Sissy Sisters' Shortcomings free porn video

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SISSY SISTERS' SHORTCOMINGS by Throne "B... but..." Arnold blinked back tears. "I can't wear this if someone is coming to our house." He stood there in a sleeveless belly shirt and thong panties, the former with a splotchy pattern of reds and greens, the latter in bright yellow. On his small feet were dainty orchid-colored, backless slip- ons. There was no hair anywhere on his slender body. His wife Delia, who was several inches taller than him and carried a good bit of excess weight, most of it in her heavy breasts, hips, bottom and thighs, looked down at him and curled her full lips disdainfully. She said, "First of all, it's no longer OUR house. Since you signed those papers, it's MY house. And second, you will wear what I say, when I say. And if any of my friends come to see me, they'll just have to see you too." His hands went to his hair, which fell over the tops of his ears. Those longish locks had been trimmed and treated to look rather unmanly; there was a slight wave in them and their mousy brown was transformed with subtle blond highlights. Then his fingers moved self- consciously to his face. Delia had touched up his features with hints of eye liner, blush, and lip gloss. Again, the effect was calculated to rob him of his manliness without actually making him resemble a woman. He just looked like what she was happily turning him into... a sissy. Arnold nibbled his lips. His eyes darted from side to side, as if he was a trapped animal. But when he looked at his wife she was plainly not backing down. In fact, to demonstrate her power, she went to his dresser, picked up a woman's brand of roll-on deodorant, and lifted his arm high. When he didn't protest, she applied the flowery smelling product to one side and then the other. That gesture put him in his place. Still, there was a trace of rebellion in his expression. She liked that. It was fun playing with his mind, letting him imagine that he still might regain his male status, and then putting him firmly back into his role of sissy husband. Delia gazed at Arnold. He looked her up and down, desiring her full curves but knowing he had already forfeited his claim to her body. Still, he told himself, there could be a chance to reverse that. For another half minute she let him think he might assert himself before she sighed, shook her head in exasperation, and asked, "What is it, April?" He opened his mouth to answer but then faltered. Being addressed by the female name she had given him always weakened his resolve. He took a breath and managed to find his voice, though he kept the volume low and the tone humble. Arnold said, "It's just that, well, when you started all this..." "When WE started all this," she corrected. "Didn't the two of us discuss what we needed to do to preserve our marriage?" "We... I mean..." He always wanted to point out that, though they had talked about it, she was the one who led the conversations and steered them where she wanted them to go. But if he mentioned it she would simply point out that he hadn't made any counter-arguments to convince her to do other than what she thought was necessary. Somehow he always felt he was right but invariably got shown that he was wrong. He tried again, saying, "It's just that... you know... we're husband and wife." His wife gave him a look of tired patience. She sat her broad bottom on the recliner and left him standing there uncomfortably. He considered sitting on the couch across from her but then hesitated. Sounding like she was trying to explain the obvious to a slow learner, Delia began, "I never said that we weren't wife and husband. But what did I have to point out to you?" Arnold pressed his bare thighs together. It was so hard to stand up for himself when he looked that way. He said, "Well, you explained that I'm not able to... um... fulfill my husbandly duties... in the bedroom." Adopting the didactic tone of a condescending teacher, she went on, "And why aren't you able to fill the role of my husband... in bed." He wanted to end the exchange right there but it was too late. He had gotten himself trapped by her simple rhetoric again. Lowering his eyes submissively, he admitted, "I can't be a good husband in bed because... my penis is sort of small." She smiled tolerantly, as if amused by an attempt to modify the truth, and queried, "Sort of? Sort of small? Wouldn't it be more accurate to describe it as exceptionally small? Tiny? Even ridiculous?" Delia had him reeling already. It was so easy for her. He blinked nervously and conceded, "Yes, my penis is unusually small. Miniature. Laughable." Without being prompted, he mentioned, "I always got taunted in the locker room at school." Once she had discovered that last bit of information, Delia had kept bringing it up, acting solicitous but actually wanting to make him think about it so much that it would always be just under the surface of his thoughts. Now she didn't have to reintroduce that embarrassing memory because she had conditioned him to do it for her. Next, in rapid succession, she reviewed his other shortcomings: a lack of lovemaking technique, his obsessions with her exaggerated curves, and the fact that he had always finished much too soon. What she didn't mention was that she had encouraged that last problem by teasing him, visually and physically, before they went to bed, so that he was ready to pop as soon as they hit the sheets. "So really," she concluded, "while you are my husband in name, you can't satisfy me the way a real husband could. That's why we agreed that you should temporarily avoid intercourse and, so that I wouldn't be cheated, you should pleasure me with your fingers and mouth." He wanted to explain that he hadn't agreed to that. Not willingly. She had manipulated him, using her deft arguments and making him feel endlessly guilty. Plus, what she described as temporary