SummoningChapter 5 free porn video

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"What you have to understand, lad," Merlin said, "is that I had been alone for quite a long time from a human standpoint, with no hope of ever seeing another human face again. There was no need to talk, for there was no one to talk to. Instead, I read - history, literature, fiction... whatever the text, I devoured it from beginning to end, absorbing vast amounts of knowledge in the years that passed without number. Therefore, when Olympias appeared to emerge from the sea without any mode of transport save her own legs, I thought that I had at last succumbed to the insanity that I had always feared would claim me.

"She was not a beauty in any objective sense; not tall, but not short; not fat but not thin; not well-endowed, but not flat-chested. She had olive skin, and iridescent eyes that glittered in the right light, but her nose was too flat, her chin too firm and wide for her to be labeled beautiful. Yet, had she stood among a hundred other women, she would have shone brightest among them. It was not her looks that set her apart, but her bearing, her manner. She was, to sum everything to one word, regal.

"And yet, as she sat drinking my tea in the kitchen of my home, she was not cold or distant, not aloof or haughty. She was quiet, but that was the awkwardness of trying to find some place to start a conversation; she smiled and complimented my tea, and declined my offer of something to eat, as if she knew that there was very little in the larder that could be considered a suitable companion to afternoon tea. I looked at her in somewhat fuddled amazement, and she looked back as composed and calm as if we were longtime friends doing something completely routine. Yet still, she didn't speak.

""Who are you? Where did you come from? Is anyone else still alive there?" The words came pouring from my mouth like the fire comes to the dry brush in the dry summer. She smiled at me, amused, and then began speaking with a distinctly non-English accent.

""There is no one left alive anywhere on this planet save you, dear Merlin; had there been, I likely would not be here now. You are the last human born on this planet, perhaps the last that will ever be born here. As such, you are the last to whom I may give the gift that has been entrusted to me. More to the point, you have a destiny to fulfill, one that you do not know about, but one which I have waited hundreds of years to bring to you. I shall tell you about that before too long.

""As for me, my name is Olympias, queen of Macedonia, wife to Phillip II, queen mother to Alexander the Great." Seeing my jaw drop even further, she laughed, a rather harsh sound to be sure. "You look at me and wonder how such a thing could be, that I could come to you still young had I been alive before the birth of Jesus all those centuries ago? The answer is simple... my son cursed me to live through the centuries as caretaker to this..." she held out her left fist, palm up, and let her fingers uncurl. Inside was a ring..." he held up his own left hand, indicating the ring of Solomon "... this ring.

"Olympias looked at me in silence for a moment, as if contemplating where to start unraveling something complicated. Apparently, she decided to start from the beginning.

""In the days after my marriage to Phillip, I began gathering to me the avatars of the metaphysical world... witches, sorcerers, psychics... those that could divine for me not only the future for myself, but for the heir that I intended to produce for Phillip's throne. In the midst of all those I called to my chambers came one from the heart of the desert of Africa. He had uncovered, in the ruins of a temple that bore Solomon's name, a scroll... and a ring. He had thought to bring it to the religious scholars of the East, but, no matter how hard he tried, no matter how far he set his course by the daily rising of the sun, he found himself traveling north.

""It was only when he reached the Mediterranean Sea that he encountered a Macedonian trading ship bound for home, and he was captured by those men and brought in bondage to Phillip's court. Hearing of my search for divinity for my son, he begged for an audience with me, and soon had me convinced that the ring might have belonged to Solomon himself... and that the scroll was the key.

""But he had buried the scroll and the ring near the shore where he was captured, before he encountered the ship. With Phillip away on yet another mission to conquer the rest of Greece, I used the power of the throne to send the same merchant ship back to shore of Africa, to search out and bring to me the ring. The dark skinned man of the desert went with them, saying he would unearth the treasure I wanted, if they would allow him to return to his home. I told the captain of the ship that, should he keep his bargain, the man should be freed..." here, Olympias' lips twisted into a cruel grin "... then killed before he could ever breathe word of the ring to a soul.

""Six months passed, until finally the merchant ship returned from its mission, and the captain called upon me privately in my chambers at the palace. The captain knelt before me and presented both the ring and the dusty, tattered scroll to me. I thanked him and promised him great reward and the favor of the king." Again, she smiled cruelly. "Within the week, he and his crew were charged with high treason and collaborating with the enemy, and were summarily executed. And I only had to pay such a little money to have the evidence of their "treason" snuck onto their boat as they drunkenly celebrated the 'favor of the king.'" She laughed, a cold, hard sound that matched the winter in her eyes.

""I took the ring and the scroll to the witches I had brought to Pella to advise me on the future of myself and my son. In turn, they took the scroll to one of the scholars of the Talmud who lived by trading and lending money to the sailors at the docks. The translation was slow, but gradually the scroll emerged as the writing of Solomon himself. In it, he described how he had used the ring to glorify his God, and to complete the temple as God had commanded him. Having bent the demon's to his will with the ring, he placed it and the scroll inside the temple, never again using or even touching it until the end of his life.

""Though the translation offered no instruction on a way I could use the ring, the witches saw that, by using the dark arts of their kind, they could summon a demon known to have been in the ring's power... the one known as Ornias. And, once they had summoned it, they thought that it could give them the key to unlock the ring's power.

""Their summoning was successful, but for months, Ornias refused their entreaties to give them a way to bind the power of the ring to a human other than Solomon. Finally, in desperation, I went to the dark cavern where the witches chanted while Ornias hissed and screeched to be dismissed from their imprisonment. I walked up to the mystical chamber in which it was imprisoned, and yelled into its face "What do you want? What will make you give me what I want?" It stopped screeching, and faced me directly, standing to its full height inside its trap. "What do I want?" it asked menacingly. "I will release the power of the ring to you, or to the one you wish to have it, but only for a price you will never pay.

