a whipping
post naked, and you just received 50 strokes of the whip. She had gotten
so used to the sound of the whip swinging her way, it was almost as if a
ghost was still whipping her. She could still hear the sound of the whip
cutting through the air. And every time she moved, she felt one of the
lash marks remind her of their presence. She knew from watching previous
convicts that she was going to be left on the whipping post until it was
her turn at the punishment box. She relaxed her body as best as she could,
but she was still shaking and shivering uncontrollably She closed her eyes
and Ray picked up a cane and walked over to the woman bent over the
punishment box, tapped her butt, and pulled back to deliver the first
stroke to her butt. The assistant announced the crime as larceny, and that
the woman was to receive 15 strokes of the cane on the bared butt "well
laid". Then he said "STROKE ONE!"

Chapter 4 - Sasha's caning Sasha stood there hanging off of the whipping
post, recovering from the whipping she just received. Ray swung the cane
at the woman's butt. Sasha heard it land, and the woman let out a blood
curtling scream. Ray just collected the cane, reassumed a ready position
with a cold calculating look on his face, and waited for the next stroke
number to be announced. Sasha couldn't believe how cold and calculating
Ray was being. It was his first time, but it was as if he were doing it
for the 1000th. She wondered if he smiled a bit when he worked on her with
his whip. As she watched Ray cane the woman, as she was about to recieve
herself, she observed the woman's butt as the welts appeared. They were
swelling up, and very red. Amaizingly, there was no first.
Sasha saw a trickle run down the woman's leg as the woman started to lose
control of her bladder. Ray was very good at placement of the strokes. By
the 10th stroke, he was left with a naked butt that had so many welts, that
placing another stroke on virgin skin was becoming difficult, but he was up
to the challenge, laying a new stroke between welts. By the time he was
done, you could count the strokes she recieved by simplly counting the
welts on her naked butt! The woman was released from her bondage, and she
ran off the platform toward her home with people slapping at her freshly
canned butt. Sasha knew it was her turn now. The guards manhandled her,
taking her off of the whipping post, pushing her weakened body to the
punishment box for the next phase of her punishment. Sasha was stood
before the box and the female guard intentionally put her hand right in the
center of Sasha's just lashed and marked back, and pushed Sasha to bend
over the box. Sasha screamed at the pain of the guards hand on her back.
The crown laughed and applauded at the gesture. No more had Sasha bend
over, and a guard took each of her wrists and put them in the shackles
attached to the base of the box. Then they grabbed her ankles, spread her
legs apart and shackled her legs to the side of the box, exposing her
private area fully to the crowd. Sasha felt a cool breeze on her pussy,
where she shouldn't in public, reminding her of her situation. She
quivered. She was now bound naked, bent over a wooden box, to position her
butt just perfectly so as to make her butt a perfect target for the person
holding the cane. Her back was in fierce pain. But no more had Sasha come
to terms with her new lover (the box) than the assistant announced "COUNT
ONE!". She her a swish and heard the cane land, she felt the equivelent of
a baseball bat hit her ass. Sasha couldn't believe it, it actually was
worse than the whipping she had just received, and she let out a curtling
scream, much to the amusment of the crowd. Many yelled "HARDER! HARDER!
We want to see blood!" Just then the second stroke landed right below the
first. At the tenth stroke, Sasha lost control of her bladder and peed
down her leg, but the strokes just kept coming. By now Ray had put the
laddering of welts on her ass as close as possible from the top to bottom
of the ass cheeks. Now he was placing the strokes between the previous
strokes, finding virgin skin to welt. At the 20th stroke he landed it on
top of the first stroke, and Sasha felt blood start to trickle down her
ass. She was bawling uncontrollablly now. All Sasha was thinking about was
surviving this ordeal. But the crowd was eating it up!! They loved it,
there was a blood lust. Stroke 21 came and it felt like nothing she had
ever felt before. She was tugging at the restraints more than ever trying
to free herself. But the restrains had no give. Now the pain was more
than she could endure, and she felt a cloud start to come over her.
SUDDENLY she felt water dumped over her head, bringing her back to
conscienness. She felt pain on her back and ass, and was not sure what was
happening, and why she couldn't move her legs and arms. Then she realised
she was naked in public, and bent over, and she heard "STROKE 25!" and
heard a swish, and a huge pain on her ass.....she was being caned in
public!! AHHHHHHHHH!! she let out. Then the thoughts came back to her,
she had passed out from the pain. The endurance continued. Ray and the
assistant were making sure she was awake for all of the strokes. And they
just kept coming and coming. It seemed to take forever to get to 30
strokes. At 35 strokes she no longer screamed, just groaned in reaction.
But her body still convulsed with each stroke. Getting to stroke 40 was a
marathon. She passed out again at 41, only to be revived by a bucket of
water again. At stroke 49, she was no longer able to scream or react.
Just groans. For the fiftieth and final stroke Ray instructed the
assistant to dump more water on her, assuring that she was fully
conscience. He started to talk to the crowd, came to her face, grasped it,
and made sure she was looking at him through her teared eyes. Then he went
behind her and delivered the final stroke with a running was
the exclamation mark on her punishment to make sure she did not forget it.
The guards unrestrained her, but she could not get up. Ray gave her a bit
of encouragement by threatening that anyone still on the box in 30 seconds
would receive a stroke of the cane. Sasha got her hands under herself and
pushed her body off the box. Turned and stumbled toward the stairs. The
guards picked her up by her arms and lifted her down the stairs and started
to drag her through the streets to her home, followed by the crowd taking
swats at her battered and bruised back and butt. The got her to her home,
opened the door, and d**g her to her bed, and threw her on it. Her
boyfriend, Adam was there to take care of her. Sasha had been through a
whipping and caning. Now she needed to recover. She had more than learned
her lesson. She would make sure to never end up on the gallows platform

