- 3 years ago
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"What did your mother want?" Krissi asked as they drove back to campus.
"She's selling the house." Devlin shrugged. "She wanted me to understand about that."
"What did you tell her?"
"I was all right with it. I've been kind of expecting it for the last few months. She has a boyfriend, though she doesn't know I know."
"Oh? And how do you know she has a boyfriend?"
"I caught her in bed with a guy, and there was absolutely no doubt what they were doing."
"Ah." Krissi nodded. "Did you see them?"
"No, but when you hear the bed squeaking in a certain rhythm and a woman's voice saying 'harder, harder' and announce 'I'm cumming', and then you hear a male voice saying much the same thing, you get a pretty good idea of what's happening." Devlin smiled at a sudden thought. "I just realized she sounds a lot like I do."
"Well, she would, wouldn't she."
"She didn't introduce me to him, in fact the way she was acting made me think there was nobody else there. I didn't see a car in the driveway or on the street, but I didn't see fresh tire tracks in the snow, either, so I guess he was still there, just keeping quiet."
Devlin sighed. "I've just been coming to grips with the idea that my mother is having sex. You don't think of your parents having sex, you know?"
"I saw my parents doing it one time," Krissi said, laughing. "They don't know I saw them. I was 15 and was supposed to be staying a girlfriend's house for a sleepover, but I didn't feel well and decided to go home. My parents were in the living room. They had a fire going, and when I saw them my mother was sucking my father's cock."
"That must have brought you up short."
"I hadn't thought of my Dad having a cock, but he's a guy, so of course he does, but you're right, you don't think of such a thing. But I could see it glistening in the firelight, and I could see my mother sucking away on it; she had the head of his cock in her mouth and I could see her cheeks all bowed in as she sucked. Then they did it doggie style for a while. I think she came, well, it looked like she did. But then she got on her back; she was lying in such a way that I could see her sex, and I could see his cock as he put it in and started in. That was..." Krissi swallowed. "That was some of the hottest sex I've ever seen, and these last few months I've seen a lot.
"It didn't take long after that. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, and after a couple of minutes she came. He came a few seconds later, and they lay there for a few minutes, kissing."
"Are you sure she came? It's often hard to tell."
"Well, she said she was, so I have to take her word for it, but I saw her stomach, it was all drawn in, and her head was back, and the skin around and above her breasts got bright red, so I'm pretty sure she did."
Devlin nodded. "So what did you do?"
"What else could I do? I watched to see if they'd do it again, and they did, and that second time it took a lot longer. If I'd wanted to go to my room I would have had to walk right past them. So when they were done I went back to the sleepover. I didn't tell anyone what I saw, of course, but that night I masturbated like crazy, three or four times. All I could see was my Dad's cock sliding into my Mom's pussy, and the look on her face when he did so. I kept trying to imagine what it would feel like.
"When I got home the next morning my Mom was in her robe fixing breakfast, and I kept thinking that my Dad had put his stuff inside her, and that meant she was going to have another baby. I kept imagining his stuff inside her, wondering what it felt like, and wondering what it looked like. You see, at the time I didn't know if cum was runny or a heavy liquid, or what. None of the girls I knew did, and we didn't know any way to find out short of asking a boy to masturbate and then seeing for ourselves."
"She wasn't pregnant, of course," Devlin said.
"No, she wasn't. A few weeks later I found out that she'd had her tubes tied several years before. For a few weeks I walked around thinking she was pregnant and hoping it would be a girl so I could have a sister; I was a little tired of brothers and wanted a sister. You wouldn't believe how disappointed I was when her period started."
Devlin smiled in sympathy. "My Dad died when I was 2," she said. "As far as I know my Mom never dated. Oh, she might have seen someone after work, but never more than once in a while. I never thought about it. It says something that a woman was so in love with a man that she stays single for so long after his death."
"I think it was because you were there. But now that you've moved out on your own I think she feels free to look around. She doesn't have to be a parent except once in a while."
"Could be." Devlin preferred her theory, but decided not to say so.
They drove in silence for a while before Devlin brought up the other thing that was bothering her. "There are people at Emma's who think we're a couple."
"Well, we look like a couple. We show up together, we sleep together when we stay the night, and we leave together, though when we sleep together we only sleep. We could change that, you know."
