The Complicated Life Of A House Chicken - Chapter 4 free porn video

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The Complicated Life of a House Chicken - Chapter 4 A soft knocking on Brad's door woke me up. "Brother Brad? I've got your coffee and donuts, just like you asked, sir," I heard the tentative voice say from the other side of the door. I felt the blankets pull off of me. Since Brad's bed was pushed up into a corner of his room, flush with the wall, he had to crawl over my naked form to get out of the bed. "Hold on, I'm coming," he said as he hurriedly found then pulled up the boxers he had urgently discarded the night before. I watched him excitedly rush to the door and swing it wide open, revealing George standing there holding a large cup of coffee and a small box from Dunkin Donuts. Of course, that's when I realized that Brad's little maneuver getting out of the bed had left my naked body totally exposed and in plain view of George. A surreal feeling of displacement hit me as I remembered last Sunday morning when I had been in George's exact position, only now, I was the sexy nude woman lounging in Brad's bed. "Awesome, pledge!" Brad said excitedly as he snatched the coffee and donuts from George and walked over to place them on his desk. When he moved, George's line of sight to me opened completely and his eyes widened then locked with mine. I just flashed him a sexy little wink and smiled before he quickly averted his eyes, but even from my position across the room, I could already see the bulge forming in the front of his pants. I was really going to have to stop torturing my friend. Brad returned, gave George some cash, then said, "Ok, that qualifies. Let me see your book. I'll give you the Visit." "Is it safe?" George reflexively asked, before handing a small black book to Brad. "I'm your Pledge Master. You're Pledge Book is always safe with me," Brad said defensively. Each Delta Theta pledge was expected to get at least two Visits from every active brother in the fraternity. A Visit could be just about anything that the brother wanted it to be, but it was supposed to give brothers and pledges a chance to get to know each other, hence the name "Visit". When the Visit was over the brother would sign off on it in the Pledge's "Pledge Book", which was essentially a log of his time pledging and had to be kept on their person at all times. Woe be to any pledge that lost his book. It was often a game with the brothers to steal pledge's books and hide them. In fact, we were required to confirm that our books were "safe" before we handed them to a brother or that brother could just run off with it, and then your entire day was totally shot. Of course, since the context of the Visit was up to the brother, they typically ended up personal chores or, worse, humiliating tasks. You could really tell a lot about the brother by what they demanded in exchange for their Visits. For example, Kevin had actually taken a couple of us to lunch and we really talked, while Mark had required that I sing "I'm a little teapot" in the middle of the main cafeteria. Fortunately, I already had most of my Visits completed before Josie and I swapped bodies, because I sure as hell knew she wouldn't have done them for me and then I'd be hopelessly behind. Brad finished signing George's book then unceremoniously closed the door and started munching on a donut at his desk. "You want one of these?" he asked while chewing grossly. I did, but I remembered Josie's warning about gaining weight in her body so I politely declined. I swung my smooth bare legs out of the bed and started searching for all of my carelessly discarded clothes. I figured I had better head out before Brad decided he wanted a quick morning blowjob or something. It was weird that I had just spent the night sleeping in the same bed as another man, but honestly, I had really appreciated the offer last night. I was still freaked out from my encounter with the lowlifes the previous morning and I hadn't wanted to sleep alone in Josie's apartment. And, even though I didn't want to admit it, I had felt completely safe and protected, snuggled up against Brad's muscular body the entire night. Just as I was settling my lacy panties around my shapely hips, I squealed in surprise when Brad gave my bottom a firm swat. "Oww," I yelled, frowning at him while I rubbed my tender flesh. Brad's vigorous pounding the night before had indeed bruised my generous ass and I didn't appreciate his current enthusiasm. I knew he was just trying to be playful, but it felt disrespectful. "Wow, sorry. Didn't mean to spank you that hard. Just couldn't resist. You look so fucking hot, even first thing in the morning," he said without an ounce of true contrition. "That fucking hurt. I'm really sore from last night. You weren't exactly gentle, ya know," I complained as I started working my extremely tight jeans up my legs. Not that I was in the mood to do it, but there was no way to sexily put those jeans on. It involved a lot of tugging and pulling that just couldn't be made to look enticing. But, at that moment, that was fine by me. Instead of being chastened, Brad took my words as a compliment. "Damn right!" he said, smirking. "Come on, I know you like it that way." Unbidden, the memory of Brad fucking me doggie style flashed through my head and I couldn't control the smile that snuck onto my face. "Ah Yeah, I knew it!" Brad said excitedly, smiling and wagging a finger at my betraying expression. I forced the smile from my face then rolled my eyes in a weak attempt to cover up my emotional slip up. I finally buttoned up my jeans then pulled the soft blue sweater over my head. "I've got to head out," I said as I stepped into my shoes, then, almost on autopilot, I gave Brad a quick kiss before picking up my keys and phone. "Hey, I forgot to tell you, but Kevin, John and I are splitting a limo for the formal this Saturday. You want to meet here or should we pick you up at your place?" Brad asked right before I opened his door to leave. Fuck! I thought. That meant that I would have to share the ride with Chloe and Dana staring daggers at me the entire time. It was going to be awkward as hell, if not downright hostile. "You sure Chloe and Dana will be ok with that?" I asked. Brad looked totally confused, "Umm... why wouldn't they be?" I shook my head. "You really have no clue, do you? They hate me with a passion." "Nah, that's not true. They're just a little uptight is all. It'll be fine," he said, totally oblivious to the extreme female infighting happening just under the surface of the fraternity's jovial facade. "Fine," I said, resigned to the situation. "I guess, you can pick me up at my place, if you don't mind." "Awesome, we'll be there around 7:30. You want to come by tonight? We've got a private pledge thing happening but that should all be over by 9:00," he said hopefully. "Umm... maybe," I said noncommittally. "Ah come on. It's Thirsty Thursday. It's just a casual hangout at the house. Nothing too crazy. Besides, the pledges are getting their Big Brothers assigned before tonight and that usually puts everyone in a good mood." Crap, I thought. That was tonight and I was going to miss it. That also meant that my pledge class would be getting their paddles as well. These were two of the big bonding events with pledging and I was never going to experience it. Most people assumed that the paddles were actually used to spank pledges, and maybe that was true in the distant past or even in other fraternities, but in Delta Theta they were purely symbolic. Each pledge class designed and made their own paddle then had to carry it along with their pledge books for the remainder of the pledge period. It was just one more bonding thing that helped really build the feeling of connection between the brothers. As for the Big Brother assignment, that was even more important. A Big Brother acted as an older mentor within the fraternity. They gave advice and always had your back, being your best advocate to the rest of the brotherhood. Unlike other fraternities, Delta Theta didn't assign Big Brothers until half-way through the pledge period. It was important to find the right fit between big and little brothers, so taking the time to get to know pledges allowed that process to work much better. I was dying to know who my Big Brother would be, but now I'd have to wait until after the ceremony to find out. I just hoped Josie's personality hadn't skewed who I would be assigned. "Ok, I'll come. See ya tonight," I said before walking out of his room. I had certainly heard the term "Walk of Shame" before, but, until that moment, I hadn't really understood its true meaning. As I made my way out of the house, it felt like I passed every brother that lived there and they all smirked at me knowingly. I realized that every one of them had heard my girly squeals as Brad had fucked me last night and that my hair was still a tangled mess that just screamed "Freshly Fucked". I could practically hear their lewd thoughts as I walked by, "God, what a slut. She must really like it rough. Wouldn't mind getting a piece of that," and on and on. I hurried out to my car, actually fighting back tears caused by their judgemental stares. Why did this bother me so much? If I had been a guy coming out of a woman's room after a night of passion, I'd be strutting proudly and probably getting high-fives from everyone. Then I realized that was exactly what would happen for Brad. Why was it so different for women? By the time I got back to Josie's apartment, I had stopped crying and gotten myself back under control. These bouts of extreme emotions seemed to be happening more often the longer I was in Josie's body and that worried me. Was I becoming more like Josie? I had no idea how fucking magic worked. Hell, even Josie said the results were unpredictable. Well, that meant even she didn't know what was really happening. I stripped off all my clothes and just dropped them onto the bedroom floor before heading to the shower, but I stopped cold when yet