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Thanks to everyone who commented. I really do appreciate your thoughts. -------------------------------- "Let's go!" "Wait! You're not taking me out looking like this, are you?" Her response was to grab my hand and pull me towards the door leading out of the apartment. -------------------------------- "What about a blouse? I can't go out in my underwear!" "It's much sexier like this. Let's go!" ordered Julie. In a few moments I found myself outside with the door locked...

4 years ago
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Because I Love You

Because I love you I was fourteen when my mother and father divorced. Being an only child for most of my life had been something I’d come to appreciate. Seeing my friends and how they so often fought with their sisters or brothers gave me an even greater respect and thankfulness that I didn’t have to go through all that. I rarely saw my father after that as he’d moved to the East coast because of a new job, and I hated it whenever I’d gone for a visit. After a while it really didn’t matter...

4 years ago
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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 31

Jake paced back and forth inside one of the Erika Air hangers as Erika taxied the Gulfstream towards the huge roll-back doors. He had many a second thought about what they, well, more specifically, what he was doing. Kidnapping was a major crime and now he had made his sister and Erica partipants in it. Small comfort that they were probably saving the girl from an ugly fate. Trish walked up beside him when he stopped pacing. “You are doing the right thing, Jake,” she said squeezing his hand...

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The Pastors Sinful FamilyChapter 10

Beverly looked over her shoulder and smiled at Lois as their eyes met. ‘Like lambs to the slaughter,’ she thought to herself as they neared a log cabin not too far from the administration building they just left. “I hope you enjoy your time here,” Beverly said, as she opened the door and allowed the brother and sister to enter. The cabin was of medium size with two queen size beds along one wall. A dresser was against the opposite wall with a mirror hanging over it. “Only two beds?”...

2 years ago
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I set my Wife Up to take a BBC Blacken

I'm a happily married forty-one-year-old man with three teenage c***dren, two girls and a boy. My very beautiful, petite wife, Lynda, is truly my soulmate and the only girl I've ever known intimately. I'm the IT administrator for a major firm in Florida, and recently hired a new assistant to keep up with the demands of the job.Among the six applicants, Jack was unanimously selected by the hiring committee. He's a college graduate relocating from Mississippi. His prior position as a State...

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An Amazing Experience

Before I begin my tale, hear me out. I wasn't like this before. I never felt a desire for my friends, male and female. It was only once I learned that a few of my girl friends were bi that I became curious. If they would do it with each other, then would they do it with me? I had never had a real sexual experience, and thought that perhaps my sexually knowledgeable friends would help me with my first with a guy. But where it led was a path that I never would have dreamed. It all started with my...

2 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 120 Reverse

It was towards the end of February, and Jessie was lonely, depressed, and bored. She'd been doing better this semester. She'd made an attempt to make friends. She had found out that her roommate was really cool, and they were getting along very well. But, now, her roommate had gone away for the weekend. She didn't have anything to do. She missed Warren and Sophie. Hell, she missed Jason. So, she decided to call him. "Hello?" he answered. "Hey, Jay. It's Jess." "Jess? How are you...

