California Girl free porn video

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California Girl By Princess Panty boy My story starts a long time ago, and turns out to be a crazy adventure when my new girl friend catches me. But, before that famous moment in my life. I am getting a little ahead of myself. My name is Kelly. I just turned seventeen last week, and I am flying across country to sunny southern California. Which by the way is the first time I have ever flown anywhere? It is summer break. I should have only one year left of high school but I have two years because I was a screw up in school from people making fun of me. I always seemed to have someone picking on me because I was too skinny, or too small, or my hair was too long. I even had a couple girls tell me they do not hangout with tomboys. I was just trying to get close to them to try to ask them out on a date, but I was too shy. Later I found out that a tomboy was a girl trying to act like a boy, so that messed me up that those girls thought I was a girl trying to act like a boy. I have never been out of Jersey before let alone anywhere near California. One of my friends, and his family moved out west when we were in middle school. I kept in touch with Max through email. So Max was board going to catholic school, and he invited me to come out to sunny southern California to visit. I always wanted to get out of Jersey so my parents bought me a plane ticket and I was off to the west coast. My mom washed all my cloths, and just put them on my bed to fold. I was a typical teenage boy so I just picked the pile up and tossed it into my small suitcase. My parents drove me to the airport even my little sister came with us. I should not call Sara my little sister because she is taller than I am, and I just turned seventeen and she is almost ten in like 9 months she always says. I got out of the car with my sister as my mom and dad stayed in the car. "Sara can you check and see if the trunk is popped open." I dropped my backpack and my hair is going everywhere. The rubber band that held my long hair in a ponytail that goes down to my butt broke. "Oh you want me to fix your hair for you Kellie girl?" I walk over to her. "Don't call me Kellie girl call me Kelly that is my name." I know Kelly is your real name but it sounds so girly okay SIS?" I see her roll her eyes at me. I ignore her calling me her sis than she stands behind me, and starts working on my hair. "Whatever Kellie girl if you want me to fix your hair you will just chill." I feel my sister pulling my hair and sliding a hair tie around the ponytail. "I tied it higher so it's not too hot on your next Kellie girl." I lift my hand up and my ponytail feels weird but does not feel like the ponytail will come out now. "Thanks sis feels good now." I walk over to mom and dad and say good-bye. I kiss them each by sticking my head in the car window. "Mom should I tell Kellie girl that I used my pink hair tie and I tied his ponytail high on his head like a girl does? Hehehe." Sis giggles. I see a concerned look on moms face as dad says. "No that's what he gets having such long hair. From the back your brother looks like a girl." I wave good-bye again as I walk thru the doors and see all the people in the airport waiting on lines. "Wow this place is packed." I say aloud as a female police officer over hears me and walks up to me. I smile at her and her partner. "Can I help you sweetie are you lost honey?" I look at her weird as she is talking to me as if I am a girl. The way she is talking to me is how my parents talk to my little sister. "Ummmmm no I'm just trying to find which ticket counter to use." I see the other police officer staring at me up and down as he smiles while I play with my hair. I hand my tickets over to the female police officer and she looks thru the tickets. "Well sweetie looks like you have to get in the united airlines line right over there." I watch her point at the crowded line. "That's great I was worried I have never flown before so I really don't know what to do. I didn't know what I can carry on the plane and what I have to check in." I smile at both the police officers as I play with my long ponytail as we talk. I see the policewomen staring at my small backpack. "Well sweetie you can't carry any liquids in your back pack no drinks or and bathroom products you can take your tampons or pads I don't know which one you prefer, and a tooth brush. Let me see, oh here it is a list of stuff you can have in your carry on." "Thanks" I look at the list on the paper and at the top it says what women can bring in there carry on. Whatever I guess she thought I was a girl for some reason as I giggle to myself and I walk up to the ticket both. Now it is my turn. "Hi my name is Kelly Johnson I'm flying to California and I guess I need to pick up my ticket and I have luggage too." I see the ticket agent typing, and then she hands me my tickets. I see she spelled my name different she spelled it with an 'ie' instead of Kelly she wrote Kellie, which is how girls spell their names. I do not say anything as she takes my bag and says, "Have a great flight." "Thanks I will." I smile and follow the other people until I am standing in front of the entrance to the plane. Over the loudspeaker, we hear now boarding to California Sana Ana. Women and small children can now board. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around seeing an older gentlemen smiling at me. "Go ahead sweetie they said women and small children can board now." I look at him oddly. He must think I am a little kid or something. I walk up to the flight attendant collecting tickets. "Thank you Kellie you have a fun trip." as she hands me back my boarding pass. "If you need anything sweeties just ask me when we get aboard us girls have to stick together." I look at her weird as she smiles and takes the persons ticket behind me as I walk on the plane. That was weird as I look for my window seat, slide in, and relax. I wonder why she was treating me like a girl. It must be from the ticket agent typing my name wrong on the ticket. Seems like everyone is treating me like a girl I guess people are weird. "Hi sweetie can you hold my purse while I put my carry on above in the compartment? I can put your bag on up here to if you want." I hand her my bag after she pushes hers up in the compartment. "My name is Necy how are you sweetie, and what is your name?" I look at her when she calls me sweetie because that is what everyone calls my little sister. "Oh hi my name is Kelly I'm fine and yourself?" I smile back at the woman who is about 25ish and very pretty. I hand her purse back to her as we both smile. "Oh sweetie is this the first time flying? You seem a little nervous?" Necy smiles at me. I look back at her and see her long smooth legs going up to her short jean skirt. "Umm yea Necy this is my first time flying I guess it's easy to see." I play with my ponytail as we talk but it hits the back of the seat as I sat back. "Oh sweetie you want me to fix your hair so you can get some rest on the plane. Your one ponytail is up high right where it hits the headrest. I can fix it for you, just turn towards the window honey and I'll fix you up." I feel her taking my ponytail out as I feel all my long hair fall everywhere. Before I turn, I feel her brushing my hair on the side. "I'll just fix your hair really quick and I feel her making a ponytail on the left side. " Okay sweeties turn the other way as I feel her brushing it on the right side and putting my hair in another ponytail. "Oh I bet that feels better now you have pigtails like me hehehe. Doesn't that feel better Kellie?" I do not know what to say to her as she put my hair in a very feminine hairstyle, pigtails like hers but Necy's pigtails have short bangs. "Yea thank you but you have bangs so our hair is a little different." "Well I can fix that for you if you want. I'm a hairstylist I can fix you right up you would look really pretty with short bangs like mine." I look at her and I have a shocked look on my face. "Um that's okay um I like it like this and it would be too much bother anyway. Plus I am sure they didn't let you take your scissors on the plane. But thanks anyway maybe another time." I try to be polite. "Well Kellie they did miss my scissors when they went thru the scanner and it will be no bother once were in the air I'll fix your hair right up we can use the handicap bathroom so we don't make a mess." I look at Necy's pretty smile, as I smile back not knowing what to say. We see the seatbelt sign go on as we buckle up for the flight. I relax and go to sleep it has been a busy day. So far, everyone that I me thought I was a girl. I wonder if my dad was, right that only girls have long hair and if I have long hair they will think of me as a girl. "Wow I must have been tired. How long did I sleep for Necy?" I stretch my arms out and un-due my safety belt. I turn and see Necy closing her book she is reading. "Well sweetie you almost made the whole trip with one nap. You must have been tired sweetie did your boyfriend keep you up all night or should I say did you keep him up all night. Hehehehe." "Speaking of boyfriends, so do you have a boyfriend? I bet you have a couple since you're so pretty Necy." I smile at her. Necy's smile lights up when I call her so pretty. "Well thank you honeys are you hitting on me, hehehehe," she giggles. "Yes I do have a boyfriend I can't wait to see him tonight. Let's just say he won't be getting any sleep tonight if you know what I mean." "I thought so since no way can a pretty girl like you not have at least a couple boyfriends." I smile at Necy while she smiles back at me. I notice Necy going threw her purse and pulls out a business card. "Here ya go sweetie this is my card give me a call after you settle in. You can be extra pretty to with the right hairstyle sweetie and the right clothes as she looks at my skinny jeans and tee shirt. Oh by the way how old are you sweetie?" "Oh I just turned seventeen last week. Um one of my friends invited me out to California to visit and if you are from here looks like I am going to enjoy myself in California. I hate jersey I'm going to look for a job out here so I can stay her and never go back." Necy smiles at me. "Well sweetie you sure seem to have your mind made up. I might be able to help you with a job it is not much, but I have my own hair salon. I can always use a pretty girl like yourself to answer the phone and make hair appointments. You will be a cute little California girl like me hehehehe." I am big time in shock not knowing what to say. "I even have a small one-bedroom apartment upstairs if you're interested in that also. I'm using it as storage now so it will take a little work." "Wow really that would be so cool." Then I remember she just called me a pretty girl and she would have a job for a pretty girl like me not a boy. How do I tell her I am a guy and not a girl? Than over the intercom, we hear. "Please prepare to land, will everyone fasten your safety belts