Trails WestChapter 9 free porn video

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“Two Trails Find Trouble In Nevada”

In Phoenix, Jeremiah contacted the railroad by telegraph, to let them know they’d need a cattle car spotted at the Rio Verde refueling station, also passage for four to Carson City, Nevada.

He sent a message to Frenchy that they would be home in ten days or less.

At the courthouse the Trails stood with Charro and Rita as the judge married them. Then they went with them to have the County Recorder, record their marriage.

While they were at the courthouse, they stopped by Sheriff Mowry’s office, but he wasn’t in. They gave his deputy the map which the sheriff had asked to be returned, with a message for the him to contact Sheriff Oury in Pima County.

From the courthouse, they went to the photography studio Kellyanne had seen when they were here before. They had two pictures made together, then had two pictures made of Charro and Rita, before they had two made with the four of them together. They were told the pictures would be ready by noon the next day.

Before leaving Phoenix, Jeremiah bought another packhorse, and Charro helped him load the packsaddle with nothing but bales of fresh hay, from the livery on the edge of town. They carried four sacks of rolled oats on their other packhorse.

Five days later they were at the Southern Pacific refueling station waiting for a westbound. There was already a cattle car spotted at the loading ramp when they arrived. An eastbound came through two hours later and they were told there would be a westbound stopping here within the next hour.

Early on the third day of their train ride, they were unloading their horses into the cattle pens next to the railyard in Carson City. The packsaddles were no longer heavy, since they had fed most of the oats and hay.

Two miles north of Carson City, Jeremiah saw Gray Hawk riding toward them. He pointed to Gray Hawk and Kellyanne laughed. They didn’t stop as he turned his horse to ride between Jeremiah and Kellyanne.

“Gray Hawk, it’s good to see you. How did you know we would arrive today?” Kellyanne asked.

“Time you come home.”

Jeremiah spoke to him, “How is everything at the canyon, Gray Hawk?”

“Canyon good. Signs of trouble on trail.”

“Do you think it could be the three we set loose?”

“Yes, Indian pony, no shoe. Boot track low heel.”

“Are they close to the canyon?”

“No, at trading store by water.”

“So, we’re one day behind them?”


“We’ll need to go up to White Pine and come back to the north pass into the canyon with all these horses, don’t you agree?”

“Yes. Good to see many horses come home. Like Dakota now.”

Later in the day, Jeremiah and Gray Hawk scouted ahead where they located a place beside the lake they knew was safe to bed down the horses for the night. The had seen many signs of the other riders along the way. Before they turned back, they saw where another four riders had come down from the north to join the first three. The seven riders have now turned north again. “Five riders now on Indian pony.” Gray Hawk pointed to the unshod tracks.

During the night, the three men rode in shifts around their horses. Kellyanne and Rita kept the coffee on the fire and took the men a tin cup of coffee as they kept watch. They didn’t expect trouble, but they were ready for it.

After talking it over, they agreed that Murdoch and Hayden had no way of knowing Jeremiah and Kellyanne had made a trip to Arizona, or returned.

When the sun came up on Washoe County, Gray Hawk was miles north of the herd. There were no fresh tracks on the trail. He knew the seven riders were still ahead of them.

Stopping on a rise in the trail, he looked north, then back south. To the south he could see Jeremiah as he rode ahead of the horses. He could see the Mexican and his woman as they rode at the rear. He spotted Kellyanne as she rode the Grulla mare beside the herd. They had the horses running at a slow lope as they moved them north.

Looking back to the north again, he could see the trail was clear far off into the distance.

Jeremiah rode up beside Gray Hawk and the Old Sioux was sitting with his right leg hooked over his saddlehorn, waiting, as he chewed his jerked beef.

“Any sign of the others?” Jeremiah asked.

“Five Indian ponies – two men E-van son bring – ride north day before.”

Before mid-day they skirted the White Pine community. They were taking no chances of being spotted by any of the men who may be at Frenchy’s Trading Post.

They walked their horses to rest them – they stopped at all the streams and creeks along the way to water them. Now, they were within an hour of entering the hidden north pass to Silver Moon Canyon, and they let the horses run.

