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“Trail to White Pine”

There were two women living with Evan Corcoran. He’d brought them here from White Pine, a small way-station – Trading-Post community, thirty miles north from his canyon home. One was a young woman, Eulie Canover, just a year older than Kellyanne. The other, an older woman, Eulie’s aunt. They’d lost the remaining members of their family in a Paiute Indian raid on their wagon train, when Eulie was just a young girl. Evan met them on a trip to White Pine to stock up on supplies. When he first saw them, they were begging for food. Eulie was fifteen at the time, her body already showing signs of a woman much older than her age.

There were two men harassing Eulie about going out to the barn with them, offering her a dollar each. After listening to that conversation for thirty minutes or more, in and around the store porch and store yard, Evan stepped in and told the two men to leave the girl alone.

He was packing his mule for his trip home when the woman and the girl came to him. “Take us with you, Mister. If you don’t, they’ll take my niece and make a whore of her. That’s all they want of a woman and she’s a better girl than that,” the woman, Vonda Hanes pleaded with him.

“I live in an old cliff-dwelling inside a rock wall, south of here. It’s rugged country and there are hardly any comforts where I live.”

“We have no comforts at all here and I’d rather live in a pig sty, than let those men touch me,” the girl spoke honestly with him.

“Do either of you know how to use a gun?” he asked.

“I do,” the woman answered.

“Then take this shotgun and stay with my horse and pack mule. If they come back while I’m gone, kill them!” he told her and walked toward the barn.

He came back a few minutes later, leading another mule. “This mule was all they had to sell me. You’ll have to ride double, there’s no way either of you can walk to where we’re going.”

He’d told them the truth when he admitted there were hardly any comforts. But the one comfort he had always loved, was the constant supply of water which ran down the wall of what he called his kitchen. He’d made a wooden tub out of hand-hewn pine staves, and sealed the inside with beeswax, to catch the water. Then, he took a short piece from a small pine log and beveled out a spout. He drove the pointed end of the spout into a crevice in the wall a foot above head high, which gave him a place to bathe as the water poured down from overhead.

When the women first saw the spout with the continuous running water, the soap and wooden tub, with the drying towels nearby, they stripped in front of Evan and bathed for the first time in weeks. Eulie pulled Evan under the water spout with them as they laughed and splashed and bathed

Over the next two years, the three of them bathed together daily.

Eulie was seventeen when she told Evan that she wanted to be his woman. He told her, “Eulie, you’re a better person than that. I’ve come to love you like my own daughter, but I cannot deny that I look at you and have other feelings when I see the way you’re body has grown. If you’re going to be my woman, you’ll have to be my wife.”

“Then I want to marry you. I’m a woman now and I have the womanly needs of a man. You’re older, but you’re the best man I’ve ever known. I’ll be your wife, if you’re sure you want to be committed.”

The next week, the three of them made the trip to White Pine for supplies. This time they went on a Sunday. The man at Frenchy’s Trading post, held Sunday services in his store and he’d marry anyone who wanted to marry – for free – Sundays only.

There was a man and his wife out in the store yard that day, who were selling off all their entire homestead goods, household furniture, hand tools and small farming tools. Evan bought all they had, even the wagon and team, so they could haul their purchases home with them. Eulie and Vonda were thrilled. Now, they would have a cookstove with a table and six chairs.

There were only two problems, but Evan had thought of a solution for the first one by the time they reached the north pass down into the canyon. The wagon was too wide to drive between the narrow walls of the steep pass.

With the women helping him, they removed the wheels, and both axles from the wagon. Then he took the double-bit axe with him, and rode the team of horses over to the nearest pine grove inside the canyon. There, he cut two pine trees, close to forty foot tall and ten inches across the butt. He cut the limbs off them before skidding the logs back to the stripped-down wagon. By prying, straining, shoving and lifting, the three of them finally managed to get the pine logs underneath the wagon bed.

