Blackmailed by Fater in law
- 3 years ago
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The door was slightly ajar, and Ann stood for what seemed an eternity before she entered. She had decided she had no choice but to submit. He had her exactly where he wanted her and if she had to degrade herself again to save her husband from humiliation, she would do so. She had created this horrible situation by her moment of weakness and there was no one to get her out of it but herself.
The last martini had braced her a little and she felt prepared to go through with it now in spite of her revulsion toward the vile, little man who had her at his mercy.
Max was lounging back in a white, ermine covered chair, a long black cigar hanging from his thick lips. He had the pictures in one hand, which he had obviously been looking at, and a glass of soda and ice in the other. Aim didn't speak but just stood inside the door with her arms hanging limply at her sides.
"I'm glad you made an intelligent decision about this, my dear," he purred, removing the cigar from his lips and running his tongue wetly around his lips. "After all, I'm not so bad am I"
Ann left the question unanswered and kept her eyes to the floor. She couldn't bring herself to look at him.
"I want the pictures first, Mr. Schroeder," she finally brought herself to say.
"Oh no, my dear Ann," Max said dropping them in a manila envelope and sealing it. "We'll play a little game, and if you're a real good little girl, you can pick them up and walk out. If not, then we'll just have to see what other arrangements we can make."
"How do I know you'll give them to me?" she cried.
"You'll just have to trust me my dear, you have no other choice. Now do you?" he said. "Come, we'll go to my special room. Would you like Sidney to bring you another drink?"
"Yes, yes I would," she answered quickly. She knew she was going to need as much fortification as she could get.
"What about something to eat, some roast pheasant, caviar?"
"No, I don't feel like eating," Ann answered. She could think of nothing more revolting than eating with him and didn't want to prolong her agony any longer than necessary.
He led her down the corridor to another room which had a heavy door and was secured by a huge padlock.
"This is my playroom," he chuckled, as though expecting Ann to laugh at his ill-timed joke. He pulled a key from his pocket and unlocked the portal.
"Come in, my dear, and see what you think of my little chamber."
Ann followed--then suddenly froze in her tracks, shocked.
It was the strangest room she had ever seen. It was quite large, the entire ceiling and an entire wall were completely covered with mirrors. The other wall was painted with a mural, showing the lewdest sexual acts imaginable. It was a huge orgy; done so realistically, the tangled mass of bodies and limbs seemed to be alive. There must have been over a hundred figures in it, some in pairs, others in groups of three four, and five.
"It's a masterpiece," Max said when she noticed Ann's eyes were on it. "I had six of Mexico's finest artists working on it for over a year. It's probably their greatest work and they don't even know where it is." Max laughed. "I had them blindfolded each day and brought here from fifty miles away. You see my dear, money can do anything--it even has you here."
Sidney had arrived with the drinks and left a thermos of Martini's for Ann on the table. She could hear the click of the bolt in the door as he left.
She was glad he had brought her the Martini's--she would need them to go through this ordeal. Max poured her one and led her along the mural, explaining in detail, as with the pictures of her, the lewd actions of each group though they spoke clearly for themselves.
There was a thick, white fur carpet covering the floor that felt nice to Ann's shoeless feet. Max made her take them off--as he did--when they entered, explaining he never allowed shoes on the fur rug.
"And now, my dear, the work bench," he said with a sly grin. He pressed a button opening long, black drapes and revealed the hugest bed Ann had ever seen.
It was covered in the same white fur as the floor and it was surrounded by several large lounge chairs, similarly upholstered. Along the wall were large racks, filled with the strangest instruments imaginable. They ranged from cats-o-nine tails to long, thin rods with fluffy feathers on the ends. She had heard of such things but had never seen them before. They were ghastly and she felt fear rise at the weird collection. Only a madman could find pleasure in their use.
She sipped her Martini nervously now, deciding she had better humor him. There was no escape with the door locked; screams would bring no help this far out in the country.
Max led her into a little room off to the side. In it were racks of strange costumes in all sizes and colors, though most were black. Ann remembered Julia reminding her that Max liked black.
"And here, my lovely Ann, is my prized collection." He opened a large closet and she could see at least fifty pairs of brief panties of every type and color.
"There are mementos of my previous guests," he explained. "Yours will add to it. I hope you have chosen them well."
He patted Ann familiarly on her buttocks and she shrank away, repulsed by his touch.
"Now, now, my dear, don't be frightened," Max coaxed softly. "We're going to get to know each other very well tonight so we must start out on the right foot. You don't want me to get angry, do you?" He patted his robe where he had placed the envelope. "Come back to the playroom, and I'll explain the rules of our little game."
Ann followed meekly, her eyes glued to the envelope he was carrying in his hand. He opened a small door that looked like a wall safe and pressed a button. A thin nylon rope descended from a hole in the mirrored ceiling directly above the bed. He made her stand upon the bed on her tip-toes until she could just touch it with the tips of her fingers. He then made her get off and lowered it further, attaching the envelope to it with a clip. He pressed another button that drew it almost up to the ceiling again Ann could see a small clock within on which he turned dials carefully.
"There we are, my dear," he smiled, closing the small door and locking it. "The envelope will descend one foot every six hours. According to your height, you will be able to reach it when it has dropped four feet. When I'm unhappy, I'll turn it off until I'm pleased again. That will stop its motion completely. We can tell how much time you've worked off by this clock on the wall. Clever, don't you think?"
"But that's twenty-four hours," Ann cried, never expecting this. She knew she would be subjected to horrible indecencies and she had prepared herself to suffer them for Dave's sake, but twenty-four hours!
