Hawk in a Chicken CoopChapter 4 A Second Attempt at Conscription
- 3 years ago
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October 1, 1986
General Wynn, as was his habit, slowly walked along the walkway of the great wall inspecting the academy grounds. Every morning he would leave his townhouse and walk to the wall, climb the stairway to the top, and look out over the grounds. Then he would slowly make his way to the front gate, pausing occasionally to observe the students in their training. From the front gate, he would either continue his walk to the far side of the street upon which his townhouse was located or stop by the administrative offices. It usually took him an hour to complete his morning walk.
Today was one of those rare days when all six classes of cadets were out practicing their martial arts at the same time. It was an amazing sight looking out over all of those cadets. The sixth class, only in their first year, were still learning the basic forms with instructors walking around making major corrections to their positions. At the other end of the spectrum, the first class of cadets were now in their tenth year and were practicing advanced forms of multiple styles of martial arts including the newly introduced Assini style which was developed by Sun assassins several hundred years ago.
The first class, which had started out at a little over three hundred students, had lost four due to a training accident, two cases of food poisoning, and one duel to the death. There was one cadet in a wheelchair who would never walk again, but she continued in the program focusing on rear echelon support functions. She still practiced a modified form of self defense that was appropriate for someone in a wheelchair.
The second class, which had started out at three hundred students, had lost two due to health issues – one had succumbed to a bad case of food poisoning and the other to leukemia. During their first six months in the academy, there had been a lot of cases of food poisoning amongst this group. A simple shift in what kind of foods were served cut back the number of cases significantly. However, the cadets were entering the phase of training where accidents could have long term consequences.
They cut back the size of the third class to two hundred students. There were fewer cases of food poisoning and none of the cadets died from eating spoiled food. They did lose one cadet to a snake bite. This class was now in its sixth year of training and were beginning to learn how to use a variety of weapons, many of which offered plenty of potential for self injury.
The fourth class retained the two hundred student level since it had proven to be much easier to manage and oversee that number of students. So far they hadn’t lost any students of that class although a few had managed to break an arm or a leg. This class seemed to be particularly aggressive for some reason. It was speculated among the staff that the cadets were trying to emulate the cadets in the first, second, and third classes.
The fifth and sixth classes were kept to the two hundred student level, as well. Now it was more a matter of resources available to watch them than it being an easier number of students to manage. It took an awful lot of staff to watch over fourteen hundred cadets.
It still wouldn’t be accurate to say that the academy ran like a well-oiled machine. There were a lot of students out on that lawn and it seemed like every day one or two the cadets had a bright idea that would get them in trouble. They definitely kept the staff on their toes.
The first three classes of cadets finally finished practicing their forms. They drifted off in several directions, heading for specialization classes that would ultimately place them in one of several cadres. It was expected that a cadet would declare a cadre at the start of their ninth year which would give them three years of advanced training.
Swords were specialized in assault operations in which they went into enemy territory in pursuit of mission objectives. There were the basic skills associated with effective utilization of weapons and explosives, but there were also hours spent studying and practicing historical battles and tactics. They studied psychology, terrain, weather, navigation, and survival. They were also expected to know medicine not only in terms of treating illness and wounds, but how the body responded to various kinds of stress.
Shields were specialized in defense operations in which they provided a defense against enemy assaults through construction of defensive structures, layout of operating bases, securing facilities, and fighting off assaults on bases. They were to know engineering and construction. They studied material properties, sensor technologies, and communications. They were to be warriors able to guard facilities and fight off attacks.
Hearths were trained in daily support operations such as maintenance, logistics, medicine, housing, and entertainment. Hearths had the widest degree of specializations of any of the cadres. It could be something as simple as doing laundry, all the way to being a physician. It was focused on keeping Swords and Shield at peak performance levels by making sure they were well fed, well rested, and physically healthy. While Swords tended to be aggressive and Shields tended to be paranoid, Hearths were caring and nurturing. For orphans who had lost their birth families, the chance to care for their new family was very enticing.
Carts were specialized in transportation including the movement of supplies and people. If something could be operated to move anything from one place to another, Carts studied it. They studied everything including carrying things on their backs, using pack animals, carts, bicycles, vehicles, boats, planes, and helicopters. They studied load balancing, packaging, navigation, impact of terrain, and a dozen other things associated with assuring that things or people arrived in one piece and on time.
Pens were specialized in using language to greatest effect. This included things like negotiation, public relations, sales, purchasing, and law. They specialized in languages, often speaking a dozen or more. They also studied psychology, and business.
