The Weekend Part 1 (Chapter 3) free porn video

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I felt pure bliss rest in me, a feeling of contentment resonated all around me. I felt a filling sensation in my core, but what could it be? Not wanting to open my eyes, I stretched out my arms but felt resistance.

"That's odd," I thought. I tried to stretch my legs but again, was met with resistance. A panic was forming in me. Something was wrong, and I wasn't sure what it was. I was so happy, but there was this full feeling in me.

Reluctantly opening my eyes, I looked to my side. My wrist was tied to the bed. It was so dark - where was I? My brain desperately tried to figure it out. I shook my arms and legs but nothing. I heard Tre’s chuckle. “What the hell was happening?” I thought. My eyes flared, scanning the room. That’s when I saw him. The full feeling was him sliding his cock in out of me, slowly but with such purpose. I felt every centimeter of his shaft. I was still in a panic.

“How did I get tied up?” I thought. I would have thought, I would have felt being tied up. I was tied to his bed; that’s why I was confused. I had never slept in his bed before.

The chuckle came again, “You are so amazing baby, so so sexy,” he said.

As I became more alert to the events happening to me; I smiled to myself as my mind brought forth delicious memories of yesterday. My conscious lazily reacted to my surroundings; and then it went into full action.

"OMG, last night really happened it wasn’t a dream. I am not a morning person, I will need to convey that to him. I mean really, I am glad he finds it perfect to fulfill his needs, but can't he let a girl sleep?" I thought to myself as my mind raced.

Moaning as he picked up the pace, I groaned, “Baby what time is it?”

“It is time to fuck my pretty pussy,” he said.

“Seriously Tre what time is it?” I said.

“It is Sir to you or Master,” he said. “To answer your question its 3:00am. I couldn’t sleep so I started fucking you.”

“Tre as much as like this, I need to pee,” I said.

“Hold it,” he said.

"What? I can’t hold it, is he nuts? He’s practically ordering the pee out of me with all of sensual pistoning he’s doing." I thought. “Tre baby, please I really need to go,” I begged.

“I said, it is SIR or MASTER you ungrateful slut,” he growled. Slut? What now he’s calling me names? I just want to go pee. This is total nonsense, I need to go, but oh damn, that cock is feeling so good!

“Tre, I mean Sir, please may I go? I don’t want to make a mess.”

“No, and because you failed to get my name right two times, you will now hold your pee till I say. If you make a mess you will lick it up,” he taunted.

I felt sick. Lick my own pee? What has gotten into him? Lying still, I knew better than to ask again for fear of a spanking.

“I will give you a choice; how you choose will determine what I do. You can go pee, but I get to spank you till your ass is a dark red. Or you can stay quiet, hold your pee, and ride out an amazing orgasm. At that point, you can go to the bathroom.”

Some choice! Shit! I could choose relief and massive pain, or torture followed by pleasure and then relief. Oh I really need to go! Screw it. I will take the pain. After all, the last night he spanked me he pleasured me with such intense love.

“I choose the bathroom, I really need to go.”

“Very well then,” he said as he began untying me.

Walking into the bathroom, I started to shut the door. When it wouldn’t close, I looked up to see him standing there.

“A selfish slut gets no privacy, do your business quickly,” he said. There was that slut name. I am not a slut. I can’t go with him standing there, it's just bizarre.

“Well, start pissing now, or I will take you out of here to begin your punishment,” he growled.

I squeezed and squeezed, finally I gave in and let it go and it felt good. The relief washed over me as my insides emptied. I felt it, a warmth in my nether region. I looked up in shock to see his tool sending a stream at me.

"OMG, he’s fucking pissing on me! He’s starting to frighten me, how gross!" I thought, panicking a bit.

“Tre, why are you pissing on me?” I said.

“Well since you can't figure out that I am to be called Sir, then I will do as I please,” he said, “So if I want to piss on a selfish slut, I will.”

My heart dropped. Had I made a tragic mistake, was it all a charade? No, this has to be all an act, I have known him for too long! Finishing up my pee, I could see him standing there, lust and anger in his eyes.

“Follow me, it is time to teach a selfish slut the error of being so selfish,” he said.

I followed him, head lowered, my mind reeling in such humiliation. I had went from a confident woman, to a slut. Pissed on like I wasn’t there. Tears were filling in my eyes. My mind was retreating into a safe room. My conscious decided now was the time to come out and gloat

“I told you to tell him, maybe he would go easier on you,” my mind said.

“Shut-up,” I yelled angrily at it.

