Alex and Justin discover their love for each other
- 2 years ago
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Introduction: Story is by no means true, but Justin is based on me and Alex is based on a friend I know It all started about two years ago when Justin was a sophomore in high school. He just got his license and was stuck driving his younger sister, Carla, around. She was in the 8th grade and was just like any regular 8th grade girl, bubbly, full of life, and always hanging out with her friends. Part of the agreement Justin had with his parents was that if they bought him a car, he would have to take on the responsibility of transporting his sister and her friends around. Although he hated doing it, a free car and not having to pay for insurance was motivation enough to keep up his end of the bargain. He had a job and everything so he wasnt at home much, but when he was he just wanted to relax. One day, Justins parents asked him for the usual can you drive your sister to Alexs house today, and then drive them to the movies later? It wasnt that bad, it was a 5 minute drive at the most. Instead of the usual affair of dropping Carla off and driving away, he had to hang around for a little bit. He had met most of her friends, but had yet to meet Alex. Alex was two years younger than Justin and had the most beautiful blue eyes anyone had ever seen. She had wavy brown hair and her face was lightly brushed with freckles. The minute Justin saw her, his heart skipped a beat. He couldnt believe how beautiful she was! She didnt seem to notice much of him at first, but they caught each other glancing over every once in a while.
Once Carla and Alex were ready, he drove them to the movies and then went home because his dad agreed to pick them up when they were done so Justin could get to work on time. A couple weeks later, he had to take Carla over to Alexs again, but this time Alex was waiting in the driveway to greet both of them. Carla jumped out of the car and ran inside to use the bathroom and that gave Justin and Alex their first bit of alone time. They were both very nervous and each of them was hesitant to start a conversation. Justin realized that he might not get any more alone time with Alex in the foreseeable future, so he broke the ice with a simple So, whats up?
Not much, you?
Eh, pretty much the same, just stuck driving Carla everywhere, as usual&hellip,
Well thats nice of you to do that, even if you dont really want to.
Yeah, well, I like it better when our dad goes to take her places.
But Id rather have you driving us places. Its nice to have a really cute guy around!
Justin, not knowing what to say, just blushed and smiled. He really wanted to tell her flat out how gorgeous he thought she was, but instead he resorted to just a plain Thanks, and youre pretty cute yourself. Alex giggled and said thanks. They both just stood there smiling at each other until Carla came outside and told Justin to go home. Alex gave him her phone number and screen name and told him to talk to her sometime. He promised Alex he would and then Justin left and went home. Later that night they IMed each other and talked about general things like school, what they do in their free time, etc. Even though they both wanted to see each other again, Carla made that impossible. She and Justin never really got along and the thought of him hanging out with Alex made her cringe. Carla kept pestering Justin to leave Alex alone but he still didnt stop talking to her. This continued for about two years. They each had relationships come and go, but they still kept talking but they never got the chance to see each other alone. They just resorted to the smiles when Justin had to drive Carla over to her house. Once Justin was accepted to a college far out of state, they both sort of gave up on each other. Once in a while they would comment each other on Facebook, but that was about it. Justin was in college in Florida and Alex was a junior in high school in Michigan. He would be home for three and a half weeks for Christmas break though, and thats where their relationship would pick up.
Alex was going to be spending the night at Carlas the same day that Justin flew home from Florida. Since his flight didnt come in until the evening, his parents brought Carla and Alex with them to the airport. Once Justin got off the plane he hugged his parents and his sister and then he hugged Alex since he didnt want her to feel left out. They all went home and while Justin was in his room unpacking, Alex stopped in to say hi. Since she was wearing a large coat at the airport when he first saw her, he hadnt noticed any major physical changes, but now that she wasnt wearing it, he saw that Alex had grown into a beautiful woman with the breasts and hips to match. Justin just stood there and took it all in.
Like what you see? giggled Alex.
Yeah&hellip, youre just&hellip, beautiful! Justin stammered.
Its really sad that we pretty much never get to see each other and that we hardly talk anymore, said Alex.
Yeah, I know. Its just that Carla gets in the way and I know she doesnt like me talking to you, replied Justin. I seriously dont know what her deal is
Well, sometime in the next three weeks we have to hang out together, just you and me, said Alex.
