Weekend Sissy Little Girl Part 2 free porn video

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Weekend Sissy Little Girl Part Two By Susieq This is the follow on from Weekend Sissy Little Girl in which Martin (Susie) goes to the wedding as a flower girl. It is highly recommended that you read part one first to get the characters into perspective. On the Monday morning, I reverted to being Martin, and after showering and dressing in a smart business suit I went downstairs where Sarah was happily humming to herself as she made toast and boiled eggs for my breakfast. As I went over to her she offered her cheek for me to kiss while she buttered the toast. "Morning love," she said, "I'll drop you off at work today because I need the car later, I'm going to meet Andrea, for coffee and shopping." It always amazed me how quickly she could transform from "Mummy," back to "Wife," so seamlessly, whilst I usually took a few hours to revert from my alter ego. I sat down and ate my breakfast and drank my tea. Twenty minutes later I was waving her goodbye as I entered my office for the week ahead. I got to my desk and surveyed the notes that I had left on Friday. There were two queries I had to chase up before starting on the latest batch of sales invoices. God! it was boring, I hated this lousy job, but I had to work to maintain some sort of self respect and to preserve just a little independence from Sarah. I could have become a kept man, she certainly had enough cash from her father who had made his money from publishing. He was a self made man and looked down on me with disdain. He did not approve of our marriage, but when Sarah had insisted we were going to wed, he had accepted me grudgingly as a son in law. Heaven only knows what he would have said if he knew of our weekend existence as Susie and Mummy. I brought the invoices up on my computer, and tried to concentrate, but my mind kept wandering to the next weekend and what it held in store for me. I was a grown man who was going to a wedding as a Flower Girl, suitably attired and made up. My tummy lurched and I flushed visibly as the thought went through my mind. Somehow, I managed to get through my work and just after five thirty, Sarah pulled into the car park and peeped the horn. I went out and got into the car and kissed her on the cheek. "How was your day?" she asked. "Boring," I replied. "Well we're going home now and I am preparing a roast for dinner." She hesitated then said, "And, I have a little surprise for you." She giggled to herself savouring her secret. We arrived home and she went into the kitchen to turn the stove on while I turned the TV on for the news. The economy was up shit creek again, and the Prime Minister thought it was the fault of the previous government. The leader of the opposition by contrast said the present governments policies would take us ever deeper up the creek until we lost our paddle. Neither of them seemed to have any new ideas about how to reverse our course. I flicked idly through the channels until my interest settled on the sports channel where the West Indies were getting thrashed by Australia in the second test at Bridgetown. Ricky Ponting, the Aussie captain, was an arrogant little bastard but you couldn't deny he was a top batsman and already had a century to his name and was still pasting the Windies bowling all over the pitch. I watched for an hour until Sarah called for me to get us pre-dinner drinks. I went and made two gin and tonics and joined her in the kitchen. We sipped our drinks as she checked the vegetables that were simmering in the hob and she told me some tittle tattle about her day with Andrea, none of which interested me in the slightest. Then she said, "I've bought you a little present," and produced a gift wrapped package. "It's for the weekend." She looked like the cat that got the cream as I nervously opened the parcel and looked at what was inside. It was a small wicker basket, pink with a white ribbon woven round the handle and a ribbon rose stuck on the front. "It's a flower girls basket," she said stating the obvious. "You'll have rose petals in it and it's your job to cast them on the aisle before the happy couple come to the altar. That's all your required to do...apart from the photos after...it'll be easy." I sighed in resignation, Sarah really had the bit between her teeth now, there was no getting out of this. "Go and put it with your other stuff for the weekend, we don't want to forget it do we?" A horrible thought suddenly hit me, "What about your father, will he be there?" "Oh! no," she said, "he doesn't approve of gay relationships, he won't even acknowledge that his son is gay," she paused for a moment then added "but Caroline will." Caroline, was her younger sister, she was single and lived in London. I had always had a bit of a thing for her, totally unreciprocated, I might add, but she was aware of my infatuation and sometimes flirted with me and teased me for her amusement. "You told me there would be nobody we know at the wedding," I complained. "now your saying Caroline, will be coming. I don't think I can do this Sarah." "Don't worry about her, she lives down south and doesn't know any of our friends up here...besides, my sister and I have no secrets, I have already told her what's happening." This revelation just increased my sense of dread for the coming weekend, and I spent the next three days in a complete and utter blur. Eventually, Friday arrived and Sarah picked me up from work at lunchtime, having arranged a half day off in the afternoon. We got back home and after a light lunch I was sent up to pack my flower girl outfit. Sarah told me she had put out a change of clothes for the Sunday, as I was going to be kept as Susie for the whole weekend. She had selected a white eyelet cotton blouse, with short puffed elasticated sleeves and a peter pan collar. It was matched with a lilac satin bib fronted flared skirt with shoulder straps that crossed at the back and fastened to the rear waistband with two big buttons. The bib had the words, "Mummy's Little Angel," embroidered on it. It was extremely short and would leave little to the imagination. She'd also laid out a pair of white nylon panties with a matching camisole vest and knee high white nylon socks. My black patent Mary Jane shoes completed the outfit. She had also included another wig, a long blonde one that had been plaited into two pigtails and had a full fringe. Lastly, a pair of baby doll pyjamas. I packed everything carefully so as not to crease them and then we set off about half past two to beat the evening rush hour traffic. Sarah's brother Danny, and his partner Adrian, lived on the east coast just outside the holiday resort of Bridlington. They ran a country house hotel...but one with a difference...as it was very TV friendly, and was a popular destination for cross dressers to go and spend a few days "en femme." Such was it's popularity that Danny and Adrian had made a huge success of it for the past seven years. That was in fact how they met. Danny owned the hotel courtesy of rich daddy, and Adrian had been a guest and had come down for breakfast the first morning as his alter ego, "Adrienne." They hit it off straight away and Adrian never went home. In fact it was Adrian's idea to target the TV niche market and it proved to be a huge success. Apart from casual visitors, they also hosted several themed weekends every year and the hotel was known nationally in the TV community. I quite liked Danny, if you didn't know already, you would never have guessed he was gay. He was an affable fellow who never had a bad word to say about anyone. Adrian, on the other hand was as camp as a boy scouts jamboree and was as sharp as a knife. He was very passable as "Adrienne," and even in his male clothes would mince about overtly so as to leave no one in any doubt about his sexuality. I know they say opposites attract, but you couldn't get much more opposite than these two. Nevertheless, they had been together for seven years and seemed very committed. We arrived just after four thirty and were greeted warmly by Danny. He showed us to our twin