Devlin shook her head. "I'm more comfortable with things the way they are." She mentioned Mark and Monica. "Actually it kind of creeped me out a little. Here were Mark and I, going at it like gang-busters, and he's holding hands with his wife while she's doing it with some other guy."
"That is weird," Krissi said. "I admit that's a little stranger than some of the other things I've heard. You should see what some of the couples in B&D do." She laughed. "I watched this one guy, he had this monstrous hard-on, but his wife had him on a leash, literally, and wouldn't let him fuck this other girl until she gave him permission. After a bit I could see he was getting close, and she suddenly pulled him back.
"'Did I give you permission to cum?' He agreed that she hadn't, and she gave him a swat on the bottom to make her point. 'Make sure she cums first, or you're in real trouble.'"
"Did he?" Devlin asked. She was fascinated by this, it was a lot stronger than the mild bondage she'd seen years before at a party.
"He did. You could see he was holding back, too. Only when the girl had admitted she'd cum did he finally let go." She shook her head. "Some of the people at these things are downright different."
"I wonder what they're like in regular life." Devlin tried to picture how a B&D couple would live with, say, children. Or would they have children? That was a pretty question, and she wondered who she could ask.
"That's hard to tell," Krissi said when Devlin mentioned it to her. "Oh, well, anything to spice things up. I know one woman in the hot tub last night told me she did the kinky things only because she found regular sex boring."
"Sex boring? What planet is she from?"
Krissi shrugged. "Good question. I was with a guy last night who made me think the same thing. He gets you wet, he gets stiff, he puts it in, he saws back and forth until he pops--hopefully you cum, too--then he pulls it out, kisses you, and wanders away."
Devlin looked at her friend in surprise. "That is the most unexciting description of sex I've ever heard."
"It was, wasn't it. Tell me, can you feel the guy cum?"
"Sometimes. It depends if he's in deep enough that he can reach my cervix. Not all guys can do that. If he can hit my cervix when he ejaculates, well, I can feel that."
"Does Danny? I remember you said something once about how his jism just sort of wells up."
"That's usually on the second time. Usually he cums inside me the first time. If I blow him it won't be until the second time or later. If we do it doggy style, then he can actually touch my cervix with his dick." She laughed. "The first time he did that I about lost my mind. It was everything I could do to keep from screaming out of sheer pleasure. It was a summer evening, you see, and..."
He kept touching something deep inside her. She didn't know what it was, but every time he did so this incredible flash of heat raced through her. It was like an orgasm, but shorter and more intense.
She buried her face in the pillow so nobody would hear her. The windows were open in the bedroom, and every time she felt that fire she moaned, and the hotter the fire, the louder the moan.
He was holding her hips, thrusting harder and harder. The friction from his cock was burning her up from the inside. She clutched the sheet, trying to hold it off, but the pressure was too much. She felt like she'd burst, cumming in one wave after another, each wave hotter and harder than the previous one.
He sped up, hitting that spot inside her again and again, and it was too much. Her first climax gave way to another that twisted and overwhelmed her. Distantly she heard him groan, and then, through the rush of her own completion, she felt his heated juices--she knew at once what they were--as they hit that mystery spot deep within her.
She lost all control, exploding in a million pieces of pure heat.
When she finally regained enough of herself she forced her eyes open. Danny was sprawled across her and they lay face down on the bed. She pushed at him just enough to get him to roll off. His arms went around her and she snuggled back against him. She'd been drifting in a sea of total bliss. Every sense in her body had been glutted. She was drained of every bit of willpower.
She saw herself in the mirror: her hair was a mess; her skin was covered with sweat, her face was flushed and her nipples seemed to be sticking out like thick pencil erasers.
Danny stirred, kissing her neck even as he hugged her. "Liked that, did you," he murmured.
"I could feel you cumming," she said. "I'd never felt that before."
"Never?" He slid back and let her roll on her back so they could look at each other. He slipped an arm under her, still holding her. "I've felt you cum, you know." He chuckled as he glanced at her tummy. "When you cum your pussy clamps down on me. It's everything I can do to push my cock into you."
"I guess I hadn't noticed. When I'm cumming there isn't a lot of room in my head for anything else."
"Yeah, the same here. But you said that this time you could feel me cum?"
