Pimping Emily Part Two
- 2 years ago
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I’d love to say that my life got simpler after the events in Guam and Loegria, however, as most of you who are reading this would guess, they didn’t. The events in Guam had Thea and I in front of a Council special investigation team along with Mage Liang. Every aspect of our actions and every decision made were gone over in fine detail and we all received an official censure for not recognising the signs of thaumaturgy/theurgy. Morgana naturally ‘went to bat’ for us all and, despite attempts by what was left of the Amity caucus to drag her into the mess, managed to have the verdict announced as a verbal reprimand, despite calls for Liang and Thea’s sacking based only on not calling in the help of the Council’s resident theurgists when it became obvious they were dealing with a ‘power’. As I was only a journeyman (albeit Morgana’s journeyman) my punishment was limited to Morgana’s discretion, which basically boiled down to my debriefing on the day I returned from Guam. It was the same for Thea and Liang. In this Morgana was supported by Simon, Rowenna, Julia and Cixi as well as Antonelli and Bryce, who informed the enquiry that we had been lucky to get off so lightly and no Mage was capable of dealing effectively with any encounter involving a higher or lower power.
That’s not to say that Thea and Liang forgave themselves easily, if at all. It’s more that they felt relief from their crushing self-judgment and second guessing by the enquiry’s report on the incident which cleared them of everything other than a minor failing.
My social life got very complicated too. The five ladies in my life made sure of that. I spent a lot of my time wining and dining them as well as being kept completely off balance by their comments and actions in that I could never dare take them for granted on anything. Mages being inveterate gossips meant that my groups ‘scandalous’ behaviour, in that fully qualified Mages were involved formally with a journeyman, brought us a lot of scrutiny, a little criticism (which we ignored) and a few ‘well dones’ from our friends.
If anything the ladies managed to improve upon my training, with Abi demonstrating how to weave a world around someone’s vision (even a Mage) without them knowing, which admittedly Róisín managed to grasp quickly and easily, though eventually I was able to form a more complete weave than she could, just nowhere near as quickly. Imelda took us over how to read someone’s DNA in healing them, particularly those who were not part of homo-sapiens-sapiens. This I found fascinating and spent a lot of time upon it as the subtle difference between the races produced some profound changes in the way their bodies reacted. In this I was fortunate in being able to call upon various species of man to check the differences.
Thea trained me in the art of phasing two dissimilar objects without causing a massive explosion in the process. This was the technique Róisín had used when killing the Coalition Mage in the woods of Lynch Hill. She did warn me not to use it on myself until I had it completely mastered as any mistake usually ended up killing the one affected by it. Still, again, I got very good, very quickly.
Brianna assisted Róisín to finally enable me to place information via memory engrams into a visual image; this was definitely not an area I was ever going to be ‘good’ at, competent, yes, but compared to what Róisín was learning to do, I wasn’t in the same league. I could barely spot the gaps to place a minimal amount of information leading to a basic teleport whereas she could place enough information into a visual image/memory to permit a high level teleport similar to that which the Council members used. Róisín also managed to crack the Council code embedded in the memory we’d been given without it killing her, something I was in no position to do without decades of study. Still, as Morgana told me, you can’t be good at everything straight away, but eventually, if you have time, you do get good and Mages had time to spare.
The war against the Coalition was not going well. The Council at least had lost a little of the initiative due mostly to our attempts to try and keep the Nephilim contained. Nor, despite Morgana and Julia’s warnings, did the Council expect the Coalition’s twisting of Islam to cause so many problems throughout the world. This was to cause major problems for us over the years as small groups of well financed fanatics, coupled with short sighted decisions by (presumably) sympathetic western governments in inviting non-cooperative groups to settle within their own borders meant that the Bureau’s eyes and ears had to be checking for enemies within and without. The Coalition were also going on the principal of the best defence being a good offence, were extending their influence in the politics of several Islamic nations to turn them against countries the Council had good relations with, something which had Mage Tara’s people in particular heavily involved in preventing.
