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Blackmailed Housewife

Blackmailed Housewife

Chapter six

By Master John


Caroline sat in the backseat of the car wondering where Tim was taking her and what he would do to her when they got there. It was an almost heady mixture of fear and excitement that coursed through her body and mind as different scenarios ran through her head.? But the blindfold upon her eyes made it impossible to tell where they were and caused enough disorientation to make it almost impossible for her to tell in which direction they were headed. So silently she sat there listening to gin and Tim laughing and joking together as if they were a couple out for a morning drive without a practically naked girl sitting cuffed and blindfolded in the back seat. With her hands held behind her she was thankful for the seat belt that held her upright in the seat as Tim negotiated the various turns and roundabouts as he made his way to gin?s house. It was when Tim pulled up at some traffic lights that gin decided that she had better check on Caroline and if necessary re close her cardigan over her bare breasts. Sure enough when gin looked she saw that they had fallen out and were on show for anyone that cared to look. Glancing around she noted that the driver of the car beside them was looking at them so without studying the driver or his car further she quickly closed the cardigan over Caroline?s breasts as best she could. Having made sure that Caroline was ok gin turned her attention back to the cars around them and it was then that her face went white with fear as she saw the police car driving up behind them. But even as she turned to tell Tim about it she could see that He had already seen it.


?Just stay calm? he managed to reply calmly though inside his mind was screaming like gins? mind must be, to get the hell out of it before they were arrested. He laid a calming arm upon gin and with his eyes signalled to the back of the car where an agitated Caroline was whining into her gag and beginning to struggle on the back seat with her cuffs. Gin quickly leant over into the back of the car and tried to calm Caroline down again and cover her bare tits back up again telling her that if she made too much of a fuss they were sure to be stopped. That seemed to do the trick and gin was able to sit back down again. All three of them jumped when the siren and lights suddenly started on the car beside them. ?This is it? they all thought. But then the police car roared off to the left and disappeared as quick as it had appeared. As the police car disappeared into the distance they all let out a sigh of relief and Tim missed that the lights had changed in his favour until the cars behind started to lean on their horns and started yelling at him. Pulling himself together Tim put the car into gear and continued on his way to gin's so he could drop her off.













Fortunately they were able to get to gin?s without further mishap and as soon as gin had opened her garage doors he drove inside and switched off the engine. Tim then quickly got out of the car and opened the backdoor to check on Caroline. But the minute she heard the door open Caroline started to scream and kick at him and it took almost all of his strength to restrain her long enough to reassure her that she was safe at gins? house. Finally reassured Caroline allowed Tim to lift her out of the car and carry her into the house. With the blindfold still in place Caroline was unaware where she was being taken and it was with a shock that she found herself seated on a cold wooden surface making her moan into her gag. But her moan was ignored and she was ordered to kneel up on the table which with some help from gin she assumed from the feel of the hands that were on her.? With her in position her wrists were inspected for damage and to her relief Caroline heard Tim assure her that there was no damage. Satisfied that his slave wasn?t harmed Tim went through to the front room closely followed by gin. He ignored gin until he had poured himself a glass of whisky, which he drank in one go. It was as he was pouring himself a second glass that he finally turned to gin.

?Do you know how close we came to being arrested today? Said gin angrily as she pushed past Tim to pour herself a drink to calm her nerves.

?I?m sure that if you and Caroline had just sat there calmly they wouldn?t of noticed how she was dressed? He replied with a calmness he didn?t truthfully feel.

?You have that girls whole life in your hands and yet you don?t seem to care that you almost bought it all to an end. What kind of a heartless bastard are you?? said gin feeling more angry at how Tim was trying to make out what had almost happened was such a trivial thing.


Tim stood there for a few minutes as he stared into his glass trying to think of something to say. But no matter how he looked at it gin was right about one thing and that was that he held Caroline?s whole life in his hands. It wasn?t by choice that Caroline had been half-naked, blindfolded and handcuffed in his car. He had always been jealous of John since he had introduced his wife to him. Caroline had been so shy and obviously self-conscious of her body even though she had a figure a lot of girls would kill for.? He had been enchanted with her each time she had smiled at him or the other people she had been introduced to and the fact that it had made his heart beat faster then he had ever felt it before made him hunger for her more. It had been so obvious to him that John and caroline were both truly in love with one another and yet he knew that he had to find a way to conquer this girl and soon. Knowing how close they were Tim needed to come up with a way to keep John away from home longer and longer and make him so tired that Caroline would soon be so hungry for someone around to show her some love and attention. Once she was at that stage he thought it would be easy for him to move in for the kill and claim her for his own.?? As he had hoped it had started to work like a charm and soon John was having an argument down the phone as he called to tell Caroline that he had to work late again for the 4th time this week.