"I could feel you touching some place deep inside me. I'd never felt that before."
"It had to be your cervix. I could feel myself touching it." He paused to push a sweaty strand of hair off of his forehead. "Normally, if we're face to face when I'm thrusting, I don't feel anything in there. I have with some women, but you must be just a little longer than my cock."
"Except when I'm on my hands and knees."
"Except then. Most women say a guy gets deeper when they do it that way. And I kept touching something when I was all of the way in. Like I said, that must be your cervix."
Devlin remembered the drawings she'd seen, including one Sabrina had shown her of a cock in a girl's sex. They'd both giggled over that one, and she'd pictured that a few times when she and Danny had done it.
"Well, when you came your jism must have been hitting my cervix. That's what I think I felt. Normally when you cum your body gets all hard, and your arms tighten up, you stop breathing for a moment, and things like that." She giggled. "Of course I don't feel much of that when we're doing it the way we just did. The only places we're touching are your hands on my hips and your cock inside me."
"I still feel your pussy clenching around me. You're going to make your husband very happy."
"Do you think I could do it voluntarily?" she asked after a bit. "I was reading this article in one of Sue's magazines and it said girls could learn to do it when they wanted to."
"There's only one way to find out." He chuckled. "I'll gladly sacrifice my body, only in the interests of science, of course."
"Of course." She thought about it. "The article said you have to think like you're stopping your pee when you're on the toilet."
"They're called Kegel Exercises, and that's how you train those muscles."
"I'll have to try that."
"They say that once you learn how to do it you can strengthen those muscles almost anywhere, not just in the bathroom."
"Anywhere?" Her eyes widened as she thought of the possibilities.
He nodded. "This woman said she'd be standing at the bus stop doing them. She'd do them almost anywhere. She said that once she met a guy she had fantasies about, and did them, imagining herself squeezing on his dick."
"I could be walking down the hall at school doing them," Devlin said softly.
"And did you?" Krissi asked.
Devlin nodded. "I did them every chance I got. It helps that I have strong tummy muscles from dance class, but I've made it a point to do them several times a day."
"Every day?" Devlin nodded. "I'll have to learn how to do that," Krissi said. "Does it really make things better? I know I've read that it's supposed to, but I wondered."
"I'll get on a guy, and rather than bouncing up and down right away I'll just sit there and squeeze him with my muscles. It's turned some ordinary times at Emma's into fantastic times. Guys really dig it, and it makes even the smallest dick seem a lot bigger."
Devlin laughed. "I made one guy cum just from doing that. Another time I came and clamped down on a guy so hard he couldn't get his dick back in me. Of course I was so lost in my own climax that I didn't care, but after I came back down I made it up to him, squeezing him repeatedly until he burst."
"No wonder you're so popular."
Devlin saw their exit up ahead and slowed. The freeway was clear, the snow had been melting these last few days, and for the most part the city streets were bare and dry, but some of the places that never got sunshine were still icy.
She dropped Krissi off and drove slowly back to her parking spot near the dorms. She was tired. This morning's weirdness with Mark and Monica had used up more energy than she'd thought. On top of that it was obvious her mother had a boyfriend, unless the guy was simply someone her mother had met in a bar the night before. She refused to think that. Her mother didn't seem like that sort of woman.
Connie was out, she was grateful for that. She unpacked her things and made up a load for the laundry. She'd just returned to her room from her first trip to the laundry when the phone rang. She dumped her clothes on her bed and picked up the receiver.
"Devlin?" It was Cindy, which was a surprise. She hadn't seen her the night before but she thought she'd just missed her.
"Devlin, would you be interested in something a little closer to home than Emma's?"
"Closer to home? What do you mean?"
"We finally got our group going, and somebody suggested we need a few unattached women for those times when someone is out of action. I immediately thought of you."
"I don't know," Devlin said slowly. "The last time we talked you said there were problems."
"We got those straightened out when a couple of people left. We're not meeting in the bar, for instance, and I know that was a problem"
"It was. I'm not 21 you know."
"Yeah, I know, but I haven't told anyone else, well, except my husband, of course, and he can keep his mouth shut. Anyway, we're meeting at our place, my husband and mine, tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. if you're interested. We'd love to have you."
Devlin chuckled at the implied joke. "I bet you would. How are you working it, people meet up, hook up, and then go to their own places?"
