Six Times A DayPart 48: California Girls free porn video

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Alan knew that Heather was going to be trouble pretty much from the minute he arrived at school. As he was walking alone across a field to get to his locker and then his first-period class, she swung into step alongside him and asked point blank, "So, where's my reward? Am I going to get my reward today?"

He knew exactly what she meant: she felt like he needed to fuck her right away as a reward for her passing her STD test and giving him the results so quickly. But he played dumb, asking, "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. My reward. My fucking reward. Literally!" She stopped, forcing him to stop too. "Look around. There's no one within 50 yards of us, so I'm going to talk frankly. You gave me three demands. I fulfilled them all, right away. I even went to great lengths to secure a private room right here at school. So are we gonna use it today, or what?"

"Lunch? I'm busy." While he thought about adding to his response, he gave her a good looking over. She was wearing a black miniskirt and a short, tight top that showed off her belly button and lots of cleavage. It was just shy of being scandalous, and not for the first time he wondered how she got away with wearing such outfits at school.

He said, "I've gotta speak to Ms. Rhymer about a few things, and I've got to do more of that special painting task."

"Pussy painting."

He slapped his forehead. "Could you be a little more discreet? Sheesh. You never know who could be listening in a place like this." He resumed walking. "Anyway, lunch is out. I'm busy after school too. Maybe tomorrow."

She hurried to catch up to him. "'Maybe tomorrow?' What kind of fucking ingrate are you? I did all that for you, and I even paid extra to get the test results back immediately, and you blow me off like that? Who do you think I am? And even more to the point, who the fuck do you think you are?"

"Sorry." He again was distracted by her sexy clothes. Is she wearing a bra? Hard to tell. But dang, her boobs sure are bouncing around freely when she walks! He attempted to focus and follow Suzanne's advice about playing hard to get with Heather. "Look. It's cool, the things you did. And getting the room. Cool. But the whole world doesn't stop rotating on its axis just so you can get what you want right away. Things take time. Lots of other things are going on. I said tomorrow, maybe."


He shrugged. He wondered if he was overdoing it by acting so indifferent. The prospect of fucking her sounded really, really good, and he had to admit that she did deserve some kind of reward.

Heather stopped and huffed, letting him walk ahead. Fucking ... fucker! I hate him! Who does he think he is, treating ME like that? I oughta crush him like a grape, just to remind him who he's dealing with. I'm so fucking MAD!

She stomped her foot in the grass several times, venting her frustration. But then she told herself, No. Don't get mad; get even. Which in this case means I'm gonna get royally fucked! Where there's a will, there's a way. That's what I always say.

She put on her thinking cap and started to scheme on how to get what she wanted, today - none of this "tomorrow" crap.

When Alan sat down in his first-period class, in his regular seat at the front of the room, Christine was standing by the desk next to his, as usual. There were still a few minutes before the bell rang.

His first thought upon seeing her was, The fates or the gods must really like me. Dang! Today must be my lucky day, again! It's a Wonder Woman T-shirt day!

Sure enough, Christine was wearing her Wonder Woman T-shirt. Alan liked it because it was the most revealing thing she wore at school. She had worn and washed it so frequently that he could see the outline of her bra when the lighting was just right. It also fit her really snugly, unlike most of her clothing which was far more concealing, allowing him to appreciate the size and shape of her fantastic breasts.

What he didn't realize was that she had long noticed his extra interest whenever she wore that particular T-shirt. After their beach trip the day before and their most recent practice date, her desire to capture his interest had escalated markedly. Thus her wearing that shirt the next day was hardly a coincidence.

He didn't comment about the shirt, since he didn't want to deter her from wearing it often. Instead, they just made small talk as they waited for the other students to file in.

Naturally, their beach trip of the day before was on both their minds. Alan started things off by saying, "Hey, I just wanted to say I had a really nice time with you at the beach yesterday."

"Me too," she replied happily. "Since then, I've been thinking about what you said: about how I'm too driven."

"Hold on. I never said that. I think it's great that you're so driven. You seriously inspire me to try harder myself. I was just making the point that it's good to sometimes take the time to 'waste time' as well. Happiness is a good thing in and of itself, and it prevents you from burning out."

She nodded. "I agree completely. I need to spend more time on my social life. Luckily, I have you to help me out."

He made a playful little bow in his seat. "At your service, my lady."

She smiled widely at that. "So ... when are we going to go to the beach again?"

"Again?" That surprised him.

"Sure. After all, I did kind of promise you I'd wear a bikini, and I chickened out on that. So I'm definitely going to have to wear one next time. I guess I'll have to go out and buy a new one, to be fashionable. Or maybe something more exotic. Any suggestions?"

He was temporarily speechless as he pictured Christine in a sexy, revealing bikini. Then her "something more exotic" comment registered fully and his imagination went into overdrive. He thought back to Susan's slingshot-styled bathing suit when she'd role-played being Christine a day earlier, and then he pictured the real Christine in that same suit. Since it was his fantasy, he inflated her breasts to an even larger, Brenda-esque size. He stared into space with wide eyes.

Christine was so delighted by his wowed expression that she had to suppress the urge to chuckle out loud. She teased, "Someone seems to like the bikini idea!"

"Too much!" he exclaimed quietly.

That was actually more accurate than she realized. He had resolved to keep their relationship platonic, and seeing her at the beach in a bikini would be a severe test of his willpower, especially after the way they'd gotten so touchy-feely applying suntan lotion on each other their prior time at the beach. He made a snap decision to avoid another beach trip with her, at least for the time being, so as to not put himself in such a risky situation.

Sensing that their limited time before the bell was running out, she abruptly switched topics so she could discuss something that was nagging at her. "So. I saw you talking to Heather in the hall recently. And then today, just a few minutes ago, I saw you talking to her again. Are you becoming friends with her or something?"

