California Girl Part 5 free porn video

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California Girl Part 5 By Princess Panty boy The morning goes by pretty fast, but I have to admit all I can think about is the doctor's appointment I have at one o'clock. What is the doctor going to say? And will I be able to do it. I know she is going to say that I have been deceiving everyone. I guess that's true I have deceived everyone specially the people that really care for me. I mean like WOW look at all the stuff that Necy has done for me a total stranger, and she thinks I'm a girl. Thinking about it, I have lied to everyone that I have met in California, and they have done only good things for me. I mean everyone I have met from Cindy's family to Necy and everyone in the hair salon to the two guys I messed around with even the girl's I met. I have lied to those guys or at least deceived them by letting them think I was a girl. Everyone has been super nice to me with only wanting good for me. Even the two guys I messed around with. They have been good to me even after we messed around. The girl's in school always said guys treat them bad after they mess around. With both guys I messed around with are still great friends of mine. Only good has been happening to me and I have deceived everyone. Maybe I didn't just straight up lie to anyone, I mean I never came up to anyone and said hey I'm Kellie and I'm a girl. Everyone just thought I was a girl, shit I'm just making up an accuse why I deceived everyone to thinking I'm a girl. How is everyone that trusted me going to feel about me when they find out I'm a guy with a penis and balls even though my penis is pretty small and I don't use it for sex. I rather have a penis in my mouth or in my butt. Oh, my god listen to myself I'm so screwed up. I know the doctor is going to want me to come straight with everyone. I will have to tell everyone I'm a guy and I'm sorry for deceiving them into thinking I was a girl. I'm sure the doctor will also want me to start living as my true self, a male. What if I don't want to go back to the way I used to be. I mean I should face the facts I was a 17-year-old guy who never had sex his whole life. I lived in shit hole New Jersey or Jersey as we say that is from there but I don't brag about that fact. I mean my life sucked before, my parents always bugged me about getting my haircut. My own sister made fun of me and she even put a pink hair tie in my hair at the airport when I left jersey just to make more fun of me. "Hey Kellie what ya doing? Are you day dreaming over there?" I hear my name called but I'm just deep in thought. Necy walks over to me."Hey, girlfriend are you okay you look so stressed or something. You can tell me honey," I look at the concern in Necy's face and I try to think on how to respond until one of the girl's in the shop speaks up. "Oh leave her alone Necy I'm sure she is just thinking about all the cute guys she has met since she has been here right Kellie?" Lisa says who is one of the ladies that work for Necy in the hair salon. I start to shake my head than I giggle out loud looking at her. "Yea that's it I'm just daydreaming about all the cut guys I still haven't met yet, and the really cute ones I have met hehehe," Now she has me giggling. "Wow Lisa you sure know how to take my mind off of stuff hehehehe," I giggle aloud playing with one of my pigtails. Lisa starts to walk over to me. "Necy said you have a doctor's appointment after lunch so let me fix your hair real quick," I feel her taking my hand and we are walking over to her chair. "Um my hair is fine don't worry about it," I look at Lisa as she ignores me. I seat back in the chair as she puts the pink smock over me and takes my one hair tie out of my ponytail so my hair hangs loose on my shoulders. I'm just going to brush your hair out and put it back in ponytails for you so you're ready for your appointment." "Okay I guess, like I have a choice I know you mean well Lisa, but my hair is fine. Lisa giggles than looks at me. "Ya know you may meet the man of your dreams, and if you're lucky he's a doctor," Everyone starts to laugh and giggle aloud even the customers getting their hair done are laughing. "Now seat still and I'll even your bangs out," Before I can say anything, I hear the scissors opening and closing. I look down on my lap seeing the little hair and a few really long in my lap. "Don't worry I was just opening your face up so we can see it better." My hair is than brushed all around as I feel her doing my hair on the sides and I want to complain knowing she is doing it in pigtails. I'll just take it out when I leave because pigtails make me look like a little girl. No sense telling Lisa I don't want pigtails she will just say I look cute or something like that, and I won't be able to argue with her anyway. "There ya go our little California girl all done," I feel her take the smock off of me, and she turns me around to the mirror. Well I guess I won't be taking my hair out to fast, while I stare at my new pigtails. "Wow you braded my pigtails too," I look like a little girl now. "Yes I thought you would look so pretty and stop trying to be so grown up if you had braded pigtails. You look like the little girl you are now." I turn and look at her. "You know Lisa she is seventeen already. You remember what we were doing when we were seventeen how many boyfriends we had?" All the girl's start giggling again as I just stand up. "Necy I know what we did," I see Lisa and Necy smiling at each other. "I just want our little California girl to feel like a little girl for awhile more before she gets all grown up like us. I play with one of my pigtails as Necy smiles at me. "Yea well she sure doesn't look like a grown up seventeen year old girl now in braded pigtails, maybe she looks almost ten." "Do I really look like I'm ten now?" I look at Lisa and Necy with my arms crossed in front of my arms like a little girl would do. Lisa turns to me smiling at Necy. "Well Necy said you look almost ten. So yea you look you know eight, nine almost ten," My mouth drops open as I hear them all teasing me. "What you mean I look younger than ten? Maybe I should get a diaper," smiling at them teasing me. I look up at the clock. "I guess I should be on my way so I'm not late," I look and notice everyone is just smiling at me. Everyone was just having playful fun teasing me, and they see I can take it. Even though I look like a little girl now. "Oh don't forget to look both ways before you cross the road little girl. Maybe one of us should walk her across the street so she is okay, did anyone check her diaper?" Everyone starts busting out laughing. I turn around smiling at Necy's comment. "Thank you momma Necy I'll be okay but maybe you can change my diaper when I get back hehehe," I giggle. "Wish me luck ladies." "Hey Kellie you will be find you know we are all just kidding with you we just love you and don't want you worrying about whatever you need to see the doctor about. You are just a happy healthy young girl or sexy seventeen-year-old hottie California girl. Whatever you feel like." I smile and hug Necy. "Thanks, your right I'll be find thanks again Necy," I walk out of the hair salon smiling but I really want to cry. I noticed Necy wanted to cry too but she wanted to cry out of concern for a loved one, me. On the other hand, I wanted to cry for deceiving Necy and all the ladies that work in the hair salon and the customers too. The customers are all treated like family. Everyone is always so cheery, smiling, and cutting jokes and teasing each other. As I walk out the front door, I see my reflection in the window. Wow, I really do look like a little girl. Oh well there's nothing I can do about these braded pigtails I have now, I guess I'll just leave them. I walk the few blocks to the doctor's office as I continue thinking about Necy and my other friends. I stand in front of the doctor's office, and I take a deep breath and I walk in. "Um hi I have a appointment my name is Kelly," I look around and see only women and young girl's seating everywhere. The nurse comes back with a clipboard and hands it to me through the window. "Here ya go sweetie, we need you to fill this out the best you can I believe we have your insurance details since you work for Miss Necy West." "Okay no problem I'll bring it right back," I look around and I notice the place isn't filled with just women there is a young guy seating by himself and next to him is the only open seat. I notice the guy smiling as I walk up to him. "Excuse me is this seat taken?" I look at him waiting for him to respond. "Oh sorry um no, no-one is seating there," As he points to the seat next to him. He continues smiling as I notice he is reading a magazine called sweet sixteen, which is a teenage girl's magazine. "Great then I'm going to seat here than if you don't mind?" I seat down staring at him reading the magazine. "Wow they sure do ask a lot of questions," I show him the paperwork as he ignores me and I continue to fill it out. I cross my legs noticing I really do have long smooth legs like a sexy girl. Done finally, I walk back to the nurses window. "Here ya go they sure ask a lot of question hehehe," I giggle softly smiling at the pretty nurse. "Okay sweetie good job have a seat the doctor will see you next," I smile hearing I am next, and I don't have to wait until the rest of the people in the waiting room to see the doctor. Smiling I walk back to my seat seeing the guy checking me out but looking at me oddly. "I'm next isn't that great?" I say to the guy. "Oh I'm sorry I'm Kellie what's your name?" "I'm Stephen, but everyone tries to call me Steve but I rather be called Stephen," I look at him smiling at me. "I like your hair it looks really neat. Did it take a while to get your hair like that in pigtails and braded?" I look at this guy asking me about my hair. I see the girly magazine he is reading and he has his legs crossed like girl's do. I wonder if he is like gay or something. "Um well one of my girlfriends did my hair. Why do you want your hair in pigtails?" I kid with him waiting for him to burst out laughing. I look at the serious look on his face like he is thinking if he should have pigtails like mine. "Do you think pigtails would look cute in my hair?" I stare at him to see if he is serious or messing with me. "I mean I don't have pretty bangs like yours. Would I need to have bangs to go with the pretty pigtails?" I realize he is serious about him having pigtails. So he is most definitely gay. Maybe I can help him somehow. "Do you have anyone that can help do your hair maybe a girlfriend or a boyfriend maybe?" I smile at him as I see him pulling on his hair like a girl would as we talk. "No my boyfriend is in the military. He is in Afghanistan you know doing war stuff. Maybe you can help me after your appointment I would really appreciate it. Please will you do my hair for me?" I'm like way surprised. I look at his big brown puppy dog eyes. "Sorry Stephen I don't really have the time, and you would be better off going to a hair salon anyway they will do a much better job than I could do." "Does it matter that I can pay you a lot of money if you help me make my hair look pretty?" Did he really say he wanted to make his hair pretty? I had better clarify but how