Something DifferentChapter 3: Resolution free porn video

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Tuesday morning. I really would have to bug Jimmy to invest in darker curtains. The morning sunlight was streaming in, almost painfully bright. The answering machine clicked off, Kelly's message to me now complete. Ah, hell. That had been a mood killer.

Alana was coming fully awake now; her hand quickly finding my cock was also fully awake. She murmured dreamily, her cool fingers wrapping around my joystick as she absently pumped it while turning her head up to look at me. I just stared back at her, dazed, as I contemplated the situation I was in.

I had gone through a horrible fight with my fiancée, Kelly, to the point where we had broken off our engagement. In the midst of it, a sharp attraction I had felt towards two coworkers, Francine and Catherine, had crossed over into a series of sexual encounters, and then into a tender romantic relationship with Catherine for a short time. And now here I lay with a 21-year old blonde cutie I had just met last night. Her body was young and trim, with perky tits rubbing against my hip. If it weren't for the emotional baggage weighing me down right now, having been with four different women in the past week, five if you include Alana's friend Alicia last night, would be considered a fantastic thing.

A silky wet pleasure flooded into my brain, and I realized Alana had sucked my entire length into her mouth. But the pleasure was momentary. Despite her wonderful mouth, I could feel myself deflating inside of her. Even with a hot babe sucking me off, and a "Let's get back together" message from my fiancée, all I could think about was Catherine and the heartbreak I had gone through last night.

Gently, I pried Alana off of my dick, despite her protests. I heard a high- pitched scream of ecstasy from inside Jimmy's bedroom just then. Apparently Alicia was having fun this morning. But I just wasn't in the mood. I walled myself away the rest of the morning, brooding out the window. Eventually, the girls left with Jimmy promising to call, and apologizing for "his friend who was under a lot of stress."

When they had left he turned to look at me and exhaled, "Whew, those two were CRAZY!" He had the biggest smile on his face. He staggered around the room, and then came across the phone and answering machine, which was flashing to inform him that he had a new message. He turned to me. "You were out here. Did you hear it?"


"It wasn't Francine again, was it? She's been calling me every day. I mean, she's an awesome friend, but I don't want another girlfriend, you know?"

I gave him a hard look. Typical Jimmy. The four of us break through all these barriers, and he's the same old Jimmy. "No, it was Kelly. She wants to get back together."

"Whoa." He didn't say anything for a bit, then played the message so he could hear exactly what she had said. He paced around for a while, then sat down on his recliner across from me. "You know what I think. Kelly's a great girl, but she's really nitpicky and controlling. And you're too young to settle down. Are you sure you want to get back into that relationship? I mean, what about Catherine? I thought you two had something going."

"Alex proposed last night. Catherine is out of the picture."

Shock ran across Jimmy's face. "Hey, I'm sorry, man. You knew he would eventually. It's just a question of how many years will go by until the divorce and he picks up trophy wife #2. But with Kelly, I really think you should call her. These past few days have been really weird. Maybe you can get back together but fix some of those problems. Take a step back, just date, instead of acting like a married couple."

"Yeah, maybe."

I knew at some point I would have to call Kelly, but I couldn't work up the nerve to do so just yet. Instead Jimmy and I hustled off to work. I drifted through the day on autopilot. Half of the staff would be out for the next two days marketing our clients, including Francine. So it was pretty quiet, and no one really bothered me for the whole day. I stared blankly at the computer screen before me, my hands resting on the desktop. Whenever the phone rang I simply let my voicemail pick it up.

Catherine had to be working a few floors above me right now. I wondered, what was going through her head right now? Was she thinking about me? Was she as uncertain of to what to do as me? And the biggest question. Did she still love me?

Then there was Kelly. A relationship built up from years of slow growth. Fights were to be expected in any relationship. It would be foolish to ever expect perfection from a relationship. True, there were things about her that really pissed me off about her, and I'm sure I had a few quirks that annoyed Kelly to no end. But we had been able to work around those and bring ourselves to the brink of marriage together. We had drifted apart, but we could drift back together again, right? Surely a long-term relationship and an engagement were more important than a friendship that had only briefly crossed over the line.

