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Hi everyone. Well, the story’s coming to a close. I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it. Look out for more stories from me soon. Happy reading. As always, all characters are 18 years or over.
Chapter 14
The next couple of days went by like a dream for Sam. Although she was new at the whole relationship thing, she was eager to explore and learn. Chase, knowing her inexperience, was slow and gentle with her, not wanting to spook her away, but he was amazed at how passionate she was when the wall she kept around her had started to crumble. They spent nearly every waking, and sleeping moment together. They hadn’t had sex, in fact they’d barely gotten past a passionate kiss, but at the moment they were happy at the stage they were at. Although she was willing, Chase knew she wasn’t ready for anything more. Although she had started to trust Chase more and more everyday, Chase knew she still didn’t trust him enough to let him in fully. This still hurt Chase a little, however he could understand Sam’s reservations, so gave her all the time she needed.
Three days before both Sam and Chase were to leave to go back to their respective lives, Sam had finally plucked up enough courage to seek out Chase and ask him a very important question. Waiting for him on her bed until he had finished getting into his pajamas in his own room, Sam nervously rehearsed what she wanted to say to him. When Chase entered the room, everything Sam had thought of was erased from her head.
‘Um, Chase, could I speak to you before we go to bed?’
Chase looked over to Sam. Something was up. She looked nervous and fidgety, sitting there in the middle of the bed. ‘Sure sweetheart, what’s up?’
‘Um, well, this is for you.’ Sam thrusted an envelope into Chase’s hands and sat there waiting for him to open it. Chase had no idea what it could be and upon opening it was shocked to find an invitation for Sam’s gallery opening. ‘I thought it was only right to invite you, you know, since you were the model for my picture and all.’
Chase looked at the date on the invitation and felt his heart drop by what he was about to do.
‘I can’t go.’
‘I can’t go. I’m supposed to be in Pennsylvania by this date, for the movie.’
‘Well, I know that you’ve officially finished your holiday by then, but I thought that seeing it was only a few extra days you’d be able to come.’
‘I can’t sweetheart, they’ve already given me more time off than they can afford. My bosses will go nuts if I demand anymore time off.’ Chase went to take Sam in his arms. ‘I’m so sorry baby.’
Sam stiffened as Chase came towards her, so he dropped his arms to his sides and stared at her. ‘That’s alright’, Sam answered in a small voice. ‘I understand’.
‘I think you should go to your own room tonight.’
‘Sam, don’t do this.’
‘Please leave.’
Chase sighed as he got up off the bed. He had just ruined all the ground he had made with Sam. ‘Alright Sam I’ll go. I’ll see you in the morning.’
Sam lay down on the bed once he’d left and started to cry. She should have known better than to start to trust and love someone again, should have known that he wouldn’t keep his promise to never leave her. She knew that believing in anyone only led to heartache. Making a decision, Sam got out of bed and started to pack. She couldn’t face Chase again, not after his rejection, so she had decided to go back to L.A. She would leave at first light, say good bye to Warrior and Mac, and be gone before Chase woke up. Then she would never have to see him again.
* * * *
Chase woke up the next morning, memories of last night flooding back. Groaning, Chase hauled himself out of bed, determined to put things right with Sam. After looking for her in her bedroom and the tower, Chase decided she must be with Mac or out for a ride. Either way, he could corner her at the stables and get her to listen to his apology.
Walking into the stables, Chase noticed that Warrior was still in his stall with Sam nowhere in sight. While hunting for her, he came across Mac. ‘Morning Mac, um, have you seen Sam anywhere around? I need to talk to her.’
‘I’m fraid ye be too late Master Chase. She’s gone.’
‘What do you mean she’s gone. Gone where?’
‘Back to L.A. Left early this mornin.’
‘What. But why?’
‘Don’t know to rightly me self. Said something bout a gallery or something. Must say though, seemed right jittery this mornin.’
‘She’s gone.’
‘Sorry Master Chase. Thought ye’d be the one to git through to er too.’
Chase walked away, back to his room. It didn’t matter. Why should he care. Sam was just a fling, right? Just something to occupy himself while on holiday. Then why did it hurt so much? Deep down, Chase knew that was bull shit. He cared about her, more than he was willing to admit. Deciding he didn’t want to stay at the house anymore now that Sam was gone, Chase went to ring Jack to tell him he was ready to come back.
