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Contest entry: VIP


By K_Finn64, 7/26/12


(This is a work of fiction. The usual disclaimers apply)




I gripped the seat with excitement as the driver turned off of Thomas and into the crowded parking lot of the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in downtown Phoenix Arizona. It was a warm August night in 1982, and the spotlights from the arena caught the flinty dust in the air, creating a sparkling light show above the gravel parking lot as the sleek white limousine headed up to the main entrance. I glanced at Andrea, who was sitting beside me grinning madly. We squealed in unison and squeezed each other’s hands as the limousine glided across the parking lot, drawing stares from the concertgoers who were slowly making their way to the venue doors. As the limo pulled up to the main entrance I could see the main marquee which read “Jay Miles Band”, with “The Pranksters” in smaller type beneath the headliners. Everyone knew the Jay Miles Band, whose single “Billboard Queen” was ruling the airwaves, but Andrea and I were much more interested in the opening act.

The Pranksters were a local group, a teen sensation with a loyal following in Arizona. They had started out in the local punk rock scene, but their sound had matured and they now had a very wide appeal. I had been a fan since I first saw them perform at the state fair last fall; I had followed the band when I could, seeing them perform at gigs in local high schools, lodge clubs and independent music venues in the Phoenix area. I last saw them perform at the old Mormon Church on 3rd Street in May, just before the band headed off for a tour of Southern California. I had heard on the radio that they had got signed by a major label at the end of their West Coast campaign, and immediately departed on a nationwide tour through July and August as the opening act for the Jay Miles Band. The Pranksters were now making their triumphant return to Arizona, playing at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum – the biggest indoor concert venue in the state with seating for over 14,000 fans. And we were there as VIP guests!

“I can’t believe it’s actually happening! Oh my God, we’re actually going to meet them!” I said breathlessly.

“Jeff Carr!” Andrea grinned.

“Mark de Valle!” I said, a dreamy look coming over my face.

“Shane Ware!” Andrea chimed.

“Backstage Passes! I squealed.

“I’ll give Jeff a backstage pass any time Susie!” Andrea said as she arched her eyebrow, causing the two of us to fall into a fit of giggling.

Andrea has been my best friend since grade school; a year older than me, she was about to start her senior year in high school and looked after me as if I were her little sister. When I won the radio contest for two backstage passes to the show there was never any question who I was taking with me. It promised to be a stylish evening for us: a limousine, a private meet and greet with the bands, gift bags filled with autographed items, photos and of course the chance to watch the show from backstage. I had never been behind the scenes during a concert and was buzzing with excitement. Andrea, on the other hand, had been backstage at several shows and knew the drill.

“It is absolutely vital that we get invited to the after party.” Andrea said with a smile. “That’s where the real action takes place. We will never get a better chance to score with them.” She continued. “They just got signed 2 months ago, so the full weight of stardom hasn’t yet hit them. They probably have not attracted the attention of the big time groupies and might be up for meeting some nice local girls!”

I had a total crush on Mark de Valle, the lead singer and songwriter of the band. Almost every square inch of my room was covered with posters, pictures and newspaper clippings featuring his piercing eyes and dark wavy hair. Andrea knew about my obsession, and tried to warn me about setting my sights too high. She pointed out that Mark was rumored to be seeing the band’s bass player, Kathy O’Connor. Shane, the drummer, and Jeff, the rhythm guitarist, would be easier pickings she argued. Andrea made good sense, but I refuse to be dissuaded; this chance would never come again. And besides, I had read every press clipping and interview about the band over the last 3 months, and there was no mention of Mark and Kathy dating. Perhaps the stress of touring had broken them up?


The limo glided to a stop, and the driver quickly got out to open the door for us. After thanking the driver we were introduced to Jill, a nice young PR intern who worked for the radio station. We followed her to the Coliseum main entrance and headed for the security gate where we were to pick up our backstage passes. Andrea and I were familiar with the Coliseum, having seen Journey, Van Halen and more recently Rush perform here. The hubbub of the crowd was magnified by the concrete walls and pillars that surrounded us, giving the whole environment a surreal quality. I was so excited I thought that was going to burst!

Jill said we were early, so we headed to the ladies room for a last minute primping before meeting our idols. I was determined to catch Mark’s eye, so I dressed in my best rocker chick outfit; fashionably torn jeans, black boots, black belt studded with nickel spikes, and my oldest and most beloved Pranksters concert shirt – proof that I was an authentic fan. As I stood before the bathroom mirror I appraised myself critically; at 5’2” I was hardly statuesque, but I had a nice figure, well shaped C–cup breasts, a pretty face and thick auburn hair that came down just past my shoulders. I was sure Mark had seen me at some of his other shows, and desperately hoped he would remember. Andrea looked great, as usual. Three inches taller than me, she had a willowy figure with gorgeous long legs and curly dark hair that fell to the middle of her back. We both applied a last touch of cosmetics before giving each other a hug and heading back out to the concourse.

Returning to the security checkpoint we waited nervously as the stony-faced guards check their list and make calls into their radios. Before long a large man sporting an enormous mustache appeared behind the checkpoint, walking briskly and smiling warmly at us. Dressed in a leather biker jacket, jeans and black boots. I thought he was a roadie, but as soon as he spoke we knew exactly who he was.

“You must be Susie and Andrea!” He boomed in a deep voice that we had heard a thousand times over the radio.

It was Danny McDoon, KZKB’s most famous disc jockey. After quickly posing with us for a couple of photos, Danny produced two laminate cards from his pocket and handed them to us. He then asked us to follow him as he set a brisk pace through the concourse headed toward backstage.

“So are you big fans of the Jay Miles Band?” Danny asked, as he led us down the concourse.

“Actually we’re more interested in meeting with the Pranksters.” Andrea said, as we struggled to keep up with his brisk stride.

Danny stopped in his tracks then turned on his heel, facing us. I stopped suddenly, afraid Andrea had insulted the DJ, but I was relieved to see a big grin crossing his face.

“Are you serious? You want to see the opening act instead of the headliners?” He asked.

“Oh yes, very sure.” I said, following Andrea’s lead. “We’re big fans!”

“That’s the best news I’ve heard all night!” Danny beamed, “Just between you and I,” He said lowering his voice, “The Jay Miles Band are bunch of ass holes! I’m so glad I won’t have to deal with them! I’ll see to it you get extra time with the Pranksters.” He said as he led us down a nearby hallway. “I’ve known them since they started out, and they are good friends of mine.”

“Really? That’s so cool!” Andrea said.

“Yeah, I help them get some of their first gigs. I like to support local bands, especially when they have as much potential as they do. They call me their Obi-wan Kenobi!” Danny chuckled, a paternal smile crossing his face. “This way!” He said as he headed towards a side corridor, then down a stairwell into the bowels of the Coliseum.