He scoffed, "Hardly."

He sighed inwardly. Jesus H. Christ. Christine is like a bloodhound. She sniffs out everything. What am I gonna tell her?

Christine asked, "She seemed kind of upset about something. What was that all about?"

He thought quickly. "Yeah. I know this isn't exactly going to shock you, but she can be a real bitch sometimes. All of a sudden she wants my help to do a bunch of volunteer stuff for the cheerleading squad. She acts like it's my responsibility just because my sister's on the squad. She's just looking for suckers. I told her 'No', and she's not too happy about that."

That satisfied Christine, since it fit in so well with her understanding of Heather's personality. She even smiled to hear that he was standing up to Heather. Then the bell rang, cutting off any further questions she might have had, giving her only time to say, "Good luck dealing with her."

Chapter 2

Alan thought he might be out of the woods with Heather, at least for a while. But as soon as he reached his second-period classroom, Heather was there to intercept him, before he could even get through the door.

Christine happened to be with him, since they walked to most of their classes together. Alan just sighed and gave her a look, as if to say, "Heather won't stop or leave me alone."

Christine gave him a sympathetic nod of understanding and walked on into the classroom. Yet she lingered by the door so she could still hear him when he asked Heather in an exasperated tone, "What now?"

Heather was no fool; she certainly didn't want Christine snooping around and eavesdropping on her business. Once Christine was out of hearing range and out of sight, Heather said quietly, "Come with me."

Alan stood his ground. "I'm not just coming with you. Tell me what this is about first."

"Come with me," she insisted. "Trust me."

Sighing, he started to follow her through the hallway crowd. He muttered to himself, "Trust me." Yeah, right. I'd trust her as far as I can throw her. She's up to something, for sure. I'll bet it has to do with her so-called "reward." Which I never promised, even if she seems to think I somehow did.

It soon became clear to him that they were heading to the theater room. It was out of the way, in a little-used part of the school, so there was no other reason to be headed in that direction.

Heather walked ahead with a purpose. Her very revealing miniskirt showed more leg than even the skirt of the cheerleader uniform. She was determined to get Alan to fuck her today, and her clothes were a part of that plan. She walked in front of him, swaying from side to side, knowing full well that his eyes would be glued to her undulating ass and smartly stepping legs.

She was right about that. He was annoyed at his response. He didn't want to get aroused, but his dick couldn't help but rise in response to the sight of Heather's fantastic, firm ass, and her tanned, muscular legs strutting right in front of him. Despite himself, and as she'd planned, he couldn't stop thinking about how good it would feel to spread her fantastic tanned legs and drill her hard.

Alan didn't wear a watch, but he had a good sense of the time between classes from having lived with that five-minute inter-class interval for so many years. As they walked further from the main school building, he said, "We might as well stop here. I've got like a minute at best before I have to head back to class. So say your spiel and fast, since this is private enough for whatever it is you've got to say to me."

She just kept on walking. "Trust me. I'm not going to make you late. Trust me."

He groused, "Would you stop saying that? I know you're taking me to the theater room, but I don't have time to go in there."

But Heather still kept walking. They were almost to the theater room, and her first goal was simply to get him inside by any means necessary. Once he was alone in there with her, she was sure she'd get the vigorous fucking she so craved.

Alan was just as determined not to go into that room. Although it was hard to resist the chance to fuck her luscious, hard body, he didn't want her to conclude that she could manipulate him so easily. So when they reached the door to the theater room, he stopped and said, "Don't bother opening the door. I'm not going in. Not until you tell me what this is all about. Actually, there's no time. I need to turn around right now if I'm going to get to class on time." He started to turn back.

Heather put a hand on his shoulder to restrain him. "Wait! That's not an issue. I got you a pass." She pulled a scrap of paper out of a hidden pocket that her clothing had concealed and handed it to him.

He looked at it. Sure enough, it was a pass excusing him for the entire second period. He held it up and complained, "How did you get this?"

She gloated, "It's all about who you know and making a good impression. I can get as many of these as I like. Blanks."

He started to turn around again. "That's nice. But I've got a class to go to. I'm probably already gonna be late."

"Don't bother. I spoke to your teacher; that's why I was coming out of your classroom when you were heading in. Everything's arranged, and if you try to mess it up, you'll open up a can of worms for yourself."

Alan was steamed by that. He crumpled the pass in his hand and shook his fist. "Heather! You're such a fucking BITCH! I didn't want you to do that!"

"Why not? You're telling me that you'd rather sit in some boring class than have some of this?" She raised the hem of her miniskirt, exposing her pussy to his gaze.

He was astounded that she wasn't wearing any panties. Despite his anger, his dick was suddenly ramrod stiff. No matter how he felt about her personally, his sudden erection wasn't about to go down anytime soon after that little display. But he tried to ignore that part of his body. "Yes! Yes, I would. For one thing, I LIKE school. I like learning. I wanna be somebody someday, and that means I have to do well at school. Even if I could get a bunch of blank passes, like you have, I wouldn't use them."

He continued, building a full head of steam. "Furthermore, I really resent YOU pushing me around! Who gave you the right to decide I wasn't going to that class today? You think you're so great, but you're just a ... a pile of dog shit, as far as I'm concerned! That was a rotten move. You think I'm gonna give you your reward today? HA! I wouldn't fuck your skanky cunt today if you were the last girl on Earth, not after that stunt!"

She appeared contrite. "Look. I'm sorry. But I checked with your teacher, Mister What's-His-Name, and you're not doing anything important today anyway." She put a hand on the door handle. "But we don't want to make a scene out here. Come inside and we'll talk about it."

