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PERFECT by BobH (c) 2011 A lot of beautiful women work in the London offices of the Buffington Group, and in the year since I moved here from my hometown of Leeds I've had most of them. And why not? I'm young, good-looking, have the gift of the gab, and I'm a total pussyhound. If you could get women to open their legs for you as easily as I can, you'd be a pussyhound as well. It didn't hurt that the only other guy in my department was gay. The thought of all that playing with someone else's cock made me shudder, but to each their own I suppose. Amazingly, I'm still friends with most of the women I've slept with, too. That's because while I might love pussy, I also like women as people. That's a rarer combination than you might expect, and women appreciate it. As many women as I've had however, there's one first meeting I'll never forget. We were introduced by my supervisor, Melanie, who was one of my first conquests after I moved here. "There's someone I'd like you to meet, Dave," she said. I looked up from the old accounts ledger I was poring over and there she was, one of the prettiest girls I'd ever seen, her big blue eyes, full red lips and tiny nose framed by the thick mass of blonde curls that cascaded down over her shoulders. She was wearing a deceptively simple summer dress that I could tell was a designer original, and she looked to be about nineteen. "This is Ashley," said Melanie as I rose to my feet, "Ashley, this is Dave Parker." "Pleased to meet you, Ashley," I said, offering my hand. "And you, Dave," she said, shaking it daintily. Her accent was American southern. That's when the penny dropped. "Wait, you're Ashley Buffington," I said, "the big boss's daughter!" The corporate headquarters of the Buffington Group were in Atlanta, Georgia, and it was from there that Lafayette J. Buffington III ruled his global empire. "Guilty as charged," she said, smiling shyly. "Daddy thought I should spend some time in the London office and 'learn the ropes'." "I'd be happy to show them to you," I said, before cheekily adding: "or anything else you want to see." Melanie frowned at me, but Ashley gave me that shy little smile again and said: "I think I'd like that, Dave." Melanie then steered Ashley away to meet the rest of the office, and I watched her go rather wistfully. She had one of those thin, willowy figures teens often have, and her dress had revealed just enough cleavage to have me happily contemplating what it would be like to bury my face between her firm, round breasts. She was like fresh fruit, ripe and ready to be plucked from the branch by yours truly. Melanie came by again later, and regarded me disapprovingly. "It seems that Ashley is no more immune to your bad boy charm than any other woman with a pulse," she said, "and she's asked that you be the one to show her around." "What can I say?" I grinned. "When you've got it you've got it." "Yes, but what you won't be 'getting' is Ashley herself. She's signed one of those nauseating 'purity' pledges they're big on in the American Bible Belt and has committed herself to staying a virgin until her wedding night. I know you'll just see something like that as a challenge, Dave, but don't forget who she is. Deflowering the boss's daughter probably wouldn't be the best career move you could make." "Okay, okay, I get it!" I said. "No trying to get into Ashley's panties. Miss Buffington's tight little pussy is off-limits." "And don't you forget it." The thing is, being told something is off-limits tends to just make me want it more. But Melanie was right. I had to be adult about the situation, show restraint, and keep my dick in my pants, all things at which I had had very little practice. I was wrestling with this when I picked Ashley up at her hotel at seven a.m. that evening. I was sitting in the lobby when the lift doors opened and there she was, a vision of loveliness. She was wearing a darker dress than earlier, and slightly more elaborate make-up, and she gave the biggest grin on seeing me. There was something genuine and unaffected about Ashley, something that grin epitomised, and I liked it. "So, ready for a night on the town?" I said, offering her my arm. "Oh yes!" she said, taking it. "Let's have some fun!" London on a warm clear evening in June can be a magical place. We walked along the Embankment to the Houses of Parliament, talking all the while. I showed her Downing Street ("That's where your Prime Minister Lives? But it looks so small!"), then we took a leisurely stroll through St.James's Park and on to Buckingham Palace, talking all the while. Ashley was very easy to talk to. She told me all about her horses back home and her love of riding, about having the world's largest Barbie collection containing just about every limited edition doll ever released, and about her addiction to shoes. "I'm afraid Imelda Marcos has nothing on me!" she giggled. She was utterly delightful and I found myself enjoying her company without most of my attention being focussed on how I was going to get into her panties, which was a new experience for me. Of course, this attitude was a bit harder to maintain when, later that evening, we went clubbing. As sweet and demure as Ashley might be most of the time, she danced with total, wild abandon. By the end of the evening, I wanted her so badly it was physically painful. Afterwards I walked Ashley back to her hotel, fully prepared to make a move on her and to hell with Mel's warning not to deflower the boss's daughter. Yet a strange thing happened. At the door to her hotel room she turned to face me and once again she was the shy, demure Ashley I had been introduced to earlier that day. I still wanted her, but looking into those beautiful blue eyes of hers I knew I wanted more. "Thank you for a perfectly lovely evening, Dave," she said, giving me a quick peck on the cheek. And then she was gone and I was left staring at the door to her room in confusion. I had not made a move on her, and yet I was giddily, stupidly happy. What was happening to me? Yeah, okay, I know. How could I not know I was falling for her, right? In my defence, I had never fallen for a woman before and so I didn't recignise what I was feeling for what it was. I like woman, I enjoy their company, and I had been very fond of all my lovers. But I had never felt something like this for any of them. And I won't deny that I ached to have sex with her. Her purity pledge seemed beyond ludicrous to me, but it was important to her so I respected it and didn't try to get into her panties or even try any heavy petting. I was the perfect gentleman and, yes, that surprised me too. Over the following weeks we became inseperable. I was completely smitten with Ashley, totally bewitched by her and, inevitably, I eventually popped the question one night at a restaurant. "Ashley," I said, going down on one knee, and taking the ring from my pocket. "Will