Mommy Me Series Justina Pt 2
- 3 years ago
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The next few weeks fly by. Donald asks Joseph to be his best man and witness, which Joseph, honored that Donald would think of him for this role, tells him, of course, he will. The minister, talking to Donald, offers that his wife, an accomplished pianist, could provide some music for the event. Knowing her talent and grateful for the suggestion, Donald humbly accepts the offer.
Then there are Karen and Julie. Emma and Donald agree that it would be rude and cruel not to invite them. So they do. Both are thrilled at being included in this small circle to witness Emma and Donald’s marriage. They even offer to film the wedding so it can be a live feed for Dorthey and Maude, and also a tape for them to enjoy in the future.
Donald, not thinking about being able to include his aunts, this offer is a fantastic suggestion. That evening, Donald and Emma make a video call to Dorothy and Maude. Donald and Emma tell them about their upcoming wedding, and how Julie and Karen are going to tape it so they can watch the wedding live. Both are overcome with emotions at this possibility.
Julie and Karen soon when to the chapel to figure out where best to have the cameras, well tablets, from which to tape and live-feed. They also figure out how they could have two locations to tape to one feed.
So now, instead of four and the minister, there will be eight at the wedding. Emma is charmed that it is happening this way, she really did not want to exclude Karen and Julie, and now by remote having two more in attendance via the feed. So a total of ten people will be celebrating together.
Donald finds the perfect locale for them to spend their wedding night. Now a bed and breakfast, and a very highly rated restaurant. The B&B is an old plantation. Now renovated while keeping as much of the original style and amenities as possible. It is about a half-hour from them heading toward Montgomery, Alabama, where they will be getting a flight from tomorrow.
It has a beautiful room for Emma and him for their first night as husband and wife. But before that, Donald reserves a table for eight in the large dining room. It is in itself is rated five stars and offers excellent cuisine. Donald goes through their menu and picks out what will be served as an eight-course meal.
And for their honeymoon, Donald makes all the arrangements, not giving anything away to Emma. He wants it to be a perfect surprise. The last two days before the wedding, Donald packs their luggage with all that will be needed. Emma is curious as a child about where they will be going, but even watching what Donald pack gives her no clues.
Emma delivers her dress to Sasha the week before the wedding. Over Emma’s waxing, they talked about the impending nuptials. Then the day before the wedding, Emma and Donald have a freshen up session at the spa. For a while now, Donald, Emma, and Sasha have not played in that way. Considering the next day, nor is that on the table today.
And suddenly it is May fourth, their wedding day. Having the wedding at four pm will give them plenty of time to get ready. Emma and Donald wake around eight this morning. Both greet each other with silly grins on their faces for what is going to happen today. Emma feels all the butterflies fluttering in her. She has not really accepted the reality that this is going to happen.
They cuddle together, holding each other tight as they kiss. Emma and Donald kissing like always, especially in the morning, turns to groping and caressing. And not far behind, both are so horny, a lot from what is ahead this day. Donald kisses up and down Emma’s body to let her know how much he loves every inch of her.
Emma’s hands are all over Donald as he does this, but when he spreads her lower lips and dives in, it is mostly his head she caresses as he gets her working to a morning frenzy. She feels his tongue lapping at her clit, and his fingers slide into her welcoming wet cunt. Donald has mastered finding her g-spot so quickly to add to the effect of the attention to her clit. It doesn’t take long for her to be arching so close to the summit.
Realizing this, Donald twists around, moves his finger and lips from Emma’s honeypot, and thrust his full cock up in Emma to begin that final ascent together. The two of them feeling the thrusts, the throbbing, the clenching, and shaking of both bodies as they reach the ultimate point and together cum as an avalanche overcomes them.
They crash together, clinging to each other, as they now descend to earth once more. They are laughing over this mighty flood from both of them. They move together, holding each other. Donald pulls the sheet up over them as they now are relaxed and fully awake for the day.
A couple of minutes later, there is a knock at the door. Karen walks in carrying a tray and a pitcher, followed by Julie with a second trap. “Happy today!” they both exclaim as they are not sure what to call this pre-celebration. “To a wonderful wedding day, the sky is clear, and it is beautiful out, a perfect day for a wedding,” they go on.
“To start,” Julie says. Then she looks at the two of them now sitting up against the headboard. She begins again, “Well, maybe not the start of the day, but a wedding breakfast for you both to enjoy.” All four laugh, while Emma is blushing a bit by what Julie alludes to.
They place the trays over both their laps and put the pitcher on the nightstand. Karen tells them to enjoy their breakfast and ring when they are done. They will get the trays. The breakfast looks delicious in every way. Scrambled eggs, but not too much, crisp bacon on one plate.
On another plate, perfect French toast. It was not just any French toast. It is two layers of thick bread cooked to perfection, having crisp golden crusts all around. Between the layers is a Mascarpone filling, the top covered in pecans, a big dollop of sweet butter is melting down the sides. There is a thermos of heated maple syrup, which from its smell must be mixed with some of the pecan whiskey they had made.
There is a glass on each tray filled with Mimosas, which is what is also in the pitcher. Picking up the glasses, Donald and Emma clink and take a sip. Ready to eat this fantastic breakfast, Donald turns and sees a small frown on Emma’s face, and her hands folded in her lap.
