Trails WestChapter 8 free porn video

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“Two Trails To Mexico”

Rita Osorio Anderson and her Papa, Earl Wayne Anderson, own Rita’s Cantina and Cafe. Rita has a light complexion, with reddish-blonde hair. The dark-eyed beauty of Mexican and White parents, loves to flirt.

When her Papa and her Momma split up, she chose to live with her Papa, after he told her he’d build her a cantina on the border if she’d stay.

She’s the reason the cantina is filled with men from both sides of the border.

There are a few young women from Mexico who come here to party, in hopes of meeting a young American man to marry. Two of them have taken jobs. One in the kitchen at night and two more work the tables, carrying drinks and cigars to the men.

Jeremiah and Kellyanne entered the cantina, without a clue of what to expect. They were surprised that this place was so well lit. There was a long bar on their right as they walked in. The place was twice as large as the hotel next door, with twenty tables for cards, or drinking. There were only a few men sitting at the tables. No one was at the bar, so they sat on round wooden stools. They were still looking the place over when Rita came from the kitchen.

“Hi there, welcome to Rita’s Cantina, I’m Rita. Now what can I get you to drink?”

“Do you serve tea?” Jeremiah asked.

“We certainly do. My Papa drinks tea and so do I. We have the tea pot on the stove now. I’ll bring it right out,” she told him, then turned and walked through the bright red curtains.

“I’ve never been in a place like this. Back in Ireland, we had pubs, but I wasn’t allowed to visit them. From what I heard about them, I had no desire to go inside them.”

“When I was in Ellsworth, I went to all the saloons and gambling halls. There was a lot of drinking going on and fights broke out in nearly all of them each night. I’ve never drunk anything stronger than coffee and tea and from what I saw back in Kansas, I have no urge to start now.”

“Father has some wine he, Eulie and Vonda made from their grapes. Have you never sipped wine either?”

“No, never had an urge for wine either. I suppose you’ve sipped wine?”

“Back in Ireland, we would have wine with dinner at times and I enjoyed it. It wasn’t like I was going to drink so much I would get tipsy. When we return to Nevada, you’ll have to sip some wine with me one evening.”

“Well, I’ve tried tea with you, though I never had a thought about it before. I suppose I could be coaxed into having a glass of wine with my wife.”

Earl Anderson came out of the kitchen when Rita brought their tea out. Rita introduced her Papa to them and the big man pulled up a stool on the other side of the bar. They sat and talked, telling him about their horse business and why they were here. He too drank tea with the Trails as they talked.

“So, you folks are down here on the Arizona Border looking to buy some Mexican horses, are you?”

Jeremiah told him, “Yes, we were on our way to Santa Fe when we met a man who told us he’d bought two fine horses down here on the border a week ago.”

“Yeah, we do get a lot of horse folks through here looking for a deal on some really good horses. I’ve never been over there, but Rita has a Mexican friend about your age, who works on a big horse ranch west of here a few miles and across the border in Sonoyta. He is known as one of the best horse trainers in all of Mexico.”

“Would it be safe for us to cross the border and visit a place like that? We’ve heard the Mexican Rurales can be very strict. Do they patrol the border and the border towns around here?” Jeremiah asked.

“Yes they patrol the border regularly, but they do allow gringos to visit. Now and then, we have one or two Rurales stop here for a meal. Most of them are okay hombres, but like us, they have their bad hombres too.”

Kellyanne spoke up, “Mr. Anderson, tell us something good to eat from your kitchen since we’ve never eaten Mexican food.”

“I always recommend a Chile Relléno and a Burro, when someone who has never had Mexican food, asks me that. You may want to order one Burro between you, they are that big.”

“Are they spicy hot?” she asked.

“We make the Chile Relléno hot or mild, using a different pepper. The mild ones are warm, yes, but not hot.”

“Then be sure and make us the mild one. Then we will decide if we want to try the hot one later.”

Since there was nothing to do in Agua Dulce, other than visit Rita’s Cantina and Cafe, they spent most of their time there. They easily became good friends with both Earl Anderson and his daughter, Rita.

The Andersons helped spread the word about the horse breeder and his wife from Nevada staying at the Agua Dulce Hotel – visiting Rita’s Cantina daily. By noon of their third day in Agua Dulce, they were busy looking at horses. Most of the horses brought to them were either older mares or young geldings. None of them were branded. Most were not shod, and many of those had neglected hooves that were past recovery.

