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John Windom in Aaron MacDonald's body lay restrained on a hospital bed drugged to the gills. Each time the drugs wore off enough to make him partway lucid, he screamed and yelled about the loss of his body while thrashing around like a three-year-old having a tantrum. Once he even tried to bite the nurse attending him, his teeth being the only weapon available because his arms and legs were strapped to the bed.
"The lightning strike unhinged him completely. He thinks we're aliens, that we transplanted his brain into a different skull," one nurse said to another. "I heard Dr. Stein talkin' to another doctor about transferring him to Arizona State Hospital." Dr. Percy Stein was a psychiatrist who did rounds in the psychiatric ward of the hospital. Arizona State Hospital was a psychiatric hospital that housed violent and criminal mental patients.
"No surprise there," the other nurse said. "Poor man. I understand he was a well-known, respected architect before his accident."
"All I can say is that he's lucky he has such good health insurance."
"Lucky, he's not, Agnes, good health insurance or otherwise. I think the odds against getting struck by lightning are over a million to one."
Monday morning, I wandered the halls of the high school until I located the administrative offices.
"Tough loss," a secretary said after I asked to see the principal.
"Yeah," I said.
"I saw the lightning hit the goalposts and knock you down. Are you all right?"
"Mostly," I said.
I thanked fate that the principal's name was painted on the door to his office, so I could greet him by name. "Good morning, Mr. Early," I said. "Gotta minute?"
"Sure, Coach. Tough loss, Friday," he said. "Have a seat, and please call me Tom."
"Okay, Tom. Did you hear that l did battle with lightning after the game?"
"I saw the battle take place. You can't imagine how happy I was when I saw Orville help you to your feet." He chuckled. "Not as happy as you, probably. How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine, but the lightning strike scrambled the synapses in my noggin. The doc said I have retrograde amnesia. I don't remember much about my life before the lightning strike. I remember some skills, but faces, names, and places are a complete blank. I can do my job, but I'll need help for a day or two, someone to show me the way from one class to another, make introductions, those sorts of things. I'm sitting in front of you right now because I thought you should know about my memory loss. Frankly, I would prefer keeping my problem a secret; it's embarrassing. But keeping it secret would be impossible."
He closed his gaping mouth and said, "Maybe you should take some time off until you get your memories back."
I raised an eyebrow. As Aaron MacDonald, I could not raise just one eyebrow. If I tried, both eyebrows would shoot up toward my receding hairline. How about that? A new motor skill. No receding hairline, either.
"With pay?" I said.
"To a point. You have a few sick days accrued," he said.
I shook my head. "If it's all right with you, I'd rather do my job, which I can do, Tom, with just a little help."
He leaned back in his chair and gave me a hard look. He was about fifty years old, salt-and-pepper hair in a military cut, overweight but not obese, all together, a dapper-looking man.
Finally, he nodded and reached for the phone, asking for someone named Evelyn. Evelyn, I discovered worked in the administrative offices as a clerk. Tom told her my sad tale, instructed her to dig out my schedule and show me from class to class, whatever I needed to get by for the day.
I liked Evelyn immediately. She was a short, woman, wore thick bifocals in a wire frame, about forty years old, maybe forty-five, plump and happy. She guided me to my first class, and was waiting when the class ended to take me to the next. I quickly became bored with explaining my plight to the boys and girls in class, but I doggedly persevered and got through the morning. I ate lunch with Orville in the teacher's lounge (like me he was brown-bagging it), and we talked about his new playbook, quietly because we didn't want to be overheard.
Orville said, "I think we should go back to basics, Coach, and use the single wing offense. Occasionally, we'll switch to double wing, but mostly for pass plays."
He showed me the single wing formation. "This offense is simple and plays to some our strengths. Barry, the quarterback, is big for a quarterback, and he's a good blocker, a must when using the single wing offense. We'll make Greg the tailback. He can run like the wind. Cal will be our fullback; he's like an aircraft carrier, hard to stop once he gets going, and Peter will be our wingback. Peter is our best backfield pass receiver. We'll use unbalanced line formations, placing four players on one side of the center and two on the other side, while shifting the backfield into a wing formation. Like this." He pointed at a diagram. "When we pass, we'll send three or four receivers downfield."