“You know damn well he needs to know. He needs to know just how broken you are inside,” it said.

“Fine, I will tell him after this damn punishment. I submitted to him, I will take my punishment like the woman I know I am. Not a shriveling pathetic slut he’s trying to make me believe I am,” I told myself.

“You'd better, or I will bring up all the details daily till you do,” it threatened.

I was having an argument with myself. This is truly pathetic. I was broken out of my reverie with a clearing of his throat.

“Are you done there slut?” he growled.

“What?” I said confused.

“You have been standing there for 2 minutes now staring blankly into space. Bend over my lap now slut,” he said angrily.

“Yes Sir,” I mumbled.

I saw a faint smile on his lips as I bent over his lap. My ass raised high, his cock was pressing into my stomach and my pussy was increasing its lubrication.

“Slut, why are you being punished?” he asked.

“Because I was selfish, and chose my own pleasure over your pleasure,” I choked out.

“Slut, your ass will remind you the next few days to not be selfish anymore,” he said.

With that his hand came crashing down harder than yesterday. The pain seared through my nerves. My mind went blank, the pain was so intense. Every impact of his hand sent my mind reeling. Just like yesterday though, after so much pain was inflicted I felt myself getting wetter. I was enjoying the feeling of being punished, or was it a feeling of self worth knowing I was making my Master happy. Wait...did I just call him Master? Why couldn’t I figure that out when he was giving me those chances?

The strokes got faster. I had lost count of how many swats I had received. Then it was over, the crashing pain was there but it wasn’t being fueled anymore. A cooling sensation was now waging war with the fire on my ass. Turning my head, I could see his hands gently moving lotion across my inflamed skin. I was now so utterly confused, first humiliation, then pain, and now love and care.

When he was done he pulled me into a strong embrace, dragging me alongside him as he crawled back into bed. Propping himself up, he laid my head in his lap. His hands began to caress my cheek, wiping away my tears.

“Babe, do you understand why I punished you?” he asked.

“Yes, Sir I do,” I said with my best 'I have not been crying voice.' “I was selfish. I chose to submit to you, then chose to not listen to your advice and requests. For that, you punished me to show me the error of my ways. I am so sorry Master.”

“I accept your apology. Now there is a time and place for certain names,” he said.

I looked up, confused.

“For example, you’re not a slut, you’re my slut. I will call you slut whenever I choose. As my slut though, you are still a regal and beautiful person, an intelligent and strong woman. I want you to understand that, ok babe? I will be called Master when we are having sex, during your punishments, and during the times I am pleasuring you. All other times, I will be called Sir. Outside of this house, I will be called by my name. Is this clear?”

“Yes, Sir. Thank you for the compliment, and I do understand I am not a slut now. When you were angry with me I really did believe I was nothing but a slut who couldn’t bring you pleasure,” I started to cry.

“Oh baby, you will make mistakes, you will struggle. But never believe you can’t bring me pleasure. Looking at your beautiful body, hearing your voice, brings me great pleasure,” he said.

I knew it! It was an act, and I hadn’t made a mistake about him.

“Tell him,” a low growl emanated through my head.

“Tre, can we set aside all that has happened this morning? I need to tell you a story of my past while you were away.”

“Uh, sure babe, what do you need to tell me?” he asked.

“Tre this is going to be hard for me, I have never told this story to anyone. It is only fair you know though, before we get to deep into this new life we are embarking on.”

His face took on a somber look. I could see the battle of emotions on his face.

“I am damaged goods. When I turned 21 I met a guy, he was nice and good looking. Not as good as you of course, but he was nice to me. We went out on many dates, I enjoyed being around him. He didn't try to take me to bed, he never asked, so I never had to tell him I was saving myself. One day I was at his house, we were snuggling and he asked if I wanted to stay in his bed tonight instead of the spare room. I informed him that I was saving myself and he got really angry.”

“It was the kind of angry I saw on your face, I was scared immediately. I stood to leave and he grabbed my arm and twisted me around, and asked again. 'After all I have done for you, took you places, bought you things. All I ask for is to have sex with you, and you tell me no,' he said to me. 'Yes,' I answered.

This answer isn't what he wanted to hear. I next felt a crushing pain on my cheek, followed by me falling into the glass coffee table. I got up and began to move away when he kicked me hard in the gut. I managed to get out of the house after hitting him with a vase. In the street I stumbled towards my apartment, my emotions were everywhere - fear, pain, and failure. I told myself I had failed, I was the one that made the mistake not him.”