"Yeah, right! You'd like that, wouldn't you? You're like a spider trying to lead me into your web. There's no way in Hell you're gonna get me in there! And just look at you!"

He took a step closer, so he was in her personal space. "Good grief, look at your slutty clothes. How do you get away with dressing like this?" He ran a hand over her top and her miniskirt. He was trying not to touch her privates, but it was difficult because her clothes didn't cover much else.

"And look at this slutty body. You think you can get anyone to do what you want just because you're a stone fox. Well, I have news for you. You're not all that. You're not so great."

He ran his hand up to her rack and gave her left tit an aggressive squeeze. "Like these tits. Fake! All fake. Just like the rest of you!"

She protested, "Now, hold on. For one thing, my breasts are only slightly augmented."

Before she could say more, he shouted, "Shut up! Slut, I'm really pissed at you. Don't you get that?! How could anyone who looks this good on the outside be so mean and ugly on the inside?" He was just as horny as he was mad, so even as he talked his hand continued to wander all over her body.

In fact, he brought his other hand into play, using it to flip up her skirt, briefly exposing her pussy again before the skirt fell back into place. He ran his fingers up and down her wet labia. "And look at you. No panties. Are you even wearing a bra?"

She didn't answer, but just stood there stone-faced.

So he pulled her top up, all the way to her underarms, leaving her tits completely exposed. "A-ha! You're not! I should have known! You're such a fucking slut!"

She could sense that his lust was getting the better of him, even though he didn't seem to realize it himself just yet. His examination of her body was turning increasingly sexual, and she wanted to further that along. So she took the hand that had checked her labia and brought it back to her pussy. Her tight miniskirt remained hiked up a few inches above her clit, so she pulled his fingers to her slit.

She purred, "I am! I'm a slut; I admit it! Feel how wet I am for you."

He poked two fingers into her gash, probing around inside. Meanwhile, his other hand migrated from her boobs down to her ass. He kneaded her ass cheeks, causing her miniskirt to raise up in back as well.

She knew better than he did how his lust was ramping out of control, and she knew she'd have him if she could distract him from coming to his senses for just a little longer. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him in close. But she was careful not to do anything too startling, such as grabbing his boner, which might make him realize fully where his "examination" was going.

He continued to complain loudly, "You're soaked! And you smell like raw sex. Don't you have any shame? Any self-respect? Look at you. I've got you half-naked out in public, in school, and you're not even blushing!"

She spoke in a sexy purr while running her hands all over his chest. "That's because you've got me so horny. How can I even think, when you're digging into my cunt like that? Alan, I was wrong! Thinking of you as a mere nerd. You're a stud!"

She took a step back, but she was careful not to disengage from the hands that were still fondling her ass and pussy. "I have no shame being half-naked. In fact, the problem is that I'm not completely naked!" She unzipped her miniskirt and let it fall to the ground. Then she did the same to her top.

"SLUT!" Alan roared. "Fucking slut bitch!" Wrapping an arm around her backside, he pulled her in close for a nuclear kiss. His other hand kept on aggressively pumping her cunt.

As their tongues dueled for the first time that day, he started to think about where things were headed. What am I doing?! She's hoodwinked me again. I'm seriously pissed, but somehow I'm overwhelmingly horny too. I just can't help myself. Good God, she's got such a fucking hot body!

Look what we're doing, standing out here in plain sight. It's like I can't stop fingering her tight cunt! This is exactly like what happened in the parking lot last time! Although I've gotta admit it's not nearly so dangerous, because nobody ever comes around here, especially during classes. Maybe some janitor might stumble by...

Wait. Classes ... Oh my God! Classes?! I should be in class right now. She tricked me, again! Motherfucking BITCH!

As if it wasn't obvious enough that things had spun out of control, he suddenly realized that she had a hand inside his shorts that was vigorously jacking him off.

He thought, Fuck me! I can't help myself! I should get her to stop, but it's like my body is on autopilot. I just can't stop squeezing this juicy ass or pumping her hot cunt! But I'm not gonna let her win. I'm not gonna go into that damn theater room, or fuck her, 'cos that what she wants.

He knew his resolve on that was rather weak, since she clearly was already manipulating him successfully. Her erotic moaning not only showed how pleased she was; it also helped raise the fire of his lust until it was a raging inferno. He was already out of control, and he finally realized it.

He stood by helplessly as she pulled his shorts down his thighs to get better access to his cock and balls. Now that she knew she had him where she wanted him, she no longer kept an arm around his backside to hold him in place. Instead, her hands went straight for his cock. She pumped and teased with all ten digits to make sure he stayed too horny to resist her advances. She was almost certain that in just a matter of seconds she would be lying on a prop couch in the theater room getting royally fucked.

She thought, So fucking hot! Alan is a moron. He'd rather be in class than doing this? I love how he's pumping my cunt! I love it! Doing it out here in the open, it's almost as good as getting seriously fucked! Which is just about to happen, incidentally. HA! And he can't resist my ass, my perfect ass. Nobody can! Even a tit-fiend like him can't let go long enough to play with my tits!

I love it that he's got me buck naked. He doesn't care! He's nothing like limp-dicked Rock. Rock would never allow this, the chicken-shit loser! I'm with a REAL man now, so go suck your own balls, Rock!

Alan's heart was pounding unbelievably hard. He felt like he was Dr. Bruce Banner turning into the Incredible Hulk, but Alan was becoming super horny rather than super strong. He wasn't simply kissing Heather's lips; he was so passionate that she was forgetting to breathe. That left her gasping for oxygen, but his kissing felt so awesome that she couldn't stop to catch her breath. And he was no longer just fingering her pussy: her hips were gyrating around while she was bouncing up and down on her heels, basically fucking herself on his hand. By this time her cum was flowing down his wrist and dripping onto the floor.