Donald comprehends immediately. He picks up his plate of bacon and eggs and moves it on to Emma’s plate. Then Donald does the same with the French toast. Moving his glass to her tray, he places his on the floor next to the bed. Then taking Emma’s fork, like that first morning together, and when he proposed, he fills the fork with some of the fluffy eggs and lifts it to her lips.
The smile she radiates on him as she chews, the first bite floods Donald with memories from the first time until now. He takes a bite himself, and then picks up a piece of crisp bacon and holds it to Emma’s lips to bite. He then takes a piece from the other end. Back and forth, they go until the slice of bacon is gone.
There is something so erotic about them eating this breakfast. The food is excellently prepared, which adds to it, but the mixture of texture and flavor, along with sharing, makes them both feel shivers running through their bodies. Each time Donald lifts the fork to Emma’s lips, and she opens to take a nibble, tremors radiates through Donald. Especially as he quickly takes a bite too to experience the same satisfaction with the food as Emma is. This is a new concept to study further. The sexual excitement of sharing food, enjoying the tastes like one, is a unique experience.
Back and forth between eggs interspersed with bacon mortals, they take their time over this part of the breakfast. All of it, the perfectly cooked eggs, the same with the crispy bacon, and the sips of mimosas brings on this orgasmic manifestation.
But it does not stop there. The bacon and eggs are just the foreplay. Donald puts the empty plate on his tray. He moves the plate of French toast in front of Emma and pours the still warm syrup over them. He cuts pieces for them, making sure to include the perfect crispy crusts along with enough of a bite to include the Mascarpone filling.
The food intercourse moves up several notches; the ideal mixture of sweet softness with crispiness is to die for. And when they get to the few ideal mouthfuls to finish, the soft inter pieces of creamy sweetness with just the hint of crispness in the pecan bits; put Emma and Donald’s nerves on fire.
By the time they finish breakfast, both are breathing deeply. Donald and Emma are a bit confused over what has just come over them. They are in a state equal to the refractory period after cumming. Both lean back against the headboard, breathing heavily for several minutes. Then they start giggling, leading to out and out laughing.
“This was interesting, Emma,” Donald tells her, “I think we need to look into the joys of eating also offering sexual pleasures.”
Emma laughs in response, “Well, dear, I guess this will be one of your first experiments with me for the research and literature you want me to delve into. Are you suggesting I turn my talents to a cookbook?” Both just laugh more over it.
Recovered now, Donald press the contact button for Karen and Julie. They arrive quickly to remove the trays. Karen tells Emma, “Go do your tanning time. We will get this all cleaned up and meet you for a massage when you are done.”
Emma agrees, and as soon as they are out the door, she climbs over Donald to get off the bed. Her ass over his lap as she does is too irresistible. Donald spanks both cheeks and tells Emma that it is for her to remember to be a good wife. Emma laughs and tells him, “Perhaps a few more spanks are needed for me to remember this. You know it does run in the family.”
She lowers herself over his lap, and Donald complies, spanking her to a rosy bottom, his fingers finding her clit to rub as he spanks her. This leads to her third orgasm of the day. After she recovers from panting as she comes, Donald spanks her cheek both one last time and tells her to get going now.
Emma climbs off the bed, relishing the warm ass she now has and heads to the tanning bed. As she steps from the bed, both Julie and Karen are there waiting at the massage table for her. They tell her, to help her relax, for the day ahead, they are going to give her a double massage.
Only once, months ago did Emma experience them both working on each side of her at the same time. The feeling of them kneading her muscles in her back, shoulders, arms, thighs, and feet feels terrific. She does feel them all loosen and take any possible stress away.
Emma walks into the bathroom. The steamy tub and Donald waiting, she knows she is going to be so relaxed and mellow after this. Emma almost unintentionally came when the two were massaging her back. Karen and Julie had aroused her so. Now in the warm bath, leaning back against Donald as he soaps her upper half before dipping underwater to wash those essential places, brings her again to the cusp.
They linger in the bath for a good while. Emma, turning around, washes Donald, caressing him for a while also. It is only when the water begins to really cool that they climb from the tub. Sitting on the side of it as Emma stands between his legs, Donald dries her completely. Then rubs lotion all over her beautifully tanned body. Then he has her sit on the stool while he blow-dries her hair, curls, and styles it.
Emma, at this moment, is more than what he could ever imagine him marrying. Yes, her being totally nude is adding to that state. Donald hates in some ways that Emma could not be just like this as they commit themselves to a life together. He signs a little and then does his toiletries while Emma watches him with loving eyes.
Watching him shave moves Emma. She knows, all in all, Donald is not the best-looking man, but he does have nice features, and in her eyes, he is perfect for her. And even from the start, she understood his personality quirks and realized underneath she could see who he really was, and accepted them.
Finished grooming, Donald leads Emma back to the couch in the bedroom as he goes and gets them each a glass of wine. It is now about two o’clock. Handing her a drink, he sets his down and busies himself getting dressed. He puts a pair of the silk boxers on, the ones Emma enjoys on him. Then a crisp white shirt, buttoning before pulling up the mid-gray pants of the suit he will be wearing.
He puts a pair of cuff links on, and Emma smiles as she realizes it is a pair of her father’s. Shirt tucked in and belt on, he does his tie, which is so close to the color of Emma’s dress. His suit jacket is over the stand waiting until just before they go to put on.
