Fertile Valley 3 free porn video

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Introduction: By Jim Davis after all id witnessed that first full day in fertile valley, id expected to return to my family at the hotel and relax – insulated from the cares of my professional life – removed from the mysteries that surrounded me in this weird little place. instead, solving those mysteries became even more urgent that night. it became personal then – as personal as it gets. it involved my family, and they meant everything to me.
there were some very dramatic growth surges occurring in them, as peggy had warned me – a definite cause for concern. as scary as it was, i found it all very arousing. of course, id enjoy peggys new assets to my hearts content – as long as there was nothing to harm her, i was delighted.
it was the change in my daughter meagan that disturbed me most – not just the degree of change – though that was staggering – but her attitude toward it. she seemed to be enjoying it tremendously, reveling in the attention. i hoped she wouldnt flaunt her new endowments. i didnt know if my heart could take it. plus, wed be in for a whole new set of problems with boys buzzing around her.
melissa, peter and i were waiting for her to get out of the bathroom so we could get on our way to dinner. shed been in there for a while – it shouldnt have taken that long for the kid to yank off her tight bra and put on her brothers shirt. i had to find out if she was ok so i went over to the door and asked her if shed fallen in.
they hurt daddy — my boobies are sore, so im rubbing some o that cocoa butter stuff on em. ohh — it feels better daddy. oooo, it feels really good to rub this stuff on em, but ill be out in a minute ok. i stood there for a minute longer and listened at the door while my daughter started to moan softly. her little moans of pleasure were growing more intense – it sounded like my baby girl was having sex in there. i thought it was about time to put my foot down.
meagan, you get dressed and you get out here right now young lady.
but dad!
i said now meagan. My baby girl always knew when i was serious, so she appeared in pretty short order. shed left the last few buttons of her brothers shirt undone and tied the tails in a knot right under her tits. her bare midriff was exposed. i probably should have made her put a t-shirt on underneath, but i didnt. and it was a big mistake.
that creamy white little tummy of hers was adorned with quite a substantial belly button – an outie, just like her moms. the size of the thing astounded me – it was big around as a quarter. i guess id never paid it much attention before. the shirt didnt look nearly as big on her as i thought it would, nor did it disguise the presence of her new bosom as well as id hoped. peters shirt wasnt designed to contain what billowed out from meagans chest. i tried not to look at her, but she made eye contact with me again and smirked. then she looked down at her swollen boobs with a growing sense of pride. i could feel the chemistry building between us again. like static electricity in the dead of winter, it was strong – almost crackling. she looked up at me, grinning from ear to ear then and asked me do i look ok daddy?
yuh … you look fine honey, i stammered. i couldnt help but notice that her breasts looked even larger without the bra on. it was stimulating, and it was frightening all at the same time. meagan continued to torment me by catching my eye, then glancing down at her chest and smiling back up at me. she knew, i thought to myself. she knew it excited me… and she was playing it for all it was worth. the relationship shed initiated was just wrong – one that i knew would be disastrous if i allowed it to develop. but i was in control, after all. what was i worried about? i would put a stop to it, and right away.
i heard peggy calling from outside. theyre ready, she said, and heading for the van. maybe id feel better after dinner i thought, but right then, i was a ball of nerves. adam had been sitting there like he was in outer space — oblivious to any of the activity in the room. hed even quit playing nintendo. i called him back to earth and we joined the rest of the gang outside.
fertile valley had the obligatory fast food row and an odd assortment of local restaurants serving everything from mexican food to fried catfish. one little place mas kettle had a little sign out in the gravel parking lot advertising home cooked roast with smashed taters n gravy and 2 vegs – $3.95 it sounded like just what we needed- some good old home-cooked food. i missed my wifes cooking, and im sure the kids did too. we always talked about our day around the dinner table, and although i couldnt tell them much about mine, i was anxious to hear about theirs.
honey youre just gonna love one of the houses we saw today. its a great big old rambling two-story farmhouse with 6 bedrooms 4 baths — and a breathtaking view out the kitchen window. its not in the greatest shape, but the rent is cheap. and after all, well only be here for a couple of years — its not like were buying the place.
peter put his two cents in: yeah dad, and theres this awesome driveway that goes down a hill — i finally have a place i can skateboard without mom yellin at me.
well, what about it adam?, girls? what did you think of this dream palace?
adam was his normal, excited self at that point: yeah, whatever.
the girls on the other hand, were split down the middle – each group with a strong opinion. its a dump, said julie. i think it needs some paint, added jen. debbie sided with her older sisters — eeeeeww, the kitchen was gross looking.
on the positive side, i heard, we can go swimmin in the little creek, from dee, and, theres plenty of bedrooms — not like that place where we had 3 or 4 of us in the same room! from melissa.
meagan was too busy looking at her new chest to catch any of the conversation. shed re-tied her shirt tail, stretching the material tighter across the fullest part of her bust. it made her appear even larger. or had she grown larger? i wondered. she just stared down at those tits bulging out the front of her brothers shirt, like we werent even there.
it was cold in the restaurant and i noticed her nipples for the first time. they were simply enormous. thats what she was staring at. i muffled a gasp when i saw them. nobody else but peggy seemed to notice, which was good. there was enough sibling rivalry already. peggy whispered in my ear when she saw me staring at meagans chest. my lord, she could nurse twins with those things bill — hes huge honey. i better get her attention.
earth to meagan peggy called out. tell daddy what you thought about the house sweetie.
oh, yeah, well i liked the big trees out in the yard. its really a neat yard with lots of places to hide, and theres hardly any houses around. peggy confirmed meagans assessment. it really does have a lovely yard billy, and our closest neighbors are half a mile away. wed have lots of privacy, and the kitchen can be cleaned up ok.
sounds like we have a winner i said, to some grumbling from the opposing team. now kids, you know i always go with your mothers judgment on things like this. well be happy there if she thinks itll work, ok? they all seemed agreeable enough at that point, and i was glad it was time to eat.
the waitress came over to take our order and we all had the dinner special. peggy always made sure we got our veggies and plenty of protein. growing girls need their protein. shed let it slip out before she even thought about it i guess. jules and jen looked at their mother like they wanted to stab her. to add insult to injury, my other 4 girls giggled and stuck their chests out.
there werent many people in the little place and i was glad. the dining room was small, with 10 or 12 tables crammed in it. we had it almost to ourselves until our food came out. then close to 20 people came in at the same time. it was friday night at 5:30 — dinnertime there, and the pace was picking up. i was starving, and dug right in. but i became distracted when the last bunch came in.
i hadnt seen any examples of that particular type of family before, though maggie had mentioned it in our first meeting. she said families like the one i was ogling were frequent visitors to the er. im glad id almost finished my food. it was hard to concentrate on anything else when these people got close and i got a good look at them.
they sat at the table right next to us. i broke out in a sweat as i watched the girls struggling to get situated at the table. the men of the family were of little help. actually there was just one man — a 40ish oaf with a beer belly and a grizzly beard. there were 3 boys – one around 8, the other maybe 10 and a young teenager. all of them sat down right away and grabbed a menu while the poor girls tried to squeeze their pregnant young bodies into the tight confines around the table. i watched more closely as they tried to maneuver their way in to the chairs, holding on to the table and chair-backs for support.
the girls were very, very pregnant. every one of them.
i couldnt help but notice the vicious cycle that maggie had referred to when she spoke of the families coming in to the er. there were 6 girls in all. the oldest looked no more than 18, but i guessed shed have to be. there were a set of triplets 11 or 12 years old and a set of twins, maybe 9 or 10, all calling her ma.
i remembered all too well what peggy looked like when she was about to deliver melissa and meagan. they were our biggest twins at birth – over 9 pounds each – and they made my wifes belly so fucking huge i had to help her move around the last 2 months she was pregnant.
the pregnant twins were every bit as huge as peggy had been with meagan and melissa. remarkably, their breasts were even larger than peggys. they were truly identical in every way. they must have gotten knocked up at the same time, i thought. i could picture them lying side-by-side with their legs up in the air – bucking their hips back at their brothers as they fucked like little bunnies — whimpering, then getting their young pussies pumped full of all too potent sperm.
their sisters bellies were even bigger. like maggie had described, this family was a cycle repeating itself. the triplets all looked like they could go into labor at any minute. they were full to bursting, each of them hugely pregnant with their own set of triplets (at least). i marveled at the size of their bloated tummies. i stared at them openly – unaware of what my family was doing.
the babies completely overwhelmed their young bodies — their bellies starting a gentle curve outward, right under their flat chests — then bulging out egg shaped where the babies had settled in low and wide. they were so pretty and so — fucking — pregnant! i suppose id seen pregnant women that large before, but only in photographs. these girls were all too real, and only 5 feet away from me.
i felt hypnotized as i watched one of the triplets take a break from the whole ordeal of getting situated. she eased her shoulders back in a stretch and placed her hands at the small of her back causing her belly to bulge out obscenely. the girl had no modesty at all — the bottom half of her dress had been unbuttoned, draping loosely in front of her. the new posture she assumed made her grossly swollen tummy poke right out through the open gap in the dress — the material hanging at the sides of her naked belly.
she straightened up again and began scratching — all over her big belly full of babies. the kid could barely reach her arms around her bulging middle it was so huge — but she managed. she flicked her fingers over her belly button then. the fucking thing had popped out the size of a ping-pong ball, and poking out of the kids gigantic belly, it looked like the biggest nipple id ever seen in my life.
at that moment, the vision of that huge pregnant girl with her big belly button was permanently etched into my memory. it was one of those images that never leaves you — one that makes your dick hard the second it enters your mind. i felt peggys punch at my arm then — shed become aware of my interest and brought me back to reality. the girl they called ma spoke up all of a sudden, getting my whole familys attention:
ya could at least try and help yer sister git in that chair jimmy ray – you the one gotter belly all swole up like that. the girl was yelling at the teenaged boy still looking at the menu. he looked so stupid i was surprised he could read. he reluctantly got up and took his pregnant sister by the arm. he guided her sideways into position on the chair and she swiveled to face the table. the other boys followed his example and helped the rest of the girls.
i caught the oldest girls profile then as she wedged her way in to the last seat. she was so huge, she couldve been pregnant with a horse. i didnt want my girls to hear any more comments from this family. id have enough to explain as it was, so i told peggy to head to the van with them, and that i wanted to see if these people would be part of my research test group. she gave me a yeah, right buddy kind of smirk but went along with me. i was serious about my intentions.
i introduced myself to the fat bastard at the end of the table, and the eldest girl. i explained that i was doing some research at the hospital that involved improving the health of newborn twins, triplets and so on (ok, so i lied a little) and that i had a lot of questions they could answer. they would get a free physical, including all kinds of blood tests, and medicine for their babies — i could even pay them i said. that got the fat bastards attention.
how much money we talkin here doc? i told him, depending on the number of family members involved and the amount of time it took, it could be as much as 7 or 8 hundred dollars, and that id need them at the hospital by 10am the following monday.
well be there doc — ya want all the young-uns there?
i told him it would be helpful if everyone in the immediate family were there. that seemed hard for him to grasp at first. then i explained what i really needed was any sons and daughters, his wife, and any babies. he finally got it.
one of the twins at the end of the table started whining all of a sudden. pa, mah tits are leakin again, and they hurt! i was really happy my kids were outside at that point. the kid ripped open the top of her dress, hauled one of her big tits out of her bra, and sprayed milk all over the table.
you stop that ellie – you aint in the barn ya know!! the oldest girl shouted at her.
the pregnant twin proceeded to pull her other big breast out of the bra, and let it go too — some of it hit the oldest girl in the face.
pa, teller ta quit that the oldest girl pleaded.
now ellie, yer ma told ya to feed them young-uns oyours fore we left the house — now you just gonna have to wait.
my mouth fell open as i heard this exchange, and i just had to ask the oldest girl if what id heard was true. had i misunderstood, or did i just hear that her daughter already had babies? well, i guess you gonna find out soon anyhow — my pa done knocked her up twice already fore he planted them two thats swellin her belly now. her twin sister tessie too. preacher says he done good by his family. pa done spread his seed real good mister. the same seed that made me up inside my ma, and made ellie and tessie inside ome has got them two all swole up with more young-uns on the way.