"No, we're doing it like Emma does. The bedrooms are upstairs. We meet and socialize downstairs, and if anyone strikes a spark, they go upstairs. We meet every Tuesday, not the every other week like at Emma's."
"Maybe." Devlin ran her fingers through her hair, thinking about it. "You've got me interested. Where do you live--in general terms, please, I haven't said Yes."
"We live on the south side of Bloomington in a relatively new development. All of the couples in our group are affiliated with the ISU in one way or another. That's sort of the hook we want to keep."
"Um, yeah, go on."
"We like to dress up a little, too." She giggled. "Oh, at least on the outerwear; underneath you wear whatever trips your trigger. Cocktail dresses for the gals and casual suits for the guys, that's common. I'm sure what people wear under that would scandalize all sorts of people, especially here in Central Illinois."
Devlin looked at the lingerie she'd been washing. Most of it was a little too explicit for anywhere but a Lifestyle party. She wasn't sure she'd wear some of these things to class even if it was buried under several layers; most of those layers came off when she used the restroom or gym.
"You're intriguing me more and more. Would I have to bring a snack or something like that like we do at Emma's?"
"It would help. Oh, that reminds me, there's one way we aren't like at Emma's: we insist on condoms, and we appreciate it if you bring some of those, too." She giggled. "We don't ever want to run out."
"That would be a major crisis. Okay, I can do that. The only thing I've never liked about condoms is the taste in your mouth when you're blowing someone who used one."
"I found that problem goes away if you wash the guy beforehand. That's kind of cool foreplay, too. Look, if you show up you don't have to partner up with anyone, you can just socialize for a bit, see if you like it, and if you don't, you can go home. No harm, no foul."
"I might do that," Devlin said.
"I'll see you about 7:00," Cindy said. "We have plenty of parking, so don't worry about that, either."
Devlin laughed. Parking had been a sore point when she and Danny had started going to Emma's. It had improved now that people could park at the Grange, but sometimes you had to park several blocks away, and if you were wearing a short dress you just knew the neighbors were watching.
"I'll try to be there by 6:45," Devlin said. "Of course that means I'll have to get my homework done early, and--"
"See? This is already making you a better student. I'll see you Tuesday!"
Devlin hung up still trying to figure out whether this was a good idea or not. She didn't mind Saturday nights at Emma's, she didn't have school the next day. But Tuesday was a school night. She hadn't asked Cindy what time the party broke up. She hoped it wasn't going to be too late, she'd spend the whole next day yawning.
She'd just started to turn away when the phone rang again. "Yes?" she asked.
"Devlin? Denise O'Connor."
Now what? she thought. "Yes, what's up?"
"I've got a super favor to ask you. I've got a friend here at my place, she's my next-door neighbor, and I've been talking to her about what you did for me. I was wondering if you would do the same thing for her."
"Probably, what's her problem?"
Denise's voice dropped like she was holding her hand over the phone to avoid being overheard. "Gloria's on the... on the large side, and she's built to match up on top, but only on one side. The other is smaller. Not a lot smaller, mind you, but enough that she looks..."
"Lop-sided?" Devlin asked. That was one of the things she'd been taught to deal with. That was a very common problem: one breast was smaller than the other. On most it wasn't a noticeable difference, but on some it was.
"That was your word, not mine, but yes."
"I can do something about that. We have some specialty items that specifically deal with that problem."
"Can we get together rather soon? Gloria's rather distraught. And how long would it take to get something for her?"
"Two days," Devlin said, "three at the outside."
"Two days? But mine took four and--"
"There was a weekend in there, Denise. Say three days."
"If you ordered it tomorrow, when could she have it?"
"If we do it Monday morning, then it should be here on Wednesday, depending on when FedEx or UPS delivers."
"I could have her at the Athletic Club tomorrow morning. What time?"
"How about just after 11? I'll be up in my room and you can just bring her up."
"Sounds good. I really appreciate this, Devlin. We'll see you then."
Devlin jotted a reminder in her daily planner and went back to her laundry. Most of the fine stuff had to be hand-washed, but she had a lot of other things that could go directly in a washing machine.
She'd just finished ironing and putting away her clothes and had settled down to do some serious studying when Jeff called.