another realization hit me. I looked around the floor of the bedroom and saw that it was once again a complete mess, just like when I had first woken up in Josie's body. It was covered in scattered dirty clothes. This wasn't me. If anything, I was a neat freak, and had actually spent some of my first hours in Josie's body cleaning up her messy apartment. But now, as I looked over the bedroom, I realized that it appeared almost the same as it had that first day. I had been mindlessly discarding my clothes onto the floor all week, just like Josie. A little freaked out, I quickly ran around the room collecting all the dirty clothes until the floor was once again clean then continued my trip to the shower. Twenty minutes later, I walked into the kitchen, drying my hair, when Josie once again scared the shit out of me. "Your roommate is totally creepy. You know that right?" she said from the couch behind me. "Jesus! Damn it Josie, stop doing that," I yelled, startled. "You need to start letting me know when you're coming, or, maybe a crazy thought here, fucking knock!?" "I'm serious, he's fucking creepy. How do you live with him? What's his deal?" Josie asked, totally ignoring me. "I don't know. We barely know each other. We got randomly assigned Freshman year in the dorms, but we didn't really have anything in common but we didn't NOT get along. We both wanted to move off campus this year and, I don't know, he was a known quantity, I guess. We hardly see each other," I explained, Josie having successfully changed the subject. "Well, find a different roommate. The guy is always sweating and has the creepiest deadeye stare. I swear he's a serial killer," she said. "If I get into Delta Theta then I plan on moving into the house next year," I said. "Good, otherwise, he's probably going to end up wearing your face around. Totally creepy and gross," she said again. "Well at least you don't have to fuck him," I said testily as I started fixing some lunch. "I take it from that little snarky comment that you finally gave Brad some relief last night?" she asked, one eyebrow raised. I finished making my salad, pointedly not offering Josie any, then sat down beside her on the couch and started eating. AFter completely chewing several bites, I finally answered her. "Yeah, we fucked," I said with a huff. Josie sat up, a little more interested, "Oh? Good. And? How was it? Was he happy?" I nodded as I chewed another bite of lettuce, "It was good, I think he was happy, but... I guess I need to tell you before you hear it around the house tonight," I said hesitantly. Josie frowned, "What? What the hell did you do?" "Nothing," I protested a bit louder than I had intended. "We had sex just like you wanted, it's just... well, it wasn't my fault," I said defensively. "What?" Josie asked impatiently. "You didn't really prepare me for him taking me ... well you know, from behind," I said, feeling embarrassed. Josie's entire demeanor changed instantly and she laughed, "Oh! He fucked you doggie style! Well damn, you lucky girl. I figured Brad would have been so backed up that he would have popped after just a couple of pumps." I shook my head, "No, definitely not. It was pretty fucking intense. I tried so hard to be quiet, I swear. It wasn't my fault! It was just so intense, I couldn't help it. I might have been louder than I should have." She shook her head resignedly, "Fine, as long as he was happy afterwards. I know it can be hard to keep it under control when he's really pounding you with that huge cock of his." I nodded in agreement, thankful for her understanding for once. "Did you cum?" she asked with a mischievous grin. I couldn't hide my broad smile, "Oh God, fuck yes I did. It was so incredible, fucking mind blowing," I blurted out, relieved to be able to finally talk about the experience with someone. "Did he cum inside you?" she asked, suddenly extremely interested. I nodded shyly. "And? What did you think?" she asked, smiling broadly with the news. I could tell that she was reliving her own memories at that moment and I couldn't help but notice that her shorts were tenting noticeably with a hardon. She was actually getting off on the story of my sexual encounter with Brad, the more details, the better. So, I decided to be completely open. "He came inside me right when I was cumming. Honestly, it felt like liquid heaven was being directly injected into me," I said, surprised at my own candor. Josie closed her eyes and took a deep breath, obviously reliving the same experience in her mind. "Mmmm, yeah that's a great way to describe it." "So, umm...have you noticed any changes in your behavior?" I asked, rapidly changing the subject. Josie's eyes popped open and her face took on a concerned expression. "What do you mean?" "I've just been noticing that there might be more changes going on than just my body. Are you sure that this spell of yours isn't doing more than that?" Josie suddenly looked very nervous. "Oh My God! You don't know, do you? Are you even certain that we'll switch back at the end of the week?" I demanded. "Look, magic isn't an exact science, but that spell only had enough essence in it to last for seven days. So, I'm pretty confident that it will end by then, but it's possible it could last a little bit longer," she admitted. I just stared at her with a horrified look. "Just calm down. To answer your question, yes, I've noticed some differences. I'm definitely way more attracted to women then I should be. But, don't freak out. I'm sure it's just our bodies natural hormones affecting us." I considered that in silence for a few seconds before Josie continued, trying to change the subject again. "So, we have to be over at the house at six tonight for some gay fraternity ceremony. Apparently, we're making paddles. I swear, if they try to swat me with them, I'm leaving. Fuck your pledging." she said bluntly. "They won't. Please don't fuck this up for me," I pleaded. She rolled her eyes. "Fine. As long as you're doing your part, I'll do mine. And speaking of that, you need to go over there for Thirsty Thursdays tonight." I nodded, "Don't worry. I already told Brad that I would come over." "Good, I've got some notes for you, but before that, I guess I should tell you that I ended up asking Sherry to the formal and she said yes," Josie announced a little awkwardly. "Really?" I said, smiling. "That's pretty awesome. You're going to have to bring me completely up to speed before we switch back." "Don't worry, we haven't really talked too much, just a few hook ups." "A FEW hookups? Shit, It's only been a full day since bar night," I asked, surprised. "You're welcome," she said with a sly grin. "Just learn how to lick pussy and she'll be fucking putty in your hands," she said, winking. "Well, I guess I can't practice that with you," I laughed. "I'd recommend Sherry, but I think my body would definitely turn her lezbo, and I doubt you'd want that before you get your own chance to get into her pants," Josie said with a smug smirk. "So, why are you here?" I asked curiously, a bit afraid of what Josie would make me do next. "Honestly, I just wanted to check in and get away from your serial killer roommate, but I think while I'm here, maybe I should introduce you to the fine art of lingerie." "You mean like women's underwear?" I asked. Josie snorted, "No, not like underwear. Oh God, you're still such a man," she said, rolling her eyes. "I'm talking babydolls, garter belts with thigh-high stockings, and total fuck-me-pumps. You know, All the sexy clothes that drive men crazy and make you feel like a million bucks. I've got your outfit all picked out for Saturday and, surprise, you'll be wearing the sexiest lingerie under that hot fucking dress I bought. Really, I think lingerie is almost more for us women than men. Those neanderthals just want to rip off our clothes and fuck us, but, I think feeling sexy is super important. That's where lingerie comes in." Josie stood up and extended her hand to me in what was becoming a bit of a tradition. I actually felt myself getting a little wet as my anticipation of what was to come grew. I pushed my half finished lunch away then took her hand. She pulled me back to the bedroom, my hair still damp from my shower, and had me sit on the bed. She then retrieved a shopping bag from her closet and began laying out all sorts of incredibly sexy garments on the bed beside me, including a pair of black six inch stiletto pumps. She then took a step back and leaned casually against the dresser. "Go ahead. Get dressed," she said, her voice sounding a bit more husky than I was used to. I stripped out of the simple tight shorts and t-shirt that I was wearing, ensuring to use all the sexy techniques that she had taught me the day before. I smiled inwardly when I noticed her fondling herself through her cargo shorts as she watched me undress. Once I was completely naked, I surveyed the articles of clothing that she had laid out. I first selected the ultra-thin black satin and lace panties then slowly started pulling them up my smooth long legs. I made sure to make eye contact with Josie the whole time and I swear I saw her actually lick her lips as she watched my erotic show. I then picked up what looked to me like a strapless bra and corset combination and examined it curiously. "What's this called?" I asked Josie as I held up the sexy undergarment. It was obviously a matching set with the panties as both were made of the same black satin and lace. "It's called a bustier. Do you need help putting it on?" she asked almost nervously. I shook my head. "I think I can figure it out," I said confidently. There were a lot of tiny bra hooks along the back of the bustier. Instinctively, I wrapped the lacy apparel around my waist backwards then slowly hooked all the fasteners from bottom to top. I then twisted the tight garment along my toned body until it was facing the proper direction. Finally, I pulled it up to the correct height on my chest, settling my large breasts snuggly into the soft supportive cups. Since it was strapless, the