"You--you can't make me stay that long," pleaded Ann. "I can't do it."
"There, let me fill your glass, my dear, I told you that you would have to work to get them back. Remember, they are expensive pictures."
While he poured her drink, Ann could see the brown packet hanging teasingly above her, so close, but an eternity of degradation away.
She drained the glass immediately and Max poured her another, obviously anxious to lessen her inhibitions. The second went down almost as quickly and she could feel the dull conscience-killing feeling coming over her.
"I think its time to make the addition to my collection, Ann, don't you? I want to take them off, lie back on the edge of the bed."
Ann sat tipsily on the edge of the bed. The alcohol was beginning to affect her now and her muscles felt sluggish. She had a little trouble controlling her own movements and her head whirled. Revulsion shivered through her nerves as she felt his hands gently push her back on the ermine-covered bed. Her feet dangled, almost touching the floor. Through alcohol-glazed eyes she could see in the ceiling mirror her own figure lying below. The top of Max's bald head was bent above her feet. She shut her eyes tightly as she felt his fleshy palms slowly pushing her knees apart and slide hotly up the inner softness of her thighs under the dress. She jerked involuntarily as they passed the protective covering of her long hose and moved, butterfly-like across the sensitive, white flesh between her stocking tops and her sheer black panties. Max's breath was coming in heavy snorts as his fingers made light contact with the thin band between her legs. She groaned helplessly as his fingers rummaged on the outside, pushing the softness of the smooth material into the thin, quivering slit of her vagina. He played tingly, his fingers pulling gently at the soft pubic hair that protruded from the leg bands.
His index finger slipped suddenly under the tight elastic and flicked at the moist red opening beneath, bringing another protesting groan from her. The humiliation was awful. His face was even with the bed between her knees peering greedily up her dress. She could feel his eyes feasting lewdly on the secret parts between her legs that belonged to her husband and no one else. Parts she had protected just for him and which now had become her shame. Tears streamed in tiny rivulets as the helplessness of her position leaped through her confused mind. She struggled to her elbows, determined to stop the lewd outrages he was visiting upon her unwilling body but the sudden sight of the small brown envelope dangling above choked back the sounds of protest rising in her throat. There was no hope, she had gotten herself into this and there was only one way she could get out of it. That was to submit to his sick demands until the horrible pictures had lowered within her reach. She could only hope it passed quickly before she lost her control and did something that would make him angry. The thought of those pictures among the sailors in San Diego-and at the Officer's Club--caused her to fall back in helpless submission. She had no choice, she had to submit to the revolting violation of her body to protect Dave.
She shut her eyes again as his hands pushed the hem of her dress to her hips and hooked the elastic band at the top of her panties.
"Lift your ass," he commanded, using the blunt word to remind her of his complete dominance.
Ann arched her back hesitantly, feeling the smooth nylon drawn slowly over her voluptuous, rounded hips and thighs exposing the whole of her soft, down-covered crotch
"Mmmmm, a real blond I see," his fat lips smacked in appreciation. "You're the first I've had in quite a while."
The sheer black panties stuck at her knees. He pulled fruitlessly for a second and then commanded her to lift them. The panties slipped easily to the floor as her knees rose, taking the pressure from the backs of her thighs. Max picked them up quickly and eyes closed, she could hear him nuzzling and kissing them sickenly above her. He cooed over them as though they were some sacred object, rubbing their smooth softness over his cheeks and face, his eyes bulging at the tingling contact.
"You chose well," he purred, "they'll make a beautiful addition to my little collection. I don't get them all quite so easily you know. Sometimes they fight and I must use other means of persuasion. I'm so glad we understand each other."
As the full impact of what he was saying registered in Ann's mind he disappeared with her panties into his trophy room. She realized now that she was at the mercy of a hopelessly sick degenerate. God! What terrible things would he force upon her as the price for the return of the pictures? If she could only run, if there was only somewhere to hide! But there was none and she still had her price to pay. Before her thoughts could go any further she heard the soft approach of his feet across the thick carpeted floor.
"They fit beautifully into their place, my darling," he said, his voice taking on a softness toward her now. "I want to see the rest of you. Sit up and let me undress you."
Ann struggled to sit, quickly, her mind still on the envelope swinging above them. She closed her eyes again as he hurriedly unzipped her dress and lifting her buttocks slightly, peeled it from her. Then came her bra and he whistled in admiration as the large, rounded spheres emerged. He kissed them hungrily and Ann cringed as the rubbery lips traced their moist path to the tips, hardening them in spite of her revulsion. Nervous beads of sweat began to roll from Max's face as his fat wet palms glided unimpeded over the firm contours, cupping and kneading them brutally until Ann cried out from the pain and humiliation.
Max dropped to his knees again and running his hands the full length of her slim well rounded legs playing indecisively for a few moments with the snaps of her garters.
"Let's leave them, shall we my love?" he said in an almost whisper, his eyes roaming greedily over her naked flesh. "I like my women with garter belts and stockings. They appear so much more sensual."
Ann was completely naked now except for the sheer black silk stocking and the garter belt that was only a thin wisp of elastic around her lower hips. She had never felt so exposed in her life and again the burning wave of shame crept through her in spite of her vow to regain the photographs at any cost or humiliation. Nausea rose as his pudgy fingers petted and fondled at her soft yielding flesh, the harshness of his digging fingers leaving white, bloodless prints in their searching trail. Tears welled her eyes as he pushed her back on the bed. She fell passively, beyond resistance now and thinking only of the lewd envelope descending slowly down with each cruel minute that passed.
