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KEEPING MY HEAD By Geneva In the French revolution, Berthe, an innkeeper's wife, and her husband Matthieu help refugees escape the Reign of Terror with the help of her grandmother's magic book. She also gets revenge for a past injury. START The afternoon air was fresh and I was welcoming a breather from the chores of the inn, especially its stuffy kitchen, when the coach from Rouen rolled up and stopped across the street from me. Actually, I usually did that as it was always a good idea to drum up business for the inn and I casually watched the alighting passengers to see if any would be likely guests. Matthieu and I were doing well enough at our inn. We had worked hard since he had inherited it from one of his aunts a few years back. The inn gave a good livelihood to us and our three girls. The half dozen passengers climbed out slowly, stretching to relieve their cramped muscles and aching backs. I recognized two of them as inhabitants of the small fishing port that was our home. Another two climbed down after them. I did not know them at all but once they had picked up their bags thrown down from the top of the coach they purposefully made their way down to the harbor at the side and I saw a young man in fisherman's clothing waving to them from the dockside. I supposed they would be on their way to one of the smaller villages along the coast. It was a fine day and their trip would be comfortable enough. I paid a little more attention as the last passengers, a young man and woman, climbed down from the coach. They were dressed in fairly shabby working clothes, but there was something about them that seemed slightly out of place. I had seen neither of them before and they were obviously unfamiliar with the village. I watched them look round then the woman pointed to the sign of the inn and, picking up two small bags, they started across the street to me. I nodded to them as they approached, giving a smile to welcome them. "You're looking for accommodation," I asked. "Yes, Madame, for several nights," said the man. That was another thing. I did not think that his accent and speech matched their clothing, but I chided myself. It really was no concern of mine. "Then I have space for you. My husband is the owner of the inn. I am Madame Besancon, Berthe. My husband is in the kitchen just now. He is called Matthieu. You'll be able to meet him soon. Now, how long do you want to stay? You said several nights? Your names are?" "My name is Jules, Jules Leroux, and this is my wife Jacqueline. We will probably stay for about three days." That sounded good, all business was welcome. " And you will be wanting to share a room, I expect? It will sleep six." Usually poorly dressed people like them were careful with money and were willing to share a room. If they all lay on the floor it was amazing sometimes, how many could be placed in one room. To my surprise the man shook his head, "Oh no, Madame, we wish a room completely to ourselves." "Well then, I can give you a room completely for yourselves. Then you'd better come in." I gave them the price of an individual room and without haggling they agreed. Jules opened a purse and paid for three nights, plus meals. This too was a bit unusual. It was more likely that they would want to be on their way as soon as they could. I wondered what possible business they could have in this small fishing port. I took another surreptitious look at them. Both looked as if they were in their twenties. Another thing, I thought their faces were much too pale for working people. All of the local peasants and fisherman had weather beaten features. I could have understood it with the woman if she did not work much outside but obviously the young man did not get out much either. Also, when he had paid out the coins, I noticed that his hands were soft, free of calluses and stains, and his fingernails were even and clean. Whoever he was, he was no simple workman. He had not been used to working with his hands. "All right, come with me. Your room is upstairs." When I showed them their room I detected just a bit of disdain, but they accepted it. I was slightly annoyed. What did they expect in a small fishing port like ours? "You will be hungry?" I asked. " I will have supper ready in about an hour. We have some nice stew." They thanked me, again in a gracious manner that I did not think match their supposed humble status. "A couple of guests came in the coach?" Matthieu asked me as I was in the kitchen cutting up some vegetables for the supper. "That's good. We need all the trade we can get. Did they say where they're from?" "No, they didn't. There's something not quite right, or doesn't ring true. I've been thinking about them. Maybe the answer's obvious. First, his accent, it's much too cultured for a peasant workman and it's certainly not a local accent. And the coach came from Rouen, and Paris is beyond that. There's a revolution going on there, in full course. "And we've heard that he king, the queen, many aristocracy and others have been imprisoned." Matthieu gave a grim smile. "Yes, usually followed after a hasty trial with a short trip in a tumbril to the guillotine and execution before a jeering crowd." I shuddered at the thought. "Yes, we've also heard that a lot have attempted to escape seeing the danger they're in. The revolutionaries are beginning to cast about for more victims. Often they've tried to make for England, and there's good money to be made for any boat owner who wants to transport people across the short sea crossing over to England." Matthieu looked out over the harbor. "Yes, I've heard rumors of some of the local fisherman doing this, and certainly some of them appear to be showing signs of a lot more money than they'd get from fishing." Matthieu grinned. "Yes, more than rumors, my own brother Pierre is one of them. His is a quiet village, no one there to poke their noses into what he gets up to." "Well, he should be careful. It's supposed to be illegal." "Pah, the goings on in Paris aren't given much attention by most of the citizens here in this village. Revolution or not, we'll just exchange one group of overlords for another." I watched the couple at supper. The inn was busy, with some other travelers from along the coast and some locals coming in for ale. Besides, there were my own three girls to feed and look after. The couple sat at a table with some local inhabitants and only had minimal conversation with them. I noticed that their table manners were a lot better than the locals too. I had a restless night. When I was younger I had had occasional strange dreams. After I was married I had them less and less but I wondered if something must had set me off. I lay awake for a bit and stared up at the ceiling, wondering about the couple until I got back to sleep. Next morning I woke just as the sky was showing some light. Running an inn meant we always had to be up early. As I sat up in bed and arched my back, wishing I had slept more, I felt Matthieu's hand stroke up and down my back and I lay back in his arms for an extra minute. I felt him lifting up my nightdress, then his arms were around me and his hands cupped my breasts. "Mmm, you have a lovely body, Berthe." I gave a small giggle. "Even after three children?" I made light of it but I was secretly pleased. I had kept my young figure over our ten years of marriage and three daughters. I thought of the other village woman of my age, most of them sliding into maturity with figures growing ever stouter. "You seemed restless last night, Berthe. Another of your dreams?" I drew in my breath. "Yes, I'm sorry I disturbed you." "Much you remember this time?" I shook my head. "It's all too vague, noise, and a feeling of coldness, then later a feeling of panic, a feeling of wanting to flee, as if I was hurtling over the countryside. But things are too jumbled. There's nothing definite. Like any dream, I suppose." Matthieu stroked my brow then my cheeks and pulled me to him, kissing the back of my neck. When he turned over me and leaned down to kiss my breasts, I felt my nipples harden but I reluctantly shook my head and pulled away from him. "Sorry, Matthieu, too much work to do. There's the fires to be started and the breakfast to make for everybody. Maybe tonight." I gave him a little peck on his stubbly beard. Later that morning, after breakfast, I watched the young couple make their way down to the harbor. Although their gait was slow, as if on a leisurely stroll, they were making directly to it. I would have liked to watch them but there were too many chores to do at the inn and I only saw them again when they returned to the inn several hours later. "So, Monsieur Leroux, you had a look round the harbor?" I asked. "Yes, we wanted to watch the fishing boats," Jules answered. That convinced me. If they were ordinary working people, they would not have the leisure time to wander around a harbor just to look at boats. Still, I had to be cautious. "Ah yes, the fishermen sometimes sail quite far out for their catches. Some of them even get quite close to the English coast," I added and gave them a slight smile. "You would be interested in talking to some of these, just to hear their experiences?" I asked. Jules' eyebrows lifted. "If you know some, yes." I knew we all had to be careful. For my own part, in case they were agents of the revolutionaries and sent to trap those who helped in getting people away from France. In turn, the couple had to watch in case I betrayed them for a reward. Emigration was illegal, but it was not too efficiently enforced. The next morning I watched them as they left the inn, supposedly for another stroll round the harbor. But at midday they returned again with disappointment on their faces. By this time I was sure they were refugees and I decided to be more direct. Later in the evening I knocked the door of their room. "Excuse me, Monsieur Leroux, I wish to speak to you about something." "Yes, Madame? "As he opened the door I stepped in and closed it behind me. I held my finger to my lips and spoke quietly. "Monsieur Leroux, Madame Leroux. I think it is obvious to me that you wish to get away from France." The faces of both tightened, which helped confirm what I had thought. The woman's face was drawn and I took her hands. "Look Madame, I understand and I will not ask many questions, but I know a fisherman who keeps his boat at a small village just round the headland. In fact it is my brother-in-law. I know he would be willing to sail you over to England. He has already taken some groups over. Shall I contact him?" The woman's face lit up but the man's face remained uneasy and suspicious. I nodded. "Monsieur, you are right to be suspicious, but I assure you that I will not betray you. You should know I did not approve of the former regime, but I do not think this terrible bloodshed, as has been happening in Paris, and elsewhere, is good for France. If you want I will send word to my brother-in-law, he is called Pierre, and you can meet him tonight." It looked as if the man had made a decision. He looked at his wife and she gave a slight nod of approval. "Then I would be grateful if you would arrange it, Madame Besancon." I went down to the kitchen and discussed it with Matthieu. "Yes, it's the right thing to do, but we'll have to be careful. Use one of the girls. Anne would be best. Send her over to Pierre and get him to come here tonight." Pierre arrived at the inn soon after supper. After an exchange of some greetings and Pierre slaking his thirst with some beer, Matthieu and I took him aside while our eldest daughter Anne stood guard to prevent unwanted eavesdroppers. "So, Pierre, we've a couple here who wish to escape to England. Could you do this?" Pierre looked round carefully and nodded. "Yes, in fact if they want to get off tomorrow I can do it." He stepped outside briefly and held a finger up to test the wind. "I think the wind will be suitable. Maybe faster going over than coming back. I'll have to catch some fish too, just in case anyone asks." I led him upstairs and introduced him to the couple then left them, but watched carefully round the inn. There were always agents of the Committee of Public Safety snooping around. In their small village she could easily spot strangers but it was as well to be careful. It really only took a few minutes and I heard the noise of Pierre 's fisherman's boots come down the stairs. He nodded to me and I pointed to the kitchen where it was more private. He spoke quietly. "It's arranged, Matthieu, Berthe. We're going to leave tomorrow morning, very early. It will still be mostly dark but the conditions are good. It's only a moderate