I stared at my phone. Speed dial #1: Kelly's office. Speed dial #2: Catherine's desk. What do I do?

The politically correct and "moral" thing to do would be to preserve the long- term relationship, right? I picked up my headset, and pressed down Speed Dial #1.

We met at "our" restaurant. It was a little hole-in-the-wall Chinese place we used to frequent in college. It was a quaint family-run place, with dim lighting, and waiters that spoke little English. She was waiting for me when we arrived, and had already ordered our usual. She said "hi" and I said "hi." There was a comfortable familiarity in this. Our restaurant. Our usual noodles and meat. But there was an undercurrent of nervousness permeating the air. Kelly fidgeted in her seat.

"So, how was your day?" she asked, actually sounding interested for the first time in months.

"Um, fine," I lied. "How was yours?"

"Um, fine." She looked down, staring at her hands. We both just kind of zoned out, uncomfortable in the awkward silence. Fortunately, the food arrived and we soon busied ourselves with the food. Automatically, I began to expertly wield my chopsticks, picking at the Chow Fun and picking out the green onions. Kelly hated the green onions for some odd reason, and she smiled when she realized I was picking them out for her.

That little gesture seemed to break the ice and we gradually fell into a comfortable rhythm. We started up a new conversation, and within a few minutes, we slipped back into our familiar selves. I was joking, she was laughing, and after awhile it felt like we had never broken up. Maybe we could make this work again.

My cell phone rang. I checked the caller ID display, which listed "Catherine." Of course.

"Who is it?" Kelly leaned forwards in that unconscious attempt to see the display on my phone, even though it was impossible from her side of the table.

"Um, nothing. It's just Jimmy." I hit the [END] button, and the ringing stopped. Then I turned the phone off. "I'll call him later. Right now, you're the only person in the world."

She gave me a shy smile at this. "You always knew what to say."

We finished most of our food, and boxed up the rest. Kelly insisted on splitting the check, even though she only ate half of what I had. I response, I insisted that she take the leftovers home. So we paid the check, and walked out the door. I walked her to her car, and was getting ready to say my good-byes. But Kelly beat me to it. She unlocked the car, then turned around to face me and stepped up very close to me. She laid a hand on my chest, then glanced up into my face.

"Would you come back home? Just for tonight?"

The world was suddenly spinning. My already overworked brain went into a seizure and then suddenly I felt her lips pressed to mine. My arms naturally enfolded her and then she was pressing me against her car, our kiss rapidly escalating in heat and intensity. Here was the passion missing from our lives for months. Here was the Kelly I had fallen in love with in the beginning.

When we finally pulled ourselves apart and I hurried to get to my car. We drove at breakneck speeds back to our apartment, with Kelly arriving just a few seconds before me. We met at the front door, immediately flowing into another kiss. We had to work rather hard to get the door open without looking at it, our attention only on each other.

We made our way into the bedroom, and once inside she pushed me back against the closed door and pressed her lips against mine once again. Then she turned and lay back contentedly on the bed. I stripped off my shirt, then joined her on our bed. One kiss led to a few more, and soon we were frenching madly. My hands were snaking under her blouse and caressing her bare back, and I knew my raging erection was pressing painfully against her leg. My hands dipped to her ass, squeezing and caressing.

I ripped my shirt off and then whipped off hers. She was panting slightly, her eyes glazed over. Next came the snap of her bra, and I was burying my face in her upright B-cups, feeling her nipples hardening in the cool air. I shucked my shorts and she let me tug her skirt off, taking the panties with it, then I rid myself of the rest of my own clothing. We continued to kiss and fondle and my erection was screaming at me to get inside of her. She was kissing me back with a fervor right up until I settled my hips over hers.