After 2 months of John having to work late and some weekends as well that Tim finally decided to move in for the kill. But he found that he didn't have to go to her she had come to him. It had been one of those moments of chance that he had spotted Caroline and a man coming out of one of the hotels in town. His heart had beaten faster as he watched them kissing before they had walked away in opposite directions. He knew that he had finally found the way to net his prey. If he could find a way of getting some evidence on her with the man he had spotted her with he knew that he would be home free. After that he had started to hang around the hotel as often as he could in the hope of finding out more about the man that he had seen Caroline with. But it hadn?t been at the hotel he had seen the man again it had been at an awards night and to his delight he found out not only his name he also found out that he was married too. After that it had been easy to take some pictures of Philip and Caroline together either coming out of the hotel or in a restaurant with Caroline and then taking them to Philips office and confronting him. As he had suspected Philip was horrified at the thought of his wife finding out about his affair. With Philip now under his control it had been easy to get him to arrange a meeting with Caroline in the hotel room they normally used. He had arrived early and so he was able to get inside the wardrobe and decide what angles he would be able to take pictures without being seen. It had been agony to be in that wardrobe as the couple had made love inches away from him as he captured it all for posterity on his camera. Philip made sure that he turned caroline towards the wardrobe as often as he could so that he could get a lot of facial shots so there would be no denying who it was in the pictures. As soon as caroline left Tim had stepped out of the wardrobe and after warning Philip against doing something stupid like trying to warn Caroline and what the consequences would be if he did so. He had then set off home to get the pictures developed so he would have them when he confronted his new slave.


Despite the photos He had feared that caroline would laugh at him before throwing him out, then calling John and telling him everything and taking her chances. But instead she had folded to his demands and had been more then willing to do his bidding to keep her shameful affair a secret. Since then she had thrown herself into obeying him and even seemed to be developing feelings for him but he was left wondering were they real or were they just an act for his benefit? He knew that if he asked gin what she thought she would laugh at him seeing that once upon a time she had been one of his victims. But then she had ended up having the last laugh as she had managed to turn the tables on him hence she had been given enough money to set up the strip joint she now ran. The memory of waking up to find that horrible device locked around his manhood made it twitch and he had to fight the urge to reach inside his trousers and shorts to reassure himself that it was now free from the cage it had spent 6 long months locked inside. The night she had drugged him again so she could tie him up and tease him with the key still made him wake up sweating at the sight of one of the keys melting in the glass of acid.







At the time she had tried to make the deal to win his release claiming that there was only one key to the lock, but he was still too proud and stupid to know when he was licked. In fact he was still stupid enough to think he had the upper hand and so she had dropped the key into the acid and he had helplessly watched it melt before his eyes.? After that he had begun to cry and beg for her to find a way to get the lock undone and she had suggested calling the fire brigade to cut it off for him or take him to casualty. But both of these suggestions they both knew would lead to his humiliation. Gin had delighted in making sure he knew what it felt like to be at the mercy of someone else in an attempt to make him give up all the evidence he had against her as well as some compensation so she could set herself up in business. The chastity device made sure that every attempt of his cock to get hard would cause him pain so he would try to think of other things. But gin would always make sure that his mind would soon be back on the erotic by dressing in next to nothing or sending him sexy pics of herself or the girls she was auditioning for her new place, to his place of work. Like caroline the other day, gin would also delight in dancing for him teasing him until tears of frustration and pain ran freely down his face as his cock had strained against the cage that was locked around it.? But still he hadn't broken and given into her demands and so she had renewed her efforts to humiliate him still further. He had soon come to regret being so stubborn as the photo collection gin was building of him dressed or posed in ever more humiliating ways grew ever larger along with the video one as well. The nights he had been tied up on all fours as she took his arse with a dildo or vibrator became endless to him along with the whips she tried out on him as well as other more painful things.