Chapter 15
Chase stared moodily out of the plane window. He and Jack had just been to Michigan and were now flying to Galveston. Chase was getting fed up at the planning of the bloody tour, not understanding why he was constantly flying all over the US instead of starting at one end and finishing at the other. Then again Chase was getting fed up with everything. It had been a week since he had last seen Sam. Seven days, but to Chase it felt like a life time. He missed the way she smiled at him, the way she would look when she drew or painted, he missed her smell and the way her hair blew in the wind. Hell, he missed everything about her. No matter what he did, Chase couldn’t get her out of his head.
Jack was worried about Chase. He hadn’t been the same since he’d come back from the Montagues. Normally a level headed guy, Chase had been moody and depressed, often staring out into space, lost in his own thoughts. At autograph signings, he greeted his fans, but Jack could see that his heart was no longer in it. ‘What’s wrong Chase?’
‘What, sorry.’ He had been brooding again.
‘What’s wrong? You haven’t been the same since you got back.’
‘It’s nothing. I’m fine, really.’
‘Don’t give me that it’s nothing bull shit. I’ve known you long enough to know that something pretty big is on your mind. It’s that Montague girl, Sam, isn’t it.’
Chase knew he couldn’t continue to lie to Jack. He wouldn’t shut-up until Chase told him about it anyway. ‘We had a fight, before I left. Sam’s got this gallery opening that she had to organise. It’s some big wig thing that she’s done for her school. She asked her parents to go, after I had been a bastard towards her. They declined, quite nastily as it turned out, pompous assholes that they are. Then Sam asked me. She was counting on me being by her side. I said no, said I had to do this promo shit. She got angry at me.’
‘Surely she understands Chase.’
‘You don’t understand Jack. I’ve let her down. I was just getting her to open up to me. She’s had a shit childhood, trusting people is hard for her. She’s so vulnerable, especially now that I’ve made her open up to emotions. I let her down.’ Chase was close to tears. He felt like such a bastard. He should have gone to the opening, should have postponed the tour. He felt like shit.
‘She’s just a girl Chase. You have hundreds throwing themselves at you every day. You’ll get over her…’
‘I love her Jack.’ Jack looked at Chase stunned. Chase looked equally confused. He hadn’t wanted to admit it to himself, but it was true. He had fallen in love with Sam. ‘She’s the only girl I’ve met since the acting thing that hasn’t given a shit about that. She liked me for me.’
‘Are you sure Chase? I mean, it could just be lust.’
‘No Jack, I’m sure. I love her.’
Jack knew he would probably loose his job over this, but he couldn
‘t bare to see his friend like this anymore. ‘Well then, we’ll have to see what we can do, won’t we.’
* * * *
Sam opened the front door to her house and trudged warily inside. She had been up since five this morning and hadn’t stopped since. Today was the day of the opening, and Sam had spent nearly all day getting the gallery ready. Now Sam just wanted it over. She had a splitting headache and felt sick from not eating all day. Finally, her art teacher had shooed her away to get ready for tonight. As Sam got to her room, she groaned. What was she going to wear. She had been so depressed for the first half of the week over Chase, then so busy for the rest that she had forgotten to go shopping. Hating herself for thinking it, Sam knew that she would have to go and raid Emily’s wardrobe. Although she was taller than her mother, Sam was sure she could find something. Anyway, her parents wouldn’t even be there, so she would never know. Removing her clothes, Sam turned on the shower in her bathroom and stepped under the warm spray. Feeling the warmth on her shoulders allowed her to relax, at least for a little while.
Everything had gone wrong today. The electricians couldn’t get the lights to shine in the right places, half the artwork went missing and the catering company got lost on the way to the school. She didn’t know how she had done it, but Sam had managed not to kill anyone. Tonight would be a different story. This was the big test. She had to spend an entire night with the people she had spent nearly her whole life avoiding. Knowing she had no choice, Sam straightened her shoulders and stepped out of the shower. Grabbing a towel, she headed back to her bedroom.
Sam stopped in mid-stride as she glanced at the bed. While in the shower one of the maids had draped one of the most beautiful dresses Sam had ever seen on her bed. Reaching down for it, Sam saw an envelope laying next to it. Opening it, she pulled out a card that said good luck on the front. Who could this be from. It certainly wasn’t from her parents, and she had no friends who would send her a card. Opening it up, Sam felt tears prick up behind her eyes.
