Trails WestChapter 2: "Trail To Ellsworth" free porn video

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Marshal Webb Hickson didn’t set a date for Jeremiah to be in Ellsworth, but the young deputy felt it was his responsibility to report there within ten days, since it showed to be just over three hundred miles by his map. That was well within what Webb Hickson had schooled him, back when he first got his black horse from the Sioux.

“Jeremiah, that hammer-headed black horse of yours will always be a damned outlaw and you better watch him close. He’s different from any horse I’ve ever seen. He’s as long winded as a cyclone, but he’s as mean as a momma grizzly, on his good days. Even on his bad days, he’s a better horse than all three of the horses I own ... put together.

“And another damn thing while I’m talking about this – you ought to give the horse a name, Son. It ain’t right, having a horse as spirited as he is, without even a name he can answer to.”

“Marshal, I asked the Sioux about his name and they told me, ‘No Name’ ... saying that he was born with no name, trained with no name, and sold to me with no name.”

“So, what do you say when you want him to come to you?”

“Come here, black horse.”

“You’re worse than the Sioux!”

Webb Hickson was right about one thing, that black horse of Jeremiah’s is as long winded as a cyclone. Jeremiah had to hold him back when they first started out. By mid day, he had him settled down into an easy-ambling gait. The sun was out and the snow and ice were melting. The trail was frozen in places and worse than sloppy in other places, but his black horse didn’t seem to pay any attention to any of it.

As the day wore on, dark was coming at him early, even with no clouds in the sky. He figured it was close to 4:30, with the sun about a half-hour from setting. Not knowing the territory, he began looking for a fairly safe place to make camp. A lake, a creek, a grove of trees or a single tree would be fine. Anywhere he could find a dry limb or two for a campfire.

Not seeing anything close by, he kept riding south until he saw a line of trees in the distance. He touched his heels to the flanks on the black, and in no time they were approaching what appeared to be a small creek. He saw an opening in the treeline and headed for it. This was an old wagon trail crossing that didn’t show signs of recent use. When he spotted a downed tree near the water’s edge, he laid the reins against his horse’s neck and turned him completely around, looking the place over before stepping to the ground. Satisfied there had been no one here since the blizzard, and no signs of trouble, Jeremiah stepped off his horse. He took his saddle, saddlebags and bedroll off and threw them across a tree limb. Then he slipped the bridle off his head and pulled his halter on, buckling it under his neck. He still wasn’t brave enough to let his horse loose without a halter and a rope on him. He’d had him a little over a year now and the big, blaze face black was just coming on five.

He wasn’t a bit skittish on the trail, but he still leaned more than a little bit toward the wild side.

Jeremiah thought of what Webb Hickson had told him... ‘He’ll always be an Outlaw’

From the day Webb Hickson told him that, Jeremiah called his big black, blaze face horse, Outlaw.

The creek was frozen, and with his boot heel, he stomped a hole in the ice so water could come up through the ice. Stomping a few more times, he had a place big enough for his horse to drink. He pulled him away from the ice cold water and led him over to the downed tree where he tied him while he took his feedbag and crushed oats out. As his horse ate, he wiped him down and brushed him out from hoof to ear, from tail to nose. Then he threw an army blanket over his back, tying it under his neck, and under his tail.

Once he had Outlaw taken care of, Jeremiah used his hand axe to hack off dried bark and small limbs from the dead tree. When he had enough to start his fire, he chopped off some larger limbs and broke them over his knee before setting his fire.

Dark had settled over the plains by the time Jeremiah had his coffee on to boil and his bedroll laid out on a patch of dead grass. His horse had finished his oats and he led him back to drink again.

He’d packed some biscuits, fried pork and yard-bird that Jessie had fixed for him. As he drank his coffee and ate his food, he thought of Jessie. He couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like, staying in one place like that, with a wife as pretty as Jessie – raising a family and working for a living. Then he wondered what kind of work he could he find. Whatever job he thought of, couldn’t come close to matching what he was doing now ... Not even being a local lawman in a town. He’d just started out really, but he loved what he was doing. This was what his Pa had wanted him to do. This is what his Pa had done all his life until he retired to become town marshal in Yankton, and he wanted to be just like him.