do I ask without me just blurting it out. Oh, well no guts no glory, as I look him in the eyes again. "Did you say you wanted me to make your hair look pretty Stephen?" I continue to stare into his eyes and wait for him to respond. "Yes, please I wish you could make my hair look pretty. I will pay you anything to do my hair please? I feel you have a inter kindness to you Kellie so what do you say please make my hair look pretty like yours?" I'm staring at Stephen and he sure was plain and to the point, plus he wants to pay for his hair to look pretty. "Okay Stephen I'll give you pigtails after my appointment." "You know with pigtails you will probably look like a girl hehehe," I giggle softly and he smiles hearing me. "Especially if you have bangs like mine." Stephen smiles and stares at my bangs. "Do you really think so? I would really look like a girl hehehe," I hear him giggle kind of loud as others stare at us talking. "Yea I'll probably won't be able to call you Stephen or Steve, anymore, I'll have to call you Stephanie." I see a surprised look on Stephens face as he smiles from ear to ear. "Wow I like that a 'Stephanie'. Do I look like a Stephanie to you Kellie?" "Not yet but with pigtails and little bangs, I think so Stephen," I smile at him as I watch his eyes sparkling like he is in dreamland. The nurse walks in the room carrying a clipboard as we look up at her. "Ok Kellie it your turn." "Okay" I stand up and smile at the nurse. The nurse turns around and starts walking away towards the hallway. Stephen taps me on the shoulder. I turn seeing him smiling. "Here is my phone number call me after your appointment and I hope you won't change your mind," I see a sad look on his face like I was going to change my mind. "Okay Stephen sounds like a plan we have a date unless the doctor tells me I have ten minutes to live than I'll have to re-schedule with you hehehehe." We both giggle together as I see Stephen smiling as I walk away. "Do you know that boy Kellie?" I turn around and see Stephen smiling and waving good-bye to me. "No I never met him before I came in here today. He seemed kind of sad until we started talking." We continue walking until we get to a door and we stop. "I've never seen young Stephen smile until he was talking to you. Okay step in here Kellie and the doctor will be right with you." "Thanks" I watch the nurse change the sign on the door to occupied and I walk in and see it's a typical examination room. I seat down and look around in the room and I see all kinds of pictures of women's bodies, but it's all there insides. I get up and look at the weird names they have for the different body parts. I look between the legs of the one picture it say clitoris. I guess that's a fancy name for vagina. I wonder what it would be like to have one. I mean to see one. Wow my mind is shot I really am thinking weird. "Hi Kellie I'm doctor Jekyll, but you can call me Anne, or Dr. Anne," I smile back at her as I step back from the pictures. I reach my hand out for her to shake. "Hi Dr. Anne I was just looking at you weird pictures. I mean pitchers of the inside of people there kind of weird I guess, sorry I'm nervous." "It's okay sweetie have a seat and we can talk there's nothing to be nervous about," I go to seat back in the chair. "Um why don't you seat up on the exam table and we will just talk for a bit and you can tell me why you're here today, okay sweetie?" I smile and seat on the edge of the exam table and see Dr. Anne smiling but staring at me at the same time. "I guess I don't know where to start Dr. Anne," I look down at my long smooth legs going to the white sandals I'm wearing. "Well just start from the beginning sweetie why did you want to come see a doctor?" I look up and smile. "Everything I say to you is private right I mean you won't tell anyone what I say to you right Dr. Anne?" "That's right Kellie unless you tell me you're going to hurt someone or yourself everything is doctor-patient confidential." I smile again staring into her eyes. "Oh I would never hurt anyone, and would never want to hurt myself that's funny hehehe," I giggle softly. "Okay honey I can see something is bothering you so just go ahead tell me what that is." I take a big breathe, and I look back up at Dr. Anne. "Well Dr. Anne the biggest problem I have is I'm a ..Ok I'm a guy and everyone thinks I'm a girl. There I said it finally I've been waiting to say that since I got to southern California." "Kellie you're telling me you're a boy, and you walked into my office in a pretty sundress with your hair in braded pigtails, come on be honest, are you serious?" "I know Dr. Anne I have been treated like a girl since I arrived here, even before that in the airport, and on the air plane. Even on the phone for years people always thought I was a girl." Dr. Anne gets up and puts her note pad on the chair and walks back over to the exam table, putting rubber gloves on. "Okay sweetie just relax and lay back. Good girl.... I mean anyway put one foot in the stirrups and than the other. Is it okay if I give you a quick exam sweetie?" "Ok I haven't had a doctors exam since I entered high school," I smile leaning back getting relaxed now that I finally told someone I'm really a boy. I feel her start to lift my dress. "I'm going to lift your dress over your knee's okay sweetie?" I smile. "Ok Dr. Anne I look over at her smiling at me. Feeling my dress being pulled up over my knees. "I like your panties I have a pair just like them sweetie. I see a flat panties Kellie doesn't look like anything special. I'm going to slide your panties down and off. Okay you will have to lift your feet one at a time." "Okay Dr. Anne," I feel her sliding my panties down and then she lifts my foot than the other. I look over and see Dr. Anne not talking. "Well, well what do we have here it looks like your little penis is pushed back inside your body sweetie how did that happen? And your little scrotum I mean you balls seem to of went back up inside you a bit, I can't even see them." "Well I guess you are a male, but Kellie I would of bet anything you were kidding me and I'm a doctor it's hard to fool me. I thought you were a real girl." Dr. Anne moves her little wheeled stool around so we have eye contact. "Okay sweetie so how did your penis get pushed back inside you did you use crazy glue or anything like that?" "Oh no nothing like that. I just woke up one day, my little penis wasn't sticking out anymore, and my balls seemed to disappear. Maybe I wore to small of panties and it wouldn't come out not even in the shower." She is just nodding her head up and down. "Well I'm a really good judge of character and I can tell you are telling the truth. Have you ever used your penis for sex Kelly?" "No, um I have never used my penis for sex." I see a weird look on Dr. Anne's face. "Okay so you are a virgin than? I look down at my hands than up at the doctor. "What is the description of a virgin? I mean I never used my penis with a girl. You are the first girl to ever see my penis." The look on the doctor's face almost looks like a grin now. "Okay has any guys seen your penis? Or have you had sex with another guy?" "No and yes I guess would be the correct answer." I look back down at myself. "Okay so a boy has never seen your penis but you had sex with another guy is that about right?" "Yes Dr. Anne he thought I was a girl and one thing led to another and well yea we had sex and I had sex like I was the girl." Dr. Anne is smiling okay so were getting somewhere now, so he didn't know you were a guy, he thought you were a girl. Ok. Umm did you only have sex with the one guy or anyone else?" "Well I didn't have really sex with the one other guy but I did um..You know I um well I sucked on him." Looking down in my lap embarrassed. "Don't be embarrassed sweetie it's okay you will be okay. So you had oral sex with the one guy and sex once with another guy is that about it?" "Not really we kind of had sex a few times at night and then the next morning and I sucked him a whole bunch of times I mean I had oral with him too," I put my head down again like I'm a slut. I feel the doctor's hand on my shoulder. "I guess you enjoyed having sex like you were a girl since you had it a bunch of times at night and in the morning am I correct?" "Yes I did enjoy having sex with Splash." I see the doctors eyes light up. "Oh that's the guy at the coffee shop. He is hot isn't he? I can't blame you. Don't you think he is hot?" she smiles staring at me. "Yes he is hot we had fun. I like him a lot," I giggle again as Dr. Anne smiles. It feels good to laugh; the doctor doesn't think I'm some kind of wacko. "It feels so good to tell someone doctor, but I don't know what to do now. "I mean when my friends parents picked me up at the airport they thought I was a girl and we hung around together because I was a tomboy." I shake my head hearing myself finally telling someone my problems. "I just went a long with it, and his whole family thought I was a tomboy and the mom and the little sister Cindy wanted to turn me into a girly girl like them can you believe that?" "Looks like it's worked to me Kelly you look and act more girly than most girl's," I listen to her but I want Dr. Anne to hear all the facts. So I take another big breath and continue. "Then Miss Necy who I met on the plane thought I was a girl, and she offered me a job in her hair salon. Then I showed up at her work wearing my friend's school girls uniform." "It was a short dress she just wanted me to try it on and then one thing lead to another and I was leaving there house in the girl's school uniform." I look into Dr. Anne's eyes and see she believes me. "Well I met these guys and now I have a job with Necy and a apartment over her hair salon and everyone thinks I'm a girl and I feel so bad I never told anyone I was a girl but I never corrected them either and told them I was a boy." "I don't know Dr. Anne I really enjoyed being with Splash and even with the other guy before sucking on him I mean giving him oral. It just felt so natural. I hate to say it but I really enjoyed giving him a blowjob and having sex like a girl does." Dr. Anne holds me and listens. "My life is so screwed up I still have to finish high school. I feel so bad that I deceived everyone. I'm sorry I'm talking so fast and not in order of importance I just wanted to tell someone. What should I do Dr. Anne?" "I feel so lost and so scared I have never been so happy in my life living and working here and now I feels so sad." I start to cry softly and then she starts to hug me and I start crying full force like I lost my best friend. I don't know how long I cried but looking up into Dr. Anne's eyes I see tears flowing down her face to as she pulls me into her for another hug. "Your okay Kelly, you're going to be fine it's okay sweetie," I smile with my eyes closed locked in a hug. I open my eyes and look into Dr. Anne's eyes and I finally feel that someone knows my true problems and is saying I am okay. "Now I should take a look between your legs again Kellie girl if that's okay? This time I want to pull your penis out and see what your scrotum looks like, I mean your balls, you would call them. I want to see if there still functioning." I see a trusting person in Dr. Anne that seems to have sympathy to my problems. "Okay do whatever