Trail Of Tears free porn video

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Introduction: Its nice to have a trail that kids use to transit to school right outside my back door. This will be an ongoing story. Like most all mornings I was sitting at my kitchen table at 4am steadily working on a cup of coffee, in a futile attempt to wake up. Having a lot of work to get done today I needed all the caffeine I could take. I live on 60 acres just outside of a semi rural town. My land is pretty level from the road back to the last 10 acres or so where it slopes down into a valley. The valley is mostly wooded as it isnt much use to me. At one end of the valley there is a large new subdivision, at the other is the local combination middle/high school. So naturally the kids cross my property near the treeline, to get back and forth. I watch them most mornings as my house sits about 25 yards off the treeline the patio and pool behind the house go almost up to the treeline. They usually walk just on the other side of pool fence. Now most people would be upset about the trespass but you will come to understand why I dont mind at all.

Im not much of a farmer I mostly just cut hay a few times a season and sell it to local dairy farms and horse owners. I have the cutting operation down to an art. I started at the road with the bar mower working my way back towards the house. The hay field stops about 20 yards from the front and sides of the house, which is a nice kept yard among other things I will talk about later. Next I switched out the mower for the tetter, and made quick work of the of the first tet. For those urban types out there a tetter fluffs up the cut hay so it can dry faster and shakes some of the dust out of it. By then it was about 7:30am and I noticed some of the younger kids on their trek across the trail behind the house the older kids start earlier and I was too busy to notice them. I take about an hour lemonade break, then tet a second time and go switch out to the rake. After another hour of drying I rake all the cut hay into nice straight rows that the baler can handle. I was patting my self on the back as I had gotten this far by 10. I had an order for 400 bales for a local horse owner and the rest I was processing into rolls for the dairy farms. So I put the square baler on first and quickly had 400 bales on the ground, it takes about 20acres to do 400 bales. It was around noon now so I swapped out to the round baler, and started baling the rest of the rows into large rolls. I was just finishing the rolls around 2pm, the timing was impeccable. I drove the tractor down toward the treeline parked and took a break waiting for the high school to let out.

Lucky for me a short time later I saw two faces I recognized as Jake and Pete and their girlfriends. Jake and Pete had helped me load bales a couple times because it is the one thing I cant do from the seat of the tractor, and frankly it very hard work. Hey guys I shouted wanna make a few bucks? Hell yea! they both shouted in near unison,

Homecoming is next weekend, we have to keep the ladies happy! Jake said as he wrapped his arm around his girlfriend.

Mr Steve this is Angie my girlfriend and that is Macy Petes girlfriend.

Nice to meet you ladies…those dresses for dances are pretty expensive right? I asked.

Yes sir Angie said and Macy nodded in agreement.

How about $100 a piece for a couple hours work $400 should make for a hell of a date I asked

Everybody agreed I explained I was going to spear the rolls and get them put up if they wanted to grab the other tractor and load up the big flat bed trailers using it. I told them to teach one of the girls to drive the tractor while the guys loaded it, and the second girl could help out where ever she could.

A few hours later all the rolls were lined up nice and neat and I had just finished putting the big tractor up when the other tractor pulled up driven by Macy, and stopped with the third full trailer in tow. Pete, Jake, and Angie had hitched a ride sitting on the fenders. All were disheveled and sweaty. I invited all up to the house for some refreshment and payment. I told the girls to follow the guys that they knew where the drinks were I always keep a second fridge full of water, and sports drinks. I stayed behind and covered the three trailers to keep the hay dry.

Upon my return to the house the four teens were sitting out on the patio, drinking Gatorade. Thanks for the hard work guys. I said handing each of them a $100 bill.

Thank you Mr Steve said Macy, sitting on the pool surface with her feet in the water.

Drop the mister…it makes me feel old. You guys can hop in and cool off if ya want. I told them.

Sounds great but no bathing suits Angie returned.