Since then they had had a mutual respect for each other as well as a good friendship. Still there were times that he wondered if all the copies of everything she had had of him had been destroyed like she had assured him just in case he tried anything. That time with gin in charge had shown him just how alike they thought and just how imaginative she was. He had thought about trying to get together with her but she had shown no interest in him so he had given up the idea just as soon as it had popped into his head. But of late he was beginning to feel that there had been a change in her towards him. A softening towards him that she hadn't shown him since before he had stupidly tried to blackmail her into doing his bidding. Despite his feelings for caroline he found himself wondering what it would be like to try and live out the rest of his days with gin? After all she had no ties apart from the bar so no one would be hurt as she could easily find someone to run it in her place if not sell it altogether, but there was still that doubt about how she felt about him that made him hesitate.? And so once again he pushed it to one side and got back to thinking how to get caroline where he had intended to take her today without her being spotted. Considering that the police would more then likely be more then eager to pull over a car that had a bound and gagged girl sitting in one of it?s seats to find out what was going on she would have to be hidden out of sight. This was a shame as he had had something in mind to humiliate her while they drove to where he intended to have some more fun with her. But he knew that if they were stopped then John would hear about it and questions would be asked as to why they had been together let alone why caroline was dressed the way she was.





He turned to where gin had been standing only to let out a curse when he realised she had left the room without him noticing. He hated the way she could do that but then John had the same habit it would seem. Many a time he had jumped out of his skin as John or gin would suddenly be there in front of him as if they had materialised out of thin air. It didn't take a genius to guess where she would be right now and when he walked towards the kitchen he found that he had guessed right as he could hear gin talking to caroline. He walked as quietly as he could wanting to see what they were up to as well as what gin was up to the captive caroline.


As He neared the kitchen Tim could hear gin speaking softly to caroline but it was so soft He couldn?t make it out to begin as a result. As He tried to creep quietly towards the entrance to the kitchen Tim wondered what He would see and some of the images that went through His head fast made His cock grow hard. But when He could finally see He discovered a scene far from the ones that He had imagined. He watched as gin gently cleaned caroline?s face with a cloth wiping away the make up tracks that had run down her face from under the blindfold. As she did so gin kept talking to her so softly that Tim couldn?t make out what was being said. He could see by the way caroline was relaxing whatever it was gin was saying was having the intended effect and caroline relaxed and allowed gin to wash away all traces of the make up that run due to her tears of fright. As Tim continued watching gin gently removed the blindfold from over caroline?s eyes making her blink as the light flooded into her eyes after being kept in the dark for so long. Gin gently placed her hands either side of caroline?s head and then made eye contact with the captive girl and smiled at her. After a moments hesitation caroline returned the smile as best she could as the gag still remained where gin had secured it. The 2 girls remained that way and seemed to be speaking with their eyes rather then spoken word. The air was filled with electricity that made Tim?s hair stand up as the 2 girls stayed that way for what seemed an eternity. Then as soon as contact had been made gin?s smile grew still wider before she placed a kiss right on the centre of the ball strapped into caroline?s mouth and then began to remove the rest of the make up that had been ruined by the captives tears.?


With the ruined make up removed gin reached to her make up bag she had placed beside caroline on the work top and began to reapply it. As she did so Tim thought that there was something strangely erotic watching gin doing the captive girls make up as the captive just sat there accepting and trusting gin. He had to stifle wanting to call out to gin to do caroline?s make up a certain way as He was scared of spoiling the mood. He was also curious as to how gin was going to make her look, so tried to stay as still and quiet as possible lest His presence be given away. Gin worked slowly and with a confidence of someone that was more then used to doing a bound girl?s make up every day.










Caroline for her part was getting turned on at feeling so helpless as gin did her make up for her. The last time someone had done it for her was the day she walked up the aisle to marry John. The thought of Him almost made the tears flow anew. But she managed to fight them back part out of not wanting to upset gin by ruining all her hard work and partly because she knew there was far worse things that could be being done to her then being made to sit still as her make up was applied. She was surprised at the feelings that were stirring within her especially in her belly and between her legs but there was something about being helpless like this not being able to see how gin was making her look. After all if gin wanted to she could make her look silly, like a whore or just another woman going about her daily business. Of course those that were going about their daily business didn?t do it with their hands held behind their backs, a gag strapped into their mouths tits barely concealed by a cardigan and a blindfold. Again she cursed herself for being so stupid to get involved with another man after all if she hadn?t she wouldn?t be sat here like this instead she would be out and about getting shopping or waiting to welcome her husband home. Again she had to fight the urge to cry at the thought of how hurt John would be if he knew what she had done and how she had been paying for it since.