"""I want you." And it shrieked with laughter as I turned away, enraged, with no intention of granting its wish.

""But, as the days passed, Phillip grew closer to winning his campaign to unite Greece under his rule, and I knew that when he returned, he would desire me to join him making his son and heir. So, as that day approached, I again returned to the cavern, and began to dicker with the demon as to what agreement we might reach.

""In the end, the bargain we struck was as hard fought as the war Phillip had just won, and it would cost me as dearly individually as it had cost his men in blood and effort. The demon would have me, but would not have use of me in its demon form. Instead, it could inhabit the body of another mortal, and use me until its desire was satisfied. If even this was too close to it for my own security, I could also inhabit the body of another, though it would be one of the demon's choosing. And, there would be one final condition - it could not have me until I had watched my son fulfill his destiny as king and ruler of an empire... or, should it come to that, until after I had seen my son die.

""The bargain struck, I used a sacrificial blade held by one of the witches to prick my finger, and watched as one drop fell from its tip into the circle which held Ornias at bay. The demon caught it before it touched the floor, and, using it as ink, affixed its symbol to the contract that would bind us together once my son's destiny was fulfilled. Then, saying only "It is done," the demon disappeared in a thunderclap, leaving behind only the contract... and the ring.

""I left the cavern behind quickly, leaving my bodyguards to complete the assignment I had given them; no wagging tongue could be left behind to tell of my deal with the demon, which meant that all of the witches had to die. Their screams and curses chased me to my horse, which I rode at a mad pace back to the palace. Once there, I hid the ring in a secret place, a slight hollow underneath a brick in the floor of my chambers. There, the ring was to sit until I presented it to Alexander on his 12th birthday, after which he tamed the stallion Bucephalus, the horse he rode even to his dying day. I told him the same things that Ornias had told me about summoning the demons controlled by the ring, and as he grew, so did his control of the demon horde. Finally, he began to send the off to do his bidding as he chased his destiny across Europe, Africa, and Asia. He fulfilled virtually every wish I had ever had for him... except one.

""He died before he could ever stop to enjoy the fruits of his conquests, to relish the role of empire builder and legend. To sit on the throne of his father and know that he had conquered parts of three continents, and to make plans anew to conquer more. In that way, my dreams of his destiny were dashed when I realized that the power of his ring could not save his life.

""Then, he called me into his tent, just moments before his death. And, putting the ring in my hands, he told me that I had given it to him to because I had planned his destiny, pushed him into it without choice or voice of his own. And the ring had only kept him on the path that I had chosen for him, pushing him forward by giving him victories he did not deserve, conquests he could not have achieved without some aid from the demons of the ring. In his heart, he blamed me for how he was dying... having used all the power at his disposal to further my grandiose dreams, and having none left to heal himself.

""But, he still had some control over the ring, and, using it one final time, he bound my destiny to it, making me its keeper. I can never wield its power, but I can give it to those who I feel can use it to fulfill a greater destiny within themselves. I can never die, for the ring cannot be destroyed, and I will exist as long as it does. I am alive, but with no need for food to stay that way. I can change my appearance in an instant, to better survive or fulfill my purpose as ring-giver, but I will never age in body beyond where I was that day my son died in Babylon."

""But there is one more thing." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "The demon Ornias was enraged by Alexander's last action, but could not claim me while I held the ring in my possession. Our agreement said it could claim me once Alexander's destiny was fulfilled, and as long as I held the ring, that destiny could not be finished.

""However, whenever I gave up the ring, that gave Ornias power over me. Once it rested securely on the finger of another, my body would fade, and I would find myself in someone else's body, at the cruel command of some man who Ornias had taken possession of. And he would use me again and again, day and night, until the destiny of the ring wielder had been fulfilled, and the ring came back to me again.

""But that brings me back to why I am here. Even though you are the last man left alive on Earth, I do not have to give the ring to you. I imagine that, if I did not, you would die and I would be left on this planet, alone, until another human being dropped from the stars and I decided whether his destiny was somehow intertwined with my own.

""However, while that could happen, there is one last thing that must be said, so perhaps you can understand why I am standing before you now. You see... you and I have met before. In the year 637 A.D.

""In the court of King Arthur."

"And, that, lad, is when my jaw finally hit the floor."

Leaving Matilda and the two will-repressed men to their fun and games, I turned toward the dining room... and saw, just before I completed my turn, a slight movement. Reaching out with my mind, I felt a presence there, one that desired to quickly return to the dungeon before I noticed him. With virtually no effort, I reached into his mind and locked his muscles, so that his flight from me was arrested mid-stride. The resulting "Thump!" that reached my ears was explained seconds later when, rounding the corner, I spied a man lying in a heap next to the countertop that separated the dining room from the kitchen.

"Steven! Fancy meeting you here!" I said to the paralyzed body, legs still cocked as if to take a step forward.

By my way of thinking, Steven Howard was my Public Enemy Number One. From the first time Sara had brought me to this house, he had been cold and distant, and over a few months, that distance had had turned to contempt and hatred... and I really couldn't understand why. I had politely rebuffed his few invitations to top him in the dungeon, but I had done that with everyone else, since Sara was the only one I had ever planned to play with inside this house. No one else took it as the personal affront Steven did, and I often wondered if the love Sara and I displayed openly only made Steven's peevishness grow more quickly.

Of course, when Sara made it known that she and I were through, no one took more happiness in the announcement than Steven. But all the venom he apparently had for me became apparent in what had happened two months before... at the last monthly meeting I had come to before this one.

Sara and I had been broken up for a month at that point. I had skipped the meeting before that, still too wrapped up in my own misery to even wish to be around anyone. But, perhaps seeking one of those Cheers moments, hoping I would walk in the door and everyone would shout "Daniel!" in hearty bonhomie, I had driven to Gerry's home and walked into the living room as usual.

