Chicken Chicken free porn video

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“Come on you two, get in the car.” Calls their mom, who had just finished loading the groceries, and she gets in front and starts the car.

Jacob now passes the ball to Patty on the way up, but it goes to the side. With horror, Jacob realizes that Patty’s on a collision course with the evil old woman that lives way out in the country. Everyone knows all the stories about her, about how she eats kids, how she killed and buried her husband, how she could drive you insane just by looking you in the eye. Patty jumps for the ball, and while she does catch it, she also knocks the old lady down in the process, scattering all her groceries on the pavement. Patty and Jacob stand in shock, scared witless, then they both take off like a dash for the safety of their mothers car.

“Chicken, chicken.” Says the old lady, and the two children hear it clearly. They sprint all the faster, finally making it into their mothers car, where she scolds them for running around, and they go home.

“What do you think that was about Why’d she say chicken chicken like that” Jacob asks Patty when they get home.

“I have no idea, but that was pretty close. We could have died!” Patty answers.

“Hey kids, I’m leaving for work! This place better not be a mess when I get back!” shouts their mom, and soon after the sound of their mom’s car leaving gives the signal for them both to start playing videogames. They are halfway through their first game when suddenly Patty stops.

“I kinda feel weird.” She says, and puts a hand on her stomach.

“What kinda weird” Jacob asks.

“I dunno, like… “

“Like you need to poop but not really” asks Jacob.

“Yeah.” Suddenly, Patty feels her insides clench, and sharp pain bursts from inside of her. It feels like something is being pushed out of her, and she cries out.

“Are you ok Arghhhh! Ow, what is that OW!” Jacob feels it too. Patty feels a large, hard object being forced down her virgin pussy, stretching it wide, when slowly but surely it squeezes out of her and an egg falls on the floor.

“Oh my God, did you just lay an egg Patty! That is so fu-AHHHH!!!” he suddenly screams as his egg travels down a newly formed vagina of his own, the pain too deep inside of Jacob to be soothed by simply clutching his stomach. The egg slowly travels down his vagina, and finally squeezes out from a hole that has appeared at the base of his balls.

“What was that about it being funny, Jacob” pants Patty.

“What the heck happened! That old lady must of done something to us!”

“Duh, but what do we do about it”

“We need to hide the eggs!”

“Good idea.” Says Patty, and they both take their eggs and throw them away.

“Maybe it only happens once”

“Yeah, maybe.”

Both of the children carefully go back to their game, and try not to think about it, even though after about an hour they can each feel an egg once again inside of them. Now that they know what it is, they easily recognize that it’s there, but neither of them say a word, and keep on playing. After a while, they can feel two eggs rubbing together deep inside of them, but both relentlessly concentrate on their game. Neither of them are doing very well. When both of them can feel three eggs floating around inside of them, they hear their mom arrive, and they both turn off the game and the T.V.

“High kids, the house looks great. Thank you! How would you two like some pizza for dinner”

The two kids immediately forget their predicament, and their mom goes back out into the car and brings in Pizza Hut. They all sit down to eat, when Patty feels an egg start to move against her will.

“I need to use the restroom.” She announces, and with her legs tightly pressed together she makes it to the bathroom. Immediately, when she sits down, she egg starts it’s journey down her soft pussy, which is no longer as tight, but the pain is just as excruciating. It’s all she can do from crying out as the first egg is being force involuntarily down her much too small vagina, shards of pain slicing her as it stretches her every inch of the way. Finally, tears streaming her face, it plops into the toilet, and immediately another eggs starts traveling down.

In the dinning room, Jacob suddenly loses his appetite as he realizes what is happening to his sister, and what is about to happen to him. He tries to excuse himself, but his mom says no.

“I want to hear about you’re day at school honey.”

Jacob is about to speak when he feels the now familiar sensation of an egg about to drop down his inhumanly tight vagina.

“I have to poop mom.” He says, bouncing up and down in his chair.

“You’ll have to wait until you’re sister is out of the bathroom.”

It’s too late anyway. Jacob feels his insides cramp and push the egg down him, it feels as if his skin is tearing, even though it somehow isn’t. Jacob’s breathing quickens, but he’s able to hide the pain from his face.

“How’d you’re day go at school” asks his mom again.

“It was okay.” Jacob manages, the egg is only halfway down, and Jacob is beginning to sweat a little.

“What was okay about it”

“It was a normal day!” Jacob shouts, the pain spiking in his vagina as the egg finally falls into his pants, but to his horror another is on the way. Jacob can hear a second splash from inside the restroom, and a faint sob.

“I took a test on subtracting.” says Jacob, a little quicker now. He’s trying to draw his attention away from the second egg that is now traveling down him, the pain seems a little less this time, but only barely. Jacob’s legs start shaking as the egg is squeezed down his tight hole by inner muscles, as if he were a tube of toothpaste.

“Did you do well”

“I think Aie!...did.” On the word I, he was unable to suppress his small shout as the egg gave one last sharp stab at Jacob’s loins before joining the first egg.

Inside the restroom, Patty is laying her last egg, but can’t take much more. She gasps out loud as the last egg starts to make it’s way down her. She tries to stop it, but it only makes it hurt worse, so she quits. Then she tries to push it along and screams in pain as the last egg shoots out of her, splashing into the toilet. Her mom is immediately at the door.

“Are you okay Patty!”

“Yeah, Patty sobs, and she flushes the toilet, only to find that the three eggs roll back into the bottom of the toilet.

“Let me in Patty!”

“Just a second!” Patty reaches into the toilet, fishes out the eggs, and puts them into the trashcan, closing the lid. She then washes her hands and opens the door.

“Are you okay Why’d you scream!!”

“It hurt coming out. It hurt so bad.”

“You were constipated”

“Yes! Yes, I was constipated.” She wipes the tears from her eyes and hugs her mom. Patty hears Jacob grunt, and a soft thunk, and Jacob quickly gets up and softly dumps his three eggs in the trash as well while his mother’s back is turned. They finish their dinner, and the two twins go to bed early.

The two twins wake up together in the same room, since they share a room. The first thing they realize is that they had been busy in the middle of the night, having laid nealy two dozen eggs each. Without a word they both open up the window, and throw every last egg as far away as they possibly can, each one smashing on the ground. They both still feel a few eggs swirling around inside of their bellies, but they feel loose down there.

Jacob goes to wipe off his hole, which had residue left on it the past two times that he had laid eggs, and he felt the wetness now, but when he rubs his underwear on his crotch he feels nothing but the hole that the eggs come out. Patty sees the look on his face.

“What is it”

“I’m a girl, my pee pee is gone.”