Tim watching all of this could see the turmoil inside caroline by watching her eyes. Part of him wanted to run over and comfort her and tell her that it was all over he would run her home and he would never bother her again but another part hungered to see how far he could push her before she broke. It was seeing the way she was starting to rub her legs together that finally made him decide to keep using her as it was more then obvious the slut was starting to get off on all of this. He had hoped that she would come to like it in some way but at the same time He wanted her to hate what she was being made to do as he knew that would keep her off balance and make her more pliable to His whims. As He continued watching gin completed her work on caroline?s make up and seemed satisfied with what she had done. From where He was standing and the fact that gin was standing blocking off His view, Tim couldn?t see caroline so He wasn?t able to appreciate gins handiwork just yet. He was surprised when gin suddenly got a hairbrush out as well as some bands and set to work on her captive?s hair. First she took caroline?s hair out it?s pony tail and then gin set to work on the hair style she had decided for caroline. It was as she started working that Tim tried to move into a better position, but by doing so He gave away His presence. Gin turned and looked at Him for a while, as did caroline over gins' shoulder. He could see that Gin?s eyes were full of confidence and laughter while caroline?s eyes still showed she was in another place, while at the same time concern was there as well. The concern caroline felt was due to the fact she was worried she was going to be taken away before gin had completed the make over she was giving to her.












But as it turned out she needn?t of worried as gin suddenly turned round and helped her down onto her feet as she called over her shoulder to Tim that she wanted the keys to the cuffs. Tim almost without thinking reached into a pocket and handed them over and then stepped back letting the 2 girls pass by Him. He tried to follow them up the stairs but gin firmly told Him to stay downstairs and await His surprise. Feeling frustrated and almost foolish as He watched the 2 girls make their way upstairs. He listened to the sound of their footsteps and then the sound of a door closing followed by a key being turned in a lock. It was that sound that told Him it would be useless to do anything but what gin had told Him to do. So with a final wistful look up the stairs wondering what was going on He went back into the front room and fixed Himself another drink and settled in for a long wait.


Blackmailed Housewife

Chapter six

By Master John


Caroline sat in the backseat of the car wondering where Tim was taking her and what he would do to her when they got there. It was an almost heady mixture of fear and excitement that coursed through her body and mind as different scenarios ran through her head.? But the blindfold upon her eyes made it impossible to tell where they were and caused enough disorientation to make it almost impossible for her to tell in which direction they were headed. So silently she sat there listening to gin and Tim laughing and joking together as if they were a couple out for a morning drive without a practically naked girl sitting cuffed and blindfolded in the back seat. With her hands held behind her she was thankful for the seat belt that held her upright in the seat as Tim negotiated the various turns and roundabouts as he made his way to gin?s house. It was when Tim pulled up at some traffic lights that gin decided that she had better check on Caroline and if necessary re close her cardigan over her bare breasts. Sure enough when gin looked she saw that they had fallen out and were on show for anyone that cared to look. Glancing around she noted that the driver of the car beside them was looking at them so without studying the driver or his car further she quickly closed the cardigan over Caroline?s breasts as best she could. Having made sure that Caroline was ok gin turned her attention back to the cars around them and it was then that her face went white with fear as she saw the police car driving up behind them. But even as she turned to tell Tim about it she could see that He had already seen it.


?Just stay calm? he managed to reply calmly though inside his mind was screaming like gins? mind must be, to get the hell out of it before they were arrested. He laid a calming arm upon gin and with his eyes signalled to the back of the car where an agitated Caroline was whining into her gag and beginning to struggle on the back seat with her cuffs. Gin quickly leant over into the back of the car and tried to calm Caroline down again and cover her bare tits back up again telling her that if she made too much of a fuss they were sure to be stopped. That seemed to do the trick and gin was able to sit back down again. All three of them jumped when the siren and lights suddenly started on the car beside them. ?This is it? they all thought. But then the police car roared off to the left and disappeared as quick as it had appeared. As the police car disappeared into the distance they all let out a sigh of relief and Tim missed that the lights had changed in his favour until the cars behind started to lean on their horns and started yelling at him. Pulling himself together Tim put the car into gear and continued on his way to gin's so he could drop her off.