I could have heard crickets chirping, had there been any in the room. The feeling of having 12 people suddenly drop dead silent when you walk in the room, staring at you like you've just dropped the f-bomb in the Queen's presence... well, I should have turned around and left.

But I didn't.

I smiled bravely, paid my meeting dues and signed in as normal... and was thusly ignored by all present. Even Sam kept his distance, though I did see some stirrings of sympathy in his eyes, on the few occasions he made eye contact with me. It was as if everyone had gathered for my wake, but I, the corpse, had had the indecency to show up alive.

Like Iago watching the downfall of Othello, Steven reveled in my discomfiture. I'm sure if he had thought of it, he'd have rubbed his hands together with glee, the villain seeing his evil plot coming to fruition. But even then, he wasn't quite finished. As I sat pondering the depths of a plastic cup full of Diet Coke, he walked up to me, and stood as if posing for a picture, hands on hips and standing at his full height. It was only later that I realized his stance blocked me from the rest of the room, so no one could see me fully... could see what, if anything, I did in reaction to what he said.

I continued staring into my cup, ignoring him. I suppose this must've infuriated him a bit, since he wanted a confrontation with me - something I didn't know then, but which made itself apparent quite quickly. As I stared at the bubbles that occasionally broke the surface of my soda, something white and gooey dropped into the cup from above. I looked up, just in time to see Steven sucking a line of saliva back into his mouth.

He had spit in my drink. He had deliberately spit in my drink!

His sneer on his lips and the set of his eyes both held the same unspoken message: 'What are you going to do about it?'

As I said, I should have left, just got up and got gone. But, perhaps more in amazement than anything, I simply sat there looking at him, wondering dumbly what the hell had gotten into him. And, when it became apparent that I wasn't going to make any move, either to get away from him or in payback for his insult, he made his grand gesture, his Edward-Norton-gets-fired-in- Fight-Club play.

He reached up to his nose and, taking it between thumb and forefinger, twisted it. As I stared, a rivulet of blood came running down his nostril, pooling on the tip. Satisfied with the result, he suddenly hunched over, and in a loud, harsh voice that sounded nothing like his own he uttered one word.


Then, having guaranteed that every eye in the living room would be turning toward him, he jumped backward, crashing into a coffee table, flipping over it, and winding up on his back between the table and a couch.

Everyone froze, as if waiting for something more to happen. Their eyes locked on Steven, who lay still on the floor. Then, they all turned their heads toward me.

My eyes were still riveted on Steven. From my angle, I could see his face clearly, framed by the legs of the table. He turned his head toward me... and I'll be damned if he didn't grin at me, the grin of a man who, running toward a soccer ball on a penalty kick, is sending a message to the goalie: 'You don't know it yet, but you've already lost.'

Then he began moaning piteously, blood smeared around his nose and mouth.

I don't remember getting to my feet, but I was about three steps across the rug toward him when Sam and Richard stepped in front of me, blocking my path. As others rushed to help Steven, they kept me from going any further forward, though I really had no intention of doing anything other than seeing what Steven was about with his vicious little charade.

I'll give him this: if they gave Oscars for best performance by a lying little weasel, he would've been a shoo-in. He simpered and wailed, tears streaking the blood on his face. He pointed at me and told of how he had only tried to start a conversation, to offer me comfort, and I had slapped him across the face, and then shoved him into the table. He drew on the sympathies of all present as the aggrieved party who'd done nothing to deserve such treatment... especially since I was now sans Sara, and could be considered an outsider, an interloper.

As he carried on, Sam looked at me and shook my head. Just loud enough to be heard, he whispered, "He's been running you down to everyone since last month, Daniel. He's even extracted a promise from Gerry that, if you caused any type of scene or disruption, you'd be kicked out and not invited back. And now..." his voice trailed off into silence as he looked back toward Steven, who was now propped up on the couch, sucking up the sympathy of those gathered around him.

Things moved quite quickly after that. Gerry, not wanting to take all the responsibility on himself, called for a vote on banishing me from the club. When asked to raise their hands if voting yes, only two hands didn't go up: Sam's and Richard's. Less than a minute later I was out in the driveway, with the admonishment not to come back. As I looked back at the house on that evening, I saw Steven looking out the window at me, grinning a victory grin. As I walked to my car across the street, I cursed about what had happened, and I cursed Steven's petty little game... but I had no illusions about returning to a place where I obviously wasn't wanted.

But now, Steven lay before me unmoving, unblinking, and unthinking. I had simply frozen his muscles and locked his mind, trying to keep him from getting back into the dungeon to spoil the entrance I had planned. But now, as he lay helpless, I wondered if he might utter the same words as Jupiter in Prometheus Unbound :

Mercy! Mercy! No pity, no release, no respite! Oh, That thou wouldst make mine enemy my judge,

Even where he hangs, seared by my long revenge...

He had sought vengeance upon me, and won. But now, as I held him in my power, I wondered if he would be as quick to cry for mercy as he was to inflict his desire to humiliate and exile me?

There was only one way to find out.

"Olympias laughed at me, of course... an actual laugh of good-natured sympathy at my lack of understanding. Though she had shown me the iron demeanor of a queen used to the intrigues and bloody back-stabbing, her laugh at that moment made her look warm and human, and that feeling was only amplified when she patted the back of my hand before continuing.

""Poor Merlin! Of course you know not of what I speak! How odd it is to me to sit here and know your destiny better than I know my own! But, that is why I am here... to offer you your destiny, knowing you will accept it, yet hoping, in some way, that you might not!

""I have lived through many centuries, Merlin, and have seen the rise and fall of many an empire. The ring draws me to places where those to whom it might belong are living, and, by its command, I was drawn to Camelot.

