- 2 years ago
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Introduction: Hush, hush, hush, here comes the Boogeyman. It was midnight when she started screaming.
Ellen groaned. Stephen sat up but she grabbed his arm. No! she said. We agreed.
Honey, for Gods sake listen to her. Shes terrified!
Ellen turned on the beside lamp. I dont care. She has to learn. If you go in there itll be like every other night. Youll look under the bed and in the closet and tell her nothing is there and then in two hours shell start again.
Sarahs screams became higher and more frantic Stephen threw up his hands. What do you suggest, we just sit here and listen?
If thats what it takes, Ellen said. We have to start drawing lines.
Stephen glared at the door. Ellen could feel him shaking. She touched his shoulder but he pushed her hand away. Sarah was still shrieking down the hall. Ellen could tell that Stephen was counting silently. When he reached thirty, he got out of bed. That does it, he said.
He ignored her. She considered going after him, but it was too late. She heard his footsteps padding down the hall. Voices came through the wall, muffled. Stephen said, Whats wrong kitten?
Sarahs little voice was choked with tears: The monster! The monster is in my closet again!
Oh, kitten, theres nothing there.
Will you look and see?
Theres nothing there baby, I promise. Remember your mom and me are right down the hall, okay?
Okay, Sarah said, sounding unconvinced.
Now give me a kiss. Good night, Sarah.
Good night, Stevie.
The sound of Sarahs door closing preceded footsteps returning down the hall, and then Stephens weight sank down on the bed next to her. Ellen turned the light off and glared at him in the dark. Well? Are you happy now? she said.
Happy that we didnt leave her to give herself a fit? Yes.
Children need boundaries.
Children need you to be there for them.
Shes my daughter, said Ellen, and regretted it immediately. Before Stephen could reply, the sound of Sarahs screams interrupted them. See? said Ellen. Responding just encourages her. Its what she wants.
Shes not manipulating us, shes five.
The screaming stopped. Ellen was about to say something, but they both heard the bedroom door creak open. Mommy?
You should be in bed, Sarah, said Ellen.
There was a monster. He was in the closet.
It was just a bad dream, kitten, said Stephen.
Can I sleep in here tonight? said Sarah.
No! Ellen said before Stephen could reply.
Can you come look in the closet?
Sarah, go to bed. Youre too old for this.
Silence for a moment. Then: Can I get a drink of water?
Ellen sighed. Yes, but then go right back to bed, all right?
Okay. They heard the door close and Sarahs little footsteps down the hall, and then the sound of the faucet running in the kitchen. Stephen rolled over and put his back to her. Ellen touched his shoulder again and again he repulsed her. She rubbed her temples. A headache was coming on.
I know you want whats best for her, she said. But we cant hold her hand over every little thing anymore.
This isnt even about Sarah, this is about that weird hang-up over your ex again.
Ellen opened her mouth for an angry reply, but swallowed it. There was no gain in pushing this. Maybe youre right, she said, though she didnt mean it. Lets forget about it tonight. Well deal with it in the morning, when were both less tired.
Stephen was a silent at first, but finally he rolled over and put an arm around her, kissing her lightly.
Are you tired? she asked.
God yes, said Stephen.
Me too. But I cant sleep.
Me neither.
She grinned. Well, since were both up… Her hand crept up his shoulder.
Hon, if Sarah comes in again–
Well keep the light off. Itll be fine. She sees scarier stuff in her room anyway, to hear her tell it.
Stephen laughed. Ellen snuggled closer to him and kisses his chest. I still dont know… he said.
Stephen&hellip, she whispered, Ill let you do it in the back door…
She shrieked as he pounced on her, laughing and beating at him with the pillows. He buried his face against the neck of her nightgown. Help, help, theres a ravenous beast in here! she said.
I cant help it if you bring out the animal in me, he said, pushing the nightgowns straps down her shoulders and kissing one round arm. She gasped.
My, what big teeth you have! she said.
All the better to nibble on you with.
And what big hands you have…
He squeezed her ass through the silken nighty with both hands.
And what a big–
Dont get ahead of me, he said.
Ellen wriggled out of her gown before Stephens enthusiasm could damage it. She shuddered from the cold air and dived under the comforter, dragging him after her. She ran her hands over his chest as she kissed him, tickling his tongue with the tip of hers. He tried to put his hands on her naked body but she slapped them away playfully. He tried again and she squirmed out of the way, nearly rolling out of the bed. He caught her ankle and pulled her back as she shrieked and laughed.