“You say it like it’s a bad thing, you know you can lots of fun with a vagina. I’ll show you.” And she pulls down her pants and gasps. Her vagina has changed, it’s not longer a slit but a tinny hole, and Jacob finds that he has the same thing.

“How am I gonna pee” whispers Jacob, panicking.

“I don’t know, Jacob. My pee hole is gone too.”

“This sucks, we need to go to the witches house and get her to change us back.” Says Jacob. Then, on a completely unrelated note,“I gotta go number two…”

Jacob goes into the restroom, and sits down on the toilet. It’s strange that he doesn’t have a penis to hold onto now, and he doesn’t have to pee, but when he releases to poop it all comes out of his hole in a semi liquid stream. He shat through his vagina! Jacob reaches behinds him, and feels around. To his horror, he no longer has an ass hole. Jacob is hyperventilating, but calms down, and wipes up his hole clean of the bird poo. He calmly walks back to his sister, who is eating miniwheats, and whispers,

“My butt hole is gone.”

Patty immediately investigates, and disgust shows on her face as she finds no butt hole.

“I pooped out of my other hole Patty. Like a bird.”

“Oh no, I have to poop too.” Patty starts to cry. “I want this to end. I don’t want to lay eggs that hurt or poop out of my pussy.”

“We’ll find the witch and fix it. Don’t worry, we can fix it.” Jacob says. Patty, her face filled with sadness, makes her way to the bathroom to find out for herself what had happened. The ride to school is filled with silence as the two children both feel eggs being added to their gut, but they suppress their need to release them. By the end of the ride, both of their stomachs are bulging a little from approximatly eight eggs each. The rate at which new eggs are being added seems to be accelerating alarmingly. Both children move to their individual homerooms, and classes begin. Focusing is torture for the two as they’re both fighting to repress the eggs that are building up inside of them, and after only an hour they both look pregnant. Their teachers don’t notice because of the desks, but the other children do, and stare unabashedly.

Finally Jacob can take no more.

“Teacher Can I use the bathroom”

“Take the pass,” responds the teacher, without even looking up from what she’s writing on the blackboard.

Jacob rushes out of the classroom, pressing his legs together to try and keep his eggs up inside of him as he runs for the bathroom. As he just approaches the bathroom, he sees his sister running toward the same bathroom, her belly sticking out and bouncing as she runs. She has her hand over her crotch, holding the eggs in. Jacob follows her into the girls restroom so that he can talk to her. They both rush to a stall, and immediately sit and start laying eggs one after another, their bellies slowly deflating as one egg after another fills the toilets.

“Patty, I can’t take this. We need to leave now before this gets out of hand.”

“Yeah,” Jacob grunts as another eggs passes through his vagina, and falls onto the pile that’s now filling the toilet. “We could use a window, I’m almost done.” And as he says that, a final egg falls and he zips up his pants.

In no time at all, they’re on their way. As they go, about once every two minutes, then once every minute, they have to both stop and lay an egg, and they throw it out into the fields to their sides as they walk and walk. The old witches house is nearly six miles out from the school, and by the time they get there it’s nearly noon. The blazing heat beats down on them, but they finally arrive at the witches house.

“I don’t think she’s home,” says Patty, “there’s no car in the driveway.”

“Yeah, I guess she’s out being evil around the town. I say we go inside, don’t you think”

“Definitely, the hag deserves a lot more than robbery after what she did to us.” She stops, grunts, and pulls an egg from her pants, then throws it at her house. Immediately after the impact the front door swings open, and there the old witch is, and she scowls at the two children.

“Oh, it’s you two, how are you feeling children”

“Like you would know!” Jacob says, and he too pulls an egg from his pants, and throws it at the old hag. It flies inside the house and breaks on the floor.

“Not very smart considering your positions is it children”

Patty stops in mid throw of another egg.

“All I did was give you two chickens a chance to repay me for the damages to my groceries. You two broke two dozen eggs, and if you give me two dozen eggs the spell will be reverse itself. I won’t be so kind twice, so consider yourselves lucky.

“Come on in, have a bite to eat, and lay me a quick two dozen.”

The two children go inside, and sit. She serves tea, which both children politely sip even though it tastes terrible to them. The old lady sets two empty cartons in front of both of them, and they start immediately filling them with fresh eggs.

Jacob breaks the silence.

“Why did you have to do this to us, you could of just made our mom pay for the eggs.”

“You may remember that you two took off rather fast, and this teaches you better. I’d say it took all effort out of my hands, wouldn’t you You two came to me.”

“Sorry about throwing the eggs Ma’am.” Says Patty shamefacedly, and the old woman’s eyes light up. “We were just mad, and we shouldn’t of run when we hit you.”

The woman’s face relaxes, and she leans back into her chair.

“Maybe I was a tad harsh on you two. There, that’s all two dozen, the spell is lifted.”

“Oh thankyouthankyouthankyou.” Shouts Jacob, holding his penis which has just sprouted back. “Can I use you’re restroom” he suddenly adds, now dancing.

“Down the hall, the first door on the right.” Replies the old lady.

“Thank you ma’am, we really are sorry that we knocked you over.”

“Oh well, I’m fine and you more than repaid the two dozen eggs.” Jacob returns with a happy smile on his face, his past experience already behind him.

“How would you two like some cookies” asks the lady, and with a wave of her hand a platter of cookies materializes out of thin air. Without even a slight hesitation, the twins start eating like they’ve never eaten cookies before, and the old woman smiles as she gets up to use the restroom.

There’s suddenly a bone chilling splash, and the words

“Horse, HORSE!!! We you born in a BARN!!” she storms out of the bathroom, soaking wet from the waist down where the water has already been drawn into her full-length cotton skirt. She finds two large horses standing at her table, and her eye’s light up with wrath.

“Always put the seat down! Don’t look at me with those eyes, I warned you once, I will not be so lenient! You children will learn manners the hard way. The price for this is that I want you to raise and wean me one healthy foal!!! Now OUT! Out of my house, I should never have trusted children! Never again! Out or I shall make it two foals!”

Jacob and Patty gallop out of the witches house as quick as lightning.

“What an evil old HAG!” thinks Jacob.

“Did I just hear you call her a hag” asks Patty. Both of them are a dark chestnut color, and fine looking horses. Their manes and tails are black, and they both slow to a walk.

“Yeah, do you have a problem with me calling her a hag”

“No, it’s just that I can hear you. I think it’s telepathy.”

“That’s great and all sis, but what are we going to do” says Jacob.

“Well, I think we have to have a foal. You know, like the ones that Mr. Wayson has.” They both envision the process, neither is unfamiliar with it since they live down the road from a horse breeder, and both shudder.