Ok, Ill hold you to it! said Justin
Alex smiled and left the room and Justin finished unpacking. The next day Justin got up early to say goodbye to Alex as she left. She had already gotten her license and now there was no need for his driving services. Even if he wanted to, he couldnt drive her anywhere because his car was still back in Florida. He had made the decision to fly home because after doing the math, flying would save him about $300. Anyway, he was just happy that he was home and that he got to see Alex again. That afternoon, they talked on the phone for almost two hours and agreed that they would hang out at her house a couple days later. She said that her parents would be going to a Christmas party and that she would have the house to herself.
The next few days went by rather slowly and Justin eagerly waited for his first time alone with Alex. She finally pulled up in the driveway and Justin bolted out the door to her car. On the way to her house, it started to snow. They were supposed to get a couple inches over night, but neither one of them thought that it would set the stage for the events that would unfold later on. When they arrived at Alexs house, they both sat down on the couch and just started talking. It didnt take long for the subject about their relationship to come up.
So why dont you talk to me that often, even online? asked Alex
Well, Carla keeps telling me to leave you alone. She doesnt want me talking to you or any of her friends for some reason. I know she cant control me when Im online and everything, but even when I would IM you all the time she would still yell at me, and, well, I just got sick of hearing about it so I stopped, Justin told her.
Yeah, and she pokes fun at me for talking to you and shes even flat out insulted you behind your back to me. I seriously dont know what her deal is.
Me neither. She was so mad when you pulled into the driveway because she never heard about this and Im sure right now shes pretty irritated about you not telling her.
Because I knew she would flip! Just because shes one of my best friends doesnt mean that she can control my life. I want to hang out and talk to you and she cant stop me from doing that!
And I really wanna hang out with you and talk to you, but I let Carla stop me only because I have to live with her and, ummm, she can be a real bitch sometimes.
I know she can be, but look on the bright side. Youre living a thousand miles away 8 months out of the year, Id love to be that far away from home!
Its not as great as it seems. Yeah, Im away on my own and the weathers great, but I miss all my friends, my old job, and my family, well, most of them&hellip,
They both laughed, and then an awkward silence fell on them. They both just stared at each other, wondering what exactly to do next. Alex broke the silence by asking Justin what college life was like. They talked about that for the next half hour or so until there was another moment of silence. This time, Justin broke it.
Im really glad we got to hang out and catch up and everything while Im home.
Me too. I really like talking to you. I can actually have a mature conversation with you. All the guys I go to school with are just plain stupid. Its nice to have someone like you.
Aww thanks Alex, youre so sweet. I really like talking to you too.
After Justin made that comment, Alex didnt say anything. She just sat there, with a cute grin on her face and a look of curiosity in her beautiful blue eyes. Justin looked up and locked eyes with her. Neither one of them said a word and they both moved in and kissed. It wasnt anything spectacular, just a light peck on the lips. They looked back at each other and smiled.
And I think I really like kissing you too, Justin said laughing.
Well, if you like it so much, lets do it again! responded Alex.
And with that they both started to kiss again. This time it was more passionate. Justin wrapped his arms around Alex and pulled her closer to him. Alex did the same with her arms. In the dimly lit living room of Alexs house it appeared that the two bodies were one. To the both of them, it sure felt that way. The make-out session progressed with their tongues exploring the far reaches of each others mouths. It didnt last long however as their embrace was interrupted with a phone call. Alex got up to answer the phone. On the other end were her parents, telling her that the snow was worse where they were and all the roads were impassible. They told Alex that they would be spending the night in a nearby hotel rather than risking the drive back home in the inclement weather. When she told Justin the news, he simply got off the couch and looked out the window. The snow where they were was definitely more than just a few inches too. He called his parents to tell them that he would be spending the nice at Alexs because he didnt want her risking the drive in the snow. Much to his surprise, they didnt offer to come pick him up. Instead, they just told him to have a good night and that theyd see him in the morning. Alex and Justin pondered on how they would spend their time together.
One look at the winter wonderland outside the window answered that question for a little bit. Alex and Justin spent an hour making snowballs, throwing them at each other, and they even built up forts so they could wage a full scale snowball fight on each other. In the end, Justin won and conquered Alexs fort. They were exhausted from all the running around they were doing and fun they were having that they just collapsed next to a snow bank. Both of their faces were beet red.