had stretched on to over a year, with him only being granted occasional ejaculations, and all of those being under embarrassing circumstances. But his willpower, already eroded by month after month of her clever conditioning, failed him. He mumbled apologies and hung his head in defeat. She stroked the side of his smooth face. "Now don't be upset, April. We're only doing what's best... for you." He stared at her disbelievingly. How was this good for him? "And naturally," she went on, ignoring his stunned expression, "we'll keep dressing you in a way that's appropriate for your situation." Being cut off from sex had been bad enough. And having her turn him into a virtual slave when she wanted orgasms, that had been worse. But somehow the way she had started making him dress at home, once she had him securely under her plump thumb, was the most difficult to bear. It had started slowly, going from boxers to jockey shorts, and then to even briefer briefs, and then switching from solids to colors and flashy patterns. That had led to panties and even the thong type of female underwear he was currently stuck in. Somewhere along the way there had been the increasingly effeminate tops, changes in his hair, and the cosmetics that gave him that oh-so-pansy-boy appearance. "Now just get yourself relaxed before my guests arrive. And I do want you to have a good time tonight. That's why I invited one of my friends to bring her sweet adorable husband." She paused to let him consider her choice of adjectives. "He's in the same sort of situation as you are. I'm sure the two of you will get along wonderfully. You'll have so much to chat about. Like sisters. Sissy sisters. Won't that be fun for you?" Arnold stood there goggling at her. His lips began to tremble. He started to wring his hands. How could she...? What did she...? Why would...? He couldn't form his scattered upset thoughts into words. His wife simply stood there, eyebrows raised questioningly, as if waiting for him to respond. What she was really doing was delighting in the massive panic attack she had triggered. Delia could feel her pussy getting wet. She got SUCH a charge out of playing mind games with him as her victim. Her nipples begged to be touched. The look on his lightly made-up face was priceless. She feigned concern and crossed her arms under her full bust, drawing attention to her breasts. His eyes went down to the focal area she provided. Delia loved to mix his discomfort with generous helpings of teasing. She went to him and wrapped her arms around him, raised one hand to put it against the back of his head, and then applied pressure gently but firmly, to push his face down into her deep cleavage. She pressed herself against him so she could check his reaction. Yep. There it was. Inside the thong panties his puny dick was rising. Pretending to console him, she moved gently against his body, making sure that he got fully erect. "I know what will make you feel better," she cooed soothingly. With that she stepped back, pulled down the front of her stretchy top, and popped out both of her large, soft and shapely breasts. She cupped her hands under the globes to raise them slightly, making their jutting pink nipples more accessible. Arnold moaned softly and opened his mouth. He lowered his head and caught one of the desirable nubbins between his lips. Immediately he began sucking on it. His wife had plenty of little tricks like that to fine tune her control of him. She let him continue while she murmured approving sounds and stroked his hair. Once he was in a fixated reverie she purred, "I'm sure you'll do just fine with your new friend. Won't you... April?" Without relinquishing the comforting teat, he nodded slightly. Wanting to bring him even more deeply under her spell, she reached down and lightly rubbed the front of his panties, making him squirm and moan. Delia was tickled by how easy it was to manipulate him. She wanted to drag him deeper and deeper into his new role. And tonight would enable her to do exactly that, perhaps to take him to a point from which he could never fully turn back, to leave him irrevocably changed. He didn't see the cruel smile on her full lips. She rubbed her fleshy thigh against the silly little bump in the front of his panties and let him continue sucking. With cool detachment, she judged the exact moment when she had brought him as far as she could into maddening frustration, and then she stepped away, leaving him looking foolish, still bent forward, mouth still puckered like a suckling baby's. He brought his head up slowly, dazed by overstimulation, and begged with his eyes. She gave him an understanding smile, which expressed the opposite of the devious plans she had made for him. It was time for her guests to begin arriving. She had Arnold go and stand inside the front door, uncomfortable in his half-undressed state, wishing he could at least do something to change the look of his hair and face. But he knew she would never relent. And that he could never out-argue her. So he stood there, nervous and twitchy, waiting for the first visitors. Someone rang the bell all too soon. He opened the door meekly, praying that no one else would be passing by and might view him. On the porch stood an exotic looking couple. The man was at least six feet tall and the woman almost his equal. They wore black leather and had dark hair. The guy cupped Arnold's chin in his gloved hand. Arnold could smell the leather. The imposing male stepped inside, backing the shorter figure up as he advanced. Arnold retreated clumsily and looked up at his obvious superior. The woman stepped close and boldly held Arnold's small genitals in the palm of her gloved hand. She gave a slight squeeze and her victim made a weak frightened sound. She chuckled and then the two leather-wearers went to see Delia. Before Arnold could close the door he saw the next arrivals coming up the front walk. They were a towering Black