you marry me?" She squealed delightedly. "Oh my darling, darling Dave!" she said. "I want to say 'yes', and I will, but first you have to ask my father for my hand. He's very old- fashioned that way." "Do you think he'll approve of me?" I asked, a bit non-plussed by this unexpected development. "Of course he will," she said, "what's not to like? You're intelligent, well-mannered, and you make me very, very happy. He'll love you!" I wasn't quite as convinced as Ashley, but nevertheless one week later I found myself in her father's den in the Buffington family mansion in Atlanta. We had just eaten the best meal I'd had in my life, served amid astonishing opulence. The ladies - Ashley and her mother -had gone out onto the verandah for some girl talk, while we men had retired to the den for brandy and cigars. The den was all dark wood panelling and deep leather chairs. Over a gun rack on one wall hung framed photos of Ronald Reagan and John Wayne. "So," said Lafayette Buffington III, playing the flame of the lighter over the end of his cigar and puffing it into life, "you want to marry my daughter." "Yes sir, I do. We love each other and I believe I could make her very happy." "Son, if I didn't believe that too you wouldn't be here," he replied. "But my li'l girl is the apple of my eye and I needed to take the measure of you for myself. Then there's the family fortune to consider." I had been expecting this. "I was assuming I'd have to sign a pre-nup," I said, "so it gets protected in the event we divorce - not that I can imagine that ever happening." He looked me in the eye appraisingly. "In many ways, I'm kinda old-fashioned," he said, "and I don't really hold with pre-nups. Seems to me they damage the romance between two people." I was surprised by his declaration. This was a remarkably sentimental view for a hard-headed businessman to take. "No, I prefer to ensure that the marriage won't break-up, and as it happens I can do that." He went over to a small wall safe, opened it with a key he kept on the other end of his fob watch chain, and took out a small crystal decanter filled with a pale green liquid. He poured some into a whisky glass and held it out to me. "Over the years my business dealings have taken me to some strange places and I've learned there are things in this world that exist despite most people not believing in them, such as magic. Drink this elixir, into which a drop of Ashley's blood has been mixed, and she will be your ideal woman always. You will never think of leaving her because no other woman will ever be able to compete with her for you affections because she will be in every respect - mental, physical, emotional - your perfect partner." "I've no intention of ever leaving her," I said, vaguely uneasy at the idea of the elixir. "Then you won't have any objection to drinking it," he said. "I don't ask for a pre-nup, but if you want to marry my daughter I do ask for this. So what's it to be?" I thought for a moment, then reached out and took the glass from him. I threw back the elixir in a single gulp. It tasted faintly of pineapples and elderflower. "Good, good," he said, patting me on the back approvingly. "Let's finish our cigars and rejoin the womenfolk. We've got us a wedding to start planning." Three weeks later Asley and I were married in the grounds of the mansion watched by a guest list that included an ex-President, several A-list Hollywod stars, and many of the most powerful businessmen in America. The bride looked absolutely stunning, of course, the wedding dress costing more than I made in a year and with hair and make-up done by the top names in the country. After the "I do's" came the reception dinner, the partying, and more dancing than seemed possible. Eventually, my feet killing me, I suggested to Ashley that we slip away. A suite of rooms had been prepared for us on the top floor of the mansion and I was eager to get her alone and for us to cosummate our union. As is traditional, the groom carried the bride across the threshhold and into the suite, the bride letting out a squeal that turned into delighted laughter. "It's finally time, my darling!" said Ashley, giving me a long kiss, our lips never parting as, standing before me, her arms around my waist, she pressed herself to me and ground her body against mine. "Whoa!" I said, gently disengaging but now fully aroused. "Do you have any idea what you do to me?" "Yes," she said, laughing. "And now I finally get to put it into practice." So saying, she slowly, seductively lifted the skirt of her wedding dress and I watched entranced as inch by inch her spectacular legs were revealed. I ran my eyes up them appreciatively, starting at her Jimmy Choo's with their four inch heels, then progressing along her cream silk stockings - a frilly garter around one thigh - onto the soft inviting flesh at the top of those stockings, and beyond. "You're not wearing any panties," I said, smiling. "That's right," she said, reaching out and undoing the belt on my trousers, "and I'm very, very turned on." "God, I've wanted to do this for so long!" she said, pulling down my trousers and my underpants while I threw off my jacket and shirt. "Turn around, my love." I did as she asked, bending over the table, gasping slightly as she worked the cool lube into my anus. She was gentle at first, slowly easing the head of her penis into me, but as soon as she was comfortable with how my anus felt around the shaft she grasped my hips with surprising firmness, her long painted nails digging into my flesh, and rammed herself inside me, pumping away with increasing speed and force. "Oh yes, baby, yes!" she cried, as her thrusts became more urgent, letting out a womanly scream when she finally came then collapsing over me gasping, her bridal veil falling forward and brushing my naked back. "That. Was. Amazing." she gasped. "It was all I'd always dreamed it would be, and more!" A few minutes later, I took her in my mouth for the first time, sucking out the last drops, and she stroked my head lovingly. "Oh my darling, darling David!" she said. "My gorgeous, exciting, bad boy! You're all any girl could want in a man and I love knowing that whenever I'm horny - and I'm going to get very, very horny - you'll lower your pants and offer yourself for my pleasure, or drop to your knees and give me oral relief." "I'm so glad I waited until I met you, my love," she said, sighing happily. "You're going to be the perfect husband!" The End. ******************** Note: Yet another one completed as part of my new year's resolution to clear a load of unfinished stories off my hard drive. This one was started in 2009, so it's one of the more recent ones. As a "set-up and punchline" type of story it's short, sharp, and as usual with these I used some misdirection deliberately left out a bunch of descriptive tags so that even if you suspected where it was going you couldn't know for sure until you got there.

