Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
- 297
- 0
? Blackmailed, spanked and screwed.? By BlackStar
? This story is not fantasy.? It actually happened in real-life.? Eventually the blackmailer got four years.? But Valerie got a well-deserved hiding she would never forget.
David sat in the living room while Valerie looked out the window.? David watched her with concealed amusement.? It was obvious that she was extremely edgy while she waited for a exceptional client to turn up for his appointment.? As a practicing prostitute she was used to waiting for someone to come and give her one, however this guy was different, she was going to have to service him for free.?
He was not only going to get his hand in her knickers, when he had finished screwing the arse off it, ?Miss. Smarty Pants? was going to, have to very unwillingly ?bend over?, and allow the guy to?? smack her backside, hard, with a cane. That fifth or is what appear to work now your young is just the ball is I tried to do it through yet a they want they were and they take more and fire and and a tall and then the then and there you Dumas and the thousands yes or done this on his lunch and proper upper is they meekly state Yemen plan for yeah your and but they were of the sale least two or three days a location be there by then could sit sir here we saw her life how it for fun for the that is the lead in their new money and a full SNC but I as licentious morning yes and and and here in L.A. killed it keeps the the with on the use it 100 percent of the time and loss this is not music one and young the are the Kelly they?re coming up over and and and other night
As a Whore, she could handle her screwing.? However, she was definitely dreading having to endure a cane tickling her backside; she had a tiny experience of being caned and didn?t fancy the idea at all?
However she knew that unless she cooperated fully there was a fair chance that the police would know about her falsely claiming Housing Benefit and for that she would most probably do time in prison.?
Unknown to her, David, who had befriended her, was blackmailing her into doing Corporal Punishment videos.? Why he was doing, it was unimportant.? He had very sound reasons and was now enjoying Val?s discomfort.??
She had been waiting since before David had turned up about 11:00.? And seemed to be in a slightly sombre mood.? David couldn?t think why
Just then, a car pulled into the drive and a man got out.? Valerie tensed and got up to have a good look at the punter.? Valerie's response was a dejected.? Oh my God!? He?s fat.? And no doubt he was, he must weighed 18 stone.
?David smirked to himself thinking.? Be careful love!? That overweight slob will soon be arranged, naked on top of you, pushing his corpulent dick up between your legs.? And for payment, instead of ?Cash In Hand?, he is going to bestow ?15 cuts across your bottom?
?Typical of the Bitch.? Arrange a nice surprise for her and all she could do it was whinge.? Well with a bit of luck, this time she would have something to whinge about?.?
She had already done one of the four videos in which he had for the first time in her life given her a mild spanking and medium caning as well as making her suck his cock and give him a ride between her thighs, all for no payment.
?Mainly because he had known her for about four years, treated her very well and not even got a even a wank off her.?
?For this second video, she was going to be extremely well fucked and thrashed by a complete stranger who just happened to have a big interest in S&M.?
?Leaving Valerie let him in, he introduced himself saying.? I gather your John.? With the affirmative, he introduced the Slag.? And said I think this is the girl you're going to get to gratification with.?
John looked at her appreciatively.? She wasn't a bad bit of cunt, even though she was a call-girl.
Aged 30 she had a very trim, tight, petite body, a nice pair of tits and a very tight neat bum that soon would be jerking to the lash of a cane.?
The only downside was she had a sour face.? A face that was going to look even sourer later on once her bum was sporting nice and painful welts.? However, as John said later, he wasn't there to cane or fuck her face.?
Then he had a short talk with Valerie out of the way and double checked that of John wasn't going to put the tart in hospital.?
No.? John confirmed all he was he going do, was get her knickers off, stick her on his dick and ride her bare back then give her backside a good Tanning.
However nothing that would worry her for more than a couple of weeks.? The next week however would be definitely significant for her.? The poor, unfortunate slut Val wouldn?t be unable to sit down pain free for days.?
Val came back into the room and John twiddled a finger in a circular motion.?
David saw Valerie?s eyes flash.? Nevertheless, she forced herself to comply while John eyed up the target area.? Very nice, ever had the cane across it before.? Yes, David gave me a couple last weeks when we did the first video.? Like it inquired John grinning?? It was OK she said non-committaly.
?Ok then said John let?s get started.? I?ve got a long way to drive back you?ve got the video camera, I?ll get the thing out of the car
?David then got in his car and left them to it, knowing that poor Valerie was not going to enjoy her clients sexual perversions.
David looked as his watch two hours later.? Valerie must now be well fucked, unhappy whore sporting hopefully a soundly caned bottom.? Time to go and see just how much the bitch had suffered.? .?
?When he arrived at the house, he wasn't very happy.? Valerie was fully dressed and standing drinking coffee.?
When he asked her was she Ok, she gave a weak smile and said she was, though David could see she was shuffling slightly from foot to foot.
He had specifically asked that Valerie was put through her paces for several hours. ?If John ran out of ideas or spunk then when he had to do was literally hang her up naked somewhere by her hands while he had a little break.
That way John sperm would have plenty of time to swim up her birth canal to her womb with a fair chance of impregnated the Slag.? It would have served the bitch right if she had to have an abortion
Taking John to one side, he asked him how it went.?
Oh quite good.? At the moment she is still recovering from 15 good whacks of the cane, and she is swallowed my cum, and I screwed her from the front and back.?
So you stuck up her arse did you, queried David wondering just how Valerie enjoyed being buggered.? When John had said he wanted to sodimise her, David wasn't that sure, but said if you can get it up her bum, do it.?
No I didn't sodimise her.? I made her do it doggy Style.?
How did she take the caning?? Not very well, she had great difficulty with the pain and though she co-operated she certainly loathed every last every second of it.?
Good!? Said David.? The way she was standing it still throbbing now.?
Right you get back off home, send me the video and I'll tell you how you did.?
Going back to Valerie who were still standing, he again asked if she is OK.? Yes my arse is stinging badly, I think are going have a bath and a lay down on the bed.? David then left a very subdued Valerie, very satisfied knowing that she would be sleeping on her tummy for quite a few nights.?
Several days later, the video came through.?
David slipped into the recorder got out his Dick and prepared to have a good wank over Valerie being molested.?
The scene opened with John adjusting the camera focus.? As it warmed up Valerie could be seen in a tight pair of jeans and T-shirt, her slim petite body, looking slightly anxious.?
While John adjusted the camera angles.? Valerie out of curiosity, looked at the implements he had brought along to chastise her with.
?He hadn't brought many, and David was a little disappointed to see there were no dildo's, or enemas.?
However there was a good short tailed martinet, that had nice square thongs that would be quite painful.? A wide strap, that would nicely wrap itself across her arse, a whippy cane and a hair brush.? He was glad to see the American paddle.? He had particularly wanted to see how the lazy bit of cunt would handle that particular Instrument smacking into her Nates.
She picked up the cane, and examined it, bending it through hands.? It was thicker than the one he had used on her a week earlier, and he speculated as he watched her examine it, if she knew just how much that was going to hurt.? Well she was going to find out, the hard way
He had been a little easy on the slut.? With any luck John would give her the damn good thrashing she deserved.?
John then started to video by simply sitting on the bed and making Valerie stand by the side of him.?
His hand massaged her arse and he told her to bend over his knee.
That was wrong, he had specifically asked that the slut be made to stand while he had a good feel of her tits and rummaged in her knickers, making the slut realise what she was, Someone selling their use of her body for money, not that she is being paid a thing for this performance.? .?
?He was glad to see though he made her get her head right down before attending to her bottom.? What he wasn't so happy about was that he only gave her about six to eight slaps.