After a few twists and turns we came to the Pranksters green room, which was crowded with guests, friends and family of the band. Danny guided us to a corner out of the way of the hustle and bustle as he conferred with various people about the change in plan.

My heart jumped into my throat; Mark de Valle was there, right across the room! He was speaking to a rather scrawny man with a big nose and long dark hair gathered into an unkempt ponytail. The strange man was wearing an ill-fitting beige jacket and what looked like golf slacks, but there was something very familiar about him. Then it suddenly hit me!

“Oh my God!” I whispered to Andrea as I grabbed her arm. “Is that who I think it is?”

“Holy shit - It is!” Andrea whispered back, a note of reverence in her voice.

“Wow, he looks a lot different without the make up.” I noted.

“Or the snake.” Andrea added.

“Ladies and gentlemen!” Danny’s deep voice boomed out, jolting us from our reverie. “I would like to introduce you all to Susie and Andrea, the winners of the KZKB backstage pass contests! By their own request they have asked to meet the Pranksters rather than the headliners.” Danny said with obvious satisfaction. “So let’s make them feel welcome!”

There was a scattering of applause and a few cheers from the crowd as all eyes in the room suddenly turned to us as we grinned nervously and waved. I swallowed hard, fighting off a dizzy sensation as Shane and Jeff rose from their seats by the buffet and came over to meet with us. Both boys were tall and lanky, over 6 feet tall at least. Shane had long straight blonde hair that partially hid his face, although his piercing blue eyes could easily be seen. He was dressed in worn jeans and a dark blue muscle shirt, which showed, off his toned arms. Jeff had dark hair cut short and spiky, and steel gray eyes. Slightly shorter than Shane, he was more muscular and had the reputation as the “bad boy” of the band. He was wearing black leather boots, worn jeans and a black Ramones T-shirt. Andrea began flirting with him shamelessly, pulling out all the stops as she batted her eyelashes, twirled a lock of her raven hair in her finger and pulled her shoulders back to accentuate her breasts.

As I was exchanging introductions with Jeff and Shane, Mark said goodbye to his guest and walked over to join his band mates. My heart was in my throat as he gallantly kissed my hand in greeting and fixed me with his beautiful hazel eyes. Tall and lean, he looked every inch the young rock star; leather boots, tight leather pants and a stylish gold shirt. His thick wavy hair came down to just above his collar, reminding me of a young Jim Morrison.

“Wow, thanks so much for coming to see us!” Mark said, smiling. “This is a real ego boost – just what we need right before a big show!”

“Uh, Thanks! I mean… you’re welcome!” I babbled nervously.

“Wait a minute, you look familiar.” Mark said thoughtfully, stroking his chin. “Were you at the gig in the old Mormon church on 3rd Street?”

“Yes! I was right up by the stage!” I said excitedly, thrilled that he had remembered me.

“I remember! I kept looking over to see if you were okay.” He said laughing. “I thought you were going to get crushed by the stage divers.”

Time seems to stop as he smiled at me, but soon I was brought back to reality as Danny started to organize us for our photo shoot with the band members. The photographer was busy giving us directions as Andrea and I posed with the boys, when suddenly the last member of the Pranksters, Kathy the bass player, stormed into the lounge from the ladies dressing room.

At 5’4”, she was a full head shorter than all of her band mates, but what she lacked in stature she more than made up for with presence. Dressed in tall black high-heeled leather boots, a tight black miniskirt and a green Rush concert shirt she looked the part of a rock and roller, but what really commanded attention was her curly flame red hair which hung down to the middle of her back and her sparkling green eyes, which right now were flashing with anger.

“Where are my fucking Q-tips!?” Kathy demanded, her eyes narrowing on Shane and Jeff.

The two boys muttered unintelligibly and studied their shoes with guilty expressions.

“God damn it!” Kathy growled, “Man up and buy your own fucking cosmetics!”

Kathy grabbed the carton of Q-tips from the counter and stormed back into her dressing room. The band’s manager gave us a sheepish grin before following Kathy into her room, only to emerge seconds later with a chagrined expression, seemingly propelled by a barrage of expletives.

Mark excused himself and disappeared into Kathy’s dressing room as Shane and Jeff exchanged embarrassed looks before turning back to us.

“8 weeks on a tour bus with her…” Jeff whispered, rolling his eyes. “You have no idea.”

“She’s really not that bad most of the time.” Shane said, trying to be the diplomat.

As we returned to the photo shoot, I kept one eye on Kathy’s dressing room door. Eventually Kathy and Mark emerged, and through the crowd I saw them embrace before coming back into the lounge. Wearing a forced smile, Kathy came over and joined the others, introduced herself and posed for photos with us. After a final shoot with the whole band, we were ushered towards the stage, as the Pranksters got ready to perform.

The handlers showed us to the area off of stage right were we would be watching the show, and we were given earplugs because of the close proximity to the huge stacks of speakers. Andrea and I watched the hustle and bustle backstage with growing excitement, as everything was made ready. Finally, the house lights dimmed and Danny McDoon took the stage to a wave of applause to introduce the Pranksters and the show got underway. It was indescribably awesome to watch a rock concert from backstage; I could hardly believe it was actually happening!

The opening set seemed to go by in a blur of excitement and before we knew it the Pranksters finished their last song to thundering applause. We all headed back into the green room with them as the roadies sprang into action, preparing the stage for the main event. The band was clearly psyched by the audience reaction, as they were cheering and exchanging high fives in the green room.

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay and watch the Jay Miles band?” Jeff asked us, as he wiped his face with a towel.

“Oh no, I hear those guys are ass holes.” Andrea said, arching her eyebrow meaningfully.

“I ain’t saying nothing, but I ain’t disagreeing” Jeff said with a grin as he put an arm around Andrea’s shoulder.

“Hey, how would you like to come to our after party?” Jeff asked Andrea. “You and your friend of course. We’re heading to our hotel over on Grand Avenue. It’ll be rocking.”

“Why thank you Jeff!” Andrea answered sweetly, “It should be an awesome party as it’s your homecoming.”

“Damn right it is!” Jeff said with a grin. “Hey, we’re going to go down and meet the fans and sign autographs for about 20 minutes,” he continued, “I’ll have a roadie take you to our tour bus out back where you can wait.”

As Jeff and the other members of the band headed upstairs to greet their fans, Andrea turned to me with a satisfied expression on her face.

“We’re in!” She said.