“I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going, and walked right in front of a cop car. The officer jumped out and had me sit down. I was all cut up, crying, and in so much pain. 'What happened, how did you get so hurt?' he asked me. I knew he was asking because he had to. But it was very obvious, the pain in my head had to be showing marks. I lied, I was afraid of retaliation. 'I fell out of a tree officer,' I told him. 'Would you be able to help me to the hospital?' He acquiesced, although very displeased I wouldn't tell the truth, he took me to the hospital and I was taken care of. I never saw that guy again,” I told him.

When I looked into his eyes, I saw pain and hurt, then anger. But this anger was not focused on me. It was sitting in the distance, a blood lust so to speak.

“Does he still live here?” he asked.

“He lives in the next town, that’s where I dated him. I never brought him to my apartment,” I said.

“What is his name?” he asked.

I could see he was forming a plan, and I couldn’t lose him. “I can’t tell you that, I won’t lose you to a story of my past.” I was crying in force now.

“Come here baby, I am not going anywhere. If you won't tell me his name so be it,” he said, “I am so sorry I was so aggressive with you, I wish you had told me sooner. I would never have spanked you so hard.”

“You still would have spanked me?” I asked.

“Yes love, I would still have spanked you. You had to be shown where you went wrong. I would have never been so aggressive to you though. I gave you a really good spanking. Your ass is a very deep shade of red.”

“I see. Are you mad at me for not telling you, and are you still mad at me for not listening to you?”

“Yes love I am mad at you for not telling me, but you won’t be punished for it. It is something I will deal with. I can’t punish you for opening your heart. As for earlier, your punishment was all that was needed, I am no longer angry about that,” he said with a smile.

“Now rest my love, we have a long weekend ahead of us,” he said, as he kissed my forehead.

“Thank you Sir,” I said as I drifted off to sleep, emotionally exhausted.

A few hours later, I began to stir to new feelings. I had dreamed during my nap of being pampered and loved by my Master and love of my life. There it was again; I had called him my Master again. Uttering that name brought a tingling feeling inside me. My consciousness began to stir more, it was being prompted by these feelings. Oh why do they have to wake me, it’s so blissful in my dream world. Master is rubbing my ass, soothing me and blowing cool air across my sex. I am at peace. He reaches around and I can feel him cup my breast. My breast fits so nice in his large hands, like they were made for his hands. Such peace, my dream feels so good if only this was reality!

His hand touches my wet sex, his fingers grazing across my swelling clit; it feels so fantastic. My dream can see I like this, and increases the tempo. He is angrily moving across my lips and clit now at such a fast pace. I can feel the tremor inside my mind, the wave of bliss is riding high ready to crash over me.

"Interesting, this dream feels so life like," I mused. Then the wave crashed down; my eyes flew open and I quickly realized my dream was in fact reality and my sneaky conscious let me believe I was dreaming. My moaning increased as his tempo never broke. A second wave washed over me and I screamed out in ecstasy.

Panting, he finally stopped his ministrations to my engorged clit. I could hear a chuckle escape his lips, his hot lips kissed up my back. Slowly arriving at my neck, he nibbled my earlobe. I moaned and sighed, I felt complete.

“Good morning sleepy head,” he said, “I have lotion on your ass so be careful when you move, I tried to wake you gently but your stubbornness is so strong when you’re unconscious. Breakfast is ready downstairs, hopefully it’s not too cold by now. I hadn’t planned on waking you up this way, not that I didn’t enjoy it,” he smirked.

“Thank you Sir, it was a very pleasant way to wake up. Would you mind if I went to the bathroom to clean up?” I asked.

“Not at all love,” he said as he padded off to head out to the kitchen.

Thank God he didn’t want to watch me pee again. I am not sure I could handle the emotional turmoil before I can talk to him. Cleaning myself up, I donned my robe and headed to the kitchen to enjoy his cooking.

I sat down at the table, eyeing all the tasty items he had made. His back was turned to me, he was still naked, and his gorgeous ass was staring at me. I could feel the arousal building in me. He turned to me carrying the last item for the breakfast. He stopped, and I could see a flash of anger and then a smile donned his face. A fear gripped me inside. Had I done something wrong? But what could it be?

“Baby, what did I tell you to do?” he asked.

“To hurry up and come out for breakfast,” I stated with confusion spreading across me.

“Anywhere in those instructions did you hear me tell you to put a robe on?” he asked with that evil smile forming.

It dawned on me that is what I had done wrong. I was wearing more clothing than him!