room and after unpacking we went down for tea. Adrian, was out making last minute arrangements for the morning. The pair of them would be going down to the council offices at ten o'clock with just a few friends and close family to go through the civil ceremony that would confirm their status as a legal couple, with the same rights and obligations as any other married couple. Then, they would return and get dressed, in Adrian's case as a bride, and go with the two "bridesmaids," and of course the "flower girl"...gulp... for a blessing of the union at three o'clock at St. Patricks church in a quiet residential suburb of Bridlington. After the chit chat and pleasantries were out of the way, Danny, pulled me to one side and said, "Martin, I can't tell you how much I appreciate you standing in at the last minute. I had no idea you were into cross dressing until Sarah mentioned you could help out."I explained to Danny, that apart from the "rehearsal," with Sarah the previous Sunday, I had never been out dressed in public before and I was extremely nervous about the following day. "Don't worry about it," he said "you'll be in good company. Apart from Adrian, there are two more of our friends going dressed as bridesmaids and once at the reception a whole bunch of our friends and guests will also be dressed." I must admit this put me somewhat at my ease and I thought I might actually enjoy the experience. That night we had a splendid dinner of roast beef and I had a couple of glasses of an excellent Chateauneuf du pape. The next morning, we went down to breakfast then Sarah left with the happy couple and two other friends to attend the civil ceremony. "Caroline, is meeting us at the Town Hall," she said. "She got the early train up from London." I was left to my own devices for the morning and went out into the extensive grounds for a stroll. A marquee had been erected on the lawn to the rear of the main house and staff were going in and out preparing it for the afternoon reception. I carried on past the grounds and onto the road that led to the headland and walked along it for a mile or so in the pleasant mid morning sunshine. Then, started back towards the hotel with a growing sense of excitement tempered with a knot of fear of the unknown that was forming in my stomach. I got back and went up to the room where I ran myself a bath and soaked luxuriously for half an hour before running a razor over my legs and pubis to catch any light regrowth that had sprung up over the past couple of days. I toweled myself dry and put on a complimentary dressing gown. Eventually, Sarah knocked at the door and I let her in. I could tell she was in a good mood and looking forwards to the service and reception. She went for a shower and when she came out she had on a matching dressing gown and her hair was pinned up. "Right," she said "Let's get you made up." I went and sat in front of the dresser and Sarah began the process of transforming me into Susie. "Just one thing," she said as she worked, "the same rules apply here as they do at home. once we are in role, we stay that way and you will be Susie until I release you, is that clear?" "Yes Sarah" I replied. "And you are to stay in role with your dealings with everybody else. You will call Caroline, Aunty Caroline and my brother Uncle Daniel OK? Remember you are six years old, so no alcohol and no talking to anyone as an adult," I nodded my head in acceptance and she proceeded with her work. Soon, the face of a little girl stared at me from the mirror and Sarah looked satisfied with her handiwork. "Right," she said, "let's get you tucked up for the day." And saying this she produced a roll of medical tape and a pair of scissors. This was something that I had hoped she would dispense with today as it could get quite uncomfortable over a prolonged period. I didn't particularly like it, but it had become part of our role play at home. I was made to lay on my back with my feet up on the bed and apart while Sarah cut the necessary lengths of waterproof medical tape. I did mental arithmetic to stop myself from becoming erect while she put two strips of tape on the front of my penis. She gently eased my testicles up into their cavity then taped my cock down to my buttocks. The now empty ball sack was folded in front of my captive cock and three small pieces of tape sealed everything in snugly. When I stood up it gave the illusion of a vagina from the front and ensured that I would have to sit for a pee until I was released. I was then dressed in my frilly white satin panties and petticoat and my wig was fixed on firmly with some double sided tape at the hairline. She tied the ribbon in my hair put my frilly anklets on and fastened my white mary jane shoes. "Right, we'll leave your dress until we are ready to go so as not to get it creased," and so saying started to get dressed humming happily to herself. I sat on the end of my bed in a puddle of petticoat watching her as she made herself up and got dressed, my stomach now doing somersaults as the time for my performance approached. Eventually, it was time and Sarah helped me into my dress. First on was the white taffeta underdress followed by the flimsy translucent organza top dress. She settled it perfectly over the full petticoat then fussed with the bow at the back to get it, just so. It felt gorgeous as the two contrasting materials rubbed across each other producing a subdued whooshing sound as I moved about. She handed me the lace gloves and gave me the basket to carry then stood back and looked at me with pride, and I knew at that point we were in role with no going back. We left the room and went downstairs to where the wedding party were assembling. We shared the lift down with an elderly couple who must have had nothing to do with the wedding and the look on their faces when they saw me was a picture, the lady staring at me with her mouth open. My apprehension turned to naked fear as we entered the lobby but the only guests there were with the wedding party. Danny had already left for the church and Adrienne was waiting in the lobby together with here two bridesmaids. I was a bit taken back when I realized that all three were very passable in their beautiful gowns, while I towered over them ridiculously dressed as a little girl. The "bride" wore a full length off the shoulder ivory silk gown whilst the "bridesmaids" wore matching powder blue calf length floaty chiffon creations. Adrienne, came to meet us and introduced us to Bella and Roberta, the bridesmaids. I have since learned that "conventional" cross dressers, those who dress as adults, do not identify with their LG counterparts, and tend to adopt a rather superior attitude when confronted with us. Bella and Roberta certainly seemed to resent my being there and did patronizing "ooooh's and arrrrrr's," as I joined them and began primping my dress, picking at imaginary bits of fluff on my collar. Sarah came to my rescue and gave me a small nosegay of white carnations to carry and then filled my basket with pink rose petals from a plastic bag. "Now, don't spill them before you get to the church and just do what I told you. You're going in the same car as the bridesmaids with Adrienne following separately, OK?" By this time I was totally numb and just moving on automatic pilot. I got into the car with the other two and we set off for the church. They totally blanked me from their conversation so, when we arrived I was relieved to see Danny. waiting at the entrance and he smiled broadly when he saw me. "You look very sweet Martin." "Thank you Uncle Daniel," I lisped. "Oh! I'm sorry it's not Martin, it's Susie isn't it?...Sarah did tell me you are in role for the entire weekend." He paused and then said, "OK sweetheart, now when Adrienne, gets here I will greet her at the entrance and the bridesmaids will follow us into the church. You will go in front of us and scatter the petals up to the altar. When you get there go and sit on the second aisle to your left. That's all there is to it...can you remember that Susie?" He spoke as if to a child and I replied as one. "Yes Uncle Daniel, I'll try," and I bobbed a little