Trails WestChapter 8
- 3 years ago
- 26
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“Trail To Carson City, Nevada”
Jeremiah pulled out his map to check the distance to Carson City from Ellsworth. He knew the only way he’d ever make Carson City before October, was by train. He’d never ridden a train, and he wasn’t sure if his horse would stay aboard a train, once loaded ... If in fact he was able to load him. Then, he remembered how Pete Musselwhite had gotten close to Outlaw.
He paid for his breakfast and that of his two deputies, then he went straight to the kitchen in hopes of finding some lumpy sugar.
“Marshal, do you mean a sack of sugar that’s been wet and is now solid as a rock?”
“Well, if you have some like you just mentioned, I’d like to have a look. It may be just what I need.”
“I got to tell you, you’ll have to hammer off a portion, to sweeten your coffee.”
Leaving the hotel kitchen with a brick-size lump of sugar inside a drawstring coffee bean sack, Jeremiah headed straight to his room. He wasn’t long in packing – he’d never fully unpacked since leaving the Kearse home the last time.
At the depot, he inquired at the ticket window about a cattle car for his horse and asked if he’d have plenty of hay, and be watered at least twice a day on the two day trip out to Nevada.
“Marshal, we do have one cattle car already spoken for by a young couple. They’re going all the way through to Carson City, same as you. The young couple is out there now, dickering with the engineer, the conductor and the brakeman as to how many times they’ll stop and water the two horses they got. If you’ll step out there and lend your argument to the matter, I’m sure your horse and theirs too, will have plenty of hay and water along the way.”
Jeremiah had his saddle slung over his left shoulder, with his left hand raised, gripping the saddle horn. His bedroll was under his right arm, with his saddlebags draped over his arm. His Winchester was balanced in his right hand. He walked out onto the loading dock where the young couple and the train crew were having a heated discussion. The young couple, and the men in the train crew turned to watch the tall lanky deputy walk toward them. None of them spoke, watching as he walked toward them in his slow, deliberate saunter.
Though Wild Bill Hickok would never know – he had made a lasting impression on young Jeremiah Trail. Not only was Jeremiah letting his hair grow long, to hang loose and free, he was on his way to having a trademark Longhorn mustache shaped like Wild Bill Hickok’s. Though he wore the tough canvas pants the Texas drovers preferred, he now wore buckskin shirts, made right here in the Ellsworth Leather Shop, where Wild Bill was given credit for creating the design.
As they stood with mouths agape, he spoke, “The agent told me I’d have to see you men about loading my horse in that cattle car. We’re headed to Carson City, Nevada and I’ll expect him to have plenty of hay and water along the way.”
Jeremiah made sure his brass star was visible as he spoke. He’d already learned that his badge commanded attention from most folks, the good and the bad.
“Yes Sir, Deputy. This young couple is here now to make arrangements for their horses to travel through to Carson City. Since you’ll be traveling on our train too, we’ll make sure your horse and theirs are well cared for,” the engineer told him, then glanced at the young man and woman, nodding as if letting them know too, that their horses would be cared for as well.
“Then if you’ll slide that door back about four foot, I’ll bring him on up.”
Jeremiah turned to the young couple and spoke to the man, “Mister, you and your wife may need to step down from the loading platform. There’s no telling what that horse of mine will try. He’s a full fledged Outlaw and he’s never been close to a train. But then, I’ve never ridden one either.”
Dropping his saddle, then throwing his bedroll on top of it, he leaned his rifle across his gear. He turned to step off the loading dock onto the ground, and as he walked away, the young man spoke to his back, “Uh, we’re not, uh ... This is not ... my wife ... She’s my sister.”
“Sir, I’m afraid the deputy was too far away to hear you. You and your sister would be safer if you’d do as he asked. If he has a truly outlaw horse, you could be in danger. If you’ll go ahead and board the passenger coach, we’ll see to it that your horses are cared for as well as the deputy’s horse.” The engineer informed them.
Using the trick he’d learned from Pete Musselwhite, Jeremiah not only coaxed Outlaw into the cattle car – that very lump of sugar would eventually lead them to become best friends. From this day forward, the tall, blaze face black horse he called, Outlaw, would come to Jeremiah and beg pitifully for a lump of sugar as he nudged his coat, shirt or arm, licking his hand if he held it out.
For this fourteen hundred mile trip, Jeremiah had purchased a fare which included two sleeper berths, upper and lower. He wasn’t about to stow his saddle and gear back in the baggage car.