breeze and a day's sailing should do it." Later I went up to the couple's room. "So, you leave tomorrow? I will not be there to see you go. In case I am ever asked, it will be as if you left hurriedly in the night. Look, I have some food for you," and I passed them a bag with bread, cheese and some apples, and two bottles of a table wine. " That will keep you from being hungry. After all, you've paid for several nights. Now, Pierre has made all the arrangements? You understand them?" "Yes, Madame, we are to leave on that path behind here and follow the cliffs to his village. He's drawn us a sketch. He says it should take about an hour to walk there. The night should be clear and we have a half-moon so we will be able to see quite well." "Then good fortune to you," I nodded to the man and was about to embrace the woman but she wrung my hand. "Excuse me, Madame Besancon, you have been very helpful. Can I pass your name to others like us? You see, I have a cousin who also wants to escape with his family. They live in Paris and are concerned for their safety. He was a secretary for a nobleman who has been guillotined already and will be in danger. I can get word back to him." I drew in my breath. "Yes, but please, be very careful! If there are spies around here or elsewhere for the Committee of Public Safety I don't want my name known, or anything about me at all. Then again, good fortune!" I lay in bed that night, but I had trouble getting to sleep and just after midnight I heard a slight movement from upstairs. Later, I heard a slight creak and I knew the back door of the inn had opened. The next morning I tidied the couple's room to free it from any sign they had been there. There were the usual chores for the inn to follow, but my mind kept thinking about Jules and his wife, if they had been successful. It was actually two days later when Pierre came to see us at the inn. "Yes, we got across safely," he said, seeing my concerned look. "The only boats we saw were some English fishing boats. It was late evening when I landed at a small fishing village. I left them there on their own and after a short rest I immediately sailed back to France. It was a clear night and I could steer easily." "Pierre, they asked if we could arrange passage for some others." "Yes, they asked me too. They paid me well, but it's risky. Yes, I would do it again, to save some lives even though the money is good too." .......... In the square in Paris the cries of the crowd gave way to a murmur of anticipation. Paul Fortier winced as the blade came down with an audible thud, and the victim's head tumbled into a basket. He took a breath of relief and barely heard the subsequent triumphant screams from the mob crowded round the guillotine as the victim's head was held up. Now the Comte de St. Aubin was gone, and he would be free of the debt. Now there was little danger of his debt being discovered or, even if it were, any of his debts would be dismissed. French society was in two much turmoil and the aristocracy had gouged the peasants and others so much that no one would be concerned about any money owing. He watched as another tumbril arrived from the prison and its six miserable passengers were executed in turn. After an announcement that it was the end of the executions for that day he decided it was time to go to his lodgings. There were still some pressing matters for him. He sighed. It was time he returned to Normandy to see what he could salvage from the remnants of his failing carriage constructing business. As he turned to leave, someone caught his sleeve. "Citizen Fortier, can I have word with you?" It was Claude Boisjoli. Paul recognized him as an associate of one of the members of the 'Committee for Public Safety' that guided the course of the revolution and the arrests and trials of those perceived to be enemies. Paul started guiltily. Had someone discovered his deceit? But he couldn't see any soldiers accompanying Boisjoli and the expression on Boisjoli's plump face was not unpleasant. "Yes, Citizen Boisjoli?" "Look, Citizen Fortier, call me Claude and I shall call you Paul. Let's sit down at that tavern. I have an offer for you. I think you may be interested." They sat down and ordered wine. Paul looked at Boisjoli expectantly. "You wanted to say something to me, Citizen Boisjoli-I mean Claude." The other looked at him benevolently. "That was good work you did, denouncing that aristocrat, and testifying fearlessly against him at his trial. Your zeal and determination have caught the attention of the Committee. They are very impressed with you." Paul listened, trying to determine if Boisjoli was sarcastic or trying to trap him. He had actually made most of his story up, of course, spinning the tale that he was an honest worker who had struggled against the nobleman's exactions. But Boisjoli seemed sincere. "I was only doing my duty as a French patriot," Paul said, pretending sincerity. "I know, Citoyen. So, we of the Committee have been wondering if you could put the same zeal into hunting down other who represent a threat to the republic." Paul tried not to show his jubilation. Boisjoli was also an associate of Robespierre, one of the more powerful of the new order. He was a useful person to know. Besides, his carriage business back home was on the verge of failing. Even with his debt to the Marquis no longer over his head, he would be lucky to salvage much from it. Now, if he got a position under the new government he would be sure of revenue, and there could even be opportunities to remove valuables from houses. Then he could hide his traces by suggesting to the mob that there were valuables to be looted. The mob's plundering would hide his own theft. "I would be delighted to. I believe utterly in the principles of the revolution." He leaned back. "In fact I shall take the name Egalite!" Boisjoli beamed at him. "Excellent! Mmm, I like that! Very commendable! Although, I believe one of the nobility has taken that name too. Pretending he is one of us! We shall soon see. Anyway, then please come to see me tomorrow, here!" And he passed an address to Paul. Paul was still wary. Perhaps the offer was genuine. Perhaps it was a ploy to get him into a place where he could easily be arrested. But he reasoned they could arrest him anywhere. They had shown themselves capable of that in the past. The next morning he presented himself at Boisjoli's office. The warm welcome he received soon made him feel at ease. Boisjoli even rose to greet him. "Ah, Citoyen Fortier, Egalite. Please come into my room and hear my offer." Boisjoli even offered him a glass of wine but soon got down to business. He explained the position again and when Fortier agreed he handed him some papers. "Here is your commission. You are to seek out all who resist or seek to undermine the revolution. You are to pursue and apprehend all members of the former regime who do not give their full support. I addition, you will pursue all who try to flee the country. They should stand trial for past crimes and treason. They may become agitators who will give support and information to foreign powers who want to invade France. Our country and its revolution should be prepared to defend itself. They are actually talking about a draft, a Levee en Masse, to raise a standing army. It will apply to all able-bodied men." Fortier forced himself to hide his feelings. That was another good reason to take the appointment. He was no longer a young man and might avoid the draft anyway, but this appointment would definitely keep him out of the army. "You will need help. One of the Committee of Public Safety has a nephew, a young man, called Henry Masdin who he wants to help in his career. I'll make him your assistant, and you will have the use of six soldiers to help arrest and capture suspects. You will report to me. I do not give you exactly carte blanche, but you will have a wide freedom of action. "Now let me see." Boisjoli looked through a sheaf of papers on his desk. "To begin with, here is a list of people we suspect. Work your way down this and bring them to justice. I want you to start this as soon as possible." "Yes, of course, Citizen Boisjoli." But he thought of something. "Please, I have a business in Rouen. I have four men working there but I would like to close it so that I am not distracted and can serve the revolution better. I will need two days to close it down." "Rouen? That's a great coincidence. In fact, that would be a good place for you to start your investigations, that and the fishing ports. We've heard that those who are fleeing Paris often head for ports in Normandy to get boats to England. They often go through Rouen so you should head there and get going on your investigations. But, remember, everyone you capture should be brought to Paris for trial and execution." That night, Paul could hardly conceal his jubilation and excitement. He started on a new bottle of brandy to celebrate. Ah! his life was perhaps finally turning around. He had power and even people under him. He thought of his earlier difficulties. He had been a younger brother. His older brother Jean was the one who had inherited the family carriage and wagon making business. Jean had even won the hand of Michelle, who Paul had wanted for himself. Then Fortune had smiled on him, briefly. Jean and Michelle were killed in a carriage accident, leaving only their young son. Seeing an opportunity, Paul had twice attempted to kill the boy, but a nosy serving maid in the house had foiled him both times. He did not know if she really suspected him but before he could devise another plan to kill the boy she had run off with the boy. He had never heard of any of them again, even with vigorous attempts to find the pair. Good riddance! That left the business for him. Still, he wondered what had become of them. He let the thought sip from his mind. He had not heard of them for years. He took another swallow of the brandy. It was a good product. Unfortunately the carriage business had started to run into deeper and deeper trouble. His stupid oafs of workmen had been unable to carry on without his direction. As if he should be expected to stand over them! An aristocrat he had met at a gambling salon, The Comte de St. Aubin, had loaned him some money but that had soon gone too. Then the man had even threatened him with a lawsuit, but when the revolution broke out Paul had seen his opportunity to get out from under the man. His denunciation of the aristocrat was eagerly accepted by the court with no questions asked. Just the day, before the man had gone to the guillotine with his son. He took another swallow. Life may have had conspired against him but he would make sure that he would pursue the enemies of the revolution with all of his vigor. All going well, he might rise in the new government. His head ached the next morning, but he still had time to recover before he took the coach to Rouen. When he wound up his business the few workers left would have to get other jobs. He wondered why he even bothered to think about them. Whatever they did was below any concern of his. Back in Rouen he wasted no time in calling the workers together in front of him at the small factory." I have decided to get out of the carriage manufacturing, immediately. You will have to find other work. Myself, I have been called to an important position in Paris, one reporting to the Committee of Public Safety." Two of the workmen let out their breath and shook their heads and the other two just shrugged, as if they had been expecting it. He fielded some questions about trying to keep the business on but to tell the truth, he was tired of it. He was meant for greater things than a carriage maker. As an agent for the Committee he would be able to use his talents to the full. "I hear there will soon be a draft into the new army. That will give you work!" he sneered to the two younger men. One of them, Edouard Cloutier, looked very worried. His oldest employee, Armand Cloutier, the father of Edouard, stood almost in his way as he went to leave. "So that's the end, Patron? " he said sadly. "This company has lasted three generations. Your grandfather founded it. I've worked here all of my life." "Well, times change!" Paul snapped. "So you and your son had better be looking for more work!" You at least will probably be too old for the army. I hear that Seurat the carpenter needs more help." Cloutier shook his head. "I don't think we'll stay here, Patron. I think we'll go back to the coast, to the fishing village I was born in. My sister lives there. I expect we can find work repairing fishing boats." .......... I wondered if we would have any more escapees from the