""I lingered in the kingdom for several seasons, finding no one who seemed destined to wear the ring. Instead, the two men who it seemed it might be most suited - Arthur himself, and Sir Lancelot - did not set off the sympathetic harmonies in the ring that let me know that their destinies were tied to its use. No, there was no one in the kingdom that seemed in any way tied to the ring... until one day, the wizard Merlin and I came into sight of each other as we passed in opposite directions at the main gate of the castle. The ring buzzed angrily on my finger, and seemed literally to raise my hand of its own accord, pointing directly at the mage. Startled, he bore down upon me, perceiving me as some sort of threat. But, when he was within a few feet of me, he noticed the ring upon my finger, and, quite suddenly, he began to smile. As he drew closer, I began to feel faint, and he stopped a few paces from me, as if he knew what discomfort his presence was causing me.

""He stood still, looking me up and down, as if comparing me to some picture in his mind. Still smiling, he said "Come tonight to the castle keep, sometime after the changing of the guard for evenwatch. Leave the ring where it cannot be seen, but where you can find it easily afterward. You will know why after we talk." And then, without a glance backward, he walked away from me and into the forests surrounding the castle.

""As he walked away, the pain being exerted by the ring faded, but I could not fathom what might have caused it! Usually, if someone is to be a ringwielder, there is a sense within me that I must find a way to be near that person, to offer them the chance to have the ring for themselves. It is not an unpleasant feeling, rather more an urge - something akin to what I'm feeling as I stand here with you now. But the feeling I had then was more like an electrical shock, entirely unpleasant. I had my doubts that I should want to meet Merlin again, no matter what he had to say to me!

""But, my curiosity proved stronger than my aversion, and soon after evenwatch had begun, I found myself in the castle keep, the ring left safely inside the pallet of straw which served as my bed each night. Once there, I did not have to wait long, for Merlin appeared directly and beckoned me to him. We ascended a set of stairs together, him leading the way, until he opened a door at the very top of the staircase and waved me inside.

""He ushered me to a chair, and then swung a kettle into the hearth above the fire. Only then did he sit in a chair opposite me. However, he still did not talk; he only looked at me, sweeping his eyes over me as if to find some flaw or imperfection.

""I used the silence to look him over as well. His head was bare, though several pointed hats sat perched in various places throughout the room. His hair was totally white, and it ran in uncontrolled cascades from his head, over his shoulders, and down his back. His whiskers were also long and flowing, and his mouth was not visible through the tangle of white locks. He wore long flowing robes, with billowing sleeves, his hands invisible unless he held his hands outward so they could fall backward, out of the way. Around his neck, he wore a simple silver chain, with a matching silver charm a pentacle, as befitted his status as a wizard. His look and manner befitted his reputation as a wise and powerful counselor and magician.

""Only when the water had boiled and he had brought me a cup of very good tea did he actually begin to speak. "So, Olympias, you have finally made your way back to me after all these years."

""Now, I had no idea what he meant, but he held up his hand, as if to silence any reply I might make. In doing so, the sleeve of his robe fell backward and down, and I saw his left hand clearly for the first time.

""On his ring finger sat the ring of Solomon! Quite quickly, I thought I understood why he had bid me to leave the ring behind. There should be only one ring of Solomon in existence, and the presence of a second ring is likely what made the one I carried exert such a painful effect on my hand. But, that didn't explain how HE was wearing the ring at that moment. Or how he knew my name!

"""How I know your name is easy enough. We have met before... or mayhap I should say, we have yet to meet. In any case, this meeting tonight closes a circle that spans almost 2000 years. You needed to be here, in order to know something of your own destiny, and something of mine. In a few moments, you will finish your tea, and we will part, and the ring will start pushing you toward your next meeting with destiny.

"""At the end of the world, you shall come upon a man alone. You shall offer him this ring, and, when he hesitates, you should take this," he produced a small, black book from the pocket of his robes, "and give it to him, and say only this: It is a gift from the past, to a man with a future that runs backward rather than forward. That will spur him to accept his destiny.

"""As for you, my dear, I have a gift for you as well." He again reached into his robes, and produced a wooden box, and handed it to me. I opened the lid, and inside rested a small charm, what the Celts called a rune. Carved in silver, it was attached to a small black cord, to hang around the neck.

"""You have a long journey ahead of you, Olympias, and many trials which you will face. I hope that this rune will help you find the rightful end to your journey. It is called 'Poerdh.' It influences the rightful outcome of the destiny of its wearer. I entreat you to wear it, for I have invested it with a bit of power, so that your path may be a bit easier along the way."

""He fell silent again then, as I stared at the gift and wondered if I should put it around my neck. Touching it with my finger, I felt a slight throb of power, and then a feeling of comfort and security washed over me. It was as if the charm was trying to reassure me that it meant me no harm. Thinking it would be bad manners to turn down such a gift, I slipped the knotted cord over my head, and let the charm settle face out atop my gray cloth dress. We remained in silence until the last sip of tea was gone, and then he quickly showed me out. As he predicted, we never spoke again... in fact, the few times I caught his eye across a courtyard or pathway, he looked through me, as if we had never met. It was no matter, for soon I was gone from Camelot and headed back into Europe for my next meeting with destiny.

"Olympias reached under her dress and pulled the end of a silver chain from underneath the fabric. On the end of the chain was a charm, I suppose the rune that had been given to her so long ago by Merlin... and at that point, all the little pieces of the story she had been telling since she began speaking came together in my mind.

""You think I, in some way, am Merlin, wizard to King Arthur?" I asked her, incredulous. Pointing at the rune, I said, "You think I gave you that charm? That I was the one who told you about meeting a man at the end of the world? Are you insane?"

"She only smiled at my accusation, as if I had made a jest. "Do I think that you, the man sitting here in front of me, gave me this?" She fingered the rune idly. "No, I do not think that precisely. What I think is simple in summary, yet complex by its very nature. What I think is that you will give me this charm... 2000 years from now.