Fortunately they were able to get to gin?s without further mishap and as soon as gin had opened her garage doors he drove inside and switched off the engine. Tim then quickly got out of the car and opened the backdoor to check on Caroline. But the minute she heard the door open Caroline started to scream and kick at him and it took almost all of his strength to restrain her long enough to reassure her that she was safe at gins? house. Finally reassured Caroline allowed Tim to lift her out of the car and carry her into the house. With the blindfold still in place Caroline was unaware where she was being taken and it was with a shock that she found herself seated on a cold wooden surface making her moan into her gag. But her moan was ignored and she was ordered to kneel up on the table which with some help from gin she assumed from the feel of the hands that were on her.? With her in position her wrists were inspected for damage and to her relief Caroline heard Tim assure her that there was no damage. Satisfied that his slave wasn?t harmed Tim went through to the front room closely followed by gin. He ignored gin until he had poured himself a glass of whisky, which he drank in one go. It was as he was pouring himself a second glass that he finally turned to gin.

?Do you know how close we came to being arrested today? Said gin angrily as she pushed past Tim to pour herself a drink to calm her nerves.

?I?m sure that if you and Caroline had just sat there calmly they wouldn?t of noticed how she was dressed? He replied with a calmness he didn?t truthfully feel.

?You have that girls whole life in your hands and yet you don?t seem to care that you almost bought it all to an end. What kind of a heartless bastard are you?? said gin feeling more angry at how Tim was trying to make out what had almost happened was such a trivial thing.


Tim stood there for a few minutes as he stared into his glass trying to think of something to say. But no matter how he looked at it gin was right about one thing and that was that he held Caroline?s whole life in his hands. It wasn?t by choice that Caroline had been half-naked, blindfolded and handcuffed in his car. He had always been jealous of John since he had introduced his wife to him. Caroline had been so shy and obviously self-conscious of her body even though she had a figure a lot of girls would kill for.? He had been enchanted with her each time she had smiled at him or the other people she had been introduced to and the fact that it had made his heart beat faster then he had ever felt it before made him hunger for her more. It had been so obvious to him that John and caroline were both truly in love with one another and yet he knew that he had to find a way to conquer this girl and soon. Knowing how close they were Tim needed to come up with a way to keep John away from home longer and longer and make him so tired that Caroline would soon be so hungry for someone around to show her some love and attention. Once she was at that stage he thought it would be easy for him to move in for the kill and claim her for his own.?? As he had hoped it had started to work like a charm and soon John was having an argument down the phone as he called to tell Caroline that he had to work late again for the 4th time this week.










After 2 months of John having to work late and some weekends as well that Tim finally decided to move in for the kill. But he found that he didn't have to go to her she had come to him. It had been one of those moments of chance that he had spotted Caroline and a man coming out of one of the hotels in town. His heart had beaten faster as he watched them kissing before they had walked away in opposite directions. He knew that he had finally found the way to net his prey. If he could find a way of getting some evidence on her with the man he had spotted her with he knew that he would be home free. After that he had started to hang around the hotel as often as he could in the hope of finding out more about the man that he had seen Caroline with. But it hadn?t been at the hotel he had seen the man again it had been at an awards night and to his delight he found out not only his name he also found out that he was married too. After that it had been easy to take some pictures of Philip and Caroline together either coming out of the hotel or in a restaurant with Caroline and then taking them to Philips office and confronting him. As he had suspected Philip was horrified at the thought of his wife finding out about his affair. With Philip now under his control it had been easy to get him to arrange a meeting with Caroline in the hotel room they normally used. He had arrived early and so he was able to get inside the wardrobe and decide what angles he would be able to take pictures without being seen. It had been agony to be in that wardrobe as the couple had made love inches away from him as he captured it all for posterity on his camera. Philip made sure that he turned caroline towards the wardrobe as often as he could so that he could get a lot of facial shots so there would be no denying who it was in the pictures. As soon as caroline left Tim had stepped out of the wardrobe and after warning Philip against doing something stupid like trying to warn Caroline and what the consequences would be if he did so. He had then set off home to get the pictures developed so he would have them when he confronted his new slave.


Despite the photos He had feared that caroline would laugh at him before throwing him out, then calling John and telling him everything and taking her chances. But instead she had folded to his demands and had been more then willing to do his bidding to keep her shameful affair a secret. Since then she had thrown herself into obeying him and even seemed to be developing feelings for him but he was left wondering were they real or were they just an act for his benefit? He knew that if he asked gin what she thought she would laugh at him seeing that once upon a time she had been one of his victims. But then she had ended up having the last laugh as she had managed to turn the tables on him hence she had been given enough money to set up the strip joint she now ran. The memory of waking up to find that horrible device locked around his manhood made it twitch and he had to fight the urge to reach inside his trousers and shorts to reassure himself that it was now free from the cage it had spent 6 long months locked inside. The night she had drugged him again so she could tie him up and tease him with the key still made him wake up sweating at the sight of one of the keys melting in the glass of acid.







