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John Windom in Aaron MacDonald's body lay restrained on a hospital bed drugged to the gills. Each time the drugs wore off enough to make him partway lucid, he screamed and yelled about the loss of his body while thrashing around like a three-year-old having a tantrum. Once he even tried to bite the nurse attending him, his teeth being the only weapon available because his arms and legs were strapped to the bed.

"The lightning strike unhinged him completely. He thinks we're aliens, that we transplanted his brain into a different skull," one nurse said to another. "I heard Dr. Stein talkin' to another doctor about transferring him to Arizona State Hospital." Dr. Percy Stein was a psychiatrist who did rounds in the psychiatric ward of the hospital. Arizona State Hospital was a psychiatric hospital that housed violent and criminal mental patients.

"No surprise there," the other nurse said. "Poor man. I understand he was a well-known, respected architect before his accident."

"All I can say is that he's lucky he has such good health insurance."

"Lucky, he's not, Agnes, good health insurance or otherwise. I think the odds against getting struck by lightning are over a million to one."

Monday morning, I wandered the halls of the high school until I located the administrative offices.

"Tough loss," a secretary said after I asked to see the principal.

"Yeah," I said.

"I saw the lightning hit the goalposts and knock you down. Are you all right?"

"Mostly," I said.

I thanked fate that the principal's name was painted on the door to his office, so I could greet him by name. "Good morning, Mr. Early," I said. "Gotta minute?"

"Sure, Coach. Tough loss, Friday," he said. "Have a seat, and please call me Tom."

"Okay, Tom. Did you hear that l did battle with lightning after the game?"

"I saw the battle take place. You can't imagine how happy I was when I saw Orville help you to your feet." He chuckled. "Not as happy as you, probably. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, but the lightning strike scrambled the synapses in my noggin. The doc said I have retrograde amnesia. I don't remember much about my life before the lightning strike. I remember some skills, but faces, names, and places are a complete blank. I can do my job, but I'll need help for a day or two, someone to show me the way from one class to another, make introductions, those sorts of things. I'm sitting in front of you right now because I thought you should know about my memory loss. Frankly, I would prefer keeping my problem a secret; it's embarrassing. But keeping it secret would be impossible."

He closed his gaping mouth and said, "Maybe you should take some time off until you get your memories back."

I raised an eyebrow. As Aaron MacDonald, I could not raise just one eyebrow. If I tried, both eyebrows would shoot up toward my receding hairline. How about that? A new motor skill. No receding hairline, either.

"With pay?" I said.

"To a point. You have a few sick days accrued," he said.

I shook my head. "If it's all right with you, I'd rather do my job, which I can do, Tom, with just a little help."

He leaned back in his chair and gave me a hard look. He was about fifty years old, salt-and-pepper hair in a military cut, overweight but not obese, all together, a dapper-looking man.

Finally, he nodded and reached for the phone, asking for someone named Evelyn. Evelyn, I discovered worked in the administrative offices as a clerk. Tom told her my sad tale, instructed her to dig out my schedule and show me from class to class, whatever I needed to get by for the day.

I liked Evelyn immediately. She was a short, woman, wore thick bifocals in a wire frame, about forty years old, maybe forty-five, plump and happy. She guided me to my first class, and was waiting when the class ended to take me to the next. I quickly became bored with explaining my plight to the boys and girls in class, but I doggedly persevered and got through the morning. I ate lunch with Orville in the teacher's lounge (like me he was brown-bagging it), and we talked about his new playbook, quietly because we didn't want to be overheard.

Orville said, "I think we should go back to basics, Coach, and use the single wing offense. Occasionally, we'll switch to double wing, but mostly for pass plays."

He showed me the single wing formation. "This offense is simple and plays to some our strengths. Barry, the quarterback, is big for a quarterback, and he's a good blocker, a must when using the single wing offense. We'll make Greg the tailback. He can run like the wind. Cal will be our fullback; he's like an aircraft carrier, hard to stop once he gets going, and Peter will be our wingback. Peter is our best backfield pass receiver. We'll use unbalanced line formations, placing four players on one side of the center and two on the other side, while shifting the backfield into a wing formation. Like this." He pointed at a diagram. "When we pass, we'll send three or four receivers downfield."

"Sounds great, Orville. Is the playbook finished?"


"Make copies. We'll pass it out after practice this afternoon, and schedule a team meeting for the start of practice on Tuesday to review the new offense. That will give me a day to get up to speed on the new plays."