"Sounds great, Orville. Is the playbook finished?"
"Make copies. We'll pass it out after practice this afternoon, and schedule a team meeting for the start of practice on Tuesday to review the new offense. That will give me a day to get up to speed on the new plays."
Orville gave me a curious look. "No argument?"
I chuckled. "Orville, I don't know enough to argue the details in the playbook with you. Hell, we're zero and six. What have we got to lose?"
He nodded, looking pleased with himself.
Before going to my first class after lunch, I went to the office and called my bank. The wire transfer had arrived.
"Do you offer overdraft protection?" I asked the person speaking with me.
"We do?"
"With this deposit, do I qualify?"
"If you fill out an application..."
I cut her off. I wouldn't know the answers to the questions on any credit application. "How about I put five thousand dollars in a CD as security for the overdraft protection?"
"That'll work," she said.
"I have a free class right now. Would you put the paperwork together, so all I have to do is sign where I need to sign when I come in? I won't have much time."
"Certainly, Coach."
"One other thing while I have you on the phone. I'll want to open a new checking account in my name only, transfer all my funds to that account, and close the old account. My wife packed up and left me Friday. I don't want her to have access to this money."
"I'll have that paperwork ready for you, as well."
The bank was efficient. I managed to get back for my next class, but barely. By then, everyone in the school knew about my memory loss, so I could curtail the amnesia explanation. I'm sure I was the talk of the day, and the students, as students do, played some games with me during the class, games like switching names on me, and asking questions impossible to answer, memory or no memory.
"No sympathy, huh?" I said, standing with my hands on my hips in front of the class. "Well, I can play games, too. Diagram all the sentences on the second page of To Kill a Mockingbird." Although the freshman English class I was teaching dealt mostly with grammar and sentence and paragraph structure, the real John Windom had included reading and reporting on To Kill a Mockingbird in the syllabus that he'd distributed on the first day of the class. "Turn in the diagrams tomorrow. They'll count as a pop quiz."
The students groaned; the bell rang, and I headed for the teacher's lounge to meet Orville and have a cup of coffee. As I was entering the lounge, I ran into Robyn Clark, literally. The books in her hand went flying. I helped her gather them from the floor.
"I'm sorry for being an immoveable moving wall," I said, which made her smile. Hooray! "I've been told that you don't like me because I got fresh with you. For that I apologize. But surely, Ms. Clark, violence wasn't needed to put me my place. Don't you think slapping me silly was a bit extreme?"
"I do not," she said, turned and walked away.
With a shrug, I grabbed a cup of coffee to go and trudged to my final English class of the day.
Football practice was a hoot. I spent all my time trying to put names on faces, tying the names to the positions each of them played, and trying to remember whether a player was first string or second or a water boy.
At the end of the practice, Orville and I handed out the new playbook and announced a team meeting before suiting up the following afternoon. I paid my debt to Orville, telling him that when I went to the bank I discovered I had a small savings account that my wife didn't know about. I thanked him for the loan, and he thanked me for paying it.
"You might not consider me a friend, Orville," I said, "but I sure do consider you a friend."
He grunted. "Well, my attitude is changing about that."
I drove home completely exhausted but rallied after eating. Chores needed to be done, so I drove to the hospital and paid my debt there, and then drove to Ridley's. Clyde had gone home for the night. I asked for an envelope, wrote a thank you note explaining the savings account, put a fifty in the envelope with the note, sealed it, wrote his name on it, and left it on his desk. At the bank, I had determined that the credit card I carried was indeed a debit card. I'd cancelled the card, and ordered a new one tied to the new account, which would arrive via mail before the end of the week. As far as I knew, except for the monthly payments on the pickup truck, I was debt free. Halleluiah!