""Or, should I say, 2000 years ago?"

I decided not to return Steven's mind to him yet, but instead simply instructed his body to rise from its prone position to its feet. "Now... what to do with you?" I mused.

Same as Summoning
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The In-laws By sammig82 WARNING: This story contains a dark TG theme. Jose rested his chin against the heel of his hand which was propped up on an elbow on top of the breakfast table with a look of contentment as he was grinning at the view of his 26-year-old wife, Erica working harmoniously in the kitchen with his 49-year-old mom, Wanessa. Considering that the two had been at each other's throats ever since he had decided to allow his mom to move in with him and his happily...

1 year ago
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For Blood or MoneyChapter 9 A Partner Calls

MAIZIE AND I WERE A BIT LATE getting started this morning and rolled into the office about 9:00. It was good to get out and walk again, though I found that I needed to take it a bit slower in the light rain this morning, but the cup of coffee at Tovoni’s left me with a pleasant buzz. Riley grabbed a towel and rubbed Maizie down quickly as I put my hat and coat in the closet. She cooed over the dog, rubbing her and talking about how she shouldn’t have to walk in this nasty weather. By the time...

4 years ago
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I made my way through the dart players and into the corner where I like to sit. Armed with my note pads and pen I sat on the high bench that ran the length of the bar and angled myself so I could watch the game on the big screen. Slightly off to my right and 2 tables away sat an interesting looking brunette. She also was on the bench seat. She was wearing a black full length winter coat that was undone enough to reveal a mid length skirt and long nylon clad legs. She was entirely over dressed...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Boston to BirminghamChapter 6

Hardy woke with a start, trying to understand why he felt so happy. Then Gwen stirred and snaked a hand over his chest, hugging him lightly. "Good morning, my love. Did you sleep as well as I did? I have to tell you, it's the best nights' sleep I've had in over three years." He caressed her hair lightly. "Like a rock, you wore me out. In my defense, I'm still not quite up to my old self." She moved languidly over his body, rubbing every inch of skin she could into to...

2 years ago
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The Second Foundation Pt 04

Warning: Parts of this series contain violence, coercion, extortion, blackmail, non consensual sex, same sex copulation, derogatory terms, interracial sex, political statements, cheating and a lot of other stuff good boys and girls should not read (on porn websites). If any of the above are not your cup of tea, please don’t waste your time reading this. * Chapter 1 Now, as their ‘honey moon’ drew to an end, Dez and Angela lay together in bed and she told him she was very happy and determined...

1 year ago
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Tales of a HustlerBelieve

Tales of a Hustler—Believe---and get fuckedMore rain---actually a lot of fuckin rain. Flash floods—tornado warnings. Certainly no work today—at least in our field :) It was only noon, but all the bois were up, and getting anxious. I told a couple of them to go work out. They just frowned. I decided to start some spaghetti sauce for later tonight—I Like it to simmer a few hours.“Damm bro—is there ANY thing you can't do”? I gave a smile, and a chuckle. “My jr. high football coach made us say...

2 years ago
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The Layover

Airport Adventure Toni and Brandon have been traveling for the better part of two days to get home from their ski trip. Severe weather, which shut down several airports was partly to blame, but it was mainly because Brandon had tried to pinch pennies and had booked the trip with budget airlines, with multiple layovers. Toni had shared her displeasure over Brandon’s miserliness several times throughout the day. “If we had just spent the extra money for a legitimate airline, we would be home by...

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Apprentice of a Vampire Queen

I thought I'd have a good life after I graduated two weeks ago. I mean, who wouldn't after placing first in my class? Yeah, the last year I pretty much threw away my social life in order tostudy. Honestly, I'd never taken anything seriously, but certain circumstances had forced me to make sure I was in the right position to get a good paying job. And what were these circumstances exactly? Well, for one, I wanted to get paid! But yeah, I'd say my parents disowning me for never putting enough...

4 years ago
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the neighbor with friends

the neighbor with friendsAs I suspected, my neighbor has come with his best friend and his wife. Both certainly more than ten, maybe fifteen years younger than me. The day before he had phoned with the question if they could come together and whether it could be a bit naughty. I answered YES.At 14 o'clock they were at the door. His best friend, quite a distinguished man in costume. His wife, a blonde, a beautiful dress with a V collar that placed a strong accent on her beautiful volume of...

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I was leaving my kids' school in the morning after dropping my son off when I saw Laure, our neighbor who was very French in every way. I waved to her and she came over to walk with me. We only lived a few blocks away, so we usually could talk for a few minutes about kids and events in the school. She was very nice and very sexy. She had long dark hair that draped over her shoulders in a perfect way. Her DD breasts were perfectly formed and had nipples that always looked erect through her...

3 years ago
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In The Office 8211 Part I

Hi this is Kevinj and I have been reading ISS for a very long time and would like to congratulate them in doing a good job. A brief intro about me I have a athletic body and always energetic and 7 inches penis and the story I’m going to narrate is series of true incidents which happened in my office and let me come to the story now I work for an Ad agency and their where two ladies who were working with me. I will name them Raz she is divorce women and has a kid while Shammy is a lesbian....

1 year ago
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Barbaria Act 1 Chapter 8

Personal Narrative of Leo, Warrior of Cipri given as slave to Karena, 16-year-old Daughter of Lady HelvetiaI have to admit that the savage flogging of Gaymede, and the subsequent fate ordained for him, put mortal fear into me. Naturally, I did not want a flogging like that but, even less, did I want to lose my manhood at the age of twenty two!So am I truly to be blamed if I so quickly abandoned my warrior status and came grovelling forward to kiss the golden boots of the ruler of Barbaria? I...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Cindy Starfall Petite Asian Spinner Cindy

Sexy hot Asian Cindy Starfall is ready to get naughty with all you horny fans! She loves to show off her naughty little body in her plaid lingerie and thigh high stockings. I bet you can not wait until those panties drop though so you can see that sweet little wet pussy! She smiles as Romeo gives her his cock and she double fists it giving him one wet blowjob. Romeo fucks her from behind and Cindy grabs his cock again milking it as fast as she can until her explodes his load all over her...