we are ahead of schedule, and we will be landing shortly?" "Great finally here isn't that great Necy?" we both smile at each other. I look over at Necy smiling at me. "Yes it is sweetie I'm so glad to be home. I do not like New Jersey either, but I went to visit my sister who just had a baby." The plane lands and everyone starts to get off. "Well sweetie you have my card, and I am serious about the job and if you want to start your California life off with me just call. I think you would be the perfect California girl with a tan and the right clothes." Necy looks at me smiling, and staring at me up and down. "Hope to talk to you later Kellie, it was great meeting you. Give me a call when you get settled in, us California girls have to stick together, bye for now sweetie." Necy kisses me on the cheek and I kiss her cheek too like girls do. I realize after talking to Necy she thinks I am a girl, and her new friend. Now I am acting like a girl by kissing her on the cheek as girls do. I rather be taking her clothes off and kissing her everywhere making her my girl friend. I wave good-bye to Necy who thinks I am her friend and a girl now. Walking through the airport, I am trying to find my old friend. I than spot him walking by were our luggage comes too. "Hey Max it's me Kelly." I lift my hand for him to shake. Max checks me out from head to toe. "Wow my dad was right that you are a tomboy I never knew you were a girl. I always thought you had your hair long because you were trying to be like the guys in the rock bands. I guess it makes since now, why I never seen you with a girl before because you are one." Before I can tell him he is out of his mind, his mom comes up to us smiling. "Hi Kellie you look so different since we seen you when we moved away four years ago. Don't ya think SHE looks so different, and grown up Max? And so grown up I love your pigtails by the way." "Thanks Mrs. Floyd, it has been a long time since I have seen any of you." I notice her staring at my chest as she was looking for breasts. She must have given up looking under my baggy flannel shirt I had on over the pink concert shirt. We watch the luggage carousel going around and around as everyone's luggage gets picked up and we are just standing there. I see one of the airport employees come from the back area. "Excuse me sir the luggage carousel has stopped and my luggage isn't on it." "We'll miss you need to walk over there." He points to a sign that says missing luggage and I ignore him calling me miss. I do not even respond to him because I'm so pissed and he called me miss thinking I am a girl. "Excuse me the airport man said to come over here and report to you that my luggage didn't come off the carousel." "I'm sorry about that young lady you will need to fill out this paperwork and when and if it arrives we will give you a call and we can deliver it to you." Mrs. Floyd comes over to me and see's how upset I am. I smile at her as she holds my hand. "Mrs. Floyd they lost my luggage and they are going to call me when and if it arrives." I start shaking my head as I talk. "Oh don't worries I'm sure your luggage will get back soon I wouldn't worry about it. If it takes awhile I'm sure we can find some cloths for you to wear." Filling out the paperwork was fast, and I was surprised how little information they ask for. Just the flight number, my name a short description of my bags and that was it. "Guess I have to wait now." The three of us get to Mrs. Floyds minivan and we climb in. The trip to their house was only a short distance away but the traffic was so terrible. Two hours later, we are pulling in their driveway and it is midnight. The garage door shuts and we walk into their house. "Let me show you to your room sweetie, and then I'll find you something to sleep in." I turn around and max is already in his room. We walk into the guest bedroom and it is still packed with boxes, bags, and extra furniture all over it. You cannot even see the bed it is so packed with stuff. "That Max didn't clean anything out of here he was up late, and still doesn't look like he even touched the room. I am sorry sweetie. You can stay in Tina's room she is away to college so she won't mind." We walk down the hallway to another bedroom. The whole room is pink with pink curtains and a pink bedspread with light pink blinds. The room is also decorated with a bunch of posters of boy rock bands on the walls and other pictures of horses and boy movie stars. Stuffed animals are all over the room. Seeing the closet half-open I check it out. I open the closet and see pictures of naked guys on the inside of the door while I shake my head trying to figure out how I got myself into this. "Tina's room is clean she really is a girly girl as you can see. Her clothes are going to be too big for you so I'm going to sneak into my other daughter's room and get you a few things and try not to wake her up okay." I seat on the edge of the super girly bed. "Thanks Mrs. Floyd." A few minutes go by and I almost fall asleep on the bed. "I'm sorry sweetie to startle you. I am putting these cloths on the dresser for you. There is a nightgown that will fit you, and I put a clean outfit for tomorrow if it does not fit you we can look for something else but it should fit you too. Now get changed and get a good night's rest I know it's been I busy day for you sweetie." I stand up and smile at her and she hugs me as my head goes into her breasts as she squeezes me. "Thanks again for all your doing for me Mrs. Floyd." She smiles at me and walks out of the bedroom closing the door behind her. Oh, yes that feels better as I kick my shoes and socks off. I lift up the nightgown that she put on the dresser and I see it is a hello kitty nightgown with matching panties. You have to be kidding, I hold it up to myself, and maxes mom was right looks like it might fit me. Well everyone keeps calling me a girl I might as well try it on. Making sure the door is closed I start to slide my baggy flannel shirt off and the pink guns and roses tee shirt off. Looking at the guns and roses concert shirt I guess it could look girly if all you seen was the pink with the flannel shirt over it. Oh, well as I see myself in the skinny jeans that are almost hip huggers. I really like how these pants fit me but they are the new style. I slide off my pants and underwear and walk back over to the dresser totally naked. Wow, these panties are so tiny as I hold them up in the air shaking my head while I step into them and slide them up my legs. I turn and look into the mirror and notice you cannot see my bulge anymore it is like the panties pushed my little penis and balls back into my body. While I am looking at myself in the mirror, I notice an open door next to the stand up mirror and I walk over to it. Wow she has her own bathroom I always wanted my own bathroom. Turning the light on I see a million types of lotions, shampoos, and other bath products. Wow a shower sure would feel good and I bet I would fall asleep better. Reaching into the shower, I turn the shower on, and slide the hello kitty panties off. I toss them on the floor than I figure they will get wet so I put them on the counter by the sink and step back in the shower. Wow this water feels good as I let it burn into my back with the shower nozzle set to massage. I pick up a pink bottle and smell it, and then I spread it all over my face and chest and arms, and legs and then I stand there and let the water continues to massage against my sore back. Wow I almost fell asleep standing up in the shower, as I turn and let the water massage the front of me as I put the pink lotion all on my back of my legs and all over my sore shoulders and bottom. Feeling the tingly sensation all over my body after about ten minutes I let the water spray the remaining lotion off my body. While I am turning in the shower, my elbow hits the lotion bottle, I bend over to pick it up in the shower, and I notice all the hair in the drain. It does not hit me until I see my legs are shiny and then I notice I don't have any body hair at all just a tiny patch of hair above my lil penis. I look down at the bottle in my hand. I turn the label to read and it says Nair extra strength guaranteed to keep hair away for months. Grabbing the fluffy pink towel, I shake my head, and of course, her towels are pink. I open my eyes while I am drying off and see all the hand towels and shower towels are all pink. Wow, my skin is so soft now while I rub my hands up and down my legs seeing how shiny they are with no hair on them. This trip is going to be the end of me; while I slide the tiny pink hello, kitty panties back on. Holy smoke when I walk past the mirror I see how girly my legs are. I continue to shake my head while I slide what looks like a tee shirt with no sleeves on and it has lace all around the edges. The mirror is just freaking me out as I see how girly I look now with just pink panties with no bulge and the lace camisole so I turn my back to the mirror still shaking my head not being able to believe what a crazy day I have had. Lifting the pink hello kitty nightgown I really do not even look at it while I slide it over my head, and look down and see it is like wearing a long tee shirt. Unfortunately, I turn and see myself in the mirror again and almost scream seeing someone else is in the room watching me changing. I than notice the little girl with pigtails wearing the pink hello kitty nightgown with pink sleeves and pink around the neck, and pink lace around the hem with the hello kitty pic on it is really me. I almost wet my panties seeing my reflection in the mirror. My panties what am I saying this is getting crazy I better get some sleep before I lose whatever mind I have left. Walking over to the pink satin bed, I watch the little girl in pigtails wearing the nightgown climb into bed as I shake my head trying not to think about the little girl in pigtails is me. The long day finally gets to me and as soon as I shut my eyes, I am a sleep. Waking up I see the sun shining through the pink curtains as I rub my eyes hearing someone at my bedroom door knocking lightly. Seating up in bed I see a girl about the same age as my little sister, and of course, she is taller than I am too. "Hi you must be Kellie, my mom told me you were going to be staying with us a while. I am Cindy and I see your wearing one of my nightgowns I am glad it fits you. That nightgown looks like one of my old nightgowns so I guess you will fit all my old clothes." "Um yes Cindy great to meet you thanks for letting me wear your pajamas I me your nightgown." Cindy smiles at me as I see her eyes going towards my head or hair I guess. "Kellie you want me to fix your hair looks like your hair has come un done." Before I know it, Cindy is seating on the bed brushing my hair out. "I think you look pretty with your hair in pigtails, but you should have bangs like me so they look prettier." I see her put the brush down. "Let's go it's time for breakfast mom wanted me to come up and get you. Does your hair feel better now that I fixed it? I put one hand on each pigtail and look in the mirror and I see my hair even looks more girly as I shake my head seeing the smiley face on Cindy. "Yes Cindy my hair does feel and look better thank you. I watch as Cindy's eyes light up with happiness. "My big sister is away in college so I miss her, and I miss doing her hair and her doing mine. Maybe you can do my hair later." Standing up I see that Cindy is just a little taller than I am just like my little sister is just a little taller than me. "Well Cindy like your brother said to me last night I was raised more like a boy or a tomboy so I really don't know the girly stuff like you and your sister do." 