Max pushed her unresisting body to the center of the bed and Ann felt her arms lifted above her head and a quick pressure first on her left wrist and then on her right, not realizing until too late that they were leather bracelets. She jerked forward but her arms were held loosely above her head by small chains connected to the upper corners of the mattress.
"What are you doing?" she screamed when she realized belatedly what had happened. "Please let me loose! I promise I'll do anything you like, I promise!" she pleaded, tears of fear streaming down her cheeks as she struggled helplessly against her bonds, her stockinged legs kicking wildly about the mattress.
"I'm not going to hurt you, my dear," Max chortled above. "Just relax and remember, the clock stops if I'm not pleased."
Ann stopped her struggles as the threat sunk into her alcohol-dimmed mind and lay passive as he pulled her slim legs wide apart and attached her ankles to two similar chains at the bottom of the bed. She was completely helpless now and could see her limbs in the mirror above, fastened securely to the four corners of the large mattress. She closed her eyes tightly to fight off her quivering fear.
She shivered silently in the center of the bed, listening with bated breath as Max picked up something in the corner of the room. She didn't dare to open her eyes to look for fear of screaming and having him stop the clock. She couldn't stand having the agonies of her humiliation prolonged any further. She just wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible. Again, she heard his feet padding back toward the bed and she held her breath, waiting with apprehension for his sweating palms to close over the soft flesh of her body. They didn't come.
Instead, she felt a light flicking through the soles of her stockings. Something was grazing torturously over the sensitive bottoms of her feet. She jumped against the chains that bound her in sudden surprise, her eyes jerking open and staring wildly around the room. Max was leaning forward in one of the chairs at the foot of the bed grinning lewdly down at her spread-eagle nakedness. He had one of the long feathered poles in his hands stroking with the sole of her widely stretched left foot.
The tickling soon began driving her mad. She screamed at the top of her lungs for him to stop and her body thrashed wildly against the binding chains. It was of no use. He continued the lascivious stroking slowly up her calves pausing at the sensitive inner thighs to rotate the feather in small, titillating circles against the soft bare flesh at the top of her stockings. Ann jerked her feet, stretching the chains their full length in an attempt to escape the maddening circles. Max smiled lewdly at the position it put her in. The outside of her knees were pressed flat against the mattress and she had drawn her thighs as far up the bed as the restrictive chains would allow, opening her crotch wide in a crab-like stance that exposed the moist pink slit of her vagina completely to his greedy eyes. He giggled, and thrust the tip of the soft full feather directly into the slightly parted pubic hair, jiggling it lewdly in the plainly visible lips of her tight, pink cunt. Ann was going out of her mind and writhed and tossed wildly against her bonds attempting to escape the insane torture her body was being subjected to.
"Oh, oh, please, please, stop, please stop! I-I can't--stand it--can't stand it!"
Still the teasing feather played at the tender parts of her vagina working its way up the full length of the narrow palpitating slit to her tiny throbbing clitoris and flicking at it maddenly until, with a sudden groan, Ann felt it begin a gentle involuntary jerking into hardness. She could hear Max laughing at the foot of the bed, her desperate pleadings driving him to manipulate the teasing feather faster.
He worked it slowly up over the mound of her genitals and across the flat white plane of her belly pausing for a moment and then up to the sides of her rib cage, playing tantalizingly with the soft, tender area under her arms. This almost drove Ann crazy and it was with relief that she felt it crawl up over her full ripe breasts and begin to gently caress the nipples into throbbing sensitivity. In spite of her revulsion toward the depraved little man subjecting her to these horrible indignities her feeling was slowly changing. Her cries of humiliation and torture tapered off into deep groans of forced pleasure. Her thrashing body quieted to slow helpless writhings of uncontrolled sensation. The feather slowed its flicking to soft gentle strokings that brought tingles of wicked pleasure to her body, exhausted from the struggles against the lewd torture. Small rivulets of sweat dripped from her torso wetting the softness of the ermine cover below her.
Tears of frustration again brimmed her eyes as she felt the control of her body slipping away. She had vowed she would never again allow it to betray her no matter how much temptation it might be subjected to, but the sheer hopelessness of her position and the feather in the hand of the master debaucher, violating all the sensitive, unprotected parts of her shackled form, were forcing her into helpless submission.
Against her will, her proud, firm breasts throbbed up into rock-hard roundness and the peaks tweaked up hungrily as the tantalizing feather made small delicious circles around the coral-white aureoles. As the maddening instrument began its downward journey again, she found to her fascinated horror her body reaching upward to absorb its soothing caresses. It dwelled long again on the whiteness of her belly and in the flexing hollows of her inner thighs, again causing a slow uncontrollable undulation of her rebellious hips and causing her again to draw her thighs back up into the crab position as far as the binding chains would allow. The split of her crotch was again wide-open to the leering, lust-crazed eyes of her tormentor below. With a lewd chuckle, he flicked the tip quickly without warning against the sensitive puckered ring of her anus, clearly exposed in the crevice between her full white buttocks. The tight, rubbery orifice jerked in surprise and tried to screw itself down into the mattress to escape the cruel soft probe.
"Aaaaagggg," she gasped between clenched teeth, "D--Don't! Please, please don't. I can't stand it--I can't stand it! It's driving me crazy!"
A sadistic laugh answered as she bucked and squirmed against the teasing probe of her clasping anus. She tried with all her strength to close her legs, but the chains held her tight. There was no relief.