Orville gave me a curious look. "No argument?"

I chuckled. "Orville, I don't know enough to argue the details in the playbook with you. Hell, we're zero and six. What have we got to lose?"

He nodded, looking pleased with himself.

Before going to my first class after lunch, I went to the office and called my bank. The wire transfer had arrived.

"Do you offer overdraft protection?" I asked the person speaking with me.

"We do?"

"With this deposit, do I qualify?"

"If you fill out an application..."

I cut her off. I wouldn't know the answers to the questions on any credit application. "How about I put five thousand dollars in a CD as security for the overdraft protection?"

"That'll work," she said.

"I have a free class right now. Would you put the paperwork together, so all I have to do is sign where I need to sign when I come in? I won't have much time."

"Certainly, Coach."

"One other thing while I have you on the phone. I'll want to open a new checking account in my name only, transfer all my funds to that account, and close the old account. My wife packed up and left me Friday. I don't want her to have access to this money."

"I'll have that paperwork ready for you, as well."

The bank was efficient. I managed to get back for my next class, but barely. By then, everyone in the school knew about my memory loss, so I could curtail the amnesia explanation. I'm sure I was the talk of the day, and the students, as students do, played some games with me during the class, games like switching names on me, and asking questions impossible to answer, memory or no memory.

"No sympathy, huh?" I said, standing with my hands on my hips in front of the class. "Well, I can play games, too. Diagram all the sentences on the second page of To Kill a Mockingbird." Although the freshman English class I was teaching dealt mostly with grammar and sentence and paragraph structure, the real John Windom had included reading and reporting on To Kill a Mockingbird in the syllabus that he'd distributed on the first day of the class. "Turn in the diagrams tomorrow. They'll count as a pop quiz."

The students groaned; the bell rang, and I headed for the teacher's lounge to meet Orville and have a cup of coffee. As I was entering the lounge, I ran into Robyn Clark, literally. The books in her hand went flying. I helped her gather them from the floor.

"I'm sorry for being an immoveable moving wall," I said, which made her smile. Hooray! "I've been told that you don't like me because I got fresh with you. For that I apologize. But surely, Ms. Clark, violence wasn't needed to put me my place. Don't you think slapping me silly was a bit extreme?"

"I do not," she said, turned and walked away.

With a shrug, I grabbed a cup of coffee to go and trudged to my final English class of the day.

Football practice was a hoot. I spent all my time trying to put names on faces, tying the names to the positions each of them played, and trying to remember whether a player was first string or second or a water boy.

At the end of the practice, Orville and I handed out the new playbook and announced a team meeting before suiting up the following afternoon. I paid my debt to Orville, telling him that when I went to the bank I discovered I had a small savings account that my wife didn't know about. I thanked him for the loan, and he thanked me for paying it.

"You might not consider me a friend, Orville," I said, "but I sure do consider you a friend."
He grunted. "Well, my attitude is changing about that."

I drove home completely exhausted but rallied after eating. Chores needed to be done, so I drove to the hospital and paid my debt there, and then drove to Ridley's. Clyde had gone home for the night. I asked for an envelope, wrote a thank you note explaining the savings account, put a fifty in the envelope with the note, sealed it, wrote his name on it, and left it on his desk. At the bank, I had determined that the credit card I carried was indeed a debit card. I'd cancelled the card, and ordered a new one tied to the new account, which would arrive via mail before the end of the week. As far as I knew, except for the monthly payments on the pickup truck, I was debt free. Halleluiah!

The shopping facilities in Ely sucked, but I located Computa Cat Corner (cutsie name, huh?) on Aultman street and bought their top-of-the-line laptop. While there, I arranged for a satellite connection to the internet, but the connection wouldn't be activated until the next day. Back at the house, I stole a nearby wireless connection I could tap into with the laptop, and logged onto the online gambling site where I played Texas hold 'em poker. I created some new profiles to include my new checking account so I could transfer funds to and from the site, and took a virtual seat at a table, but the cards weren't acting kindly to me, so I logged off when I lost $500. As Aaron MacDonald, I usually played tournaments rather than hopping into a game at a table, but tournaments took more time than I wanted to spend because I wanted to study Orville's new playbook. I went back onto the internet and researched single wing offenses, and afterwards the playbook made more sense. The computer and internet connection had cost me more than I expected, so I transferred more money from a different off-shore account (I had three of them that totaled over $500,000.) to my new account in Ely before I closed down the computer for the night.