revolution, then, once again, several weeks after the young couple had gone, I stood watching the Rouen coach stop across the street. This time a whole family climbed down from the coach, a couple with four children. Somehow the couple who had escaped must have got word to her relatives. I frowned, shook my head and took a deep breath when I saw them. At least they had had the sense to wear large cloaks, but underneath they were too well dressed. Jules and Jacqueline had been more careful and worn rough peasant or working clothing. This family had fancy clothing, even some stuff obviously made of silk. I checked around hastily. Fortunately there were very few villagers around and when the family made their way to the inn it did not look as if they were especially noticed. "Yes, monsieur?" I said when I had finally ushered the family in through the inn door. I closed it firmly behind them after checking that the street had no suspicious individuals. "Madame Besancon, I believe your name is Berthe? I am Guillaume Frontenac and this is my wife Marguerite. And these are my children Ann- Marie, Gregoire, Dominique and Charles. I will need your help. "You see, I was a senior member of an organization that seems to have aroused the ire of the revolutionaries. Several of my colleagues have been arrested and two have already been executed. Also I was a secretary for a nobleman and I do not want to take the risk. I would like you to arrange a contact with your friend Pierre who can sail us to England? We need to escape." I felt my hackles rise. I liked neither his manner nor the tone of his voice. It was as if he expected me to be at his complete beck and call. Still, business was business. "Yes, Monsieur, I think I can arrange this, but, please, Monsieur, please keep your voice down. Also, I think you do not realize how careless you have been. Look at your clothes! They are too fine. Anyone looking at you in this little village would immediately suspect you. There could be spies or someone who could betray you. You do not want to risk capture. My own life too is in danger. Have you other clothes?" Both shook their heads. They actually looked annoyed that I would criticize them. So, as with the Leroux couple, when they had paid I immediately led them upstairs and put them in the one room. It was well away from the rest of our rooms. "I ask you all to stay in this room! I will bring all your meals to you. Better that you keep out of sight. If anyone asks I will just say you are both feeling unwell. "Now, I expect you'll want quick passage. I will contact the fisherman who can take you." "As soon as possible, Madame. I expect we will leave from the harbor here?' I shook my head. "Not at all! This is a small harbor, and you would be in the view of all who worked there. No, the arrangement will be the same as your cousin. You will leave from here at night and walk to the next village. It is just an hour or so along the coast from here and Pierre will meet you." "Could we arrange a carriage to take us there?" What did he think this place was? I glared at him. "First, there are no carriages for hire here. Even if there were, that way you would draw attention to yourself. You may wish to risk the guillotine. I don't!" I had the satisfaction of seeing their faces go white. Unfortunately worsening weather conditions stirred up the sea. "We've had to put up with them for several days," I complained to Matthieu.. He went to the window and looked out over the sea. "Yes, the wind has risen and the sky is dark. I think that sailing would be too difficult as well. At least they're paying us well." Finally, the weather cleared up and I was glad to see their backs when they left after yet another day. When Pierre reported back to us it was obvious that he must have felt the same about the couple's attitude. "No wonder there was a revolution with attitudes like these two had," he complained. "Still, they are safe now. Now the English will have to put up with them!" He grinned. "Over in England I deliberately landed on a deserted beach. I made them get overboard and wade through the surf to the land. Maybe wet feet and clothing will help their attitude. "But Berthe, I make a joke but it was very risky. They were too well dressed and their attitude was haughty. I don't want any more like them. " He spat on the ground. "They even haggled at the end about how much they owed me." I shrugged. "Yes, I have little love for most of them, but I don't want to see deaths. They tell me there are hundreds of executions in Paris. If any more refugees come around I will be more careful." The next morning I woke up, but feeling that I wanted more sleep. "You had another restless night last night?" asked Matthieu. "It's not so long ago you had the last one!" I sighed. "Yes, I don't know what causes it. Since I married you, and since the children, they had seemed less and less. Now that's twice in a few weeks." Maybe it's the stress of these refugees." "We don't have to help them. The inn gives us an adequate living." "I know, but I feel we have to save lives." ....... In their quarters at Rouen Egalite Fortier sat down with Henri Masdin. "Masdin, I've had reports that some aristocrats have been escaping from fishing ports on the coast. We will have to investigate that. Unfortunately we have been directed also to investigate reports of sedition in this town." He shook his head. "So much to do!" "We must be careful that we arrest only the guilty!" "We arrest any and all we suspect! The tribunal will determine guilt!" He wondered if Henri was showing the proper revolutionary determination. "So, I suggest that I go on ahead and make some preliminary investigation. You check to see if there is anything to the rumors of sedition here. Be sure you are thorough! Then when you are done, follow me to the coast with the men. Hopefully I will have completed my investigations and we can get some arrests and take the culprits back to Paris." Masdin sounded chastened. "As you wish, Citoyen Fortie. I'll get right to it." Fortier watched him go. Boisjoli had complimented him on his work already, but he had to look to the future. It would be better to keep all of the important work himself. It would look good on his report, help in any further position in the new government, and Masdin would be kept as an underling. He actually wondered about Masdin's zeal. Just earlier that day Masdin had had the impertinence to comment negatively on an incident when Fortier had slapped a woman to get her to divulge information. He flushed, remembering the soldiers snickering at their dispute. ...... "Berhe?" called Matthieu, several days after the group had escaped. "Someone for you!" It was one of the fishermen from along the coast with a message. "This is from old Madame Plessy. She says she is your grandmother." I took the note and read it, very surprised by its message. "What is it? "asked Matthieu. "You look taken aback." "Yes, It's from my grandmother. She wants me to go and see her." "What does she want? You've not had much contact with her lately." I shrugged. "That's true. I suppose I've been to busy with everything. Yes, I know I was brought up by her and I have no cause for complaint, but I always felt a bit of a barrier between us. My mother died when I was younger, she told me. When I asked about my father she said he had died too, but it's been obvious that she didn't want to talk about it. I suppose it is bad memories for her."I sighed. "You know, I actually can't remember much of my childhood." Matthieu laughed. "You worry too much! Neither can I!" "Occasionally I have faint memories of a pleasant young woman and a man, in what seems to be a big house, but I can't remember fully." I dismissed it with an embarrassed shrug." Ah, just some fanciful imagining! Anyway, now that I am married with a family of my own and live in a separate village I see even less of my grandmother. I reread the letter. "She seems desperate to see me. She's sounds very insistent!" I sighed. "So I suppose I'd better go and see her. Maybe tomorrow? Look, you should be able to manage unless we get a horde of new guests. I'll prepare a big pot of soup tonight and some stew. I'll have to walk so I'll be away most of the day." My grandmother lived in a small village a distance away but I was able to beg a ride for most of the journey on a local carrier on a farm wagon and that saved me about two hours walk. "And how are Matthieu and the girls? "My grandmother asked after she embraced me and I had taken off my cloak. Aunt Josee was there too and likewise embraced me. I gave her a report and she nodded satisfactorily. "I suppose you are wondering why I sent for you?" "Yes, Grandmother." "Well you see, I'm getting old and I have some family things that I want to be taken care of. I think you would be the best for it. I felt a bit out-of-sorts the other day and that made me think of the future. But first, let me tell you a little history, maybe some family secrets. My mother, your great grandmother, about a century ago, came into the possession of a small book that is rather.... special." I wondered at her conspiratorial tone. "She gave it to me before she died. In turn I'd have given it to your mother but she died some years ago. Your aunt here might logically have been the next one, but she has no daughters and I want this to be passed down through the female line. Josee agrees." I got an encouraging smile from Aunt Josee."What's so special about this book? It's a good thing I can read." The old woman gave a smile. Her face was lined but I thought that when she was younger she would have been a striking woman. In turn, she was studying me, intently. "Berthe, you're young and very pretty. You've kept your beauty too. I see you looking at me." She sighed. "Yes, I was a beauty once too, but eighty years has taken its toll. There have been tears, but fun too. Anyway, here's what I wanted you to have." She fumbled in a bag and lifted out a small book. "I want you to have this, " and she handed it to me. Puzzled, I took the book and examined it. It did not look like much. It had a worn yellowish hide cover. I opened it to have look, a bit distastefully, as the book was dirty, stained and worn. I flipped through the pages. Some were grubby and stained. Most had worn edges. It was dark in the cottage and I had to peer at the writing. I shook my head. "It looks like it has a mixture of languages. It's a real jumble of words! I recognized some Spanish, and someone has written comments in French above these. "Translations, is it?" I held it up to the light from a small window and peered at it more closely. "It looks like many of the words are in our usual alphabet, but the sounds make no sense! What is it from? I see some French, but the rest?" "Oh, you'll get your tongue around the sounds if you give it a try. It may take a little practice." "What's the book about?" My grandmother cackled. "Well, Berthe, what would you say if I told you it was a book of magic words, spells, if you want." I sat up straighter. "Magic? That's impossible!" I snorted, rather annoyed. I was in no mood to be trifled with. Getting to my grandmother's house and then getting back home would take most of a day and there were many chores waiting for me back at the inn. The old woman took the book back and opened it up, riffling through the pages. "Oh yes, it's magic. If you read these spells, different ones can be used to heal injuries and illnesses. But there's more." She opened it close to the end and pointed to the last pages. "These are very special. They are spells for making a man into a woman or a woman into a man, and even spells to reverse these." I could not believe my ears, but out of politeness I said nothing. "Yes, women hearing the first spell become more beautiful. I used one when I was young. I became a beauty. Look at your aunt here. She too!" I looked at Aunt Josee. She was certainly still a beautiful woman, although with fine lines now developing on her face. She nodded approval to me. "Grandmother, surely you are teasing me!" I finally complained. "Berthe, let me tell you a story. It was about a hundred years ago. A young man was changed by some disreputable people into a beautiful young woman. They did it using this very book. At last the young woman tricked them and got the book for herself. That was my mother. She married a young man. He had been injured earlier and had been healed by another spell from the book. Yes, as well as spells that change men into women and women into men, there are ones for healing and many other things. "She passed on the book to me before she died but earlier she had read the spell to make me a beautiful young woman. I have