We did earn even greater gratitude from the Gorgon community when Morgana (as she had promised) handed over Mage Karasu to face their judgement. No, he didn’t survive it, though the highlight for me was meeting my daughter by Elpida, a lovely little girl called Helena who seemed fascinated in meeting the man who technically sired her, something Gorgon children rarely if ever did.
Morgana also participated at the execution of Gilles de Rais as Assassin Prime, despatching him quickly and painlessly, something most Mages felt him to be let off far too lightly. The Mage Iamblichus became somewhat of a long term test case for Mage Vera’s people in that he served a sentence, but, was also having his memories overwritten by the Interrogation Office using the Artello device (as it was now known) to remove character traits and memories of his days with the Coalition in the hope of returning him to Mage society as a productive member.
It was in May of 1999 that Arch and I were working with the Department of Magic to deal with one of the more long term political issues facing Mage Tara (its head). She was trying to prevent the Coalition from advancing their cause by ‘helping’ the border disputes between India and Pakistan to get out of hand. She’d already had her hands full with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and to her this was simply a new chapter in trying to deal with a very fractious region of the world. Word had come to her of a possible attempt by a Pakistani general to ignore the current ‘peace’ negotiations of the district of Kashmir, which was the source of a lot of disputes owing to its position and divided population, mostly Muslim but with large minorities of Buddhists and Hindus. With the Coalition flexing its muscles there had been an upswing of Mage activity aimed against the Council and its members who lived and worked in the region. This Tara suspected was a front to keep her people occupied and their eyes away from a hidden agenda. Both Morgana and Julia agreed with her suspicions and Morgana had tasked Arch and I to assist in rooting out what had to be a well organised Coalition cell spreading chaos in the province as well as causing turmoil within the Indian administration controlling the area.
Arch and I were rooting around the Kargil district of Kashmir, trying to track down what had at first been suspected of a series of lone wolf attacks on Mages throughout India and in this case, of a young Mage fresh out of her journeymanship and who had been working for Kashmir University. We had tracked her attacker back to Kargil and were currently searching the area to see where they were heading next, possibly to a (presumed) safe house. I have to admit we got lucky in that both Arch and I were very close to the home of the Mage when the attack happened and had got to her door before her attacker had managed to hurt her seriously. In the confusion ensuing our arrival the attacker had slipped our grasp with a very neat phasing trick which had given us a great deal of trouble to breach in order for us to begin following their retreat out of the grounds and away from us. Arch reckoned and I had to agree that the attacker was probably not aware that they were being tracked as only a High Mage would have the ability to breach the phasing concealment and none of the Bureau of Magic High Mages were known to be close.
Still, we resolved to be careful as whoever had used the phasing was clearly a very resourceful Mage and might have any number of nasty surprises for us yet.
“We’ll have to be careful John,” Arch stated as we cautiously tracked our prey. “I suspect this is all part of some plan to keep the Department of Magic pre-occupied and distracted from what is probably some form of Coalition operation. That means they’ll have a heavy duty Mage ready to counter-attack and keep us away from their team. They learned a few valuable lessons from Buenos Aires on that score.”
“Wonder what they’re up to? Mage Tara is just about tearing her hair out. It’s far too random not to be a plan of some sort,” I replied with a frown.
“Whatever it is, her Mages are just too spread out and probably not looking in the right direction,” Arch acknowledged.
We both came to a halt as we detected our quarry entering a dwelling that was to our senses very heavily shielded.
“Think we’ve found the safe house, but it’s going to take more than our regular Null amulets to bring that ward down,” Arch mused.
“Yes, even my heavy duty ward breaker would take a minute or so,” I replied. “By then they’d probably be gone as they’ll have an open portal somewhere.”
“Yep, I think we’ve been teaching them too well,” Arch replied with a grin.
“That and I think they have to be careful with the numbers. Plus Gilles is not around to push the fanatics into acts of idiocy,” I added.
“Yes, Morgana was fuming that he didn’t know anything about Landulf either, or rather he did, but there was that missing memory space similar to what Ímar Ua Donnubáin has,” Arch chuckled remembering Morgana’s language at discovering that little titbit.