The cadre system was a fairly effective means of separating responsibilities for a mercenary force. Pens negotiated contracts for Swords to fulfill. Shields provided secure locations from which Swords could mount offensives. Hearths made sure that everyone was at peak performance, and Carts made sure that people and things got to where they were needed.
The Cadre system was intended to allow cadets to focus on a set of specialized skills. It was not intended to limit a cadet in terms of taking non-Cadre oriented training. A cadet wanting to become a Sword could study cooking and gain a high rating in it without impacting his or her ability to become a Sword.
It was recognized that no one could know all of the areas of knowledge necessary in a cadre so there was a rating system that identified the competence in individual bodies of knowledge. Thus, a Cart might have high ratings in operating boats, but a low rating in operating aircraft. When it came time to use a boat, a Cart with a high rating in boats would have greater authority than a Cart with a high rating only in aircraft. In many cases, it was the rating within a body of knowledge that was more important than the whole of the Cadre.
The rating system provided a far more fluid command structure than any based on rank. Although rank often reflected overall experience, a rating reflected specific experience within a specialized field. In order to effectively command in rank, it required the rank and the experience. In order to effectively command in a rating, all it required was the rating because that was also a measure of experience.
Upon graduation from cadet to Jade Warrior, the individual will have had twelve years of intense education, and harsh practical training as a warrior. Even after graduation, a Jade Warrior was expected to continue gaining new ratings and improve existing ratings.
It was with this in mind that General Wynn watched Cadet Sada leave the training field. He didn’t know what he was supposed to do with the young woman. Cadet Sada had master ratings in over twenty different areas, but not a single expert rating. She had ratings in areas that would nearly qualify her for Sword, Shield, or Hearth. When asked to commit to a cadre, she just shook her head and declined. Recently, she had the signed up for specialization classes that were typically associated with Hearth.
He called down, “Send Cadet Sada up here.”
He could see the request get passed along, moving from one cluster of cadets to another until it reached Cadet Sada. Even from a distance he could see the grimace on the young woman’s face when the request finally got to her. General Wynn grinned knowing that there was nothing quite as unpleasant as getting called to talk to the old man.
Cadet Sada picked up the pace and jogged towards the nearest stairway up to the wall. She took the steps two at time until she reached the walkway. She then jogged over to where General Wynn was waiting for her.
“You wanted me?”
“Walk with me while I complete my morning rounds,” General Wynn said while beginning to resume his walk.
“I’ve never been up here before. It’s an amazing view of the training field,” Cadet Sada said trailing slightly behind General Wynn.
“I like the view from up here, particularly when all six classes of cadets are practicing their forms. I enjoy seeing the contrast between the first years and the tenth years.”
“It’s hard to believe that I was ever so clumsy.”
“Well, you’ve had ten years of training and they’ve only had a couple months. I would hope that there would be a little difference after ten years.”
“I suppose so. Still, they’re just so short.”
General Wynn chuckled at the comment. He asked, “Do you know what the Sergeant Major said when I asked what he thought of our first class shortly after you arrived?”
“He said, ‘They’re the shortest bunch of recruits I’ve ever seen.’ I’ll never forget how he said it in that droll dry manner of his.”
“That’s is funny, but if I may ask ... who is the Sergeant Major?”
“Excuse me, I meant Teacher Washington.”
“Ah! Knowing Teacher Washington, I can just imagine how he said it, too. He is a master of understatement at times.”
“Yes, he is.”
Sada, as did all of the other cadets who had gone through year six of training, had spent long hours every day learning how to aim a rifle or a pistol without assuming any specific firing position. He called it ‘John Wayne’ shooting although she had no idea who John Wayne was. In class, each cadet was handed specially made replicas of his or her assigned pistols and rifles. The replica had a built in laser pointer. It was a very new invention, that flashed when the trigger was pulled. The cadets were told about an invisible line that extended through the barrel of their weapon to whatever target at which the weapon was pointed. They were to adjust the orientation of the weapon until the line was on the target, and then pull the trigger to see if it actually was on target.
At first, it was frustrating when the dot was usually ten feet from the target. Hours of practice, every day for a full year, instilled a kind of hand, eye, mind, and weapon coordination that slowly became automatic. When they could run through the combat course and make a perfect score, they were judged to have achieved a rating of master in the weapon, rifle or pistol, depending upon the weapon used.