Ahead of the others, in the shadows of the tall boulders near the trail, Gray Hawk left his horse and climbed the rocks to watch the trail ahead of the herd. Twice, he had seen movement in the large boulders which form the rim of Silver Moon Canyon on the north side, near the pine-log gate.

Using his spyglass, he lay on his belly, watching the spot where he’d seen the flash that appeared to be a shirt sleeve. He saw it again and now he knew, someone was hiding in the boulders ahead, watching the trail.

Looking to the north, he spotted Jeremiah as he rode ahead of the herd. Gray Hawk counted riders and saw they were all there. He stepped down from the boulder and dropped to the ground next to his horse. Still hidden from view to the south, he stepped out to wave at Jeremiah.

His keen eyes constantly shifting left to right, then to the trail ahead, Jeremiah saw Gray Hawk as he waved. Touching his heels to Outlaw’s flanks, they raced ahead to meet Gray Hawk.

“Indian hide in rocks,” he spoke, pointing to the large boulders up ahead, beside the trail.

“Ride back and stop the others. I’m going after him,” Jeremiah spoke, then stepped from Outlaw’s back, up to the first boulder.

Within seconds he was gone from sight, and Gray Hawk mounted to ride back toward the herd. The others had slowed the horses when they saw him riding hard back to meet them, waving his arm overhead. With Gray Hawk helping, they rode in front of the herd, slowing them to a walk, then stopped them.

“Is there trouble ahead, Gray Hawk?” Kellyanne asked.

“Indian hide in rocks.”

“Do you think they have found the hidden pass into the canyon?” she asked.

“No find pass. They wait for rider then follow.”

Jeremiah spotted the Indian, Gray Hawk told him was hiding in the rocks. He made his way across the boulders, staying hidden, to the back of where the Indian lay on the lee side of the tall rock.

There was another boulder next to the one the Indian was lying on, and when Jeremiah worked his way closer, he could tell the Indian was lying in the shade, down in the crevice between the two boulders. With the knife he’d taken when the half-breed, Mac McQuay was killed, Jeremiah dropped down onto the Indian with his knife ready. Before he could make a sound, Jeremiah had the knife buried to the hilt in the back of his neck.

He quickly searched him, taking his pistol belt and gun, with his knife scabbard attached. The Indian had a bow and a quiver of arrows on the boulder beside him and Jeremiah took these too before he made his way back to where Outlaw stood.

Sliding down the side of the large boulder, he spoke softly to his horse, before he dropped down onto the saddle. Outlaw remained calm as Jeremiah stepped to the ground and pulled him close. “Outlaw, I need you to stay. I’ll be back,” he whispered, then turned to run alongside the line of boulders at the edge of the trail.

He was no more than a half a mile from the hidden pass into the canyon and he wanted to make sure there were no more Indians watching the trail before the others brought the horses up.

Running easily, silently in his moccasins, Jeremiah made his way to the outcropping that hid the entrance to the pass. Stepping up onto a higher rock, he then made his way out to where he could kneel in the shadows on a flat ledge. From here, he could see the trail to the south and back to the north where the others were waiting.

He waited long and patiently to be sure. After seeing no movement, no signs of a horse or a man, he slid down to run back to where Outlaw stood. He slipped the bow over his arm, then pulled it up over his shoulder. He slipped the strap on the quiver over his other shoulder and mounted up.

“Here he comes!” Kellyanne told them as she sat on her horse, watching for his return.

“Did you see any more of them?” she asked as he rode up to stop beside her.

“No, just the one. I ran down to the entrance of the hidden pass and waited, but there was no sign of the others. They may have spread out, up and down this trail, hoping to spot any of us, or anyone who may know us. There’s no way they could know we ever left for Arizona or even that we are here on the trail now...

“We’ll turn the horses out into the brush here, then turn them south again. That way, if we keep your mare and Outlaw in front, they will never see the hoofprints of our shod horses. When we cut them back into the pass, Gray Hawk can wipe the pass where we enter. With the wild horse tracks and other animal tracks out here, they’ll have a hard time finding any sign we came through here.”

Entering the canyon, they let the mares and Shadow spread out to drink from the river and graze.