“She has a grand command of invective,” I replied with a grin.
“Doesn’t she just,” Arch replied. “Normally as cool as a cucumber, but there’s a lot of anger going on there at the moment from various things interfering with her karma.”
“Was training for nearly fifty years until I finally heard her swear,” I chuckled. “Didn’t think anything could faze her.”
“Just thank God for Judas. He’s irritating the hell out of her in the best possible manner,” Arch said with a grin.
“I like him and you’re right, he’s distracting her away from the job related stress issues,” I nodded.
“Has she figured out the flower thing yet?” Arch asked.
“No, it’s driving her mad as she can’t figure out how Judas is getting them into her office and she knows it’s not theurgy either,” I laughed.
“You realise that when she catches you, Thea, Róisín and Abi that the payback will be legendary?” Arch added.
“Abi has the Seers group helping, they tell us just the right moment to place the rose when Morgana is ... distracted and because it’s not magic just simple sleight of hand as well as not being just one of us, but several, she’s more often than not watching the wrong one at the wrong time,” I chuckled.
“She hasn’t attempted to scan you?” Arch asked eyebrow raised.
“Not yet, I think she thinks it would be rude, same with using a time mirror too, though sooner or later...” I chuckled.
“God, I’d love to be a fly on the wall when she finally figures it out,” Arch chuckled as he probed the wards surrounding the safe house looking for a weak point.
“I think I’d rather be on another planet,” I replied with a grin.
“Me too, come to that. Ah got it, check out this variance on the lower phase bandings,” Arch replied giving me a mental guide as to where the ward was fluctuating against what appeared to be an internal portal presumably for escape purposes.
“I see it, but how can we breach it?” I asked.
“We don’t, but we use the portal to bypass it as they haven’t encrypted the channel they are using otherwise it would register on ‘this’ frequency when reacting to the ward,” Arch demonstrated mentally whilst talking to me.
“Sneaky,” I congratulated him.
“Beats trying to smash it down. That said, hope you’re ready to go in fighting,” Arch replied with a grin.
I prepared all my defensive and offensive spells and shields as going in and then nulling up was no longer a safe option with the Coalition. Instead of spells they had a tendency to open up with kinetic pellets or occasionally gunfire. Arch was carefully tapping into the channel that the portal had to be using and preparing to open up a gateway until finally he nodded and opened the gateway.
Pandemonium ensued as we stepped through. For one thing we were blocking the only easy way out and secondly the Coalition were totally unprepared for our swift attack. Still, it didn’t stop them from hosing us down with a couple of Uzi sub-machine pistols to no real effect as both Arch and I hit what appeared to be a four man team with a variety of non-lethal spells.
Two of the Coalition went down almost immediately; they were the ones using the guns and had forgotten to establish even a basic magical defence, probably expecting that any trouble would come through and Null up. Arch immediately went after the Coalition High Mage whilst I took on the troublemaking would-be assassin only to have him immediately move out of phase to prevent me landing a solid blow on him. I was then put immediately on the defensive as he hit me with various lethal spells by coming into phase for a split second causing me to have my shield raised all the time as other than spotting him by normal sight in that time I was having to use my magical senses to try and keep a monitor on his position.
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The postman came late that morning. Ellie had thought her parcel wasn’t coming so it was a pleasant surprise when the postman knocked on her door. “Er need a signature love,” he said blushing as she answered the door in her dressing gown. She glared, she didn’t like men. Big sweaty brutes with silly little dicks which went limp and dribbled spunk long before she was satisfied. She signed, took the package and firmly bolted the door behind her as she took it inside. She unwrapped it. It...
First off I'm a married mother of 2 girls. My husband and I are farm people who were forced to sell our farm and start working in town.I got a job with a catering house and my Husband John joined the merchant marine and is a crewman on an oil tanker. He's gone for months at a time and I get so horny without him. I was always and open minded person even though I've never seen much of the world. During Johns long absences I'd masturbate regularly to a growing collection of porn tapes. I was...