Shhh, were supposed to be keeping it quiet, remember? Stephen said, and then kissed her hip, tongue darting over her bare skin.
Ooh! she said, and then gasped as he bit her. Hey! she said, how do you expect me to keep quiet when you go doing that?
Do what? This? he said, and nipped her again, giving her a lightning-sharp thrill.
Yes, that!
Im still not clear, do you mean doing thi–
She grabbed hold of a handful of his hair and pulled him up to her, where she met him with an open-mouthed kiss, tongue passing into his mouth, circling her arms around his waist and repaying him by dragging her nails over his bare back.
He responded by pinning her wrists to the bed and kissing with full force, those deep, penetrating kisses that always took her breath away and turned her knees to jelly. He buried his face into the side of her neck, sucking at the spot where her neck and shoulder curved to meet, and the little butterflies jumped up inside her stomach. Then he cupped her breasts with both hands, rolling her erect nipples against his palms and squeezing, and she started to shake. And you wonder why I tried to get away… she said, voice suddenly throaty.
Ah ah, he said, you made an offer, no backing out now.
Mmm, I guess Ive gotta back into it then?
He took hold of her by the hips and dragged her toward him.
Wait! Wheres the lube?
In the naughty drawer.
Well get it.
She heard him fumble in the dark. Shit!
I think some spilled.
Dear, that stuff stains!
Then I guess well always have something to remind us of this night. Now, assume the position.
She sat up on all fours, biting her lip and whimpering a little as she felt Stephens hand spread the cold, wet gel around her sensitive hole. It warmed up after a second, and she sighed, then squealed as Stephens hand slapped the side of her ass.
The bedsprings creaked and she felt him moving behind her. She gripped the headboard with both hands, bracing herself, promising that she wouldnt cry out when the next one came, but then unable to stop a small Oh! when Stephens strong hand came down on her backside.
She bit her lip harder and counted silently to herself: One, two, three four–SMACK! Oh!
One, two, three, four–SMACK! Ohhhh!
One two–SMACK! FUCK!
She covered her mouth with both hands.
Stephen squeezed her cheeks together, and she closed her eyes and bit down on the pillows. The first part was always the hardest&hellip,
She inhaled and held it. She heard Stephen grunt and felt him slide in, the tip first, then the rest one inch at a time. Her muscles clenched, then gradually relaxed. After a few seconds, he was able to work in and out gently, and then with a little more force as the resistance diminished. That lube was expensive, but it was a good investment.
Having fun back there, big boy?
Lets see.
She couldnt stop a second FUCK! as he thrust. Careful!
I will be, he said. He massaged her shoulders with both hands, kneading firmly, then started rocking back and forth in a short, easy motion. Her breath caught as she felt him slide up inside of her, her asshole stretching to accommodate him. In and out, in and out, the gentle motion sending little vibrations up the base of her spine.
How does that feel? he asked.
Her mouth worked for a second before she managed to mutter: Full…
Is full good?
Mmmm, yes, full is good. Fill me more…
He grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled, jerking her head back. She cried out.
What do we say? he asked, his tone firm but playful.
Please, she whispered, fingers clawing the sheets. Please, fill me up…
He began to thrust up into her again. She moaned.
The feeling of his thick, swollen shaft penetrating her sent waves rocking across her body.
Before long he was grunting with exertion. His hands roamed across her shoulders, and down the slope of her back, and around the curve of her hips, and back up to fondle her breasts as they jiggled.
He took a double handful and squeezed again. His fingers pinched her swollen nipples, twisting. She shuddered through and through.
His hands slid lower, across her belly. He was pumping steadily now, her cheeks spread to accept him.
He reached between her splayed legs, fingers rubbing her engorged clit, and she almost collapsed. Her body was on fire from one end to the other, and when he rubbed her with two fingers, pinching it between them, she bit her lip so hard that it bled.
Oh god oh god oh god oh god…
She could feel wetness dribbling down the inside of her thighs. Guess that lube stain will have company, she thought. Her pussy was sopping wet, and as two of his fingers slid past her aching outer lips his thumb positioned itself to continue massaging her clit. He was buried all the way into her ass by now, her hole stretched around the base of his cock, and he was fucking her in a tight circular motion, grinding against her clenched cheeks.