The shopping facilities in Ely sucked, but I located Computa Cat Corner (cutsie name, huh?) on Aultman street and bought their top-of-the-line laptop. While there, I arranged for a satellite connection to the internet, but the connection wouldn't be activated until the next day. Back at the house, I stole a nearby wireless connection I could tap into with the laptop, and logged onto the online gambling site where I played Texas hold 'em poker. I created some new profiles to include my new checking account so I could transfer funds to and from the site, and took a virtual seat at a table, but the cards weren't acting kindly to me, so I logged off when I lost $500. As Aaron MacDonald, I usually played tournaments rather than hopping into a game at a table, but tournaments took more time than I wanted to spend because I wanted to study Orville's new playbook. I went back onto the internet and researched single wing offenses, and afterwards the playbook made more sense. The computer and internet connection had cost me more than I expected, so I transferred more money from a different off-shore account (I had three of them that totaled over $500,000.) to my new account in Ely before I closed down the computer for the night.
At daylight the next morning, I put on my sweats and went for a run. As Aaron MacDonald, I'd run three days a week and visited a fitness center on opposite days, resting on Sunday. On the fitness center days I practiced tai chi, as well. The high school had a weight room. I'd use it in lieu of a gym. I was bigger now, and much stronger, but I wasn't in very good shape, I quickly realized, so I cut the run short, showered and shaved, dressed and drove away to find a place to have breakfast. I took Orville's playbook with me to study while I ate.
I found a coffee shop in the Jailhouse Casino on 5th street and ordered a big breakfast, which was interrupted a number of times by local high school football fans. I told all of them that our offense would be using new formations for the Elko game, and invited them to come to the game. To a man, they said that they never missed a game. The entertainment venues in Ely must be limited, I figured, but then changed my mind. The town had casinos and lounges with live bands. I'd also seen a movie theater and a bowling alley. I think high school football, probably all high school sports, got a lot of attention because they offered the only live sporting events in town.
The next day was better at school. At least, I didn't have to explain my memory loss at the start of each class. At the end of the day, I thanked Evelyn and told her I wouldn't need her anymore.
The team meeting went as well as could be expected considering some of the players knew more about the single wing offense than I. A few players grumbled that it was an old-fashioned offense, complaints I squelched by saying that with no wins and six losses, old-fashioned or not, we were going to play to the strengths of some of our players. I praised Barry, telling him he was a good quarterback, and he'd still have opportunities for some pass plays using our new offensive formations, but he was also an excellent blocker, a critical key to success with the single wing offense.
"Greg," I added, "you can run like the wind. With good blocking, your end-around running plays as tailback should provide big yardage for us. Cal, you move like a freight train, hard to stop. As fullback, I'll expect you to pound out first downs when short yardage is needed. Peter, you're an excellent pass receiver. I'm looking for a lot of receptions from the wingback position on Friday. The offset line should confuse Elko, and we'll be switching the offset sides, sometimes in the opposite direction of the direction of the ball in play. Plus, we'll be sending three or four receivers downfield on every pass play. Give this new playbook a chance, men. I think you'll be surprised with how effective it can be. All right, suit up. First, we'll walk through the plays in the playbook. Then we'll run through them. Expect an extra-long practice this afternoon."
My pep talk and praise seem to work. Orville even commented that my positive attitude appeared to have a positive effect on the team.
That night I won $2,500 playing hold 'em, less the site rake-off of $250, or 10%. I'd soon be ready to join tournaments again.
The next afternoon during practice, I provided mostly positive reinforcement. If a player did something right, I praised him. If another player did something wrong, I pointed out his mistake without belittling him. It was an exercise in operant conditioning, and it was working.
As we were leaving the field, Orville said, "I hate to say it, but I'm glad lightning struck you. You're a different man, Coach, and I mean that in a good way."
Thursday, we scrimmaged using the new formations and plays. They seem to work. Friday, we beat Elko eighteen to fourteen, and the high school football fans in Ely went nuts. I felt bad about it, though. I got the credit for the win, not Orville or the team, where credit was due. Go figure.