you have to, I don't use it anyway I wouldn't miss it if it was all gone hehehe." "Ok so you don't like having a penis between your legs Kellie?" I smile at her. "Um well not the way you're talking about." "Oh you're a bad girl so you want a penis between your legs if it's going inside you? You just don't want your own balls and penis hanging from between your legs." Smiling at Dr. Anne, as she knows the answer I'm going to give. "Yes Dr. Anne I want one inside me not hanging between my legs." "Okay can you feel this?" I start to feel a little sharp pain on the tip of my lil penis. I look over at Dr. Anne but she is not looking at me. "Yes I can feel that, it feels like your poking the tip of my um you know my penis." "Good you can feel that. Hold on how about this? Can you feel anything? A pulling sensation starts coming over me. "Yes it feels like your pulling something. Is that my balls or my scrotum?" "Yes it is, and they look kind of small but both look mostly healthy. I think if you add both your little balls together it's not the size of one normal male tactical," Dr. Anne says. I continue to listen to her. "Um well there so small how would you compare them to someone younger? I know you said add both my balls together and they would be the size of a normal mans testacies." "I would say your penis and balls are undeveloped and are probably the size a ten year old would have but they probably would support seamen in them." I listen to her not really caring about my lil penis or balls. "There just in the way anyway wish it was all gone," I don't realize I just said that out loud by accident. "What did you say Kellie girl? Did you say you don't care your balls and penis are just in the way, and you wish they were all gone?" I close my eyes letting that slip out. "Um yes I did sorry," I say as I feel weird admitting I don't want my penis or balls that there just in the way. "Okay I think I understand," Dr. Anne says. Dr. Anne continues to write a lot this time in her note book, or my medical file whatever it is. "Ok so what are my choices doctor Anne?" "Well sweetie form what it sounds like you're not gay your more of a transsexual. That means you are a girl in a boy's body. There are a lot of guys and girls like you, you're not alone." I look at her in shock actually having someone supportive of me that knows all my problems. "See Kellie you are reacting to guys like you are a girl. So guys see you as a girl because you are acting like your true- self, a girl." "So what I'm getting at Kellie girl is that you are acting like a girl and inside you are a girl so you are not deceiving anyone as much as you think. Because like I said you are a girl, but you are in a boys body." I smile finally not feeling like I'm such a bad person. "Let me ask you this do you enjoy being dressed like a girl and enjoying a man's company like a girl does?" "Oh yes Dr. Anne, like I said before I really enjoy spending time with a guy, and he treats me like his girl." I see her writing notes again in her notebook. "Ok I know that is what you said already I just wanted to confirm what you already stated hun. Now you said you have never had sex with a girl. Do you want to have sex with a girl now that you know how it feels to be pleased by a man?" "Well to be honest when I lived back east I always wanted to have sex with girl's. I never had a chance to, but I guess since I have lived out here and I have been living as a girl I haven't thought about being with a girl at all." I'm starting to feel scared, why don't I think about wanting to be with a girl anymore? I must be really messed up more than I thought. "Well that makes sense Kellie," I look up in shock hearing her say that as she notices my surprised look on my face. "See your inter-self is coming out sweetie and you are thinking of yourself like a girl which is what you are inside from what I see." "So you're saying that I'm a girl on the inside and a guy on the outside? Hear I was thinking I was gay because ever sense I messed around with a guy that's all I can think about is the next time he'll be inside me as I look down embarrassed." I giggle to myself thinking that I just told the doctor that I'm constantly horny for a guy. "See Kellie that is how a girl you age thinks, so that is natural for you so you don't need to feel embarrassed sweetie." "Well sweetie from what it sounds like you're not gay your more a transsexual. That means you are a girl in a boy's body. You are basically in the wrong body." I start to relax hearing the doctor making sense to me. "Now that you are living a life of a girl your life seems to be complete and you are much happier. Is this true sweetie or am I off track?" "Yes that is all true I have never been truly happy until I started living as Kellie the girl," I put my head down and feel her hug me again. "So is there a cure for me being in the wrong body doctor?" I'm looking up and I see a smile on Dr. Anne's face. "Yes sweetie there is a cure as you put it, and it is up to you what you choose to do." "You can stay like you are with your penis and balls. Or you can have them removed and have nothing between your legs or you could be like all the other women and have a vagina and have sex like a real girl does." The doctor is smiling from ear to ear when she sees me smiling the thought of having a vagina. "I don't want them at all Dr. Anne I would like to have a vagina like all girl's have so my outside will match my inside." "Okay are you sure that you want to be a girl 100% there will be no changing back." I smile from ear to ear. "Great let's do it right now. I have had this extra weight in my panties long enough." "Well slow down pretty girl it's not like we can pull out a pair of scissors and just snip your little bulge off and flush it in the toilet hehehehe," I see a serious look on the doctor when she sees me looking serious. "Go ahead sweetie and you can seat up and get relaxed." I watch Dr. Anne giggle but I don't giggle I seat up with a totally serious look on my face. "Why not just snip it off I won't miss them anyway it's just in the way when I get dressed and I'm afraid someone might see them." "No sweetie that's not as simple as it goes we have to re-align your urine flow so you go potty like a girl once your penis is turned into a vagina and the bones are removed and your testacies are removed." I look sad knowing that it can't be done today. "Yes sweetie it is a major surgery. I have heard of the testacies being removed first to help with the flow of estrogen. "The removal of both testacies will stop the flow of testosterone so your body will become more feminine but you won't be able to get a hard on. Your penis will only be good as a pee stick unless you take more pills to make it get hard for sex." I'm listening intensely not even blinking. "You have never had sex with your penis so that probably isn't too important having those medication for you to achieve a hard on correct?" "Yes that's correct a hard on isn't a priority for me to have one," I feel weird actually talking to a girl about me getting a hard on or having a conversation about having hard ons. The doctor goes back to writing in her notebook. "We need to make another appointment for you sweetie and we will continue this discussion on testacies being removed at that time." "I'm giving you a two prescriptions, one is for estrogen it will help with your transformation and the other will help also it's a testosterone blocker. If we do go ahead in two weeks and remove both your testacies you won't need to take the testosterone blocker." I smile at the doctor. "I really want to thank you Dr. Anne I was really thinking I was some kind of freak or some kind of wacko because I always think of guys and girly clothes and stuff." "So you understand now that's good. You are seeing things as a girl sees them and your male outer shell is fighting with your true inter-self. So now we know you're going to be a girl inside and outside thru some time." Reaching over I hug Dr. Anne. "You have made me so happy Dr. Anne," I hug her like I don't want to let go. "Like I said I was so worried and now I'm okay and I feel so much better and I'll take these prescriptions, and I'll do everything you tell me to Dr. Anne." I start to tear up again as we separate from our embrace. "Your fine sweetie and on your way out talk to the nurse and tell her two weeks until your next appointment okay pretty girl?" I smile. "Oh and I love your pigtails you look so pretty in braded pigtails." "Thank you so much for the complement and thank you again Dr. Anne for everything," We both walk out together and I stop at the nurse's window. "Okay Kellie I hope your doctor visit went well?" The nurse smiles at me. I smile and I look around seeing that Stephen guy outside. "Yes thank you the appointment went great and I'm supposed to make another appointment for in two weeks," I turn around seeing Stephen waving to me threw the large window. "Okay sweetie it looks like Stephen has a crush on you. I see him waving threw the window," I smile at him and the nurse. I turn around again seeing a smile on the nurse's face. "What's so funny nurse Peggy?" I read her name from the nametag on her uniform. "Well Stephen over there is a real nice guy so I think it's cute he has a crush on a pretty girl like you." Looking at the nurse, she can see I have a questioned look on my face. "How do you know Stephen did he have an appointment here too?" "Oh no his parents own this building actually they own this whole block. His father has an office in one of the upper floors and he plays golf with Dr. Anne's dad who is a doctor in the other office downtown." I smile to the nurse realizing that Stephen isn't some stocker just some nice guy as I wave back to him in the window. "Yea Stephen seemed pretty nice to talk to. He seems how do I say it a little different maybe." "Yea I think he is gay personally, but that doesn't make him a bad guy. When I seen him talking to you Kellie I thought that was great him talking to a pretty girl," Wow she just blurted that out about the poor guy probably being gay. Smiling I giggle at the nurse calling me a pretty girl. "Thanks, I look a mess after that long appointment too. Yea I think he is a nice guy to, at least my first impression of him is that he is nice." "Yea I think you too make a nice couple," Peggy smiles staring at me. I look at her smiling at me. "You just told me is gay, that makes him not able to be a couple with me, I guess we can be girlfriends hehehe," We both giggle shaking our heads. "Yea that would work Kellie. You are such a bad girl," hearing her giggling. I take the business card with the appointment time and date on it. "I'm sorry I made it for the same time in two weeks I should have asked you first." I'm playing with my pigtails as we talk. "Oh know that is fine. I have the rest of the day off now so yea I like this schedule. Thanks nurse Peggy." "Just call me Peggy okay Kellie?" I hear her as I'm walking away. I turn around and smile at her. "Okay Peggy thanks, have a great day girlfriend hehehe," I hear her giggling too as I continue to walk to the exit. "Hi Stephen were you waiting long?" I start to play with my pigtails as I talk. I see him smiling at me from ear to ear. "No I just came down from my dad's office, he's on the top floor, but