Dawn Over Sun Valley Ch. 02 free porn video

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Author’s note:

Welcome back to my story, y’all!

First of all, thank you so much for the lovely reception on my first chapter. I’ll admit to have been biting my nails with anxiety as Romance is a completely new category for me. I love romance and have been reading it forever, but as a writer, I’ve been focused on edgier, more hard-core categories if you will – mainly BDSM and Group Sex – so I wasn’t at all sure that I’d be able to get the vibe right on this one. Your feedback so far is hugely reassuring, and goes a long way in keeping me motivated. Please keep those comments and votes coming!


Annie / small_town_girl


The weather forecast promised a lovely June day ahead, but standing in the bus station at the crack of dawn, huddled inside her hoodie and too-light wool coat, Leanne had a hard time imagining it.

She was freakin’ freezing. She just hoped the bus would be there soon.

A large, white pick-up truck signaled to the right as it pulled out of the inn’s parking lot onto the main road, some fifteen yards away, and the logo on its door caught Leanne’s attention. The distinct graphic of three black-and-white cows grazing on a green hill was identical to the one on top of the email print-out folded in her pocket, confirming she’d been hired as a seasonal employee, and that her new job was starting today. The words Sun Valley Farm were printed in a black-yet-cheerful font right under the image, both on the car and on her letter.


Leanne couldn’t believe her good luck. Braving the cold she stuck her bare palm out, thumb up, and tried to catch the driver’s eyes even though the sun breaking the horizon behind him had thrown his face in shadow. Nevermind. She just hoped people around here were as friendly as they said. Catching a ride to the farm would mean she’d be warm sooner, get there earlier, and save a few bucks on top of it all. How great would that be?

With growing hope, Leanne watched the truck as it rolled towards her, slowed and then stopped at her side, the window already rolled down. She stepped close and peeked up, her eyes barely clearing the bottom of the open window.

‘Hi, good morning! Could I catch a ride to the farm with you?’

‘Sure, hop right in.’ came a friendly reply, and a hint of recognition tugged at her brain even as she bent to collect her backpack, threw it in the back, and then opened the door to step up and onto the wide seat. But it wasn’t until she settled there, buckled in, and pushed her hoodie off her head, that she finally caught sight of the man sitting at the wheel, staring at her incredulously. A choked gasp rose from her own throat.

‘Joe? What – I mean, how?’ she asked dumbly.

He looked as stunned as she was, shaking his head in disbelief. Leanne tore her gaze from his and stared ahead at the narrow road as she tried to wrap her head around it.

She was at the same time ridiculously elated and totally freaked out by seeing him again. In the wee hours before dawn she had resigned to the fact that last night was a singular experience. Seeing Joe again, sharing a ride with him – not to mention probably working in close proximity for a few months – was not a possibility she’d even considered.

She needed to reassess the situation.

It is going to be tricky enough as it is, your presence at Sun Valley Farm. The voice of caution sounded in her head. You cannot possibly consider complicating things any further.

Leanne had always listened to that voice before. She had had to. But the taste of rebellion was still sweet on her tongue from last night. Or maybe it was him. For the first time in as long as she could remember, she felt an overwhelming urge to throw caution to the wind, and just be.

Moments ticked by, and Leanne realized Joe was as quiet as she was, and that they hadn’t started moving yet. Now that her initial shock had dissipated enough to regain some control over her conflicting emotions, Leanne bravely looked for, and found, Joe’s eyes.

‘You – you work at Sun Valley Farm, then?’

Joe nodded. ‘I- yeah. I do. Is – is that where you’re headed?’

He sounded extremely uncomfortable with the thought. Somehow, it made her feel better, and she answered with an apologetic grimace. ‘Yeah. It’s my first day. I’m one of the seasonal hires starting today.’ She stared helplessly ahead. ‘Gosh. What are the odds?!’

Joe sat silent next to her for what seemed like forever. She dared a peek at his direction, and found him lost in thought. But he must have noticed her staring because in the next heartbeat he turned to her, and when he saw the distress in her eyes his face softened, his mouth curling up.

‘Hey, come on, we did nothing to be ashamed of last night. We talked, we danced, we enjoyed each other’s company -‘

‘We kissed.’