“No way am I doing that.” says Jacob.

“I think we have to.” Cries Patty. “Why did she punish me You were the one who left the lid up, and now I have to give birth to a horse!”

“It’s okay, you don’t need to give birth to a horse. We just have to tell mom what she did to us, and she’ll make her change us back.”

With that plan settled, they set off at a gallop back home.

As horses, the distance to home seems much shorter. In only an hour, they’re home, and looking in the window. Their mom is home from her night-shift, and watching T.V.

“Mom!” Yells Jacob.

“MOMMY!” adds Patty.

“It’s not working, she can’t hear us,” Patty says, panicking and neighing. “How will we tell her if she can’t hear us”

“Maybe we can use the computer” suggests Jacob, and the two walk to the front door, and Jacob rings the doorbell with his nose.

Their mom answers the door, and is immediately pushed back as Jacob and Patty walk inside, making a bee line for the computer. Their mom screams, and runs from the room. Dialing can be heard.

“Do it quick Jacob.” says Patty, now pawing nervously at the ground.

The computer is already on, but it’s not on word.

“Help me guide the mouse Patty,” and Jacob takes the mouse and starts nudging it with his nose.

“Left, more left. A little higher and left. Too far, now right. A little more… perfect!” Jacob clicks the button with his nose, and word pops up.

Jacob types, “Mom.” With his nose, then looks up at the screen. It says, “n,nkoijkn>”.

“Oh. That’s not gonna work…” says Jacob.

“Grab a pen and try to write something!” screeches Patty, and they both try frantically to write their names while holding a pen in their mouth. Nothing, they can barely even get the pen to make even a squiggle.

“Gotcha there buckaroo.” Says a big sounding man as a loop of rope is thrown over Jacob’s head. Jacob turns around, pulling at the rope in the process, and sees farmer Wayson holding the other end of the rope. His big son has another rope around Patty’s neck, and they immediately start to lead them out of the house.

“Should we go with them” asks Patty.

“I don’t know. I don’t think we have much of a choice though.”

As they’re led out of the house, they see their mom watch them leave, but then they’re outside and heading toward a horse trailer.

“Looks like we got a filly and a stallion. Is it safe to put them in the same trailer” asks the son.

“It should be, the filly ain’t in heat and they seem to know each other pretty well. We don’t have much of an option either way.”

Patty and Jacob are loaded into the trailer, and immediately they’re on their way.

“What are we going to do. Even if we can run away from Wayson, we can’t possibly talk to our mom. I think we actually have to have a…foal.”

“I think you’re right Jacob. What could mom do anyway, even if we could tell her.”

“I think we should just get this over with.”

The ride is short, and before they know it, the two twins are at Mr. Wayson’s farm.

“Put ‘em in the pasture. I’m gonna make a few phone calls and see if anyone’s missing two horses.”

Jacob and Patty are lead through a gate, and the gate is locked behind them. Jacob suddenly realizes that he’s hungry, so he leans down and nibbles at some grass.

“Patty, you’ve got to try this, it’s great! Like a salad.”

“I’ll pass.” Answers Patty, and she wanders around a bit, never straying too far from Jacob. As Jacob is eating, he’s slowly becoming aware of an alien sensation. He feels warm, and funny. Patty stops wandering and is drawn back near Jacob, or more specifically Jacobs rear end. She sniffs at Jacob, and Jacob grows hotter, and the funny feeling is intensifying. Then, completely unexpectedly, Jacob has to pee, and just goes. His pee falls on the ground with a gentle splashing, but something is wrong. It didn’t feel like it came from a penis. Jacob turns around to see his sister smelling his pee deeply, with a huge boner. Immediately Jacob backs away, even though the funny feeling is growing stronger and stronger.

“Patty, if you’re the stallion. Then what does that make me”

“What do you mean” asks Patty, as though in a trance.

“You’ve got a boner!”

Patty’s dick jumps and slaps her stomach, “Wow, I guess I do. That’s way cool.”

“No, it’s not! That means that I’m the filly. I can’t be the filly, I’m the guy! I can’t give birth! I can’t have sex!”

“We need to Jacob,” Patty sooths. “If we want to ever be able to talk to mom again. Besides, it’s supposed to feel good right”

“Yes.” answers Jacob, growing warmer by the second, even though the sun is just about to set. His crotch and insides are aching with some funny feeling now. To Patty, she had already seen his vagina. She had watched it wink open and shut at her, and she had smelled it and Jacob’s pee. To a horse, this was the most arousing possible combination of anything, since all clues signaled that Jacob was in heat. Patty is in the throws of this desire to mate, and right now will do anything to mate with Jacob.

“Then let’s do it now Jacob, and get it over with. I promise I won’t hurt you.”

Jacob thinks about it, but the ach in what he now accepts is his vagina, again, is becoming overpowering. He turns back around, and some instinct tells him to spread his legs out a little more. Patty walks up behind him again, and resumes smelling Jacob’s now creamy cunt.

“Hey, pop! Looks like you were wrong, the filly was in heat. Good thing they waited until they was out in the grass.”

“Yup, them two would make a fine, fine horse. I hope no one claims them, I’d estimate them worth more that any other two horses of mine, and I’ve some mighty fine horses.”

Patty snorts one last time, her dick now rock hard and straight as a javelin, and then she rears back onto Jacob. Jacob immediately feels Patty’s penis on his belly, and only now realizes just how big it is. It’s nearly three feet long, and feels like the head is the size of a baseball.

“I’ve changed my mind Patty!”

“It’ll be okay Jacob, trust me.” She starts thrusting at Jacob.

“No sis, I said I didn’t want to! I’m too scared!” Jacob starts to walk away, and Patty’s about to fall off of him.

“And I said it will be okay!” shouts Patty, and she lunges back. Her penis hits right on Jacob’s steaming, creaming pussy, and enters three inches. An explosion of ecstasy envelopes Jacob’s mind, and Patty thrusts again, and again into Jacob, gaining a few inches with each thrust into Jacob’s virginity. Jacob and Patty scream and whiney together in pleasure as inch by inch Patty’s dick is buried in the soft folds of Jacob’s pussy. In a matter of seconds, Patty is completely buried inside of Jacob. Jacob could never of imagined the ecstasy as Patty pulls out nearly two feet then plunges back balls deep inside of his steaming pussy. Jacob’s pussy is clenching and squeezing of it’s own accord, and he just goes along for the ride. It feels like it’ll never end as Patty plunges in and out with enormous force and stamina, and Jacob feels something building up inside of him. The pleasure is getting better and better, until suddenly he orgasms, his pussy spraying out their combined juices as it grips hard at Patty’s boner. Patty, too, now starts to go faster, and with more force. Her balls are now slapping with each powerful thrust. She’s in awe at her new penis, it’s so much different from her vagina and feels so much better inside of Jacob. She goes faster and faster, trying to get more and more pleasure, and does. Her gigantic balls seem to tighten, and Patty screams again in pleasure, then in triumph as her cum travels up her dick, deep into Jacob. She might as well be pissing into Jacob, and cum flows into Jacobs still spasming pussy, filling him up until it starts drizzling out of him. They finally stop, and Patty lets her huge member soak in Jacob’s sopping pussy for a minute before slidding out.