curtsey to him. A couple of minutes later Sarah arrived and gave me big smile and a thumbs up. I smiled back weakly and felt my heartbeat quicken up as I saw Adrienne's car pulling up. She got out and the bridesmaids helped her gather her skirts then Danny offered his arm and they came to the entrance. This was my big moment, I turned and faced the entrance and the organ began playing as I shuffled slowly forwards. I hesitated, then froze, I thought about making a run for it, although where would I go dressed as I was. Then, I felt a hefty shove in my back from Danny and was propelled through the entrance to be greeted by the stares of the whole congregation. My face was burning and my stomach began it's contortions again, I felt a panic attack coming on as I stood there like a rabbit caught in the headlights. Then I heard Sarah's voice behind me, quietly but firmly, "Susie, remember what will happen if you let me down." A vision of me being spanked in front of all the guests flashed through my mind and I came out of my reverie. I took a deep breath and began to walk up the aisle. Only after about ten steps did I remember about the petals, and panicking, threw a huge handful on the floor. I kept on going, much too fast, scattering the remainder in about two handfuls and when I got to the front went to sit down on the right instead of the left. A woman was sat on the end with her husband and as I squeezed past her to get to a vacant seat, I trod on her foot with my whole weight. She let out a scream and cursed me. Realizing my mistake I went to go to my correct position on the left. Unfortunately, on my way back, I trod on the lady's other foot, she let out another piercing scream and I tripped over her gyrating leg, stumbled and went sprawling head first into the aisle, landing at the feet of the surprised priest, my dress up around my waist, my frilly panties on full show. The whole congregation, including the priest, but with the exception of the injured lady, erupted into gales of laughter while I scrambled back to my feet and pulled my dress down to hide my modesty. I slunk into my seat and sat there taking huge breaths to try and calm down. When the laughter subsided, Danny and Adrienne completed the short walk to face the priest and he went through the blessing as arranged. I didn't hear a word of it, I just sat there wishing the ground would open up from under me and I could disappear. At the conclusion the couple went out of the church with the bridesmaids following and then it was my turn. I followed head bowed ignoring the giggles and wisecracks from the throng. As I approached the door I saw Sarah her face like thunder, standing with Caroline, who by contrast, was grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Hello Martin," she said "That was some display you put on there, have you been practicing?" She straightened her face with difficulty when she saw Sarah's and we all went out into the churchyard. It was time for the photos and as family and the flower girl, I would be on virtually all of them. Sarah stood next to me and through clenched teeth said, "You're for it now my girl, just wait till we get back to the hotel." Caroline, who stood on my other side said, "Ooh! goody...can I watch?" Sarah looked at me coldly and said, "Of course you can Caroline,... and so can everyone else." My day was going from bad to worse, after my embarrassing performance in the church, I was now going to be further humiliated at the reception. When we got back, I noticed that three of the other guests were dressed "en femme," and this made me feel a little better, even though I didn't know any of them. Champagne was served to toast the pair, except Sarah insisted I was given a glass of lemonade. I had made such a fool of myself that everyone was ignoring me and I went and found a quiet corner in the marquee and sat sipping my lemonade. Everyone was helping themselves to the sumptuous buffet and had split into groups as always happens at a wedding. I wasn't hungry, all I could think about was Sarah's promise of dire consequences for my faux pas at the church. After everyone had been fed, the sound of a glass being struck got everyones attention. There followed several speeches from friends all wishing the couple continued happiness. There was a lull in the proceedings and then the glass tinkled again. This time Sarah stood up and told the crowd. "I feel I must apologize for the earlier shambles at the ceremony by Susie." all eyes turned on me and I blushed scarlet. "and in particular to Mrs. Hudson, Adrian's Mum who was so roughly trampled underfoot by the stupid girl." "Please God," I thought, "let this be a dream." Sarah continued, "So I think it only right and proper that she takes retribution for her poor crushed toes...Susie! come here!" Mrs. Hudson, placed a chair in the middle of the small dance floor, sat down and beckoned to me with a crooked finger. I stood looking at her frozen to the spot until her husband and another man took hold of me, one either arm and marched me over to the waiting mother of the bride. The crowd cheered and gathered tightly round the floor to get the best possible vantage point as I was unceremoniously bent over her knee. I felt my dress and petticoats being lifted then Mrs. Hudson's hand descended across my panties to a huge cheer from the crowd. She gave me about a dozen smacks across my panties which didn't hurt much apart from my pride, then set me back on my feet to a collective moan from the crowd. Caroline was first to speak to me, "I shall always remember you as you were just then Martin, a sissy having his bottom smacked for being naughty." Then she laughed in my face and left me alone in the crowd. The entertainment over, I slunk back to my corner and sat trying to avoid eye contact for the rest of the evening. Eventually Sarah came over and told me it was my bedtime and I was made to say "Nighty night," to Caroline, Adrian and Danny before being led out of the marquee and into the hotel. I was paraded through the reception and into the lift back up to our room. Sarah stood in front of me and I stood head bowed with my hands behind my back waiting for the inevitable scolding. "Right young madam, now you're going to get your proper spanking for that disgraceful performance this afternoon," and with that she went in her handbag and produced "Harriet." I was made to kneel on my bed with my hands on the floor so my bottom was elevated at a lewd angle. She then lifted my skirts and pulled my panties down to my knees and without any further ado paddled my poor backside until it was crimson and I was a blubbering wreck. She finished suddenly and threw Harriet on the bed and without another word left me and went to rejoin the party. By the time she came up to bed I had cleaned off my make up and was in my baby dolls pretending to be fast asleep, so she got undressed and climbed into her bed without waking me. The next morning we got a wake up call at eight o'clock and I was sent for my bath while Sarah made herself a cup of coffee. When I came out, she again made me up, although just a touch of lipstick, blusher and a lighter mascara for day wear. I was then dressed in the matching white camisole vest and panties and the cutie pie eyelet blouse. I stepped into the short satin skirt and Sarah crossed the straps behind my back and fastened them to the two buttons on the rear waistband. I sat on the bed and pulled on the white knee socks and Sarah put the black mary janes on my feet and buckled them up snuggly. Then the longer length blonde wig with the fringe and two pigtails was secured to my head with fresh tape. I was off course still tucked from the day before, not daring to remove it without Sarah's permission. The short, flared skirt barely covered my crotch when I stood up straight, so there would be plenty of opportunity for my panties to be on view and my smooth pubic area would be very noticeable to any casual observer. Finally, she tied two white ribbons to the end of the pigtails in a neat bow. I sat on my bed looking very demure while Sarah showered and dressed. Eventually, we were ready and