Sissy Sisters Party free porn video

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SISSY SISTERS PARTY by Throne Bob Clump, the friendly retired guy at the end of the street, was taking advantage of the mild weather of late Spring. He was sitting on his front porch enjoying a fine cigar. Or at least a cigar. Those fine ones cost a lot more than what he smoked. As he sat there, a car pulled up across the street, in front of the house diagonal from his. In the dimming light of dusk he saw two figures emerge. The first was a woman, quite attractive in a slender, fashion model way. She had on a snug top, tight slacks, and black boots that reached almost to her knees. . The other person was... maybe a girl in her early 20s? She had on a short, colorful party dress that was sort of old fashioned, and what looked like a wig, with golden sausage curls reaching down to her narrow shoulders. She was wringing her hands and pressing her knees together. The woman snapped her fingers at her and said something, after which the one in the dress stood straighter and raised her chin. Her heavy makeup looked like it had been applied in the dark. As Bob watched with mounting curiosity, the woman opened the back door and took out a wrapped package. So they were possibly going to a birthday party. He couldn't understand why the girl acted so reluctant. Maybe she was just shy. Kind of cute in a slim way, though awfully flat chested. His smoke had gone out. He struck a wooden match, relit it, and drew ruminatively on the cigar as he considered what an interesting place the world can be. The pair across the street went up the front walk and the woman rang the bell. A moment later they were admitted, vanishing from Bob's sight. "Welcome to our home," Doris greeted as the guests entered. She was dressed much like the newly arrived woman, including similar boots. "I'm so glad to finally be here," Alma said as they smiled at each other. Behind Doris stood another figure, also in one of those bright, mid- century looking party dresses, complete with capped sleeves and a scalloped collar. Fidgeting and patting long waves of blond hair, which appeared to be synthetic, that person looked supremely uncomfortable. "Well," said Doris. "I guess it's time to introduce our sissy husbands." Alma laughed. "This is Franny. Formerly Frank." "And my girl is Robin, who hasn't been Robert around the house for two years." "That's so wonderful. Twenty four months of sissy training. I can't wait until we get to that point." "It looks like you've accomplished plenty in half a year." "Thank you." To her feminized husband, Alma said, "Show our hostess your curtsey." Shamefaced, the husband did a deep dip, with his lower arms sticking out to the sides and wrists limp. As he came back up, he gave an air kiss. The whole effect was heightened by his make-up, which had less to do with fashion magazines and more to do with silly dolls. His drawn-on eyebrows were high and arched, cheeks colored with vivid circles of pink, lips dark red and given a bee-stung look. The other sissy's face was similar, but with a faux shadow under his lower lip to suggest a perpetual pout. Doris suggested, "Let's put your pretty package on the dining room table. That's where the festivities are going to take place." They all moved into the nearby room, which was dominated by a big table. There were four wooden chairs around it. Two were unadorned but the second pair had been decorated with crepe paper windings and oversized bows on the arms. The latter chairs were also smaller than the others. On the table there was a box in colorful giftwrap. Atop it, instead of a bow, was an oversized pacifier festooned with ribbons. Alma set her package alongside that one. The women pulled out the fancied up chairs and indicated that their spouses should sit in them. The husbands went where they were shown, directly across from each other. They each had to see what was almost a mirror image of themselves. The wives used zip ties that were hidden in the decorations on the chair's arms, to bind down the sissies' wrists. Once that was achieved and the husbands were looking worried about what it might mean, the wives moved to the kitchen to get themselves some wine. In there they could speak softly without being heard by their spouses. "So," Doris said as she got stemmed glasses from the cabinet, "you've accomplished quite a lot with your guy in a short time." "Thanks. But he's still reluctant. I mean, he does what he's told. After enough spankings, his resistance broke. And by 'enough' I mean 'not very many'. Surrendered right away. But I still find a hundred and one reasons to swat his bum. And he's still not pleased with any of what I'm doing to him." "But it's more fun that way, with them still upset by it. I mean, with my hubby, I hope he never gets comfortable being dressed, or with any of the rest." "Yeah," Alma had to agree, "you're right. I suppose it's just that I want a clear and total victory. I like to win." "Ha! You've already done that. I can tell just from looking at him." "Maybe you're right. And now that you've put it that way, I'll see if I can just relax and enjoy it when I see the desperation in his eyes." Doris passed her a glass of red wine. They raised their drinks in a toast. "To making our husbands even bigger sissies than they already are," she said. "And keeping them that way," added Alma. After they tasted the wine, Doris went on, "Right now we have to think about how far we want to push them tonight. Like we were discussing in our emails and on the phone. Are you still up for it?" "I hadn't made any final decisions. Not even on the drive over. But now that I'm here and talking to you, and I've seen the two fairies together, I'm absolutely in favor of it. Let's take them to the next level." "Terrific. I can't wait. But I also don't want to rush it. What I'd like to do now is feed them some ice cream and cake. A lot of both. Sound like fun?" "Yeah." Alma chuckled. "I want Franny to put on a few pounds anyway. So my weakling will look as soft on the outside as he is on the inside." They returned to the dining room. The girly men hadn't spoken. They weren't allowed to unless given permission. The women sat and chatted about how they both liked their sissies in maid outfits while cleaning house. There were comments about skirt length ("Shorter is better.") and stocking types ("Nothing beats a pair of wide-mesh fishnets."), among other topics. The men could only sit there, listen, and watch their spouses sip wine. Then the females admired each other's boots. They joked about how the husbands found the footwear sexy, got all worked up when their wives wore boots and nothing else, but ultimately could do nothing about the sexual electricity it generated. The wives made a point to cross their legs, each bringing one boot up where it could not be ignored. Finally they rose and went back to the kitchen. They returned with Doris carrying a big cake and Alma with a tray that held cartons of ice cream, plus two bowls and two cake plates, along with a pair of big spoons. There was pink icing on the top of the cake that spelled out HAPPY SISSY ANNIVERSARY in swirling letters. "Isn't this nice?" Doris said to Robert. "Your two year anniversary as my smoochy little pansy." "And you get to celebrate too," Alma told Frank. "Even though it's only been six months for you as my domestic fairy." "All right," Doris said with a smile. "I know you both want to thank us. So, you have permission to speak until we tell you to be quiet again." Robert licked his lips and quietly cleared his throat. In a girly voice he said, "Thank you so much for this party, ladies." Frank, appearing even more uncomfortable, swallowed drily and responded in an equally effeminate voice, "I really appreciate all the trouble you've gone to, ladies." "Very nice of you to say that, Robin and Franny," Doris said. "And we women are thrilled that we could bring you two together. I'm sure you'll want to get to know each other." "Yes," agreed Alma. "We intend for you to get to know one another in a big way." "But right now," Doris suggested, "I know you sissies are eager to have your ice cream and cake. We won't be joining you because we're having wine. You know, a grown-up drink. So that means more sweets for you sweeties." She chuckled, but it wasn't a pretty sound. They tied bibs onto the seated victims. Each had the sissy's name on it in curlicue letters. Both wives began dishing up the dessert foods. They overloaded the plates and bowls. Then they used those serving spoons to begin feeding the helpless husbands, who