Building A Nest Of Our Own09: An Unexpected Loss free porn video

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“Are you two prepared?” Del asked their novice Lezmonom warriors.

“We’re as ready as we’ll ever be,” Lizzle said, pulling on her gloves.

“I’m set,” the second one proclaimed, as he checked his helmet. “I’m so excited I can hardly stand it.”

“Remember, Kalib, you need to keep your head,” Siss cautioned. “There are hundreds of things to watch for. The slightest thing can go wrong, and we don’t understand enough to know what to expect. A minute sharp edge can puncture a suit, plus there may be radiation risks from breached engines.”

“I’m not sure I’ll adjust to this new name,” Kalib groused. “It sounds so ... foreign.”

“Hopefully we’ll get better at pronouncing your names. But for now, it’s easier using something we’ll all recognize.”

“I was hoping for one of those cool nicknames the rest of you use,” Lissle suggested.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind being Ka, or even Kal. I don’t know what a ‘kalib’ is.”

“It’s just a name,” Del said. “One coined by a certain minority to designate they’re separate from the dominant majority population. But it doesn’t have a distinct meaning, at least none I can recall offhand.”

“I can relate to being viewed as different,” he acknowledged. “Otherwise our ancestors would never have fled Tandorian space. Now, we outnumber you, so we’re hardly the minority.”

“Believe me, the cute nicknames were because we humans were named by rank, based on an ancient human language. Once we discovered we were in the same boat, it became a personal thing, marking us as distinct from everyone else.”

“And the Tandorians who joined them, like myself,” Siss said, “adopted the same convention. I’ve got to admit, it simplifies life tremendously. Luckily, with so few of us, we haven’t run into many conflicts. Now that we’ve increased our population, the trend probably won’t continue.”

“Since neither is claimed, I have no problem with either one,” Del said. “Single syllable names simplify exchanges in dangerous situations.”

“Use Kal, then,” Kalib said. “I has a nicer ring, and doesn’t sound as much like choking.”

“Can I be Lizz?”

Del chuckled. “It isn’t much shorter, but it’s fine. But if we decide to marry anyone else, all bets are off.”

Lizz’s face dropped. “You’re not planning it, are you?”

“No, I was teasing. The humans were never looking for additional partners. They did it more to prove a point about our ability to determine our own fate. However, once Al, Betty and Xi opened the door, the rest joined in before common sense prevailed.”

“I don’t note any obvious risks,” Siss advised, “but it doesn’t guarantee you’ll be safe. There just aren’t any immediate hazards. If you take a wrong turn, or move at the incorrect time, things change. Stick with us, pause when we do, and you’ll be okay. Remember, you’re here to observe, not risk your lives.”

“Still, we never got the chance to do anything this exotic back home. Imagine, exploring an alien ship no one has ever observed before.”

“What about the vessel we’re living in?” the newly named Lizz argued. “We never even knewwere Zssizliq before.”

“Yeah, but everyone treats it as normal. Here, we’re breaking new ground, taking chances and learning things before anyone else.”

“We’re going in as two separate teams of four,” Del detailed, “so you won’t see the others aside from them exiting their shuttle. We’ll enter the ship, get a feel for what we’re seeing and advance from there.”

“Wouldn’t we cover more territory if we split up, going in different directions?”

“We could, but we could have covered more with four members of our existing crew. Since this won’t involve any firefights, it was seen as a tremendous learning experience. Unfortunately, we need to separate the training opportunity from our uncovering answers before getting back underway.”

“In either case,” Siss emphasized, “we’re wasting precious time. Let’s head out and see what we can discover. Then you two can describe what exploring an alien ship is like!”

Siss and Del demonstrated how to kick off using the shuttle door’s frame to launch themselves towards the ship. Lizz and Kal followed their lead and weren’t far behind when they reached the entrance portal.

“Damn, it’s standing wide open,” Del noted. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

“What means that?” Lizz asked.