They loaded the four wheels and the two axles on top the logs where they extended behind the wagon, then tied them down. They unloaded their two pack mules onto the wagon bed and hitched the mules and the team of horses to the skid logs, so they could pull it home like a sled.

They were too tired to unload the wagon when they arrived at the cliff house, so they took their food and needed supplies up with them, leaving the wagon for later.

Eulie went to Evan’s room that night after they had showered. He only had a straw mattress and an old army blanket. They would have been just as proud to sleep on the stone floor, if that was all they had.

When Evan and Eulie walked out of their room in the cliff-dwelling the next morning, there was no doubt about them being a happily married couple. They were all smiles and they were starved.

After they bathed, they ate the meal Vonda had prepared for them. Then, they dressed and went down to start unloading their new household goods.

Evan knew there were some things they could never carry up the steep pathway to the cliff house. After some thought, he took his saw, his wood working tools and his longest length of rope with him down to the canyon floor. He sat on a stone in the shade as he cut two, six inch wide blocks off a pine log which was ten inches across. Then he drilled a hole in the very center of both pieces, making a wooden wheel. After stripping the bark, he started cutting two grooves around each of them. It took him three whole days, but he fashioned a block and tackle out of pine.

He didn’t have the luxury of a steel rod, so he made the two spindles from a pine limb, whittled and shaved to fit perfectly through the holes in the center of his double pulleys. His longest rope was on a hundred foot roll, but he was still short at least another hundred feet. Taking three ropes, he tied them together for the down side of the block and tackle. He was still short a few feet, so with the womens help, he raised the wagon bed, replaced the two axles, then the four wheels. He temporarily secured his block and tackle in a lower room.

Then, one at a time, with his block and tackle, he raised the cookstove, the four mattresses, the bed frames, and kitchen table and six chairs, back onto the wagon. From there, they were able to secure the block and tackle in the opening of the kitchen. Once that was done, they used one mule to pull each piece of their household furniture and cookstove up one hundred feet to the highest opening of the cliff dwelling.

There were some plants in the wagon, rolled and wrapped in wet burlap. When Evan took the wrappings off, he discovered two grape vines which had been dug up by the root. He took both of them out near the river, on a small rise and dug two holes as deep as the roots. There he set them out and watered them each week. Finally, after a month they put out new leaves and with the full sun and the rich soil near the river, the grapes grew and grew. The first year, they pruned back the new growth, the second year they picked nearly a gallon of grapes. The next year, they had over five gallons of grape juice when they mashed the grapes.

They made jelly and they made wine. Fine, homemade wine it was to Evan, Eulie and Vonda.

When Kellyanne first saw the water spout, the tub, soap and drying towels, she pulled Jeremiah over and suggested he take a bath.

“Are you trying to tell me something?” he asked and she nodded.

“I can’t bathe in front of you, and everyone else here!”

“Eulie will take everyone in the other room while I help you bathe.”


“Jeremiah, you’re a grown man and Kellyanne is a grown woman, you don’t need my permission or my opinion.”

She carefully loosened his gunbelt and laid it on the table. Then she turned to push him backward until he leaned back and sat on the side of the wooden tub.

When she had his boots, shirt and pants stripped off, she stripped her buckskins off and pulled him underneath the spout of water with her.

“I wanted you to join me in the lake last night,” she told him as she put her arms around his waist.

“I wanted to, but I was afraid to ... I mean, I didn’t know you wanted me to, and I didn’t want to offend you.”

“Please, never be afraid of me again, Jeremiah. Please?” She pleaded as she pulled him close. “Now, reach around and wash my back with the soap as I wash yours. Then, we’re going to wash each other all over,” she told him as she pressed her body against his.

Freshly bathed and dressed in clean buckskins, they took Kellyanne’s map cylinders to her father. She had waited long enough and now was the time to learn about the map.

“First, tell me about Ryan and why he’s not here with you,” her father said when she asked about the map.