‘Yeah, we did.’ he agreed lightly. ‘But that’s all we did. Just a kiss, right?’

Yeah, right. It may have been ‘just a kiss’ for him, for her, it had been earth-shattering.

Leanne looked into his eyes, noticing their warm light-brown color for the first time. They were trained at her, a hint of a smile in their corners. She squared her shoulders.

‘For the record, it was one hell of a kiss.’ She stated boldly, and got a kick from his sharp inhale.

‘Yes. It really was.’ he agreed after a heartbeat.

Leanne felt warmth spread in her belly at his soft-spoken admission, but didn’t dare say any more. In her mind, though, she wondered if maybe, just maybe, there would be a chance for another one, a chance for it to go even further…?

Joe nodded curtly. ‘All right then.’ With that, he shifted back into gear, signaled even though there was no one else on the road that early in the morning, and eased the truck back onto the lane, quickly picking up speed and leaving the town behind them.


It was indeed a gorgeous morning, but Leanne found it hard to relax and enjoy the scenery. As large as the truck’s main cab was, sharing the closed space with Joe felt overwhelmingly intimate. She could pick up his scent with every breath she took – warm, clean male skin, fresh from his morning shower, and a hint of aftershave, completely foreign to her, yet welcome and inviting. She snuck a few peeks at his profile while he was focused on the road ahead.

Last night he looked good, but almost mythical – the whole evening felt surreal. He was Prince Charming who swept her off her feet to dance the night away, and who had awakened her dormant sensuality with that one hot, unforgettable kiss.

Today, he was Joe the farmhand. He still looked good, but in a completely approachable, down-to-earth kind of way. Light blondish hair, still damp and curling at his neck, caramel-chocolate eyes that seemed predisposed to smile, golden skin with a spattering of youthful freckles. Good, solid build. Capable-looking hands.

God. She wanted to kiss him again.

If Joe noticed her scrutiny he never let on, and kept his eyes fixed on the road. Leanne breathed deep, and turned her head resolutely to her side window, consciously focusing her attention on the green, rolling hills. They were dotted with flowering dandelions, under bright blue skies scattered with fluffy, white clouds. It looked like it was taken from a kids’ coloring book’. Leanne exhaled slowly, and finally relax as she took it all in.

‘It’s so beautiful out here.’ She said wistfully.

‘Hmm. Yes, it is.’ He agreed. ‘There’s one spot in particular, a few minutes ahead. Every time I drive by, I’m just struck by how perfect it is. It’s my favorite place in the world.’

Leanne’s head swiveled back to look at him curiously. ‘That sounds lovely. Would you point it out to me when we get there?’

Joe threw her a quick smile. ‘I can do even better – we’ll stop for a moment and step out so that you can really experience it in
all its glory. All right?’

‘Oh – yeah, that’d be awesome!’ Leanne smiled excitedly. If she were honest with herself, what she liked the most about it was his taking the time to share his favorite place on earth with her.

Maybe there could be something between them, after all?


Joe smiled at the enthusiasm in Leanne’s voice, even as his gut was telling him to back the hell off. As lovely as she was, as much as he’d enjoyed the night before, he didn’t do workplace romance. There was simply too much drama potential, and Joe figured he didn’t need that kind of hassle in his life. So he kept things simple: be the professional, no-nonsense boss on the farm, and keep all fun and games for weekend nights out in town. No mix-and-match.

Except, things were already mixed up with Leanne. The way he could smell her floral shampoo with every breath he took, the same scent that he’d immersed himself in last night when he held her in his arms, with his nose buried in her hair…

That right there was a bright red light. And the way he’d found himself craving her smile again, that should definitely be a warning.

Above all that, he hadn’t mentioned to her what he actually did on the farm. He knew he should have. But he also knew she’d look at him differently once he did, and he really, really liked the way she’d been looking at him. Like they could have something going between them. Like she’d really like it if they did. So he never said anything, trying to tell himself it won’t come back to bite him in the ass.

Joe heaved a sigh. He loved his family. He loved the farm. He loved his job. But sometimes he wished he could be just a farmhand on someone else’s farm again, free to fool around and follow his heart. Or his gut. Or other body parts.

Damn. Now he was thinking about those other body parts. It wasn’t helping.