An expert rating was when one could hit ten targets while falling after being pushed off a platform. All ten targets had to be hit before shooter landed in the water. It was a fall of ten feet, but Teacher Washington was an expert at making sure the fall included a lot of rotation! This particular drill used the replicas with the laser pointer, and heaven help the cadet who shot Teacher Washington with it. The result was not pretty.
Cadet Sada had managed to get up to seven hits on target before hitting the water, so she hadn’t achieved the expert rating. Teacher Washington suspected that Cadet Sada had intentionally been slow in acquiring targets just to avoid getting an expert rating. She denied it, although without that much energy in her voice.
“Teacher Washington was always a little disappointed in you.”
“Well, he’d watch you practice and score well enough to quality for expert, but every time that you were officially tested ... you blew it.”
“It’s frustrating,” Cadet Sada said without sounding frustrated at all.
“You don’t sound frustrated.”
“I’m good at hiding my frustrations.”
“Ah, that must be it,” General Wynn said wryly.
The two of them walked for another hundred yards without talking. Cadet Sada kept looking over the wall every couple of steps. Unlike the short cropped grass inside the compound, the grass outside was quite tall. With the air still, she’d catch little movements in the grass suggesting something was moving around in it. She knew enough about the local wildlife, particularly the reptilian forms, to know better than to walk around in that grass without wearing hip boots and armor.
They reached a cadet standing guard on the wall. She was looking out over the area surrounding the compound. When they passed behind her, she quickly moved to the side to keep them in sight using her peripheral vision. Having someone stand behind her gave her an itch between the shoulders.
General Wynn asked, “Anything moving around out there?”
“Only snakes and small mammals.”
“I hear that answer quite a lot.”
“That’s because small mammals and the snakes that eat them are the only things that move out there on a regular basis. We don’t even get that many birds. They stay in the jungle.”
“Well, keep a sharp eye out,” General Wynn said.
“Always,” the cadet replied.
General Wynn resumed walking. Cadet Sada followed behind him. They walked for several hundred feet without talking.
He said, “I heard that you did quite well in the equestrian arts.”
“I achieved a master rating in it. I had a bit of trouble when going for the expert rating.”
“If I remember right, you missed the first melon on the saber cavalry charge, you went around a couple of obstacles rather than over them, and ... what was the last thing?”
“My horse was slow.”
“Your horse was slow?”
“Weren’t you riding the horse that holds the course record?”
“Yes, I was. He may have been having a bad day,” Cadet Sada said, “or I wasn’t getting the best out of him that day.”
“You don’t seem upset about it. I’d be upset if I fell two points short of receiving an expert rating.”
“You win some and you lose some.”
“You appear to be doing more than your fair share of losing.”
“You might be right,” Cadet Sada said.
The reached the corner in the wall. A cadet was standing there looking out across the open space surrounding the complex. The cadet had been aware of their approach for a long time, but didn’t turn around to challenge them. They had been noticed, assessed as friends, and dismissed as much as was possible for having someone standing behind her. There was always that itchy feeling when her back was to someone.
General Wynn asked, “Anything moving around out there?”
“Only snakes and small mammals.”
“This morning was busy with the typical traffic to and from the administration complex. All cars identified and accounted for.”
“Good. Keep your eyes open. I’m expecting visitors.”
“Could be,” General Wynn said. “They weren’t invited.”
“Thanks for the warning,” the cadet said.
The pair walked away from the cadet at the corner post. They walked without talking for another fifty feet. She kept glancing at the General wondering why he wanted to talk to her. So far, he hadn’t said much of anything substantive.
General Wynn said, “I heard that you were part of the operation in town.”
“Yes, I was.”
“What did you think of the Inrans?”
“To tell the truth, I wasn’t impressed at all. We could have run them over with the truck, and they’d have never known what hit them. I still can’t believe how unaware of their surroundings they were.”
“They were constables, and their training is a bit different from that of a soldier. How would you like to meet a few of their soldiers?”
“That might be interesting. I’d hope that they would be a little bit better than the constables. It might be nice to see them in action,” Cadet Sada said.
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The guy from a chicken shop Thanks for your lovely feedback for my last story . Am overwhelmed with love. Thanks once. Again My next story which I have encountered at the age of 17 is way am going to pen down now. While I was quite happy with my friend at school , whom we twice a week met in his bed at home right after our school get over, we started to taste both of our ass. We even bathed together while having kissed each other . Just lying naked in our shoulders . It was quite a love that...
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"I hope he gives a class, I wanna beat you once and for all in gay chicken out Robbie" John said with a big grin on his face. We got into class and the teacher was already writing down the chapter on the white board, looks like John got his wish. We sat down and got our books out and settled down, the desks in the class were spread out and placed so well that no body would have a clue what's going on, no body ever did know. John started writing his notes, I rolled my eyes and...