Holding his bedroll over the glowing coals, he warmed the canvas until it felt hot to his touch. Keeping the rest of his clothes on, he pulled his heavy, sheepskin lined canvas coat off and slid down into his bedroll. He pulled his heavy coat up over the top of the bedroll and the warmth felt so good, in no time he was asleep.

A week and two days later, Jeremiah was approaching Ellsworth, Kansas from the north. He could see the town ahead, no more than a quarter of a mile off. Looking to the west, he saw two riders coming at him with their horses in a full gallop. Not knowing who it might be and for sure, not wanting any trouble, he eased back on his reins, stopping his horse as the men continued to ride toward him.

“Easy there, Outlaw. We’re not going to run with them, Boy,” he spoke as his horse settled down.

As they rode up, the two men split, leaving Jeremiah between them.

The man directly in front of him wore a full suit of buckskins. His hair is long – down on his shoulders. He has a big, curvy mustache and he looks as if he’s mad. His hat is tall with a brim as wide as a Mexican sombrero. Jeremiah noticed the man wore his two guns, butt forward, in a cavalry reverse-draw. He wore no pistol scabbards, just a wide sash around his waist with his pistols shoved inside. He’d seen only one other man who wore two guns like that – Marshal Webb Hickson. Webb Hickson was an ex-cavalry officer himself.

“Where you headed, Boy?” the man Jeremiah had been studying, finally asked.


“What’s your business in Ellsworth?”

“Sheriff Chauncey Whitney. That is ... if it’s any of your business.”

“Boy, don’t be in such a hurry to get in trouble with the law out here.”

“Are you the law? I don’t see a badge,” Jeremiah said, pulling his coat open to reveal his own Deputy US Marshal’s badge.

“You’re awful young to be wearing a Deputy Marshal’s badge. Did you find it or steal it?” he asked, and the second man laughed. Then the long-haired man revealed his own Deputy US Marshal’s badge.

“No, did you?”

“Boy, you’re fixin’ to get in a of mess of trouble with that quick mouth of yours, if you keep on.”

“From where I sit, it appears you wear the same badge I do. If you’ll just back off, I’ll ride on into Ellsworth and keep my appointment with Sheriff Whitney. I’m sure that if you’d ride in with me and asked him, he’d tell you that he sent for Deputy US Marshal Jeremiah Trail.”

“Jeremiah Trail? Is that like a pig trail?” he asked and the two men laughed.

“Could well be, near as I can tell from what’s blocking the trail in front of me anyway.”

The other man spoke, laughing as he talked to the long-haired man facing Jeremiah. “J. B. looks like you got a live one here. He can out-talk your crazy-ass talk.”

“Boy, do you have any idea who I am?” the man facing him, asked.

“No, I don’t recognize you and I’ve never heard of a man called, J. B.”

“You ever hear of a man called Wild Bill?”

“Heard the name before. But then, I’ve heard there was more than one man who called himself, Wild Bill.”

“Have you ever heard the name, Wild Bill Hickok?”

“I have. Now I suppose you’re going to tell me, that you’re him?”

“For a fact I’m him, and the two of us are Deputy US Marshals assigned to Ellsworth County, Kansas under the jurisdiction of Sheriff Chauncey Whitney.”

“Then let’s stop with this talk and go meet your boss. I’m sure he’ll tell you that he sent my boss a message for me to come see him.”

“And just who might your boss be?”

“United States Marshal Webb Hickson, out of Watertown, up in Dakota Territory.”


“No, just saying my boss’ name. Now, are all of us going to meet Sheriff Whitney, or am I going to have to ride in and meet him alone?”

“BOY! Ain’t no way in hell you’d draw down on two Deputy US Marshals when you ain’t even facing one of ‘em.”

“Don’t even think about trying me, Marshal Hickok.”