Listen you are all seniors, so you are 18 or very close. We are all adults here. Consider my home like Vegas…you know…What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Im not judgmental and I will never say a word about it. Hell I couldnt tell you the last time I wore swim trunks!

They looked at each other for a minute contemplating what I had said. The boys were the first to strip down and jump in. They eventually coaxed and reassured the girls to follow suit. The boys could have been identical both chiseled farm boys, but my interest was the girls. Angie was an athletic, brunette, with shoulder length hair, I would estimate C cup breasts, and pubes trimmed in a neat landing strip. Macy on the other hand was a taller, red head. with pale freckled skin, small but perky B cups, and closely trimmed thin pubic hair that was the exact same color as her hair. I was glad at that moment I hadnt gotten undressed or parts of my anatomy would have given her a standing salute!

I flipped the lid off of the Jacuzzi and fired the jets up, stripped down, and climbed in. The powerful jets of water felt great against my muscles. I thought to myself of how lucky these kids were. If they only knew how much of a bastard I was. They were fortunate to be older than I prefer. That Macy however I would have to remember if things got slow. After a while they all got dressed and headed home as the sun was going down.

The following day was the same routine. Up at 4am, delivered the three loads of hay to the horse farm. Loaded several rolls for a guy, and my work day was about done. I sat on the patio and watched the high-schoolers go by Jake, Pete, and the girls all waved. An hour or so later the usual middle school group walked by. Following behind them at a distance was a girl covered in dirt, carrying her binder which had obviously burst open with papers hanging out everywhere. I immediately knew what happened, and knew this girl was a good target.

I put on my best concerned face and opened the gate in the fence between my pool deck and the trail. and walked the 10 or so yards out to the trail. Hun are you ok I asked. She was a gangly but not ugly girl, with short brown hair, she hand not yet fully developed. She was staring at me not sure how to respond. She had tear tracks running through the dirt on her face. Let me guess, other kids being assholes. I asked. She cracked a grin and nodded her head. I figured…The name is Steve, come on in and get cleaned up. Youre much to pretty to be covered in crud. I said as I waived her in. She produced half a grin, and said Thank you sir. My name is Danni. Well come on in Danni…and its just Steve.

My mind was already plotting my tactics. I could just gag and fuck her right there, but I knew she was going to be easy. I could already see she was unpopular, no self esteem, and a little homely looking. This is the kind of girl that is easily groomed for my purposes, no violence needed this time around.

I told her where the bathroom was and to leave her clothes outside the door and use the robe I had in the bathroom when she was done, and I would throw her clothes in the washer for her. Of course parts of my house were built just for my hobbies. That particular bathroom was equipped with multiple hidden cameras for my later enjoyment.

While she was showering I threw her clothes in the washer and took the time to rummage through her book bag and purse. Her name was Danielle Alderson, she lived at an address in the new subdivision at the end of the valley, she was an 8th grader at the school, lived alone with her mom and older sister. I wrote everything down in the event it would be needed for leverage later.

She emerged about a half hour later looking clean and refreshed. I told her her clothes were still in the washer I would be moving them to the dryer in a little while. I had her binder cleaned up and her papers organized the best I could on the island counter. We sat together and got everything put back in order and binder back together. What happened is obvious, but why? I asked. She replied The boy I was trying to go with thought it was funny and told everyone in school. They picked on me all day…stole my lunch…gave me a ringer…and threw me in the dirt. She was starting to sob. My first thought being the asshole I am, is that they should have raped her while she was down. But I put an arm around and gave her a shoulder to cry on. Im so ugly! she cried.

Now for the grooming I was talking about. Honey, from where Im standing all I see is an incredibly sexy girl in a bathrobe. She blushed at the comment, and replied No boy would even touch me. I reached out and touched the tip of her nose Well I did I said with a chuckle as I set a sandwich down in front of her. Here ya go, you said your lunch got stolen. Oh thank you so much she exclaimed as she set to taking large chomps out of it.