"Where've you been?" he asked. "I kept calling last night and you weren't there."
Devlin thought of asking why he presumed she'd be in her room on Saturday night. After a moment she decided not to. That wasn't a can of worms she wanted to open, at least not yet. "I went up to see my mother," she said. "We had some things we needed to talk about."
From the deflated sound of his voice she knew she'd taken all of the wind out of his sails. He couldn't very well object to her seeing her mother, not with the way his intruded into his life.
"What did you want?"
"I wanted to know if we could get together, you know, like tonight."
"Don't you have Church?"
"Not as long as school's in session. Besides, I just got home from Church."
Devlin glanced at the clock. It was nearly 4:00 o'clock and he was just getting home? "I'd love to get together, but I have a sales-pitch for a project due tomorrow in my business marketing class and I wanted to spend some time tonight reviewing it."
"You could try it out on me," he said. "I could be a neutral critic."
"I don't think this is a product you could be neutral with, Jeff." She tried to picture him understanding hair-care products, and gave up, though she could be wrong. At least it wasn't an ad campaign about tampons; that had been the first suggestion one of the gals on the team had made. After everyone had laughed they'd shelved that idea--everyone else in the class was male. They'd seriously discussed their second idea, condoms, but thought the guys in the class might get a little too uncomfortable with that--though they'd spent more than an hour laughing through one idea after another about how they would do a practical demonstration of one brand over another. And Loretta had pointed out that they were supposed to have consumer testimonials about the products. That had left them sprawled all across Loretta's dorm room, consumed with laughter.
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Svenk Blackscale was not a heroic member of House Bryaugh’s space force. That would have been a remarkable trick for a kobold – even one that had the one tenth dragon blood that was required by the stern admirals and generals that led House Bryaugh’s military forces. But as Svenk wasn’t even a willing member of the space force, heroism felt like it was asking just far too much of his skinny body. His hands shook as he tugged on the flimsy flight helmet and strapped it into place, while goblin...
The snow kicks up along the frozen tundra of White Island, blowing in all directions as the helicopter begins its decent. Men with heavy coats and automatic machine guns filter out of the bunker base. “This is where we must part, Miss Roberts,” Sergey says. Samantha has spent most of her time wearing a black hood, not able to see where she was or where she was going. The only time it was taken off was when she had a visitor to her cell or when it was time to eat. Usually the two happened at...
Ray felt as if he were falling forever, shit this was boring I should have stopped or woke up he thought. Concentrating he finally got a handle and felt his self slow then stop, well that was good but he'd been falling for a while how far he didn't know. Looking at what he thought was up he tried to concentrate again finally after a few minutes started to feel his body begin to rise. Bad thing was he wasn't feeling anything, he could swear that for a brief moment he'd felt Nali but that...
Note: This story is not a trilogy of erotic tales, but instead, a tale of three people who share three erotic encounters... I do hope you all enjoy! Originally written under my pen name venomlegions ***** -one- "FIRE" I was jealous when my twin brother John told me he had a girlfriend. John was mine, and I didn't want to share him. I couldn't tell him that, of course. I was the fast girl during high school, and even in college, when my tastes went far beyond what I could get in back seat, I...
Eventually, the Pope and Cardinal left the outreach centre and returned to the camp, only to find out that the trebuchets and catapults had indeed been destroyed. They asked the man that was guarding the equipment about the attacks, but the response they got was simply. “What attack?” “What do you mean, what attack?, they’ve been destroyed, who did it?” “No one did it! I and another guard were actually leaning against a catapult and it rotted and collapsed into a pile of black dust that...
XIII: Growing Pains Their names were Lowell Bunton and Scotty Griggs. Both had been members of violent youth gangs when they were younger. Both had created reputations for themselves as the kinds of people that no one messed with, although they never committed any very serious crimes apart from assault and battery against anyone who dared to challenge what they perceived to be their natural dominance. They both joined the Marine Corps, and upon being discharged, they went into...
welcome for this first chapter please give us you character profile and we will let you get started to create a character simply follow the link
FantasyIntroduction: Bruce and Carla are just married and Carla enjoys working as an escort in the City and moonlight in the brothel in Nevada on the weekends for honeymoon fun. The new friends in Nevada introduce them to more new activities and social scenes Going to Church Bruce returned to the Bucket of Blood after dinner with his wife. She went back to the brothel, to capitalize on the Saturday night action. He walked back to the hotel and watched the tourists wandering around the streets of...