At the time she had tried to make the deal to win his release claiming that there was only one key to the lock, but he was still too proud and stupid to know when he was licked. In fact he was still stupid enough to think he had the upper hand and so she had dropped the key into the acid and he had helplessly watched it melt before his eyes.? After that he had begun to cry and beg for her to find a way to get the lock undone and she had suggested calling the fire brigade to cut it off for him or take him to casualty. But both of these suggestions they both knew would lead to his humiliation. Gin had delighted in making sure he knew what it felt like to be at the mercy of someone else in an attempt to make him give up all the evidence he had against her as well as some compensation so she could set herself up in business. The chastity device made sure that every attempt of his cock to get hard would cause him pain so he would try to think of other things. But gin would always make sure that his mind would soon be back on the erotic by dressing in next to nothing or sending him sexy pics of herself or the girls she was auditioning for her new place, to his place of work. Like caroline the other day, gin would also delight in dancing for him teasing him until tears of frustration and pain ran freely down his face as his cock had strained against the cage that was locked around it.? But still he hadn't broken and given into her demands and so she had renewed her efforts to humiliate him still further. He had soon come to regret being so stubborn as the photo collection gin was building of him dressed or posed in ever more humiliating ways grew ever larger along with the video one as well. The nights he had been tied up on all fours as she took his arse with a dildo or vibrator became endless to him along with the whips she tried out on him as well as other more painful things.


Since then they had had a mutual respect for each other as well as a good friendship. Still there were times that he wondered if all the copies of everything she had had of him had been destroyed like she had assured him just in case he tried anything. That time with gin in charge had shown him just how alike they thought and just how imaginative she was. He had thought about trying to get together with her but she had shown no interest in him so he had given up the idea just as soon as it had popped into his head. But of late he was beginning to feel that there had been a change in her towards him. A softening towards him that she hadn't shown him since before he had stupidly tried to blackmail her into doing his bidding. Despite his feelings for caroline he found himself wondering what it would be like to try and live out the rest of his days with gin? After all she had no ties apart from the bar so no one would be hurt as she could easily find someone to run it in her place if not sell it altogether, but there was still that doubt about how she felt about him that made him hesitate.? And so once again he pushed it to one side and got back to thinking how to get caroline where he had intended to take her today without her being spotted. Considering that the police would more then likely be more then eager to pull over a car that had a bound and gagged girl sitting in one of it?s seats to find out what was going on she would have to be hidden out of sight. This was a shame as he had had something in mind to humiliate her while they drove to where he intended to have some more fun with her. But he knew that if they were stopped then John would hear about it and questions would be asked as to why they had been together let alone why caroline was dressed the way she was.





He turned to where gin had been standing only to let out a curse when he realised she had left the room without him noticing. He hated the way she could do that but then John had the same habit it would seem. Many a time he had jumped out of his skin as John or gin would suddenly be there in front of him as if they had materialised out of thin air. It didn't take a genius to guess where she would be right now and when he walked towards the kitchen he found that he had guessed right as he could hear gin talking to caroline. He walked as quietly as he could wanting to see what they were up to as well as what gin was up to the captive caroline.


As He neared the kitchen Tim could hear gin speaking softly to caroline but it was so soft He couldn?t make it out to begin as a result. As He tried to creep quietly towards the entrance to the kitchen Tim wondered what He would see and some of the images that went through His head fast made His cock grow hard. But when He could finally see He discovered a scene far from the ones that He had imagined. He watched as gin gently cleaned caroline?s face with a cloth wiping away the make up tracks that had run down her face from under the blindfold. As she did so gin kept talking to her so softly that Tim couldn?t make out what was being said. He could see by the way caroline was relaxing whatever it was gin was saying was having the intended effect and caroline relaxed and allowed gin to wash away all traces of the make up that run due to her tears of fright. As Tim continued watching gin gently removed the blindfold from over caroline?s eyes making her blink as the light flooded into her eyes after being kept in the dark for so long. Gin gently placed her hands either side of caroline?s head and then made eye contact with the captive girl and smiled at her. After a moments hesitation caroline returned the smile as best she could as the gag still remained where gin had secured it. The 2 girls remained that way and seemed to be speaking with their eyes rather then spoken word. The air was filled with electricity that made Tim?s hair stand up as the 2 girls stayed that way for what seemed an eternity. Then as soon as contact had been made gin?s smile grew still wider before she placed a kiss right on the centre of the ball strapped into caroline?s mouth and then began to remove the rest of the make up that had been ruined by the captives tears.?