At daylight the next morning, I put on my sweats and went for a run. As Aaron MacDonald, I'd run three days a week and visited a fitness center on opposite days, resting on Sunday. On the fitness center days I practiced tai chi, as well. The high school had a weight room. I'd use it in lieu of a gym. I was bigger now, and much stronger, but I wasn't in very good shape, I quickly realized, so I cut the run short, showered and shaved, dressed and drove away to find a place to have breakfast. I took Orville's playbook with me to study while I ate.

I found a coffee shop in the Jailhouse Casino on 5th street and ordered a big breakfast, which was interrupted a number of times by local high school football fans. I told all of them that our offense would be using new formations for the Elko game, and invited them to come to the game. To a man, they said that they never missed a game. The entertainment venues in Ely must be limited, I figured, but then changed my mind. The town had casinos and lounges with live bands. I'd also seen a movie theater and a bowling alley. I think high school football, probably all high school sports, got a lot of attention because they offered the only live sporting events in town.

The next day was better at school. At least, I didn't have to explain my memory loss at the start of each class. At the end of the day, I thanked Evelyn and told her I wouldn't need her anymore.

The team meeting went as well as could be expected considering some of the players knew more about the single wing offense than I. A few players grumbled that it was an old-fashioned offense, complaints I squelched by saying that with no wins and six losses, old-fashioned or not, we were going to play to the strengths of some of our players. I praised Barry, telling him he was a good quarterback, and he'd still have opportunities for some pass plays using our new offensive formations, but he was also an excellent blocker, a critical key to success with the single wing offense.

"Greg," I added, "you can run like the wind. With good blocking, your end-around running plays as tailback should provide big yardage for us. Cal, you move like a freight train, hard to stop. As fullback, I'll expect you to pound out first downs when short yardage is needed. Peter, you're an excellent pass receiver. I'm looking for a lot of receptions from the wingback position on Friday. The offset line should confuse Elko, and we'll be switching the offset sides, sometimes in the opposite direction of the direction of the ball in play. Plus, we'll be sending three or four receivers downfield on every pass play. Give this new playbook a chance, men. I think you'll be surprised with how effective it can be. All right, suit up. First, we'll walk through the plays in the playbook. Then we'll run through them. Expect an extra-long practice this afternoon."

My pep talk and praise seem to work. Orville even commented that my positive attitude appeared to have a positive effect on the team.

That night I won $2,500 playing hold 'em, less the site rake-off of $250, or 10%. I'd soon be ready to join tournaments again.

The next afternoon during practice, I provided mostly positive reinforcement. If a player did something right, I praised him. If another player did something wrong, I pointed out his mistake without belittling him. It was an exercise in operant conditioning, and it was working.

As we were leaving the field, Orville said, "I hate to say it, but I'm glad lightning struck you. You're a different man, Coach, and I mean that in a good way."

Thursday, we scrimmaged using the new formations and plays. They seem to work. Friday, we beat Elko eighteen to fourteen, and the high school football fans in Ely went nuts. I felt bad about it, though. I got the credit for the win, not Orville or the team, where credit was due. Go figure.

Saturday morning, a process server handed me divorce papers. I read them carefully, noting that the documents had been drafted by a law firm in Las Vegas. Yvonne Windom wanted alimony and child support. The alimony was minimal; the child support reasonable—for a rich man, not a high school coach and teacher. My so-called wife also wanted full custody of the little girl and was disallowing any visitation rights. Full custody didn't bother me, but the no visitation rights did. I didn't know the girl, but it seemed to me that a father in her life would be better than no father at all.

After e-mailing a letter to the editor of the Ely Times, giving Orville Canton the credit for the win and mentioning a number of players that gave 110 percent, I checked out the yellow pages and made an appointment for that afternoon with a local lawyer, a woman named Elizabeth Conner. I figured a female attorney had to try harder than a man to succeed.

I had time for lunch before the appointment, so I returned to the coffee shop in the Jailhouse Casino. If I thought I'd received too much attention at breakfast earlier in the week, I was mistaken. It was only a small fraction of the attention coming my way at lunch. I had a difficult time finding the time to chew between effusive congratulations and "keep up the good work" comments. I kept mumbling, "Read my letter to the editor in the Ely Times when it comes out. I credit the win to Orville Canton and some young men who gave the game all they could give, not me." From my observations, nobody believed me.