He comes and sits next to Emma, they kiss, then take a sip of wine, and he tells her it is time to get her makeup on. Earlier, Donald, doing Emma’s hair, pulled it up on her head like a loose hanging bun. The style silhouettes her face. He takes time and care over Emma’s makeup today, wanting her to shine for all that see her.
Finished and satisfied, he fluffs her hair a little, and they go to the bedroom. Donald starts by putting a garter on her. Next, he rolls silk stockings up her smooth legs and clips them in place. A pair of panties follow this. So close in color to her outfit. Running them up over her thighs and settled in her cunt.
He hooks a strapless bra on her the same color on her and settles her breasts comfortably in it. He steps back to soak in Emma’s beauty for a moment before having her step into the dress. He pulls it up and zips. Donald adjusts the dress to hang correctly. For the final piece to the ensemble, he has Emma sit on the bed, and one by one, he lifts her feet and slip on the matching shoes. It is almost like Prince Charming fitting the slipper on Cinderella.
To make sure she fills all the requirements for today, Donald clips a pair of pearl earrings on, from her mother’s jewelry collection, something old. Something new, he tells Emma is her wedding dress. Something borrowed, Donald hands her one of his handkerchiefs, just in case. Finally, taking a pale blue garter from his pocket, he runs it up her leg for something blue.
Emma is ready to be married.
Time is flying. It is almost three now. Donald dons his suit coat and the two after smiling into each other’s eyes and kissing deeply, head to the car. They know Karen and Julie left a while ago to get things set up to film. Sasha is meeting them at the church, as is Joseph.
Arriving at three-thirty, Sasha is waiting for Emma and shuffles her hurriedly to the bride’s prep room. Donald greets the minister who directs him to the place in which Joseph is waiting. Joining Joseph, the two men just talk about vague things until there is a knock at the door to tell them it is time. They are direct to enter at the side of the chapel. The minister’s wife is playing a lovely melody of tunes as they reach their point to stand. Donald looks around for the first time and smiles at the transformation the chapel has gone through.
Donald sees Karen and Julie behind the filming tablets. In the small chapel, no one that far from each other.
Then the doors at the back of the church open, and Emma gasps. Lite candles and flowers are decorating the sanctuary giving everything a soft glow. Who has done this?’ Emma wonders. Everything is perfect, she thinks.
Sasha, besides Emma for now, begins to walk down the aisle. Each holds a similar bouquet. A mixture of flowers that complements their dresses, Sasha’s a small one, and Emma’s not that much bigger. They come down the aisle side by side until just before the alter when Sasha steps forward and over to allow Emma access to Donald’s side.
Dorothy and Maude, watching the feed at home, are already having tears of joy run down their cheeks. Emma is so beautiful, Donald, so serious but handsome, waiting for her to come to his side. Actually, at this moment, they are not the only ones with teary eyes.
The minister begins the service skipping over the part about who gives Emma away as there really is no one. As the service continues, the group of eight together to participate in Donald and Emma’s wedding is really nine.
Up in the balcony, hidden from view, is the bank president. After learning from Grace about this impending event, he found out where and when, and he just could not stay away. He wishes the best for Emma but has come to desire her so. He has to see this happen to make sure she is really happy.
There are tears in his eyes, too, watching the wedding unfold. He realizes Emma would never have been his. The bond she has with Donald is too strong ever to untwine. With tears in his eyes, he hears the two exchange their vows and what they have both written for today.
Donald is first with his statement, “Emma, at this time 365 days ago, I would never have imagined standing here today. But 364 days ago, I knew this is where I wanted to end up with you. You have opened my eyes to so many wonders and new feelings. I cannot imagine not having you beside me every day from this day forward. You are not only my friend, my lover, my confidant, and now even my colleague; you are my soulmate.
“You have seen into my soul and helped me to grow. All the years before you are meaningless. I have come to understand that God was preparing me to understand the rare gift he was giving me when you entered my life. What was before is the past. You are now my present and future. I now understand that God does allow everything to happen when and how it should, to lead to where it will be.”
Tears are forming in Emma’s eyes hearing this, and Donald chokes back on some of his words. Sasha hands Emma a handkerchief to dab her eyes. Then it is her turn.
Emma’s vows, “Donald, you are right. Just over a year ago, I could not imagine any of this was ahead of me. I had thought my life was to remain the dull day-to-day as always. I knew there has always been something crying to be let free but never thought it would. I was content enough but did hope that some little ray of light would be given to me if even for a moment.
“Little did I know what God had in store. Not just a little ray of light but days and days of full sunshine. I know there will probably be times ahead, which are grey, but I am confident that a rainbow will appear after to lead us back to the bright days. I pledge myself to you fully. I will be with you all the days of our lives regardless of what is ahead. I know with you by my side, I now have the confidence to take on anything.”
As the saying goes - by the time the two finish, there is not a dry eye in the house.
The minister finishes the service with Donald placing a wide gold band on Emma’s finger, and she the same to him. And when the pastor says, “I now pronounce you husband and wife.” Donald is invited to kiss his bride. The cheer that comes up from everyone in attendance sounds like ten times more people than are there.
As Donald and Emma kiss, the bank president slips out from the balcony with teary eyes. He hurries to his car to be gone before anyone sees him. It will be the secret to his grave that he had been there, but while heavy in heart for himself, he is overjoyed that Emma has found such happiness now for herself.