he's too busy in meetings," I see a sad look on his face as he says his dad is too busy to talk to him. "So Kellie are you serious about fixing my hair for me?" His face lights up asking me the question. Stephen is smiling so hard like a dog waiting for a treat. "Sure Stephen we can do that." "Great! I live like five minutes away, the house is on the beach too. You will love it," He sounds like a two year old he is so excited. We walk over to this brand spanking new convertible. I look at the car than at Stephen. "Wow is this your car? It is so pretty I love it. Looks so fast too." "Thanks I picked this up last week," I see as he holds the passenger door open for me to climb in. I look around and see how everything looks so expensive. I don't see a brand name anywhere just the letter "B" as I get in. "This sure is a sporty looking car Stephen. What kind of car is this?" "Oh it's a Bentley. Most people don't know that they make sports cars too. Everyone thinks they only make super luxury sedans but they also make this twelve cylinder sports car. My dad says it's super fast but I don't really like to drive fast." He smiles at me when I tell him I like his car. "My dad said I should buy something sporty so it will help me look more masculine. So he really picked it out, but I picked the white color. The car dealer said I have thirty days if I want something else so I just signed for it." "I like the color too its very sexy hehehe," I giggle teasing him. "You must be super rich or your family is Stephen." Stephen turns his head and looks at me. "Yea we are, it's not like my mommy, and daddy bought me a car. I bought it myself," He looks a little sad as if I was making fun of him. "Do you want to drive my car since you like it so much?" "Hell yes you bet, but I don't want to scratch it," Stephen gets out and opens the passenger door, and I step out and get back in the driver's seat. Stephen closes his door we buckle up and I notice the is not an automatic. "Don't worry if you scratch it you can keep it and I'll buy a car I like." "Hehehehe you're a riot, but okay," I put the sporty car in gear and take off. "Wow this has some power." I start to give the car a little more gas and we cruise down the street. "I'm not going too fast for you am I Stephen you said you don't like to go fast?" I smile going faster feeling the air going up my short dress in the convertible. "No I'm good, I just don't like being the driver going fast," Turning my head, I see Stephen smiling at me. "Okay turn right at the next turn and we will be back on PCH (Pacific Coast Highway). "I just love PCH we don't have any roads like this back home I'm so happy I live here in southern California now," Smiling at everyone as we drive the super sporty car down the road. Stephen puts both his hands up as the wind shakes his hands and his long hair goes everywhere. "You remind me of a kid playing in the wind Stephen hehehehe," I giggle watching him playing. "I think I'm a better passenger than a driver. I get so board driving. Okay you see that next big white house with all the windows. That's my place turn in there. I smile and slow down and turn into the driveway. "You look really good driving this car it fits you way more than it fits me for sure," I smile hearing the sweet complement. I can't image owning a car like this. I couldn't afford the insurance. "Oh you are so sweet Stephen. I love your house it's so big who else lives here your parents?" Stephen starts to laugh as we pull in the driveway and we stop by the front door. A massive water fountain is on one side. The house has a large awning thing that is above the driveway. I guess so the cars aren't in the sun. "No my parents gave me this house when their new house was built. There house is like five times as big as this." We get out I close the door and hand the keys to Stephen as we walk up to the front door. While he's putting in the alarm code I stare at the view of the ocean. "This is a beautiful view of the ocean," As he opens the front door. "Wait until you see the view from the back of the house," We walk thru the house and I see the house is masculine looking it doesn't really look like Stephen decorated anything. The place is gigantic once we get in all of it is like open space with furniture making walkways. Like putting furniture in a indoor basketball court but with a glass tinted roof and wow is only way to describe it. "Wow this place is like the rich and famous. I bet you love living here," I look at Stephen smiling at me while I walk slowly thru the house as we walk to the back of the house and it is like an ocean in your living room. The whole back of the house is glass and all you can see is the ocean. "What do you think of this view Kellie?" he opens the sliding glass doors and there like the size of a garage door but they slide sideways. "Wow that's the biggest doors I have ever seen. I live close to the ocean but you live on the beach you even have your own beach, and listening to the waves crashing. Wow, I can even smell the salt air." Looking over the balcony, I see beach chairs and such on the sand. On the balcony there are bunches of chairs, but the way its organized only one is being used with a small table next to it with a glass on it. "Your still going to do my hair for me right Kellie?" I am hypnotized by the sounds of the ocean, hearing the waves crackling, and the smell and the sunshine. "Right Kellie?" I turn and see Stephen staring at me leaning against the glass balcony. "Oh yea of course Stephen I said I would for sure. Do you have um stuff for your hair?" "Oh yea my sister has a room on the other side of the house, she just graduated from college and the parents bought her a place on the beach too but she hasn't taken her stuff yet. I'll go get some hair stuff, and be right back." I stare out into the ocean that has no end. The ocean just goes on and on and the more I focus on the ocean all I hear are the waves until Stephen taps me on the shoulder as I jump. "Sorry Kellie I just wanted to see if you wanted something to drink while I go find some hair stuff," I snap out of my trance and see Stephen smiling at me looking into my eyes. Wow, he has a pretty smile. "Yea that would be great," I follow him back thru the house to the kitchen. Stephen has two refrigerators bigger than my car next to each other. The frig's looks like there built into the wall as he opens it up. "Oh yes a Snapple would be great I'm really thirsty." "Well you help yourself anything you want just go for it Kellie I'll be right back. I start walking around after I open my peach Snapple and take a drink, and as I'm walking around I end up at the back of the house staring out at the ocean again. The ocean looks so strong and sounds like thunder but feels gentle and calm at the same time. "Okay I brought everything my sister had on her vanity." "Well maybe we should go back in there and use her vanity. I'm sure the light is good and we won't make a mess out here," I take his hand as I lead him down the long hallway not knowing where I'm going as I look for a girl's room. Even the hallways have vaulted ceilings; some areas look like they are made of strips of pine or some kind of pretty shiny wood on the ceilings. "Well I have no clue where your sister's room is. How many bedrooms is this place?" "Eleven bedrooms it's pretty big but my sisters room is a mess maybe we should use a different place? I look at him and he seems like he is hiding something and he doesn't want me to see it. The next doorway shows pink paint from a distance, and I walk to the pink room. "This must be it right Stephen?" I look around and looks like cloth are all over the place like the room is still being used. I bet he is staying in here and he is too embarrassed to say. "Um yea this is my sisters room. It's kind of a mess," I see the vanity by the window as I walk over too it and I see a light on the mirror and I turn the switch on. Stephen puts all the hair doing stuff that was in a pink basket down on the vanity. "Yes this room is awesome its perfect now have a seat Stephen and turn with your back to the mirror so I can take your hair out of that ponytail." "Okay" he says while I stare at Stephen seating in the chair, him dressed in jeans, and a collared shirt, with his hair parted in the middle with one long ponytail in the back. Something's not right, I bet he's been living in his sisters room and wearing her clothes and now he wants me to put his hair in pigtails so he can look more like a girl. How do I trick him into being more girly in front of me? "Ya know that collared shirt has a really high collar you should take it off so I can get at your hair better. Let me help you with your shirt," I move closer to him. Stephen looks at me strangely but still smiles. "Okay lift your arms up," I watch as he listens and lifts his arms up, and I pull his shirt all the way off him as I see his bare chest. He looks so cute not even one hair on his chest. "You know without your shirt on you look a lot younger. What do we have here you can put on instead of the shirt? oh this is cute," I pick up a pink satin nightgown that a preteen might wear. "Oh this is perfect no collar to get in the way." I bet he was wearing this last night and he slept in it too. "Lift your arms up sweetie. This nightgown looks very comfortable. Come on or we'll never get done. I need your help." "Um do I really have to wear my nightgown? I mean my sisters nightgown I mean I have a lot of different clothes I can wear while you're doing my hair," I hear him say his nightgown confirming that it was his nightgown. I smile at him as I walk closer with the nightgown. "Ok lift those arms up be a good girl," I call him a girl and he doesn't complain as I drop the nightgown over his head. "Oh that looks so pretty on you with your nightgown on." "Oh that's way better but those jeans really don't match the nightgown. Let me see," I lift the nightgown up and see the button for his jeans and I real fast un-do the pants and the zipper slides open by itself. I reach down and grab the edges of his jeans by his heels. "Hold on to the seat Stephen sweetie," I see his hands go down on each side of him and I pull real hard. "Much better," I pulled his pants totally off. I thought I seen a hint of pink when I did that. I'll have to think of a way to see if he's wearing panties. Stephen smoothes out the nightgown and pulls it closed with his knees together. Looks like it goes to the tops of his knees. "You look pretty in you pink nightgown Stephen." "Hahaha funny Kellie I know I don't look pretty," I notice he didn't say that the nightgown wasn't his. I watch as he plays with his long hair like a girl would, as we talk. I take the brush out of the pink hair basket. "Please stand up Stephen and look in the mirror. Come on be a big girl remember I have the hairbrush in my hand and I'm not afraid to use it," I giggle teasing him as he stands up. "See you look so pretty now," I confirm the nightgown goes a couple inches above his knees. "Now turn around so I can get that rubber band out of your ponytail." When he turns to me I take the rubber band out and I start to brush his hair out over his shoulders. "I love your hear it's so pretty and so healthy and thick. Most girl's would love to have your hair." "Thanks, I have always liked long