left the room to go down to breakfast. As we left the lift and went to the dining room, several other guests in a group saw us and began a nudge, nudge, wink, wink conversation, no doubt about the "sissy," who got spanked at the reception. We were guided to a table by the widow where Caroline, was already eating. She beamed at me as I approached and insisted I give her "a twirl," to show off my new outfit. She then inspected the embroidery on the bib, mouthing out loud, "Mummy's Little Angel," and commented that she could see my panties at the back as I sat down. She was obviously determined to extract every tiny bit of embarrassment out of me that she could, and all the time, Sarah was watching, smiling to herself at my discomfort. The waitress took our order for tea before we got up and went to the self service buffet. I was starving having had nothing to eat at the reception so I loaded my plate with bacon, sausage, scrambled egg and toast. Sarah gave me a disapproving look, it was hardly a little girls portion after all, but I was so hungry I carried on regardless. After breakfast, we went into the lounge to let our food digest, Then Sarah outlined the plans for the day. It was a sunny morning so we were going for a walk along the sea front that bordered the grounds of Sewerby Hall, a magnificent Georgian house standing in fifty acres of parks and formal gardens between Bridlington and Flamborough Head. I was uneasy about this as I knew from past experience that the house and it's gardens were a popular haunt for holiday makers on a weekend. It was one thing being dressed like this in a TV friendly hotel but out in public was certain to lead to yet more humiliation for me. We went out and Sarah brought the car round to the front entrance and we all got in, me in the back and Caroline in the front, and drove the couple of miles to a car park situated just behind the headland. There were already several cars parked up, their owners no doubt enjoying a walk along the route we were planning to take. As we got out it immediately became apparent that the breeze that came up off the sea was going to be a problem for anyone who was silly enough to wear a skirt as short and flared as the one I was wearing. We set off at a leisurely pace with the two sisters happily engaged in girl talk and me following franticly trying to keep my skirt from billowing up around my waist. We had gone about a quarter of a mile when we encountered a family returning to the car park. Mum, Dad and a boy about seven and a girl about five. Not a word was spoken as we passed until the little girl enquired "Mummy, why is that man dressed like a girl?" Her mother didn't answer her question, but instead hushed her up and took hold of the boys hand who had stopped and was staring intently at me. We carried on for another half a mile and then I saw them. It was a group of women...young women... about five of them, and they were all laughing and joking the way young women do. Maybe they had been on a night out and were sobering up with a brisk walk...or maybe they were on their way to church...who knows...all I knew was that they were going to pass us and I was a man dressed as a sissy little girl with a skirt that refused to hide my little panties in the brisk breeze coming from the sea. As we converged, I tried to hide behind Sarah and Caroline, but when we were only ten yards away one of the girls let out a whoop of recognition and pointed me out to the rest. They immediately surrounded me and began what I could only describe as a verbal battery. "Well hello sweetie, would you like to join us?" "Oh! my God, he's got better legs than me." "Where's your Mummy dear"...and so it went on. I stared straight ahead and tried to ignore the ribald comments, my face burning like a beacon and quickened my pace until I passed my grinning wife and her sister. Luckily, they didn't pursue me and I found myself approaching a gate with a stile into the next field. I eagerly climbed it to escape and as I did so a gust of wind lifted my skirt up to reveal my panties to two twenty something lads who were coming the other way. "Bloody hell," said the leader, "just my luck, it's a bloke," and they both dissolved into fits of laughter as they started to move towards me. If you've ever felt frightened and vulnerable, you'll understand how I felt at that moment. I had nowhere to run to. My humiliation was complete. Fortunately Sarah and Caroline realised the potential for danger and defused the situation by coming between them and me. A bit of jokey banter between them and the lads climbed the stile and disappeared into the next field. I turned to Sarah and remembering to stay in role I said, "Please Mummy, can we go back to the car." "Whatever for," she replied. "It's a lovely day and me and Aunty Caroline are enjoying our walk. In fact there's a tea room just ahead, we'll stop for a nice cup of tea and you can have a milk shake, wouldn't that be nice?" I was just about to reply when another gust of wind lifted my skirt up around my waist again prompting laughter from Caroline and an admonishment from Sarah about "learning to preserve ones modesty like a big girl." We carried on to the tea room and as we approached I noted that there were several people sat inside. I didn't want to go in but the alternative would have been to wait outside alone and exposed to anyone passing, whilst fighting a losing battle with the wind up my skirt. I followed them in, trying my best to hide behind them and we sat at a table near the window. I buried my burning face in my chest and avoided eye contact with the other customers. Since then, I have often marveled at how the general public, on the whole, do not seek to confront someone like me...probably out of embarrassment themselves. But, bearing in mind that apart from the gay wedding, where the guests were expecting some cross dressers, this was only my second exposure in public since the visit to church the previous Sunday, and I was nervous as hell. The waitress, a girl of about eighteen, came over and Sarah ordered two teas and then asked me "What flavour do you want Susie?" The waitress smirked at me being addressed by my sissy name and said, slowly as if addressing a child, "We've got strawberry, banana, raspberry and vanilla, which one would you like dear?" I quietly replied, "Banana please." The waitress said, "Sorry, what was that?" Caroline butted in, "Speak up Susie, tell the lady what flavour you want." Blushing I looked at the waitress and repeated my request for a banana shake. She smiled indulgently at me and said, "Do you want anything else...some chocolate cake?" "No thank you," I replied, but she wasn't going to let me off the hook so easily. She spied the motif embroidered on my bib and said, "If you're a good girl I'll bet your Mummy will buy you an ice cream after," and Sarah and the waitress smiled knowingly as in a conspiracy. "Would you like that," she continued. I wanted to tell her to "Fuck off and mind your own business," but was more afraid of the consequences from Sarah than of play acting for this stupid cow. "Oooo..that would be very nice," I gushed, and the waitress, seemingly satisfied that she had forced me to interact with her, went "Ahhhh, lovely," and went off to get our order. The rest of the customers had watched this exchange with an air of bemused amusement and the buzz of conversation resumed as she left our table. She came back, a few minutes later with our drinks and gave Sarah a large paper napkin. "In case she spills her milk shake down her pretty blouse." Sarah thanked her and to my embarrassment, got up, shook the napkin out put it round my neck, tucking it beneath my collar. The girls drank their tea, chatting all the time while I sucked my shake up through the straw in silence. When we were all done, Sarah came over and removed the napkin, making a big fuss of blotting an imaginary dribble of banana shake from my chin, then telling me to go and pick an ice cream from the freezer. I walked over to the freezer as erect as possible to try and avoid showing my panties to the seated customers and selected a banana "Mivvi