Jeremiah had been schooled about horses, just as he was schooled with his fists and his guns.

US Marshal Webb Hickson had joined the cavalry at age eighteen. He was a veteran of the Indian Wars on the northern plains. He knew Indians, and he knew horses. During his time spent with Jeremiah, he tried his best to teach him the skills he would need to stay alive, and the skills he would need and put to use for the rest of his life.

Jeremiah’s time spent with Outlaw has provided him with a hard earned knowledge of a stud’s actions and manners. They’ve been together for almost two years and both of them are still learning. The Sioux had gentled Outlaw to ride while letting the horse retain his spirit, yet teaching him that his owner was the boss. When Jeremiah took ownership of the big black stud, at first, there was a battle of whose will was the strongest. Now, they’ve reached an agreement of sorts, with neither giving up part of who he is, just to please the other.

Outlaw loves attention, and Jeremiah loves his horse. It’s as simple as that. His love for horses goes beyond his love for Outlaw. He hates to see any horse mistreated and he admires a well mannered horse.

The day he and Kellyanne met El Charro – The Cowboy – they met a man whose love for horses matched, or even exceeded Jeremiah’s. His ability to train horses in a way that makes horses want to please him – appealed to Jeremiah. The only problem was, the sheriff had told them the young man has a reputation of being a bandit and possibly a horse thief.

Jeremiah and Kellyanne were standing beside the hitching rail in front of Rita’s. They were checking a young black and white Paint mare over, when they looked up at the sound of another horse approaching.

El Charro rode up the dirt street on a Mouse-Gray Grulla (grew-ya, meaning gray, like a crane) Dun mare and stopped at the hitching rail in front of Rita’s. As they watched him ride in, both Jeremiah and Kellyanne agreed, the mare he rode was a pure-bred beauty.

By the time the young Mexican stepped to the ground, Rita was beside him. With a quick kiss to his cheek, she greeted him then turned to her American friends with her arm linked with his.

“Jeremiah, Kellyanne, I want you to meet a special friend of mine, El Charro...

“Charro, this is Jeremiah Trail and his wife Kellyanne, from Nevada. They are here in search of horses to take back to their ranch in Nevada and breed them. Papa and I have told them that you too, help breed horses and train them.”

Jeremiah extended his hand, telling him, “Charro, we’ve heard a lot about you from Rita and her Papa, Earl. I’m glad we finally get to meet you. This is my wife Kellyanne and we’re here to try and build our herd with more mares and possibly a good stud, if we can be so lucky.”

“It is my pleasure to meet you, Jeremiah...

“And Kellyanne, nice to meet you also.

“We have heard about the tall gringo and his beautiful wife since the day you arrived. The man I work for has sent me here to invite you to his rancho across the border in, Sonoyta. We have some of the finest horses in all of Mexico and they are very well trained, if I may blow my own horn about that.”

Jeremiah told him, “We’d like very much to visit the horse ranch where you work. When would we leave and how long do we plan to stay?”

“We can leave as soon as you pack a bag. Plan to stay at least three days, so we can show you all of our breeding stock.”

Charro turned to Rita and asked, “Rita, do you think Señor Anderson will allow you to travel with Señora Trail, to keep her company?”

“If you’ll let me keep you company too while I’m there, I’ll make sure Papa allows me to travel with you,” she told him and he laughed.

“When all of you are ready, we’ll leave. The trip will take us over one hour but we’ll still arrive a tiempo para la cena, excuse me I meant to say, in time for dinner. Rita has been schooling me in American English and sometimes I slip back to Mexican Spanish.”

“You speak both very well, Charro. I can see, you are a man of many talents,” Jeremiah told him.

“Thank you, Jeremiah. Coming from a rich American rancher such as you, that is a very high compliment to an hombre like me.”

“Kellyanne and I will go pack a bag now, then we’ll saddle up and meet you back here.”

“Yes, I have been wanting to see that big black stallion of yours. I’ve heard about him already.”

“Then we’ll return shortly.”

“Jeremiah, can you believe our luck? Truthfully, I’m excited about going across the border into Mexico and visiting a horse ranch. If we do see some horses we like, could we actually purchase them and take them home with us?”

“I don’t see why not. We have the money you gave me, and we may as well spend it on horses, since we have no other expenses ... Besides, this will help us in our investigation, if we actually buy horses while we’re here.”