Once Patty’s out, Jacob’s pussy starts spasming again, sending thrills down his back while he ejects jets of Patty’s cum out onto the grass. When that’s over his vagina finally starts to cool down, what’s left of Patty’s sperm settling down inside of him.

“Whoa.” Says Jacob.

“Yeah.” Agrees Patty.

“Why am I the girl horse”

“Cause you’re the one being punished.” answers Patty.

“That wasn’t much of a punishment.”

“It will be in eleven months.”

“That’s only if I get pregnant.”

“How could you not be pregnant from that I felt like a fire hose!”

“Still, it’d be best if we made sure.”

“You know, I think you’re right.”

The two of them walk off side by side, and have wonderful sex several times that day, as well as the next day and the day after that. But then, on the fourth day, Jacob suddenly can’t get hot anymore. He’s no longer in heat. Patty is put to stud services, to which she happily complies, and time goes by. After about a month, Wayson has a large animal vet come over and test Jacob to see if he’s pregnant, and the tests come back positive. Soon Jacob starts to swell up, his baby foal becoming bigger and bigger every day. Jacob’s two teats’, which are located underneath each of his hind legs, begin to swell up with milk, and Jacob’s pregnancy grows more and more uncomfortable as it moves along. At eleven months, it’s actually painful, his belly has stretched and grown so much that it’s difficult for him to run, so he walks everywhere. His belly wobbles with each step.

Then one day as he is eating some oats that the farmer had given him, he feels his water break, and that’s when the real pain begins. Deep inside of him muscles start working, and the contractions begin. Sharp stabs of pain lance up him from his uterus. Patty is immediately by his side, followed closely by farmer Wayson.

“She’s goin intah labor. JOHN! Get in here!”

Jacob is led into a large stall with fresh straw, and Jacob carefully walks in. He’s panting now from the pain, but he knows that it’s nowhere near over. His contractions last into the night, but Mr. Wayson stays with Jacob the entire time. Patty watches from the other stall, reassuring Jacob and telling him how proud she was that he was taking it so well. Jacob can only answer her in short fragments.

Then, at nearly midnight, Jacob’s contractions become bigger and last longer, and after each one Jacob feels the foal start to move. On the final contraction, the foal finally is forced out of Jacobs womb, but at first only it’s legs are poking out. Jacob starts pushing, steadily forcing the foal further and further out of him. The pain is excruciating, his vaginal walls are being torn as they stretch around the growing mass of the foal, his blood slicking the foal on it’s way out. The foal is now sticking out of him just a little, and slowly but surely she drops out of Jacob, falling out once the foal is halfway out. The foal plops on the ground, and with his vagina still stretched wide and bleeding, Jacob turns around and without a second thought starts to eat the amniotic sack. The foal kicks out, but is too weak to stand. The farmer steps in quickly and in one deft movement cuts the umbilical cord. The sack now gone, Jacob starts licking the foal clean of blood and amniotic fluid, stimulating it and drying it off before it gets cold. After a few minutes of work, the foal is relatively clean, and starts to try to stand up.

After wobbly getting on it’s feet, she immediately sticks her face under Jacob’s leg and nuzzles his teat. A happy nicker escapes Jacob as she starts drinking his milk, releasing the painful pressure. Nothing in the world could of felt better to him right then than the feeling of his foal nursing.

Mr. Wayson refills Jacob’s water trough and gives him more meal before heading in to bed. Jacob stands and eats while his foal drinks deeply from him off and on.

“Are you okay Jacob” asks Patty from the adjacent stall.

“Yeah, I’m fine now.”

“Did it hurt”

“You bet. It still hurts.”

“I can’t believe you did that. It was so big. Why’d you eat the sack and stuff I nearly threw up watching you.”

“I guess I just had to. Do you now how much she’s supposed to drink” Jacob says, indicating his still nursing foal. “I think she’s going on a gallon now.”

“Horses do drink a lot. Remember fluke Mr. Wayson let us bottle feed her, and she drank a litter every hour.”

“That’ll be a blast.” says Jacob wryly. He reaches down to lick a spot of blood and such off of his foals rump. Patty shudders, and turns away to fall asleep. Before she goes to bed though, she says one last thing.

“How are we gonna take her to the old hag tomorrow”

“We can’t, I have to wean her first. Until then, we’ll think of something.”

Time passes by, the foal growing larger and larger. After only a few weeks, the farmer begins training the foal. He starts out with simple things, at first just letting her wear a leather halter, but as she grows old and bigger he does more with her. Also, the farmer starts gradually introducing more and more mean to the foal to help wean her off Jacob’s milk, though she keeps drinking more and more each day, and Jason keeps giving more and more. Around two months, however, she starts drinking less and less, and spending less and less time with Jacob. After three months, the foal is no longer drinking Jacob’s milk, and similarly Jacob has stopped producing milk. Then, one day when the moon is full, Jacob leads his foal out of their stall, unlatching the lock on the barn door, and he and Patty leave off into the night. They arrive at the witches house before dawn, and wait outside of her door, eating from her overgrown lawn. At the crack of dawn, the door to her house opens, and the witch steps out.

“Give it to me, and the spell will break children.” Jacob nuzzles his foal one last time, then directs her to go to the witch. The witch takes the horse, and leads it with uncharacteristic kindness around the back of her house to her own small stable.

Jacob and Patty immediately return to human shape, but are naked. Standing there on the witches front lawn, they don’t even try to cover themselves. They’re too used to being naked as horses. By silent agreement, the two children smile and stroll into the witches home. They sit down at her table, and wait. The second the witch comes through the door, the two children start hurling every swear word they can at her, even inventing a few. After minutes of this abuse the insults die down to silence, but the witch stands there with an odd look on her face.

“It seems that the two of you actually enjoyed your experience, or else you wouldn’t dare risk it again. Either childbirth isn’t what it’s all cracked up to be, or you actually liked being raped by your sister. You want to be punished I’ll show you a punishment!” and the woman starts chanting a string of gibberish. Slowly the world seems to spin for the twins, then faster and faster. They fall to the ground from dizziness, but the world only spins faster and faster until they both feel like they’ll puke. The world stops spinning, and the two naked children sit up, holding their heads.