Saturday morning, a process server handed me divorce papers. I read them carefully, noting that the documents had been drafted by a law firm in Las Vegas. Yvonne Windom wanted alimony and child support. The alimony was minimal; the child support reasonable—for a rich man, not a high school coach and teacher. My so-called wife also wanted full custody of the little girl and was disallowing any visitation rights. Full custody didn't bother me, but the no visitation rights did. I didn't know the girl, but it seemed to me that a father in her life would be better than no father at all.
After e-mailing a letter to the editor of the Ely Times, giving Orville Canton the credit for the win and mentioning a number of players that gave 110 percent, I checked out the yellow pages and made an appointment for that afternoon with a local lawyer, a woman named Elizabeth Conner. I figured a female attorney had to try harder than a man to succeed.
I had time for lunch before the appointment, so I returned to the coffee shop in the Jailhouse Casino. If I thought I'd received too much attention at breakfast earlier in the week, I was mistaken. It was only a small fraction of the attention coming my way at lunch. I had a difficult time finding the time to chew between effusive congratulations and "keep up the good work" comments. I kept mumbling, "Read my letter to the editor in the Ely Times when it comes out. I credit the win to Orville Canton and some young men who gave the game all they could give, not me." From my observations, nobody believed me.
Elizabeth Conner was a big woman without carrying an ounce of fat that I could see. I guessed her age at thirty to thirty-five and her height at six feet in her heels, and even as tall as she was she wasn't bashful at wearing very high heels. I figured Elizabeth Conner would be a presence in any room full of men or women. With monumental effort, I discouraged an urge to stare at her massive bosom, and instead looked her in the eye when I introduced myself. The introduction confused her.
"We've met previously, John," she said, her voice taking on sultry tones. "I'm surprised you don't remember me."
"I don't remember anyone, Ms. Conner," I said and went on to tell her about my memory loss. I also told her how my wife had cleaned out my checking account. "I had to borrow money from an assistant coach and the manager at the grocery store to eat. Then while cleaning the house, I found an I.O.U. from a man from my past. The I.O.U. listed a phone number. I called it, and the man wired money into my account in two payments over two days, so I paid the hospital and other debts. If your fees are close to reasonable, I think I can pay you to handle the divorce."
I handed her the papers I'd been served that morning. She skimmed over the pages, sat back in her chair and sighed.
"Besides the money in your checking account, do you have any other assets?" she asked.
She's concerned about my ability to pay her, I deduced. Then I changed my mind. She probably needed my balance sheet, so to speak, to determine how much I could afford to pay for alimony and child support.
"A pickup truck, but I still have six more monthly payments before it's free and clear. The house where I live is on a month-to-month rental. The house came furnished. Here's the lease."
She took the lease document and skimmed it like she'd skimmed the divorce papers.
"I got paid last Friday," I said and handed her the payroll stub. "Teachers get paid once a month. I don't think I can meet Yvonne's demands."
After she looked at the stub, she laughed and said, "That's for sure. Okay, John, what do you want? Do you want the divorce?"
I shrugged. "With my memory loss, I don't know the woman, but the doc told me that my amnesia is probably temporary, so it's difficult for me to answer that question. She abandoned me, took my daughter, and cleaned me out financially before she left, so I'm inclined to say yes, I want the divorce, but when my memories return, I might have a different attitude. Then again, considering her shoddy behavior, I seriously doubt that I'll change my mind. I don't have an issue with my wife having primary custody of the little girl. Although I don't remember the girl, every child should have the nurturing love of a mother, but I do think a child should also know her father. I'd like visitation rights, and I'd like to have custody of the girl during the summer months when I'm not working, say a month every year, and perhaps a few days during the Christmas break. Accordingly, I have no problem with reasonable child support."