“Then ask Charro about the mare he’s riding today. I love that horse already.”

“If they have the sire and dam that mare sprang from, I’d like to have both of them. If we can afford them that is. I have no idea what horses such as that Grulla Dun mare sells for here in Arizona, or in Mexico.”

In the livery behind the hotel, Jeremiah saddled Kellyanne’s horse, then his. He tied their one bag behind his saddle and they were ready. They led their horses around the hotel to see Charro and Rita as they came out of the cantina laughing. She was carrying a travel bag.

Kellyanne told him, “I’m so glad Rita is going. I really like her and I’ll have the company of someone I know while we’re there.”

Will Tacker was riding hard on his way toward Agua Dulce. Rita had sort of halfway promised him she would spend the afternoon with him. He’d been begging her to let him spend some time alone with her. Will had made a lot of money in the past six months and he wanted to take Rita across the border, show her a good time and spend some of his money on her. He knew as well as anyone, that Rita flirts with all the young men who visit her cantina. She made them think they were actually getting somewhere with her, though none of them ever did.

Yet, she seemed to always have time for that Mexican, El Charro. Will had set Charro up once before on a stolen horse he wanted Charro to train for him. Then had him arrested by his fellow deputies. He thought he had the Mexican out of the way for good, then the man’s boss, Amando Valdonado, bailed him out and had Charro released in his custody after the owner of the stolen horse, another Mexican, refused to file charges. Now Charro was free to court Rita again.

Will rode around back to the livery and took the saddle off his Bay gelding. He flipped the boy a half dollar and told him to wipe him down, then make sure he had plenty of water and oats, that he’d be back soon to saddle up and ride again.

He turned to walk out of the livery and noticed that Rita’s horse was gone.

“Where’s Rita’s horse?” he asked the boy.

“She went to Sonoyta with the gringo horse traders this morning.”

“To Sonoyta? ... What gringo horse traders?”

“The rich man and woman from Nevada who came here to buy horses for their ranch.”

“Why would Rita go with them to Sonoyta?” He had a feeling he knew the answer before the boy told him.

“They went with El Charro to spend three days so his bossman could sell the rich horse traders some of his horses.”

“Put that saddle back on my horse and give me that half dollar back!”

Will was furious. He spurred his horse repeatedly, making him run hard back toward Tucson.

Five miles east of Agua Dulce, he rode over a hill and met Pima County Sheriff, William Oury in the middle of the trail.

The sheriff was riding slowly toward Agua Dulce when he looked up to see one of his deputies. He stopped his horse and flagged him down.

“Deputy, what are you doing over here? Your orders were to patrol the border south of Tucson near the Cochise County Line.”

“Sheriff, I had something important to take care of real fast and I asked Charlie to take my place on the border this morning.”

“This is the third time in two months I’ve caught you at this. You’re on notice as of right now – leave your assigned patrol one more time and you can just keep going!”

Horses bred and trained at The Rancho Valdonado Stables have a reputation of being the finest bred, best groomed, most well-trained trained in all of Mexico. None of them were shod and Charro kept their hooves trimmed and shaped perfectly. They never left the rancho unless they were sold, and Amando Valdonado wanted them unshod to keep their hooves shaped and strong.

Amando Cortez Valdonado has built The Rancho Valdonado into a beautiful showplace for horses. Today he welcomed the visiting Americans to his rancho with hopes of selling at least a dozen of his most prized mares. He has over forty horses he needs to sell. Business is slow in Mexico and even slower across the border. He has many debts, plus too many horses to feed and care for.

He was standing in front of his stables when Charro rode in with the visitors. His attention was quickly centered on the tall, blaze-faced black stallion the American horse breeder was riding. Amando Valdonado wanted this horse at any cost.

Charro hurried over to introduce the Trails to his boss, after catching Rita when she leaned from her saddle into his arms.

“Señor Valdonado, I would like to introduce to you, Señor Jeremiah Trail and his beautiful wife, Señora Kellyanne. They have graciously accepted your invitation to stay three days in hopes of purchasing some of our Rancho Valdonado mares and maybe even a stud.”

“Señor Trail, I am honored to have you and your beautiful wife come to our rancho and stay with us.

“Señora Trail, please accept the humble comforts of my hacienda and make this your home during your stay with us.”

“Thank you, Señor. We are already impressed with your horse ranch,” Kellyanne replied as the Mexican shook her hand.