Thirty minutes later the Pranksters crowded tour bus pulled into the Conestoga Motor Lodge on Grand Avenue. It was an old-fashioned sort of affair – two stories, open walkways with the three wings of the hotel forming an open box around a central courtyard with a gated pool area. As the band members went to their respective rooms to freshen up, Andrea and I made our way to the pool area where the party looked to be starting and grabbed a table. Several fans and road crew were milling around while others set up a keg and a couple of ice chests full of beer and wine coolers.

More guests arrived soon, and as the band members came back from their hotel rooms the party got underway in earnest. Andrea’s charms seem to be working on Jeff; he was the first back to the party, and made a beeline for us with an armload of beer. As Jeff regaled us with tales from the road, I could see Shane sitting at a nearby table chatting with two pretty young blondes. I could see no sign of Mark, so I sat with Andrea and listened to Jeff’s stories, glancing around from time to time.

I had about given up waiting for Mark to come by our table and was preparing to make my excuses to Andrea and go look for him, when suddenly I felt two strong hands on my shoulders giving me a relaxing squeeze. I glanced up and saw Mark smiling down at me.

“Susie, there you are!” Mark said with a grin.

Mark said hello to Andrea as well, before pulling up a chair next to me and offering me a fresh wine cooler. He asked us how we liked the show and how we were enjoying the party, then engaged us in pleasant conversation. I was completely star-struck at first, but Mark was incredibly cool and treated me as if we were old friends, calming my frayed nerves. Before long we were having a very relaxed and even flirtatious conversation as Andrea turned her attention back toward Jeff.

I was having the time of my life, but as they say all good things must come to an end. Bernie, the band’s manager, spotted Mark through the crowd and hurried over. Excusing himself for interrupting our conversation, he reminded Mark said it was time for him to put in an appearance at the Jay Miles Band’s after party, since tonight had been their last gig together. Mark rolled his eyes and apologized to me for having to leave, but business was business. He leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek, saying that he would try to get back later before departing with the manager.

I stood to watch him leave, feeling heartbroken; things had been going so well! As he neared the gate to the pool area, he met Kathy. Not wanting to be seen staring at them, I used an old trick Andrea had taught me. Removing my compact from my purse I pretended to be touching up my lipstick while watching them in the mirror. They talked for a moment, then Mark pointed straight at me, causing my heart to jump. Kathy leaned close to Mark and whispered something in his ear. Whatever she said made him smile. She then gave him a grin, and nodded her head before looking back in my direction. They both then turned and headed to the parking lot where a waiting limousine took them off into the night. My heart broke a little; maybe they were still together after all.


An hour later I was sitting at my table alone, watching the parking lot in vain for signs of Marks return. The pool area where the after party had been was empty apart from soda cans, beer bottles and a couple of roadies trying to get lucky with some chain–smoking groupies. I went to Jeff’s room quietly to see if Andrea was ready to go, but heard the unmistakable sounds of lovemaking. Well, at least my friend was getting some action, I thought morosely.

I returned to the pool, took off my boots and dangled my legs in the water. It was still quite warm outside, and the cool water felt nice against my legs. I sat there, gently splashing in the water and feeling sorry for myself, when suddenly I heard the gate to the pool area creak open. Startled from my reverie, I looked up and saw a slim redhead in denim cutoffs and a T-shirt walking in. It was Kathy!

I felt a chill, as I was sure she was going to confront me about Mark. Freezing like a deer in the headlights, I watched Kathy as she approached me.

“Hey. You’re Suzy, right?” she asked nonchalantly. “The radio contest winner?”

“Yeah. Look, I’m sorry about… I mean… I wasn’t sure if…” I said, stumbling over my words.

“Don’t worry about it.” Kathy said with a weary smile. “It’s what chicks do.”

Not knowing what to say, I studied my toes as I gently splashed them about in the pool. Kathy removed her black boots and sat across from me on the steps, dipping her pale feet into the pool. She murmured her approval of the cool water before pulling a silver hip flask from her pocket and taking a swig. After studying me for a few awkward seconds, she held the flask out to me. I’m not much of a drinker, but I didn’t want to turn down this obvious peace offering so I took the flask and put it to my lips. Tilting my head back for a sip, I coughed as the whiskey burned its way down. Kathy smiled and laughed quietly as I passed the flask back while croaking a thank you.

“Honestly I didn’t know you and Mark were still together.” I said apologetically. “I’ve read all of your interviews from your tour and there was no mention that you were together… so I assumed… you had broken up.”

“That’s the way the suits want it.” Kathy said with a touch of bitterness in her voice. She took another swig from the flask. “The record company says we’ll sell more albums if the fans thinks we are all available.”

“Oh my God!” I exclaimed softly. “That’s horrible! Mark actually agreed to that?”

“Oh no, he was pissed!” Kathy grinned. “But I talked him into it.” She added softly.

“Why?” I asked.

“Because it was the right move for the band.” Kathy shrugged. After a pause, she continued, “It’s bad enough that some people think I was only brought into the band because I’m Mark’s girlfriend. I don’t want my ego causing any problems. The band means so much to the boys.”

I looked at Kathy, filled with newfound respect. I guess success does not come without sacrifice after all.

Kathy looked around the pool area, now empty except for a few stray bottles. “It looks like the party has moved on to the headliners hotel.” She said.

“How was it?” I asked.

“Okay I guess, but I ditched out as quickly as I could. Those guys are dicks.” Kathy laughed. “Believe me, I’ve been on tour with them for 2 months. They actually had a bet going to see which of them would fuck me first.”

“Oh my God!” I exclaimed quietly.

“After 2 weeks they finally figured out I wasn’t going to sleep with any of them, so they ostracized me.” Kathy continued bitterly. “They’d invite the boys to their parties and poker games, but not me even though I was a band member. They treated me like some cheap groupie.” She cringed suddenly, and looked at me apologetically. “No offense!”

Kathy and I locked eyes for a moment before breaking out in laughter. She put her arm around my shoulder and gave me a hug.

“You’re okay Susie.” She said, before offering me another swig from her hip flask.

I took a small sip and managed to get it down without coughing as Kathy swirled her legs in the cool water.

“Want to go for a swim?” She asked.

“It’s perfect weather for a swim,” I replied, “but I didn’t bring a swimsuit.”

Kathy scooted closer to me till our shoulders touched and looked me up and down.

“We’re about the same size,” Kathy said as her eyes lingered on my breasts, “I’ve got a spare suit that would probably fit you.”

I grinned shyly then shrugged my shoulders. “Why not?”

“Beats sitting here alone by the pool waiting for your friend to finish getting laid!” Kathy laughed softly.

Kathy stood up and offered me her hand as she helped me up. We went upstairs to her hotel room. After searching through her bags she produced a black bikini swimsuit for me, and a green one for herself. She began to strip and change right in the room, completely unselfconscious about her nudity. Glancing up at me, she smiled sheepishly.