"Oh, p-please, p-please, ooooh, ooooh, stop, stop, stop!" she grunted, squirming as though being tortured by fire. "You're killing me, you're killing me!"
"Would you rather be fucked, my dear?" Max hissed softly, increasing the pressure slightly against her anal orifice.
"No! No!" She groaned piteously.
A quickening of the flicking feather.
"Aaaagggh, I--I mean yes! Y--Yessss," she hissed helplessly. "Anything, anything, but stop. Oh God, please stop!"
As suddenly as it began, the tortuous tickling lifted from between her legs. Ann's straining muscles relaxed in relief, her body exhausted from fighting against her bonds and a thankful gasp of grateful warm air rushed from her lips. But only momentarily, as the thought of what she had screamed in her mad attempt to escape the torture returned to her mind. Her body had failed her again, and now he was going to do it to her, too, like all those faceless men had in Tijuana. He was going to fill her belly with his lewd cum until she screamed in surrender. He would show her no mercy, she knew that. She knelt he would pick and pull at her helplessness until he had utterly destroyed her will to resist. He would crush her pride like stepping on a helpless butterfly fluttering in agony on the street. Her eyes looked with glazed longing at the small brown packet dangling a thousand miles above her tortured form and she fought back the urge to scream at him and curse his wickedness. She had to have that packet, she just had to. There was no other choice.
"I've a surprise for you, my dear," his voice suddenly broke through the barrier of her thoughts. "Remember, I told you my tastes were different. Well now you shall see after we have a drink to refresh us a bit."
Max, now dressed in a robe, pressed a buzzer and instructed Sidney over the intercom to bring a bottle of Scotch. He appeared a few moments later glancing only an instant at Ann's spread-eagled form. She blushed, wondering how many times he had seen this. Nothing seemed to affect the staid English butler--not even the nude girl stretched helplessly on the bed.
After Sidney had gone, Max released her ankles and wrists and Ann pulled herself painfully to the sitting position on the bed. She accepted gratefully the Martini Max poured from the thermos turning the glass up, drinking greedily of the cool liquid that he had poured over ice. She shook her head slowly, trying to regain some of the composure lost under the tortuous teasing of the feather.
Max sat by her running his fingers hungrily over the softness of her flesh He purred his appreciation of the beauty of her body. Ann did not resist but sat in servile acceptance of his obscene attentions to her breasts and thighs. She was beyond caring now. Nothing more could be done to her that hadn't already been done in Tijuana. One more time wouldn't matter. She had become a common whore and she stared blindly ahead wanting only to get the awful ordeal over with. There was nothing else she could do.
"You will enjoy my little surprise, dear. All my visitors do--though some not as much as others. But I think you will. You seem to have a special sensitivity that comes to the surface under certain circumstances. We will provide those circumstances for you. You will see, I will not disappoint you."
He licked his lips as he spoke and doubt again began to arise in Ann's mind but she quickly dispelled it. She closed her mind to thoughts of resisting and turned the glass to her lips. The soothing drink helped, replacing that partial numbness which had worn off during her ordeal on the bed. She could feel herself deadening the racing thoughts in her mind again and she finished the last of the glass, thrusting it loosely toward the fidgeting Max next to her for refill.
"My dear," he consoled smilingly, "I hope you are not building false courage. I have told you I will not disappoint you."
"Make it big," she answered, slightly slurring her words. It was affecting her again and she welcomed the deadening feeling coursing through her. She couldn't stand him touching her when the time came otherwise.
Max poured her another Martini, adding a few cubes of ice.
"Here, this should help you relax. I don't want you to fear me, my darling, I want you to enjoy my company."
Ann ignored him. She could not bring herself to talk to him. She was still afraid she might lose control of herself and say or do something that would spoil it all and she would never get the pictures back. She drank deeply, the alcohol burning into her throat like fire--but doing its job; providing her the oblivion she desired and she could feel its nerve-calming affect seeping deeper with each swallow from the glass. Her sight blurred for a moment and she was conscious of Max's beady eyes focused closely on her every move. She knew he was waiting until he thought she was ready.
Why, she wondered dimly through the alcohol, is he letting me get drunk when he knows I'm at his mercy. He must know I can't stand for him to touch me.
Max answered her question a moment later when he took her by the hand and pulled her limply to her feet. He led her to an alcove screened by black velvet drapes.
"Now, my dear, you shall have the experience of your life. There aren't many women who get this opportunity." He grinned evilly into Ann's face as he slowly drew the drapes apart.
"Voila," he smiled proudly. "There is your lover."
Ann's heart suddenly jumped to her throat in spite of the alcohol. In a space about ten feet square and totally covered with mirrors from wall to ceiling sat a strange, menacing machine that caused sudden chills of fear to ripple over her.
"W--What is it?" she stammered in disbelief.
"It's a loving machine, my dear," he answered proudly. "My own design."
"B--But what does it do?" the poor girl whimpered, her mind working rapidly. "I-I thought you w-wanted me."
"No, my dove. I'm what you might call a "voyeur." I prefer to watch rather than touch. Most of the time anyway. That's why I have had my little pet here constructed. Come, I'll explain it to you."
Ann held her breath and moved cautiously with him as he pulled her toward the evil looking contraption. She had never heard of anything like this and suddenly the bitter truth of the alcohol came to her.
This was why he had let her drink so much! He knew she would resist this inhuman demand that she submit to a machine!