After another minute or two, Heather knew that if they kept it up much longer, she'd cum hard. There was no problem with that except that she wanted him in the theater room. Cumming could complicate that, because she doubted she'd be able to remain standing afterwards, much less capable of dragging him along. So even though it was very difficult to pause, she managed to disengage. Then she reached for her discarded clothes to retrieve the theater room's key.

Alan was so far gone that he was seeing the world through a pulsing red haze. He felt virile enough to punch his fist through a wall or even lift a car, or so he thought. Needless to say, he wanted more - a lot more - but he found himself simply standing there. He asked, bewildered, "What are you doing?"

She said while wiggling her bare ass at him, "Just a sec. I've gotta open the door."

That reignited his anger. "Oh, no you don't! I am NOT going in that room!"

She just chuckled at that as she fumbled for the key.

That only infuriated him more. He suddenly grabbed her bare hips with both hands and yanked her backward to the ground, letting go of her as she fell.

She landed hard on her ass. "Owww! That hurt! Why'd you do that?" She sat up with a hurt, offended expression.

He made fists in the air. He found it hard to talk, he was panting so hard. "Listen! I'm ... I'm not gonna ... Not gonna fall for that. I told you, no fucking today! Won't ... let you ... win!"

"Oh, really?" She loved a good challenge. She hadn't really been hurt by the fall, so she flashed him a sultry look while spreading her legs wide. Then she pulled her pussy lips open with her fingers, causing yet more of her juices to gush forth. Her voice was husky and almost feral. "Want some of this?"

The pheromones in her copious lube were overwhelming. He raged, "You know I do, but I'm gonna fuck your face instead!" He held his erection straight out. "Open your mouth and say 'Aaaah."

They were in a standoff. She wanted to get fucked. If not in the theater room, she was willing to get pounded right where she sat. She didn't care about the exposed location because she felt she was invulnerable. Besides, she never got caught. Although the hard floor would be more than a little uncomfortable, her fuck need drove her on.

However, Alan just stood there above her, glowering and offering his hard-on expectantly. Clearly, he wasn't about to move. His unusually engorged cock, pulsing red with his anger and need, was calling to her like a siren song. She reminded herself that she hated blowjobs, but she found his defiant pose strangely irresistible.

Chapter 3

The moment dragged on. All was silent but for the sound of distant activity. Neither of them seemed willing to budge. Then, in a flash, Heather was up on her knees with his cock in her hand. She looked up and said with spitting resentment, "Fucking BASTARD!" Then she opened her jaw widely and engulfed his erection as deep as she could manage.

He didn't waste time, not even to briefly savor the moment. He had a need to fuck her face like he had a need to breathe, and he wasn't going to be delicate or considerate about it. He held the sides of her head and immediately started fucking her mouth just like it was a cunt.

Happily for him, she seemed to be as into it as he was. She didn't just sit there and let him use her; she did her best to suck tightly on his rod even though that was no easy task, due to how fast his shaft was sliding past her lips.

Thanks mostly to Suzanne's advice, Alan understood that when it came to Heather, the best defense was a good offense. But what he still didn't fully realize was how strongly she reacted on a sexual level to aggressiveness. Something snapped inside her when she saw him towering above her, presenting his cock and demanding that she suck it. She forgot all about luring him into the theater room to get fucked, instead devoting all her energy to sucking his cock as best she could.

As it happened, there wasn't much she could do other than hold on for dear life. The minutes passed, but his anger at her presumption didn't lessen, so his energy didn't fade either. He just kept on fucking her face like he was pounding quickly into a tight cunt.

He was so vigorous that she had to be careful not to choke or gag. In his lust-frenzy, he wasn't paying attention to how deeply he was penetrating her mouth. And with his hands tightly holding the sides of her head, she had little ability to control what he was doing. He repeatedly thrust so deeply that he triggered her gag reflex. She had no deep throating ability, let alone any meaningful previous experience with cocksucking, so she had to concentrate with all her might on breathing and not gagging.

But the more she struggled, the more she loved it. This was a man who just didn't give a fuck, who was using her like the "cum dump" he'd called her in their past encounters. That turned her on so much that even as she was barely coping with gagging and breathing, she wished she could swallow him down to the root because she loved his cock so very much.

Merely getting enough air was a problem for him too. He felt like he was running a race, even though in reality he was standing still. As a result, he wasn't able to say much. But his anger was such that every now and then he would shout out short phrases like "Take it!" or "Fuckin' bitch!", or mean things like "You cunt!" or "Slut trash!" But he wasn't doing those things because he knew she liked it; it was because his conscious control over his thoughts and his mouth had disappeared so completely that he was just spouting whatever happened to pop into his head.

Even so, Heather responded just as enthusiastically as she had previously. She found herself thinking, I am a cunt! His cunt! Two, actually, 'cos he's fucking my mouth-cunt! FUCK ME!

But, like Alan, she was so far gone that she was focused on the moment, unable to think much. And, like him, even though all the action seemed to be concentrated in one spot, she felt like her entire body was on fire. She wouldn't have been surprised to find that her skin was red as if from a bad sunburn, because that's how hot she felt all over. She tingled so much everywhere that it seemed her entire body was one huge erogenous zone.

After a few minutes of such frantic thrusting, Alan began to run out of steam. He was still fully engaged mentally, but he simply couldn't maintain that pace for long, just as one couldn't sprint for an entire mile.

However, Heather didn't mind his slowing down, because that allowed her to speed up her effort. Up to that point, her head had been held in place by his hands. But as his fucking flagged, she started lunging her head back and forth, carrying his hands along with her head. As a result, his pole slid back and forth in her lips just as fast as before, but now her blonde ponytail was flying around wildly from her own movements.