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Sissy Girl Party

SISSY GIRL PARTY by Throne Danny felt so ashamed, standing there before his wife Melba in a pink and white party dress that would be appropriate for a nine year old girl, not a grown man like himself. He cringed inwardly and unconsciously took one of his short pigtails and wound it around his finger. His feet were shod in pretty ballet-type slippers, pink ones with little rhinestones on them. "You look so sweet, Dee Dee," she said with a smirk that he knew all too well. He had...

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Sissy Puppy Fifi Part2

Chapter 2 I tried as best as I could to get comfortable curled up in the corner of the room. At first I kept squashing my tail which either caused the vibrations to start or pushed the plug further inside. I had eventually worked out the best position to lie in when Mistress appeared. "Time for bed Fifi," she said as she attached the pink lead to my collar. I was then led through the house and up to her bedroom. This was a strange feeling to enter her bedroom not in my usual maid's...

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CHAPTER THREEMistress Jennifer and Mistress Susan's plans to create an entire"harem" of transformed men and boys continued apace. The lure ofTeasing Tammy (the transformation name of Susan's teen-agedbrother Tommy) proved quite effective. Each of the young men (theyoungest just 14, the oldest 22) the little tease brought back tothe home we all now shared was turned into a different kind offeminized sex-toy, all designed to please the Mistresses andtheir dominant friends.The little...

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Good Sissy Girl

Good Sissy Girl. I kept pressing myself backwards. Not much further to go now, I could feel the flare really stretching my lips now and that meant I was almost there. As the plug's biggest width popped past my sphincter and went all the way in I shuddered all over. It felt so full. It felt so good. "That's a good girl. Allll the way in..." my Mistress purred at me. I loved seeing her this excited. I loved turning her on. I loved that transforming myself for her turned her...

2 years ago
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Owned sissy girl of dom couple Part 1

I met the mature dominant couple that I now call Mummy & Daddy on the internet. I am a 52 year old sissy who loves to be dominated, feminised and made to be a humiliated mincing sissy slut.Their ad said they were looking for a full-time live-in mature sissy plaything. After we made contact they invited me to their house. I was instructed to bring any sissy clothes with me and to refrain from orgasm for two weeks prior to my arrival - a daunting task to say the least...They answered the...

4 years ago
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Owned mature sissy girl

I met the mature dominant couple that I now call Mummy & Daddy even though I am 54 years old, on the internet. Their ad said they were looking for a full-time live-in mature sissy plaything. After we made contact they invited me to their house. I was instructed to bring any sissy clothes with me and to refrain from orgasm for two weeks prior to my arrival - a daunting task to say the least...They answered the door together - he was a tall very masculine mature man in a suit, his trousers...

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Aunt Brendas Sissy Girl

I was raised by Grandmother and my Aunt Brenda from about the time I was six and a half years old. My mother was very young when she had me and my father was nowhere to be found. My mother had good intentions of raising me but she was very irresponsible and just wanted to party all of the time. From the time I was born my Grandmother and her sister, my Aunt Brenda constantly baby sat me because my mother was out doing other things. My earliest memories of dressing in womans clothes...

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My Girlfriend Made Me A Sissy 2

My Girlfriend Made Me A Sissy - 2Thank you to everyone who sent me messages about the last story, I've tried to include things people wanted to see in the sequel. Hope you enjoy-------------------------------------------------I woke up, stretched out and smiled as I felt the familiar sensation of my girlfriend's panties rubbing on my cock. The feeling instantly brought back memories of the night before: I had gone to a party with my rather dominant girlfriend; been coerced into her panties;...

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Sharons Mistress Throws a Sissy Party

Sharon’s Mistress throws a Sissy Party(Prior chapter is Sharon’s Sissy Saturday)The next morning Mistress was kind enough to let me sleep in, but an alarm above the door to my little cell went off at 6:30, rousing me from a delicious dream of being naked and fucked in the woods by a handsome, dark-haired man who kept me as his personal sissy slave slut. I woke with the sensation of his hard cock filling my dripping pussy, and I realized I was still leaking cum from my day in the booth. I...

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My girlfriend made me a sissy part 2

For those who are reading my story for the first time make sure that you go through part 1I woke up, stretched out and smiled as I felt the familiar sensation of mygirlfriend's panties rubbing on my cock. The feeling instantly brought backmemories of the night before: I had gone to a party with my rather dominantgirlfriend; been coerced into her panties; sucked my very first cock andfound out my girlfriend had fucked another guy whilst I was doing it. Iloved every minute of it, my sissy-cock...

4 years ago
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My girlfriend made me a sissy part 2

Before reading this make sure you have gone through part 1I woke up, stretched out and smiled as I felt the familiar sensation of mygirlfriend's panties rubbing on my cock. The feeling instantly brought backmemories of the night before: I had gone to a party with my rather dominantgirlfriend; been coerced into her panties; sucked my very first cock andfound out my girlfriend had fucked another guy whilst I was doing it. Iloved every minute of it, my sissy-cock was rising as I remembered it...

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My Girlfriend made me a sissy part 3

Here's the 3rd part of my story, I hope I didn't make you guys wait toolong. Hope you enjoy, its best read one handed ;-)My Girlfriend Made Me a Sissy - Part 3-------------------------------------------------I lay on Jess' bed waiting for her and wondering what would happen forages. She was in another room getting ready for her new lover, I wasalready dressed up. Pale blue, see through panties and matching bra, ashort black skirt and a blue vest top. With my make up done to show off mypretty...