“Jeremiah, I’m Jack Harvey, Deputy US Marshal under Sheriff Whitney, same as J. B. over there. I got to tell you, I ain’t never seen no man make James Butler Hickok back down until today.” The other deputy spoke as Jeremiah rode between the men into Ellsworth.

Wild Bill grunted at his friend’s remark then told him, “I didn’t back down, damn it, and you know it. I just decided that we needed to let Chauncey settle this before I had to kill this damn kid marshal with his quick mouth. ‘Sides that, I’m about to take a liking to the boy. Reminds me a lot of my own self when I was about that age.”

Settle it, he did too. Sheriff Chauncey Whitney informed Wild Bill Hickok and Jack Harvey that they now have a third Deputy US Marshal patrolling Ellsworth County with them, and that he expected them to work together peaceably, as they keep peace in the county.

Within a week the three deputies had come to grips with the fact they were in this together. There was still a lot of friendly jostling back and forth, as there always would be when James Butler Hickok was in the mix of things.

Jeremiah, being the youngest, bore the brunt of their friendly jokes. But as he had displayed from the beginning, he could hold his own when quick-spoken words led to red faces with tempers close to flaring.

Their camaraderie was even more so on display when the three of them entered a saloon or gambling hall. Though Jeremiah didn’t drink or gamble, he was included in their forays of revelry and hell raising, as Wild Bill and Jack Harvey crowded the card tables and caroused the back rooms.

Hickok was known far and wide as a wizard with a deck of cards. When he wasn’t employed as a lawman, he paid his way at the card tables. At times, he hired on as a dealer in a gambling hall when things were slow and he couldn’t get up a friendly game. It had been told, that when Wild Bill Hickok was nearby, trouble and a deck of cards were both within arm’s reach.

During the early summer months there were many nights when Jeremiah wasn’t in the mood to go carousing with his fellow marshals. He’d found a spot on the banks of Smokey Hill River, upstream a few miles from Ellsworth. This place appealed to him so much, he set up a temporary camp. The quiet and solitude reminded him of back in Watertown, though there was no actual comparison.

He bathed in the river, morning and night, swimming up and down river, free as a fish, with no one around. Then, something happened one evening, of which Jeremiah would forever remember the events leading up to the shock of his life.

Outlaw was secured on a long tether, grazing on the green grass out on the flat near the river. Jeremiah had just stepped out of the water on the south side where his camp was located. He was drying his hair and wiping body when he heard a loud splash. He quickly turned to look across the river and the first thing he saw was a young woman swimming naked. The first time in his life he’d seen a naked woman. At first, Jeremiah felt guilty as he watched her swim slow and easy downstream, past where he sat on his blanket. When she disappeared around a bend, Jeremiah stood and pulled his britches on.

He was watching for her return upriver, since her clothes were piled near the water across from where he sat. He wasn’t sure what to do. There was no way he could break camp and leave without being seen. For sure, he didn’t want to be caught watching a naked girl swim in the river. He was a deputy marshal and he had an upstanding reputation to protect. He sat wondering about the spectacle he’d just witnessed, trying to think of what to do next, when from behind him – she spoke...

“I was hoping you’d be here today,” she said.

Jeremiah twisted around to see her standing there, not three feet from him. Not trying in any way to cover her naked body.

“You ... you were?”

“Yes, I’ve been coming here for weeks, since the first time I saw you swim naked. I wanted to swim with you, but I was afraid of what you’d think if I yelled across and asked if I could.”

“Don’t you think you should cover yourself?”

“I’m not ashamed of how I look naked. I’ve been swimming naked here alone since I was eleven and now that I’m about to be a woman, I still love swimming naked in the river.”

“Where are your folks? I don’t want to be shot for being caught with you naked.”

“There’s just my ma and me. We live upriver about a half a mile. This is the best place to swim without all the brush and weeds along the bank, so I come here. Sometimes Ma comes with me, but I’m glad now she didn’t come today.”

“I hope she don’t come looking for you now and catch you standing here naked, with your clothes on the other side of the river.”

“She’s seen you swim naked before too.”