As time passed, he was forced to focus more and more on his struggle not to cum. He had to rhythmically flex his PC muscle continuously, which wasn't easy. It was much like fighting a desperate urge to pee. He was so close to the edge that sometimes he squirted out a little real cum and not just pre-cum. Although his struggle wasn't pleasant, the pleasure he was feeling from Heather's sliding lips more than made up for it. He absolutely hated to cum, especially during a great time like this, because he knew that would cause all the pleasure to suddenly end.

As a result, his back-and-forth thrusting finally came to a stop. But Heather had been making up the difference for quite a while, so when he stopped she went all out, picking up the slack, bobbing frantically to keep her "face fuck" feeling going. She too was getting tired, but she felt compelled to pleasure Alan's cock the best she could.

Same as Six Times A Day
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 13 California Dreaming

October 10, 1995, Los Angeles, California I’d taken a mid-afternoon flight and arrived at the InterContinental Hotel just after 6:00pm. I checked into my suite, took a quick shower, then walked to California Plaza to get a salad for dinner. I got it ‘to go’ and sat at a table near the large fountain so I could watch the cool water show. “Hi!” a familiar voice called from behind me. I chuckled, and turned, “Hi, Jasmine! Join me?” “Sure!” “I didn’t expect to see you until tomorrow.” “I...

4 years ago
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California Here We Cum

Part One – Emma and Luke uncover hidden desires The year was 1847; the wagon train was in its eighth month of a laborious westward journey. The hardy band of a hundred pioneers had endured every imaginable hardship during the slow journey from Missouri to California. Starting out as the spring thaw began last March, the weary travelers now looked forward to the cooler October temperatures in the Southwest. If they managed to get through the Sierra Nevadas before the mountain passes were...

Love Stories
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California Girl Part 5

California Girl Part 5 By Princess Panty boy The morning goes by pretty fast, but I have to admit all I can think about is the doctor's appointment I have at one o'clock. What is the doctor going to say? And will I be able to do it. I know she is going to say that I have been deceiving everyone. I guess that's true I have deceived everyone specially the people that really care for me. I mean like WOW look at all the stuff that Necy has done for me a total stranger, and she...

4 years ago
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California Girl Part 4

California Girl Part 4 By Princess Panty boy I lay there on his bed looking at Splash smiling back at me. I look down at myself seeing my long smooth legs and my panties are flat in the front showing no bulge. If Splash could see inside my panties, he would freak finding out that I have a penis and balls like he does, well his is way longer and thicker. I can't believe I just had a guy make love to me. What am I thinking he didn't make love to me like some soap opera on TV....

3 years ago
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California Virgin

Once again thanks to LadyCibelle for her help and encouragement. The mile markers counted down as we approached the California coast. I was dirty, hungry, and tired in no particular order. We had been driving for almost three days straight in a ten-year-old car that was barely still alive. I thought to myself that this might be the dumbest thing that I’d ever done in my life. It started a year ago. I had just finished my sophomore year at college and was home for the summer. After a...

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California Dreaming

I left Tyler, Texas heading to San Diego, a 1,400-mile trip. I had driven almost 700 miles and was still in Texas. I was approaching the dusty dirty little town of Pecos, Texas, when I spied a young girl hitchhiking. Normally I pass hitchers by, but this lonely looking young girl tugged at my heart strings and I pulled over. I rolled the side window and she peered in.“Young lady, are you all right?” I asked.“I will be better if I can catch a ride,” she replied.“Are you going somewhere local?” I...

2 years ago
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California Girl Part 2

California Girl Part 2 By Princess Panty boy Wow, I look around and don't know where to start organizing. Man there are boxes everywhere. I guess I will just start bringing down the boxes but maybe I should organize the boxes first. I start putting all the boxes that say nail polish or nail supplies or anything about nails and stack them by the door. I go thru the bedroom and see more boxes as I stack them also. Okay now I will start taking them downstairs. I see the backroom...

1 year ago
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California Girl Part 7

California Girl Part 7 By Princess Panty boy I walk back into the house and see myself in the mirror. I am wearing this silly little pink one-piece Barbie swimsuit. I wonder if his sister has any other swimsuits. I hear noises coming from Stephen or Stephanie's room. Well looks like someone is getting a little, or maybe she is getting a lot hearing her moaning hehehe I giggle. I guess I won't be asking if his sister has another swimsuit. Let's look in the master bedroom maybe...

2 years ago
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Four to California

*February 9, 1848 - Thursday* Here begins my journal. I arise today a new man. My past is that of a cad, my future, if I have one, will be that of an emigrant farmer. I am Christopher Hanlon, 23, born October 12, 1824. I am 5' 6", 150 pounds, moderately good looking with brown hair and a beard which I keep well trimmed. I grew up on a farm in up state New York and left home as soon as I could. I had found employment at a stock brokerage firm in New York City. In the last eight years I have...

4 years ago
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My PlaymateChapter 4 California

I looked out the window, observing white wispy clouds glide past my view of the brilliantly blue ocean beneath. And then the coastline came back into sight. We were almost there. Months after graduation. Months of enduring the mental torture inside my own conscience. Months of dreaming about Courtney's face. And now we were almost there. I glanced to the side to see Anna's face light up happily as she also saw the California coast, more clearly than I from her window seat. She turned and...

1 year ago
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A California Surprise For Brandi Chapter 7

100% fiction! In the previous story Brandi finds out that her son, she had put up for adoption, 18 years prior, was at her home. We were on our way to California. I was very lucky to get a flight out of Tanzania, that morning at ten. I estimated, it was going to take twenty-three hours to get to our home in California. We had plenty of time for Brandi to explain what had Happened. I had booked a first class flight, there were only two seats on each side of the isle, we were the only two in the...