?While they were definitely hard, making Val flinch, each time his hands made solid contact with her rump, she certainly didn't get enough.? He had specifically said she deserved at least 25
?Now watching her getting off light, next time he planned it, she would get at least 50.?
There was no point in putting a girl over your knee if she didn't suffer from the experience.?
Then again, things went wrong.? Making her stand up, he was supposed to humiliate her by making her perform a striptease until she was completely naked.? Smacking her backside if she didn?t put her mind into it
Instead, he just let her get her kit off without even smacking her arse for not doing it properly.? However, she did complain to David's satisfaction, that he had hard hand and her arse was stinging.? If it had been given the 25 as he had wanted, it would have been more than stinging.?
Then John started to improve.? Getting up he produced collar and lead and a pair of handcuffs.? Val looked a little anxious when he put the collar around her neck, commenting that it was a real dogs collar for a real bitch.? Then spinning her around, handcuffed her hands tightly behind her back.? Nice touch that.? That would make her feel very vulnerable, consequently very uneasy.? .?
He then stripped in front of her, and Val got the first good look the body she had described as "fat and gross".?
That carcass was going to give her a good screwing and a good "seeing to" hopefully over the next couple of hours.? He had quite a good size prick, like his body, it was fat and very functional, he hadn't been circumcised; she would definitely know that being shoved between her legs.?
Once he was naked, he sat in the chair and gestured for Val to kneel at his feet.? Not bad, but it would be much better if he had pulled her down and given her bare arse a couple of good severe slaps.
He could see from her face that she was resigned to it, but she certainly wasn't submissive enough.? He knew she certainly didn't like blow jobs and was pleased to see she was going to be made to perform? ?Head? right from the start.? The fact that her hands were bound behind her back meant that she would have to do all the work with her mouth.? Good!? Make the bitch work.
David was glad to see he gave her no help at all; she had to wiggle her head to get his cock in her mouth.? Though once it was in, he used his hand to push her head as far down as she would accept.
Again, he should have given her a stinging slap on the bottom, that way he was really sure she was at her limit.? Knowing Val, she would only do what was comfortable for her, not her client
Then he sat back and let her suck him off.
? That was a very enjoyable.? He had been a little worried that John would be very up tight and ejaculate quickly.? However, he made the girl work hard.? It must've been a good six to eight minutes, with her sucking hard before he suddenly tensed and reaching out held her head tight?? in assuring Val got a mouthful.?
?However, she kept stopping because her mouth was aching.? David planned for next time.? Every 30 seconds he was going to spank her bottom.? That way she would keep her head down and work without pause, as her bottom throbbed the longer she took
And David was pleased to see him jerk, shooting cum into her mouth.? Nice one!? David hoped the Bitch enjoyed the taste and the slimy feel; something he knew made her feel nauseous and revolted.? Her face gave very little expression, however David knew she would be feeling the revolting stuff, coating her tongue.? He gave his Dick an extra wank and shot his lot onto the floor
?He was pleased see that he gave her no opportunity to spit it or even wipe her mouth.? The Bitch had to swallow it.? David was only upset that she gave no outward sign of whinging.?
Pity that because that would have been the cue for her to do it all over again.? A nice touch was when he wiped his Dick on her hair.? He then removed the handcuffs but not the collar
Standing up he then took Valerie to the bed and made her lay face down on it.? Then using some twine to tie her limbs, arranged it in a star position on the bed, with its arms and legs tightly stretched.?
He then picked up the strap and very agreeably gave her six hard slaps, slowly and methodically across her buttocks.? There was no doubt they were coming down hard
?As each one landed, her whole body flinched as the strap badly stung her firm, tight whoring backside
Then he made another gaffe, he should have then raised her backside with a pillow with her still tied, and given her a good seeing to between the legs with his Dick, finishing off with another good six, hard stinging ones, with the strap across her arse.? .? That would have been very fitting penalty for the Whore
However, it was obvious that each one of those slaps had hurt her badly but six more would have been much, much better
He then gave her a short rest, untying her and her distress was obvious and she wretchedly rubbed her bottom.
David wasn't satisfied, she should have had twice that amount stinging her arse and she should have been sitting up with cum dribbling out of her cunt.? After all the girl was a slag and a prostitute, use the bitch as such.
?He then made her lie on the bed while he gave her a good shagging missionary style.?
?David enjoyed that, she must've hated having all that weight and fat, squashing her petite body, while he screwed her, looking her in the face.
?However, it would have been that much better if he had kissed and slobbered over her, sucking her tits while he was ramming his fat Dick up her cunt.?
He obviously hadn't smacked her bottom harder enough and often enough, because he took quite sometime to actually shoot his cum up her hole.
?He changed his position several times, made her lie on her back with her legs in the air, and?? finally he creamed her vagina in the doggy position.
?David looked as his watch, up until now it had been about to three-quarters of an hour.? Hopefully he would torment her for at least another couple of hours, allowing his sperm find her eggs.? A week or so desperately waiting to see whether her period was coming would teach her to be a prostitute.
David it didn't particularly want her to actually have a baby, she would most probably be a bad mother, but the reason he had specified no condom was that he knew she wouldn?t only be worried about catching some nasty VD.? But a spell in an abortion clinic having her womb washed out would serve the whore right.
Never mind this was only the second video, she had at least two more to do and if he did the next one a week later, he might catch her "on heat" then.?
He knew she couldn't take the pill and always had to depended on a condom.? Which is why secretly, he had pushed a large darning needle repeatedly into her stock of free ones she got from the clinic.? After opening one, he knew exactly where the teat lay?
Then John, with the load from his bollocks nestling deep inside the whore got down to do what he had come to do, which was to smack Val arse soundly.? Being shagged was something she did every day, though not nearly enough.? If she had, she wouldn't have been pouncing money off David and now about to get a damn good hiding.? Something she had never had in her life.?
Making her stand naked in the middle of the floor, John went to his bag and picked out a couple of leg irons.?
Walking back to her put a hand on her head, the other on her bum and forced her to bend over.? It was obviously she did this very reluctantly, as you could see her starting to twist away.? But David had insisted that Val took the cane in the proper school girl fashion, i.e. her hands right down by her ankles so the skin of her bottom was properly tensioned and taut.?
This Whore was not going to get away just stooping.? He wanted her bent, legs open, as if a human dog waiting to be shagged.?
John did a good job with the cuffs, Val was securely fastened, her head well down, and she complained bitterly that she was bent over too tight and that the cuffs were biting into her wrists.? John then left her complaining in vain, totally ignoring her while he carefully choose an instrument.? David was pleased to see her wriggling her hands in the cuffs in irritation and irritation loathing the fact she couldn?t stand
He then delightfully and sadistically stood behind her and said I'm going to give you five each of these implements, and then I'm going to cane you.?
Val had gone very quiet.? That's all changed when John Quickly brought back the martinet and slashed her across her disreputable arse.?
The result was very satisfying, Valerie's head shot up, and with an agonised OUCH tottered forward.? Fucking Hell!? That bloody hurt.
?John didn't answer, but let the pain soak in before swatting her arse again.?
This time Valerie managed to keep her comments down to a painful grunt, but it was obvious the way her eyes clenched, that she was only trying to be defiant.?
Her arse was stinging and it was smarting badly.?
The next one brought a slightly higher noted, sharper grunt and then next two produced quite an interesting squeal.? David was absolutely sure she was finding the martinet very hard going and she was coming to the limit of her tolerance.?
John then picked up the strap.? Let's see how she likes this thought David, and was delighted to see her flinch and jerk quite terribly.?