Following the black porter, he made his way to the sleeper, carrying his saddle, rifle and gear. Hearing someone speak behind him, he looked over his shoulder to see the young man and woman he’d seen earlier on the dock. They were carrying their baggage and it looked as if they were bringing their entire family belongings on their trip west.
He stowed his saddle, rifle and gear in the top berth, then laid his saddlebags in the lower berth before pulling the curtain closed.
The young woman was having a hard time lifting one of her bags into the top berth. Jeremiah reached out and shoved it up into the berth. She looked at him as if she was shocked.
“I could have gotten my baggage into the berth, but thank you just the same.”
She spoke with a different accent than Jeremiah. He’d never been around many people from other countries, living his entire life in Dakota Territory. He did recognize the Irish accent, having met a few Irish prospectors in the Black Hills, looking to strike it rich as they panned for gold.
“Are you and your husband from Ireland?” he asked as they stood in the narrow passageway.
“Yes, we’re from Ireland ... But he’s my twin brother, Ryan, not my husband. I’m Kellyanne Leigh Corcoran, by the way. Did you say you were also traveling to Carson City?”
“Deputy US Marshal Jeremiah Trail here, Miss Corcoran. Pleased to meet you ... And yes, I’ve been assigned to Washoe County to help in the disputes between the miners, ranchers, and the Indians who live in the mountains nearby.”
The young woman’s brother had yet to speak, but he was paying close attention to their conversation. Once they had their baggage stowed, he stood and looked at Jeremiah, as if seeing him for the first time.
“Marshal Trail, I’m Ryan Corcoran, Kellyanne’s brother. I’m pleased to meet you. Would you like to join us for some tea in the dining car?”
“Pleased to meet you too, Mr. Corcoran. I’d like very much to join you and your sister in the dining car. Seems that we’ll be on this train for the best part of two days.”
“That’s what they told us, too. Will it actually take that long?”
“With all the stops, we’ll be lucky to make thirty-five miles an hour, averaged over a day. That’s what they told me when I paid for my ticket.”
“Were you raised in Ellsworth, Kansas, Mr. Trail?” Kellyanne asked as they sat at a table in the diner car.
“No, and call me Jeremiah. I’m not much older than you and your brother.”
“So, Jeremiah, tell us where you were raised. This is our first trip to America. We were born in Ireland.”
“I was born in Yankton, Dakota Territory, but I spent a lot of my years up in Watertown, Dakota Territory. That’s where I received my training to become a deputy marshal.”
“This land is so huge and majestic, I would be lost if I was told to travel to Dakota Territory. Isn’t that where most of the Indians live?” she asked.
“There are Indian reservations scattered all over. But yes, the Sioux live up in Dakota Territory on their lands.”
“Did you ever meet them?” Ryan asked.
“Yes, as a matter of fact, I have many friends among the Sioux. I bought my horse from the Lakota Sioux.”
“Were you able to learn the language?” Kellyanne asked and Jeremiah saw Ryan shoot his sister a quick glance.”
“I’ve learned some. Enough to make a horse trade, and then, well enough to remain friends with them afterward.”
Ryan asked, “If you learn one Indian language, will that help you to learn another?”
“Just according to which tribe it is and who the Indian is you’re talking to. Some of the words are close enough that a man who knows one language, can talk with an Indian who knows more than his tribe’s language, by using like-words and a few signs...
“Do either of you have plans to learn an Indian language?”
“We would like to learn some Paiute words and maybe Shoshoni, too, if we could,” Ryan answered.
“Jeremiah, could we trust you to help us? Since you’re a lawman, that is?” Kellyanne asked.
“Trust me to help you with what? As long as it’s not against the law, I’ll try my best to help.”
Ryan asked before Kellyanne could answer, “What tribes will there be in Nevada?”
“There are Bannock, Shoshoni, Utes, Navajo, Paiutes and maybe a few others scattered about.”
“How did you learn all about the Indians and where they live?” Kellyanne asked.
“I had a teacher who knew all about the tribes, where they were from originally, then where they were moved to later ... Are you going to tell me what the deal is with the Indian tribes in Nevada?”
“Jeremiah, could we get the porter to move us back to that last table where there’s no one close by? Kellyanne and I have something to ask of you and we need to be as discreet as possible.”
“Sure, as long as it’s within the law, I’ll help you anyway I can.”