“Uhhh, then I suppose I need to find another place to make camp. I didn’t know anyone lived nearby and I sure didn’t mean to swim naked in front of two women.”

Same as Trails West
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Lusty Son 1

Lusty Son (1) What was wrong with me? I just couldn’t help it. Every time I saw mum I just got a raging hard on. She was beautiful. She was sexy and she was so not available. Or not supposed to be anyway. She was my mum for gods sake. This had been going on for too long. I had to get my head straight. I suppose it really started five years ago when dad died. I was just thirteen and at that age I sort of went off the rails a bit. After one bad fight at school where she had to leave work and...

2 years ago
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Sensual 18th Birthday Present From Mom

My father passed away when I was a young boy. So, my mother, Tisca, took on the responsibility of raising me since then. She was a hard nut and a tough disciplinarian who never let even a small mistake pass without me having to pay for it. It was a hard childhood for me but it soon made me into a better person. However, this didn’t stop my hormones dictate my life during my teenage years. Like all kids of my age, I too discovered the joys of masturbation and I couldn’t keep my hands off my...

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Private Natali Ruby Anal Secret

Today we have the pleasure of introducing you to Natali Ruby, a curvaceous brunette with a juicy ass and great tits to match and she has come to Private Specials, Irresistible Beauties for a debut she’ll never forget! Nataly wastes no time getting hot and horny with her man Andrew Marshall as she gives an amazing deepthroat blowjob just to warm up! Then enjoy this curvaceous wonder in action as she offers up her pussy for a taste and fuck before opening her ass and enjoying some hard anal...

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Fantastic Four Strange Appetites

In the large research complex of the Baxter building, a portal the size of a large doorway swirled open, its shape a raging torrent of a circle yet calm, while a group of people made their way out of the passageway. “My goodness how disorientating, a world with five suns, I wonder how the life on that world deal with so much solar radiation.” Wondered Reed Richards out loud, typing notes onto a small digital notepad while the rest of the Fantastic Four stepped out with him. “Yeah, five suns...

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Meri Bdsm Ki Fantasy Part ndash 4

Hi guys, I’m Manisha this is the fourth part of my sex story, I know I am very late as I was busy with my job and all that, I will love to mention that I am really delighted by the feedbacks that I had got from you guys on my previous chapters, so if you guys had not yet read my previous ones, I’ll advise you to read those, so that you can enjoy this part.Let me give you guys a quick recap of the last parts. I had cross-dressing, BDSM and women domination fantasies, and used to jerk off my...

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Samanthas Sex LessonChapter 7 What Samantha Really Learned

"That's not fair. That wasn't the lesson you were teaching me!" "What do you mean that wasn't the lesson I was teaching you? How many times did I tell you that you needed to make me cum in your mouth and that you shouldn't trust me? I shouldn't have put my dick inside you and cum like that, but I was trying to warn you that the lure of your pussy would eventually overwhelm me. I fought it for as long as I could. But after eating you, I just couldn't fight it any longer. "Well,...

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I lay in my bed, resting after my noon swim, listening to the wind and the rain outside. Quietly drifting through my thought is the knowledge that I should be up, some task certainly awaits my attention, but for the moment I am quiet. I fall asleep. Suddenly I am awakened by someone roughly grabbing my right leg and tying it to the left post of the bed. I feel my right leg grabbed and I twist towards him trying to hold him back and not allow him to tie my leg. He slaps my face and shoves me...

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My Wife Set Up To Get Fucked By Black Guy

I have been married to my wife Abby for just over a year now and married life is just wonderful ,considering I married my high school sweetheart. At 20 she still looks the same way she did in high school. She still has her petite sexy figure, 4'8" 115 lbs, gorgeous silly black hair shoulder length, firm 32c cup breasts and a cute tight butt that guys can't seem to take their eyes off when she walks by. I joke around sometimes in bed about her being with another man, but secretly craving...