used the book too, but mainly to heal injuries. You may have heard that I have a reputation as a healer. Yes, and occasionally I used the book to change young men into girls and vice versa." I still shook my head in disbelief but she gave me a quiet smile. "Unfortunately, I am getting old. My time on earth is drawing to a close." She sighed. "And that is nothing the book can fix. So, the book is for you. It is powerful. Be cautious! It could be dangerous, as many people would pay a fortune to get it. I ask that you use it to benefit the sick, ill, wounded and other unfortunates. There may be times too that you can use it to change people, men into women or women into men. Use it for that wisely! "You have girls. In turn, when you think it is time, pass the book on to one of them. If you want you could even make a copy, but unfortunately the book has to be covered with human skin, not particularly accessible." With some misgivings and a lot of distaste I allowed her to push the book back into my hands. As the afternoon was wearing on and I wanted to be home before dark I said my goodbyes to my grandmother and Aunt Josee, dutifully embracing them and made my way back home. I had to walk all of the way and I was tired when I finally got in the inn's door. When Matthieu asked me about my trip I bit my lip and told him about the book. As I expected, Matthieu was skeptical at first. "You are sure she was not tricking you, or pretending?" " I can't think of a reason why she would do that. She seemed very serious." "Maybe you should test it? Did you intend to use it?" I shook my head. "I don't know! It's dangerous! Just supposing the church or other authorities heard about it. They'd confiscate it. I could even be arrested for witchcraft. Still, my grandmother thought it important enough to hide it with me. I 'll see." It was only two days later when two more refugees arrived, two women with young boys. It was a grandmother, her daughter and her two grandsons. The younger woman's face was especially haggard and strained. She told us that both her husband and father had been executed a month prior and, fearing for her own and her sons' safety, had decided to flee. "There is a dreadful man, Egalite Fortier, he calls himself. He is an agent of the Committee of Public Safety and is remorseless in chasing and catching perceived enemies of the revolution, like my father and my husband." She broke into tears. " We are very afraid of him!" The name meant nothing to me. Later, I discussed it with Matthieu. He thought for a bit." I have not heard of this Fortier either, but I know the Committee of Public Safety has many agents." I shook my head. "The woman's deathly afraid. At least they've all dressed sensibly, in worn, even shabby clothing. I see they have two cases with them. At least they had the sense to use old ones too. Oh well, I'll contact Pierre again to see if he is willing to take them to England." The group had only been with us two days when, to my dismay, the older woman, who told me she was the Comtesse de St. Aubin, complained that she was feeling unwell, and soon developed a fever. It was obvious that she could not move easily and soon could not even get out of bed. The Comtesse apologized to me, her voice barely above whisper. "Madame Besancon, I must ask you for your indulgence. I am feeling very ill. I hope I will recover but I do not think it advisable for me to go on a boat." She gave a faint smile. "My daughter-in-law wants to stay with me, but I have insisted she go and with my two grandsons. Their safety is of supreme importance. So I beg you, Madame, if you would please let me stay here until I am recovered. Then I will also take the boat trip. Don't worry, I can pay you." I felt my face flush. "We try to be thrifty, Comtesse, and we have to look after our money, but that's not my worry. It's your own safety, yes, and our own. The longer you're here the more chance there is of you being discovered. It will mean that even as you recover, you must try to stay in the room." "I will certainly do that. Thank you for your indulgence, Madame Besancon." That very night the young mother and her two sons, after tearful embraces with the Comtesse, took the coast road to Pierre and in two days he reported that they were safe in England. I had to check on the Comtesse quite a bit the next week and there seemed to be little improvement. Maybe she was even getting worse. Matthieu asked me about their Comtesse." How is she? She cannot stay here forever!" "I think the Comtesse's condition has become worse." "What if she dies? What would we do with the body?" I sighed. "We would have to bury her secretly. We really should have a priest, but we do not dare let it be known." I had a sudden idea. My grandmother had said that the book had healing spells. I had hidden it away but I unearthed I and sat down under a light, slowly turning the pages and reading the faded writing. I shook my head in astonishment at the purported effects of the series of spells. As my grandmother had said, close to the end of the little book I read the ones that would change men into woman and vice versa, and even reverse the changes. Unfortunately I could only read slowly. I had had little schooling and the words were indistinct. I peered at the pages, trying to sound them out. They made no sense. They were not in any language I knew. Finally I saw one about halfway into the book. 'To heal illnesses', it said. I took a deep breath and called my husband. "Matthieu, See this! It's supposed to cure illnesses. I am going to try this on the Comtesse. It will also be a test of the book." He snorted. "What if it kills her?" "Maybe nothing to lose!" Together we went up to the Comtesse's room. I sniffed the air in distaste. It now had an unpleasant smell of fever. The woman's face was flushed and covered with perspiration. Her brow felt hot. I tried to give her water but the woman was almost unconscious. She was close to dying. I grimaced at Matthieu, "I hope it works, that it's not too late." "I agree, but be careful." I carefully began to read the spell to the figure below her, sounding out the words slowly to avoid stumbling over them. It only took about two minutes and it was as if nothing had happened. I gave a nervous laugh. "So much for that! But my grandmother seemed so sure!" I took a cloth and wiped the woman's brow again. As I did so, it looked as if the colour on her face changed and her struggled breathing became stronger and even. 'Look at that!" whispered Matthieu. The woman was visibly changing. A few minutes previously she had looked fevered and wasted. Now it was as if she was only in a deep sleep. Suddenly her eyes flickered open. The day before they had been dull and clouded. Now they were clear and shining. She even smiled up at us. "Madame Besancon, you look concerned. Oh, what has happened?" She attempted to sit up but I held her. "Comtesse, you have been very ill." I held my hand to her brow. It was cool! "Now I think you are getting much better." "Yes, I feel well." Her face suddenly clouded. "My daughter and my grandchildren, they are gone?" "Yes, they will now be safe in England." "Then God be praised!" Yes, and praise Matthieu, me, and my brother-in law, I thought. "How do you feel, Comtesse?" IBy her appearance Ireally did not have to ask and when I suggested some food she agreed enthusiastically. I was busy with my family and the inn business most of the rest of that day, but in the evening I had some time to sit down. "So how is the patient now?" Matthieu asked. "It's time she was away from here. It's too risky." "She's actually eating a little now so I think in a day or so." In fact. by the next day the Comtesse was back on her feet and quickly regaining strength. I even started to feel less concerned. She would soon b e away from us. Then, a few days later, a man rode up on a horse to the inn. He dismounted, tied his horse at the rail outside and pushed into the inn. He was dark clad and his features were hidden under a broad hat set with a tricolor rosette. I felt his ominous presence as he entered the inn but I pretended there was nothing out of the ordinary. "Good evening, Monsieur! You are looking for lodging?" "We now use the titles 'citoyen' and 'citoyenne'," he snapped. "Yes, Citoyenne, a room, just to myself and I need a meal too, as quickly as possible." He took off his hat revealing pale features with cold pale blue eyes and blonde hair. The inn was not too busy and I was aware of him scrutinizing me through half closed eyes and I even felt myself shiver slightly. "Your name, Citoyen?" I asked. "The authorities require that I have it." "It is Fortier. I am Liberte Fortier." I must have looked surprised. " I had another name, but I took Liberte. I was inspired by our glorious revolution. You know its slogan?" So this was the notorious Liberte Fortier, I thought. I would have to be extremely careful. "I had heard, monsieur. "Liberte, egalite and fraternite. These are wonderful concepts. I will show you to a room, Citoyen. As soon as you are ready you may comedown for a meal." When I served him supper he leaned back on his chair and studied me. almost insolently, I thought. "So, Citoyenne, you have been running the inn here a while?" "Yes, Citoyen Fortier, my husband and I bought it about ten years ago, just after we were married." "Then you will be familiar with all of the people in this village. The fishermen especially?" I liked neither his tone nor his questioning, but I forced myself not to react. "Most of them, but people come and go." "I see you are close to the stop for the coach from Rouen. You will see passengers as they alight. No doubt some stay at your inn?" "Yes, there are a few," I said carefully. I wondered what he was leading up to. "You see, Citoyenne, there are some of the former regime and their helpers, and those who wish to betray the revolution and who try to escape. I have heard that this is one of the ports they use to hire boats to get to England." "Oh, Citoyen, I have not noticed any." I shook my head. "The inn keeps my husband and I much too busy. Now can I get you another drink? Some ale, or perhaps a glass of wine?" When I brought some wine back he caught my arm. "Sit down here, Citoyenne. I have some questions for you." I winced at his firm grip but this man was too menacing and I did not dare protest. "I advise you to be truthful, Citoyenne. I am asking because I am concerned for the safety of the villagers, like you and your husband Matthieu. The revolutionary authorities will take a harsh view of those who help possible emigres." I forced myself not to show any reaction. "Yes, we will hunt down root out enemies of the revolution. I have heard that some of these have escaped from here. I have more helpers coming soon and we will be able to search the village better. Those villagers who can help us will be looked on favorably. Otherwise?" His meaning was clear but I looked at him with as innocent a look as I could muster. "I am sure, Citoyen Fortier, that all of us are enthusiastic supporters of the revolution. I cannot conceive of betraying it." With that I left him to his drink while I went to wash the dishes. The man was cunning and dangerous with his implied threats and I was trembling when I thought of the Comtesse upstairs. All of us would need to be very careful that he did not discover her. More than ever, I would have to get her away as soon as possible. I studied Fortier from the kitchen as he sat primly at the table, alone. The local fishermen had also sensed his menace and had withdrawn from him. He was nursing a flagon of wine and had already finished a bottle. When I told Matthieu about our new guest he sucked in his breath. "This is dangerous." "We will be all right if we keep our heads. The two must never meet." The other room was getting warmer and I watched as Fortier stood up, removed his cloak and hat and brushed back his hair. I saw he was very fair haired and it struck my mind there was something familiar about him but I could not out my finger on it. When I had a little time I went upstairs to the Comtesse's room and knocked gently on the door. When it was opened I slid in quickly. "Madame, I have to warn you, there is an agent of the revolution below in the inn, sitting at a table. He says his name is Fortier. Liberte Fortier. I think he may be looking for the likes of you." The Comtesse's hand went to her mouth. "Yes, I know that devil," she hissed. "He is a monster, ruthless, fanatic and savage. It was him who denounced my husband and my son and had them arrested. He spoke against them at their trials and it was his lies and wickedness that caused their deaths. He has been responsible