“Please, while you are here, call me Amando. My friends call me by my name and I hope we can all become friends during your stay.”

“Then you call us by our names also. We’re not used being addressed otherwise,” Jeremiah told him as they shook hands.

“Very well, I can see that we will become friends and hopefully conduct a few horse trades while you’re here. First of all, I want to see this magnificent stallion you ride. I have never seen such a well conformed horse for his size. Did you breed him yourself?”

“No, I bought him from the Lakota Sioux nearly two years ago. They had him broken to ride and trained as one of their own. He is every bit the horse you see standing here.”

“He has to be over eighteen hands.”

“He measures exactly eighteen and one half hands, Amando.”

“Since you ride him daily, I’m sure you’d never consider selling or even trading him?”

“No, and I’m sure if he was your horse, you’d tell me the same thing.”

“You are so right. I cannot blame you. He is one of a kind in the horse world. Tell me, have you bred him?”

“No, but I’d be interested in talking to you about breeding him, that is if you have mares you’d like to see carrying his colt. If so, I’m sure there’s a way we can work out his stud fee so that both of us would come out winners.”

As Jeremiah and Amando Valdonado talked breeding and trading, Kellyanne and Rita were led to the guest quarters by a Mexican woman. As they followed the woman, the young boy who carried their bags, walked behind them.

Rita and Kellyanne had their own conversation about horses as they made their way to their guest rooms.

“Kellyanne, on your Nevada horse ranch, do you have a man who takes care of the breeding and training of your horses?”

Kellyanne was caught unprepared for her question, but she quickly answered, showing she had knowledge of horses, “No, actually we are just starting our herd and we’re traveling now to find the best horses we can, to start a breeding program.”

“Would you ever consider a young Mexican for the job?”

“Rita, are you suggesting, Charro? We thought he was in a really good position here at Rancho Valdonado Stables.”

“If I tell you the truth about him, will you at least consider him?”

“I would have to talk to Jeremiah before I told you yes, but I’m sure that if Charro wasn’t a criminal and was willing to go, he would be the first man we’d talk to.”

“Well ... Charro was arrested for stealing a horse – which he did not steal! There is a Pima County Deputy who has begged me to spend time with him. I keep putting him off because all he wants is to go to bed with me and brag about it later. He has a bad reputation with all the Mexican girls for doing that. I made the mistake of telling him that I was Charro’s girl just to make him stop bothering me. He got really mad and said some bad things about Charro that I knew were lies. Charro and I believe he was the one who had him arrested.”

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Trailing Home Ch 13

Over the next several weeks, Selena settled into life on the McKenzie farm with joyous ease. She developed close relationships with her in-laws, and her fondness for all of them increased with each passing day. Liam took her to visit her sister who lived about a half-day’s drive from their farm. Selena was thrilled to be reunited with her sister and was pleased to see firsthand that Diana was so happy with her own husband that their two young sons. It was nice for both sisters to be close...

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Trailing Home Ch 05

The next morning, Liam woke up first and quietly dressed before slipping out of the tent. When Selena woke up, she lay for several minutes, remembering what she had told him the previous night. She moaned and squeezed her eyes tightly shut, thinking of how she had clung to him and let him hold her so intimately on his lap. How humiliating! She could only hope he wouldn’t think badly of her, and she dreaded having to face him. Most men in her experience assumed when a girl was attacked or raped...

1 year ago
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Trail Lodge Awakening

The sun was setting on another day at the trail lodge as I watched my father drive away in the car. Behind me in the cabin, my mother was sobbing quietly, having just argued with my father about his spying on my sister in the bathroom. It had been coming for a long time; even this break to the cabin wasn’t going to fix what had been long broken in my parent’s relationship. I really felt bad for my mom and my dad and taking sides is always hard, especially when you have committed the same...

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Trailing Home Ch 04

They reached Independence late that evening, just as Liam had predicted. It took another half hour to secure the boat to the dock before they were finally able to disembark from the ship. Selena made a point of seeking out the Captain before they left. She found him overseeing his crewmen, and she approached timidly from behind. ‘Captain Harris,’ she smiled when he turned toward her, ‘I just wanted to thank you for everything.’ He doffed his cap and gave her a small bow. ‘Mrs. McKenzie, it...