With the ruined make up removed gin reached to her make up bag she had placed beside caroline on the work top and began to reapply it. As she did so Tim thought that there was something strangely erotic watching gin doing the captive girls make up as the captive just sat there accepting and trusting gin. He had to stifle wanting to call out to gin to do caroline?s make up a certain way as He was scared of spoiling the mood. He was also curious as to how gin was going to make her look, so tried to stay as still and quiet as possible lest His presence be given away. Gin worked slowly and with a confidence of someone that was more then used to doing a bound girl?s make up every day.










Caroline for her part was getting turned on at feeling so helpless as gin did her make up for her. The last time someone had done it for her was the day she walked up the aisle to marry John. The thought of Him almost made the tears flow anew. But she managed to fight them back part out of not wanting to upset gin by ruining all her hard work and partly because she knew there was far worse things that could be being done to her then being made to sit still as her make up was applied. She was surprised at the feelings that were stirring within her especially in her belly and between her legs but there was something about being helpless like this not being able to see how gin was making her look. After all if gin wanted to she could make her look silly, like a whore or just another woman going about her daily business. Of course those that were going about their daily business didn?t do it with their hands held behind their backs, a gag strapped into their mouths tits barely concealed by a cardigan and a blindfold. Again she cursed herself for being so stupid to get involved with another man after all if she hadn?t she wouldn?t be sat here like this instead she would be out and about getting shopping or waiting to welcome her husband home. Again she had to fight the urge to cry at the thought of how hurt John would be if he knew what she had done and how she had been paying for it since.


Tim watching all of this could see the turmoil inside caroline by watching her eyes. Part of him wanted to run over and comfort her and tell her that it was all over he would run her home and he would never bother her again but another part hungered to see how far he could push her before she broke. It was seeing the way she was starting to rub her legs together that finally made him decide to keep using her as it was more then obvious the slut was starting to get off on all of this. He had hoped that she would come to like it in some way but at the same time He wanted her to hate what she was being made to do as he knew that would keep her off balance and make her more pliable to His whims. As He continued watching gin completed her work on caroline?s make up and seemed satisfied with what she had done. From where He was standing and the fact that gin was standing blocking off His view, Tim couldn?t see caroline so He wasn?t able to appreciate gins handiwork just yet. He was surprised when gin suddenly got a hairbrush out as well as some bands and set to work on her captive?s hair. First she took caroline?s hair out it?s pony tail and then gin set to work on the hair style she had decided for caroline. It was as she started working that Tim tried to move into a better position, but by doing so He gave away His presence. Gin turned and looked at Him for a while, as did caroline over gins' shoulder. He could see that Gin?s eyes were full of confidence and laughter while caroline?s eyes still showed she was in another place, while at the same time concern was there as well. The concern caroline felt was due to the fact she was worried she was going to be taken away before gin had completed the make over she was giving to her.












But as it turned out she needn?t of worried as gin suddenly turned round and helped her down onto her feet as she called over her shoulder to Tim that she wanted the keys to the cuffs. Tim almost without thinking reached into a pocket and handed them over and then stepped back letting the 2 girls pass by Him. He tried to follow them up the stairs but gin firmly told Him to stay downstairs and await His surprise. Feeling frustrated and almost foolish as He watched the 2 girls make their way upstairs. He listened to the sound of their footsteps and then the sound of a door closing followed by a key being turned in a lock. It was that sound that told Him it would be useless to do anything but what gin had told Him to do. So with a final wistful look up the stairs wondering what was going on He went back into the front room and fixed Himself another drink and settled in for a long wait.



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Blackmailed By My Teenaged Daughter0

Blackmailed By My Teenaged Daughter Teen, Group, Mff, Incest by po469 I am a happily married man of 38. My wife, 18-year-old daughter and I live in Phoenix. I fool around a little bit but what my wife Sue doesn't know won't hurt her. Sue was really into bridge so she is away playing cards several afternoons and evenings each week. This gives me time, when no one is going to be home, to go out and have some fun or bring someone home for a little romp. Maybe I fooled...

