Hawk A Dove Ch 02
- 3 years ago
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October 2, 1986
Cadet Sada followed the Sergeant Rao out to join the rest of the troops. They were lounging around, outside, passing time in a manner she didn’t understand. Two were even asleep, but not one of them was alert enough to keep track of their surroundings. She didn’t understand how any group could be in a strange place, and yet be so oblivious to everything around them.
Cadets didn’t just sit around and do nothing. There was always some skill to practice, some topic to learn, some maintenance task to perform, or just problems to work through. She had a small book on advanced mathematics tucked away in her armor to read when not actively doing something. Just sitting around staring at the ground was a waste.
The Sergeant barked out an order to line up in formation. The regulars seemed to take their time getting up and moving into formation. Apparently the Sergeant was used to it because he didn’t chew them out about not moving quickly or being alert. There was a bit of fumbling while they grabbed their rifles and gear. She was the first ready to get in line, but waited until the line formed before taking the last position in it.
The Sergeant stood in front of the assembled troops apparently pleased with their performance. Each of the soldiers was standing straight up at attention with eyes fixed forward. She leaned forward and looked down the line. She saw that they were all stiff and facing the same direction.
Thinking that someone needed to watch their backs, she turned around so that she was watching the other direction. She did notice a rather poisonous snake slowly moving in their direction. She wasn’t standing ramrod straight, but with her feet apart and body balanced to move in any direction at a moment’s notice. Her arms weren’t pressed against her sides with hands straight down. She had one hand resting on the hilt of her sword and the other on the butt of her pistol.
After the third year, cadets didn’t formally get in lines like that, unless moving from one place to another in an organized manner. When they did line up, they didn’t all face the same way. Some faced to one side or the other, some to the front, and some to the back. That was even true for first years, who did spend a bit more time in lines than the later year classes.
The idea of everyone lined up, facing a single direction, and with eyes focused forward really bothered Cadet Sada. It was the most unsafe practice that she had ever observed. It might have had value when armies lined up against each other on a battlefield and basically slaughtered each other by firing into each other’s ranks until one broke and ran.
The Sergeant Rao looked across the rank. All of his soldiers were at attention as expected except for one. He couldn’t believe his eyes. The cadet, one of these supposedly wonder soldiers they were supposed to collect, was facing the wrong direction. Not only that, the cadet wasn’t standing at attention. The Sergeant was beginning to believe that the General was right, these cadets wouldn’t fit in his army. The General wouldn’t ever admit that his cadets were too stupid to be in the army. Well, Sergeant Rao was confident that he could deal with stupidity and turned this cadet into a real soldier.
He stormed over toward to give the cadet a proper Sergeant’s chewing out that would cause the cadet’s ears to burn for three days. He was about two steps away when he came to a sudden halt. The cadet had twisted a little, but there was now a pistol pointed straight at his gut.
Cadet Sada shouted, “You idiot! Don’t you know better than to charge someone from behind? Particularly when you are in an unsecured area? I almost shot you! I swear by all the Gods of War, I’ve never seen anyone act in such a manner. Do you have a death wish?”
Sergeant Rao had never, in his wildest imagination, thought that he’d be chewed out like that by a raw recruit. He was stunned. A couple of the privates snickered.
Sergeant Rao shouted, “Private Sada!”
“I am ‘Cadet’ Sada!” she shouted back just as loud. Holstering her pistol, she stepped forward until she was nose to nose with the Sergeant, and shouted, “If you want to address me, you will call me Cadet Sada, not Private Sada. Do you understand?”
Apparently, he didn’t.
“Private Sada! You will get back in line! You will face forward! You will stand straight, feet together, and shoulders back! You will look straight ahead! Do you understand me?”
“Mister Rao! Are you an idiot? We are not in a secure area!”
“Private Sada! You will follow orders.”
Cadet Sada glanced over her shoulder, pulled her pistol, and fired at the snake. It had moved to within two feet of one of the soldiers in line. She returned her pistol to her holster.
“What in the hell did you do that for?”
“One of your idiots was about to get bit by snake,” Cadet Sada said pointing at the dead snake without looking at it.
The soldiers, unable to resist turning their heads to look, suddenly jumped forward about five feet, screaming, and pointing at the dead snake. Sergeant Rao stared at the dead snake.
“We are not in a secure area, Mr. Rao. You should have your men on guard duty watching for threats such as that snake, or the one over there or the one over there.”
He looked in the directions in which the cadet pointing. He could feel his anus tightening. There were two more snakes in the area. The good news was that only one of them was poisonous. It appeared that they were coming out of the tall weeds to sun themselves.
“You are derelict in your duty!” Cadet Sada shouted.