bustier felt extremely tight around my ribcage, making it a bit harder to breathe, but the effect was worth it. Next, I sat back on the bed and began working the black thigh-high stockings up each of my shapely legs. They ended in three inches of lacy elastic that hugged my firm thighs securely. As the final touch, I slipped my delicate stockinged feet into the shiny black six inch stilettos and once they were securely on my feet, I stood up and walked around the bedroom sexily, my hips naturally swaying. When I turned to look at Josie, she was almost panting, her hand rubbing over her shorts frantically. I realized that it was my turn to teach her a few things about my body. "You know, If you keep that hardon too long you're going to get blue balls. You really don't want that," I said sexily as I sashayed toward her, intentionally accentuating the roll of my hips as I walked. I began rubbing my nipples seductively over the satiny bustier as I moved to within a few inches of my old body. Standing in my high heels, I was actually several inches taller than my short male body. "You want me to take care of that for you?" I asked, motioning my head down toward her obviously stiff cock. For the first time, Josie was speechless. She bit her lower lip and just nodded. I smiled then lowered myself down until I was at eye level with her zipper. A small part of my mind was screaming at me, "What the fuck are you doing?", but a larger part was thrilled that, for the first time, I was the one who was in control of the situation where Josie was concerned. In fact, this was actually the first time that I had felt in control of anything since I had woken up in Josie's body four days earlier. Josie was right about the lingerie. It did make me feel incredibly sexy, but I was surprised to discover that the erotic outfit also made me feel tremendously powerful, as if I had just weaponised Josie's gorgeous body somehow. I quickly unbuckled her belt, unzippered her then pulled down her shorts and boxers. My modest cock sprung free, almost hitting me in the face and I took a few brief seconds to admire my old equipment. It wasn't big, certainly nothing like Brad's dick, but it was well shaped, almost beautiful, when I thought about it. It looked painfully hard, almost pulsing purple with excitement, and strangely, I felt perverse pride that I was the cause of that erection. I recalled all of Josie's blowjob lessons, then proceeded to lavish the head of my old cock with a slow erotic tongue bath that had Josie panting in seconds. This was my dick, and no one else on the planet knew its pleasure points better than me. And, I intended to take full advantage of that knowledge to drive Josie crazy. Breaking from Josie's instructions, I wrapped my hand around the shaft and started slowly stroking it as I lowered my head and began running my warm wet tongue along the entire surface of my scrotum, paying special soft attention to each of my old testicles. "Oh shit, now I know why guys ask me to lick their balls. That feels fucking incredible," Josie panted out. I gently sucked one of Josie's balls into my mouth then loudly moaned my agreement to her last statement. After several seconds of attention on her testicles, I finally took Josie's cock into my soft wet mouth and quickly began an eager bobbing pace. This was my third blowjob in four days, a fact that would have caused a fistfight if anyone would have suggested its possibility a week ago. But, here I was with another dick in my mouth. The difference this time was that I had totally instigated it myself. Josie hadn't ordered nor threatened me to do it. No matter how much I wished I could deny it, this was a completely voluntary act and I wasn't sure if this was more evidence of the spell changing me further, or whether I was just plain starting to like being in Josie's body too much. Squatting down in the six inch heels started to become painful on my toes as all my weight was being forced onto them. Rather than just drop down to my knees and possibly ruin my stockings on the carpet, I decide to change it up. I stopped my blowjob and slowly stood up, Josie's disappointment obvious on her face. I felt like I was towering over my old body in my heels and the sense of my personal power ticked up a few more notches. I grabbed a handful of Josie's t-shirt and pulled her over to the bed. She had to awkwardly free her legs from the shorts and boxers that had pooled by her feet, but she wordlessly complied with my directions. I moved her over to the front of the bed then pushed at her chest until she flopped backwards onto the bed. "Go ahead and scooch all the way back," I ordered, reveling in my new control. Surprisingly, Josie just compiled and moved back until her whole body was completely on the bed. I then removed my lacy panties and let them drop to the floor, fully applying all my striptease lessons from the day before to great effect. My wet pussy now fully exposed, I crawled up beside her, moving like a lioness stalking her prey, but I didn't do what Josie had expected. Moving on all fours, I turned to face toward the end of the bed, then straddled Josie's chest, pushing my plump ass back until my drenched pussy was right in her panting face. "I think it's time you gave me a few lessons on licking pussy, especially since you say Sherry likes it so much," I said before arching my back and wiggling my bottom until it hovered right over Josie's mouth. Josie didn't need any more encouragement. I felt her lean her head forward and gasped when her hot wet tongue began flicking my pink pearl. It felt amazing. "Oh fuck, yes! I love it," I said breathily as I pushed back harder into her soft lips. Between my moans, I noticed my old cock right in front of me, pointing urgently toward the ceiling, it's throbbing plain to see. Without thinking, I lowered myself onto Josie's stomach, my large tits squishing into her, and wrapped my soft plump lips around her painfully stiff member. This 69 position wouldn't have been possible with a man like Brad whose body was far too big to allow our parts to properly meet up, but, fortunately, my short male body was the perfect size for everything to line up properly. My damp hair hung around my bobbing head like a privacy curtain, but it was very hard to concentrate on giving head well while Josie's tongue lashed relentlessly at my clit. I frequently was forced to pop my head up to inhale sharply and cry out with the jolts of pleasure that Josie was inflicting on her old body. However, I apparently was doing a good enough job because after several minutes Josie's hips started bucking forcefully up into my mouth, in what I knew was a sign that she was just about ready to pop. At that moment, an evil thought occurred to me and I decided to get a little revenge for Josie's previous torture. I pulled my head off of her straining dick and watched in wicked glee as her hips kept pistoning impotently into thin air. "Shit, Jason. Don't stop. I was just about to cum. Come on!" Josie cried out, almost angrily. I reluctantly unmounted Josie's face and turned to look at her scowling frustrated expression. "Oh no, you're going to have to beg me to fuck you," I said, impersonating Josie from the day before. "Say it," I commanded. Josie didn't even hesitate, "Please fuck me. Oh God, please, you're killing me," she begged. I patted her head, like she'd done to me, and said, "Good boy." I then straddled her hips facing her this time, before using my hand to guide her cock into my saliva soaked pussy. As I lowered myself slowly onto her dick, I moaned with the now familiar glorious feeling of being filled. Of course, after Brad the night before, my old dick felt pathetically small within my well-fucked vagina, but not every job requires a sledgehammer. Sometimes you need a more precise tool, and in this cowgirl position, my old dick was the perfect size. As I started rocking my hips back and forth, Josie's dick brushed up against a hidden bundle of nerves just inside my entrance and I cried out in ecstacy at each powerful contact. "Oh fuck! oh God!" I screamed as Josie reached up and began caressing my rhythmically bouncing breasts. I could feel an orgasm coming on quickly and I increased my pace, slamming my quivering pussy down hard onto Josie's cock over and over. "Fuck Jason, I'm going to cum!" Josie screamed. "Get off me!" she shouted urgently. In response, I just leaned forward and used my hands and all my weight to pin Josie's arms to the bed, preventing her from trying to squirm out from underneath my pounding hips. I was going to take her load and there was nothing she could do to stop it. "Jason stop! Oh fuck, Stop! Get off! Let me pull out for fuck's sake!", she screamed again, but I could only barely hear her as my own orgasm hit with devestating force. Then, as my own waves of pleasure were still crashing into me, I could feel Josie's cock start to twitch inside of my pussy. Warm splashes of her cum began painting the walls of my vagina and I cried out again in a blissful victory. "NO!! Fuck, Oh Shit! I'm cumming God damn it!" Josie yelled as her seed shot deep inside of me. I collapsed onto her chest panting, feeling her cum already starting to leak out of me. I finally caught my breath then lifted myself up slightly to look at Josie, expecting to see the goofy afterglow expression. But, I was shocked to see her actually crying. "What's wrong?" I asked, suddenly concerned. "You fucked it up again! God damn it Jason!" she yelled while attempting to wipe away her streaming tears. "What the fuck are you talking about?" I asked as I quickly pulled off of her and sat up on my knees. As soon as my body moved, Josie jumped out of the bed and started pacing frantically around the room, "This can't be fucking happening." "What!?" I screamed at her, starting to get freaked out by her bizarre reaction. "I'm fucking ovulating this week, you asshole! You might have just knocked me up," she shouted back "But... but, I've been taking your birth control pills just like you told me," I insisted, sure that