“No Sir, you didn’t. I just assumed it was ok,” I said unsteadily.

“Very well, I will let it slide this once. From now on unless you’re told otherwise, you will be naked. I want to be able to admire my beautiful girl at all times,” he said as he walked around to me, pushing my robe out of the way. “I want to be able to grab my tits and pinch my nipples,” he said as he demonstrated. “I want to be able to also grab my luscious ass, to be able to smack the perfect globes and watch them jiggle. Most of all I want to be able to have access to my pussy - to stroke it, to play with it, and when I am ready, be able to fuck it till you cry out in ecstasy and beg me to stop.”

OMG that was by far the most arousing thing I have heard him say, the way he took ownership of my assets. Calling them his, as if I was nothing but a means to transport his toys around. My body was raging, I wanted to tackle him and force his gorgeous cock in my... "Oops," I giggled to myself, "His pussy."

I stood to get rid of the robe. As it fell completely away, he pulled me into one of his famous bear hugs and kissed me with such incredible passion. My breathing was ragged, I was in a constant state of arousal. My emotions were all mixed up, but at the heart of the confusion I felt loved and I felt at peace. My prince, my Greek god, and my Master loved me.

We sat and ate our breakfast. I picked this time to talk to him. I wanted to be objective and say what I needed without getting distracted with his touches. “Tre can I speak freely, and if so can we discuss yesterday, today, and future?”

“Yes my sexy princess, I always want to hear your mind at work,” he smiled.

“Tre, yesterday was a real eye opener and when it was done, I was very happy with my choice. This morning I had doubts, I am still utterly new to everything here. I am fully aware I won’t always enjoy everything about my choice. For now, can we agree on a few things at least till I get more used to things?”

“What things would you like to agree to? If it's no spankings, I will have to say no however,” he said with a sense of finality in his voice.

“Well first off, I am unsure about being called a slut - it made me feel despair, like I was failing you in every way. Secondly, I felt totally pathetic and helpless when you pissed on me. I felt like what was there to live for if I was going to be pissed on when you were angry? Lastly, I enjoyed most of the spanking at least until you became too violent. I enjoyed the feelings it gave me as you slapped my creamy flesh.”

“I am glad you aren’t opposed to getting spanked, I would hate to force them on you,” he laughed evilly, “As for your other requests, consider them approved for now. I won’t call you anything terribly degrading and for now I won’t piss on you. Is that all you want to adjust?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Good. When breakfast is over we will begin laying down the rules and expectations for your training as my horny fiancée, my pet, and my sex slave,” he said.

"Mmmmm," was all I could muster in response, the feeling those words brought on me were incredible. I wanted to fuck so badly.

After breakfast and a much needed shower, I walked out into the living room. Still self-conscious to be walking around naked, I had learned in less than 24 hrs that my pretty little ass was much happier when I obeyed.

As I rounded the corner I saw my lover sitting on the couch. Padding over to cuddle with him, he stopped me mid-stride.

“Stand in the middle of the room. Now begins your training to be my hot horny little minx,” he said.

I smiled at the praise.

“Over the rest of the weekend, I will train you in the various of poses I wish to see you in depending on the activity or time of day,” he said, “First, when I am addressing you for some sort of instruction, you will stand tall and proud with your hands clasped behind your head. You will also take this pose if you are already in the middle of something when I am addressing you. Go ahead and take that pose now.”

I could see the unfettered lust in his eyes as I placed my hands behind my head. I felt my breasts jut out as the prominent focal point on my body. His eyes followed my breasts, gluing lustily onto them when I finished assuming the pose. I had to smile, the power my breasts have over mere mortals can be too much for many, but my Master sat their burning in lust.

“Why are you smiling, you little minx?” he asked.

“I am happy because of all the lusty attention you are giving your breasts, Sir.”

“I am pleased you remembered what to call those magnificent tits on your chest.”

I was beaming with the joy his praise yielded.

“Now, Rule Number One - You’re to always be naked in my presence unless I tell you otherwise."

"Number Two - You will obey all commands or taste the flavor of pain across your whole body."

"Number Three - When I arrive from wherever I went, I expect you to be in your current pose at the door, ready for me to use you should I choose."

"Number Four - When I am ready to go to our bedroom, I expect you to be in our bedroom kneeling on the floor. I will train you in the pose now.”

"His rules don’t seem too bad, I can do these rules easily and be a good girl for him," I thought.

He ordered me to kneel. As my knees hit the ground, he ordered my nose to touch the floor, followed by my hands upturned in front of me to show my palms. I sat there quietly, realizing how very vulnerable this left me.