InterracialI sat next to my computer again, and looked out the sliding, glass doors. Outside, the sun shone bright and vibrant onto a cool autumn day. I watched the multi-colored trees blow in a light breeze. I smiled as a memory began to play in my mind. I remembered days in autumn that I spent with you. I remembered the corny jokes you always told me as we walked along the river in the woods. I let my mind linger on one evening, in particular. You brought a basket into the woods. Packed inside were a...
Mike smiled at the girl on the couch. She returned an inviting smile and he took a seat at her side, touching her from shoulder to thigh. He had always thought that Susan was the prettiest girl in his class, but he had never worked up the courage to tell her. He turned his face sideways and her face was right there, waiting to be kissed. So he did. He kissed her softly at first and then he moved his lips on hers and then he slipped his tongue in her mouth. He slid his hand across her flat...
Hello everyone. I am Ajay Singh. I got transferred to Chennai and I worked in a private organization. As I was the hiring manager, I took lots of interviews. One day I selected a girl called Aparna. She was good looking. She was 5.8 ft tall and has a good shape. She was very fair and beautiful eyes. She came to office in salwar. Chennai mai hum same area mai rehthe the. So one day it was very late night and she asked me ki can I leave soon as it is getting very late. I said okay but she was...
Today is laundry day, and, I'm rooting through the clothes hamper, sorting the clothes, when I come across a pair of dark purple satin bikini string panties, I know that my step mother doesn't wear these kinds of panties; these must belong to my sister, Stephanie.I look around for a moment, and, notice that no one else is around, so, I hold her panties up to my nose, and, inhale her sweet scent."Oh my God! Are you smelling my panties?" I hear my sister, Stephanie say.I turn to look at my...
These are compliments of mousepotato Here are some for the young at heart. I very quietly confided to my best friend that I was having an affair. She turned to me and asked, 'Are you having it catered'? And that, my friend, Is the definition of 'OLD'! Just before the funeral services, the undertaker Came up to the very elderly widow and asked, 'How old was your husband?' '96, ' she replied: 'Two years younger than me' 'So you're 98, ' the undertaker commented. She...
Chapter 1. The Contract "I think I'll go for the Gourmet Tuna Salad," Richard said, decisively tapping his finger on the menu before laying it on the corner of the table, "No starter, though." The waiter murmured the name of the dish and began scratching a pencil on the little notepad he was holding. "That sounds good to me," Alison agreed, but with her eyes still avidly scanning the card she held in front of her; then she nodded. "Yes, I'm going to have the same, thanks." A...
Mera nam hai Kailash. Mein dehati ladaki hun, high school tak padhi hui. Meri shadi do saal pahale hui hai. Mere pati Gangadhar kissan hai. Vo 22 saal ke hein ar mein 18 saal ki. Ghar men ham dono hi hein, un ke mata pita kai saalon se gujar gayen hein. Aaj mein aap ko meri niji kahani sunaane jaa rahi hun. Chhoti umar se hi muze sex ka bhan tha. Ham dehati bachchhe bachpan se hi gaay, bhens, kutte vagerah pranion ki chudai dekh paate hein. Mere pitaji ke ghar kai gaayen thi. Vo jab chudavane...
Hello all. Rohit this side. Main 24 saal ka hu and I am doing business with my father. Ye story meri n meri girlfriend Neha (name changed) ki hai. It’s my first story to agar galti ho to plz forgive me. Ye story fake nahi hai. Main apne baare main bta deta hu ki main Delhi ka rehne wala hu (north campus) and mri 2 girlfriends reh chuki hain. Abhi main single hu n single hi rhna chahta hu. Karib 10 months se main masturbate kar rha hu. I am still virgin because meri promise ki wjh se. Ye story...