this was all just some over-emotional misunderstanding. "Those are just baby aspirins, moron! They're just to fool Brad into thinking I'm safe," she explained bitterly and my whole world crumbled. "Why the fuck would you do that?" I asked, anger beginning to well up inside me. "Why do you think? So I can get pregnant with Brad's baby, of course. You once asked me what my endgame was, well, that's it. If I can have Brad's child then we'll be connected forever. Plus, his family is filthy stinking rich. I'd be set for life with his baby. The spell that you fucked up wasn't to make Brad like me more. It was a fertility spell." "Oh my God, Josie. That's really fucked up. You're tricking Brad into getting you pregnant. Not only is that totally unfair to Brad, what about the poor baby?" "I'll be a fucking great mom, asshole," Josie responded, completely missing my point. I shook my head. Josie was totally fucking crazy and I didn't want to be involved with this anymore. I started trying to think of alternatives. "Ok, don't they have like, morning after pills or something that I can take?" I asked. "You can't do that. Brad might have actually knocked you up last night. I'm not taking a chance on losing his baby." "Just try again next month," I said, trying to sound reasonable. "We've only got a few more months before we both graduate and then he'll be gone. I'll probably never see him again unless I can get pregnant. I'm not losing this opportunity. Look, as far as you're concerned nothing has changed. You're going to keep being me and getting as much of Brad's baby batter pumped inside of you for the next few days. Then, you're done and we can go our separate ways." "And if you do get pregnant? It might be mine, then I'm sure as hell involved," I shouted, suddenly realizing that I might be carrying my own child, a totally alien concept for any man. She scoffed, "Don't worry, you're off the hook. I don't want anything from you," she said acidly. "Shit, Brad's parents will insist on a paternity test. Oh God, if it comes back as not his, Fuck, I don't know what I'll do. That would utterly ruin any chance I ever had of being with him." I sighed, "Why didn't you tell me?" "Umm... because I knew you'd react this way. Besides, I thought you might accidentally let it slip to Brad," she said. "Look, I'm not crazy. I know how this all sounds, but I've put a lot of thought into it. All I can do now is just hope for the best. I can't imagine your pathetic sperm could beat out Brad's, but unfortunately, getting pregnant is usually all about timing," she shook her head. "Like I said, nothing changes for you. Do you understand?" My mind raced. This was totally fucked up, but ultimately did it really change anything with my situation? Josie was still threatening me and, if anything, I was even more scared of the lengths she would go to if I didn't do what she wanted. "Fine," I said, rubbing my temples. "Three more days and then I'm done with this. I don't agree with what you're doing to Brad, but frankly, I think he's a bit of an asshole, so whatever. You just have to promise me that you actually want this baby and not just some anchor to Brad. You're going to love and take care of it, even if Brad rejects you, right?" "Of course, asshole! You're a complete dick for suggesting otherwise," she bit back. I held up my hands in surrender, "Ok, Ok, sorry. I just wanted to make sure." She huffed but nodded. "I need to take a shower before I leave. I'm supposed to meet Sherry for lunch on campus and she'll smell you all over me." "Sure, go ahead," I said. Josie frowned. "I wasn't asking permission," she said acidly before collecting her clothes and heading into the bathroom. I got up and reluctantly removed all my sexy new lingerie before neatly packing them away until Saturday. I redressed in my simple shorts and t- shirt then went out to finish the lunch I had abandoned earlier. A few minutes later, my male body walked out. "That's one thing I'll miss about being a man, it's so fucking easy getting ready. I guess I'll see you tonight. Be ready to do your damn job. Dress for success. Understand?" I nodded. "Oh, Brad said that we're supposed to be going to the formal with Kevin and John. Apparently, they all rented a limo." Josie groaned. "I guess that means you get the joy of hanging out with the bitch twins then. Better you than me." "Any advice dealing with Chloe and Dana?" I asked hopefully. "Yeah, don't punk out. Stand your ground with those sorority skanks. If they had their way, I would have been banned from the house. Obviously, they didn't get their way. Chloe is just bitter because Kevin and I hooked up our Sophomore year even though it was before he even met her. I guess she's a little insecure that I'll steal him back. Honestly, I could have him whenever I wanted," she said smugly. And with that last bitchie statement, Josie left. I finished my lunch then read a few chapters for my Business Ethics class before deciding to practice my makeup once again. Even Though Josie's revelation was shocking, I couldn't deny that I at least now understood what she was trying to accomplish. I didn't agree with it, but it made sense to me now, in a fucked up way, of course. At the same time, it actually made my job easier, if not a bit more disgusting. I didn't really have to worry about the nebulous idea of making Brad "happy". All I really had to do was to get him to cum inside of me as much as possible over the next few days. Easy, right? God, what a fucked up situation. I had to admit that the sex felt incredible, but it was still hard to get into the mindset where I could let my pledge master stick his massive dick into me. Honestly, it really helped reminding myself that I didn't have a choice. That excuse was becoming dangerously thin, however, especially after my voluntary actions with Josie this afternoon. By the time 9:30 rolled around, I was sitting in Josie's car outside of the Delta Theta fraternity house trying to work up the courage to go inside and face everyone again. I knew that I just had to channel Josie's personality and act like I just didn't give a shit. The problem was, that wasn't me as I constantly worried about what other people thought of me. I pulled down the visor and checked my hair and makeup in the small vanity mirror for the hundredth time. I had to admit, I was getting good at applying makeup. I had managed to give myself a nice sultry smokey cat eye look that made my light blue eye color pop like firecrackers. I puckered my glossy lips and gave my reflection a pretend kiss. I then took a deep breath, fluffed my hair one last time, then got out of the car. I smoothed down my short flirty pleated skirt, adjusted my large breasts within my halter top then walked to the front door, my three inch heels clicking along the sidewalk enticingly. "Hey Josie," John said welcomingly as I entered the crowded main room of the house. I waved back, before one of my pledge brothers, named Brent, scurried over to me and asked if I'd like a beer. Normally, Josie would have probably just ignored Brent and waited for someone she was more interested in to get her a drink, but I couldn't do that. I smiled at Brent, thanked him and told him I'd love a beer. The poor guy looked completely shocked, but smiled broadly before running off. I watched Brent stop in front of a frowning Mark, one of the newer brothers who delighted in giving difficult Visit challenges. He angrily snatched Brent's pledge book and hastily wrote something in it before shoving it back at my pledge brother. I smirked as I realized that I had been the "impossible" task that Mark had assigned Brent to get his Visit. It was probably something as juvenile as "Get Josie to say Thank you", admittedly an extremely hard, if not impossible, thing to do for a pledge before this week. I delighted in the fact that I had ruined one of Mark's sadistic challenges. The house wasn't nearly as crowded as a true open party night, but there were still a lot of people milling about and I wasn't able to find Brad in the crowd. I started moving from room to room searching for my assigned target like some sort of semen obsessed Terminator, but Brad was nowhere to be found. Finally Brent caught back up with me and handed me a beer with the widest grin that I had ever seen. "Thank you," I said loudly, giving him a little wink. "Hey, Brent, have you seen Brad?" Brent's eyes widened as I used his actual name. I'm sure he was completely stunned that I knew it, much less addressed him by it. "Umm.. I think he's still downstairs doing some Pledge Master things. I can go tell him you're here, if you'd like." I shook my head. "No, thank you though. I don't want you to have to interrupt him. I'm sure he'll be along when he can." Brent looked very relieved. Whatever was still going on downstairs was obviously something he didn't want to walk back into. I knew Brad wouldn't tell me as Josie about fraternity business but hopefully Josie could tell me about it later. And speaking of Josie, I didn't see my old body anywhere either. Where was she? Oh fuck, I thought, was she the reason there were still pledge activities going on downstairs? I sincerely hoped that she wasn't fucking things up for me in some attempt to get back at me for what happened earlier. I continued to meander through the house, very aware of the many stares that I was attracting. I could feel the lust from the guys and the hatred from most of the women, but the end result was I was alone in the middle of a crowd. How did Josie live like this? It had to be lonely. Maybe that was part of the reason for her obsession over Brad. "For the last time, get your hands off of me!" I heard Madison say from the next room. I peeked into the room and saw that Madison had been cornered by Mark who kept trying to run his hand down her arm. I honestly don't know how Mark had gotten into Delta Theta last year. I could only guess that he was related to someone high up, because that guy was just a total asshole. Even Though as pledges we weren't supposed to know this, Mark