obeyed when told to open their mouths wide. The women gleefully shoveled spoonful after spoonful of cake and ice cream between their sissies' lips. The bound men struggled to get it all down as fast as it came. Soon they were feeling queasy from so much rich food. There was frosting on their lips and ice cream on their quivering chins. They felt like their stomachs were being stretched out. Swallowing became difficult. There were a few burps and some drooling. The wives lifted those bibs and made the sissies lick them clean. It went on and on until the wimpy males were stuffed and almost all of the food was gone. The women sat back to finish their wine. "Please," Robert whispered. "No more." "I'm so full," Frank moaned. "Maybe you can finish what's left later," Doris considered. "We'll put everything into the fridge. But right now it's time for something important. Our anniversary girls have to get their spanks." "Just like on a birthday," explained Alma. "But with two soft white bottoms getting swatted instead of just one. And we can do you at the same time." While Doris took the leftovers to the kitchen, Alma released the husbands. Even when given their freedom, they were too intimidated to assert themselves. Doris reappeared with the bottle of wine and refilled their glasses. "Time to undress yourselves," Doris said. "No, wait." Alma held up her hand. "How about if the girls undress each other. It could be part of their getting to know each other." "Yes. A good start." "Which could lead to all sorts of togetherness." With encouragement from the women, each guy began removing the other's clothing. The females found it hilariously funny to see how delicately they did it, and how careful they were not to touch each other any more than absolutely necessary. The dresses came off, followed by slips. Removing their panties was especially humiliating, as they had to take turns kneeling and putting themselves at eye level with each other's genitals. They fumbled as they detached garters to lower panties down silky smooth legs and then reattach the straps to stocking tops. The sissies whimpered and bit their lips but eventually they were both stripped down to just garter belts and stockings. They even lost their wigs, which made them look even less like real females and more like pretend girls. Their slim hairless bodies were exposed, including their undersized privates. "I can see why you turned your husband into a sissy. That little thing between his legs looks like a pinky finger." "Obviously, you had the same situation. With no pubic hair and that garter belt on, it's like your sissy is a girl with an overgrown clitoris." The husbands blushed with shame as their wives made more jokes about those teeny weenies. Next the women made them take two wooden chairs and put them in the middle of the room, precisely positioned. The females sat down. Doris patted her lap and Robert put himself over it, his smooth ass exactly where she wanted it. Alma snapped her fingers and Frank draped himself across her firm thighs. The way the chairs were placed, the husbands were looking into each other's faces. If they turned their eyes down, they found themselves staring at the opposite wife's boots. In no hurry, the women massaged those upturned cheeks and discussed preferred spanking instruments. The men cringed at their memories as they listened to ratings of hairbrushes, sorority paddles, wooden kitchen spoons, and rubber spatulas. How well they remembered being swatted with all those items and many others. "But sometimes," Doris contended, "a good old bare-handed spanking is just the right thing." "Exactly. I think it's the feel of flesh on flesh that makes it so special." She kneaded her sissy's buns. "Like when you give a good hard pinch." Suiting her actions to those words, she gathered soft tissue between her thumb and forefinger, applied punishing pressure and then, feeling especially cruel, gave a hard twist. Frank cried out, with Robert looking right at his contorted face. Then Doris gave her spouse a similar pinch, ending it with a double twist to one-up her friend's effort. Alma grinned and countered with a triple twist to Frank's other buttock, that left him mewling from the pain. Doris's final move was a pinch-twist-yank combination that made her husband wail and kick his feet. Before their prey could recover, the women started spanking them. They swung hard and soon had both males squealing and shedding hot tears. It went on until their sitters were well colored. The wives stopped and the only sound in the room was the men's loud sobs and wet sniffles. "Ups-a-daisy, Robin," said Doris. "On your feet, Franny," Alma said. The emotional sissies got up and followed the women back to the dining room. Doris went to the adjoining pantry and returned with two stools. They were very low, like milking stools. Nails had been hammered through the seats from underneath, so that they protruded only about a quarter of an inch. They wouldn't break the skin but would press into it, their points causing lots of discomfort. The nails were distributed evenly so that no matter how a person sat, they got the full effect. The sissies, their bare bottoms already burning for being pinched and spanked, had to put themselves on those seats of suffering. They were close and facing each other, so they would each witness a pained face looking at them. "Now," announced Doris, "it's time to open your gifts, girls. Isn't that exciting?" Voices strained by discomfort, words punctuated by shuddering breaths, they answered. "Yes, Ma'am. Thank you so much." "I'm SO excited. I can't wait to see what I got, Miss." The women took the gifts from the table and handed them to their husbands. Sitting there with their legs bent and knees high, they unwrapped them with nervous uncertainly. What were they going to find inside? Whatever it was, they strongly suspected, it wouldn't be good for them. Robert got his opened first and took out a fat, bright pink butt plug, along with a small bottle of hot sauce. He looked sick as he sat there holding the items in his small hands. Frank had the big pacifier that had been on top of his package. At his wife's suggestion, he popped it into his mouth. Then he revealed his gift, a wand-style vibrator. While the sissies eyed their presents with concern, the women shared private winks. "What I think," Doris offered, "is that you two candy asses should help each other try out your gifts. Now Franny, give Robin a hand with that bottom stuffer. It's going to be a tight fit. You'd better use plenty of that lube." She relished how upset they both appeared. Then she went on, "Take the pacifier out of your sissy mouth, Franny. And you're allowed to share some girl talk if it helps you get the job done." Frank held up the hot sauce. Robert mutely shook his head. "But I have to," Frank said in a girlish whisper. "Otherwise I'll never get the plug in you." "It'll hurt so bad" Robert quietly insisted. "I'll be sore back there for days." "Is there a problem, ladies?" Doris asked solicitously. Frank said, "It's the pepper sauce. It will be so painful for... her." "You know, Franny," Alma suggested, "there is another way. You could lick that big pink thing all over, jam it into your mouth, and get it really wet. Then shove it right in before your spit evaporates. I mean, if that's okay with you. Because we wouldn't want to make you lovely creatures do anything you don't want to." Looking sick, Frank stuck out his tongue and gave the bunghole stretcher an experimental lick. He sighed and began to lap it in earnest, gathering saliva in his mouth and drooling it onto the sex toy. To demonstrate his obedience to instructions , he opened his jaws as far as he could and endeavored to fit the device inside his mouth. He got it there but then the widest section became stuck behind his teeth. Robert got concerned and began to wave his hands like the sissy he had been made into. He cautiously took the base of the plug and tried twisting it while pulling gently. The women laughed at the comical sight. Somehow the fat jammer popped free, but it was slippery enough that Robert dropped it onto the linoleum floor. He leaned down to pick it up and when he resettled his butt on the stool, without thinking about the nail points, his backside was jabbed anew. Robert passed the plug to Frank, who immediately resumed wetting it. Doris gestured to her husband to get his rump up so the insertion could be achieved. He rose and bent far forward, with his hands on his butt cheeks, spreading them. Frank slobbered on the business end of the rubber invader