so you mean, hes their father too? and they were only — the girl stopped me, and as she giggled a little, said, pa likes ta start us young — says its good for us. ellie was the youngest though — he had her swellin up by her eighth birthday. tessie showed her belly just a few days later – and they both been knocked up ever since. i think it was cuz they growed em such a big ole pair o tits fer young-uns. pa likes em big, and they git bigger ever time he plants another set o young-uns in their belly. she wasnt kidding — the tits on those twin girls were huge, and so full of milk they looked like they could explode.
i told the girl and her pa that wed talk about all of it more when they came to the hospital, and i thanked them for participating in my study. i paid our check and headed out the door. my mind was racing with all kinds of explanations for the early sexual development of the children id just seen, and all their pregnancies at such an early age. if their mother was right, the youngest girls had become pregnant when they were only 7. and they already had breasts — big ones apparently. some chemical agent was responsible for it i thought, although id heard of isolated cases of pregnancy in girls that young before — even younger. i had no reason to doubt the girls word.
peggy wanted to go for a little ride before we headed back to the hotel, so we went by the house they told me about. there was a beautiful sunset silhouetting the farm-house when we drove by. i could see us living there among the gentle rolling hills of the valley surrounding it. a big oak tree in the front yard would provide shade for the next summer. the line of pine trees flanking the north side of the property would provide a nice wind break in the winter. the paint wasnt in horrible shape despite the complaint id heard from the peanut gallery. i told peggy to find out how soon we could move in and we headed for the hotel. i would have a big day ahead, we told the kids, and, mommy and daddy had a lot to talk about.
mommy and daddy talked until 2am. it reminded me of our discussion the night we created julie and jenny. peggy had misplaced her diaphragm, but since she was on the pill, and it wasnt a fertile time of month for her, she assured me everything would be fine. we went at it like teenagers as peggy pushed an arsenal of new buttons on me. my wife brought up every detail of the girls we saw at the restaurant that night — how busty how young — how pretty — how pregnant they were. she pushed her big swollen tits together, bucking her hips back at me while i fucked her like a madman. then she pushed a few buttons that surprised me – shed been watching me closer than i thought, and she used what she saw to drive me wild.
i could hardly believe what came out of her mouth:
you know what i think? she asked as she groaned and jerked under me, i think my billy got all horny looking at our daughters tits – thats what. i saw you looking at our meagans little tummy too, you naughty boy. did you wonder what it would look like stretching her pants tight with a baby? is that whats got my baby all hard and ready to burst? is that it billy? is it little meagan with a big belly? oh? fuck me billy?uck me baby.
peggy kept wriggling her hips faster and faster, swirling her wet pussy around on my dick – fucking me silly. i think my babys wondering how big his little girls bosoms are gonna get too. how are you gonna stand it when our meagan and melissa start wobbling around the house cause i cant find bras big enough for them? huh billy? that day is coming billy — theyre already big and theyre gonna get enormous. are you ready baby?
peggy had become better than ever at getting to me — right to the core of what made me so horny i could scream. it was frightening how well she could read me. she knew her teasing would drive me to the brink of orgasm, then push me over the edge. it worked every time – all five times. i came and came and came in her. she begged me to pull out the first time, but all too late. after that i figured it was a moot point. i dumped more cum in my wife that night than i had in the past 6 months. i finally passed out from sheer exhaustion.
a day of discovery
the next morning, remembering peggys comment about paying more attention to our first born, i knocked on their door to say goodbye before i left for the lab. ya cant come in, jenny yelled, the little cows are massaging their udders with skin cream. i decided to leave them alone and asked peggy to have a heart to heart talk with them as soon as possible. i didnt know what to say to them really, except that i loved them, and that might not have been enough right then.
fortunately, i was getting an early start. with 5 hours sleep, a good breakfast and a hot shower, i was on my way to the hospital by 8 am. on the way there i reflected on what peggy teased me with to get me so hot the night before — shed seen me ogling our daughter – she knew what it had done to me – and she didnt care. i believe shed even picked up on meagan flirting with me. did she think i wanted to do more than look, and would she even care about that? she had used it successfully to make me cum my brains out. and if i knew peggy, she would use it again.
it was all too strange and i would have to sort it out later, but i began to wonder about what shed said — i really did think about how big my girls breasts would get. and worse — i even wondered what meagans tummy would look like a little more, well — you know.
i forced myself to think about work then. the first order of business would be to send the spring water out for analysis. i stopped by maggies office to say hello on the way in. she hadnt made it to work yet so i proceeded to my work area to get started. the hospital had equipped the lab completely — including an adequate supply of clean white lab rats, neatly organized by reproductive development, size and sex.
i had the water sample hand delivered to the nearest facility that could isolate the chemical elements — it had to be driven to ashville, n.c. over 150 miles away. the nurse that recommended the lab said their results were reliable, but it could take up to 3 days to get a complete report from them. in an effort to forge ahead, i injected a few ccs of spring water into 2 of the female rats marked adult among the group of cages lining the back wall of the lab.
there were other groupings marked pre-pubescent, possibly (or recently) fertile pubescent and young adult. i thought id better test all the groups to have a valid comparison, and hopefully observe some short-term reaction to the chemical makeup of the water. i proceeded to inject the same amount of water into 2 female rats from each of the other groups. it would only be physical evidence, but that was all i had to work with, and it may prove enough to draw some initial conclusions. all i could do was wait then, so i familiarized myself with the surroundings and got my thoughts organized.
i went out to the van to get the box of personal items i always kept at my desk — photos of peggy and the kids, favorite paperweights and such. i saw a flyer on my windshield — it was an ad for the personal appearance of that poster girl i saw at dixon pharmacy. i started reading the flyer, which included a more recent photo of the girl than id seen on the poster.
september 15 is here, it said. the day weve all been waiting for — and the day every fertile valley poster girl looks forward to. 12 year old emily walton is due to deliver her triplets any day now. in tribute to that blessed event, she will be available to personally autograph a copy of her poster for you today at dixon drugs from 11am to 1pm. my hands were shaking as i looked at the girls photo on the flyer — it was identified and dated: emily walton on sept. 1st, at 8 months and 2 weeks pregnant. the kids belly was substantially larger than it was in the poster. i kept reading:
fathers, you owe it to yourselves to witness, in person, the promise of new life being fulfilled within this growing child of god. youve seen the poster photo taken one month ago, now see the miracle that has blossomed forth since then, bringing this very pregnant young girl to full term. emily will truly inspire you to do gods work in your own homes. my dick was already hard just looking at her picture. i wouldnt have trusted myself at my own home just then. i thought about how fucking huge that girl would be in person — two weeks after that picture was taken. there was more to the flyer:
today is also the final day to register for next years poster girl photo sessions — bring your girls to the unity church community center, right off the town square. remember, as always well need a picture from each month of their blessed development — so mark your calendar for your assigned photo appointments. judging for novembers poster girl contest begins next week. all entries will be reviewed today at the community center
i knew that id have to see that girl for myself after that come on in the flyer. and i had to know what those photo sessions were all about. something sounded fishy about the whole thing, and i was curious. on the way back in, i figured maggie must have made it in to work, so i stopped by to thank her for the tour of the town, and for her help in getting the lab set up. she had made sure everything id asked for was there, and i told her i was truly grateful. maggie had a rosy-cheeked glow about her, and i commented on how happy she seemed.
little luke came to see me this morning bill, for the first time in 3 weeks. i think he got excited by what he saw, if you know what i mean. she smirked at me and poked her tummy out as big as she could. i believe you two boys have the same taste in girls she said giggling. maggie reeked of cum and pussy juice, and her knees were wobbling. she limped over to me, rested a hand gently on my shoulder, and whispered in my ear: the kids gotten bigger bill – i dont know how — but his prick was simply gigantic today. much bigger than it was — and he fucked me so hard i can barely stand up.
maggie sat down behind her desk then and suggested that her little luke and the rest of the mccabes might make an interesting case study. if you saw that boy, you would know something wasnt normal bill. i told her about the other family i had coming in that monday and asked her to see if the mccabes were interested, and find out when they would be available. i had plenty budgeted for that sort of case study, and the more data i carefully gathered, the more valid and reliable the results.
i was anxious to see what results, if any, my little rats had for me. maggie said her workload was small that day and asked if she could join me in the lab for just a little to see what i was up to. i could use an assistant i thought, so i said, sure, why not and informed her of what id done already on the way back. i opened the cage with the adult females and examined one that id tagged and injected. maggie grabbed a normal one for comparison and turned it over.
i heard a wow from maggie as her eyes darted from one underbelly to the other. its not a very big difference, but there it is — the pink nubs on your rat are bigger she said. it was a noticeable difference, and it happened in less than an hour. it would be interesting to see what happened by the end of the day. we went to the opposite end of the spectrum to the pre- pubescent group and found no changes there. that didnt surprise me. the next results did.
maggie grabbed one of the rats id injected from the possibly fertile group, and i grabbed a normal one. she almost dropped hers when she looked down at it. oh?y?od!! come and look at this bill. i dont fucking believe it. it cant be, but its holy shit!! i threw my rat back in the cage and went over to where maggie was standing. her young female rat had developed 6 marble-sized protrusions on its underbelly capped by fat pink teats as big as the end of my finger.
id used rats for a dozen years in countless experiments. never in my experience had i seen anything like this staggering amount of development. the chemical responsible for that phenomenon was powerful and expedient — and i suspected it worked directly on the pituitary gland. nothing could have produced that degree of change without impacting the pituitary in a big way.
part of the rush i got from my work was uncovering developments like this. my heart was racing. i was on to something now, and i couldnt wait to check the other groups. we had two groups left. when we looked at the pubescent samples, id expected to see even more astounding results, but they were less dramatic. they exhibited more of a change than the adult rats had, but less than the possibly fertile group. it was the same story with the young adult group.
aside from the youngest, they had all shown evidence of growth at varying degrees. my conclusion at that point was that somehow the drug acting on the pituitary had a more profound effect at a certain developmental stage. that stage, according to this evidence, was right at – or just prior to – the onset of puberty.
i thought about my little girls for a minute, and about peggy. it hit me squarely between the eyes then — the pattern of their development matched what id seen at the lab that day. meagan and melissa had just started having periods when they began to guzzle the water. the results were impossible to ignore. dee and deb had shown a more modest amount of growth, though it had been amazing in its own right.
as for peggy, there was still some mystery there, though her weight may have held the answer. when she gained weight, much of it went straight to her chest. she had been eating a lot lately, and knowing what i do, i never discouraged her from that. maybe the combination of that and the water made her so large all of a sudden.
i became even more concerned about my reaction to one of my daughters – and her flirtatious behavior toward me. try as i might, i was not able to get her out of my mind. it had become difficult for me to focus for very long on anything else, and i didnt know what to do about it. i was fixated on the image of my daughter meagan and her big chest. i could see her smirking, looking at me with her pretty blue eyes while she pushed her big tits together. i could hear her asking me: see how big i am daddy?
peggy complicated matters by getting me so hot over my own girls. i knew it was wrong to feel the way i did, and i fought it. at the same time i felt helpless. i couldnt help thinking about that image peggy had used on me — i pictured meagans tummy pushing out the front of a tight pair of jeans. gently at first, then the button wouldnt close. shed have to move the zipper down a notch soon as her bras became oh- so-tight from the strain of her swelling breasts. she looks up at me again and says: see daddy — im huge for you.
maggie had me by the shoulders, shaking me. id gone off the deep end. bill, are you ok? i thought wed lost you. i came back to the world of the living and realized it was time to head downtown for the poster signing and to see what all this photo session business was about. emily walton would be worth the trip. i could feel it.