Max began his explanation, noting with glee the rising fear in her eyes. He had seen it often on others of his little playmates forced into the same position. A little fear made it more enjoyable, particularly as he could follow it slowly turn to lust under the tireless ministrations of his machine. He was proud of it and considered it one of his greater accomplishments. It had all the necessary factors to make it the greatest lover in existence. It more than made up for his impotency. After all, is was his creation, and there, him in action.
"You see, my dear. I have learned something from our space program. This a contour couch," he smiled proudly, patting a soft, plastic- covered stand on the floor. "This has been molded perfectly to fit underneath a kneeling female body. Notice it even has foam rubber lining for comfort."
Ann's eyes widened as she followed his description of the obscene mechanism. It looked like some kind of exercise machine. The plastic form was formed perfectly to take the female body kneeling on all fours. It was complete, even to two openings at the chest for the breasts to protrude and straps on the sides to bind the occupant securely onto it. He could control the angle of legs and torso by movable parts. Just behind where the buttocks would be, was a steel rod about two feet long, threaded so objects could be screwed on. The rod was connected to an arm coming up from a small electric motor on the floor.
"This, my dove, is the heart and soul of my little pet," he chuckled at his humor. "Here we attach the instrument of your desire. We have all shapes and sizes. Thick, thin, long, short, you just name it. I have had them molded from a special flesh-like rubber and they are true life in every respect--except they do not have the one weakness of man, they never grow soft. It is perfection and could make love to you through all eternity without tiring. You will love it, I promise."
Ann's heart skipped another beat. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. This vile little man expected her to submit to the monstrous ordeal of being skewered by a machine while he sat back and enjoyed her humiliation. The thoughts of the pictures slipped from her mind and she turned to him with hatred in her eyes.
"I won't do it. It's sick, do you hear? I'm not an animal and that's what you need, an animal!" Tears streamed from her eyes as she spat her contempt out at him, her body quivering in shame and frustration.
"We have an agreement, my dear. Have you forgotten so soon?" he chuckled softly, knowing it was just a matter of time before he'd have her proud, voluptuous body stretched over the machine. He enjoyed the playing. It was so much more exciting when they fought first and later gave him the satisfaction of total submission. He'd soon destroy the pride of this haughty little bitch. She would plead with him for more by the time he was through. He had not devoted his life to sensual pleasures without learning something about human nature and he knew her well enough by now to know that her very pride would be her downfall.
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Blackmailed Sissy Whore Part 3 I did manage to get a little sleep. After Tiffany finally zonked out, and the continual grinding on my thigh and the relentless playing with my nipple rings stopped, I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. Friday night was the last full night's sleep I had gotten since Marcus took over my computer, and my life. I woke up before my alarm went off, which was a good thing. I was tangled up in limbs so securely, it took me several minutes to snake my way...
When I started with the company Roger was the top salesman, he had the best clients, the best bonus and the best company car. Within three months I had eclipsed him. It stood to reason, I was fifteen years younger than his forty, I was hungrier, I was more ambitious. I was just plain better than he was. He didn't like it and resented me and I knew he plotted to discredit and do me down at every occasion. But that only seemed to affect him and his sales, I just ignored him.Then after six months...
Blackmailedby FOXI (address withheld)***A young boy catches his mother kissing a man, not his father, and decides to teach her a very hot lesson. (F/mf-teens, ped, reluc, inc, voy, mast, anal)***I'm still in high school but I'm not stupid or totally innocent. I knew that both my mom and dad were having marital troubles. But I didn't realize how bad until one day coming directly home from school, which I rarely did, saw a man, not my dad coming out of my house in a rush, but not before kissing...
I was already irritated, and having to drive all the way over to the house just to cancel an appointment just made it worse. My wife and I were supposed to be taking a last look at a house we wanted to buy and had an appointment to meet our realtor at the house. We weren't going to buy it after all so I tried calling Sandra to cancel but unfortunately I wasn't able to get hold of her so ended driving out here to let her know. She'd been great throughout the whole process and I felt bad that she...
Kyleigh lay on her bed, still in the clothes she had worn the day before. She forced herself to get up and take a long hot bath. The teen laid in the tub of hot soapy water thinking about what she had been forced to do with Alex and Grant. Surely, Elaina would have warned her if she had known about the video. After her bath, she dressed and called Elaina’s cell phone. When she answered, Kyleigh told her friend they needed to talk, but not at her house. She’d meet her at the park down the...
Blackmailed by Master Michael I met the man I gave my first blow job to on a popular sissy chat website. I'll call it His name was Master Michael. A few weeks before I met Master Michael online, I'd started fully cross- dressing and taking photos of myself in different outfits and poses wearing a wig and makeup. Most of my life, I'd cross-dress and take the clothes off once I self-gratified myself and the pink fog lifted. Digital cameras made it easy to take private...
Chapter Ten:No more blackmail – ultimatum completed.Thursday night was here too quickly. Anna had spent every day and every night thinking about her situation. For a while, she tried to take the approach that she was finally free; that the risk, the possibility of losing everything was now finally gone. But even as she thought that, she knew that she was missing the control. She knew this was going to haunt her. But how to comply; my god, how could she be expected to expose her infidelity to...
Chapter Four:Learning to obey – the show of enjoying.Three days later, Anna received another envelope via courier. It was Thursday morning, and she had just settled into the normal routine of the morning. Normal, considering the turmoil that she'd been going through. Monday, after Mark had dropped her back off at work, she'd been very aware of her violation. She'd pulled way back from me that night, telling me that she'd had a bad day and was in a bad mood. She spent the night doing some...