When I woke up in the morning, Illiana her head was lying on my tummy. Maybe many would have thought, "YUCK!" when they would see how she had been drooling all over me, but I found it just cute. I kept on lying there and looked at her sleeping for almost a half hour before she also woke up. When she finally opened her eyes and saw me looking at her, she just smiled and said, "Good morning honey." "Good morning baby," I responded. It was only when she got up from my tummy that she...
By : Ishant_lover Hello doston men ishaant phir haazir hun ap logon ke samne apni story ka dusra bhaag lekar, jin logon ne meri pehli story “Mera pehla pyar shilpa madam” padhi hai unko dil se thanks aur haan jinhone nahi padhi unko dili guzarish hai ke vo is kahani lo theek se samajhne ke liye pehle part ko zarur padhen. Computer room men hui us raaslila ne mere dimag par itna bura asar kiya ki class me top karne wala ladka unit test men do subject men fail ho gaya or kaise na hota din raat...
I sat up, and looked behind me to see Eliza standing there, in chaps, leather jacket and purple hot pants, hands on her hips, glaring angrly at the grovling minions of Satan. I was certainly glad her anger wasn't directed at me, as she tore into LongArms with a razor sharp tongue lashing. "Andreloch Mutu Sabrultoz, just what in the hell are you doing messing with what is mine? You are not even suposed to be in this plane! The rules are very clear, and this one is not one of yours! I have...
This story is of a college boy Rohan who got to lose his virginity to his chachi. This story is based on true events and all the names are changed for obvious reasons. It was Rohan’s summer semester break. He was either working on his minor project or running an errand for his mom. He was the only child to his parents so he had all the privacy he needed. During summer, his cousin Riya would come to his place as it was well-furnished and they enjoyed their vacations together. This summer Riya...
IncestIntroduction: I process my weekend a quatre by telling my mum This is the sequel to Menage a quatre 1 Please read it first. I arrived home from my first weekend with Sandra, Reg and Maria pretty late on Sunday evening. I really needed to process such an extraordinary series of experiences, and I hoped that telling my mum all about it would help me understand how I felt about it all. Unfortunately mum was sound asleep in front of the TV with an empty wine glass beside her. I turned the TV off...
I began to make long, slow movements, sucking him as I gripped his shaft in my right hand, twisting gently but firmly. I soon realized I was moaning on his dick, I wanted him – no – needed him inside me. So I grabbed his cock and slid it in, riding him slowly. I crawled into bed and lay under the covers on my stomach, wearing nothing but a pair of black lacy panties. I was about to open my book and wind down for the night, when he walked in. He peeled off my blankets and removed my...
"What did your mother want?" Krissi asked as they drove back to campus. "She's selling the house." Devlin shrugged. "She wanted me to understand about that." "What did you tell her?" "I was all right with it. I've been kind of expecting it for the last few months. She has a boyfriend, though she doesn't know I know." "Oh? And how do you know she has a boyfriend?" "I caught her in bed with a guy, and there was absolutely no doubt what they were doing." "Ah." Krissi...
Dinner With A Friend My neighbor and friend, Diane and I have actually known each other since high school. We had not been in touch with one another for over 30 years. I moved a little over two years ago and as it turned out, my old friend and classmate was now my neighbor. Since I moved in, we’ve gotten together as friends, visited, had dinners together and other things, but not that often. In the last month or so, she was going through some tough times due to an issue with someone that she...
These are compliments of Fmwarmac Unable to attend the funeral after his Uncle Charlie died, a man who lived far away called his Blonde brother and told him, ‘Do something nice for Uncle Charlie and send me the bill.’ Later, he got a bill for $200.00, which he paid. The next month, he got another bill for $200.00, which he also paid, figuring it was some incidental expense. But when the $200.00 bills kept arriving every month, he finally called his brother again to find out what was going...
The captain led us out. "Thank you for standing up for them. Even if they stayed in that incident would have blocked them from anything but head duty in Alaska. You helped them a lot. "When we get back to the States I'll try to get their discharges reviewed and perhaps set aside for something more acceptable. I hate it when the bad guys keep winning." "You know, you're not at all what the communiqués from Berne made you out to be. It's almost as if they were referring to some other...