“Raise your ass up; when I walk into the room, I want to be able to very quickly see your succulent pussy and that pretty brown eye looking at me,” he said.

I was so aroused at this point; I had to devote more energy into listening to him than should have been needed. I had to laugh at myself, I kept thinking of that wonderful cock sliding in me. His commanding tone was driving me insane inside. I knew if I didn’t control myself, a wet spot would be forming soon.

“Rise, and take your standing position,” he commanded, “Let’s finish the rules now."

"Number Five - The house is your responsibility. I expect nothing less than your natural OCD."

"Number Six - Anything you do above the responsibilities given to you will result in a very pleasurable reward for you."

"Number Seven - I want you shaved at all times, everywhere. The only acceptable places for hair are your eyebrows and scalp. I will be regularly spreading my hands across your succulent body, so be vigilant."

"Number Eight - This is by far the most important rule I will give you. You will not pleasure yourself and you will not orgasm without my permission. Take this to heart when you shave your pussy, you shave for my pleasure so don’t spend too much time touching yourself."

"That is all for now, do you have any questions regarding the rules?” he asked.

“Yes Sir, only one question,” I said, “If I choose to go out front of the house what shall I wear, as I don’t want to get arrested for being naked in public?”

I watched his face, it looked like it was cracking - he fell over on his side laughing. “Of course not you little minx, I will be picking out an outfit for you daily in the event you need to go out front of the house. If you go into the backyard you must remain naked. I may even ask the neighbors to keep an eye on the backyard just to report to me of your obedience.”

I was mortified! My heart leaped into action before my brain even saw what was happening. “Sir, you can’t be serious, I won’t go outside if I am going to be watched.”

“Come over here, and bend over my lap,” he ordered.

Suddenly realizing my mistake, I went over and lay across his lap, making sure my ass was the prime target.

“You question my motives and then you have the nerve to blatantly say no against a command? Your stubbornness will leave you with a constant red ass,” he barked.



OMG it hurt! It hurt, my ass was still sore from earlier today. But I wouldn’t plead for him to stop, I knew I deserved it. But it doesn’t mean the pain is any less. The smacks were coming down quicker but lessening in pressure; the sore state of my ass however was signaling full impact every time though. Whimpering, trying to hold back my tears, he stopped. It seemed earlier than the other spanking I have received.

Pulling me into a soft embrace, his arms slowly rotated me in his lap. I rested there, my eyes clearly leaking my traitorous tears. My breathing was ragged, as I looked into his loving face. All the anger was gone, his lust had taken a back seat, and only his love remained. His lips found mine and pulled me into a hot passionate kiss. We sat like this for an eternity, enjoying each other’s presence.

“Babe, I will push you, but I will never put you through something I know I can’t protect you from. Even if that thing is my anger or my kinky ambition, this is my promise to you. When I push you, I need you to trust me enough to try whatever I wish. Afterwards we can discuss your feelings towards it,” he said all of this with such a loving and caring tone.

“Now let’s head back to our room, I want to take care of you. It’s your reward for being such a trooper through the day so far including this morning,” he said.


Watching her rosy ass bounce ahead of me as she headed to the bedroom, I padded quietly behind. Going over everything that happened so far today, her revelation of her past hurt me to know she experienced such pain. No matter how hard I will push her, or how hard I will use her body, I will always make time to soothe her physical and emotional turmoil. She will never know such hurt and despair again.

I had to have been thinking a long time because when I got to the room, there she was in all of her perfection - knelt on the ground with her delectable ass raised high. I felt this incredible surge of pride flow through me followed by a happiness I can’t describe. Her obedience to rules she only recently learned made me rock hard. I really can’t express how proud it made me.

My princess was definitely getting a reward now. “Baby, I am so proud of you, go ahead and stand. Go back out to the table and bring me a chair in here.” I stood there as I watched her perfection flow through her as she went to take care of my request. While she did that, I went in to the bathroom and began to fill the tub.

Taking the chair from her, I set it along the tub. I turned to her and once again, I was blown away by her obedience to the new rules. I know it will eventually lose the magnitude such simple obedience can bring me. Her hands were behind her head standing there, I stared at her breasts. She smiled at the attention I was giving her.

“Come here you sexy thing, your reward awaits you,” I said.

I directed her into the tub. As she sat down, I could see shock and relief wash over her face. I sat down in the chair to begin washing her objectively. I clarify it that way, since I would only focus on fucking her if I was in there as well.