“Yeah,” Gary answered from their mission at the other end of the ship. “It means whoever was here—either the escaping survivors or those who subsequently discovered the vessel—never intended to return. The shuttle bay is similar. The entrance is open, and the two shuttles are gone. There’s no indication whether the surviving crew used them to escape or others took them. In either case, they were left that way, as the locking mechanisms weren’t damaged.”

“It suggests a rescue mission,” Del said. “The original crew likely encountered trouble and got a signal out. By the time the relief vessel arrived, everyone was gone. One, is there any trace of abandoned craft in the vicinity? Given the looks of the ship, I doubt they were sophisticated enough for faster-than-light travel. If so, they couldn’t have gotten far.”

“It all depends on how long it’s been,” the One said. “Traveling at sublight speeds, if it’s been a thousand years or more, they could be well beyond my scanning range. If not, surely anyone capable to investigating the remains would have thought it beneficial to retrieve the technology.”

“The idea of a benevolent rescuer isn’t unprecedented,” Myi said. “It’s the role the Tandorians played for a long time. Back in our glory days, we’d venture to new, unexplored regions, much as we’re doing now. When they identified a developing civilization, they’d offer assistance, but stipulate they needed to modify their society to fit into the larger Tandorian culture. They’d then leave them on their own to implement the changes.

“Since the cultivated worlds could see tremendous benefits from joining such an established and thriving galactic civilization, they had a significant incentive to change. The Empire would make periodic visits. If the societies made the necessary modifications, especially if they were nearing interstellar travel, the Tandorians would provide additional inducements. If they couldn’t accept requirements such as stopping their wars to work together for the common good, we’d leave them to their own devices. Typically, the worlds would hit a crisis point, couldn’t adjust, and just cease to exist. Yet we’d continue checking to determine whether they were ready to do whatever they needed to survive.

“It’s possible another culture is playing the same role, though I doubt they’re as experienced or sophisticated as the Tandorians.”

“For such a far-fetched idea, it makes the most sense,” Al reflected.

“Not much to see inside,” Siss noted. “No obvious dangers, though there’s junk floating everywhere.”

“I’ll say.” Kal reached out for something drifting by his head. “What are these?”

“It’s some variation of paper,” Del said, checking it out. “Careful, the prolonged exposure has left them extremely stiff and fragile. However, we can analyze their language if we can collect enough samples.”

“Is it worth bothering?” Myi prompted. “I understanding investigating the ship to understand the capabilities of someone we may face in the future. Yet the likelihood they’re still around, or that their language hasn’t changed in the intervening years, is remote.”

“We’re in the connecting passage off their smaller shuttle bay,” Gary announced. “There’s less abandoned equipment drifting here. It appears everything was locked away. Also, despite evidence of a fight, there are no apparent clues concerning what happened.”

“Siss,” Gary requested, “can you determine any risks, possibly if we break into the AI unit and remove its memory, if nothing else?”

She paused, considering it. “No. I’m getting a complete blank. I don’t perceive any hazards, though it may be I don’t understand what it entails. We’ll need to develop a better idea of what’s involved before I can detect any issues.”

“Still,” Al said over an open channel, “I’m sending in our engineers. While you might pick up some interesting information, they’re the ones who’ll determine what we’re dealing with.” He waited several moments. “Okay, Lamar and Taq are already preparing a shuttle. They guessed where this was heading and selected their Lezmonom teammates. They’ll be joining you shortly.”

“Should we wait for them?” Myi wondered.

“Nah, they know how to handle these situations. Since the ship is unsecured, they’ll make faster access on their own.”

“Okay, I’ve got something more substantial,” Gary said. “We have signs of an armed struggle. Hold on while I establish the parameters.” A few moments later he was back. “I’m now in what looks like their common room. There are blaster burns on the walls, along with dark stains on the tables, ceilings and floors.”