Alex, you really have no idea how beautiful you are. The way your eyes contrast the snow and the fact that your face is all red from the cold, youre just breathtaking, Justin told her.
Oh you are just too sweet for words! replied Alex, kissing him.
Lets go inside and watch a movie or something and warm up. Im starting to get a little chilled.
Yeah, good idea.
They both walked back inside and while Justin was getting a movie set up, Alex went to her bed and got the biggest blanket she could find. They got on the floor in front of the couch and cuddled up to each other underneath the blanket. After the movie was over, Justin spoke up.
Im so happy we got to spend this time together Alex. Now I dont want to sound forward or anything, but I think Im falling for you.
And Im pretty sure Im falling for you too sweetie, but theres one problem with that.
Whats that beautiful?
You live in Florida and youre flying back down there in a couple weeks. Im going to miss you so much!
Im going to miss you so much too! But just remember, Ill be home again in early May, and then Im here until August. That gives us the whole summer to spend time with each other!
Yeah, I know. But still, its just that&hellip, Alex began to cry. Justin pulled her close to him and wrapped his arm around her. Youre the most amazing guy Ive ever met and I dont wanna lose you! Justin shifted his position and wrapped both of his arms around her and kissed her tears away.
You wont lose me. Even when Im away at school, Ill always talk to you and right now Im working something out with my parents so I can maybe fly home again in March to visit for a week during Spring Break. Alex, no matter what, Ill always be there for you, Justin whispered into her ear.
See, this is why youre so amazing. Youre the only guy who wants to put up with me. I still cant believe Ive known you for two years and weve never had the chance to be together like this.
Me neither, Alex. Me neither.
Alex and Justin leaned back and looked each other in the eye. Even though neither one of them would say it out loud, they both could see their longing for each other. Without saying a word, they both embraced each other and began another round of passionate kissing. This time they were uninterrupted and Alexs hands began to roam a little further south than what Justin was used to. He took this as a cue from her and began to caress her body with his hands. He started around her torso and gradually and carefully moved up to her breasts. He began to massage her through her bra, eliciting moans from Alex. After Justin had his fill for her soft well developed breasts, he worked his way down to her waist. Alex was busy herself as she began tugging at Justins belt. By now he had a raging hard on and his hands pushed past the bonds of her Jeans and he was now rubbing her womanhood through her now moist panties.
They both paused for a moment and looked at each other, both of them wanting a signal saying that it was ok to proceed. Neither one of them said a word, the looks in their eyes was more than enough. Alex and Justin pulled off each others shirts and tossed them aside. Next they removed their jeans and were sitting there in their underwear. Justin had pitched a tent in his boxers and Alexs panties were now visibly wet. They both laid down on the floor and wrapped themselves up in the blanket. The removal of clothing continued when Justin unhooked the clasp of Alexs bra. He moved the bra away exposing her beautiful tits. They were perfectly shaped globes somewhere between a B and a C cup. He massaged her nipples with both his hands and his tongue. He then slowly slipped off her panties revealing her wet mound. He rubbed her soft pink pussy causing her to moan more and more heavily. Not to let Justin have all the fun, Alex slid her hands down Justins body and pulled off his boxers releasing his throbbing six inch member. Alex grabbed his dick and moved it toward the entrance of her pussy. Justin stopped.
Are you sure Alex?
Yes Im sure. My parents always told me to save myself for someone I truly care about, and that someone is you Justin. Please, I want you more than anything in the world.
Justin kissed Alex and positioned himself over her. He slid his dick into her tight pussy and stopped when he hit her hymen. He looked into Alexs eyes and she nodded saying that it was ok to continue. Justin pushed and his cock made its way into the deep recesses of her womanhood. Alex tensed up from the pain and Justin held still to make sure he didnt hurt her or make her more uncomfortable. After a few minutes the pain subsided and Alex began to move herself underneath Justin. He began slowly thrusting in and out and very soon the pain was turning into pleasure for Alex. Justin started to pick up the pace and Alex was meeting his thrusts with hers. The two of them continued this rhythmic ballet for what seemed like eternity until Justin realized he never put on a condom.