was on probation with the fraternity and was on the verge of getting expelled from the brotherhood. He was a constant embarrassment and probably a lawsuit just waiting to happen. As a pledge, I could do nothing about the situation in front of me, but as Josie, I had options. I stormed into the room and forced my way between Mark and Madison. "She's not interested, Mark. Go bother someone else," I said coldly, my hand defiantly on my cocked hip. Mark eyed me malevolently before saying, "Just because you suck Brad's dick doesn't mean you have any authority here. I'm a fucking brother and can get you kicked out like that," he said, snapping his fingers. "Fuck off, Mark before I start spreading the word around about your micropenis. Believe me, every girl on campus will be snickering at you behind your back before the end of the week. You'll fucking be a meme by tomorrow. I swear," I said, staring him down. This was where Josie's reputation came in handy. Mark knew this wasn't an idle threat coming out of the mouth of the campus's queen bitch. I could actually see the fear in his eyes as he considered my words then decided on his retreat. "Whatever, Madison's a skank anyways. I'd probably catch something from her," he groused before slinking away back into the crowd. "I had that under control. I didn't need your help," Madison said once Mark was out of earshot. "I know," I said, smiling. "But I just couldn't resist putting that asshole in his place. God, did you smell his breath? It's like rotten shrimp," I said laughing. Madison gave a short soft laugh before eyeing me suspiciously, "Why did you help me?" "I wanted to apologize for how I acted toward you the other night at the Strobe. I was a complete bitch. In fact, I've been a total bitch to you all year and I'm so sorry. I think I'm just jealous." I said, knowing that Josie would never have admitted that truth. Madison Summers was gorgeous, definitely in the same league as Josie. She looked almost identical to the actress, Megan Fox and usually had guys eating out of her hand. Since she was only a Junior, everyone expected Madison to take over Josie's unofficial position as Queen of the House Chickens once Josie graduated. On paper, there was no reason the two women couldn't be best of friends and I suspected the rift had everything to do with Josie's secretly insecure personality more than anything else. I doubted anything would change between them after we swapped back, but I figured why not at least try to have a friend for the next couple of days. Who knows? Maybe it would stick afterwards and Josie could have a social circle of more than just people who wanted to get into her pants. I could tell that Madison wasn't totally buying my new friendly routine, although she did seem interested in my apology. She probably thought that I was setting her up for some nasty fall given her and Josie's history. If I had been in my male body, I wouldn't have dared to even talk to Madison, much less try and win her over as a friend, but being Josie gave me the needed confidence that I had been lacking. "I love that dress, by the way. You look absolutely gorgeous in it. Where did you get it?" I asked, pointing to her short form-fitting denim dress. The neutral subject of clothing seemed to disarm Madison a little bit and we settled into a cordial, if not friendly, conversation that just felt effortless. We shared several more drinks before our talk turned to boys, specifically all the brothers. We gossiped and snickered and before long, we were laughing hardily together, sharing information about different guys and sex. Of course, I had to fake a lot of that because my knowledge was very limited, but I did put in a good word for George's big dick. After about an hour, I was really starting to catch a buzz, but Brad had still not appeared. Even without him, Madison and I were having a great time so I decided to just go with the flow. Before long, Madison and I found ourselves roped into a drinking game with a couple of the brothers called Suck and Blow. Despite its suggestive name, there was no oral sex involved. All the players sat in a circle then had to pass a playing card around the group with only their lips. To start, someone would put a card to their lips and then create suction to keep the card in place on their mouth with no hands. Then, you had to pass the card to the next person by pressing the card to their lips and they then had to literally suck it off your mouth. It was essentially a makeout simulation game, totally designed to break the ice. Madison and I were getting pretty drunk and I could tell that all the other players were pretty excited to see us getting along and playing together. When I attempted to pass the card to Madison, predictably the card dropped from my mouth right before I was about to press it to her lips. And just as the game was designed to do, we ended up kissing. My male mind, which had been ruthlessly suppressed all week, came roaring out with a vengeance when our lips pressed together. My hands shot up and cradled Madison's head, pulling her into me as my tongue pushed through her soft pouty lips. Instantly, the room exploded with hoots and cheers as Madison enthusiastically responded and passionately returned my deep kiss. I was only tangentially aware of dozens of cellphones suddenly pointed at us and I knew that Madison and I would be starring in everyone's social media feeds by tomorrow. But, at that moment, with my tongue intertwining with Madison's, I just didn't care. Finally, I broke the kiss and the cheering crowd roared with applause. Madison blushed, but I could tell that she hadn't regretted her actions. I saw the shocked faces of Chloe, Dana, and even George among the many who were gawking at our display. "Sorry, we're out," I said to the rest of the players as I grabbed Madison's hand and pulled her out of the room. There was only one place that I knew we could go for privacy in the house, so I guided her up the stairs and into Brad's empty dark bedroom. I closed the door behind us and then yanked Madison onto Brad's bed where we quickly resumed our makeout session in the low ambient light spilling in from the street beyond the windows. We laid on the bed facing each other as we passionately continued our french kissing. Our long smooth legs twisted together and our hands began urgently exploring each other's perfect bodies. A week ago, the idea that I would be hooking up with Madison Summers would have been beyond belief, by myself or anyone who knew me. But, here I was running one hand along her curvy thigh while the other cupped and squeezed her generous firm breast. Of course, I recognized that I had Josie's beautiful body to thank for the wonderful circumstances in which I now found myself. It was almost like Josie's body itself was a super power that suddenly allowed me to do previously impossible things and for the first time that week, I actually thanked God that I had switched bodies. This wasn't some gross chore that I was being blackmailed into doing. Being with Madison was absolutely something that I would have jumped at in my old male body. Madison broke our kiss and I was just able to make out her excited expression in the low light. "I've never kissed another girl," Madison confessed breathily. "But, I knew from the first moment I saw you that if I ever did, it would be you. You're so fucking hot." I smiled broadly. "Oh God, Madison, so are you. I've always secretly wanted to hook up with you too," I said, being perfectly honest. With my words, Madison quickly leaned forward and smashed her lips back onto mine. She then rolled me onto my back and climbed on top of me, our mutually large breasts compressing together. Within seconds she had my halter top off and my tits in her massaging hands. She began kissing my breasts all over before settling onto my stiff nipples and suckling. I moaned softly with her attention but wanted so much more. I rolled us back over in the bed until I was the one on top, then I started removing Madison's dress. The denim outfit had one long zipper going down the front, so removing the tight garment turned out to be remarkably easy. Madison was wearing a simple white bra and panty set underneath her dress and I quickly disposed of each, impressing myself with my dexterity in this body. Within seconds, I had the stunning body of Madison Summers totally exposed beneath me, something I had daydreamed about on multiple occasions. I spent several minutes lavishing attention on her perfect breasts before I started sliding down her smooth toned body until my head reached her pussy. She was already soaking wet and I could tell by her rapid breathing that she was more than excited by the anticipation of what my new position represented. My own long legs dangled off of the bed as Madison eagerly spread her knees to allow my complete access to her quivering hairless mound. I wrapped my slender arms around her thighs to keep them in place then lowered my glossy lips to the hood of her pussy and gave it a gentle kiss. Madison gasped with even that slight touch. I had never actually eaten out a girl before, but I had greatly enjoyed what Josie had done to me earlier and from that experience, I knew what felt good and how to do it. "Oh My God!" cried the sexy brunette when I began flicking her clit with my warm tongue. "That feels so fucking good! Please don't stop!" I increased the speed of my flicking until my tongue felt like a hummingbird on cocaine. Madison began squealing and her fingers intertwined with my long blond hair locking me in place between her supple thighs. "Oh fuck Josie, Oh fuck! You're gonna make me cum," she managed to get out between pants of ecstasy. When I began thrusting my middle finger into her dripping channel, it was too much for the squirming co-ed. She screamed out while uncontrollably bucking her hips into my mouth as she came. A rush of her juices coated my hand and chin but I continued my efforts for a few more seconds then stopped, granting her overstimulated pussy mercy. Her