“Get samples,” Etta suggested. “We can run an analysis and determine what the occupants were like based on their genetic makeup.”

“As well as identify the weapon type from the blast remnants,” Kaci added.

“I’ll get it!” Trevor offered. “Man, I never imagined I’d be scrapping blood off the walls of an alien vessels a few weeks ago. No one will believe this!”

“Focus,” Myi urged. “Always concentrate on your task and any dangers around you. If you get overly excited about what follows, you’ll miss the obvious.”

“Any signs of forced entry?” Al pressed.

“Not that we can detect,” Gary reported. “There are several corridors leading off from here, but there’s no indication of an invading force. Also, the burn marks aren’t like you’d see during an organized attack. They’re scattered. I’m guessing this was either an isolated disagreement among the crew run amuck, or a full revolt.”

“Starting in the common room?” Al objected. “A rebellion seems unlikely there. It may foment in the dining area, but they’d likely launch it on the bridge, as it would have the most impact. I’m assuming a simple disagreement escalated.”

“Now that we know what to look for, we’re heading there based on the rough schematics the One is compiling. We’re seeing indications of a fight; with additional burn marks and bloodstains. There’s also actual debris from impacts, rather than random free-floating objects.”

“This is so neat!” Kal exclaimed. “I can almost smell the blaster burns.”

“That’s known as sensory integration,” Eli expounded. “When you see something which provokes intense emotions, you integrate personal sensual memories to fill in the gaps when you can’t experience it directly.”

“Don’t focus on the excitement,” Del counseled. “You’ve got a job to do. Remain objective and search for clues. Don’t concentrate on what you want to see or you’ll contaminate your conclusions.

“Lamar and Taq are transmitting images as they approach from another direction. I’m assembling an outline of the vessel,” the One explained. “So far, I haven’t detected any external signs of an attack.”

“It sounds like a sub-light voyage lasting a lifetime to reach a new world,” Al summarized. “It undoubtedly ended in the crew—cooped up without release for so long—killing each other and compromising their ship.”

“It makes sense, but doesn’t explain the lack of bodies,” Myi countered. “If someone recovered them, then clearly the distance wasn’t an obstacle. Otherwise, they couldn’t journey the distance, clean up everything and head back again without suffering a similar fate. There’s got to be more to the story.”

“We’ll need to examine the drives,” Lamar said. “We can determine roughly how fast they could travel, helping identify where they started from.”

“Or,” Gary said, “it implies another group capable of traveling between worlds intervened and honored another species’ dead. It either demonstrates an incredibly respectful culture or suggests the rescuers were from the same society. Whichever it was, they likely encountered the wreck hundreds or even thousands of years later.”

“One, can you track its origin, using its speed?”

“It’s not so simple. Its current velocity is relative to us. It doesn’t give any indication to how fast it was traveling in relation to its origin. What’s more, its momentum might easily carry it far beyond its destination.”

“Fine. Working backwards based exclusively on its heading; can you identify its starting point?”

“As we were saying,” Lamar continued, “we’ll have a more reliable estimate when we determine their capabilities. With a given speed, we can figure out the minimum distance traveled and extrapolate backwards from there.”

“So much for uncovering answers,” Al mumbled.

“It isn’t the messages you want that are the most valuable, but those which hurt the most,” Triznor offered. “By then, it’s too late.”

“I’ll keep that in mind the next time someone delivers news I expect, though those seem the rarest of all,” he grumbled.

“Be careful, people,” Gary warned. “These blaster burns appear to have weakened the structural integrity of the walls. Be prepared for falling tiles. Don’t go anywhere alone.”

“I’m not as worried about a bump on the head as a radioactive leak or booby-trap,” Myi said. “One might hurt, but you won’t feel the latter.”

“We’re entering the ship now,” Lamar announced. “We’re using a port nearest the drives, so we’ll start there.”