2 years ago
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Trailing Home Ch 10

The next morning, Selena was busy packing things into the wagon when she heard Liam’s voice from inside the tent. She rushed in and stopped in her tracks. Liam was struggling to rise up on one elbow, but he was wobbly and weak, and he wasn’t having much success. ‘Oh Liam, just lie down, sweetheart. You have to take it slowly,’ she soothed, as she gently pressed him down on the pallet. ‘You’re looking much better today.’ Liam’s face had a slight frown, which she took as a good sign. At least...

3 years ago
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Trail Lodge Awakening Pt2

The shower was hot and the needles of water dug deep into my charcoal covered arms and cock, washing away the dirt and freshening up my body, helped in part by the shower gel ‘guaranteed to attract women’ that I had been using since fourteen, in the vain hope... All showered, and towelled down, I too left the bathroom and glanced down the corridor towards the main room of the cabin, past both my sister’s room and my mother’s room. All was quiet down there, so I headed back to my room to...

4 years ago
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After A Hard Days Work

After a long day at work I drive home, tired and ready for a shower, my suit jacket hung up in the back and my tie loose around my neck. I drive past Anouska's office and pick her up from work. She is dressed in a medium length skirt, just above her knees, and a red silk blouse. As she gets in the car she leans forward, and her blouse drapes open revealing her lacy red bra. She notices the direction of my gaze, leans over to kiss me and says, "Like the view do you? Nice aren't they?" As she...

2 years ago
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Cheating Is EasyChapter 8

"Mike, I know that you won't believe me but I want to make sure that you know that despite my horrible behavior I really do love you. I am sorry for what I have done to you and our children. That being said, I can tell by your behavior this morning that you have made some kind of decision about us. I'd like to know where I stand. Should I pack my bags or what?" Mike just sat there looking at her for almost five minutes. At the end of that time, she was trying to hide her anxiety and not...

3 years ago
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Fidelity Ch 06

It became a game between us. Unspoken. What humiliation would he demand? How low would I stoop? Almost anything, we knew. Any scrap of affection or moment of intimacy he promised I paid for with a currency of shame. I streaked across the city, his cum on my face, for a cuddle. What would I do for a fond caress? I came to dread he demands while pining for any morsel of affection. I paid for a hug with another public blowjob. On the off chance he might smile warmly at me, I walked paraded around...

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Thatrsquos What Friends Are For

A good friend of ours, Brenda, whom we have known for about 20 years, called on the phone and asked my wife if we wanted to come over for dinner that night. She said after her husband divorced her about 18 months ago she became somewhat a recluse, sitting at home every day. Because he was gone so long and the recent pandemic isolation was now over, she was eager to have someone to talk and visit with. Well, my wife apologized for herself saying she could not make it. She told her she already...

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My Journey Book 3 BowsChapter 7

Christmas Eve started out clear, crisp and cold. It was frigid as I walked Dawn. She basked in it, scampering back and forth as much as the leash would allow, tugging me off-balance several times. “Gimme a break, Dawn honey,” I begged. “I’m still on the mend.” She stopped and looked at me curiously, her tongue lolling out and her tail wagging jauntily before she went back to making the most of her walk, investigating front yards all along our route. I eventually got her back to the house...

2 years ago
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Jessicas Story Part 3

Jessica's Story - Part 3 Mom went to bed that night with the events of the day on her mind. Her son Peter was now seemingly headed for a new life as Jessica. Tomorrow would likely see him as Jessica all day. The day after (Monday) would see Peter returning for school. She was afraid, for him and for herself, the fear of embarrassment if anyone discovered that Jessica was not really a girl, the fear that Peter could be hurt as a result, either by tormentors or by himself - Sally's...

2 years ago
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The Demons Harem Regans Story

Introduction: Sorry its been a while! Couldnt figure out what to write. There is alot of backstory in the begining of this one so if you want to get to the good stuff you may want to scroll down I hope you enjoy! Comments and feedback appreciated REGANS STORY: She felt the pain inside her begin to subside with each step the demon took up the spiral stone staircase. Her crying slowed to soft sobs and she began to forget about the tears falling to the floor below her. She had never felt this...

3 years ago
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Copyright© 1992-2003 "Have you heard of knock-kneed Samuel McGuzzum Who married Samantha, his bow-legged cousin? Some people say, Love finds a way, But for Sam and Samantha it doesn'." "I would like to see you... yeah, today for lunch would be perfect. Meet me here at my office. Okay, see you in half-an- hour." That was me, calling my cousin-in-law Tami. It was an innocent conversation with nothing aggressive in my manner or voice. But the only reason I called her was that I...