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My Girlfriend made Me a Sissy part 3

Here's the 3rd part of my story, I hope I didn't make you guys wait toolong. Hope you enjoy, its best read one handed ;-)My Girlfriend Made Me a Sissy - Part 3-------------------------------------------------I lay on Jess' bed waiting for her and wondering what would happen forages. She was in another room getting ready for her new lover, I wasalready dressed up. Pale blue, see through panties and matching bra, ashort black skirt and a blue vest top. With my make up done to show off mypretty...

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My Girlfriend Made Me A Sissy Part 3

Here's the 3rd part of my story, I hope I didn't make youguys wait too long. Hope you enjoy, its best read one handed ;-) My Girlfriend Made Me a Sissy - Part 3 ------------------------------------------------- I lay on Jess' bed waiting for her and wondering what wouldhappen for ages. She was in another room getting ready for her new lover, I wasalready dressed up. Pale blue, see through panties and matching bra, a shortblack skirt and a blue vest top. With my make up done to show off...

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Sissy dannis birthday party

My last "true life" story was about how I became Heidi's sissy crossdresser "Danni" - I only explained the initial experience of Heidi coming home to find me in one of her dresses - followed by spankings, punishment and eventually getting pegged by her wearing a strapon. Of course there is MUCH more to what happened next (like being taken out in public and going shopping, to hair salons, etc...), but I'd like to for now jump ahead to what happened to me on my 19th birthday. By then I...

2 years ago
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Sissy Girl Forever part 2 and 3

Sissy Girl Forever Part two. No going back now. Mistress was going to be certain that there would be no turning back for me. Over the next few weeks she made certain that I used my hormone cream daily. No my breasts haven't started to grow yet but I could notice some slow down in hair growth. My male wardrobe seemed to be dwindling, with more camis, blouses, soft pullovers and ladies pants taking their place. Of course I have only had pretty panties and tight girdles for...

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Sissy Girl Chrissie A Chrissie Conway Story

Sissy Girl Chrissie A Chrissie Conway Story I had come home from college for a long weekend and with my mother being out of town I figured I'd stay at her house.Had my mother been home I no doubt would have elected to stay with Kelly's mother. That's just the kind of relationship my mother and I had regressed to by this time. Anyway, I had the entire house to myself and was looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend. It was around midnight and I was finishing off a bottle of Chablis...

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Sissy Sisters Party

SISSY SISTERS PARTY by Throne Bob Clump, the friendly retired guy at the end of the street, was taking advantage of the mild weather of late Spring. He was sitting on his front porch enjoying a fine cigar. Or at least a cigar. Those fine ones cost a lot more than what he smoked. As he sat there, a car pulled up across the street, in front of the house diagonal from his. In the dimming light of dusk he saw two figures emerge. The first was a woman, quite attractive in a slender,...

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Sissy Serving Girl Scene 2

SISSY SERVING GIRL SCENE 2 by Throne My head was still spinning from the announcement which Owner had made so casually the day before. My wife Denise was coming to see me today. Maybe to release me from my new life as a sissy slave to the man I was living with. I decided to dress extra pretty to show my spouse how cooperative and well behaved I was being. Maybe she would take that as a sign that I was willing to do whatever she said once I returned home. If she would take me back. ...

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sissy schoolgirl and her black daddy

I can't believe this is happening right now. Here I am, a 16 year old white boy dressed in the sluttiest schoolgirl costume and makeup I have ever seen, being barebacked by an older, married black man. How'd I get so lucky?! Let me start at the beginning...It was summer time. As always I spent my summers hanging out and occasionally mowing neighbors lawns for some extra cash. Although I wasn't exactly the big high school jock who all the girls saw mowing the lawn shirtless and fawned over, I...

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Graduation Night for My Sissy Girl

I’m going to give you a special set of instructions to make you feel like a soft, sensuous girl. You love feeling like a girl, don’t you? There’s no other feeling like getting dressed up in pretty, feminine clothes, trying new looks, new shoes, new dresses and skirts, new lingerie, new pantyhose and stockings, new panties and bras, new jewelry, accessories and makeup. It’s so much fun being a girl.You are a girl. And you want to do allthe things girls do, don’t you? You want to look like a...

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My Girlfriend Made Me a Sissy

This is my first attempt at a story so any feedback would be greatlyappreciated. Feel free to email me about anything: feedback requests orjust to chat.When I was 16, in spite of my shyness and not being in anyway incrediblyattractive, I somehow landed myself a girlfriend 2 years older than me. Iwas quite short for a boy then, around 5'7 and very slim having not yetdeveloped much muscle. I had shoulder length brown hair and bright greeneyes and I simply couldn't believe my luck in getting this...

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Club Gomorrah The Sissy Saga Chapter 3 The New Girl

The headset was suddenly dead, it was only moments later when she heard a voice call out that she realised the moaning was her own. “I said that’s enough Slut.” Pain shot through her as the collar around her neck began to shock her. “Dumb slut. The fun’s over, your Master’s waiting.” The woman sighed, and the collar sent another shock. “That one was for making me wait. Clean her up and bring her to the viewing room, and don’t fuck around. The guests are waiting and I want them to see my new...

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How I Became a Sissy Baby Girl

"How I Became a Sissy Baby Girl" By SubTonya http://fetlife.com/users/1235591 "Well, here we are," I thought, as I parked my car in the driveway of the house. Yep, the address was right: 136 Pinecrest Drive. Taking a deep breath, I grabbed my bag, walked up to the front door, and pushed the doorbell button. After a few seconds that seemed like hours as I stood waiting, the door opened, and a gorgeous brunette smiled at me. My breath caught; I had seen her photos online, even some...

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Wife and Sissy invited to a party

My wife and I were invited to some friends’ house on a beautiful estate in TX for a weekend party. While we were both well aware of the debauchery that could occur at the event, we had no idea how much participation we would both play. We were just getting off the plane to meet our driver when my wife handed me a slutty little maid outfit, and told me to go into the bathroom in the airport and change before we got out of the terminal. I did as she asked and then tried to walk out without anyone...

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New Little Sissy

"I'm done planting the flowers Mrs. Grant," I said."Justin honey, I swear I have no idea why you keep coming over to dochores around here.""I am rich you know just like your Mother, I do have a gardener.""There's no need for you to do these things.""Not that I mind paying you, but you certainly can't need the moneyeither.""I just like coming over here Mrs. Grant."She appraised him slowly now, was this a little slip, or was she justimagining things? Was he actually saying he was attracted to...