Jeremiah spoke up, telling him what he had seen and heard, “Evan, your son has been plotting to get his hands on the map you sent them, and try to cut Kellyanne out of whatever treasure they could find. Neither of them knew if you were alive, and Kellyanne had prepared herself for the worst.”

Evan replied, “Somehow, I had a feeling that would happen. He’s so much like his mother, they even think alike. Speaking of which, where is she anyway?”

“Mother disappeared three months before we sailed. Ryan and I just knew she would have tracked you down by the time we found you.”

“Then she should have received the divorce papers before she left Ireland. My attorneys were to deliver them as soon as I sailed for America.”

“She knew all this time and never told us!”

“I wrote each of you a letter. You and Ryan were to come to America on a steamer as soon as you received the passages that I had purchased for you.”

“We never received the letters or the passages ... at least, I never knew of them. Mother told us we could not come here until our eighteenth birthday. Ryan and I both bought our own passages, ahead of time. When we sailed, Mother had been gone from home three months.”

“I knew something was up, when I kept writing and you never came or answered ... she’s somewhere here in America now. She’ll never find this place and Ryan need never set foot here for siding with his mother all those years.”

Jeremiah told him, “He has two friends working with him. One is an Irishman, from Ireland, I do believe. The other man is Irish, but lives here in America. Neither are in it to help him, their intentions are to take whatever riches he discovers and keep it for their own.”

“Only Gray Hawk and I know where the richest silver deposit ever discovered in Nevada is.”

“Evan, no disrespect intended, but if you filed your claim on this entire canyon, your name will show up on public records,” Jeremiah reminded him.

“That’s the reason we filed the claim on this property in Gray Hawk’s real name, Jonathan Walking Bird. I’m his adopted son, Jonathan Bird Walker.”

Eulie laughed as she told them, “That’s the name he used when we were married, I’m Eulie Bird Walker now.”

Francis Flanagan had been in America for most of two years before she made her way west to Nevada. She had spent months searching records of immigrants from Ireland, having told the authorities she needed to find her husband. After giving up on searching the records, she was told that she should check with the freight companies who contracted to carry people west – immigrants who were not familiar with America and had no other means to transport their goods to the far west.

She had a portrait of her husband, Evan Corcoran, and after six months of searching, she was able to find a man who remembered the person she was searching for. Though he kept no permanent records, he did remember, that he personally took the man to Virginia City, Nevada. That was all he could tell her, or, as she wondered, would tell her. After finding no records or no evidence that Evan was ever there, she left Virginia City for Reno. From Reno, she went to Carson City.

In Carson City, she located two men who swore they remembered her husband. From the moment she met them, she had doubts about their integrity, and the men proved her doubts to be well founded within the first hour she knew them. Yet, both men knew too many facts about Evan for her to refuse their demands.

First, they demanded two hundred dollars up front, then three hundred more when they found her missing husband, and or his property. Second, they demanded she lay with them each night of their travels. Francis had used her body many times before to get what she wanted and this was just another way to pay these men without using the money she’d managed to accumulate. Now, they were finally headed north.

Francis Flanagan sat prim and proper on her horse as Denton Moss and Reed Pritty helped Mac McQuay onto his old mule. The man was drunk on his ass, as usual, and couldn’t even stand. She knew she should have never hired him, but she was told that the half-breed was the only man who could safely lead her and her friends north across the rugged terrain in Washoe County.

Francis Flanagan had dropped her married name, Corcoran, as soon as she was served the divorce papers back in Ireland. She was determined to find Evan and make him pay for her service to him all those years. She’d married him for his money, and now, he’s cut her out of his will.

She smiled as she thought to herself how shrewd she had been all those years she was married to him. She had amassed a small fortune by stealing from her husband’s purse, while he slept. She was almost certain he had a mistress, maybe even two, and she was building her own nest-egg for the day when she would file for divorce and take his massive fortune.

Her only downfall was being caught with the young gardener. Now she was kicked out and Evan had escaped her fury by sailing to America, while she raised their son and daughter. That daughter of hers was the cause of it all. She had spied on her and her lover, then set her up so Evan could see for himself.