They were seated and the porter had walked away, when Kellyanne looked around before she began to speak just above a soft whisper, “Jeremiah, our father and mother have been separated for years, even before he came to America ten years ago to stake his claim on a parcel of land ... then purchase even more land there in Nevada. He has kept in touch with Ryan and me by mail over the years. Then, last year I received a letter from him stating that he needed us to come to America to help him with an important discovery on his land. Mother wouldn’t let us come until we were eighteen. But, three months before we were to leave Ireland, Mother disappeared and we’ve not heard from her since. We had already made arrangements for travel, with our passages booked on the steamer.”
She stopped, looking around again, before continuing, “In his last packet he sent to me, Father enclosed a map. By researching some accounts of Meriweather Lewis’ and William Clark’s journals, we have discovered the words describing the details of the map are written in an American Indian language, and we cannot decipher it. We were afraid to show this to anyone, because Ryan has discovered a word he swears is moon, and another he thinks may be silver. This is not an Indian language we can find and we’re stumped.”
“With your finger, make the letters on the table for moon.”
He watched as she made the letters, H-A-N-W-I. Then she and Ryan both looked at him.
“That’s Lakota Sioux,” he whispered, then, “Show me silver.”
She made the letters, M-A-Z-A S-K-A.
“That’s Lakota also. Was that all you were able to make out?” he leaned closer and whispered.
“No, there is one more I remember, but we’re not sure about this one.”
“Show me with your finger.”
He watched as she made the letters, O-S-M-A-K-A.
Jeremiah reached over to pull Ryan close by his shirt front as he leaned close to Kellyanne. “Does Silver Moon Canyon, mean anything to either of you?”
As he looked from sister to brother, he saw a smile begin to broaden both their faces.
“That’s the name of our Father’s Ranch!” Ryan told him.
“Jeremiah, will you meet with us and try to translate the rest of this? Do you have any idea how Father may have had this map’s description written in Lakota Sioux, and not one of the local tribe’s language?”
“Sometimes, Indians will travel great distances. Especially an old Indian man who likes to wander. It would not be impossible that your father would have a Lakota Sioux on his ranch...
“I was told we’d have a two hour stopover in Denver. If we could meet some place other than this train, I’d be glad to see what else we can learn from your map. That is, if you trust me. You’ll need to be careful who you talk to about this or show your map to. Your map could be just a map of your father’s ranch, but there’s a possibility this could be a treasure map, since someone went to the trouble of writing the descriptions in Lakota Sioux.”
“That was our thoughts exactly, Jeremiah. Ryan and I already trust you. You’re a Deputy US Marshal, you have an honest face and you have an easy, friendly smile ... when you smile, that is,” Kellyanne told him, then shot a quick smile his way.
Jeremiah made no response to her comments. He was having a hard time as it was, trying to keep from staring at her as she and her brother talked about their father, his ranch, their past, and their mother. She and Ryan had both been blessed with thick manes of red hair.
Ryan’s face and neck are ruddy, covered in freckles. Kellyanne’s face and neck are the color of cream, unblemished and pure. Her eyes are green and piercing, her lashes long and dark. Her attire alone, gives the impression of wealth.
Their train pulled into the station in Denver a few minutes after 6:00 pm. They were assured by both the porter and the conductor, that their possessions would be perfectly safe if they left them in their berths.
Following directions, they made their way to the cafe where they were told tea was served, since they didn’t serve tea onboard the train. They were seated near the front glass as the waitress brought their tea.
Jeremiah had never drunk tea before. Tea was a luxury of which most Dakotans never indulged. He’d always drank coffee, but at Kellyanne’s insistence, he agreed to try it. She and Ryan sipped their steaming hot tea with a spot of cream.
He’d always drunk his coffee straight and black, and now he sipped the hot, strong tea the same way. He was pleasantly surprised at the taste. Though it wasn’t coffee, and not something he’d give up coffee for, he enjoyed his tea as they talked.
They carefully avoided mentioning the map since the place was crowded, but they talked about the Indians and the different languages.
Seated a short distance across the cafe from them, was a man who looked totally out of place to Jeremiah. He noticed the man’s boots. They were polished and the heels were flat. Not something a Colorado rancher would wear, for sure. The man was wearing a bowler and a three piece suit. Each piece of his attire, looked new, as if he just purchased them – one piece at a time.