They’re back home, and they see the horse trailer with them inside of it pulling away from their house. The door is still wide open, and their mom is waving to the truck by the mailbox. Spurred suddenly by the thought of their mom seeing them naked when she turns around, the two hurry inside. It isn’t until they’re both in their room when they realize something isn’t right. Jason looks up at Patty, only to see himself, and Patty looks up to see herself. Looking down, Jason sees a pussy, and Patty sees a penis, but they’re sex’s are not human. They’re equine.


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Rai and I were at a friend’s place for the night since it was our friend’s birthday. The party was digging and somewhat chaotic but I had a blast. Something was weird though. I looked at Rai and he had that look of curiosity and eagerness in his eyes. That was when he saw me trying to figure out what he was thinking, winked at me, and brought me to a quieter room of the house. He locked the door. I began to feel a bit nervous. “What’s up, Rai? Why did you bring me over here? What devilish...

Gay Male
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Chicken Wings

I took a job as a regional property manager in a rather large property management company in Dallas, Texas managing several multi-family residential properties in the area. I loved the job because all I really had to do was make sure we had a good handle on the management of each property for the property owners- some of which were real-estate investment trusts (REITs) or individual owners. One of the properties I managed was owned by a very wealthy business conglomerate from Hong Kong. Once a...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Chicken Lilly Liver

I’ve always enjoyed having a playful wife. Even after 30 years, she makes me laugh and smile whether with me or with our kids. She has a way about her that instantly draws people in. This is not a ‘sex’ story. Just one of our typical Sunday night adventures with a sexy twist. She got the best of me and created a great memory. I hope you enjoy. — ‘OH CRUD!’ I screamed in my own head. My eyes opened and I sat up in bed. Heather, startled and falling off me, panicked. ‘WHAT?’ she gasped …...

3 years ago
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Chicken out The game

The game was formerly a kids game many years ago. Older than many of the countries on our maps today, it now imprisons a vengeful spirit. Now, the wrath of the wicked one haunts the unfortunate souls who happen to stumble across it. While the promise of a wish for anything is a tempting prospect, things rarely go as planned.. The game is easy to play. It supports up to six players. Each player get their own piece and the goal is to endure the wicked ploys of the spirit as they progress through...

Mind Control
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Chicken and Waffles Naughty Situations

A waitress led Randall to his table and seated him in a booth. He stared at her voluptuous ass as she walked away. Her panty lines were visible through her short white skirt. It was a real turn on to him, seeing the shape of her panties. She had dirty-blonde, wavy hair. Her pointy nipples poked through her violet top. The contrast between her small boobs and big butt was lovely. He imagined nibbling on her supple behind while fondling her perky breasts. If only he could have some of that, he...

3 years ago
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Chicken Flats

My buddy and I decided to skip school, he had just got his drivers license and wanted to drive around. We had drove around for a little bit then decided to go to Chicken Flats. Chicken Flats is a huge restaurant near the highway where they have this all you can eat buffet for only ten dollars and it is the best food in the world. We go there and stuff ourselves and watch all the people that come in and out as it is real popular with the out of towners. We did not worry about getting caught as...

2 years ago
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Chicken Race

Many thanks to Techsan for editing this story It was a busy Saturday at the supermarket in our small Scandinavian town. Short of parking spaces at the supermarket as usual when my wife and I went there to shop. I did as usual; instead of driving around and searching, I stopped my Toyota Rav4 in a strategic place and when a space became empty, I usually got it even when I had to win a "chicken race" to get it. Of course, people didn't like to lose a "chicken race" but nobody had ever done...

3 years ago
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Chicken and Waffles Naughty Situations

A waitress led Randall to his table and seated him in a booth. He stared at her voluptuous ass as she walked away. Her panty lines were visible through her short white skirt. It was a real turn on to him, seeing the shape of her panties. She had dirty, blonde, wavy hair. Her pointy nipples poked through her violet top. The contrast between her small boobs and big butt was lovely. He imagined nibbling on her supple behind while fondling her perky breasts. If only he could have some of that, he...

2 years ago
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Chicken loving Cuckold

I was fresh out of high school and working as a delivery driver for a major pizza chain. It had only been about a month on the job and I was still getting the hang of it. One of my coworkers, a man born in the "free-love" generation, passed his delivery to me. I figured he was either being generous because I was new, or just didn't feel like taking the call. Either way I figured I was a newbie and should appreciate each chance I got to make tips. I left my store in my Saturn station wagon with...

3 years ago
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Chicken Shit

“What a beautiful evening to be out! ” Lynn thought to herself as she cruised through the streets of NYC in her new red BMW convertible. She had looked forward to seeing her old friend from school for quite a while, and now she was on her way. She had chosen her favorite crimson latex pleated cheerleader’s skirt, a white satin tie top, and white platform knee boots to finish off the outfit. “Very hot, indeed...” she thought while getting dressed. She was right. Looking down at her self while...

2 years ago
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Once upon a time there was a man called John Seymour who wrote a book about self-sufficiency. In other words, buy a small acreage of land, with a house, and grow or make everything yourself. A bit like going back to the stone age really. Even longer ago than 'Once upon a time... ', 3rd June 1953 to be precise, my father's dream of living in a thatched cottage on a couple of acres of ground from which he could produce all the family's needs came to fruition. The events that followed should...

1 year ago
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Chicken Shit

“What a beautiful evening to be out! ” Lynn thought to herself as she cruised through the streets of NYC in her new red BMW convertible. She had looked forward to seeing her old friend from school for quite a while, and now she was on her way. She had chosen her favorite crimson latex pleated cheerleader’s skirt, a white satin tie top, and white platform knee boots to finish off the outfit. “Very hot, indeed…” she thought while getting dressed. She was right. Looking down at her self while...

4 years ago
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Chicken and Waffles Naughty Situations

A waitress led Randall to his table and seated him in a booth. He stared at her voluptuous ass as she walked away. Her panty lines were visible through her short white skirt. It was a real turn on to him, seeing the shape of her panties. She had dirty-blonde, wavy hair. Her pointy nipples poked through her violet top. The contrast between her small boobs and big butt was lovely. He imagined nibbling on her supple behind while fondling her perky breasts. If only he could have some of that, he...