body, which had been spasming as if touching a live wire, instantly relaxed as she softly whimpered in the afterglow of her first lesbian sexual encounter. I worked my way back up her sweating body until we were once again softly kissing each other. "That was incredible, Josie. Oh God, I've never been eaten out like that. Most guys can't even find my clit," Madison said. "I'm glad you liked it," I smiled, unconsciously running my thumb in small circles around one of her erect nipples. It was chilly in the room and our sweaty bodies only made it feel cooler. We removed our heels then I got completely undressed before we slipped under Brad's covers together. Madison then began returning the favor by slowly rubbing my clit, while I kissed all along her long neck. "What happens if Brad catches us in here?" Madison asked nervously, never stopping her ministrations on my pearl. "I really doubt Brad will mind," I managed to say between gasps of pleasure. "Should I leave when he gets here?" she asked. I reluctantly stopped her hand. I wanted to be able to form coherent thoughts for this conversation and I couldn't do that with her diddling my clit. "Umm... I don't mind sharing if you don't. But I have one condition." "Anything!" Madison agreed, excitement filling her voice. "I really really love it when Brad cums inside of me. It's kind of my kink, ya know? Are you OK with that?" I asked, knowing that if Madison got involved, I was going to need her cooperation to ensure that Brad shot his load into the correct pussy. Madison grinned wickedly, "Oh God, no problem. If you let me be with Brad and you, I guarantee that he'll cum so much inside of you that you'll be leaking him out for days. I promise you won't regret this Josie," she said before grabbing my head and passionately kissing me again. When the door burst open we both reflexively hid under the covers for some reason. "Who the fuck is in my room?" Brad demanded angrily before flicking on the harsh lights. I slowly raised my head above the covers and waved shyly at Brad. "It's Josie," I said contritely. Brad smiled broadly, "Josie, always nice to see you in my bed," he said before he noticed the form of someone else under the covers. His whole demeanor instantly changed and he started storming toward the bed. "Who the fuck is here with you? I swear I will rip the..." Madison popped her head above the covers and gave a little tentative wave. I don't think I've ever seen such an abrupt reversal of emotions before. Within a split second, Brad went from murderous rage to delighted surprise and excitement. The ultimate sexual fantasy of any red-blooded male was laying naked in his bed, after all. Two of the most gorgeous women he had ever seen were inviting him into a three-way. I could see the raw hunger in his eyes. I knew he was thinking that he would be a fucking Delta Theta legend, no God, after tonight, and he was probably correct. I knew that I would probably have worshiped any man that could manage to take both of these perfect women at the same time. Brad quickly slammed his door shut then locked it. He turned on some classic rock music and raised the volume to help cover the lewd noises he knew were about to fill his small room. He then began removing his clothes, Madison and I closely watching him from beneath the covers. When he dropped his pants and his massive hard cock appeared, Madison gasped. "Holy fuck, you weren't kidding Josie. He's huge," she said, a mix of fear and awe in her voice. Brad beamed with pride at Madison's comment then approached the bed with lustful purpose. He unceremoniously threw back the covers, exposing our naked sweat soaked bodies, and his smile grew mischievously. "God damn, you two are so fucking hot," he announced as I pulled Madison out of the bed with me. Holding hands, we moved over to stand in front of Brad, then I turned and winked at Madison before dropping to my knees facing Brad's long throbbing dick. Madison immediately followed my lead and soon we were both licking opposite sides of Brad's stiff shaft. For some reason, Madison giving head with me set my normally disgusted male mind at ease. Having her sexy female form within view kept that pesky part of my mind distracted enough for me to do the job that Josie was forcing upon me. As Madison and I gave Brad a loving double blowjob, he tilted his head back and groaned with pleasure while his fingers began playing with our hair. We got into a rhythm where we would trade off sucking on the massive head of his cock and licking up and down his shaft. Occasionally, I would reach up and gently fondle his giant balls, encouraging Madison to do the same. This elicited even more groans of ecstasy from Brad and I knew if we kept up this pace he would shoot his load before I had a chance to collect it in Josie's pussy. Honestly, I was super impressed that Brad had lasted this long. I'm ashamed to admit that I would have probably shot my wad as soon as I saw our gorgeous sexy bodies laying naked in the bed. Feeling Brad's urgency grow, I knew I had to act. I took Madison's hand and guided her to the bed, laying her down on her back. I then crawled over her on all fours, my huge tits dangling down to rub against hers. I then looked over my shoulder at Brad and wiggled my ass enticingly, inviting him to take us both. "Well, what are you waiting for?" I asked Brad sexily before I began kissing Madison. Brad didn't need to have it explained to him. He rushed onto the bed and got up onto his knees in front of our two dripping pussies. A tiny feeling of disappointment ran through me when Brad decided to enter Madison first. She immediately broke our kiss and began crying out. "Oh fuck oh fuck, it's so fucking big. I've never taken one this big before!" she whimpered. "It's ok," I said, softly kissing all over her contorting face. I then looked back over my shoulder again at Brad. "Go slow. Be gentle. You're really fucking big. She needs a little time to adjust," I pleaded with him. "God, she's so tight," Brad grunted. Madison, who was certainly no virgin, winced in pain as Brad finally managed to pop the head of his cock past her pussy lips. She wrapped both her arms and legs around my hovering body and squeezed me tightly to help brace herself against the punishment Brad's enormous cock was inflicting on her stretching pussy. After a few minutes of slow torturous progress, Brad finally got far enough into Madison to be satisfied. He was really only about three quarters of his length in, but I think Madison just had a much more shallow vagina then Josie. It was enough however, and soon Brad was fucking Madison properly. Despite her initial discomfort, Madison was in total heaven and moaned loudly with each of Brad's partial thrusts. I sucked on her large pointy nipples before whispering in her ear. "Remember, I need his cum inside of me," I reminded her before sticking my tongue into her ear. She nodded understanding, not able to form words at the moment. I then rocked forward and yelped loudly with the feeling of Brad's cock pounding all the way into my well-lubricated pussy without warning. Obviously, he had decided it was my turn as his rough hands grabbed onto my wide hips for leverage and he began slamming into me over and over and over. My eyes rolled back into my head and I couldn't contain my screams of pleasure between Brad's cock and Madison suckling on my hanging tits below me like a nursing calf. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh Fuck Yes!", I moaned. The sensations were overwhelming and then, suddenly, they were gone and Madison began moaning again. Just as I was beginning to catch my breath, Brad's cock returned to my cunt for just three or four pumps then moved back to Madison. He began quickly alternating between our pussies. One thrust for me, then one thrust for Madison, again and again and again. He was moving so fast between us that I realized he was actually fucking two different women at the same damn time. Holy shit, he really was a fucking legend. Madison and my screams of pleasure co-mingled as Brad essentially fucked us together. Both the physical effort and concentration required to do what Brad was doing had to be exhausting. Through my ecstasy, I was just barely able to make out Brad's urgent grunts and I knew he wouldn't last much longer, but there was no way to tell which pussy he was going to unload in. I had to do something, so I did the only thing my endorphin saturated brain could think of. I began begging. "Oh God Brad, please give me your cum, Oh fuck. Please, I need it so bad. I need you to cum deep inside of me," I pleaded, my male mind repulsed with what I had to say despite the gorgeous view of Madison below me. Madison heard my pleas and thankfully joined in to help coax Brad into doing what I needed. "Give it to her, Brad. Oh God, give Josie your cum. Fill her up. I'm begging you to come inside her, Please." I have no idea if Brad actually listened to us or I just got lucky, but I felt him slam once more deep into my pussy and stay there. Through gritted teeth, he growled out, "Oh Fuck!" then I felt his dick begin wildly twitching deep inside of me, his massive load of cum spurting a flood of semen within the tender well-fucked walls of my pussy. Mission accomplished, I came with an earth shattering orgasm then collapsed onto my new friend, who hugged me tightly. Brad removed his long cock and his thick cum began to dribble out of my pussy and onto Madison's still shivering cunt. Totally spent, all three of us crowded into Brad's small bed, with Madison and I on opposite sides of Brad. We draped our arms and legs over his muscular body, our heads nestled up against each of his shoulders. Right before I drifted off, a thought occurred to me. "Brad, where were you tonight?" I asked. "Fraternity business, I'm not really supposed to talk about it with you guys. But, you'll find out soon enough. I think we're going to have to blackball one of the pledges," he said. My head shot up, "Who?" "I don't think you know him. Just a legacy named Jason."