Much hugging, kissing, and congratulations follow. Emma and Donald take a few minutes to go to one of the tablets, which has his aunts on a live feed. They talk with them for a few minutes. All tearful, Emma and Donald accept their congratulations. Then confirm that tomorrow evening, they will all see each other as the first stop on Emma and Donald’s honeymoon. And this is a far as Emma knew about what is ahead.
After a few more pictures to commemorate this day, the others cheer Donald and Emma off as they drive away to the B&B. The others finish cleaning up before they pair up to head to the dinner ahead. The minster and wife in one car, Karen and Julie in another. As Sasha starts to go to her car, Joseph offers to drive her, so they don’t each have to make the trip alone.
Getting there ahead of their guests, Donald and Emma have time to check-in and see their suite for the night. It is lovely in every aspect, including the large bathtub. Both Donald and Emma know they will find themselves in there tonight.
But the truly amazing thing in the room, beside a bottle of champagne, is a small three-tiered wedding cake. The lowest level is only about six inches, the next four, and the top probably two. All topped with a bride and groom. It looks delicious, and you can tell a lot of work went into making and decorating it.
They see a note next to the cake and open it. Emma is in tears again when she reads, ‘We could not let you go without a wedding cake to bring you best wishes. We hope you enjoy it. We are so happy for you both.’ And it is signed by Julie and Karen.
“How sweet of them to take the effort to do this,” Emma comments. After dinner, they will have a slice, with the champagne. Now, after fixing Emma’s makeup to hide all the tears, they head down to the dining room.
As they enter the room, a band next to the dance floor plays a fanfare announcing the bride and groom's entrance. The leader introduces them as Dr. and Ms. Ryan and congratulates them. Emma blushes some as all at their table rise and clapping as they walk to the table. Everyone else in the dining room joins in. All Emma blushing can think is, luckily, it is not that crowded yet.
At their table, Donald and Emma sit side by side, which Sasha and then Joseph next to her; Julie and then Karen are next to Donald, and the clergy and his wife complete the table sitting opposite Donald and Emma. Drinks are served for all to start.
Joseph kids and encourages them the have their ‘first dance.’ Egged on by Sasha, and then the rest when the next song starts, Donald and Emma do stand and go to the dance floor. They hold each other close as they begin to sway to the music. The song is perfect and matches them so; Truly, Madly, Deeply by Savage Gardens. As they dance, Donald whispers in Emma’s ear, “I do truly, madly, deeply love you. I want to be everything you ever desire.”
Emma smiles at him through tears and says she feels the same.
As the song goes into its first refrain, the rest of the wedding party joins them on the floor. The minister stands and takes his wife’s hand, seeing this, Karen and Julie follow after them. Joseph raises his eyebrow to Sasha and asks her if she would like to dance, and they too are now arm in arm on the floor with the others.
As they dance, Sasha comments, “This is the perfect song for Donald and Emma.” Sasha blushes at Joseph’s reply but then looks up into his eyes. The song ends, and they all go back to their table. The first course soon arrives.
Conversation adds to their meal. Ranging in topics from the work and plan for the Institute, to Karen and Julies dissertations, to religious aspects in today’s world. Laughter also fills their table. The talk would be in general for all and sometimes move to private conversations between two or three. Emma notices that Joseph and Sasha often turn to each other and talk between themselves. Both with grins on their faces and laughing together. That is something for Emma to ponder.
The dinner is all anyone could have dreamed of. Each course more exquisite than the last. Finishing the meal, after-dinner drinks are ordered, The minister and his wife decline saying see it was almost eight they should head home, he still has the final touches on tomorrow’s sermon to write.
All through the meal, Emma’s and Sasha’s bouquets are sitting on the table in front of them. The minister and wife start leaving, saying goodbye along with hugs. Emma turns to Sasha, “Well, I think you are the only one really eligible, so catch the bouquet.” Saying this, she gently tosses her wedding flowers to Sasha, who blushes while laughing with Emma, and everyone else, over the silliness.
The remaining six stay to have one more drink and dance some more. Around nine-thirty, Karen and Julie bid their goodbyes, again with hugs, kisses, and some tears. Donald and Emma again thank them so much for the cake they had made, and everything else.
Karen tells them that what they do not eat, put in the box on the nearby table. They will come to get it tomorrow and put it in the freezer for Emma’s and Donald’s first anniversary. The front desk knows to pick it up after you leave.
The remaining four sit chatting as Donald and Emma finish their drinks. When the bridal couple finishes, it is about ten. They thank both Joseph and Sasha for standing up for them and everything else. Donald and Joseph discuss the arrangements for tomorrow.
Tomorrow around two, Joseph is going to come back to drive them to the airport. They are going to be gone for over three weeks. Donald does not want to leave a car in the airport parking for that long. All is set, and with final hugs and kisses for the night, they head upstairs.
Back in their room, they move together and kiss, truly, madly, deeply. Then while not that hungry after the huge meal, Emma and Donald do want to taste their wedding cake. Together they cut just one slice out of the bottom layer, and holding it together both take a bite.
The cake consumed; they slowly undress each other. Donald comments that Emma’s dress was perfect for the occasion. Besides being practical enough to wear when out to a formal event. Emma agrees and is so glad Donald likes her appearance.