and quickly positioned it. He whispered to his fellow sissy, "I'm sorry," and then began pushing it into him. Robert's wail was high and totally unmanly. Frank had to hold the front of Robert's thigh, above his stocking top, to gain leverage. He didn't like touching him that way, and was aware how smooth and satiny his skin was. The fattest part of the plug went inside and Robert's ring tightened behind it. Only the wide base remained outside, to keep the sex toy from slipping completely into him. He was glad the worst of it was over, but even the comparatively narrow section that stretched him was a lot to accommodate. He had to sit back down, which cost him more jabs from the nails. Now it was Robert's turn to assist Frank with his gift. He held the vibrator uncertainly. His wife had to remind him to turn it on. When he did, and it started buzzing, he flinched. Doris directed, "Reach over and try it on Franny's nipples. I'll bet she's sensitive there just like you are, sissy." He did it and Frank gasped. Fascinated by how well it was working, Robert slowly trailed the device down the other husband's body, pausing at his navel, unsure about going lower. The women snickered because some psychological happening was obviously taking place. Robert bit his lips as he lightly touched the vibrating plastic to the tip of Frank's undersized penis. Frank moaned and started to get hard. Robert watched, mesmerized, as his fellow pansy achieved a full erection. Full but not impressive. Doris said, "Ha! I'm sure he's never satisfied you with that little link sausage." "Me or any other woman," Alma confirmed. "After I put him into panties we had some discussions about his past sex life, if you could call it that. He always disappointed girls in the bedroom. Some of them just giggled at how tiny his dick is and refused to go any further. One got angry and made him go down on her. Go down and stay down until she was fully sated. I wish I could have been peeking through the window at that scene. What's really sad but funny is that he kept convincing himself that he had something to offer to girls. I was the one who finally spelled it out for him. Now that he's in panties all the time, I think he finally understands." "I know. Sissies can be so silly. It's funny, too, because most drag queens are brassy and outgoing. Both types wear feminine stuff but then they go off in opposite directions, personality-wise." "It's true. Drag queens and sissies are two different things." Their attention returned to the men. Robert had the vibrator against Frank's little scrotum, which was making the recipient of that attention squirm his spanked bottom around, so that the nails stabbed at it repeatedly. "We have to be fair," Alma decided. "Robin, you give that delightful wand to Franny. Let her have a turn tickling you with it." Robert suddenly appeared uncertain. He had gotten a bit carried away, arousing Franny and secretly enjoying his control over the other sissy. Now their roles had been reversed. He handed it over and noticed a sly smile forming on Franny's lips. It was somehow reassuring. Like they were playing the same game. Bonding over their shared predicament. And stealing some pleasure from being able to excite each other this way. They were used to their wives demeaning and punishing them. Now they had abruptly formed a silent alliance. Trying not to be obvious about it, Frank did everything he could to make Robin feel good. Robert thrust his chest forward for nipple play. He spread his knees to make his privates fully accessible. Frank teased him by lingering on his inner thighs before reaching the main target. The two of them fell into a sort of trance. Without being given permission, Frank passed the vibrator back to Robert. The women exchanged glances that conveyed surprise, amusement, and acknowledgement that this could be a useful opportunity. They allowed the independent behavior. At one point, Robert even took Frank's wrist to guide where the vibrator was used. Robin coaxed Franny to share it back and forth for use on the sides of both their necks. The wives couldn't miss how much sissy bonding was going on. The husbands were panting when Doris broke in on their games and said, "If you two are going to have a little lovefest with that wand, why don't we take it to the next level? Robin, give me the vibrator and get on your knees in front of Franny. I see you salivating over what she has between her smooth shapely legs. Go on. That's right. Now feel her stockings. Mmmm. Put your lips on them. Now kiss your way upward." Robert did all that but then turned pleading eyes toward his bride. He plainly didn't want to go any further. She saw the unspoken message and ignored it. Instead, she told him, "You know you want to do it. Touch the bare skin above her stocking tops. Now kiss her there. Oops, did you accidently- on-purpose brush her stick-pussy with your soft cheek? You are such a naughty sissy. Now show her that you're not just going to tease and run away. Give her little dicky a kiss. Just a kiss. Don't make that sour face. Show me a smile. That's better. Now smile up at Franny. Lick your lips, Robin. And kiss the tip of her pretty girl-prick. Again. Once more, but with your lips parted. I saw that. You intentionally snuck your mouth partway over the head. Well, if you're going to go that far, you might as well swallow the whole thing. I mean, it's so small that it'll be easy. Go on. Get all four inches into your mouth. I want those itty bitty balls against your chin. Good girl. Now show her some tongue action." In spite of still thinking of himself as straight, Frank had thrown back his head and half closed his eyes. It felt so lovely. He was breathing audibly through parted lips. His hands came up and he fingered his nipples. This was going much better than the wives could have hoped for. Frank began to stroke Robert's hair. He toyed with his ears. Robert continued sucking and swirling. He didn't understand what had happened to him. It was as if all of his feminization up to this point, being made to admire male pin-ups, having to pretend he was attracted to males on TV when he was allowed to watch shows with his wife, had been taking him to this life-changing experience. He sucked harder and played with Frank's balls. Unseen by the men, Doris waved her hand under her chin, as if the room was growing warm. Alma pursed her lips and blew out her breath, as if the scene was affecting her respiration. Then they shared wide grins. "Go on," Doris said to her spouse, in a calm reassuring voice like a hypnotist might use. "You know you want to do it. Bob your head. Get her more and more excited. You have to finish her. You can't leave your new sissy girlfriend like that, all stiffened up with nowhere to unload. Make her finish in your mouth, Robin. I'm sure she's already leaking. You can taste her. She's kind of salty. But you want more. You have to have it all. Suck, you dirty bitch. Suck the spunk out of her." In a frenzy, Robert thrust his head forward and pulled it back, over and over. He was used to obeying his wife. But he didn't want to keep doing what he was in the middle of. And he especially didn't want to finish... by making Frank finish... and get a mouthful of cream. Yet her persuasive words kept coming. It was as if he was on autopilot, with no way to reassert his will. He heard the other husband taking short sharp breaths. Suddenly felt him arching his back. There was a long low moan from above, one that combined impending release and deep shame. Frank desperately needed to cum but also knew that if he let go, he would never be able to see himself as completely hetero again. Once that distinction was made, of him being at least partly gay, and the admission was confirmed that at some level he had enjoyed it, maybe even that he wanted it to happen again, he could be on a new path with no way to turn back. "Go on, Robin," Doris encouraged. "Just a few more sucks. Maybe reach up and get your fingers on her nipples. I know she'd love that. Feel around and -- right -- you've got them." Frank squirmed from the added stimulation. It was too much. Robert knew what was about to happen. He squeezed his eyes shut but didn't stop sucking or fingering. With a strangled cry, Frank gave a jerk of his pelvis and spurted his discharge into the other sissy husband's mouth. There was plenty of it. Robert had no choice but to swallow. Some oozed from the corner of his mouth and ran down to his chin. He gagged a little but kept getting the load down his throat. At last Frank's orgasm subsided. His dick was slowly softening in