for many other deaths too. He is a confidant of that Robespierre, another devil." She began to cry and I held up my hands to quiet her. "Shhh! Don't let him hear! No, you will be all right! He does not suspect you are here and I will keep him away from this part of the inn. Also, I will bring your meals to you and I will put a note on the door that you have a fever. Comtesse, you will have to keep rigorously out of sight and you will have to leave as soon as possible. How do you feel now?" "I feel much stronger, Madame Besancon. Two more days should do it." The next two days I was on edge but, as the Comtesse had said, she was soon well recovered and moving easily with little discomfort. Unfortunately Fortier had noticed that there was another guest at the inn. "Citoyenne, you have someone in a room upstairs. "Who is it?" So he had noticed! I just shrugged casually. "It's an old woman, one of the guests at the inn. She came from just along the coast. Unfortunately she has developed a fever that is going around. A very infectious one, I have heard, so I keep her isolated." When Fortier tossed back his fair hair and stared at me with his cold blue eyes. I suddenly remembered how fair the Comtesse's hair was, just as fair as Fortier's. Fortier's hair was moderately long and an idea began to grow in my mind. I had another surprise. My grandmother sent word that she would like to visit us in two days. I knew she was not able to walk the distance and fortunately we were able to arrange for her to travel on a farm cart driven by a neighbor. I dutifully kissed her and embraced her after she slowly climbed down from the cart. "Grandmother, welcome, but I am surprised!" "Well, I feel the days harder and harder on me and I thought I should see my granddaughter and my great-granddaughters one last time." She looked round the inn with approval. This looks prosperous. I am glad to see you doing well. Now, what have you been doing since I saw you last?" She grinned. "You haven't used the book yet, have you? "Well, grandmother, I think I'm frightened of it, but I have used it actually, already." She looked taken aback. "So soon? I hope it was important." I told her about curing a woman's fever, but said no more about who had used it on. "That's good that you cured her! It makes me very happy that the book is now yours and you are using it for good purposes but make sure you are careful with it." I took a deep breath."Grandmother, I think I may have another use for it.To use one of the special spells." "Oh, what is that?" Just then Fortier came in and strode right to me. He ignored my grandmother completely. "Citoyenne, I am expecting my helper, he's called Henri Masdin, and some soldiers to arrive in two days. They will help me search for all enemies of the revolution and, " he stared at me, "those who help them. "Now, I know that you have other guests so Masdin can share with me. The soldiers can all bed down in another room. " With that he abruptly turned and left us. I turned back to my grandmother to see her trembling. "Grandmother, what is it? You look upset! You'd better sit down!" "Who was that man?" she whispered. "His name is Liberte Fortier. He is an agent of the Committee of Public Safety. He has come here looking for refugees. Why?" "Oh, it's just that .....he reminded me of someone." But she seemed to stop and think. I was puzzled when she just waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, it was just that his pushing his way in like that gave me a shock. How rude he was! Now you said you might have a use for the book?" I took a deep breath. " Maybe I was careless. I don't think he heard anything but let's go though to our own private part of the inn." I led her through and sat her down by the fire. "First, Grandmother I should warn you, the woman I cured is actually a refugee, a comtesse no less. Her husband and son were executed recently and she is concerned for the safety of her remaining family, and her own life. They were intending to escape to England and fortunately her daughter-in-law and grandsons have been able to get away already on a boat but she took ill and could not travel. Now that I have cured her she can get on her way. Matthieu's brother will take her to England soon. " But grandmother, that man upset you. Why is that?" I asked My grandmother only shook her head. "Later, perhaps." Obviously she did not want to talk about it and I decided to leave it for another day. "Grandmother, I must say I am glad you are here. I need your advice and your help. When I used a spell on the Comtesse to cure her of a fever, I must say it showed it is very effective, very rapid in its effect. Now, you said one of the spells can change men into women. Does that one still work?" "It has done so in the past," said her grandmother, looking at me steadily. " And it makes men into very attractive women. I can vouch for that." "And it works for any age?" "Yes, children, youth, older people, except that it is a strong spell. Older people can die from its effects. After all, it causes enormous changes in a body. It is a drastic change." I thought of my own woman's body and that of Matthieu. We had made love the previous night. How different men and woman's bodies were, I thought, yet so wonderfully suited to meld with each other. "Let me tell you what I want it for, grandmother. You see, that man Fortier has a very fair complexion. I have noticed that the Comtesse is also very fair and with blue eyes too. "Despite his 'angelic' blue eyes and his blond hair that Fortier is a bad man! He is sinister. He exudes evil. "I shook my head slowly. "You know, it's as if I have seen him before. He reminds me of something." I grinned sheepishly ."Ah, my imagination sometimes get's the better of me. Don't look at me that way, grandmother." I chided. I was a little puzzled by the calculating way she was looking at me. "Anyway, the Comtesse needs to escape. So I had thought of using that spell to changing Fortier into a woman, and disguising him as her. Now, he has just told me that his assistant will be here in a day or so with soldiers. That is very lucky. So they can arrest her. The real Comtesse can escape all the more easily." My grandmother's eyes twinkled merrily and a broad and wide smile broke over her face. "My dearest granddaughter, that is very devious, but it would indeed poetic justice. I like it! Yes, I want to help you. In fact I insist on it." I could hardly believe her enthusiasm. That evening I went to the Comtesse in her room. "You look well now and I think you are ready to go. My oldest daughter Anne will lead you to my brother's house, along the coast," I whispered. "He can shelter you until your are completely ready. But first, I ask you. Do you have any spare clothing, the finer and higher quality the better?" "Yes? What do you need it for?" "You must give me some of it. It is for a deception." " But it is expensive!" "Comtesse, the deception is necessary, to help throw your enemies of the track. It may be your life or it!" The comtesse sighed and pointed to a case. "Yes, take what's in there." she sighed. "You are right. I suppose I cannot carry it along to your brother-in-law's village anyway." I opened the case. As she had said, it was beautiful clothing. I was glad the woman had had the sense not to wear it. There were at least two fine silk gowns and fine petticoats, other underwear, stockings and shoes. It was just what I needed. I rummaged further. "Aha," I exclaimed. "You have corsets there too. Excellent!" Later, I went to see Fortier in his room. It helped that he had it all to himself and the inn was not busy. "So Citoyen Fortier, "how goes your hunt for enemies of the revolution?" "You should not make light of it, Citoyenne." "I'm sorry, Citoyen Fortier. Anyway, I've brought you a bottle of brandy, compliments of the house. May you be successful in hunting down enemies of the revolution." I passed him the bottle and a glass. His eyes lit up and he uncorked it and took a swallow directly from the bottle. "Ah, a good brandy." "Of course, Citoyen. The revolution needs the support of all." I took the glass, poured just a little into it and raised it. "To the Revolution," I cried and took a sip. Fortier took another swallow from the bottle. "Then I will leave you, Citoyen Fortier. I am sure you have work to do." I gestured to his desk, covered in papers. "Yes, it is a report. Also it is a list of the enemies of the revolution. There is a Comtesse and her daughter-in-law who have fled. I especially want to catch them. I have heard they were headed this way. Let me know if you see them. There will be two boys as well." "I will certainly let you know, Citoyen. But you are vigilant and determined. I am sure you will discover her sooner than I will." I gave him another hour and went to listen at the door to his room. There was only steady snoring. When I checked in the room he was sprawled across the bed, still clothed. I tiptoed upstairs and knocked at the Comtesse's room, "Madame, you should hurry and get on your way very soon. I will warn you when it is safe. There is a half moon and you will be able to see the path well, but I will send Anne with you to help. God speed! Soon you will be with your daughter-in-law and your grandsons." "I will be ready, Madame Besancon." When I listened at the door Fortier was obviously still snoring and I went up to the Comtesse. "Comtesse, that agent of the revolution who was looking for you, I've got him drunk and asleep. You should be on your way! You have a warm cloak?" The Comtesse actually embraced me. "Thank you for your help." I watched her on her way then went to my grandmother. "Grandmother, I think I am ready. Do you have the book?" "Yes, right here. Oh, this will be so enjoyable". I wondered at the old woman's eagerness to help in my plan. In the room Fortier was still sprawled on the bed. My stomach was fluttering in my nervousness and for some reason my grandmother was trembling too. When I held out my hand for the book she shook her head, "I want to be the one to do this, Berthe. It will have special meaning for me." I watched as she first stared down at Fortier, then opened the book and began to read one of the spells, enunciating each word carefully. It did not take long for her to read it. We had a bad a bad moment when Fortier turned over and grunted. His eyes flickered at my grandmother, unfocussed, but in seconds he was back into his drunken sleep. "What now, grandmother?" I whispered. "It will take a minute or two. Just wait." To my surprise she spat on him. "You don't like him? Well, I suppose, neither do I! These were strange words you spoke!" My grandmother thought for a few seconds. "Yes, I have no idea what each actually says or where the book came from. There are scribbles in Arabic and Spanish and French, but my own mother, her name was Marie, told me nothing of it." She raised her eyebrows. "I think there was some underhand, maybe dishonest work involved. Occasionally she let things slip but she would never talk about it directly, or even anything of when she was young." I read some of the sounds from the spell and sounded them quietly. "You know, in a way these ... it's as if I have heard something like them before? But when could that have been?" My grandmother looked at me, her lips tightening, as if she was about to say something but we were interrupted by some grunts from the figure below and we leaned over to check. He turned over but nothing else appeared to be happening. I started nibbling my lip in tension. "Just wait," my grandmother whispered. "It will work. I'm certain." It actually took another five minutes then it was as if Fortier gave a small shiver. My grandmother let her breath out in a huge sigh of relief. "Ah, it's started working. He will shiver quite a bit more and become unconscious while the spell does its work." As she said, it was followed by another stronger shiver and again Fortier's eyes opened briefly and he cried out. In seconds even stronger shivers took him so that he jerked almost fully awake, his eyes rolling. He tried to rise up but fell back, shivering continuously. The shivers changed to almost continuous shaking and he sank unconscious. "That's it now," said my grandmother. " It's well underway. The rest will take time. Now, we will have to undress him. Why don't you call in Matthieu to help, but keep quiet!" "That's no problem. We have no other guests tonight so we don't have to hurry." With some effort we all lifted the shaking figure upstairs and into the room that the Comtesse had used. We laid Fortier on her bed and began to undress him, his coat, waistcoat, shirt, and trousers until he was naked. "This isn't easy, " M