3 years ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 15

Emma went to her apartment before heading to work. She considered, just for a moment, changing; or, at least, putting on UNDERWEAR, but decided not to. Obviously, Jess wouldn’t know if she did, she told herself (actually, Jess would have. She could detect a lie better than a polygraph.) In the end though, she decided against it. She didn’t even know why. Just that she was going to do it because Jess told her- no, that’s not right. Because Jess ASKED her to. Jess even made it clear that it...

2 years ago
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Marie the Pinay Slut WifeChapter 4

The day of the gangbang arrived finally. Karl had arranged to meet Marie at his hotel and she assumed that they would meet the other men there. However, when she arrived at the hotel and met Karl, he told her that the arrangement was to use a private villa which belonged to a friend of his. This friend was experienced in organizing gangbangs and he was delighted to know that Marie was going to participate as the sex toy for the enjoyment of a group of men. The drive to the villa was a little...

3 years ago
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Fucked By Doctor Sunil In Hospital 8211 Part 3

In this story I wanna share that how I spend 3 days and night with dr sunil at my home.Salman my hubby went out of station for 5 days . An that’s what I waiting for. I told sunil and he was also very excited .We both took off for 3 days from our job salman went early morning I dropped him on airport an right away I drove my car to sunil’s place to pick him up I was wearing a full abaya an under my abaya I was almost nude in my thongs and bra .We came home .A lot of kissing an pressing of my...

2 years ago
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My Sexy wife likes older men

When I married my wife Sally I knew she had a thing for older men so it was no surprise to me when we were invited to my boss’s retirement party at the home of the main director of the company.You see Sally who is 34 is a real sexy woman and always dresses sexy she has a great body and a nice pair of legs with a great rear and a rather large bust which is very firm I can confirm that she gives a great tit fuck so it’s no wonder she attracts so much male attention when she goes out.She seems to...

3 years ago
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Me with Husband

“Priya, Did you suck his cock?” my husband asked me as he pinned me to the bed.“No”, I answered truthfully.“Did you want to?” he questioned.I hesitated. I had wanted to suck that man’s cock with every fiber of my being. Kneeling in front of his naked body had taken me to the edge of self-control. But I, I was a good wife. A wife who was grateful for the gifts given to her. A wife who knew her place.“Yes Dear.” I answered, hoping that my response did not anger him.Instead of angering him, he...

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My Mom the StripperChapter 5

It was incredible – our lifestyle had gone from being a drudge, to making a couple of videos a week, fucking each other until one of us can’t walk – and affording to either order in or eat out every meal of the day. Our lives have become extraordinary, but there are a couple of things we still want to do – including fucking each other with our faces showing on the video – first proving we were mother and son – for the first and only truly INDISPUTABLE Incestuous video of a mother and son,...

3 years ago
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Loving BDSM

Something woke me up in the middle of the night. As I started to turn on the lamp a flashlight blinded me. Suddenly my clothes were ripped off as they tossed me back on the bed. Without warning a soft foot started caressing my cock and balls. Then there was some blissful pain as the same foot crushed my cock hard. Now, my house has a few things for torture. They d**g me out of bed and strapped me in my frame. 6 or 7 more kicks to my groin it stopped. When the lights were turned on it was my...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Michele James Gorgeous And Wild

Naturally busty babe Michele James loves to suck some cock and she shows you just what she is all about when she gets Brad Knights hard cock in her grasp. She gets all sloppy letting her spit find its way all over her large natural tits! Brad buries his face in her pussy making her moan out when his tongue finds that magical g spot! She wants to fuck and gets those beautiful tits of hers bouncing all over when she rides on top in some hot cowgirl! We get some hot POV just as she is sucking him...

2 years ago
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Sisters Helping Hand Chapter 01 Sis Helps My Anxiety

But when I try to hit on a girl, I freak out. My stomach tenses up into knots and my throat goes dry and raspy. Every time, without fail, when I see a girl I find attractive, it happens. I’m 18 and I wouldn’t say I’m particularly ugly. I’m not a model or anything, but I get plenty of looks from girls around campus. I play a lot of sports and hope to jump into uni on a football scholarship. But that damn vee card… I know it’s not a big deal, most guys are still virgins at my age. Well, if you...