Robert's mouth. The kneeling male kept using his lips and tongue. He released the pink buds he'd been teasing. Doris chuckled and told him, "You can take your mouth off his pecker, Robin. Congratulations on giving your first blowjob." Alma told him, "You can thank Franny for the use of her prick... by giving her a long deep kiss -- right now." Robert got back onto his low stool. He leaned forward and locked lips with a shocked and unhappy Frank. Robert was annoyed that he had been the one made to suck cock. He took it out on Frank, shoving his tongue far into his mouth and making sure to give as much cum as he could back to its producer. Frank choked slightly but had to accept it. He swallowed some of his own spunk, then aggressively shoved his own tongue into Robert's mouth. Their bond had taken on a new dimension, like they were having a lovers' quarrel. In the middle of the oral encounter, Alma told her husband, "Franny, play with Robin's sissy nipples like she did for you. That's a good girl. And look what's happening. You're getting Robin all excited. She's getting a miniature stiffy just like you did. I think you should get on your knees and lick her nipples. Show us how you do it. And suck them. Oh, she sure likes that. Why don't you play with her between the legs? Get your soft hand on it. And start tugging. Yes. Looks like she's got a hair trigger right now. Could go off any second. Get your other hand down there to catch all the rich protein she's going to make." Frank had to watch the other sissy's face get flushed, his eyelids flutter, and his tongue run over his lips. Robert ground his spanked bottom down on the seat of the stool, even though he was hurting himself on all those short points. Maybe he was doing that to his rump BECAUSE it hurt, which intensified the sexual sensations he was experiencing, and blurred the borderline between pain and pleasure. He threw back his head and let out a strained wail that rose and fell as he emptied his balls into Robert's waiting palm. He descended from his urgent release and, as he did, the shame of everything that had happened rushed in on him. "Now Franny," his wife said helpfully. "Robin was nice enough to share your cum with you. So why don't you lick his off your hand. Rub some on your lips. Did you get it all? Is your tongue good and messy? Well now you can lick your sissy sister's face. Give it a slow soft tongue bath. And make sure to slip in some kisses while you're doing it." Sickened by what he was expected to do, Frank nevertheless did it all. His tongue glided all over Robert's wincing features and into his writhing mouth. The husbands were told to stroke each other's bodies at the same time. Their confused emotions led to the touching gradually turning tender. Doris said to Alma, "Just look at our sissies. Playing so nicely together. We're going to have to plan more of these dates for them. And if it's the only time they're allowed to have any sexual relief, maybe they even start to look forward to them." "And if they don't start wanting to have fun together, well, that'll be okay too. Either way, you and I get to see the show. And to put them deeper and deeper into Pansy Land." Hearing that, while they kissed and caressed, the guys saw how hopeless their situation now was. That was terrible. Wasn't it? They could hear in their wives voices how much the women were enjoying the evening. "Now," said Doris, "you dick-lovers can lie on the carpet. On your sides, facing each other, but in opposite directions. That's the way. Who said sissies like you are too dumb to follow simple directions? Now get hold of each other and pull yourselves together until you're all squished up against one another. Very good. And push your heads between each other's thighs. I know it's tricky but you can do it. The effort will be worth it when you start kissing each other's bottoms. Kind of arch your backs to make it easier and -- there you go -- lips on cheeks." "Your tushies look so sore from being spanked and then sitting on those nasty stools, with all their sharp points jabbing you and leaving red spots everywhere. So now you can play 'kiss-it-and-make-it-all-better' while we get some more wine and have a long chat about this and that." On the verge of tears from the sheer humiliation of this new disgrace, the husbands held tightly to each other, straining their necks and kissing soft butt flesh over and over. At the same time, there was an element of caring in what they were doing. The wives got themselves full glasses and sat down to watch, drink and talk. They enjoyed the performance for a short while, tittering at the silly sight and how their victims sniffled and whimpered. Then they sipped wine and talked about getting the guys some lacy panties as a reward for performing so well, starting them on high heel training, and making these visits a regular occurrence. After nearly an hour of that, it was time for them to declare the evening at an end. Doris went to the entangled husbands and crouched down. She said, "I know you sissy sweethearts will miss each other until next time. So how about if you have some special kisses to seal your new friendship. I think if you try extra hard, you can get your faces between each other's cheeks and give some kisses with plenty of tongue in them. French kisses. Deep unhurried ones that show how you feel about your budding romance." "You heard her," Alma encouraged. "I don't want to see those faces for the next five minutes. Or maybe ten. Get them wedged in nice and tight, and then use your tongues where the sun don't shine. Do it, girls." More disturbed than ever, they struggled to achieve the task. When they had difficulty, the wives let them stop where they were and lick each other's balls until they were ready to try again. The second time, by hugging tight and pulling hard, they dragged their heads forward the extra inches, got their faces buried in butt flesh, and used their tongues like they were a couple of anteaters. The women laughed at the inarticulate sounds made by their spouses. The action was so delightful to watch that they allowed it to continue beyond the maximum time that had been announced, to a full quarter hour. Only then did they permit the frazzled sissies to rise and share several regular kisses with, naturally, plenty of deep probing. The husbands embraced and it was impossible to be sure how much they were repulsed and to what degree they were -- just maybe -- attracted. Frank got his coat and wig and put them on. He appeared somehow smaller than when he'd arrived, as if all the masculinity had been squeezed out of him. Robert stood there, still mostly naked, assuming girly body language without being told to. He modestly put a forearm across his chest and a hand over his privates. After the males exchanged on final kiss, this one more reserved, Alma went out the front door with Frank meekly following. Up the street, Bob Clump was once more on his porch. He had his robe on, with an unlit cigar in one hand, and was looking for the box of wooden matches he'd brought out there earlier. As he picked them up he saw the woman who had arrived earlier, with that shy female now bundled up in a long coat, as they returned to their car. He wondered, as he went back into his house, if there was a story behind their visit. He was still mulling that over as he exited onto his back porch. It was so pleasant out there, secluded and with the air still warm from earlier. Bob slipped out of his robe to reveal the silky, transparent nightgown he wore, his thong panties, and a pair of elastic-top stockings. He slid his feet into sexy feminine slippers and sat down. Then he opened a hatbox on the table beside him, took out a shoulder length, wavy-haired, blond wig, and fitted it neatly onto his head. He loved the way his nightie felt against his absolutely hairless skin. It had been a year since he'd gotten laser treatments so he would never have to shave his body again, and he hadn't ever regretted the decision. The one thing he did regret was that he had no one with who to share his dressing penchant. Of course, that was a lot to hope for. It wasn't likely there would be someone right nearby with similar habits. That only happened in the fantasy stories that he read online. Even so, he considered as he lit his cigar and took the first gratifying puff, it didn't hurt to have a dream. ***200*** (I now have stories on under the name Throne. They don't involve the main themes from Fiction Mania, but there's plenty of female domination, so you might like to check them anyway. Reviews are always welcome. Thanks.)