Dear Sam, just a little something to wish you luck on your big night. I’m so proud of you. Sorry I couldn’t be there, I’ll be thinking of you. Chase. P.S. knew how much you hated shopping so I thought I’d help out a bit. Hope you like it.
Sam gazed at the card, then looked at the dress. Although it still hurt that Chase wasn’t coming tonight, it was sweet of him to do this. Sam grabbed some underwear and started to get dressed. Lucky for her, she’d somehow bought a strapless bra during a past shopping trip, as the dress had spaghetti straps. Pulling the dress on, Sam admired herself in the mirror. The dress was beautiful. It was made from silk in various colours of pink, from a light dusky pink to deep rose. Hugging her slim form until just below the hips, it then fell in light layers of chiffon to her feet. Looking down, Sam saw a pair of strappy black heels.
Sam felt like a princess. The pink went with her dark hair and eyes beautifully, and for the first time, Sam saw herself for the beautiful woman she was. Piling her hair on top of her head, Sam let a few tendrils wisp along her neck and sides of her face. Sam never wore much make up, but her face had looked so gaunt lately, she had to hide it.. Looking at herself in the mirror, Sam was pleased with the overall effect. Looking at the time, Sam realised she had to go. It was time to face the music.
Chapter 16
Sam was bored out of her brain. As the organiser of the event, she actually had to talk to people and pretend she was having a good time. Not only were all of the parents here at the event, but most of her graduating class were here as well. These were people that actively ignored her, so she was amazed at how many people were coming up and congratulating her on what a success the night was. Sam had to admit, the night had gone well after this mornings disasters. Everyone was where they should be, doing what was required of them. Still, as the rebel daughter of the Montagues, the girl that no one in society, not even her parents, accepted, she was getting quite a few congratulations. She knew that propriety demanded that people come up to thank her, but she assumed that in her case, they would make an exception.
Sam had to admit that the paintings and drawings were wonderful. She had never really taken much of an interest in her class mates before, so had never really looked at their work. Some of them were fabulous, and Sam was quite amazed that some of her class mates had enough substance to be able to produce these pieces of work. Glancing up at the microphone intended for speeches, she saw her art teacher step up to the podium.
‘May I have your attention ladies and gentlemen. Unbeknown to our lovely host of this evening, Miss Montague, we have secretly had three esteemed art professors from various universities across the USA judge the great pieces we have on display here tonight. I am pleased to inform you that the judges have made the decision and are now ready to announce the winners.’
Sam was in shock. She had no idea that the school was planning this. She hadn’t even noticed anyone going around and judging the artwork. She guessed that she hadn’t been told because she had a piece in the gallery, but at the same time she was pissed that they had done this at her opening without her knowledge. Noticing one of the judges step forward to announce third place, Sam supposed she should pay attention.
‘In third place, with ‘Windswept’, is Dominic Prestly. The prize for third place is a cheque for $2000, courtesy of Debesque motor dealers.’ As Dominic went forward to collect his prize, Sam had to admit to herself that his painting was one of the best here. Looking up she saw the other judge step forward to announce second place.
‘In second place, with ‘Gypsy in the Glade’, is Abigail Winter. The prize for second place is a cheque for $5000, courtesy of Prestic and Raine Inc.’
Sam clapped along with the rest of the guests. Looking around, she wondered who the winner could possibly be. She had judged for herself, that although all the artwork was fantastic, the second and third place winners would be the two best pieces of work in the gallery.
Looking up at the podium once more, Sam saw her art teacher walk up to the podium again. ‘Ladies and gentlemen, we have a special treat for you tonight. Presenting the first prize for tonight’s exhibition is Hollywood’s hottest star, Chase Major.’
The audience erupted with applause, especially all the younger ladies. Sam froze as she heard that name being called, stared as the owner of that name stepped onto the podium. All around her, the girls were whispering to each other excitedly, ‘Oh my god, it’s Chase Major,’ but Sam didn’t hear any of it. She was completely focused on the man she thought she would never see again.
Chase made it look like he was looking at everyone in the audience, but in reality, he only had eyes for Sam. ‘Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I am both pleased and honored to be here presenting the first place award tonight. The first place winner was extremely difficult to pick, as all the pieces of artwork here tonight were fantastic.’