Alex, I have to stop, I never put on a condom.
No, its ok. We learned in school how to track our cycle and that theres a couple days every month where we cant pregnant no matter what. Today is one of them.
Really? Thats cool
With that, Justin dismissed all thoughts of that nature and continued to make love with Alex. Soon enough, he felt a stirring in his groin.
Alex, Im gonna cum.
Me too, just&hellip, hold on&hellip, a little more&hellip,
They both grabbed each other and squeezed as hard as they possibly could as they both reached their respective climaxes. The walls of Alexs pussy clenched and held Justins cock like a vise, milking him of everything he had. Alex lost her breath and went limp while at the same time Justin collapsed on her. The two of them laid there for a few moments before either one of them spoke.
That&hellip, was&hellip, amazing&hellip, said Alex
Yeah that was, you were unbelievable! Justin replied.
I was unbelievable?! You were the one doing all the work! Alex laughed
Well you should know as much as anyone else that it was a team effort, replied Justin
The two of them giggled and settled back underneath the blanket nestled up against each other in the post-orgasmic bliss. Neither one of them said another word. They held each other close and thats all either one of them wanted. The snowball fight and their passionate love-making session had taken a toll on them however, and within a few moments they had fallen asleep&hellip, Justin on the ground and Alex in his arms, both underneath the nice warm blanket and both dreaming about each other.
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Story Title: Justin. Fergus. Dakota WARNING: You must be 18+ to read this. If you are not allowed to read these where you are from or don't like reading stories about boys under 18, please leave now. Please Note: This is a fabricated story about Justin Bieber, Fergus Riordan (I Want To Be A Soldier; GhostRider2) and Dakota Goyo (Real Steel). The story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about...
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Justin had just back from a meeting, and his wife Selena was passed out on the couch. "Baby, you said you would watch Emma and Jacob." - Justin "I'm sorry. I've just been so tired and stressed lately." - Selena "Emma! Jacob! ,come here!" - Justin "Yes daddy?" - Emma " You guys are going to go spend the night at Aunt Samantha's house. - Justin "Yay! she makes great cookies!" - Jacob "You guys better start packing. She'll be here to pick you up in an hour." - Justin [After the kids leave]...
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Justin soon fell asleep, dreaming about the girl. He hadn’t even learned her name, but she stood out to him from the thousands of screaming fangirls he saw daily. Poor Justin felt sad because he was sure he would never meet her again. Maybe he wasn’t right on that count. Might as well find out, eh? James Roberts was feeling depressed, which wasn’t a surprise either. James led a hollow shell of an existence; living with a deep hole in his soul that he felt nothing could fill. He had divorced...
I was 14 when this happened. Probably about 5'4” and 135lbs, 5” dick. My neighbor Justin was about 5'11” and 160lbs, and a big thick 7.5” dick. Justin had red hair and freckles. He was a pretty cute kid, but most people at school didn't like him. He always seemed to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. I was pretty good looking, but by no means was I in the 'cool' crowd in school. One day I was riding the bus home with Justin and the conversation turned to porn. At that time...
I opened the door of my house after a long day of helping a friend move. It was dark, aside from the lights in the house and the stars in the sky. Small, wet snowflakes melted on my cheeks. "Justin! I'm home!" I shouted as I walked into the house and kicked off my boots. No answer. Just a trail of rose petals that twisted and swerved all throughout our home. I tiptoed along side the crimson trail. It lead me to the couch. On the side table, there was a steaming hot chocolate. On the couch,...
Love StoriesMy name is Chris,I was 17years old at a height of 5"3. I have Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes, with a slim girl like figure, I had a small tan. I was a in good shape because i was on the track team. I was only on the track team because my friend Justin asked me to join with him. He was 17 at the height of 5"4. He had Brown hair and Brown eyes. Justin was a jock so he had a 6pack, He was also tanned skinned From staying at the Beach too long. He was the kind of guy who everyone want to go out...
Justin was seventeen when he started his senior year and he would always let me drive the car from school to home in the afternoons. We drove to school nearly every day because it was cool for one thing and we both always had some sort of meeting or practice before school or after. On my sixteenth birthday, my big brother surprised me by taking me to the license office for my driving test and even though we were close, that day gave me a long awaited freedom and independence that nearly...