However kept her trap shut, just tensing and squeezing closed her eyes as the pain swept through her.? And this was the way she took the next four, in quiet agonised silence.?
David was a little disappointed he not only wanted her beaten but also reminded that the only reason people came to see her was because she was a prostitute.?
John should have had a good feel around her cunt and used the dildo on her to reinforce the fact that she was getting her arse smacked because she was a lazy tart.?
However, he was thoroughly enjoying seeing Val having her rump tanned by a professional.? By now the prostitutes, petite pale arse had turned a vivid scarlet
The next weapon that was to induce pain into her rump was the American paddle.
David was delighted; it wasn't particularly heavy enough to cause bruising like a true American school paddle Nevertheless, it had a nice shiny surface and he was pleased to see it had several holes in it.? They would literally grabbed the skin and bite into her bottom.?
How the Americans could uses on adolescent girls he could not fathom, but for them, and for poor, poor unfortunate Valerie, it would be torment
John did a very professional job with the paddle.? He took his time, and smacked it firmly across first centre, then and working his way down completely covering wretched Val's petite rear end, finishing up with a nice stinging smack to the back of her thighs.?
Again, Valerie had taken the first four stoically, but that last one made her hobble across their room swearing and cursing.? David found it all very satisfying.? The Bitch had now had a very good prelim smacked bottom.? It must be stinging horribly, and the poor Cow couldn't even reach back and give it a rub.?
David was very annoyed at himself for not giving John absolute consent to sodomise the Bitch.? What a great opportunities to stick it up her arse.? She definitely wouldn't have loathed it but with her hands secured to her ankles, there would have been absolutely nothing she could have done about it.
She was call girl and had to expect it.? However, the next video she made would see her eyes popping as her back passage was expanded.?
?John then got her back to the centre of the room and gave her a little time to compose herself.? Regrettably, she hadn't started weeping, which was a pity but the cane was to come.?
Approaching her with the cane that she had inspected before the video started: he informed her she was down to get 15 strokes.? ?FIFTEEN!? squealed Val aghast.? That's far too much.? Maybe Six?
Obviously, Val hadn't read the last blackmail note properly.? It definitely said that she was going to receive 15 cuts of the cane.?
David looking at her now realise he should have specified the higher 25.? She was going to get a good thrashing, why stop at an unusual number.? Twenty five slashes of the stick was the accurate historical amount for a Whore.?
However, he wasn?t at all displeased with her reaction.? John raised the cane and pulled it very smartly down to cut into the dead centre of her petite very soft bottom.?
She had the cane before but David had been reasonably light as he wasn't sure exactly how she would react.
?John had no such inhibitions the cane whipped into Val's backside like a true stinging avenger David had seen a few girls get to the cane, this was the first time he had seen a beginner get hit as hard as that.? Normally a girl would have complained stood up and walked off.? Val complained but she definitely didn't have the option of walking off.?
She staggered around the room, high eyes shut, squealing and begging Hold it!? Hold it!
?I can't handle that.? It's too much.?
John lowered the cane, but ignored her.? I'm going to make it a little easier for you.? I'm going to give you five, then a rest, and then five more, with another rest before you get the final five to finish.? John then groped her backside, and gave her another real stinger.?
Across the middle of the Minx's bottom sprung another bright red weal.? While she was a very experienced whore and pornographic model, never in her life had she been caned.?
She had been downright rude to the CP girls she had met through David.? Unable to understand how anybody could let themselves be so humiliatingly and degradingly, degraded.? The CP girls had responded of how could she let anybody stick their cock into her it was so debasing
David felt sure she still didn't appreciate why she was being chastised.? There she was, a Whore who would let absolute the anybody poke her between the legs, now she had a backside that was absolutely and completely un-erotically giving her hell.? She was getting nothing out of it except agonising pain, David gave his cock another good rub and for the second time shot cum into his hand.?
So it went on.? With a little rest of about 30 seconds which nicely allowed the pain to soak in, but not to rise to an unbearable crescendo, he gave her the other three cuts in a very professional manner.?
He then rested and lit the cigarette.? David was a little disappointed that Val had tottered and twisted her way around the room.? For her next video, she would go over a bar to touch her toes, that way she would stay absolutely firm in the right place.? And she wouldn't get the pauses.? No next time she would get it continuous until she actually gave a painful scream.? Only then would the guy ease off.?
David had in mind a very strange pervert known as Peter the Headmaster.? So much was he into caning bottoms that, he felt in his own mind that he was a real headmaster at a posh girls school.?
Subsequently he had a very strong air of authority.
?He only had to take a girls arm at a CP party which David used to organize and such was his confidence that they meekly bent over and he would be quite ruthless with them.?
His favourite toy was the birch, which he hand constructed from natural materials.? And even if they were new girls, only agreeing to hand spanking, they would feel the cut of the birch unless David was able to stop him
Girl, young woman, boy or youth he didn't care which as long as he could make whipped their bottoms viciously.?
When visiting one of David girls, had somehow convinced her female Madam that she needed a dose of the cane as well as her charge, and after getting her to bend over and agonisingly take six hard ones, offered her ?6 as payment.? Moreover, refused to listen to any argument to pay any more.? Such was his personality that he actually got away with it.?
A silly, naive Tart as if Val would be putty in his hands, Valerie would find herself ruing the day she had got involved in CP even just as a helper?
Once Peter knew she was being blackmailed, there would be no stopping him she would probably get the skin stripped from her bottom, and get so much cum forced into her body, over a period of a full school day of seven hours.? Unless David watched him carefully, she would end up in hospital so crazy was he.?
He used to travel the world finding adolescents around about 13 in developing world countries, he would then pay their parents, to them, handsomely then he would have complete freedom to practice any sexual practices he wanted for the next 24 hours
David didn?t like to ask what perversions he forced the youngsters into, as the thought made him sick.? But David was sure he got a lot for his money, from what he?d heard the youths were??? restrained, masturbated and sodomized, the teenager girls badly abused, he then birched their adolescent bottoms,
?With Valerie owing him nearly ?5,000, a session with him was just what she unquestionably deserved.? The first video where he had caned and shagged her, and this one were just the run-up to a finale with Peter the headmasters.? After that, he would leave her alone
John given Val long enough and started her next set of five.? Her bottom had already gone scarlet, and had five very ugly weal?s? tattooed across it, they hadn't cut the skin but ugly black bruises had already started to form and she still had 10 to go.? She wasn?t crying, but David knew her soft backside must?ve been throbbing badly.? To making it even more embarrassing for her a little dribble of excess jisam had dripped out of her cunt.
She whimpered when he stood behind her raised the cane.? He then hit her a little lower down the bottom so he got fresh flesh to Welt.? Val to give her due didn't make much noise but irritatingly again started on her travels tottering around room, her head raised in anguish and her eyes squeezed in a pain.? Whack!? Pause, Thwack!? pause, Thwack!? pause, Thwack!, pause, Thwack!, each time Val squeezed her eyes shut tight and went for her little tottering walk.?
?Her tight firm rump was now looking like a piece of raw steak.?
10 welts were now tattooed across it and it had gone a angry scarlet and brown.?
Waiting for a minute or so to pass.? John ran his hands along her back and neck and milked her tits much to the approval of David watching on the video.? However, she needed some more cum shot into her, her mouth, her arse or her vagina just to remind her, that she happy shagged anybody.? That was except him he was just the mug who paid her bills
Then the final five.? By now the camera had picked up that Val was gently crying.? Her pride wouldn't let her cry out, but she was clearly trying to cope with a very, very sore bottom.? And on that very sore bottom, John landed the final five.?