2 years ago
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The Ghost And Ms Chicken

I'm Penelope Spade, budding Private Eye. Beside me, in my blue Mini Cooper as we cruise up Highway 71, sits Katrina, my tall, blonde lover, her shorts accentuating her long, sensual gams. I met her on my first caper, six months ago. But time is taking its toll. Nothing I can put my finger on (or in), but we talk less and sex is now as infrequent as a good Star Wars movie. (I warn you before you waste a lot of time reading, searching for torrid sex.) In an effort to reverse this depressing...

3 years ago
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Playing Chicken

He stopped pacing for a moment to look out of his window, anxiously biting on his thumbnail. He wasn’t sure why he was so nervous - it wasn’t like he didn’t know her. They had been good friends before they each went their separate ways for college. In high school they were often mistaken as a couple from the amount of time they spent together. Trevor and Johanna, class of 2016. The fact that she was a “touchy-feely” kind of creature didn’t help the rumors, but he truly didn’t mind. She was his...

3 years ago
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Did You See the Size of That Chicken

I have been wanting to explore my sexuality by sucking a cock. You know how the first time is always ,,, well hard and in the case of my first time thats a mouthful. We been buddies from working the mill and we both fell on hardship around the same time and by fate we ended up neighbors and all was good. Enter methamphetamine. He started making the shake style or i heard crank but whatever it was it is the best shit. We stay up for days doing just about everything to help a neighbor out. so not...

3 years ago
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Daddys Girls Chapter 10 Chicken

“Oh my God! Dad! What are you doing here? Shit!” Stacey wrapped herself in his shirt and threw a stuffed animal at him. “Get out! Oh my God!”Mike knew he had fucked up, and backed out of the room quickly. Stacey threw another pillow at him, hitting the door and knocking it closed. “Shit!” Mike muttered to himself. “SHIT!” She yelled from the other side. Mike thought her reaction was because he had watched her, and he felt terrible about it. Stacey burst into tears, rolling over and burying her...

2 years ago
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What are you Chicken

"When I get out of this rope Rosemary, you are going to bloody pay for this?" My voice cracked with rage and frustration."You talk awfully tough for a woman tied to a bed Miriam." Her voice was playful, clearly enjoying my frustration.I wriggled against the ropes tying me to the metal bed frame and cursed myself for being seven kinds of idiot for not being smart enough to see where my little plan would take me.I should rewind to the beginning of this little episode, so you can properly...

2 years ago
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Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 8 A Clutch of Chickens

Sometimes things just work out. The Discretionary Contemporary was dark on Sundays and Pewtie left his parking lot at 2:11 in the afternoon and drove straight to Warren Hardmore’s home on West 73rd Street. A real-life connection to take the merely speculative out of my theory. I called the Sullivans from my loft, “One of you drive by Hardmore’s place.” I didn’t need to tell them not to stop, not to gawk, to just do a quickie. Jessie called back a few minutes later, “Backyard bar-b-que....

2 years ago
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Wally World DelightChapter 19

After the kiss between Katy and Lucy the night's lovemaking ended up being almost anti-climatic. Not that I didn't get promoted from cabin boy to captain several times that night, but the steamy kiss between the two sexy women was the extent of their sexual involvement with each other. I found out later that Katy felt she had pushed Lucy into the earlier kiss, and that Lucy was embarrassed by something totally outside of her experience. I ended up making sweet love to Lucy while Katy...

1 year ago
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Beginning Of A New Chapter X Hot Threesome Sex With Sexy Lesbians

Hello readers, I am sharing a series of my life incidents with my cousin with you all. For those who have not read the stories, please read the previous stories. In the last part, you read that Deepti and I were having a good time in our guest room. Ankita caught us in the act and joined our fun. As you have read in the sixth part, about how Preeti and Meenal started their lesbian journey. This part will tell you what happens when Gaurav came to know about their relationship. So, starting the...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 46

It was not until June that I got called into the Company Office. But I knew what it was about, Frannie had been called in the week before and she had already told me what she had gotten. I reported in, and the Staff Sergeant handed me a telex printout. I scanned through it, it was a copy of my orders. 1 August I was to be detached from the Third Marine Division, and after appropriate PCS Leave policies in place I would report to Marine Corps Air Station, Yuma, Arizona. I quickly ran this...

4 years ago
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My Sexy And Hot Mami 8211 Part I

Hi! Friend’s thanks for your reply and encouragement now I’m going to continue my story those who has not read previous part please read it first then you can understand how this all started. My id: She takes my cock and start to suck it and after some time she herself enjoy it she said I never do this before. You r the first man who’s cock I suck. Then I stand her and took of her underwear and now she is stark naked. She hides her face with her hands and stands all naked and I look at her and...

3 years ago
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William Redman CarterChapter 12

It was past time for the weekly status meeting among the bodyguards and they had a problem. Rock and Colt had arrived, but Natalie and Nicole had not put in an appearance yet. Neither man was very happy. The absence of the two women at the meeting underscored the problem. For some reason, the women were furious with them. Everyone in the household, with the exception of William, was aware that there was a problem among the bodyguards. The first clue that Rock had of a problem was when he...

2 years ago
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Maiden of RomeChapter 9

Spring came early that year. The soldiers laid down wooden planks to avoid the mud caused by the melting snows. Penelope, as promised, didn't overly do it with the man who replaced Gaius. His name was Marcus and he was very skilled. Because she held back, he often gained the upper hand on her but she always recovered and continued to fight back. She had a leather outfit made where the skirt fell to the length of her boots. It gave her freedom to move quicker than in a robe or a gown. People...

2 years ago
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Bens Day

Having only just joined this site I decided to ‘test the water’ with the very first story I ever wrote. It was published on another website and was very well received. I hope to get feedback from fellow authors. It was only a small pub with two bars, the ‘Private’ and the ‘Public’ and Ben, who hadn’t been there before decided on the private bar that he thought might be quieter and somewhere where he could get his thoughts together after the heated argument with his wife. He was fed up, her...

4 years ago
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The Crusader Ch 04

Chapter 4: Blood Feud The further adventures of Rollie Chambers. Constructive comments, emails and critiques are welcome and requested. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my story. ******************** Rollie Chambers was speeding. Weaving through traffic he jumped a yellow light and roared through another intersection. Damn rush hour, he thought. City’s getting too crowded. Rollie cut in front of a car on his right, getting a one finger salute and a long horn blast for...

2 years ago
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El No We Wont GoChapter 11

Saturday 7:15 A. M. Police District 1 Locker Room, Chicago, IL As the locker room door opened, Rick looked up and saw Stan come rolling through, "Morning Pard, how'd your night go?" Rick asked. "Oh man, is this ever going to take some getting used to. Being called 'Lord' every time I turn around is just too much," replied Stan. "Tell me about it. Hey, you ready for this? Last night I turned the 'ring' back into a 'sword' and I'm thinking, 'Wonder how to maintain this...