2 years ago
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The Triangle of Hair

Lois had not intended to take in a 'lodger', but following the departure of her husband and the rather liquid circumstances of her casual position, she could not think of any alternative, also it was going to be reinforced by a girl friend who knew that she was desperately lonely. "Try it Lois", her girlfriend had said one evening as they sat in one of the local coffee shops. "Your husband was a real bastard and you could get a lodger that would make you forget how you were treated; maybe...

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Everything Happens for a Reason

My grandfather used to tell me that everything that happens to you in life, good and bad, happens for a reason. I always thought he was giving me just another one of his maternal lectures that had been passed down by my mother, as she’d told me the same thing for years. I never realized how right they both were until….. Chapter One My name is Tom Mason and I was a pretty normal kid. I grew up on a live-stock ranch, in a household of five consisting of my older brother, my older sister, my...

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Crying for Ogre

Crying for Ogre By Sophie Lynne It was early September 1986, and life couldn't be any better for Andrew "Ogre" Gruber. He was a senior at State, he was the star of the rugby team, and he was Social Chairman of his fraternity: Beta Chi. All that and he was having sex with this hot chick he met during the summer semester he spent up at school. Yeah she was clingy, but he had a plan. Thursday, September 4,...

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September With Luann a Musketeer Story

The First Week of September I’d gone to bed early the night before but I hadn’t slept well. A month before, I had agreed to date each of the Musketeers individually and exclusively for one month and it was LuAnn’s month. I would have been looking forward to it if I hadn’t been looking back on my month with Fallon. I did not look forward to the next month, essentially avoiding Fallon. It ripped at my core. But I wanted to give LuAnn every opportunity. I tried to focus so much on LuAnn that...

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The Yellow Book Fantasies Ch 5 The Duchess

This begins with an old-fashioned case of a crush. It was the year 2007. I had seventh period English class, which was the last class of the day. I was good at English, but I would not realize my passion until later. This class was badly-behaved, and oddly enough, I liked it. I was looking for something juicy. Something to get my attention. Then I saw her.It was the beginning of the year and my English class was going smoothly. Until one day when I noticed that all of the band people in that...

Straight Sex
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Aggy Book 1Chapter 30

The Chief Yeoman murmured into his comm., "Commodore Rowan is here, Sir," and getting a reply looked at Silas, "Sir Laurence is waiting for you in the small conference room Sir." and pointed across to the single door. Nodding his thanks, Silas entered the room. He viewed the combination of occupants unhappily, Sir Laurence AND 'Cruncher' Milligan. He became even unhappier when Sir Laurence spoke to him. "Help yourself to a brew, Silas. We're waiting for Sir James to arrive; he was...

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Woman fucked hard by 2 men

I am a 22 year old girl weighed 56 kg and have long blonde hair. My name is Nancy. It's a warm sunny summer afternoon. I lay on the terrace and sunning myself. While I had read a book while I noticed how there was a rustling in the bushes. I thought nothing of it at first, thinking it might be a cat, and read my book on. But again and again there was a rustling in the bushes, so I was intrigued, and then ran to the bushes. But I could not see. Put me back on my couch and me on sunned. I did not...

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Jonahs Side of the Story

A light hearted look at a whale of a tale [author's note: think Jackie Mason as the voice of Jonah] There I was, minding my own business, when I was confronted by the Deity. That's right, Jehovah ... the Lord ... Almighty God ... the Old Creator himself! I didn't actually see Him, it was just this big voice talking to me. I felt like I was in a Bill Cosby routine. The Voice, said, "JONAH SON OF (AH - MITT - TIE), YOU HAVE TO GO TO NINEVEH IMMEDIATELY!" RIGHT! "YES, GO TO NINEVEH,...

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High School Fall Festival for Slut Wife Terry Webb

High School Fall Festival for Terry WebbHigh School Fall Festival for Terry WebbHigh School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 2High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 3High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 4High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 5High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 6High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 7High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 8High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 9High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb 10High School Fall Festival for Terry Webb...

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Private dick

Los Angeles 1946 They call this place the city of angels but you won't find any angels walking these streets. No self respecting celestial being would be found amongst the inhabitants of this sprawling metropolis. This is a city overrun by gangsters, crooked cops and the assorted criminals and lowlifes that prey on those honest people who are simply struggling and striving to make an honest living."Strip," I said. "What?" she replied angrily. "You think I'm carrying or I'm wired? You don't...

1 year ago
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My Grandmother and me

When I was 18 years old, my grandfather was always away on business trips, so I would go over to my grandmothers house and would help her around the house. One day I was doing work in the yard, it was hot, so I took off my shirt, and was only wearing shorts. My grandmother came out and brought me some lemonade. We sat at the table, and she kept looking at my chest, i could feel her eyes going down to my crotch. She took out a cigarette and dropped her lighter, she bent over to pick it. I could...

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An Amiss WishChapter 11

Friday finally arrived, and with it, the closing on the house. The agent had arranged to actually do it at the house as the finance company’s conference room didn’t have enough chairs. The house came with a gigantic dining room table and quite a few chairs to spare, which was very fortunate for us. The company’s agents remarked on our number as unusual at a closing, but shrugged and had us fill out the paperwork and sign as a collective. Jane had shown brightly as our lawyer, her office...

1 year ago
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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser

When I was younger, my dad had passed away leaving only my mom and I. She is 45 years old with long brown hair, bright green eyes and stood about 5’10’ in height. She is also a fairly busty woman with a 30DD chest with about 35′ hips and in pretty good shape for a woman her age. I had been crossdressing for a few years and my mother had caught me a few times wearing her clothes. The first few times she had a surprised look on her face and left. However, after a few times she seemed not to care...