It had been a long flight. At least I had tomorrow to get over my jet lag before I needed to start the project. I checked into my hotel room, after picking up two bottles of wine and a twelve pack for the fridge. The room had a great scenic view looking over the river front. I put my clothes in the drawers and hung the suits in preparation for the next five days of work. Tomorrow would be a pretty easy day, with just a visit to the office in the afternoon. I decided to make it an easy night as...
I am Mihir from Bangalore. I am 23 years and I am now working in a MNC. I think this brief introduction about me is more than enough. Actually I have a very strong sexual desire to fuck my sis, She is really a hell of a bitch but I never got a chance to screw her. She never understood my intensions. Anyways I am going to tell you about my first ever sexual experience with my servant who is now the owner of the house. Friends this is my first time I am writing please excuse me if I am telling a...
Expect a lot of grammar mistakes, English is not my native tongue and I'm writing to slowly fix my troubles with the language. Comments are appreciated. X - X - X - X - X -Jaune's still in detention? - Ruby asks the JNPR team, curious about the amount of detentions the blond's having with Professor Goodwitch - it's the third time this week, and it's Thursday! - The little hunter really wants to know what the blond did to have such bad luck. -Jaune's training with Ms. Goodwitch -...
Hi, friends, thank you so much for the overwhelming response to my previous sex story. It has been almost three years since I posted my sex story and even now I am getting positive feedbacks from the readers. This is what a writer enjoys in writing. This encourages me to write new adventures and my previous encounters related to sex. Now I am going to narrate a sex story about an incident which happened to me 14 years back. As most of you guys know I was married at a very young age of 18 and my...
The knock startled Linda out of her day dreams, and she jumped up from her chair to hurry to the door. She hadn't noticed that it was dark outside, and she felt like a fool when she opened the door to see Valerie Boyd standing there in the dark. She immediately switched on the light. "Goodness, I wasn't watching the time... Please come in," Linda said sheepishly, completely forgetting about Valerie's wanton activities by the firelight last night. "It does get dark early here... How...
"Miss Frost, I want to see you in my office. Right now." Something in her boss's voice chilled her. Had he--found out? Clutching her arms to her chest, she scurried to Mr. Leahy's office. "Miss Frost, I show you this voucher and this cancelled check. Do you recognize them?" Oh, God, she thought. It was the voucher she had fraudulently created for a thousand dollars. "I-I..." she began. "They are yours, then," said Mr. Leahy in a voice of thunder. "Please, I can explain," she...
A lone meteor flies through space, alone, small and unnoticed. but what should be noticed is its passenger, a virus, a very special virus, one that can change the very base of a species. This hearty little disease has reshaped entire cultures with it's symptoms. the virus itself infects almost any bi-pedal race and reshapes their body, the infected no longer describable by the two gender system, they are the best of both, but neither one. They are, as some world say, a Futanari. the virus...
I wait in the cage you placed me in?It?s small?cramped? I can only be on my hands and knees, not even a way to sit?You come in?take out the key, unlock the cage? I wait?not moving until I know what you want?You grab my hair, pull me partially out, then p I can?t believe I?m here! I didn?t even like you; so self absorbed. So sure I?d follow you back to your place. Usually arrogant men don?t attract me, but something about you; it fits. You carry it well. I was drawn in; pulled by...
Read intro to Part 1. Read Parts 1 and Part 2 I have become a vessel through whom this story is shared. This story lives a life of its own through my fingers. I neither create nor control where it has decided to go. I hope you continue to enjoy it as I continue to enjoy being its chosen medium. A Sister's Need - A Brother's Desire - Part 3 Characters: Tina - Pre-teen David - 15 Alan - 36 Greg - 32 Alan blinked awake and looked at his watch. 9pm - Damn The...
Another Piece of Paradise By JJ This is a work of fiction (unfortunately). It may also contain themes and opinions that some may find objectionable. If you are not of the age to be able to view such things, then stop now. I'm writing in the universe of Patricia's "Changes in Paradise," If you have not read her magnum opus, and are interested in mermaids, then you should go right over to and read them post haste. This story assumes that you have some understanding of...