Oh fuck Stephen Im going to cum! Im going to cum, Im going to cum, Im going to–
She squeezed her eyes shut again and watched a cascade of fireworks and flower shapes blossom behind her eyelids as her climax set her head spinning.
Stephen, who was so good at timing these things that she sometimes became paranoid about how often he knew she was close even before she did, increased his pace a little to catch up with her, and she had come down off of her orgasm for only a few seconds when she felt his cock squirt, pumping a hot stream into her.
Oh god, fill up my ass!
He groaned, releasing, and she relished the obscene feeling of his cock gushing a load into her. They fell over, panting and red-faced. She winced again as he pulled out, and they kissed in the dark.
She curled up next to him, nuzzling the underside of his chin. Mmm, she said, there certainly is a monster in my room tonight.
Do you think youll recover?
Yes. Totally worth it. She gave him a kiss.
Out in the living room, the old clock chimed.
Sarahs been really quiet, said Stephen.
Mm-hmm. But you still want to check on her, dont you?
I do, he conceded.
You should.
Yes. Just to be sure shes asleep. But dont wake her up.
Okay, he said, squeezing her shoulders and swinging his legs out of bed. She heard him tiptoe down the hall, then heard the door to Sarahs room open. She waited a few seconds then got up, pulled her night gown on again and went to the kitchen. The harsh yellow light of the fixture blinded her for a second as it flickered on. She squinted, then opened the refrigerator door, taking a swig of milk straight from the carton. It felt hard and cold going down.
She started to turn on the faucet, but stopped, there was something oily and sticky all over the handle. A little of it was tracked across the floor too. Damn that girl, Ellen thought, what did she get into and not clean up? She considered marching down to Sarahs room and waking her up just to upbraid her, but decided it could wait until morning. Wake her up again and shell just be screaming about monsters. Ellen sighed. She remembered having nightmares at that age.
She also remembered her mother comforting her in the middle of the night. What kind of memories would Sarah have when she was grown? Memories of screaming alone all night? Memories of her stepfather coming to her rescue, but never her mother? Ellens heart broke a little. Maybe Stephen was right, and she really was being too hard on her?
At that moment, she heard Sarahs voice from down the hall: Mommy, come quick!
Then Stephens: Honey, come in here. Sarah wants to say good night.
Ellen smiled. Sarahs bedroom door was open. The nightlight put out a fuzzy yellow glow, and she saw Stephen on the bed, cradling Sarah in his arms. Ellen sat next to them. Did you wake up again, sweetheart? she said.
Sarah didnt answer.
Sarah? Ellen peered closer. Sarah was lying facedown on the bed. Stephens arm was draped limply over her back. Stephen? she said, touching his shoulder. He slumped over, and in the dim light she saw his face: pale, unmoving, mouth wide open. His eyes were flat and glassy, like a stroke victim. Stephen? Stephen! she shook him and his eyes moved to her, but there was no hint of recognition. He tried to talk, but his voice was choked, and when she let go of him he flopped over like a ragdoll.
Ellen looked at her daughter. Sarah was staring, unblinking, into the darkness, her arms wrapped around her knees. Shed gone so pale that the blue veins stood out on her face. Ellen shook her and screamed her name, but Sarah was oblivious to everything. The lights had gone out for the last time.
Then Ellen heard the closet door creak open. She saw the thing step out. It shuffled toward her. In the yellowy half-light Ellen could just barely make out its tumorous flesh and misshapen face. It opened its slavering mouth and out came a perfect imitation of Sarahs voice: Mommy, come quick!
And then it spoke in Stephens voice: Honey, come in here. Sarah wants to say good night.
Ellens blood turned to ice. She opened her mouth, but the scream would not come.
Mommy, I had a bad dream, the thing said in its Sarah voice. Can you come look in the closet? Can I get a drink of water?
Ellen slid to the floor, back against the wall. She tried to crawl away, but there was nowhere to go. She saw Stephens glazed eyes in the dark and heard Sarahs helpless gasp. I want to scream, Ellen thought. Why cant I scream? The thing came closer.
Honey, come in here. Sarah want to say good night.
It reached for her.
Good night, Mommy. Good night.
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Babydoll Boys Chapter One - Frat boys Like most college boys, Bluto Fratman was always looking for ways to enrich his higher-educational experience. On most weekend nights, occasional Tuesdays and most Thursdays, Bluto and his fraternity brothers performed field research on the effects of ethyl alcohol on the post-adolescent male brain. They performed this vital task in the fraternity house, as well as various entertainment establishments both on- and off-campus. The...