“Oh, sorry!” She laughed with a shrug. “Spending two months on a tour bus with six guys has pretty much destroyed any sense of modesty I may have once had.”

I felt more than a little flustered, but I didn’t want Kathy to know so I changed as nonchalantly as I could. I couldn’t resist stealing a peek at her in the closet mirror as we changed: I could definitely see what Mark saw in her. Her alabaster skin, peppered with freckles from the shoulders up, was beautiful, and her proportions were perfect; full breasts, slightly pointed, narrow waist and slender hips with shapely legs. I could feel my heart pounding; I told myself it was just normal excitement at being let into the band’s inner sanctum.

After changing into swimwear, Kathy produced a joint from one of her bags and lit it up. We smoked about half of it, while giggling and making small talk. She then stubbed it out in an ashtray before grabbing a couple of towels and leading me out, back to the pool. We took turns putting each other’s hair up to keep from smelling of chlorine, then languidly swam in the cool waters, pausing occasionally to take sips from Kathy’s hip flask. I soon had a very healthy buzz going, and was feeling a bit weightless and silly. As I swam with her my mind was spinning, wondering about the sexual dynamics of the band. I would never have pried into their business, especially with Mark’s girlfriend, but the alcohol had made me brave and I broached the subject while we rested on the stairs of the pool.

“Kathy, can I…uh…ask you a personal question?” I said tentatively.

“You can ask.” She grinned.

“So if everyone thinks you are all available, how do you handle groupies?” I asked awkwardly. “I’ve heard rumors that – even Mark - occasionally… you know.”

“Most of the rumors are false, but we encourage them anyway.” Kathy said with a sigh. “Good for business.”

“Most of them are false?” I pressed.

“Some of them are true.” Kathy said with a wink.

“You mean Mark cheats on you!” I gasped.

“Oh no. We have an arrangement. Sometimes I… share him.” Kathy said with a sly smile as she slid back into the water.

My mind reeled as I tried to process what she just said. I sat alone on the steps of the pool lost in thought while Kathy swam a lap. On her return she stood before me on the lowest step, the moonlight glistening off of her wet body. She smiled mischievously, sensing my fascination.

“It works like this;” Kathy said, “Mark sees a girl he likes the look of. He gets to know her a bit, and if he still likes her he hands her off to me for the final exam.” She drew closer in the water. “If she passes my tests...”

“Is that… is that what’s happening now?” I whispered, my heart suddenly pounding.

“Oh, very good!” Kathy said softly as she flashed a bright smile. “You catch on quickly. I like that. Yes, Mark likes you. And I’m starting to warm up to you too.”

My mind was truly spinning now – was she talking about a three-way! This was a bit more than I had bargained for, but I was intrigued beyond belief.

Kathy moved ever closer to me and whispered, “Are you a good kisser Susie?”

With 3 boyfriends and two one night flings under my belt, I have had no complaints in that department, so I nodded.

“Prove it.” Kathy whispered, leaning so close to me her lips were mere inches from mine.

My heart was pounding like a jackhammer. Kathy’s face was so close to mine I could feel the warmth of her skin, taste her breath. My emotions were in turmoil as desires I had never even considered boiled up from deep inside me. I had never even thought about kissing another girl… but if this was the only way to be with Mark, how could I let something as trivial as a kiss get in the way? Bucking up my courage, I leaned forward to kiss her. But in the last instant my inhibitions seized control and I froze, backing away. The magic moment slipped away into the darkness.

“Don’t feel bad.” Kathy said, as she stroked my cheek with her fingertips. “It’s not for everybody.”

We swam together in silence for several minutes before Kathy climbed out of the pool and suggested we shower and change, as she had a long day scheduled tomorrow. I climbed out of the pool feeling defeated, and wrapped myself in a towel. Silently I followed Kathy upstairs to her suite. She stripped off her swimwear and headed to the shower, inviting me to watch television. While she was showering, I sullenly considered my situation and took a deep drink of Wild Turkey as I cursed myself silently for being such a coward. Kathy emerged from the bathroom wearing only a towel, then sat on the bed and lit up the rest of the joint, which she offered to me. I accepted it, and took a deep drag before handing it back. After a few more hits, I headed unsteadily for the bathroom.

As I was toweling off in the bathroom after a quick shower, I noticed a large flannel shirt hanging from the back of the door. It looked far too big for Kathy, so out of curiosity I brought it to my nose; it bore the unmistakable smell of a man - Mark! Holding the flannel shirt to my face, I inhaled deeply and leaned against the bathroom wall, wrestling with my emotions. There’s no way I could live with myself if I passed up an opportunity like this. So it was a three-way. What’s the big deal? It’s the 80s after all. Kathy and I will just take turns watching, maybe… maybe kissing a little to turn Mark on. The thought didn’t exactly repulse me anymore, not after drinking the better part of a 5th of wild Turkey and half a joint. I felt insulated, protected, and brave. I looked at the girl in the mirror, who seemed to flash me a resolute smile. By God, I was going to do it! I wrapped a towel around myself, tucked it in and walked quickly out into the hotel room before I lost my nerve. Kathy was standing by the television dressed in a green robe, her back to me as she ran a brush through her long red hair.

Kathy turned and smiled as I approached. With a feeling in my stomach like I was stepping off a cliff into deep water, I place my hands on her shoulders, leaned in close and softly placed my mouth against hers. Kathy’s lips were amazingly soft, and tasted of cherry, smoke and whiskey. I slid our soft lips together, opening my mouth slightly and giving her just a bit of tongue. My breath whistled through my nostrils as my heart started pounding so fiercely I was afraid I was going to faint. Satisfied that I had given her a damn good kiss I pulled back to gauge her reaction, but she refused to let go, pulling me close as she dropped the brush and answered with surprising passion.

I began to lose myself in the experience as I felt her arms embrace me and her lips respond. Kathy moaned softly into my mouth and parted her lips slightly. I followed her lead and soon our tongues were wrestling together, slipping and sliding gently in our mouths. It was without any doubt the best kiss I had ever had in my life and I was drawn ever further in as she gently caressed my cheek with her fingers while her other hand moved to the small of my back, pulling me tightly towards her. She tilted her head and opened her mouth further, as her insistent tongue swirled and teased my own.

Suddenly my inhibitions returned, and I started to panic as things were clearly getting out of hand. I had to stop this before it went too far – what was I thinking! This clearly already was too far. I had to stop this! I had to stop this at once! Yet while my mind shouted stop, my body seemed to be in a state of rebellion against me. I put a hand on her shoulder to push her away, but instead it embraced her. I tried to pull my lips away from hers and tell her to stop, but they sucked her probing tongue deep into my mouth in defiance.