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The Mars Company AnthologyChapter 1

Xi Pegasi System System Command 13/34/41 NR 0715 Hours “ ... and we think that Captain Rogers will be able to bring the Evans in under her own power. She took at least two serious hits from a really nasty laser head missile. They are still making repairs, and the rest of First Squadron is on station at the wormhole.” The petite commander smiled grimly. “Whatever they were armed with, the Evans and the Valkyrie drove them off, and we are ready if they try again.” “Thank you, Edith. Good...

3 years ago
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His Everyday Object The Beginning

Jon was a typical teenage boy, always horny. He was less average in other ways. His sexuality wasn't something he was ready to be open about. Not with friends or family. He wasn't sure what to call himself. Straight with bi tendencies maybe? He liked anal play. No, he loved it but it didn't have to be with a guy. He didn't even need a toy. Just an every day household object. Sometimes even a long, thick cucumber would do. He wasn't a leading man as far as looks go but he had boyish charm. A...

3 years ago
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First And Best Of My Life

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net I have a well-built body. About 7-inch cock with a very good girth. Even though due to these looks I could never get any girl to love me or seduce anyone. I was craving for sex. I always had a thing for milfs and virgin girls. I loved to fantasize as eating and stretching virgin pussies and milking the milf boobs. I always waited for such an occasion. My fantasies include me fucking my milf teachers, fucking my virgin innocent...

2 years ago
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CadeChapter 21 Who Are You

Callie woke up earlier than usual, and began to prepare breakfast and get ready for work. She had been unable to sleep because of Cade's uneasiness. She was grateful her job was only part-time and that she didn't have to work every single day. Whenever Cade punished her, it always hurt, and even though he had only given her ten licks with the belt yesterday, she could still feel it. As Callie tidied up the living room, she stumbled across the letter from the tax commission and realized as...