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Playing at being a Sissy Schoolgirl

I had been serving Bill and Jane for several weeks when they told me that they had volunteered to put on an evenings entertainment for their local fetish group. They told me to come to their house early on Saturday where they would prepare me.I was met as usual at the station by Mistress Jane and was soon at their house. Once inside I was led to "my room" and told to prepare myself. I entered the on-suite bathroom and went through my by now will practiced transformation. I removed what little...

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Sissy Girl Forever chapter 2

Sissy Girl Forever Part two. No going back now. Mistress was going to be certain that there would be no turning back for me. Over the next few weeks she made certain that I used my hormone cream daily. No my breasts haven't started to grow yet but I could notice some slow down in hair growth. My male wardrobe seemed to be dwindling, with more camis, blouses soft pullovers and ladies pants taking there place. Of course I have only had pretty panties and tight girdles for...

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Little Miss Sissy Whore

Chapter 1 -- The Pick-up Every year I waited eagerly for the three days when PC-Expo was back in town. In the past, I was always able to find some willing and naive out-of-town female to pick up, "do the nasty," and say my hasty good-byes. Most of them were from some small hick town and were entranced with the Big Apple. In fact, that was both the nickname for the city, and for me. Most women just couldn't wait to sink their teeth into me. So there I was, looking for some love, on the last day...

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Sissy Bachelorette Party

'You want it again?' She said, as she climbed between my legs, spreading them with the force of her knee. 'Yes Mistress.' I said, turning my head to the side. Her gloved hand grabbed my chin and turned it towards her. 'You want to be my girly lesbian bitch?' She said, as she tweaked my puffy nipples with her other hand, the dry latex chafing me. 'Yes Mistress - I want to be your girly lesbian bitch,' I rubbed my horny cunt against her stocking clad leg, ignoring the pain, wanting, no, needing...

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A Little About My Sissy Faggot Life

A limp dicked cuckoldMy wife divorced me in the late 90:s. We had been married for seven years, and in this time I had not been able to fuck her properly even once. A couple of times I managed to get my little penis half erect, but I would cum as soon as it even touched my wife's pussy. My failures in bed had nothing to do with her being ugly or so, no she was really beautiful and sexy. Men would always look at her and I knew they all wanted to fuck her.After our first year my wife took a...

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Mommies little sissy slut

I have been crossdressing for years now not known to my mother (or so I thought). she is the only person I live with at the moment. when she was going to be out for a few hours I went to her underwear drawer and inside was the most sexy, silky, feminine underwear set I had ever seen complete with calf length stockings and a garter belt. I wasted no time stripping off and sliding on the sexy underwear, next I found her makeup bag and applied some red lipstick and black mascara. that was when I...

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Little Sissy Boy written by request for a reader

This story is for one of my readers who made the request via my website www.6ixty9ine.orgIt was only a matter of time before my wife discovered what I am, and I discovered her need to dominate and control me.We worked different hours and I was often in the house alone which only encouraged my kinky tendencies. When she was away or had meetings she would get up and go to work early and I would stay home until it was time to go out. It began innocently enough I suppose with looking at things on...

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How my girlfriend turned me into her sissy bitch

Her Perfect Ass And Evil Sexy Dirty Looks Mind Fucked Me Into Wanting To Be A Girl Rather Than Fuck One......as this naive, innocent, christian, bible believing 20 something gave me the best sex of my life with a reach around, as I would cum, she would whisper "Not bad for a cock sucker. LOSER!" and then push me away, stand up, look at me in disgust with those evil sexy eyes that would become so powerful as she threw me the meanest, 'fuck you, loser' look ever, then she would leave, her perfect...

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Nylon Lexis sissy tgirl training continues p

My anticipation was growing as we drove to the sex club. The vibrations from the car were rippling up the plug in my ass and I slid my hand over Sir's groin, happy to feel him growing hard and smiling as I teased his cock with my fingertips. We pulled up to the club, a large warehouse with a big red door. One last thing to cmplete your outfit Lexi, a lace eye mask which he tied up. He very politely escorted me from the car and gave my ass a little squeeze as he showed me to the entrance ith my...

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The family ndash Sissyrsquos Babysitters Part

The family – Sissy’s Babysitters Part-2Sarah had left, I heard the front door close and her car drive off.....I couldn’t believe what was happening. Sarah and me had done some things, had fun with others, but she had dressed and prepared me not for ‘our’ fun...to leave and let her parents use me, they obviously knew about ‘our’ pleasures....it was James & Helen the couple that I sat with, talked to before marrying their daughter...was it something they always knew, or something they had...

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2088 Its a Sissy World

2088: It's a Sissy World Charles Pauline - Data Processor Cindy Pauline - Charles' wife Ms. Miriam Jensdotter - Charles' Boss James Marie - Charles' work friend Ms. Marysdau - James' boss Creampuff - A Sissy Store Worker Babykins - A Sissy Store Worker Suzi - The Sissy Store Owner Butterscotch - Creampuff's Roommate Supervisor Gabriellez - Creampuff's Apartment Supervisor Janice and Roger - Passengers on the Looper Ms. Hardcastle - Milking Salon Director Nurse Hamilton - Milking...

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Meinen Mann zur Sissy erzogen

Achtung diese Geschichte ist noch voller Rechtschreib- und Gramatikfehler. Jeder der m?chte kann diese Geschichte als Vorlage nehmen und sie verbessern. Jetzt reicht es mir. Ich hatte die Internet Seiten meines Freundes gefunden. Er surft also st?ndig auf Adult Baby Sissy Seiten. Ich hatte mich schon l?nger gefragt warum er im Bett nichts zu Stande bringt. Das kann er haben, ich werde ihn einfach in ein kleines Babym?dchen behandeln bzw im Grunde verwandeln. Er war eine Woche zu einem al...

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Chrissie The Saga of a Lovestruck Sissy Maid

Chrissie by c.w. cobblestone BOOK ONE "Mrs. Martin" Part I My right leg had a mind of its own. Rebecca frowned. "Why you keep bouncing like that? What's wrong with you?" "Um, I ... I ... nothing." "Bullshit, nothing. Something's up; you been acting weird ever since we got back from Paris. What the hell's going on, Chris?" I balled my fists. Clenched my jaw. Closed my eyes. Drew a breath. Took the plunge. "Okay. Okay. It's just ... well, now that we're...