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How I Got Jennifer Lawrence Pregnant

I go for it anyway. I shuffled awkwardly between some people and made my way to her. She just stood there holding a drink. Then, she looked up at me. I manage a smile. "Hey," I said. "Hey yourself," she said. She doesn't seem terribly interested in me, but I guess she has plenty of admirers. "Big fan of your movies." God damn the music is loud. "Thanks." She smiled at me. Aaaaaand there goes all my material. I guess I should just leave before I-- "You look really...

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Lucy the Teenaged WifeChapter 5

Saying, "Oh, sir," Lucy blushed and got out of Harry's arms. He wanted to embrace her again. Giggling she ran and flopped herself on the bed. She lay face down, deliciously naked, her full round buttocks and gorgeous thighs presented a voluptuous view. He fell over her lower body, hugging her at the hips and started to kiss and lick her lovely buttocks. Lucy squirmed, enjoying the stimulation. Harry crawled up and lay on top of her back. His towel had fallen off and he adjusted his big...

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Dedras Fantasy ThrillRide

                                                                 Chapter 1           It was a cool autumn night when I found myself sitting alone in the park. The park was almost as big as the town I grew up in. I was an only child so my parents were very strict. We lived on a ranch two miles out of town. On our land we had horses, and cattle and all sorts of farm animals.           Way out behind our house we also had another small house and that’s where my dad’s hired help would stay if they...

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I want to FUCK

Wife strips in car during football game.Nicole was not a sports fan. Her family was never into sports. That had been fine, until she met Matt, who loved sports. They got along well in all other areas – beliefs, goals, physical activity, dreams – everything but sports. Matt was a big football fan, and spent every Sunday (or Monday) watching his favorite team, the Green Bay Packers. This was fine with her, as she spent that time studying and reading journals for her career. Their relationship...

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How It All Began Ch12

As Jack pulled his wheeled hand luggage case over the threshold from the plane onto the jetway, he switched on his Blackberry. Placing the phone back inside his jacket pocket, he let out a deep involuntary sigh. His first impression of being back in Rome was how much he hated business trips - especially on his own. This assignment was meant to be one for an Account Director but through ill health and a delicate situation with this particular customer; he had been sent in his place. "Darling,...

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Being taught

It was Saturday. I was tutoring Cal today. I put on a little pastel dress and thongs and a touch of make up. I arrived at his house at 11.30. I knocked. He answered the door and grinned easily. He leaned on the door jamb. Cal was 6’4’’, with a huge build and messy dark hair and eyes. He gave me one of his bone crushing hugs. “That’s enough, Cal,” I said, attempting to pry him away, but of course, I couldn’t make him do anything. He jogged upstairs to his room. “My parents are out,” he called....

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Shutter ReleaseChapter 34 The Pedals of My Mind

“Sorry I stole your bed,” Lara said, giving me a sheepish grin as she wandered out of my room the next morning. I shrugged. “The couch is comfortable enough.” “I didn’t mean to fall asleep. We were working on lyrics, you know, and ... Yeah. Where is everyone?” “Colin’s not here yet, and Gwen came by a while ago but just grabbed Muireann and took off. And you and Tommy have been sleeping like logs.” “Where did Gwen take her?” “Beats me. She said they’d be back in a few...

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Kismet or Happenstance Ch 04

Wednesday, August 16th, 2006. 6:40 pm ‘I’ve met someone.’ Ana moved the frames on her desk one more time. Perfect. The sudden hush wouldn’t last long, she knew them all too well. Right on cue, Sasha used her own words against her. ‘You’ve been there, what…twenty minutes? Our girl works fast, doesn’t she?!’ ‘Funny,’ Ana tried for a flat retort but their laughter was too infectious. Michelle giggled. ‘What’s he like? How’d you meet? Details!’ Ana resisted getting swept up in Michelle’s...

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Tim and Abbie 46 A Trip To The Coast

By mid-August, Abbie and Tim are settled into their new home and lives.  It is incredible how far they had come since that night last April when they met for the first time. Four months for so many changes, and all so positive to happen.  Let alone that it just feels like how it should be.The house looks wonderful, thanks to Grace’s diligence.  The yard and garden now a showplace which they both like to work in.  Finding new interests together and learning more and more about each other’s past...