4 years ago
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Best Friends

Jon and Bill were best friends. Jon did not know till recently that Bill had a big secret. It was that he had been fucking his little sister nightly for four years. It started with just getting naked and touching each other but soon he was fingering fucking her and she was sucking his cock. Then he just had to put his cock in her and once he fucked her cunt he could not stop. He loved her tight hole around his big cock. He went to her room and fucked her every night. Sometimes when they were...

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Ariadne and the Tales of Heroes Erotic VersionChapter 7 Sometime in 1102 BC

A fist slammed onto the table. “Tha to po xaná ... King Aegeus, you have lost this war! There will be no terms given to you. My armies have beaten you. Surrender!” It was a dark night after a significant battle in which hundreds to thousands lay dead somewhere in the land off of Athens, Greece of today. Aegeus sighed as he looked down onto the marble table. He sat with his generals as he spoke with Minos across the table. Ariadne, the daughter of Minos, along with her sister Phaedra, and...

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Demon GateChapter 2 Painted Doll

Satou tossed and turned on his sleeping mat, images of the beautiful red woman flashing through his mind. He couldn’t stop thinking about her, about the way that her red skin shone in the sunlight, about how her hair looked as fluffy as a cloud. Those golden eyes, her alluring body... He didn’t care what Nagao said, he had to see her again, he would go crazy if he didn’t. He felt like there was a hot coal burning in his belly, as if the only way to quench the fire was to gaze upon her one...

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The story of tintin

At the time this story takes place I must’ve been around 22-23 and had just gotten stationed in an area of Japan close to Tokyo for the USAF. I was recently divorced and originally came from a small town very old school Mormon town so I knew next to nothing about the outside world. I got divorced early on, barely a year into my marriage, because my wife at the time didn’t agree with my plans. I planned on travelling the world and exploring, she planned on getting railed by my neighbor. I...

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My Neighbour Janice Continued Part 5

My Neighbor Janice Chapter 5 I was gone all week Monday to Friday so I called Janice on Thursday to tell her that I would be home late Friday night and would see her Saturday. “Just come over when ever you get home as I will be up, it doesn’t matter what the time is or call me when you are close to getting home” Janice said. I agreed and told her I would, and that was looking forward to getting home. The Weekend Friday - Monday Friday morning I woke early, I dressed, packed and checked...

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HorseLoving NieceChapter 7

"Ohhhhh... fuck... fuck!" To say that word, to pronounce it, sent shivers rushing up and down her spine. The popping of her cherry had taken only a few moments, less than a second. Hank crouched behind her, rubbing the froth of pink blood from his fingers. Linda breathed heavily, her head tucked under her, her mouth half opened and sucking in air. There was pain. But slowly it disappeared, turned into something much different from the initial agony she felt. "This is gonna be good......

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Sultana Chapter 11

SerpentsPriests are allowed to make love. They may be dedicated to their priestly profession, but they are allowed to make love. Especially if they were as handsome as him. He wore golden curls on his head and had a bronzed body that was reminiscent of the Sun God. Lust inundated the very foundations of her mind when she glimpsed him for the first time. And the second time. And the third. And every time hence. So they made love everywhere, whenever he was free from his priestly duties. He...

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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 20 Difference of Perspective

Ted had gone to bed early that night. The time spent running around in the backyard with the other kids had worn him out. It wasn’t that he was that out of shape, but he hadn’t been sleeping well for more than a month. He fell asleep almost as soon as he hit the bed. Much to his surprise, he wouldn’t wake until late the next morning. Shirley was seated in her chair thinking about some of the things that Ted had said earlier that evening. It dawned on her that he might have actually been...

2 years ago
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Long Life and TelepathyChapter 19

"First," Greg said, "Robert Ensign was indeed a crook. That's what I was coming to tell you in the library when we got distracted by Loni's hissy fit. And his name isn't Robert Ensign. It's Noble Kerry, spelled like the senator from Massachusetts. He's an embezzler, quite good at, too. He's stolen substantial sums from five companies that the cops know about. Spent some time in prison after the first time, but not since. The home address on the resume was a vacant lot, but my friend...

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I met 'Brian'online on a dating website. We chatted for,I think, quite a And after this lengthy chat, we decided to meet. Now, he is not usually into big girls, but Im used to that. And decided to take a chance.He texted me on a Friday night, close to 11pm. We decided to meet at the park, people, lights, I guess safe...hahaWe agreed, we both did look exactly like our pictures. How rare for online dating. ;) But we did agree. And I was happy, he is handsome, tall, not bad bod. I am...

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JawaniI Mein Pehla Kadam

Writed by: rahul Hi ISS ke reader and haasin ladkiyon, auntiyon aur jitney bhi readers hai ISS ke un sab ko mera hi especially ladkiyon ii choot ko boobs ko mera naaam rahul hai meri age 19 from Jalandhar aur mai cool minded person hum mera ek shock hai jo ki ISS ka mai last three year se reader hu infact mujhe bahut achhaa lagta hai padhana logo ki apni kahaniyaan padh ke ….kabhi kabhi to itni garmi chardti hai ki muth maaare bina to nind hi nahi aati uss din ….sorry mai aap logo ko batan...

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The Other Woman Part One

The Other Woman - Part One There are two women in his life and its finally time for them to meet. This story is dedicated to my friend and fellow author Warm Hearted, who has called me his cheerleader. We have become good friends and confidants, sharing comments and ideas on our stories as well as messaging and e mailing each other regularly. I can never find the proper words to say thanks to my editor and friend Chris, who finds the time in a busy life to review my ramblings...