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Catching Up Part 2

“So you and the Famous Fatal Fenella have crossed paths again,” said my aunt Gemma, “but what a different girl she is now.” Her lovely green eyes twinkled in the kindly bantering way with which, over the years, she has greeted me on the many occasions when I have sought counsel and comfort from her. It was on the first such occasion, during a blissful summer holiday when I stayed with her while my parents were away overseas, that I had confided to her the confusion I was feeling about my...

1 year ago
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Alyssas Weird World

My name is Alyssa and my life underwent drastic changes on my 18th birthday, changes that did not displease me. I shall tell you my story. It is not so full of sex as you may want, but what I like in it is that it is so full of passion. It all started on that monday, the innocent monday that dawned upon with a rosy sky, and the gay birdsongs called me to awake. With a smile I realised it was my birthday. My precious 18th birthday. Wow, I felt so adult. My parents, and favourite cousin Jamie,...

First Time
1 year ago
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Kobis Demise1

Kobi swallowed nervously. “What do we do?” Kobi said. “What do you think our options are??” Koga said. “Run?” Kobi said knowing that wasn’t the right answer. “Fight!” Koga said. Koga grabbed a knife and threw it at one of the soldiers hitting him directly in his neck. Rosaline pulled Kobi into a corner. “Listen to me, I understand you’re scared right now but you need to find whatever courage you need and fight. It doesn’t matter what it is you need to do, just do it” Rosaline said. One of the...

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Matilda and the AssassinChapter 2

Leon Bedeau stood at his apartment door peering through the peep hole. The little girl from down the hall, cradling a grocery bag in one arm, was knocking on his door asking to be let in. He wondered what she wanted. He had never spoken to her. Why was she bothering him? And then he noticed the policeman walking towards her, towards his apartment. His fingers tightened on the pistol. Why was she causing him trouble? He wanted nothing more than to be invisible. The policeman was getting...

2 years ago
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Building a LegacyChapter 19 Larger Visions Beyond Death and Oblivion

"So have you made any headway on your 'inter-dimensional GPS'?" Becky teased. Though the question was serious, she and the others were trying to pull Alex out of his shell. They were driving through downtown Portland and Alex had been silent for most of the trip, as he often was recently, only now he looked even more troubled. Becky and the others had left him alone to work it out, but now that he needed to deal with new followers, Becky was anxious to see what he'd discovered. "I've...

4 years ago
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My dirty slut wife

Introduction: I discover my wife is a cheating slut, and I begin to work on a punishment for her. After 15 years of marriage, sex between my wife and I had become pretty stale. There were only a few positions we tried, and our sex sessions were few and far between. After three kids, it was also hard to have any kind of spontaneity in our sex life either. We had recently moved to a new city, and we were both in new jobs. After about two months at our new jobs, my wife began having a sudden...

2 years ago
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Sarah Becomes a SLUTChapter 6

Sarah and Andy sat down with trays each. They had worn their towels around their waists while carrying the hot food, neither of them fancied spilling their dinner over them and then finding they had third-degree burns to their genitals. Sarah didn't even have pubic hair to protect her, which she was still moaning about. "I mean, I get the toad a blow job and he chooses her. Disgraceful," she whinged and looked across at the naked Louise. As the bell struck, Louise was still naked and the...

1 year ago
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Sex Addiction and Masturbation Story

‘I also masturbate once or twice a day. I feel its normal for me. But my girlfriends don’t seem to think so. They all smile at first, but after a while they think it’s too much. I hope sharing this with you helps.’ Each of them were here for the same reason. Sex addiction. ‘I have a confession to make. My name it Matt le Blanch and I am a sex addict.’ It was the first time I had attended one of ‘those’ meetings but I had to do something… sex was taking over any semblance of the life I had had...