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Protection and Preservation Book 04Chapter 44

[Protection – Janice] As soon as I heard the bolt, I was ducking behind Jeff and drew my pistol. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see two men with rifles. They were much older than Jeff and his friends. I took in all of this in an instant. An instant later, it was over. Robby had dropped and rolled. As he rolled, he drew his pistol and shot the one nearer to him without stopping his roll. I shot the one near me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Robby reach cover with his rifle at...

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I don't really like to write but i wanted to share an experience i had some days ago with a friend of mine. She is a really shy girl, she always conceal her body under large clothes and she is virgin. We went out in the morning because we had some business to take care of and we went to my place for lunch. Since she had not been at home for some days she asked me if she could take a shower, and after her i had one too. She took her clothes in the bathroom and after the shower she came out...

1 year ago
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Maryanne and SisChapter 7

Morning found me working on the breakfast later than usual while the rest slept, or so I thought. Maryanne came in looking much better with makeup and her hair brushed out. She poured coffee and sat at the breakfast bar. She wasn't her regular chatty self. "Do you feel any better this morning?" "Yes. I haven't had one of these difficult periods since I started taking the pill. Now I remember why it was that I needed help. I'll be glad to get back on my regular schedule." She...

2 years ago
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After the Derby with Mrs Jones

Well what a day it had been, I had driven us back down and we where on the ferry home to the island, Mrs Smith had not had much chance to talk to me on my own, but hear on the ferry she made her move. As she Followed me to the out side deck I didn’t know how she was going to react so was a bit nervous as she looked at me and then said, “ So you like to fuck mature married Ladies then?” To which I replyed honestly, “ YES!” “I adore Married Ladies and after you friends Husband upset her, I just...

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The boys last day Toward the end of day

After I swam for a bit I came up to the pier . Robert asked what was wrong, I said to hop on the deck. He climbed up and sat beside me, I pulled his legs apart and got between them and pushed him flat. I took his dick and began to suck him. Danny swam up to watch, I reached down and rubbed his butt. He pushed his butt out giving me access to his hole. I rubbed and pushed till my finger went in. He pushed down with his arms shoving my finger deeper. Robert was hard now and I tongued him as I...

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A Jump to Heavens Gate

Taylor was born and raised in Grayson, Kentucky, a rural, scenic little town with a population of about 4,000. He’d had a fairly typical small-town American life, was handsome, outgoing and popular and played wide receiver on the football team in high school. He’d dreamed of playing in the NFL, being a superstar athlete, marrying a supermodel, or marrying his namesake, Taylor Swift, Taylor & Taylor ... Oh, he could see them, hand in hand, walking on a glistering beach, under a crimson sun,...

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Self awareness

The summer had started badly. I'd had a temporary job for a month, but the employer didn't decide to keep me on. I'd had some arguments with my girl friend and she'd suggested we have a cooling off period. I recounted my troubles to my Aunt Helen. She gave me a hug and said she had a friend who might be able to help me. "I'll give her a call and hear what she can suggest." A few days later Aunt Helen rang me. "Can you come over to my house and speak to my friend? She thinks she may be...

4 years ago
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Dinner at the Athelstan Part 3

The envelope Judith had given me contained £500 for me and £200 for Sam and that was a first. Sam was delighted. When you consider that was merely a gift and not our fee we were particularly pleased and resolved to have a bottle of champagne to celebrate. The following day I went shopping for food and wine while Sam escorted another of the agency whores during the morning. I intended to make her a decent meal for us to share with our bubbles but it was not to be. She came round to my flat (we...

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Chapter 29b: TO THE NW MOUNTAIN – ContinuedWe lost time during the rescue and we lost even more travelling with our now large group of twenty-three. Most of whom were unfamiliar with moving through the jungle or this portion of it. Every new sound brought fearful reactions from some portion of the group. After trekking for several hours, we needed a different plan. The confusion and nervousness of the group was making progress too difficult. The people were fearful of the a****ls in the group....

1 year ago
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Teen Diaries 26 Frosting on Top

I was very excited when I got my first job at my family's favorite bakery, Yummy Cakes. I love watching all of those baking competition shows and I knew this would be the perfect opportunity to learn some great baking secrets. I also loved the story of the couple who owned it and how they built their family business.Mitch and Cacie started Yummy Cakes out of their home, making cupcakes for birthdays and weddings and building a great reputation. The two were high school sweethearts and their...