I tossed her clothes in the dryer and set it for its longest setting to allow me plenty of time. I suggested we go relax as we waited. I led her out to the Jacuzzi, and had her face it as I opened her robe and promised I wouldnt look as she walked up the step and got in. Once she was in and comfortable I couldnt see anything through the bubbles, I stripped down to nothing and got in across from her. Feel good? I asked. She nervously nodded. We spent the next hour in casual conversation with a friendly touch hear and there. She hadnt even noticed I was now next to her instead of across form her. My playful touches no longer scared her, she even poked and played with me. I suggested we move to the pool to cool off a little from being in the hot tub so long. She agreed with no hesitation. Now without the steam and jets there was no way to hide our nudity, and she was now comfortable enough with me not to care. I know she saw me looking at her and I saw her looking at me below the waist.

Now that she was comfy with me I gradually changed the conversation to her sex life, knowing full well she didnt have one. She told me that much, so I started with how does she feel when she sees this boy or her favorite male movie star. A couple times she asked me the same questions trying to avoid the subject, but I answered her honestly. Telling her I got excited and hard, and fantasized about having sex with them, then turned the question on her again. She was hanging on the side of the pool by her arms, I was behind her rubbing her shoulders while talking. Several times I could her in her voice she was becoming aroused by the different questions being exchanged. During these periods of arousal I took the opportunity to accidentally brush my hand near her chest, or my cock against her ass. When she showed no obvious objection to these more intimate touches I decided it was time to move forward.

I guided her from the pool to the massage table and had her lay down with her face in the cut out. She commented that I had a nice home and pool and I was lucky. I explained that I was an electrical engineer and held several patents that I get paid royalties on, and this allowed me to enjoy the finer things in life, and added the words like you. She blushed as I started the massage on her feet, slowly working my way up her calves, up to just below her ass, then inward to her thighs, not touching her pussy but close enough to feel the heat radiating off of it. She gasped and tensed up so I moved away and went to her lower back, I felt her relax again. I positioned myself at her head so I could rub her upper back and shoulders. This also placed my cock several inches from her face under the head rest on the table. Is it always hard like that? she asked. I moved my head close to her ear and whispered Only when I have my hands on an incredibly beautiful girl. She lifted her head from the rest and looked me in the eyes, then she moved closer and kissed me. Her kissing was definitely inexperienced but passionate none the less. When the kiss finally broke, I suggested we move inside.

Arriving in the bedroom, which is also equipped with cameras. I laid her on her back on the bed, I laid next to her with my head near her feet, and continued my massage. When I reached her thighs again she didnt gasp but instead reached out and started exploring my cock. I took this as the go ahead and moved up and started stroking her lightly peachfuzzed mound. With that she did gasp but didnt resist. I moved my other hand up and stroked her budding breasts with their puffy nipples now erect. She continued stroking my cock with one hand moving back and forth watching in amazement as the foreskin moved with her motions. I probed around with a finger, first around the outside and around her inner lips, then over her now wet opening, and up until I bumped into her clit. She went rigid with the shock of having her most sensitive spot touched. I rolled onto my back pulling her on top of me with her honey pot in my face. I started slowly licking her from her clit to her opening and even tickled her ass. She surprisingly was really getting into it. She started exploring my cock with her mouth as well licking around the head and up and down the bottom of the shaft. She tried taking as much into her mouth as she could but only managed about half, but that was fine by me it felt great, and it was her cherry I wanted anyway. I felt my prize while exploring inside her tunnel with my tongue, it was still fully intact. I moved back to her clit and began getting more aggressive with it. She started to moan with my cock in her mouth, and shifting trying to get some relief, but I held her hips tight and continued my clitoral assault. She locked up tight squeezing my head like a vice, he body totally rigid, her juices began to freely flow on my face, as she had what I am sure was her first orgasm.