part 8
oh my — it looks like little luke isnt the only one whos grown. my god bill — youre big as a horse! what on earth were you thinking about when you went to la-la land? maggie had managed to bring me out of the fantasy i was having over my daughter. she was staring at my crotch with her mouth open just gaping at me. i had to gasp myself when i looked down and saw it.
damn bill — i knew you were hung — but i had no idea you were that big. maggie was pointing at the bulge running down my pants leg. shed broken a sweat and couldnt seem to take her eyes off my prick. i told her she was right – i wasnt that big before — that something had happened to me.
it turned me on to see maggie standing there gawking at the thing. it was so heavy, i felt like i had a slab of meat hanging from my crotch. the worst part was that id lost all control of it. i felt a strange sense of euphoria all of a sudden, and the fucking thing got bigger. my nuts had swollen to the size of baseballs and i felt like i would explode out of my pants.
i fought the urge to jump on maggie and stuff every inch of it up her pussy but that didnt keep my prick from getting bigger and bigger. i couldnt believe what was happening and i continued to lose control of the situation.
oh my goodness bill — look at it — jesus — youre youre so fucking huge — and it — its still growing — my god — its even bigger now — its that water you drank!! in the drugstore — you — you guzzled that shit. maggie was right. id put away a couple of liters of it in the store – then the old man gave me a couple to take with us. i drank every drop of it, and even had some at the hotel before i discovered — well, you know.
maggie locked the door to the lab and dropped to her knees in front of me. oh bill — you just dont know how fucking horny youre making me. dear god just look at the damn thing. maggie had unzipped me and tried to haul my prick out, but it was too stiff by then. it was stuck in the left leg of my pants, so she yanked them and my underwear down around my knees. my prick sprang out and slapped her across the cheek.
maggie was dripping sweat then, her wet hair plastered to her face. she looked up at me and grabbed my big schlong with both hands. she pumped it slowly, near the head, then further and further down until she was stroking up and down the entire length of my shaft. she spoke softly, slowly – almost whispering:
ive never seen one like this billy. youre bigger — so much bigger than that little boy. youre bigger than any man ive had — you know that mister? you have the cock of a horse bill — and i want you. i want your big horse cock inside me, fucking my wet pregnant pussy. ive just been fucked and im dripping wet billy, and im gonna fuck you till you splatter my insides with cum. then i want you to cover my tits with it. right now, i wanna make you even bigger.
maggie rubbed the fat head of my bloated cock all over her face, as she yanked furiously on the shaft of it. i saw a spurt of pre-cum hit her upper lip. her mouth began to bob up and down on the head of it. she looked so pretty down there sucking my grossly swollen cock. it bulged her cheek out obscenely every time i thrust my hips forward.
she grabbed my butt cheeks and started jerking me forward herself, and i had her head in my hands, jamming it down on the head of my prick — jerking off with her pretty mouth. i was barely able to get the head of it in her mouth then — shed made my prick swell so much larger — her lips were stretched so tight around it i thought id split them open at the corners. she looked up at me again, quite pleased with her accomplishment.
oh goodness — maggie did make it bigger. youre too big for my mouth now sweetie. does billy wanna fuck maggie with his big horse cock now? huh? is that what billy wants? i told maggie we shouldnt — we couldnt — it wouldnt be right, but still my prick continued to swell. maggie was grinning and looking at my dick. bill i know what your mind is telling you, but your big prick wants something else. it wants my hot pregnant pussy wrapped around it, and maggies gonna give this big boy what he wants.
it was hopeless — i was too far gone to turn back then. i picked maggie up off her knees and carried her over to an examination table. i sat her down on the edge, and she unbuttoned her uniform.
what i saw before me was a freshly-fucked, dripping wet, knocked-up little slut who needed it bad. her pantyhose was soaked through with cum and pussy juice – from the fucking shed just gotten from the boy, and all the excitement over my huge new dick. maggie had made me hornier than id ever been in my life. i yanked her hose off her and threw them in the corner. a puddle of cum belched out of her pussy all over the table as she moaned: oh god, look at all of it, bill. i was already full of cum, and now youre just gonna have me swimming in it. im ready for a real fuck now.
she looked so nasty sitting there in a pool of that kids cum. i slipped my prick into her slowly — she gasped as more and more of it went in. i couldnt stand it any longer — i jammed it in her then. she put her arms around my neck and hung on for dear life. id forgotten how hot a pregnant womans pussy was, or how wet. maggie gave out a little yelp as the length of my big dick found its way inside her.
god, i feel like i have a mule inside me – oh billy youre so — fucking — big. she was swirling her hips around under me then – jerking my prick off with her scalding hot pregnant pussy — her butt slipping and sliding in the pool of cum that had poured out of her. i knew i wouldnt last long at that rate, and i didnt.
dear god — youre gonna split me in two — youre getting bigger — oh — oh billy — it feels like youre gonna cum. oh fuck me, fuck your cum in me. maggie was jerking even faster under me. i could feel my balls swell up some more – the thought of how much was inside them, and the damage it could do, had me spewing in maggie before i knew what hit me. she was not prepared for what hit her. she gasped, then started jerking her pussy faster on me.
bill, youre cum — youre cumming in maggie. damn youve got a load in you mister — i think it hit my throat! oh — t feels so good inside me. pull it out and cum on my tits billy. cover me billy — i want you to come all over maggies pretty face, all over my knocked up tummy — i want it in my hair billy — i want it on my arms — i want your cum splattered all over my thighs billy. billy — i want you to cum all over maggie.
i didnt need a second invitation. i gave maggie what she wanted, and then some. whatever was responsible for my abnormal development had also put enough cum in my swollen balls to impregnate half the county. i pulled it out and let fly with a glob aimed at maggies face. i saw the look of shock on her face when it hit her – that look women always get when you cum on them. the glob of cum hit her squarely on the cheek, bouncing off into her hair.
she grabbed my prick then and jammed it between her tits – i blasted another load up under her chin that dribbled down to cover her big chest. i stepped back a little and aimed one at her belly, then her legs. i think i even got some on her feet. maggie looked like shed been through a gang bang. she was covered in cum, and sitting in another big pool of it that had oozed out of her pussy.
i guess you think im a pretty nasty slut, huh billy? she smiled at me through the veil of cum id just plastered her face with. then she slowly rubbed some cum into her big tits.
i like to fuck billy, what can i say? and i like to fuck men with great big dicks. you mister, have a great big huge fucking horse dick on you, and i plan on having it inside me every chance i get — you hear me? you wont be able to help yourself billy. im pregnant billy — and i know what that does to you. im so very pregnant, and im going to get bigger. week after week, maggies belly is gonna grow billy — im going to get huge and the bigger i get, the harder ill make that prick of yours. youre mine mister — your wife will just have to share.
maggie had won. i had been a sitting duck, and she knew it. it was time to get on with the work at hand though. i couldnt completely fuck the whole day off. i had to find out what had caused me to grow so large. i told her wed better try injecting some of the male rats with the spring water for a comparative analysis. maggie had a fresh uniform in her office, and there was a shower in the lab. i sneaked down the hall to her office and got back with the clothes. when she got out of the shower, we proceeded to inject every age group of males with the same amount of spring water. i said i would check them all after i returned from dixon drugs and the churchs community center.
maggie knew about the monthly selection of the fertile valley poster girl she said, as well as the process that went into it. youve been holding out on me, i told her. well, you never asked, but now that you seem so interested, i guess ill tell you maggie countered.
its pretty involved really — kinda like a beauty pageant, except without the big ceremony. its all sponsored by the church, but i guess you knew that. the girls have to be pregnant of course. the more knocked-up they are the better – like in — how many babies theyre carrying — how far along they are — and how big they get with the babies. also — how young they are, and how — um –how busty they are. all those things are considered before they make the decision and they change the panel of judges every 3 months. the type of girls who win sort of goes with that groups tastes. the last group of judges liked em big – and i mean b-i-g — but i guess you noticed that. she giggled, and raised an eyebrow at me.
i told maggie that would be hard to miss, but i still wondered why they needed pictures of all those girls from every month of their pregnancy. she only speculated that maybe they wanted to see how fast each one developed, and predict the winner early. who knows — theyre probably just a bunch of horny old men looking for a thrill. that sounded like the best explanation, but i wanted to find out for myself how it all worked.
how many contestants were there each month? were there different categories for girls in the same age group? was there a financial incentive? other prizes? maggie only knew a little about those issues. i was most curious about the pictures. what happened to them after the judging was over? it just struck me as odd these girls had to get photographed month after month as their young bellies swelled. it was obvious they wanted them for the posters and billboards near the end of the last trimester — when they were huge.
maggie cornered me as i was about to leave for town. i bet i know why youre in such a hurry to get downtown – i know you — its that pregnant little 7th grade slut signing posters today, huh? – that little knocked-up trailer trash with the big tits. well, you just go on down there then – see if i care. she was jealous, and i thought id better de-fuse the situation.