man and a petite blond woman. After they had entered there was a short respite. Then a threesome appeared. There were a confident and attractive couple, and trailing them a harried looking man wearing an oversized knit hat and a long coat with the collar turned up. After the door was closed behind them, the first man told Arnold to remove the other guy's outerwear. When Arnold complied, he was shocked to see that underneath the poor guy had on only a tight black corset and fishnet stockings. The single garment pushed up the soft flesh of his chest into small pseudo- breasts. He had a bathing cap on his head, the chin strap pulled tight and fastened. His eyelids featured just a hint of color and his lips wore a generous coating of pink-tinted gloss. The obviously in-control man made a show of putting his arms around the comely woman and kissing her firmly, running his hands up and down her body. The figure in the corset stood there looking distressed. Arnold found out why when the dominating male broke off the kiss and said to the submitting guy, "If you had kissed her like that, maybe your wife wouldn't be with me now." The woman joined in, saying to her cuckold, "That and if you had a half-decent sized dick." Arnold shuddered. That was too close to his own problem. The husband had to get down on his knees and kiss his wife's shapely ass several times before he was permitted to rise again and follow the couple further into the house. Arnold could only stand there in a daze. Was that poor guy the one he was supposed to meet? He had half convinced himself he was correct when the bell sounded again. As he swung the door inward he was rattled to see a confident woman with striking features and a short slender male who looked like... Well, he had on a sleeveless belly shirt that was a washed-out red color, with the word WIMP written across its narrow chest. He also wore a pair of bikini panties in a much brighter shade of crimson. That tiny garment revealed how little there was between his thighs. He was quite poorly hung. His feet were encased in ballet slippers. His short hair had been slightly styled and there were hints of make-up on his face. He looked like... Arnold. With a sinking feeling, Delia's husband admitted them. THIS must be who he was intended to meet. The party went along nicely, with Arnold and his near-twin fitted with maid's caps before they were set to running and fetching. The guests stood or sat, chatting while they eyed the unmistakable submissives. Delia's spouse was too scared to introduce himself to the other sissy husband, or even to say hello. They went about their duties, making eye contact with each other occasionally. The woman from the couple in leather called Arnold and his doppelganger together. She wondered out loud about which of them was taller and then made them stand back-to- back, so close that their bottoms pressed against each other. The other visitors crowded around. Arnold saw his wife smirking at him and the uncomfortable spot he had been put into. Then the leather woman had the panty-wearing males face each other and stand even closer. That didn't have anything to do with comparing their heights, but neither of them was brave enough to point that out. "You know," Leather Woman mused, "you two look good like that. How about if you..." She put the tip of one forefinger to her chin and looked thoughtful. "... if you put your arms around each other." There was scattered laughter as the reluctant males embraced. Leather Woman told them to put their lips together. Arnold was horrified. Having to hug the other sissy was bad enough, but to be almost kissing him, and while everyone watched, was unthinkable. Even so, he did it. His partner moaned miserably. At least he wasn't happy about this, either. At the same time, Arnold felt something pressing against him... below the waist. The guy he was in such intimate contact with had gotten an erection. Arnold felt stirrings of his own. He reminded himself that he had been denied sex for too long. Any sort of stimulation might get him aroused, even if the source was one he didn't desire. He squirmed uneasily in the circle of those slender bare arms. Delia wanted to know, "Are you enjoying yourself, April?" The other husband's wife, Tyra, asked, "What do you think of your new friend, Lester? I mean Lisa." Arnold, unhappy that the onlookers had heard his girl name, said in a tiny voice, "I'm... uncomfortable, dear." Lester, aka Lisa, answered his bride, "My new friend is... sweet." Arnold cringed to hear himself described that way. He wanted to escape the embrace but couldn't. And Lester was beginning to rub crotches with him. Delia told her spouse to return the favor. Both prettified men ground their hips, which added to the unwanted mutual excitation, and soon had them both grinding of their free will. Lisa's hand stole up under April's cropped top and found a nipple. April groped the front of Lisa's panties. Holding onto each other with one arm apiece, they continued their shared feeling-up. Without being made to, they kissed again. It wasn't what he desired, Arnold told himself, at the same time that his tongue swirled around Lester's. Their audience made comments. "They sure got friendly fast." "I'll bet this is what they both wanted all along." "I know the type. Secret sissies with dinky dicks." "I wonder what else they'd enjoy doing together." "Maybe we should give them some suggestions." All the watchers laughed at how rattled both husbands looked when they heard that last remark. The Black man said, "I think they'd like to suck nipples." His blond companion added, "Right. They should do it on the carpet, in the 69 position." Several people clapped approvingly. Delia and Tyra began snapping instructions, getting their spouses out of their panties and down on the floor, Arnold on his back and Lester on hands and knees above him. They were lined up, chests to mouths. Tyra put her foot on