Taken aback by the emotions coursing through me, I finally summoned the will to break the kiss and took an unsteady step away from Kathy, breathing heavily. She stepped forward, a confident smile on her face. Blushing madly I stepped back again and backed into the bed causing me to lose my balance and sit down hard on the mattress. Kathy stepped closer, her shins against the side of the bed as she stood between my knees with a predatory smile on her pretty freckled face. My heart was racing, and my breathing was coming in soft gasps. I looked up at her feeling like a rabbit confronted by a hungry wolf. Ever so slowly, she unfastened the tie to her robe and let it slide open, revealing her shapely pale body. Her breasts, full and perfectly formed, were inches from my face. I felt my pussy twitch and moisten as a warm tingling feeling spread over my body. My words of protest died in my mouth as I looked up into her hungry green eyes.

“Mark likes girls who aren’t afraid to experiment.” Kathy said softly, as she sensuously drew her fingers across her breasts. “Do you like to experiment Susie?”

See the conflict raging within me, Kathy looked towards the hotel door. “There’s the door Susie. I won’t stop you if you want to leave.” She said, as she toyed with her stiff pink nipples. “Do you want to leave?”

“No.” I said in a barely audible whisper.

“Then touch me.” Kathy whispered, as she looked down at me.

Feeling myself tremble, I knew at that moment that I could refuse this fiery redhead nothing; I was completely under her spell. I raised my trembling hands and slowly placed them on her breasts, and was instantly overcome by arousal. They were so soft and silky to the touch, so beautiful and perfectly shaped. As my fingers gently explored the contours of her body she let out a long sigh as she softly pushed her fingers into my hair. Mesmerized by her soft globes, I offered no resistance as she pulled my face toward her left nipple. Instinctively, I took it into my mouth as a jolt ran up my spine. Closing my eyes I gently began to suckle, all shame and doubt washed away by an irresistible tide of desire. I felt her soft hands pull the towel from around my body, letting it fall by the wayside as she shrugged off her robe.

Kathy gently pushed me back onto the bed and crawled on top of me, covering my face with her long curly hair. She lowered herself onto me, kissing me fiercely; licking, nibbling and pulling at my lips with her teeth. I kissed her back, trying to match her passion, and soon our naked bodies were intertwined as our hands and lips explored each other. Rolling onto her side, Kathy positioned herself beside me as she kissed me deeply while her left hand explored my thighs. I gasped slightly when her fingers found my bush, and I let out a soft whimper when they slid deeper, parting my labia, softly probing under my hood and caressing my engorged clit.

I had been fingered before, but nothing like this! Her trained musician’s hands played my pussy like an instrument, and she knew all of the notes by heart. She was driving me mad with lust as she brought me up to the edge of orgasm, only to hold me at a plateau just short of climax. Shifting from my clit to my vagina she repeated the process, and before long I was moaning loudly, begging her to let me come. She just watched me with a bemused smile as she lay beside me, propped up on her elbow. Twice more she brought me to the edge of a screaming orgasm with her fingers, only to pull me back at the last moment. I writhed on the bed, poised on a knife-edge between bliss and agony.

“Oh my God Kathy! Please!” I begged through tears of frustration. “I’ll do anything you ask! Anything!”

“Yes. Yes you will Susie.” Kathy said softly, as she leaned down to kiss me.

Kathy’s fingers worked their magic on my pussy again and this time she did more than tease. My back arched and I let out a scream as a blinding orgasm shook me to my core. Reversing her previous tactic, Kathy now held me in an orgasmic frenzy with her fingers until I could take it no more; I rolled away from her as I felt myself starting to faint. Curling up into a ball, I gasped for air as tears of joy rolled down my cheeks. As my mind reeled and stars danced in my eyes, I felt Kathy slide up behind me, spooning me gently and placing soft kisses on my shoulder.

After recovering from the incredible orgasm, I turned to face Kathy and we embraced, sharing soft kisses and gentle caresses for several minutes as my desire built up anew. I threw my head back in ecstasy as she gently kissed her way down my exposed throat towards my breasts. Stopping briefly to suck and tease my nipples, she worked her hips between my thighs before sliding down between them, leaving a trail of wet kisses down my tummy. Closing my eyes I began to fondle my breasts as I awaited the delights to come. With her lips and tongue, she kissed and probed her way up and down my pussy, from my ass crack to my clit. I was burning desire, and my hips bucked and rocked instinctively as her hot wet tongue explored my folds.

I had never been made love to like this before; I didn’t know anything could possibly feel so good. I whimpered softly as she sucked on my clit and came almost immediately when her tongue penetrated my vagina. I trembled and spasmed as the orgasm washed over me, leaving me a panting, shuddering heap. She crawled beside me, her face glistening with my juices, and kissed me deeply. I inhaled and tasted my pussy on her breath and lips, as I kissed and licked her face. We held each other for several minutes, kissing deeply and caressing each other before Kathy sat up and looked at me with a mischievous grin.

“Now let’s see how fast you learn.” Kathy said, as she positioned herself with her back against the headboard of the bed, her legs spread wide.

Crawling across the sheets, I slowly drew closer to her moist red triangle and the puffy wet lips beneath. Marveling at the beauty of her aroused sex, I inhaled deeply, savoring her musky aroma. As Kathy squirmed lustfully, I tentatively stuck out my tongue and tasted her wet labia. I never in a million years would have thought to find myself in this position, but with my inhibitions gone, I was filled with lustful curiosity. Surrendering completely to desire, I pushed my face into her soft, wet folds – kissing, licking and sucking as my mind drifted into a fog of erotic desire.

Kathy moaned and whimpered her approval as she rocked her hips in time with my bobbing head. Whispering praise and suggestions, she began my education in the ways of lesbian sex. I must’ve proved an able student, for within minutes her words had dissolved into an ecstatic babble as she heaved and trembled with the onset of orgasm. I felt the incredible sensation of her vagina spasming on my tongue, and greedily sucked juices that squirted from her pussy as her back arched and she rode out the last waves of her climax.

Kathy moaned and stroked my hair before sitting up on the bed. She took a swing of Wild Turkey and handed me the bottle as she rested her head against the pillows and grinned.

“God damn!” Kathy said breathlessly. “You are a natural Susie! Mark knows how to pick them!”

After taking a sip of the whiskey I set it on the bedside table and cuddled up beside Kathy as we both kissed and giggled. After we both caught our breath, Kathy reached for a small black gym bag that was lying by the side of the bed. I took another small sip of the whiskey and almost coughed it out my nose when I turned and saw Kathy strapping a leather harness around her shapely ass. She turned to me with a grin, sporting a black plastic dildo that looked to be at least 9 inches in length protruding from her groin.