Elizabeth Conner was a big woman without carrying an ounce of fat that I could see. I guessed her age at thirty to thirty-five and her height at six feet in her heels, and even as tall as she was she wasn't bashful at wearing very high heels. I figured Elizabeth Conner would be a presence in any room full of men or women. With monumental effort, I discouraged an urge to stare at her massive bosom, and instead looked her in the eye when I introduced myself. The introduction confused her.

"We've met previously, John," she said, her voice taking on sultry tones. "I'm surprised you don't remember me."

"I don't remember anyone, Ms. Conner," I said and went on to tell her about my memory loss. I also told her how my wife had cleaned out my checking account. "I had to borrow money from an assistant coach and the manager at the grocery store to eat. Then while cleaning the house, I found an I.O.U. from a man from my past. The I.O.U. listed a phone number. I called it, and the man wired money into my account in two payments over two days, so I paid the hospital and other debts. If your fees are close to reasonable, I think I can pay you to handle the divorce."

I handed her the papers I'd been served that morning. She skimmed over the pages, sat back in her chair and sighed.

"Besides the money in your checking account, do you have any other assets?" she asked.

She's concerned about my ability to pay her, I deduced. Then I changed my mind. She probably needed my balance sheet, so to speak, to determine how much I could afford to pay for alimony and child support.

"A pickup truck, but I still have six more monthly payments before it's free and clear. The house where I live is on a month-to-month rental. The house came furnished. Here's the lease."

She took the lease document and skimmed it like she'd skimmed the divorce papers.

"I got paid last Friday," I said and handed her the payroll stub. "Teachers get paid once a month. I don't think I can meet Yvonne's demands."

After she looked at the stub, she laughed and said, "That's for sure. Okay, John, what do you want? Do you want the divorce?"

I shrugged. "With my memory loss, I don't know the woman, but the doc told me that my amnesia is probably temporary, so it's difficult for me to answer that question. She abandoned me, took my daughter, and cleaned me out financially before she left, so I'm inclined to say yes, I want the divorce, but when my memories return, I might have a different attitude. Then again, considering her shoddy behavior, I seriously doubt that I'll change my mind. I don't have an issue with my wife having primary custody of the little girl. Although I don't remember the girl, every child should have the nurturing love of a mother, but I do think a child should also know her father. I'd like visitation rights, and I'd like to have custody of the girl during the summer months when I'm not working, say a month every year, and perhaps a few days during the Christmas break. Accordingly, I have no problem with reasonable child support."

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Lust Of Incest 8211 Part 2

This story is the continuation of first part, “Lust Of Incest – Part 1”. So continuing the story, I and Naveen were still uncomfortable with each other. We weren’t speaking properly. We sat under the shade inside banana plantations. Naveen said to me “Sorry Raju, I’m very sorry for last night”. I said “It’s okay Naveen, if I was in your place even I would have done same (mentioning my sister name)”. After this we became like before, however he was my close friend. Naveen said “It’s common to...

4 years ago
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Hot and horny solo

It's one of those days that you just feel some extra awareness and sensation...the way the lace of your panties slide and rub again pussy, when your tits want to be touched and licked badly, when you ache for hands to touch you all over your body...when you just want to have sex.I get horny moments every time and at times even at work, I sometimes find myself removing articles of clothing to get closer to the kinky feeling -- being naughty but nice. Today, I woke up with a moisty, warm feeling...

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Ellens Fantasy 2

I woke up at some point in the night and the memories of what had just been done to me came flooding back as I saw myself in the mirror on the ceiling. I tried to move but was held securely but not tightly spread eagle on the mattress in the middle of the basement floor. I moaned softly as I felt my clit being stimulated by the electrodes that Mistress had secured on each side of it and around my tits, they felt warm and tingly and it felt like they were being vibrated from the inside. I...

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Welcome Wagon Lesbian

The last box was unpacked. I was finally done.I hated moving. We didn't move all that often, but it was always such a nightmare whenever we did. Usually it resulted in a house chock full of boxes for months afterwards, still waiting to be opened.This time, I had decided that enough was enough. I rolled up my sleeves, cracked my knuckles, and got to work. Four days of continuous labor later, and our new house was completely ready.My husband had gotten a great opportunity to move to a new company...