She flopped over on her back trying to catch her breath. I took this opening to climb on top of her and kiss her, using the kiss to take her attention off of me lining my cock up for entry. I leaned forward and her tight sopping wet box allowed entry of the head before her brain realized what was happening. She tensed up with a horrified look on her face. No, I dont want to go that far. She pleaded. I just started kissing her some more not making any attempt to enter her farther. I kissed and licked on her ears, neck, and down to her nipples. My cock still positioned to strike, I whispered sweet nothings while I continued to kiss and pleasure. I could feel her body relax again and her breathing resume. Her pussy was still dripping around my motionless cock. I ran my plan through head…wet, check…relaxed, check, virgin, check…hard and lined up, check. I locked lips with her in a kiss and thrust forward, burying my cock to the hilt in her no longer virgin cunt. She tried to scream and disconnect, but I held her tight. Her muscles were rippling and quivering trying to adjust to the large foreign object they were now forced to endure.

After several minutes her body had stretched and accepted my manhood. I considered fucking her wildly until I came, but opted to do it right. That lessened the chance of her running to mommy, and made it more likely she would return. So I pulled and inch or two out and slowly put it back in. I repeated this until I was getting full strokes. All the while telling her how good she was, how lucky I was, and how much of a good job she was doing. She started to like the new feeling as I slowly fucked her. Her breathing and moaning gradually increased, and she started moving in rhythm with me. I picked up the pace as I felt things coming to a head. I felt her tightened up and watched her eyes roll back in her head as she started into another violent orgasm, the muscles in her cunt milking my cock for everything I had sent me over the edge. We both exploded into orgasm together. I collapsed on top of her still showering her with praise.

After a few minutes I got up and looked pleased at my cock covered in a pink blend of our juices and virginal blood. She got up still in a fog, I hugged her and suggested we shower up. We got cleaned up in the big master shower, then walked downstairs and fetched her clothes from the dryer. As she got prepared to leave I told her she was always welcome here, asked that she keep this between us, and showered her with even more praise.

She left feeling like a worshiped goddess, ensuring her silence, and who knows she may come back for more. Not all my visitors get out so easy.

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Trailer Trash1

Trailer Trash It all started when my wife asked me to take Sue Johnson her payroll check. Sue had called in sick that day but had said that she needed the money to by food with. So my wife sent me to deliver it to her in person. I had to drive out of town about seven miles to an old rundown trailer park. Number twenty-seven was right at the very end of two long rows of broken down cars, barking dogs, and kids that looked like they needed a bath. The men that I saw were all shaggy...

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Trailer Trash Teen Ch 11

Chapter Eleven: Rough and Gentle (M+/f, F/f, blackmail) ************* Tina awoke screaming. Ice cold water was spraying down on her body. She lashed about, trying to keep the water out of her face, but strong hands restrained her. She gurgled as water rushed into her mouth. She couldn’t move, couldn’t get up from her sitting position. Her strong slender legs flailed about helplessly as someone laughed gleefully at her plight. She was in the shower, at home at her trailer, she...

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Trail Lodge Awakening Pt2

The shower was hot and the needles of water dug deep into my charcoal covered arms and cock, washing away the dirt and freshening up my body, helped in part by the shower gel ‘guaranteed to attract women’ that I had been using since fourteen, in the vain hope... All showered, and towelled down, I too left the bathroom and glanced down the corridor towards the main room of the cabin, past both my sister’s room and my mother’s room. All was quiet down there, so I headed back to my room to...

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Trailer trash teen ch7

Razor's parked SUV just outside his strip club, EZ's. An enormous wave of anxiousness washed over her as she stared at the blinking lights that encircled the building; she studied the entrance, the Budweiser beer banners, and the large, well-lit marquee that promised the "most beautiful women in town". Looking down at herself, the teenage girl could only sarcastically think, Women? Razor was on his cell phone. From what the girl could gather he was speaking to one of his...