I have been wanting to explore my sexuality by sucking a cock. You know how the first time is always ,,, well hard and in the case of my first time thats a mouthful. We been buddies from working the mill and we both fell on hardship around the same time and by fate we ended up neighbors and all was good. Enter methamphetamine. He started making the shake style or i heard crank but whatever it was it is the best shit. We stay up for days doing just about everything to help a neighbor out. so not...
A waitress led Randall to his table and seated him in a booth. He stared at her voluptuous ass as she walked away. Her panty lines were visible through her short white skirt. It was a real turn on to him, seeing the shape of her panties. She had dirty-blonde, wavy hair. Her pointy nipples poked through her violet top. The contrast between her small boobs and big butt was lovely. He imagined nibbling on her supple behind while fondling her perky breasts. If only he could have some of that, he...
Exhibitionism176 Anne-Marie and the desert chicken run Well she was a pretty little thing, he could see that as he watched her from the car, she would be up here with him soon, about five feet and a bit high , perhaps five foot two or three, red hair blue wide and liquid eyes, shapely , nice tits, if a bit small, absolutely right for some of his more discerning clients , his experienced eye told him she was about 25,26,27 that sort of age, which meant for him she would last as an escort whore for a few...
My buddy and I decided to skip school, he had just got his drivers license and wanted to drive around. We had drove around for a little bit then decided to go to Chicken Flats. Chicken Flats is a huge restaurant near the highway where they have this all you can eat buffet for only ten dollars and it is the best food in the world. We go there and stuff ourselves and watch all the people that come in and out as it is real popular with the out of towners. We did not worry about getting caught as...
Many thanks to Techsan for editing this story It was a busy Saturday at the supermarket in our small Scandinavian town. Short of parking spaces at the supermarket as usual when my wife and I went there to shop. I did as usual; instead of driving around and searching, I stopped my Toyota Rav4 in a strategic place and when a space became empty, I usually got it even when I had to win a "chicken race" to get it. Of course, people didn't like to lose a "chicken race" but nobody had ever done...
A waitress led Randall to his table and seated him in a booth. He stared at her voluptuous ass as she walked away. Her panty lines were visible through her short white skirt. It was a real turn on to him, seeing the shape of her panties. She had dirty, blonde, wavy hair. Her pointy nipples poked through her violet top. The contrast between her small boobs and big butt was lovely. He imagined nibbling on her supple behind while fondling her perky breasts. If only he could have some of that, he...
On Sunday morning, Tommy gave Betts a nudge to wake her up. “Wake up, sleepyhead. It’s past ten, and we have things to do.”Elizabeth opened her eyes, focused on Tommy’s face, and returned his smile. “Can’t we just stay in bed? I’m certain I could find a way to entertain you.”“No doubt about it,” he replied as he handed her a mug of coffee. “But, I’ve decided to take you out for brunch, and I need to change the sheets.”Betts sat up, allowing the sheets to fall away from her naked body. Holding...
Love StoriesThey walked hand in hand down the secluded beach carrying their shoes in their hands.“This place is just glorious,” Elizabeth said, shaking her head as the breeze blew through her hair. “Why doesn’t everyone want to live here? The beach is beautiful. The sound of the waves is soothing.”“And my bride is beautiful in the moonlight,” he said as he squeezed her hand. “She’s also beautiful when she’s standing naked in the rain.”“Then I should also be beautiful naked in the moonlight,” she...
OutdoorOver the next five days, Elizabeth and Tommy had a new adventure each day. One day they went sailing, and the next toured the island. One afternoon they went fishing on a charter boat after they had attempted surfing. Their mornings and late afternoons were devoted to being naked together and learning more about their partner’s desires.Elizabeth especially enjoyed watching the dancers each night from their own table at the edge of the dining area. The small pink toy was their constant...
Love StoriesThe Complicated Life of a House Chicken - Chapter 3 I woke up Wednesday morning with a horrible hangover. My head was pounding, Josie's bedroom was spinning and I couldn't quite remember how I had gotten home last night. After my performance in the bathroom, I vaguely recalled having a few more strong drinks and lewdly dancing with Brad, but after that it got foggy quickly. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the crazy slideshow-like pieces of memories rattling around in my pretty...