Next stop the tub, after Donald opens the champagne and fills their glasses. As the tub fills with warm water, Donald lovingly takes Emma's hair down and brushes it back to falling softly on her shoulders. He cleans her makeup off, and then just looks at her. This Emma, so beautiful to him in her clean, naked, state is all he could ask for.
During a lingering bath where they just softly caress each other side by side, Emma ponders if it would be possible to take the bottom layer of the cake to share with Maude and Dorothy tomorrow. Donald considers this and says he will ask Joseph to pick up a plastic container with a tight lid to put it in and it should work.
After their bath, Donald does text Joseph with the request, but no response is given.
Climbing into this different bed, but so big and comfortable, Donald and Emma first lie facing each other as they kiss and continue to caress. In many ways, this night is novel. Both seem to be very tentative with their touches and strokes. It is like they are together for the very first time.
Both are finding the wonder place each offer, Emma stokes and wanks Donald’s cock, as he runs his fingers through her wet pussy concentrating on all the areas she shows pleasure from his touch.
Between deep and full kisses, Donald tells Emma to roll over. Her back is now rubbing his chest. Donald says, “Remember that night last Memorial Day weekend when I was up in you as we slept?” Emma tells him, yes, and sparks being to flow through her whole body.
“Let’s try that tonight. I want our closeness which we found that way be how we start our married life,” Donald goes on. Emma, in agreement, presses closer to him. His cock is now resting against her dripping pussy slit.
Donald moves it back and forth a few times to get Emma’s natural lube to cover his glans and shaft. Then shifting some, his now very hard cock is up in Emma as deep as he could go. And he holds himself there, kissing the back of Emma’s neck. Which does send rays of shivers through her body.
Donald puts his arms around Emma as they drift off to sleep, their first as husband and wife, so complete and utterly together as they start this new chapter of their lives.
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JUSTINE: Hart ist der Westen...Nur f?r Leser ab 18 [email protected] 1L?ssig und geschmeidig glitt sie vom Pferd und band den Braunen drau?en vor dem Saloon an einen Holzpflock vor dem gro?en Trog. Deutlich h?rte sie das Stimmengewirr und raue Lachen der M?nner. Sie r?ckte den schwarzen Hut zurecht und schritt durch die doppelfl?gige T?r und sofort verstummten die Ger?usche. Langsam schritt sie zum Tresen und ca. 50 Augenpaare verfolgten sie dabei. Justine kannte ihre Wirkung und sie gab...
The Maid walked to the door of the flat to open the front door. The Maid remembered to curtsey as she slowly opened the door. Her eyes were still downcast on the floor when she suddenly heard, “Oh my God, is that you Justin?”Suddenly the Maid looked up to see Mother and Nanny standing at the door. “Oh my God, Sophie has done a wonderful job,” said Mother looking up and down at her sissified son in his French maid uniform. “That is not what I expected.”“Don’t you look precious in your white...
IncestWeek One, TuesdaySam dresses Justine in a white low-cut crop top, collar, very short leather mini skirt, fishnet stockings and stilettos; obviously no underwear.Down at the local pub, He encourages the regulars in the snug to fondle her butt and make lewd suggestions for her sub training programme.Back home they watch a few BDSM videos together and act out some of the less adventurous scenes.Sam instructs His trainee sub to carefully think about and write down her hard and soft limits, so they...
The next few days were bliss. Justine rushed home from college each day to be transformed into Aunty Sophie’s niece as she tried on all the outfits they had chosen at the shops. Justine, with a bit of makeup and the right clothes had become a beautiful young woman. She learnt the power of a peeping lacy slip could make men weak at the knees. Sophie also lent Justine some more lingerie until she was able to build up her own collection. Perhaps they would make another trip to M&S at the end...
IncestIdentical Opposites, Dejevu By: Malissa Madison The phone in the main room of the Penthouse suite of the Hyatt Regency rang three times before Maddie Grey picked up. "Yes, who's calling please?" she asked instead of saying hello. "Maddie? It's David." He waited for recognition. "Oh good morning Director. To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?" "You've seen the news lately? That terrible business out in Oak Hills?" "Old Case, Yes Michelle has a few theories about that,"...
Justine, upon seeing the One she had come to know, before her and in person, felt shivers up her spine that made her shake inside. Yet, she was under enough control to not show this to Him. Yet. She gave Him one of her patent, but nervous smiles and saw the gleam in his eyes as he gazed at her. This comforted her greatly and when He invited her into His home she knew that this was where she wanted to be. Justine had finally arrived in the US, landing at San Francisco International Airport, very...
BDSMFor Justin it had all started with a purple pair of knickers, Nanny’s large purple French knickers to be precise. Justin, eighteen, had been caught spying on Nanny as she got dressed in her lingerie and stockings. Nanny reached under her white half-slip and pulled down her purple French knickers and made Justin put them on. She then made him rub his stiff cock, through the French knickers, all over her slip and stockings. It was inevitable that he came all over the silky nylon panties and...
IncestGood morning, this is your 9 o'clock morning call. I sit at a desk in front of a large mess of papers. I dial. Typical, I wonder what the change is this time? At last I connect on the phone, -the appointment is 10.45am, not what I thought I had agreed - indeed I would take money on it that 9.45am was what we had discussed. No doubt, once again, my fears, my timidity at the effrontery of even making a call had contributed to my own lack of concentration on such an elementary matter. Oh...