Lester's back and said, "Down, girl. Give April's nipples some mouth-loving." "The same for you, April," Delia said with amusement. "Lick them and suck them." Lester sank down until lips and tongues were able to make contact with nipples. Both sissy males began to lavish attention on those sensitive buds. Suddenly they were moaning and writhing from how good it felt. Their penises were rigid. Their balls drawn up tight. Their cheeks pink with excitement and disgrace. They were thinking that they were straight but they couldn't deny how hyper this was making them feel. Pre-cum leaked from their members. The women took each of them by the hair and gently -- but not too gently -- coaxed them to move lower, so that they had to kiss their way over lower chest and stomach, until they reached the dreaded location of crotches denuded of hair. Each was stressed out to find a penis bumping him under his chin. The wives kept moving them in the desired direction until they had those straining dicks nudging repeatedly against their lips. "Go on," Delia told her husband. "You know you want to." "You too," insisted Tyra to her spouse. "I saw the way you ogled April the moment you saw her. Do it." Pushed by external and internal forces, the girly men extended their tongues and flicked them against the leaking rods. They felt the rush of sexual energy at being touched that way and knew that the only way to make sure it didn't stop was to keep doing the same thing that was being done to them. So two mouths experimented, lapping slowly, ringing lips around dick heads, swallowing successive inches. Those penises were so small that it wasn't difficult to deep throat them, which is what the two husbands wound up doing. As they sucked and tongued, desperate to keep their own pleasure at a peak, everyone stayed close and watched with sadistic glee. Most of them had their phones out and were taking pictures. They had snuck a few shots earlier, before Arnold and Lester's features were hidden by the nearness of the bodies they serviced. By showing the images together they could make sure anyone seeing them would know who was giving and getting head. Delia made the pair slow down. She wanted to draw this out as long as she could, traumatize the unwilling sissies as severely as possible. Tyra told them to use their hands everywhere they could reach. The two responded well. In a mounting frenzy they groped and sucked. The wild scene went on and on. At last Delia judged the time to be right. She told them, "You have two choices, girls. You can stop now and not suffer the shame of finishing a blowjob and getting a mouth full of cum. Well, maybe not full. You both have such small balls that your loads shouldn't be too large. The only problem with choice number one is that it'll leave you with aching balls, hornier than you've ever been in your lives. The other choice is to keep gobbling dick and have your partner spurt on your tongue. Ewww. If you do that, of course, you'll be branded as sissy faggots. We'll put you together on a regular basis and expect you to perform shows for us. Who know what else we'll decide is appropriate for you to do. But, like I said, it's up to you. So we'll just watch and see what happens. The men were trapped. Either alternative was bad. But they were straight (weren't they?) and didn't want to acquire the status of sissy faggots. Especially because that would be long term. They wanted to stop. But they couldn't. Each of them tried to slow down. That worked somewhat, but it also made them more desperate to finish. And the only way to achieve that was... well... to finish what had been started. They were sobbing and eating dick at the same time, feeling all those eyes on them, knowing that their humiliation was being recorded. Arnold clutched Lester's buttocks, digging his fingers into their yielding roundness. He jabbed a finger into his butt, trying to ruin his mood before he could shoot. Lester pinched Arnold's nipples, similarly thinking he could prevent him from climaxing. Their efforts backfired, however, as the extra jolts of stimulation drove them over the edge. They groaned and arched their backs, loosing control, launching their seed into each other's mouths. They swallowed and wept and felt it running warmly out of the corners of their lips. Because they tried to cut it short, they spoiled their ejaculations. It was a mess, literally and figuratively. Everyone else clapped and cheered and made more nasty remarks. "That proves it. They were sissies all along." "Two of a kind. Give them a dick in the mouth and they're happy." "And now they'll get that whenever they're paired up." "Which will be often. It's so nice that we brought two young lovers together." The forced sissies were disgraced. They tried to wipe the excess cream off their faces but their wives made them lick each other's features. Then they ordered them to share a deep prolonged kiss. And to use their hands on each other. Now that their passion had been sated, it was much worse to be so intimate. Still, afraid of getting into trouble with their controlling wives, they kissed and fondled and even spoke words of endearment. Then two of the men expertly bound them together in a sort of 69 position, except that their faces were pressed between each other's buttocks. Then a bizarre garment was produced, a sort of straight jacket for two, which was wrapped around them and belted, so that they were held even more inescapably in that hellish position, their heads and butts uncovered. "I'd say this evening was a complete success," Delia declared. "Absolutely," Tyra agreed. "Now that we've got them in touch with their real selves, we'll have to put them together several times a week. We can make them dress... and apply cosmetics... to each other. It will be endless fun." "And that's the way it should be, when your husbands are sissy sisters... with obvious shortcomings between their smooth hairless legs." ******

