California free porn video

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It took a little while, but they got used to it. The cowboys, I mean, cause they could be as closed minded as anyone else and working cattle with a little Texican girl like me had rubbed them a little wrong at first. But Parker knew me, the old man, and when I'd come round looking for work he hadn't tried to put me in the kitchen.

My daddy had worked his ranch the last few years before he'd died, so maybe Parker had figured he owed him something. I hadn't banked any of that though, and to tell the truth, I don't think Parker had either. He knew I could carry my own weight and then some, and after a few days he was sure of it.

The boys took a bit longer was all.

My dad was a Texan, his family going back to a long time before Sam Houston ever got there. My momma came from Juarez, the other side of the border, and I'd seen a picture of her, but that's all. I'd grown up with my dad, moving from ranch to ranch, getting some school where I could, but mostly learning how to throw rope, mend fence, and read minds. Horses, steers, and cowboys ... I knew what they were thinking, even if they didn't.

I got my three R's from living in the bunkhouses and handy homes, as they were called sometimes. Reading and writing from old newspapers and Zane Grey paperbacks, and math from playing poker with the boys. I'd been raped twice, but that second time had been more my fault than his, and I'd learned. It hadn't killed me and the only thing I'd lost was a bit of blood, and I'd got that back a few years later. An eye for an eye, like the Good Book says.

So that's me, California Oquias, or just Cali for short, all of five foot nothing and light, too light maybe, but wiry strong too. Ranch work will do that to a person. Small hard breasts, narrow hips and a big round Mexican ass that got a little more attention than it probably deserved. Brown skin like Rio Grande mud, bright brown eyes and thick black hair. I had a pretty face, round with high cheeks and a little nose. A good smile too and most of the boys liked to see me smile, but not all the time.

I wore a smile right then, sitting at the table after a long day's work and a good supper. I was looking at a full house in a friendly stakes game of Louisiana Hold 'Em and there might have been about two hundred in the pot, give or take.

"Twenty?" I looked around at the four guys I sat with. They were all young, in their early twenties like me. The older hands didn't play much cards with me anymore.

Bucky nodded too quick and I knew he was sitting on something, flush probably. I'd just asked to see who was excited and who wasn't.

"I'll put up ... uhhh..." I sighed, reaching down to my hip. I'd busted myself on a mare that morning, bitch of horse, but she was ridden now. "The Virgin Mary for your twenty and thirty more."

I stabbed my Bowie knife into the table so it stood straight up, quivering just a bit. It had a bone handle carved with the Virgin's likeness, or so I'd been told. It could've been the face of a Tijuana whore for all I knew. It was a good knife though, worth 50 bucks easy and they knew it.

"She's bluffing." Tex grinned at me and somewhere behind us one of the old guys clucked his tongue. He mighta believed that too, but he wasn't gonna pay to find out and Tex tossed his cards.

"I'm out." Slim, the bull faced kid on my left, threw his cards towards the pot.

"Me too." Earl shook his head, folding his cards neatly and shoving them away.

Bucky stayed in though, like he had to being the Buck and all, and I just kept smiling.

"Thirty to me?" he asked, chewing on a long splinter of wood that he'd been using for a toothpick. "Payday stakes?"

"What?" I laughed at him and the other guys chuckled too. "Long time 'til payday, Buck. Too long."

A few days before payday and I'd have let him draw light, taking a marker. He'd be good for it anyway, but it was bunk house rules; ten days was a long time to be writing checks and a fella could run out of payday before he ran out of poker. Bucky had to pay up front, just like we all did.

"Well, shit." Bucky rubbed his jaw. He wasn't gonna try and borrow money neither, that never went too far. "I'll put up the roan for collateral, how about that?"

"Collateral?" Tex grinned at him.

"I ain't no banker," I said with a shake of my head.

"Come on, Cali. We done it before, everybody has." Bucky looked me in the face and that was the truth. What he was looking for was a promise that I'd sell the horse back to him later for however much it covered in the pot.

"Just sell the damn horse." Slim laughed. "Put it in the pot."

"How much for the roan?" I asked.