2 years ago
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TempestChapter 3

When I woke up, I saw a city appearing though the windshield. We passed a sign welcoming us to St. Louis. The city was huge and cars and trucks where everywhere. The traffic was dense, the sidewalks crowded. We pulled up to an imposing building. It was stone and had a red roof. Over the doorway, I read "Union Station." Legion slid the window open that separated us from the driver. "Take the car to be loaded and bring my overnight bag to my Pullman." "Yes, sir." "Come," He held out...

3 years ago
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Roxanne the Librarian Chapter 02

Roxanne walked back to me from locking the doors, took my hand and began leading me, holding my pants up with the other I followed. She took me to a reading nook in the building's corner with a beige sofa and two tables on either side. I dropped my slacks and leaned in behind her, cock pressing against her tight ass through her little black skirt. I breathed on her ear and growled. “I need to bury my cock in your sweet ass!”She gave a gasp of excitement as I pushed her on the couch. She sat her...

3 years ago
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Petra presents Penelope

Penelope is pretty. She is a blonde beautiful shy sexy student. In Poland her name is Penelopa. This is the story of her first experience in lesbian love with Petra, who hosted her in Holland.Penelope first met Peter in the net. Peter speaks Polish and wondered how he could please her?Penelope confessed she lost most of her interest in men in five years of making love with them. That's where Petra took over. She is his grandd0d, who was raised by him from her earliest years. She still often...

3 years ago
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Caught part 1

I saw you walk through the doors. The night mist clung to my clothes as I followed you inside. I got a seat in the back where I could watch you move through the smoky haze of the bar. All night I followed your body as it played pool, ordered a drink, and all the various areas of the bar you walked through. I watched as your hips sauntered past me to some guy with too much alcohol. He pulled you onto his lap and that’s where you stayed the rest of the night. I drank my beer as I watched you get...

3 years ago
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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 19 Back to Mission Beach

Their morning started with a passionate explosion, both being very physical in their lovemaking. It was almost as if Dave was angry because his time with her was coming to an end, he was so violent in his love making. His foreplay was unusually rough, using his teeth and nails. When he finally entered her vagina with his rampant erection, he gripped her tightly, his fingers biting into her flesh. He thrust into her with even more vigour than usual. Not that it was totally one sided. Jill was...

4 years ago
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Just One HourChapter 28

Stacey began to moan and sob, Debbie snapping at her to shut the fuck up. The blonde quivered begging. "Please I won't tell anyone just let us go." The Boss nodded. "Yeah alright I believe you cos if you did tell anyone you'd know what would happen." Stacey's eyes brightened as she began to stand. "Are, are you sure we can go?" She stammered. The Boss cocked his head to one side. "We? You can go Stacey. Your bitch friend is staying." Both girls began to beg and shake their heads...

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Mommies Pretty Panties

Warning: This totally fictional story contains some affectionate scenes between a mother and son that some might take to be incestuous. I would never in real life condone any behavior of this sort, but as a harmless fantasy it does seem to intrigue many people. If you don't like that sort of thing or you're under 18, please don't read any it. Positive comments are more than welcome. I'm [email protected] Mommie's Pretty Panties By Marcie Manseau Chapter One - All He Had...

3 years ago
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Gassed in an Elevator

This is just a short story inspired by an excellent tale I read on here, but please know that this is entirely fictional, and is my own creation, please enjoy :)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Ok, I'll see you sometime soon, thank you for the nice tea, speak soon!"I chirped to my friend, having just kissed her goodbye on the cheek. I only visited her for a couple hours to have a good ol' girlie natter over a cup of tea at her...

3 years ago
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Wedding Trip

Because this site has trouble handling and displaying the longer titles, I decided to continue my story in under this title. Who knows, maybe I will go back and rename the whole series!Originally named, "Son's wife Mallory rides with me to a wedding," this is installment 5. It is Saturday morning and the wife of my son (her name is Mallory) awake and head toward the wedding in New York....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I felt Mallory get out of bed and I looked at the clock and thought I would...