'That's okay because I can teach you all the girly stuff. I bet that is why my mom gave you my most girlish nightgown. Now we had better get downstairs before mom yells at me for not getting you." Cindy is holding my hand as we walk to the table seeing breakfast made. "Oh Kellie that nightgown looks very pretty on you. Does it fit you okay too?" I see her mom looking at my smooth shiny legs than back up to the very girly nightgown. "Yes it does fit me pretty good thanks for asking." I see Cindy and her mom smiling at me while I am trying to figure a way to tell them I am really a boy. Maybe once my clothes get here she will see I only own boys cloths. We start eating and I am so full eating eggs, bacon, and toast. "Where is Max this morning? I thought he might want to hang out today." After I am finish eating I seat back and see Cindy's mom still cleaning with her food not touched on the table. "Um Mrs. Floyd why don't you seat down and eat? I'll finish cleaning up for you." I see a shocked look on her face. "Yea mommy I can help Kellie to, and we can clean the kitchen while you eat breakfast." Cindy says. Cindy grabs her plate and the two of us start cleaning the plates off and start loading the dishwasher. "Well thank you girls, it's great to have some help around the kitchen." "So where is Max again, or is he still sleeping?" I see Max's mom finish chewing her food, and getting ready to talk. "I'm sorry sweetie he had to go to work he works at Denny's as a dishwasher. They don't pay very well but it's really hard to find any kind of work." "Speaking of work, I met a woman on the plane trip over here she offered me a job and it includes a small one bedroom apartment." Cindy face gets all-sad like she is going to cry. "But I bet your mom will let you come over and hangout Cindy." Cindy starts to cheer up a little. "Plus I don't really know much about the job or the area. Have you ever heard of Malibu? Is that a good area that is where this place is at?" "If this job of yours comes with a apartment in Malibu that is great because Malibu is right on the ocean and it is super expensive to live there. Malibu is a very good area, we looked there and it is way out of our price range." Looking at Cindy's mom, I am feeling really good about the possible employment in sunny California far away from the cold and dirt of jersey. Then the realization hits me that this new position and my first apartment isn't offered to Kelly the 17 year old guy not going anywhere fast. The new position and apartment is offered to Kellie a California girl. I start to laugh seeing myself in the mirror I look like a girl in a pink hello kitty nightgown with pigtails. Shaking my head thinking how I get myself into these things. "Well girls you did a great job cleaning the kitchen. Thank you! Now go get dressed you do not want to spend a beautiful day like this inside. Kellie since that nightgown fits you so good I'm sure the outfit I left out for you last night will fit perfect too." Cindy's cell phone rings while were walking up the stairs to our room while I notice Cindy sounds like she is talking to a boy. Cindy walks in her room looking preoccupied. I walk into my super girly bedroom, which is mine for a little while. I see the outfit on the dresser as I pick it up seeing the little pink bikini panties and matching satin bra. Oh, god she is trying to turn me into a girl. Well I guess she is trying to turn me into a girly girl since Cindy's mom already seems to think I am a girl. Well I guess no one will see the bra and panties under my clothes so they will not know I am wearing girls panties and bra. If this is what I have to do to stay free in beautiful southern California so be it. Plus, this will make Cindy's mom feel better knowing I am wearing girly panties like a girly girl which both her daughters seem to be. I just realized I am referring to her as Cindy's mom not Max's mom. I have to get back to my normal self somehow. Sliding the nightgown off I see myself dressed in just the little panties and pink camisole while I slide the panties off. Holding the new tiny pink Barbie panties up in the air, I look at them and slide them up my smooth legs. The camisole felt pretty good sleeping in it but I slide it off and put it on the bed with the matching panties and nightgown I wore last night. Wow, I cannot believe I am going to really put this bra on, while I stare at the bra in my hands. The bra has lace all over it, and my fingers touch it with my thoughts going to the dreams I have had about taking a bra off a pretty girl and feeling her breasts. Now I am the one that will be wearing a bra. What is happening to me I must be losing it. Well I might as well get going with this, as I notice there is a clip in the back of the bra. I wrap it around my chest and try to clip it in the back and realize that my arms cannot reach around back. Sliding the bra around in the front, I clip the bra together than pull it around so the clip is in the back. Noticing that the little lace cups in the front that I thought would be empty because I don't have any breast seem to be full like my little puffy chest is molded into little breasts filling the lace bra that said 30 AA on the label before I put it on. If my mom could see me now wearing a bra, and panties, she would freak. The panties have no bulge in them like the others I wore yesterday. It is like there just tight enough to push my lil penis and balls back up into my body, but not making it too tight to be uncomfortable. Okay let me finish getting dressed before someone see's me in a bra and panties. I realize that everyone in this house thinks I am a girl for some reason so I kind of look like a girl wearing a bikini so I guess it will not be any major shock. I bet my dad would be in shock if I was home and if he walked into my room and seen me standing in a bra and panties, plus my hair in pigtails. My dad would freak out. He is always making fun of my long hair telling me only girls have long hair and boys have short hair. Picking the rest of the clothes up I see a little top that I slide over my head and notice it does not go all the way to my panties. Oh well I am sure the jeans or shorts will fix that. I pick up what looks like a pair of jeans shorts and no freaking way this is a skirt. Holy smoke I cannot wear a skirt. 'Knocking on the door lightly' "Are you dressed yet Kellie?" I look very fast and see nothing to put on. "Almost hold on." I slide the skirt up my legs and zip it up on the side. "Okay I'm dressed." "Oh I'm so sorry to bug you. Wow, that skirt looks so pretty on you. Let me fix it for you the zipper goes in the back I guess you don't wear many skirts back home. I think you look so pretty now not dressed as you were yesterday. I guess many girls are into the tomboy look. I am sure you can notice neither of my girls or me are very tomboyish were all girly girls. I'll turn you into one to hehehe." She giggles. Cindy's mom puts her hands on my shoulders, and turns me to the mirror. "Now that is a much better look for you sweetie." "Wow I look like a total different person." If she only knew how different I looked. Now I am wearing panties, a bra a tube top, and a short skirt. Yea you could say I look like a different person or actually, I look like a different gender. "Yes that mini skirt looks great on you it really shows off those pretty legs you were hiding in those jeans." I hear her say I am wearing a mini skirt than I really have a shocked look on my face. I am not wearing just a skirt, I am wearing a mini skirt oh I need help. "Before I forget I want you to take two of these pills in the morning and two at night until your body gets caught up." I see her staring at my chest. "These pills will also keep you from getting in trouble in case you get carried away with a boyfriend. Just in case so you will not get pregnant. They will also help your face stay zit free." Cindy's mom says. I look at Cindy's mom after I take two of the pills and then put the container of vitamins on my new dresser. "If you need me to drop you off in Malibu so you can visit your new friend I can do that this morning, but after I'm busy for the rest of the week." "That would be great." I see my money, id, and stuff on the dresser. Looking back into the mirror, I see myself in a mini skirt and top. Staring into the mirror in shock as I just realized I am going outside dressed like a girl. Oh, man what if someone see's me I'll never hear the end of it. Still staring in the mirror, I smile and realize no one here knows me. I'm several thousand miles from anyone I know. Necy thinks I am a girl so she will not freak so what the heck am I worried about. "Here ya go Kellie this purse matches your outfit so you can put your ID and personal stuff since that skirt has no pockets." "Thanks Mrs. Floyd." I take the purse and I open it and see a couple tampons in there as I look back up into Cindy smiling at me. She hands me a key and I piece of paper. "This is an extra key for the house, and this paper has the password for the alarm in case you come back and were not here." I put the key and the paper in the purse pushing the tampon over. "Oh yea, I put a couple tampons in there for ya. You never know when you need one. Is it that time of the month for you now Kellie?" "Um no it's not, and thanks for the key and stuff I'll be carefully not to lose it." I stare at Cindy's mom as if she is going to say something but does not know how too. Cindy's mom takes my hand. "I had a talk with my Tina when she was a little younger than you, and I know you just turned seventeen. Girls think there all grown up at that age so I have to ask, are you sexually active?" "Yes but." She cuts me off before I can explain that I am a guy, so I cannot get pregnant and you don't have to worry about that. Nodding her head smiling at me Cindy's mom looks me in the eyes. "Well I thought so but the pills well help you and the tampons in case you never noticed tampons can be used when it's not that time of the month. They are good for right after sex so his cum does not drip everywhere the tampon will absorb it up." I am feeling way embarrassed hearing all this extremely personal girly information. "Okay thanks, I'll be okay don't worry about me." I cannot believe that was my chance again to tell her I am not a girl. When she asked if I was sexually