3 years ago
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Attraction reactions

——————————————————————————— Chapter 1 The event that changed everything Lily and Tessa have been neighbors and best friends since they were toddlers. Growing up together, they both know most of each others secrets and can talk about almost anything together. Lily is the shy one and the follower of the two, sometimes shes embarrassed by Tessa’s brashness. Lily’s shyness and Tessa’s brashness has made their relationship work well. Lily and Tessa are both 18 years old still living at...

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The Couples Collector

Eventually he would grow tired of them, and when he did…well, he found ways to dispose of the bodies discreetly or sell them as sex slaves to lucrative buyers. Yet he wasn't alone in his depravity. He had a partner in crime. His lovely wife. Sweet, innocent-looking Anna. Anna loved her husband. Being every bit as twisted as he was, she enjoyed their 'bonding time,' as she called it…torturing helpless young couples. On this particular night, a cold wind howled outside the windows of the...

4 years ago
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Okay, students," Hilda Humper said with her trademark lilt and giggle to her second period English class. "Today we are going to be discussing Hamlet, one of William Shakespeare's most famous plays."Her announcement of the day's lecture sent a wave of heavy sighs throughout the male students in the class, partially because of the boring subject matter, but mostly because of the libido-raising effect she regularly had on any and all men who happened to be in her presence. Today was no exception,...

1 year ago
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Victoria Per ScientiamChapter 2

Susan and I had a light breakfast in our room before I headed out to Commander Wilcox’s office for our 0845 meeting. This time I was directed to a small conference room and stood to attention when the Commander entered carrying several folders in addition to his data pad. He set them down and reached over to shake my hand. “At ease and good morning Lieutenant. How have you been doing?” “Sir, I’m excited and terrified at the same time. I’ve got to be crazy to think this is a good idea and...

3 years ago
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Little Black Dress Chapter 1

I am not sure where we turned the corner but it has been a fun ride. The names have been changed to protect the not so innocent. Let me start by saying we are now in our mid forties. I am Greg and my wife is Dee. We have had many experiences and it all started with my sexy wife wearing a little black dress while we were out dancing. I am 5'11" with blond hair, brown eyes, thick arms and legs and generally tanned. I am by no means a wimp and I am not hung up on jealousy. I am very well equipped,...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Acting as a cougar on a warm Fridays night

Acting as a cougar in a warm Friday nightAs usual like mostly Friday nights in the year, I was home alone; my loving Victor on a week end quick trip out of town.It was summer and I was really horny that warm night.After dinner, I decided to go to a bar that Helena knew around the suburban area… and look what I could do to calm down my anxiety and my arousal.I found the place; parked outside and walked into the dimly lit bar, feeling all eyes were on my body: I was wearing tight jeans, a white...

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Submissive Beginnings Ch02

When I notice your breathing return to normal, I release my hold on you and stand up from the bed, cross the room and collect a few objects before returning. As you lie on your side on the bed, I kneel behind you and use one hand to spread the cheeks of your arse. I can feel you tense as you anticipate what is coming, but ignore your nerves. You hear a bottle click open, and a few seconds later feel the coldness of lubricant being applied to your hole. I deliberately say nothing as I work the...

3 years ago
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Cuckold Couple ISO Uncut Man Part 2

My foreskin rolled back up. Michaela was dying to feel me inside of her. “I always have to use lube with Danny, “ she said. “His dick is so calloused and dry...and…it just doesn’t move like yours.” Danny was standing in the doorway, taking what I thought were photographic snapshots with his eyes. He couldn’t stop grinning. His young, hot, brunette wife, Michaela, continued to talk about how much she loved my dick, with him only a few feet away. To a normal guy, this would be tough to hear – but...

4 years ago
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Leela Mami Ani Mazi Lagna Hun Yetana Chandanya Ratri Man Sokt Zawazavi Part 1

Namskar mazya rasrashit panavalelya pucchi walinno ani tatavun ubha karun salami denarya bulle walya mitrano. Mi yogu maz age 25 varsh disayla chan hot sexy ahe. Mi attach mazi engineering purn karun job karat ahe. Mi belgaum kolhapur pune shi related ahe. Mi mumbai pune goa surat ahmadabad la nehmi firat asto. Jar kona ladies aunty bhabhi kinva mulina mazya sobat sex kinva sex chat chi maza karaychi asalyas mala mail kara. Maza email id ahe ani var. Ani google hangout var pan mala msg karu...