hair. I don't know why I just really like it. Um are you really going to give me pigtails like yours?" I stop brushing your hair and lean down staring into his eyes. "Yes you said you wanted your hair like mine. Isn't that what you wanted me to do Stephen?" "Yes but umm it will probably look kind of girly right?" I look over at Stephen who is kind of changing his mind. I have to make him ask for me to make his hair look girly. He stops talking and we still have eye contact. "So you still want me to do your hair like mine right Stephen? Yes or know?" I stare at him waiting for a direct answer. "Yes" Stephen says but I want to hear him say more. I pause hoping he will continue asking me to do his hair in girly pigtails. I pick the brush back up and smile at him. "Okay tell me how you want me to do your hair so I don't miss understand, say it." "Yes I want you to do my hair like yours Kellie. Umm my hair will probably look kind of girly right?" Brushing his hair while I'm smiling from ear to ear. "No your hair won't look kind of girly," I see him relax his shoulders when I say that. "Your hair will look really girly hehehehe," I giggle leaning down smiling into his eyes. "You know you really have a pretty smile Stephen. When you smile your whole face lights up," I brush his bangs over his face and they go down way past his chin. "Okay close your eyes sweetie I don't want to get any hair in your pretty eyes." I look down and see Stephen smiling. I'm brushing his long hair. "Oh I love how you brush my hair Kellie it makes me feel so relaxed like I could fall asleep." "Oh your sweet as I see his eyes are closed I take the scissors and put them just above his eyebrows and I close the scissors and then I open them again and close them a couple times. I wipe the loose hair from his face. "I didn't tell you to cut my hair. What did you do?" I see his hand come up to his face and feel how short his bangs are now. I remember when I was surprised having had my long bangs cut to be short girly bangs like they are now. "You said you wanted your hair like mine, and I have short bangs and now you do too," Stephen tries to turn towards the mirror to see what I did to his hair. "No you can't look until I'm done that's the deal now turn forward I'm not cutting anymore." I turn him with his back to the mirror again as I start to brush his hair, and then I move to his side. "I'm parting your hair again in the middle like you had it, but it looks so much prettier now with you cute bangs Stephen." "Thanks I think. I guess I knew my hair would look pretty, that's why when I seen you today I thought I would like my hair like yours Kellie." After I'm finished brushing his hair on the side I start twisting and turning until the whole side of his head is breaded into one ponytail. "Well were half way there now sweetie," I get on his other side, and I start to do the same thing twisting and turning his hair until the other side is completely braded in another ponytail making him have pretty braded pigtails like a little girl would have. Wait a second I have braded pigtails to. I take some pink ribbon off the vanity and I tie a tight little bow on the end of each pigtail. Wow, he looks super girly now I guess I can't call him Stephen anymore more like Stephanie hehehe. I giggle aloud. "Your done sweetie you look so pretty now turn around and see how pretty you look now," I say. I watch as he turns slowly around and I see his jaw drop. "Wow I can't believe that is me I look totally like a girl," I watch as Stephen smiles and stares at himself in the mirror. "Yea you do, you look like a very pretty girl. Stand up so I can see you better. Come on sweetie," I notice as he stands he has this grin on his face from ear to ear. I take his hand and turn him around to me. "Wow you are beautiful I guess I can't call you Stephen anymore it just doesn't fit. Do you like the name Stephanie? That fits you." "Yes that is a pretty name," I look into his eyes as he looks into mine and we both smile. I stare at his lips and back up to his eyes. I lean in and our lips touch. Feeling my tongue slide into his mouth, as he doesn't try to pull away or do anything showing I'm in control. So I take control and pull him into me. Us kissing deeply until our tongues are wrapped around each others. I reach my other hand around his back sliding my hand down until it comes to the end of his nightgown. I kiss him deeply as my hand slides up under and on to his panty-covered bottom. I pull my tongue out of his mouth, but I keep him still wrapped in my arms. "I knew you were wearing panties. They feel so good too," I close my eyes and continue to kiss him as my hand rubs his pantied butt. Sliding my hand around his silky panties, I feel the front of his panties that are bulging out. I start stroking him threw his panties as I feel him already hard but getting harder and bigger. I feel him pull his tongue out of my mouth as I open my eyes. "I have never been with a girl before," Stephen says. I smile and kiss him deeply as I keep my eyes open as I stop kissing him. Giggling I look into his eyes. "I've never been with a girl either," as I continue to giggle staring at him wearing the pretty pink nightgown. We both smile looking into each other's eyes. I slide my hand inside his panties and wrap my hand around his hard cock as he smiles but looking scared a little. We both see our reflection in the wall mirror of two girl's embracing each other with my hand up her nightgown. "Lay back Stephanie," I call him by his new girly name as he lies back on the bed. I lift his nightgown and see his bulging panties as I reach for it feeling how hard and warm his throbbing cock feels. I look back up at him putting a pillow under his head as I put the tip of his cock in my mouth and I look him in the eyes as he starts to moan and stare at me between his legs. "Does that feel good Stephanie?" as I put all his cock in my mouth until his balls are hitting my chin as I bob up and down on him as I stare into his eyes as he continues to moan. I continue to run my tongue around his hard cock. His balls start to tense up and he explodes in my mouth filling my mouth up with cum. I feel some drip out the sides of my mouth he shoots his cum so fast. "I guess I will take that as yes you liked that Stephanie," I swallow most of the cum as I kiss him deeply so he can taste his own cum. While I'm kissing him I'm getting so horny him tasting his own cum I start to get really hot. I stop kissing him and get out of bed as he watches me. I slide my dress over my shoulders and down my body until I step out of it. I climb back into bed in only my panties and bra and I lean over him with my leg near his face as I reach up and turn the ceiling fan on fast. Hoping that will cool me down. While I was reaching for the fan, I feel his fingers climb up my leg until he is touching my panties. I feel him gently pulling on my panties. Oh know he will see I have a penis if he pulls my panties off. I never took my panties off. Why am I letting him pull them off as I look down? I see his hand pulling my panties past my knees as they slide off my legs. Looking down and seeing him smiling as he reaches between my legs and feels my penis. "Oh no," I moan softly. I feel him take my penis in his hand as he starts to stroke me slowly. I lay back on the bed with my legs up by the pillows still feeling him stroking my limp penis that starts to get hard than harder. Closing my eyes, I don't know what to do as I lay back down while he is stroking me. "Does that feel good Kellie girl or is it Kelly boy," I then roll my eyes and I look back at him while he is staring at me and I see his lips close around the tip of my penis. "Oh yes Stephanie," He starts going up and down on me sucking on my penis while he rubs my little balls. I lean over and see his nightgown tenting straight up between his legs. Lifting the front of his nightgown I see his cock still hanging out of his panties but it is hard now. Sliding his panties totally off his legs, I start to kiss his hard cock and then I close my lips around his throbbing cock. I open my eyes watching him going up and down on my penis and then his eyes open and we watch each other sucking the others cocks. We are 69ing just like the porno movies I seen when I lived in jersey. I get so excited I don't notice him Cumming in my mouth again until I am almost choking on the amount of cum in my mouth. I start to swallow it down and then I feel my balls start to tense up and I shoot warm cum into his waiting mouth. the first squirts of cum go into his mouth his eyes close and he starts sucking on me faster and deeper until he has sucked me dry. "I guess you liked it to Kellie girl or Kelly boy which ever seems to fit hehehehe," We both giggle a loud having sucked each other off and I am totally drained so to speak. I turn over and get back to the top of the bed laying next to Stephen with my head on a pillow now. We both smile at each other both of us tasting each other's cum. "Wow Kellie I never thought you were a guy. You look like the prettiest girl I have ever seen. And I have seen models at my parent's house and you are way prettier than them." Leaning over I look Stephen in the eyes. "I'm not a guy; I'm a girl in a guy's body. I have never had anyone touch my penis before. I never had a blowjob before. You Stephen gave me my first blowjob and it was great." "Well I should say I was never giving a blowjob before I have sucked on other guys dicks so I have giving blowjobs before but you are the one that gave me my first and probably last blowjob." I see a concerned look on his face. "Why is this the last time you will receive a blowjob? It sure tasted like you enjoyed yourself by Cuming in my mouth hehehe." "Oh yea I did, but the doctor said when my body starts transforming into a complete female I won't get hard anymore when I start changing and then I will eventually have a vagina. I enjoyed you sucking on me, but I have to admit I enjoy giving blow jobs more than receiving one." I smile at Stephen and he smiles back at me. "Well you do act totally like a girl and I love looking like you with us both in pigtails hehehe." "So you were telling me a story Stephanie about you having a boy friend? You really don't have a boyfriend in the military do you. He looks down and I can tell he lied to me. "Sorry Kellie I'm sorry for lying to you. Can we still be friends? I mean I know you will be a real girl someday but it might be fun for us to go on a double date, you with your boyfriend and me with my military dream guy." We both giggle at each other. "Speaking of boyfriends I'm sure you must have a few Kellie." "Sorry Stephanie I do and I rather you be a friend than a boy friend. The way you sucked on me reminds me of the first blowjob I gave. I just loved it so much and I couldn't keep him out of my mouth. You will make some guy really happy with those lips of yours." The End of part 5 I hope you enjoyed my short story 'California Girl Part 5' Please feel free to leave your comments here on this web site, and email me at [email protected] or my Instant messenger for yahoo: panties_boy28546 It is great to hear different people's comments to see if you readers enjoy my work. Thanks again and hugs to all the people that liked my story 'California Girl Part 5'. Princess Panty boy