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Trailer trash

My boyfriend is sitting on my face No offence against trailers intended. I love trailers. Lived in one, would happily live in one again, so, you know, shut up.  Trailer trash  My boyfriend is sitting on my face. I?m not too happy about it, but there?s not much I can do ? he?s a scary guy, and I?m not brave. He bounces, presses down harder on my face, and that?s his way of saying my tongue isn?t working hard enough inside his ass. I hurriedly stiffen my tongue even more, wiggle it faster...

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Trailing Home Ch 09

The next day, they came to a creek with two bridges over it and paid a dollar per wagon to cross over. They camped that evening near Sulphur Springs. There was a picturesque meadow surrounded by snow capped mountains, but the mosquitoes were so bad, it was impossible to enjoy the beauty around them. They crossed into Idaho territory, and the main trail continued on to Fort Hall. Once it reached the fort, the trail split into two main routes, one going to Oregon, and the other branching off to...

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Trailing Home Ch 07

The day felt magical for Liam and Selena. They went about their usual routine, but there was a new connection between them. Every touch or glance, no matter how innocent, reminded them of the intimate time they had spent that morning, and they eagerly anticipated the end of the day, when they could be together again. They traveled twenty four miles that day, about the best they could hope for with the oxen’s plodding pace. However, Liam and Selena didn’t suffer from the usual weariness when...

2 years ago
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Trailer trash teen ch4

the store she'd worked at off-and-on for three years, beginning to feel desperate. She'd gone straight from the woods to Michelle's house only to find that her best friend would be gone for the night over at her dad's house. Her mom had let her use the phone to call home, however, and Tina had spoken briefly with her dad. He was still angry, and now he was really drunk, too. He'd told her that she was a "selfish little girl" and that she wasn't welcome back until she...

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In the Spirits Tears

The sun burned in blood as the dust from the storm settled across the land. The elder council knew the time had come, with most of the warriors dead it was a time for peace a time for treaty. A great father had come with papers to sign providing land for the people. Traders would come to trade skins, food and blankets, it would bring prosperity. What weapons that were left were stacked for the soldiers to take. Hunting would no longer be needed, the great fathers would have agents bring them...

4 years ago
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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 14 Tears Tears and More Tears

Jim repeated, "Leslie Nazario, panties; Leslie, please meet the lucky raffle winner at spot number 2 on the deck." When Leslie got there, she looked like she had been crying. She stood there, in front of the raffle winner. He knelt down so her bikini bottoms were at eye level, grasped the waistband, and pulled them down. Leslie just stood there, with her suit down around her ankles. The guy pulled on her suit and she put her hands on his shoulders to support herself, then she lifted one...

1 year ago
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Trailer Park Whore Part 1

“Have another drink, Tammy,” said Tony and filled my glass with vodka. My real name is Tommy but guys who know me call me Tammy, which I preferThen he added, “Why don’t you get out of those pants, you look uncomfortable.”The room was spinning a little. I stood up and almost fell over, but I regained my balance. I unfastened my belt, then I pulled down my fly and unfastened my jeans button. I pulled the jeans down and fell back onto the couch. I’d spilled the vodka a bit, but then I chugged the...

2 years ago
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Trailer Trash

Chapter 1 The sun had set about an hour ago when I heard a banging on my front door. Out here in this corner of the state, people don't have too many neighbors so when there's banging, it's either the cops or the trailer trash down the road. I was hoping for the cops myself as I eased out of my desk chair and walked to the door. Damn, it was the trailer trash. I don't want to brag, but I am one of the few natives of the county that actually went to college and got a degree. Unfortunately,...

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Trailing Home

Note to Readers: Here is the third book I have written. I am posting all 13 chapters tonight, but I have no idea how quickly they will be released on the site. It is the story of how love bloomed along the historic Oregon Trail. I did lots of research while writing it, and as far as I know, the details of their journey are accurate. I hope you enjoy it! St. Louis April 14, 1855 Liam McKenzie took a long sip of ale while he casually wondered how the little wench was managing to fool the other...