A few weeks after that first incident with Stefan where he had blackmailed me into having sex with him, I got a text message off him. I was a bit surprised, as we had managed to ignore each other in work. I was growing optimistic that this incident was behind me. Even though it was left me feeling violated and with lots of confused feelings about myself.I was shocked to open the message on my phone and seen two pictures of him fucking me in the hotel! I was on all fours on he bed, in bustier,...
Blackmailed by Grandfather By billy69boyDuring the summer, when we were young, our grandmother used to invite her many grandci1dren to stay over for a few nights. She would host two of us at a time. Her five grown chi1dren were all married and had several chi1dren of their own, so there were plenty of us to go around.One summer, I was paired up with my cousin Cindy, who was a couple years younger than me. Cindy was a pretty little thing, blonde hair and blue eyes that always seemed to be...
Hi everyone,me (ram) a naughty and good boy.An average body with a long and thicker dick (7 inch and 1.8inch).Coming to the story I got several mails from the readers of my before story which I was published.Some mail were fake and some were real .I got a mail from a name called divya. I was impressed about her comment about the previous story and started to chat very decently about her details and mine .After few days we become close started to sex chat …During one of the chat session I asked...
It was the come in mouth fantasy that gave me the most pleasure. Celine’s silky golden hair made by belly tingle at the same time as her pink tongue played sexy games with the tip of my cock, circling one way then the other, flicking on the ridge and just under. One delicate little hand holding my shaft firmly, and my balls ready to burst, gently cupped and fondled in the other. My wife Mildred was tossing. But I was too deeply into Celine to be disturbed. I squeezed...
Love StoriesBlackmailed my neighbor girlIt was around 2 pm on Saturday afternoon, the door bell rang as I expected. I was waiting for this moment from past 2 days and I had sent my wife to her parent’s house anticipating the arrival of my special guest. I opened the door and was not surprised to see Alia standing near my door. She was looking very upset as I had anticipated; she quickly came inside and closed the door herself. Alia’s eyes were red and she looked like she was out of breath. Alia was wearing...
A Literotica reader who sent me feed back on my story ‘Camping with Anna’ presented me with this challenge. ‘I want to see you write a story which is completely fictional. It’s more difficult than writing something based on events that actually happened, but you have complete free rein, and can explore your hidden depths and fantasies.’ Well I’m always up for a challenge so here goes. This is a fantasy from my hidden depths. I hope you enjoy it. The story takes up where ‘Blackmailed’ left...
Blackmailed By My Teenaged Daughter Teen, Group, Mff, Incest by po469 I am a happily married man of 38. My wife, 18-year-old daughter and I live in Phoenix. I fool around a little bit but what my wife Sue doesn't know won't hurt her. Sue was really into bridge so she is away playing cards several afternoons and evenings each week. This gives me time, when no one is going to be home, to go out and have some fun or bring someone home for a little romp. Maybe I fooled...
I show up where and when he told me to. He’s standing right in front of me. He knows everything, I know I’m about to be blackmailed but don’t know yet what he wants. First thing he does is tell me to hold both hands out in front of me. I figure he wants to see I don’t have anything in them but as soon as I do he slaps a pair of handcuffs on them. Before I can register what’s happening he’s gotten my cuffed hands over my head attached to a hook on the ceiling. Oh fuck! What just happened! This...
Blackmailed!! Pete was an executive with ADB Corp. Millie had gotten a job in the secretarial pool. Millie was a dark red hair Italian girl, she was 33 years old had three kids and a pain in the ass husband. She had 40D tits a tight ass great hip and was always horny. Pete had discovered her on day as he was telling the head of her department what one of the top executives was looking for. Millie flirted with him and was shocked that the department head said nothing to him. When he left the...
My mom is a very sexy lady having big boobs and a tight ass. She has been my fascination and I have been very longing to fuck her. And my wish came true this January. My dad was out on a business trip and I was living with my mom alone in my house. One day, when I was away at college.My mom told me that she would be at her boss’s farmhouse making a presentation for the upcoming general meeting and told me to come to her boss’s house after college to have lunch there and pick her up. I agreed...
Blackmailed Wife----------The morning air was already oppressively humid as I stepped out into the barnyard and headed to the office from the house. The sun was already above the horizon casting shadows that moved as I walked. By the time I got to the office door, rivulets of sweat were soaking the thin material of my blouse. I pulled open the closet door to block my dad's office window view and removed my blouse and bra realizing that it was going to be a scorcher today. Grabbing a towel from...
In case you didn't read my first story I will bring you up to date quickly.I would consider myself a happily married heterosexual although I have always been bi curious. My wife and I have foreign students studying English to stay from time to time to make a bit of extra money. One summer a beautiful 30-year Old Italian woman called Carla came to stay for 3 months and a week later a French guy called Jamal also came to stay.To cut a long story short Carla caught me on her bed masturbating and...
BlackmailedI was feeling a little melancholy. I had been pretty busy since moving from my small town in down state Indiana to the north suburbs of Chicago. I hadn’t had a lot of time to get lonely but tonight was different, it was my 31rst. birthday and I had no one to celebrate with. Everyone I knew, including my ex-wife of 3 years, was back in Indiana. I decided to drown my sorrows in a couple of cold beers and left for a little dive I’ve seen a few miles from my house. I had been there...