Head tilted slightly to one side, to get his aim better he tattooed Valerie's bottom, aiming for the areas that he had missed with the other 10.? Thwack!? pause, Thwack!? pause, Thwack!? pause, Thwack!, pause, Thwack!.?
The last one as tradition demanded very hard indeed.? It was now all over and putting down cane, he massaged her badly welted black and blue backside with a cooling cold cream.?
David was a little annoyed, that cream should have gone into her cunt and she should have been made to orgasm, naturally either with a Cock or artificially with a dildo.?
Time just two hours.? Not good at all, and he had used John deliberately thinking he would put her through her paces for at least four or five hours.?
What he had put in blackmail letter hadn't been put in reality so Valerie had got of light.?
There was not enough humiliation and she certainly didn't poked and creamed enough.? She hadn't been exhibited and Wanked off, she hadn't been humiliated being made to crawl around the floor, a dildo up her cunt while her bottom was chastised.? OK
The next two videos she would.? However, this time he would plan them better
The end
? Blackmailed, spanked and screwed.? By BlackStar
? This
story is not fantasy.? It actually
happened in real-life.? Eventually the
blackmailer got four years.? But Valerie
got a well-deserved hiding she would never forget.
sat in the living room while Valerie looked out the window.? David watched her with concealed
amusement.? It was obvious that she was
extremely edgy while she waited for a exceptional
client to turn up for his appointment.?
As a practicing prostitute she was used to waiting for someone to come
and give her one, however this guy was different, she was going to have to
service him for free.?
was not only going to get his hand in her knickers, when he had finished
screwing the arse off it, ?Miss. Smarty Pants? was going to, have to very
unwillingly ?bend over?, and allow the guy to??
smack her backside, hard, with a cane. That fifth or is what appear to
work now your young is just the ball is I tried to do it through yet a they
want they were and they take more and fire and and a tall and then the then and
there you Dumas and the thousands yes or done this on his lunch and proper
upper is they meekly state Yemen plan for yeah your and but they were of the
sale least two or three days a location be there by then could sit sir here we
saw her life how it for fun for the that is the lead in their new money and a
full SNC but I as licentious morning yes and and and here in L.A. killed it
keeps the the with on the use it 100 percent of the time and loss this is not
music one and young the are the Kelly they?re coming up over and and and other
a Whore, she could handle her screwing.?
However, she was definitely dreading having to endure
a cane tickling her backside; she had a tiny experience of being caned and
didn?t fancy the idea at all?
she knew that unless she cooperated fully there was a fair chance that the
police would know about her falsely claiming Housing Benefit and for that she
would most probably do time in prison.?
to her, David, who had befriended her, was blackmailing her into doing Corporal
Punishment videos.? Why he was doing, it
was unimportant.? He had very sound
reasons and was now enjoying Val?s discomfort.??
had been waiting since before David had turned up about 11:00.? And seemed to be in a
slightly sombre mood.? David
couldn?t think why
then, a car pulled into the drive and a man got out.? Valerie tensed and got up to have a good look
at the punter.? Valerie's response was a
dejected.? Oh my God!? He?s fat.?
And no doubt he was, he must weighed 18 stone.
?David smirked to himself thinking.? Be careful love!? That overweight slob will soon be arranged,
naked on top of you, pushing his corpulent dick up between your legs.? And for payment, instead of ?Cash In Hand?,
he is going to bestow ?15 cuts across your bottom?
?Typical of the Bitch.? Arrange a nice surprise for her and all she
could do it was whinge.? Well with a bit
of luck, this time she would have something to whinge about?.?
had already done one of the four videos in which he had for the first time in
her life given her a mild spanking and medium caning as well as making her suck
his cock and give him a ride between her thighs, all for no payment.
?Mainly because he had known her for about four
years, treated her very well and not even got a even a wank off her.?
?For this second video, she was going to be
extremely well fucked and thrashed by a complete stranger who just happened to
have a big interest in S&M.?
?Leaving Valerie let him in, he introduced
himself saying.? I gather your John.? With the affirmative, he introduced the
Slag.? And said I think this is the girl
you're going to get to gratification with.?
looked at her appreciatively.? She wasn't
a bad bit of cunt, even though she was a call-girl.
30 she had a very trim, tight, petite body, a nice pair of tits and a very
tight neat bum that soon would be jerking to the lash of a cane.?
only downside was she had a sour face.? A
face that was going to look even sourer later on once her bum was sporting nice
and painful welts.? However, as John said
later, he wasn't there to cane or fuck her face.?
he had a short talk with Valerie out of the way and double checked that of John
wasn't going to put the tart in hospital.?
No.? John confirmed all he was he going do, was get her knickers off, stick her on his dick and ride
her bare back then give her backside a good Tanning.
nothing that would worry her for more than a couple of weeks.? The next week however would be definitely
significant for her.? The poor,
unfortunate slut Val wouldn?t be unable to sit down pain free for days.?
came back into the room and John twiddled a finger in a circular motion.?
saw Valerie?s eyes flash.? Nevertheless,
she forced herself to comply while John eyed up the target area.? Very nice, ever had the cane across it
before.? Yes, David gave me a couple last
weeks when we did the first video.? Like
it inquired John grinning?? It was OK she
said non-committaly.
?Ok then said John let?s get started.? I?ve got a long way to drive back you?ve got
the video camera, I?ll get the thing out of the car
?David then got in his car and left them to it,
knowing that poor Valerie was not going to enjoy her clients
sexual perversions.
looked as his watch two hours later.?
Valerie must now be well fucked, unhappy whore sporting hopefully a
soundly caned bottom.? Time
to go and see just how much the bitch had suffered.? .?
?When he arrived at the house, he wasn't very
happy.? Valerie was fully dressed and
standing drinking coffee.?
he asked her was she Ok, she gave a weak smile and said she was, though David
could see she was shuffling slightly from foot to foot.
had specifically asked that Valerie was put through her paces for several
hours. ?If John ran out of ideas or spunk
then when he had to do was literally hang her up naked somewhere by her hands
while he had a little break.
way John sperm would have plenty of time to swim up her birth canal to her womb
with a fair chance of impregnated the Slag.?
It would have served the bitch right if she had to have an abortion
John to one side, he asked him how it went.?
quite good.? At the moment she is still
recovering from 15 good whacks of the cane, and she is swallowed my cum, and I screwed her from the front and back.?
you stuck up her arse did you, queried David wondering just how Valerie enjoyed
being buggered.? When John had said he
wanted to sodimise her, David wasn't that sure, but said if you can get it up
her bum, do it.?
I didn't sodimise her.? I made her do it
doggy Style.?
did she take the caning?? Not very well,
she had great difficulty with the pain and though she co-operated she certainly
loathed every last every second of it.?
Good!? Said David.? The way she was standing it
still throbbing now.?
you get back off home, send me the video and I'll tell you how you did.?
back to Valerie who were still standing, he again
asked if she is OK.? Yes my arse is
stinging badly, I think are going have a bath and a
lay down on the bed.? David then left a
very subdued Valerie, very satisfied knowing that she would be sleeping on her
tummy for quite a few nights.?
days later, the video came through.?
slipped into the recorder got out his Dick and prepared to have a good wank
over Valerie being molested.?
scene opened with John adjusting the camera focus.? As it warmed up Valerie could be seen in a
tight pair of jeans and T-shirt, her slim petite body, looking slightly
While John adjusted the camera angles.? Valerie out of curiosity, looked at the implements he had brought along to
chastise her with.
?He hadn't brought many, and David was a little
disappointed to see there were no dildo's, or
there was a good short tailed martinet, that had nice
square thongs that would be quite painful.?