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IntemperanceChapter 8A Imagery

June 28, 1983 John F. Kennedy Airport New York City, New York The limousine stopped as close to the Nationwide Airlines terminal as possible. The driver had been instructed not to open the door for them. That would only attract attention. The hope was to get through the airport lobby and security checkpoint as anonymously and unobtrusively as possible. It was a slim hope at best, but a hope nonetheless. Jake opened the door and stepped out. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a button...

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LimitsChapter 33

After I came in Mom’s mouth, I woke her up. Then, I came in her mouth again. It was everything I’d dreamed of. Lucy’s blowjobs were different - they were more slavish; she used every part of her body to serve as she fellated me: her hand, stroking my shaft; her tongue, swirling around my head; her shoulders pushed back, to emphasize her tits. Mom was, weird though it sounds, much more ... inexperienced? I had no idea how many guys she’d blown, and I suspected I’d never know. The pleasure...

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UniversityChapter 37

I must have stirred, because Rachel woke. "What time is it?" "Dawn. Early. Good morning, beautiful." "'Morning. Did you sleep?" "I think so. I'm not sure. I spoke with Wawi. Or Wawi spoke to me." "The Black Snake?" "Indeed." "And?" "Wawi seemed surprised. I was to be met in a few days at Lake Mungo." Rachel giggled. "I guess you didn't let Wawi know about our route change." "I suppose I neglected that. Hungry?" "And dirty." "We'll drive back to Cobar,...

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Into The Woods Alternate Ending Part Two

Looking up in the mirror I move my soft, dark auburn brown hair aside and look to see the angry red marks on the back of my neck. I think back to last night and close my eyes. I remember his smell, the deep resonating sound of his voice in my thoughts, the feeling of him on top of me... And it is decided. I will go. I walk back to my room and slip out of my clothes. I put on a black lace bra with matching lace underwear. Then I pull on a pair of size 3 skinny jeans that are dark navy blue...

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sisters friend

My 18 year old sister is very popular in college and always brings her sexy friends round to Mum and Dads after school. Theirs one friend in particular named Shobha with long blonde hair, nice sized breasts and a ass to die for. She's my sister's best mate and always comes around. Last week on a Friday Mum & Dad went away for the weekend and asked me to come and stay at home just to make sure my sister doesn't have any parties. I got there around 5. My sister and Shobha were outside by the...

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The neighbors dog1

Hello I'm Tara, First I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself in case you haven't read any of my stories before and also to help you understand the story a little better, so sit back and prop your feet up... I'm a 42-year-old mortician / funeral director who operates our family's mortuary and cemetery. I'm 5 feet 7 inches; approximately 120 pounds with long raven-black hair and glasses with natural abnormally long top incisors ( K9's or fangs). I'm in a polygamist marriage (not...

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Over the Bosses Knee

At one point a friend of mine helped get me a good job. I’m a pretty good typist, I can handle organization and filing with few problems and, since I’d been dressing in public for a while, she assured me that I could at least dress in moderation. For me that meant tasteful blouses and slacks, decent shoes – very moderate heels or flats.I’d be working directly for the ‘boss’ so I’d have my own small office.The interview went well and soon I found myself being interviewed by the man himself. It...

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Lady on a Train

I had traveled to the Big City for a job and I had just boarded the subway car on my to my first full day of work. As expected at that hour of the morning there was no place to sit and only a few places for me to stand. I looked for an unoccupied strap but there were none. I joined a lady at a pole and managed to hold on as the car lurched forward. I nodded and smiled at her which of course is not done in subway cars but I am from Texas so that part of me was never going away. However I had...

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Down The Memory Lane 8211 Part 1 2 3

Part 1 Life is mostly pleasurable and optimally enjoyable during the period we are actively engaged in acts of sex.. All experiments, experiences and explorations must be relished in sex activities..Spoiling time during this enchanting period of life is lost for ever..Do all that you want to the extent possible may you be a boy or a girl..In fact all over the world the act of sex prevails every moment of the day between males,between females and between male & female..The enthralling semen...

2 years ago
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Fucked Sister With The Help Of My Mother Part 3

Since my sister was angry with me and my mom about what all happend(The ramming of two beauties ).My sister did not even speak a word with us for quite a couple of days.My mom would take great care of cock when even my sister is not at home very secretly as she could not leave her pussy unattended to my hot rod. One day my mom and me are watching tv in the hall.My sister came and told to mom that she wanted to tell us something.Mom and me were very happy that my sister is behaving normally and...