“Two Trails to The Silver Moon” Jeremiah stepped off his horse onto the hitching rail, then stepped over onto the porch. He followed the man inside to get his message. “How did they ever find me way out here?” Jeremiah asked, after reading his message. “With a telegraph message like this, they’ll send them out to all the telegraph stations in the whole state. Or, if they know of a particular area where a person may be, be it a lawman or not, they’ll send the message out until they have an...
“Trail to Silver Moon Canyon” Ryan Corcoran was nowhere to be found when Jeremiah escorted Kellyanne to the corrals where their horses had been penned, once they were unloaded. He took one look at her English style, ladies riding saddle and shook his head. From the man at the livery next door, he made a deal for a pack mule and bought Kellyanne an American made saddle. “Kellyanne, I don’t mean to be personal with you, but do you have clothes more suited for riding in this rough country,...
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The day felt magical for Liam and Selena. They went about their usual routine, but there was a new connection between them. Every touch or glance, no matter how innocent, reminded them of the intimate time they had spent that morning, and they eagerly anticipated the end of the day, when they could be together again. They traveled twenty four miles that day, about the best they could hope for with the oxen’s plodding pace. However, Liam and Selena didn’t suffer from the usual weariness when...
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It was early October when they reached the cutoff where they could choose to continue on to the Dalles Mission or turn south onto the Barlow Road. They were only about a hundred and fifty miles from the Willamette Valley. With any luck, a couple of weeks more should see them to their destination. Selena could sense Liam’s excitement. He, even more than the others, was relieved they were close to the end of their journey. As the unofficial leader of their traveling group, he felt a...
Note to Readers: Here is the third book I have written. I am posting all 13 chapters tonight, but I have no idea how quickly they will be released on the site. It is the story of how love bloomed along the historic Oregon Trail. I did lots of research while writing it, and as far as I know, the details of their journey are accurate. I hope you enjoy it! St. Louis April 14, 1855 Liam McKenzie took a long sip of ale while he casually wondered how the little wench was managing to fool the other...
A few mornings later, Liam awoke to find Selena snuggled close against his side. It had rained steadily the day before, but he noticed that the rain had stopped sometime during the night. There was still a damp chill in the air, and he could hear drops falling from the leaves. Selena was obviously drawn to his warmth, and she had wrapped an arm around his waist while she slept. Her face was nuzzled in the crook of his arm, and her warm breath feathered the side of his neck. He took advantage...
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The remainder of the day passed without incident. Selena took a nap in the afternoon, more from boredom than from a need to rest. She awoke late in the evening, and was surprised to see Liam sitting on the foot of the bed, scribbling in a small notebook. She rose on one elbow and rubbed a bent finger over her eyes, frowning slightly. ‘What time is it?’ she asked, her voice still husky from sleep. Liam smiled at her. He liked the way she looked when her hair was mussed. ‘It’s almost eight...
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Selena reached the docks the following afternoon to find them in a state of near pandemonium. It took her a while to locate the Arabia among the various craft that were anchored nearby. She was somewhat surprised that it wasn’t a larger boat. The Arabia was twenty nine feet wide by one hundred and seventy feet long. She was built of wood and painted white, with two full decks and a pilot house perched on top. The lower deck accommodated the cargo, and there was a large paddle wheel at the rear...
Over the next several weeks, Selena settled into life on the McKenzie farm with joyous ease. She developed close relationships with her in-laws, and her fondness for all of them increased with each passing day. Liam took her to visit her sister who lived about a half-day’s drive from their farm. Selena was thrilled to be reunited with her sister and was pleased to see firsthand that Diana was so happy with her own husband that their two young sons. It was nice for both sisters to be close...
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They reached Independence late that evening, just as Liam had predicted. It took another half hour to secure the boat to the dock before they were finally able to disembark from the ship. Selena made a point of seeking out the Captain before they left. She found him overseeing his crewmen, and she approached timidly from behind. ‘Captain Harris,’ she smiled when he turned toward her, ‘I just wanted to thank you for everything.’ He doffed his cap and gave her a small bow. ‘Mrs. McKenzie, it...
The next morning, Selena was busy packing things into the wagon when she heard Liam’s voice from inside the tent. She rushed in and stopped in her tracks. Liam was struggling to rise up on one elbow, but he was wobbly and weak, and he wasn’t having much success. ‘Oh Liam, just lie down, sweetheart. You have to take it slowly,’ she soothed, as she gently pressed him down on the pallet. ‘You’re looking much better today.’ Liam’s face had a slight frown, which she took as a good sign. At least...