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The Old Pervert

This happened to me quite some time ago and i would like to share this experince with you.Firstly i was back then a gangly teenager,with what i would call an average size cock,around where we lived at the top of our road used to be situated houses that were divided into 2 flats one up one down,for the older generation il call it,my friends and i were always playing football around the streets, and one particular evening the ball was kicked half way up the road,so i went to fetch it upon...

2 years ago
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ChatChapter 5

| Don’t read this chapter! | This chapter is very sad. If you’re reading this Chat story to fap to, this chapter ain’t gonna do it for you. | Seriously! Skip this chapter unless you’re reading the story to follow the plot for some lame reason. You’re going to cry when you read it. | But if you’re gonna read it anyway, you should read the previous chapters first or this chapter won’t make much sense. MARTIN: Hey Henry! You coming to Josh’s funeral? HENRY: Yeah! Damn! I just found out. How...

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Desmonds Favorite

Note : This story is completely fictional! Desmond Allen was officially, on the books, the son of Titus and Tara Allen, a wealthy couple living in Provincetown, Massachusetts. His "father" long since dead, everyone in his family knew that he was really the progeny of Connor Finnegan, a successful merchant on Nantucket Island. Tara was his mother, of course, but he was the product of incest between her and her lover/cousin/uncle Connor. That did not keep him from loving Connor's , and his own...

2 years ago
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a naughty school girl

My alarm woke me for school, stretching, spreading my legs. I ran my hand down my body, across my firm tits, nipples hard from the hot horny dream I had just hand, I ran my hand down my stomach, down across my panties, feeling them wet beneath my fingers. I jumped out of bed and headed into the bathroom, turned the shower on and got in, that morning I made myself cum three times just over the one thought of that dream. I got dressed for school – a short black skirt, tight white shirt, tie,...

4 years ago
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Fantasy WeekendChapter 8

Chris Gets a Rude Awaking Saturday night Chris met the twins and checked into the Hilton Inn and went to the room. Photos were taken by a private investigator (PI) from the detective agency. Photos were also taken when she left a few minutes later, linked arm and arm between the twins and as they made their way to the club for drinks and dancing. Chris had changed into a tight mini-skirt. Photos were also taken as Chris took turns kissing and dancing with the twins. Some of the photos were...

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Halloween Revenge

Tom's story. The invitation arrived in the post a week before Halloween, it was a very fancy invitation hand delivered by a personal courier. I was surprised because I didn't know of any parties and trust me as an ex jock I knew pretty much every party going on. I tore open the envelope. Dear Tom, I hope you will do me the honour of coming to my Halloween party. The party will of course be fancy dress and begins at seven at the address in the header. No need...

3 years ago
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Breaking Point

6. ...And Procedures "The process is important, regardless of the outcome, just ask Schacter. (...)mental health... is not a destination but a process. It's about how you drive, not where you're going. The therapist is like a driving instructor, not a chauffeur," -- Noam Shpancer, The Good Psychologist ***** Ray didn't react to the second playing of the tape, although he wanted to, he was just a little too confused and disoriented. A sound told him he was being visited, but he...

4 years ago
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Introduction Of A 7 Year In The World Of Sex 8211 Recalling Past

A very warm and cosy hello to all my dear readers! I was introduced to the world of sex at a very early age, age when I was not even aware of what sex was? I belong to an upper middle class family where both my mom and dad were working, so a full time maid was appointed to look after us, me and my brother. Her name was Anitha, she was from a small village and from what I could remember, she was beauty, black beauty I will say !! With perfect boobs, ass and dark red pussy contrasting with black...

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Ashleigh Lost Found Ch 02

Owing to the positive feedback many Literoticans left for my last story, I’ve decided to continue the series my first story began. Hopefully I can avoid the sophomore slump… I came home from work exhausted. First the deliveries had been late, then the forklift had slipped a chain, and then my boss had chewed me out because half the crew didn’t come in. I stepped into my kitchen, and noticed a note on my fridge. Matt- I’ve gone to my mother’s house to pick up everything I left there. She’s...

1 year ago
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Bubblegum Pigtails and Total DominationChapter 3 Playing Doctor

The next thing I knew, I was looking at the hottest blonde milf that I had ever seen in my life. She was all slender and had on a white lab coat, unbuttoned to show a red blouse and a little bit of cleavage. She wore wire-framed glasses and bright red lipstick, and she had long, fingernails painted the same red as her lipstick. I was pretty sleepy, and I didn’t know where I was, but I was ready to get down to business. “Hey baby,” I started to say, but then I stopped. The right side of my...

3 years ago
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CommunityChapter 52

Cindy's turn: I'm sitting here looking at this email and giggling. Tina's in class. I'm not, and neither is Terri, so she and I are at the lab and I'm showing her some hardware things. That's what I was doing when my iPhone buzzed. I pulled it out of my jeans and looked. "It's from Johanna." Terri has the cutest squeal. "Open it. I hope it's what I'm thinking." "Me, too." I punched at the screen and brought it up. Dear family in Alabama- You have to know that we miss you...

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Hispanic Fantasy

Marty had always found Hispanic men irresistible. He was a small guy, five-foot-six-inches tall and very fair. To be exact, Marty was hairless and blond, the exact antithesis of the men that he had always desired. There was nothing he desired more than being the bitch of a rough Hispanic daddy. Ever since he had entered the gay scene, this was the dream he had always yearned for.It took him a full two years to build up the courage to test this fantasy, but one Saturday night he simply could no...

Gay Male
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Magnificent Megan

The next day I came in at 6 in the morning, same as always, and saw that girl sitting in the break room waiting for 6 o'clock and the start of her first day on the job. Since we still had 10 minutes to kill, I tried to get to know her a little bit. I found out that her name was Megan and she had moved here the week before. She used to live about an hour north of here with her foster parents, but decided to move in with her aunt. She was 16 years old, just a year younger than I was. ...

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