Sam could hear the girl to her right whisper to her friend, ‘did you hear that, Chase Major thought my artwork was fantastic.’ Sam, now out of her shock, laughed to herself. These girls could never know Chase the way she did. Sam could still hear Chase speaking, so turned her attention back towards him ‘…and the first place winner, with ‘two images, one man’ is Samantha Montague.’ Sam was stunned. How could she win. Her artwork wasn’t nearly good enough. Hell, she had only exhibited a piece of work because she had to.
Before she even realised what she was doing, Sam was halfway up the steps of the podium. Chase took her hand and helped her up the last couple of steps. Sam was thankful. S
he wasn’t used to heels, and was finding walking difficult, especially up stairs. Chase looked into her eyes. He had missed her so much. ‘Hi,’ he whispered softly.
‘Loved the picture.’
Chase handed Sam the award and turned back to the audience. ‘The prize for first place is $10 000, courtesy of Mathews, Mathews and Hobson Attorneys. Congratulations Sam.’ Sam felt like she was floating on cloud nine until a high pitched whiney voice was heard in the background.
‘That’s not fair, it was rigged. She’s the organiser of this whole event.’ Sam turned around and saw the owner of the voice. Allison Hitchly, leader of the Bitch Mob squad. ‘Everyone knows she’s a crappy artist. There’s no way she could have won through talent.’ Sam felt the colour drain from her face. She should have known that something would go wrong during the night. She just hadn’t thought that Allison hated her that much that she would so openly critisise her.
Looking at Chase, she could him looking calmly at Allison. Sam was confused. Why was he looking at Allison like she wasn’t making a scene. Had Sam meant so that little to himthat she didn’t matter anymore. Chase turned to Sam. ‘What’s her name?’
‘That girl over there. What’s her name?’
‘I…it’s Alison Hitchly.’
‘She’s the one who always gives you trouble at school, isn’t she.’
Sam just nodded mutely. She could hear everyone in the audience talking to each other, feel all eyes on her, disapproving. Sam just wished she could die. Her art teacher stepped forward and tried to calm everyone down. ‘I can assure you ladies and gentlemen, that there is no way that the prizes were rigged. As I stated at the beginning of the awards, Miss Montague was completely unaware of any judging.’ It was too late though. The damage had already been done.
Sam looked at Allison and saw the pure hatred and malice on her face. She had been trying to deface Sam in someway since she had met her, and she had finally won. Sam was startled when she saw Chase pushing his way towards Allison. Sam couldn’t take anymore. Not only had Allison taken away any shred of respect she had with these people, not to mention defacing her in front of, as Sam had only realised when she had gotten a closer look at them, two of the men who were in charge of choosing the art scholarship recipients of her chosen university, it looked like she had taken away the man Sam loved. Sam couldn’t take it anymore and fled from the room.
Chase saw the sickly sweet smile Allison pasted on her face when she saw him walk towards her. She made Chase feel sick, and it was about time she learnt a lesson. Allison soon lost the smile when she saw the anger on Chase’s face and started to feel fear.
‘Miss Hitchly, isn’t it?’ Allison put on a brave face, sure she could charm him out of his anger. After all, there had never been a man she couldn’t seduce and get to do her whims.
‘Yes, Mr. Major. And I must say, I am such a big fan of yours…’
‘Oh shut-up. You don’t have to play the seductive whore with me. Do you have any idea what your tormenting has done to Sam all of these years. Do you have any idea what pain and suffering she’s gone through.’
‘Excuse me. I don’t know what Samantha’s been telling you, but I can assure you it’s a lie.’ Allison was getting worried. She had her reputation to think about after all, and although she was truly an evil little bitch, to everyone who mattered, she was the image of an angel.
‘Don’t give me that shit. Although I don’t know everything you’ve done to Sam over the years, I know that you’ve given her hell. Well, you’ve gone too far tonight. You are going to go up to that podium and publicly apologise to Sam for everything you’ve ever done to her.’
‘Or what?’
‘Or I’m going to go up there and tell everyone your little secret regarding your preference for women. Not only that, I’ll tell everyone about your perverted little fetishes for whips and chains.’
She gasped. ‘How do you know about that?’ Allison was petrified. She would be ruined.
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Todd Sullivan sighed and leaned over his steering wheel. He was frustrated. He was exhausted. He was bored out of his skull. The traffic was backed up further today than it had been yesterday. At any other time of day, he could have been home 15 minutes ago. He clenched his fists over the steering wheel. The fucking Camaro in front of him moved half an inch, then came to a stop. The worst part of this whole mess was he knew Trudy was home by now, and God only knew what trouble she was getting...