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Sissy Girl Party

SISSY GIRL PARTY by Throne Danny felt so ashamed, standing there before his wife Melba in a pink and white party dress that would be appropriate for a nine year old girl, not a grown man like himself. He cringed inwardly and unconsciously took one of his short pigtails and wound it around his finger. His feet were shod in pretty ballet-type slippers, pink ones with little rhinestones on them. "You look so sweet, Dee Dee," she said with a smirk that he knew all too well. He had...

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Sissy Sisters Schooling Specialists

Sissy Sisters' Schooling -- Specialists by Throne The facility was a series of low buildings, all joined together, set in a level area of the rolling countryside. A late model car rolled onto the parking lot and took a spot near the front entrance. Two attractive young women got out to go inside. Once they were there they went to the front desk. "Hello," said a well groomed fellow in a white shirt and navy slacks. "I'm Larry. How may I help you?" "We left our husbands here...

2 years ago
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Sissy Sisters

Sissy Sisters The steel band around his neck held him fast on his back on the changing table in his nursery. His Governess had locked him in place bathed and naked to await his wife, and his Mistress's, homecoming from a trip into Eastern Europe. Away for two weeks she was keen to see how he was progressing and prepare him for a visit from one of her friends that evening. He himself had only been back home for a day after being confined for a month in the Community Protection Unit...

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Sissy Sisters Shortcomings

SISSY SISTERS' SHORTCOMINGS by Throne "B... but..." Arnold blinked back tears. "I can't wear this if someone is coming to our house." He stood there in a sleeveless belly shirt and thong panties, the former with a splotchy pattern of reds and greens, the latter in bright yellow. On his small feet were dainty orchid-colored, backless slip- ons. There was no hair anywhere on his slender body. His wife Delia, who was several inches taller than him and carried a good bit of excess...

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Sissy Bachelorette Party

'You want it again?' She said, as she climbed between my legs, spreading them with the force of her knee. 'Yes Mistress.' I said, turning my head to the side. Her gloved hand grabbed my chin and turned it towards her. 'You want to be my girly lesbian bitch?' She said, as she tweaked my puffy nipples with her other hand, the dry latex chafing me. 'Yes Mistress - I want to be your girly lesbian bitch,' I rubbed my horny cunt against her stocking clad leg, ignoring the pain, wanting, no, needing...

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Sissy Slumber Party

Sissy Slumber Party I was on my way to the slumber party and I was so excited that my panties were getting wet. As I felt the moisture between my legs I blushed and giggled. My high heels clicked on the sidewalk as I went and my full skirts and petticoats swooshed around my baby smooth nyloned legs. I wiggled down the street and my long curly hair and bangle earrings swung from side to side as I walked. Some men in a passing car whistled at me and I just smiled. But my panties...

1 year ago
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Sissy Sisters Paradise

SISSY SISTERS PARADISE? by Throne The three feminized husbands had been left in Penny's bedroom, which was a study in pink and white, with bold splashes of magenta here and there. Penny had been sissified by his wife Marge over the past few years. She had met other women who had done the same to their husbands and they all formed a loose network for shared activities. Penny asked Flo, "Did your wife tell you why they have the three of us here tonight?" "Not really," Flo answered...

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Sissy Sisters Sleepover

SISSY SISTER SLEEPOVER by Throne Crocket was so nervous. The only people who had seen him in his sissy persona of Cricket were a few friends of his mother, Marion. Now she had invited a new female friend, who was bringing someone male along with her. Crocket was a short, college-aged boy. His mom had detected his girly tendencies early on. He had two older brothers, now grown and moved out. When the second of them had left, two years before, she had called Crocket to his...

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Sissy Sisters

Joining a sorority was a great idea. Beautiful girls, cute outfits, amazing parties, and hot guys to boot. There’s just one tiny problem for Delta Gamma Sister Kissy, the one nestled right between her luxurious thighs. A tiny, two inch clitty of a problem. No one knows of course, god forbid, Kissy passes just fine as a Sister, standing at five foot four, 120 pounds, a bubbly, toned ass, smooth long legs that look killer in heels and long dirty blonde hair that reaches down to her lower back....