Reaching in, I pulled her close and started with her shoulders, massaging the soap on my hands into her skin. I heard soft sighs emit from her, she looked so innocent there in front of me. Moving down along her chest, I grabbed a breast in each hand, slowly rolling her nipples in my knuckles. Her sighs slowly changed to low moans, and her sounds were not helping the condition of my cock.

Moving her forward so her back faced me, I had her place her arms on the other side of the tub. Gently, I dragged my hands across her back, stopping often to grab her muscles.


“Yes love?” I replied.

“I enjoy your massages, they are so wonderful,” she mewled.

“They will be one of your rewards for when you do well,” I said.

Continuing down her back and lifting her ass up higher, I had to sit back to admire it. The reddish texture slowly reverting to a rosy color, the two globes so perfectly sculpted. I leaned back in and drizzled the soap across her flesh. Slowly massaging her reddened cheeks, she sucked her breath in from the touch of my hands.

When I was finished washing her, I pulled her out and began to dry her off. “Follow me babe,” I said.

I padded out, the sound of her softer padding behind me was so nice. I went out to her room, upon entering I began to set out some clothes for her. Laying out her black tights and the emerald dress, “Babe, put these items on, no panties though. We are going to finish what I had intended on doing yesterday, before your little stunt majorly derailed my plans.”

“Sorry Sir,” she said crestfallen.

“Come here babe,” I said as I pulled her into a warm embrace. “There is no need for apologies, I greatly enjoyed your stunt. I still however, want to finish my proposal to you the way I had intended. My sweet princess, there is still so much to do that I had planned.”

Her face transformed, my words took away her sadness to be replaced by genuine happiness. I left her to get ready, and returned to my room to get back into my suit.

After helping her into my car, I drove us to the nicest steakhouse our little town could provide. We enjoyed our evening together. After dinner, I took her on a moon-lit stroll through the local park. We talked about all the things of our childhood, the memories of amazing pranks and mischievous deeds we took part in. Between both of our memories, we managed to remember every little detail of the fun we had as kids. She elaborated more on the time we were apart. I did the same, although my story was nowhere near as exciting as hers. She went on hundreds of dates. She had to have dated the entire town while I was away. I, however, had only one steady girlfriend while I was away but we never got too serious.

The evening was very fulfilling. One thing remained though, the great fiery lust that burned in me had to be taken care of. Once I got us home I had one objective; how fast could I be sliding into her.

I escorted her in, swiftly picked her up, and started briskly walking towards my bedroom. Her laughter, squeals of joy, and giggles from the bouncing walk was driving me mad - not to mention her mouthwatering breasts so close to my lips. Setting her down on my bed, I took great care to not rip the dress off and have my way.

Pulling her lips into mine, I pushed my tongue in to explore her mouth better. She hugged me tighter, smashing her breasts on my chest. Our hands were roving over each other’s bodies, cupping her ass, letting the skin mould to my aggressive grip. Pushing the dress up to her waist, I revealed her panty-less pussy. Kneeling down, I sucked her clit into my mouth. Rolling it around my mouth, biting down on it, her moans were gaining volume and mixed with the squeals of pain as bit into her clit. Releasing the tiny nub, I took my time to lavish long strokes along her lips. Her twisting and moving was getting out of control. “Stop moving or I will spank you again,” I growled.

I stood up quickly, grabbing her hair as I pulled her into another kiss. “Take the dress off, leave the tights on then remove the rest of my clothes.”

Her dress flew off, my shirt was much the same. I laid the tie down for future use. “Kneel and remove my pants, its time you began your training in sucking my cock.”

Her knees hit the ground, giving her breasts a delicious bounce. She undid my pants and slid them off along with my boxers. My engorged member sprang loose and stood tall, waiting for her warm mouth to wrap around it. “Take my cock into your mouth, and listen to what I tell you. If you do good, I will let you choose the first position I will fuck you in.”

Her mouth was so warm as it caressed my length. “Now take the full length all the way in and pull out. Then repeat the process much like how I fucked you.” She started to bob up and down with much eagerness. I couldn’t contain myself anymore, I had to reward her efforts with moans of my own. “Now swirl your tongue as well, what you’re doing so far feels so damn good.” I could feel myself nearing the point of no return. I reluctantly pulled her off my cock. I wasn’t ready to cum yet.