It all happened When Me and My Dad moved in with my step-mother. My step-mother had 2 k**s A boy and a girl. A the time they were 1* and 1* and me being 1* ass well. It was a small house for to live in together so it was pretty cramped. So When One Day When my Dad and my Step-mother went out all appeared to be normal. I was in my room, My step-brother was on the computer in the living room and my step-sister was on the couch with a blanket over her, watching Tv. So Im in my room playing video...
It was an innocent leaving work party, she had her work mates there and. I was her boss. She was 9 years younger and was moving away, about a one hour drive. I didn't expect that she… It was an innocent leaving work party, she had her work mates there and. I was her boss. She was 9 years younger and was moving away, about a one hour drive. I didn't expect that she had a crush on me but I knew than a couple of other girls did and I often flirted with them, often tempted to start a romantic...
AffairArlene stressed Emily’s headstrong nature and she didn’t quite share with them the faint feminine disappointment with mankind. Had Arlene ever considered a full time career for Emily? She could perhaps take a position at Browns Café as a waitress. Susan was incredulous, surely not! Arlene assured Susan the idea was not beyond reason, perhaps somewhere else or some other line in feminine employment, work at the hairdressers. The air held an autumn chill even if summer was supposed to be the...
WifeIt’s been a wonderful vacation so far. The sights we’ve seen and the people we’ve met have been so very wonderful. But one complaint — though not stated — has been the car rides: long and boring. Miles and miles of desolate country roads. Beautiful sights, but over long distances, they get to be a bit boring.Well, we’re on the road and, yup, miles and miles of deserted road in front of and behind us. You’re bored, and …. and I’m trying not to fall asleep. So you get an idea of how to cure both...
March 27 Katie’s been staying at our house every afternoon after school since last week just in case Mr. and Mrs. Garrett try anything. Dad even rescheduled his client visits so that he’s able to pick us up and be home with us in the afternoons. The downside is that Dad’s presence has kept us from having sex like we could do if we were at Katie’s house, but we’re OK with that. Keeping everyone safe is more important right now. It’s less of a big deal this week anyway, since Katie’s on her...
"Mmm" Claudia grunted. Her mouth was taped and there was a bag over her head. She was being taken to the local Mafia's hideout after she messed up one of their deals. "Quiet!" A girl said. "I dont want you making anymore noises!" Claudia could hear the sound of something hitting the ground, maybe a metal bat? "No, Nadia no hitting her. Im sure she didn't mean to mess everything up." Another girl said, clearly the nicer one. "Lets ask her some questions before we get to the others." The girl...
Lesbian“Geography? Why do you want to study geography?” A few days later we weren’t quite friends, but maybe we were heading there. I hoped so. She was normally so silent and reserved that I probably looked very social when compared to her. I had already learned that she didn’t mind silence, unlike some other girls who immediately wanted to fill the silence with their own voice. Linnea - yes, she finally told me her name, because she had to while entering one class - wasn’t like that and she was...
Sunday morning found us cuddled and comfy. We eased into waking up, with me opening my eyes first, seeing my sweet lover sleeping soundly. I laid there, not wanting to disturb her. She looked so sweet and innocent. Her actions and words last night were a stark contrast to the view I had this morning. I'd have to talk with her about that one question regarding her mother and I. It was hard to tell if she was joking or not. Her reaction to me swatting her sweet cheeks as she humped my leg seemed...
LesbianArgie’s Unusual Patient & John’s Peculiar Conquest Chapter 7 and 8 A week later, at Dr. Coughlin’s, Argie has quit her boring real estate broker job to start albeit slowly, working as a therapist under the tutoring of not only Dr. Coughlin, but his strikingly beautiful assistant, Vanna Bright. ‘You’re doing very well, from what I’ve seen,’ Vanna told an ebullient Argie Franck. Argie had just finished counseling a young man with erection problems, but hadn’t had sex with him yet. ‘I just...
I was at the house of a close friend. She was hot and super tall. Her body drove me nuts every time I looked at it. Her curves made me want to trace her frame with the tip of my cock. One day, she invited me over for a party, and it went well at first. Everyone was talking and having a good time. We all ate, laughed and drank like old times, and she was extra friendly with me. She kept touching my arm and I kept trying to make her laugh and it was awesome. Finally, everyone started leaving, but...