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Its Complicated

(Debated where this should go. It’s truly a romance story, but since it doesn’t contain a sex scene it maybe should be in non-erotic. If I write a part two though it will. In which case, this is the prequel story. You decide.) * ‘If you’re not a man with a woman on his mind I don’t know what one looks like.’ I hear a soft voice break through my thoughts. Looking up from the cluster of cooing pigeons I see first brown house shoes, worn on the tips badly, then a polished, knobby, wooden...

1 year ago
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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Playing Chicken

He stopped pacing for a moment to look out of his window, anxiously biting on his thumbnail. He wasn’t sure why he was so nervous - it wasn’t like he didn’t know her. They had been good friends before they each went their separate ways for college. In high school they were often mistaken as a couple from the amount of time they spent together. Trevor and Johanna, class of 2016. The fact that she was a “touchy-feely” kind of creature didn’t help the rumors, but he truly didn’t mind. She was his...

1 year ago
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Chicken Chicken

“Come on you two, get in the car.” Calls their mom, who had just finished loading the groceries, and she gets in front and starts the car. Jacob now passes the ball to Patty on the way up, but it goes to the side. With horror, Jacob realizes that Patty’s on a collision course with the evil old woman that lives way out in the country. Everyone knows all the stories about her, about how she eats kids, how she killed and buried her husband, how she could drive...

3 years ago
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The Guy From The Chicken Shop

The guy from a chicken shop Thanks for your lovely feedback for my last story . Am overwhelmed with love. Thanks once. Again My next story which I have encountered at the age of 17 is way am going to pen down now. While I was quite happy with my friend at school , whom we twice a week met in his bed at home right after our school get over, we started to taste both of our ass. We even bathed together while having kissed each other . Just lying naked in our shoulders . It was quite a love that...

Gay Male
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Chicken Lilly Liver

I’ve always enjoyed having a playful wife. Even after 30 years, she makes me laugh and smile whether with me or with our kids. She has a way about her that instantly draws people in. This is not a ‘sex’ story. Just one of our typical Sunday night adventures with a sexy twist. She got the best of me and created a great memory. I hope you enjoy. — ‘OH CRUD!’ I screamed in my own head. My eyes opened and I sat up in bed. Heather, startled and falling off me, panicked. ‘WHAT?’ she gasped …...

3 years ago
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Older woman who tended the chicken farm got lonely video reminded me of her, and brought back memories. I took a summer job with the chicken Co my dad worked for. I helped pick up eggs deliver feed and medication to farms. Many of those farms were in the middle of no where, and those who worked them were woman. Some single some widows and some married. The one woman I remember the most was a single woman about sixty something. I worked with her...

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People are Complicated

This is my first effort here. Hope someone likes it. Some overly religious types may object to my taking of the Lords name in a rather vain manner. Sorry, but Christ it is just another word, albeit with some rather heavy associations. This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. That said I don't think it's too far out there. However you be the judge. Copyright KLS 2005. People are Complicated ...

3 years ago
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"Daddy?!" "Yes honey?""Where did my biological mother move to again?"I groaned, but not so loudly so my daughter would hear me. It was a quiet Sunday. I was in the kitchen, making us some sandwiches for lunch. She was in the living room waiting for me before putting on a movie. This was not a topic I wanted to discuss right now, but I answered her anyway."Minnesota."I could almost hear her roll her eyes. "I know THAT, Dad! I mean where in Minnesota?"I sighed. "Minneapolis. Or St. Paul. One of...