Finally, the road had inclined upwards and then sloped down on the other side of a low hill, and his favorite spot revealed itself. Joe felt a smile stretch across his face, the pleasure of this sight never failing to ease his mind and lift his spirits. Gosh, it’s just perfect.

He slowed to a stop on the grassy shoulder, and looked over to Leanne. ‘Here we are. Wanna come take a look?’

‘Sure!’ she said even as she unbuckled, and reached for her door. Joe felt a tug of disappointment – he wanted to come around and open her door for her, to help her down the truck – but the truth was it was better this way. Or so he told himself firmly.

He pushed his own door open with a little more force than necessary, hopped out, and met Leanne in front. She looked at him expectantly, eyebrows raised in silent question, and Joe smiled.

‘Over there. Come, let’s cross the road so that we can appreciate it fully.’

He held out his hand without thinking, she took it naturally. He regretted it the moment their fingers touched, but couldn’t bring himself to let go. Instead he squeezed her palm a little tighter and turned towards the road, paused for a quick look to make sure there was no oncoming traffic, and then tugged her across to the other side.

Once there he kept walking, climbing over a low pile of dirt that stretched along the way and then stopping on top of it, squeezing Leanne’s hand again.

‘There. Isn’t it something?’

He looked over to find Leanne staring in wonder, mouth agape and eyes wide at the breathtaking view before them.

The low hills seemed to roll over each other like giant waves in a brilliant sea of vibrant green. The grass was tall and luscious, rippling with the light wind, adding to the water-like effect. Here and there some scattered flowers added a sprinkle of strong, happy yellow to the mix, and the sky above was the perfect, intense blue, emphasized by a few fluffy clouds. The low morning sun warmed their backs, flooding the scene before them in brightness which made every color stand out so vividly it was almost unnatural, only it was as real as it gets.

Leanne inhaled next to him. ‘Gosh. I can’t believe the beauty of this place. It’s – amazing.’

‘I know.’

They stood there, awe-inspired, their silence backdropped by the whisper of the breeze and the happy chirping of birds. Finally, Joe spoke again. ‘You know what I feel whenever I come here?’

Leanne looked at him questioningly.

‘Bliss.’ he said, and breathed the sweet, clean air once more, looking out to the hills. ‘Pure bliss. It’s just so serene. Happy.’ Joe smiled down at Leanne. ‘Sometimes, when I need to de-stress, I come here. I just sit down and stare for a while, let the view in. Best kind of meditation I’ve ever done, and I’ve tried quite a few.’ His smile widened as he met her eyes. ‘Don’t tell anyone.’

Leanne grinned. ‘Your secret is safe with me.’ she promised, and then looked back out at the view. ‘I can see why you find your balance here. Thank you for taking the time to show it to me. It really is lovely.’ Then she looked up sheepishly. ‘Er… mind if I take a picture?’

Joe was startled by her question, but then shrugged. ‘Sure, why not? As long as I don’t have to pose in it.’

One dark-blond eyebrow arched at him, as if questioning his reluctance to be photographed, but then Leanne shrugged and pulled her phone out of her back pocket, selected camera mode, and steadied herself in a wide stance as she chose her frame and clicked away. After a few snaps she paused and checked her screen, flipping through the recent photos, until she found the one she liked the most and handed the camera over to Joe with a wide smile.

‘There, take a look. Isn’t it gorgeous?’

Joe bent down for a better look, and was actually impressed by the spectacular shot. ‘Wow. That is one helluva picture. You’ve got a good eye there.’

Her smile turned as brilliant as the morning sun. ‘Thank you! And thanks again for showing this place to me. I can’t believe these colors – I didn’t even use any filters! I’m going to send it to Sofia, she’d love it!’

‘Who’s Sofia?’ Joe asked, curious.

Leanne paused, stuffing the phone back in her pocket, and then answered lightly: ‘A girl I used to babysit a lot. She loves browsing pictures on my phone. She asked me to send her pictures.’

‘Would you like me to take your picture with this view for her?’

‘Oh, would you do that for me?’ she asked with pleased surprise, and he wondered again why she seemed to never expect him to do anything for her, even something as small as this.