active I was in shock. The truth of it all is I am a virgin. I have only felt a girl's breast once when she bumped into me while I was helping her clean her room. She smiled and put my hand on her breast. Of course, her mom came in the room at that very second and kicked me out of their house. Sad that this is my only sexually experience if it even counts as one. Cindy comes out of her room looking ready for school dressed in her catholic school uniform. "Wow that skirt looks great on you Kellie you look so grown up in that pretty skirt." Cindy says. "Thanks I think. You look the opposite you look even younger in your school uniform hehehe." I cannot believe I just giggled, and I am talking about girls factions. What is wrong with me? Cindy puts her hands on her hips and smiles at me. "I know that's so true but the nuns won't let us wear any make up. I think the nuns are jealous of us hehehe." I hear her giggle than catch myself giggling again with her. "You stay here after the summer who knows you may be wearing the same uniform you still have two years to graduate hehehe. I think you would look pretty in one of my school uniforms you will have to try one on when I get back. I only have one week of school until we are on summer break like your school." Cindy continues. "I think it is so un-fair that your school gets out a week before mine. "Well my school starts way before your school starts so it evens out." Then I stare at her school uniform and realize how screwed I am if I stay here too long. Just the thought of me wearing a catholic schoolgirl uniform makes me get the chills. Seeing her short pleated skirt, which is about as short as the mini skirt I am wearing. I remember all the boys at school always trying to get a look under their skirts. Wow, I was one of those boys, if I had to wear that uniform, and the boys tried looking up my skirt oh my god I am going to have a heart attack just thinking about it. "Well I have to run, or I'll miss my bus its funny our school is in Malibu the same town your friend is in. You have a good day Kellie girl. Bye." I feel her lean in and give me a kiss on the cheek as girls do. Cindy runs out the door after giving her mom a kiss on the cheek also. "It's amazing how the two of you get along. It's like you and Cindy are good friends instead of you and Max." "Yea that is true; I haven't really even talked to Max. He fell asleep in the car on our way here and he was gone when I woke up. I do like to talk to Cindy she is a riot I feel like I've known her my whole life." I seat down as I see Cindy's mom motion for me to have a seat. "I overheard you and Cindy talking about school uniforms. Cindy is right you would look cute in one of her old uniforms." I see her look at her watch. "We have a couple minutes before we can leave. Take two more of your pills you did not take any yesterday. I'll be right back." She hands me a glass of water. "Okay" I take the pill container out of my purse it says extra strength estrogen on it. I take two more pills and drink the rest of the water. I hope these are not too strong. Counting these two, I took four so far today and will take two more at night she said. Cindy's mom walks up to me as I turn around seeing her holding two hangers and they both have schoolgirl uniforms on them. "I know I said we were in a rush but please try on one of these real quick before we go." My mouth drops open but no words come out. She puts one hanger against me in the front, and than the other. "Okay we'll let you try the smaller size first and if it looks good you won't have to try the other." I look at the little schoolgirl uniform of course I have to try on the smallest one that's just how this trip is going as I shake my head in confusion. "Okay now off with your clothes it's just us girls here." Cindy's mom takes my purse and starts pulling my pink top over my head. Before I can actually respond, I am standing only in a bra I feel her un zip the side of the skirt as it drops to my ankles. In less than a second, it feels like I am standing only in Barbie panties and a bra. Still no bulge in my panties as Cindy's mom stares at my bra. "I was right you do look a little un-developed in the chest area. Don't worry your pretty little head the pills that your taking will help you fill out that bra in no time." I look at her confused trying to figure what the heck she is talking about. "Lift your arms up." as I feel the white silk blouse slide over my head. Looking down I see her slide my pink flip flops off and she starts sliding socks and some black super girly shoes on my feet. "Come on sweetie button up your blouse were in a rush." Listening I try to button the blouse but the buttons are all on the wrong side, but I finally get them all buttoned. "You know you're not going to be able to wear pink Barbie panties with the school uniform only white panties but you're good for now." "Lift you foot up one at a time and step into the skirt." I do as I am asked, and feel the tiny skirt sliding up my legs. This skirt sure feels way too short. Cindy's mom steps back and looks at me up and down. "Turn sideways sweetie and bend over a little bit. Yup that skirt is perfect for you but if you ever wear it again don't bend over at all not even a little bend, or everyone will be able to see your pretty panties." She turns me to the mirror and I see a little school girl in a super short mini skirt that is pleated and matches the top. "Let me get Cindy's old backpack to complete the look." I shake my head and stare into the mirror. "Here sweetie hold the backpack and look at me." I turn and hold the backpack and before I can react, I hear snap, snap. She is taking pictures of me. "Oh you look so cute; you look like you're going to your first day of school with the backpack." "Oh no speaking of backpacks Cindy left her backpack, we need to hurry and try to beat the school bus to school so she doesn't get in any trouble for not having it. Just pick up your skirt and top don't forget the flip flops and put them in the backpack you can change out of the school uniform later." I scoop all the clothes and the purse and push them into the backpack as Cindy's mom closes the door behind me. We run to the car and I feel the warm summer breeze blowing the skirt up as I run. "Oh I wouldn't run too much in that skirt it is so short everyone can see your panties hehehe" hearing her giggling. "Remember to keep your knees together when you're wearing any kind of skirt but especially when you're wearing a short skirt like that one." Putting my legs together, I notice how my legs are shiny. I look over at Cindy's mom's legs while she is driving and her legs are shiny to, but her skirt is a lot longer. We drive for about thirty minutes and the whole time I am thinking someone is going to catch me wearing girl's clothes. We pull up in front of the school and bunches of buses are letting students out. "Okay sweetie I feel like I'm dropping you off for your first day of school. Hehehe. But grab Cindy's backpack and get out and see if you can find her while I park the minivan hurry or we'll miss her." "But, but" I get out and close the door as she drives off looking for a parking spot. I look around and see tons of kids walking around so fast as I see a couple of the boys staring at my skirt and smile looking at me up and down. I walk the other way. "Where are you going little girl? School is the other way. Now turn around and get inside the building." I feel the nun take my arm and turn me around towards the doors of the school than let go. "Wow don't you look all grown up? NOT!!!" I turn and see Cindy standing behind me. "Yea see what I mean Kellie you look so young in that uniform too. Mom gave you my smallest old uniform I was like eight years old when I wore that. You look like your around seven in it hehehehe." Cindy giggles staring at me. I shake my head and hand her the backpack. "Okay you're a freaking riot ha-ha. You are the one that has to go to school and I am going to be leaving so there. Maybe I'll go to the beach since I have no school hehehe." "Not if that nun comes back that I seen grabbing your arm." I look around and realize she is right. "Well I have to get inside for class, thanks for bringing my backpack and thank mom or my mom for bringing it. I feel like you are my little sister even though your way older than I am." I feel her kiss me on the cheek as she runs off. No way I see the crazy nun walking back to me as I look all around hoping Cindy's mom is near. I feel a hand on my shoulder, just as the nun is in front of me. I turn to see whose hand it is. "Oh good I was looking all over for you. I seen Cindy, and I gave her the backpack, she said to say thanks to you." "Excuse me your going to be late little one like I said to you earlier." I turn and see the old nun staring down at me looking mean. Cindy's mom turns and looks at the nun. "Oh no she doesn't go to this school. Kellie goes to a different catholic school back in New Jersey." "Oh so she is a new student than. Walk this way." I feel her take my hand and the three of us walk to the main office. Looking up at Cindy's mom, she looks confused also trying to get a word in as we watch the two nuns talking to each other in the office. "Excuse me sisters, see um Kellie here is out for the year her school already is done for the summer. We were kind of playing dress up and I noticed my other daughter Cindy forgot her backpack so we raced over here to drop it off so she will not get in trouble. Little Kellie here is visiting for the summer and I'm not sure if she will be going back to her catholic school in new jersey or staying out here." I smile finally the truth coming out that I am not a student here. Even though she kept saying, I was a girl but I will ignore that for now. I wanted to stand up and clap since we finally got our point across or so I thought. "Oh okay I understand well why don't we look you up on the computer just to make sure okay?" The nun behind the counter says. I look up at Cindy as she rolls her eyes at them and at me. "Okay that's find I need to use the lady's room real quick, Kellie give her all the information she needs and I'll be right back." I see her walk into the women rest room than I look back up at the other nun. "Now sweetie what is your full name, address and the name of your school that you're out for the summer from?" I start telling her all the information and I see a boy behind me seating on the bench trying to look up my skirt as I am talking. "Young man are you trying to look up this little girls skirt?" I notice that another nun walked in, and caught the boy looking up my skirt. "Um I'm sorry sister Mary Beth, um it was a accident." I turn and see the boy around 14 looked like he was going to cry because he knew he was in trouble. Looking at the nun, I would say she did not believe a word of it. "Well young man maybe you should wear a girl's school uniform for the day so you can see how it feels to have little boys trying to look up your skirt. What do you think