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Trailer trash teen ch6

was sitting on a lawn chair just outside the front door to the trailer home smoking a cigarette. She was agitated: her body was trembling uncontrollably. She felt like she should probably eat, but had no appetite. Her mind was racing and she found it difficult to concentrate on anything. The sun had set and it was almost eight o' clock. She'd been fucked by two loan sharks a couple hours before. She still couldn't believe how fantastic it had been, how incredibly awesome...

3 years ago
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Trailer Park Fuck 2 Merida part 2

After my first time with Merida, about a week went by before she invited me to come to her home. Her dad was gone and her mom was busy screwing around with one of the employees that worked at the Bar & Grill they owned, so Merida didn't expect her parents to be home anytime soon. She had the house all to herself. An excited, hormone filled, sex-addled teen, I made my way to her home. It was a 45 minute drive with long, winding roads that led deep into the countryside. Far from any major...

1 year ago
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Trails WestChapter 5

“Trail to White Pine” There were two women living with Evan Corcoran. He’d brought them here from White Pine, a small way-station – Trading-Post community, thirty miles north from his canyon home. One was a young woman, Eulie Canover, just a year older than Kellyanne. The other, an older woman, Eulie’s aunt. They’d lost the remaining members of their family in a Paiute Indian raid on their wagon train, when Eulie was just a young girl. Evan met them on a trip to White Pine to stock up on...

2 years ago
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Trailing Home Ch 06

A few mornings later, Liam awoke to find Selena snuggled close against his side. It had rained steadily the day before, but he noticed that the rain had stopped sometime during the night. There was still a damp chill in the air, and he could hear drops falling from the leaves. Selena was obviously drawn to his warmth, and she had wrapped an arm around his waist while she slept. Her face was nuzzled in the crook of his arm, and her warm breath feathered the side of his neck. He took advantage...

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Trailing Home Ch 03

The remainder of the day passed without incident. Selena took a nap in the afternoon, more from boredom than from a need to rest. She awoke late in the evening, and was surprised to see Liam sitting on the foot of the bed, scribbling in a small notebook. She rose on one elbow and rubbed a bent finger over her eyes, frowning slightly. ‘What time is it?’ she asked, her voice still husky from sleep. Liam smiled at her. He liked the way she looked when her hair was mussed. ‘It’s almost eight...

1 year ago
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Trailer Trash Teen Ch 10

Chapter Ten: Tina the Teen (M/g, M+/g, coercion, oral) ************* For her eleventh birthday, Tina Carlson had given herself a present: the young girl had taken a walk down to the creek where she read a Christopher Pike book underneath the shade of a tall oak tree. She’d read the ratty paperback from beginning to end, and spent the entire day in the warm summer air. She drank from the creek when she was thirsty; stepped out into the hot sun’s rays when she got cold. It would have been a...

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Trailer trash teen ch3

speed. The chill autumn air blew hard against her face, blowing away her tears. She made a sharp turn down a random trail, not caring where she was going until she reached the top of a hill, where she stopped. Sniffling softly she dismounted her bike. She grabbed her purse and pulled out a cigarette, lit it, then sat down at the base of a tree. She inhaled a deep breath of smoke, exhaled slowly, then gingerly touched her right cheek. It stung. She pulled out her rarely...

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regular aerobics in front of the television. She wore a pair of tight gray sweat-pants and a red tank top that left her firm belly fully exposed. She'd been working out for over an hour without a break. She was beginning to feel woozy. Tina exercised like this because she thought she was fat. She wasn't, of course (not even close) but like a lot of girls her age she was so paranoid about looking obese that she worked out regularly and ate as little as possible. This was...

2 years ago
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Trailer Trash

Great, Jared’s mom was already a drunk but when her sister Margrette was in town she became even worse. The first time Jared had seen a woman naked in person was when Marg was visting. He had come back to the trailer and his mom and Margrette were getting gang banged in their living room. Jared had seen porn before then, but it was weird for the first naked women he ever saw in person were his mom and aunt getting fucked by a couple guys. As Jared got on his bike he couldn’t help but think of...