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Reddit Redheads, aka r/Redheads! A lot of men choose between either blondes or brunettes when it comes to the kind of woman they want. They usually don't even consider the more important dimensions to weigh out, like, for example, neuroticism, openness, conscientiousness, and, of course, breast size and ass-to-waist ratio. But there are a million things to consider when picking women, and I bet that a lot of you don't even think about red hair when weighing those things out in your...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reunion With Her Former Headmistress

Beverley Hudson-Phillips was a very striking fifty-two-year-old woman standing at more than six feet tall but very curvy in all the right places. She was married to William who was twenty years her senior but their marriage was loveless although he liked to display Beverley at social functions.During the almost thirty-year marriage Beverley had had a number of lovers but certainly more of them female rather than male.At the moment her thoughts were turning to her schooldays some thirty-five...

2 years ago
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Retired Headmistress and Headmaster

The advert was simple.Retired Deputy Headmistress seeks naughty 'boys' for punishment. The Headmaster may be called upon for those in need of severe treatment.A brief exchange of emails and a date was arranged. It was a good hour’s drive, and on arrival, I was bemused to find that it was indeed the old school house where the headmaster would have lived when the school had been open.An attractive lady in her late sixties, I guess, answered the door. This turned out to be Miss Dean, the...

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The Headmistress and Headmaster

The advert was simple.'Retired Deputy Headmistress seeks naughty 'boys' for punishment. The Headmaster may be called upon for those in need of severe treatment.'A brief exchange of emails and a date was arranged. It was a good hour’s drive, and on arrival, I was bemused to find that it was indeed the old school house where the headmaster would have lived when the school had been open.An attractive lady in her late sixties, I guess, answered the door. This turned out to be Miss Dean, the...

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Mounting the Figurehead

It’s a stormy Autumn day in 1794. Salt spray assaults your nostrils, the wind tears at your hair, flecks of sea foam scurry down the side of your body and your cunt is full of the Captain’s spunk. You’re used to the pitch and yaw of the ship but no amount of tossing and rolling is going to dislodge you from your position as the ship’s figurehead… It had all started some fifty years earlier when the “Gilly Den” had been privately commissioned by the late Rear Admiral Sir Justin Burrows for...

4 years ago
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A visit to the headmaster

This was written by my wife and she assures me it is based – loosely on a genuine experience she had with the headmaster at her school when she was only 16. “Come in” “Ah … hello, headmaster, Miss Price told me to come and see you.” “Yes, I know. Come in Monica and sit down. You’re in trouble again aren’t you? What was it this time?” “Ah … well, I don’t really .. I mean ….” “Perhaps if you have forgotten I can remind you, as Miss Price has already informed me. She caught you performing...

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A visit to the headmaster

This was written by my wife and she assures me it is based - loosely on a genuine experience she had with the headmaster at her school when she was only 16.“Come in”“Ah … hello, headmaster, Miss Price told me to come and see you.”“Yes, I know. Come in Monica and sit down. You’re in trouble again aren’t you? What was it this time?”“Ah … well, I don’t really .. I mean ….”“Perhaps if you have forgotten I can remind you, as Miss Price has already informed me. She caught you performing fellatio...

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David, my husband has an older brother, Steven who has two sons, Charlie and Miles with his wife Karen. At the time of this incident, Steven was serving in the British Army based out in Germany, both sons thanks to the Army paying some of the fees, had been educated at UK boarding schools since they were 8 years old, flying out to see their parents at full holiday times, at other times we were their legal guardian in the UK and looked after them on the half term breaks. Charlie is 2 years...

2 years ago
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BWC Bull headmaster

You are a 22 years old white male who just finished his education and now is going to his new job as headmaster at the local school. The reasons you were able to become the new headmaster was that your mom owns the school and that the last headmaster was forced to quit because of burnout. But you are not going to the school to become a good headmaster you are going to destroy the bitches there with your 15-inch-monster BWC. You enter the principal’s office for the first time and meet your new...

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The Headmaster

To say that Mr. Lavender and I didn’t hit it off would be something of an understatement. In this strict all-male environment us boys were referred to by surname and teachers as “Sir”; we stood when they entered the room and sat when we were given permission. Having just turned sixteen I’d frankly had enough and while I still attended classes a paid no heed to the maths lesson or the homework; I had better things to do which mainly revolved around music, idly doodling and sexual fantasies. The...

3 years ago
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A visit with my Headmaster

This Fictional Story is written by Jennifer and contains explicit sexual material and situations involving consenting Adults No reference to u******e persons is intended or implied. No reference to real Persons dead or alive is intended or implied. It had been a couple of years since I graduated from that Private Girls School when I ran into my old Headmaster, Mr Weatherby, at the shopping mall. We stood there for a while chatting about the past when he made an odd comment saying that in all...