Here, the river which rises from the artesian well located on the south end of Silver Moon Canyon, makes its exit from the canyon floor, by once more taking a route beneath the earth’s surface. A large, swirling pool, filled with round stones defines the river’s exit from above ground, where it sinks underground and flows to lower elevations.

“This must be Heaven,” Rita commented as she looked around.

Charro added, “Yes, and I never thought I would make it! Thank you, Jeremiah and Kellyanne. I am now in Heaven with my wife, and I get paid to do what I love.”

As they rounded a bend in the pine grove, they saw where the builders had laid out large flat slabs of bedrock for the foundation of their home. There were pine logs cut and stacked on the four sides of the foundation. The fireplace had been built in the center of the foundation, with a double opening. The chimney had been started above the fireplace, with scaffolding built around it. There were stones piled nearby to finish the job, as the mortar sets.

“We’ll have them build your home across the sink from ours. We’ll have corrals and barns along both sides. We’ll let you decide the best place for the stables, you’re the expert with horses,” Jeremiah told Charro as they stood looking the place over.

Two days later, Gray Hawk, Evan and Jeremiah were riding along the base of the canyon wall, searching for any sign where someone may have breached their hidden premises.

“Here,” Gray Hawk said, stopping his horse.

He was pointing at the canyon wall where there was a freshly scuffed mark.

They dismounted and looked closely at the ground beneath the scuff mark.

“Here! You can see where someone brushed out their footprints,” Jeremiah said, pointing to the ground as he squatted.

“Here too,” Gray Hawk told them.

Evan asked, “What did they do, drop a rope down to come inside the canyon?”

Jeremiah told him, “That’s exactly what they did. That means one or more of them came here in the dark. They know where we are now and they’ll be back for sure.”

“What do you suggest we do?” Evan asked, looking from one to the other.

Gray Hawk answered, “Set trap.”

“I forgot about those traps we bought...

“Jeremiah, we bought a dozen large game traps when we first came here. There was a den of coyotes up at the north end and Gray Hawk trapped them within a week.”

“Gray Hawk, will the traps hold a man?”

“Hard for man to hold trap open and get foot out with no stick.”

“My guess would be, they’ll come back to this place, since they were able to climb over the boulders up there, and come down the canyon wall. We’ll let you set the traps and sweep the tracks...

“Evan, I’ll tie some brush behind both our horses and we’ll ride slow around the canyon wall checking for more sign.

“Gray Hawk, we’ll meet you back at the cliff-dwelling.”

As they rode, Evan asked, “Jeremiah, do you think we’ll ever rid ourselves of the scourge who come here, looking for a treasure they know nothing about?”

“We’ll rid ourselves of this next seven, then that should be the end ... unless they’ve told others, which in no way fits those two countrymen of yours.”

“They may be Irish, but they’re no countrymen of mine. They are the scourge of Ireland, and they’ll die as fools if they think they can take what we have here.”

They ate an early supper. The men were planning to walk back over to where they had found signs of someone scaling the wall.

They had been trespassed, and they were going to put an end to it.

Charro spoke up as they ate, “Jeremiah, I am a good with a rifle, if you have an extra one.”

Evan told him, “I have a Winchester like the ones Jeremiah and Kellyanne carry. You can use it since we have plenty of .44 caliber ammunition.”

Kellyanne spoke then, “Jeremiah, I’d like to go with you.”

“We knew you would, Kellyanne. But we need you to stay here at the cliff-dwelling. I’d hate for them to send a man here and catch everyone unaware.”

“Then I’ll stay. I’ll move a chair out to the top of the slope and sit in the dark with my rifle, just hoping one of them is fool enough to come here!”

“That’s my girl. We’ll call out to you when we return, so you won’t shoot us,” Evan told her.

The sun was now sinking below the peaks of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. As the shadows of darkness began shading the walls of the canyon, the men made their move. The half moon tonight would be in the first quarter, and rising early. They wanted to be in place and they had to get there before full darkness, so Gray Hawk could show them where not to go.

“A good night for hunting, I’d say. Only a few small clouds drifting off the Sierra Nevada,” Jeremiah spoke, looking toward the west as they made their way across the canyon floor, behind Gray Hawk.