I remember my hands trembling as I opened the package, I knew where it was from and I knew that it wasn't going to be good. It all started about a month ago when I was out of town for the week on business. As usual, I snuck some of my "girly" clothes in with my regular stuff thinking that they would provide me with a distraction during the lonely nights away from home. I have been cross-dressing for quite some time now and since my job requires that I be out of town frequently I have...
Hi readers, this is my 2nd story on ISS (if you haven’t read my first story go read it). Last time I told my story of how I had a short gay relationship with my house guard which was true and again this time I will tell another true story from my life. As you all can tell by now, I have a thing for Desi servants, so when I was around 5 years old, we got two new girl maids who were in their teens and were sisters. The younger one was shani and older was faima, they stayed in our house for a very...
Hello guys and girls this is my first story on ISS, my name is ankur, i belong to a high class family, my dad is a business man. We r family of four, Dad, Mom, me and my sis Tamanna. Females in meerut contact at We were living a very good life. I was 19 years old. I am single, no girlfriend. I had earlier but now i am single. From last 3-4 years i always found unusual msgs at my dads mobile but never doubt him. Recently i started going to office with him joining his business. I met with his...
Hello ISS readers, I am Craig and I am back with a mother true incident which happened between me and my hot mom. Let me now say about my mom. My mom is a very sexy lady having big boobs and a tight ass. She has been my fascination and I have been very longing to fuck her. And my wish came true this January. My dad was out on a business trip and I was living with my mom alone in my house. One day, when I was away at college. My mom told me that she would be at her boss’s farmhouse making a...
IncestBlackmailed into becoming a TV Slut This is an adult story featuring gay sex. If this offends please do not read. Any similarities to living persons is entirely coincidental. Enjoy, Dianne PART 1 It was love at first sight when I saw Kelly. She was just the type of woman that I had always wanted. She had sultry dark eyes that you could just sink into as you listened to that sexy voice of her's. She had long dark hair and long shapely legs that she always showed off with...
Blackmailed into becoming a TV Slut Part 2 This is an adult story featuring gay sex. If this offends please do not read. Any similarities to living persons is entirely coincidental. Enjoy, Dianne PART 2 Julian released me and I nearly slumped to my nylon clad knees. Somehow I stayed upright. Kelly was sitting on the bed with her hand still in her trousers and smiling contentedly. I think I detected the hint of womanly smell coming from her, although it was hard to tell...
I remember my hands trembling as I opened the package, I knew where it was from and I knew that it wasn't going to be good. It all started about a month ago when I was out of town for the week on business. As usual, I snuck some of my "girly" clothes in with my regular stuff thinking that they would provide me with a distraction during the lonely nights away from home. I have been cross-dressing for quite some time now and since my job requires that I be out of town frequently I have...
Blackmailed into slaveryAndy and Carl were lucky to find a place on their own in a university city with over twenty thousand students from all over Europe. They rented an old farmhouse that was standing empty for a few years. Luckily there was not much to renovate, except for a new lock on the entry door and a few minor repairs to the windows. Each had their own comfortable room to study. The old timber beds were still there. The new mattresses were the only substantial investment they had to...
Blackmailed into Toilet ServiceMy name is John Davies, and this is my story of my descent from successful businessman to an object of abuse and amusement for cruel women.At the start of my story, I was 38, and the Accountant for a prominent international company owned by Leon Stokes, a black man in his early thirties, and his sister Crystal. They had inherited the company after their mother and father had been killed in a car crash two years previously. I had been married to Amanda, also 38,...
I went into the bedroom and stripped and got into bed. I pulled the rubber cock out from under my pillow and I began rubbing my clit and worked myself up to fingering my hole. I began sucking on the cock that I was about to fuck myself with. The covers were off to the side and the only light on was the light coming from the bathroom lighting up the bed where I was. I worked myself into a frenzy and by the time I was ready for my black rubber lover, I was really ready to climax. I brought the...
I could not pull my eye away from that hole. I kept rubbing my clit and fingering my asshole as I watched and waited to see what the man was going to do next. I saw him move toward the hole and I backed off. I watched as the head of his cock came through the hole that I was at looking through. I know this sounds sick, but what I did was I pulled my eye away from the hole and I opened my mouth and put it right up against the hole. I felt fingers touch my mouth, I closed my lips around them and...
I put on a big smile and said, "Are you kidding? Sure, I can. I would love to get off using them. What do they have to do with this weekend?" Ballard said, "Well, we are meeting some new distributors Friday night and they have seen you in your other videos. Now, they all want to see just how hot you are and what you do between fucking men. They do not believe there is a woman like you on this earth. Jane is nothing like you. If things work out good this weekend, they are going to order...
After returning from her trip to the nursery school to drop off her daughter, Sarah waited tensely for Gene's arrival. Maybe he's changed his mind, she thought, her hopes rising as the minutes ticked by. It could be that he and Fern had decided to do something else today instead. Her hopes were soon dashed, however, at the sight of Gene's red sports car pulling up to the curb. The nervous brunette stood by the window to watch Gene and Fern get out and start up the front walk together....
A week has passed since my encounter with Sani. Since then Jeremy and his friends had been surprisingly quiet, and had not bothered me at all. “Maybe he has gone bored with me darling,” I told my husband one night, while both of us were naked on our bed. “There isn’t a single call or text from him for a week. Hopefully this means he has moved on, and we can have our lives back again,” I said while kissing my him. “I do hope so my love. I am so sorry I couldn’t help to prevent this.” My...