She stood up, her hard nipples scraping along my chest. I kissed her again, the taste of her pussy mixing with the taste of my cock. We kissed like hungry animals. Finally we stopped, panting and needing air. “Babe climb on the bed and lay on your back.” As she did this, I went into my closet to retrieve three more of my ties. I took each of her wrists and tied them to the bed. Taking two pillows, I went over to the middle of the bed, lifted up her ass, and slid them under to prop her up. She had the most curious expression on her face, her breasts shifted closer to her face. I could see the lust in her eyes, her eyes were practically screaming “Fuck me.” After positioning her ass, I tied off her ankles to the bed as well. Totally at my mercy, I went to work. I lined up with her glistening leaking pussy and I slid into her tight velvety folds with one stroke.

“Master, please don’t be nice. Fuck me like the little slut you called me this morning,” she moaned as my cock was slowly moving in her.

“Baby, you said you didn’t want to be called degrading names,” I said.

“I know, but I saw how happy you got when you called me a slut. I want you to be happy so call me whatever, just fuck my pussy hard and without reservation,” she said.

“Is that so? Did I hear that correctly? The slut gave me an order?” I asked.

The fear in her eyes at the possible misstep was so enticing. “I ... I am sorry Master, I did not mean to give you an order!” she stammered.

I pulled out and slammed into her, her eyes were wide with the sensations flowing through her as I slammed into her again. “Fuck!” is all she said.

Continuing my assault, my balls slapped her ass. “How does the little slut enjoy being my bitch?”

“This slut loves being your bitch and being fucked by your cock,” she cried between breaths.

I hammered into her, her face had taken on a permanent look of shock. She was in such bliss from my constant fucking, I could only tell she was orgasming by her strong muscle grip on my cock. She had three or four orgasms during that fuck. I was so close to release that I never bothered to stop during any of her orgasms. I closed my eyes, and released rope after rope of hot cum into her well-lubricated pussy. I opened my eyes to see hers closed and head rolled to the side, and my mind blanched in fear of something wrong till I focused on the rapid rise of her stomach from her breathing.

I quickly untied her, pulled out the pillows and dashed off to get a couple of warm washcloths. Upon returning she was still unconscious. I gently took one cloth and wiped her pussy off. I leaned down to kiss each of her clean lips. I climbed on to the bed and pulled her body up to me, laying the back of her head on my lap. I took the cloth and began to dab at her face, pulling away all her makeup.

I glanced at the clock. Ten minutes had elapsed since I saw she had gone limp. Resting my head back, I dozed off. I could feel her stirring in my lap, I glanced up at the clock. Oh shit - she had been out for a while.

“Mmmmm, what happened?” she asked.

“You lost consciousness babe, I fucked you into oblivion,” I said with tons of concern in my voice.

“Mmmmm, that was the greatest feeling I have ever had. How long was I out?”

“You were out for thirty minutes my love,” I said.

“Wow, babe I don’t care if you knock me out every time. I want to feel that again and again. You only ever read of people being fucked into unconsciousness and here you did it,” she laughed.

“Do you need to get up babe?” I asked.

“Yeah, I need to go to the bathroom,” she said as she crawled out of my embrace.

I laid my head back against the wall, I was so tired from my frenzied fuck. I smiled as I watched her heart shaped ass bounce as she hurried to the bathroom. I sat there thinking of how amazing the last two days had been. Our whole life ahead of us to explore our limits together, such a nice thought it was. Smiling at her as she walked back in and climbed into my lap, I hugged her close. “I hope you get used to this. I will never let you go,” I said with the biggest smile on my face.

“Thank you Sir. Today was an amazing day, but tonight was by far my favorite of the day. I have to say during the heat of the moment I got wetter hearing you call me slut and bitch,” she said.

“I am glad you enjoyed the day. I enjoyed the great sex as well. You are truly the most perfect woman I have ever met,” I said, “Let's rest now babe, today has been long and there’s still one more day left before Evil Monday arrives. I want us to be ready for tomorrow.”

“What is tomorrow?” she asked.

“Tomorrow is a mystery, but I have a feeling the two of us will find some way to make it incredible,” I said. I was rapidly losing consciousness as I cuddled her closer, my cock found its way into her crack and my hands to her breasts. With that complete I fell into a deep sleep; a well deserved sleep.

To be continued with the rest of the weekend. I hope you all enjoyed the first day of our engagement weekend. 