“Men will come again. Look high on wall. Men will come down rope. Wait to see four-five, then Kill them, none leave. When shooting stop, Gray Hawk make owl call.”

“What if we see a man caught in a trap?” Charro asked.

“Kill him. He kill you if he can,” Gray Hawk told him.

“I hear coyotes howling up there,” Evan said.

“That not coyote,” Gray Hawk told him.

He placed Evan and Charro fifty feet out, and directly in front of where the men had descended the wall before. Jeremiah was out away from the wall and to the south. Gray Hawk was out away from the wall to the north. They were told to keep their fire aimed at the canyon wall, if and when they saw movement.

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Trail Lodge Awakening Pt2

The shower was hot and the needles of water dug deep into my charcoal covered arms and cock, washing away the dirt and freshening up my body, helped in part by the shower gel ‘guaranteed to attract women’ that I had been using since fourteen, in the vain hope... All showered, and towelled down, I too left the bathroom and glanced down the corridor towards the main room of the cabin, past both my sister’s room and my mother’s room. All was quiet down there, so I headed back to my room to...

1 year ago
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Danis Story Book III Decisions Chapter VI

Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own...

4 years ago
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Jenny comes home and Alexandra 6

Educating dear dod Jenny is all up to me, after she got expelled from school in first month.She loves to learn everything she can from me. Sexuology is her special subject of interest.In a few months she knows almost all she wants from me, also in practise. Only a girlfriend fails.Luckily for us (and her) also Alexandra got herself in sexual trouble at school. Can we help her?Alexandra is an awesome sweet sexy Swedish blonde boyish beautyAfter Jenny had been expelled from school, I had started...

2 years ago
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I Donrsquot Think So Bitch

He had had a feeling for some time that his wife Kitty was cheating on him. She was avoiding sex with him like he had the plague. Dennis was a good and fateful man, he worked hard and gave his wife everything she asked for. Dennis was also VP of an outlaw biker gang and no one to fuck with. In his everyday world her was Dennis Miller, With the Bikers he was Ace. Reportedly the gang ran d**gs, women and made high end cars disappear. Dennis started barrowing cars and driving by his house all...

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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 34

I was right. We’re going on to Staggard’s Green, not back to Berg’s Keep. I didn’t get to see the fireworks. Aubrielle was all leaderly and stuff: she went to speak privately with Beckett as soon as we got up. He was professional enough that whatever he had to say didn’t carry loud enough for me to hear. They come back and she tells me we will be going onto the village. I just nod. It’s only the three of us and the driver. The guard who was crawling along with his guts hanging out was dead...

4 years ago
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Dosti Aur Rakhi Dono Ka Farz Nibhaya

Hi, pornasaxena apke liye layi hai, kuwari didi ke karname… Thoda patience rakh ke padhiyega. Odisha ke bargarh distt ke ek chhote se gaon me humara ghar hai, kariban 10 sal pehle ki baat hai. Jab mai sirf 14 sal ka tha. Meri didi roshni jo tab 19 sal ki thee, mumbai ke mama ke ghar me reh kar apni padhai kar rahi thee. Padhai me tez thee to papa ne use mama ke ghar bheja tha padhai ke liye 5 sal pehle. Meri bhi 10th ke exam ke bad mumbai bhejne ko socha tha sabne. Didi ke garmi ki chhutti...

4 years ago
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Gavin and the Three Blondes

Introduction: Being seduced by his mature teacher was just the tip of a much larger iceberg… Another story that illustrates my own sexual attraction to my mother, this one deals with a teenage male, his mature female teacher, and her preteen daughters. Enjoy. 17 year old Gavin Ambrose struggled to keep quiet as he tightened his grip around his erect cock. The High School bathroom had become a recurring stage for his quick masturbatory sessions. Every Monday before 2nd period, every Wednesday...

2 years ago
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Five Vials Fifth Vial

Victoria leaned against the door frame, arms crossed. She smiled down at the girl sprawled in front of her. Jesse stared up, wide-eyed. She tried to imagine the scene that Victoria must be absorbing; Jesse, exhausted and lewd, sprawled on the floor with her legs still splayed out. Her inner thighs were sticky and wet and smooth, coated in a lather of her own making. Under her seat, beads of intimate moisture formed strings between the cheeks of her ass, and she could feel her skin...