miss..? As the nun looks at me for an answer. "Um I'm Kellie sister Mary Beth, and yes I think that would teach him a lesson." I see the boy start crying now. Sister Mary Beth took his hand as he stood up I could see that he was so scared he was wetting his pants. I watched as the wet spot grew in his pants. I put my hand over my mouth and Sister Mary Beth watched me than seen the boy was wetting his pants. I stepped back seeing the puddle spreading that was dripping over his shoes. "Yes stand back Kellie we don't want the baby boy to be peeing on you. Well it looks like we will be putting a diaper on him under his new girl's uniform for the rest of the school day. You will also be wearing your new girl's uniform on the bus and home since your boy's uniform is soaked in pee." I start to giggle at the thought of the fourteen-year-old boy wearing a diaper and a girl's school uniform. "Do you think that it is funny Miss Kellie?" The nun stares at me with a weird look on her face. I try to answer her. "Well I think it is funny to, a fourteen year old boy here will be wearing a pretty girl's uniform like yours, but he will be wearing a baby's diaper under HER uniform." I giggle again hearing her say HER referring to the pee soaked boy. "Okay Miss Kellie where were we. Oh yes here you are on the computer. Oh this is wrong let me fix that. Here it says you are a sixteen-year- old boy. Well we know that is wrong let me fix that real quick. Now how old are you sweetie? "I'm not sixteen anymore I turned seventeen last week." I look up at the surprised look on the nuns face. Well I guess the birthday part is correct, and I fixed the other thing that was wrong the computer said you were a male and anyone can see you are a girl so I fixed that for you sweetie. Not to be rude but, do you have any ID on you?" I look around, and Cindy's mom is not back yet. "My purse is in the car and it has my driver's license in it. Mrs. Floyd can tell you how old I am, and If I need to get my ID I can do that when she comes back from the rest room." I know sooner finish my sentence and Cindy's mom walks in the office. "Excuse me Mrs. Floyd how old is little Kellie here? I see her smile at me looking at me up and down in the little schoolgirl uniform. "Well she looks a lot younger in the little school girl uniform but she turned seventeen last week." "Okay I thought it was me thinking that she looks so much younger. I believe you both but I did update her records and if she wants to relocate out her it will be a very fast transition. Oh and Kellie said she had her drivers license in New Jersey. I would have her change it over to California it's real easy just go to motor vehicle and they will issue a new one no tests or anything." We both look at the nun, and I can tell by the look on Cindy's moms face and my surprise that neither one of us have thought about changing my drivers license. "Well thank you sister that is a good idea thanks again. You have a great day." We both turn around and I feel Cindy's mom take my hand as we walk out of the school. "I don't know why I'm taking your hand I know your really seventeen Kellie. The school uniform just makes you look ten years younger. I'm sorry if I'm treating you like a baby girl." I smile looking up at Cindy's mom as we walk to her minivan and get in. I start to giggle un-controllably. "What so funny Kellie? You laugh any harder you're going to wet your panties." I hear her say that and I start giggling more almost not breathing. "Well what you said just reminded me about something that happened while I was in the office when you went to the rest room." I see a smiley look on Cindy's moms face as we drive down the street and back on the freeway. I seat up trying not to giggle. "Okay while I was giving the sister the information she needed to look me up on the computer. There was a boy around fourteen seating on the bench behind me and I guess he was looking up my skirt while I was talking to the sister. Well another sister came in Sister Mary Beth and she caught the boy looking up my skirt. The boy said he was sorry and started to cry. I felt sorry for the boy. "Well he shouldn't have been doing that so I'm glad that he got caught. Did Sister Mary Beth say anything else, because she is in charge of discipline in that school?" Giggling I look back over at Cindy's mom. "Yes she said that since he liked looking up little girls skirts that maybe he should wear a girl's uniform for the rest of the day. Well the boy really starting crying than." "Wow that is a riot I can't believe that the boy was going to be wearing a girls school uniform those skirts are so short too. Do you think the sister was serious?" I said. "Well yes because after she said that to the boy, she asked me if I thought that was a good idea. I said I thought it would be a good idea so he sees how the other girls feel. Then he starts to pee his pants. I kid you not the sister took his hand and as soon as she stood up I could see a wet spot in his crotch area growing than a puddle formed around his shoes." "Oh my god you have to be kidding me Kellie hehehehe." Cindy's mom starts to giggle and laugh a loud. I start shaking my head no, as I try to stop laughing. "Then as soon as the sister seen the puddle around his shoes and that he peed himself she said to him, and I quote." As I laugh again trying to speak. "I guess young man you will be wearing a diaper under your new skirt for the rest of the day, and wearing it on the bus and home since you soaked your boy's uniform in pee." "That is just too funny Kellie, keep an eye out we should be near your friends store, oh there it is on the corner. Looks like a nice area look at all the palm trees and you see that over there." I see her pointing. "That is the pacific ocean only a block away that is great." I smile and stare at how clean everything is. Nothing like it is back in jersey. Here all the people are smiling and young with happiness everywhere. "Wow this is really beautiful here like were in the tropics." "Yes it looks so nice that's why it is so expensive to live around here. Now you have all the number and everything in your purse that is in the backpack. So are you sure, you will be okay sweetheart. I know I have to stop treating you like you're eight I know your seventeen." I smile at her. "I'll be fine, don't worry. I lean in and kiss her on the cheek like lil girls due, and I get out of the minivan and wave as she drives away. I pick up the backpack and fling it over my one shoulder and walk up to the glass door that says entrance on the hair salon. I see my reflection in the glass and sure enough I look like a little school girl as I walk in. "Wow this place is really nice and massive." The girl at the counter smiles at me. I stop and see her looking at me up and down. "Aren't you going to be late for school little girl." I look up at her smiling at me. "Oh no um is Necy here?" I look around and see all the women busy doing hair in one area and in another there doing nails. The woman behind the counter smiles at me. "You're not Kellie are you?" I look up at her pretty face smiling at me. "Yes how did you know that?" I smile at her seeing how pretty she is. I look at her as if she is an alien from another planet. "Well Necy was telling us about a young girl on the plane, and how young you looked. She said that you remind her of herself so full of determination. That you are a California girl and she was going to help you." "Kellie is that you? Oh, my god I knew you had pretty legs that you were hiding in those baggy jeans. I'm so glad to see you." She gives me a big hug and kiss on the cheek. "What's up with the little school girl uniform you look like you're a little girl?" I smile at her kissing her again on the cheek. "It's along story." I smile than see everyone in the shop smiling and listening to us. "We'll sit in the chair and tell me all about it. I'm going to fix those bangs up for you like I wanted to on the plane." I seat in the beauticians chair as she puts a pink smock around my neck. "Go ahead sweetie I have another appointment in forty-five minutes." I look up at her smiling face and see everyone else smiling. "Well my day started like this." I started going into detail on my whole day's adventure. Then I see my hair all brushed out and my hair is really long now as my bangs are combed down in front of me and they go past my chin. "Close your eyes really quick sweetie I don't want to get any hair in those pretty blue eyes of yours." I close my eyes than I hear the sounds of scissors opening and closing several times. I open my eyes to see the last of my bangs cut away. Looking down in my lap, I see all the long blonde bangs. "There we go those are the perfect bangs for you sweetie. Now let me put your pigtails back and you can look in the mirror and tell me if you like your new hairstyle." "Wow I look totally different now with bangs and there so short too." I do not notice that everyone around me is smiling as I stare at myself in the mirror. Necy takes the smock off me. I stand up as Necy brushes off all the loose hair off me. "How much do I owe you Necy?" she looks at me, and starts to giggle. "Well since you work here now you will get your hair styled for free. In addition, when you meet some big strong guy we can make you look all sexy. You won't be wearing the little school girl uniform that makes you look to young to have fun hehehehe" Necy giggles a loud than everyone else laughs and giggles. "Let's go upstairs and I'll show you your new place if you still want it." We go in the back past the private hair stations, and threw the back door. We climb up to the second floor. Necy opens the door and I see tons and tons of boxes everywhere. "I know it's a major mess but once we get all the boxes back downstairs we can paint it and you will like it." "Wow its way bigger than I thought." I put my pink backpack on the stove because the counters all have piles of boxes on them. "There's even a back patio?" We walk over to the sliding glass door as I open them. "Wow you can even see the ocean it is so pretty Necy." I feel a tear in my eyes as I turn my back to Necy. "Hey sweetie I told you us California girls have to stick together." She hugs me and, I hug her back. "Oh when I said we will bring the boxes down to the shop and store them there that means just you hehehe. I have another appointment sweetie so if you do not have any plans you can start working right now. I would probably leave the school uniform on so it will get sweaty while you work up here, and then put your clean clothes on that are in the backpack when you are done. "You come down and get me my lil California girl if you need anything." The End or to be continued? I hope you enjoyed my short story 'California Girl' I had so much fun writing this story. Please feel free to leave your comments here on this web site, and email me at [email protected] It is great to hear different people's comments to see if they enjoy my work. Or my Instant messenger for yahoo is: panties_boy28546