‘Sure, I mean, it would only take a second. Here…’ Joe fished out his own phone and took a few steps away to get a good angle, and then called out in his best sing-song voice – ‘Okay, say cheeeeessseee…’

Leanne laughed out loud, and he caught her just like that – with her head thrown back, her hair blowing behind her in the light wind, strawberry-blond highlights that he hadn’t noticed before catching the sun in fiery sparkles, and her face lit up in merriment. Looking at the image on the small screen he felt his breath catch in his throat. He couldn’t decide what was more beautiful, the place he loved so much, or the woman standing there, laughing in its midst.


Joe’s head snapped as her voice broke through. He cleared his throat. ‘Er- nothing. Great picture. I think Sofia would be pleased.’

Leanne took the phone from his hand and took a look herself, then beamed in delight. ‘Oh it really is great! I think this may be the best picture of me ever taken!’ her eyes sought his and her voice turned wistful. ‘Thank you, again. This -‘ she waved her hand over to encompass the view – ‘this is an unexpected gift, and I’m grateful that you’ve shared it with me. Thank you.’

‘My pleasure.’ he answered lightly, though an uneasy feeling was growing in his gut. He really liked how she enjoyed the simple pleasures of life – be it dancing, or this view – or kissing, his mind shouted before he could tell it t
o shut it. And yet, something about it bugged him. It was almost as if she were… too grateful. Too easy to please.

It was as if she’d been surprised to be treated well at all.

Thank you for making me feel like a real princess tonight, she’d told him the night before. And all he did was – well, just be a decent guy, he figured. Well, a decent guy who could dance. Still, it seemed to him as if she didn’t believe she deserved it.

Joe pursed his lips. Back off, cowboy. This isn’t your business. You’re her boss, she’s your employee. Let someone else be her Prince Charming. A spark of jealousy crackled at that thought, and Joe cursed to himself as he struggled to choke it down before it ignited. Disengage, now.

Joe half-turned away from Leanne, jabbed his hands into his pockets to keep from doing anything stupid with them – like reach out for her – and took a couple of deep breaths to clear his head.

With his emotions back under control, he spoke. ‘We need to get going. The day isn’t getting any younger.’

Risking a glance at her over his shoulder, he hated the way her smile faded away, replaced with a curt nod. ‘Oh – of course. Let’s go then.’ Already she was walking past him, quick to get back to the truck. He had to suppress the urge to grab her hand and stop her.

Instead, he choked back a few more muted curses. This was a mistake, Joe. You can’t play it both ways. You shouldn’t be playing it at all. It’s not fair to either one of you. Let her go. With renewed resolve, he followed her across the still-deserted road back to the truck.


The rest of the drive passed in awkward silence. Leanne’s eyes were glued to her window, though she didn’t really notice the scenery anymore. What went wrong out there? One moment, Joe was sharing his favorite place with her, admiring her photograph, taking her picture for Sofia. In the next, he was closed off and distant, even impatient. What the hell did I do to piss him off?

Let it go. You know you suck at these games, and this isn’t what you’re here for, anyways. Keep your eyes on your goals: get the money for Bill, and the entry for your resume. Preferably with some solid recommendations. You can’t afford to get distracted.

Pushing confusion and disappointment to the back of her mind with well-practiced determination, Leanne was relieved when the large sign of Sun Valley Farm came into view, and they turned onto the narrow road. It was a bumpy mile-long ride until they reached tall, cast-iron gates standing wide open, revealing a wide gravelled court in front of the main farm house.

‘Here we are.’ Joe said, looking back at her after he’d parked, still clearly uncomfortable.

‘Yes. Thanks again for the ride.’ Leanne forced a polite smile, and then asked lightly – ‘hey, do you happen to know where I’m supposed to report to? I mean, I know it’s still early but maybe whoever’s in charge is already up? Or should I just sit tight and wait here? It’s a beautiful morning, maybe it would be alright if I walked around to take a look at the place myself…?’

She stopped abruptly, realizing she was babbling, and clamped her mouth shut. When he still wouldn’t answer, Leanne shrugged and turned to open the door, but a hesitant touch on her arm stopped her.

‘Wait, Leanne -‘

She froze, and then turned to look at him. His lips were thinned, as if in reluctance, until finally he spoke.