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We had spent the Day gussying up the Ship for an Evening of Entertainment for our Officers to have guests on Board, Dance, talk and in general Strut their stuff for all to see, Flags and Pennants from Stem to Stern and Coloured Lights to blow your Eye`s out, This Is called “Dressed Ship” In our Terms! Grunts like me are not permitted Forward of the Bridge on the Upper Deck, don't know why, I had combed my hair and cleaned my Teeth earlier, I was almost a Human Being. It was on the Darker side...
Erotic“Sure, that would be great! I’m Adrian and this is Patrice.” “Peter, come help us” Sue calls and their son walks out to help. We unpack and get on well with our neighbours. As the days go on we have been doing lots with them, having picnic lunches, going touring, generally having fun. Sue drops over. “Would u like to have a spa Patrice?” I watch Patrice quickly get changed and charge off to the spa. “Peter, bring a couple of glasses and a bottle of wine for me.” The girls settle into...
Foster sent me and George right back to New York as a team. We had our separate tasks but worked several times together to achieve our ends, either for ourselves or the Continental Congress. George would sometimes rescue a damsel from my attentions or I would come upon my friend trying to rob or assault someone, drive him off and earn his or her gratitude. One of the people Foster told me to see about was a colonel of artillery who supposed knew all about forts and gun positions, numbers of...
July, 1988 Frankfurt was a major hub of European travel during the Cold War. Bonn may have been the capital of West Germany, but it was way down on the totem pole of German cities. Hamburg, Bremen, Stuttgart, Munich, and Frankfurt were all much more bustling. I think the only attraction that made Bonn the capital after World War II was probably the fact that it was farther from East Germany than any of the other cities. Frankfurt also had a fair number of U. S. military personnel located in...
I had enough! I never wanted him to have sex with her in my absence all the times. I decided it’s time to stop all this! I hired a taxi and straight way left for Pune. Ranveer was still in my house. He was in my house for the past 24 hours and already had sex with her thrice! I knew when I reach home, he would still be there because my wife told him that I would be back only on Monday! He wanted to have her as much as he can, until I returned. I wanted to catch him red handed, rebuke him,...
This is my first attempted at writing a story. I have written before but didn’t have the courage to post anything so I thought I would try. Hope you enjoy it. I didn’t put much detail into the character’s appearance because I wanted to leave it to the reader to make the characters whatever was their ideal fantasy for a partner. The day was warm, in the mid-70s.The sun shined brightly outside and the sky had barely any clouds in it. A gentle breeze tussled the leaves on the aspen trees. The...
“Who are you?” Becca asked me as I began undressing her, removing her shoes, slacks, and blouse. “I’m Philip Larusso. I used to live in this town and now I will again. I have had the biggest crush on you since I came back to this community. Now, of course, your pretty ass is mine. You might as well as accept it. These others, they’re all mine, and so are you. I kissed you and when I did that, I took possession of you,” I stopped talking to Becca only long enough to kiss the other two...
Jorgarn crossed the border into Freeland on a horse and was greeted like a returning hero. He surprised everyone by showing up at his house one evening carrying his belongings. He was somewhat startled to see someone else was already using the main bedroom, although it was unoccupied at the moment. Tired from the long journey, he lay down on the floor, figuring correctly he could figure things out in the morning. Jorgarn soon learned that life had begun to take shape slowly in Freeland....
It all began as a prank one Friday night round Tina’s place. There was a small group of us, myself, Tina, her mate Lianne, Steve from next door and his girlfriend Alison. We were all enjoying a drink and some music when things got a little carried away!One moment I was gyrating against Tina to a song with somewhat erotic lyrics, the next, Tina, Lianne and Ali had me on the floor.“Right, strip him”, laughed Tina.“No, not that”, I pleaded. I already had a semi-erection in my pants and now it...
"Hummm how I really like thst trimmed path to heaven, Miss Nat...A true path into lust, desire and soul lost. That would be a true lost if lust would somehow fall asleep... The star should never be abble to lost their light." I thought all the angels where in heaven and you wanted me to take me there, into true heaven... you little devil""But aren't good angels and bad angels ..but angels:)))""I want to be a fallen angel, wouldn't mind to fall into your arms, lap and much more else.""But you...