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Sissy Emma is turned

Sissy Emma is turnedI had been a crossdresser all my life but completely in the closet and hidden from all my friends and family. To ease my tensions, I often chatted with people on line, at first with females and other crossdressers but as I got braver with men as well. I loved to chat with them and their strong demeanour made me feel even more feminine.I had been chatting with John for a couple of weeks, about my fantasies. And let me get this straight, that's all they were fantasies. I mean...

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Sissy for SisterInLaw

“Oh! excuse me,” Tiffany said in a startled tone, shocking me awake from my intoxicating stupor as I enveloped the aroma of the decadent delicate I’d discovered in my exploration of her dirty laundry. I had been caught red handed, standing in her room holding a precious pair of her purple panties to my face in one hand while my other depressed at the distending underwear, bulging from my open fly. I fumbled around foolishly, nearly falling over, as I watched her turn and storm off down the...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Eighteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter 18 - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's...

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Sissy Hypnosis Fun

Sissy Hypnosis Bet I have always been something of a night owl, which means that I take a while to get up and going in the morning. My alarm generally goes off at 7am, I hit snooze two or three times, then I finally get up and hop in the shower while my coffee pot starts to percolate. I grab my coffee and try to head out the door by 7:45, which is just barely enough time to get me into the office by my 8am start time. Needless to say, I frequently arrive with my hair still wet and...

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Sissy gets a black master

Sissy Gets A Black MasterI got up wearily from my long and exhausting night being fucked andpunished by my new Black Master. As I awoke, I could scarcely believe thatall those depraved things had happened to me. One minute I had been merelyexchanging emails with a man, who could have been anywhere and the nextminute, that very man was at my door, in my home, and then inside mybody. Black Master, a man whose name I didn't even know, a man who lookedto be about ten years my junior, had taken me...

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Sissy Training at Last

Sissy Training at Last The email came at 3pm on the Saturday before my birthday. All things considered, I have to admit that His timing was perfect. I'd just returned home, and as I had the rest of the weekend free, I'd decided to have a little fun. For me, "a little fun" meant that I'd indulge in some sissy fantasy play. You see, I've been a closet sissy for years, and even though it's my main sexual kink, I hadn't really found anybody who wanted to make my weekend fantasy into my...

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Sissy Farm 20

20 Sissy farm List of Characters. Me. Michelle A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice My Younger sister Aunty Bev Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet Headmistress of the young lady's academy Doctor Shirley Williams. My endocrinologist. Miranda. A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine AKA Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.) James AKA Auntie Jamie Peregrine's...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Fourteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter Fourteen By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty...