"Oh no! Come back with those!" Alex glared at his small dog that had, for whatever reason, taken the keys to his brand-new convertible which he had dropped and started sprinting off with them. He began to run after him, glad that he'd worn work shoes instead of boots, unhappy that he was wearing khaki pants as shorts would be easier to run in. He followed the dog into a park and down a hiking trail, all the while calling out to him. Alex saw his dog duck into what seemed like a...
This is my first story, so any comments and suggestion are much appreciated. This story is completely fiction, and none of the events happened in real life. Enjoy the story. Justin and I have been dating for six months now. We are the perfect couple; he is tall, dark and handsome, perfect muscles, great eyes and smile. I am small, with blonde hair and tanned skin, a slender figure with large breasts. He frequently complimented me on my slim figure; saying I looked “hot” and “sexy” and,...
First Time100% fiction! After they woke up after a brief nap Justin was looking at Cherish wondering how he got so lucky to have a sister who loved him the way he loved her. When he saw that she was going to speak he silenced her with a kiss, and rubbed her nipple between his fingers and positioned himself back on top of her, and slipped his dick back into her and slowly started to move in and out of her, he also took the nipple he was playing with and started to suck on it. Driving Cherish crazy was one...
IncestIn which young Justin pushes the envelope of age gap sex with 67 year old Jules. I met Charlie at the mall again and we talked for a long time. She asked me how it went with Nora, and wanted details. She laughed happily as I told her. “So you’re not into the bisex thing at all?” she asked. “No, men aren’t attractive to me.” I told her. “Too bad.” She said, “There’s a lot of opportunity for a good looking boy like you if you’re into a little cock play.” “So you’ve done that sort of...
10pm. Rainthuds. Zerowind. Fingers of mist rolled off the roofs of my neighborhood houses which looked like giant ships anchored in a dead calm sea of darkness. Depression. Hopelessness. Sensitivity. I'm 18 year old Chase Ellison, and I'm sitting on the rainy front stairs that lead up to my suburbian home, lonely, still and blank. My black nike hoodie drenched, only revealing the lower half of my face, between droplets, I look down, unmoved, like a concrete statue, as if waiting for something...
My name is Chris,I was 12years old at a height of 5"3. I have Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes, with a slim girl like figure, I had a small tan. I was on the track team because my friend Justin asked me to join with him. He was 12 at the height of 5"4. He had Brown hair and Brown eyes. Justin was a jock so he had a 6pack, He was also tanned. I was gay so whenever the team was changing i would always sneak a peak at Justin, and the other boys. After track was done I asked him if he wanted to...
It was Friday morning when the commander informed us the house was ready for inspection. He transported us down to the house and spent a few hours with us making small changes; but it looked great and for the most part was perfect. We walked outside for a bit, it had been a while since we had fresh air. We had about 10 acres of land around the house with a small wooden fence around the 10 acres - this was our border, which we couldn't pass. I was not sure what would happen if we did but I...
I don't know how long Alex was gone and from the excitement of the day's events I was slowly falling asleep. I could still feel an ache in my pussy that longed for the relief that only Alex could give me. I heard the door open but I felt powerless as I was still blindfolded and tied up at the wrists and ankles to my bed. I suddenly heard more then one voice and I was alarmed to realize that Alex was not alone. I started to panic because I did not want anyone to see me like this. I felt a...
First TimeAs I observed the way Alex was looking at me I told Mia to wait for me in my room and that we would be up there shortly. She grabbed me by the back of my neck and kissed me softly and told me not to be long as I felt her tongue lick my lips. My eyes were focused on Alex the whole time I saw that he had a hard on. As Mia left up the stairs, Alex walked closer to me backing me up on the wall behind me. His face came closer to me and my anticipation grew as he licked my lips and started to...
First Time'Thanks so much daddy!', I had said when my father had bought me tickets to the Justin Bieber concert in our town. Justin Bieebr had always been my crush since high school. I'm not sure what it was about him. Was it his dark, chocolate eyes? Or was it his adorable dimpled cheeks? But I only knew one thing for sure. That now I had JB tickets, in the front row and mosh pit!!!So this was the day. Finally. I absolutely HAD to look perfect. I wore a cute top, just low enough to show enough cleavage,...