3 years ago
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BiGirlsChapter 4

A few weeks later the BiGirls celebrated the sixth month of my honorary membership by taking me to dinner and a show. "Buy yourself the sluttiest outfit you're willing to wear," Alice said, "And we'll all go have a fun evening. Just us girls. I'll get you a wig -- dark black, straight hair, I should think, in a cute bob with long bangs. It'll be your full first night out in public as a girl, won't it? No fear, we'll surround you. Go get your nails done at least -- I'm sure Jane...

1 year ago
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Spellbound Part Three

[Note: This is another story written long ago, and forwarded to my by my French friend Avaro. For those who remember, C.C. created the world of Clinton Crayle. He asked me to write a story in a Raymond Chandler hard-bitten detective style, and this is it. So enjoy. And for the details on the whole "She-Devil" thing, check the reviews. TOXIS.] Spellbound - Part Three by TOXIS I struggled with my bra. I hated having such big tits. Everything had to be planned around them....

4 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 28

I woke before six and slipped from the warm bodies, slid into my peg, used the bathroom, put some clothes on, and went outside to the grassy area. I was just beginning when Lisa and Tina joined me. A few seconds later, Don, Jan, and Wanda joined in, and Brandy and Tiani soon were stretching with us. All of us were soon bringing our last form to a close and taking our clothes off on the way to the pool. Some leisurely swam from end to end, and others powered our way back and forth until we...

2 years ago
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Senior Didi Ki Help Karne Ka Phal

Hi…Friends main Shekhar iss ka ek purana reader hun bahut sari kahani padhne ke baad main apni yeh kahani likh raha hun.If you like it then send me a mail at Chaliye kahani pe aate hain main shekhar hun aur main durgapur ek college se btech kar raha hun.Yeh kahani mere 3rd semester ki hai jab main padhai mein zyada dhyan to lagata tha lekin ladkiyon pe comment bhi bahut karta tha.Ek baar class test hone ke dauran mein pahla test deke ghar aa raha tha,main college ki sidhi se utar raha tha to...

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The Proposition

The wind blew in off the lake, clean and crisp, a gentle breeze cutting through the coming heat of the day. I had forgotten that the summer could be anything other than a wet blanket of humid air wrapped stiflingly around your head. When I left Washington, it was already hot and muggy. There should be a law against temperatures above 80 before breakfast. Landing in Toronto was like landing on a different planet, one where the temperature was not only considerably cooler but where the humidity...

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Grabbing her bag Lori checked to make sure her purse was in it (more importantly her cards), then grabbed her mobile phone and keys."Remember you’re taking the kids to their swimming lessons after school. Their stuff is all out for you. I’ll get the shopping,” she told her husband."Don't forget the wine,” he retorted."I won’t, don't forget the kids," Lori shouted back to her husband,She heard him laugh as she closed the door. Dressed casually in her purple workout top and charcoal three-quarter...

Mind Control
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Awesome Experience In Bus

Hi, I am Ric with real experience in my life. I am going to narrate the groping experience in bus during one of my journey. This incident happened once when I was traveling by bus to Chennai. I didn’t get enough time to book ticket in private bus. This time I went to government bus stand and was waiting for the bus. It was evening and I got into the bus and sat at the second row of the bus. The bus conductor told me that most of the seats are reserved and I have to change seats if the seat is...

4 years ago
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Big People Fuck Too

Even though she knew it was hopeless, she had decided that tonight she wasn’t going to stay at home! She was going to go out and have a nice dinner and have a few drinks at the bar. Her mother had been on her case for months to get out in the world and at least put herself in position to meet someone. She always said, “You’ll never find him in your kitchen!!!” So tonight was the night to go out on the town. Looking in the mirror before she left, she shook her head one last time, and headed...

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Thursdays ChildChapter 28

That year Penny and Jean, the latter having taken over from Anita as second head girl, hosted the Christmas party. Numbers had swelled because all those who had married were invited with their husbands. Carly's Joe was also invited. Garry could hardly be excluded. Mary had been touched that she and Ray should be invited. That morning, before Mary and Ray had arrived and while Garry was in his room re-wrapping his present for Polly, Becca had stood in front of Steven in the kitchen with her...