Interesting title? Well let me pull it together for those of you choosing to read another one of my adventures. I was on an adult chat line and wasn't having much luck with the ladies. I received a message rom a chick that lived up in houston and was down for some adlt fun. We got to talking and she also just wanted to get out of the house. She lived with her parents and needed to get away for a bit. Well at 3 in the morning thee aint shit to do. I head up her way an get to her house. A gamble...
Hi Reader my english is not pure please appolize about, I am 27 year old guy, with average hight. any girl want group sex can contat us. I am starting story….Story is long there are two three incidance so read till end… I and my friend get married befour 2 yaer and our both’s wife went for delivary, we dident had sex since long period my friend and i wes working in same company at aurangabad. we decided to go to redloght area but at auranagabad there was no any red light area, so we have...
Willie and the Brain By Rumple Foreskin Many hours later, as she faced questions from her sorority sisters, Tanya the Tri-Delt Tramp would remember, Willie, the frat boy she’d been screwing cowboy style that morning and his awesome orgasm that blew her off both his spurting cock and the bed. What she couldn’t understand and mentioned to no one was how, during lift off, she heard him scream, “Mid-terms!” ### ‘If only the good die young, those guys will live to a hundred.” This unflattering...
Their lovemaking was slow and tender this time, full of sweet feeling, unhurried, and immensely satisfying. Having cum twice, Bob didn't even feel the urge to reach an orgasm, and just submerged himself in the smell and feel of the beautiful woman whose pussy was clasping his cock like it was the last one left in the world. Her moans and sighs were music in his ears. Her orgasm was sweet too, and it surrounded her body like warm water in a Jacuzzi, gently pummeling her everywhere. She felt...
“Hey, Layla, are you busy Saturday night? Rod asked. Rod had called his sister on the phone. The summer was winding down and soon they would both be heading back to their respective colleges for the fall semester. Their parents were divorced. Layla was a year older and entering her senior year, and had spent the summer with their mother and her new husband. Rod had stayed with his father. They were both ready to escape the family drama and get back to school and be on their own. “No plans...
My high-school was fantastic. It was a boarding school with allowed physical punishment. The punishment was mostly more humiliation and public shame with which they tried to make us behave properly and learn. I never had problems with learning and grades but I did stuff on purpose to get punished.The boarding school was relatively close to our home and I was at home on weekends. They had loose rules on uniforms which can be broken down to "girls wear skirts and shirts but still decent". This is...
Linda had started out somewhat reluctantly accepting Sire, our Juvenile Golden Retriever as her lover and doggie Master, but had adapted to the situation quite well. As I said in Part I, the reason for my introducing her to this was because, though from all outward appearances Linda was a lady (and she is), even appearing somewhat frumpish most the time, at the core, she was pure slut. Linda admitted to loving the sexual high. She had been married for 20 years to an uninteresting man...
Ooohhh So Lovely! A bomb bitch who choose the best mothafucking stage name in the history of smut! No man watches Osa Lovely and then struggles to remember her name the next time he feels the urge! One look at her fiery curves and the unique name stays etched in your brain forever, and today I am privileged to check out Osa's official Twitter page! is an account that proves that Twitter is way more than a bunch of old maids bashing dudes and small-dicked nerds who hate...
Twitter Porn AccountsCHAPTER 1 The sky was dark with an approaching rain dump and Annalee Roach-Simpson’s face reflected the mood of the weather as she went with jaw-set into the dayroom to confront the embarrassment of her family, her unmarried 30-year old daughter Peyton. ‘Hi mom.’ ‘We need to talk.’ ‘Shoot.’ ‘What on earth does that mean?’ Peyton put down the lurid magazine, ‘Males Bare It All’. Carefully she tucked it away from her mother’s searching eyes. ‘What kind of magazine is that?’ ‘Nothing.’ ...
I have had a caravan that I turned into my office, away from the home in the backyard of the house. I took all the furniture out and set it up with the bookshelves and office table and chair. At that time my four children would be at school during the day, my dog would be spending most of the time under my desk. Few times I did took notes of his cock being out of the pouch and he would be linking it. One day my wife come inside the caravan sat down with the tears in her ayes. I asked what is...