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Sissy Velina

I walk into the living room of my master. I am completely sissified and wear a very frilly sissy maid outfit. My 6" white leather peep too high heels have thick leather straps around my ankles and are closed with medium sized padlocks. I wish I knew where my master holds the keys. On my lightly sun tanned and smoothly shaved legs I wear white sheer seamed stockings and with a nice lace band at the top. At the back the pink seams end with large pink girly satin bows. Just above my...

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Sissy Rules Reads like a proper job description

(Found this on the internet... #65 seems especially made for me) Rule#1: A sissy does not have a cock. A sissy has a clittyRule#2: A sissy wears a bra and pantiesRule#3: A sissy loves cockRule#4: A sissy loves cumRule#5: A sissy takes it in the assRule#6: A sissy loves pinkRule#7: A sissy loves her toysRule#8: A sissy dresses like a slutRule#9: A sissy sharesRule#10: Sissies love facialsRule#11: A sissy must have a tight assRule#12: A sissy must have perfect bimbo makeupRule#13: A sissy grows...

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Sissy Rules

Rule#1: A sissy does not have a cock. A sissy has a clittyRule#2: A sissy wears a bra and pantiesRule#3: A sissy loves cockRule#4: A sissy loves cumRule#5: A sissy takes it in the assRule#6: A sissy loves pinkRule#7: A sissy loves her toysRule#8: A sissy dresses like a slutRule#9: A sissy sharesRule#10: Sissies love facialsRule#11: A sissy must have a tight assRule#12: A sissy must have perfect bimbo makeupRule#13: A sissy grows big fake titsRule#14: A sissy is a pro cock suckerRule#15: One is...

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Sissy Julian Chapter I Beginnings

Here we go again. Some boys simply are sissies. This is the story of one of them. It is not a story of discovery, although there is much of that, but rather a tale of a lovely boy's trip to self-realization, albeit a tad 'forced.' If lots of frilly sissy boy and girl outfits, super swishy behavior and a little sex, not to mention dominant women, are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fanciful, fictional fantasy work. No references...

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Sissy Crissi Chapter 3 Leroys Turn

Chapter 3 - Leroy's Turn But Leroy had been left out for too long. Eager for his turn, I had no sooner finished pleasuring my Mistress when I felt his hands reach up under my skirt and start pawing my panty covered ass. Standing behind me, Leroy bent down and lightly held the back of my thighs in the palms of his large hands. He slowly slid his caress upward, off my stockings, across my garter straps, up to where he cupped my round bottom in his palms. He then placed his fingers...

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Sissy discovers Part 5

Part 5 of the story about Sissy and her sexual awakening ****************Brad did not hesitate when invited to go over to Lisa’s. Sissy was not surprised. What young male would not want to hangout with a girl who flaunted her nude body in front of him only hours before. They decided to take the pontoon boat over as it is ten minutes by boat and almost 40 minutes by car. Evening cruses was a family specialty and Brad was good at handling the boat. As they pulled up to Lisa’s family dock Sissy...

5 years ago
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Sissy gracie Life begins anew

Sissy gracie, Life begins anew Chapter 2 As i stood to dress.. the first guy asked me.."So cunt.. you are wearing sissy clothes underneath and all lockedup. Do you have other clothes .. other sissy clothes?" 'ohh Yes Sir' i replied... "Good .. tomorrow.. bring the key.. and wear more.. i want to see you all sissified...... no pants.. just sissy clothes.. prissy dress.. stocking.. high heels.. make up... make your tits look big...... do it up...... and I will hold your key...

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Sissy thoughts 2 Questions From Sissies

1. I am about to have my first experience as a sissy with a Man! How can I make it more special for us both?A: How wonderful! You are at the very start of your new sissy life. It will of course be special and memorable, but to deepen the reprogramming of your still-forming sissy mind, try dressing as a sissy schoolgurl. Not only will it drive your Man wild with lust, but the symbolism of your costume, and the reality of the loss of your virginity will combine to kickstart stronger, more...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Twelve

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twelve By: Beverly Taff List Of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice: My Younger sister Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's brother.) James: AKA....

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Sissy Sally

CAUTION: This is a forced fem story. If this is not your thing, please move on. All rights reserved. Sissy Sally Sam Smith fretted anxiously at the kitchen table while he waited for his mother to return from the district attorney's office. How could he have been so stupid? Breaking into the new neighbor's house had been a disastrous idea from the start. Ms. Johnson was an attractive, impeccably dressed older widow who had moved into the house-...