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Sissy spit roast sleep over

Pt 1: Long black limoSissy Saraya was very excited because her new mistress had told her they were going to continue with her corset training tonight, she had been wearing her waist trainer and inflatable plug all day along with her favourite pink maids outfit and cute sissy 6" white heels and stockings with pretty pink bows, She had been watching BBC porn all day and was dreaming of cock while she finished her chores, Mistress text to say her driver would be arriving at 6pm sharp, Mistress...

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The SissyMaster

THE SISSY-MASTER CHAPTER 1 I have read many tales and stories on this site over the years; some of them 'autobiographical' and some of them complete fantasy. It strikes me that most of the stories have been written by the, either real or wannabe sissy girl and therefore is 'her' fantasy from a sissy's perspective. So I have written my stories of my experiences, beliefs and methods from the perspective of the male. This is for the REAL MEN that read this site, a guide to the...

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The Sissy App

The Sissy App 1. Setup "This is the longest user agreement I've ever read!" thought Rick as he scrolled and scrolled through the hundreds of pages of legalese on his recently-downloaded smartphone app. The "Sissy App" User License Agreement was indeed voluminous, containing numerous sections detailing the GRA Software Corporation's exemption from penalties, payments or legal requirements, granted by authorities or statutes, for any harm that may come to a user when using the Sissy...

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A Sissy called Jezebel Part VIII

A Sissy called Jezebel Part VIII - Jezebel has returned to hir classes at Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. We are all getting an education on the Matriarchy in hir sissy life skills class. (Authors note: We are definitely at that world building point, where I really let my imagination fly off the hook. I am throwing out a lot of ideas, but hopefully in...

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Forever Her Sissy Chapter 6

This is a work of fiction for your enjoyment and all the characters are fictional. Please practice safe sex, respect others limits and know that bondage and discipline can be dangerous if done to extremes. None of the scenes in this literature are meant to be reproduced in real life. Be respectful to all women and to local ordinances and laws. I Absolutely love reading the reviews that you wonderful readers have been leaving, please, please, please continue to write and post...

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Training Sissy Michelle

I first became aware of "Sissy Michelle" back in the old Craigslist days. She would pop up in the T4M section, advertising herself as an older but very horny sissy looking to serve a group of kinky guys. She said she was interested in all sorts of kinky stuff, everything from group sex to watersports to hypnosis and lots and lots of bondage. She practically begged to be photographed and blackmailed into doing all of this. Here's an example of one of her ads that piqued my...

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Tweak Chapter Four Whats A Sissy To Do

What makes a sissy happy? What makes a sissy's Mistresses happy? It's complicated. Author's note: Although I'm posting this in serial form, I assure you, dear reader, this humble offering consisting of eight chapters, is complete. "Tweak" By: Simonne Danielle © 2008 - 2010 All Rights Reserved Chapter Four - What's A Sissy To Do "You have made your Mistress very happy, sissy Simonne. Let's see if we can't make you just as happy." She led him to the bedroom...

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Cocky Weewee Peepee Sissy Slut Training The Bladder Test

This is one of the sets of stories I am currently writing. The set is called Cocky, Weewee and Peepee Sissy Slut Training. These sissies are in the hands of Mistress Katrina, Mistress Heather and Mistress Satin. Sometimes Master John and Master Rick are involved in their training. Many situations await them. MANY! If these stories succeed I will add some prequels and sequels. Hope you enjoy it! English is not my native language! I will do my best! Sissy Joan Cocky Weewee and...

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Sissy School Part 3

SISSY SCHOOL - PART 3 By Missy Crystal After Sissy Heather had swished and drooled a couple of more times, she began to give me gentle nibbles and licks to clean the cummy residue on my lips and chin. After the kitty bath, she stood up. Since her crotch was now at my eye level and since her short skirt exposed her frilly panties, it was obvious that I wasn't the only one that got turned on by her sucking my dick. She must have been aware of it too, because she pulled her panties down...

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Sissy tasks

Your First Sissy AssignmentThis is your first step on your journey into femininity. A journey that will change your life. You will be humiliated and embarrassed. Most of all, you will be feminised. If you don’t intend to follow all of these assignments to the letter, then turn away now.Your first assignment is to buy yourself a pair of panties. Be sure to measure your hips before you set off. You will go to a smart department store or, better still, a specialist lingerie shop. How exciting – a...

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She Found a Sissy

She Found a Sissy ? by: Donna Sash She had been working at Bardwell's for the last 10 years. Five years ago she Had moved to the scarf counter and had been there ever since. Sales had gone up because she really likes it here. From the time she was a little girl she always loved wearing a scarf with her outfits. Now every day she wore a different one on the job and it helped sales. Women reacted well to someone who believed in their product. Some women just wore a scarf...

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100 Sissy Points

Author's note. This is a work of erotic fiction, so if this offends you, please stop reading. Also, most of what's described in this story wouldn't be ethical or legal, but again, I remind you that it's fiction! I hope it's good-and-kinky fiction, and while I wish something like this had happened to me, once again, it's only fiction. Some readers think that my stories are autobiographical. I wish! Also, a fan of my work suggested this story concept. Feel free to message me if you have...

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Welcome Your Now a Sissy

Are you ready?Are you ready, princess?It's finally time. It's finally time, princess. It's time to begin. Are you ready? I think you are, princess. I think you're ready. I think you've been ready for so long.You've been ready for your whole life princess.It's time to drop the mask and be who you are. Who you really are. What you really are. No more lies, princess. No more games. It's finally time to reveal everything.It's time to reveal the sissy.That's right, princess. You are a sissy. Say it...

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Femocracy A Sissy Maids Tale

The year is 2050 and women rule the world. I should really follow this statement with a sinister laugh but there was nothing sinister in the current situation. There was no bloody coup by women to overthrow man, there was no war waged by man to wipe himself out, no it was mother nature who took a hand in helping women find there rightful place. Things started changing from the year 2012. Gradually women began to realise that they could read minds. They could easily read the mind of a man...

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A sissy called Jezebel Part II

Part II - Jezebel goes to school, the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. We meet some of hir friends, hir Instructresses, and hir bullies. I exit the gate and head to the main road. We live in a giant gated community, with families that are only 'in the know.' Families that have sissies or otherwise dominate men. A sissy waiting for the school bus, is just something you see. No biggie. One of my neighbors, Dorcas,...

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