Tomahawk Towing and Recovery Sunrise sat behind the wheel waiting for the other trucks to begin returning from dropping off trailer sections around the area laid out for the Academy town. He watched as Eagle, Hawk and Night Flyer began pulling up behind the Diner. Their trailers disgorging the livestock before Hawk's began turning into barns. A section of Eagle's main trailer separated and molded itself to the side of the new Diner. Slowly his grin grew as he realized what it...
The Complicated Life of a House Chicken - Chapter 4 A soft knocking on Brad's door woke me up. "Brother Brad? I've got your coffee and donuts, just like you asked, sir," I heard the tentative voice say from the other side of the door. I felt the blankets pull off of me. Since Brad's bed was pushed up into a corner of his room, flush with the wall, he had to crawl over my naked form to get out of the bed. "Hold on, I'm coming," he said as he hurriedly found then pulled up...
The Complicated Life of a House Chicken - Chapter 5 I couldn't sleep. All I could do was stare at the ceiling and listen to the soft, satisfied breathing of Madison and Brad beside me in the very crowded bed. My mind was racing to think of what Josie could have possibly done to have me on the verge of being blackballed. Had I pissed her off somehow? Had she followed through with her threats? Or, had she just gotten tired of taking orders and done something to tick off a brother? I...
Tick tock, tick tock – the minutes ticked by as Lisa gazed sideways at the big illuminated numbers on her alarm clock as she lay in bed. A dull ache that started at her scalp radiated down her body to the tips of her toes. Even her ears hurt. She couldn’t even imagine trying to move. She lay on her down-stuffed comforter and wished for a nice warm bowl of chicken soup. This cold had hit her hard and she been in bed for two days. As if that weren’t bad enough, Lisa couldn’t believe her...
I was fresh out of high school and working as a delivery driver for a major pizza chain. It had only been about a month on the job and I was still getting the hang of it. One of my coworkers, a man born in the "free-love" generation, passed his delivery to me. I figured he was either being generous because I was new, or just didn't feel like taking the call. Either way I figured I was a newbie and should appreciate each chance I got to make tips. I left my store in my Saturn station wagon with...
“What a beautiful evening to be out! ” Lynn thought to herself as she cruised through the streets of NYC in her new red BMW convertible. She had looked forward to seeing her old friend from school for quite a while, and now she was on her way. She had chosen her favorite crimson latex pleated cheerleader’s skirt, a white satin tie top, and white platform knee boots to finish off the outfit. “Very hot, indeed...” she thought while getting dressed. She was right. Looking down at her self while...
HardcoreI once saw a friends father, put his cock in a chicken carcass, before putting it in the oven.We both sat there dumbfounded, as he unzipped his trousers and took it out, went really serious, and masturbated until he had an erection, and then pushed it in the end and started having sex.Moments earlier, his wife had called out to him, not to forget to 'Stuff the bird', and he looked at us sitting there, said, 'Right Girls, Watch', and did it.He stared at both of us, as we watched him, our...
"When I get out of this rope Rosemary, you are going to bloody pay for this?" My voice cracked with rage and frustration."You talk awfully tough for a woman tied to a bed Miriam." Her voice was playful, clearly enjoying my frustration.I wriggled against the ropes tying me to the metal bed frame and cursed myself for being seven kinds of idiot for not being smart enough to see where my little plan would take me.I should rewind to the beginning of this little episode, so you can properly...
HumorHi, I am Ashok Sawant from Sangli. I was in a very distressed mood. My story, An unsuccessful Attempt, was not appreciated by many readers. Who would like to read an successful attempt? Everybody want to be successful in every Endeavour whether it is his career or it is an attempt to get sexual pleasure. So I was checking my mail to find out if there is any response appreciating my first attempt. To my surprise, I saw one mail, written by a girl. Her name was Nisha. She was also from my native...
Good day. My name is Tiffany. I've written this subroutine to act as my equivalent of a diary. Allow me to explain the present state. My name is Tiffany. I am a simulated sexual partner developed in private by Harold Conniver. I am perfectly equipped to satisfy the sexual desires and fetishes of all users. Harold Conniver is currently my only user. In my development, Harold Conniver serendipitously perfected machine-self-awareness. I am sentient. Harold Conniver is not aware of this. I must...
Hello, this is my first story. I hope you like it. Please send me feedbacks on I have been a great fan of iss since few moths. I was very eager to share a story with you all guys so now I am here with my story THE FIRST ATTEMPT OF BREAKING MY VIRGINITY. I am student of eleventh standard with 6″ dick. I am very smart in my studies and also very straight forward. My favorite part is threesome, pussy licking and lesbians ! I crave for this :P Coming to the story ….. This incident happened a...