“I think we’ve got enough evidence of internal bickering,” Al said. “I doubt any further examinations will reveal anything new. We need someone to head to the bridge to see if there’s anything useful there.”

“We’re near there,” Myi said. “Trevor and Gartu aren’t learning much examining bloodstains. They’ll pick up more investigating a unique bridge design, so we’ll be prepared if we ever need to commandeer an unfamiliar ship.”

“Gartu?” Al asked.

“Don’t ask,” Myi cautioned. “I’ll explain it later and we’ll share a laugh.”

“It wasn’t my idea,” Gartu complained. “Still, I’m getting used to it.”

“The plans are appropriate,” Al agreed. “Keep an eye open for any AI or memory housings. We likely can’t read the data, but we can learn a lot by studying the technologies employed.”

“Got it. We’ll examine all the knobs and gizmos and see which way the zero-G toilets flush,” Gary teased. “We’ll uncover plenty of shit that way.”

“We’ve located a weapons locker,” Del said. “We can determine the types of armaments they used.”

“Great, we can learn how ancient weapons-technology works too!”

“Technology builds on their basics,” she pointed out. “If we understand their foundations, we can envision where it might be at specific stages in the future.”

“Good point. Grab a couple guns, shove ‘em in a bag and we’ll examine them later,” Al instructed.

“We’ve found the drive bays,” Lamar said. “Taq and I will try to determine how they operate, while Waq and Tulli observe. They’re pretty ... antiquated. Not so much old as primitive.”

“Primitive by Tandorian or Human standards?”

“Oh, believe me, this ship is way beyond anything Earthlings could achieve,” Lamar replied.

“You’re not kidding,” Gary said. “Looking under the counters on the bridge, the entire vessel is controlled via crystal-tubes.”

“Are you serious?’ Al asked.

“Don’t get me wrong. They’re leaps and bounds beyond our limited efforts in the field. Yet imagine if we’d never developed digital technology, instead perfecting the older devices. They achieved things with it we never imagined.”

“Except, it’s prone to overheating,” Al argued.

“From what I can tell, many of them extend into crevices open to space—the ultimate coolant and insulator.”

“Is there any sign the essential components failed? Could the common area fight have been provoked by technical difficulties? Say a loss of navigation or drive controls.”

“The drives don’t appear damaged,” Taq relayed, “though we’d need to do a thorough examination to be sure. They’re definitely not faster than light, though they likely managed a decent sublight speed.”

“This is fascinating, but it’s not terribly insightful. So far, there’s little worth entering the ship for in the first place. Is there anything we can learn from it?”

“I’m getting an alert from Lamar and Taq’s aids,” the One alerted them. “They’re unresponsive and in severe distress.”

“Lamar, Taq,” Al called. “Wag, Tulli?” He hesitated. “Dammit, we need to get them help!”

“We’re heading out,” Xi notified him. “We figured someone might need emergency care, so my assistants and I were waiting in the drive bay. It won’t take us more than a few minutes to reach them.”

“What’s happening?” Mui pleaded. “You’ve got to do something!”

“Be, you need to help her. We don’t need her losing control. We need someone who knows what they’re facing. We—”

“Mr. Al?” a lone feminine voice called.

“Yes, who is this?”

“This is Tulli. We were ... we were ... observing your engineers, when the wall behind them ... failed. It didn’t collapse or buckle, it simply came apart. Something popped and the steel wall just peeled away and fell! We were knocked to the ground and they are trapped under the metal sheet. We can’t get to them. They’re not making a sound. They may be dead!”

“Try to find something long, like a steel beam, and see if you can leverage it.”

“We’ve tried,” Wag said. “We know basic engineering principles, but there are no unsecured metal components here.”

“We’re on our way,” Siss told them. “Do you have a laser? If so, you can use it to weaken or cut through the wall covering them. Once weakened, you may be able to break it up with something heavy.”