i told her she was welcome to come with me – that all i wanted to do was try and gather some information that would help me solve some of the problems around there. she smirked at me and made a comment much like peggy would have. ok, if you say so, but i wasnt born yesterday ya know. i just smiled and asked her if she could spare the time to go – i thought she could help by asking questions at the community center while i spent some time studying emily walton – for research purposes of course.
the town square was buzzing with activity. cars were double parked, pulled up on the sidewalks and blocking driveways — it was a mess. there was a line of people half a block long in front of dixons drugstore — men with little girls in tow. these were young girls — 7, maybe 8 years old and showing no evidence of premature puberty or pregnancy. not that i could tell anyway.
wow, i thought, it was refreshing to see normal children out with their fathers for a change. if i didnt know better, they could have been holding their daddys hand waiting to buy beanie babies. but i did know better — i knew why their fathers were there. i couldnt really figure out what the children were doing there though. maggie didnt know either, but volunteered to find out what she could at the community center.
i played dumb and asked a young woman on the street what everybody was waiting for at the drugstore. she could tell i wasnt a local, so she offered lots of information:
oh, thats yer traditional father-daughter autograph day. ya see, we got this one young-un ever month whos been elected fertile valley poster girl. shes supposed to be a example for all the girls in the valley to do the lords work by bringin new life into the world. when her belly gits all big an swole up with young-uns, they put her picture up all over the valley to remind the girls what they oughtta be doin. preacher says shes a inspiration to the men folk too — they sure seem to like er. i know pa wants to stick his big ole thang up in me ever time he sees one o them young-uns.
from the looks of her, pa had stuck his thang in the young woman quite a few months ago. she continued dishing out information as she watched me ogle her huge belly:
she signs copies of her picture for the men folk, and she talks to the girls that are fixin ta be women folk?ou know?hen theys ready ta start their monthlies. she tells em how important it is to be good to their daddies and brothers and uncles and grampas. then they join the rest of the family at the community center. theys always some little young-un in the family thats got herself knocked-up, and wantin to be a poster girl, so theys over there registerin with their mamas right now. then they git their pictures took.
the woman rambled on, as i stood there speechless: they got what they call conjugal rooms over there in the church community center in case the men folk git too inspired by the poster girl or one o their own. they can take their young-uns in there an do the lords work right in his own house. theys all full ever month for hours on end — all 15 rooms. theys a lotta young-uns been knocked up right in them very rooms. sometimes me an pa been in there when i git all swole up an horny. i seen it happen right in the middle of church service even, specially when theys a girl big as emily in the family — men folk round heres got a thang for young-uns with a belly big as hers. sometimes they caint help themselves.
i fit in better than id realized, i thought. i thanked the woman for telling me about the towns traditions, and told her i wanted to meet this young woman whod inspired so many. she gave me a knowing smile and headed toward the community center. i hoped maggie had gathered some information of her own by then.
as i got closer to the drugstore, i saw one little girl after another walk out carrying a big jug of spring water and a medicine bottle. the men were all drooling over their pictures of emily. i had no intention of waiting in line — i didnt want an autograph, just a glimpse of the huge pregnant girl that had stared at me from the poster. shed looked so enormous then, and that poster photo had been taken over a month earlier. i wanted to see how much bigger those tits of hers had swollen – and how much further those babies had pushed that big belly out in front of her. i wanted to see every knocked-up inch of her, in person. the flyer had teased me unmercifully — it made her sound like a goddess.
i hoped i could persuade mr. dixon to let me hang out near the table where she was signing pictures, so i could hear what she said to the little girls and their fathers. i was sure id get an eyeful in the process. i made my way in the front door and saw dixon standing off to the side, talking with a young couple. there were a dozen kids ranging in age from 3 -13 huddled around them.
dixon noticed me and waved me over there. he introduced the young couple as emilys parents, jed and ellie walton — the kids were all emilys brothers and sisters. the attractive pair looked little older than teenagers, and they bore a striking resemblance to one another.
its a real proud day for our whole family the young man said. he was grinning from ear to ear. id of never thought our first borned would end up a poster girl like this. me n ellie here was ma and pas first borned. they was so proud when they found out id done knocked-up my own twin sister — an when their little granddaughter ended up a poster girl, i thought they was gunna bust.
i told the proud father that he and his sister seemed so young to already have a 12-year-old.
we wudnt but 10 when i knockeder up, he said but we was big fer our age, huh darlin? hell, ellied done already had her a young-un by the time i got to er. pa saw to that. she growed up quick.
i said i could certainly see where emily got her good looks, as i glanced at the young woman next to him. ellie blushed a little and looked down at her huge chest. she was visibly pregnant – again. all us walton girls is blessed, but pa said when the lord was passin out big knockers, i musta stood in line twice. he couldn keep his hands offn me when they started to grow — an they kep on agrowin till i was big as a cow. i busted outta 3 of my sisters big ole brassieres fore i was 9 and pa had me swole up with jimmy ray here fore long.
the oldest boy was standing next to her now, and put his arm around her shoulder. as casual as a kiss on the cheek, he moved his hand off her shoulder and began to fondle his mothers enormous tits. he took the other hand and began to stroke her pregnant belly. she slapped his hands playfully. the boy had become quite obviously aroused at that point. ellie giggled then, and tried to push the boy away.
you actin just like yer pa jimmy ray, she said. aint you done enough to yer poor mama already? ellie stood there rubbing on her big belly and smiled at me. her brother told her you better git that young- un over to the conjugal rooms fore he makes a mess ellie — looks to me like hes gunna bust outta them britches. take the little young-uns with ya and well meet yall over there to git the twins picture took. ellies oldest boy limped behind his pregnant mother and several small children as i watched them make their way across the street.
an adorable set of twins that jed introduced as betty and bobbie sue stood on either side of their daddy. like their mother, and sister emily, these little walton girls were blessed — rather abundantly i might add. they couldnt have been a day over 9. and like every other girl over the age of 9 it seemed, their pants were stretched tight with the telltale bulge of a pregnant tummy.
in walton family tradition, these girls had grown a pair of tits the size of their heads, then proceeded to get knocked up – all before they got out of grade school.
i walked away from the group then, completely dumbfounded. this was incest to the 3rd power i thought. it seemed too outrageous to even comprehend. twins having babies together? – 13 of them? the son of a father-daughter union – knocking up his own mother?
these people were like animals — and i mean lower forms of animal life — they were fucking anything in sight. it made no difference to them how closely related they were. the sexual energy around me was overwhelming — especially there in the store that day. it was intoxicating. after that shock, i was ready for anything i figured. so old man dixon and me made our way behind the table to where our young celebrity was seated.
i was definitely not ready for the sight of 12-year-old emily walton in full bloom. the first time id seen her picture – the one on the poster – i thought she was the biggest pregnant girl id ever seen in my life. The girl i saw in the store that day looked more like a science experiment. her tits had grown bigger than her head — they bulged out a foot in front of her chest, and her chair was pushed back a good three feet from the table to accommodate her enormous belly.
that is one thoroughly knocked-up little bitch, i thought to myself. id heard about extreme growth spurts near the end of pregnancy, but this was beyond extreme. the kid looked like shed been pregnant for a year. she had the same dress on that she wore in the poster shot — the one held together with diaper pins. she had swollen to the point they had to hook two pins together to keep the front of her dress around her bust. her belly pushed right out the front of it – she may as well have been naked.
emily looked simply obscene with her body bulging out of the threadbare little dress in every direction. it had the desired effect on her male visitors, myself included. the men standing in line looked like they would cum in their pants looking at this young fertility goddess.
i hung on every word as she spoke with the little girls visiting at the table. i was little, just like you once she told a cute 7-year-old as she grabbed a copy of her photo to sign. and then i started to grow — you know — up here. she cupped her huge breasts for the girl and the kids eyes got wide. you gonna grow soon too if ya do what i tell ya ok?
the little girl shook her head in unconditional obedience.
now you drink 3 glasses of this water ever day ya hear? theys plenty at the church when ya run out. and then when ya start yer monthlies — you be sure and ask yer ma about that — then ya start takin 2 o these vitamins a day and youll git big like emily. would ya like that? ya want yerself a pair o big ole titties like i got?
another nod of agreement came from the girl.
well, you just drink that water first, then ask yer ma ta tell ya when yer monthlies start, then you take the vitamins. now heres the important part: yer pa is gonna start to git real excited when you git all big and swole up with tits like i got. hes gonna want ya to play with him. you do what he says ya hear? its what the lord wants — he wants little girls ta listen to their daddies. yer daddys excited right now lookin at emily.