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Black Familys Nasty AdventuresChapter 2 Carols Animal Adventures

Once the two sluts had finished gulping down all the nasty dogjizz, Emily took hold of one of Carol's nipples and used it to roughly pull her over to the stable. She pulled hard on Carol's nipple, distorting her huge tit into cone while she twisted and pinched the nipple and Carol stumbled after her. The horny housewife felt her cunt juice from Emily's dominant behavior, and even more so when she saw the big horse in one of the stalls. Emily shoved Carol to her knees on the dirty wood...

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SwapChapter 23

We sat in Angela's architectural firm's presentation room. Dad and Mom were there, of course. Angela and a partner from her firm named Bob Daniels sat with us. Stan was front row center armed with his marketing plan. After some preliminary enquiries, we'd decided that we'd prefer to work with Wells Fargo Bank. Two executives from Wells Fargo sat at the table with us, Mr. Joshua Peyton and Ms. Maria Canella. Peyton was local, in his mid-thirties, fit and tan. Canella had flown in from the...

1 year ago
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High Definition Porn aka Hi Def Porn elicits a lot of interest, The Porn Dude was eager to get aboard. The cute whore sucking balls and looking up to a gigantic, black cock left no shred of doubt of what the site has in store. Hi Def Porn provides it’s users with a fantastic platform to download high-quality porn. The gorgeous women are game to just about anything and to say the least; you are in for one hell of a ride.Right from the homepage, the site welcomes you with a fantastic collection...

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AlohaTube Cuckold

Aloha, a simple Hawaiian word that means hello, and goodbye. Aloha, as in "aloha spirit" that stands for the perfect alignment of body and mind. Alohatube.com/top/cuckold, a simple yet staggeringly amazing website that will push you into this aloha spirit state simply by treating you with all sorts of porn that exists in this world! Nothing about this website is small, mediocre, or shitty. Let me present you the alohatube.com/top/cuckold page on alohatube.com that boasts a crazy number of...

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A Brand New ManChapter 15

I was deep inside Alicia Ballard’s hot, wet gash while Erin rimmed Morgan, when a very shaken Matt Kearney walked into the men’s room. He was aroused, ashamed, and anxious, smelling like sex from evidently screwing his own mother, Debbie. He watched with awe at the way that I slammed with powerful strokes into the ginger’s creamy snatch before switching back to her mother’s, causing Erin to eat Alicia’s ass now. Matt was extremely turned-on by that fact, to say the least. I knew what to do...

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Accidental CrossroadsChapter 11

Accidental Crossroads: 11. John never said a word about the jeep. He did his best to find the right oil and solvent for the watch. The phone company had to put in 5 poles to run a line..."make that two lines," said John, to the rep when he called from the General Store. A step back here. John was calling his housekeeper by the only name that fit..."Sultry," So ... finally he asked. "What is your name?" She burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" "You have no idea how many times...

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City Guardsman Chapter 5

_________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER FIVE ------------------------------------------------------------------ I sat beside the salle as Sam began her practice, our son rested beside me in his basket. Several guards nearby had just finished and were trying to cool down. Lieutenant Belet poked his head out the back door of the guard building and then came out. He stopped to watch Sam and a very pregnant Mona before shaking his...

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Good Little Pet

Introduction: The story of Kate and her life as a obediant slave to her daddy. Kaitlins swollen eyes barely opened as she regained consciousness. The first feeling that hit her was the dull throbbing burn across her cheeks, followed by the cold tight grasp of steel cuffs around her wrists bracing her to the brick wall behind her. Her dilated eyes darted across a black abyss and she realized her muscles were too weak to even move. Lifting her head as she awoke had caused her world to spin and...

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The Predicament 2

The Predicament: Day Two - by: Tiffany Jean Kathi pulled my panties back up and let me get up from the chair. As I did, I could feel the skirt swing back down. Everyone had a smile on their face and a few people felt a need to swat my ass as they left. Each of the strippers felt up my thighs as they left as well as licking their lips and winking at me. The swats to my ass didn't hurt, but it did remind me of the dildo that was locked/lodged up there. Kathi locked up after...