I was amazed at how much this felt just like that Pizza/Meg Ryan movie night we had shared only a week ago. Last time, she had pushed me away at the last second, leaving me with my painful erection. That was not the case this time, as she held her hips steady as I thrust into her body with one stroke. I settled my head onto the pillow next to hers, my lips tracing at her neck. She sighed in contentment as we both just absorbed the heavenly feeling of our union. I felt so happy, and closed my eyes. I rubbed my nose against the side of her cheek, then opened my eyes with a dreamy expression.

Catherine's sweet face smiled back at me. My eyes grew wide at this sudden realization, and then I bolted upright, my cock slipping out of her as the shock coursed through my system. I blinked twice, and then there was Kelly, staring back at me with a soothing expression on her face. "What's wrong?"

"Uh, nothing."

"Silly." Kelly reached out and traced my face with the palm of her hand. "Now come back here and make love to me."

Shaking my head to clear my mind, I leaned down to nibble on Kelly's breasts. They were Kelly's, I kept telling myself. You're getting back together. And then her hips captured my rod, and she was guiding me into her willing body once again. I felt the soft, moist velvet engulf me, and then I gave myself over to the lovemaking.

Wednesday morning. For the first time in days, I knew exactly where I was when I woke up. I was in my bed, at my home. And Kelly was in my arms. She was already awake, running her fingers over my chest. She smiled sweetly at me, and leaned up to plant a small peck on my lips.

"I missed this."

"Me, too." I smiled back at her. Then I shook a warning finger at her. "Just don't push me away again."

She kissed me again, and then rolled out of bed. I heard the water running shortly after as she freshened up in the bathroom. I lay back against the pillows, relaxing and looking around. All of my candles were still there, as were the Christmas lights. This room represented everything that was "us" for Kelly and me. And I only had one thought and one woman on my mind. What was Catherine doing right now?

I pushed that thought out of my mind as fast as it arrived. I was here, with Kelly. We were going to try and patch things up. We could make it work. I heard the door open and the familiar sound of Kelly padding off towards the kitchen. I rolled out of bed as well. I had to piss.

When I'd finished doing my thing, I washed up, then joined Kelly in the kitchen. With practiced ease we made breakfast. She did the cooking. By routine I puttered around bringing out and putting away the ingredients, and washing the dishes while she put the finishing touches on our meal. When it was finished, we ate happily, and I really began to believe that while the past week had been a weird and wild ride, it was something that we could perhaps recover from.

After the meal, Kelly excused herself to go to the bathroom. She came back a few minutes later absolutely TICKED OFF. Her mouth set into a hard frown as she glared at me, her eyes squinted in anger.

"What's wrong?" She looked angry with me, and I had no idea why.

"You know exactly what's wrong."

"No, I don't." This of course made her even more angry.

"You left the toilet seat up!"

"Oh, is that it? I'm sorry."

"IS THAT IT?" Impossibly, she got even angrier, such that her cheeks were burning red. "When you leave the toilet seat up, you are showing me that you are inconsiderate! It's a sign that you don't care about me!"

"It's a toilet seat! I just woke up. My brain wasn't fully active. I'm sorry about the toilet seat! It was an accident!"

"If you hit some poor jogger with your car because you were playing with the radio, he's still dead! You can say 'It was an accident!' but it shows that you weren't paying attention properly!"

"This isn't a dead jogger! This is a toilet seat!"

"It's not about the toilet seat! It's about you being inconsiderate! Of not paying attention properly!"

You can guess how the next half an hour of conversation went. Thankfully, the fight could not last too long, since we both had to get to work. The last thing Kelly yelled at me as she got in her car was "I want you out of my life!"

All I could do was yell back "FINE." My relationship with Kelly was over. This time I knew that it was for good.

Wednesday at work I was steaming. I had a short memo to type up and I started hammering at my keyboard as if to punch a hole straight through the letter "J." I spent the entire day ignoring my phone once again. I knew that anyone on the other end of the line would be able to hear the built up resentment and anger in my voice. I did manage to get some work done, albeit slowly.

Half of the staff, including Francine, were out visiting clients today. I was glad I wasn't scheduled to go out marketing today, else I would have probably done a piss poor job.