Same as The Weekend Part 1 (Chapter 3) Videos

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Motherless BBW

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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

3 years ago
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DeAnns Submissive Weekend Part 3

DeAnn's Submissive Weekend Part Three (of 15)============================================================================Suzy stood there, leaning against the door frame and looking me over. Shesaid, "I hear you met my three stepsons?"I replied, "I saw them but we didn't actually exchange names, mistress."She continued to stare at me, then said, "I'm sure you'll get to know themmuch better before the weekend is over. The youngest one is 19 and just outof high school. They're all just a year...

2 years ago
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Theresa Part 4

I began to think of how to make this a reality and decided that if I ever got the chance I would make this a reality.Having shared her with another man I wanted to see her used and have sex with a woman. However, first I had to think how and with who and after a bit of thought came up with the ideal woman. Denise was a woman who really knew how to stand out. She was beautiful, 5’ 6 inches tall and black, with beautiful, exotic almond shaped eyes and a beautiful smile with her permanent bright...

1 year ago
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Dawns Weekend of Torment Part 1

I recognize the tone of these stories is quite dark and different. Hopefully the reader has come to understand by now what the source of that tone is. Many thanks to those who have been positive and enjoyed. ----------------------------------------------------- It had been a few weeks since Dawn had her night with Kristi and Jess. She was back to me just a few days later and was especially aggressive about getting my cock in her. It was pretty obvious that she wanted to reassure...

3 years ago
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His Bitch for the weekend with a big B part2

“Man, your ass too phat bruh “ “I know, I know. I’m thick as a bitch huh? I hear that shit all the time”! “I bet you do! I bet all the gay niggas be trying to holla”. “Bruh! You have no idea. I get more free drinks in the club than the females I try to holla at”. “I bet you do”; *slap*! Pete trailed off as he laid a solid slap on his homie’s right ass cheek. This caused Rome’s booty to jiggle as he shot his friend a sly look. “Aight bruh, any more of them this weekend and I’m charging...

2 years ago
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The Golf Weekend Part Three

The Golf Weekend: Part three From the end of part two: I fell off his lap and undid his shorts. I couldn't wait to suck his dick. He let me suck him for a little while and stopped me before things go out of hand. He picked me up and carried me into my bedroom, telling me that he was going to spank me first, for being such a naughty girl and then he was going to fuck me. Part Three: He was right, I had been naughty and I wanted him to man handle me, tan my back side good and...

3 years ago
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Weekend Sissy Little Girl Part 2

Weekend Sissy Little Girl Part Two By Susieq This is the follow on from Weekend Sissy Little Girl in which Martin (Susie) goes to the wedding as a flower girl. It is highly recommended that you read part one first to get the characters into perspective. On the Monday morning, I reverted to being Martin, and after showering and dressing in a smart business suit I went downstairs where Sarah was happily humming to herself as she made toast and boiled eggs for my breakfast. As I went...

3 years ago
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Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...

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Ethel hated her name. She was born during the tenure of I Love Lucy. The beloved Ethel Mertz from the television show was the bane of the real life Ethel's existence. There were the jokes about her having to marry Fred. There was only one Fred in her high school class. He wasn't her type; not even if he was the last man on earth. Ethel was every bit the epitome of her name. At five feet even her looks, dress and vocabulary mimicked the character she despised. Although she fought to break the...

1 year ago
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Catherines Big Day Part 1

Catherine's promotion interview ends in humiliation Catherine bounced into the office on a wave of enthusiasm and anticipation. Her promotion interview was just after lunch. She had waited months for this day to come; hours of preparations and hard work, dozens of mock interviews with her loving and supportive husband John. Now it had arrived and she was ready. This was going to be a big day for her, she could feel it. After a light lunch spent mostly revising her supporting materials,...

Cheating Wife
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Ethel 1921

Ethel's Pa was telling a story. "A man comes into the garage wanting a new horn for his Dodge. The old bulb was torn. Well, we have horns; but they don't fit his brackets..." "What did he want with a horn?" Ma asked. "Dodge cars don't need them. They have 'Dodge, Brothers' written clearly on the front." "Oh, Nellie," Pa said, but -- at least -- he dropped the story. Ethel couldn't decide which was worse, Ma's jokes or Pa's stories. Pa was fascinated by anything mechanical,...

3 years ago
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Katherines Style

Damn Katherine and her classy fashion sense... Once again my Mother-in-law had a new skirt suit which would work for brunch, mother-of-the-bride or some other fancy occasion, it was simply lovely. Tonight was one of those other occasions. The suit was perfect for the work awards dinner that my wife Veronica has dragged me too. Katherine, on the other hand, who was looking just so, was all too happy to attend. Katherine's suit is simply irresistible to me. The color, the style,...

2 years ago
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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

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