All of a sudden I felt the ache in my legs and pussy from Mia making me cum so many times that I slowed my pace as I walked into my bedroom. My heart started to race as I knew that Alex would be fuming because of what I did. Alex knew very well how to control me and the one thing he did not like was being lied to. I felt my heart pounding as I was looking for Alex in the dark and as I was about to open the door to my bathroom I suddenly felt his body press up behind me as he grabbed me by my...
First TimeTwila loved the winter. Every night during the long, dark northern winters, she sat in front of her fireplace, drinking some hot chai tea, looking out the window. The light of the fire made the falling snowflakes glimmer as they fell from the heavens.Her long, chocolate-colored hair cascaded over her back and shoulders in decadent curls. She was a short girl, but her curves were the root of all envy in every other girl she encountered. Her short peach satin nightgown hugged her curves, not that...
Love StoriesYoung Justin is sucked into hungry old Jules’ vortex of sensuality I woke up alone, the smell of her perfume and our sex permeated my small bedroom. The memory of her filled my head with euphoria; my muscles were a bit sore and my cock was exhausted. Damn, that old woman was hot in the sack. I could hear voices; Jules and Mom. I sat up as a spear of terror struck me; I can’t say what I was afraid of, it just seemed that no good could come of their meeting. I wrapped a towel around my hips...
Several days after my sixteenth birthday, and my first sexual union with my mother, she was limiting the number of times we fucked to every other day or two. Not having sex three times a day was now like going on an extreme diet. I was starved for and craved the feel of a naked female body against my own. I had become thoroughly addicted to sex. It was fucking incestuous sex with my own mother. I loved sucking her small tits, kissing her pussy while orally giving her orgasms by using my lips...
IncestIntroduction: Conclusion. Justin was missing a void in his life, then something wonderful happens. For the next six months, Justin was a constant fixture at the gay bar. During that six month time frame, Justin encountered numerous sexual endeavors. He still realized that something special was missing from his life. The sex part was great, but there was an empty void eating away at him. During this time frame, the Gunny had been transfered to Okinawa and a new Gunny had taken his place. Justin...
I had been edging for about an hour when I received a phone call. Shit. I answered the phone and listened to the caller. He was a friend of mine and his wife had been taken into hospital. She had gone into labour early, and would I mind looking after their two boys. I said I would and I would be round in about 15 minutes. I arrived at his house and after thanking me and telling me the boys would behave he left. I called for the boys to let them know I was there. Sam the youngest boy got to me...
Alexis and her boyfriend had decided that they wanted some excitement. Alexis decided to confide in Justin one of her darkest secrets. She had stumbled upon the book almost a year ago. It was really an accident. She just happened to have tucked the sheets under the mattress of her parent’s bed when her hand felt something. She tugged and out came a tattered book, complete with illustrations. She flipped through it and was astonished by what she read and saw. The book had been read many times....
Mia and I have been friends for years and we have always been there for each other. I considered her to be my best friend and we were very close. So close that we would always share intimate details of each other's sex life with one another and also shared a mutual secret obsession for porn although we had never watched it together. I started to feel this sexual tension between us and I had a hunch that she might be feeling the same way. I noticed that she lingered on the hugs she gave...
First TimeChapter 2 The next morning when I woke, I rolled onto my side and my head felt a little heavy from the wine I shared the night before with my friend, Heather. I had an unusual pungent taste in my mouth reminded me of the taboo pleasures I had with my brother late in the evening. I lied lazily staring at my clock for a moment, listening to the clanging of dishes downstairs, wondering why Mom and Dad were up at five thirty in the morning on a Saturday. As I rolled onto my back, the thin...
#Genesis "They're finally ready, Sir ... Justin Bieber, Fergus Riordan and Dakota Goyo", The Scientist replied, making some notes briefly on his clipboard, and then asked, "But where will you keep all three clones, Sir?" "An island", I answered, "My own little one just off Maldives ... Tell me, Doctor, why did you need so many of my pictures, a video of me, and even a sample of my DNA? How am I a part of their creation?" "We factored it all in. The technical details are...