I was angry with Kelly for being so uptight. I was angry with myself for not being able to handle it. I was frustrated with my inability to build a happy relationship. And I was sad. I was lonely. Deep in my gut I believed that I would never be truly happy. It was near the end of the day when I felt firm hands grabbing a hold on my shoulders, pressing and caressing. "Hey, Mikey..." Francine's sweet voice whispered huskily right next to my ear.

"Hey, you're back." I was trying to be friendly, but I was still stuck in that sour mood.

"You're so tense." Francine was still whispering in my ear as she massaged my neck. "You need to unwind a bit, and I know just how we can get you to relax a bit."

"Relax? What's that?"

She moaned sexily into my ear, her hot breath steaming against my face. "There is nothing in this world more relaxing for a man than those first few seconds after you've just cum, right?"

Schwing. No matter the mood, my dick knows how to arise to the opportunity. Her hand was soon in my lap, and she was pulling my head around to meet hers for a searing kiss. I groaned into her open mouth, her tongue tickling my teeth and resigned myself to my fate. When she finally released me, she was panting, her hand fluttering over her chest as she stared at me with unbridled lust. I knew I was about to get laid.

But I knew Francine had been in a relationship as well. Was she going through the same confusion I was? I had to ask first. "Francine, not that I'm complaining. But what about your boyfriend?"

"Oh, him? I dumped him last week. Life's too short for me to waste any more of the best years of my life on him."

Poor guy. He had no idea what he was missing right now. I was about to ask another stupid relationship question, but she shushed me first. She leaned in close to me, and pressed a finger to my lips. "Mikey, you talk to much."

I shut up. She then took my hand in hers, pulled me out of my chair, and then began tugging me deeper into the office. At this point I noticed the time. It was past six o'clock, and the floor was deserted. She led me directly into our boss' office, and shut the door. She spun me around and planted me in one of the wing chairs.

"Now let's see if we can't get you relaxed." Francine stepped back and began to give me a sexy striptease. First she pulled out a clip in her hair, and her long locks cascaded down in soft waves over her shoulders. She threw her shoulders back, which also stuck out her chest, and shrugged her jacket down and off her arms. Now everyone knows sex sells, so she had chosen a low scooping blouse that already showed off her enhanced breasts and the deep valley that ran between them. Wiggling her hips, she did a slow pirouette, and then began to slide her skirt down her legs, revealing her lacy black bikini-cut panties doing a poor job of concealing her tight ass, and gartered nylons encasing her legs. With the skirt on the floor, she bent over at the waist, extending me an even juicier view of that butt, then kicked the skirt off her feet. The sight of her barely covered ass and sexy grin was an erotic contrast to our boss's bookcase filled with texts immediately behind her.

She kept her three-inch stiletto heels on, which created a wonderful arch in her legs as she stood up and turned back to face me. The blouse now hung down and covered her hips, but she slipped a hand underneath it and wriggled it around for a moment before bringing her hand back out, the fingers obviously glistening with wetness. Still swaying her hips in a slow erotic dance, she sucked her fingers into her mouth, then reached down and whipped the blouse up and over her head, revealing a matching black lacy bra that barely contained her large tits.

I breathed out harshly, unaware that I had been holding my breath this entire time. Even though we had fucked many times in the last week, this sensuous revelation of Francine's hot body to me was a mind-blowing experience.

Francine was now gliding towards me and around the chair. Once behind me, she wrapped her arms around me, unbuttoning my shirt down to the tails. She pulled it off and flung it into a far corner of the room, quickly followed by my undershirt. Then she returned around to the front of the chair, where she knelt between my legs and began to undo my pants.

I was rock hard by this point, the tip of my cock poking above the waistband of my boxers. When she got my belt and fly open, she carefully extracted my shaft through the flap of my boxers, my member twitching of its own accord within her grasp. Francine leaned down, pulling her hair back behind her ears and blowing gently across the tip. It jerked towards her, like a plant seeking out the sun. Her bra was clasped at the front, and when she undid it, the firmness of her tits made the cups instantly swing open. Her nipples were already hard and tight, little nubs poking back at me. She leaned down, trapping my shaft between her mounds, squeezing her hot flesh around it. She leaned her head downwards, opening her mouth wide as if about to devour my entire shaft in one gulp.