2 years ago
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You here for a header

Comments appreciated. Where should this story go next? Sorry, but this story was not proofread by an editor. Enjoy - Rachel You Here For A Header? By Rachel M. Moore I shook my head for the thousandth time as the images on the screen lit the room in all their glory. I was having a hard time with the realization that the person in the video was actually me, my hands began to shake again. I swallowed hard, trying to keep from throwing up like I had the first time I watched a man I...

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The Headmistress

The School and University system in Nigeria is a strange, anomaly-ridden thing. It has grown up haphazardly over centuries, subject to the caprices of tradition and political whim, baffling to the outsider. One of the anomalies is that the great medieval universities of Nsukka and Lagos select part of their student intake on the basis of special exams which take place half a year after when most pupils leave school. And, of course, most of the schools which can, practically speaking, afford to...

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One Foolish Mistake By The Headmistress

Miss Hargreaves realised it had been one of her silliest decisions ever. She was forty-five-years-old and the headmistress at the local sixth form college for girls where discipline was strict, and she regularly had to cane the students. She saw caning girls, both for earning double detentions and for individual acts of misbehaviour, as very much part of her responsibility, and knew that the regime led to the girls being better behaved than in other colleges where the cane was not...

3 years ago
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Jennifer and the Headmaster

Sitting in my car daydreaming, listening to the music and waiting for my Daughter to come out of school, there is a tap at the window. It startles me and I jump, looking out I see the Headmaster, Mike Johnson so I put down the window and he apologizes for surprising me. He informs me that Sarah will be a little late because she has some project she wants to finish up and then asks if I would like to join him in his office for tea while we wait. I accept his invitation and he opens the door to...

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The Hardheads

It had been a perfect California day. The temperature had stayed in the mid to high eighties, not a cloud in the sky and the beach had been wall to wall with tanned bikini clad hotties. Topping it all off was a magnificent sunset and I sat there and watched till the last sliver of sun disappeared into the Pacific Ocean. I stood up, shook off the sand and then headed for my apartment. I parked the car and got out before I spotted the last person in the world that I wanted to see – my wife...

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Faith Hope and Pure Pigheadedness

‘What’s your name?’ Simon asks kneeling down in the wet muck. He lets his knee hover just off the ground. Looking into the lean-to of shipping pallets and scrap plastic sheeting he see a pair of eyes looking back at him from a face lost mostly in shadow. The smell of the place is horrific but he’s known worse. He receives no answer. Taking his backpack off, Simon, places the large Ziploc bag next to the opening. ‘This is a care package. There are a few things in it for you. There is also...

3 years ago
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Copyright Oggbashan 4 July 2004 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* I was shot through the head with an AK47. It was a mistake. I was with the international press covering a war zone but not as the intrepid TV reporter. I...

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HeartShaped Headfuck

‘She walked into the room in a Santa suit and I could tell she was trouble…’ from Yuletide Mindfuck Shane Houston finished his shift at 1pm on February 14 th and left work with a spring in his step. He even blew a kiss to the check-out girl as he stepped out the door. There were several reasons for his lightness of mood. His new first-floor manager’s job at the 86 th Street branch of Barnes and Noble was one. What a splendid fluke that had been. Intently discussing the American crime novel with...

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There was a knock at the door. You walk over and open it to see a young girl who looks as if she has just turned 19. "Hi my name is Stacy, I'm here for the free headshots that are being offered" says the cute brunette wearing clear plastic set of glasses. "Yes right this way" you say as you usher her into the studio. "Would you like a free photoshoot as well?" you offer her. "Are you sure? That is normally quite expensive." she replies "Quite sure" You say as you walk over to get your camera...

2 years ago
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The BiCurious Jarhead

“Congratulations,” beamed Ahmad Kelly.The woman wearing an off-white lace and organza tea-length wedding dress with three-quarter-length sleeves said, “Thanks! And thanks for coming!” She was the Marine’s ex-wife.“Yeah! Thanks, man,” the groom replied.This was the third marriage for the 43 year-old Janell last-name-now Dunn. Her other two weddings had both been quick affairs. The first had no ceremony at all, just getting the license from city hall. The second marriage, to Ahmad, had been on a...

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Hollywood Coke Whore Ch 1 with Lena Headey

. 1with Lena Headeyby DarkTemplarcodes: interracial, blowjob, deepthroat, anal, creampie"Breathe. Just act natural, Lena. You can do this.." the Hollywood starlet kept assuring herself the entire ride, as if through simple repetition she might finally strike up the nerve to actually get off the bus at her designated stop. At any rate, her stomach was in knots and she couldn't stop fumbling with her pocketbook.This was her third time riding the metro bus into the worst ghetto of South Central,...

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Bikini Beach Skinheads

Copyright by author of this story. All rights reserved. This story may not be posted to any web site without the permission of the author. Bikini Beach: Skinheads By Elrod W "And stay out!" The fat mall cop stood in the door, glaring angrily at the three young men standing outside the mall entrance. "If you're caught on these premises again, you'll be arrested for trespassing." Brian Flannery extended his middle digit at the mall cop. "Up yours, you old geezer." "Yeah,"...

3 years ago
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MAU Headliner

MAU: Headliner Synopsis: The owner of a strip club has a dilemma - the world- famous big-busted stripper who was going to headline was injured in a car accident, and he has patrons waiting to see her. An MAU gives him an opportunity to save the day... [email protected] ********************************************************************** MAU: Headliner "What the hell am I supposed to do now?" Mick Bertoni let his head drop into his pudgy hands, shaking it...

4 years ago
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Sissy Headhunters

SISSY HEADHUNTERS by Kimmie Holland and Meeah Mackenzie **One** Andy tried not to be obvious about it: but it was hard not to notice that there wasn't another white person in the entire restaurant. He'd let Mr. Asad pick the place of their lunch meeting. Maybe that was a mistake. But he wanted to make sure everything was to the black man's liking. Andy hadn't landed an account in months so when he'd been contacted by a corporate...

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"Girdlehead" Brenda was a big girl, tall and buxom with wide hips and a pendulous bust but she wasn't fat. And she was attractive, always dressing in something feminine, a bit old style actually. She was always seen in dresses or skirts and blouses and after I started dating her I found out to my approval that she enjoyed the most feminine of old fashioned lingerie as well, including seamed hose, the frilly, lace trimmed full slips and the sturdy heavily paneled panty girdles...

2 years ago
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Busting the Bunheads

Busting the Bunheads Belladonna "You've got to be kidding me, Mom!" "I'm not joking. I signed you up." "Without even talking to me?" "It's not up for discussion," Miriam retorted with a shake of her head. "Mom, what will my friends say? I'll be a joke." Miriam shook her head at her pouting, seething child and replied, "You're getting to old for this routine! You need to take the next step." "Not like this..." Miriam shook her head at her daughter. The girl had...

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The Marquesan Headhuntresses

The soft breeze ruffled his hair as he padded barefoot on the wooden deck. His feet now accustomed to the heat generated by the radiant sun in the tropical climate he found himself in. The small schooner dipped at anchor in the blue waters as he awaited the return of Bartlett, Johnson and the hand who had gone ashore in the skiff to trade goods with the natives in exchange for copra."Hope them's back soon; don't like a look o' that shite yonder" said Bundy the first mate, pointing to a dark and...

4 years ago
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WALL STREET BLUESFuck, what a day thought Kerri.  Slamming down the pedal of her Beamer, radio up, sunroof open Kerri was ready to put this day of work behind her.  Being an up and coming Wall Street Investment banker had its highs.  The salary was great but some of the days were just draining as everything went downhill.  She should be working late but everything was so fucked up she left anyway.  Whatever! She thought. Texting Jimmy she made sure they were still on for mountain biking when...

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Sissy Headhunters

SISSY HEADHUNTERS by Kimmie Holland and Meeah Mackenzie**One**Andy tried not to be obvious about it: but it was hard not to notice that there wasn’t another white person in the entire restaurant. He’d let Mr. Asad pick  the place of their lunch meeting.  Maybe that was a mistake. But he wanted to make sure everything was to the black man’s liking. Andy hadn’t landed an account in months so when he’d been contacted by a corporate ?headhunter? he’d been surprised—and relieved. As the fiscal year...

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The Headmistress And The Headgirl

It had been a chance meeting between Mrs Dawson and Lucy Thomas at a book reading club. Janet Dawson was the headmistress at the sixth form college for girls that Lucy Thomas had attended. Lucy was the head girl and head prefect.Janet Dawson was now forty-five years old, and Lucy was twenty-two-years old.Having met at the book club and got on well, they went for a drink together one evening and were now back at Janets’ house having another drink and an increasingly friendly chat.It was during...

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Thanks to the Hip and Knee doctor for editing assistance. Flathead-- From 1920 through 1969, Flathead Indians and Harleys were a major force in American motorcycling. Up until I met Candy, there were only two things in my life of any value: the 1946 Flathead that my father gave me, and the 1917 Navy Luger that my grandfather brought back after World War 2. I wasn't what you would call an ambitious fellow. I usually went with the flow and always took the easy way out. Now, don't get the...

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The Headsman

Being the King's Headsman is the only employment that I have known since I was 18 summers old. I had been with a group of people from our village returning from a market fair in the next town over when we were accosted by a band of highwaymen. The robbers were too busy pawing the women and intimidating the others to pay much attention to the skinny lad who obviously didn't have anything of value. What I did have though, was my axe. When the leader of the robbers pawed my mother's breast...