Cheating Wifes
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Our trip to California

I had to go to California last summer and Jeannie wanted to go with me to visit her s****r whom she’d not seen in almost two years. Her s****r was completely different than she was. Jeannie is a little short, with big breasts and brownish blonde hair and an infectious smile. While her s****r Heather is a tall leggy blonde with dark skin and smaller breasts. When we got there we picked up a rental car and drove to her s****r’s house. My wife rang the doorbell several times and we both knocked...

3 years ago
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Introduction: A follow-up story to A Ride with a Trucker Annette Arrives in California Follow up to A Ride with a Trucker It was about 5 pm. Annette had just gotten out of Donnas big rig and waived goodbye. She went to a pay phone and called her uncle Jerrys number. His wife Beverly answered. Jerry was not home from work yet. Annette made sure she knew right where the house was and figured she could walk there. Her bag was not very heavy. Bev said she would watch for her and they hung up....

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Josies California Vacation

It had never been my intent to hurt my husband. I looked across the bar at the 4 guys sitting there, and knew before the night was over I was going to be fucked by each of them. And it had all started so innocently. Samantha, one of my friends from college called me up one day and said she was having a get together for “the girls” at her beach house in Santa Monica and wanted me to come. It had been at least 7 years since we had spent any time together. I talked to my husband that night and he...

1 year ago
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California Here We Cum Part 2

Part Two – Emma and Luke discover each other The long days on the California trail continued. The wagon train had entered the dangerous Apache country, and there was a sense of nervousness among all the travelers; all of them, that is, except for Emma and Luke. Traveling apart from each other, never speaking to anyone about their chance encounter at the riverbank, they were nevertheless daily absorbed in thought about what had happened. Emma, though very much preoccupied with her own...

Love Stories
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Tucks American Roadtrip California Surfer

PART FIVETallahassee, FloridaPrissy’s father, J. Howard Barrington, III, sometimes called “The King of Tallahassee,” was frantically dialing the phone in his study. He had to do something drastic and get it done right away. He was worried sick about his daughter, Prissy, who refused to eat, and would not leave her old bedroom at his house. Barrington had called his doctor to come over to his house earlier to check on Prissy and the doctor was in Prissy’s room trying to get her to let him insert...

Straight Sex
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Our trip to California

I had to go to California last summer and Jeannie wanted to go with me to visit her sister whom she’d not seen in almost two years. Her sister was completely different than she was. Jeannie is a little short, with big breasts and brownish blonde hair and an infectious smile. While her sister Heather is a tall leggy blonde with dark skin and smaller breasts. When we got there we picked up a rental car and drove to her sister’s house. My wife rang the doorbell several times and we both...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 47 California Here We Come

May, 1985, the Midwest, the Great Plains, California, and the Pacific Northwest, USA “More corn?” my sister asked shortly after we crossed the Mississippi at the Quad Cities. We were making good time, having covered the first 180 miles of our trip in less than three hours. “On this route, it’s going to be corn and wheat, with the odd herd of cows, and very flat, until we get to the Rocky Mountains.” “Should we fill the gas tank and switch places?” Stephanie asked. “Sure. It’s about 300...

2 years ago
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Naked Day part 10 California Dreaming

"Tim, are you mad at all or uncomfortable with anything I did. I mean, I've fucked my brother, licked my sister's pussy, and more." "I know, I was there. I'm good. Your brother and sister are great kids. It was a crazy experience. One that most people will never have. I don't want you fucking everyone out there and I don't want to start bringing strangers home, but now you, and I, will never wonder what a full day sex orgy is like. So there's that." "Thanks Tim. No one could...

3 years ago
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Naked Day part 12 California Dreaming

When we got on board I claimed the window seat figuring that Cindy could sit in the middle and lean over on me if necessary. I had a t shirt and khaki shorts, Cindy had a long T and short cotton shorts. We settled in and seeing it was a full flight waited for our third passenger. told Cindy it was going to be a huge guy with b.o. "Eww, then we're switching seats." It turned out to be a young guy, maybe college student, but on the younger side, 18 or so. I saw his eyes take in every inch...

2 years ago
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Follow up to "A Ride with a Trucker" It was about 5 pm. Annette had just gotten out of Donna's big rig and waived goodbye. She went to a pay phone and called her uncle Jerry's number. His wife Beverly answered. Jerry was not home from work yet. Annette made sure she knew right where the house was and figured she could walk there. Her bag was not very heavy. Bev said she would watch for her and they hung up. As Annette walked to the house she looked at the neighborhood. They...

3 years ago
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California Zephyr Ch 01

Copyright 2004, All rights reserved California Zephyr Train 6 (eastbound) Car 0631 Economy Bedroom 6 There was some magic about this train, according to the friend who told me this story. In the rolling movie set known as the California Zephyr, she played parts in a dream scenario, led by the power within an ancient ring. – Prof. Richard W., formerly of (_________ University) oo0000oo Karen had suddenly faced a moment which she had been dreading for several years, the death of her...

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California Rain

Note to the reader: this story is based on a young woman from California who is currently visiting family in New York and is separated from her boyfriend. They exchanged erotic e-mails on what they would do in a rain storm, which turned into this story. Like most of my stories, the characters are real but the story is total fantasy. Let me know what you think and I’ll let them know for you. Enjoy. Thanks to Amber who looked through the story and corrected my errors. EroticaSeanStyle * * * *...

3 years ago
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California Dreaming

California Dreaming He was the typical ego centric artist who believed that the art world should live around his schedules and not the other way around. He had been here in this seaside community on the southern California coast since his college days. Scratching out a living with signage jobs for the local business owners along with the highly desired but often delayed commission checks from his artwork on cereal boxes. His real art stacked up in the studio, few galleries interested in...