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Anchari Astana was facing a difficult dilemma. She was suspicious of her boss but she understood enough of the way of the world to know that denouncing him to Mr Kerrish was unlikely to result in anything other than her being dismissed from the Bank. Only if Henry's actions had threatened the Bank in some way would Mr Kerrish even think of considering action on the word of a mere secretary. And besides, Anch told herself, she didn't have any sort of proof, just a lot of supposition and...

1 year ago
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WrongChapter 6 Resolutions

I spotted Chloe immediately when I walked in. She sat nestled in the corner, staring out the window. I could tell she knew I was there by how she tightened up, but she didn’t acknowledge me. She looked awful; I could tell she hadn’t slept. I made my way over carefully, almost like she had somehow put grenades underneath the chipped tiles of the coffee shop. If I did manage to stumble on one, I certainly deserved it. When I made it over safely, I dropped into the seat across from her. A...

3 years ago
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The Consequences and Rewards of Playing HookyChapter 17 Resolutions

Suzanne Rowan had a fitful night. She had spoken to Brett for more than an hour before she went to bed and they had consoled each other over the loss of Sadie. She was surprised by how much Brett had cared for Sadie. He had only met her once and held her for just a few minutes, but Brett explained a sensation that Suzanne had felt the first moment she had seen and held Sadie. There was something about the dog's eyes. There was a palpable sweetness in them; a look that told whomever her...

3 years ago
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There and BackChapter 85 Resolutions

As we moved forward, we fought another handful of darkspawn. I am actually getting sick of fighting darkspawn, surprise surprise. With so many of us, basically only the mages and Alistair, Oghren, and Sten got a hit in. Alistair smote – smited? – an Emissary, leaving him stunned and with precious little mana for me to gather; I gave him a nasty look, and he chuckled. There were no ogres – honestly, how do ogres even fit through the ridiculously small, winding tunnels anyway? – so the risk was...

1 year ago
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CompanionChapter 6 Resolutions

JJ drove to her home, only about six blocks from Caleb's condo, in a daze. She wondered, after pulling into her drive-way, if she should have been driving. She didn't remember the trip home. She simply sat behind the wheel after turning the engine off, thinking about the last twenty-four hours. She wondered about the confusion she felt when examining Caleb Connor last night, and her weird and wonderful attraction to him. She remembered the pleasure of the conversation on the bus, and at...

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Fortysomething By Melissa Tawn It was Alice Carter's birthday: fortysomething. She sat in her favorite easy chair, a drink in hand, and thought back on her life. Birthdays are the time one takes stock. She had been born Alan, a boy, though inside she knew, that she was really a girl. At one point she tried to explain this to her parents, tried to get them to understand, but they were unable to do so. This was in the days before the internet and the local library was...

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40 Something Mag! What makes a MILF? Beauty is obviously part of the equation. Everybody loves an older woman who’s taken care of herself, aging like a fine wine instead of getting all old and haggard. I think attitude is a major component of a truly fuckable MILF. The broads at 40SomethingMag, for example, all have this eager enthusiasm for dirty sex that gets my blood pumping as soon as I hit the landing has been around for a good long time, pumping out cougar-fuck...

Premium Mature Porn Sites
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Somethings Just Happen PT1

Let me start by telling something about myself. my name is maikel, i just turned 18 a few weeks ago, am about 1,90m long, have short blond hair and weigh about 70 kilo's. Now let's go to the story. I just had gotten my driving-licence and whas bragging about it against a friend of mine who whas a bit down because her parents couldn't find a babysitter for her younger sister so that meant she had to stay at home and watch her. So i offert that i could babysit her i had nothing better to...

1 year ago
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Somethingsmeant to be

It was a Saturday morning, Kai was still asleep in his bed. The sun rays faintly came in through the gaps in the curtains. It was going to be a lazy day as the snow had freshly fallen the previous night, the snowstorm had wiped through the whole town in a matter of hours. The whole house was silent except the few noises coming in from the TV room where Kiyara laid on the sofa, half asleep but still going strong. She had recently moved back into her family house after her breakup and was usually...