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The Summer HolidaysChapter 12

Mum had to come back upstairs and wake both of us for breakfast the next morning; neither of us had heard them moving about as we normally did. Because breakfast was almost ready, and it was a Sunday, she let us come downstairs in our dressing gowns. "Not like you two to be worn out and sleep so long?" I told her that it had been quite a change for us; working hard physically at demolition and stripping wallpapering, while chattering constantly, and taking some exercise in the fresh air...

3 years ago
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15 Minute Makeover Part 5

15 Minute Makeover Part 5 - New Manager by Paul G Jutras Note--This story is based on the original idea by Sandrah Leary ([email protected]). Thanks for the help. It picks up where Disman left off in story 4. Cehrina, the owner of the store, Forever Lovely, smiled at the bra form that used to be her old manager, Jennifer. Cehrina had given Jennifer an extra week to meet her quota of turning lovely women into mannequins and avoid being changed into one herself. Unfortunately...

1 year ago
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Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain

“When we kissed goodbye and parted I knew we’d never meet again. Love is like a dying ember and only memories remain. And through the ages I’ll remember blue eyes crying in the rain. Someday when we meet up yonder we’ll stroll hand and hand again. In the land that knows no parting, blue eyes crying in the rain.” * * * I worked at a factory for part of the summer. But then I got another job offer. Related to my chosen field, journalism. The pay was not as good but I just had to take it. For the...

First Time
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Bag of tricks

CHAPTER ONE: The sensual erotic love story continues ‘Hello Fugs,’ said Mr Noodle Cock, as I gently pushed and pulled his pee hole to make him talk, ‘I am not in a very good mood today, in fact I am so angry I am at the point where I could explode!’ ‘Oh, what’s the matter babe?’ ‘Shit Fugs, they are after me. I need to find some place to hide, somewhere dark,’ Mr Noodle Cock – a.k.a Noodles, a.k.a Instant Noodles – said as a little bit of spittle came dribbling out of his mouth. ‘I know...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 35

Marie had poured her morning coffee, but not yet begun to drink it, when there was a knock at the door that sounded like thunder in her ears. She was a little hung over, having indulged in more than a bottle of expensive French wine the night before in her mistress’s absence. Moving as quickly as she could, lest the knock come again, she went to the door. Opening it she found Samantha Bowman, looking annoyingly chipper and put-together for this hour of the morning.She motioned soundlessly for...

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Voyeur in Big Trouble II The sequel

This story is a sequel to Voyeur in Big Trouble. I will try to make a quick summary of the first story, for those readers who don't want to read it: In this fictional story my name is Ray, and my wife is Ann. We are in our mid 40's. Our neighbors, Karen and Bill are in their late 20's. Karen is 5'6", 135 lbs., and has light red hair. She also has big full breasts and a beautiful bubble butt. I have thought of making love to Karen for years. Early this summer, Karen's...

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All the Kings HorsesChapter 5

Box’noxia (Trade Planet), Sector 98-A, Neutral Space The Milky Way Galaxy 2398 Tiff scowled at the ugly, hissing puddle of goo and spikes that had chosen to lay in the middle of the only road she could walk down. “What is that?” She asked. “A g’nok,” Bryce said, nodding slowly. “Centurions love em.” G’noks were not as cute as Tiffany had hoped – and just as Sebastian had promised, they were absolutely everywhere on the streets of the primary city of the trade planet that the colonizers...

1 year ago
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Love Is Blind Ch 2

‘That’s all I can eat,’ said Brad and glanced around the restaurant. Brad had finally convinced Allison that they should get something to eat before returning to the apartment – that eating pizza in bed wasn’t a good idea. Mario’s Pizza Parlor was almost deserted. It was between movie times, and there were only two other couples in the restaurant. Brad and Allison were sitting beside each other in a booth with Galahad lying on the floor under the table. ‘Are you sure,’ Allison felt for the...

4 years ago
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Game WorldChapter 72

My return to the keep and Oak Hall was welcomed by all except for Dindraine. The young elven girl greeted me with a glare of animosity that I couldn't blame her for. I felt the same way about myself. Nimue did not however share that opinion and she did chide Dindraine for her behaviour. I said nothing about it in response. Instead I walked over to Nimue and took her into my arms and gently hugged her. My heart ached at seeing her once more. She was dressed simply in a warm woollen tunic and...

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