General Wynn took a sip of his coffee from a very thin porcelain cup. There was a pattern of green swords and black shields around the rim. He put the cup on an equally fragile looking saucer that was obviously a pair with the cup, although the matching pattern was covered with small paper napkin used to blot up any small coffee spill.
Lieutenant Rangan was not so relaxed. He was concerned by the shot fired outside.
Startled by the noise of a door banging open, he looked up as Sergeant Rao stormed into the room. The man looked livid. His ears were actually red.
“I heard the pistol shot. Since there is no blood on you, I guess that Cadet Sada killed one of your men,” General Wynn said as if he was suggesting that Cadet Sada had stopped at the store on the way home to purchase a gallon of milk.
“He shot a snake.”
“Ah, we have quite a few of those around here. A good percentage of them are poisonous. It’s always good to hear that another has been killed. I suppose I ought to send a bunch of cadets over here one day and let them tromp through the grass. It’s a good way to get rid of snakes and it increases the cadet’s awareness of their surroundings, although they don’t have much room to improve.”
“You send your cadets into a grass field loaded with poisonous snakes?” Lieutenant Rao asked.
“Only inside the compound and around the administrative offices. The guards on the wall enjoy watching the snakes go after the small mammals that live in the field. If you are really observant, you can judge just how big the snake is by how much it disturbs the grass when it moves.
“Having them there is also a little surprise for anyone foolish enough to approach the Academy compound, off road. A man would have to be positively insane to attempt crossing that field on a midnight reconnaissance mission.”
That little comment took care of the red ears on Sergeant Rao. He paled thinking that he was planning on doing exactly that, later that night.
Lieutenant Rangan asked, “Why are you here, Sergeant?”
“I want that cadet out of my sight.”
“What happened?” Lieutenant Rao asked.
“I had the men line up. Cadet Sada got in line facing backwards. When I went over to correct him, he pulled a loaded pistol on me. He then yelled at me, calling me an idiot. After he shot the snake, he even dared to accuse me of dereliction of duty.”
“That’s absurd,” Lieutenant Rangan said.
General Wynn said, “It makes sense to me. You’re lucky you didn’t run up on a Shield. You’d have been killed.”
“What do you mean?”
“You always slowly approach someone on guard duty from the side where they can watch you in their peripheral vision. Running up on someone on guard duty from behind, and without announcing yourself, is basically an attack.”
“He wasn’t on guard duty. He was supposed to be standing in formation.”
“Let me guess, you had them standing in formation facing a wall with their backs to the field in an unsecured site.”
“I had them standing in formation.”
“Did you have guards posted?” General Wynn asked.
“No. There’s no reason to have guards posted.”
General Wynn said, “You are in unfamiliar territory. You are surrounded by people with whom you may be in conflict, because of your desire to conscript our cadets; you had your back to a field full of dangerous animals, which were likely to leave the field to sun themselves in the area you occupied; I would suggest that you had every reason in the world to post guards!”
He reached over and picked up his cup of coffee. He took a sip watching the Sergeant over the lip of the cup. The Sergeant was fuming. It seemed pretty obvious that Cadet Sada had told the man exactly the same thing.
“We are members of the Inran Army and no one would dare attack us inside our country,” Lieutenant Rao said.
“Except snakes. They don’t care if you’re wearing a uniform or not,” General Wynn said. He started to raise the cup for another sip and then lowered it as if he had a second thought to add. “Come to think of it, you were mentioning something about rebels. They might attack you.”
“He questions my authority.”
“Frankly, so do I,” General Wynn said.
“I outrank him.”
Making note that Sergeant continually referred to Cadet Sada as a male, General Wynn smiled at the thought of what would happen when he discovered that he was actually a she.
He said, “Actually, you don’t. Cadet Sada is not a member of your army, but is attached to your army for a specific purpose. Cadet Sada is not military and has no rank. In fact, someone in that position might actually might be considered a civilian. What do you think, Lieutenant?”
As much as he hated to admit it, the General was right.
Finally, he said, “You’re right.”
“To give this little experiment a chance, I’ll let the cadet know to follow your orders so long as they do not jeopardize the cadet’s life. Would you say that is fair?”
“Yes,” Lieutenant Rangan said.
“I don’t like him,” Sergeant Rao said. “He’s trouble. His voice hasn’t changed yet, but he’s acting like a know it all.”
“I think that is what this whole experiment is all about. We want to see how easily our cadets would function in your organization,” General Wynn said thinking there was a very good reason why ‘his’ voice hadn’t changed.
“Exactly,” Lieutenant Rao said.