"Mmmm ... Six hundred?" Bucky looked around. "He's worth that much anyway." He fixed his blue eyes on me. "You wanna let me put him in the game?"

We stood a fifty dollar limit on bets and raises, which was probably over most of our heads anyway. The next night we'd be playing for twenty, probably. Bucky was looking to see if I'd agree to change the rules for that one hand and let him bump the pot 570 dollars at one go. That seemed pretty heavy for a bunch of cow pokes in a friendly game and if he lost, Bucky wasn't gonna get his horse back.

"I don't know what I got to cover that," I told him, feeling no shame in admitting it. Weren't none of us rich.

"You got something I can use." He grinned at me and there were some chuckles at that, but they died quick.

"You might want to be cautious, Buck." I stared at him.

"Six hundred, Cali..." He sucked his cheek. "Be my bunk girl 'til payday, that might cover it."

It got kinda quiet then, the dozen ranch hands watching us now. I knew they were interested, not just to see if I'd pick up my knife and use it on Bucky's balls, but to see if I'd say yes. I hadn't fucked any one of those guys and I didn't mean to, cause once that happened ... Shit, anything could happen. It wouldn't make the boss too happy neither, cause boys were boys and they got jealous quick.

"I'd rather fuck that horse of yours, Bucky!" I laughed at him and he turned a bit red. The other guys cracked laughing and everybody moved a little, just letting the tension go.

"Well, let's do that then." He stared at me, feeling a bit angry, but that's cause he was just a kid and didn't know any better.

"Do what?" I looked at him.

"I'll put in my roan, you fuck him if you lose." Bucky sat back in his chair, balancing on the rear legs and rocking slow.

"Shut up," I snorted. "I ain't even said you could put your horse in."

He was just messing with me now, trying to get back at me for knocking his dick in the dirt. I'd been told to fuck a horse before during poker games, but this was original, trying to make a real bet out of it. He couldn't even cover the thirty I'd raised him unless I did him a favor and he wanted to pull this crap?

A little voice told me he might be sitting on more than a flush, but I'd always been a mite too feisty for my own good sometimes, a fact my daddy had pointed out on more than one occasion. But like all good daughters, I didn't pay him enough mind to learn my lesson while I was still young.

"You want to lose your pony?" I laughed. "Fine."

"Fine?" Bucky stared at me. "You mean, you'll do it?"

"If I lose, I'll do it," I agreed with a nod. "But I ain't gonna lose, Bucky. I'll be riding your horse tomorrow, not the other way around."

"You'll fuck my horse?" He looked around and the room got busy with talk, I'll tell you that much.

Either way it happened, this was gonna be a story now and I regretted it immediately. Just by saying yes I'd started building a reputation, I could see that. It wasn't gonna matter if I fucked that horse or not. I was willing to make the bet and that's all the punch line a good story needed. If I lost, well, that would really be something, wouldn't it? But I wasn't gonna lose, not with my full house, that was just too...

"I hope you love horses, California, cause I got four sevens that say my roan's gonna love you!" Bucky laid them out slowly, the cards flicking off his thumb real slow like.

"Shit." I stared at them sevens layin' there and even laughed, just cause it was a good trick.

A little too good maybe, and while they boys were laughing and getting all excited about maybe seeing the tough little cowgirl take some big horse cock, I grabbed my knife out of the table. I lunged across it quick as a coyote on a hare and put the edge to Bucky's throat. I grabbed the front of his shirt with my other hand, sprawled out over the cards and money, and held him tight.

"Check him, Tex," I said, a little breathless.

"Goddamn, Cali ... Put the knife down ... Shit ... Calm down..." They were all talking at once, but Bucky sat real quiet and there was a thin red line on his throat now. The Virgin was sharp as sin and she liked to bleed.

"Uh..." Tex moved slowly, he knew what I was asking for and if I was wrong there'd be hell to pay, but there wasn't no way in God's creation little Bucky had pulled four sevens out of that deck.