‘Your picture. It’s on my phone. Where would you like me to send it to?’


Really, girl, she chided herself silently. What did you think he wanted? Out loud, she said, ‘if you hand me your phone for a moment I’ll send it to myself.’

Joe nodded and handed her his phone, her own picture smiling up at her from the screen. Leanne’s fingers shook a little as she fumbled to find the ‘share’ option, and a moment later her phone buzzed with an incoming message.

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Dawn and Ken and Maria and David

Redistribution: No restriction except that the story may not be changed/edited and the title, author’s name and email, and request for feedback must remain intact. I was in a pretty pickle, though I guess it’s one a lot of guys wouldn’t mind being in. Until a few weeks, before this began, I’d been a carefree, though overworked manager at a Dot-com start up. I had a salary I didn’t have time to spend and girlfriend wannabes falling all over me. My downfall, if that’s what it was, began after I...

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Dawn Visits Kansas Chapters One Six

Prologue:In an earlier story, Dan Becomes Dawn, Dan had stopped in Denver, coming out as Dawn, a crossdresser, to former neighbors.  At a swinging party the next night, Dawn had met, and connected with, Patti. She accompanied Dawn to Steamboat Springs on a business trip for two nights.  Dawn worked three more days, then returned to the former neighbors’ home for a second weekend before returning to Florida. Meanwhile, Patti visited her daughter in Aspen, then returned to her parents’ farm in...

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DawnChapter 5 She Meets Will in the Hallway

The problem with falling asleep after multiple orgasms — the cums, not the cocktail lounge drinks — is that a girl tends to forget that she usually pees before sleep, and that it would break the mood for her to get up and brush her teeth as well. But the memory returns before the sun rises. At about five in the morning, Dawn felt the pressure building up in her bladder, and the taste of cotton in her mouth. Common sense would have dictated that she slip out of bed and attend to those simple...

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Fertile Valley

Introduction: Written by Jim Davis part 1 part 1 it seemed like a lifetime had passed since i first started as a research associate in genetics at the mellon institute. my wife and i had started a family when i was still in grad school. we went at it. and went at it some more. 12 years and 8 kids later, we were on our way to my first federally funded research project. it was the big time. making history, uncovering the mysteries of life itself, and above all for guys like me – getting...

3 years ago
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Dawn Does Sister and Daddy

“I don’t know if David is happy or not and yes I got laid and it was wonderful” Dawn was not telling all. Diane noticed something about Dawn and then an idea crossed her mind, “I don’t think it was David and so who was the lucky boy?” “I am not telling you right now, maybe later after I figure it out better.” Diane was puzzled but this and then it hit her “oh god you did it with daddy, oh man was it good, you have to tell me”. “Quiet, okay but you have to promise not to say anything to...

2 years ago
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Dawn And Patti Move To Denver Part Three

Part Three: A New HomeAt one-thirty, we left for the title company offices. First American Title Company was located less than two miles from the hotel, and the same distance from our new home. Teresa met us in the lobby.“Thank you for inviting Laura and me to the inaugural party tomorrow. I understand Andrew and Marie, as well as Harry and Jean, will also be there. We look forward to the evening. It should be a fun time. Let us get you the keys to your new home!”Teresa led us into the title...

4 years ago
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Dawn Breaks OutChapter 4 Fertile Cruise

And so, just 6 weeks after the idea had been formed, Dawn and Gavin flew out from Cape Town via London to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. They arrived the day before sailing, and spent the night in a hotel to catch up on jet-lag. It was there that Dawn hinted to Gavin what he might expect! "I've been a very forgetful girl", she confessed. "I forgot to bring my diaphragm or any panties!" "Wha... Wha... What are you saying?" For a fleeting moment, Gavin wondered whether this would be a...

1 year ago
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BTVS: DAWN'S CONFUSION PART 1A young teenager closed her door and jumped on her bed. Reaching over, she pulled her journal from a bedside table. Still laying across the bed she opened the journal and retrieved the pen laying inside and commenced writing.'I Dawn Summers, am admitting that I have no idea what to do. Things have changed as of late. Feelings have escalated and are out of my control. What started out as an educational/informal question and experiment has turned into an unexpected...