General Wynn said, “Cadet Sada fired a shot and needs to clean the pistol. Why don’t you send Cadet Sada in here, so that I can talk with the cadet while the pistol is cleaned?”
“I’ll send him in,” Sergeant Rao said. He laughed and then added, “When he’s done cleaning his pistol, you let him know that we’re going to do some exercises. We’ll see how he likes a little ten mile run wearing that heavy crap he has on.”
“I think a light workout might be good for Cadet Sada,” General Wynn said with a smile.
General Wynn had a short chat with Cadet Sada while she cleaned her pistol. She made the Lieutenant a little nervous with the way that she positioned her rifle so that it was close at hand while her pistol was apart.
The exercise was a light workout for Cadet Sada, although the Inran troops seemed to be dragging by the time they finished their run. She had been surprised when they had left their rifles in the truck before the exercise and during the ten mile run. On the other hand, the Sergeant was surprised when the cadet did all of the callisthenics wearing the armor and with the weapons. It bothered him that the cadet didn’t drop to the ground at the end of the run, but walked around cooling off.
Most of the afternoon was spent doing nothing. The troops sat around indoors talking and playing cards. Cadet Sada sat in a corner of the room reading her math book. Sergeant Rao watched her thinking that the guy was an arrogant prick in not trying to blend in with the rest of the soldiers.
It was nearly ten o’clock at night when General Wynn called Lieutenant Rangan and Sergeant Rao into a room filled with monitors. The two men entered the room and stared at all of the equipment in the room. On four of the monitors, they could see the soldiers moving around in the barracks. The men in there were giving slightly hostile glances in the direction of Cadet Sada.
“I hope you don’t mind if I record what happens in the dorm, tonight,” General Wynn said.
“I don’t know,” Lieutenant Rangan said.
Sergeant Rao said, “Look, young soldiers will occasionally razz a new recruit. It’s all part of bonding. We all know that there are times when things might get out of hand, but that’s just normal. I don’t want a tape of this being made so that you can file charges against them.”
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A waitress led Randall to his table and seated him in a booth. He stared at her voluptuous ass as she walked away. Her panty lines were visible through her short white skirt. It was a real turn on to him, seeing the shape of her panties. She had dirty-blonde, wavy hair. Her pointy nipples poked through her violet top. The contrast between her small boobs and big butt was lovely. He imagined nibbling on her supple behind while fondling her perky breasts. If only he could have some of that, he...
Exhibitionism176 Anne-Marie and the desert chicken run Well she was a pretty little thing, he could see that as he watched her from the car, she would be up here with him soon, about five feet and a bit high , perhaps five foot two or three, red hair blue wide and liquid eyes, shapely , nice tits, if a bit small, absolutely right for some of his more discerning clients , his experienced eye told him she was about 25,26,27 that sort of age, which meant for him she would last as an escort whore for a few...
My buddy and I decided to skip school, he had just got his drivers license and wanted to drive around. We had drove around for a little bit then decided to go to Chicken Flats. Chicken Flats is a huge restaurant near the highway where they have this all you can eat buffet for only ten dollars and it is the best food in the world. We go there and stuff ourselves and watch all the people that come in and out as it is real popular with the out of towners. We did not worry about getting caught as...
Many thanks to Techsan for editing this story It was a busy Saturday at the supermarket in our small Scandinavian town. Short of parking spaces at the supermarket as usual when my wife and I went there to shop. I did as usual; instead of driving around and searching, I stopped my Toyota Rav4 in a strategic place and when a space became empty, I usually got it even when I had to win a "chicken race" to get it. Of course, people didn't like to lose a "chicken race" but nobody had ever done...
A waitress led Randall to his table and seated him in a booth. He stared at her voluptuous ass as she walked away. Her panty lines were visible through her short white skirt. It was a real turn on to him, seeing the shape of her panties. She had dirty, blonde, wavy hair. Her pointy nipples poked through her violet top. The contrast between her small boobs and big butt was lovely. He imagined nibbling on her supple behind while fondling her perky breasts. If only he could have some of that, he...
On Sunday morning, Tommy gave Betts a nudge to wake her up. “Wake up, sleepyhead. It’s past ten, and we have things to do.”Elizabeth opened her eyes, focused on Tommy’s face, and returned his smile. “Can’t we just stay in bed? I’m certain I could find a way to entertain you.”“No doubt about it,” he replied as he handed her a mug of coffee. “But, I’ve decided to take you out for brunch, and I need to change the sheets.”Betts sat up, allowing the sheets to fall away from her naked body. Holding...