4 years ago
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Going To California

Going To California Eight agonizing months had passed since she had left for London. Since that day, every time I heard the roar of a jet engine, I recited the flight details to myself. “Departing - 8:55am. - Toronto (YYZ) - arriving 9:00pm. London (LHR) - 7hr 05mn - Nonstop.” She had been offered an incredible career opportunity at TBWA London. When had she told me of the offer, she did so with tears in her eyes. She said she couldn’t imagine her life without me in it. I told her she had to...

2 years ago
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03 Nights In California

I am a well traveled executive working in Fortune 5 MNC. I am well traveled and have experiences worth for this site from all corners in the world. One fine day, I received an email from a colleague of mine from US. It was a forwarded email from my former colleague whom I had a crush on during the early days of my first company. But at that times there was only a formal discussion with this lady and let’s call her Nancy. Nancy was trying to find me and don’t know why. Somehow after repeated...

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College Daze Our First Year TogetherChapter 9 Crosscountry Adventure To California

"We all in?" I asked my sister as we got ready to pull out of our parent's driveway. There was a definite sense of deja vu as I slipped the car into reverse, remembering that fateful day that Tandra and I had headed off for Hendrickson University. "God, yeah! Let's put some miles under this beast!" Tandra enthusiastically suggested. "How many miles on it now?" "Umm, six hundred and fourteen," I read the odometer of the new sedan that our parents had bought us just for this...

3 years ago
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California CrewChapter 5

The next day, I wake up on my own with no alarm or anything. At first, I forget where I am, and then I see the unusual surroundings and remember. I am in Beverly Hills, California. I look over. Adrienne is still asleep. I tiptoe into the bathroom, and take a shower. I brush my teeth, and French braid my hair. I go out into the bedroom, looping an elastic around the end of the braid. My hair is actually down to my elbows, but when it is in a French braid, it seems a couple inches shorter. My...

1 year ago
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California CrewChapter 24

We pulled up in front of the house. Our old one, that was still just as beautiful as usual. I couldn't believe that we had it. We had been gone a year, and were back in our old house. The first thing I did was set up my desk. We decided to all have our same rooms, and everything went back into the old places. My desk slipped perfectly back into its corner, the dresser opposite the bathroom door from the desk, and the bed on the other side of the room. The coiling mirror was re-installed, and...

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Jamie had been on the road to california for a few hours, and she could feel her stomach rumbling. There weren't many choices to eat, since she had been lost for a few hours, so she decided to stop at a diner for a burger and fries. Jamie was a pretty attractive 23 year old, she had graduated college, and was headed to California wanting to make it in the acting career. She was about 5'6 with a C cup,brown hair, and pretty skinny for her age. She stepped into the diner, the door closing behind...

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Naked Day part 26 California Girl

But first to catch up. Cindy filled me in on the first couple days. They were long and busy. She filled out paperwork, for the agency, for other performing groups, all kinds of stuff. She was a bit overwhelmed but Nikki talked her though. Next day it was various photo shoots. Nikki went along to check on the photographer. Nikki said, "Some it doesn't matter they could care less if you're changing. Other guys you need to watch. They can get pervy with young women." So photos for files,...

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Naked Day part 13 California Dreaming

"Apparently my brother and I have similar taste in women. She looked so delicious lying there, I was hoping to get her into the Southern Cal lifestyle a little bit. The weekend will be so much more fun." I had to admit, I was a little jealous. Cindy had been intimate with my sister already and I was just sitting here with a hardon. "So, you're bi-sexual Nikki?" "Not exactly. Not any more than Cindy is for having sex with a woman. I do prefer men. Peter is wonderful in bed, though...

2 years ago
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Summer In California part 2

Summer In Northern California Part 2 This is the story of my first time spending the weekend at Kelly and Karen’s house while their parents are away for the weekend. Karen is Kelly’s younger sister. They are a year and a half apart. Well it was summer vacation in California and my girlfriend Kelly called me to tell me that her parents where going away for the weekend and did I want to spend the weekend with her and Karen. In less than a second I said yes. We talked about riding bikes around...

1 year ago
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California The Introduction

I had to go to Southern California on a business trip and my wife Stacy wanted to go with me to visit her sister. Stacy hadnt seen her sister Laura in a couple of years and my wife was looking forward to a week with her only sister in the warmer weather. The sisters were almost complete opposites. My wife Stacy being petite with D cup breasts, red hair, pale skin, and lots of freckles loved the colder climates. While her sister Laura was a tall leggy blond with tanned skin and dark eyes that...

3 years ago
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California Here We Cum

Part One – Emma and Luke uncover hidden desires The year was 1847, the wagon train was in its eighth month of a laborious westward journey. The hardy band of a hundred pioneers had endured every imaginable hardship during the slow journey from Missouri to California. Starting out as the spring thaw began last March, the weary travelers now looked forward to the cooler October temperatures in the Southwest. If they managed to get through the Sierra Nevadas before the mountain passes were...

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California Slut

Introduction: This has been revised after the first posting, I appreciate corrections that will help me become a better writer. Some comments are just mean. California Slut I was on one of those X-rated social dating sites. It is unusual for a guy to initiate contact with me. I told this guy, Pat, I was straight, but he continued the conversation telling me about his wife. Lisa is a slut, he said. He told me of her law office escapades. At least once a week the two partners of the law firm...

2 years ago
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California Business Trip Ch 01

I had to go to Southern California on a business trip and my wife Stacy wanted to go with me to visit her sister. Stacy hadn't seen her sister Laura in a couple of years and my wife was looking forward to a week with her only sister in the warmer weather. The sisters were almost complete opposites. My wife Stacy being petite with D cup breasts, red hair, pale skin, and lots of freckles loved the colder climates. While her sister Laura was a tall leggy blond with tanned skin and dark eyes that...