2 years ago
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Dawn her first ever BBC Published by luvcuntlickin

our friend, Tyrell giving Dawn her first ever BBCThis is a fantasy about how I would have liked things to have gone if Dawn was still with me. I like to think that she would have been very excited,hot and turned on getting her first black dick from my friend Tyrell from Xham. On several occasions Dawn and I talked about what it might be like for her to get her first black cock ... and I after meeting and talking with Tyrell I'm certain she would have loved getting fucked by him while I watched...

2 years ago
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Dawn the white mother

Celebration at Jimmy's HouseDawn looked out the kitchen window at the friends of her son Jimmy as they swam in their pool. The high school baseball season had just finished and the team was to take part in the State All-Star Play Offs. Jimmy's Dad, Will, had excused himself from the swim party and had gone out with his golf buddies. He would probably be gone for the entire day as he always seemed to do whenever he didn't want to be bothered leaving all the work on Dawn's beautiful...

3 years ago
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Dawn and Faith

Dawn loved to watch the slayers training, they were all so hot but what she really loved was watching faith, a vampire slayer just like her sister buffy, but unlike buffy faith had this exotic side to her that made dawn tingle all over. She loved that faith always wore those leather pants which seem to cling to her body, dawn could tell that faith either didn't wear any panties or if she did they would be so tiny, dawn let out a little moan at the thought of this, she was pretty sure that faith...

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Dawn at Night trip to North Carolina

Recently my wife and I took a weekend trip to go visit my parents. We stayed at the hotel nearby because there was other family in town; who were staying at my parent's house. It started that Friday night with all of us going out to dinner. The night would end very quietly, tho my wife got drunk so she was a mess. We walked back into the hotel, well I did and helped her to the room. I came back around to the front desk. Before me was a young woman. Her brown hair in a tail but some covered her...

2 years ago
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Dawn and Ken and Maria and David

I was in a pretty pickle. Until a few weeks before this began, I'd been a carefree, though overworked manager at a Dot-com start up. I had a salary I didn't have time to spend and girlfriend wannabes falling all over me to spend it. My downfall, if that's what it was, began after I bought a large suburban house only to realize I didn't have time to take care of it. The solution was obvious: hire a housekeeper; I had the money. Maria was so pretty, I didn't even ask if she could cook. She...

4 years ago
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DawnChapter 2 Her

Two days later, with the house fully occupied, Alan walked past Dawn in the kitchen. Without so much as a glance at her, he said, sotto voce, "My den at midnight." Our little fledgling strumpet smiled to herself. After two nights of somewhat satisfying masturbation — her orgasms pleased her clitoris greatly but she still couldn't get the sight of the Senor's cock out of her mind — Dawn was ready to spread her legs, to take him inside her, to feel the throb of his ejaculation. The day...

4 years ago
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Dawn and Faith part 2

Dawn and faith couldn't keep their hands off each other, and with the house full of slayers in training that was hard to do. They loved to tease each other, sometimes it was a little leg caress under the table others it was a quick squeeze of the bum when taking the dishes out.Dawn was doing it as much as faith which was getting them both turned on, as soon as they were along their hands would be all over each other, dawn loved the feel of faiths tongue in her mouth exploring as her hands did...

2 years ago
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DawnChapter 2

So I called Dawn. “Okay, so, you wanna go out?” “Sure,” she said easily, “What do you have in mind?” “Not clubbing. Dinner and a movie?” Things got really quiet for a second. “What movie?” “I don’t care...” “Liar!” “Well, okay, there’s that sci-fi flick, but I understand if you want something else.” “No, I like sci-fi. I’m not big on horror, but sci-fi is okay.” “Sweeet! My kind of girl!” I bubbled. “Dinner before or after?” “After?” “Okay, I need to get you by six. Where do I pick...

1 year ago
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DawnChapter 3 Her Anus

Dawn looked around the room as she knelt naked on the bed. Her room looked as it always did; the wallpaper, the pictures, the posters hiding the solid plaster construction of the old mansion. They don't build houses like that anymore. But you probably don't care about the construction of the house; certainly you don't care as much as you might care about the way Dawn and Alan were constructed and the way they were about to join those parts. Her legs were slightly spread for bAlance and his...