A wide strap, that would nicely wrap itself
across her arse, a whippy cane and a hair brush.? He was glad to see the American paddle.? He had particularly wanted to see how the
lazy bit of cunt would handle that particular Instrument smacking into her
picked up the cane, and examined it, bending it through hands.? It was thicker than the one he had used on
her a week earlier, and he speculated as he watched
her examine it, if she knew just how much that was going to hurt.? Well she was going to find out, the hard way
had been a little easy on the slut.? With
any luck John would give her the damn good thrashing she deserved.?
then started to video by simply sitting on the bed and making Valerie stand by
the side of him.?
hand massaged her arse and he told her to bend over his knee.
was wrong, he had specifically asked that the slut be made to stand while he
had a good feel of her tits and rummaged in her knickers, making the slut
realise what she was, Someone selling their use of her
body for money, not that she is being paid a thing for this performance.? .?
?He was glad to see though he made her get her
head right down before attending to her bottom.?
What he wasn't so happy about was that he only gave her about six to
eight slaps.
?While they were definitely hard, making Val
flinch, each time his hands made solid contact with her rump, she certainly
didn't get enough.? He had specifically said
she deserved at least 25
?Now watching her getting off light, next time
he planned it, she would get at least 50.?
was no point in putting a girl over your knee if she didn't suffer from the
again, things went wrong.? Making her
stand up, he was supposed to humiliate her by making her perform a striptease
until she was completely naked.? Smacking
her backside if she didn?t put her mind into it
he just let her get her kit off without even smacking her arse for not doing it
properly.? However, she did complain to
David's satisfaction, that he had hard hand and her arse was stinging.? If it had been given the 25 as he had wanted,
it would have been more than stinging.?
John started to improve.? Getting up he
produced collar and lead and a pair of handcuffs.? Val looked a little anxious when he put the
collar around her neck, commenting that it was a real dogs
collar for a real bitch.? Then spinning
her around, handcuffed her hands tightly behind her back.? Nice touch that.? That would make her feel very vulnerable,
consequently very uneasy.? .?
then stripped in front of her, and Val got the first good look the body she had
described as "fat and gross".?
carcass was going to give her a good screwing and a good "seeing to" hopefully over the next
couple of hours.? He had quite a good
size prick, like his body, it was fat and very functional, he hadn't been
circumcised; she would definitely know that being shoved between her legs.?
he was naked, he sat in the chair and gestured for Val to kneel at his
feet.? Not bad, but it would be much
better if he had pulled her down and given her bare arse a couple of good
severe slaps.
could see from her face that she was resigned to it, but she certainly wasn't
submissive enough.? He knew she certainly
didn't like blow jobs and was pleased to see she was going to be made to perform? ?Head? right
from the start.? The fact that her hands
were bound behind her back meant that she would have to do all the work with
her mouth.? Good!? Make the bitch work.
was glad to see he gave her no help at all; she had to wiggle her head to get
his cock in her mouth.? Though once it
was in, he used his hand to push her head as far down as she would accept.
he should have given her a stinging slap on the bottom, that way he was really
sure she was at her limit.? Knowing Val,
she would only do what was comfortable for her, not her client
he sat back and let her suck him off.
? That was a very enjoyable.? He had been a little worried that John would
be very up tight and ejaculate quickly.? However, he made the girl work hard.? It must've been a good six to eight minutes,
with her sucking hard before he suddenly tensed and reaching out held her head
tight?? in assuring Val got a
?However, she kept stopping because her mouth
was aching.? David planned for next
time.? Every 30 seconds he was going to
spank her bottom.? That way she would
keep her head down and work without pause, as her bottom throbbed the longer
she took
David was pleased to see him jerk, shooting cum into her mouth.? Nice one!?
David hoped the Bitch enjoyed the taste and the slimy feel; something he
knew made her feel nauseous and revolted.?
Her face gave very little expression, however
David knew she would be feeling the revolting stuff, coating her tongue.? He gave his Dick an extra wank and shot his
lot onto the floor
?He was pleased see that he gave her no
opportunity to spit it or even wipe her mouth.?
The Bitch had to swallow it.?
David was only upset that she gave no outward sign of whinging.?
that because that would have been the cue for her to do it all over again.? A nice touch was when he wiped his Dick on
her hair.? He then removed the handcuffs
but not the collar
up he then took Valerie to the bed and made her lay face down on it.? Then using some twine to tie her limbs,
arranged it in a star position on the bed, with its arms and legs tightly
then picked up the strap and very agreeably gave her six hard slaps, slowly and
methodically across her buttocks.? There
was no doubt they were coming down hard
?As each one landed, her whole body flinched as
the strap badly stung her firm, tight whoring backside
he made another gaffe, he should have then raised her backside with a pillow
with her still tied, and given her a good seeing to between the legs with his
Dick, finishing off with another good six, hard stinging ones, with the strap
across her arse.? .? That would have been very fitting penalty for
the Whore
it was obvious that each one of those slaps had hurt her badly but six more
would have been much, much better
then gave her a short rest, untying her and her distress was obvious and she
wretchedly rubbed her bottom.
wasn't satisfied, she should have had twice that amount stinging her arse and
she should have been sitting up with cum dribbling out of her cunt.? After all the girl was a slag and a
prostitute, use the bitch as such.
?He then made her lie on the bed while he gave
her a good shagging missionary style.?
?David enjoyed that, she must've hated having
all that weight and fat, squashing her petite body, while he screwed her,
looking her in the face.
?However, it would have been that much better
if he had kissed and slobbered over her, sucking her tits while he was ramming
his fat Dick up her cunt.?
obviously hadn't smacked her bottom harder enough and often enough, because he
took quite sometime to actually shoot his cum up her hole.
?He changed his position several times, made
her lie on her back with her legs in the air, and?? finally he creamed her vagina in the doggy
?David looked as his watch, up until now it had
been about to three-quarters of an hour.?
Hopefully he would torment her for at least another couple of hours,
allowing his sperm find her eggs.? A week
or so desperately waiting to see whether her period was coming would teach her
to be a prostitute.
it didn't particularly want her to actually have a baby, she would most probably
be a bad mother, but the reason he had specified no condom was that he knew she
wouldn?t only be worried about catching some nasty VD.? But a spell in an abortion clinic having her
womb washed out would serve the whore right.
mind this was only the second video, she had at least two more to do and if he
did the next one a week later, he might catch her "on heat"
knew she couldn't take the pill and always had to depended
on a condom.? Which is why secretly, he
had pushed a large darning needle repeatedly into her stock of free ones she
got from the clinic.? After opening one,
he knew exactly where the teat lay?
John, with the load from his bollocks nestling deep inside the whore got down
to do what he had come to do, which was to smack Val arse soundly.? Being shagged was something she did every
day, though not nearly enough.? If she
had, she wouldn't have been pouncing money off David and now about to get a
damn good hiding.? Something she had
never had in her life.?
her stand naked in the middle of the floor, John went to his bag and picked out
a couple of leg irons.?
back to her put a hand on her head, the other on her bum and forced her to bend
over.? It was obviously she did this very
reluctantly, as you could see her starting to twist away.? But David had insisted that Val took the cane
in the proper school girl fashion, i.e. her hands right down by her ankles so
the skin of her bottom was properly tensioned and taut.?
Whore was not going to get away just stooping.?