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Sissy Sister Surprises

SISSY SISTER SURPRISES by Throne Penny and Mina were in the pink bedroom, sitting on the bed, waiting for their wives to return. The sissy husbands had been left there to occupy themselves while their brides were out on a double date with a couple of hunky guys. Penny was wearing a lavender baby doll nightie and Mina's was pale peach. They had their full heads of hair styled into pixie cuts and were fussing with each other's make-up. "I don't know what Janice and Tracy are doing...

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Sissy Sister Husbands

SISSY SISTER HUSBANDS by Throne Tessa had been gradually cutting her husband Max off from sex and, at the same time, feminizing him. Now, after three months, he was desperate for relief and accustomed to wearing panties and other female items all the time. His wife decided it was time to take him to the next level. She knew the perfect person to help her do that. It was her friend Marie. Who could be more perfect? After all, it was Marie who had given Tessa the idea to change...

1 year ago
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Sissy Sister Sitters

SISSY SISTER SITTERS by Throne Claire and Rosa stopped as they approached the front door of the latter's house. They wore sexy outfits and a touch too much make-up, which was appropriate because they had been out clubbing. They looked at each other and began laughing spontaneously. "This is SO funny," Claire said. "I mean, us going out for the evening and leaving our husbands in the care of a sitter, like they were little boys." "You mean our SISSY husbands. And you should say...

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Sissy Sister Maids

You look at the maids dress hanging on the wardrobe and your sissy clit tingles. The hem is short and has a froth of petticoats that will make it lift almost to the horizontal. The waist is narrow so you are guessing you are going to have to wear the corset that is currently in your overnight case. The neckline of the dress is low and plunging so it will flaunt your fake sissy tits, once again your clit twitches. Finally the sleeves are short ending just over the shoulder. You love the...

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Sissy Sister Streetwalkers

SISSY SISTER STREETWALKERS by Throne It was a dark street in a disreputable part of the city. Cars cruised up and down, their male passengers eyeing the tawdrily dressed females who strolled along, flaunting their bodies. One car pulled up to the curb. The gruff voice of the driver said, "We're here, sissy. Get your pretty pink ass out of the car and earn me some money." "Yeah," seconded the voice of a female in the passenger seat. "My man needs his beer and you're paying for...

1 year ago
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Sissy spit roast sleep over

Pt 1: Long black limoSissy Saraya was very excited because her new mistress had told her they were going to continue with her corset training tonight, she had been wearing her waist trainer and inflatable plug all day along with her favourite pink maids outfit and cute sissy 6" white heels and stockings with pretty pink bows, She had been watching BBC porn all day and was dreaming of cock while she finished her chores, Mistress text to say her driver would be arriving at 6pm sharp, Mistress...

3 years ago
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Sissy School Part 3

SISSY SCHOOL - PART 3 By Missy Crystal After Sissy Heather had swished and drooled a couple of more times, she began to give me gentle nibbles and licks to clean the cummy residue on my lips and chin. After the kitty bath, she stood up. Since her crotch was now at my eye level and since her short skirt exposed her frilly panties, it was obvious that I wasn't the only one that got turned on by her sucking my dick. She must have been aware of it too, because she pulled her panties down...

1 year ago
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Sissy tasks

Your First Sissy AssignmentThis is your first step on your journey into femininity. A journey that will change your life. You will be humiliated and embarrassed. Most of all, you will be feminised. If you don’t intend to follow all of these assignments to the letter, then turn away now.Your first assignment is to buy yourself a pair of panties. Be sure to measure your hips before you set off. You will go to a smart department store or, better still, a specialist lingerie shop. How exciting – a...

1 year ago
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Sissy and Paul

The double ended dildo had appealed to her sense of humour and made her wet thinking about using it on me. Sissy and Paul Years ago life was very different to nowadays, for a start pubs shut at 10.30 unless they had and extension for special occasions, they had different bars such as the main or public bar, the lounge and sadly no longer, a room called the snug. This room was usually used by the 'older generation' or people who wanted a bit of quiet/privacy. We had married several months...

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Sissy School Part 6

SISSY SCHOOL - PART 6 By Missy Crystal The sissies flounced out of the kitchen in a train of swirling petticoats and went into the living room, which was also the classroom. I was the caboose, following Sissy Heather. As soon as we were all in the room, Mistress Mary appeared. Either she had ESP or she really was constantly monitoring us. Either way, I was glad I decided not to try anything for the time being. "Today we will have a deportment class," she announced. "Yeth, Mithtwith...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Sixteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter 16 By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's...

2 years ago
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Sissy School Part 4

SISSY SCHOOL - PART 4 By Missy Crystal Mistress Mary came over and stood next to us. To my surprise, her voice was calm. "The purpose of discipline is correction, not cruelty. There is nothing to be gained by punishing a sissy for behavior that cannot be improved and no profit in breaking her spirit by making her fearful of mistakes over which she has no control. I do not require perfection. Only that each sissy tries her best to be perfect. You have always done so, Sissy Heather."...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Eleven

Sissy Farm - Chapter Eleven By: Beverly Taff List Of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice: My Younger sister Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's brother.) James: AKA. Auntie...

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Sissy Emma is turned

Sissy Emma is turnedI had been a crossdresser all my life but completely in the closet and hidden from all my friends and family. To ease my tensions, I often chatted with people on line, at first with females and other crossdressers but as I got braver with men as well. I loved to chat with them and their strong demeanour made me feel even more feminine.I had been chatting with John for a couple of weeks, about my fantasies. And let me get this straight, that's all they were fantasies. I mean...

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Sissy for SisterInLaw

“Oh! excuse me,” Tiffany said in a startled tone, shocking me awake from my intoxicating stupor as I enveloped the aroma of the decadent delicate I’d discovered in my exploration of her dirty laundry. I had been caught red handed, standing in her room holding a precious pair of her purple panties to my face in one hand while my other depressed at the distending underwear, bulging from my open fly. I fumbled around foolishly, nearly falling over, as I watched her turn and storm off down the...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Eighteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter 18 - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's...

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Sissy Hypnosis Fun

Sissy Hypnosis Bet I have always been something of a night owl, which means that I take a while to get up and going in the morning. My alarm generally goes off at 7am, I hit snooze two or three times, then I finally get up and hop in the shower while my coffee pot starts to percolate. I grab my coffee and try to head out the door by 7:45, which is just barely enough time to get me into the office by my 8am start time. Needless to say, I frequently arrive with my hair still wet and...