“Yello,” I said picking up the phone, still wondering what could be going on. “Hey David, what are you doing?” her voice was still as cute and subtlety sexy as I remembered it. “Nothing much just hanging around my house, what are you doing?” “I’m staying at the Legacy downtown and I have nothing to do, so I was wondering if you wanted to hang out or something.” “Yeah yeah, I’ll be down there in like thirty minutes, meet me at the bar down by the lobby?” “See you there,”...
Let's be honest, when you have a pussy that craves wetness and a husband who loves your pussy full of another mans cum, you never know how a night out away from kids will turn out.… Let's be honest, when you have a pussy that craves wetness and a husband who loves your pussy full of another mans cum, you never know how a night out away from kids will turn out. Well here is another Wet Pussy Confession. I was wanting to change things up and take Sean (my husband) out with me for some extra...
WifeKelly feel asleep right away but I couldn’t stop thinking what had happened with her and the girls. The next morning Kelly was still asleep when I left for work. It was a long day of wondering what was going on was Kelly with the girls right now. I took off early and drove by my son’s house but Kelly’s car wasn’t there. When I got home Kelly wasn’t home. I made myself a drink and went to take a shower. I was just about done when Kelly came in the bathroom and asked if I wanted company. I said...
I love to show women my dick. That’s all there is to it. Show me a woman, and I’ll find a way to get her to glance at my cock. I love it. It turns me on. Especially if I’m hard, and they smile, or lick their lips. I love the looks on their faces when they see my cock, and then look away they pretend disapproval. And when, after just a few seconds, they look back, and squirm, I know that the disapproval is only for propriety sake. This story is about one of my...
(Fm, romance) (edited) Six months had gone by in a flash for 17-year-old Jennie, her 34-year-old husband Mike, and her mom Karen as they worked in the village school in Peru that Sandy, Randy, and her parents had built and taught at. Each day, Mike, Jennie, and Sandy would teach at the school. Mike taught math and sports with the kids while Jennie and Sandy taught English, History and social courses, with marriage and relationship courses, mixed with sex education for the older girls. Mike...
– 45 years old – She is married to her high school sweet heart – She also had a live in boyfriend fuck buddy – Husband travels a lot for work so she has backup dick – The boyfriend and her like to play with other couples – She is bi sexual and might get a girlfriend someday too – Her favorite thing to do to a man is suck cock – She likes when a long cock is shoved down her throat – Loves to swallow and taste cum – She allowed me to fuck her super tight almost virgin asshole – Not afraid to get...
xmoviesforyouThe Garden Party Mr. Smith had been planning this party for nearly a month. In some ways he’d say he’d been planning it for years. He had invited his closest friends, there would be no business at this gathering, plenty of other parties for that. Today was for fun. The location was meticulously arranged. A wide swath of white flagstones fanned out from the sliding glass doors at the rear of the house. A small stand of trees, meticulously groomed to look like they were not...
A glamorous lady enjoyed so much coming to Her Limit, that she returned hornier and warmed up by the thought that maybe this time, she’ll get enough. Cherry Kiss chose her classy stud, Christian Clay, to fuck her nice and hard with his huge white cock, that she kept on dreaming about. He puts Cherry on the mirror wall, undresses her velvet dress while kissing her neck, then he dives deep into licking her ass that tasted high class. Slaps her pretty natural tits and fingers her nasty pussy...
xmoviesforyouThe big toe of her left foot twitched. Slightly, but it really twitched. I looked at Nicole’s face. Her jaw muscles were tight, her face glistening with sweat. Then I noticed that her right eye looked normal again. “What’s going on?” I asked. “You can remove the charger.” “Is everything all right? You don’t look very well,” I said, sitting beside her. “The system is still not functioning properly, but I will be fine soon.” “It is painful, isn’t it?” She nodded. “I have cramps,” she said...