One late night i got in a huge fight with my mom and i stormed out of the apartment. It was pouring out side at the time I was whereing really short black shorts with long black stoking that go up to the middle of my thigh with long black high heal boots. I was whereing a black corset with red strings. And sence it was could out a black drench coat. I ran to the end of the block. i took a turn and kept running i got so far i got lost. I was lucky to find a nice man in a big coat asked him if...
That evening, I had been out with some friends and got back late, letting myself back into the apartment quietly. I was tiptoeing towards my room when I heard his voice call from his room “Hey John, is that you?” “Come in here” Sighing to myself but knowing I couldn’t avoids him forever, I opened his door and stuck my head round. The sight that greeted me was surprising to say the least. Andy was sitting back on his bed, naked, together with an equally naked quite pretty brown haired girl....
“Have a nice dream?” I opened my eyes and looked down, and there was Abby on her knees with no top on resting her arms on my thighs. “Not too bad, why?” I asked. Then I looked down even farther and seen my cock trying to burst through my shorts, pointing directly toward Abby’s face. “What the hell are you doing?” I asked. “You were having a dream, you were making a bunch of weird noises so I looked up and saw this.” she said flicking the head of my dick. “Don’t do that, and where the...
Tuesday morning I awoke with a dreadful headache. I must have had a migraine in my sleep, for it was one of those nauseous post-migraine headaches that defy description, and the like of which whose who have not experienced them cannot even imagine. It was probably the aftermath of the gruelling hot and humid weekend. I took my pain killers, which mitigated the intensity. Nicky wanted me to stay at home. I should have. But no. Obstinate as always I went into work, grateful on this occasion...
A note from Charlie: This wasn't in my story earlier, because I didn't notice at first that several pages of my mother's diary were stuck together. I found them later. Chapter 9.5: Lake Havelock Diary: September 5, 1973 Well, on our last day at Havelock House Charlie and I learned that we aren't the only parent and child who show their affection for each other in a sensual manner. I'm still trying to understand what I saw, or perhaps I'm kidding myself: I understand it all too...
Hello all babes this story will mad u up. Hope u will enjoy. Ruth dropped julie and johnny off at their house, then drove quickly home. She knew her son was curious able why she had done what she had done and excited. He was quiet all the way home. She had not wrapped her beach robe about her body, but drove in her bikini. Her son looking at her in a way he never had before. She was trembling with need by the time they got home, and she forced herself to help unload the car. She wasn’t quite...
IncestThe peeping tom – day three Compared to the other days so far this week I am late to get into the attic, it is nearly 08:30 . I open the window as normal, but I am not naked and ready to go, in all honesty I think I’ve missed the boat and everybody will be up and dressed and going about their business. I scan the neighbouring houses and there seems nothing is going on, but then, by chance, I catch movement in the corner of my eye. It is in the bedroom of a woman called Jean, she is in her...
“The Rundiranz?” I repeated. So what do you know about all this?” “Lize Biz, Captinz.” Meeze said, looking at the greenish goob of organic substance in one of his small hands. He took a bite.”Iz baaz Captinz buz maybez I puz the salz or ze strawberriez onz ze Rundiranz.” “Mr. Meeze can you pause your culinary experiments for a moment and tell me what you know?” The worm creature gave the green glob a last look and then tossed it back into the cracked open cryotube.”Meeze knows lize biz....
My career as a biochemist had paid two dividends important to my plans. I had amassed $100 billion from my medical inventions and the company that manufactured them. And just as important I had discovered a drug for activating the gene that generates testosterone and causes the male genitalia to grow. I had been taking this medicine for about six months and my erect cock had already grown from a 5-inch dick to an impressive twelve-inch tool. It once had been about an inch in diameter. As length...
Although I was almost ready to go to university, I still was a virgin. I Have always been shy, so even though I had had girlfriends, I had never really managed to score yet. I compensated by masturbating and had a good collection of porn magazines to help me. Summer came and with it a trip to the countryside, to a ranch our grandparents had in the mountains. It was a fruit ranch full of orchards. I liked to go as some of the laborers were young women, and I was always hopeful to finally score....