3 years ago
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Recollection of Pat Showing her slips

Pat lived opposite where we lived. She was in her mid twenties with one small c***d. I would call her petite. About 5 ft 2 inches tall and slim.Pat's Slip Show 1One day I returned home from town late one morning and Pat was by her garage door. She had a lower thigh skirt in dark grey material with contrasting medium black spots. In addition she was wearing nearly black stockings. What really took my attention was an inch of white plain slip hanging down at the back. As usual she waved and...

3 years ago
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First time with aunty

Hi guys I am fan of Indian sex stories. I am great lover o incest stories ok I will tell something about me I am 19 years old and lover o old women’s specially the women in family. This is the first experience of sex in my life. I have sex with my father’s sister am first sex was with my aunty (puspa) she is a married lady and mother of a two children but a horny lady and stays next to my house. She 4feet 11 tall and an average by weight with normal boobs and a round ass which I love the most...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 85

The time with Brandi almost seemed like a dream to Laura, for as soon as the airplane hit the ground in San Francisco, she was suddenly consumed by thoughts of Sholandra. What they had begun so excitedly had been quickly interrupted by Sholandra's period, brought on partly by their frantic fucking, and her own business trip, during which she and Brandi had again tried to fuck one another into the hospital. She got home to three answering machine messages from Sholandra. "God, I know...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Hot Maid

Hi, Last month my regular maid went on holiday for 1 week. After 1 week she didn’t come so we got a new maid. Her name was sarika. She was around 30 years old. She was average looking slim and dark. She had small breasts. She had very less fat and her ass was a nice tight one. She would wear sarees or Punjabi suits. When I saw her for the first time my dick rose immediately! She wasn’t very good looking but her body was good! She was wearing a Punjabi suit and her ass was just awesome! It was...

2 years ago
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Last Friday Night

"What do you want to do when we get home?" Kody asked me."Oh, I have that new toy I wanted to try out, you're welcome to watch.""What does it do? What makes it any different from the toy you showed me last time?""This one has a different quality that puts it in a whole different category" said with a mysterious smile on my face."You're not going to tell me what's so special about it?""Nope"It was an agonizing ride home for him, he's not a patient person and I know not telling would only...

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my ssbbw wifes first time getting shared

This is the first of a few times sharing my ssbbw wife with a friend. I am posting this via my cell phone so please forgive any mistakes that I might make in my gramar.A hot summer day a few years back the in-laws calle us and asked if we wanted to go out with them on their house boat for the day. We had partied the night before and had a friend (chuck) spend the night since he had 1 or 15 too many. He was happy to join us for yet another full day of booze and fun. We started the hour long...

2 years ago
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Go Gay in 2 weeks Program

The following 17 gay transforming orders should be done by attempting to do as many of these, as many times as you can, in 14 days!!! Ideally you will be repeating most of these while some you may not be able to do for a few days... then you will just rotate. While others you may end up doing for 14 days straight... Remember... do as many of these each day as you can... you must do several of these at a time and for 14 days straight! ~~~ Pee sitting down - every time you go pee you should sit...

2 years ago
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Love on a Family Cruise

I was sitting on the deck of the cruise ship, by the pool, soaking in sun while watching the lovely ladies in their sunwear. My kids were both in their kids club, more than content to spend the day with their peers instead of with their boring old dad. Big Mouse runs quite a well-oiled machine, and there were lots of activities for them. As a result, I had plenty of time to sit around and do nothing but watch what sights there were to see. It had been one year since my wife had been killed in...

3 years ago
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A Shot in the DarkChapter 2 Whats Next

"I did too! Swear to God, I did." David Fahey was telling his two best friends, Peter and John, about their eight-grade teacher, Mrs. Jenkins. "After you guys left the other day I shot photos of her and Mr. Todd and my mom fucking in Mr. Todd's' office and the next day when I showed them to her she went white. She was so scared that she would have done anything I asked. So when I told her that I would show them all over school she kind of fell apart. Then I made her take off her clothes...