I'm Kate. I just got divorced this year. I'm glad though. I got his house and his money. I like to chat with guys online at night and meet them for some good sex. One night I was drinkin' some beers and chatting as usual and I started chatting with a guy named Leroy. He was really nice. Then he showed me his pic. Damn! He's a hottie. Tall, black, and young. He was 18. I told him he was sexy and i wanted his cock. Then he asked me how old I was. I nervously typed 48. Then I showed him my pic. He...
Interracial(This story was inspired by two things. First, I am currently in rehearsal for a play dealing with the issue of adult victims of child abuse and that got me thinking of what I would like to see happen to the perpetrators of such abuse. Secondly, thanks to J. John Seaver for his excellent story, "SRU: In the Bag"; it's posted at Fictionmania, and I highly recommend it.) Jackie O'Lantern By Jezzi Belle Stewart (c)2005 Jack Prior knelt on the long uncut grass behind the worn and...
No Sex until chapter 7 – VirtualAtheist ***** Nathan popped into the bank and returned with a fat envelope, that he handed to Erica with the words, ‘You don’t need to spend all of it, but I don’t mind if you do.’ Erica examined the contents and her eyes widened slightly, then she squared her shoulders and declared, ‘Right! Me and Manni are gonna spend, spend, spend. You boys can go and do whatever you want,’ she glanced at her watch and continued, ‘We’ll meet at the Green Ginger Man at say…...
Math class, 6th hour high school. Ms. Chapman was a teachers assistant and she was so sexy. She would ask me for gum everyday, then sit at her desk and twirl it on her finger. I didn’t think she would ever go for sex with a 16 year old high school student until I watched her drop a pensil on purpose bend over in front of me, her thong showing then when she stood up looked back at me. I knew after that I’m in the green to at least try. I was walking to 4th hour one day, very late and...
I’m Tom and my lovely wife Silvie and I have been married for eleven years now. We live in suburban Detroit where I’ve worked for one of the auto manufacturing companies for the past fourteen years. We live in this tiny little house in a suburban city just south of Detroit. It’s predominantly a blue collar neighborhood. It’s a nice town and nothing exciting never really happens here. The local newspaper headlines are usually packed full of stories about the high school...
....well i guess u can get back 2 being nasty as hell again on hamsters and poseparty since ur man got the hell out of dodge after his time in ur warm soft sexy arms. i hope he fucked u good before being redeployed and left u satisfied. u wanna kno what it would feel like 4 two guys to fuck u?.......well i think u would enjoy it....having 2 injun studs drillin both ur holes at the same time....i'd prefer 2 take u in the ass and have Jacob do u in the front.....have u ever been doubled...
Ash The Amish Incursion CH 3 Philip woke early. He rolled closer to the warm body beside him. His loins starting to respond. He stopped moving when he realized the body cuddled against him spine and ass pressing his side was more full. Elongated. Womanly. Than the body he had spent the last several consecutive nights with. He started to panic momentarily. The cobwebs melting. Memories of Sarah’s willingly giving him over to the muses of a full figured lady for the evening adding to the...
She looked at it with a longing that started deep down inside her gut. It was without a doubt the nicest apple on the tree and it was easily within her reach. She ached to reach out and pick it from the branch and have done with it but her cautious nature held her back like a leash attached to a collar around her neck. The tree stood by itself high on the rocky shelf overlooking the lush valley. The young girl liked to come up to sit under the shade of the comfortable tree watching the animals...
THE SUIT: Part 3 By LJ He moved carefully through the shadows, a gun drawn in his left hand, ready to fire with his thumb on the hammer to hold it back. It was more convenient, and didn't necessitate pulling a trigger if he had to move suddenly. He just dropped the hammer, literally, on anyone in his way. He heard movement just ahead, and froze, the mini flashlight in his right hand switching off even as he raised his left hand, and aimed the pistol's snub nose toward the...
July was a good month for me, the best yet by far. It was hot outside and I turned dark all over, coffee colored, with just a bit of cream and a lot of sugar. My hair was longer than it had been in a long time, since I'd been a child really, and it was a thick black mass falling over my shoulders. I had muscles under my skin, hard and lean muscles that worked effortlessly as I ran with my mates. I had small scratches, the occasional scrape and bruise, but largely I was as comfortable naked...