Fetish[This is a sequel to 'A Different Honeymoon'. This new story will make more sense if you read that story first.] Was it really ten months since we came back from our honeymoon, I asked myself? Certainly it had been a wonderful ten months, even if it had been a bit of a struggle financially. Shirley was working hard to complete her final year at university and within two weeks she should be finished and able to get a full time job, which would ease our financial difficulties. In two weeks...
“Alright, folks, it’s onto the mall!” I declared as my half-naked company of lovers simply marched with me in a procession toward the shopping center. Each of the women wore strap-on dildos with thigh harnesses, along with various other sex toys such as butt-plugs, ball gags, whips, paddles, collars with leashes, and handcuffs, not to mention special belts provided by Julia and Claire for their ray guns and holsters, purses, and thigh-high boots. They were otherwise nude, of course. Each of...
Before I continue this love story, I am compelled to relate to those of you who are interested a thing or two about myself. Some may find my behavior disturbing. To those people, I will say this. I am, and always will be, a free man. Free to do as I please. In this life. In this world. I wish that everyone could, just for a moment, experience the freedom that I enjoy. And for the select few who stir both my emotions and imagination I will go to extreme lengths to set them free. And... I will...
"I have never even thought about kissing a girl! Are you kidding? Have you?" Kylie asked her friend. "I've done a lot more than kiss a girl, Kylie." Jessie said and waited for her best friend's response. "You're joking! I know you're not serious. There's no way. When?" Kylie was shocked. "When I was in college. It was a lot of fun, actually. Don't look at me like I'm an alien or something! I'm still the same old me!" "I just don't understand. Why? I can't imagine you ......
It had been little over a week since the fateful day when Bella had broken up with James, her long-term boyfriend. She'd heard rumours that he’d been cheating on her with a waitress at his catering firm. When confronted, James would neither confirm nor deny the gossip — and so Bella ended the relationship on the spot.In that following week, a distraught Bella thought hard about the next step to take in her life. Eventually, she decided to seek advice from the one friend she trusted the most,...
Love StoriesAuthor’s Notes: First and foremost, Always Faithful is a work of fiction, no characters depict any known persons. To the best of the author’s knowledge, there is no women’s clothing manufacturer by the name of Business Lady. Chapter 4.2 ended with an evening dinner date with Laura, Dan and Artsy. * Four — Year of Turmoil — 4.3 Business Lady and Bitch — men and Women Only a simple action required, open front door with your key and a twist on the knob, Laura’s persona changed from wife of Dan...
The wind caught Cheryl’s map as she tried to orient herself to the little town. She knew that almost everyone had cell phones with navigation on them, but she still had an old non-smart flip phone; the kind where you had to push the numbers several times to just get one letter when texting. Needless to say, she didn’t text much either.She had pretty much pinpointed her sister’s cabin on the map; her final destination. She had been here years earlier but didn’t remember all the turns. But she...
Love StoriesChapter 14 Mike and Todd stared intently at the computer monitor as Todd maneuvered his character through a hoard of hobgoblins. "Crap," exclaimed Todd. A balrog came out of nowhere and knocked Todd's character dead. "Where did that come from?" "Those guys show up when you least expect them. Think we should call Jamie?" asked Mike. "Nah." "Why not?" asked Mike, surprised. Todd frowned. "I don't know how you feel, but I'd rather not hang out with Jamie much anymore." "Oh....
The Costume Party Part 1 Have you ever had a girl that you were head over heels for and there was no good reason for it, yet she could twist you around here little finger. Well when I was 22 I had just such a girl. I had been seeing this girl named Lisa on and off for Five months. My name is Tim and we met at a Company Party. She was not all together the most beautiful girl in the world, but she was an admitted slut as I was to find out. As time had...
I took a deep breath as I waited for her. I peeked around the corner and smiled at the large crowd. All of our friends were here. I saw Olivia Wallace glance over her shoulder and smile at me. I smiled back, Olivia's smile tickling a memory from long ago... All those memories flooded back through me in an instant, especially that magical Senior year. I felt myself frown as I realized that had been nearly thirty years ago. Time sure flies when you're having fun. Liv's eyes twinkled as...