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California Kate

I have always felt a certain connection to California. Unsure if it comes from my c***dhood love for The Beach Boys or maybe it's my love for Sublime. Or perhaps, I'm just a hopeless dreamer and I figure California is a good place to get discovered. In any case, when I lost my job in the factory, at the hands of a jealous power-tripping cunt, I knew it was time for a big change of scenery. I spent the rest of my money on a one way ticket to Long Beach, where I would start to build a new life...

4 years ago
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California Kate

I have always felt a certain connection to California. Unsure if it comes from my c***dhood love for The Beach Boys or maybe it's my love for Sublime. Or perhaps, I'm just a hopeless dreamer and I figure California is a good place to get discovered. In any case, when I lost my job in the factory, at the hands of a jealous power-tripping cunt, I knew it was time for a big change of scenery. I spent the rest of my money on a one way ticket to Long Beach, where I would start to build a new life...

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California Kate

I have always felt a certain connection to California. Unsure if it comes from my c***dhood love for The Beach Boys or maybe it's my love for Sublime. Or perhaps, I'm just a hopeless dreamer and I figure California is a good place to get discovered. In any case, when I lost my job in the factory, at the hands of a jealous power-tripping cunt, I knew it was time for a big change of scenery. I spent the rest of my money on a one way ticket to Long Beach, where I would start to build a new life...

2 years ago
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Hotel California

This is my first story. Please enjoy!(All places and people in this story are fictional.)Nikki Redson grew up in Oatville, Nevada, near the California border. She's 19, 5'2, has 36D breasts, and long black hair. To her family, she was a good girl. Good grades, good at sports, and still a virgin. Her family was wrong.When Nikki was 16, she got sick of saving her cherry for whoever she was gonna marry. So when her parents were at dinner, she got a turkey baster from the kitchen and locked herself...

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California Road Trip Pt 1

(This is my first attempt at writing a long story)I was taking a trip to California with some friends, kind of a spur of the moment type thing. It was Me, Dez, Charlie and Mack. We wanted to head out to the west coast beaches for spring break and see all the hotties. None of them knew i was bisexual, so i would have to get my own room at the hotel. We had been driving for about 4 hours and decided to stop for gas at this little run down station. I got out and headed straight for the restroom,...

1 year ago
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My Wonderful Experience In California

I’m from Sacramento, California…. 6’2 height, 190 lbs weight with good built because I go to gym every day. This is a true story that happened to me last month in California. I have been reading this site for a while and decided to post one of my true stories. To start with, I had come to the USA to do my higher studies. When you are out of your home country you start feeling lonely and spend more time to make money or do some other stuff. So i decided to do a part time job in a grocery store....

2 years ago
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Summer In California part 2

Summer In Northern California Part 2 This is the story of my first time spending the weekend at Kelly and Karen’s house while their parents are away for the weekend. Karen is Kelly’s younger sister. They are a year and a half apart. Well it was summer vacation in California and my girlfriend Kelly called me to tell me that her parents where going away for the weekend and did I want to spend the weekend with her and Karen. In less than a second I said yes. We talked about riding bikes around...

Straight Sex
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California rocks

Hey ISS readers. I have been reading the stories here for a few years now and i believe i have read almost all stories here:) i wanted to post mine too but not a fake one and i really did not have any encounter until this one. This happened a couple of months back and everything is fresh in front of my eyes :) unlike all other stories, this story does not happen in india. This happens in fremont california. First of let me tell you something about myself. I am 5,11”, 32 yrs old , 150 lbs...

2 years ago
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It took a little while, but they got used to it. The cowboys, I mean, cause they could be as closed minded as anyone else and working cattle with a little Texican girl like me had rubbed them a little wrong at first. But Parker knew me, the old man, and when I'd come round looking for work he hadn't tried to put me in the kitchen. My daddy had worked his ranch the last few years before he'd died, so maybe Parker had figured he owed him something. I hadn't banked any of that though, and to...

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Wild Fun in Californiasummer 2018

My name is Kelley and I’m seventeen. I was a cheerleader in middle school, but I didn’t make my high school cheerleading team. I live in a small town in Arkansas where everyone knows me. Therefore, I must be careful to maintain my nice girl’s reputation. That doesn’t mean I haven’t done a few things that might shock my neighbors and that my parents wouldn’t approve of me doing, but I do need to be careful. The following occurred early this summer when at age 17. I was visiting my aunt in...

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The Cottons of CaliforniaChapter 1

As the economy went south, the neighborhood parties got wilder and wilder. Tonight's party had been the wildest one yet. The Oaks Estates was a tract of four bedroom, two story executive homes, eighty in all. The exclusive homes were located five miles outside of Brand, California between San Diego and Alpine, California. Jeff Cotton had begun to regret the day he bought his house in what he originally thought was a community with potential. At first the parties were a great way for people...

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California CrewChapter 22

I sat in the airport, staring out the window. I recognized the emotions that were flowing through me. But at the same time, these were different. I was angry this time, and I knew that no matter what, there was never going to be anything I could do to change what was happening to me. My perfect lives, first in France and then in California, had been taken away from me. And now my parents were going to try and recreate another perfect life for us back in France. I knew things would be...

2 years ago
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California CrewChapter 26

And the first party was here. I packed a bag, and headed over to Jackie's to get ready. As I said before, we were all sleeping over at her house afterwards. Amy was already there when I got there, and they were drinking Diet Cokes and watching television in her room. Her maid greeted me at the door, and gestured up the stairs. I all ready knew where to go. We had all been friends since forever, and I had been to all of their houses too many times to count. "Hey," they said, looking up...

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