1 year ago
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Something Wicked This Way Comes 6

Something Wicked This Way Comes 6 "So, they were having this costume contest at the Nerd Cave. It's a comic book store..." Ryan was at his therapist's office. Dr. Felder - sorry, Cheryl (call me Cheryl, we're friends here. Yeah, right, a friend my parents pay to talk to him) - gave him her fake smile, the same one the nurse gave him the first time he got his period. She laughs. "I assumed that. I'm still amazed at how people proudly use that term now..." Because you're old,...

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Something Wicked This Way Comes Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Ryan met Logan at the gate of the local skate park. The park had been the center of their universe since the end of elementary school. Now they were only a year away from high school. They sat on one of the concrete benches watching a group of first year middle schoolers trying and failing to do stunts. "What do you think it's like?" Ryan said to the air in front of him, not wanting to look directly at his friend. They'd both seen TeenNick and all those movies. ...

2 years ago
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Something Wicked This Way Comes Chapter 2

Something Wicked This Way Comes Chapter 2 It was early, very early. Despite the heat Ryan shuddered, thinking how cold it would be later in the year. In December and January when there was frost and snow on the ground. His mother had gotten up and, blurry eyed, given him a hug. Jack's bedroom door had stayed closed. He looked over at the trees on the other side of the road. There was a slight breeze that caused the tops to sway gently. "You ready Ry-Teag... er kiddo?" He...

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Something Wicked This Way Comes Chapter 5

Something Wicked This Way Comes 5 The sole saving grace of this entire trip was that Jack was not coming. It didn't hurt that he was pissed off. Ryan had been stewing ever since Jack's performance over pizza rolls in front of Harper. He had been kicking himself for not saying anything to his mom when she came home from grandpa's but the look on her face said 'not now. Not today.' Which she compounded by pouring a big glass of wine and walking into her room, the door closing...

2 years ago
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Something Wicked This Way Comes Part 4

Something Wicked This Way Comes 4 Ryan took one last look at himself in the locker room mirror. The uniform was supposed to look like a cowboy, or cowgirl in his case. The cowboy hat came down over his brow and he had to push it back and tie the string tight under his chin, so it didn't fall down over his face. Which was not as bad as the uniform. A western shirt, in brown and mustard yellow, with fringe on the pockets - the breast pockets. "Howdy cowpokes. Everyone ready?" Dirk,...

1 year ago
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Something Old Something New

Louisa could barely hear herself think. Filling her lungs, she shouted over the clamour of banging doors and flushing toilets, “Maddie? You done yet?” No reply.Huffing impatiently, she faced the grimy mirror and finger combed the brunette curls tumbling beneath her headdress. Satisfied, she slipped a hand inside her Faux leather bodice and re-positioned her boobs. “What?” she barked at the reflected stare of the red-head preening at the neighbouring sink. “Have you never seen a nun letting her...

Quickie Sex
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(c) 2001, Melissa Virus Archive anywhere except pay sites. Disclaimer: there is nothing offensive in this story beyond language, which I can accede some people don't like. If you find anything else you consider offensive, ask yourself: why do I find this offensive? Would this be offensive if it were happening to me? Then, shut the fuck up. Something by Melissa Virus "I know a girl who makes me shine" -Hum, "Dreamboat" Alice is talking about the lighting setup she...

3 years ago
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Something In The Air

Something in the Air By Rachel Ann Cooper (c) 2000 Our principal story teller-Daniel, age 16. School had just started a few weeks ago. The three of us, Al DeAngelo, Brad Conley and I (Dan Carlysle) always took every opportunity to sneak off for a scuba weekend and Labor Day was no exception. We all really liked the coral reefs in the Keys even though pollution was taking its' toll there too. We usually stayed in Marathon at a rooming house. There was one room there that had a...