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Trailer Park Lessons

He burst into the house trailer through the unlocked door, eyes blazing like a wild beast, looking left and right in pursuit of his prey. “Where’s the little brat, Ma?!” he growled asking his 64-year old mother who was sitting on the sofa in the living room watching the Family channel. She was the grandmother of the little brat and pointed in direction of the bathroom saying in a hushed voice, “She just went in when she heard you pulling up.” He stomped down the narrow corridor to the...

1 year ago
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Trailer Park TrashChapter 3

For some reason, the origins of which totally escaped her, Tammy was sub-consciously ashamed of living in a sub-standard mobile home park. She knew there were several well-maintained trailer parks not far from her mother’s long-time home, but Shady Acres was definitely not one of them. At first, she made the excuse that it was the age of the units or that the residents were unusually poverty stricken just like her single parent mom or the Hernandez family next door that seemed to rotate...

4 years ago
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Trailing Home Ch 02

Selena reached the docks the following afternoon to find them in a state of near pandemonium. It took her a while to locate the Arabia among the various craft that were anchored nearby. She was somewhat surprised that it wasn’t a larger boat. The Arabia was twenty nine feet wide by one hundred and seventy feet long. She was built of wood and painted white, with two full decks and a pilot house perched on top. The lower deck accommodated the cargo, and there was a large paddle wheel at the rear...

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Trailing Home Ch 13

Over the next several weeks, Selena settled into life on the McKenzie farm with joyous ease. She developed close relationships with her in-laws, and her fondness for all of them increased with each passing day. Liam took her to visit her sister who lived about a half-day’s drive from their farm. Selena was thrilled to be reunited with her sister and was pleased to see firsthand that Diana was so happy with her own husband that their two young sons. It was nice for both sisters to be close...

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Trailing Home Ch 05

The next morning, Liam woke up first and quietly dressed before slipping out of the tent. When Selena woke up, she lay for several minutes, remembering what she had told him the previous night. She moaned and squeezed her eyes tightly shut, thinking of how she had clung to him and let him hold her so intimately on his lap. How humiliating! She could only hope he wouldn’t think badly of her, and she dreaded having to face him. Most men in her experience assumed when a girl was attacked or raped...

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The Inevitable Tears

WRITER’S NOTE: Some of you have been asking for some true-life stories from me, so hopefully you will like this one. It’s sort of a retro moment for me, I dug up a story I wrote in college about myself and my then on-again, off-again boyfriend. The sweet smell of love hung in the air around her as she stirred and woke – she smelled it even before she opened her eyes, breathed it in and felt it all through her body, right down to the tips of her toes and the depths of her soul. She could feel...

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The Skate ParkB l o o d Sweat and Tears

The Skate Park—Bl o o d Sweat and TearsTime went on for the next few years with nothing out of the ordinary happining. Dustin 16 now I was aproaching 21. Still mowing, and more painting now. Still making a porn here and there for Mr. Johnny. I told him I was content for the filming fee—he could keep sales and commissions. Prolly should keep it in the big towns cause the smaller ones might recognize me from football fame. So we kept it to Dallas/Ft Worth, Houston, San Antone, and Austin. There...

2 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 104 Tears

Kenshin: Miss Misao... (Footsteps pound down the hall.) Sanosuke: Hm? Omasu: Misao!! (She and the rest if the Oniwabanshuu charge in.) Omasu: Oh, Kenshin, you're here too? Great! Everyone, come on! (They carry them off.) Sanosuke (left behind): What the hell... (from outside): I'm with the police. Is anyone home? Misao: What's going on? Omasu: It's Okina! Misao: What's wrong with Gramps!? Omasu: He's regained consciousness! (A little later. Okina sits up and reties the...

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