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Sissy discovers Part 4

the continuing original story of a young girl finding herself****************************Breakfast was filled with the usual mumbles of ‘good morning” and banging of pots, sizzling bacon and gurgle of juice being poured into tumblers. Sissy and Brad avoided looks at each other at first, and then Sissy sat down across from him at the table and patted him on the head saying, “what’s the matter grumpy?” in an exaggerated baby voice. “Nothin’ - hand me that fruit will ya?” He replied and gave...

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Sissy School Part 2

SISSY SCHOOL - PART 2 By Missy Crystal I followed Mistress Mary back to her office. She left me standing in the middle of the room and sat down behind her desk. After ignoring me for a few minutes, she looked up and said, "I told you that you would be severely punished for disobedience." Crap, I thought to myself. I already have six strokes of her leather paddle coming. What did I do wrong? My face dropped. She smiled, "but I can also reward, when I am pleased with your behavior. You...

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Sissy Cruise 3

"We are going on a Caribbean cruise, in two weeks time......." stated my wife Penny. "Oh......Okay," I queried. "With Samantha and Tim," she finished. "Oh really." Samantha is a new friend in my wife's life. They have known each other for a couple of months, but they are already quite close and always scheming together. My relationship is mixed. It seems that the only time she talks to me is to point out my faults which is somewhat annoying. However she is very domineering...

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Sissy New Year

Sissy New Year I remember heading out to a New Years Eve party with a group of my friends from work. I remember stopping by a bar for a few, pre-party shots--well, several pre-part shots. I even recall the super-hot transvestite hooker that winked at me as we left the bar. I don't remember anything else after that. Which explains why I was so confused when I work up a few days later, blindfolded, tied up in a strange bed, with something hard lodged firmly up my ass and a big...

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sissy rules

A sissy must wear panties. He does not own any male underwear.A sissy may wear a bra and pink or brightly colored tights or leggings.A sissy must sleep in lingerie. If he does not have any, he must sleep naked.When alone, a sissy must dress as a girl. Good sissies wear lipstick while alone.A sissy always keeps himself free of facial hair, and is otherwise well groomed. He must always be presentable, ready to please. Good sissies shave their legsEvery morning after he wakes up, a sissy strips...

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Sissy Arm Wrestler

Sissy Arm Wrestler By Margaret Jeanette Margie Ware came home from working out at the health club she belonged to. She was wearing the blue dress she had worn to work. She always felt renewed after a visit to the health club. She tried to visit it at least two times a week. It wasn't easy as she worked overtime at least two nights a week. She always tried to make it on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She looked at her husband of six years sitting in the recliner dozing while the...

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Sissy New Year

Author's note: My stories generally featured a lot of forced femme, bondage and kinky sex--you know, the stuff that I keep hoping will someday happen to me. That is still true for this story, but this time around, the author in me decided to spend a bit more time developing the characters before commencing the full-on sissy sex orgy. I also wanted to write a story where the characters are well intentioned instead of simply being a rogue's gallery of perverted bastards. With that in...

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Sissy Farm Chapter TwentyOne

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twenty One - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA. Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty...

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Sissy Tammy

Sissy Tammy It all started back in the 60's, 1967 to be exact, when I was 13 years old. As a child I was a bit small and frail, taking longer to develop than most boys my age, and as a result I ended up playing more with the little girls on my block than the boys. This was also a problem of geography, not having any boy friends living near us, and that was probably just as well because all they did was tease me and beat me up, never letting me play any of their games. My...

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Sissy Julian Chapter VI Growing Pains

Sissy Julian - Chapter VI, Growing Pains by: sissystevie Yes, 'tis I, back again. If I can remember how to post this thing on FM. I came across a partially completed additional chapter to this saga, which I abandoned for personal reasons eight years ago, and thought why not? Thus, spurred on by some of your wonderful comments, I completed the chapter and may well complete the saga. There are just too many wonderful kinky - and romantic - moment to come. If you want me to...

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Sissy 101 Intro to Sissy Sluts

Sissy 101: Intro to Sissy Sluts One week before my freshman year at college, I received a letter saying that my class schedule changes had been approved. That struck me as odd because I hadn't requested any changes. Without explanation, I had been un-enrolled from two of my general studies classes. I was now signed up for SISGEN101 and SISHYP161--whatever that meant. I went online to the university's website. These classes weren't even listed in the general course description...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Nineteen

Sissy Farm - Chapter 19 - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's...