2 years ago
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My First A2M

My freind Eric and I were in bed one day getting a little frisky. It started out with a bit of a makeout session, the first time we ever done that. Were laying down Kissing and grinding our cocks together when I slowly worked my way down pausing to lick his chest and nipples. When I reached his cock I teased the head of his dick and shaft slowly and lightly with the tip of my tongue. i took one of his balls in my mouth and sucked it a bit than I took the other one in and sucked it and teased it...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon Shock

They were in the wrong part of town at night. In a wood, a dingy confined space of a place well away from the bright lights, the security of the tourist strip, the hawkers and touts, bars, and a policeman. A low beat of perpetual reggae throbbed dimly through the fragrant miasma that clung to the low ceiling. The only lighting came from a triple series of ancient disco lights which suffused the smoky haze with alternate blushes of colour. Red Stripe and rum bottles littered the scarred and...

2 years ago
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Gender Role Reversal New Neighbours Part One

"See honey," Emily said as she pushed open the door to their new home and guided her husband inside. "Isn't this going to be great?" Roger gasped as he took in the spacious living room. "Oh my goodness," he cried, his eyes going wide. "Look at how big it is." Emily nodded as she gently caressed her swollen belly. She had just gotten a promotion at her firm which included a massive bump in her paycheck, that meant that they could finally move out of their tiny apartment in the city...

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Yummy Mummy

Jenni is a neighbour of mine. We live in a small estate of bungalows, grouped in a horseshoe at the end of the road. Jenni passed by my place every morning, taking Jessica, or Jessy, as she preferred to be called, to school. Jessica would be bouncing around, constantly chatting and being a normal happy little girl. She would always wave and call out, Hi! I liked Jessy, but my eyes would always be watching Jenni’s ass in jeans as she walked on by and thinking how good it would be to have my...

1 year ago
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Leaving a Mark

The patrol car rolled up silently, unnoticed by the scruffy man leaning against the parking meter. He was engrossed in a conversation he was holding with another man, this one neatly dressed in a suit and tie. A young police officer in the passenger seat leaned out of the open window and said, "Hey fella, there's no panhandling allowed." After straightening up from his resting position against the parking meter, the man turned to face the police car behind him. His relieved partner in the...

3 years ago
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First time sucking cock

I was in my late 20's and in the middle of a divorce. Sex was hard to come by so I was doing a lot of masturbating. Since it was before internet porn I would buy magazines at the local adult bookstore.The pictures in the magazines were good but there just weren't very many of them. So much of my time was spent reading the "letters" that were printed. A lot of those stories got me off back then and eventually I found magazines that were nothing but letters. One store even sold them in packs of...

2 years ago
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At Her Command

Her eighteen year old student lies prone over her desk, naked, each muscle flexed, each sinew taught. His snow white skin, glistens with perspiration. He pulls against the soft rope that binds his wrists to one leg of the furniture. Now he’s trapped, at her command. She stands beside the desk snapping her black latex gloves into place. “Time to get hard for me lover!” she smiles. Her words make him hard. She crawls onto the desk over him. She presses her body to him, her curves. She presses...

3 years ago
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Pleasurable Sin

Tara walked into her simple yet elegant two bedroom apartment and collapsed on the sofa. It had been a long night. She had gone beyond anything she had ever done before and had completely gone against every moral she ever stood for tonite...but with no regrets. Looking up at the ceiling she remenisced on the events of the evening and smiled to herself. If her fiancee, Justin found out what she had done, he would go ballistic and she definitely wouldnt be standing at the alter in

Straight Sex
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Carmens Old Boyfriend

I was out shopping when I noticed a man over in the next isle and after a minute i realized it was my old boyfriend Ken. My thoughts quickly went back to our time together and then to his beautiful big cock and I wondered if i should meet up with him again when I suddenly heard, "Carmen, is that you?" I came back to reality and standing in front of me was Ken I stammered a bit and then, "Ken" I replied as he moved in close to me and reached down and took hold of my hand. Lifting it up he gently...

2 years ago
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Brains and BrawnChapter 8

Katie had problems of her own. It was now time for her to earn her scholarship. She attended her first mandatory meeting for all potential players for the upcoming season that evening. The practice schedule was handed out, as well as the upcoming season's schedule. "For you first years, please note that practices are scheduled for all day Saturday and, before the season, on Tuesdays and Fridays from 2:00 to 5:00. It's up to you to attend these practices and maintain your academics as...