It was hard work, out at night in the stupid little French van with radio equipment listening for their little radios, listening for their incredibly noisy and ugly aircraft landing and dropping “Agents” who you could spot a kilometer away. Just occasionally life had compensations. Justine was just such a compensation. She was a pretty young thing, dark hair, slim. About eighteen, eighteen years three months and two days to be precise. She was not very good at being a resistance...
Als Justine halb ohnmächtig in den Knien einknickt, nimmt der finstere Piratenkapitän sie auf die Arme und trägt seine Beute unter dem Johlen der versammelten Mannschaft in seine Kabine. Dort legt er sie auf sein Bett. Wahnsinnig vor Verlangen sieht Justine zu, wie er sich auszieht. Dann beugt er sich über sie. Sein Schwanz ist dunkel, wie von der ewigen Sonne gebeizt. Unnatürlich dick und lang schiebt sich das mächtige, steife Ding gegen ihren Mund, zwängt ihr die Lippen auseinander. Willig...
IntroductionThis story follows on from episode 112; it's now nearing the end of the long school holidays.Charlie woke up with a hot sticky raging erection - not that unusual for a young boy.But this morning his cock was actually in a girls mouth: "Molly?" he cried in delight, struggling to pull down the quilt covering her head between his legs Instead a pale blue face smiled up at him, taking his cock to the back of her synthetic throat:"good morning young man, it's Sophie - remember now - you...
Paxlyn Domain had laws against murder. I faced trial for killing a man. "Don't worry about it," Mother Regina told me. "The Vix want to give you a medal. You were under severe restraint at the time, and there are other extenuating circumstances." "Mother Regina," Fawn reminded, "today is Justine's house call appointment. Council did approve Nolan accompanying Justine's doctors today. I'll be there with today's lessons." Fawn was more than my big sister—and my tutor. The former...
We sat on the porch and talked for the next 2 hours, about horses and hiking and the mountains. We decided I needed an indoor pool, but one that looked natural like a lake, and with a glass enclosure attached to the house. I wish I would have thought about that earlier, now it will cost me money. "Ok Jenny; if we hire your mom that's your first two jobs, to find information on and buy a horse and barn, then to find a pool manufacturer that can build us a custom pool." She asked if she...
I haven’t always been the world’s greatest covert operative, famous glamour model, or even small-part actress with a bigger following than most superstars. Back in 1969 I was just a girl of 19, but I was already commanding men’s attention like I simply owned it from the start. Most were drawn to my ludicrous MM cup breasts (They weren’t quite done growing even then) while others liked my long legs, sculpted butt, fit physique, and then there were the older guys who just loved blonde hair and...
Quickie SexI had texted Justine, the athletic blonde that I had met outside Taylor's appointment , hoping to catch up with her again. "I'm sorry. I am up in Beverly Hills this week for work, but my morning is free. Do you think we could meet for breakfast? I would LOVE to see you again!" she had texted back. So here I was, driving nearly two hours north just to have breakfast with her. I made my way to the address she had sent me. It turned out to be the swanky Beverly Wilshire hotel. I...
Justin Silkwood's life was quiet and uneventful until he got mixed up with the Kingsleys. Each member of the family would affect him in a different way, gradually dragging him downward into sexual depravity until finally he could take no more. This story contains scenes of a strong sexual nature. Please do not read if you are less than eighteen years old. The Life and Loves of Justin Silkwood By ...
The envy of the whole school. Blair and Justin felt it prominently just a few days after returning from the leadership conference weekend in Atlanta, hand in hand, their new relationship on full display for everyone. Although all of Blair's female friends saw it coming a mile away, many of them were jealous that she got to date who they considered to be the hottest guy in the school. And Justin's teammates never ceased to high-five him, wishing they could have Blair for themselves. Any guy who...
TeenThe story is in the Dutch language. Several times is asked the stories to translate in English. But I am sorry, not alone no time, but also is my English not good enough for translating. But perhaps is there anywhere a dutch speaking person with a good translating feeling who will translated my stories. It is possible under the name of Louis, but can also under your own name. Zoals al mijn verhalen is ook dit verhaal weer van A tot Z verzonnen. De personen die worden genoemd bestaan...
Chapter 1 This is one wild crazy story I've got for you. You see it all started when my two best friends, Christina and Priscilla, and me began to develop a silly little crush on Justin Timberlake the ex member of NSYNC. We'd always sit around talking about how much we'd love to fuck him and how much we'd love to just do anything we could with him. We'd sit around at night just having this wild crazy fantasy about kidnapping him and gang banging him. Of course this was all fantasy...
Megan looked at her brother longingly, then turned her head away.Why was she having the thoughts she was about her brother?Megan had recently graduated high school and was taking a year off before heading to UCLA, the same school her big brother Justin went to. Justin had come home for the summer to spend a little time with his younger sister, but somewhere along the line, things changed. It was a little sister/big brother thing. Something happened...The shower. It had to be the shower...A week...
Introduction: Story is by no means true, but Justin is based on me and Alex is based on a friend I know It all started about two years ago when Justin was a sophomore in high school. He just got his license and was stuck driving his younger sister, Carla, around. She was in the 8th grade and was just like any regular 8th grade girl, bubbly, full of life, and always hanging out with her friends. Part of the agreement Justin had with his parents was that if they bought him a car, he would have to...