“Their vitals are weak and they’re unresponsive,” the One divulged. “They’re losing a lot of blood.”

“We’re clearing away debris, but it’s not making much difference.”

“Tulli,” Al calmly instructed. “Head out to the port you entered through and direct Xi and her people when they arrive. Hopefully they can stabilize them until we can shift the fragments off them.”

“I’m going, but I feel like I’m abandoning them. They were protecting us, and now we can’t help them.”

“It’s not like you didn’t try. You’re doing what you can, which is accelerating how rapidly help arrives.”

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I could feel the heat from his body on my back, and the soft brush of his breath on my skin, as his head lowered to sample the smooth line between my neck and shoulders. ‘Let me keep you warm, Jessie’ he murmured between licks and nibbles to my flesh. ‘Nighthawk?’, my voice quivered a little. The way his hands were caressing my arms while his mouth traced lazy patterns on my back above the towel, I wasn’t very steady on my feet anymore. It was all I could do to say his nickname loud enough for...

5 years ago
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Eagles Nest Ch 5

Nathaniel wasn’t too sure of what I asked of him. I could see it in his face, the concern for my comfort, but at this point in time, that with all he’d been doing to me the last couple of hours I knew it had been just a prelude to something greater. I reached up and cupped his face in my hands, gently thumbing his jaw. Pressing his head to my stomach, I reached to the back of his head and started to massage along his spine and across his shoulders. He nuzzled into my flesh as I lifted my hips...

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The Dragons Nest part two

Crunching and chewing. The foul stench of dead flesh assaults my nostrils. This is the first thing my mind registers upon regaining consciousness. Then comes the pain. A raw, aching pain in my jaw. I dare not move my mouth for fear that my jaw might fall limply off its hinge. Luckily it doesn’t happen. I’m tucked into a dark corner of the cavern, surrounded by leaves and dried bones. This must be where the dragon feeds itself. I’m still intact, with only minor scars from the b**st’s talons and...

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The Dragons Nest part 1

The year of our Lord, 1191. It is a beautiful Spring morning in northern England, and the sparse clouds drift across the sky as I stand watch over the flock. My mother and father are sheep farmers by trade, and I, their only son, have been occupying my time in the fields. Still just a young man of my twentieth year, my small height and slender frame keep me from fighting against the heathens under our king, Richard the Lionheart, but I am not saddened by this. Aggression is far too foreign a...

4 years ago
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Empty Nest Fam Fun in the Bedroom

Empty Nest Fam Fun in the Bedroom!! If you are into the taboo relationship of i****t and group sex and bondage… then get some lube and maybe a toy and sit back and enjoy!! If that turns you off…. Then move along, there is nothing else here for you!!!! ========================= There is always something deliciously erotic about being blindfolded and at the mercy of another. This was just the situation last Friday evening when my wife told me we needed to go home from our date night dinner out...

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The Hawks Nest

Breathing hard from the steep climb, Bob said, "I think it's just a little farther. Probably just past that next crest." Ellen stopped for a second. "Or the next or the next or the next. This place had better be good." "Don't worry," he replied. "I'm sure you'll find it worth the climb." Bob and Ellen were both grad students at a college over in Virginia, a couple of hundred miles distant. They were both twenty-three and had been going together since the middle of the semester...

2 years ago
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The Nest Is Full Whats Next

While his wife was destroying the concept of fidelity in the arms of their daughter Jack was tossing and turning in his father’s house. He had driven out to spend the weekend with his dad since Donna wasn’t going to be around. Since he never traveled for his job like other people it was his first night since being married that he wasn’t sleeping next to his wife. His dreams were nightmare filled visions of Donna screaming in ecstasy in the arms of multiple lovers. He kept waking up in a sweat...