2 years ago
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Bardhini is her own aunt

I sat on the couch in my living room, staring mindlessly at the television. I didn’t care what was on; I just didn’t want to have to think. I was angry. I had been angry. For weeks. My wife, Nayani, had left for furthering her career as a principal. But while leaving she had unwittingly ensured that I am the local guardian of her sister’s daughter Bardhini, studying as a day scholar in a law school, since she didn’t see fit to take Bardhini, her niece to the college she principals now. Twenty...

4 years ago
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Em Can I Watch

“I need to turn in, honey…” Mike stood up, stretched, and I heard his spine crack and pop as he arched his back. I shuddered. I hate that noise. He turned to Steve, “You’ll be okay in the spare room, mate. Em will give you some blankets.” Steve nodded and raised his beer can, “Sure, bud, no worries. I’ll be all set.” “Sorry I’m such a lightweight, what with this new job and the early starts, it’s killing me!” Mike grinned apologetically, shrugging as he picked up his cellphone. He looked...

3 years ago
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The Return

Susan had missed his touch for over six months now. She longed to feel him caressing her passionately and knew she was only moments away. She had taken care of her needs for the last few months with a new vibrator that had arrived shortly after his departure. She had used it on several occasions and each time she had found new levels of pleasure with it. The lube she had purchased no longer made her feel sticky but more natural which allowed her to explore her womanhood with a new abandon. She...

Wife Lovers
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Swiss seduction

It was well past five in the afternoon by the time we arrived at our destination. We drove through Switzerland to get to Italy for our vacation last summer. We were amazed by the beauty of the country, taking in the view as we began to unpack after the long journey.After dinner at the hotel restaurant, we put the kids to bed. My wife and I were going to have some quality time together at last. The view of Lake Constance was breathtaking as we sipped our wine on the balcony. "Oh, I feel so...

4 years ago
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ARMY GRUNT rimming ws

It was my first day of a full-time two week block of army reserves at theMilford Falls barracks and I didn't wanna be there. During a break afterour first dinner I was sitting in the quad with five other reservists, allfirst year and all but two of us had obviously taken on more than webargained for, in between bitchin' about the mornings orientation manoeuvrewe got to talking about why we joined up in the first place. It was themoney, pure and simple we wanted the money. Some fuck wit whose...

1 year ago
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Birthday Present

Hi, all ISS readers. Hope you enjoy this hot story and it was my girlfriend’s birthday and I wanted to give her a present which she would never forget. I thought I should make this experience about her. I called her up on her birthday, wished her and asked her to meet me and spend some alone time with me. She wanted to spend the day enjoying with all her friends. It took some time to persuade her to spend some alone time and in the end she agreed for it. I went to pick her up and saw her and...

3 years ago
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The Hurricane of 2020Chapter 16

I came back inside with the final load. Both ladies were in the living room. Eve said, "Why dresses?" I grinned. "Your legs will show off better." The two looked at each other with that unspoken communication that only women can do and headed for the bedrooms. I took my case into my bedroom and set it down. Eve opened one of her cases and pulled out a dress. Laying it on the bed, she stripped, including her bra, and shimmied into the dress. What there was of it was tight and low cut at...

2 years ago
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Rebel SpyChapter 11 Tiera

The next time the old madam sent for me was an entirely different matter. "There is in the city," she said, looking very cross, "a young woman I want you to go see, to recruit if possible. She is, I am told, second only to Mrs. Loring in the female pecking order." "A whore?" I asked, trying not to sound hopeful. She nodded. "Courtesan is the word they like." She snorted derisively. "Why, Madam? We've got good contacts now." "She evidently knows all the nabobs, the high...

3 years ago
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Late Bloomer

From a sexual standpoint I must be a very late bloomer. I am 24 and still a virgin. I just have kept most men at a distance with the help of my apparent homeliness. I am not over or under weight, but I have freckles, orange red hair and up until a couple of months ago had horrible buck teeth. Recently I had some dental work after graduating from college with a degree in computer sciences. The dentist did a nice job correcting the shape of my face and lips so I no longer had the horrible...

2 years ago
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What If

Teresa This is a story about firsts. A whole bunch of them in fact looking back at them now. Everyone says they clearly remember the first time they ever made love with anyone. And I suppose that's true. But I clearly remember all the other first times as well, as though they were yesterday. I met Teresa in the 5th grade. She would later become the girl I would date and eventually experience a fist full of firsts with. But that was years away yet. Right now, my female experiences were...

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