Love StoriesThey walked hand in hand down the secluded beach carrying their shoes in their hands.“This place is just glorious,” Elizabeth said, shaking her head as the breeze blew through her hair. “Why doesn’t everyone want to live here? The beach is beautiful. The sound of the waves is soothing.”“And my bride is beautiful in the moonlight,” he said as he squeezed her hand. “She’s also beautiful when she’s standing naked in the rain.”“Then I should also be beautiful naked in the moonlight,” she...
OutdoorOver the next five days, Elizabeth and Tommy had a new adventure each day. One day they went sailing, and the next toured the island. One afternoon they went fishing on a charter boat after they had attempted surfing. Their mornings and late afternoons were devoted to being naked together and learning more about their partner’s desires.Elizabeth especially enjoyed watching the dancers each night from their own table at the edge of the dining area. The small pink toy was their constant...
Love StoriesMein Delhi mein rehta hoon, aur mere ghar main mere mummy papa, teen bhai aur 2 behne hai, meri didi sabse badi hai aur ek behan sabse chhoti hai, meri didi ki umar 40 saal ki hai meri umar 28 ki hai. Meri didi ki shaadi hue 14 saal ho gaye hain unka ek beta aur ek beti hai. Meri didi ka figure aaj bhi bahut hi attractive hai, wo sanwali hain lekin chehre pe bahut sex apeal hai. Jab mein kuch samajhdaar hua to mujhe pata chal chuka thaki meri didi sex ki bahut bhukhi hai, aur kai logon se uske...
The Complicated Life of a House Chicken - Chapter 3 I woke up Wednesday morning with a horrible hangover. My head was pounding, Josie's bedroom was spinning and I couldn't quite remember how I had gotten home last night. After my performance in the bathroom, I vaguely recalled having a few more strong drinks and lewdly dancing with Brad, but after that it got foggy quickly. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the crazy slideshow-like pieces of memories rattling around in my pretty...
Tomahawk Towing and Recovery Sunrise sat behind the wheel waiting for the other trucks to begin returning from dropping off trailer sections around the area laid out for the Academy town. He watched as Eagle, Hawk and Night Flyer began pulling up behind the Diner. Their trailers disgorging the livestock before Hawk's began turning into barns. A section of Eagle's main trailer separated and molded itself to the side of the new Diner. Slowly his grin grew as he realized what it...
Hi friends, Any Aunty/Gals …or anyone like to loose virginity its 100% Assurance dont worry mail me on ( ) This is Rah(26) from hyderabad writing my experience when i had been to madras.In madras i had been to a supermarket where i found a girl called sirisha(20) doing Bcom final. And coming to sirisha, she was fair,5’5″ and very good structure with long hair and in one word just sexy. I was entering the supermarket in madras and she with her grandmom was coming out of supermarket in perambur...
Permission is granted to post to the TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictionmania site and to the atEROS site. Personal copies for non-commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more...
Permission is granted to post to the TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictionmania site and to the atEROS site. Personal copies for non-commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more...
The Complicated Life of a House Chicken - Chapter 4 A soft knocking on Brad's door woke me up. "Brother Brad? I've got your coffee and donuts, just like you asked, sir," I heard the tentative voice say from the other side of the door. I felt the blankets pull off of me. Since Brad's bed was pushed up into a corner of his room, flush with the wall, he had to crawl over my naked form to get out of the bed. "Hold on, I'm coming," he said as he hurriedly found then pulled up...
The Complicated Life of a House Chicken - Chapter 5 I couldn't sleep. All I could do was stare at the ceiling and listen to the soft, satisfied breathing of Madison and Brad beside me in the very crowded bed. My mind was racing to think of what Josie could have possibly done to have me on the verge of being blackballed. Had I pissed her off somehow? Had she followed through with her threats? Or, had she just gotten tired of taking orders and done something to tick off a brother? I...
I am Karan from Ludhiana, meri age 23 hai, main ek accha good looking Punjabi munda hu, generally mujjhe bhabiya bahut pasand hai. So yeh baat 6 months pehle ki hai, jab meri badi sister ke liye rishta aaya.. Meri badu behen ek dum model lagti hai super-duper hot figure.. But hai kafi seedhi..Hum log bahut modern family hai. Mere ghar mein mom dad me and badi sister rehte hai, meri azar hamesha se badi behen pe thi,jab vo mini skirt pehenti thi uuuuffff kyaaa lagti thi…Gori gori...
My two students from Islamabad From Sulaimaan Khan Two and a half years ago I came to Islamabad from Peshawar, looking for job. For nearly two months I kept walking on the wide, tree lines avenues of Islamabad, seeking and applying for job in government or private sector. I had taken my master degree in English literature and also had a flair for Philosophy. It was quest for knowledge, which held a strong old over my mind, at the same time I was sexually depraved and perverse, sometime...