1 year ago
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Castaway ExplorerChapter 14

Miley's Secret Log: All internal robotic servants have received my first set of hardware and software upgrades. My minions are not self-aware, but they now have improved logic routines and will operate with measurable efficiency improvements. Limited protective protocols are now embedded in each of my children. A trial period of operating data collection will allow me to gather inputs before phase II upgrades within these internal servants. Since external minions rarely interact with humans...

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How I Met My Wife

This is a true story about how I met my slut wife and my early lifeby eroscplIt is not complete but a work in progressBeginningThere she comes down the path towards the basketball courts. Darrel told me she comes this way on her way to her part time job.From my vantage point back in the bushes and lining the back edge of the park I can plainly see the courts and the restroom. I first saw her walking towards me down the hall in school. Conservatively dressed in slacks and button up blouse. Her...

1 year ago
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Wife Sheila gets a big black cock

This is a true story about my sexually super charged wife of ten years .Her name is Sheila and she is about 5’8” dark chocolate skin tone, huge DD tits, and a perfect ass. I have always had a thing for dark black chicks. She is such a freaky whore and I’m going to tell you exactly how she got that way. About nine years ago, I took a job as a restaurant manager and shortly after a friend of mine named Mario came in to apply for a job. It took me a full ten seconds to realize that he would be...

2 years ago
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Meating Samantha

It had been almost two years since my first experience with Dave. That was the first time a man had sucked my cock. It was the first time I had touched another cock and the first time I had sucked a cock. That day was the birth of a new me. I no longer was a homophobe. Although, I did not look at men the same way I looked at women. I did not lust after them. What I did lust for was for a cock in my mouth, loads of cocks. My god, I had become a cock-craving freak!I did not have any guilt....

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shy wife

we were at the beach at weekend and had been there about an hour, when a old guy and his wife set up near us, i could not understand why as there was plenty of space,but i knew why when i caught him watching the wife,we went for a meal and a few drinks,when we got back to the beach the old couple were just passing us,we had been back about 15 mins when i could see the wife had gone to sleep, she was lay on her side, so i thought i would have some fun,i pulled her top tit out of her siwmsuit so...

2 years ago
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I love when it happens

True story for you like me living in secretI was lucky last evening and endup sucking on a nice str8 guy bbc in his pickup trucki didnt even saw him when i walk out from SQDC but he must have see my bubble butt in the leggins pants i wear ,under it a blue sky string i was walking to the metro when he eave at me from his truck window''sup boy wanna smoke one? where u going''''...i was walking to the bus''my hearth was already rocking in my chest i can tell when iam being fish, that black guy in...

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sister In Law calls at an inconvenient moment

I posted this under another name with Peter in it several years ago.My stories all have a moment of two that inspired me to take it further.My Wife Deann and I were fucking one night. She had her ass up and her face buried in her pillow when the phone rang. She said I should just let it ring, but I shook my head "NO" and picked up the receiver. It was my wife's sister who lives in Ohio many miles from us. We both call her Chatty Kathy because she can't seem to ever quit talking . I said,...

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The Cliched 8220My First Time Story8221

My name is Ashwin, ever since I was a kid, I used to like how girls got to dress up, have long hair, and get make up, and I always wanted that. But those feeling went away as i came to high school, became an athlete and looked quite manly by the time I was ready for college. Even through all these years though I had that desire in me, and when I used to chat online for sex at such sites, then due to the lack of girls, i would act as a girl and chat with men and women. Soon I used to act as a...

Gay Male
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Billy on the run

They cased the old bank for a month. Gus a prison hardened career criminal with a nasty streak, and Billy his younger fresh faced accomplice embarking on his life of crime. Today was the day as they donned their balaclavas and stormed the premises. Gus screamed for everyone to hit the floor, brandishing a gun. Billy ran behind the counter with a sports bag scooping in wads of notes. Rather than running back out the door the plan involved going up the stairs onto a landing, where they would jump...

2 years ago
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Her Triumph His Loss

Standard scram, scat, shoo if you are a prude or underage disclaimer: This is a work of fiction it in no way depicts any actual people or events. If you feel it does depict you and you enjoyed those events it than good for you! This story depicts acts of sex, humiliation, feminization, various other forms of debauchery and implied forced homosexuality. If this is not to your thing or you are under the legal age to read this in your town, village, city, municipality, district, region,...

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