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When Ronald visited Heidi's apartment that afternoon, the first thing he noticed as he walked in was the pair of knockers on Marta, the Mexican girl that his girlfriend Heidi worked with. He had never met her before, but he had been hearing about her from Heidi for months, and he knew that the two girls had gotten to be quite close. His immediate thought was that he did not himself exactly want to be close to Marta, he wanted to be inside of her, deep in, and resting on those...
Summary – Jeffry and Billy play even more sexy games. Previous Chapter Summary – Billy invites Jeffry over to play some games. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into...
Boots sat loosely in the saddle, letting the horse walk at its own pace through the twilight. Since arriving in Beaverton, she'd made it her business to know who was who and what was what. Normally, that didn't extend to the cowboys who worked the various ranches around. Dusty had changed that, though. She was still confused by the man. It was unusual for her to think about any particular man for more than a few minutes at a time. Bob was one of the exceptions to that general trait. And...
The third person I ever had sex with was my husband so you couldn’t call me promiscuous. I lost my virginity aged 18 during a drunken student party and I was not at all impressed with the whole sex thing. The second man came along two years later; he was my first long term love, well a few months anyway. Then there was Paul, we dated; we got engaged and eventually married. I didn’t know and didn’t care if our sex life was good or not, it was good enough for me. We had and still do have sex...
Author’s note: Welcome back to my story, y’all! First of all, thank you so much for the lovely reception on my first chapter. I’ll admit to have been biting my nails with anxiety as Romance is a completely new category for me. I love romance and have been reading it forever, but as a writer, I’ve been focused on edgier, more hard-core categories if you will – mainly BDSM and Group Sex – so I wasn’t at all sure that I’d be able to get the vibe right on this one. Your feedback so far is...
What’s curvy, red and white all over? Karlee Grey covered in cum in her new little red sports car! Or, at least, that’s how she’s going to look after she seduces her teacher to receive a passing grade so she can keep the new car her parents gave her for her eighteenth birthday. Her teacher, Mr. Mclane, is reluctant at first when she makes such a suggestive offer to him in order to save her failing grade, but when he imagines her big natural tits wrapped around his scholarly, stiff dick, he...
xmoviesforyouI've been sharing my horny wife, Karen for several years now and we have a great sex life. Late last summer Karen and I decided to go to Chicago for a few days to do some shopping and enjoy the city. She had never been to Chicago and I'd told her about the great downtown area. On the third night there we decided to go out to a nice restaurant and then go to a jazz club later in the evening. Karen got ready for the evening and slipped on the little black dress she brought and a pair of...
InterracialWe are a married couple in Kerala, India. Married for eight years, I am thirty six years old and my wife is thirty two years. She is a very conservative catholic girl and a virgin at the time of our marriage. The internet opened up our marriage a little with me chatting and she joining a little; I taught her to chat and slowly we started having sex on webcam. We made friends with a couple but I was somehow more interested in watching my wife getting seduced and fucked by someone. To make it...
SwingerI work in the travel industry, and am in my mid fifties, and have been married for over thirty years. I have always had a fascination with porn, and have lived vicariously through it. I travel a lot, and am in hotels around three nights a week. Via my laptop I have often had conversations in various sexual oriented chat rooms, and forums. Since being married, I have never had intercourse with anyone other than my wife. But I have always fantasized about having oral or anal sex with another...
Sipping my drink I look around nervously. I start to wonderif he will even show. I am almost ready to leave when I see him. Walking into the bar so full of egotistical confidence it was almost sickening. However there is no denying that he is attractive. Standing at the height of at least 6 foot and even with clothes on I could see that he had a hard body from working out. His dark hair slicked back and I wonder how he had managed to make it look so damn good. I can’t tell from where I am...
Straight SexThe doorbell rings, a soft knocking accompanies the bell to break the silence of the house. You look up from your laptop nestled snuggly in your lap and glance at your watch. "That must be her. Right on time." You mutter to yourself, and reluctantly clamber out of the comfy reclining chair, situated in the living room. Your thoughts turn back to the last few weeks. Ever since your previous housemate moved out and gone back to his hometown after finishing his degree you have been paying all the...
Transsexual1. Hi mera nam mayank he. Me surat ka hu. Ye bat us waqt ki he jub me coleg me computer eng. padhata tha. Mera coleg ahmedabad me he. Jignes mera rum partner tha. Hmara naya admision hua tha. Twelth ke bad pehali bar hum dono ghar se dur hostel me reh rahe the. admision ke bad pehli bar mene use apne kamre me dekha. Wo dikhne me thoda shyam tha magar uska jism khub tana hua aur kasa hua tha. ku6 hi dino me hum dono kafi frenk ho gaye.Hum dono apus me sari bate sher karate the. bat bat me...