2 years ago
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Commandments Part 2

Sir looks at me with a gleam in his eye and I know he has something up his sleeve. He helps me sit up, gives me a kiss on the lips, then brushes his lips by my ear whispering, “We aren't finished slut. You will follow my instructions like the good girl you are, won't you?” I nod, and he nods back. He walks over to Samantha, grabs a handful of her long red hair and forces her to her knees. She looks up at him with uncertainty in her eyes. “You used my slut without my permission, so now it's time...

4 years ago
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Sex during my tour

Hai ISS readers This is romeo again with different experience.By the way i take this opportunity to thank the ppl who had responded after going through my story screwed my horny maid.Infact i had got lots of replies especially with ladies( married and unsatisfied) which led to any amazing sex experiences which I will share later Just for the new browers I will introduce my self ,I am an Engineer beloning to southern part of India i.e Chennai (Tamil Nadu).I am always a admirer of women.I always...

2 years ago
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The Exhilaration of Dominance

[ For my good friends A & T! It is not necessarily a stereotype to say that 'Once you go black, you never go back.' ]I'd often seen attractive European women vacationing in Marrakesh (German, French, Italian, British, some Spanish, etc.) but I'd only lusted after them from a distance! They were unreachable to a man like me, an African man, and yet, the urge to get a chance to fuck one of them had always remained strong.But that was over now, and as I felt my hard cock driving deep and...

3 years ago
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My Dream of You

Upon the beach rests a pair of shorts and loose linen shirt, presumably the clothing I had on when I arrived here. I slip into the clothing and spy a torch lying a short distance away. As I approach the woven wicker and bamboo contraption, I again spy the flash that drew me out of the warm waters. I snatch up the torch, which somehow by the magic of this place lights up with merry crackle, illuminating the way before me. The cool light of the stars and moon is quickly replaced by the...

4 years ago
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Fancy Dress or Undressed

I shocked myself a bit when I said it out loud. Mostly I’d been attempting to amuse my friend Rob. He had a huge talent for, and interest in, inappropriate comments. But he had perhaps mastered the art of making such comments sotto voce, or at least quietly enough to not be heard by the person referred to. Just for a moment, I hoped that Sarah hadn’t heard, but she turned and approached me. I expected to be slapped in response. When I looked around, it seemed that Rob had also mastered the art...

2 years ago
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Garmiyon Ki Chhuttiyon Mein Threesome

Hi, this is Daksh kashyap, graduated from IIT Mumbai. Maine apni kahani mein maine bataya tha ki first year ke summer vacation mein kaise Neha ki chudai karta tha Divya ke flat mein. Par Divya kabhi chudne ke liye ready nahi hui. Jab winter vacation hua to Neha pregnant thi shayad meri hi chudai se. Kyuki April mein uska baby hua aur last year July tak to woh mujhse hi chud rahi thi. Hamari Whatsapp pe bat hoti rahti thi. Woh kab se chudwane ke liye wait kar rahi thi. Par mujhe pata tha ki...

2 years ago
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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 61

Partial transcript, America over All 7:04 pm November 5th, 2006 12:04 pm November 6th, 2006 (local time) Many events happened recently that are of great interest to all pure Americans. First, our hero, General Colt was recently appointed chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff by the God Given President. Second, the Association For An Almighty America went public. Let me strongly recommend that every person listening to this broadcast join this blessed organization. They, more than any...

3 years ago
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Mommy II Revised

Hi, all. After I posted the first version of this story, a lot of feedback was about how many holes had been left in the thing. Or if there was some hidden conspiracy to force Jack into becoming Jacqueline, why hadn't it been at least shown even briefly? This revision, in several installments, will hopefully fill the holes, and give explanations as needed or desired. I guess it won't be giving much away to tell everyone that there is indeed a conspiracy to completely...

3 years ago
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Cheerleader at the mall pt2

Oh yeah. Look at her, she wants a good fucking," the guard said.Tati squirmed under the guard as her body was overwhelmed by the sensations it felt. She had never had sex before -- contrary to the talk at school -- she was a virgin. She had masturbated many times and had even made herself cum, but nothing as intense as she was feeling now.The sight of what was going on was intensely erotic. The slender, pretty girl, rapidly becoming filthy from the dirty floor, being pumped by the older,...

1 year ago
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Anyone Want Wanda

I know that I'm not normal, in fact I can probably admit (at least to myself) that I'm pretty fucked up. I wasn't always that way; it wasn't until I saw my wife fucking another man that it happened to me. Seeing her, and hearing her begging for it, has totally changed me in ways I could never have imagined. Wanda wasn't my wife when I saw her enjoying another cock, but she was my fiancée. We were three weeks from our wedding when I stopped by the apartment that she was sharing with two...