the girls father was about to lose it any second, i could tell. so could emily. he had that screwed up look of pain on his face. she looked him in the eye and smirked. youd like that, huh mister? you wanna see this young-un all swole up? big as emily? she will be if she does what i teller ya know. shell be huge. the man started cumming in his pants then, as he drooled over emilys enormous pregnant body. the man soaked the entire front of his trousers as emily and the little girl giggled. that means yer daddy likes me, she said.
as i listened to emily describe what would happen to the little girl, and the sequence of events that made it work, something clicked. someone had developed out a formula here — a combination of timing and dosage that could trigger premature puberty, staggering growth, increased fertility – who knows what else. this was a major breakthrough for me. the first thing i would do is to have the contents of those vitamins analyzed.
i asked dixon if he had a bottle he could spare. he took one off the table in front of emily and handed it to me. when i opened it and examined one of the pills, the color drained from my face. dixon knew why, and i saw a faint smile cross his face. the pills were the same size and had the same markings as the analgesic id given peggy for her headache — a big capital a.
my mind was reeling with the implications of all this. i didnt know what to do right away, so i just went outside. i had to get away from the distraction in that store — it had put me in a trance. i kept wondering if there was some mind altering substance involved in this whole scheme too – id felt that same sense of euphoria in the store that id felt when maggie got her way with me in the lab.
all of a sudden something else hit me – i realized that peggy taking those pills wasnt the worse thing that could have happened. i remembered my daughters complaining that their breasts hurt them. i knew then how it felt to grow so fast — it was painful. i shuddered when i thought about what peggy might have given them to ease that pain — those pills were all she had at the hotel. i had to find out if theyd taken any of them already, and stop them if i could.
with my head clearer, i went back inside to use the phone. the desk clerk at the hotel, a nice young man whod been friendly and helpful to us, said peggy had gone to town to get the girls some new clothes. sir, i dont know how to tell you this, but — hell, i guess youll see for yourself. i think i knew what id see for myself, and i ran out the door to find my wife and kids. i figured i could catch up with maggie at the community center after id found peggy.
i suspected peggy had gone after some new bras to help contain my daughters swelling breasts. from the sound of that desk clerks voice, there was a reason my girls needed new clothes. i found peggy just where i thought shed be — at the little maternity shop on the square. the girls were in the back getting fitted for bigger bras peggy said, and told me i should probably not stick around. she didnt want me to see them until they were properly clothed as she put it, and shed had a chance to talk to me. bill, i think youd faint if you saw them now, she said.
my big concern at that point was to find out if shed taken any more of that analgesic and god forbid, if the girls had gotten any of it. i asked peggy what shed done with that medicine bottle — i told her we had to destroy the contents, at least until i could determine what the chemical composition was. then i told her why — my suspicions, the possible results from ingesting them. oops, is all i heard. i hated it when she said that – it always meant trouble.
peggy didnt have the bottle. the girls had been complaining about their boobs being sore and hurting so bad she said, and bill honey, theres a very good reason theyre so sore, and hurting so badly. i couldnt take it anymore. i went to the back of the store only to see deb and meagan throw a pill into their mouths and wash it down with a glass of water the shopkeeper handed them. the woman looked at me and cracked a faint smile — the same kind of smile id just gotten from dixon.
part 9
i felt helpless as i stood there and watched two of my daughters swallow the last of those pills id given peggy – the same pills that huge pregnant 12 year old was passing out as vitamins. all i could think about was what theyd done to her. of course i wasnt sure what the contents were yet, but i should have been more careful and less trusting. hell, i didnt know that druggist at all – he could have given me hard narcotics. the possibility that my daughters were pumped full of fertility drugs, and god knows what else, had me worried sick.
the shop owner knew something, i thought. she had a little smirk on her face that told me she knew plenty. she stood there watching meagan gulp the glass of water down and offered her some more out of the gallon jug she held. i told the woman that would be quite enough, and to please get my daughters fitted. but dad, im thirsty and it tastes so good meagan objected. i insisted they finish getting their new bras and run along. they had plenty to do that day. and no more water i said.
the last thing meagan needed was another glass of that water. when shed turned around to face me and offer her little protest, i almost fainted – just like peggy said i would. the little girl had grown bigger…again.
man had she grown bigger. my little girl had tits the size of grapefruit. she wasnt the only one whod grown either. dee and deb were about to pop the buttons off their blouses.
i was thoroughly confused then, just as i thought i had it figured out. something else had kicked in to cause my middle twins to swell as rapidly as the youngest. my theories were all bullshit, i thought. along with the test results id gotten from the rats at the lab. the introduction of the analgesic pills would compound the confusion – i just knew it.
peggy had caught up with me at the back of the store, and i asked her how many of those pills the girls had taken. there had been 30 in the bottle she said. peggy had taken a total of 5 of them to get rid of her headache. she did the math on the rest: meagan had complained the most about the pain and soreness in her breasts – one look at her confirmed why. peggy remembered giving her 9 of them, including the one she just swallowed. she gave dee 8 of them in all – she had complained almost as much as meagan had – and the remainder was split between deb and melissa.
depending on what was in those pills, wed have to keep a very close eye on dee and meagan in particular. the shop owner approached us after a few minutes with the verdict on our daughters chest measurements. god has truly blessed your babies – why, its almost a miracle, she said. your little meagan especially, has been endowed with abundance – praise the lord.
i asked the woman how much abundance we were talking about. i do believe she will fill out the largest double d-cup bra in our growing girls collection. her twin sister is a d-cup and their older sisters are c-cups at the moment. theyve also increased in inch measurements – all of them except meagan have gained 2 inches around the bust. meagan has added a full 4 inches to her bust.
the blood was draining from my face as the woman continued to report on my babies growth: i measured their hips this time since i noticed how wide theyd become, but i dont have any older measurements to compare them to. i do believe sir that the lord has something special planned for your girls. breeding hips, i thought. my sweet little girls had developed breeding hips.
the blood that drained from my face had flooded into my dick when i spotted a kid meagans age in the corner of the store. she was browsing through a rack of maternity dresses. The litlle girl even looked like my meagan, with one big difference. it was spooky – i needed no imagination at all then to see what my busty young daughter would look like with babies in her belly. i had already fantasized about it, and there she was right in front of me – filling out my fantasy in all her swollen glory.
it was too much to bear. i felt my prick pushing against the fabric of my pants leg. it was throbbing and swelling as i gawked at the pregnant little girl. she could have passed for meagans twin at a distance, except for the belly sticking out two feet in front of her. The girl was so young, maybe younger than my meagan. and she was so very pregnant it was hard to believe. peggy noticed the bulge in my pants leg and gasped – she pulled me aside and told me id better get out of there before the little girl saw me. we made it out to the sidewalk in front of the store.
billy, my god what has happened to you honey? ive never seen you so… so… peggy was trembling as she stared at my swelling cock. i stopped her in mid-sentence: baby, believe me…i know. im huge, and i think it has something to do with the water. i have an experiment going on at the lab, and ill tell you all about it later. maybe ill get some results that will tell me more. for now – no more water for you or the girls – let them drink milk or something – anything but that spring water. ill pick up some prescription pain medication at the hospital to bring home tonight. and stay away from that drugstore! i dont trust a thing that comes out of that place.
i doubt peggy had heard a word id said. her eyes never left my crotch. she was still trembling – weak kneed – and her face was flushed. my wife was hot. billy you know how much of a weakness i have for…great…big…and youre the biggest thing ive ever…good god…ive never seen a dick that huge in my whole fucking life billy. its making me horny baby. i dont know what im going to do with myself. when will you be home?
i helped peggy sit down on a bench in front of the store, and sat next to her. i told her id join them back at the hotel as soon as i had time to ask some questions at the community center, and check on my experiment at the lab. my erection had subsided a bit as i thought about work, and the results id gather at the lab. peggy got me hard all over again when she whispered in my ear: you better hurry mister…im going to fuck you like youve never been fucked in your life. i dont know what ill do if you dont hurry honey.
i promised my pretty wife id be there as soon as i could and i left her to gather the kids and be on her way. they were meeting the realtor at the new house to see when we could have our furniture delivered, and peggy was going to sign the lease.
it would be great to have a house to come home to – i was glad we wouldnt have to live in a hotel for very long. the girls needed their space, now more than ever. a big house would allow me to keep my distance too, and that was important. especially the way my feelings were developing toward meagan.
i was frightened by those feelings, and felt powerless to control them all of a sudden. every time i thought about my pretty young daughter and her big swollen breasts, id get an instant erection. after seeing that kid in the store – seeing what meagan would look like all