3 years ago
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the chicken crew and my time with them

In my teens I wanted summer work. My uncle ran a large chicken group and offered me vaccination job. What the hell, its money. I reported to the barn and rode the van with others. We had two married women and two girls in late teens. one married man and three single. The driver was not part of the crew, be he was in his late 60's. Retired making side money. Our first house was 60 miles away. Shortly after leaving Ben ask the married woman if she got any the night before? No, he slept on the...

1 year ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

3 years ago
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Moms Chicken Soup

It was early Saturday morning when I heard both my parents rummaging around in their bedroom. Mom was getting ready to go off to the market to get celery and such, I could hear them talking about what we were having for dinner and Mom said to my Dad, “I’m going to need a contribution from you.” I didn’t have a clue what Mom was talking about; but Dad said “No, problem, honey.” I yawned and stretched in my bed, I was sleeping in the nude and my cock was already awake. I started rubbing my cock...

1 year ago
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A Bowl Of Chicken Soup

It was a cold, windy, rainy October day when Sol Weinstein left his Brooklyn apartment for the subway. Sol ignored the weather. At 24, with a fresh master's in accounting, he was on his own and headed for his first full time job. On the morning of that October day in 1962 Sol thought that he was one of the luckiest people in the world. The accounting firm of Leno, Marx, Davis and Abbot, a small firm specializing in maritime accounts, had hired him fresh out of Montana State University. His...

2 years ago
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It Gets Complicated

Hello all. I wanted to begin this by telling you a bit about myself and a bit about this story. I am a new writer on this site, having been to a few others and been a long time reader, but never an author. I aspire to become a published author and I have been writing for several years, hoping to finish something and try to turn it into a book. I write stuff here to challenge myself but also to explain the softer side of myself and the various things that go through my head or that I...

2 years ago
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The Single Life Its Complicated

The Single Life: It's Complicated By RogerGirl Well, it's been about a month since my double date with Ryan and we've been hanging out a lot since then. Now before you jump to any conclusions, we aren't hanging out in that way. We've been watching sports and hanging out as friends. I know people say men and women can't be friends, but I think we have proved them wrong. I've made it very clear with Ryan that we are just friends and nothing more and so far he's gone along with...

3 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

1 year ago
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Modern Relations part 08 Its Complicated

Wendy: 4:40 PM“Okay, Okay, hold your damned horses,” Wendy yelled at the door. After ringing constantly for half a minute the door buzzer finally relented. Fresh out of the shower and dripping water all over her apartment, Wendy checked the time as she ran for the door. Andy was twenty minutes early. Wendy jabbed the intercom button, “That better not be you, Andy.” Jerking her finger off the button, she added, “because I’m getting tired of your fuck ups.”“It’s me, can I come up?”“Alex?” Wendy...

3 years ago
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Chicken out The game

The game was formerly a kids game many years ago. Older than many of the countries on our maps today, it now imprisons a vengeful spirit. Now, the wrath of the wicked one haunts the unfortunate souls who happen to stumble across it. While the promise of a wish for anything is a tempting prospect, things rarely go as planned.. The game is easy to play. It supports up to six players. Each player get their own piece and the goal is to endure the wicked ploys of the spirit as they progress through...

Mind Control
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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

3 years ago
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Complicated Ch 06

Chapter 6 Max and I started meeting each other frequently during the week and some weekends at either his apartment or mine where we would immediately proceed to fucking each other till one of us passed out from exhaustion. I was amazed at how much my libido had shot up since the time I met Max. We never went out and we rarely got the time to talk except at breakfast. He always insisted on making me breakfast, which I was thankful for as he ended up making unusual but delicious things with...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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ComplicatedHer Side

My lover wrote a nice tribute about us called Complicated. I wanted to give my side of the story too. Although he summed it up well, I want him to hear my words too and let everyone know how I feel about this man.We met about three years ago. We were both looking for a FWB situation. Both missing something in our marriages. We thought it was sex at first that we were missing. Although that was the driving force that started this, we found out we were missing so much more in our lives. Us...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates A Complicated Affair

Altered Fates: A Complicated Affair By Theunknownauthor Everything you are about to read is true! Every person, place or thing that is mentioned in this account is real, although I am changing the names and not giving any exact locations. I am doing this so that readers won't try to verify the validity of this story on their own. This isn't an easy story for me to tell, but I feel that I need to get it off my chest. For almost a year now I have been reading various accounts...

4 years ago
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People are Complicated Part 3

Old acquaintances and faces from the past. Choices are not always simple. People are complicated. This can be read as a stand alone, but as it does back reference to events in the first two...well... Tina Marie and Vickie, thanks for the support. It is appreciated. This is a work of adult fiction. No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected. Copyright KLS 2006. People are Complicated Pt 3 - Final. By...

3 years ago
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Why Must Everything Be So Complicated

Author’s Note: This is probably the most ambitious story I’ve ever tried to write, not so much because of the plot, but because of the changes the characters go through and the emotions they have to deal with along the way. (Events are easy; people are hard!) The problem is, even if I succeeded in my goal (and that’s one hell of an ?if,? since I’m certainly not a professional writer), everyone has a different idea of what exactly makes people and emotions seem real. What works for one person...

2 years ago
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Treehouse Adventures 4 The Final Chapter

So after the last adventure I told you about, what would you assume? Henry and I lived happily ever after? We were meant to be together? I wish I could tell you that it was the truth, but it was far from it. Now I don’t know if our love wasn’t strong enough, or the way we wanted the world to see us too great, but there was to much riding against us. So we ended up going our separate ways. Hannah and Henry ended up getting married after all and life went back to the way it was. ______________ “I...

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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
2 years ago
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Playing Gay Chicken out in school

"I hope he gives a class, I wanna beat you once and for all in gay chicken out Robbie" John said with a big grin on his face. We got into class and the teacher was already writing down the chapter on the white board, looks like John got his wish. We sat down and got our books out and settled down, the desks in the class were spread out and placed so well that no body would have a clue what's going on, no body ever did know. John started writing his notes, I rolled my eyes and...

3 years ago
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Did You See the Size of That Chicken

I have been wanting to explore my sexuality by sucking a cock. You know how the first time is always ,,, well hard and in the case of my first time thats a mouthful. We been buddies from working the mill and we both fell on hardship around the same time and by fate we ended up neighbors and all was good. Enter methamphetamine. He started making the shake style or i heard crank but whatever it was it is the best shit. We stay up for days doing just about everything to help a neighbor out. so not...

3 years ago
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Chicken and Waffles Naughty Situations

A waitress led Randall to his table and seated him in a booth. He stared at her voluptuous ass as she walked away. Her panty lines were visible through her short white skirt. It was a real turn on to him, seeing the shape of her panties. She had dirty-blonde, wavy hair. Her pointy nipples poked through her violet top. The contrast between her small boobs and big butt was lovely. He imagined nibbling on her supple behind while fondling her perky breasts. If only he could have some of that, he...

4 years ago
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176 AnneMarie and the desert chicken run

176 Anne-Marie and the desert chicken run Well she was a pretty little thing, he could see that as he watched her from the car, she would be up here with him soon, about five feet and a bit high , perhaps five foot two or three, red hair blue wide and liquid eyes, shapely , nice tits, if a bit small, absolutely right for some of his more discerning clients , his experienced eye told him she was about 25,26,27 that sort of age, which meant for him she would last as an escort whore for a few...

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