“Are you ready for the final test?” She asked, grinning wickedly.

I could only nod wordlessly, my eyes wide, as I passed her the bottle.

Kathy knelt on the bed and took the bottle from me, taking another sip before setting it aside.

“Mark loves having his cock sucked.” She said with a smile. “Let’s see what you got.”

Rising to my knees, I positioned myself before her and took the head of the big black dildo into my mouth. This at least was somewhat familiar territory; my last boyfriend, Calvin, greatly enjoyed fellatio and I had gotten quite good at it. I worked the head gently with my lips and tongue, then took as much of the shaft as I could with long smooth strokes, before returning my attention to the head as I stroked the shaft with my hand. Kathy complimented me on my technique and gave me a few pointers before ordering me to turn around and grip the headboard.

I knew what was coming, and I longed for it; I gripped the headboard tightly with my fingers, biting my lip and closing my eyes, waiting for the ravishing to begin. Kathy began slowly, sensuously running her hands over my ass, up my back and then back again several times. She then reached up and gripped my shoulders as she worked the tip of the massive cock into my hot, wet cunt. I let out a soft whimper of desire as she penetrated me while she whispered soft words of encouragement in my ear. Slowly and skillfully Kathy would thrust, then withdrawal a bit allowing my juices to coat the long shaft until almost the entire monster was inside of me. Mounting me like a beast, she began to thrust and hump, grinding her pelvis against my ass as the massive plastic cock pumped within me. Grabbing a fistful of my hair with each hand, she pulled my head back as I moaned in ecstasy.

Kathy’s glorious pounding abruptly stopped and I heard the sound of keys scraping in the hotel door. I instinctively panicked and dove for the covers, but Kathy pulled my hair like reins, controlling me like a skilled rider calming a spooked horse. I looked over my shoulder with panicked eyes to see Mark closing the door behind him.

“Lucy, I’m home!” He said, doing a Ricky Ricardo impersonation. “What’s for dinner sweetie?” He added with a grin.

“Fresh young brunette!” Kathy responded cheerfully as she mischievously thrust another few inches of the black dildo into my pussy.

I groaned with ecstasy at the sudden assault, which took my mind off of worrying about what Mark thought about seeing his girlfriend fucking another woman in his hotel bed. I soon saw that my concern was ill placed, as he definitely seemed to be enjoying the show.

“I see you ladies have become acquainted.” Mark said, a huge grin crossing his face as he walked towards a comfortable chair by the bed. “Please don’t stop on my account!” He continued, sprawling on the chair and helping himself to a sip of Wild Turkey.

Kathy began to fuck me again, sensuously and with exaggerated motions, clearly designed for Mark’s entertainment. I never felt such conflicting emotions before; so used, but so desired. So enslaved, yet so liberated. So slutty, yet so sexy. As Kathy penetrated me from behind, I braced myself on hands and knees looking deep into Mark’s eyes with longing. His gaze met mine and his left hand absentmindedly began to stroke a large bulge that had appeared in his jeans.

“Unless I’m very much mistaken darling,” Kathy said, “I do believe Susie wants to suck your cock.”

Mark sighed as he rose up out of the chair. “Damn, it’s good to be me!” He said with a smile, as he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down, revealing a pink swollen cock easily 7 inches long and mouth wateringly thick. After removing his boots, Mark stood at the edge of the bed with his engorged member inches from my face. I could clearly see a shiny trail of pre-cum smeared across his shining head, which made my mouth water even more. Kathy maneuvered me into position, and I took the tip of Mark’s glistening cock into my mouth, gently and slowly massaging it with my lips and tongue the way that Kathy and I had just practiced. I then swallowed almost all of his manhood as Kathy rammed me to the hilt with her strap on.

I had never known such sensual pleasure even existed before, much less experienced it for myself. I close my eyes and fell into a mechanical motion as I made love to Mark’s cock with my lips while Kathy fucked me from behind. Each time Kate withdrew, I lavished attention on the head of Mark’s cock with my lips and tongue. Each time she thrusted, I swallowed as much of his organ as I could handle. I desperately tried to keep from coming myself, wanting to get Mark off first, but Kathy was unrelenting and I soon collapsed as another orgasm gripped me, leaving Mark’s bright red cock dangling unattended.

Kathy quickly sprang into action, withdrawing her black phallus from my exhausted pussy while pulling my shoulders back, laying me on the bed facing the ceiling. Reaching over me she grabbed Mark’s throbbing cock and began to stroke him quickly. Looking up as my senses returned, I saw Mark’s face contorting as he neared climax, then suddenly relax as thick ropes of cum shot out of his pulsing member, splashing hotly on my tits.

His first load shot, Mark collapsed back into the padded chair breathing heavily as he watched Kathy’s next move. Tossing her hair over her shoulder, she leaned down and began to lick and suck his semen off of my tits, pausing from time to time to share a mouthful of his salty cum with me in a kiss. It was so erotic I soon found myself squirming in a passionate embrace with her, instinctively humping her thigh. Sitting up, Kathy raised my right leg over her left shoulder and began vigorously grinding our pussies together as Mark watched with a look of lustful fascination.

Gasping for breath and whimpering with desire, I matched Kathy’s pace as she rode me to another blinding orgasm. Kathy came with me this time, collapsing on top of me and moaning loudly as her abdominals spasmed. We lay together on the bed kissing and caressing as our strength returned. Our lustful display had the desired effect on Mark, who was once again sporting a massive erection. He stood beside the bed caressing us with his eyes, his lean, toned body tense and alive with anticipation.

As Kathy and I turned towards him, cuddling and smiling, he grinned and slowly climbed on the bed, moving with catlike grace. He exchanged a deep passionate kiss with Kathy, then his strong lips met mine. I moaned softly, surrendering to him as his powerful tongue invaded my mouth, savoring his taste and masculine scent. I felt his weight shift onto me as he lowered his body against mine, his arms surrounding me in a strong but gentle embrace. I heard the sound of paper ripping followed by the unmistakable smell of latex; I glanced down to see Kathy fixing a condom over Mark’s cock as she grinned and gave me a wink.

I smiled back at Kathy, still hardly able to believe what was happening as her boyfriend kissed my breasts and gently explored me with his hands. She moved around to the head of the bed and ran her fingers through my hair, tenderly massaging my scalp comfortingly as Mark positioned himself between my legs and gently probed my dripping pussy with the tip of his cock. I closed my eyes and sighed. I had never felt so adored.