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The No Strings ChallengePart 7 Porn Valley

The San Fernando Valley isn't my kind of place. Hollywood Burbank Airport is easy enough, but it's basically cars, housing developments, strip malls /clubs, and little else. So far, the highlight of my trip was that my rental car had blue tooth so I didn't have to use my head set when talking to Alix. We'd always talked every day, but since her weekend in California we'd been talking at least twice a day. "You know sweetie, I think it's a very good idea for you to see a contestant...

2 years ago
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Fertile Hairy Pussy Fucking

I don't know why it is but my thinking is that the hairier a pussy is and the plumper her lips are the more fertile she may be and that makes me rock hard. My kink is fucking a woman bare or having her take the condom off while we are fucking hard and heavy. Almost every woman I've been with has told me, when asked, that they aren't on birth control, whether that was true or not I don't know but when sliding my cock deep inside just the idea that their pussy was open and vulnerable made for...

1 year ago
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Fertile Julie

Perhaps it was the wine. But no, I hadn’t had that much more than usual, and yet tonight I felt so brazen. Since those girls had rented the house next door, I had certainly noticed Julie. She was young. Not even old enough to legally drink, I thought, although someone in the house was buying the alcohol for their frequently too loud parties. More than once my wife and I had been kept awake and annoyed. One night weeks before, I had almost gotten dressed to walk over and complain, but then the...

4 years ago
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The Drive through the Valley

Introduction: This is Part 4 of the Business series. The private dirt road from the ranch back to the main highway led through the scenic Washoe Valley. The gravel track crossed through various ranches and side roads. Bruce drove and Carla looked at the fields around them. Suddenly something caught here eye and she asked Bruce to pull over. He looked out into the pasture and saw a band of ponies and a few smaller miniature horses, some no larger than the size of large dogs. On one of the ponies...

2 years ago
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Sissy Blane in the Hart of the Valley

When I got home from the Hollywood Hills I barely had the strength to remove my makeup. I was so exhausted I just wanted to flop on the bed and pass out, but I persevered and undressed properly, removed all makeup and even put my wig back on its wig head.But when I was finally between the covers my brain refused to cooperate, rethinking the night's events, imagining how they may have looked to an observer, or to Harold Plumrose himself. I saw my lap as he must have seen it as he hovered...

3 years ago
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Sunshine Valley

Hi, my name is Dave. 1995 was the summer I was fifteen. It was June and my life sucked out loud. We had moved two months before because my dad was transferred to a new plant. I hadn't really had much time to make any new friends at the high school before my freshman year ended. As a result, summer was here with no friends and nothing to do. The only thing that kept me from going out of my mind was that my dad had gotten me one of the first Sony PlayStations. It was a Japanese model he had...

3 years ago
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The Drive through the Valley

Bruce turned into the side road through the gate. The herd of tiny horses was just a hundred yards from the gravel road and they stopped a little ways away, to avoid spooking the livestock. The woman on foot approached the car and welcomed them to their little rancho. She introduced herself as Angela and her companion was Jasmine. Her slight Hispanic accent intrigued the travelers since, the girls were not the stereotypical dark Latinas. Jasmine rode over and her breasts bounced alluringly as...

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Heavens Valley

A Home Coming Story I couldn’t believe what was happening to me. Here I was sitting in the back seat of this wonderful luxury stretch limo…naked. My eyes were closed and my head was thrown back. Sitting between my legs was my new Mother that I had just met a few hours ago. She was also naked She had one hand wrapped around my rock hard cock as she slowly jacked it up and down. Oh fuck the feelings were better than anything I had ever felt in my entire life. “Johnny, he’s beautiful,...

2 years ago
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Stardew Valley

**Note to readers** //I work a full time job, and don't have as much time to put towards things like this as I would like. Please be patient with me while I work out the storyline and path dead ends and such. This is still very much a work in progress. Thanks! //This story is meant to be read in Game Mode //Last updated 6/8/2017. If you last went through this before then, I suggest you reset, or something variables may not get set correctly. One day, after you get off work from your god awful...

2 years ago
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How Green Was My Valley

“Yanks” is a story of intercultural relationships, between GI’s stationed in Northern England during WWII and the local girls. The main story is the relationship between Richard Gere and Lisa Eichhorn’s Characters. They have lots of drama thanks to the script writer. His sidekick has a smoother time, as the script writer didn’t notice him, and gets to marry his girl (her friend). There’s also the relationship between the officer played by William Devane and the posh Red Cross volunteer played...

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Tecumseh Valley

Author’s note: This story is based on the song ‘Tecumseh Valley’ written by the late Townes Van Zandt. As far as I can tell, the song itself is fiction, this story certainly is. No characters in the story are based on any living or deceased person. It is set during a major recession in the US in 1880. Conditions portrayed in the story are as I imagine them to have been at that time and once again are fictional, as are the locations mentioned in the story, and probably in the song. Enjoy. *...