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brother is set up on a blind with his sister

I am sitting at the far right table at the eatery in the mall waiting on you (my blind date). I met you through one of those online dating services. Just the thought of not knowing who it could be was exciting. I start to think about the possibilities as I keep watch for you. It could be anyone I think with excitement! It could be that hot chic in my home room class, who I would love to fuck the shit out of. Or it could even be my own sister, who has no idea that I would love to throw her down...

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Big Boobs Indian Mom8217s Hot Medical Examination

Hello readers!! My name is Anand. I am 20 years old, I will be sharing an incident which happened in my life about 2 months ago. Let me introduce you to my Indian mom first, her name is Sudha. Her age is around 45. She is a bit short about 5’2 white and a little bit on the heavier side (not too fat). The most attractive part was her boobs. My mom has a huge pair of tits which are visible in every type of clothing. She did not mind it all when people used to stare at her big boobs directly on...

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The Cuckold Test Part II

Danny stood next to Claire as she sat at her dressing table reading the airmail letter that the postman had just delivered. She was naked and Danny wore just his boxers. He couldn’t read the writing on the letter but as much as he was interested in her letter he was fixated with her body. They had been back from Jamaica just over a week now and she still held her suntan. The only real white areas on her body were around her bikini area. The whiteness of her flesh stood out glaringly. Danny...

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Seduced By Mom

It was about 11pm Sunday night and I was at my parents housewatching TV in the living room. I turned down the TV trying to listen in onwhat was going on upstairs. At first it was a nagging creek that I managed toignore. Over the past ten minutes the commotion and racket was very obvious. Igot up from the couch and walked up the stairs to listen in. I expected to findmy sister and her boyfriend locked in their room fucking like horny teenagers.I reached the top of the stairs and saw their door...

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Glory Holes

Jenny Sanders looked at the bar breathlessly, a small frown tugging at her red lips. She didn't like how it looked - rundown, holes in the walls and rats scurrying on the ground, however, she had no choice unless she wanted to stay out all night walking back home. Her car had been stolen, her keys forgotten, her cellphone broken... and to top it all off, she didn't even know where she was! Gloomily, the busty blonde walked into the bar, unseeing of the leers and catcalls that were sent her...

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Why Didnt I JustChapter 10

I was trying to relax and get myself some sleep. The mattress on the bed that Tiny and Terri had provided for me, wasn't very comfortable. I'd always had trouble adjusting to sleeping on strange beds, all through my prior lifetime. I was thinking about Donna, and then thinking about Carolyn too. I would have to admit that Donna had the prettier face, but Carolyn's body had been far superior. Donna's breasts seemed on the small side, even with the outfit that she'd been wearing at the...

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For The Love Of LynnChapter 4

Lynn sat and watched Jamie as he read the Sunday paper while eating breakfast, feeling a little sad that this would be their last full day together before his return to school. She wished that he could have moved in yesterday, but she knew that it would have to wait until his parents returned and he could give them the news in person. They had discussed the night before about when would be a good time, and they both agreed that it would be the following weekend- the sooner the better. Jamie...

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Phallica; a world full of Magic, Mystery, and most of all Men! It is said the great god, Phallus sprang forth in the empty void before the universe began, and created reality from his mighty cock. Phallus's cosmic cum formed the stars, the galaxies and finally, the world. All manner of races and creatures exist on Phallica; Men, Elves, Dwarves, Giants, Orcs, Centaurs, among other fantastical races; the only thing that does not exist here, is females. Every living thing on Phallica is male....

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416 Part 5

Diana reflected on all that had occurred over the past weeks between David Kingsly, Shelly and herself. Tall, luscious Shelly; David's on and off paramour. David had shared with her earlier this week. The recollection of that tryst made her pussy very wet. Opening her desk drawer, she pulled out her favorite toy, a rabbit vibrator.Her imagination turned to the coming Sunday when she would be going to David's apartment for the first time to have a day of play with both Shelly and David. They...

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