4 years ago
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Something Better

Something Better by: Gingerfred Man Chapter One ? Pretty Good My life lacked spark. Oh, I had everything most people my age say they want. I had graduated from a pretty good college and had a pretty good job for a 26-year-old guy. I was writing copy for an advertising agency and the best part of that was, there were plenty of young babes around. My name is Jerry Simmons. I liked women a lot and for the most part, they seemed to like me. I was a pretty good-looking guy,...

4 years ago
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Something To Remind You Of Me

 Sunday You are going to LOVE this place!I hit send on the text and smile to myself, wishing that I could be there to see the look on your face when you receive it. I’ve included some pictures of the cottage, ones that I know will spark your imagination, including one of me lying on the bed, leaning up on my elbows, with my cleavage clearly visible under my v-neck t-shirt.To say I’m delighted with the property is an understatement. It’s always a gamble when you book these things online. But...

Straight Sex
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SOMETHING A LITTLE DIFFERENT Revised story list and themes

Translation of German words or phrases at the end. However, I have tried to make the meaning fairly clear in context. It’s almost 2 years after the Battle of the Golden Gate Bridge. In addition to being an X-Man, Kurt has recently begun teaching classes at the School. PROLOGUE: MORNING DEVOTIONS Mein Gott, is the sun coming up already?! Yes, it must be. The windows are getting light. Pfui! It would be so nice to remain here in bed, with the warmth of Logan’s body close...

3 years ago
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Something a Little Different

It’s almost 2 years after the Battle of the Golden Gate Bridge. In addition to being an X-Man, Kurt has recently begun teaching classes at the School. Translation of German words or phrases at the end. However, I have tried to make the meaning fairly clear in context. PROLOGUE: MORNING DEVOTIONS Mein Gott, is the sun coming up already?! Yes, it must be. The windows are getting light. Pfui! It would be so nice to remain here in bed, with the warmth of Logan’s body close against...

2 years ago
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Something Wicked This Way Comes Part 3

Something Wicked This Way Comes 3 The locker room had been bad enough. He'd learned to keep his eyes forward, breathe slowly and not think about it. He'd hoped gym would be better here. Maybe easier. "Darn it," he whined, as the field hockey ball flew past him as he flailed hopelessly. A girl on the other team waited and snatched it up, running downfield and passing it for a goal. His teammates, such as they were, jogged past, glaring and grumbling. Except for one girl,...

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Something About Him

There was something about him. I knew it the moment I saw him, but I wasn't sure what it was. Some would have said it was his looks. His hair was short and black, his eyes were a dark, dark brown and his skin was just the healthy side of pale. He wore a tight black T-shirt and leather pants which stretched over his body and displayed what lay underneath. He was leaning forward, chin in hand, a serious expression on his face. And maybe that was it. He could have been lost in concentration or...

2 years ago
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Something Special about Maxine Ch 02

I dedicate this story to Jon. * Something Special about Maxine, #2 The King of Cunnilingus meets the Queen of Trouble * Continued from Chapter 1: As soon as he ejaculated his load of warm, oozy cum in her warm, wet mouth and she swallowed, he helped her up from the futon. As if she was a paid escort or a whore hired for a few hours, he was eager to rid himself of her. As if she was a prisoner being summarily released from prison, he collected her panties and pocketbook, put them both in...

2 years ago
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Something for All

"This is perfect for Benjamin!" you say it over and over on the way back to your Fraternity House. Once in your own room a wicked thought comes to mind. Looking at the bottle of potion you rationalize that Ben might not take the liquid willingly. Then too he might drop or break the bottle making your trick just a forlorn foolish purchase. Instead you look around for something to hide and also spread the potion into different decanters. A beer can, bottle of Ben's hair gel, Mouthwash, yes...

2 years ago
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Something Unexpected

A few things: First, I was unsure if this should have been categorized as a romance or simply erotic couplings. I feel it is more of a romance once seen as a whole – and I ask your forgiveness if you do not agree with my choice. Second, this is a slightly different story than the others I have written. The love scenes are still hot, in my opinion, but they may not be as frequent as some would prefer. So take that as a warning, because this is a very long story that needs to tell itself at its...