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California Girl Part 6

California Girl Part 6 By Princess Panty boy "Ya know what is funny Kellie?" I look at Stephen or Stephanie smiling at me. "Today is the first time I ever had any type of sexual anything." I look at Stephen continuing to smile at me all most busting from excitement. "That's great Stephanie, I'm going to call you Stephanie when you're dressed like a girl and I'll call you Stephen when you're not okay Stephanie?" "Sounds good to me Kellie. This is so great I received my first...

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California Zephyr Ch 01

Copyright 2004, All rights reserved California Zephyr Train 6 (eastbound) Car 0631 Economy Bedroom 6 There was some magic about this train, according to the friend who told me this story. In the rolling movie set known as the California Zephyr, she played parts in a dream scenario, led by the power within an ancient ring. – Prof. Richard W., formerly of (_________ University) oo0000oo Karen had suddenly faced a moment which she had been dreading for several years, the death of her...

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California Rain

Note to the reader: this story is based on a young woman from California who is currently visiting family in New York and is separated from her boyfriend. They exchanged erotic e-mails on what they would do in a rain storm, which turned into this story. Like most of my stories, the characters are real but the story is total fantasy. Let me know what you think and I’ll let them know for you. Enjoy. Thanks to Amber who looked through the story and corrected my errors. EroticaSeanStyle * * * *...

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California Dreaming

California Dreaming He was the typical ego centric artist who believed that the art world should live around his schedules and not the other way around. He had been here in this seaside community on the southern California coast since his college days. Scratching out a living with signage jobs for the local business owners along with the highly desired but often delayed commission checks from his artwork on cereal boxes. His real art stacked up in the studio, few galleries interested in...

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California CrewChapter 5

The next day, I wake up on my own with no alarm or anything. At first, I forget where I am, and then I see the unusual surroundings and remember. I am in Beverly Hills, California. I look over. Adrienne is still asleep. I tiptoe into the bathroom, and take a shower. I brush my teeth, and French braid my hair. I go out into the bedroom, looping an elastic around the end of the braid. My hair is actually down to my elbows, but when it is in a French braid, it seems a couple inches shorter. My...

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California CrewChapter 24

We pulled up in front of the house. Our old one, that was still just as beautiful as usual. I couldn't believe that we had it. We had been gone a year, and were back in our old house. The first thing I did was set up my desk. We decided to all have our same rooms, and everything went back into the old places. My desk slipped perfectly back into its corner, the dresser opposite the bathroom door from the desk, and the bed on the other side of the room. The coiling mirror was re-installed, and...

1 year ago
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Jamie had been on the road to california for a few hours, and she could feel her stomach rumbling. There weren't many choices to eat, since she had been lost for a few hours, so she decided to stop at a diner for a burger and fries. Jamie was a pretty attractive 23 year old, she had graduated college, and was headed to California wanting to make it in the acting career. She was about 5'6 with a C cup,brown hair, and pretty skinny for her age. She stepped into the diner, the door closing behind...