He wanted her bent, legs open, as if a human dog waiting to be
did a good job with the cuffs, Val was securely fastened, her head well down,
and she complained bitterly that she was bent over too tight and that the cuffs
were biting into her wrists.? John then
left her complaining in vain, totally ignoring her while he carefully choose an
instrument.? David was pleased to see her
wriggling her hands in the cuffs in irritation and irritation loathing the fact
she couldn?t stand
then delightfully and sadistically stood behind her and said I'm going to give
you five each of these implements, and then I'm going to cane you.?
had gone very quiet.? That's all changed
when John Quickly brought back the martinet and slashed her across her
disreputable arse.?
result was very satisfying, Valerie's head shot up,
and with an agonised OUCH tottered forward.?
Fucking Hell!? That bloody hurt.
?John didn't answer, but let the pain soak in
before swatting her arse again.?
time Valerie managed to keep her comments down to a painful grunt, but it was
obvious the way her eyes clenched, that she was only trying to be defiant.?
arse was stinging and it was smarting badly.?
next one brought a slightly higher noted, sharper grunt and then next two
produced quite an interesting squeal.?
David was absolutely sure she was finding the martinet very hard going
and she was coming to the limit of her tolerance.?
then picked up the strap.? Let's see how
she likes this thought David, and was delighted to see her flinch and jerk
quite terribly.?
kept her trap shut, just tensing and squeezing closed her eyes as the pain
swept through her.? And this was the way
she took the next four, in quiet agonised silence.?
was a little disappointed he not only wanted her beaten but also reminded that
the only reason people came to see her was because she was a prostitute.?
should have had a good feel around her cunt and used the dildo on her to
reinforce the fact that she was getting her arse smacked because she was a lazy
he was thoroughly enjoying seeing Val having her rump tanned by a
professional.? By now the prostitutes,
petite pale arse had turned a vivid scarlet
next weapon that was to induce pain into her rump was the American paddle.
was delighted; it wasn't particularly heavy enough to cause bruising like a
true American school paddle Nevertheless, it had a nice shiny surface and he
was pleased to see it had several holes in it.?
They would literally grabbed the skin and bite into her bottom.?
the Americans could uses on adolescent girls he could not fathom, but for them,
and for poor, poor unfortunate Valerie, it would be torment
did a very professional job with the paddle.?
He took his time, and smacked it firmly across first centre, then and
working his way down completely covering wretched Val's petite rear end,
finishing up with a nice stinging smack to the back of her thighs.?
Valerie had taken the first four stoically, but that last one made her hobble
across their room swearing and cursing.?
David found it all very satisfying.?
The Bitch had now had a very good prelim smacked bottom.? It must be stinging horribly, and the poor
Cow couldn't even reach back and give it a rub.?
was very annoyed at himself for not giving John absolute consent to sodomise
the Bitch.? What a great opportunities to
stick it up her arse.? She definitely
wouldn't have loathed it but with her hands secured to her ankles, there would
have been absolutely nothing she could have done about it.
was call girl and had to expect it.?
However, the next video she made would see her eyes
popping as her back passage was expanded.?
?John then got her back to the centre of the
room and gave her a little time to compose herself.? Regrettably, she hadn't started weeping,
which was a pity but the cane was to come.?
her with the cane that she had inspected before the video started: he informed
her she was down to get 15 strokes.? ?FIFTEEN!? squealed Val aghast.? That's far too much.? Maybe Six?
Val hadn't read the last blackmail note properly.? It definitely said that she was going to
receive 15 cuts of the cane.?
looking at her now realise he should have specified the higher 25.? She was going to get a good thrashing, why
stop at an unusual number.? Twenty five
slashes of the stick was the accurate historical amount for a Whore.?
he wasn?t at all displeased with her reaction.?
John raised the cane and pulled it very smartly down to cut into the
dead centre of her petite very soft bottom.?
had the cane before but David had been reasonably light as he wasn't sure
exactly how she would react.
?John had no such inhibitions the cane whipped
into Val's backside like a true stinging avenger David had seen a few girls get
to the cane, this was the first time he had seen a
beginner get hit as hard as that.?
Normally a girl would have complained stood up and walked off.? Val complained but she definitely didn't have
the option of walking off.?
staggered around the room, high eyes shut, squealing and begging Hold it!? Hold it!
?I can't handle that.? It's too much.?
lowered the cane, but ignored her.? I'm
going to make it a little easier for you.?
I'm going to give you five, then a rest, and then five more, with
another rest before you get the final five to finish.? John then groped her backside, and gave her
another real stinger.?
the middle of the Minx's bottom sprung another bright red weal.? While she was a very
experienced whore and pornographic model, never in her life had she been
had been downright rude to the CP girls she had met through David.? Unable to understand how
anybody could let themselves be so humiliatingly and degradingly, degraded.? The CP girls had responded of how could she let anybody stick their cock into her it was so
felt sure she still didn't appreciate why she was being chastised.? There she was, a Whore who would let absolute
the anybody poke her between the legs, now she had a
backside that was absolutely and completely un-erotically giving her hell.? She was getting nothing out of it except
agonising pain, David gave his cock another good rub
and for the second time shot cum into his hand.?
it went on.? With a little rest of about
30 seconds which nicely allowed the pain to soak in, but not to rise to an
unbearable crescendo, he gave her the other three cuts in a very professional
then rested and lit the cigarette.? David
was a little disappointed that Val had tottered and twisted her way around the
room.? For her next video, she would go
over a bar to touch her toes, that way she would stay absolutely firm in the
right place.? And she wouldn't get the
pauses.? No next time she would get it
continuous until she actually gave a painful scream.? Only then would the guy ease off.?
had in mind a very strange pervert known as Peter the Headmaster.? So much was he into caning bottoms that, he
felt in his own mind that he was a real headmaster at a posh girls
he had a very strong air of authority.
?He only had to take a girls arm at a CP party
which David used to organize and such was his confidence that they meekly bent
over and he would be quite ruthless with them.?
favourite toy was the birch, which he hand constructed from natural
materials.? And even if they were new
girls, only agreeing to hand spanking, they would feel the cut of the birch
unless David was able to stop him
young woman, boy or youth he didn't care which as long as he could make whipped
their bottoms viciously.?
visiting one of David girls, had somehow convinced her female Madam that she
needed a dose of the cane as well as her charge, and after getting her to bend
over and agonisingly take six hard ones, offered her ?6 as payment.? Moreover, refused to listen
to any argument to pay any more.?
Such was his personality that he actually got away with it.?
silly, naive Tart as if Val would be putty in his hands, Valerie would find
herself ruing the day she had got involved in CP even just as a helper?
Peter knew she was being blackmailed, there would be no stopping him she would
probably get the skin stripped from her bottom, and get so much cum forced into
her body, over a period of a full school day of seven hours.? Unless David watched him carefully, she would
end up in hospital so crazy was he.?
used to travel the world finding adolescents around about 13 in developing
world countries, he would then pay their parents, to them, handsomely then he
would have complete freedom to practice any sexual practices he wanted for the
next 24 hours
didn?t like to ask what perversions he forced the youngsters into, as the
thought made him sick.? But David was
sure he got a lot for his money, from what he?d heard the youths were??? restrained, masturbated and sodomized, the
teenager girls badly abused, he then birched their adolescent bottoms,
?With Valerie owing him nearly ?5,000, a
session with him was just what she unquestionably deserved.? The first video where he had caned and
shagged her, and this one were just the run-up to a finale with Peter the
headmasters.? After that, he would leave
her alone
given Val long enough and started her next set of five.? Her bottom had already gone scarlet, and had
five very ugly weal?s? tattooed across it, they hadn't cut the skin but ugly
black bruises had already started to form and she still had 10 to go.? She wasn?t crying, but David knew her soft
backside must?ve been throbbing badly.?