Justin’s moving away to go to college had left me without any outlet for all of the sexual desires and needs he had first created, then later satisfied over the past year when we we became forbidden lovers. The tension we had within us during our first month apart was beginning to mount. Justin’s attempt to solve the dilemma pitted me as his fuck buddy from high school to all of his fraternity brothers instead of as his little sister. That new identity not only allowed me to have the kind...
Once Carla and Alex were ready, he drove them to the movies and then went home because his dad agreed to pick them up when they were done so Justin could get to work on time. A couple weeks later, he had to take Carla over to Alex’s again, but this time Alex was waiting in the driveway to greet both of them. Carla jumped out of the car and ran inside to use the bathroom and that gave Justin and Alex their first bit of alone time. They were both very nervous and each of them was hesitant to...
Justin and Phyllis Shemale, Trans, Hardcore sex, Oral, Double Anal, Flashing, Cum, Cream pie eating. Phyllis sat thinking of Justin. He had moved into a 1 bedroom apartment a few doors away while working and attending trade school. A nice young who schooled by day, worked at night and mostly slept in between. They were neighbor friends who slowly grew closer. That closeness brought them together on holidays and personal celebrations. Justin being only 21 had been kept at a distance as Phyllis...
I woke up beside Justin in his bed with my hand still loosely wrapped in his. He was sound asleep and my mind began to wander again. It was almost lunchtime and for the first time since I got up that morning I felt hungry for actual food instead of just for Justin. My stomach growled a little and I tried not to stir so Justin could stay asleep. I had always been a sexual person, or at least I knew I would be when I finally actually had sex. Sex was always on my mind but I had never...
All through the day Caroline had been thinking about the Justin Bieber concert she would be attending that evening.The day seemed to be dragging by.She had no idea what the Nun had said to her and thus found herself before the Abbot answering to a charge of being insolent.The Abbot had taken Caroline over his knee and spanked her, she was use to being spanked by the Nun's and Monk's at the Monastery,this briefly brought her back to Earth for a short time,but once she left the Abbot's study she...
'andy i'm really sorry but i can't afford to pay my rent this week since i lost my job and i'm finding it hard to get another i'm sorry mate' justin says'well justin when i agreed to let you stay i told you that you have to pay rent at the start of every month or you have to leave i'm sorry but you did agree to it''yeh but look mate i am good for it just give me a chance to find another job i don't have anywhere else to stay please''no i won't back down on this you agreed to pay at the start of...
Introduction: While leaving a concert in LA Justin Bieber gets kindnapped and raped pleases rate and subcribe Thanks !!! The story starts off in a parking lot where justin bieber walks. He is leaving his concert and is now getting ready to go home. Justin yawns wow what a concert. Suddenly there bes a noise. Hello? says Justin. Justin continues to walk to his car and all of a sudden he gets hit in the head.Justin passes out cold. When he comes to he relizes he is tied up on a chair naked. Where...
Introduction: While leaving a concert in LA Justin Bieber gets tackled and raped The story starts off in a parking lot where justin bieber walks. He is leaving his concert and is now getting ready to go home. Justin yawns wow what a concert. Suddenly there bes a noise. Hello? says Justin. Justin continues to walk to his car and all of a sudden he gets hit in the head.Justin passes out cold. When he comes to he relizes he is tied up on a chair naked. Where am i? he says. All of a sudden a sting...
Nanny had deliberately chosen this set of pretty lingerie, an old pair of purple French knickers with her new lacy white bra and her black stockings hoping that naughty Justin would catch a glimpse of her in her delectable silky lingerie. Justin at 18, was too old to have a Nanny, but he did have a much younger sibling, George. His Mum had remarried after Justin’s father had passed away and after having a baby went back to her job in advertising in Soho. Mum was hardly ever at home; she was...
FetishJustin Bieber was appearing on the show David Hayes vs... a special wherethe former world heavy weight champion meets with celebrities teaching themsome boxing techniques whilst chatting about their lives and careers.Justin arrogantly strode into the gym to meet the huge man that was goingto teach him some stuff. He looked tiny in comparison to the statuesquebuilt boxer, but that didn't stop Justin's large amount of self confidencedisplaying itself. He was bouncing around throwing punches...
Justin awoke to the smell of a warm breakfast in his bedroom. Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, and hot coffee. He sat up, and looked towards the area of the bedroom where the coffee table and chairs were. There he saw Twila casually eating her breakfast and drinking her coffee, completely naked. He looked to the side of the bed where Twila slept. Her nightgown was in a wad on the bed. “Justin, come have some of the breakfast I made for you,” Twila beamed, grinning adorably. Justin threw the covers...
Love Stories100% fiction! Cherish woke up happy today was her 18th birthday and after the party she would be going camping with her twin brother Justin. She had to convince Justin to go camping, cause she had in mind to finally lose her virginity. She wanted her first time to be very special, and she wanted to lose her virginity to someone she loved. She realized this two months earlier when she walked into the bathroom when Justin her twin was taking a shower. She caught him jerking off and she heard him...
Incest"You must be terribly proud of yourself," Miss van Cleef said. "Being so pretty." Justin didn't answer. If you didn't answer a teacher's question at St. James's School for Young Men, you could get in trouble. Answering a statement that sounded like a question could get you in trouble too, though. He sat looking straight ahead. There wasn't anything for him to say, either. He'd been called both proud and pretty before. Both were frequently epithets. He could deny neither. When he...