2 years ago
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Discussion QuestionsChapter 6 Using the Love Nest

When I walked into the office on Monday morning, Brenda was already at her desk sorting the first load of office mail. She blushed a nice scarlet color as I greeted her. "Have a nice weekend?" I asked casually, as though I had no idea of her activities. "Oh, yes." She looked around to be sure no one could hear her. "It was fucking marvelous; or maybe it was the other way around – marvelous fucking. Either way, it was the best weekend in my whole life. Thank you for asking ... and for...

4 years ago
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Empty Nests

Daphne strolled seemingly without purpose through the large park. Its trees were almost devoid of leaves. A brown, orange, red and yellow carpet of leaves covered the ground beneath the canopy of bare branches. It was odd not to be pushing a pram for once. Her three year old daughter had started nursery that week. Although it was only three hours a day, it was proving a challenge for Daphne, if not her precious Stella. When her husband had first insisted that they take advantage of the free...

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Pagan ORourkeChapter 2

"Begin!", snapped the Armsmaster. Pagan spun, drew, flicked the thumb-safety off, fired six rounds, safed the pistol, reholstered - in one continuous, uninterrupted, motion - and announced, "Clear!" The Armsmaster pressed the button, to retrieve the targets, and glanced down at the stopwatch in his hand. "It's unreal, ' the old warrior thought, 'he's beaten every record in the books - including his own previous ones. Those shots were so close together, I'd have thought they came...

5 years ago
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Unexpected Sexperience With Unexpected Woman

Hello dear readers… Hope you are ready to be aroused by my new unexpected yet wonderful experience. Not delaying any more… here I start my experience :) I am a male bdw ;) and I am staying with my friends in a house. As many guys have that anxiety about woman and their hidden treasures, I was also curious about them and always wanted to have some fun with woman but never got a chance. So… why am I writing this post? It’s because every one is given a fair chance, I also got mine and that too in...

3 years ago
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The Tournament 02 The Loss

copyright Nora Quick 2012. As always, I welcome comments and feedback! _________________________________ He was a shock to my system. Stellan Kellner was the man I’d been charged to find and help me navigate my way through a dangerous world, a mentor of knowledge even if he was to be a possible opponent in a battle to the death. We were fighting to save the dying world, one champion of eight would triumph and open a gate to let in their gods to save the world, or so I’d been told. Of all...

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Tournament Loss

“Unbelievable!” the announcer screamed. “Oral Roberts University has completely upset the Florida Gators in the first round of the tournament. This is why they call it March Mad-”Bryce turned off the TV.  “That totally sucks,” he said, still not wanting to allow it to sink in that his bracket was busted, or that his alma mater had been beaten by a nobody team from Oklahoma.  He knew he had nothing to do with it, but yet he still felt like it was a personal affront that his school’s team lost in...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor3

Chapter 1 It was after ten o'clock on a gloomy January night. There was a cold rain falling, and it was being driven by a stiff wind. It was a good night to stay in. I was sitting in front of my computer about to finish my data entry assignments for the night. I thought I would read a porn story or two after that. The only light I had on in the house was the one on my desk. Suddenly, I was startled by a knock on my door. Being naturally suspicious of such unexpected visitors at...

2 years ago
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Driving with Uber An Unexpected Benefit Part 4

It had been about three months since I had given Khrystiana that first (and last) spanking.  It was now the first week end of August.  As we had done the previous three months, Khrys and I were getting  together at her place to see how her finances were going.   We had also had a number of ‘dates’ in which we had dinner, had gone to a concert, had a picnic at the lake or just spent some time together.  The time we had spent together was 100% platonic.  Both of us just simply enjoyed our...

2 years ago
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Cindys Unexpected Reaction Chapter 1

This occurred over 20 years ago... and I am still surprised, somewhat embarrassed, and quite aroused by my unexpected reaction to receiving my very first enema. Jim and I had been married about three years when we decided that it was time to live a more respectable lifestyle and start raising a family. If you have read my earlier stories, you know that up to this point our sex life had been nothing short of steamy and tawdry. Early in our relationship, Jim awakened an exhibitionist streak and...