As Mark leaned in to kiss me, I put my arms around his strong muscular neck, bracing myself. As he deepened the kiss, his hips rode forward driving his hot, rigid cock deep into me, causing me to quiver uncontrollably for a few seconds. I wrapped my legs around his firm ass and pulled him into me, keeping pace with his gentle thrusts. Taking his time, he filled me completely with slow gentle pulses that set me gasping. Rising up on his arms, Mark leaned towards Kathy and they exchanged a long passionate kiss as he continued to fuck me with deep, powerful strokes. Mark and Kathy broke their kiss, and Mark looked down at me, staring deep into my eyes. I reached up and dug my fingers into his back as his pace quickened. Pumping me fast and hard, he knocked little gasps out of me with each thrust. Lost in bliss, I could hardly believe my dream had come true - and then some! I didn’t want it to end, but eventually a climax hit me so hard I blacked out, waking up in Marks’s arms as he soothed and caressed me.

Lost in a blissful delirium, the rest of the night passed in a blur of soft flesh, gentle kisses and warm caresses. I soon found myself in that wonderful and warm place, between dreaming and wakefulness. After about thirty minutes of cuddling Mark fell fast asleep, leaving Kathy and I snuggling sleepily in each other’s arms.

“So Susie,” Kathy asked quietly, “We have 6 more gigs on this tour. How would you like to come with us to California?”

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Sex With My Cousin Sister

Guys this is my real life event. If you want to leave some comments and few more conversation please mail me to This was happened between my cousin sister during our young age. She is two yrs elder than me. I don’t know is this story is legal if I said my young age. May be in comments I will share the age if you people willing to know. We don’t know what sex is, but she used to watch her parents what they doing daily night and asked me let play some game. I don’t know what it is but we started...

3 years ago
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The Most intense Lover I ever hadanal orgasm af

He was not a big guy nor a handsome guy, nor did he have a big cock---it was on the short side. He was overweight, and quite demanding. He is a few years older than me. But he could fuck like no man I ever had a relationship with.He was a ex-ballet dancer, now a ballet instructor now living in France. Every year for the last 7 or 8 he came to my city, and we try to arrange time for several sessions of just raw a****l-like fucking followed by dinner.We met at his hotel the first time about 4...

4 years ago
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3 in 1 Best of Both

"Are you nervous?" Julie asked. "Um, yeah, a little bit" Scott replied. How could he not be? He's being set up on his first date with a man, after dating women all his life. Oh sure, he's always been curious about guys, but this was a big step. Julie knew her friend well, and knew he seemed unhappy with the women he'd been seeing lately. She always sensed her friend might be into guys, if given the chance. She had been helping him down this road, hinting that he should be open to new things and...

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camping with Dave

Sarah and I have been maried for close to 30 years our sex life is somewhat in the same pattern and the times between love sessions has become longer and longer. We regularly fantasize in bed talk about introducing another partner into our love making. For many years we have fantasized about another man joining us. Recently while chatting on line I met a guy who lives in another town but very close by. He and I speak on a regular basis and have actually met once or twice. Invariably our...

1 year ago
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My friend hot mom

Hai friend i am sohail from india this is my second exprience with my friend hot mom when my friend gone for goa for his bussiness those days i was studying my degree he leave his studies because his father died he was only son for his parent then his mother was alone in the house he said me to live with his mom ok and she went for goa for 8 days i qas leaving in his house i came to the story his mother is to sexy and hot she wear la-jeans top half she look very sexy any person will see him...

3 years ago
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Awakened Lust

Carol heard the glass breaking at the back door. "What was that?" her daughter asked. Carol didn't answer. She cautiously approached the door to the kitchen to investigate. "Stay in the living room Kelly," Carol told her daughter. "I'm going into the kitchen." It was Friday night, Carol and her daughter were watching television when the noise occurred. The noise was loud enough to put fear in Carol, but she didn't want to show it in front of her daughter. Just as she pushed on...

2 years ago
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A Persian Princess FallsChapter 3

Jasmine parked her car not far from a where a parking meter was. She saw a shop in front of her car on the sidewalk. They were at an alley in Hamburg that was known to be dodgy. It was full of Neo Nazis and poor working class White Germans. But what scared her was that shop she saw and she gulped. It was a tattoo shop, and Boris sitting next to her saw her expression. "You look nervous dear. Is something wrong?" he asked her as he unbuckled his seat belt on the passenger's side. "Where...

3 years ago
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The Anything Controller

The Anything Controller By Zedd I bought the little box in an old antique store down the street from where I live and brought it home to check it out. "Cool!" I exclaimed as I opened it up and found a small controller, very much like a game-boy inside. I picked it up and noticed that, except for the size, it wasn't really much like a game-boy after all. I noticed several small controls and levers, each having a small window next to them, and an enter pad at the...

1 year ago
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Daughters Horny Urges 7

Introduction: Janie gives her first blowjob – Continues…… Oh, Dad … I want you to … to fuck me, she blurted. Please … fuck me like you did yesterday … I want you to! Her father chuckled, shaking his head, Noooo, Janie … not yet, honey. I want you to learn how to suck cock first. Believe me, baby, I know from experience. A girl whos hot-to-trot for some cock makes a damn good cock-sucker, cause she wants it so bad. He noted the downtrodden look on her face. He-heh, baby, dont worry, Im gonna...

1 year ago
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Private Katrin Tequila Surprise Fuck For Model And Ex

In Private Specials, Elegant, Young and Anal Loving 2 the sexy brunette and top model Katrin Tequila has come for a photo shoot only to find the photographer is her ex, Jesús Reyes! After stripping down for the camera it doesn’t take long for Katrin to find her man diving back in for a taste of that delicious ass and pussy before returning the favour herself with a sloppy deepthroat blowjob. And when things are wet and ready Katrin then gets that interracial anal she used to love so much, watch...

2 years ago
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The Anomaly Volume One The Battle for the Known UnknownChapter 19

Intrepid - 3754 A.D. Naked and hairless. The shame of it. Isaac had never been so since he was a baby. The humiliation was torment in itself. But Isaac could comfort himself that he wasn't the only one so demeaned. All around him and equally immobilised on the grassy lawns of this strange Elysian but Godless world were others like him: defeated, dishonoured and similarly paralysed. He could move his eyes. He could breathe. But he couldn't move his limbs and he could mouth words with only...

2 years ago
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Today was not one of those days. Her arms were wrapped around the chains, rocking her feet against the ground so that she moved slightly back and forth. Her black hair hung in two braided pigtails on either side of her head, and a pair of glasses sat on the bridge of her nose. But what caught me was the lollipop that sat between her lips; lips that were as cherry red as the candy she was sucking on. I watched as her tongue swirled along the surface of the candy, licking and sucking until...