Andrapur was a mighty city by the sea. For ten thousand years it had been a legend, its fabled white-hulled ships plying the sea's of the world. It's palaces were home to opulent splendors, the noble inhabitants content in that they alone ruled the world. It's alleys were scenes of pitiless squalor, beggars and whore scratching out a living among the reuse. Andrapur was mighty and strong. It was envied and coveted by high and low alike. And for the past year it had been under siege by an army...
I’ve been friends with my mate practically all my life. I’m in my late 20s and we’ve known each other since day one, his family is almost like my family, they’ve took me in and looked after me any time I needed them and made me feel so welcome. Growing up I never really found my friends mom an attractive lady or had any sexual desires towards her however this all changed one day a few years back. His mom is a 65 year old woman, she doesn’t wear sexy clothes. She doesn’t know any skin, she...
As they passed through the gates into the great city the warriors were cheered loudly. After two days of pillaging a neighboring village, they had returned home bearing the spoils: weapons, pottery, farming implements and more. Perhaps the most valuable spoils were the villagers themselves. Although many of the men had been killed, the survivors had been taken and would become slaves. They would work either in the mines or on the temples, eighteen hour days, every day until they died. The...
Qamaar narrates this part * * * * * * * * * * “What happened next? How many other men have sex with you?” I asked as I was writing down what she was narrating. “Well, I have no idea how many other but surely, some other men had sex with me and I had sex with them too, sometimes. It was a bus full of men, sitting, standing and hanging around the foot board! 2 After Ahmad stood and walked away, imad came. I was once disgusted about him but this time my lust seemed to have overpowered my...
Diese Geschichte ist ein genehmigter Spinoff der Geschichte von Die Erzählung setzt nach dem Kapitel fort. Was bisher geschah: Die Hauptperson der bisherigen Geschichte ist Simone. Die junge hübsche Frau hat sich bei dem missglückten Versuch, ein Cateringunternehmen zu gründen, schwer verschuldet und hatte gerade zum Ersten Mal Sex mit einem...
It was hot that summer, with temperatures in the 90s and 100s for days on end. The only relief, other than just staying cooped up in the house, was to go out to our local lake and swim. We live about ten minutes from a state lake, built my the Corps of Engineers years ago. It was a great summer attraction in a state with few national parks. We used it often, Andrea and I, Carlos. We loved it. This day we drove around the park to find a secluded area of beachfront to set up for a picnic and...
Wendy was still in an emotional turmoil when Tim dropped her off, elated that she had got the job and could do something in recompense for Rick and dumbstruck at Mr Richards's generosity: a bedroom and her own sitting room, driving lessons and the use of his late wife's car, and a hundred and fifty quid a month. She had never dreamt of living in such comfort. She hugged herself and danced around her flat. She liked Mr Richards too. He was warm and friendly, gentle too she sensed. How he...
Or A day in the life of a sheepdog. Oh! Fuck this, thought Rambo. Rain was hitting him like miniature scythes, bouncing off of his head and back, running into his eyes, dripping of his black and white coat, matting his fur into sodden strands that looked like a Rastafarian hair do. A cold wind kept blasting him from any direction it felt like and it was as much as he could do to keep from shivering to bits. The weather wasn’t the worst of his problems though. The flock of...
Hello Guys, I am Sam, 23 years of age. I am 6’3” and well built. I play lot of football and hence keep myself fit. I have a 8” cock and used to shag looking at lot of mature women. This story was one such incident where I fucked my best friend’s mother when he was out on a college trip. The story happened when I was 20 years old. I used to stay in hostel for my college studies and I used to visit my friend’s house every now and then. I was fond of visiting him, since he was close to me and his...
“Mrs Goodall?” he enquired. Janice nodded her head. “My name is Nick I have something for you” He responded grinning. Nick had a tablet in his hand and he turned the screen round to show her the picture that was on screen. Janice gasped in surprise! The picture was of her and Jack Taylor laid on his bed both naked and kissing. Janice could not believe it she had totally forgotten about her relationship with Jack, which had ended only about a month ago. Jack was another Springbank pupil and...
My name is Fred and I’m 27, about 6’2 and medium build and have been married for 3 years now. I lived in the countryside with my wife Sally, with only a few houses dotted around. I was working from home one day, working on the laptop, taking breaks to look at some porn, but I started stroking myself before turning back to my work. I hadn’t had sex or masturbated for a week now, and was ready to burst. It was about midday and I was about to take another break. I was in the process of looking...