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Something borrowed something blue

He walked into the crowded bar, hair slightly wet from the drizzle outside. The weekend yuppie crowd had milled in for their Friday evening drinks. He weaved through the throng and saw an empty booth in the corner. When he came closer, he saw that it wasn’t empty, but had one woman slumped against the corner near the window, almost out of sight. Tough for her as she was rather voluptuous. Rounded and soft, curves in a lot of places. “A few dress sizes larger than my preference,” he mused. His...

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I live in Northern California now, but a few years ago I was livingin L.A., land of movie stars, traffic insanity and loads of awesomelycute young dudes, in a small house in West L.A. proper. At that timeI considered myself bisexual, but hadn't had nearly as much sex as Iwanted (with either gender). It wasn't that I was bad-looking. Infact, I was flirted with by both genders nearly every day. I waswell-tanned, and worked out enough. Green eyes, buzzed dark brownhair. I was kind of on the...

1 year ago
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Something About Mary

Something About Mary "Hey, Dillan! Mr. bleach blond!" It wasn't completely out of the blue, but I was certainly caught off guard when Mary called out to me. Though I was hardly one of the school punching bags, I wasn't exactly a popular kid either. I had my small circle of friends that I was happy with and we largely avoided the drama riddled 'upper echelon' of the school hierarchy. So I never expected one of the most popular girls in school to spontaneously...

3 years ago
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Something Old Something New

The second floor corridor of the hotel was deathly quiet. As I walked along the thick carpet in the warm light of the wall-mounted lamps, I checked my lipstick in my compact-mirror and lifted a stray strand of hair from my brow. I arrived at room 212, my Mum Charlotte's room, and knocked on the door. My ex-boyfriend opened it; it was the first time in a year that I'd seen him. He was afraid to meet my eyes. I guessed that this wasn't because of any practised humility, a dutiful gesture...

3 years ago
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Something New

Sitting on my futon, reading the front page of the Times in an attempt to distract myself from how lonely I was, I was startled by the sound of the phone ringing. Oh god, please let it be him. It had been far too long since he'd wanted to see me and I was aching for his touch."Hello?""I want you to come over here. Now." Him, of course. Who else would give me such a direct order? Who else would I be so ready to obey upon receiving it?"Yes sir," I replied, my voice taking on the unintentionally...

3 years ago
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Something to help the dreams along

 ?????????????? Something to help the dreams along.   Have you ever felt so totally absorbed by a single person you wish you could mould your body so it became part of theirs?Have you ever trusted someone so utterly and completely you would have laid your life in their hands?Have you ever felt a bond with someone so strong that you knew it was always going to be something much more than just 'love'??Within the words written here you will become to understand how such a bond is formed...

1 year ago
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Something WickedChapter 2

When I was very little, my father cheated on my mother. I had just turned thirteen and I was dealing with the pesky emergence of hormones, as well as the insecurity that occasionally accompanies them. Having my father move out right around the same time dealt me a devastating blow. My father was taken from me, and my mother might as well have been, too. I remember wondering why Dad didn’t live with us anymore. No one would tell me. My grandparents whispered, abruptly closing their mouths and...

3 years ago
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Something About Us

I first met Jessie when we were eight years old. My family and I had not long arrived from interstate when my mother got a job working alongside her mother and soon became friends, and we had been invited to Sunday lunch at their place. I remember seeing a red-haired girl with glasses, playing with Legos in their lounge room. I immediately joined her in her building, and we soon became friendly towards each other. In the years that followed we saw a lot of each other, whether it was when one of...

First Time
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Something in the Wind

She was trying to be sympathetic. The voice on the phone was by turns emphatic, subdued, was male and not obviously drunk but she could tell he’d been drinking. ‘…I called because, because you know the players, you know what I’m up against, you know what I’m going through…’ ‘…again’, she thought as the voice rambled on. ‘You called me because you know I’m three hours ahead of you and I wouldn’t be asleep yet.’ she said, trying to project her half-smile through the miles of fiber-optic...

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