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Sissy gets a black master

Sissy Gets A Black MasterI got up wearily from my long and exhausting night being fucked andpunished by my new Black Master. As I awoke, I could scarcely believe thatall those depraved things had happened to me. One minute I had been merelyexchanging emails with a man, who could have been anywhere and the nextminute, that very man was at my door, in my home, and then inside mybody. Black Master, a man whose name I didn't even know, a man who lookedto be about ten years my junior, had taken me...

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Sissy Training at Last

Sissy Training at Last The email came at 3pm on the Saturday before my birthday. All things considered, I have to admit that His timing was perfect. I'd just returned home, and as I had the rest of the weekend free, I'd decided to have a little fun. For me, "a little fun" meant that I'd indulge in some sissy fantasy play. You see, I've been a closet sissy for years, and even though it's my main sexual kink, I hadn't really found anybody who wanted to make my weekend fantasy into my...

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Sissy Farm 20

20 Sissy farm List of Characters. Me. Michelle A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice My Younger sister Aunty Bev Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet Headmistress of the young lady's academy Doctor Shirley Williams. My endocrinologist. Miranda. A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine AKA Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.) James AKA Auntie Jamie Peregrine's...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Fourteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter Fourteen By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty...

4 years ago
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Sissy Velina

I walk into the living room of my master. I am completely sissified and wear a very frilly sissy maid outfit. My 6" white leather peep too high heels have thick leather straps around my ankles and are closed with medium sized padlocks. I wish I knew where my master holds the keys. On my lightly sun tanned and smoothly shaved legs I wear white sheer seamed stockings and with a nice lace band at the top. At the back the pink seams end with large pink girly satin bows. Just above my...

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Sissy Rules Reads like a proper job description

(Found this on the internet... #65 seems especially made for me) Rule#1: A sissy does not have a cock. A sissy has a clittyRule#2: A sissy wears a bra and pantiesRule#3: A sissy loves cockRule#4: A sissy loves cumRule#5: A sissy takes it in the assRule#6: A sissy loves pinkRule#7: A sissy loves her toysRule#8: A sissy dresses like a slutRule#9: A sissy sharesRule#10: Sissies love facialsRule#11: A sissy must have a tight assRule#12: A sissy must have perfect bimbo makeupRule#13: A sissy grows...

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Sissy Rules

Rule#1: A sissy does not have a cock. A sissy has a clittyRule#2: A sissy wears a bra and pantiesRule#3: A sissy loves cockRule#4: A sissy loves cumRule#5: A sissy takes it in the assRule#6: A sissy loves pinkRule#7: A sissy loves her toysRule#8: A sissy dresses like a slutRule#9: A sissy sharesRule#10: Sissies love facialsRule#11: A sissy must have a tight assRule#12: A sissy must have perfect bimbo makeupRule#13: A sissy grows big fake titsRule#14: A sissy is a pro cock suckerRule#15: One is...

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Sissy Julian Chapter I Beginnings

Here we go again. Some boys simply are sissies. This is the story of one of them. It is not a story of discovery, although there is much of that, but rather a tale of a lovely boy's trip to self-realization, albeit a tad 'forced.' If lots of frilly sissy boy and girl outfits, super swishy behavior and a little sex, not to mention dominant women, are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fanciful, fictional fantasy work. No references...

1 year ago
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Sissy Crissi Chapter 3 Leroys Turn

Chapter 3 - Leroy's Turn But Leroy had been left out for too long. Eager for his turn, I had no sooner finished pleasuring my Mistress when I felt his hands reach up under my skirt and start pawing my panty covered ass. Standing behind me, Leroy bent down and lightly held the back of my thighs in the palms of his large hands. He slowly slid his caress upward, off my stockings, across my garter straps, up to where he cupped my round bottom in his palms. He then placed his fingers...

3 years ago
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Sissy discovers Part 5

Part 5 of the story about Sissy and her sexual awakening ****************Brad did not hesitate when invited to go over to Lisa’s. Sissy was not surprised. What young male would not want to hangout with a girl who flaunted her nude body in front of him only hours before. They decided to take the pontoon boat over as it is ten minutes by boat and almost 40 minutes by car. Evening cruses was a family specialty and Brad was good at handling the boat. As they pulled up to Lisa’s family dock Sissy...

4 years ago
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Sissy gracie Life begins anew

Sissy gracie, Life begins anew Chapter 2 As i stood to dress.. the first guy asked me.."So cunt.. you are wearing sissy clothes underneath and all lockedup. Do you have other clothes .. other sissy clothes?" 'ohh Yes Sir' i replied... "Good .. tomorrow.. bring the key.. and wear more.. i want to see you all sissified...... no pants.. just sissy clothes.. prissy dress.. stocking.. high heels.. make up... make your tits look big...... do it up...... and I will hold your key...

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Sissy thoughts 2 Questions From Sissies

1. I am about to have my first experience as a sissy with a Man! How can I make it more special for us both?A: How wonderful! You are at the very start of your new sissy life. It will of course be special and memorable, but to deepen the reprogramming of your still-forming sissy mind, try dressing as a sissy schoolgurl. Not only will it drive your Man wild with lust, but the symbolism of your costume, and the reality of the loss of your virginity will combine to kickstart stronger, more...

2 years ago
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Sissy Farm Chapter Twelve

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twelve By: Beverly Taff List Of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice: My Younger sister Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's brother.) James: AKA....

4 years ago
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Sissy Sally

CAUTION: This is a forced fem story. If this is not your thing, please move on. All rights reserved. Sissy Sally Sam Smith fretted anxiously at the kitchen table while he waited for his mother to return from the district attorney's office. How could he have been so stupid? Breaking into the new neighbor's house had been a disastrous idea from the start. Ms. Johnson was an attractive, impeccably dressed older widow who had moved into the house-...

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Sissy discovers Part 4

the continuing original story of a young girl finding herself****************************Breakfast was filled with the usual mumbles of ‘good morning” and banging of pots, sizzling bacon and gurgle of juice being poured into tumblers. Sissy and Brad avoided looks at each other at first, and then Sissy sat down across from him at the table and patted him on the head saying, “what’s the matter grumpy?” in an exaggerated baby voice. “Nothin’ - hand me that fruit will ya?” He replied and gave...