We agree to meet each other at the bottom of the trail late in the evening, it's already dark out I'm sitting in my car waiting for you to get here. I see some head lights pull up, you drive up next to me. We both get out of our cars, I grab my backpack with the needed supplies, as I'm reaching down you come up behind me and run your hands down my chest."I can't wait, I want your throbbing cock in me right now" Your hands pull down my shorts, exposing my cock to the air, I spin around, you drop...
I lay on my bed and waited. And waited. It started getting dark. My feet were feeling cold. I got my pink bunny slippers and put them on. Wes was always making fun of them so I'd have to remember to take them off when he came in. I must have dozed off. I heard the back door in the kitchen slam. It was dark so I turned on the lamp next to my bed. A minute passed then I heard a scratching noise on my door. "Who is it?" "It's me, Les. Can I come in?" "I guess so." I straightened out...
It’s 1:00 AM Labor Day, one of the loneliest nights of the year. Alone, sober, I see drunk people. They move in twos, threes and ones up and down the bar-lined boulevard. Some bounce. Some drag. Hunger wafts through the streets. Cadillac Escalades, sprayed in their finest pearl-white, strut down Erie Street at fifteen m.p.h. though they appear to be doing twenty. The dark-skinned drivers whistle at tight dresses on tight asses. Their blaring horns seem to say, ‘Hey baby, how you doin’?’...
The following day, Sandy called Phyllis. They hadn't seen each other since their afternoon heart to heart conversation revealing how Phyllis got involved in the Party Boat. Sandy had kept Phyllis' secret to herself but told the girls at the club that Phyllis had a job on a private yacht as a hostess. Sandy told her friends that it was a way for Phyllis to earn extra money because her ex, Bob, wasn't reliable with his monthly payments. Sandy said she didn't know much about the men calling on the...
MILFMaddie’s head snapped around at the familiar voice. It was her brother, Jason, but a different version of Jason. He looked older somehow, more muscular, especially as the green blazer he sported was too small. He had beard stubble. Never in her life had she ever thought that Jason would actually need a shave. He leaned over, tapped the notebook and said, “Act like we’re talking about this. We think you’re being watched.” As Maddie turned her attention back to the binder, circumstances and...
This is the first part of a series of very short stories I wrote for fun. Tell me if you like my story so I post the next chapters. On a full moon night Sonia was walking in the jungle alone, Cold and Scared and it was getting dark. She started hearing noises but she couldn’t really tell what it was. She could feel eyes just watching her from behind and following her, but at the same time she thought it was just paranoia and kept going; hoping she would get to somewhere soon. It was getting too...
The Cum Pit by utubeslutI wrote this story years ago for a lovely lady I exchanged n00dz with.It was originally titled, Housewife NightShe loved cum so this was just for her.We lost track of each otherIf you're out there, La****, PLEASE write me. I miss you.“DAMMIT, that BITCH!!” you rage silently as you undress before the owner of the place. All because you lost a stupid bet.He’s quite young, in his early 30’s but he’s seen it all.You know immediately he’s...
Monica walks into the room grinning stupidly at me. While glaring at her, I turn from my computer desk and watch her as she walks over to my closet, throwing it open, she starts to rip clothes off of their hangers, looking at each piece. As she does this, I clear my throat and start to speak, only to get interrupted by her as she is holding up my red skirt that is two sizes too small. “Does this fit you enough to dance in?” She says. I look from her, then to the skirt in her hand, and I shake...
InterracialВойна между королевством Адерон и амазонскими племенами окончена. Часть амазонок убита, часть бежали в дикие земли, а часть попали в рабство на милость победителям Много судеб гордых воительниц было изменено навсегда, кого-то "залюбили" солдаты прямо на поле боя, кого-то оставили себе в качестве наложниц офицеры, кого-то продали в бордель, кому-то удалось сбежать, кому-то даже удалось найти любовь. Каждая история была в чём-то уникальна Уникальна и эта история, про Далану, восемнадцатилетнюю...
The next few days flew by for Jake and others. On the second day, all the airships were flown out of the cave. The Karenna came out last. It was the smoothest sailing. The lift controller had never been zeroed. They had no way of calibrating it in the cave. They learned just how crucial lift controller calibration was. they nearly crashed into the roof of the cave. Then almost bounced off the floor. The Karenna was light compared to a ship of her size made of steel. She was still a heavy...