3 years ago
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Quotes by ANAIS NIN on Sex Love Life and Intimac

(1903 ▬ 1977)A great role model for women in her an future times.This well advanced Frebch - Cuban lady, wrote and applied into her life what she wrote on the topics of Sex, Sexuality, Life, Love, Intimacy writer lived what she wrote. Anais, Rest In PeaceThank you for your outstanding contribution.[If you like these quotes, please vote and write a comment]♥♥♥♥♥ Quotes by Anais Nin ♥♥♥♥Good things happen to those who hustle.There is not one big cosmic meaning for all, there is only the...

1 year ago
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Burningman fun for 4

Gary: After coming back from the playa the E really started to hit. We went in the tent which was big enough for all of us. We had run into a couple on the playa, Dick and Jane. Jane was a blonde about 5’ 6” with a nice ass and smallish breasts with huge nipples you could see poking through her skin tight blouse. Dick was about 5’ 11” black hair with a chiseled jaw, broad shoulders, dark eyes and tight jeans which showed more than a little. Alexis had on a skin tight lacy top with no bra....

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LittleAsians Vina Sky Asian Love At First Fuck

For a long time, Vina Sky has felt like there has been a huge slut lurking inside of her. When she turns eighteen, she goes on an unconventional dating site where she is able to video chat with guys she meets to see if she likes them. When she finally meets up with the stud who she has been flirting with IRL, she has mixed emotions. She is nervous, but also insanely wet. He grabs her and kisses her passionately before taking out his monster cock for her to gag on. She lays out on the bed and...

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Control Geek

by Randy MacAnus Mitchell Gandolf was a wizard at science, especially Chemistry and Micro-Biology. So, inevitably, he was a geek of the first magnitude. They called him Mr. Wizard at school and usually not in a kind way. His last name didn't help. Even though it was spelled a bit different than the wizard from the “Lord Of The Rings”, it was pronounced the same. His fellow geeks in the Science Club thought it was really cool. Everyone else thought it was really dorky. His science club...

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I really couldnt help it

In my late fifties, Diane was my perfect match, we fitted together perfectly, she had a super figure for her age, she indulged me in my sexual whims, I had a high sex drive and she entertained me whenever the urge came. Sadly after 4 wonderful years, Diane passed away, leaving a huge void in my life. Rather than allow myself to wallow in the depths of despair, I focussed on supporting Elaine and Carol in whatever way I could, happy in the knowledge that Diane would have wanted this. I did...

1 year ago
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Black List I GhostsChapter 22

“I just hope that he wasn’t a traitor,” the president says, taking a sip of his bourbon. The vice president is sitting directly across from the man, a glass in his hand as well. “What do you mean?” “Come on, Time,” McKinsey says in a strained voice. “He was found at an abandoned airfield with a bullet in his head. He was the chief of staff. What was he doing out there?” “He wasn’t alone,” Stanos says. “There was a firefight.” “Yes, he could have been meeting someone that had information...

4 years ago
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My sissy exam fantasy this one is fiction

OK. I'm not a Dr. But I know a guy who connects me to a local private 'members only' sex club. I told him about your 'situation' and he said he's got just the thing. Turns out the local (gay) sex club caters to all kinds of fetishes; and it has a simulated medical examination room. So I txt you with the address; time; and directions for you to show up in panties and stockings, short mini skirt, halter top and fuck-me hooker boots.I will be your Dr; and the exam will see if we can determine the...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Brooklyn Gray Gia Derza Joanna Angel8217s Dungeon Furniture Emporium

Girlfriends Gia Derza and Brooklyn Gray are at the emporium, looking around the showroom. Joanna Angel approaches, asking the ladies how she can help them. They tell Joanna that they are looking for a washing machine and ask her if her store sells appliances. Joanna doesn’t have any washing machines, but – eager to make a sale – she gestures to a large cross, claiming that they can use this to wash clothes. Brooklyn is puzzled, asking Joanna to explain how THIS can possibly...

1 year ago
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My Neighbour Soon to Be Lover Chapter 2

Layla's fantasy is a threatened by a worrying realization. [email protected] If you email me, I will definitely read it and reply! Patreon: I’ve started a patreon in case you would like to support my work. Everyone who supports is an indication that this is something I should continue doing and it spurs me on to do more! Copyright 2019. All rights reserved.

3 years ago
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Two Steps Into LoveChapter 4

Lisa: Oh, I was so excited running back upstairs for our second round of sex. I wanted on top this time, I wanted to just fuck him as hard as I could. In just moments, I was up over him, had his cock deep inside me and was merrily fucking away. Oh, it felt so good. I had a wonderful orgasm, just stunning and was getting John right up to having his, I could feel him tense and then buck into me, spurting me full. Then, his eyes get big, he's looking panicked over my shoulder, still humping...

4 years ago
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Having Sex With My Cousin

Hi, guys, I am Choco. I am 20 years old, from Chennai. I am a bit tall guy with an athletic body and a tool size of 7″. And this was my first incident that happened a few months ago. Let’s get into the story.As I completed the 2nd year of my college, I had my semester holidays at that time. So my aunt called my mom and asked her to send me to her place for a few days. My cousin was coming from Bangalore for a vacation. So I went to my aunt’s place which is in Chennai.She welcomed me and gave me...

2 years ago
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A Cuckold Wedding Ceremony Part II

Jayne and Steve just stood there facing each other for a few moments, in silence and focused on the garter in her hand. She could still feel its warmth. The thought crossed her mind that Sandra was probably wearing it while getting fucked by Darius and Henry and it made her feel the sexual excitement stirring up inside her. Their eyes suddenly met and they were about to speak when a woman approached them.“Hi guys,“ she said with a Texan accent. “Tom and Sandra have laid on some food and drink...

3 years ago
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Short Sexy and sweet

Introduction: Hey guys, this is my first go and this is something that i have been thinking about for a while. Enjoy, sorry for the mistakes. Intro: A son has a thing for little people porn and it just so happens that his mother is a little person. This is a set up for something amazing, sorry if its too long Chapter 1: Birds began to squawk, waking Jericho up. He needed his sleep, wanted it more than anything, being a 15 year old horny teenager, sleep and masturbation where the only things...

4 years ago
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The Sleep Out in the Tent

OK, everybody put your way back hat's on to remember a simpler time, before cell phones, computers in your home and all that kind of stuff.It was summer, school was out and we were just shy of our teens. We had spent the day playing like k**s in the early 70's did. We went into a friend's pool to cool off when the idea came to have a sleepout. The friend with the pool had just gotten a new tent so it was decided to be at his place in the back yard (we were in a suburban area). All of us had...