2 years ago
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Violet Valley

Something breaks in me when I watch you sleep. I know I shouldn't think about, but I'm in that crucial moment. Go or stay. I should hold you even closer. Underneath the blanket, bodies curved together as spoons of bare warm flesh, we can forget for a while. Neither of us has to remember that this pocket of time, however beautiful, is always fleeting.I'll go back to my little apartment, that tiny anonymous building where I don't know anyone.You'll go back home, that big house nestled above the...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Skirting the Uncanny Valley

Skirting the Uncanny Valley I came home to find a beautiful sunset waiting outside on the balcony, and Samantha staring blankly at the barest wall in the flat. She had chewed off half her makeup, I saw little specs of red on her teeth; and though her hair was already shoveled to one side, she continued to run her fingers through it. The bottom dropped out of my stomach. I sat down and stared into that same blank wall. "Did they call you back?" I asked. "She called me back," she...

3 years ago
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Down in the Valley

Down in the Valley (romantic, spanking) Cassie jumped back and screamed. 'Ayee! Nick, you have scared the hell out of me. Why are you sneaking around?' she asked. 'I am not sneaking around. I do not sneak,' Nick Hightower said, leaning against a post of the ramshackle shed they were standing in. It was three sided with the front being open to the elements. 'I have come to give you a spanking,' he said. 'Don't be an idiot,' Cassie replied. She began looking in some old crates on the far side...

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The CompetitionChapter 11 St Dunstans vs Valencia Valley

The entire Valencia Valley Ladies' College swim team showed up at St. Dunstan's that afternoon, along with about 20 brave supporters. Unlike St. Dunstan's last swim meet, everyone was dressed to welcome the incoming two buses. A stand near the entrance doors offered soft drinks and hot dogs, and a DJ from Buchanan's AV club provided pop tunes. The Buchanan cheerleading squad was there. Someone in the Buchanan school newspaper had managed to put together a pamphlet listing of the competing...

1 year ago
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Enchanting Valley

Life has truely become a bore. After College you took a entry level position for a soulless corporation. Everyday you work for endless overtime sacrificing all chances of a social life for very little money and no respect. After a few years and a meaningless promotion beat any optimism or positivity out of you. Just as you were accepting your life as bottom rung soulless pencil pusher you got tragic news. Your grandfather had passed away. You didnt have a lot of memeories of the man since you...

2 years ago
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Skycald Valley

A steam locomotive is chugging down the track. One of the passengers is getting ready for their stop of a rural town called Skyclad Valley where they just came to own a sizable chunk of land and hope to start a new life as a farmer. The train's whistle blows a few times as the valleys come into view and slowly comes to a stop.

3 years ago
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Paradise Valley

Silver Quail stretched her tawny body and sat up in her bed of furs. She smiled at the morning sun shining in through the colored drawings on the skin of her teepee. She was proud of those drawings. They depicted her husband, Tall Elk’s, victories, hunting success, and wealth. She was considered a very good artist and had done work for other families. Hopefully she could add to their pictures, if her husband returned today. It was good to awake to the wonderful...

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Christmas at Sun Valley

Author’s note: Thank you to the wonderful, breathtakingly handsome Brit for the super-quick turnaround on this story. To my readers, this story was written at the request of some of you. I hope you enjoy it, and them VOTE to help me win the Holiday Winter Contest, and COMMENT to let me know your thoughts! xoxo, Annie —————————————– She was having a deliciously sexy dream. Warm lips were kissing along her shoulder toward her neck, licking and nibbling, as if she were too tempting not to...

3 years ago
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Down in the Valley

Down in the Valley (romantic, spanking) Cassie jumped back and screamed. ‘Ayee! Nick, you have scared the hell out of me. Why are you sneaking around?’ she asked. ‘I am not sneaking around. I do not sneak,’ Nick Hightower said, leaning against a post of the ramshackle shed they were standing in. It was three sided with the front being open to the elements. ‘I have come to give you a spanking,’ he said. ‘Don’t be an idiot,’ Cassie replied. She began looking in some old crates on the far...

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Stargoo Valley

Beth arrives at Stardew valley stepping out into the warm spring air and takes a deep breath of the country air. The scent of cherry blossoms and fresh grass brought a smile to her face. Wearing only overalls the sun bathes her large chest in warmth as it bounces on her walk to her new farm. Aside from her chest and butt she was a pretty average sized girl at about 5'6". She was fairly slender and her physique was very feminine, though despite her looks she was rather strong for a girl her size.

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Big Melon Valley

Please send any and all feedback to serrated2. Ron Marrick was in his room playing on his computer when his mother called for him. Pausing his game he walked over to his door and opened it just wide enough to stick his head out and yelled back to her. "What?" he asked. "Can you take out the garbage right now?" she replied. "Yeah okay." he said. Shutting his door, he went back to his computer to save his game and then turned it off. When he was done, he opened his door and stepped out into the...

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The CompetitionChapter 9 Valencia Valley

The knot of people standing to the side included Mr. Gregg and four women. Mr. Gregg was profuse with his admiration of the efforts of both swim clubs. "Mrs. York, ladies of the girls' swim team, let me introduce you to Principal Fabian of Buchanan High School, the senior athletics instructor Miss Penelope Strathroy, the chair of their Home and School Association, Mrs. Margaret Phelps, and the captain of the volleyball team Miss Leona Sharpe." Principal Fabian started the ball rolling,...

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Fertile FlockChapter 8 Revelations

On Tuesday, the day after Easter Monday Reverend James J. Gillis had been surprised by the requests for 'confessions'. He wondered if his Easter sermon had somehow triggered a need for penitence although he couldn't imagine why it would. The Easter sermon had been a far out analogy wherein he tried to connect the crucifixion and resurrection to conception and childbirth. The act of conception required penetration of the woman's body by a portion of the man's anatomy somewhat analogous...

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Fertile FlockChapter 15 Coleen Cornholed

Kevin Carson was dreaming. His little sister was in bed with him and even though her belly was swollen with pregnancy her closely snuggled warm body was giving him an erection. Damn that lecher Mahoney. He ought to be shot. But his and Susan's parents were adamant, they would not, could not have him charged for what he'd done. The shame would be too much to bear. She would have the baby and they'd pretend they'd adopted a baby and keep him or her. Susan didn't object. She was in love...

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Infertile Husband Tries to Deceive Wife into being Bred by His Best Friend

My name is Dan, and my wife, Faye, and I were still trying to start a family, when I was twenty-three years and she was twenty-two. We had been trying for two years with no success and knew that we were following the best practices we had read about online that should have ensured our success.Faye was especially stressed out by her failure to conceive and was blaming herself. I went to see a urologist without her knowledge, and after a simple test, found that I not only have low sperm...

2 years ago
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My wife, Lynn, and I have been married for three years, last year we decided to start our family. We bought two extra beds and set them up in different rooms, each covered in different sheets. Blue covers for our son to be and pink for our girl, a bit stereotypical but the whole process was exciting. After setting a few baseball bats and stuffed animals up we closed the doors and set a cradle up in our room. A year later the brass knobs on the doors have grown dusty and our cradle has yet to be...

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Fertile Fields

I never knew Momma. From the stories I heard she wasn’t much, poor white trash, dirty blond hair (the color, not hygiene), plain features, a bit on the short side. What there was of her looked tired and much older than her 19 years. There was an old newspaper photo of her, but it was lost due to age and handling. Her Daddy was a mean old man who hated everyone. His wife grew tired of his mean, miserly ways and ran off with a trucker who happened to pass through town. Momma took most of his...

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Fertile FlockChapter 2

It was more than two months since the Saturday when Deborah Tyler had seen her young niece, Sarah Newsome walking awkwardly away from the High School. But Principal Amos Thompson had been sufficiently discreet in the subsequent couplings that she had been unable to identify who might have had sex with her underaged niece or even confirm that it had happened. Sarah Newsome wondered at the interest her aunt was showing in her schooling and she soon figured out that Aunt Debbie suspected...

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Fertile FlockChapter 3 Growing Season

It was Friday the thirteenth and Reverend James J. Gillis was preparing his first ever Easter sermon for Sunday, Easter Day. And although Friday the thirteenth is according to widely held suspicion an unlucky day, JJ thought he was a lucky guy. Sinful but lucky. His luck was primarily of the sexual variety, illicit and sinful sex that initially had caused severe pangs of conscience but as the months went along he had found it progressively easier to suppress his guilty feelings. Reverend...

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Fertile FlockChapter 4 Markers Mortification

Louise Marker had nobody to go home to so after the perversely erotic experience of watching an underaged girl use her pretty mouth on Louise's police partner's prick and after she'd used her fingers to gain some degree of sexual release she went to the in-room fridge and opened a bottle of wine, then turned off all the lights except for the night light in the entrance hall... When Durham returned to the dark room about an hour later after taking the young hooker home, Markham had...

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Fertile FlockChapter 5 Double Dipping

It was noon on Friday, the thirteenth and while Reverend Gillis was preparing his Easter Sermon Sarah Newsome was walking along the tree covered path near where she'd given Arthur Mullins oral sex which had set the stage for her devirgination by Principal Thompson. It was Good Friday, a school holiday and she was just leaving the principal's office after her weekly payment of sexual favours that he demanded so he wouldn't publish the pictures of her sucking Arthur's cock. In fact Amos...