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The Weaver And The WindChapter 4 A Happy Little Valley

I got back to Cambridge in time to shower, change, and hop into the Oracle with Nicco. We made a quick run into Boston proper, where I stopped to pick up season passes for the Boston Pops from the McKesson Group offices there. One of the corporate interns had been my legs on that mission, and her surprise end of the deal was discovering that two of the four ticket were for her. From Boston we took I-89 headed towards Manchester, New Hampshire, but we slipped into a Grav-car air corridor...

1 year ago
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DawnChapter 8 Las Vegas

The next few years merged into one big sexual blur. Dawn became the official entertainment for the weekly card game. Each of the players had his own surrogate wife, but none of them were as young as Dawn and none cared to spread her legs for the entire group. In addition, Dawn wanted the work badly, planning to use the money to finance her college education. She treated each man, and most of the wives, with the attention they would have gotten had she spent the night alone with each...

3 years ago
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Peaceful Valley

The sun was coming up as I sat looking down the valley to the east. It was called Peaceful Valley by the rancher I had acquired the land from. It wasn't peaceful for him and it didn't seem that way to me. After a restless night of uneasy sleep, I often came out here in the early morning wondering if I had chosen the right path. This was a self-imposed exile I had set for myself. I lived now in a small rock-walled house I had constructed when I first came here to this ranch. I earned the...

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Dawn yawned and rolled over, tucking a few stray strands of auburn hair behind her ear and pulling it all away from her neck. The sun was warm on her naked back and curvy ass as she laid her head on her arms and closed her eyes again. She had to admit, sunbathing was one of her favorite winter past times. Sure, it was cold out, but that made the sun feel all the better on her bare flesh. The cold made her ache, too, her bare nipples as hard as diamonds against the lawn chair. By the time she...

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Dawn Goes Into Business

My wife has been a slut for some time now, but just recently she has become a whore. I'm still not sure how I feel about that; I was a little upset about it at first, but I had to stop and remember that it was my fault and she did think she was doing it for me. Dawn is thirty-one, has short blond hair, and a fairly decent body. We have been married just a little over ten years, happily for the most part, but there have been a few rough spots. We live a pretty comfortable life and money has...

4 years ago
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Dawn Breaks OutChapter 3 Pregnant Slut to MILF

And this became Dawn's life for the next 6 or 7 weeks! She met up with Jeff and Andy at least twice a week for a quick or slow fuck depending on circumstances. Enrico reappeared three times over that period, and this almost inevitably involved a threesome with Jeff. During the next poker game at their place, Dawn was totally naked within a couple of hours. Gavin had to play his golden chip later again, and lost to Andy. As she had nothing left to strip, Andy declared that she would have to...

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DawnChapter 4 She Gets to Know Melody

What Melody had said was, "It's not so bad, Dawn; you'll get used to the taste. Meanwhile, let me clean off both of you." Two heads whiplashed toward the doorway. There stood the mistress of the household, casually leaning against the door frame. I haven't described Melody Dean for you, have I? She stood a lithe five foot four, the extra few inches above some of her friends serving her to good advantage on the tennis courts. Without a moment's thought, Dawn could see that her blonde...

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Straight oral doggy Two married people seek something more.We agreed not to tell anyone how we met.Who was going to tell, anyway? We were married. Each of us seemedmismatched sexually with our spouses, desiring far more intimacy thanthe one at home.It was craigslist.Dawn’s ad caught my eye and brought us into contact, but it was her funand erotic emails that grabbed my attention./Dawn: "I miss kissing. Would you take me to dinner and kiss me?"//Me: "On a first date? Only if you eat all your...

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We agreed not to tell anyone how we met. Who was going to tell, anyway? We were married. Each of us seemed mismatched sexually with our spouses, desiring far more intimacy than the one at home. It was craigslist. Dawn’s ad caught my eye and brought us into contact, but it was her fun and erotic emails that grabbed my attention. Dawn: "I miss kissing. Would you take me to dinner and kiss me?" Me: "On a first date? Only if you eat all your vegetables. lol." The first time we met we had dinner...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Dawn and julie part 2

So here I was 15 yrs old, I had been fucking Dawn, fucking her sister Julie and her Mom and Dad as well all for the past year. It was a hot summer day in mpls.and me and Dawn decided to go swimming in her above ground, piss yellow, tin with white braces and blue liner swimming pool from Sears. The pool had a cover over it and for some reason we thought it would be fun to fuck around in the pool with the cover on and fuck around is just what we did.It didn't take long before we were butt naked....