I really didn't want to go to this stupid concert. All that was going to be there were a bunch of teeny boppers seeing their idols Selena Gomez and Justin Beiber. For me it sounded so boring. Being a 28 year old male metal head , I was only going cuz a friend won tickets and wanted me to go with her. I agreed and we trucked off to the concert. The concert was surprisingly good as both of them put on a great show to their screaming masses. I found myself surprisingly very turned on by the sight...
Story Title: Justin. Fergus. Dakota WARNING: You must be 18+ to read this. If you are not allowed to read these where you are from or don't like reading stories about boys under 18, please leave now. Please Note: This is a fabricated story about Justin Bieber, Fergus Riordan (I Want To Be A Soldier; GhostRider2) and Dakota Goyo (Real Steel). The story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about...
This story was produced by acute insomnia, twisted imagination and a hyperactive libido and as such is best enjoyed under similar circumstances. The Earl recommends that no reader should progress beyond this point unless under the influence of sleep deprivation, hallucinogens and a porn star named Davina. Great thanks to Master Hypnotist, whose How-To on erotic hypnosis provided both the idea and a lot of the facts for this story. It can be found here and is well worth reading. Thanks also to...
I was completely nervous, I didn’t know what to do as I had never, ever, been in such a situation like this. He made a quiet ‘heh’ as I was trying not to shake. He lifted me up off, the couch, by my shoulders with his chest pushing against mine and he continued to push me from the lounge room, across the hall, into his bedroom onto his bed. Justin pushed my arms and legs down and stuck his tongue into my mouth and started to kiss me for about a minute. He ripped my work tie and name tag off...
I have brown hair, 4'9 tall with a slim body. I have an older brother named justin. his birthday is during the summer we had a pool party. Justin is 5'11 black hair and fairly built. For some reason my eyes kept looking at his chest and abs and I would feel a flutter in my stomach. I hopped in the pool with him and we began to splash and play for a while before he opened his gifts. At one point he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug. I felt his arms holding me...
The next day was Friday. When I got on the bus afterschool I tried to act normal. I sat a row across from Justin like usual. “Hey whats up?” He said. “Not much. Hbu.” “nothing.” “What are you up to today?” I asked trying to start a convo to see if he would come over again. “Can't hang out today.” He said and gave me a sideways glance. “Oh yeah me too, I was just making convo.” I lied. “haha yeah I bet.” He said mockingly. I was kind of hurt but more disappointed that we wouldn't be hooking...
"Before I start do you really mean what you said, about me I mean?" Vikki moved over and lay her naked body right on top of my own. "Oh you goose Justin." She pressed her breasts into my chest and rubbed her pussy against my cock. "Mum saw it the instant I started talking about you, she knows I love you." She smiled and kissed me. "Now I reckon I know how you feel about me." She laughed this time. "You know mum was worried that you might have been some kind of a pervert following me...
Being raised in a place with little to no racial diversity, it isn't a stretch to say that all of the thuggish looking African American men walking around holding their crotches and probably hiding weapons, kind of scared us a bit. (There are undertones of joking racism, but you have to understand that all of the jokes are actually poking fun at those people who truly feel as though all black people are thugs and thieves, or rapists. We don't actually feel that way. On the third night of...
Story Title: Chase And Justin Forever WARNING: You must be 18+ to read this and any erotic story. If you are not allowed to read these where you are from or don't like reading stories about boys under 18 please leave now. Please Note: The story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. Enjoy! 10pm. Rainthuds. ZeroWind. Fingers of mist rolled off the roofs of my...
Justin soon fell asleep, dreaming about the girl. He hadn’t even learned her name, but she stood out to him from the thousands of screaming fangirls he saw daily. Poor Justin felt sad because he was sure he would never meet her again. Maybe he wasn’t right on that count. Might as well find out, eh? James Roberts was feeling depressed, which wasn’t a surprise either. James led a hollow shell of an existence; living with a deep hole in his soul that he felt nothing could fill. He had divorced...
Justin Timberlake was in love with Britney Spears. He had known her for several years, since they worked together on the Mickey Mouse Club. Now that the two of them had become famous, it was very hard for either of them to meet people. So when they started hanging out again, it was like instant chemistry. Unfortunately for Justin, Britney had been brought up in a relatively conservative home, and she had yet to go past 2nd base with him. But that was all going to change soon. That night while...
Justin had just back from a meeting, and his wife Selena was passed out on the couch. "Baby, you said you would watch Emma and Jacob." - Justin "I'm sorry. I've just been so tired and stressed lately." - Selena "Emma! Jacob! ,come here!" - Justin "Yes daddy?" - Emma " You guys are going to go spend the night at Aunt Samantha's house. - Justin "Yay! she makes great cookies!" - Jacob "You guys better start packing. She'll be here to pick you up in an hour." - Justin [After the kids leave]...
Adult HumorI was 14 when this happened. Probably about 5'4” and 135lbs, 5” dick. My neighbor Justin was about 5'11” and 160lbs, and a big thick 7.5” dick. Justin had red hair and freckles. He was a pretty cute kid, but most people at school didn't like him. He always seemed to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. I was pretty good looking, but by no means was I in the 'cool' crowd in school. One day I was riding the bus home with Justin and the conversation turned to porn. At that time...