"Shoot..." Tex pulled a six of diamonds and then a three of spades out of Bucky's shirt, down low by his belt. He'd palmed a pair of sevens during one of his deals, stashed 'em away for a rainy day, and all he'd done was swap 'em out when he had a couple more to go with them.

I let him go then, pulling the knife back and pushing myself away from him, across the table 'til my feet touched the floor. I put my knife back in the leather sheath at my hip. I wouldn't be needin' that no more.

"Got us a little cheat, boys." Tex held up the cards he'd found and Bucky looked around nervously.

"You stupid some bitch." Slim shook his head.

"Get a rope," old Frank Carlisle said.

Frank was in his fifties and one of the foremen. He didn't stay in the bunk house, but somebody had gone running for him quick once my knife was out of the wood. He was old school rodeo and tough as a mule's ass come sundown.

"Now hold on..." Bucky licked his lips, looking for sympathy. "I was just foolin' around is all ... I didn't..."

"Shut-up, Bucky, 'fore you get yourself hurt," Slim told him, cuffing the boy upside the head.

"What do you want to do with him, Cali?" Frank asked, looking at me since I was the injured party. They were all looking at me.

Now, there's a lot of ways for dealing with a card cheat and none of them are too good cause it ain't nothing but thievery, plain and simple. Back a hundred years ago they'd shoot a fella for doing that. Nowadays it's just a good ass kicking generally, and the guy gets run off with a lot of talk right behind him. Bucky wasn't gonna be too welcome around these parts.

But I wasn't much for kicking a guy's ass, not that I couldn't do it. On a good day I could take any one of those men, at least enough so they'd know they'd been in a real fight afterwards. Bucky wouldn't be fighting back anyway, because he hadn't just been stealing from me, he'd been stealing from all of us. Those boys woulda held him down and kept him down, and left him later to crawl out the door.

Like I say though, I ain't all that much on beating a man down, even a cheat like Bucky. He'd lost his money and his reputation and even his horse, that stud roan of his out in the shed.

"I reckon that new roan of mine wouldn't mind a little lovin' at that," I said with a grin. "You're kinda scrawny for a mare, but that was the bet, eh?"

"W-What?" Bucky's eyes got big.

"Goddamn, Buck ... That's gonna hurt!" Tex chuckled.

"You can't ... No way! Come on, Cali." Bucky swallowed hard. "Look, boys. I'm sorry, okay? I'm real sorry. I was dumb and ... and I was foolish ... but..."

There was a lot of talk as we ignored him, most of the fellas agreeing that fair was fair and the boy had made his own bed. He'd have made me pay up if I'd lost, we all knew that, so getting fucked by that roan of his made for a lot of justice.

Of course, Bucky didn't see it that way and he put up a pretty fair fight for being such a skinny kid.

"Goddamn, Buck!" I drew my head back. "You ever wash your ass?"

The guys laughed. We had him tied over the water trough inside the yard, a small section of the corral where we'd work wild horses around a center post. It was empty unless we were using it and we'd lit it up with some kerosene lanterns.

"Shit! Let me go! I told ya I was sorry ... Come on ... This ain't funny!" Bucky protested, yanking at the ropes, trying to kick and pull his hands free, but he wasn't going anyplace.

I'd undone his belt and pulled his dungarees down, exposing his lily white ass to the cold Texas night. One of the boys, a guy named Berto who was half Mexican, brought the roan around. He wasn't a bad horse, just a three year old mesteno, a mustang, and full of grit. They loved to fight and fuck at that age, testing themselves and each other every chance they got.

"Maybe you oughta get him slippery with something," Slim suggested. "Don't wanna hurt the horse."

"You gonna lube him up?" I laughed at Slim and he shook his head.

"This boy's got a temper!" Berto said, holding the bridle, just the headstall and reins as he hadn't bothered with a bit. The roan was jerking his head around, smelling something in the air.

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Monday morning was a different story. My State Department cell phone was ringing at 0600. All the powers wanted to come and talk with the five this morning. I guess asylum was not out of the question if the stakes were big enough and the information was valuable enough. I fed them breakfast pancakes, waffles, steak and fruit with ice tea, orange juice and lemonade, along with today’s issues of the Iran and Pakistan papers. All the big wigs arrived and after I gave the introductions, I went...