3 years ago
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Dawn and julie part 2

So here I was 15 yrs old, I had been fucking Dawn, fucking her sister julie and her Mom and Dad as well all for the past year. It was a hot summer day in mpls.and me and Dawn decided to go swimming in her above ground, piss yellow, tin with white braces and blue liner swimming pool from Sears. The pool had a cover over it and for some reason we thought it would be fun to fuck around in the pool with the cover on and fuck around is just what we did.It didn't take long before we were butt naked....

2 years ago
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Dawn of the 70s

Dawn of the '70s by Jojo A recent photo-layout in the "Times" on corked platform shoes started a string of recollections of my first forays into fashion, of David Bowie's "Rebel, Rebel," and of courses of Lisa Brown. I smiled to myself remembering that first time ... Lisa and I had known one another for a long time. We had gone through grammar school together but we became friends during our freshman year in high school when we realized that we were the only students who had been...

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DawnMy gym manager was apologizing while telling me that all of the massage ther****ts he trusted were completely booked. I asked him if they could give him any names and he laughed and said, “Yeah, each others....”He had stopped before finishing so I finished for him.“And you?”“It would be inappropriate.”“Why, because you are gay?”He gave me a small smile and shrugged his shoulders.“I didn’t think you knew.”“I was clued in by the blonde that sneered every time she walked past you. I asked her...

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Mystic Valley

I was excited all morning. I couldn't help feeling cheerful; I knew that I'd be receiving long-awaited good news that day and it was all that I could think about. When I pulled my car into the parking lot of Webster and Wright Realty I had to smile. I'd worked there as an agent for eight years, but this was a special day. W&W was one of the best realty companies in town, and it was a great place to work. One of the senior agents had just quit, leaving me next in line for an office, and...

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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 38 The Uncanny Valley

Thoughts Let me take a moment to discuss something else of more importance than I might have previously alluded to. That is the function of The Parlor in the smooth operation of The House. As I've indicated before, The Parlor is the first stop for most patrons and visitors, with some spending the majority of their time there. A few never go beyond it, but leave satisfied and happy all the same. To understand the reason for The Parlor, however, there's something you first need to understand...

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Dawn of The Anal

This is a continuation of my relationship with my 66 year old lover Dawn, we had just spent the night having dinner at a posh resort. To my surprise Dawn had rented a room and I had just finished our usual half hour love making session and I knew she must have been exhausted. I had only cum once and my 43 year old body was not done for the evening. I knew granny would be getting a second load of my sperm before the night was over. Dawn was lying on her stomach with her head buried in a...

1 year ago
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Dawn of The Anal

This is a continuation of my relationship with my 66 year old lover Dawn; we had just spent the night having dinner at a posh resort. To my surprise Dawn had rented a room and I had just finished our usual half hour love making session and I knew she must have been exhausted. I had only cum once and my 43 year old body was not done for the evening. I knew granny would be getting a second load of my sperm before the night was over.Dawn was lying on her stomach with her head buried in a pillow. I...

2 years ago
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Dawn Breaks OutChapter 2 Swanning Around

Just the very next week, Dawn needed to go to a week-long conference in Johannesburg (two hours flying from Cape Town). On the Monday morning, she was scheduled to give a talk on new systems which they had been developing and wanted to market. She had been well-coached on the presentation, but her bosses urged her also to socialize with other delegates. A few months earlier, that might have been a frightening instruction, but she was now much more relaxed. Hilary was roped in to advise her on...

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Dawn over Sun Valley Ch 08

Author’s note: It is 23:54 on November 30th, and I just wrote ‘The End’ for this story. 11K words on this chapter, 71K words total in 30 days, and most of them not complete drivel! I am officially stoked. So, what can you expect in this chapter? Well, lots of twists and turns, but, eventually, Joe will manage to do *something* right. I promise. Are you ready, y’all? Let’s do thiiiiiiiiissssss!! ***** ‘How are you feeling this morning, Leanne? Still in pain?’ Yes, but not the kind...

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