3 years ago
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A Boss in Need

I worked at a posh office on the 58th floor of the Sears Tower. I grew up a Chicago girl and would never call it Willis Tower. If they ever try to rename Wrigley Field I think there might be an uprising. My job didn’t really meet my needs as far as challenges went. I was a glorified secretary. That English major did little good in finding a job with a living wage. I thought I’d write Catcher in the Rye from a female’s point of view. Yeah, I needed to get on that. Although the actual work was...

3 years ago
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Sarahs Submission Ch 18 Prom Plans

Sarah and Ali met at the spa the next afternoon. Before going inside, Ali pulled her to the side for privacy to tell Sarah everything that had happened that morning. Getting a text after getting home the night before, he instructed her to be at his house by 8:30 am, letting herself in with the code for the front door, and to go straight to his bed. Being so tired from the exhausting experience of losing her virginity, she had overslept a little and got there about 8:45 am. He had raged at...

3 years ago
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Friends I am back with my new story. I've always fantasized about a Muslim woman Damned. It is a fictional story.Our two neighbours flat was empty anyway, One day in there a lady came with her 5 years daughter One day I saw her in burkh(hijab) only i see her eyes that was so beautiful. I make friendship with her.Me: Hello lady im Rajesh ur neighbour. Shazia: O i'm Shazia, she replyMe: Where are u going rite now.Shazia: She reply im going to admit my daughter in St. Andrews School from the last...

2 years ago
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Sams train wreck of a daughter

Sam lived in an 8,000 square foot house on a hill in Eastern Tennessee. Overlooking a large lake, he could look down and see his moored sailboat. Sam had two passions in life; sailing and golfing at his country club. Yes, life was good. Sam and his x-wife had been divorced for twenty years. They had one child, a daughter, Merilee. Merilee had been ten when they split up. Sam’s x had raised her but Sam had always been generous to her and with her child support. Sam really hadn’t seen...

2 years ago
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The drive Home

  This is my first attempt at posting a story online. At the time of this story my wife Lynne was 35 years old. She is 5'4" Brown hair with Hazel eyes. She has a fit body from playing sports. 36D breasts with sensitive nipples. She has a strong sexual appetite that needs to be fed at all times of the day or night.    My name is Charles and I was 33 at the time. 5'10" and 190 pounds with a tone body. I have brown hair and brown eyes.  I love to please my wife with my 7" cock when ever I can get...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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The Bedpost

I woke up again in a damp puddle. My pussy was so sticky and aroused, it literally itched. My clit was pointing also and highly sensitive, so sensitive, it pulsed inward and outward when I touched it. I could feel my fleshy curtains full of heat and highly ruffled, like they were waiting to part for something hard. God, sometimes I wished I was not so sexual. As soon as I turned sixteen, the hormones waged war inside my body, and all I craved was sex. Even when I could not have it, I always...

4 years ago
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Fresh Meat For My Pantry

 It was Friday, and like every other Friday night for the past four months, I would be walking across the parking lot of the condominium project where I lived to the grocery store that was next door. It had become my routine to get my weekly groceries on Friday and to have sex later that evening. It had all started this past March when I only needed a few things from the store and so decided to walk over, buy the things that I needed and then walk home. I was active and loved to play sports,...

First Time
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Thailand LBFM

While in thailand with a firend a few years back i had my first sexual encounter with one of those fasinating ladies known as LBFM ( little brown fucking machines ) . my firend had been talking to a girl from the local shopping center and we arranged to meet her one night when she finished and she would show us around her home town. after drinking for a few hours we headed into a nightclub where my friend and his new found girl startd getting hot and heavy. the club started to fill and soon i...

1 year ago
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GirlsWhoLie Kyra Rose Messy Massage

Kyra Rose has had the hots for her male roommate for a really long time, but he has a girlfriend so she has held back on her affection. When she gets the impression from her roommate that he’s breaking up with the girlfriend, though, Kyra pounces on her opportunity. She offers him a massage because she can see how stressed he is. Once she has him laid out on the table, she starts by trash talking her roommate’s girlfriend and massaging his legs. Then she asks to take her shirt off...

3 years ago
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Seductive SisterInLawChapter 5

The day after Betty's encounter with Bob at his new apartment Shirley moved across town to join her husband. Kent was off on another business trip the following afternoon, and Betty was left alone in the large ranch-style house. She was grateful to have the young couple off her hands and felt relieved when Kent announced that he was flying to Chicago for a market-research meeting. She needed time to think and assess the disorder of facts and feeling floating around her brain, so the...

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