1 year ago
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Aimee and me

My name is Shaye and I’m a 27 year old pre-op transsexual. This is the story of my only sexual encounter with another shemale, which turned out to be one of the most intense sexual experiences of my life. I first started speaking to Aimee about two years ago on an adult chat site. We had some cyber fun for a few months, jerking off on cam and generally having a good time. Eventually, Aimee asked me if I wanted to go around to her place for some real fun. I didn’t need to think about it and I...

2 years ago
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Table 8 Helens Version

Table 8 - Helen's StoryMy name is Helen and I came down from head office for the week to train the local staff. I arrived Monday morning and would be conducting training sessions all week and returning home on Friday evening.After the last session Monday a few of the staff suggested we should all go to a bar across from the office. Seeing as I was staying in a hotel by myself I thought this would be a good idea and help fill in some time before eating.At the bar were Jane, Sue, John and...

3 years ago
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A night on the Town

Brenda and John enjoy a romantic evening and then go for a walk. Before they know it, they're in a seedy part of town and then in a sleazy strip joint... on amateur night. (M+/F, wife, exh, orgy)***Brenda and John were having a lovely dinner together. They had all night if they wanted it. It had been a rough couple months. The project had been a big one, and they'd been very happy to get it. The money of course was always welcome. The long hours were grueling. And now, with the job complete,...

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My First GangBang

I know this is one very strange story; it is true, I know it may be hard to believe. You may even think it is made up. (So be it). It is 100% true, and I am sure since I started doing gang-bangs at an age of 13 (way to young,) it has made my outlook on sex very perverted and distorted to say the least. By day I am professional workingwoman, out of the world's sight, I am a very nasty lady. Also keep in mind that I did not write this as it happen. I wrote it years later (many years later) I...

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Its Just a Business Transaction Ch 11

It’s Just a Business Transaction-11 Aida was not sure how she would be able to raise a half million in cash for Greg. He had called her yesterday about the money again. He really seemed desperate but he would not tell her what was wrong. But had promised her he would in due time. The only person she could try asking for a loan from would probably be William Sr. But how to convince him to loan her the money? Would he tell Alex? Should she have been more assertive with Greg as to why he needed...

3 years ago
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Desperate for cashMom and son porn act

Desperate for cash-Mom-son porn“I will do anything for money. I need it by Sunday or else or house will be up for auction next week as the bank people have got the court order for our house eviction already. I need one lakhs very urgently, Please, give me one lakhs rupees and you can use me as you wish for one day.” Mamatha pleaded with her late husband’s friend Reddy with tears in her eyes as she knew that Reddy was looking at her with lust in his eyes when he had come to her house when her...

2 years ago
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Making Of Slutty Girlfriend Shweta 8211 Part 2

Part 2 Hi All again. Myself an accountant by professional working in Hyderabad, Age 26 years, 5’8″ tall, good built, very fair. I met Shweta in 2006 in Hyderabad during college, and in course of time we developed intimate relationship and had sex n number of times. Let me describe her. She is 5’4”. Good built, fair, voluptuous body having a figure of 36-28-36, a perfect figure, nice ass. Really love to fuck her. Also my email id Forget to state in part 1. Contact for any type of sex,...

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Punch Drunk

It's a sunny Spring day and the whole family has been getting ready for hosting the annual Family Get-together in the backyard of your parents' nice suburban townhome. Everyone's excited about your uncle getting back from three years studying indigenous cultures and new species of plants in South America. Sure enough, he shows up, tanned and full of strange stories of adventures down the Amazon. He sees you and gives you a wink. "How're things, my boy?" He asks. "I bet those hormones have...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 384

A couple more from Navarre Have you ever told a white lie? Alice Grayson was to bake a cake for the Baptist Church Ladies’ Group in Tuscaloosa, but forgot to do it until the last minute. She remembered it the morning of the bake sale and after rummaging through cabinets, found an angel food cake mix & quickly made it while drying her hair, dressing, and helping her son pack for scout camp. When she took the cake from the oven, the center had dropped flat and the cake was horribly...

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