4 years ago
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The Start of the Affair

She was in her early 40s, just a couple of years younger than me. We met at a celebration party when my wife’s course at the local university had ended. It was the usual drinks and snacks sort of do, and my wife was introducing me to various people as we were moving around, and spending time chatting to various people that we’d met before. Suddenly amongst one small group that we joined, she was there, tall and slim, though well rounded, her neat waist giving her a real old fashioned hour-glass...

2 years ago
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EdenChapter 3

Abel Langston was first and foremost a politician. He loved the trappings of power, the sense of control and most of all the limelight that his electoral successes had brought him in steadily growing measure. And he was determined that his new post on the five-member SES Board of Administrators would be neither his last nor his highest in his chosen field. Thus, almost as soon as he took his seat he followed the time-honored approach of all ambitious politicians and began casting about for...

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Jimll fix her

Drip, drop. Drip, drop, over and over, non stop. That kitchen tap downstairs was as close to Chinese Water Torture as Ruby could ever imagine. Hour after hour it kept her awake and by the third night of being subjected to the incessant sound, she started to feel somewhat cranky. Try as she might, she just couldn’t’t switch off and get some much needed sleep. “Any more problems or you need anything else seeing to, just give me a call.” He winked at her as he placed his card on the breakfast...

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Going Down

"What floor, Miss?" Jimmy asked, although it was obvious. Any conservatively dressed woman looking that angry could only be headed one place. "32nd," she said tersely, "Bimbotech." "Right away, Miss," said Jimmy pushing the appropriate button and discretely checking out his passenger: A bit on the skinny side with short brown hair. She was dressed in a business suit and carrying a briefcase. "You don't work for them, do you?" she asked. "No, Ma'am. I work for the building,"...

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Passionate Sex With My Girlfriend

When I was studying for my masters in a US University, I had a classmate called Dimple. She is 5’2″, has fair skin and she is slim. I had seen her during some cultural event organized by Indian Students Association. She was wearing orange colored saree which was below her navel and a backless blouse. Her navel is round and deep which I always wanted to kiss. I was attracted towards her, but since she was in a different group, I didn’t have courage to talk to her. One fine day in next semester,...

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My humiliating experience with Sandy Part 2

After my last experience with Sandy in the pool, I tried to stay away from her for awhile. I was really humiliated by her ability to carry and handle me, but also was really turned on by the experience. At the time, we were playing keep away with a ball, and she ended up carrying me around on her hip like a little kid. There was nothing I could do to get away from her, and she really teased me about a younger girl carrying an older boy and getting him turned on. Since my erection was against...

2 years ago
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Sex with mother8217s cousin sister

Hi readers this is Jaggu (name changed).I am working in one of the mnc in Hyderabad. this is my incest story happened one week back with my mother’s sister Surekha. To tell about Surekha aunty she is around 40 and her husband stays in Dubai went to Dubai 13 years ago and he is just a husband due to some other affair he is staying only in Dubai and not coming to India. my aunty knows about this but she did not take divorce because every one in family will think bad of her and she tells every...

2 years ago
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Son Mom and Aunts Chapter 1

This is a very long story. This part is a build up for what is to be followed. Kindly be patient and enjoy. Chapter 1: It was 7 am. “Good Morning Master” Trudy, Amy, and Anissa greeted in unison and continued on giving their master a morning blowjob, which was their first task of the morning for almost 5 years. “Good Morning Sluts” their Master Alex greeted and started thinking about how all this started. 5 years back, Alex was a normal college going, boy. His family was not very rich or very...

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BurrChapter 27 Women

Ned spent Saturday chauffeuring our guests to and from the club and on Sunday to the airport. I spent the rest of the weekend trying to dodge them, spending time with them only when my presence was required. I didn't get a chance to talk to Alice again although it was not for lack of trying. When she was not at home on Saturday night I began to wonder what could be keeping her at the club. A vision of her dining with a handsome man; a tennis student perhaps appeared so vividly in my mind...