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California The Introduction

I had to go to Southern California on a business trip and my wife Stacy wanted to go with me to visit her sister. Stacy hadnt seen her sister Laura in a couple of years and my wife was looking forward to a week with her only sister in the warmer weather. The sisters were almost complete opposites. My wife Stacy being petite with D cup breasts, red hair, pale skin, and lots of freckles loved the colder climates. While her sister Laura was a tall leggy blond with tanned skin and dark eyes that...

3 years ago
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California Here We Cum

Part One – Emma and Luke uncover hidden desires The year was 1847, the wagon train was in its eighth month of a laborious westward journey. The hardy band of a hundred pioneers had endured every imaginable hardship during the slow journey from Missouri to California. Starting out as the spring thaw began last March, the weary travelers now looked forward to the cooler October temperatures in the Southwest. If they managed to get through the Sierra Nevadas before the mountain passes were...

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California Slut

Introduction: This has been revised after the first posting, I appreciate corrections that will help me become a better writer. Some comments are just mean. California Slut I was on one of those X-rated social dating sites. It is unusual for a guy to initiate contact with me. I told this guy, Pat, I was straight, but he continued the conversation telling me about his wife. Lisa is a slut, he said. He told me of her law office escapades. At least once a week the two partners of the law firm...

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California Business Trip Ch 01

I had to go to Southern California on a business trip and my wife Stacy wanted to go with me to visit her sister. Stacy hadn't seen her sister Laura in a couple of years and my wife was looking forward to a week with her only sister in the warmer weather. The sisters were almost complete opposites. My wife Stacy being petite with D cup breasts, red hair, pale skin, and lots of freckles loved the colder climates. While her sister Laura was a tall leggy blond with tanned skin and dark eyes that...

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California Kate

I have always felt a certain connection to California. Unsure if it comes from my c***dhood love for The Beach Boys or maybe it's my love for Sublime. Or perhaps, I'm just a hopeless dreamer and I figure California is a good place to get discovered. In any case, when I lost my job in the factory, at the hands of a jealous power-tripping cunt, I knew it was time for a big change of scenery. I spent the rest of my money on a one way ticket to Long Beach, where I would start to build a new life...

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California Kate

I have always felt a certain connection to California. Unsure if it comes from my c***dhood love for The Beach Boys or maybe it's my love for Sublime. Or perhaps, I'm just a hopeless dreamer and I figure California is a good place to get discovered. In any case, when I lost my job in the factory, at the hands of a jealous power-tripping cunt, I knew it was time for a big change of scenery. I spent the rest of my money on a one way ticket to Long Beach, where I would start to build a new life...

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California Kate

I have always felt a certain connection to California. Unsure if it comes from my c***dhood love for The Beach Boys or maybe it's my love for Sublime. Or perhaps, I'm just a hopeless dreamer and I figure California is a good place to get discovered. In any case, when I lost my job in the factory, at the hands of a jealous power-tripping cunt, I knew it was time for a big change of scenery. I spent the rest of my money on a one way ticket to Long Beach, where I would start to build a new life...

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California Road Trip Pt 1

(This is my first attempt at writing a long story)I was taking a trip to California with some friends, kind of a spur of the moment type thing. It was Me, Dez, Charlie and Mack. We wanted to head out to the west coast beaches for spring break and see all the hotties. None of them knew i was bisexual, so i would have to get my own room at the hotel. We had been driving for about 4 hours and decided to stop for gas at this little run down station. I got out and headed straight for the restroom,...

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California rocks

Hey ISS readers. I have been reading the stories here for a few years now and i believe i have read almost all stories here:) i wanted to post mine too but not a fake one and i really did not have any encounter until this one. This happened a couple of months back and everything is fresh in front of my eyes :) unlike all other stories, this story does not happen in india. This happens in fremont california. First of let me tell you something about myself. I am 5,11”, 32 yrs old , 150 lbs...

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It took a little while, but they got used to it. The cowboys, I mean, cause they could be as closed minded as anyone else and working cattle with a little Texican girl like me had rubbed them a little wrong at first. But Parker knew me, the old man, and when I'd come round looking for work he hadn't tried to put me in the kitchen. My daddy had worked his ranch the last few years before he'd died, so maybe Parker had figured he owed him something. I hadn't banked any of that though, and to...

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California CrewChapter 22

I sat in the airport, staring out the window. I recognized the emotions that were flowing through me. But at the same time, these were different. I was angry this time, and I knew that no matter what, there was never going to be anything I could do to change what was happening to me. My perfect lives, first in France and then in California, had been taken away from me. And now my parents were going to try and recreate another perfect life for us back in France. I knew things would be...

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California CrewChapter 26

And the first party was here. I packed a bag, and headed over to Jackie's to get ready. As I said before, we were all sleeping over at her house afterwards. Amy was already there when I got there, and they were drinking Diet Cokes and watching television in her room. Her maid greeted me at the door, and gestured up the stairs. I all ready knew where to go. We had all been friends since forever, and I had been to all of their houses too many times to count. "Hey," they said, looking up...

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California ZephyrDay 2

I woke in the morning as soft light poured in the window. I went about my morning routine, getting dressed after making sure that Chloe was still out. Once dressed, I made a beeline for the coffee that the steward's had ready in the morning. Once I had some life giving caffeine flowing, I made a clatter and woke Chloe. She lifted her head and mumbled. I laughed and told her, "Why don't you get dressed, and we can grab early breakfast." She mumbled something that vaguely sounded like...

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Robot Ponygirls

Robot Ponygirls Robot Ponygirls?By Sarah  ??????????? Sarah and the rest of the cheerleaders at PonygirlUniversity were special.? They were the best of the best in the school, when it came to being proper show ponies.? But not everything at Ponygirl University was as it seemed.? Soon, the new freshman class would learn just what life was like at the University.  ??????????? Jennifer and her friends got off the PonygirlUniversity bus, and stared at the imposing statues flanking...

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Sarah and Emily Sister Ponygirls

Sarah and EmilySister PonygirlsBy Sarah        Sarah and Emily awoke to the sounds of their collar chains rattling, and the sunlight beginning to filter into the barn where they were being kept.  The girls smiled to each other as they lay on their hay bed, playfully kissing each other as they awoke.  As they looked around their now familiar stall, their pussies moistened at the thought of what had passed, to lead them to their current lives.Chapter 1: Kidnapped and Transformed        Sarah and...

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Ponygirl for Hire

Part-Time Ponygirl Ponygirl for Hire?By: Long JohnsonNote: This is a work of fiction, derived entirely from my own imagination.? Any similarity between any persons living or dead is strictly coincidence, or my good luck.? I?ve never been to Arizona, I just picked it because my atlas was open to that page when I picked up. This is written in several parts (8 so far) so all of the characters listed are not in each part.? I wrote this before the Kari series.    Characters at Ponygirl...

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Programmed Ponygirl

Programmed PonygirlBy Sarah        ?Sarah, you know I love you, and want to spend my life with you.?        Sarah and Jim cuddled in each others arms.  Sarah, having turned 18 the day before, was dressed in her boyfriend’s favorite outfit, her cheerleading uniform.  She had her hair in a ponytail, and was laying her head up against his shoulder, as he reached over and cupped her C cup breasts and rubbed her pussy over her skirt.        Jim was 23, and a junior in college.  He had met Sarah on a...

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The rise of the ponygirl transportation system in the world

The Rise of the Ponygirl Transport System in the World The Rise of the Ponygirl Transport System in the WorldBy Sarah The following is a story based on predictions of global oil producers and what a loss in oil would mean to the future of transportation in the world.? It is not the only solution, but it could be one possible scenario.? This is still just a work of fiction, but it would be interesting to see if it comes to pass. Prologue ??????????? Scientists and world leaders...

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A Chance Encounter Batgirl Babs and Renee Montoya Part One

Introduction: Batgirl while on duty saves Renee Montoya, only to have the tables turned. The fight had been going on for the better part of an hour with Batgirl trading punches and kicks with the East Side Rangers, a well organized group of gang members led by a woman who called herself The Mask. Driving a particularly hard punch to the side of her seconds woman, Batgirl finished off the young girl only to have a blow land at the base of her skull that literally threw Batgirl into the water...

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A Chance Encounter Batgirl Babs and Renee Montoya Part One

The Mask shoved Batgirl's head into the steaming water of the fountain as she brought her forearm down into the small of the caped woman's back trying to force all of the air out of her ample chest. Holding Batgirl by the neck she intended to drown the woman as she delived yet another solid blow to her back and then kicked Batgirrl in the back of the knees. own Dazed by the hard blow, Batgirl landed in the fountain and then sank as The Mask pressed her own body down on Batgirl's. Her...