To making it even more embarrassing for her a little dribble of excess
jisam had dripped out of her cunt.
whimpered when he stood behind her raised the cane.? He then hit her a
little lower down the bottom so he got fresh flesh to Welt.? Val to give her due didn't make much noise
but irritatingly again started on her travels tottering around room, her head
raised in anguish and her eyes squeezed in a pain.? Whack!?
Pause, Thwack!? pause,
Thwack!? pause,
Thwack!, pause, Thwack!, each time Val squeezed her eyes shut tight and went
for her little tottering walk.?
?Her tight firm rump was now looking like a
piece of raw steak.?
welts were now tattooed across it and it had gone a
angry scarlet and brown.?
Waiting for a minute or so to pass.? John ran his hands
along her back and neck and milked her tits much to the approval of David
watching on the video.? However, she
needed some more cum shot into her, her mouth, her arse or her vagina just to
remind her, that she happy shagged anybody.?
That was except him he was just the mug who paid her bills
Then the final five.? By now the camera had picked up that Val was
gently crying.? Her pride wouldn't let
her cry out, but she was clearly trying to cope with a very, very sore
bottom.? And on that very sore bottom,
John landed the final five.?
tilted slightly to one side, to get his aim better he tattooed Valerie's
bottom, aiming for the areas that he had missed with the other 10.? Thwack!?
pause, Thwack!?
pause, Thwack!?
pause, Thwack!, pause, Thwack!.?
last one as tradition demanded very hard indeed.? It was now all over and putting down cane, he
massaged her badly welted black and blue backside with a cooling cold
was a little annoyed, that cream should have gone into her cunt and she should
have been made to orgasm, naturally either with a Cock or artificially with a
Time just two hours.? Not good at all, and he had used John
deliberately thinking he would put her through her paces for at least four or
five hours.?
he had put in blackmail letter hadn't been put in reality so Valerie had got of
was not enough humiliation and she certainly didn't poked and creamed
enough.? She hadn't been exhibited and Wanked off, she hadn't been humiliated being made to crawl
around the floor, a dildo up her cunt while her bottom was chastised.? OK
next two videos she would.? However, this
time he would plan them better
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Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...
Vic lay on his bed, stretched out on his side, naked, his hard, throbbing cock in his hand. As he stroked himself harder and harder, faster and faster, his breathing growing hoarse and ragged, his gaze was locked inexorably upon the centerfold of the magazine before him.Her name, according to the XXX magazine at any rate, was Honie and, despite the unusual spelling, Vic certainly thought that she was. Her body was lean and trim, smooth and petite, hairless and just lightly tanned. Her nipples...
Blackmailed Housewife Blackmailed HousewifeChapter sixBy Master John Caroline sat in the backseat of the car wondering where Tim was taking her and what he would do to her when they got there. It was an almost heady mixture of fear and excitement that coursed through her body and mind as different scenarios ran through her head.? But the blindfold upon her eyes made it impossible to tell where they were and caused enough disorientation to make it almost impossible for her to tell in which...
This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestThis introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestSant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...
Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...
Blackmailed Nurse Dr. Benjamin Carter had beensuspicious of Angie for several weeks now. Angie Smithson was a nurse whonormally worked the night shift, and he suspected she was stealing drugs.The problem was proving it. Dr. Carter's wife, Doris, was very interestedwhen he told her about it over dinner. Doris Carter had been a topnotch investigative reporter for the local newspaper when they met. She gaveit all up for Ben. Nobody else knew the truth about her relationship withBen, because...
I’am currently being blackmailed, by my student. I m 46, happily married (my loving husband is 50). I m a senior teacher here in Singapore. Short description about myself. I am 1. 8m (about 5feet 10inches) tall, am a Chinese Singaporean, a bit on the plus size. I have perfectly straight long jet black hair. A lot of my colleagues told me I look exactly like an asian version of Emma Butt. It began one day, when a student who is only 19 filmed me in the school ladies toilet doing my...
Blackmailed sissy whore Part 2 I woke with a start, like someone awakening from a nightmare. 'What time is it? 'No, 'what day is it?' Was I having a nightmare? I raised a hand to my chest, and sure enough, there were the nipple rings in my throbbing nipples. They were harder than they'd ever been. I reached up, and touched each of the six studs that had been pierced into my ears. Nope, that part wasn't a dream or even a nightmare either. The slight burning sensation on the back of my...
Blackmailed Sissy Whore Part 3 I did manage to get a little sleep. After Tiffany finally zonked out, and the continual grinding on my thigh and the relentless playing with my nipple rings stopped, I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. Friday night was the last full night's sleep I had gotten since Marcus took over my computer, and my life. I woke up before my alarm went off, which was a good thing. I was tangled up in limbs so securely, it took me several minutes to snake my way...
Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...
by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...
This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...
Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...
by Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...
When I started with the company Roger was the top salesman, he had the best clients, the best bonus and the best company car. Within three months I had eclipsed him. It stood to reason, I was fifteen years younger than his forty, I was hungrier, I was more ambitious. I was just plain better than he was. He didn't like it and resented me and I knew he plotted to discredit and do me down at every occasion. But that only seemed to affect him and his sales, I just ignored him.Then after six months...
Blackmailedby FOXI (address withheld)***A young boy catches his mother kissing a man, not his father, and decides to teach her a very hot lesson. (F/mf-teens, ped, reluc, inc, voy, mast, anal)***I'm still in high school but I'm not stupid or totally innocent. I knew that both my mom and dad were having marital troubles. But I didn't realize how bad until one day coming directly home from school, which I rarely did, saw a man, not my dad coming out of my house in a rush, but not before kissing...
I was already irritated, and having to drive all the way over to the house just to cancel an appointment just made it worse. My wife and I were supposed to be taking a last look at a house we wanted to buy and had an appointment to meet our realtor at the house. We weren't going to buy it after all so I tried calling Sandra to cancel but unfortunately I wasn't able to get hold of her so ended driving out here to let her know. She'd been great throughout the whole process and I felt bad that she...
Kyleigh lay on her bed, still in the clothes she had worn the day before. She forced herself to get up and take a long hot bath. The teen laid in the tub of hot soapy water thinking about what she had been forced to do with Alex and Grant. Surely, Elaina would have warned her if she had known about the video. After her bath, she dressed and called Elaina’s cell phone. When she answered, Kyleigh told her friend they needed to talk, but not at her house. She’d meet her at the park down the...
Blackmailed by Master Michael I met the man I gave my first blow job to on a popular sissy chat website. I'll call it His name was Master Michael. A few weeks before I met Master Michael online, I'd started fully cross- dressing and taking photos of myself in different outfits and poses wearing a wig and makeup. Most of my life, I'd cross-dress and take the clothes off once I self-gratified myself and the pink fog lifted. Digital cameras made it easy to take private...
Well, now it's time for school. Candace and I go to a small high school, not private, but because we are so rich, it is not exactly public either. The students have been screened by my fathers' security teams; they are all exceptionally bright, well mannered, not prone to causing trouble, and to add ice cream to the pie, all are very good looking. There are 40 students, 20 boys and 20 girls. When the school was larger it had state champion quality teams in boys basketball, girls volleyball...
Hi everyone,me (ram) a naughty and good boy.An average body with a long and thicker dick (7 inch and 1.8inch).Coming to the story I got several mails from the readers of my before story which I was published.Some mail were fake and some were real .I got a mail from a name called divya. I was impressed about her comment about the previous story and started to chat very decently about her details and mine .After few days we become close started to sex chat …During one of the chat session I asked...