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A Night With Fran Part 1 of 2

Hank had always like Fran. He liked her a lot. They had a great platonic relationship which he rued almost every day. In fact, he often dreamed about her and masturbated to thoughts of her. Sure, he had girlfriends over the years, and he had his share of sexual adventures since he was a senior in high school and during his time away at college. But Fran seemed to always occupy his idle thoughts. The problem was that she was almost twice his age and married with a teen aged daughter. Hank was...

Love Stories
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SamChapter 10A

The next morning, I resisted the temptation to sneak into Bud's room for my fix of male hormones. If everything went as planned we would have enough time for that later. When I went down to feed the dog, I thought about having another romp in the woods, but I decided to pass on that as well. Still, it had been so much fun the day before that I just had to relive it just a bit. After I filled Brute's bowls with fresh food and water, I slipped out of my robe so I could enjoy the feeling of...

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Doc and the French WhoreChapter 10

I woke up with a serious fit of coughing that rattled my cage a lot more than I would like to speculate on considering my state of health. My Kate was still missing and I knew I had to drag my weary ass around town trying run down her present location. In all honesty, it was more for my benefit than for her because in the final analysis I needed her to make certain I had all my medications and that I was not overdoing the booze when all I really needed a steady dose of rest and abstention...

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Second Encounter Ch 4

I awaken at the first rays of light streaming through the curtains. I slip out of bed, freshen up in the bathroom, and make my way to the kitchen. I start the coffee pot, and soon the rich aroma fills the cottage. I hear you in the bathroom, and soon you make an entrance into the kitchen. "Good morning, Sunshine," I quip, " How did you sleep?""Solid as a rock," you say as you rub your eyes."Coffee?" I ask."Absolutely!" you say with gusto."What would you like in it?" I ask."Cream, and lots of...

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My hot sisters

My name is Matthew. I am 19 years old, I have 2 sisters, and 1 brother. Melisa, Andy, and Jacob. I have to say, I noticed very big changes in the physical appearances of my sisters. Melissa especially. She is 19 years old, brunette, got a very firm pair of breasts, and a fit body. Andy is my other sister, she is 21, she has brownish dark hair, and a very hot body, her boobs got bigger over the year. My little brother,18, is also my best friend. That's not pathetic to say right? He is also...

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Starlight 300Chapter 2

After awhile you become one with your ship for I was instantly wide-awake after dozing after a very nice bout with Candy. "What's going on?" I shouted through to the bridge. "I've just dropped out of warp Captain," shouted Lila back to me. Within seconds I was standing beside her looking out into normal space. "I'm on short range navigation sensors only as per your orders," she explained, "when I picked up a small metal object." "What sort of object?" I asked. "Well we're...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetLabs Macy Meadows TapOut

What’s up, TeamSkeet fans? It’s time for another Labs update, so let’s jump right into the fun. We loved our last Labs so much that we wanted to put the concept in the spotlight and give it another whirl! Tapped Out is a game all about making hot babes cum hard. If the guy wants to win the game, he must make his partner tap out before time runs out. In this episode, Robby needs to make Macy submit, but she’ll do everything she can to ensure she outlasts him. To get ahead of the timer, Robby...

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Goodbye Sex With Fatima 5

I woke up before her and started touching her. She slowly came out of sleep and hummed contentedly as she became aware of what I was doing to her. I spooned around her and caressed her softly with my hand. She started to turn over, turn into my arms and touch and kiss, but I stopped her with a firm hand on her hip. Sleep fell further away, and she wanted to protest. But her mouth opened and only a small sigh escaped as my hand slipped up her body, sliding on her naked body to gently cup her...

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Rileyrsquos New Professor Pt 2

Part 6Riley spent the next few days on Cloud 9. Losing her virginity had been everything and more that she could have hoped for. She had to keep reminding herself that he was married, and that only a couple days previously she had seen him fucking someone else, but she couldn't help feeling that they had made a true emotional connection. She just hoped, when she caught herself slipping into soppy romantic thoughts, that she wasn't being the "silly little girl" that he had once called her. He...

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The Quiet ManChapter 3

I disappeared for three months after her funeral, did the swaggie thing, and finally reached Tamworth in my wanderings. Tamworth is a very cold place to sleep under a bridge, in winter. The cops there don't seem to approve of aging itinerants walking the streets at all, anymore. They picked me up using vagrancy as an excuse, and then when they found a thousand dollars on me, negating vagrancy, they arrested me for theft. Me, being who I am, immediately contacted a local solicitor and sued...

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