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Amy Criminal Ponygirl

Amy – Criminal Ponygirl By Arnold Puttwyn? This story is a work of fiction, made up entirely in my own mind. Any similarity to any person or persons living or dead is coincidence.This is a story using the society from ‘Kari in Training’ The time is fifteen years after the finalization of the Slave Act.     Society had to change because an unknown genetic disorder caused men to have many more X chromosome sperm cells, so the birth of females 2 to 1 over males made the population change to 67%...

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Forced to be a Ponygirl

This is one of my fantasies. I’ve always dreamed of being made into a ponygirl, so here we go?Amy couldn’t remember much of what had happened last night. A college girl, she had been in a bar for a while. A handsome man, a fair bit older than her, had bought her a drink and chatted her up for a while. Amy was a slim brunette who normally had her fair share of successes attracting guys in bars, so this was nothing out of the ordinary. But then there had been something about going home in a taxi,...

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Batgirl and Robin Greener Grass

This story utilizes characters owned by DC/Time Warner/Warner Bros., and does so strictly in a not-for-profit, parody fanfic usage meant for the enjoyment of comic fans everywhere. Consider this a sort of Elseworlds type story, not really set in any of the normal Bat realms. Our imaginations do not necessarily work within the usual DC Comics realm. From Eric - Ever since I read Steve's great story, "Batgirl: Who, me?", I've been obsessed with it and he, kind and gracious as always,...

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The Jokers On Batgirl

INTRODUCTION: Attention - this work of fiction contains scenes of comic book violence, super villainous rape and bad puns. It is not a “safe space” and no doubt abounds with micro and mega aggressions. If reading this will cause you to visit the fainting couch or get the vapors then by all means don’t read. Stick to something more to your tastes, I wouldn’t want to lose sleep worrying you might need therapy or counseling due to my warped mind. To those that wish to read, enjoy my take on...

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The Jokes On Batgirl Sequel to The Jokers On Batgirl

(The Sequel to The Joker’s On Batgirl) By rutger5 Copyright 2016 Barbara Gordon peppered the heavy bag with one final flurry of punches but like all previous efforts it left her feeling somehow unsatisfied. Grabbing a towel she wiped her brow then tossed it into the dirty bin before heading for the gym exit. If anything the humid, summer air felt even stickier against her alabaster skin than the steamy gym interior had but it didn’t cause Barbara to change her plans. After a quick...

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Mark 2 Batgirl Who Me

This story utilizes characters owned by DC/Time Warner/Warner Bros., and does so strictly in a not-for-profit, parody fanfic usage meant for the enjoyment of comic fans everywhere. Characters in this story are loosely based upon the Batman Adventures animated show, since in the comics Batman, Robin, Batgirl and Nightwing do not appear or work together. Consider it a sort of Elseworlds type story, not really set in any of the normal Bat realms. My imagination does not...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wins 02

((Authors Note — This story follows ‘A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 01’. As with all multipart series, it’s best read after the first episode, but I’ve tried to make it stand on its own as far as possible. In brief though, this follows a part of Batgirl’s life where she’s been through a long recovery and rehabilitation period after the near tragic events in that old warehouse battling Leopard Man. It was a period where she established a close relationship with Catgirl, became aware of...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wishes Pt 03

((Authors Note – Please note that this is adult fiction, so only read further if you qualify! This is the third and final part of this series covering Batgirl’s experiences after the ‘Wins’ series. As before, it’s best read after Parts 1&2, but just as a quick summary… Batgirl has just about recovered from her traumatic experience with Batman (see Batgirl Wins), and has surprisingly been reconciled with Catgirl again, just as danger threatens from another quarter when Catwoman receives a...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wins 01

Title A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 01 ((Authors Note – This story follows ‘A Day in Gotham – 8 – Batgirl Vexed’. I’ve had numerous comments about the ending to that particular piece, so in response, even though it’s a while since I posted that one, here’s a follow-up. I hope that you like it. As it seems with all my recent work, I’ve found it difficult to include all the content that I think that the story needs into one episode. As I also wanted to reduce the length of these pieces...

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Supergirl Part 2

Chapter 5 When we landed in Las Vegas it was in the middle of the night and there was a black limousine waiting for us on the tarmac.“Let’s go, we have work to do,” said Supergirl and got up.Inside the limousine was a manila envelope which she gave to me. I opened it and found a passport, credits cards, a driver’s license, all in the name of Lisa Compton, aged twenty-one. I realized the age was meant to let me into any bar, restaurant, nightclub in the world. If I had been made to be eighteen,...

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TGirlsxxx aka! There are plenty of great tranny sites out there, but there are also those that fall way short. But when it comes to the hottest premium shemale porn, there is every reason for you to choose I wasn’t sure of what I was getting myself into the first time I saw the site, but once I landed on the tour page, I realized that is part of the Grooby Production network that specializes in hot transsexual porn and exclusive content. Now, anyone familiar...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Black TGirls

This next premium site is going to be a real treat for anybody who likes to jack off on their lunch break while also enjoying a big, fat sausage. Black-Tgirls is exactly what it sounds like, and Black Tgirls are exactly what you’re going to find there. As much as I appreciate clever porn site titles, I like the no-bullshit approach here. Nobody is going to be surprised to see all the ding-a-lings on these Ebony whores unless they’re illiterate.The tagline at the top of their landing page calls...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Batman and Batgirl

Batman and Batgirl By Alana I anxiously paced back and forth, scarcely believing I was in the world famous Batcave, taking in the sights, in awe of the incredible high tech crime-fighting equipment. I was waiting for Batman to make his decision, but I already knew what it would be. I was going to be his partner! Me, Dick Grayson, partner to the coolest crime-fighter the world had ever known! Batman came into view. He was carrying a garment I didn't recognize. "You may...

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Supergirl Voluntary Slavery

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  SUPERGIRL: VOLUNTARY SLAVERY By Sonya Esperanto? [email protected] Supergirl is a property of DC Comics. This is a non profit story for no one below 18. Synopsis: About a world where most men died out from a virus, leaving only a small few. Supergirl also is desperately horny and even would subject herself to be a bdsm slave to any man still alive  Story Supergirl flew on the sky above, realizing that a world without men was boring, that is if you...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wins 03

Title A Day in Gotham — 9 – Batgirl Wins 03 ((Authors Note — This story follows ‘A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 02’. As with all multipart series, it’s best read after the earlier episodes, but I’ve tried to make it stand on its own as far as possible. This is part 3 of what will be a four part story. In brief , this follows a part of Batgirl’s life where she’s been through a long recovery and rehabilitation period after the near tragic events in that old warehouse battling Leopard...

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Batgirl and Robin

“ ... and on the social scene, Gotham’s best and brightest will be found at the Gotham Civic Center later tonight for Mayor Caruso’s Annual Children’s Benefit. The premiere event of the season, women the city over are still vying for a last minute invitation to what promises to be the most exciting night since...” The voice of the radio announcer brought a cheerful smile to Barbara Gordon as she again let the warmth of the overhead shower splash across her breasts. Not only was she one of the...

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Tgirl Jill initiated by 3 BBCs at nightclub

I'm a white whore blonde bubble butt Tgirl BBC fuck slut living in Las Vegas. I love it here because we get many big black studs who cum here to be serviced. I dance at a private unadvertized no-name shemale club off the strip which caters to big black studs only. I love the thrill of being on stage and "slut-dancing" to tease all of those big black studs. I absolutely love, love, love to tease BIG BLACK COCKS of any size or age until they are rock hard and dripping wet with precum...just the...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wishes Pt 02

((Authors Note – Please note that this is adult fiction, so only read further if you qualify! This is the second part of three covering Batgirl’s experiences after the ‘Wins’ series. As before, it’s best read after Part 1, but just as a quick summary… Batgirl has just about recovered from her traumatic experience with Batman (see Batgirl Wins), and has surprisingly been reconciled with Catgirl again, just as danger threatens from another quarter when Catwoman receives a dire threat from a...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wins 04

Title A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 04 ((Authors Note – This story follows ‘A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 03’ and is the final part of this series. As with all multipart series, it’s best read after the earlier episodes, but I’ve tried to make it stand on its own as far as possible. Of course you’ll probably need to know about the Alien spaceship, stranded in Gotham due to a lack of a key energy source, and the innovative way that they found to replenish it with some involuntary...

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