I t was a typical night in our house, I was in the den watching the TV and my wife Kim Lee was in the living room watching Chinese programs on that TV. Kim Lee is a beautiful little Asian woman with a tight body in her early forties. Her shiny black shoulder length hair framed her face in perfectly and made her big brown eyes look soft and inviting. For a woman her age she had a slender well shaped body that was 5 feet 4 inches tall and she weighed 102 pounds. Her firm 34 B breasts and...
Chapter Ten:No more blackmail – ultimatum completed.Thursday night was here too quickly. Anna had spent every day and every night thinking about her situation. For a while, she tried to take the approach that she was finally free; that the risk, the possibility of losing everything was now finally gone. But even as she thought that, she knew that she was missing the control. She knew this was going to haunt her. But how to comply; my god, how could she be expected to expose her infidelity to...
Chapter Four:Learning to obey – the show of enjoying.Three days later, Anna received another envelope via courier. It was Thursday morning, and she had just settled into the normal routine of the morning. Normal, considering the turmoil that she'd been going through. Monday, after Mark had dropped her back off at work, she'd been very aware of her violation. She'd pulled way back from me that night, telling me that she'd had a bad day and was in a bad mood. She spent the night doing some...
A few weeks after that first incident with Stefan where he had blackmailed me into having sex with him, I got a text message off him. I was a bit surprised, as we had managed to ignore each other in work. I was growing optimistic that this incident was behind me. Even though it was left me feeling violated and with lots of confused feelings about myself.I was shocked to open the message on my phone and seen two pictures of him fucking me in the hotel! I was on all fours on he bed, in bustier,...
It was the come in mouth fantasy that gave me the most pleasure. Celine’s silky golden hair made by belly tingle at the same time as her pink tongue played sexy games with the tip of my cock, circling one way then the other, flicking on the ridge and just under. One delicate little hand holding my shaft firmly, and my balls ready to burst, gently cupped and fondled in the other. My wife Mildred was tossing. But I was too deeply into Celine to be disturbed. I squeezed...
Love StoriesBlackmailed my neighbor girlIt was around 2 pm on Saturday afternoon, the door bell rang as I expected. I was waiting for this moment from past 2 days and I had sent my wife to her parent’s house anticipating the arrival of my special guest. I opened the door and was not surprised to see Alia standing near my door. She was looking very upset as I had anticipated; she quickly came inside and closed the door herself. Alia’s eyes were red and she looked like she was out of breath. Alia was wearing...
This is a story about a sexual FANTASY written for consenting adults. If you're not both of those, don't read it. Characters in a FANTASY don't get sick or die unless I want them to. In real life, people who don't use condoms and other safe-sex techniques do get sick and die. You don't live in a FANTASY so be safe. The fictional characters in my stories are trained and experienced in acts of FANTASY - don't try to do what they do - someone could get hurt. If you think you know somebody...
Dear sexstory friends, this is Rajesh presently working in Bangalore in an MNC and I would like to share my past experiences with you people. I am a 38 years old horny man with a slightly big cock of 8 inches and satisfied many girls and Aunties from past 20 years. Any unsatisfied girls, Ladies and widows can feel free to chat with me on The incident happened when I was 18 years old and studying PUC in Bangalore, when a new Malayali neighbours occupied the vacant house next to our home. They...
(MMF, wife sharing) At the time I write this story Andrea, (My wife) is 36 years old, and quite a knockout. She's always been into bodybuilding and has been a runner since she was a k**. With all of the attention that she has given herself, it really shows. At her age she still has a hard body, and a deep rich "California Girl" tan. Her chestnut hair is beautiful. And her dark brown eyes seem to see right through me sometimes. My Andrea is a beautiful "self made" woman that any man would be...
Nandhini Chechi fed me her excess breast milk and surrendered her pussy to my 8” cock.Dear friends, this is Rajesh presently working in Bangalore in an MNC and I would like to share my past experiences with you people. I am a 38 years old horny man with a slightly big cock of 8 inches and satisfied many girls and Aunties from past 20 years. Any unsatisfied girls, Ladies and widows can feel free to chat with me on [email protected] The incident happened when I was 18...
Disclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Brandee series is intended for adults only. Additionally, no part of this story may be reproduced without the permission of the author. Becoming Brandee Chapter Fourteen: It was almost a year since I had been transformed from smart independent CD girl, Jenni, into sweet dumb and adorable bimbo, Brandee. It was also Halloween and the final evening performance of my promotional tour being staged back where it all started, the...
Andee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...
Wife LoversAndee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...
Wife LoversThere weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...
Wife LoversThere weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...
Wife LoversAndee carefully removed the letter from the envelope. She had just come home from work to find it placed on her pillow, plainly marked "Just For You." She knew it was from her husband, as he had departed on his business trip earlier that day. And, as he often did, he had some scheme cooked up to add a little excitement to her life. This time the plan was for her to travel to meet him at the end of his trip in Las Vegas. He was attending a trade show and managed to get an extra flight. What she...
Wife LoversI had just finished my first year of college and my mom and dad insisted that I go with them on a quick summer trip to visit one of mom’s old college buddies in Austin, Texas. Normally, I don’t mind such gatherings, but for some reason or another, Austin just didn’t appeal to me. I had been there many years before and didn’t find the city attractive. When we arrived, there were the customary hugs and greetings- since our family is Hispanic. (You have to love a culture that embraces hugging!) I...
First TimeAndee settled in for another flight. Her new job had been taking her all over the place the past few months, but the light was almost at the end of the tunnel. This trip to Las Vegas would be the last for the year. The other bonus is that she only had to spend a couple days on her own, as her husband had managed to make some changes to his own plans and would meet her for a bit of an extended weekend. The last time they had been together in Sin City, things had been … interesting. It was a...
Andee smiled as she read the text message on her phone. Before breakfast, she had sent a somewhat vague note to her friend from the night before about wanting to try Roulette again, wondering if he might interpret the suggested sexual undertones – especially after the enthusiastic round of sex from the night before. She thought for a moment, wondering just how acquainted she wanted to get with Connor. It seemed her “one-night stands” in her sexual adventure were more like weekend-long affairs,...
Wife LoversAndee settled in for another flight. Her new job had been taking her all over the place the past few months, but the light was almost at the end of the tunnel. This trip to Las Vegas would be the last for the year. The other bonus is that she only had to spend a couple days on her own, as her husband had managed to make some changes to his own plans and would meet her for a bit of an extended weekend. The last time they had been together in Sin City, things had been ... interesting. It was a...
Wife LoversAndee held her coffee in both hands as she sipped on it. Thecombination of her hangover, sexual exhaustion and lack of sleep, left her struggling to bring her mind around to some sort of clarity. Her hands were a little shaky as she stared blankly at the cup. “I’m not too sure about all the details,” she mumbled across the table at her smiling husband. He seemed to be enjoying the whole thing a bit too much and had been pressing her for some information about her encounter. She hadn’t yet...
Andee held her coffee in both hands as she sipped on it. Thecombination of her hangover, sexual exhaustion and lack of sleep, left her struggling to bring her mind around to some sort of clarity. Her hands were a little shaky as she stared blankly at the cup. “I’m not too sure about all the details,” she mumbled across the table at her smiling husband. He seemed to be enjoying the whole thing a bit too much and had been pressing her for some information about her encounter. She hadn’t yet...
Wife LoversMs Nandhini – My School TeacherBy KINGPHANTOMEmail: [email protected] 2Lesson – 1 – How to MasturbateThe morning after I Dry Humped our new class teacher’s ass on our school bus. I woke up hearing my older sister Nithya chechi (Starring “Nithya Menon”) calling out my name. “Shyam you idiot, come on get up. You are late for school. I am gonna tell mom, you better get up.” She shouted at me. It’s a curse to share a room with your older sister. She wants to decide on everything that’s...