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Sissy School Part 2

SISSY SCHOOL - PART 2 By Missy Crystal I followed Mistress Mary back to her office. She left me standing in the middle of the room and sat down behind her desk. After ignoring me for a few minutes, she looked up and said, "I told you that you would be severely punished for disobedience." Crap, I thought to myself. I already have six strokes of her leather paddle coming. What did I do wrong? My face dropped. She smiled, "but I can also reward, when I am pleased with your behavior. You...

1 year ago
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Sissy Cruise 3

"We are going on a Caribbean cruise, in two weeks time......." stated my wife Penny. "Oh......Okay," I queried. "With Samantha and Tim," she finished. "Oh really." Samantha is a new friend in my wife's life. They have known each other for a couple of months, but they are already quite close and always scheming together. My relationship is mixed. It seems that the only time she talks to me is to point out my faults which is somewhat annoying. However she is very domineering...

3 years ago
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Sissy New Year

Sissy New Year I remember heading out to a New Years Eve party with a group of my friends from work. I remember stopping by a bar for a few, pre-party shots--well, several pre-part shots. I even recall the super-hot transvestite hooker that winked at me as we left the bar. I don't remember anything else after that. Which explains why I was so confused when I work up a few days later, blindfolded, tied up in a strange bed, with something hard lodged firmly up my ass and a big...

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sissy rules

A sissy must wear panties. He does not own any male underwear.A sissy may wear a bra and pink or brightly colored tights or leggings.A sissy must sleep in lingerie. If he does not have any, he must sleep naked.When alone, a sissy must dress as a girl. Good sissies wear lipstick while alone.A sissy always keeps himself free of facial hair, and is otherwise well groomed. He must always be presentable, ready to please. Good sissies shave their legsEvery morning after he wakes up, a sissy strips...

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Sissy Arm Wrestler

Sissy Arm Wrestler By Margaret Jeanette Margie Ware came home from working out at the health club she belonged to. She was wearing the blue dress she had worn to work. She always felt renewed after a visit to the health club. She tried to visit it at least two times a week. It wasn't easy as she worked overtime at least two nights a week. She always tried to make it on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She looked at her husband of six years sitting in the recliner dozing while the...

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Sissy New Year

Author's note: My stories generally featured a lot of forced femme, bondage and kinky sex--you know, the stuff that I keep hoping will someday happen to me. That is still true for this story, but this time around, the author in me decided to spend a bit more time developing the characters before commencing the full-on sissy sex orgy. I also wanted to write a story where the characters are well intentioned instead of simply being a rogue's gallery of perverted bastards. With that in...

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Sissy Farm Chapter TwentyOne

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twenty One - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA. Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty...

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Sissy Tammy

Sissy Tammy It all started back in the 60's, 1967 to be exact, when I was 13 years old. As a child I was a bit small and frail, taking longer to develop than most boys my age, and as a result I ended up playing more with the little girls on my block than the boys. This was also a problem of geography, not having any boy friends living near us, and that was probably just as well because all they did was tease me and beat me up, never letting me play any of their games. My...

2 years ago
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Sissy Julian Chapter VI Growing Pains

Sissy Julian - Chapter VI, Growing Pains by: sissystevie Yes, 'tis I, back again. If I can remember how to post this thing on FM. I came across a partially completed additional chapter to this saga, which I abandoned for personal reasons eight years ago, and thought why not? Thus, spurred on by some of your wonderful comments, I completed the chapter and may well complete the saga. There are just too many wonderful kinky - and romantic - moment to come. If you want me to...

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Sissy 101 Intro to Sissy Sluts

Sissy 101: Intro to Sissy Sluts One week before my freshman year at college, I received a letter saying that my class schedule changes had been approved. That struck me as odd because I hadn't requested any changes. Without explanation, I had been un-enrolled from two of my general studies classes. I was now signed up for SISGEN101 and SISHYP161--whatever that meant. I went online to the university's website. These classes weren't even listed in the general course description...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Nineteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter 19 - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's...

1 year ago
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Sissy in the making

Chapter 1 Jim arrived at the North Carolina motel Saturday afternoon as he wanted to make sure everything was in order for Mistress Cleo's arrival on Sunday, as per her instructions. He had gotten the suite to insure there was enough room and comfortable for his new found Mistress. A Mistress he had never met, but already under her control. He began to lay out the items he was instructed to bring, maids outfit, bras, panties, stockings, and every female garment he thought might...

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Sissy Caught at Work

Who ever goes to work thinking "today my life is going to completely change forever". I certainly didn't think that when I got up this morning. I thought I was heading for another typical day at work, full of boring meetings and sipping coffee. Little did I know... My day started like any other, 5 mile run at 6AM, shower, get dressed and headed to work. The only twist is what I'm wearing under my clothes. I love to wear girl's panties. I wear them all the time to work, and today is no...

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Sissy whorehouse veronica

Chapter 1 - The CaptureBefore I became a girl I was a lonely boy with no friends. I couldn't seemto make friends with anyone. I hated myself and I hated my life. One day Idecided to take a walk and try to get away form my troubles. It was earlyin the morning, the sky was a pretty pink, and no one else was out. Butthen, out of the corner of my eye I spotted a black van with heavily tintedwindows coming down the street. It slowed down beside me and as it did Igot a little scared. I was alone on a...

3 years ago
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I was not aware that my girlfriend had begun studying hypnosis,nor that she harbored ambitions of petticoating me. But I soondiscovered that the combination of the two was dangerous to mymasculinity. One afternoon I was sitting in my living room,listening to the stereo through a pair of headphones. It was awarm, sultry day, and after a while I drifted off to sleep. (Muchof what follows my girlfriend--now my mistress-- explained to melater.Seeing that I had dozed off, Jennifer saw her chance....

3 years ago
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Sissy discovers Part 3

part 3 of an original story********************After the drive to the lake it is a family tradition to pick up a pizza from the local joint at the village. The pizza is delicious after a day of driving. The whole family, mom dad and the k**s have just about demolished the large pepperoni and roasted red pepper pie. They sit around the counter and woof down the last slices. As they talk about the tomorrow and plans Vicky gets up to clean the counter, and Tom snuggles up behind. The k**s...

2 years ago
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Sissy Tammy

It all started back in the 60's, 1967 to be exact, when I was 13 years old. As a c***d I was a bit small and frail, taking longer to develop than most boys my age, and as a result I ended up playing more with the little girls on my block than the boys. This was also a problem of geography, not having any boy friends living near us, and that was probably just as well because all they did was tease me and beat me up, never letting me play any of their games.My only real play friend was a pretty...

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