Stacy's day could hardly have been better — even being at work seemed wonderful. The warmth of spring was in the air, allowing her to fully roll down the windows of her truck and feel the breeze flap her blond ponytail against her shoulders. As she looked around the spotless cab and double-checked her destination, she was reminded why she loved her employers. Special Express was a niche-market courier company that treated their drivers very well — especially their women drivers. In fact they...
She poked absentmindedly at the ice in her drink with a tiny little straw. The ice dipped below the orange colored liquid and quickly popped back up. She pulled out her cell phone. No messages. 10:28pm. Her friends were supposed to meet her at 9:45. She sighed and put her phone back in her small yellow purse. She often worked late and rarely had the chance to get out for a drink with her friends. And, as luck would have it, all her friends were, apparently, flakey. She glanced around the bar....
He pulls his lips away from mine but his hands remain cupping my blindfolded face. “Jennifer, I have a question for you. I want an honest answer.”“Yes?” I ask with nervous curiosity. “Are you ready? Ready for my thick cock to enter your wet pussy? I know it’s wet. Don’t tell me it’s not. Are you ready? Ready for me to slowly fuck you so you can feel every inch sliding in and out slowly? Are you ready to cum all over it? Your legs wrapped around my back? And when you do cum, your pussy will...
CheatingChapter 1 By Emdamania She knelt at his feet. Looking up at him fully clothed but with his semi flaccid penis hanging outside of his open trousers, her nerves crackled with excitement. This was not to be some ordinary blowjob, although at 36 she still enjoyed a tremendous thrill from the thought of eagerly and joyfully providing oral pleasure for a man knowing that the only reciprocal stimulation for her was purely cerebral. This was the mutually decided upon first step toward a new...
It was an suffocatingly hot day when she moved in. I was mowing the lawn in the front yard, beads of sweat dripping down my face, out of breath and wearing my rough clothes that were about three sizes too small for me. Even the sun gave a disapproving glare. Yet when her car pulled up and she stepped out of the back door she looked my way and gave a sheepish grin. I swear I almost fainted at the sight of her (maybe this was partly down to the rapidly building sun stroke, but you get the...
WARNING: this story includes woman-to-woman coercion, violence, rape and murder, with an inter-racial theme of black-on-white dominance. It is entirely fantasy, and is not meant to suggest that anyone behaves like this in reality. IF THESE THEMES ARE LIKELY TO OFFEND YOU, PLEASE READ NO FURTHER. You frighten me. You frighten me from the moment I first see you, as the guard shoves me from behind and I stumble forwards into the prison cell. The guard is like you, a muscular and...
I was a senior in high school and I was planning to go off to college in the fall. My sister was a sophomore -- two years younger than me. She may have only been 15 years old, but Jane was quite a beauty and I thought she was a knockout even though she was my younger sister. We had an even younger sister, Stephanie, but she was only in the sixth grade and didn't factor into what I'm going to share with you now. I'm actually not sure what size bra Jane was wearing when I really became aware...
The camera zoomed in between little Cindy's skinny wet thighs as Tony lay his daughter down onto the hastily-prepared bed. Her wet pussy-slit looked quite swollen and juicy, the tight, shaved cuntlips pulled apart by her wide-spread legs into a hungry grin of her desire. Tony loomed above her, his impressively large cock still only at half-mast as he knelt between his daughter's thighs, for a second before dropping his face into her crotch. Tony's put his hands under her ass and lifted...
I lost mine in the frontseat of a car, a Chevrolet I think. I had been going out with this guy for a few months all the while getting more and more physical as time went on. We had our favorite place to go for privacy which was on a dirt road with places to pull off. One night we were both pretty hot to trot and his hands were roaming way further than they had gone before. My shirt had had been open for awhile and my bra unsnapped. His hands kept trying to get to my pussy and I was insisting...