2 years ago
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Master PC Child of the ProgramChapter 16 Holiday Spirit

"Ral, dinner is ready. Mandy's on her way up to get you." Yvonne thought. Monique had already put my cock back into my pants and closed them up. She didn't bother with her bra, but only slipped her top back on. The sight of her unhindered shape under the snug shirt didn't help my mood or condition. Without a word, she opened the door just as Mandy was about to knock. "Hey," Monique said to her sister as she stepped past her. Mandy watched her go, a confused look on her face. Then...

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Meri Hot Makaan Maalkin

Hi mera Saddam h. Meri age 23 yr. H, Ye baat tk ki h jb main lucknow me job k liye gya tha, job lgi or ek khoobsurat aurat mili, jo married thi par dekhne me aisi thi ke kisi ka bhi dil jeet le. Wo thi meri makan maalkin, uski ek beti thi, mera room uske samne wale ghar me tha, jahan uske boodhe maa baap rahte the, or samne wala ghar me wo uska husband or beti rahte the, uske or koi bhai ya bahen nhi the wahi apne maa baap ka khyal rkhti thi. Maine kbhi socha bhi nhi tha ki itni jaldi mera or...

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The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 23 Surprised Visitor

Her next experience was more surprising than pleasant for her. She was again dressed in a simple housewife's frock, buttoned right down the front, over the sensible brassière and knickers when her visitor came in. He was much younger than her previous visitors, only two or three years older than herself, and she could understand a she surveyed his solid figure that he would have had temptation from every young woman, and some not so young, in his parish. "Oh," he said, surprise and shock...

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FamilyHookups Aiden Ashley Anna Chambers Sweet little slut Anna Chambers takes advantage of her stepmom

Anna Chambers is home alone so she thought when her stepmom Aiden Ashley comes in to find her taking raunchy photos for another random guy again. Aiden is pissed and starts to chew her out but Anna doesn’t care at all, so to try and up her game she tells Anna how she used to be adventurous in her youth too hooking up with girls. Anna is floored she can’t believe her stepmom was Bi, well this gets Anna to push harder and Aiden decides to show her just how crazy she used to be by...

2 years ago
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Push Ups Brought Me Fun With A Married Lady

Hi this is Shiva. I do read this website and find its very interesting and it helps me to have a go. About me, I am 30, single, working in very prestigious organization. As part of my job I used to be in Chennai in between. I am an ardent walker and I keep myself fit with a rock solid guy who is 6.5 inch. About my sexual life, I don’t have much of experiences. I am pretty new to this and I do have some experiences of kissing and smooching with my girlfriends I had in between. I used to take a...

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That Time We Moved to Tulsa

My name is Marvin Duncan. I'm eighty-three years old, and I'm gonna tell you about a time after WWII when my family had to pick up and move from the mountains of Kentucky to Oklahoma because the coal mine where my daddy worked got shut down. The story is mostly about how, during that move, I hooked up with the woman I wound up being married to for fifty-five years before she died. I'm getting pretty old myself now, and I thought I'd just write all this down while I still have a working...

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Lacy Finds A Nubian Spear fea Lord Zaire

Lacy glances into the 3-paneled mirror and a cute girly smile flashes across her face. She gently strokes her stringy below, shoulder-length shiny blonde hair. She bats her eyes then prances and preens before the mirror. The stretchy black and white stripe mini-dress clung to her curvy yet slightly muscular body. Black fishnet stockings, with small white bowties, highlighted her shapely legs which shrank down to her small ankles which fit loosely in a pair of shiny black leather, open toe 3’...

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Futa Reporters Wicked WishChapter 3 Beccarsquos Wild Talk Show

“I just can’t believe it,” my seventeen-year-old daughter Jenna moaned as we lay in bed. “That’s me with your cum running out of my cunt, Mom.” “I know,” I groaned, my pussy so wet, my clit itching and throbbing, wishing it were a futa-cock right now. But the sun had set hours ago, returning my dick to the little bud peeking out of my soft petals. “You just look so yummy. I’m gushing out of you.” “Want to know how that hot cum got in her underage snatch?” the me on TV asked, my face looking...