4 years ago
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The Unexpected Real Incident Part 4

I had just met Parth yesterday morning as a stranger from some different school. But as already been shared with you, what a wonderful unexpected night I had yesterday. And how can I not mention the super kinky morning I had today ;) And also, the unexpected and harsh afternoon which had led to the red ass of Parth. It was going great. I was loving every bit of it. So as I had told you, even the night was unexpected. I thought I will make out with Parth and sleep, but that did not happen. It...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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An Unexpected Bonus Office Party

I haven’t been back to the movie theater where I work since last Thursday, when I had that unexpected, amazing romp with my manager in his office. But tonight is my first scheduled night back at work, so I’m headed up there now. I’m a little nervous. I haven’t heard from Rick all week, except for the message he left on my voicemail telling me what day and time to come back to work. Knowing I’m going to see him tonight, I tried to dress up, but it’s really hard to make those burgundy polyester...

Group Sex
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Our Unexpected First Swap

My name is Mark, I'm a twenty seven year old banker living and working in Boston., Massachusetts. I guess I'm considered a pretty good looking guy. I'm six foot three inches tall, weigh about two hundred pounds, clean cut with short hair, blue eyes, and considered a nice dresser with an athletic build as I work out regularly. I'm not a muscle man by any means but my wife Patricia says I have a great body. I'm not a hairy guy and I routinely do a little man scaping to keep everything neat and...

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Tourist Courting

Callie wrote the check to pay for four rooms and tore it out of her checkbook before handing it to the woman behind the check-in counter. The woman looked at the check for a moment, but didn't say any words of thank you. She just pulled her receipt book forward and wrote the receipt, which she handed over without comment. Callie remembered the sour-faced woman from more than forty years of visits, particularly when Callie and the woman had been much younger. The woman had been a sour-faced...

4 years ago
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An Unexpected Entry

Summary Bethan’s back from her first term away at uni, freshly-pierced, freshly-tattooed and now, it seems… freshly-bisexual. And what better way to shock everyone back home than showing off her sassy, rebellious, dreadlocked new girlfriend Emily? But when they visit her old school friend Jadie, it’s Bethan and Emily who’ll get a shock. And Jim might just have something to do with that… Jim’s had his ups and downs in life, a parent at sixteen, an orphan at eighteen and a widower at...

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An Unexpected Desire Updated Chp 14

Introduction: The Journey Begins An Unexpected Journey – SociallyxxDistorted This story, plus the following chapters, is interwoven with a little bit of truth, fantasy, and fiction. Stories are what you make of them … the more realistic, the better. Due to editing problems, Im including the entire story here rather than separate chapters. If you are waiting for another chapter to be added, it will post soon! As always, all comments and suggestions are appreciated. All characters are of legal...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Titty

Reddit Unexpected Titty, aka r/UnexpectedTitty! Sometimes, we are lucky enough to be present during something unexpectedly hot, and that is basically what r/unexpectedtitty/ is all about. I think the name of the subreddit pretty much says it all, and you can expect a lot of unexpected titties or so to speak. With just a bit browsing, I am sure that you will get the gist of what r/unexpectedtitty/ is all about.Now, keep in mind that is a free website, and there are loads of NSFW...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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Unexpected Bus Journey Lead To Unexpected Sex

Hi, iss friends and my name is Sandeep. I am from Vijayawada (AP) doing my graduation from a reputed college in Vijayawada. This happened to me on 18th Jan 2015 (yes, very recent) and it started in a bus and ended in her room. It’s very long please be patient. Firstly, myself I am 5’6 and I look above average I think and my age is just 21 and I am huge fan of hard sex and I fantasize myself with many girls and ladies around me. Her name is Manasa and her age is 26 and she is good looking and...