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Jamie had been on the road to california for a few hours, and she could feel her stomach rumbling. There weren't many choices to eat, since she had been lost for a few hours, so she decided to stop at a diner for a burger and fries. Jamie was a pretty attractive 23 year old, she had graduated college, and was headed to California wanting to make it in the acting career. She was about 5'6 with a C cup,brown hair, and pretty skinny for her age. She stepped into the diner, the door closing behind...

2 years ago
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California The Introduction

I had to go to Southern California on a business trip and my wife Stacy wanted to go with me to visit her sister. Stacy hadnt seen her sister Laura in a couple of years and my wife was looking forward to a week with her only sister in the warmer weather. The sisters were almost complete opposites. My wife Stacy being petite with D cup breasts, red hair, pale skin, and lots of freckles loved the colder climates. While her sister Laura was a tall leggy blond with tanned skin and dark eyes that...

3 years ago
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California Here We Cum

Part One – Emma and Luke uncover hidden desires The year was 1847, the wagon train was in its eighth month of a laborious westward journey. The hardy band of a hundred pioneers had endured every imaginable hardship during the slow journey from Missouri to California. Starting out as the spring thaw began last March, the weary travelers now looked forward to the cooler October temperatures in the Southwest. If they managed to get through the Sierra Nevadas before the mountain passes were...

4 years ago
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California Slut

Introduction: This has been revised after the first posting, I appreciate corrections that will help me become a better writer. Some comments are just mean. California Slut I was on one of those X-rated social dating sites. It is unusual for a guy to initiate contact with me. I told this guy, Pat, I was straight, but he continued the conversation telling me about his wife. Lisa is a slut, he said. He told me of her law office escapades. At least once a week the two partners of the law firm...

3 years ago
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California Business Trip Ch 01

I had to go to Southern California on a business trip and my wife Stacy wanted to go with me to visit her sister. Stacy hadn't seen her sister Laura in a couple of years and my wife was looking forward to a week with her only sister in the warmer weather. The sisters were almost complete opposites. My wife Stacy being petite with D cup breasts, red hair, pale skin, and lots of freckles loved the colder climates. While her sister Laura was a tall leggy blond with tanned skin and dark eyes that...

3 years ago
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California Kate

I have always felt a certain connection to California. Unsure if it comes from my c***dhood love for The Beach Boys or maybe it's my love for Sublime. Or perhaps, I'm just a hopeless dreamer and I figure California is a good place to get discovered. In any case, when I lost my job in the factory, at the hands of a jealous power-tripping cunt, I knew it was time for a big change of scenery. I spent the rest of my money on a one way ticket to Long Beach, where I would start to build a new life...