Gay MaleI have a spanking fetish!!! I can not deny that fact. This story will probably give you some insight as to why! Over the last few weeks, I have received several requests to write this story, so here it goes!When I was growing up, I always had an infatuation with spanking. I was occasionally spanked at home by my mom and I also went to a school that allowed students to be paddled. I was paddled twice when I was in school. The first time was in the 3rd grade. I had a teacher, Mrs. Bruce, who was...
THE TRAP BY THE PROFESSOR It ripped out of hyperspace, leaving a mile wide hole in reality. Had the most sensitive instruments on Earth been aimed directly at it, they would not have seen it, but they would have detected that something wasn't right. They would have, perhaps, seen a mild, blurry distortion, which was slowly repairing itself, re- knitting reality from the edges to the distinct center, where a star far older than the sun burned faintly from tens of thousand of light...
100% fiction! My name is Mike and I live in a nice house with my mom (Anne) and my dad (Paul or Reverend Paul) as his church members refer to him. My dad is 68 and my mom is 60 and their world revolves around, making money and the church. Mom has a ladies group and they do nice things for people but in reality, their just snooty, two faced old hypocrite's. My dad's worse, he tells everybody else how to live but doesn't do any of the things, he preaches. He treats my mom badly by belittling her...
IncestTango A Short Story By Maryanne Peters I came from a family of dancers, so of course I danced. In their day my parents, David and Penny Cyprien, had been Ballroom and Latin Dance Champions and continued to compete at a high level when we were growing up. My mother taught dance. My father was involved in the administration of dance competitions. My older brother Daniel and my sister Beatrice had been junior champions and were near the top now that she was out of High School. My...
The heavy door closes behind me with a click and a dull thud. I slide the Do Not Disturb latch into place – no interruptions. You are sitting on the edge of the bed, knees crossed. You frown and take an exaggerated look at your slim wrist watch, but the smile that plays across your dark red painted lips tells me that you’re not really cross. As I move across the room towards you I quickly appraise your outfit, professional looking business suit, with a tailored jacket that emphasises your...
Hello reader, I’m sage, 21 years old and this is my third story on iss. Thanks to my readers for their feedback on my earlier stories and I hope you enjoy this one as well. For feedback and contacting me, my mail is This story is about how I made Mrs. Rumi aged 41, my submissive slut in Mumbai, and she has also been introduced to indian sex stories by me. So, this happened around last Diwali, my roommates had all gone home and I had stayed behind as I am from Himachal and it was only a 4-day...
She heard him rise early and shower. Just as she had done dozens of times with Allan, Kerri pulled the covers over her head, as a child would do to ward off the monsters of the night. There simply was no defense. She knew he could take her any time and any way he wished. His footsteps in the hall grew closer to her door and she trembled, but, thankfully, he moved on past and into the kitchen. After a few more minutes she heard the front door slam. Kerri waited several minutes to make sure he...
Jake was busy surfing Internet porn when he saw Helene walking towards his desk. She smiled at him, "There's been a change of plans. Thule's got some things to take care of here. It's you, me, and Yuval to interview the scumbag." Jake nodded, considering the statement. From what he knew of Thule's management style, it seemed extremely unlikely that he'd chosen Helene to go and deal with Oliver Heinzen. Thule's unique brand of chivalry would allow him to send a woman into a physically...
Over the next hour we each had two more beers as well as dogs and chips and ice cream. That was four for me in about three hours but I felt OK. I told Jody that I was ready to go and asked her if she still wanted a ride. She gave me a big smile and said yes and that she was ready. We climbed into my black Jetta TDI and I pulled out of the park's parking lot. We hadn't been on the road for more than about five minutes when Jody had her top pulled up, exposing her high, firm C-cup...
What the heck am I doing? Did I just agree to be submissive for the evening? Where did that come from? Okay, well actually I know, it came from the perfectly placed hands on my body and the nervous tension coursing through me. “Did you like that?” I open my mouth to answer but I can’t. I can’t say anything. It’s happening again, my head is dropping and I’m starting to roll my shoulders in, I’m going back to my cocoon. Why can’t I just say “Yes it was great?” Instead I return to the blushing...