2 years ago
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My Best BlowJob

My other true stories are on my blog: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We were curled up on the couch, just relaxing watching TV. Nothing exciting to mention. I was bored though. I was just running my hand up his leg, touching my fingertips against him. Massaging gently. He was sitting next to me. I touched my fingertips into his jeans, the seam...

1 year ago
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Car Lovin

My boyfriend Paul was about to leave to go to Germany, and this would be our last night together for over a year. We were in my bedroom and I was already horny just from thoughts that had been roaming in my head. I was teasingly rubbing my breasts through my shirt. Paul is a breast lover, and I already knew this because he loved sucking on my D cups and he had told me so many times how much he enjoyed breasts, especially larger ones. As I played with my breasts I could see that he was becoming...

4 years ago
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Cock Loving Wife

I’d been thrilled when my 19-year-old girlfriend unzipped my pants on a date, fished out my firm willy, and sucked it off. That had never happened to me before and I was in heaven. Eve even swallowed, something I hadn’t expected from what I’d heard about women. I’d only been getting my hands under her bra and squeezing her tits before that happened. We were in my car in a private place so it was not easy to do much else. When I got to figuring where else we could go, it wasn’t long before her...

2 years ago
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Pain Factor The New Reality Show

Pain Factor: The New Reality Game Show Pain Factor: The New Reality Game Show "Welcome to another episode of Pain Factor," said the host, "The game where even the winners go home sore." "This week we've got another batch of fearless contestants trying to win our $1,000,000 grand prize. Let's meet them, shall we?" Four young women stood lined up on the stage behind the host. Each smiled brightly as the camera zoomed in on them. "Emily is a 25 year old school teacher from Iowa. In her...

2 years ago
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Return to KrellChapter 6 Rest and Conjugation

“Oh, my muscles are burning,” Lena complained as she sat on the muddy shore and rubbed her legs through her suit. Her thighs and calves were on fire, the stress of struggling through miles of bog in an unusual and unwieldy gait had taken its toll. The pain had taken some time to hit her, but now she felt like she had run a triathlon. She had done more exercise that morning than she had done in the last six months combined. “I hope you like girls with strong legs Sleethe, because by the time...

3 years ago
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HaremChapter 12

I was also in double standards whether I need to seduce her or what. My intention was also not clear. Necessary wise she may be in need of male company as she is widow and very much clean as, external affair was sin according to her. [At least I fall that way as per her behavior]. I was in no need as I had two young and beautiful females at my disposal. Neither my own sister nor another sister Shweta would refuse for sex at any convenient time. If both of them are busy or not feeling well or...

2 years ago
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O Brave New World

It had been the Daily Mail that had first broken the news, shortly followed by all of the World’s media. During the Autumn, scorn had been poured upon the doomsayers who believed in the old Mayan prophecy, that this 400 year cycle was going to end in the destruction of the whole world. But those deriders had to eat their words when the news of the asteroid was broken, by a technician at Jodrell Bank who sold the story to the Mail. The world did indeed have only a few weeks more left, until...

Love Stories
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My Daughter Makes PlansChapter 3 Sunday

One thing Pauline’s dad had hinted to me before they left was that he’d managed to turn the situation to good advantage. He hadn’t said how, and that made me wonder. Anyhow, first things first: Lindy wanted a morning fuck. She put me on my back, legs apart, and moved between them, to pep up my cock with her luscious mouth. After she’d turned by limp cock into a good-sized stiffy, she slid up my body until it sprang into the gap between her legs and her nipples were just in the right place...

4 years ago
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Portugeuse MILF Pt 3

After lying on my back for a while thinking about what we'd just done, I got up to see where Sally was. She was now naked (skirt and top semi on previously) sitting on the toilet smoking, blowing smoke out the window. "I have to smoke here so my daughter wont catch me, she's eight and she hates me smoking" I wash my face and sit in front of her. I ask her does she remember how all this started? she laughs and nods her head exaggeratedly, killing the cigarette. "how much longer have you got?"...

3 years ago
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RayChapter 10

Having met and enjoyed the company of five of the six ladies Ray had met at Peg's wedding, Ray was wondering if he would meet the one remaining lady, Megan. The ladies so far had been the ones that initiated contact with Ray. Ray remembered that the remaining lady Megan was a physician. She was a tall lady with very long red hair and a killer body. "Oh, well," he thought, "five of six isn't bad. Be thankful for meeting five very beautiful ladies." Ray was thinking about these ladies...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS13E05 Stephanie Dabizas 26 from Glasgow S

We open with an establishing shot of a strange, almost monolithic tower. The lowest few floors are painted white, then the rest of it is blank concrete. There’s a single strip of windows, running from the ground to the sky, right up through the middle of the tower ... It’s only when our camera tracks along the street, looking back at the tower, that we are able to see another side of the building and we can suddenly see a hundred windows and confirm that it is a residential tower. Beside the...

2 years ago
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Glory Girl Part One

Madison and I met as freshmen while at the University of Scranton but that was three years ago. We said 'Hello' whenever seeing each other on campus or in class but we never dated. Madison was exceptionally attractive so it was easy to understand why she was never without a boyfriend. She was a blond with the face of an angel and properly proportioned curves. There was something about her blue eyes and innocent look that turned me on. It just didn't seem possible for me to be among the chosen...

College Sex
1 year ago
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Your Best Friends Mom

Finally! You walked out of your high school for the last time in your life. You can't believe that the school year went by so fast. As you head towards your car you can't help but admire the girls walking in front of you. Since Summer was rapidly approaching with record temperatures girls were showing off their bodies like never before. Just yesterday, the class slut Kassandra had to be sent home for coming to school in only the skimpiest of bikinis. Today, you had the luck to be walking behind...

4 years ago
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Neuro submission transmitter 6

"Oh fuck yes!" I hear my mother yell, as I open the front door to Uncle Harry's house. He's been dead for over six months, but I still think of this as Uncle Harry's house. I quietly follow the sound towards Uncle Harry's bedroom, which mom and I have been sleeping in since we got here."Ohmygod!" Mom screams, as I move closer to the open bedroom door and peek inside. Fuck! The t****ze bar is back up over the bed, with some sort of sling type harness hanging from it, supporting my mother! The...

2 years ago
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Aunty Sutra

Hello readers!!! I am Jay 24 years old,i live in garden city bangalore. Today i am going to narrate you my real and wonderful experience with this women who is my aunt by relation. (This is a real experience and is a lengthy one kindly have patience to read it) I was a very small kid,then when i was in my 7th grade i used to be very good at academics, sports and all extra curricular activities and at those times it was impossible that i knew anything about intercourse and sexual activities, but...


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