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Confessions of a Pothead

Story #1: In Which I Get Turned On My brother had been trying to turn me on to pot for quite some time. Each time he visited me, he would pull out a pipe and light up, much to my horror and consternation. I was convinced that I was going to be busted because he was smoking in my home. I would be innocent, but busted. Finally, though, I decided I was being a little pigheaded about the whole thing. He had worn down my resistance. I might as well do it, just to get it over with. It so happened...

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Secret Headquaters

I was doing a casual security job at the ultra secret headquarters of an extreme right wing organization. They were something just short of Nazis or the clan. They had a fierce hate of all things different to them, this included women, colored people, gay people and just about anyone who didn't fit their white supremacist stereotype. I was just there in case anyone tried to break in or vandalize the place. I spent most of the time in a large luxurious office, which was where the most sensitive...

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“Can’t wait to feel a hard cock shooting cum inside me.” I was trying to sneak past my sister’s bedroom door, but that phrase rang in my ears and rooted me to the spot at the top of the stairs. At sixteen, my older sister Jenny was an annoying sibling. Shallow, nosy and a tattle tale; she seemed to revel in any trouble she could get me in. So I always did my best to avoid her. It wasn’t too hard for me to get away from her nosiness, but I always had to be careful. The difference...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 65 Blockhead

March 16, 1992 Chicago, Illinois We arrived home from O’Hare just after Elyse brought Abbie and Matthew home from Midway Airport, and just in time for dinner, which Nancy had helpfully prepared. “There’s my other granddaughter!” Nancy said when she saw Birgit. “Hi, Grandma!” Birgit said going over to give her a hug before climbing into her booster seat. “How were the trips?” “Vermont was nice and peaceful,” Kara said. “Except for a certain husband who just HAD to watch NASCAR!” Jessica...

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Where the Mountain RisesChapter 8 Headways

June 15, 2027 The corn field and the vegetable garden screamed for attention, constant, urgent and immediate attention. Clark and the girls knew that as first-timers they would have to overcome a steep learning curve to be successful at gardening. It would take more than just throwing some seeds into a hole in the ground in the hope that something would grow and could take several seasons to gain the experience and skills needed to produce enough to sustain themselves. Up at the cabin,...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS12 E09 Helena Gates 50 from Leatherhead

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a high-quality collection of low-rise apartments. Multiple buildings, each of them four floors high. Red brick and white render, lots of small square windows and balconies that look almost completely unused. Then, walking around the corner in cargo pant shorts, and his beloved West Ham football shirt, his Doberman beside him ... It’s Dennis, the Cockney geezer that our audience has grown to either love or hate, and he’s approaching us with...

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she again sent a header

The 2014 World Cup Final was Kloses 137th international match, making him the most capped player at this summers tournament. Like Pele, the 36-year-old contested his second World Cup Final 12 years after his first.71 - Klose has scored a remarkable 71 goals for his country. In September 2013 he equalled Gerd Mullers German goalscoring record of 68 in a World Cup qualifier against Austria before becoming the outright record holder in his sides 6-1 win over Armenia in June this year. Its a joke...

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The PE teacher had buzzed ahead telling me to expect you. She had not however, prepared me for exactly what I was to be punishing you. I could easily have lost my job for the punishment I chose for you. Christ, I really should lose my job for the punishment I chose for you.There was a knock at the door…“Come!” I shouted.You stepped inside. You were still wearing your gym clothes…a tight, powder blue top, showing-off those incredible, juicy tits to perfection. Below…you were wearing a tiny gym...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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100% fiction! The PE teacher had buzzed ahead telling me to expect you. She had not however, prepared me for exactly what I was to be punishing you. I could easily have lost my job for the punishment I chose for you. Christ, I really should lose my job for the punishment I chose for you. There was a knock at the door… “Come!” I shouted. You stepped inside. You were still wearing your gym clothes…a tight, powder blue top, showing-off those incredible, juicy tits to perfection. Below…you were...

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I was one of those people who never got headaches; never got sick. Whenever I heard someone complaining about migraines, I would offer up the standard platitudes. But to myself, I always considered them to be slackers who'd latched on to a way to demand sympathy from the rest of the world. After all, how could a person really be in that much pain without any outward signs. No bleeding, no hunched over back, no limp. Just a sorry "please feel pity for me" expression on their faces. I...

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I was in my late teens when I first realised I had a much bigger cock than other boys my age.I copped lots of good-natured ribbing about it when changing while playing various sports. By the time I was twenty I had lost my virginity and very much enjoyed both males and females being impressed by my cock as well has having them pleasure it. At twenty-five years of age I was far more sexually experienced than other men of my age. By then I had learnt much to my satisfaction that some men and...

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Melanie Gets Her First Doubleheader

Over the next couple of months, we saw Jake and Sue several times socially for backyard barbecues or a few beers, but around midsummer, we were invited over to their place for dinner. Sue served a delicious dinner with copious amounts of wine as the accompaniment and we all relaxed and enjoyed ourselves. When dinner was over we adjourned to the living room for more drinks and conversation.  Inevitably the conversation eventually turned to the game of strip poker we had played at our place and...

Group Sex
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My First Triple Header

My Best Day Ever Starting with Lovely Arlene.During my first summer out of High School, I was sleeping in on a day off from my summer job. The phone rang too early, I sleepily answered to a dull hum. There was no voice but household noises in the background on the phone. In 1960 there was no way to know who was calling, so I hung up.  A few minutes later it happened again. No voice again. I listened for a while until I heard a familiar faint noise in the background. I let  Arlene know I...

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I was in my late teens when I first realised I had a much bigger cock than other boys my age.I copped lots of good-natured ribbing about it when changing while playing various sports. By the time I was twenty I had lost my virginity and very much enjoyed both males and females being impressed by my cock as well has having them pleasure it. At twenty-five years of age I was far more sexually experienced than other men of my age. By then I had learnt much to my satisfaction that some men and...

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Sallys New Life She Meets The Headmistress

Mrs Higgins had been right to encourage her to get to bed early. She slept like a log until Sarah shook her awake. It took her a moment to realise where she was and separate her dreams from the reality, framed in the contrasting image of Sarah’s smile, and the cane hanging behind Sarah on the wall.She so wanted to roll over and daydream a bit, but there was real concern in the tone of Sarah’s urgent, “Hurry Sally, you need to have a quick wash, get into your new uniform, and be downstairs at...

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Sarah Carerra 234 Tonights Headline

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: May 2, 2011) Chapter 34 - Tonight's Headline I dreamed about Ethan. I couldn't remember most of what the dream was about, but there was one thing that I knew for sure when I awoke. He would always be my friend. Tuesday had...

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"Hey, sleepyhead... Wake up." I rolled over and opened my eyes. Mary was sitting at the edge of the bed with a big grin on her face. "What time is it?" I asked groggily. "About 8:30. You promised to help me finish cleaning out the third bedroom, remember?" "Yeah, right." I yawned and stretched. That's when I realized what I was wearing. "Oh shit!" I quickly reached for the covers but Mary was sitting on the turned back portion and I couldn't pull them over me. "Shit," I...

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(MF, wife-cheat, husb-voy)I met Wendy at work, she was a legal intern and she instantly knocked me off my feet. I fell for Wendy hard. She was one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen, with dark blonde hair and a dark tan. Her athletic body and eager outlook on life were just icing on the cake, so to speak. For some reason Wendy, who was 25, took a shine to me even though I had just turned 44 that April. After our relationship became physical, she confided in me that she had always liked...

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Heidi and the Headmaster

I am sitting at my desk in our home office. I hear a little tap on the door frame. ‘Mr Headmaster, Sir?’ ‘What in the…?’ As I start to look up from my paperwork, I see the patent leather shoes with the silver buckles, the white knee socks. Your beautiful bare thighs. The shortest, sexiest little plaid skirt. A crisp, white button-down shirt, tied just above your naval. The top two buttons of the shirt are unbuttoned, revealing the white lace bra underneath. Judging from the amount of...

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The Venus Academy for Girls is, unfortunately, neither as divine nor as stellar as its name implies. Although once unquestionably the best girl's finishing school in the state for the 18+ woman, it's fallen far from grace. Today, you can see girls doing cocaine in the washrooms, or wearing skirts that end halfway on their calves. Others party late into the night, then skip class. Grades have been dropping. The best teachers have all quit. In fact, the only thing stopping the state's education...

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DONNAThe Headmaster

My main problem in school was talking in class, I don’t know why but I did every time even though the teachers warned me, this particular day was no exception, the teacher warned me again, but because I was stupid I carried on, but he’d had enough.“Donna OUT” as I stood up embarrassed, I left the classroom and stood outside. At the end of the lesson when everyone had gone Mr. Kay came out and said “We’re going to see Mr. Cole, our headmaster. As I sat outside his office Mr. Kay knocked and went...

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Heidi and the Headmaster

I am sitting at my desk in our home office. I hear a little tap on the door frame. "Mr Headmaster, Sir?" "What in the...?" As I start to look up from my paperwork, I see the patent leather shoes with the silver buckles, the white knee socks. Your beautiful bare thighs. The shortest, sexiest little plaid skirt. A crisp, white button-down shirt, tied just above your naval. The top two buttons of the shirt are unbuttoned, revealing the white lace bra underneath. Judging from the amount of...

Straight Sex

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