4 years ago
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California Kate

I have always felt a certain connection to California. Unsure if it comes from my c***dhood love for The Beach Boys or maybe it's my love for Sublime. Or perhaps, I'm just a hopeless dreamer and I figure California is a good place to get discovered. In any case, when I lost my job in the factory, at the hands of a jealous power-tripping cunt, I knew it was time for a big change of scenery. I spent the rest of my money on a one way ticket to Long Beach, where I would start to build a new life...

3 years ago
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California Kate

I have always felt a certain connection to California. Unsure if it comes from my c***dhood love for The Beach Boys or maybe it's my love for Sublime. Or perhaps, I'm just a hopeless dreamer and I figure California is a good place to get discovered. In any case, when I lost my job in the factory, at the hands of a jealous power-tripping cunt, I knew it was time for a big change of scenery. I spent the rest of my money on a one way ticket to Long Beach, where I would start to build a new life...

3 years ago
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California Road Trip Pt 1

(This is my first attempt at writing a long story)I was taking a trip to California with some friends, kind of a spur of the moment type thing. It was Me, Dez, Charlie and Mack. We wanted to head out to the west coast beaches for spring break and see all the hotties. None of them knew i was bisexual, so i would have to get my own room at the hotel. We had been driving for about 4 hours and decided to stop for gas at this little run down station. I got out and headed straight for the restroom,...

2 years ago
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California rocks

Hey ISS readers. I have been reading the stories here for a few years now and i believe i have read almost all stories here:) i wanted to post mine too but not a fake one and i really did not have any encounter until this one. This happened a couple of months back and everything is fresh in front of my eyes :) unlike all other stories, this story does not happen in india. This happens in fremont california. First of let me tell you something about myself. I am 5,11”, 32 yrs old , 150 lbs...

3 years ago
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It took a little while, but they got used to it. The cowboys, I mean, cause they could be as closed minded as anyone else and working cattle with a little Texican girl like me had rubbed them a little wrong at first. But Parker knew me, the old man, and when I'd come round looking for work he hadn't tried to put me in the kitchen. My daddy had worked his ranch the last few years before he'd died, so maybe Parker had figured he owed him something. I hadn't banked any of that though, and to...

3 years ago
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California CrewChapter 22

I sat in the airport, staring out the window. I recognized the emotions that were flowing through me. But at the same time, these were different. I was angry this time, and I knew that no matter what, there was never going to be anything I could do to change what was happening to me. My perfect lives, first in France and then in California, had been taken away from me. And now my parents were going to try and recreate another perfect life for us back in France. I knew things would be...

2 years ago
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California CrewChapter 26

And the first party was here. I packed a bag, and headed over to Jackie's to get ready. As I said before, we were all sleeping over at her house afterwards. Amy was already there when I got there, and they were drinking Diet Cokes and watching television in her room. Her maid greeted me at the door, and gestured up the stairs. I all ready knew where to go. We had all been friends since forever, and I had been to all of their houses too many times to count. "Hey," they said, looking up...

2 years ago
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California ZephyrDay 2

I woke in the morning as soft light poured in the window. I went about my morning routine, getting dressed after making sure that Chloe was still out. Once dressed, I made a beeline for the coffee that the steward's had ready in the morning. Once I had some life giving caffeine flowing, I made a clatter and woke Chloe. She lifted her head and mumbled. I laughed and told her, "Why don't you get dressed, and we can grab early breakfast." She mumbled something that vaguely sounded like...

3 years ago
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Robot Ponygirls

Robot Ponygirls Robot Ponygirls?By Sarah  ??????????? Sarah and the rest of the cheerleaders at PonygirlUniversity were special.? They were the best of the best in the school, when it came to being proper show ponies.? But not everything at Ponygirl University was as it seemed.? Soon, the new freshman class would learn just what life was like at the University.  ??????????? Jennifer and her friends got off the PonygirlUniversity bus, and stared at the imposing statues flanking...

4 years ago
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Sarah and Emily Sister Ponygirls

Sarah and EmilySister PonygirlsBy Sarah        Sarah and Emily awoke to the sounds of their collar chains rattling, and the sunlight beginning to filter into the barn where they were being kept.  The girls smiled to each other as they lay on their hay bed, playfully kissing each other as they awoke.  As they looked around their now familiar stall, their pussies moistened at the thought of what had passed, to lead them to their current lives.Chapter 1: Kidnapped and Transformed        Sarah and...

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Programmed Ponygirl

Programmed PonygirlBy Sarah        ?Sarah, you know I love you, and want to spend my life with you.?        Sarah and Jim cuddled in each others arms.  Sarah, having turned 18 the day before, was dressed in her boyfriend’s favorite outfit, her cheerleading uniform.  She had her hair in a ponytail, and was laying her head up against his shoulder, as he reached over and cupped her C cup breasts and rubbed her pussy over her skirt.        Jim was 23, and a junior in college.  He had met Sarah on a...

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Amy Criminal Ponygirl

Amy – Criminal Ponygirl By Arnold Puttwyn? This story is a work of fiction, made up entirely in my own mind. Any similarity to any person or persons living or dead is coincidence.This is a story using the society from ‘Kari in Training’ The time is fifteen years after the finalization of the Slave Act.     Society had to change because an unknown genetic disorder caused men to have many more X chromosome sperm cells, so the birth of females 2 to 1 over males made the population change to 67%...

2 years ago
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Forced to be a Ponygirl

This is one of my fantasies. I’ve always dreamed of being made into a ponygirl, so here we go?Amy couldn’t remember much of what had happened last night. A college girl, she had been in a bar for a while. A handsome man, a fair bit older than her, had bought her a drink and chatted her up for a while. Amy was a slim brunette who normally had her fair share of successes attracting guys in bars, so this was nothing out of the ordinary. But then there had been something about going home in a taxi,...

3 years ago
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The Jokers On Batgirl

INTRODUCTION: Attention - this work of fiction contains scenes of comic book violence, super villainous rape and bad puns. It is not a “safe space” and no doubt abounds with micro and mega aggressions. If reading this will cause you to visit the fainting couch or get the vapors then by all means don’t read. Stick to something more to your tastes, I wouldn’t want to lose sleep worrying you might need therapy or counseling due to my warped mind. To those that wish to read, enjoy my take on...

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The Jokes On Batgirl Sequel to The Jokers On Batgirl

(The Sequel to The Joker’s On Batgirl) By rutger5 Copyright 2016 Barbara Gordon peppered the heavy bag with one final flurry of punches but like all previous efforts it left her feeling somehow unsatisfied. Grabbing a towel she wiped her brow then tossed it into the dirty bin before heading for the gym exit. If anything the humid, summer air felt even stickier against her alabaster skin than the steamy gym interior had but it didn’t cause Barbara to change her plans. After a quick...

1 year ago
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Black TGirls

This next premium site is going to be a real treat for anybody who likes to jack off on their lunch break while also enjoying a big, fat sausage. Black-Tgirls is exactly what it sounds like, and Black Tgirls are exactly what you’re going to find there. As much as I appreciate clever porn site titles, I like the no-bullshit approach here. Nobody is going to be surprised to see all the ding-a-lings on these Ebony whores unless they’re illiterate.The tagline at the top of their landing page calls...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Batman and Batgirl

Batman and Batgirl By Alana I anxiously paced back and forth, scarcely believing I was in the world famous Batcave, taking in the sights, in awe of the incredible high tech crime-fighting equipment. I was waiting for Batman to make his decision, but I already knew what it would be. I was going to be his partner! Me, Dick Grayson, partner to the coolest crime-fighter the world had ever known! Batman came into view. He was carrying a garment I didn't recognize. "You may...

3 years ago
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Ich hatte einen sehr stressigen Job, und so suchte ich f?r meinen Urlaub etwas sehr Ruhiges. Keine St?rungen und kein Handy-Empfang. Nur Ruhe. Angeln vielleicht, aber das war auch schon das Stressigste, was ich geplant hatte. Ich fand was ich suchte in Skandinavien. Finnland kam mir zuerst in den Sinn, aber dann erfuhr ich von den vielen M?cken. Norwegen schien das bessere Ziel zu sein. Und ich mochte Berge, deshalb war ich dort richtig. Ich hatte eine kleine H?tte an einem Fjord...