"You never heard the story?" Marcia smiled as Sadie shook her head. "Tell her Wendy, it's a good one." I shrugged, eating my salad in the hospital cafeteria with my two friends. It was a good story and I didn't mind telling it. "It's one of those stories that are too weird not to be true," Marcia chuckled. She was a light colonel in her mid-forties, and chief pharmacist there at Tripler Army Medical Center in Hawaii. I was younger at 27 and Sadie might have been a bit older than me,...
Amy’s eyes looked like a deer caught in the headlights. She was scared and embarrassed at the same time. She was potentially going to be caught by a couple she had been watching and masturbating over. She quickly decided to run. Part of her though wanted to be caught. As she hurriedly pulled up her shorts the man came closer scanning the bush line. His cock looked even larger as he got closer. Amy was able to get her shorts pulled up but not zipped and buttoned. She got up to run. ...
Medway High School 2:15pm, Thursday, February 15, 1979 In geography, Mr. St. George said we were able to use today’s class period to start researching our class assignment on various Australian issues. I saw Liz Morkings and her partner, Ellie McIlharty digging through an Australian Anthology book for examples of Aussie folklore. Samantha was on her own like me, as her partner Joanne Gramm was with Lynette playing volleyball. I found out her topic was Aussie industries and national...
Introduction: a shy girl learns a few things and trys them out on her man What would you like to do tonight honey? Her boyfriend Travis always wanted her to pick the activities. He said she needed to assert herself more, be more domineering. Well tonight she had a surprise for him. After a couple Gals nights out with her more adventurous friends, Susan was ready to try some new moves for her man. I figured we could stay in and entertain each other O? Travis was intrigued. Susan was a nice...
She was sitting in her car in the service station car-park when the text came through. She sipped her coffee and read the message. ‘Number 3. Room 104. 3. 1930. Bag at reception. Instructions within.’ She typed in the postcode of hotel number 3 into the SatNav; a twenty-mile journey. She’d be there by 1845. She finished her coffee while re-reading the text and set off. Her night had been arranged and the excitement was starting to take effect; she increased her speed.In the bar the blonde man...
My phone buzzed “in the parking lot” was the text. “Meet me at the side door” I quickly texted back. It was dark out as I opened the door and Lisa slid past. She followed me in silence as we went down the hall and I opened my room door. As I closed the door we paused looking at each other. She had long dark shoulder length hair, dark black eyebrows. Her brown eyes were sexy circled with dark black mascara and eyelashes. her lips were a mild pink, her neck had a dark black choker and she wore a...
As I stood in the kitchen between an irate topless mother and her sexy 18 year old daughter, my mind was racing. I came to the Levine’s house to make a routine dry cleaning delivery. When I found topless Mrs. Levine sun bathing by the pool in the back yard, it never occurred to me that I would end up in her kitchen having my 16 year old cock sucked dry by a woman old enough to be my mother. Nor did I expect to be caught by Mrs. Levine’s daughter, Susan, with my dick in her mother’s mouth and my...
IncestIntroduction: Hush, hush, hush, here comes the Boogeyman. It was midnight when she started screaming. Ellen groaned. Stephen sat up but she grabbed his arm. No! she said. We agreed. Honey, for Gods sake listen to her. Shes terrified! Ellen turned on the beside lamp. I dont care. She has to learn. If you go in there itll be like every other night. Youll look under the bed and in the closet and tell her nothing is there and then in two hours shell start again. Sarahs screams became higher...
After my successful experiences of helping old men get hard for their frustrated old lady wives and partners I put an ad on my local Craig list site offering my services. It read, ‘experienced elderly gentleman (70) can help ladies get their men to revive sexual activity. Strictly confidential absolutely no fees.’Not expecting a lot of interest, I was surprised that the first call was from a lady who introduced herself as Doris. After I reassured her that my service was legitimate and provided...
A while ago, I met a neighbor who lived right next to my house, we rarely saw each other but we kept in touch over the internet. She was beautiful: short and wavy hair, a little thin, small but firm and soft breasts, white skin and a beautiful hip, she was about 30 years old.After several and several chats on the internet, we ended up getting a little more intimate, and I was already going crazy with desires for her, but I didn't know if she felt the same way. I drew her and everything, she...