4 years ago
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I show up where and when he told me to. He’s standing right in front of me. He knows everything, I know I’m about to be blackmailed but don’t know yet what he wants. First thing he does is tell me to hold both hands out in front of me. I figure he wants to see I don’t have anything in them but as soon as I do he slaps a pair of handcuffs on them. Before I can register what’s happening he’s gotten my cuffed hands over my head attached to a hook on the ceiling. Oh fuck! What just happened! This...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed!! Pete was an executive with ADB Corp. Millie had gotten a job in the secretarial pool. Millie was a dark red hair Italian girl, she was 33 years old had three kids and a pain in the ass husband. She had 40D tits a tight ass great hip and was always horny. Pete had discovered her on day as he was telling the head of her department what one of the top executives was looking for. Millie flirted with him and was shocked that the department head said nothing to him. When he left the...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed My Hot Mom

My mom is a very sexy lady having big boobs and a tight ass. She has been my fascination and I have been very longing to fuck her. And my wish came true this January. My dad was out on a business trip and I was living with my mom alone in my house. One day, when I was away at college.My mom told me that she would be at her boss’s farmhouse making a presentation for the upcoming general meeting and told me to come to her boss’s house after college to have lunch there and pick her up. I agreed...

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Blackmailed Wife

Blackmailed Wife----------The morning air was already oppressively humid as I stepped out into the barnyard and headed to the office from the house. The sun was already above the horizon casting shadows that moved as I walked. By the time I got to the office door, rivulets of sweat were soaking the thin material of my blouse. I pulled open the closet door to block my dad's office window view and removed my blouse and bra realizing that it was going to be a scorcher today. Grabbing a towel from...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed into Sucking Black Cock PT2 Gay

In case you didn't read my first story I will bring you up to date quickly.I would consider myself a happily married heterosexual although I have always been bi curious. My wife and I have foreign students studying English to stay from time to time to make a bit of extra money. One summer a beautiful 30-year Old Italian woman called Carla came to stay for 3 months and a week later a French guy called Jamal also came to stay.To cut a long story short Carla caught me on her bed masturbating and...

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BlackmailedI was feeling a little melancholy. I had been pretty busy since moving from my small town in down state Indiana to the north suburbs of Chicago. I hadn’t had a lot of time to get lonely but tonight was different, it was my 31rst. birthday and I had no one to celebrate with. Everyone I knew, including my ex-wife of 3 years, was back in Indiana. I decided to drown my sorrows in a couple of cold beers and left for a little dive I’ve seen a few miles from my house. I had been there...

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I remember my hands trembling as I opened the package, I knew where it was from and I knew that it wasn't going to be good. It all started about a month ago when I was out of town for the week on business. As usual, I snuck some of my "girly" clothes in with my regular stuff thinking that they would provide me with a distraction during the lonely nights away from home. I have been cross-dressing for quite some time now and since my job requires that I be out of town frequently I have...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed Maid For Sex

Hi readers, this is my 2nd story on ISS (if you haven’t read my first story go read it). Last time I told my story of how I had a short gay relationship with my house guard which was true and again this time I will tell another true story from my life. As you all can tell by now, I have a thing for Desi servants, so when I was around 5 years old, we got two new girl maids who were in their teens and were sisters. The younger one was shani and older was faima, they stayed in our house for a very...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed Dad Banged His Secretary

Hello guys and girls this is my first story on ISS, my name is ankur, i belong to a high class family, my dad is a business man. We r family of four, Dad, Mom, me and my sis Tamanna. Females in meerut contact at We were living a very good life. I was 19 years old. I am single, no girlfriend. I had earlier but now i am single. From last 3-4 years i always found unusual msgs at my dads mobile but never doubt him. Recently i started going to office with him joining his business. I met with his...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed My Hot Mom

Hello ISS readers, I am Craig and I am back with a mother true incident which happened between me and my hot mom. Let me now say about my mom. My mom is a very sexy lady having big boobs and a tight ass. She has been my fascination and I have been very longing to fuck her. And my wish came true this January. My dad was out on a business trip and I was living with my mom alone in my house. One day, when I was away at college. My mom told me that she would be at her boss’s farmhouse making a...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed into becoming a TV Slut Part1

Blackmailed into becoming a TV Slut This is an adult story featuring gay sex. If this offends please do not read. Any similarities to living persons is entirely coincidental. Enjoy, Dianne PART 1 It was love at first sight when I saw Kelly. She was just the type of woman that I had always wanted. She had sultry dark eyes that you could just sink into as you listened to that sexy voice of her's. She had long dark hair and long shapely legs that she always showed off with...

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