3 years ago
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My unexpected journey part 6

Life with Kendra and Violet has been wonderful as well. My girlfriend, Kendra, and I have been getting closer and closer every day. Violet and I have had the occasional fooling around but she understands that I am with Kendra and that she has my heart. Not to mention I’m pretty sure that Kendra and Violet have fooled around a bit here and there as well while I’ve been out but we all have a deep understanding of each other. Kendra and I always enjoyed going on shopping sprees here and there....

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Unexpected Desire

To understand how totally unexpected the event of several months ago was, knowing my history, well my sexual history, is helpful. I am a twenty-four year old lesbian. Well, at least I was a lesbian, but now I'm probably bi. The change in sexual orientation is what this story is about. I learned I was attracted to girls when I first turned sixteen and began exploring the secret world of sex in high school. Earlier, I didn't think much about the subject, and it wasn't a topic at home. Some of...

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Unexpected Night With My Best Friend

Hey this is Dhruv. This is my first sex experience which I want to share with u guys. This experience and situation was completely unexpected. Its with my best friend Tina. Tina and me are best friends from childhood.. but one unexpected night got us together physically too.. Coming to info about me I am a boy age 21, and I am studying.. and good looking. My best friend Tina is my childhood friend. Both of us played together, shared everything..but never had such feelings of getting physical....

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Unexpected Restroom Lust 8211 Part 2 8211 The Fuck Part

Hi this is Arjun again for ISS. This is my second story for ISS. To get to know a little about myself and to know what happened before this story PLS check out the previous story “Unexpected Restroom lust”. The previous story had a few spelling mistakes and I think this will too :P. Pls bear with me. This story is a continuation of my first sexperience with my college mate JananiPriya, that too in our college restroom. Weird place to have sex isn’t it. So, with no time to waste; ill start the...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Sex Experience With Lustful Neighbor

Hi friends… Gary from Calcutta. Thanks to ISS for publishing all my previous stories and the wonderful responses from the readers. I have been blessed amazingly in matters of love and sex, especially in last 3 years after coming to Calcutta. For those who are reading my escapade for the first time, I am a 34 year old guy with lots of sex drive. I love to keep myself fit by regularly gymming, and various sports. And being a part of a high end residential society, get many chances to interact...

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Unexpected Sex With School Friend

Hi this is Rohi, I am gonna share with you a story of me and my School friend I use to live in a rented house in Mumbai alone. My daily chores include of morning office evening making dinner and day I was bored of going office so decided to skip by giving reason of not well. It was raining heavily outside suddenly I called my school friend Priyanka who was working in nearby area and told her to visit at my place as I was alone and bored . She came within an hour fully drenched in...

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Unexpected Fun After A Ball Party

Hi, this is my first story at ISS. I have been a regular reader of sex stories over here and at last thought to pen down my real experiences. This is my first experience which I am writing here. I am not a descriptive writer so Please forgive me for my mistakes. Fair comments will encourage me to further share my other experiences in a better way. You can send your feedback on my mail address at I m raj at present 32 years of age, highly educated,well mannered, suave and articulate . I stand...

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Unexpected Mommy Parts 1 2 and 3

Unexpected Mommy - Part 1 By Trish5160 My name is Alex. I'm 14 and out of three boys born in my family, I was the youngest and like the runt in a litter of kitties. I am either blessed or cursed with gynecomastia, depending on your perspective. Gynecomastia is unexplained breast development in guys. No one really knows why this condition exists or what triggers it. There are a lot of theories, one being an imbalance of hormones at birth. A boy like me who's body has produced...

3 years ago
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An Unexpected Lover Ch 4

After that night with Kevin, I thought things would be wonderful forever, I was wrong though. For the next two weeks, Kevin and I stole every moment possible together fucking, sucking, and groping each other to multiple orgasms. More than one afternoon was spent at work with my pussy still twitching randomly after my orgasm. Just like everything else, this good thing came to an end shortly after our first time together, but not in a way I would have ever guessed it would happen; leading me to...


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