1 year ago
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Lonely Dad Part 2

 Sarah was lying comfortably on my chest, listening to my heartbeat. I caressed her thick hair as I stared at the ceiling. I fucked my daughter. I fucked my daughter and took her virginity. Adrenaline filled me as I replayed it. I wanted more. Her pussy was amazing. My stomach growled. I was initially heading to the kitchen for a late-night snack."Are you hungry dad?" she grinned."I was initially going for a snack," I sighed. "Then I saw you with your dildo and got distracted,""Would you...

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Pure Filth Part Four

Liz glanced in the mirror in the ladies’ room before leaving the office. She wanted to look absolutely perfect for lunch with Alana. She knew that her dark blue skirt-suit was very businesslike, but she added a turquoise scarf to soften her look for this special social occasion. In the three years since Brandon, her main attorney, had married this beautiful, stylish blonde, Liz really enjoyed her chances to talk with Alana at the occasional cocktail parties and holiday receptions hosted by...

1 year ago
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Initiaton Into BDSM

*** Initiation into cock and pussy She lurched forward being led by the leash that was attached to the collar around her neck, as the cadence of the drum kept up its low beat. Bound, gagged and blindfolded she could only guess where she was being led. The cloaked men and women of the group known as C&P ( Cock and Pussy), stood in a circle as they watched. This young woman had agreed to this required ritual which was a necessity for anyone wishing to become a member. Now in the center of the...

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The Endeavour

April 14, 1769 I begin this log in the tradition of my captain and to record my new command. I am the second officer aboard the Endeavour and have been charged with the building of a permanent fort on the island the natives call Otaheite. The captain, with astronomic and timely inference, named the project Fort Venus. The natives seem friendly after initial trepidation. They must have thought we were invading when our boats came ashore but that tense moment was handled brilliantly by the...

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Me and Mom

Me and Mom Part 1 Until I was about ten, and the birth of my brother mom and I had a good relationship. It was around this time she started to drink. When she was sober she was the mother I grew up knowing, but when she was drinking she could be mean and hateful. Mom wasn't ever physical with me but, her tongue was like a two edged sword. That sword often cut deep and could be painful. So our relationship for two years became less loving and more resentful as I fought back.My granddad and...

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The Second Year and AfterChapter 74

Although Jen and Hamish were clearly becoming a permanent fixture, and were both on very good terms with their prospective in-laws, the two sets of parents hadn't actually got around to meeting up, thinking that there was no hurry; after all, there was still another year and a half until their youngsters would graduate and think about getting married. I was the cause of the future in-laws getting together, in late November 1974, and they found that they actually had a great deal in common,...

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Secondary School for Girls0

They'd pulled up at the side of the road, miles away from anything else. The last town they'd passed had been two hours ago, a dingy Scottish hamlet full of ancient looking fogies. They'd stared at Quinn as she screamed at her mother in the car park of a half abandoned garage. “YOU HATE ME!" She had yelled, spit flying from her mouth, her arms flung back and her fiery red hair whipping about her face as she shouted. The two hours from there to where they had parked had been filled with...

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John and Marie Just Good Friends

I was spending the day with a good friend, John. In his early sixties, a widower, polite, good looking, very funny, he could keep me laughing for ages. Not with corny jokes, just by talking. He had such a fun way of looking at the world. So, what was my problem with him?He treated me as a friend. That was all. Just a friend. I had known him for over two years, and in all that time he never made any move on me, never had a crafty touch, or made any suggestive remark. Not even a compliment on how...

1 year ago
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Angies New World AdventureChapter 5 Time for More Experiences

After lunch on the day they had spanked Mia, they had taken a long walk intending to reach the top of Mt. Snowden but had decided as they passed the narrow gauge railway of Festiniog and on the spur of the moment they bought a return ticked and rode the narrow railway to the top. Once there they enjoy a relaxing cup of tea and Angie suddenly realised maybe it had not been such a good idea to leave her knickers in the hotel room, for the breeze on the top of MT. Snowden was stronger than down...

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