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Fertile FlockChapter 6 Bottoms Up

With a long, soft moan the thirteen year old girl collapsed forward onto the cool grass. Her mouth dragged down and off David's still spasming cock as Arthur came down full weight n her firm buttocks, his cock still imbedded in her cum-flooded fuckwell. "Did you cum Dave? Did you cum in her mouth?" "Yeah ... oohhh yeah ... and she swallowed it." "It's your turn now ... to fuck her, that is. Can you do it?" "Yeah ... oohhhh God yeah," the younger boy said enthusiastically and the...

4 years ago
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Fertile FlockChapter 7 Teen Temptress

It was not until Arthur had the car in the garage with the lights on that he'd seen the confirming evidence of the girl's virginity ... or rather, former virginity. The light coloured fabric of the car seat was damp from their juices but there was also a noticeable tinge of red. His teenaged chest swelled with pride and he could hardly wait until Monday to tell his friends of his accomplishment. "I got her cherry. Damn! She bled all over the car seat and I had a helluva time getting it...

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Fertile FlockChapter 9 Preparing The Prey

Deborah Tyler was enjoying the best time of her life. Her uncle Brad, for four years after he seduced her, had satisfied her adolescent sexual needs once and sometimes twice a week but then he moved away. As she matured her need for sex grew but the occasional one night stands had been disappointing. But in the seventeen days since Hollis Newman had given her the most satisfying sex since Uncle Brad he'd been in her every night. Their sex was satisfying and it was also fun. Hollis was into...

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Fertile FlockChapter 10 Schoolgirls SexED

The room was spinning for the plump, young schoolgirl, Tanya Fagan. It was as if the colors and the objects were like the fireplace, flickering and changing colours, a kaleidoscope of patterns which were dizzying and satisfying both. But what were Mr. Newman and Ms. Tyler doing? Where were they? She tried to concentrate on the two people. They were ... there on the blanket! Right beside her. And, and it looked as though he was naked too. Tanya shook her head again unable to believe what she...

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Fertile FlockChapter 11 Arrested

The arrests were carefully coordinated. When Deacon Robert Ramsay arrived at his plant at eight on Monday morning two detectives were waiting. "Please come with us, Sir," the plainclothes policeman said, "so we don't have to handcuff you while people are watching." "What do you mean?" Ramsay said indignantly as soon as they were outside beside the police car. "Don't do that!" he added when they handcuffed him but he didn't fight. "We're arresting you for pandering and for...

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Fertile FlockChapter 12 Babysitters Bedtime

Peter Mahoney spent a lot of time on the phone, being careful to log it all. He was missing out on the big bucks from a criminal trial so he'd have to milk the set-up work for all he could get. Michael Ogden was an experienced criminal attorney who was about ten years older than Mahoney. He had a drinking problem and that had caused him to lose his partnership in a large firm four years ago. Now he as set up in an office in the same building as Peter and as far as Peter could tell he had...

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Fertile FlockChapter 13 Carnal Christian Kate

Kate Fagan, Kermit's wife of slightly over fourteen years and the mother of his two daughters, Tanya who was fourteen and Caitlin who was thirteen was twelve years younger than her husband. She was, at twenty eight, still a beautiful woman and maybe Tanya would look like her in another fourteen years. The resemblances between mother and daughters were striking. Their faces were round and attractive, they were little more than five feet tall and they all had large, soft breasts, especially...

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Fertile FlockChapter 14 Coleen Connects

Kevin Carson moved into the Granny Suite at Peter Mahoney's home right after it was offered. And almost at once the next chapter in the lascivious chronicle of Reverend Gillis's congregation got underway. Thirteen year old Coleen Mahoney had been introduced to intimate sexual relations only six months ago when she was still twelve by her cousin David Smart. And she loved it. But David was neglecting her. She'd heard rumors about him and the schoolteacher, Mrs. Thompson and just yesterday...

2 years ago
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Fertile FlockChapter 16 Relative Reactions

"Tell me Mr. Carson, how much trouble am I in?" "Well Deacon, I can't tell you that everything's going to go away but we'll talk about it and maybe you'll give me some ideas." Kevin Carson and Deacon Robert Ramsay had just heard the prosecution's case against him or at least what they were required to reveal. "I'll go through things in order. First, did Rita Gonzales work in your factory?" "Yes, for a while." "Did you supply her with clients for her prostitution...

3 years ago
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Fertile FlockChapter 17 Double Header

Principal Amos Thompson had completely lost his moral compass, not that it had been that good at pointing him in the morally correct direction anyway. But cute, young Sarah Newsome had been changed by her afternoon in the park with Arthur and David and then in the principal's office with Amos Thompson. The experience of having all of her sexual orifices used with no regard for her sensibilities and the further experience of being brought to multiple orgasms while she was being assaulted had...

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Fertile FlockChapter 18

The Reverend James J Gillis was mulling over whether yesterday's sermon really made a difference to anyone. He'd given the congregation an old fashioned hellfire and damnation address that spoke of God's rage at those who transgressed and Jesus' forgiving nature. Sins of the flesh and Mary Magdalene were prominently referred to in a message that was guiding the congregation to forgive the people involved in the apparent sex scandal. JJ's intent was to blunt the harsh criticism he'd...

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Fertile FlockChapter 19 Caitlyn Conquered

Reverend Gillis was surprised when the confessional bell dinged just after one in the afternoon. He hoped that whoever was there could be moved out before Caitlyn showed up in mid-afternoon. He looked at the monitor then and was surprised to see that the person in the confessional was in fact Caitlyn Fagan. Her hair was neatly brushed but obviously still damp from her shower which pleased him. She was definitely going to be a delightfully tractable girl from whom he'd get much...

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Fertile FlockChapter 20 Jaundiced Justice

Michael Ogden was a careful lawyer. He believed Louise Marker's story but he was not one to move forward with uncorroborated information. He spent the next several days trying to check out Marker's reputation before telling to George Smart. "I have something that may help our case, Mr. Smart. A confidential source has given me a video that may cast strong doubt on the credibility of their key witness and the policeman who laid the charges." Who? What? I want to see it!" "That will...

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Fertile FlockChapter 21 Erotic Epilogue

Reverend James J. Gillis looked at the calendar on his office wall and realized that yesterday's sermon marked the second anniversary since he took over The Church of Redemption and he paused. There had been many changes during those two years. He was the father of four children now with a fifth on the way. Of course the only one that was publicly acknowledged was his wife Cindy's son and she was also several months en route to another baby. Another major change was in the Pastor's moral...

1 year ago
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Comics Valley! There are many reasons to love erotic comics. They take us to places few other mediums can go. For me, vanilla erotic comics make absolutely no sense. If I want to see regular missionary sex, I’ll watch it in real life. When I’m reading porn comics, it’s because I want to see something morally objectionable.It’s hard to sell live-action porn where a mentally disabled man who used to be brutally abused by his mother relives his trauma by raping older women on the street. Even the...

Porn Comics Sites
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Bondage Valley has a funny name. Half of the equation makes it sound like a nice, relaxing place to take a vacation or even retire if you’ve managed to save anything by the time you’re old. Then again, you may end up tied up, gagged ad getting fucked in the mouth by a machine. Whether that’s your idea of a chill time or not probably depends on who you are and which side of the bondage you’re on. You know, maybe this would be a good place to spend a few sick days, after all…As you may have...

Fetish Porn Sites
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A night in the Valley

All my previous stories have been true.This one starts out as true but the actual encounter is not.Bored, slightly drunk and lonely on a business trip, I check into an adult chat site. I find you playing on cam. Damn nice dick there. You are staying at the hotel I normally do but I am across town this time. I want you cock in my mouth. I am jacking off and watching. But you won't let me come over. You have a girl coming by. By you say I can lick her juices off :)A couple of hours...

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A Full Moon PhaseChapter 10 Mating at Last in the Gods Valley

Awaking shivering, lying on top of snow, the Colonel felt heat in waves pass over him and the snap and crackle of a fire and smelled the smoldering smoke unpleasantly tinctured with the smell of burnt flesh. He also heard the swooping noise of blades battering air. Surrounding him were Wolf and Maria and Heinrich and Bobbie and Gretchen, all of whom except Gretchen holding pistols loosely and impotently towards the ground. Raising his head, he felt a pain at his chin. Wanting to rub it, he...

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Fertility Moon

In a jungle far away in time and distance was a group of people who lived a simple life. They planted seeds by the moon and they planted seed in their women also by the moon. The priests had long ago determined the best time for c***dren to emerge from their mothers was in the fifth moon. During the seventh moon, fertility grass was harvested, one stalk in the number of fingers on two hands leaving other nine stalks to fertilize the grass that helped sustain them. This grass had fine...

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Fertilization Happens

Fertilization Happens by slick_chick * * * * * This story is all about three separate sexual intercourse "accidents" that took place over the course of nearly two decades, while I was having an on-going intimate relationship with Ray (not his real name), who was my live-in boyfriend for many years, before he became my husband. That first sexual intercourse accident didn't get me pregnant, but it sure scared the hell out of me and Ray both! It also led to an incredibly...

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