Disgusted with the sight of her own lust-smeared body, Pam quickly got up from the bed and headed for the bathroom. She took a long shower, slowly relaxing under the steaming jet of water. Strange, I don't really feel, guilty, she thought as she carefully examined her conscience. What bothered her most was the fact that it was Max who had made love to her, a man she now loathed more than ever. As for the sex--well... that was something that time had come due, she decided. She sensed from...
Back to the present at the hotel, Chase slowly drank his scotch as he looked over the sexy body of Carrie. “I need to ask you a question before this goes any further,” Carrie said. “Go ahead. I’m all ears,” Chase replied. “How are your feelings toward Miranda? Do you care what we do to her and who fucks the blonde bitch?” Carrie asked. “The answer is unequivocally no. Miranda was always a perfect young lady, true to her husband until I convinced her otherwise. I immensely enjoyed...
The next Sunday after Chase blackmailed Miranda, he was watching the preacher’s wife sing in the church choir. She refused to look directly at him; but, occasionally, she would glance at him out of the corner of her eye. As soon as Miranda saw him looking at her, she’d look away while looking a little nervous; but not enough that anyone else but Chase would notice. He was the only one that knew she had something to be nervous about. Just a few days earlier, her hot lips and pussy were wrapped...
Note : This story is completely fictional! The first day my father in law and my wife left for a three week trip it was decided by my mother in law "by a threat by my sister in law" To introduce her in a threesome, So she can have sex and we would be all happy,So my mother in law puts it. On that day it was all settle and we were all off to have our first session as a threesome. The three of us enter the bedroom,my mouth went dry thinking what is this going to be like, I have heard that my...
IncestI t was a typical night in our house, I was in the den watching the TV and my wife Kim Lee was in the living room watching Chinese programs on that TV. Kim Lee is a beautiful little Asian woman with a tight body in her early forties. Her shiny black shoulder length hair framed her face in perfectly and made her big brown eyes look soft and inviting. For a woman her age she had a slender well shaped body that was 5 feet 4 inches tall and she weighed 102 pounds. Her firm 34 B breasts and...
By the time Janel collected herself and, brought her seething emotions under control, her blackmailer was gone. He’d no sooner finished with her than he’d cleaned himself up with a damp towel and dressed, standing in front of the mirror to tuck in his shirt and knot his tie. Janel lay naked on the bed with the spread pulled over her, trying to collect herself and think of something to say that might somehow redeem herself—in her eyes at least, if not in his—but absolutely nothing came to mind,...
Mike McBride was driven to adultery by his inability to satisfy his lustful appetite with his wife. Even though he loved her, he craved certain acts which she absolutely refused to participate in. But then, activating his desires on others only made him crave his wife more. It was she he wanted to do these things to. What Mike didn’t know was that his wife had been involved in lascivious behavior before they met. Would he find out? Only if she didn’t pay the blackmailer. Chapter 1 ...
My name is Greg Newman and even though I am only16 years old most of my high school buddies consider me a computer whiz; I'm not sure if that is true or not but I am pretty good with the technical side of computers. I am also the starting wide receiver of my high school football team, not bad huh, a geek and an athlete. My best friend is Paul Johnson who just happens to live directly across the street from my house. Paul and his family moved into the house when both he and I were in the eighth...
I just knew that he was going to go over to their house, I knew it, and I could not stop him. I decided that the best thing for me to do would be to just keep doing what we did every day, I finished the kitchen and got the kids bathed and it was about that time that Clark came back in the house. He seemed a lot better than he was when he left. I had to ask; I said, "Where did you go honey?" Clark said, "you know where I went, I had to go over there. I met your friend and her husband,...
Pam Hollister knelt down and dug her hands into the soft loamy soil around the rosebush, delighting in its rich, earthy feel. It was a beautiful day. Wearing her white shorts and halter, she was out in the front yard, working in the garden. This is what 1 wanted a house of my own for, she thought happily. Pam had a natural green thumb and thrived in the out-of- doors, planting, tending, and harvesting plants. Roses were her chief delight, and that was one of the reasons she had fallen so...
Alex and Grant decided to go after the sexy ash-blonde seventeen-year-old high school senior first. They knew that once they got Kyleigh under their control, their stepsister would be easy. Their plan was simple. After blackmailing the teen with the video of her lesbian encounter with their stepsister, Alex would be her new boyfriend. She would have to stop dating her current boyfriend. The word around school was that she was putting out for him. One day after school, Alex made a point to...
By Rebelman Chapter 1 Darrel James had waited patiently for this day. He had confronted Peggy almost two months earlier with the info he collected on her forgery scheme and, when he revealed the evidence to her, she crumbled quickly. Little by little he had taken more and more control. His job at the bank gave him more than enough to live on, and the recent additional windfall of cash, allowed him to put his plan into motion. First, he had insisted she continue college as well as...
Darrel James had waited patiently for this day. He had confronted Peggy almost two months earlier with the info he collected on her forgery scheme and, when he revealed the evidence to her, she crumbled quickly. Little by little he had taken more and more control. His job at the bank gave him more than enough to live on, and the recent additional windfall of cash, allowed him to put his plan into motion. First, he had insisted she continue college as well as quit her job. She had no family to...
Chapter Seven:Husband must hear 'fantasy'.Monday night wasn't right; she couldn't get past her own nervousness of what she was suppose to do. And things didn't quite feel right with the way the evening was going, so she chose to not even attempt what she was suppose to do.Tuesday night was different though. I'd been aroused, and in the mood to be with my wife, my mind all worked up from what she'd done with me over the weekend. Anna saw that things were going to go in a sexual direction, and...