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Sissy in the making

Chapter 1 Jim arrived at the North Carolina motel Saturday afternoon as he wanted to make sure everything was in order for Mistress Cleo's arrival on Sunday, as per her instructions. He had gotten the suite to insure there was enough room and comfortable for his new found Mistress. A Mistress he had never met, but already under her control. He began to lay out the items he was instructed to bring, maids outfit, bras, panties, stockings, and every female garment he thought might...

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Sissy Caught at Work

Who ever goes to work thinking "today my life is going to completely change forever". I certainly didn't think that when I got up this morning. I thought I was heading for another typical day at work, full of boring meetings and sipping coffee. Little did I know... My day started like any other, 5 mile run at 6AM, shower, get dressed and headed to work. The only twist is what I'm wearing under my clothes. I love to wear girl's panties. I wear them all the time to work, and today is no...

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Sissy whorehouse veronica

Chapter 1 - The CaptureBefore I became a girl I was a lonely boy with no friends. I couldn't seemto make friends with anyone. I hated myself and I hated my life. One day Idecided to take a walk and try to get away form my troubles. It was earlyin the morning, the sky was a pretty pink, and no one else was out. Butthen, out of the corner of my eye I spotted a black van with heavily tintedwindows coming down the street. It slowed down beside me and as it did Igot a little scared. I was alone on a...

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I was not aware that my girlfriend had begun studying hypnosis,nor that she harbored ambitions of petticoating me. But I soondiscovered that the combination of the two was dangerous to mymasculinity. One afternoon I was sitting in my living room,listening to the stereo through a pair of headphones. It was awarm, sultry day, and after a while I drifted off to sleep. (Muchof what follows my girlfriend--now my mistress-- explained to melater.Seeing that I had dozed off, Jennifer saw her chance....

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Sissy discovers Part 3

part 3 of an original story********************After the drive to the lake it is a family tradition to pick up a pizza from the local joint at the village. The pizza is delicious after a day of driving. The whole family, mom dad and the k**s have just about demolished the large pepperoni and roasted red pepper pie. They sit around the counter and woof down the last slices. As they talk about the tomorrow and plans Vicky gets up to clean the counter, and Tom snuggles up behind. The k**s...

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Sissy Tammy

It all started back in the 60's, 1967 to be exact, when I was 13 years old. As a c***d I was a bit small and frail, taking longer to develop than most boys my age, and as a result I ended up playing more with the little girls on my block than the boys. This was also a problem of geography, not having any boy friends living near us, and that was probably just as well because all they did was tease me and beat me up, never letting me play any of their games.My only real play friend was a pretty...

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Sissy Julian Chapter II Introductions

Julian's story continues with his first day at Lake Orenda, and quite an interesting day it proves to be! If lots of frilly sissy outfits, super swishy behavior and a little sex - not to mention dominant women - are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated R as it contains sissy sex....

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Sissy Crissi Chapter 2 Facing Erika

Chapter 2 - Facing Erika But my bliss would be short lived. I was abruptly wakened from my dreamlike state by a jarring shove into my shoulders that snapped my neck back and sent me reeling forward to the floor. I tried to reach out my arms and break my fall, but one hand was pinned between my pantied crotch and thighs. I reached out with the other and managed to get it in front of me, but it only tended to cause me to roll to the side, throwing my shoulder into the floor and toppling...

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Sissy Factory 3 School

Note: The following journal entries are sanctioned by the overseers of the Sissy Training Academy. STA staff believes that this history might prove useful for the future training of young sissies. With that goal in mind, Sissy 16452 has been authorozed to recount her experiences as part of the graduation and release process. As always, STA welcomes any and all comments regarding this sissy's account. Your thoughts are helpful in deciding future training courses for our young...

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Sissys SheCock Training

Sissy was in the corner on his knee's patiently waiting for Mistress's command. mind racing at the thought of days adventure, a nervous tremor passed through him wondering what it may be. Mistress had said she had a little surprise in store. Mistress standing there in black leather corset, her ample breasts on display fully fashioned stockings, 5" studded 5" heels crop in hand.Smiled and turned to the dresser grabbing, shiri, and sissy's collar, turning back to sissy in the corner, said over...

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