5 years ago
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California Dreaming

This is a continuation of California Dreaming so I suggest you read it first. Our bodies were like two limp noodles as we lay entwined and breathing hard. Both of us momentarily spent. I gently kissed her and picked her up and carried her to the large couch in her living room.  I found a large throw and covered us both up and as we lay spooning, we both dozed into bliss. I awoke to the feeling of soft hands slowly traveling over my chest entwined in my chest hair. I opened my eyes to a sight of...

2 years ago
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California Adventure with Blonde Angel

The flier said that there would be a summer trip to visit many of the major cities in California along with a group of foreign students. However, being in a wheelchair has its disadvantages. I had to spend the weeks leading up to the trip talking with the event coordinator about accommodations that would be needed at all of our hotels that we would be staying at. Just a few days before the trip, we worked out all of the kinks and I was set to go on this adventure. We showed up at the...

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California Lovin Ch 02

Ben stood there in shock. He couldn’t believe what had just happened. Did he really just finger his aunt and get a blowjob from her? The best damn blowjob he’d ever had actually. His knees went weak and he sat down on the lounge chair where minutes ago his aunt had been lying naked. His aunt had already walked inside to get dinner ready. Ben sat there for a few minutes before he got enough strength back to walk in the house. Ben walked in the house to find his aunt, fully dressed, cooking...

4 years ago
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California Lovin Ch 01

“Fuck!” Ben said, as his iPod went dead. He was four hours into a six-hour flight to his aunt and uncle’s house. “What the hell am I going to do for two more hours?” he said, as he ran his hands through his buzzed brown hair. Ben was on a flight from his hometown in Virginia, to spend a month with his aunt an uncle over the summer. He was going away to college in the fall and his parents wanted him to spend some time with his aunt and uncle before school started. Ben didn’t really mind since...

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California Virgin

Im back again everyone. After doing some thinking I remembered that I left one story out from my previous sex experiences. Hope everyone enjoys it. Remember, my stories are real because I went through all these experiences. There was this guy I knew that I played basketball with. He had a real hot girlfriend that was really sweet and always trying to make friends. She sent me a friend request one day and I accepted it. On her top friends she had this really cute white girl so I sent her a...

3 years ago
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California Dreaming

The flight was perfect and on time. As I walk into the California sunshine my smile competes for brightness. Am I really here to meet my on line lover? How did I get here? Out of all the ladies I have chatted with, how did I manage to meet Lisa? She must be a gift of the sex gods. The connection was instant and we felt so comfortable with each other the first time we chatted. After just three weeks of chatting we video chatted and she was so much prettier, sexier and vivacious then I had ever...

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California Here We Cum Part 2

Part Two – Emma and Luke discover each other The long days on the California trail continued. The wagon train had entered the dangerous Apache country, and there was a sense of nervousness among all the travelers, all of them, that is, except for Emma and Luke. Traveling apart from each other, never speaking to anyone about their chance encounter at the riverbank, they were nevertheless daily absorbed in thought about what had happened. Emma, though very much preoccupied with her own...

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California Adventure

I was so glad to finally be in California. I gave the nice guy a five as he put my bags on the bed. It had been a long trip, but I was finally here. I slipped off my heels and stretched out on the bed as I remembered all the layovers coming from Charleston to San Diego. People I'd talked to and rushing from one plane to another. It was pretty mundane till I reached Dallas and met some people who were coming to the same place. I was finally living my wishes. I had wanted to come to the...

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California Mein Mazze

Every one reading sexy stories…. but here is my story…story of 28 years young and sporty man…6’4” tall with fair color…. with heavy body build and full of mussels…I live alone in LA, California… originally from Quetta Pakistan…my Dad opened a business for clothing here…now he passed away…I am the only one looking that business here…I lived in an apartment alone…my other family member like Mom brothers and sisters went back home… Oh I am missing one thing my name…. my name is Raheel Khan…I’m...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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California Girl Part 6

California Girl Part 6 By Princess Panty boy "Ya know what is funny Kellie?" I look at Stephen or Stephanie smiling at me. "Today is the first time I ever had any type of sexual anything." I look at Stephen continuing to smile at me all most busting from excitement. "That's great Stephanie, I'm going to call you Stephanie when you're dressed like a girl and I'll call you Stephen when you're not okay Stephanie?" "Sounds good to me Kellie. This is so great I received my first...

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California Dreaming

This is a continuation of California Dreaming so I suggest you read it first.Our bodies were like two limp noodles as we lay entwined and breathing hard. Both of us momentarily spent. I gently kissed her and picked her up and carried her to the large couch in her living room. I found a large throw and covered us both up and as we lay spooning, we both dozed into bliss.I awoke to the feeling of soft hands slowly traveling over my chest entwined in my chest hair. I opened my eyes to a sight of...

4 years ago
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California Dreaming

The flight was perfect and on time. As I walk into the California sunshine my smile competes for brightness. Am I really here to meet my on line lover?How did I get here? Out of all the ladies I have chatted with, how did I manage to meet Lisa? She must be a gift of the sex gods. The connection was instant and we felt so comfortable with each other the first time we chatted.After just three weeks of chatting we video chatted and she was so much prettier, sexier and vivacious then I had ever...

Straight Sex
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California Virgin

Im back again everyone. After doing some thinking I remembered that I left one story out from my previous sex experiences. Hope everyone enjoys it. Remember, my stories are real because I went through all these experiences.There was this guy I knew that I played basketball with. He had a real hot girlfriend that was really sweet and always trying to make friends. She sent me a friend request one day and I accepted it. On her top friends she had this really cute white girl so I sent her a...

2 years ago
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California CrewChapter 6

Moving day. I wake up, shower, French braid my hair into pigtail braids, and get ready. I put on jean capris, a peach Juicy t-shirt, and my tennis shoes. On top of everything else that we have been doing lately, we have also been shopping, buying some new clothes that are popular here in the States. The good thing is that there are a lot of similar clothes all around the world. The house has been painted, the rugs put down, the kitchen redone, etc. So much has been done to that house that I...

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California CrewChapter 27

I literally fell over he was dragging me around so roughly. "What do you want? Get off!" I jerked my arm out of his grasp. "What the hell just happened in there?" "I don't know, why don't you ask your girlfriend who was grinding her ass off on top of Craig." I didn't curse that often, only when I got really upset. That must mean I was upset. No duh. "Look Sophie, I know that you hate Amy because we're together, but seriously. That was over the top." "It was over the top for...

2 years ago
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California CrewChapter 34

I stood there with the rest of them, dressed in all black. A simple black skirt, a black camisole and sweater set, black flats. My hair half pulled back by a small black clip. I wore no jewelry, no make up. My black purse was filled to the brim with tissues. My mind was spinning. I could hardly grasp what had happened. Mike wouldn't let himself believe it. Jackie was in denial. But somehow, seeing that coffin was more than we could bear. The wake had been the night before, we had all cried...

3 years ago
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California CrewChapter 35

If I hit the fast forward button on my life, this is what you would see: Lots of tears, and then a period of happiness. Where we were all moving on. Kaitlin never left our minds, but we did eventually continue to live our lives. That was what she would have wanted for us to do, not to be stuck in the past. Then came another period of tears. More tears and emotional stress than I could handle. Then a plane ride. And sun. And there I was. Back in California. I couldn't believe I was...

2 years ago
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California ZephyrDay 3

I woke Chloe with a kiss. The soft morning light was coming in the window. She opened her eyes and smiled. "How about some breakfast?" I asked. "Okay," she responded. We had slept through Utah and were crossing Nevada. A light snow was falling outside when we sat down in the dining car for breakfast. Chloe sat across from me and I noticed a look in her eyes - a look that said love. It made me worry. She couldn't fall in love with an old guy like me, for a hundred reasons. Chloe didn't...

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