2 years ago
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So Many Girls All Night Long

As night falls, visions of all the girls in your new College class come into mind. You often fantasized about fucking every one of them one-by-one, while beating off in your room. You knew there would be hot girls when you started at College, but you didn't expect the entire female half of your class to be Supermodels. And tonight is the night of the very first College party and your whole class will be there. Walking alongside the road nearing the house that holds the nights action, you hear...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 322

Jeff noticed that the General had moved a few paces away from the gift assembly area and seemed to be talking on his radio via his throat mike. After a few moments, Whitworth returned to kneel down and hold the rear wheel on the bike as Jeff tightened the axle nut. "Looks even," the General said as Jeff gave the final tug on the wrench. As they started on the front wheel, "Colonel, I've just been told that a vid is ready and I would like you to watch it with me." Before Jeff could...

3 years ago
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My First Bisex experience

I was thirty something when I first laid my hands on another guys cock and it happened something like this. It was summer time and my then partner and I along with her grown up k**s were planning to go on holiday to Greece in about six weeks, I was moaning to her about the fact that I was a whiter shade of pale because of my indoor job and would stand out as a typical Brit on the Greek beaches. She jokingly suggested that she would ask her friend Stuart, one of a couple of gay boys living two...

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Rose Garden Fun

The other night I was out in London and feeling a horny and wanting a blowjob. I got a tip that in the largest park in London there was a cruising spot for bit of outside fun. I'd never been before but it was late and dark enough so I figured I'd give it a go. When I got there it was a bit surreal. There were two police officers at the entrance. I immediately thought this was the wrong place. Surely they'd not be here if there was a real cruising spot? Either way, I ventured in.As soon as I got...

1 year ago
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Stories I like Our first footsie

Our first footsie Micha had always had a fascination with women. Not in a sick and perverted way, but in a admiring and loving way. He thought there was nothing more beautiful than a woman that took care of herself and had self-confidence. From her hair, soft skin, luscious lips, curvy hips, round stomach, down to her soft legs. Including, of course, her well pedicured nails. However, as much as he loved beautiful women, there was one part of a woman’s body that he had only recently begun to...

4 years ago
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Hell Followed With HimChapter 2 The Horseman Rides

And now you're up to date. We were going to go to her Company Independence Day celebration, and we were already dressed for the party when I got the call to come in and fix the fuckin' server. Latisha looked gorgeous in her emerald green party dress. We had already celebrated our Anniversary. She got me a nice watch, and I got her a pair of silver earrings. We'd had the whole day off, of course. But then the call came from my boss, telling me that he needed me to fix that damned...

1 year ago
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A Spy Story memories From England 8211 Part l

Miss Riya Joseph? Asked Mr.Bakshi. I turned around to look at his smiling face. You are the first female agent that has done us so many successful missions, said Mr.Bakshi as he came over to shake my hand. Luck never seems to leave my side, i said as i shook hands with him. The Indian intelligence had started to train female agents to become spies and get their secretive and dirty jobs done. I was part of this programme. My first venture was to Spain. The Indian government wanted me to steal...

3 years ago
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The Master WarriorChapter 5

The following creatures appear in this chapter and others: The Grroz Canis Lupus Erectus, 6’-2” tall, gray/brown pelt, massive jaws and teeth, nearly immortal, super strong, lightning fast, telepathic Thorne still has the Narrative On reaching the first floor, we went out onto the enclosed porch to observe what was going on, as it was the only place with a clear view of what was occurring. We could see that the dogs were in a frenzy, and nearly all of them had gathered outside the porch...

2 years ago
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The Vacation Vixen

Gil decided to take a vacation to get away from the building stress of running his business. He wanted to go somewhere different; some place where his subordinates would not try to find him. He told everyone he was going overseas and would not have access to email or phone service. In reality, Gil drove 300 miles to visit his best friend, Randy with whom he had served several years in the Navy. Randy had married a few months ago and Gil decided it was time that he met Randy’s wife, and got...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Actions and Consequences Part Three Wrong and Right

 I looked in the mirror again to make sure I looked good enough for the interview. Lexi had come over and done my hair. She had done a great job. I decided to wear one of my black dresses. The plunging neckline was just enough to show a good amount of cleavage without being too over the top. It stopped just above my thighs, with a simple cross of my legs it revealed just enough of my thighs. I was planning to use all that I could to make sure I got the job. I was tired of driving around town,...

Oral Sex
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The Greatest Miracle of Life Chapter Five

The light from the window woke me the next morning, Friday. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was early - 6:30. I surveyed myself mentally and realized that while the nausea was there, I didn't feel that I was going to be sick. Maybe that was a good sign. More than that, I was feeling silly. Downright giddy, actually. I couldn't have defined the feeling back then, but now I would call it feeling girly. Playfully, I rolled over and kissed my husband on the cheek, feeling the...

4 years ago
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Art SomethingChapter 2

I sat in the dark theater between Linda and Annette while a silly rom-com played on the big screen. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do, but I had to decide who to do it to first. Linda had a lot to offer. She was a smart girl, trim, with big boobs. She must have used a forklift to get them up as high as they were displayed under her sweater. It was tempting, but I had a feeling she was wearing a steel reinforced brassiere. Annette wasn’t as stacked, but she was insanely cute. Her face was...

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A Fool Stumbles Into Love Ch 07

Maureen’s mom had walked her daughter through her earliest years, her injury, those awful first months when she nearly died, the little boy who was her companion and savior, their separation, and her subsequent surgeries and therapy. Maureen listened at first with polite condescension, but her patronizing demeanor soon evaporated, fading into disbelief, then confusion and denial, and last to appreciation, an appreciation tempered with profound feelings of guilt and grief, guilt over her own...

3 years ago
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Office Fun Part 2

Marcia was sitting in the car park of the office, about to leave having just finished work, when she saw Lee walk out of the building and head towards his car. It had been four days since they had fucked in the office, and she was eager for a second round. She checked herself in the rear view mirror before beeping the horn. Lee looked towards her and she beckoned him over, winding down the window as she did. “Hey,” she said with a smile. “Hi,” he replied, ducking his head in through the window....

1 year ago
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A Chefs JourneyChapter 12 Struggling to Find a Place

Jason I quickly discovered that there was a huge difference between being the head chef of a restaurant at a small resort, and serving as a sou-chef in one of the many resort hotels in Las Vegas. The head chefs were not only demanding, but also very unwilling to give instruction to any young chef. You were expected to know what to do, and to go and do it, without fail. I did find the experience interesting, but far more frustrating than I liked. Brent's praise of my abilities to his friend...

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